✎ mime [DokuWiki]

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It also configures the file extension &lt;-&gt; mimetype association. For security reasons it is not possible to configure [[DokuWiki]] to allow any file type. :!: **Never enable HTML upload for unprotected wikis**, as this opens Cross Site Scripting vulnerabilities through JavaScript. Only enable this with trusted users. You need to disable the [[config:iexssprotect]] option additionally to adding the HTML mime type in the config file. ===== Adding additional Mime Types ===== Additional mimetypes should be added in ''mime.local.conf'' (you need to create this file). The file expects an extension (without the dot) and a mime type. Prefixing the mime type with an exclamation mark (''!'') will force the browser to present a download dialog, even if a browser plugin for the file in question exists. Example: &lt;code - conf/mime.local.conf&gt; # this would play in the browser (if supported): wav audio/wav # this would be downloaded wav !audio/wav &lt;/code&gt; Disable by mention the extension //without// a mimetype. Disabling png-images by:&lt;code - conf/mime.local.conf&gt; png &lt;/code&gt; For configuration changes to take effect on the pages, the [[devel:caching|cache must be purged]]. ==== File type icons ==== File type icons can be added by placing an image SVG file named after the file extension into ''lib/images/fileicons/svg/''. Note: because the stylesheet used for assigning the fileicons gets [[caching|cached]] you need to force a rebuild by touching one of the config files or just save the [[plugin:config|Configuration Manager]] another time. ===== Default Mime Types ===== The default install contains the following configurations: ^ Extension ^ Mime type ^ Icon ^ | jpg | image/jpeg | {{;16}} | | jpeg | image/jpeg | {{;16}} | | gif | image/gif | {{;16}} | | png | image/png | {{;16}} | | webp | image/webp | {{;16}} FIXME | | ico | image/ | {{;16}} | | svg | image/svg+xml | {{;16}} | | mp3 | audio/mpeg | {{;16}} | | ogg | audio/ogg | {{;nolink}} | | wav | audio/wav | {{;nolink}} | | webm | video/webm | {{;nolink}} | | ogv | video/ogg | {{;nolink}} | | mp4 | video/mp4 | {{;nolink}} | | vtt | text/vtt | {{;nolink}} FIXME | | tgz | !application/octet-stream | {{;nolink}} | | tar | !application/x-gtar | {{;nolink}} | | gz | !application/octet-stream | {{;nolink}} | | bz2 | !application/octet-stream | {{;nolink}} | 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!application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.chart | {{;nolink}} | | odf | !application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.formula | {{;nolink}} | | odg | !application/ | {{;nolink}} | | odi | !application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.image | {{;nolink}} | | odp | !application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation | {{;nolink}} | | ods | !application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet | {{;nolink}} | | odt | !application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text | {{;nolink}} | The following text types are commented by default, because spammers are known to upload spam pages through unprotected Wikis using text type files. | html | text/html | {{;nolink}} | | htm | text/html | {{;nolink}} | | txt | text/plain | {{;nolink}} | | conf | text/plain | {{;nolink}} | | xml | text/xml | {{;nolink}} | | csv | text/csv | {{;nolink}} | =====See also===== * [[config|Configuring DokuWiki]] * [[|]] for a list of common mime types * [[plugin:confmanager|Configuration File Manager Plugin]] for editing mimetypes via admin interface of the 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