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8.3-14.2zm98.6 31c-8.5-4.4-15.8-11.4-15.8-21.3 0-13 9.9-22 27.9-22 6.2 0 10.5 1.6 16.5 2.7 1.4 3 2.7 9.8 2.5 17.4-.5 1.4-3.7 1.6-4.6.4-1.4-6.2-6-15.3-16.5-15.3s-14.4 6-14.4 12.1c0 6.4 4.8 10.3 11.9 14l11 5.7c6.4 3.2 14.4 10.6 14.4 22.5 0 13.8-11.4 22.5-28.9 22.5-10.8 0-17.9-3.7-20.4-5.5-1.6-2.5-3.7-8.9-3.7-18.3.7-1.8 3.4-2 4.6-.4 1.4 6.4 9.2 19 21.1 19 9.1 0 14.9-4.6 14.9-12.8 0-5.7-2.3-11.5-12.4-16.7zm-517.8 113c0 2.4.3 8 1 12.6-.5.9-2.2 1.1-3 .2-1.7-6.3-5.6-11.7-15.9-11.7-9.8 0-19.6 6.6-19.6 22.2 0 15.3 9.8 24 20.6 24s15.2-8.6 16.5-11.6c.6-1 2.4-1 3 .1-.6 5-2.4 10.3-3.8 12.4-3.3.6-7.6 2.4-15.5 2.4-7.2 0-14.3-1.3-20.2-5.3-6.2-4.2-10.9-11.2-10.9-20.4 0-9.3 3.9-16.1 9.6-20.6 5.6-4.4 13.5-6.6 22.3-6.6 7.6.2 15 2.3 15.9 2.3zm47.5 31.4c-2.6 0-3 .1-3.9 2.7l-2.6 7.3c-1.3 3.7-.9 4.1 1.3 4.6l3.1.6c.9.6.8 2.6-.3 2.9-2.9-.2-5.8-.3-9-.3s-6 .2-8 .3c-1-.5-1-2.3-.2-2.9l2.6-.6c3.6-.8 4.8-2.1 7.1-7.6l11-26.3c2-4.7 2.7-7.4 3-9.6 2.1-.8 4.2-3 4.8-4.4.9-.3 1.6-.1 1.1 2.3 7.1 4.9 14.1l10.3 27.4c1.4 3.8 2.4 5.3 6.5 6.1l1.8.3c1 .6.8 2.6-.3 2.9-3-.2-5.6-.3-9.5-.3-4.1 0-7.4.1-10.3.3-1.1-.3-1.3-2.4-.2-2.9l2.3-.3c3-.5 2.9-1.1 1.5-4.7l-2.7-7.4c-.9-2.6-1.3-2.7-3.9-2.7zm9-3.7c3 0 3.3-.2 2.1-3.5l-3.5-9.7c-.9-2.6-1.4-3.6-1.7-4.1h-.2c-.3.5-.8 1.5-1.8 3.9l-4.1 10.2c-1.3 3.1-1 3.3 1.5 3.3zm83.7 1.3c.8 1.5 3.7 6.6 4.1 7 .5-.2 2.5-3.9 4.7-8l5.7-11c5.5-10.5 6.1-12.5 7.9-17.9 2.5.2 4.8.3 6.6.3 2.7 0 6.1-.1 9.4-.3 1 .3 1.1 2.3.3 2.9l-2.5.3c-5.3.7-5.5 2.9-5.5 9.6 0 12.1 0 21.9.6 28.7.2 2.5.2 5.3 3.8 5.6l3.3.3c.8.5.8 2.4-.1 2.9-4.1-.2-8.6-.3-11.5-.3-3.3 0-6.9.1-10.1.3-.8-.6-.9-2.4-.1-2.9l2.5-.3c3.7-.5 3.7-1.4 3.7-6v-26.5c0-1.4 0-3.1-.3-3.3-.3 0-3.3 5.7-4.9 8.7l-7 13.2c-.9 1.7-6.9 13.6-8.1 17.3-.6.5-1.5.5-2.2 0-1.3-4.1-4.8-11.5-6.8-15.2l-7.4-14.4c-1.3-2.5-3.7-8.6-4.6-8.9-.5.6-.6 8.2-.7 11.5-.1 4.6-.2 9.4-.2 15 0 5.8.1 8.4 3.3 8.7l3.8.3c.8.5.7 2.4-.1 2.9-3-.2-6.3-.3-9.4-.3-2.5 0-6 .1-9.5.3-.8-.5-.9-2.3 0-2.9l2.4-.3c3.8-.6 4.1-1.7 4.7-5.7.9-6.2 1.6-24.6 1.6-32.4 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Benefits include complete access to a range of direct action, events information and volunteer opportunities.</p> <dl class=" my-24 md:flex md:flex-wrap lg:w-3/4 " > <dt class="mb-16 type-italic md:w-full">Benefits</dt> <dd class="mb-8 bullet-magenta md:w-1/2 md:pr-12">Complete access to a range of direct action, events information, and volunteer opportunities</dd> <dd class="mb-8 bullet-magenta md:w-1/2 md:pr-12">Invitations to exclusive digital events, town halls & resources</dd> </dl> <a href="">View Details</a> </div> <div class="flex items-center justify-end sm-d:mt-16"> <p class="font-bold">$35+/year</p> <a class="btn ml-24" href="" ><span class="align-middle">Join</span></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="flex-grid-col w-full"> <div class="bg-white p-24 md:p-48"> <div class="lg:pr-48"> <h2 class="heading-24">HRC Federal Club</h2> <p class="mt-8">Join an extraordinary group of leaders whose generous support helps fund the critical work of the Human Rights Campaign.</p> <dl class=" my-24 md:flex md:flex-wrap lg:w-3/4 " > <dt class="mb-16 type-italic md:w-full">Benefits</dt> <dd class="mb-8 bullet-magenta md:w-1/2 md:pr-12">2 exclusive member-only priced tickets to your local dinner</dd> <dd class="mb-8 bullet-magenta md:w-1/2 md:pr-12">Invitations to exclusive leadership briefings and events</dd> <dd class="mb-8 bullet-magenta md:w-1/2 md:pr-12">Recognition through a Federal Club Lapel Pin and more</dd> </dl> <a href="/get-involved/memberships/hrc-federal-club">View Details</a> </div> <div class="flex items-center justify-end sm-d:mt-16"> <p class="font-bold">$100+/month</p> <a class="btn ml-24" href="" ><span class="align-middle">Join</span></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="flex-grid-col w-full"> <div class="bg-white p-24 md:p-48"> <div class="lg:pr-48"> <h2 class="heading-24">HRC Federal Club Council</h2> <p class="mt-8">With an annual gift of $5,000 or more, HRC's major donors provide the leadership, vision and resources that are critical to our work and mission.</p> <dl class=" my-24 md:flex md:flex-wrap lg:w-3/4 " > <dt class="mb-16 type-italic md:w-full">Benefits</dt> <dd class="mb-8 bullet-magenta md:w-1/2 md:pr-12">Personal Liaison: Assigned major gifts officers will not only assist you in questions and concerns; but they will also update you on HRC and its work.</dd> <dd class="mb-8 bullet-magenta md:w-1/2 md:pr-12">Exclusive Conference: Invitation to the HRC Leadership Summit which is an exclusive 2–day conference of in-depth political and foundation briefings led by key-Congress members, HRC staff, and Washington insiders</dd> <dd class="mb-8 bullet-magenta md:w-1/2 md:pr-12">Special Invitations: Special invitations to Events and Programs from political briefings to social engagements held in your community</dd> <dd class="mb-8 bullet-magenta md:w-1/2 md:pr-12">Recognition: Recognition through a Federal Club Lapel Pin and the listing of your name in HRC Publications and Dinner Programs based on your level of support.</dd> <dd class="mb-8 bullet-magenta md:w-1/2 md:pr-12">Gala Tickets: Receive special benefit tickets (or discounted ticket prices) to both your local dinner and the national dinner in Washington D.C. *(Please note that the Federal Club Council benefit complimentary gala tickets are non-transferrable.)*</dd> </dl> <a href="/get-involved/memberships/hrc-federal-club-council">View Details</a> </div> <div class="flex items-center justify-end sm-d:mt-16"> <p class="font-bold">$5,000+/year</p> <a class="btn ml-24" href="" ><span class="align-middle">Join</span></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="flex-grid-col w-full sm:w-1/2"> <div class=" bg-white h-full p-24 sm:flex sm:flex-col sm:justify-between md:p-48 " > <div> <h2 class="heading-24">Planned Giving</h2> <p class="mt-8">Leaving a gift for HRC in your will, trust or by beneficiary designation ensures a future of full equality for all LGBTQ people and their families.</p> </div> <div class="flex items-center justify-end mt-32"> <a class="btn ml-24" href="" ><span class="align-middle">Make a Plan</span></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="flex-grid-col w-full sm:w-1/2"> <div class=" bg-white h-full p-24 sm:flex sm:flex-col sm:justify-between md:p-48 " > <div> <h2 class="heading-24">Student Membership</h2> <p class="mt-8">Becoming a student member of HRC reflects your commitment to equality – proof of enrollment required.</p> </div> <div class="flex items-center justify-end mt-32"> <p class="font-bold">$20/year</p> <a class="btn ml-24" href="" ><span class="align-middle">Join</span></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="flex-grid-col w-full sm:w-1/2"> <div class=" bg-white h-full p-24 sm:flex sm:flex-col sm:justify-between md:p-48 " > <div> <h2 class="heading-24">Tribute Giving</h2> <p class="mt-8">Celebrating a birthday, holiday or graduation of a friend or family member? Make the special occasion more meaningful by donating to HRC in their honor.</p> </div> <div class="flex items-center justify-end mt-32"> <a class="btn ml-24" href="" ><span class="align-middle">Give in Honor</span></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="flex-grid-col w-full sm:w-1/2"> <div class=" bg-white h-full p-24 sm:flex sm:flex-col sm:justify-between md:p-48 " > <div> <h2 class="heading-24">Memorial Giving</h2> <p class="mt-8">Honoring a person's memory is a wonderful way to celebrate their life. You can preserve their legacy by having their name promote equality and the work of the Human Rights Campaign.</p> </div> <div class="flex items-center justify-end mt-32"> <a class="btn ml-24" href="" ><span class="align-middle">Give in Memory</span></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="flex-grid-col w-full sm:w-1/2"> <div class=" bg-white h-full p-24 sm:flex sm:flex-col sm:justify-between md:p-48 " > <div> <h2 class="heading-24">Athletes for Equality</h2> <p class="mt-8">Runners, Walkers, Cyclist, Triathletes. Beginners or seasoned racers. Passionate enthusiasts for LGBTQ+ equality. Be an Athlete for Equality in whatever way suits you. Join one of our fundraising teams, or choose Any Race, Any Place.</p> </div> <div class="flex items-center justify-end mt-32"> <a class="btn ml-24" href="/get-involved/memberships/support-athletes-for-equality" ><span class="align-middle">Become an Athlete For Equality</span></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="flex-grid-col w-full sm:w-1/2"> <div class=" bg-white h-full p-24 sm:flex sm:flex-col sm:justify-between md:p-48 " > <div> <h2 class="heading-24"></h2> <p class="mt-8">Shop for HRC clothing and gifts. 100% of your purchase fuels the fight for LGBTQ+ equality and makes you a member.</p> </div> <div class="flex items-center justify-end mt-32"> <a class="btn ml-24" href="" ><span class="align-middle">Shop Now</span></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <div id="frequently-asked-questions" class="-mt-80 pt-80 md:-mt-128 md:pt-128" data-label="partial-anchor" > </div> <section class="section bg-theme-bg-default-white text-theme-text-default-gray-900" data-animate data-label="partial-accordion" > <div class="wrapper -md -padded" data-animate-target> <h2 class="heading-32 text-theme-headline-default-current text-center mb-24" > Frequently Asked Questions </h2> <div> <div class="border-b-2 border-theme-border-default-blue-200 py-16 relative"> <div id="item-682918" class="pointer-events-none absolute top-0 left-0 z-0 w-full -mt-80 pt-80 md:-mt-128 md:pt-128" data-label="partial-anchor" > </div> <h3> <button class="flex items-center justify-between text-left w-full text-20 font-bold leading-tight" aria-controls="item-682918-content" aria-expanded="false" id="item-682918-control" data-track-gtm="Accordion Interactions||How do I update my membership information?" > <span> How do I update my membership information? </span> <span class="icon rect-14 ml-12 flex-grow-0 flex-shrink-0 parent-expanded:hidden"><svg viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M14 6.99963C14 7.55192 13.5523 7.99963 13 7.99963H8V12.9996C8 13.5519 7.55228 13.9996 7 13.9996C6.44772 13.9996 6 13.5519 6 12.9996V7.99963H1C0.447715 7.99963 0 7.55192 0 6.99963C0 6.44735 0.447715 5.99963 1 5.99963H6V0.999634C6 0.447349 6.44772 -0.000366211 7 -0.000366211C7.55228 -0.000366211 8 0.447349 8 0.999634V5.99963H13C13.5523 5.99963 14 6.44735 14 6.99963Z" fill="#0045BB"/></svg></span> <span class="icon rect-14 ml-12 flex-grow-0 flex-shrink-0 hidden parent-expanded:block"><svg viewBox="0 0 19 3" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M7.89938 2.77067H17.1162C17.6088 2.77067 18.0081 2.37137 18.0081 1.87881C18.0081 1.38624 17.6088 0.986938 17.1162 0.986938H10.4266H1.20974C0.717174 0.986938 0.317871 1.38624 0.317871 1.87881C0.317871 2.37137 0.717173 2.77067 1.20974 2.77067H7.89938Z" fill="#0045BB"/></svg></span> </button> </h3> <div class="hidden rich-text -sm py-16 lg:pr-160" id="item-682918-content" aria-labelledby="item-682918-control" data-module="toggle" data-toggle-class-hide="hidden" data-toggle-load-anchor="item-682918" > <p>You can visit the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Member Center</a> to make updates to your information at any time.</p> </div> </div> <div class="border-b-2 border-theme-border-default-blue-200 py-16 relative"> <div id="item-682919" class="pointer-events-none absolute top-0 left-0 z-0 w-full -mt-80 pt-80 md:-mt-128 md:pt-128" data-label="partial-anchor" > </div> <h3> <button class="flex items-center justify-between text-left w-full text-20 font-bold leading-tight" aria-controls="item-682919-content" aria-expanded="false" id="item-682919-control" data-track-gtm="Accordion Interactions||Is my donation to HRC tax-deductible?" > <span> Is my donation to HRC tax-deductible? </span> <span class="icon rect-14 ml-12 flex-grow-0 flex-shrink-0 parent-expanded:hidden"><svg viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M14 6.99963C14 7.55192 13.5523 7.99963 13 7.99963H8V12.9996C8 13.5519 7.55228 13.9996 7 13.9996C6.44772 13.9996 6 13.5519 6 12.9996V7.99963H1C0.447715 7.99963 0 7.55192 0 6.99963C0 6.44735 0.447715 5.99963 1 5.99963H6V0.999634C6 0.447349 6.44772 -0.000366211 7 -0.000366211C7.55228 -0.000366211 8 0.447349 8 0.999634V5.99963H13C13.5523 5.99963 14 6.44735 14 6.99963Z" fill="#0045BB"/></svg></span> <span class="icon rect-14 ml-12 flex-grow-0 flex-shrink-0 hidden parent-expanded:block"><svg viewBox="0 0 19 3" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M7.89938 2.77067H17.1162C17.6088 2.77067 18.0081 2.37137 18.0081 1.87881C18.0081 1.38624 17.6088 0.986938 17.1162 0.986938H10.4266H1.20974C0.717174 0.986938 0.317871 1.38624 0.317871 1.87881C0.317871 2.37137 0.717173 2.77067 1.20974 2.77067H7.89938Z" fill="#0045BB"/></svg></span> </button> </h3> <div class="hidden rich-text -sm py-16 lg:pr-160" id="item-682919-content" aria-labelledby="item-682919-control" data-module="toggle" data-toggle-class-hide="hidden" data-toggle-load-anchor="item-682919" > <p>All membership donations go to support the political work of the Human Rights Campaign, a 501(c)(4) organization. Since our work includes lobbying Congress, according to federal law, your gift can not be classified as tax deductible. For information about giving to the HRC Foundation through the Federal Club Council Program (Annual Gifts of $5,000 or more), please contact <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"></a>.</p> </div> </div> <div class="border-b-2 border-theme-border-default-blue-200 py-16 relative"> <div id="item-682920" class="pointer-events-none absolute top-0 left-0 z-0 w-full -mt-80 pt-80 md:-mt-128 md:pt-128" data-label="partial-anchor" > </div> <h3> <button class="flex items-center justify-between text-left w-full text-20 font-bold leading-tight" aria-controls="item-682920-content" aria-expanded="false" id="item-682920-control" data-track-gtm="Accordion Interactions||How do I fundraise for HRC?" > <span> How do I fundraise for HRC? </span> <span class="icon rect-14 ml-12 flex-grow-0 flex-shrink-0 parent-expanded:hidden"><svg viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M14 6.99963C14 7.55192 13.5523 7.99963 13 7.99963H8V12.9996C8 13.5519 7.55228 13.9996 7 13.9996C6.44772 13.9996 6 13.5519 6 12.9996V7.99963H1C0.447715 7.99963 0 7.55192 0 6.99963C0 6.44735 0.447715 5.99963 1 5.99963H6V0.999634C6 0.447349 6.44772 -0.000366211 7 -0.000366211C7.55228 -0.000366211 8 0.447349 8 0.999634V5.99963H13C13.5523 5.99963 14 6.44735 14 6.99963Z" fill="#0045BB"/></svg></span> <span class="icon rect-14 ml-12 flex-grow-0 flex-shrink-0 hidden parent-expanded:block"><svg viewBox="0 0 19 3" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M7.89938 2.77067H17.1162C17.6088 2.77067 18.0081 2.37137 18.0081 1.87881C18.0081 1.38624 17.6088 0.986938 17.1162 0.986938H10.4266H1.20974C0.717174 0.986938 0.317871 1.38624 0.317871 1.87881C0.317871 2.37137 0.717173 2.77067 1.20974 2.77067H7.89938Z" fill="#0045BB"/></svg></span> </button> </h3> <div class="hidden rich-text -sm py-16 lg:pr-160" id="item-682920-content" aria-labelledby="item-682920-control" data-module="toggle" data-toggle-class-hide="hidden" data-toggle-load-anchor="item-682920" > <p>We make fundraising for HRC as easy as possible for you. Please <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">click here</a> to learn more.</p> </div> </div> <div class="border-b-2 border-theme-border-default-blue-200 py-16 relative"> <div id="item-682921" class="pointer-events-none absolute top-0 left-0 z-0 w-full -mt-80 pt-80 md:-mt-128 md:pt-128" data-label="partial-anchor" > </div> <h3> <button class="flex items-center justify-between text-left w-full text-20 font-bold leading-tight" aria-controls="item-682921-content" aria-expanded="false" id="item-682921-control" data-track-gtm="Accordion Interactions||How do I designate my donation as a tribute in honor or in memory of someone?" > <span> How do I designate my donation as a tribute in honor or in memory of someone? </span> <span class="icon rect-14 ml-12 flex-grow-0 flex-shrink-0 parent-expanded:hidden"><svg viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M14 6.99963C14 7.55192 13.5523 7.99963 13 7.99963H8V12.9996C8 13.5519 7.55228 13.9996 7 13.9996C6.44772 13.9996 6 13.5519 6 12.9996V7.99963H1C0.447715 7.99963 0 7.55192 0 6.99963C0 6.44735 0.447715 5.99963 1 5.99963H6V0.999634C6 0.447349 6.44772 -0.000366211 7 -0.000366211C7.55228 -0.000366211 8 0.447349 8 0.999634V5.99963H13C13.5523 5.99963 14 6.44735 14 6.99963Z" fill="#0045BB"/></svg></span> <span class="icon rect-14 ml-12 flex-grow-0 flex-shrink-0 hidden parent-expanded:block"><svg viewBox="0 0 19 3" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M7.89938 2.77067H17.1162C17.6088 2.77067 18.0081 2.37137 18.0081 1.87881C18.0081 1.38624 17.6088 0.986938 17.1162 0.986938H10.4266H1.20974C0.717174 0.986938 0.317871 1.38624 0.317871 1.87881C0.317871 2.37137 0.717173 2.77067 1.20974 2.77067H7.89938Z" fill="#0045BB"/></svg></span> </button> </h3> <div class="hidden rich-text -sm py-16 lg:pr-160" id="item-682921-content" aria-labelledby="item-682921-control" data-module="toggle" data-toggle-class-hide="hidden" data-toggle-load-anchor="item-682921" > <p>There are several options for making a donation with the intention of honoring another individual. </p> <ul><li>Gifts can be made to HRC in honor of a couple’s commitment ceremony or anniversary through our <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">wedding registry</a> page. </li><li>We also have a gift membership program--great for birthdays, holidays or other special occasions! To donate on another person’s behalf, please visit our <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">gift membership</a> webpage. </li><li>If you would like to donate in memory of a loved one, please either contact Zack Hasychak at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"></a> or visit our <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">memorial gifts</a> webpage.</li></ul> </div> </div> <div class="border-b-2 border-theme-border-default-blue-200 py-16 relative"> <div id="item-682922" class="pointer-events-none absolute top-0 left-0 z-0 w-full -mt-80 pt-80 md:-mt-128 md:pt-128" data-label="partial-anchor" > </div> <h3> <button class="flex items-center justify-between text-left w-full text-20 font-bold leading-tight" aria-controls="item-682922-content" aria-expanded="false" id="item-682922-control" data-track-gtm="Accordion Interactions||When will I receive my HRC Member ID Card?" > <span> When will I receive my HRC Member ID Card? </span> <span class="icon rect-14 ml-12 flex-grow-0 flex-shrink-0 parent-expanded:hidden"><svg viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M14 6.99963C14 7.55192 13.5523 7.99963 13 7.99963H8V12.9996C8 13.5519 7.55228 13.9996 7 13.9996C6.44772 13.9996 6 13.5519 6 12.9996V7.99963H1C0.447715 7.99963 0 7.55192 0 6.99963C0 6.44735 0.447715 5.99963 1 5.99963H6V0.999634C6 0.447349 6.44772 -0.000366211 7 -0.000366211C7.55228 -0.000366211 8 0.447349 8 0.999634V5.99963H13C13.5523 5.99963 14 6.44735 14 6.99963Z" fill="#0045BB"/></svg></span> <span class="icon rect-14 ml-12 flex-grow-0 flex-shrink-0 hidden parent-expanded:block"><svg viewBox="0 0 19 3" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M7.89938 2.77067H17.1162C17.6088 2.77067 18.0081 2.37137 18.0081 1.87881C18.0081 1.38624 17.6088 0.986938 17.1162 0.986938H10.4266H1.20974C0.717174 0.986938 0.317871 1.38624 0.317871 1.87881C0.317871 2.37137 0.717173 2.77067 1.20974 2.77067H7.89938Z" fill="#0045BB"/></svg></span> </button> </h3> <div class="hidden rich-text -sm py-16 lg:pr-160" id="item-682922-content" aria-labelledby="item-682922-control" data-module="toggle" data-toggle-class-hide="hidden" data-toggle-load-anchor="item-682922" > <p>HRC membership cards are distributed at the same time annually to all current HRC members, enabling us to reduce the cost of printing and shipping. Please expect to receive your HRC membership card, which typically occurs early each calendar year. New HRC members will receive their cards within 2-3 weeks after their first donation. For additional questions, please contact <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"></a>.</p> </div> </div> <div class="border-b-2 border-theme-border-default-blue-200 py-16 relative"> <div id="item-682923" class="pointer-events-none absolute top-0 left-0 z-0 w-full -mt-80 pt-80 md:-mt-128 md:pt-128" data-label="partial-anchor" > </div> <h3> <button class="flex items-center justify-between text-left w-full text-20 font-bold leading-tight" aria-controls="item-682923-content" aria-expanded="false" id="item-682923-control" data-track-gtm="Accordion Interactions||Can HRC accept a matching gift contribution from my company?" > <span> Can HRC accept a matching gift contribution from my company? </span> <span class="icon rect-14 ml-12 flex-grow-0 flex-shrink-0 parent-expanded:hidden"><svg viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M14 6.99963C14 7.55192 13.5523 7.99963 13 7.99963H8V12.9996C8 13.5519 7.55228 13.9996 7 13.9996C6.44772 13.9996 6 13.5519 6 12.9996V7.99963H1C0.447715 7.99963 0 7.55192 0 6.99963C0 6.44735 0.447715 5.99963 1 5.99963H6V0.999634C6 0.447349 6.44772 -0.000366211 7 -0.000366211C7.55228 -0.000366211 8 0.447349 8 0.999634V5.99963H13C13.5523 5.99963 14 6.44735 14 6.99963Z" fill="#0045BB"/></svg></span> <span class="icon rect-14 ml-12 flex-grow-0 flex-shrink-0 hidden parent-expanded:block"><svg viewBox="0 0 19 3" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M7.89938 2.77067H17.1162C17.6088 2.77067 18.0081 2.37137 18.0081 1.87881C18.0081 1.38624 17.6088 0.986938 17.1162 0.986938H10.4266H1.20974C0.717174 0.986938 0.317871 1.38624 0.317871 1.87881C0.317871 2.37137 0.717173 2.77067 1.20974 2.77067H7.89938Z" fill="#0045BB"/></svg></span> </button> </h3> <div class="hidden rich-text -sm py-16 lg:pr-160" id="item-682923-content" aria-labelledby="item-682923-control" data-module="toggle" data-toggle-class-hide="hidden" data-toggle-load-anchor="item-682923" > <p>HRC does appreciate the thought of incorporating the Human Rights Campaign into your employer's gift matching program. Unfortunately, HRC is ineligible for these kinds of programs due to our 501(c)(4)non-profit classification.</p> <p>HRC does have an educational and research "arm," the Human Rights Campaign Foundation (HRCF), a 501(c)(3) classification. Donations made to HRCF are tax-deductible and eligible for employer matching gift programs. Though they cannot qualify you for an HRC membership, they are put to efficient and effective use. For additional information on donating to the Foundation, please contact <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"></a>.</p> </div> </div> <div class="border-b-2 border-theme-border-default-blue-200 py-16 relative"> <div id="item-682924" class="pointer-events-none absolute top-0 left-0 z-0 w-full -mt-80 pt-80 md:-mt-128 md:pt-128" data-label="partial-anchor" > </div> <h3> <button class="flex items-center justify-between text-left w-full text-20 font-bold leading-tight" aria-controls="item-682924-content" aria-expanded="false" id="item-682924-control" data-track-gtm="Accordion Interactions||Does HRC accept donations from individuals living outside of the US?" > <span> Does HRC accept donations from individuals living outside of the US? </span> <span class="icon rect-14 ml-12 flex-grow-0 flex-shrink-0 parent-expanded:hidden"><svg viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M14 6.99963C14 7.55192 13.5523 7.99963 13 7.99963H8V12.9996C8 13.5519 7.55228 13.9996 7 13.9996C6.44772 13.9996 6 13.5519 6 12.9996V7.99963H1C0.447715 7.99963 0 7.55192 0 6.99963C0 6.44735 0.447715 5.99963 1 5.99963H6V0.999634C6 0.447349 6.44772 -0.000366211 7 -0.000366211C7.55228 -0.000366211 8 0.447349 8 0.999634V5.99963H13C13.5523 5.99963 14 6.44735 14 6.99963Z" fill="#0045BB"/></svg></span> <span class="icon rect-14 ml-12 flex-grow-0 flex-shrink-0 hidden parent-expanded:block"><svg viewBox="0 0 19 3" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M7.89938 2.77067H17.1162C17.6088 2.77067 18.0081 2.37137 18.0081 1.87881C18.0081 1.38624 17.6088 0.986938 17.1162 0.986938H10.4266H1.20974C0.717174 0.986938 0.317871 1.38624 0.317871 1.87881C0.317871 2.37137 0.717173 2.77067 1.20974 2.77067H7.89938Z" fill="#0045BB"/></svg></span> </button> </h3> <div class="hidden rich-text -sm py-16 lg:pr-160" id="item-682924-content" aria-labelledby="item-682924-control" data-module="toggle" data-toggle-class-hide="hidden" data-toggle-load-anchor="item-682924" > <p>Yes, HRC does accept financial support from people outside of the United States. The HRC website does not currently display foreign currencies, but you can enter a US dollar amount along with your own credit card information to make a donation. We do require a US billing address. Or, if you would like to mail a donation via check or money order, we would be happy to process your donation that way. Please note that HRC does not currently mail most membership materials abroad for various reasons related to cost-effectiveness; however, we are always looking to better engage with our supporters abroad and will continue to evaluate these possibilities.</p> </div> </div> <div class="border-b-2 border-theme-border-default-blue-200 py-16 relative"> <div id="item-682925" class="pointer-events-none absolute top-0 left-0 z-0 w-full -mt-80 pt-80 md:-mt-128 md:pt-128" data-label="partial-anchor" > </div> <h3> <button class="flex items-center justify-between text-left w-full text-20 font-bold leading-tight" aria-controls="item-682925-content" aria-expanded="false" id="item-682925-control" data-track-gtm="Accordion Interactions||How can I leave a legacy gift to HRC?" > <span> How can I leave a legacy gift to HRC? </span> <span class="icon rect-14 ml-12 flex-grow-0 flex-shrink-0 parent-expanded:hidden"><svg viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M14 6.99963C14 7.55192 13.5523 7.99963 13 7.99963H8V12.9996C8 13.5519 7.55228 13.9996 7 13.9996C6.44772 13.9996 6 13.5519 6 12.9996V7.99963H1C0.447715 7.99963 0 7.55192 0 6.99963C0 6.44735 0.447715 5.99963 1 5.99963H6V0.999634C6 0.447349 6.44772 -0.000366211 7 -0.000366211C7.55228 -0.000366211 8 0.447349 8 0.999634V5.99963H13C13.5523 5.99963 14 6.44735 14 6.99963Z" fill="#0045BB"/></svg></span> <span class="icon rect-14 ml-12 flex-grow-0 flex-shrink-0 hidden parent-expanded:block"><svg viewBox="0 0 19 3" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M7.89938 2.77067H17.1162C17.6088 2.77067 18.0081 2.37137 18.0081 1.87881C18.0081 1.38624 17.6088 0.986938 17.1162 0.986938H10.4266H1.20974C0.717174 0.986938 0.317871 1.38624 0.317871 1.87881C0.317871 2.37137 0.717173 2.77067 1.20974 2.77067H7.89938Z" fill="#0045BB"/></svg></span> </button> </h3> <div class="hidden rich-text -sm py-16 lg:pr-160" id="item-682925-content" aria-labelledby="item-682925-control" data-module="toggle" data-toggle-class-hide="hidden" data-toggle-load-anchor="item-682925" > <p>Many people like to leave a gift to charity in their will, trust or by beneficiary designation. We hope you will consider leaving a gift for HRC as a way of ensuring your enduring legacy reflects your commitment to a future of equality and fairness for all. For more information, please visit <a href=""></a> or contact Jade Bristol Verity, Director of Estate Planning, at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"></a> or 866-772-9499.</p> </div> </div> <div class="border-b-2 border-theme-border-default-blue-200 py-16 relative"> <div id="item-682926" class="pointer-events-none absolute top-0 left-0 z-0 w-full -mt-80 pt-80 md:-mt-128 md:pt-128" data-label="partial-anchor" > </div> <h3> <button class="flex items-center justify-between text-left w-full text-20 font-bold leading-tight" aria-controls="item-682926-content" aria-expanded="false" id="item-682926-control" data-track-gtm="Accordion Interactions||How do I cancel or change my monthly pledge?" > <span> How do I cancel or change my monthly pledge? </span> <span class="icon rect-14 ml-12 flex-grow-0 flex-shrink-0 parent-expanded:hidden"><svg viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M14 6.99963C14 7.55192 13.5523 7.99963 13 7.99963H8V12.9996C8 13.5519 7.55228 13.9996 7 13.9996C6.44772 13.9996 6 13.5519 6 12.9996V7.99963H1C0.447715 7.99963 0 7.55192 0 6.99963C0 6.44735 0.447715 5.99963 1 5.99963H6V0.999634C6 0.447349 6.44772 -0.000366211 7 -0.000366211C7.55228 -0.000366211 8 0.447349 8 0.999634V5.99963H13C13.5523 5.99963 14 6.44735 14 6.99963Z" fill="#0045BB"/></svg></span> <span class="icon rect-14 ml-12 flex-grow-0 flex-shrink-0 hidden parent-expanded:block"><svg viewBox="0 0 19 3" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M7.89938 2.77067H17.1162C17.6088 2.77067 18.0081 2.37137 18.0081 1.87881C18.0081 1.38624 17.6088 0.986938 17.1162 0.986938H10.4266H1.20974C0.717174 0.986938 0.317871 1.38624 0.317871 1.87881C0.317871 2.37137 0.717173 2.77067 1.20974 2.77067H7.89938Z" fill="#0045BB"/></svg></span> </button> </h3> <div class="hidden rich-text -sm py-16 lg:pr-160" id="item-682926-content" aria-labelledby="item-682926-control" data-module="toggle" data-toggle-class-hide="hidden" data-toggle-load-anchor="item-682926" > <p>If you are a Partner ($5 - $99 per month) and wish to cancel or make an adjustment to your pledge, you can contact our team at <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"></a> or by calling 1-800-727-4723.</p> <p>If you are a Federal Club or Federal Club Council member and wish to increase, decrease or cancel your automatic monthly donations, we ask that you please contact us directly for security purposes. Please be sure to include your full name, mailing address, and reason for canceling.</p> <ul><li>Federal Club: <a href="tel:2022161565" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">(202) 216-1565</a>/<a href="tel:8882564647" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">(888) 256-4647</a> or email <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"></a></li><li>Federal Club Council/Major Gifts: <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"></a> or 202-216-1508</li></ul> </div> </div> <div class="border-b-2 border-theme-border-default-blue-200 py-16 relative"> <div id="item-682927" class="pointer-events-none absolute top-0 left-0 z-0 w-full -mt-80 pt-80 md:-mt-128 md:pt-128" data-label="partial-anchor" > </div> <h3> <button class="flex items-center justify-between text-left w-full text-20 font-bold leading-tight" aria-controls="item-682927-content" aria-expanded="false" id="item-682927-control" data-track-gtm="Accordion Interactions||What educational programs comprise the HRC Foundation?" > <span> What educational programs comprise the HRC Foundation? </span> <span class="icon rect-14 ml-12 flex-grow-0 flex-shrink-0 parent-expanded:hidden"><svg viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M14 6.99963C14 7.55192 13.5523 7.99963 13 7.99963H8V12.9996C8 13.5519 7.55228 13.9996 7 13.9996C6.44772 13.9996 6 13.5519 6 12.9996V7.99963H1C0.447715 7.99963 0 7.55192 0 6.99963C0 6.44735 0.447715 5.99963 1 5.99963H6V0.999634C6 0.447349 6.44772 -0.000366211 7 -0.000366211C7.55228 -0.000366211 8 0.447349 8 0.999634V5.99963H13C13.5523 5.99963 14 6.44735 14 6.99963Z" fill="#0045BB"/></svg></span> <span class="icon rect-14 ml-12 flex-grow-0 flex-shrink-0 hidden parent-expanded:block"><svg viewBox="0 0 19 3" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M7.89938 2.77067H17.1162C17.6088 2.77067 18.0081 2.37137 18.0081 1.87881C18.0081 1.38624 17.6088 0.986938 17.1162 0.986938H10.4266H1.20974C0.717174 0.986938 0.317871 1.38624 0.317871 1.87881C0.317871 2.37137 0.717173 2.77067 1.20974 2.77067H7.89938Z" fill="#0045BB"/></svg></span> </button> </h3> <div class="hidden rich-text -sm py-16 lg:pr-160" id="item-682927-content" aria-labelledby="item-682927-control" data-module="toggle" data-toggle-class-hide="hidden" data-toggle-load-anchor="item-682927" > <p>Through research, educational efforts and outreach, the Human Rights Campaign Foundation encourages lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer Americans to live their lives openly and seeks to change the hearts and minds of Americans to the side of equality.</p> <p><a href="/TODO">Programs funded in part or in full through the HRC Foundation can be found here.</a></p> </div> </div> <div class="border-b-2 border-theme-border-default-blue-200 py-16 relative"> <div id="item-682928" class="pointer-events-none absolute top-0 left-0 z-0 w-full -mt-80 pt-80 md:-mt-128 md:pt-128" data-label="partial-anchor" > </div> <h3> <button class="flex items-center justify-between text-left w-full text-20 font-bold leading-tight" aria-controls="item-682928-content" aria-expanded="false" id="item-682928-control" data-track-gtm="Accordion Interactions||Where can I find HRC’s Annual Report?" > <span> Where can I find HRC’s Annual Report? </span> <span class="icon rect-14 ml-12 flex-grow-0 flex-shrink-0 parent-expanded:hidden"><svg viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M14 6.99963C14 7.55192 13.5523 7.99963 13 7.99963H8V12.9996C8 13.5519 7.55228 13.9996 7 13.9996C6.44772 13.9996 6 13.5519 6 12.9996V7.99963H1C0.447715 7.99963 0 7.55192 0 6.99963C0 6.44735 0.447715 5.99963 1 5.99963H6V0.999634C6 0.447349 6.44772 -0.000366211 7 -0.000366211C7.55228 -0.000366211 8 0.447349 8 0.999634V5.99963H13C13.5523 5.99963 14 6.44735 14 6.99963Z" fill="#0045BB"/></svg></span> <span class="icon rect-14 ml-12 flex-grow-0 flex-shrink-0 hidden parent-expanded:block"><svg viewBox="0 0 19 3" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M7.89938 2.77067H17.1162C17.6088 2.77067 18.0081 2.37137 18.0081 1.87881C18.0081 1.38624 17.6088 0.986938 17.1162 0.986938H10.4266H1.20974C0.717174 0.986938 0.317871 1.38624 0.317871 1.87881C0.317871 2.37137 0.717173 2.77067 1.20974 2.77067H7.89938Z" fill="#0045BB"/></svg></span> </button> </h3> <div class="hidden rich-text -sm py-16 lg:pr-160" id="item-682928-content" aria-labelledby="item-682928-control" data-module="toggle" data-toggle-class-hide="hidden" data-toggle-load-anchor="item-682928" > <p>The official <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">HRC Annual Report</a>, which is the most thorough and accurate source for our members to determine how their donations are being utilized in the fight for equality, is available online.</p> </div> </div> <div class="border-b-2 border-theme-border-default-blue-200 py-16 relative"> <div id="item-682929" class="pointer-events-none absolute top-0 left-0 z-0 w-full -mt-80 pt-80 md:-mt-128 md:pt-128" data-label="partial-anchor" > </div> <h3> <button class="flex items-center justify-between text-left w-full text-20 font-bold leading-tight" aria-controls="item-682929-content" aria-expanded="false" id="item-682929-control" data-track-gtm="Accordion Interactions||What is the Political Action Committee (PAC)?" > <span> What is the Political Action Committee (PAC)? </span> <span class="icon rect-14 ml-12 flex-grow-0 flex-shrink-0 parent-expanded:hidden"><svg viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M14 6.99963C14 7.55192 13.5523 7.99963 13 7.99963H8V12.9996C8 13.5519 7.55228 13.9996 7 13.9996C6.44772 13.9996 6 13.5519 6 12.9996V7.99963H1C0.447715 7.99963 0 7.55192 0 6.99963C0 6.44735 0.447715 5.99963 1 5.99963H6V0.999634C6 0.447349 6.44772 -0.000366211 7 -0.000366211C7.55228 -0.000366211 8 0.447349 8 0.999634V5.99963H13C13.5523 5.99963 14 6.44735 14 6.99963Z" fill="#0045BB"/></svg></span> <span class="icon rect-14 ml-12 flex-grow-0 flex-shrink-0 hidden parent-expanded:block"><svg viewBox="0 0 19 3" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M7.89938 2.77067H17.1162C17.6088 2.77067 18.0081 2.37137 18.0081 1.87881C18.0081 1.38624 17.6088 0.986938 17.1162 0.986938H10.4266H1.20974C0.717174 0.986938 0.317871 1.38624 0.317871 1.87881C0.317871 2.37137 0.717173 2.77067 1.20974 2.77067H7.89938Z" fill="#0045BB"/></svg></span> </button> </h3> <div class="hidden rich-text -sm py-16 lg:pr-160" id="item-682929-content" aria-labelledby="item-682929-control" data-module="toggle" data-toggle-class-hide="hidden" data-toggle-load-anchor="item-682929" > <p>HRC makes financial and in-kind contributions to candidates vying for seats in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives during the election season. HRC’s non-partisan political action committee makes such contributions directly to candidates. Please visit HRC’s <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener">Political Action Committee</a> for more detailed information.</p> </div> </div> <div class="border-b-2 border-theme-border-default-blue-200 py-16 relative"> <div id="item-682930" class="pointer-events-none absolute top-0 left-0 z-0 w-full -mt-80 pt-80 md:-mt-128 md:pt-128" data-label="partial-anchor" > </div> <h3> <button class="flex items-center justify-between text-left w-full text-20 font-bold leading-tight" aria-controls="item-682930-content" aria-expanded="false" id="item-682930-control" data-track-gtm="Accordion Interactions||What is HRC’s list exchange policy?" > <span> What is HRC’s list exchange policy? </span> <span class="icon rect-14 ml-12 flex-grow-0 flex-shrink-0 parent-expanded:hidden"><svg viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M14 6.99963C14 7.55192 13.5523 7.99963 13 7.99963H8V12.9996C8 13.5519 7.55228 13.9996 7 13.9996C6.44772 13.9996 6 13.5519 6 12.9996V7.99963H1C0.447715 7.99963 0 7.55192 0 6.99963C0 6.44735 0.447715 5.99963 1 5.99963H6V0.999634C6 0.447349 6.44772 -0.000366211 7 -0.000366211C7.55228 -0.000366211 8 0.447349 8 0.999634V5.99963H13C13.5523 5.99963 14 6.44735 14 6.99963Z" fill="#0045BB"/></svg></span> <span class="icon rect-14 ml-12 flex-grow-0 flex-shrink-0 hidden parent-expanded:block"><svg viewBox="0 0 19 3" fill="none" xmlns="" aria-hidden="true"><path d="M7.89938 2.77067H17.1162C17.6088 2.77067 18.0081 2.37137 18.0081 1.87881C18.0081 1.38624 17.6088 0.986938 17.1162 0.986938H10.4266H1.20974C0.717174 0.986938 0.317871 1.38624 0.317871 1.87881C0.317871 2.37137 0.717173 2.77067 1.20974 2.77067H7.89938Z" fill="#0045BB"/></svg></span> </button> </h3> <div class="hidden rich-text -sm py-16 lg:pr-160" id="item-682930-content" aria-labelledby="item-682930-control" data-module="toggle" data-toggle-class-hide="hidden" data-toggle-load-anchor="item-682930" > <p>HRC does not sell our membership list. HRC exchanges our membership list and occasionally rents portions of the list to other progressive non-profits – including both LGBTQ and non-LGBTQ groups. This is a standard industry practice for most membership-based non-profits and enables organizations to engage and activate more individuals in their work thus more effectively implement their missions.</p> <p>Our members receive notification of this policy following their initial donation to HRC in our membership information packet. Please contact <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"></a> to opt out.</p> <p>When HRC agrees to permit another organization or like-minded business to utilize our list, that use is highly regulated and must meet strict standards. List exchanges occur only through a third party; the company or organization that information is shared with never has direct access to names or addresses. Essentially, each information exchange is only used once. No name is added to the mailing list of any other organizations or companies unless the person directly responds to their offer, i.e. purchasing a magazine subscription or joining that organization.</p> <p>In an exchange of lists we do not pay or receive any money but simply trade one-time use of a portion of our list. 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