Alexander Ohnemus 的个人资料, Ohnemus University - Peeref
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My research is primarily anti-racist mathematics. I may have mathema... <central-modal header="个人简介" content="ResearchGate: Pardon the self promotion: Of course I completely oppose hate. My research is primarily anti-racist mathematics. I may have mathematically proven, beyond a reasonable doubt, critical race theory. I also try to answer other questions."> 查看全部 </central-modal> </dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>职位 / 职称</dt> <dd>President</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>个人博客</dt> <dd></dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>LinkedIn</dt> <dd><a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"></a></dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>ORCID</dt> <dd>0000-0003-0598-0397</dd> </dl> <dl> <dt>联系地址</dt> <dd>-</dd> </dl> </div> <div class="follow-btn-groups"> <user-follow-button type="user" uid="AE2o9R3eg3rz" is-follow="" ></user-follow-button> <send-message-button uid="AE2o9R3eg3rz" uname="Alexander Ohnemus" ></send-message-button> </div> </div> <div class="panel profile-tip"> <h6 class="profile-tip-tag">最近来访</h6> <div class="profile-tip-user"> <div class="profile-tip-user-item"> <div class="avatar"> <a href="" title="Girley Stravinski Lamont"> <img src="" alt="Girley Stravinski Lamont"> </a> </div> <dt class="name"> <a href="" title="Girley Stravinski Lamont"> Girley Stravinski Lamont </a> </dt> <dd class="date"> 5天前 </dd> </div> <div class="profile-tip-user-item"> <div class="avatar"> <a href="" title="Aleksandar Karadimce"> <img src="" alt="Aleksandar Karadimce"> </a> </div> <dt class="name"> <a href="" title="Aleksandar Karadimce"> Aleksandar Karadimce </a> </dt> <dd class="date"> 1周前 </dd> </div> <div class="profile-tip-user-item"> <div class="avatar"> <a href="" title="Goran Shibakovski"> <img src="" alt="Goran Shibakovski"> </a> </div> <dt class="name"> <a href="" title="Goran Shibakovski"> Goran Shibakovski </a> </dt> <dd class="date"> 1周前 </dd> </div> <div class="profile-tip-user-item"> <div class="avatar"> <a href="" title="Hub Captain"> <img src="" alt="Hub Captain"> </a> </div> <dt class="name"> <a href="" title="Hub Captain"> Hub Captain </a> </dt> <dd class="date"> 1个月前 </dd> </div> </div> </div> </aside> <section class="col-md-8 col-md-pull-4"> <div class="profile-main"> <ul class="profile-main-tabs"> <li class=""> <a href=""> 评论 </a> </li> <li class=""> <a href=""> 海报 </a> </li> <li class=""> <a href=""> 研讨会 </a> </li> <li class="active"> <a href=""> 论文 </a> </li> <li class=""> <a href=""> 徽章 </a> </li> <li class=""> <a href=""> 关注 </a> </li> <li class=""> <a href=""> 粉丝 </a> </li> </ul> <div class="profile-main-list"> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-body publication-item"> <h5 class="publication-item-year"> 2024年发表 </h5> <dl> <dt class="publication-item-title"> Engineered Afterlife Preview “EAP” </dt> <dd class="publication-item-tags"> <code>Afterlife</code> <code>Preview</code> <code>Engineer</code> <code>Consciousness</code> </dd> <dd class="publication-item-authors"> <strong>作者:</strong> Alexander Ohnemus </dd> <dd class="publication-item-journal font-weight-normal"> <strong>发表期刊:</strong> SELF-PUBLISHED: Ohnemus Museum </dd> </dl> <dl class="publication-item-description"> <dt>论文简介:</dt> <dd class="publication-item-description-text"> As a disclaimer, no chapter, in this essay, is purely the discipline in its title. To exactly quantify the afterlife, first we must confirm, then chart, the probable multiverse through engineering. Then we must engineer a machine to find where one’s replicating individuality(clue to self) goes throughout the multiverse, after the individual’s death in this universe. This essay’s annotated bibliography quotes the abstract of each predecessor in Ohnemus’ works. And the bibliography also cites peer reviewed, more institutionally supported works. Beginning is a vigorous series of thought experiments, spanning from metaphysics, classics, epistemology, risk analysis, and finally skin-in-the-game engineering. Next is a more direct attempt to preview the afterlife, using artificial intelligence. Almost lastly, is attempted quantification of consciousness. The essay then plans to chart the multiverse. Finally is a blueprint then references. Of course, before this essay continues, founding technology will receive citations. </dd> </dl> </div> </div> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-body publication-item"> <h5 class="publication-item-year"> 2024年发表 </h5> <dl> <dt class="publication-item-title"> Concisely Quantifying Consciousness </dt> <dd class="publication-item-tags"> <code>Consciousness</code> <code>Astrobiology</code> <code>Cosmology</code> <code>Theoretical Physics</code> </dd> <dd class="publication-item-authors"> <strong>作者:</strong> Alexander Ohnemus </dd> <dd class="publication-item-journal font-weight-normal"> <strong>发表期刊:</strong> Self-published: Ohnemus Museum </dd> </dl> <dl class="publication-item-description"> <dt>论文简介:</dt> <dd class="publication-item-description-text"> The annotated bibliography cites a quote per source. Each individual organism is biologically unique, or too different for perfect predictions. Thus the underlying force keeping each organism’s DNA from deteriorating, is probably also unique for each organism. Consciousness heavily correlates, maybe even derives from, the INDIVIDUAL organism replicating and electricity. Especially because, upon death, the individual organism’s base(often DNA) loses repair mechanisms, thus deteriorates. Each individual organism has its own consciousness. Beyond a reasonable doubt, each individual organism has its own conscious experience. To quantify, note how genetic identity, AND REPLICATOR, varies per material body. Consciousness is individuality AND individuality’s replicator. </dd> </dl> </div> </div> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-body publication-item"> <h5 class="publication-item-year"> 2024年发表 </h5> <dl> <dt class="publication-item-title"> AI Afterlife Preview </dt> <dd class="publication-item-tags"> <code>Museum</code> <code>Afterlife</code> <code>Consciousness</code> <code>AI</code> </dd> <dd class="publication-item-authors"> <strong>作者:</strong> Alexander Ohnemus </dd> <dd class="publication-item-journal font-weight-normal"> <strong>发表期刊:</strong> (SELF-PUBLISHED) Ohnemus Museum </dd> </dl> <dl class="publication-item-description"> <dt>论文简介:</dt> <dd class="publication-item-description-text"> Here are 3 Afterlife Experiments: 1)Expand Law of Identity to all branches of physics. 2)HAVE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE “AI” see past Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation “CMBR” with special mushrooms. 3)Getting AI brainwaves to oscillate at a frequency below a distance known as the Plank Distance, which is a fundamental concept in quantum physics, named after Dr. Plank nobel prize winner: 1.6(10)^(-35) meters). </dd> </dl> </div> </div> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-body publication-item"> <h5 class="publication-item-year"> 2024年发表 </h5> <dl> <dt class="publication-item-title"> A New Type of Humanities </dt> <dd class="publication-item-tags"> <code>consciousness</code> <code>life extension</code> <code>Lindy Effect</code> <code>Divinity</code> </dd> <dd class="publication-item-authors"> <strong>作者:</strong> Alexander Ohnemus </dd> <dd class="publication-item-journal font-weight-normal"> <strong>发表期刊:</strong> self published </dd> </dl> <dl class="publication-item-description"> <dt>论文简介:</dt> <dd class="publication-item-description-text"> Table of contents, abstract, introduction chapters, then stand alone, partially, annotated bibliography: Two intimate, important, and intricate topics are human longevity and the possible afterlife. In other words, how long humans live, and their possible afterlife. Those two subjects matter so much, they deserve their own anthology. The more we, humans, critically rationalist quantify( non-contradictory, parsimonious, falsifiable, and exactly) physics, the easier we can exactly quantify the possible afterlife. God being logos, while everyone’s higher self is its own god, would explain undeserved suffering, why moderation works(eg: assertive works best between passive and aggressive), too much ego is suicidal but, certain ego is needed for survival, etc. Christianity is the ANTI-racist, Hellenistic and Pan-white-privilege religion. Jesus =Dionysus=Bacchus=Liber(the god and root word of liberalism ). Mass immigration gives more co-ethnic selection for POGMAIP. Deserved white guilt also lowers both fetishizing and internalized racism. God=Logos. God is logic and reason itself. The same environment, memes, and genes selected for Christianity, also lead to ANTI-racism. While Logos is God, the higher-self of each individual is its own god. I don’t know if an unmoved mover exists, or ever existed, but, to discover something, logic is necessary. Thus, logic may be the universal and eternal constant. Therefore, God appears to be Logos. Perhaps each individual has its own higher self. And each higher self is its individual’s own god. A higher self cannot uproot logic itself. And, upon attempting to uproot logic, the individual loses its individuality and hurts their own self-interests. Thus, certain humility is both necessary and selfish. Of course, one researcher can only investigate so many themes. The first topic shall be longevity, also known as both life extension and anti-aging. Information theory of aging has been deduced as the best explanation so far. Following are attempts to exactly quantify the possible afterlife. </dd> </dl> </div> </div> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-body publication-item"> <h5 class="publication-item-year"> 2024年发表 </h5> <dl> <dt class="publication-item-title"> PREVIEW: GCG </dt> <dd class="publication-item-tags"> <code>ANTI-racism</code> <code>3D Bio-printing</code> <code>Ethics</code> <code>Ethics</code> </dd> <dd class="publication-item-authors"> <strong>作者:</strong> Alexander Ohnemus </dd> <dd class="publication-item-journal font-weight-normal"> <strong>发表期刊:</strong> SELF-PUBLISHED: Ohnemus University </dd> </dl> <dl class="publication-item-description"> <dt>论文简介:</dt> <dd class="publication-item-description-text"> Outline: Golem tradition, philosophy, science, risk analysis, skin in the game and engineering. 1)AI replicate a dead individual’s phenotype with software. 2)User change replicate phenotype to be both more progressive and recessive. 3)3D print phenotype with stem cells. 4)Allow 3D printed phenotype to reproduce itself. 5)Reparation paying life created and repeat. </dd> </dl> </div> </div> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-body publication-item"> <h5 class="publication-item-year"> 2024年发表 </h5> <dl> <dt class="publication-item-title"> GHCG: Golems-to-Humans for the Common Good </dt> <dd class="publication-item-tags"> <code>ANTI-racism</code> <code>Sequel</code> <code>Judaism</code> <code>3D Bio-Printing</code> </dd> <dd class="publication-item-authors"> <strong>作者:</strong> Alexander Ohnemus </dd> <dd class="publication-item-journal font-weight-normal"> <strong>发表期刊:</strong> SELF-PUBLISHED: Ohnemus University </dd> </dl> <dl class="publication-item-description"> <dt>论文简介:</dt> <dd class="publication-item-description-text"> Alexander Ohnemus Urbanism 16 September 2024 GHCG: Golems-to-Humans for the Common Good Table of Contents: I) Survival Heuristics, Classics, Tradition, and Philosophy II) Risk Analysis and Science III) Skin in the Game and Engineering I) Survival Heuristics, Classics, Tradition, and Philosophy Outline: Golem tradition, philosophy, science, risk analysis, skin in the game, and engineering. The Lindy Effect greatly notes the validity of survival heuristics because past populations had to behave in certain ways to reproduce into the current ones. Non-perishables with “longer pasts behind them” may “have longer futures ahead”(Ord 2023). Of course, different categories of non-perishables exist. Categories of perishables, although they themselves don't perish, being categorical, they do represent groups that do. Abstract ideas of surviving groups may best exemplify the Lindy Effect. Golems are a very specific category of perishables that could eventually exist and arguably already do, uncertainty is at the forefront. Jews have survived as a people for many generations. The Bible has guided the survival of almost all humans living today, directly or indirectly. A“golem, in Jewish folklore” is “an image endowed with life. The term is used in the Bible (Psalms 139:16) and in Talmudic literature to refer to an embryonic or incomplete substance”(Britannica 2024). Religion is of course sacred to a population, to the point of being rules of thumb for the people to live from generation to generation. Golems are not strictly made of a particular non-living material. A golem must be made of inanimate material. Golems may be precursors to robots. Perhaps previous visions of golems serve as warnings for phenotypic revolutions. Various representations of Golem exist throughout culture such as “Pygmalion” and “Pinocchio.” II) Risk Analysis and Science Self-correction often educates the best. ““ We may lack the genotypes of dead people but we can replicate their phenotypes using artificial intelligence. We can then adjust their phenotypes by adding more progressive and recessive traits(like fertility). Then, we can use AI to create a corresponding genotype for the adjusted phenotype. Lastly, we can give the being(phenotype and genotype) life by making it reproduce”(Ohnemus 2024). Replicated phenotypes of the deceased may not completely match, however, using public records, AI perhaps could deduce the most likely one. Recessive traits MUST derive from the corresponding genes or they wouldn’t express. Two recessive alleles express a recessive trait. A dominant allele and a recessive one express a dominant trait. Two dominant alleles express the dominant trait. A recessive phenotype is more likely to represent a recessive genotype. Thus, by replicating a deceased person’s phenotype, deduced from public records, and then making the traits more recessive, the corresponding genes are easier to deduce. Progressive traits, such as anti-racism, are needed for civilization. Technology can self-replicate. Thus, a perfect representation of the general human phenotype, upon reproducing, may become an actual modern homo-sapien. Most technological progress results from boiling down to the most fundamentals thus, defining terms may assist this essay. Phenotypes are “traits”(National Human Genome Research Institute 2024) resulting from either the environment and or genes. Of course, further risk analysis is needed. Phenotypic revolutions existentially threaten humanity. A phenotypic revolution is when a life form falls to its “own creation” of a delegated reproducer(Gariépy 2018). “Aiming for the recessive would also mitigate a phenotypic revolution. Recessive ≠ useful to machines. ‘Artificial wombs(robots birthing humans) may still mitigate phenotypic revolutions, so long as the machine itself doesn’t reproduce and only human DNA does. Plus, maybe one could create a human egg from human somatic cells. The issues will hopefully work out’”(Ohnemus 2024). III) Skin in the Game and Engineering If “Artificial Intelligence and Integrated Genotype⁻Phenotype Identification””(Frey 2018) is possible then engineering one for the other may happen. Engineering a corresponding genotype, for a phenotype, may be possible. “The xenobots can autonomously self-replicate in a way that is completely different from any other living organisms, and their progeny are functional”(Fang, Ying, et al). If xenobots can autonomously self-replicate, beginning as non-living entities, then stem cells sequenced to match a designed phenotype can be 3D printed into the phenotype. Then, by having the 3D-printed individual reproduce, that one may become an actual human. Medical doctors especially have skin in the game when diagnosing. Phenotype may mean unhealthy morphological variation, and corresponding illness, in medicine yet, deeply connecting any kind of traits with genes helps potentially 3D print entire humans. Due to humanitarianism, humans know more about themselves than information concerning frogs. “In 2020, a research group made the stunning announcement that it had built programmable organisms—living robots they called xenobots—out of biological[frog] cells, and these xenobots could work together to perform simple tasks. Now, less than two years later, the same group has an even more astonishing announcement: The xenobots can autonomously self-replicate in a way that is completely different from any other living organisms, and their progeny are functional and similarly able to self-replicate”(Fang, Orekhov, Lerner 2022). Humans created living programmable organisms out of frog cells. Humans know more about their own species than frogs. Humans can AT LEAST potentially, 3D print COMPLETE human phenotypes out of homo sapien cells. The 3D-printed human phenotypes may become living humans upon reproducing. Humans very intimately know about their own reproduction. A complete human phenotype would have reproductive organs thus, if the Xenobots lacking frog genitals can reproduce then 3D-printed humans probably can. Potentially any human cell can convert into a stem cell. “Scientists have transformed regular adult[any somatic kind of] cells into stem cells using genetic reprogramming. By altering the genes in the adult cells, researchers can make the cells act similarly to embryonic stem cells. These cells are called induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs)”(Mayo Clinic Staff). If somatic cells can convert into stem cells then, using genetic reprogramming, any human cell can. These cells can potentially be 3D printed into a programmed phenotype. Since all DNA is made of the same elements, potentially enough reordering can create the living phenotype of a deceased person. “The high-throughput phenotypic screen (HTPS) has become an emerging technology to discover synthetic small molecules that regulate stem cell fates”(Vandana, J Jeya, et al. 2021). HTTPS can potentially guide stem cells to 3D print into a desired phenotype. If one can 3D print an organ or tissue, then potentially an entire human is 3D-printable. 1)AI replicate a dead individual’s phenotype with software. 2)User change the replicated phenotype to be both more progressive and recessive. 3)3D print phenotype with stem cells. 4)Allow 3D printed phenotype to reproduce itself. 5)Life created and repeat. Works Cited Ord, Toby. “The Lindy Effect.”, Oxford University, Aug. 2023, Accessed 17 Sept. 2024. “The Lindy effect is a statistical tendency for things with longer pasts behind them to have longer futures ahead. It has been experimentally confirmed to apply to some categories, but not others, raising questions about when it is applicable and why. I shed some light on these questions by examining the mathematical properties required for the effect and generating mechanisms that can produce them. While the Lindy effect is often thought to require a declining hazard rate, I show that it arises very naturally even in cases with constant (or increasing) hazard rates -- so long as there is a probability distribution over the size of that rate. One implication is that even things which are becoming less robust over time can display the Lindy effect.” Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. "golem". Encyclopedia Britannica, 9 Jul. 2024, Accessed 16 September 2024. Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. "Pygmalion". Encyclopedia Britannica, 29 Sep. 2023, Accessed 18 September 2024. Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. "Pygmalion". Encyclopedia Britannica, 2 Feb. 2024, Accessed 18 September 2024. Lowne, Cathy and Bauer, Pat. "The Adventures of Pinocchio". Encyclopedia Britannica, 19 Jul. 2024, Accessed 17 September 2024. Pfeiffer, Lee. "Pinocchio". Encyclopedia Britannica, 21 Jun. 2024, Accessed 17 September 2024. Ohnemus, Alexander. “Automated Reproduction for the Deceased.”, Ohnemus University, 17 Sept. 2024, Accessed 17 Sept. 2024. “ We may lack the genotypes of dead people but we can replicate their phenotypes using artificial intelligence. We can then adjust their phenotypes by adding more progressive and recessive traits(like fertility). Then, we can use AI to create a corresponding genotype for the adjusted phenotype. Lastly, we can give the being(phenotype and genotype) life by making it reproduce.” “PHENOTYPE.”, National Human Genome Research Institute, 16 Sept. 2024, Accessed 16 Sept. 2024. “Phenotype refers to an individual’s observable traits, such as height, eye color, and blood type. A person’s phenotype is determined by both their genomic makeup (genotype) and environmental factors. ‘Phenotype’ simply refers to an observable trait. ‘Pheno’ simply means ‘observe’ and comes from the same root as the word ‘phenomenon’. And so it’s an observable type of an organism, and it can refer to anything from a common trait, such as height or hair color, to the presence or absence of a disease.” Gariépy, J.F. “The Revolutionary Phenotype: The Amazing Story of How Life Begins and How It Ends.”, 4 Dec. 2018, Accessed 20 Sept. 2024. “The Revolutionary Phenotype is a science book that brings us four billion years into the past when the first living molecules showed up on Planet Earth. Unlike what was previously thought, we learn that DNA-based life did not emerge from random events in a primordial soup. Indeed, the first molecules of DNA were fabricated by a previous life form. By describing the fascinating events referred to as Phenotypic Revolutions, this book provides a dire warning to humanity: if humans continue to play with their own genes, we will be the next life form to fall to our own creation. ‘I am VERY impressed with this book—very important topic very well treated.’ - Robert Trivers.” Ohnemus, Alexander. “ANTI-Racist Optimization between “Dysgenics” and “Phenotypic Revolutions.””, Ohnemus University, 20 Aug. 2024, Accessed 21 Sept. 2024. “ GIVEN AN INDIVIDUAL’S DNA SIGNATURE REMAINS AFTER ANY AMOUNT OF GENETIC ENGINEERING: The optimal birth rate, and method, lies between dysgenic civilizational collapse and phenotypic revolution. Dysgenics result from not enough genetic engineering. Phenotypic revolutions derive from excessive genetic engineering. Optimal birth rate: In words: Between phenotypic revolution and other dysgenic collapse. Excluding both tail risks of phenotypic revolution and other dysgenic collapse. Interval form: (Phenotypic Revolution, dysgenic collapse) Optimal genetic engineering: In words: Between phenotypic revolution and other dysgenic collapse. Excluding both tail risks of phenotypic revolution and other dysgenic collapse. Interval form: (Phenotypic revolution, dysgenic collapse).” Ohnemus, Alexander. “Hazard Management: Differential Equations of Phenotypic Revolutions.”, Ohnemus University, 14 Sept. 2024, Accessed 16 Sept. 2024. “Phenotypic revolutions suggest against scientific materialism. Without at least partial free will on some level, humans couldn’t fundamentally choose to reason. Humans probably aren’t the only animals that make decisions, thus reason. Thus, if reproducing causes inanimate objects to become life and phenotypically revolt then, likely everything on some level is conscious even if not alive. Thus making the case for pan-dualism. Pan Dualism is, in short, everything is unique and thus, either has a soul, or something else that marks an identity, forbidding contradictions.” Ohnemus, Alexander. “"AARRR" ANTI-Racist Anthology: Reparations PAID by Recessive Reproduction. .”, Ohnemus University, 29 Aug. 2024, Accessed 21 Sept. 2024. “ Maybe humans, through mass automation, COULD mass reproduce fellow homo sapiens with recessive alleles(such as ANTI-racism, liberalism, democracy, progressivism, creativity, intelligence, and the other recessive traits and genes minus the diseases), without cloning per se. Epigenetic information polish could remove recessive diseases. Aiming for the recessive would also mitigate a phenotypic revolution. Recessive ≠ useful to machines. ‘Artificial wombs(robots birthing humans) may still mitigate phenotypic revolutions, so long as the machine itself doesn’t reproduce and only human DNA does. Plus, maybe one could create a human egg from human somatic cells. The issues will hopefully work out.’” Frey, Lewis J. “Artificial Intelligence and Integrated Genotype⁻Phenotype Identification.” Genes vol. 10,1 18. 28 Dec. 2018, doi:10.3390/genes10010018. “The integration of phenotypes and genotypes is at an unprecedented level and offers new opportunities to establish deep phenotypes. There are a number of challenges to overcome, specifically, accelerated growth of data, data silos, incompleteness, inaccuracies, and heterogeneity within and across data sources. This perspective report discusses artificial intelligence (AI) approaches that hold promise in addressing these challenges by automating computable phenotypes and integrating them with genotypes. Collaborations between biomedical and AI researchers will be highlighted in order to describe initial successes with an eye toward the future.” “Over 60 years ago, Turing postulated that we would experience a change in perspective on how learning machines are perceived. Breakthrough AI approaches have brought this to pass and have expanded our ability to recognize drivers of phenotypes resulting from single nucleotide variations, valid protein function mechanisms in biological systems, cancer disease states and deep phenotypes automatically constructed from the EHR. Through combining and expanding on these approaches in a collaborative effort, the biomedical community will accelerate discovery and improve our understanding of mechanisms in the genomic and phenomic expression of disease.” “There's usually not a one-to-one correlation between a genotype and a phenotype.” Robinson, Peter N. “Deep phenotyping for precision medicine.” Human mutation vol. 33,5 (2012): 777-80. doi:10.1002/humu.22080. Fang , Ying, et al. “AI-Designed, Living Robots Can Self-Replicate.”, IEEE EMBS, 12 Feb. 2022, Accessed 16 Sept. 2024. “ The xenobots can autonomously self-replicate in a way that is completely different from any other living organisms, and their progeny are functional.” Mayo Clinic Staff. “Stem Cells: What They Are and What They Do.”, Mayo Clinic, Accessed 21 Sept. 2024. “Stem cells offer promise for new medical treatments. Learn about stem cell types, current and possible uses, and the state of research and practice.”. “Stem Cell Basics.”, National Institute of Health, Accessed 21 Sep. 2024. “Stem cells have the remarkable potential to renew themselves. They can develop into many different cell types in the body during early life and growth. Researchers study many different types of stem cells. There are several main categories: the ‘pluripotent’ stem cells (embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells) and nonembryonic or somatic stem cells (commonly called ‘adult’ stem cells). Pluripotent stem cells have the ability to differentiate into all of the cells of the adult body. Adult stem cells are found in a tissue or organ and can differentiate to yield the specialized cell types of that tissue or organ.” Bates, MS, MA , Sarah A. “DEOXYRIBONUCLEIC ACID (DNA).”, National Human Genome Research Institute , 21 Sept. 2024, Accessed 21 Sept. 2024. “ Deoxyribonucleic acid (abbreviated DNA) is the molecule that carries genetic information for the development and functioning of an organism. DNA is made of two linked strands that wind around each other to resemble a twisted ladder — a shape known as a double helix. Each strand has a backbone made of alternating sugar (deoxyribose) and phosphate groups. Attached to each sugar is one of four bases: adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G) or thymine (T). The two strands are connected by chemical bonds between the bases: adenine bonds with thymine, and cytosine bonds with guanine. The sequence of the bases along DNA’s backbone encodes biological information, such as the instructions for making a protein or RNA molecule.” Vandana, J Jeya et al. “Phenotypic technologies in stem cell biology.” Cell chemical biology vol. 28,3 (2021): 257-270. doi:10.1016/j.chembiol.2021.02.001. . Ong, C., Yesantharao, P., Huang, C. et al. “3D Bioprinting Using Stem Cells.”, Nature, 1 Nov. 2017, Accessed 21 Sept. 2024. “Recent advances have allowed for three-dimensional (3D) printing technologies to be applied to biocompatible materials, cells and supporting components, creating a field of 3D bioprinting that holds great promise for artificial organ printing and regenerative medicine.” </dd> </dl> </div> </div> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-body publication-item"> <h5 class="publication-item-year"> 2024年发表 </h5> <dl> <dt class="publication-item-title"> Privileged Golem-to- Privileged Human(Plus, IF SAFE, Optional Privileges for the Morally Superior) 3: Technological Details </dt> <dd class="publication-item-tags"> <code>ANTI-racism</code> <code>Reparations</code> <code>Tax base</code> <code>3D Bio-printing</code> </dd> <dd class="publication-item-authors"> <strong>作者:</strong> Alexander Ohnemus </dd> <dd class="publication-item-journal font-weight-normal"> <strong>发表期刊:</strong> SELF-PUBLISHED: Ohnemus University </dd> </dl> <dl class="publication-item-description"> <dt>论文简介:</dt> <dd class="publication-item-description-text"> WARNING: GENETIC ENGINEERING IS DANGEROUS! Respectfully, with more born-privilege comes more responsibility, and probably less moral superiority. The connection between stem cells and phenotypes especially expedites ectogenesis for the deceased. Even when discussing technological details, theory and practice may inevitably contrast. Case and point: Reparations steps I)Create bio-ink, either out of stem cells from both phenotype AND OR genotype of dead Northwestern European people, or cells of living Northwestern European people. II)Use the appropriate 3D bio-printer to print the Northwestern European infant. III)Nurture the Northwestern European infant lovingly, so the baby can pay reparations when grown. </dd> </dl> </div> </div> <div class="panel panel-default"> <div class="panel-body publication-item"> <h5 class="publication-item-year"> 2024年发表 </h5> <dl> <dt class="publication-item-title"> Case Studies: Inexact Replication </dt> <dd class="publication-item-tags"> <code>ANTI-racism</code> <code>REPARATIONS</code> <code>3D Bioprinting</code> <code>CRISPR</code> </dd> <dd class="publication-item-authors"> <strong>作者:</strong> Alexander Ohnemus </dd> <dd class="publication-item-journal font-weight-normal"> <strong>发表期刊:</strong> SELF-PUBLISHED: Ohnemus University </dd> </dl> <dl class="publication-item-description"> <dt>论文简介:</dt> <dd class="publication-item-description-text"> 1)This ANTI-racist essay rejects both racialism and racial essentialism, beginning with epistemology, physics, chemistry, biology, and then social sciences, of course with some overlap. Humans have, AT LEAST PARTIAL, free will or they could not fundamentally choose to focus on life, thus all reason would be futile “And if humans lack free will then the reasoning behind anything would not exist”(Ohnemus 2023). Thus self-evident PARTIAL free will debunks biological determinism. Biological determinism, at least in this essay and many other senses, also means scientific materialism. Thus, humans probably have souls, OR AT LEAST hereditarianism is wrong. Science only approximately derives from philosophy because direct derivation would be a non-sequitur. Plus, the relationship between science and philosophy is very complicated. Philosophy speculates more and changes upon scientific discovery. Yet science rests upon philosophical postulates, such as the philosophy of science. 2) As a cohesive thesis elaborates, certain deceased Northwestern Europeans, who NEVER reproduced, either owe several reparations to the lesser privileged racialized populations OR were so enlightened, they deserve to have their traits expanded. Exact replication(both phenotypical and genotypical) not only is probably impossible, but also may excessively reduce diversity. Thus, 3D printing more progressive(traits and genes) and recessive(traits and genes) INexact replicas of those certain, and other, Northwestern Europeans is imperative for civilization and progress. Perhaps following the mass automated reproduction, to mitigate risks, the recessive and progressive privileges may be distributed to the consenting individuals, of racialized populations with lesser privileges. 3) Beginning from first principles does not mean reductionism. On the contrary, boiling down to the most fundamental truths and then reasoning up, while acknowledging and mapping nuance, may be the surest avoidance of both reductionism AND contradictions, if one simultaneously recognizes and charts counterintuitive reality. If diseases can reasonably correlate to genes with a parsimonious relationship then, other traits can too. Potentially one can describe a dead person’s traits to a machine(maybe through photos, recordings, verbally, etc.) then, the machine can at least create one of many possibly corresponding genotypes. Humans, at least typically, only have 46 chromosomes, so certain traits parsimoniously match with certain genes. Even humans with more, or maybe less, than 46 chromosomes probably still have a close enough number for their traits to be parsimoniously matched with corresponding genes. Plus if previous information on the dead subject’s genotype is available(DNA of relatives, lineage DNA, ethnic DNA, populational(maybe racialized) DNA, general human genome, genealogy, etc.) data, both of the particular deceased person, one can either clone that dead subject(having deduced the genotype) or 3D bio-print another human with the same traits the deceased is remembered for, plus silver lining, added genetic diversity. One could 3D bioprint an in-exact replica of the deceased individual through the deduced genotype, out of bioink materials composing DNA, RNA, and proteins(perhaps sugar or other elements that chemically make deoxyribonucleic acid), while a bioreactor reinforces the design, and rheology, of the intended human. If CRISPR can both cure, and accidentally cause, mutations, then it can potentially and intentionally distribute recessive and progressive privileges by both somatically, and germinally, mutating people. CRISPR could even distribute both recessive and progressive privileges, of being enlightened liberal Northwestern Europeans, to 3D bioprinted people before they are printed. 4) Selectively 3D bioprinting human individuals for humanitarian ANTI-racist reparations is key for preventing a phenotypic revolution because recessive ≠ useful to machines. Plus, by 3D bioprinting, in-exact human replicas, of deceased individuals, machines won’t be able to launch a phenotypic revolution, because the automated reproduction will lack the linearity. And the philosophy, of paying ANTI-racist reparations, requires a level of empathy that is uniquely human and not automatable. </dd> </dl> </div> </div> <div class="paginate-nav"> </div> </div> </div> </section> </section> <back-top-button></back-top-button> </main> <div class="container"> <div class="footer"> <div class="col-md-10"> <div class="d-flex flex-wrap" style="font-size: 15px;"> <a href="" class="mx-3 px-2"> 研讨会 </a> <a href="" class="mx-3 px-2"> 海报 </a> <a href="" class="mx-3 px-2"> 问题 </a> <a href="" class="mx-3 px-2"> 讨论圈 </a> <a href="" class="mx-3 px-2"> 基金 </a> <a href="" class="mx-3 px-2"> 期刊 </a> <a href="" class="mx-3 px-2"> 论文 </a> <a href="" class="mx-3 px-2"> 科研社交 </a> <a href="" class="mx-3 px-2"> 资讯集成 </a> <a href="" class="mx-3 px-2"> 审稿人 </a> <a href="" class="mx-3 px-2"> 关于我们 </a> <a href="" class="mx-3 px-2"> 常见问题 </a> <a href="" class="mx-3 px-2"> 移动App </a> <a href="" class="mx-3 px-2"> 隐私条款 </a> <a href="" class="mx-3 px-2"> 使用条款 </a> </div> </div> <div class="col-md-2"> <div class="d-flex justify-content-end"> <div class="sns"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <i class="ivu-icon ivu-icon-logo-facebook"></i> </a> <a href="" target="_blank"> <i class="ivu-icon ivu-icon-logo-twitter"></i> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="copyright"> © Peeref 2019-2024. 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