Nintex Log In

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'signUp' : 'login'; var allowWindowsAuth = true; var options = { auth: { params: { state: getParameterByName('Source'), protocol: 'wsfed' }, redirectUrl: location.origin + '/_trust/' }, theme: { logo: "" }, configurationBaseUrl: '', container: 'lock_login_container', socialButtonStyle: "small", additionalSignUpFields: [{ name: "company", placeholder: "your company", validator: function (company) { return { valid: company !== "", hint: "Required." } } }, { name: "given_name", placeholder: "first name", validator: function (given_name) { return { valid: given_name !== "", hint: "Required." } } }, { name: "family_name", placeholder: "last name", validator: function (family_name) { return { valid: family_name !== "", hint: "Required." } } } ] , languageDictionary: { loginSubmitLabel: "Sign In", title: "Welcome to \n Nintex Customer Central", placeholder: "test footer", error: { login: { "access_denied": "Your access is denied.", "blocked_user": "The user is blocked.", "invalid_user_password": "Wrong credentials.", "lock.fallback": "We're sorry, something went wrong when attempting to log in.", "lock.invalid_code": "Wrong code.", "lock.invalid_email_password": "Wrong email or password.", "lock.invalid_username_password": "Wrong username or password.", "": "We could not reach the server. Please check your connection and try again.", "lock.popup_closed": "Popup window closed. Try again.", "lock.unauthorized": "Permissions were not granted. Try again.", "lock.mfa_registration_required": "Multifactor authentication is required but your device is not enrolled. Please enroll it before moving on.", "lock.mfa_invalid_code": "Wrong code. Please try again.", "password_change_required": "You need to update your password because this is the first time you are logging in, or because your password has expired.", // TODO: verify error code "password_leaked": "We have detected a potential security issue with this account. To protect your account, we have blocked this login. An email was sent with instruction on how to unblock your account.", "too_many_attempts": "Your account has been blocked after multiple consecutive login attempts.", "session_missing": "Couldn't complete your authentication request. Please try again after closing all open dialogs", "hrd.not_matching_email": "Please, use your corporate email to login." }, signUp: { "invalid_password": "Password was invalid", "user_exists": "This account already exists, please use your corporate email to sign-in. If you have forgotten your password, please reset it to continue." } } } , initialScreen: lockTab }; var lock_login = new Auth0Lock('nOmypkvimaCWoqVmQ4L0xPDBLR7MMJWa', '', options); /* Implementing custom error message */ var error = getParameterByName("q"); var errorType = 'error'; var errorMessage = ''; if (error && error == '401') errorMessage = 'No Contact or Account found with this email<br/>A Support Case has been created on your behalf'; if (error && error == '409') errorMessage = 'Sorry, something went wrong<br/>A Support Case has been created on your behalf'; if (error === '402') errorMessage = 'Nintex Partners: Please visit the \'<a style="color: white; text-decoration: underline;" href="">My Customers</a>\' section within Partner Central for access instructions'; // sign-up case if (error && error == 9991) { errorType = 'success'; errorMessage = 'Sign up completed. To continue, please check your email and verify your account.'; } if (error && error >= 9992) { errorMessage = 'To continue, please check your email and verify your account.'; errorType = 'success'; } if (error && errorMessage != '') { //Show Lock with error flashMessage{ flashMessage: { type: errorType, text: errorMessage } }); } else { //Show default Lock; } lock_login.on('signin ready', function () { configurePageHeight(); var emailField = document.querySelector('.auth0-lock-input-email'); var passwordField = document.querySelector('.auth0-lock-input-password'); emailField.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', '<label class="nintex-form-label">Email</label>'); passwordField.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', '<label class="nintex-form-label">Password</label>'); $('a.auth0-lock-alternative-link').text("Don\'t remember your password?"); $(".auth0-lock-input-password").after('<div class="help_container signInTab"><div class="help_panel help_panel_signIn" style=""><div class="arrow-left"></div><h4>New User?</h4><p>If you are an existing Nintex Customer or Kryon portal user, please sign in with your corporate email address. If you use Nintex University or Community with your corporate email address, you can login with the same credentials.</p></div></div>'); $("footer").remove(); $(".auth0-lock-widget-container").after('<footer class="signin-footer"><p class="footerText">&copy; <span class="current-year"></span> Nintex UK Ltd. All rights reserved. <a tabindex="1" href="" target="_blank">Terms</a></p></footer>'); $("div.signin-warning-0").remove(); $("<div class='signin-warning-0'>Note: For Sign-In issues, please clear your browser cache.</div>") .css({ 'color': 'red', 'font-size': '12px', 'padding-top': '15px', 'border-radius': '0', 'text-align': 'center' }) .insertBefore('.signin-footer'); $(".current-year").html((new Date()).getFullYear()); $('#lock_login_container #a0-lock.a0-theme-default .a0-panel .a0-header h1').css({ 'display': 'none' }); $('#lock_login_container #a0-lock.a0-theme-default .a0-panel .a0-separator').css({ 'display': 'none' }); var actionButtons = $('#lock_login_container #a0-lock.a0-theme-default .a0-panel .a0-action'); var resetPassword = $('#lock_login_container #a0-lock.a0-theme-default .a0-panel .a0-all, #a0-lock.a0-theme-default .a0-panel .a0-forgot-pass'); var socials = $('#lock_login_container .a0-collapse-social').remove(); resetPassword.after(socials).after(actionButtons); resetPassword.removeClass('a0-btn-small'); resetPassword.css({ 'text-decoration': 'underline' }); $('.a0-forgot-pass').css({ 'color': 'white' }); $('#lock_login_container .a0-db-actions').css('text-align', 'right'); var signin_button = $('#lock_login_container #a0-lock.a0-theme-default .a0-panel button.a0-primary'); signin_button.css({ 'background-color': '#FF7900', 'border-radius': '0' }); signin_button.html('SIGN IN'); var usernameBox = $('#lock_login_container .a0-theme-default#a0-lock .a0-panel .a0-email input, .a0-theme-default#a0-lock .a0-panel .a0-password input, .a0-theme-default#a0-lock .a0-panel .a0-repeatPassword input, .a0-theme-default#a0-lock .a0-panel .a0-username input'); usernameBox.css({ 'padding': '0px 0px 0px 10px', 'border-radius': '0', 'height': '100%', 'color': 'black' }); $('#lock_login_container #a0-lock.a0-theme-default .a0-panel .a0-email .a0-input-box, #a0-lock.a0-theme-default .a0-panel .a0-password .a0-input-box, #a0-lock.a0-theme-default .a0-panel .a0-repeatPassword .a0-input-box, #a0-lock.a0-theme-default .a0-panel .a0-username .a0-input-box').css({ 'height': '34px' }); var inputs = $('#lock_login_container #a0-lock.a0-theme-default .a0-panel .a0-inputs'); inputs.css({ 'border-radius': '0', 'border': 'none' }); $('#lock_login_container #a0-onestep').css({ 'border-radius': '0px', 'box-shadow': 'none', 'padding': '1em' }); $('#lock_login_container #a0-lock.a0-theme-default .a0-zocial, #a0-lock.a0-theme-default a.a0-zocial').css({ 'border-radius': '0' }); }); lock_login.on('signup ready', function () { configurePageHeight(); //$(".auth0-lock-input-family_name").after('<div class="help_container signUpTab" style="margin-top: 135px; margin-left: 20px;"><div //class="help_panel help_panel_signUp"><div class="arrow-left"></div><h4>Kryon Customer?</h4><p>Full Customer Central support will be coming //soon. If you have any questions regarding your account or need to open a support ticket, please email <a //href=""></a>.</p></div></div>'); $('#lock_login_container #a0-lock.a0-theme-default .a0-panel .a0-header h1').css({ 'display': 'none' }); var emailField = document.querySelector('.auth0-lock-input-email'); var passwordField = document.querySelector('.auth0-lock-input-password'); var companyField = document.querySelector('.auth0-lock-input-company'); var givenNameField = document.querySelector('.auth0-lock-input-given_name'); var familyNameField = document.querySelector('.auth0-lock-input-family_name'); emailField.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', '<label class="nintex-form-label">Email</label>'); passwordField.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', '<label class="nintex-form-label">Password</label>'); companyField.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', '<label class="nintex-form-label">Company</label>'); givenNameField.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', '<label class="nintex-form-label">First Name</label>'); familyNameField.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', '<label class="nintex-form-label">Last Name</label>'); $('a.auth0-lock-alternative-link').text("Don\'t remember your password?"); $("footer").remove(); $("div.signin-warning-0").remove(); $(".auth0-lock-widget-container").after('<footer class="signup-footer"><p class="footerText">&copy; <span class="current-year"></span> Nintex UK Ltd. All rights reserved. <a tabindex="1" href="" target="_blank">Terms</a></p></footer>'); $(".current-year").html((new Date()).getFullYear()); $('.footerText').css('margin-top', "0px"); }); }); </script> <div class="login-info-container"> <div class="nintex-portal-signin"> <img class="nintex-logo" src="" /> <h1 class="nintex-header">Welcome to<br />Nintex Customer Central</h1> <div id="lock_login_container" class="nintex-lock-screen nintex"></div> <footer> <p> &copy;<span class="current-year"></span> Nintex UK Ltd. All rights reserved. <a tabindex="1" href="" target="_blank">Terms</a> </p> </footer> </div> </div> </body> </html>

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