Tonic - Changing Passwords
<html> <head> <title>Tonic - Changing Passwords</title> <Script Language="JavaScript"> function changeButt(defaultImage, defaultNumber){ // ignore fancy icon crap if not Netscape >= 3.0 var thisBrowser=navigator.appName; var theBrowserVersion=navigator.appVersion; if (thisBrowser.charAt(0) == "N" && theBrowserVersion.charAt(0) >= 3) { document.images[defaultNumber].src = defaultImage } } // Check all fields function testall(form) { if ( !testname(form) ) return false; if ( !testpassword(form) ) return false; return true; } // testname calls testsld or testhandle, depending on the radio buttons function testname(form) { if ( document.changepwform.handleorsld[0].checked ) { return testhandle(form); } else { return testsld(form); } } // Check the sld form function testsld(form) { str = form.name1.value; len = str.length; // fail if sld blank if ( str == "" ) { alert("\nThe domain name is blank.\n\nPlease enter your domain name."); document.changepwform.name1.focus(); return false; } // fail if user ended with .com if ( str.substring(len-4,len-3) == '.' && str.substring(len-3,len-2) == 'c' && str.substring(len-2,len-1) == 'o' && str.substring(len-1,len) == 'm' ) { alert("\nPlease do not include .com\n\nAll Tonic names end in '.to'"); form.name1.value = str.substring(0,len-4); document.changepwform.name1.focus(); return false; } // fail if sld is >63 characters if ( str.length > 63 ) { alert("\nDomain name must be less than 63 characters."); form.name1.value = ""; document.changepwform.name1.focus(); return false; } // fail if characters are not a-z, A-Z, 0-9, or a '-' or a '.' for ( var i = 0; i < str.length; i++ ) { var ch = str.substring(i, i + 1); if (((ch < "a" || "z" < ch) && (ch < "A" || "Z" < ch) && (ch < "0" || "9" < ch)) && ch != '-' && ch != '.') { alert("\nYour domain name must consist entirely of letters, numbers,\nand the character '-'\n\nPlease re-enter your domain name."); form.name1.value = ""; document.changepwform.name1.focus(); return false; } } // chop off the .to if user ended with .to if ( str.substring(len-3,len-2) == '.' && str.substring(len-2,len-1) == 't' && str.substring(len-1,len) == 'o' ) { form.name1.value = str.substring(0,len-3); // fail if sld still contains any '.' if ( form.name1.value.indexOf('.', 0) != -1) { alert("\nPlease do not include any '.' in your domain name."); form.name1.value = ""; document.changepwform.name1.focus(); return false; } return true; } // fail if sld contains any '.' (other than ending in .to above) if ( str.indexOf('.', 0) != -1) { alert("\nPlease do not include any '.' in your domain name."); form.name1.value = ""; document.changepwform.name1.focus(); return false; } return true; } // Check the handle field function testhandle(form) { str = form.name1.value; len = str.length; // fail if handle blank, unless the rest of customer info is OK if ( str == "" ) { alert("\nYour Tonic customer handle is blank.\n\nPlease enter either a Tonic customer handle."); form.name1.focus(); return false; } // fail if handle did not start with A-Z or end with 0-9 if (!( (str.substring(0,1)<"a" || str.substring(0,1)>"z" ) ^ (str.substring(0,1)<"A" || str.substring(0,1)>"Z" )) || str.substring(len-1,len)<"0" || str.substring(len-1,len)>"9" ) { if (str.substring(0,1)!="'") { alert("\nYour Tonic customer handle must start with a letter A-Z\nand ends with a number 0-9\nPlease re-enter your Tonic customer handle.");; form.name1.focus(); return false; } } // fail if all characters are not A-Z, or 0-9 for ( var i = 0; i < str.length; i++ ) { var ch = str.substring(i, i + 1); if ( (ch < "A" || "Z" < ch) && (ch < "a" || "z" < ch) && (ch != "'" ) && (ch < "0" || "9" < ch)) { alert("\nYour Tonic customer handle must consist entirely of letters and numbers\n\nPlease re-enter your Tonic customer handle."); form.name1.value = ""; form.name1.focus(); return false; } } return true; } function testpassword(form) { str = form.password.value; // fail if DNS Password blank if ( str == "" ) { alert("\nYour Master Password is blank.\n\nPlease enter your Master Password."); form.password.focus(); return false; } return true; } // --> </script> </head> <body background="images/global/blue_bg.gif" link="#660000" vlink="#003366" text="#ffffff"> <!--sub menu navigation--> <table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width=545> <!-- netscape table workaround (collapsing columns) --> <tr valign="top" align="left"> <td colspan=1 width=89><img src="images/global/pixel.gif" width=89 height=1 border=0></td> <td colspan=1 width=106><img src="images/global/pixel.gif" width=106 height=1 border=0></td> <td colspan=1 width=17><img src="images/global/pixel.gif" width=17 height=1 border=0></td> <td colspan=1 width=233><img src="images/global/pixel.gif" width=233 height=1 border=0></td> <td colspan=1 width=100><img src="images/global/pixel.gif" width=100 height=1 border=0></td> <td colspan=1 width=0><img src="images/global/pixel.gif" width=0 height=1 border=0></td> </tr><tr valign="top" align="left"> <td colspan=2 rowspan=1 width=195 align="center" valign="center"><img height=96 width=195 src="images/sub/logo.gif" border=0></td> <td colspan=2 rowspan=2 width=250 align="center" valign="center"><img height=125 width=250 src="images/sub/top.gif" border=0" ></td> <td colspan=2 height=96></td></tr> <tr valign="top" align="left"> <td colspan=1 rowspan=4 width=89 align="center" valign="center"><img height=87 width=89 src="images/sub/3d_pass.gif" border=0></td> <td colspan=1 rowspan=1 width=106 align="center" valign="center"><a href="index.html" onMouseOver="changeButt('images/sub/ro_home.gif', 'home'); return true" onMouseOut="changeButt('images/sub/up_home.gif', 'home')"><img height=29 width=106 src="images/sub/up_home.gif" name="home" border=0 alt="Home" ></a></td> <td colspan=2 height=29></td></tr> <tr valign="top" align="left"> <td colspan=1 rowspan=2 width=106 align="center" valign="center"><a href="newname.htm" onMouseOver="changeButt('images/sub/ro_new.gif', 'new'); return true" onMouseOut="changeButt('images/sub/up_new.gif', 'new')"><img height=30 width=106 src="images/sub/up_new.gif" name="new" border=0 alt="New Name" ></a></td> <td colspan=4 height=1></td></tr> <tr valign="top" align="left"> <td colspan=1></td> <td colspan=2 rowspan=8 width=333> <!-- page content goes here --> <table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="333"> <tr> <td><h2><font color="#003366" face="Arial">Change Passwords</font></h2> <p>You can change either your Master Password or the DNS password for a domain that you own.</p> <p>If you supply your Tonic Customer Handle, you can change your Master Password.</p> <p>If you supply a domain name, you can change the DNS password for that domain.</p> <p>In either case, you need to know your current Master Password to make any change at all. </p> </td> </tr> </table> <form action=";;;" method="POST" name="changepwform" onSubmit="return testall(this);"> <input type="hidden" name="command" value="changepassword"><input type="hidden" name="error" value="pwerror.htm"><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="333"> <tr> <td> </td> <td><input type="radio" checked name="handleorsld" value="handle">Customer Handle<br> <input type="radio" name="handleorsld" value="sld">Domain Name</td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right">Handle or Name: </td> <td><input type="text" size="20" name="name1"></td> </tr> <tr> <td align="right">Master Password: </td> <td><input type="password" size="20" name="password"></td> </tr> </table> <p>Press the submit button to continue.</p> <input type="image" src="images/global/submit.gif" name="B1" value="Submit" border=0 align=right> </form> <!-- end page content --> <td colspan=1 height=29></td></tr> <tr valign="top" align="left"> <td colspan=1 rowspan=1 width=106 align="center" valign="center"><a href="custdoor.htm" onMouseOver="changeButt('images/sub/ro_editi.gif', 'editi'); return true" onMouseOut="changeButt('images/sub/up_editi.gif', 'editi')"><img height=28 width=106 src="images/sub/up_editi.gif" name="editi" border=0 alt="Edit Info" ></a></td> <td colspan=1></td> <td colspan=1 height=28></td></tr> <tr valign="top" align="left"> <td colspan=2 rowspan=1 width=195 align="center" valign="center"><a href="dnsdoor.htm" onMouseOver="changeButt('images/sub/ro_editd.gif', 'editd'); return true" onMouseOut="changeButt('images/sub/up_editd.gif', 'editd')"><img height=28 width=195 src="images/sub/up_editd.gif" name="editd" border=0 alt="Edit DNS" ></a></td> <td colspan=1></td> <td colspan=1 height=28></td></tr> <tr valign="top" align="left"> <td colspan=2 rowspan=1 width=195 align="center" valign="center"><img height=26 width=195 src="images/sub/on_pass.gif" border=0 alt="Passwords" ></td> <td colspan=1></td> <td colspan=1 height=26></td></tr> <tr valign="top" align="left"> <td colspan=2 rowspan=1 width=195 align="center" valign="center"><a href="deletedom.htm" onMouseOver="changeButt('images/sub/ro_delete.gif', 'delete'); return true" onMouseOut="changeButt('images/sub/up_delete.gif', 'delete')"><img height=27 width=195 src="images/sub/up_delete.gif" name="delete" border=0 alt="Delete Name" ></a></td> <td colspan=1></td> <td colspan=1 height=27></td></tr> <tr valign="top" align="left"> <td colspan=2 rowspan=1 width=195 align="center" valign="center"><img height=47 width=195 src="images/sub/bottom.gif" border=0></td> <td colspan=1></td> <td colspan=1 height=47></td></tr> <tr valign="top" align="left"> <td colspan=2 rowspan=1 width=195 align="center" valign="center"><img height=81 width=195 src="images/sub/nolock.gif" border=0 usemap="#lock"></td> <td colspan=1></td> <td colspan=1 height=81></td></tr> <tr valign="top" align="left"> <td colspan=3></td> <!--table height spec.--> <td colspan=1 height=2000></td></tr> <tr valign="top" align="left"> <td colspan=6 height=0></td></tr> </table> <map name="lock"> <area shape=rect coords= "77,2 118,40"> <area shape=rect coords= "41,2 74,40" href=faq.htm> <area shape=rect coords= "4,2 39,41" href=lock.html> </map> <br><br><br><br><br> <!--preload images--> <script language="JavaScript"> <!--- // ignore fancy icon crap if not Netscape >= 3.0 var thisBrowser=navigator.appName; 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