Yellow Moong Dal Manufacturer in Jalgaon, Natural Sesame Seeds Exporter from India

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<option value="BJ^229" >Benin + 229</option> <option value="BM^441" >Bermuda + 441</option> <option value="BT^975" >Bhutan + 975</option> <option value="BO^591" >Bolivia + 591</option> <option value="BA^387" >Bosnia and Herzegowina + 387</option> <option value="BW^267" >Botswana + 267</option> <option value="BV^47" >Bouvet Island + 47</option> <option value="BR^55" >Brazil + 55</option> <option value="IO^246" >British Indian Ocean Territory + 246</option> <option value="BN^673" >Brunei Darussalam + 673</option> <option value="BG^359" >Bulgaria + 359</option> <option value="BF^226" >Burkina Faso + 226</option> <option value="BI^257" >Burundi + 257</option> <option value="KH^855" >Cambodia + 855</option> <option value="CM^237" >Cameroon + 237</option> <option value="CA^1" >Canada + 1</option> <option value="CV^238" >Cape Verde + 238</option> <option value="KY^345" >Cayman Islands + 345</option> <option value="CF^236" >Central African Republic + 236</option> <option value="TD^235" >Chad + 235</option> <option value="CL^56" >Chile + 56</option> <option value="CN^86" >China + 86</option> <option value="CX^61" >Christmas Island + 61</option> <option value="CC^61" >Cocos (Keeling) Islands + 61</option> <option value="CO^57" >Colombia + 57</option> <option value="KM^269" >Comoros + 269</option> <option value="CG^242" >Congo + 242</option> <option value="CK^682" >Cook Islands + 682</option> <option value="CR^506" >Costa Rica + 506</option> <option value="CI^225" >Cote D'Ivoire + 225</option> <option value="HR^385" >Croatia + 385</option> <option value="CU^53" >Cuba + 53</option> <option value="CY^357" >Cyprus + 357</option> <option value="CZ^420" >Czech Republic + 420</option> <option value="DK^45" >Denmark + 45</option> <option value="DJ^253" >Djibouti + 253</option> <option value="DM^767" >Dominica + 767</option> <option value="DO^809" >Dominican Republic + 809</option> <option value="TP^670" >East Timor + 670</option> <option value="EC^593" >Ecuador + 593</option> <option value="EG^20" >Egypt + 20</option> <option value="SV^503" >El Salvador + 503</option> <option value="GQ^240" >Equatorial Guinea + 240</option> <option value="ER^291" >Eritrea + 291</option> <option value="EE^372" >Estonia + 372</option> <option value="ET^251" >Ethiopia + 251</option> <option value="FK^500" >Falkland Islands (Malvinas) + 500</option> <option value="FO^298" >Faroe Islands + 298</option> <option value="FJ^679" >Fiji + 679</option> <option value="FI^358" >Finland + 358</option> <option value="FR^33" >France + 33</option> <option value="FX^590" >France, Metropolitan + 590</option> <option value="GF^594" >French Guiana + 594</option> <option value="PF^689" >French Polynesia + 689</option> <option value="TF^590" >French Southern Territories + 590</option> <option value="GA^241" >Gabon + 241</option> <option value="GM^220" >Gambia + 220</option> <option value="GE^995" >Georgia + 995</option> <option value="DE^49" >Germany + 49</option> <option value="GH^233" >Ghana + 233</option> <option value="GI^350" >Gibraltar + 350</option> <option value="GR^30" >Greece + 30</option> <option value="GL^299" >Greenland + 299</option> <option value="GD^809" >Grenada + 809</option> <option value="GP^590" >Guadeloupe + 590</option> <option value="GU^1" >Guam + 1</option> <option value="GT^502" >Guatemala + 502</option> <option value="GN^224" >Guinea + 224</option> <option value="GW^245" >Guinea-bissau + 245</option> <option value="GY^592" >Guyana + 592</option> <option value="HT^509" >Haiti + 509</option> <option value="HM^61" >Heard and Mc Donald Islands + 61</option> <option value="HN^504" >Honduras + 504</option> <option value="HK^852" >Hong Kong + 852</option> <option value="HU^36" >Hungary + 36</option> <option value="IS^354" >Iceland + 354</option> <option value="IN^91" >India + 91</option> <option value="ID^62" >Indonesia + 62</option> <option value="IR^98" >Iran (Islamic Republic of) + 98</option> <option value="IQ^964" >Iraq + 964</option> <option value="IE^353" >Ireland + 353</option> <option value="IL^972" >Israel + 972</option> <option value="IT^39" >Italy + 39</option> <option value="JM^876" >Jamaica + 876</option> <option value="JP^81" >Japan + 81</option> <option value="JO^962" >Jordan + 962</option> <option value="KZ^7" >Kazakhstan + 7</option> <option value="KE^254" >Kenya + 254</option> <option value="KI^686" >Kiribati + 686</option> <option value="KP^850" >Korea, Democratic People's Republic of + 850</option> <option value="KR^82" >Korea, Republic of + 82</option> <option value="KW^965" >Kuwait + 965</option> <option value="KG^7" >Kyrgyzstan + 7</option> <option value="LA^856" >Lao People's Democratic Republic + 856</option> <option value="LV^371" >Latvia + 371</option> <option value="LB^961" >Lebanon + 961</option> <option value="LS^266" >Lesotho + 266</option> <option value="LR^231" >Liberia + 231</option> <option value="LY^218" >Libya + 218</option> <option value="LI^423" >Liechtenstein + 423</option> <option value="LT^370" >Lithuania + 370</option> <option value="LU^352" >Luxembourg + 352</option> <option value="MO^853" >Macau + 853</option> <option value="MK^389" >Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of + 389</option> <option value="MG^261" >Madagascar + 261</option> <option value="MW^265" >Malawi + 265</option> <option value="MY^60" >Malaysia + 60</option> <option value="MV^960" >Maldives + 960</option> <option value="ML^223" >Mali + 223</option> <option value="MT^356" >Malta + 356</option> <option value="MH^692" >Marshall Islands + 692</option> <option value="MQ^596" >Martinique + 596</option> <option value="MR^222" >Mauritania + 222</option> <option value="MU^230" >Mauritius + 230</option> <option value="YT^269" >Mayotte + 269</option> <option value="MX^52" >Mexico + 52</option> <option value="FM^691" >Micronesia, Federated States of + 691</option> <option value="MD^373" >Moldova, Republic of + 373</option> <option value="MC^377" >Monaco + 377</option> <option value="MN^976" 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968</option> <option value="PK^92" >Pakistan + 92</option> <option value="PW^680" >Palau + 680</option> <option value="PS^970" >Palestine + 970</option> <option value="PA^507" >Panama + 507</option> <option value="PG^675" >Papua New Guinea + 675</option> <option value="PY^595" >Paraguay + 595</option> <option value="PE^51" >Peru + 51</option> <option value="PH^63" >Philippines + 63</option> <option value="PN^872" >Pitcairn + 872</option> <option value="PL^48" >Poland + 48</option> <option value="PT^351" >Portugal + 351</option> <option value="PR^787" >Puerto Rico + 787</option> <option value="QA^974" >Qatar + 974</option> <option value="RE^262" >Reunion + 262</option> <option value="RO^40" >Romania + 40</option> <option value="RU^7" >Russian Federation + 7</option> <option value="RW^250" >Rwanda + 250</option> <option value="KN^869" >Saint Kitts and Nevis + 869</option> <option value="LC^758" >Saint Lucia + 758</option> <option value="VC^784" >Saint Vincent and the Grenadines + 784</option> <option value="WS^685" >Samoa + 685</option> <option value="SM^378" >San Marino + 378</option> <option value="ST^239" >Sao Tome and Principe + 239</option> <option value="SA^966" >Saudi Arabia + 966</option> <option value="SN^221" >Senegal + 221</option> <option value="RS^381" >Serbia + 381</option> <option value="SC^248" >Seychelles + 248</option> <option value="SL^232" >Sierra Leone + 232</option> <option value="SG^65" selected="selected" >Singapore + 65</option> <option value="SK^421" >Slovakia (Slovak Republic) + 421</option> <option value="SI^386" >Slovenia + 386</option> <option value="SB^677" >Solomon Islands + 677</option> <option value="SO^252" >Somalia + 252</option> <option value="ZA^27" >South Africa + 27</option> <option value="GS^44" >South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands + 44</option> <option value="SS^211" >South Sudan + 211</option> <option value="ES^34" >Spain + 34</option> <option value="LK^94" >Sri Lanka + 94</option> <option value="SH^290" >St. 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sc w100"><a href="" title="Chana Dal" >Chana Dal</a></div> <div class="mt5px lh14em al"> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Brand Name :</b> Top Taste</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Color :</b> Yellow</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Usage :</b> Cooking</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Packaging Size :</b> 10 Kgs to 50 Kgs As ..</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Shelf Life :</b> 24 Months / As Menti..</p> <div class="mt10px ac"> <span class="a_cld buttonBig p5px15px dib"><a href="" class="fancy-popup open_pop_zoom c3px" rel="nofollow">Enquiry Now</a></span> <span class="a_cld button p5px15px dib ml5px"><a href="" class="c3px fw4">View More</a></span> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> </li> <li class="ac"> <div class="pr ofh lh0 cp data" style="z-index:1;" onclick="location.href='';"> <div class="dib ofh"> <div class="imgFrame m0a db pr ofh w250px h250px vam ac"> <div class="lh0 pa blur-bg" style="background-image:url(;"></div> <div class="imgFrame dtc ac vam lh0 pr"> <a href=""><img loading="lazy" src="" width="300" height="204" alt="Kabuli Chickpeas" title="Kabuli Chickpeas" style="width:auto;max-width:100%;max-height:250px;" ></a> </div> </div> <div class="center-content pa xlarge lh15em"><a href="" title="Kabuli Chickpeas" >Kabuli Chickpeas</a></div> <div class="left-slide-box pa ac lh15em"> <div class="ac db xlarge b mb15px h sc w100"><a href="" title="Kabuli Chickpeas" >Kabuli Chickpeas</a></div> <div class="mt5px lh14em al"> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Speciality :</b> No Artificial Color,..</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Style :</b> Cooked</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Packaging Type :</b> Plastic Packet</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Shelf Life :</b> 6 Months</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Country of Origin :</b> India</p> <div class="mt10px ac"> <span class="a_cld buttonBig p5px15px dib"><a href="" class="fancy-popup open_pop_zoom c3px" rel="nofollow">Enquiry Now</a></span> <span 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class="mt10px"><b class="small">Application :</b> Cooking</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Feature :</b> Nutritious, Highly H..</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Variety Available :</b> Masoor</p> <div class="mt10px ac"> <span class="a_cld buttonBig p5px15px dib"><a href="" class="fancy-popup open_pop_zoom c3px" rel="nofollow">Enquiry Now</a></span> <span class="a_cld button p5px15px dib ml5px"><a href="" class="c3px fw4">View More</a></span> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> </li> <li class="ac"> <div class="pr ofh lh0 cp data" style="z-index:1;" onclick="location.href='';"> <div class="dib ofh"> <div class="imgFrame m0a db pr ofh w250px h250px vam ac"> <div class="lh0 pa blur-bg" style="background-image:url(;"></div> <div class="imgFrame dtc ac vam lh0 pr"> <a href=""><img loading="lazy" src="" width="300" height="300" alt="Moth Polish Dal" title="Moth Polish Dal" style="width:auto;max-width:100%;max-height:250px;" ></a> </div> </div> <div class="center-content pa xlarge lh15em"><a href="" title="Moth Polish Dal" >Moth Polish Dal</a></div> <div class="left-slide-box pa ac lh15em"> <div class="ac db xlarge b mb15px h sc w100"><a href="" title="Moth Polish Dal" >Moth Polish Dal</a></div> <div class="mt5px lh14em al"> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Calories :</b> 369 Kcal</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Brand Name :</b> Top Taste</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Application :</b> Cooking</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Packaging Size :</b> 10 Kgs To 50 Kgs As ..</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Shelf Life :</b> 24 Months / As Menti..</p> <div class="mt10px ac"> <span class="a_cld buttonBig p5px15px dib"><a href="" class="fancy-popup open_pop_zoom c3px" rel="nofollow">Enquiry Now</a></span> <span class="a_cld button p5px15px dib ml5px"><a href="" class="c3px fw4">View More</a></span> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> </li> <li class="ac"> <div class="pr ofh lh0 cp data" style="z-index:1;" onclick="location.href='';"> <div class="dib ofh"> <div class="imgFrame m0a db pr ofh w250px h250px vam ac"> <div class="lh0 pa blur-bg" style="background-image:url(;"></div> <div class="imgFrame dtc ac vam lh0 pr"> <a href=""><img loading="lazy" src="" width="300" height="300" alt="Rajma Seeds" title="Rajma Seeds" style="width:auto;max-width:100%;max-height:250px;" ></a> </div> </div> <div class="center-content pa xlarge lh15em"><a href="" title="Rajma Seeds" >Rajma Seeds</a></div> <div class="left-slide-box pa ac lh15em"> <div class="ac db xlarge b mb15px h sc w100"><a href="" title="Rajma Seeds" >Rajma Seeds</a></div> <div class="mt5px lh14em al"> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Country of Origin :</b> India</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Packing Type :</b> PP Bags / Jute Bags ..</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Packing Size :</b> 10 Kgs to 50 Kgs As ..</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Purity :</b> 99 % to 99.99 %</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Cleaning :</b> Machine Clean, Sorte..</p> <div class="mt10px ac"> <span class="a_cld buttonBig p5px15px dib"><a href="" class="fancy-popup open_pop_zoom c3px" rel="nofollow">Enquiry Now</a></span> <span class="a_cld button p5px15px dib ml5px"><a href="" class="c3px fw4">View More</a></span> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> </li> <li class="ac"> <div class="pr ofh lh0 cp data" style="z-index:1;" onclick="location.href='';"> <div class="dib ofh"> <div class="imgFrame m0a db pr ofh w250px h250px vam ac"> <div class="lh0 pa blur-bg" style="background-image:url(;"></div> <div class="imgFrame dtc ac vam lh0 pr"> <a href=""><img loading="lazy" src="" width="300" height="299" alt="Red Chawli" title="Red Chawli" style="width:auto;max-width:100%;max-height:250px;" ></a> </div> </div> <div class="center-content pa xlarge lh15em"><a href="" title="Red Chawli" >Red Chawli</a></div> <div class="left-slide-box pa ac lh15em"> <div class="ac db xlarge b mb15px h sc w100"><a href="" title="Red Chawli" >Red Chawli</a></div> <div class="mt5px lh14em al"> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Brand Name :</b> Top Taste</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Packaging Size :</b> 10 Kgs To 50 Kgs As ..</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Shelf Life :</b> 24 Months / As menti..</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Moisture :</b> 7 % To 14 %</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Also Known As :</b> Cow Peas</p> <div class="mt10px ac"> <span class="a_cld buttonBig p5px15px dib"><a href="" class="fancy-popup open_pop_zoom c3px" rel="nofollow">Enquiry Now</a></span> <span class="a_cld button p5px15px dib ml5px"><a href="" class="c3px fw4">View More</a></span> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> </li> <li class="ac"> <div class="pr ofh lh0 cp data" style="z-index:1;" onclick="location.href='';"> <div class="dib ofh"> <div class="imgFrame m0a db pr ofh w250px h250px vam ac"> <div class="lh0 pa blur-bg" style="background-image:url(;"></div> <div class="imgFrame dtc ac vam lh0 pr"> <a href=""><img loading="lazy" src="" width="300" height="168" alt="Roasted Chana" title="Roasted Chana" style="width:auto;max-width:100%;max-height:250px;" ></a> </div> </div> <div class="center-content pa xlarge lh15em"><a href="" title="Roasted Chana" >Roasted Chana</a></div> <div class="left-slide-box pa ac lh15em"> <div class="ac db xlarge b mb15px h sc w100"><a href="" title="Roasted Chana" >Roasted Chana</a></div> <div class="mt5px lh14em al"> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Packing Type :</b> PP Bags / Jute Bags ..</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Packing Size :</b> 10 Kgs to 50 Kgs As ..</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Purity :</b> 99 % to 99.99 %</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Cleaning :</b> Machine Clean, Sorte..</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Moisture :</b> 7 % to 14 %</p> <div class="mt10px ac"> <span class="a_cld buttonBig p5px15px dib"><a href="" class="fancy-popup open_pop_zoom c3px" rel="nofollow">Enquiry Now</a></span> <span class="a_cld button p5px15px dib ml5px"><a href="" class="c3px fw4">View More</a></span> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> </li> <li class="ac"> <div class="pr ofh lh0 cp data" style="z-index:1;" onclick="location.href='';"> <div class="dib ofh"> <div class="imgFrame m0a db pr ofh w250px h250px vam ac"> <div class="lh0 pa blur-bg" style="background-image:url(;"></div> <div class="imgFrame dtc ac vam lh0 pr"> <a href=""><img loading="lazy" src="" width="300" height="300" alt="Split Moong Dal" title="Split Moong Dal" style="width:auto;max-width:100%;max-height:250px;" ></a> </div> </div> <div class="center-content pa xlarge lh15em"><a href="" title="Split Moong Dal" >Split Moong Dal</a></div> <div class="left-slide-box pa ac lh15em"> <div class="ac db xlarge b mb15px h sc w100"><a href="" title="Split Moong Dal" >Split Moong Dal</a></div> <div class="mt5px lh14em al"> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Brand Name :</b> Top Taste</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Cultivation Type :</b> Organic</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Color :</b> Green</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Usage :</b> Cooking</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Packaging Size :</b> 10 Kgs To 50 Kgs As ..</p> <div class="mt10px ac"> <span class="a_cld buttonBig p5px15px dib"><a href="" class="fancy-popup open_pop_zoom c3px" rel="nofollow">Enquiry Now</a></span> <span class="a_cld button p5px15px dib ml5px"><a href="" class="c3px fw4">View More</a></span> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> </li> <li class="ac"> <div class="pr ofh lh0 cp data" style="z-index:1;" onclick="location.href='';"> <div class="dib ofh"> <div class="imgFrame m0a db pr ofh w250px h250px vam ac"> <div class="lh0 pa blur-bg" style="background-image:url(;"></div> <div class="imgFrame dtc ac vam lh0 pr"> <a href=""><img loading="lazy" src="" width="300" height="300" alt="Split Urad Polish Dal" title="Split Urad Polish Dal" style="width:auto;max-width:100%;max-height:250px;" ></a> </div> </div> <div class="center-content pa xlarge lh15em"><a href="" title="Split Urad Polish Dal" >Split Urad Polish Dal</a></div> <div class="left-slide-box pa ac lh15em"> <div class="ac db xlarge b mb15px h sc w100"><a href="" title="Split Urad Polish Dal" >Split Urad Polish Dal</a></div> <div class="mt5px lh14em al"> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Brand Name :</b> Top Taste</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Cultivation Type :</b> Organic</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Color :</b> Black</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Application :</b> Cooking</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Feature :</b> Purity, Healthy To E..</p> <div class="mt10px ac"> <span class="a_cld buttonBig p5px15px dib"><a href="" class="fancy-popup open_pop_zoom c3px" rel="nofollow">Enquiry Now</a></span> <span class="a_cld button p5px15px dib ml5px"><a href="" class="c3px fw4">View More</a></span> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> </li> <li class="ac"> <div class="pr ofh lh0 cp data" style="z-index:1;" onclick="location.href='';"> <div class="dib ofh"> <div class="imgFrame m0a db pr ofh w250px h250px vam ac"> <div class="lh0 pa blur-bg" style="background-image:url(;"></div> <div class="imgFrame dtc ac vam lh0 pr"> <a href=""><img loading="lazy" src="" width="300" height="260" alt="Toor Dal" title="Toor Dal" style="width:auto;max-width:100%;max-height:250px;" ></a> </div> </div> <div class="center-content pa xlarge lh15em"><a href="" title="Toor Dal" >Toor Dal</a></div> <div class="left-slide-box pa ac lh15em"> <div class="ac db xlarge b mb15px h sc w100"><a href="" title="Toor Dal" >Toor Dal</a></div> <div class="mt5px lh14em al"> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Brand Name :</b> Top Taste</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Cultivation Type :</b> Organic</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Color :</b> Yellow</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Packaging Type :</b> Loose</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Packaging Size :</b> 10 Kgs to 50 Kgs As ..</p> <div class="mt10px ac"> <span class="a_cld buttonBig p5px15px dib"><a 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<p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Color :</b> Beige</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Speciality :</b> High In Protein</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Packaging Size :</b> 10 Kgs to 50 Kgs As ..</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Shelf Life :</b> 24 Months / As Menti..</p> <div class="mt10px ac"> <span class="a_cld buttonBig p5px15px dib"><a href="" class="fancy-popup open_pop_zoom c3px" rel="nofollow">Enquiry Now</a></span> <span class="a_cld button p5px15px dib ml5px"><a href="" class="c3px fw4">View More</a></span> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> </li> <li class="ac"> <div class="pr ofh lh0 cp data" style="z-index:1;" onclick="location.href='';"> <div class="dib ofh"> <div class="imgFrame m0a db pr ofh w250px h250px vam ac"> <div class="lh0 pa blur-bg" style="background-image:url(;"></div> <div class="imgFrame dtc ac vam lh0 pr"> <a href=""><img loading="lazy" src="" width="300" height="225" alt="Yellow Moong Dal" title="Yellow Moong Dal" style="width:auto;max-width:100%;max-height:250px;" ></a> </div> </div> <div class="center-content pa xlarge lh15em"><a href="" title="Yellow Moong Dal" >Yellow Moong Dal</a></div> <div class="left-slide-box pa ac lh15em"> <div class="ac db xlarge b mb15px h sc w100"><a href="" title="Yellow Moong Dal" >Yellow Moong Dal</a></div> <div class="mt5px lh14em al"> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Brand Name :</b> Top Taste</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Color :</b> Yellow</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Packaging Size :</b> 10 Kgs to 50 Kgs As ..</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Shelf Life :</b> 24 Months / As Menti..</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Country of Origin :</b> India</p> <div class="mt10px ac"> <span class="a_cld buttonBig p5px15px dib"><a href="" class="fancy-popup open_pop_zoom c3px" rel="nofollow">Enquiry Now</a></span> <span class="a_cld button p5px15px dib ml5px"><a href="" class="c3px fw4">View More</a></span> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <br> <div class="scale-animation bdrEffect"> <div class="cf_4img-flex ac-mb30px fullImageFrame"> <p class="b xxlarge dif mb10px bdrB pb5px"><a name="3527448"></a> <a href="" title="Sesame Seeds" >Sesame Seeds</a></p> <br> <ul class="lsn m0px p0px fo idv_eqheight ac-al"> <li class="ac"> <div class="pr ofh lh0 cp data" style="z-index:1;" onclick="location.href='';"> <div class="dib ofh"> <div class="imgFrame m0a db pr ofh w250px h250px vam ac"> <div class="lh0 pa blur-bg" style="background-image:url(;"></div> <div class="imgFrame dtc ac vam lh0 pr"> <a href=""><img loading="lazy" src="" width="300" height="187" alt="Hulled Sesame Seeds 99.98%" title="Hulled Sesame Seeds 99.98%" style="width:auto;max-width:100%;max-height:250px;" ></a> </div> </div> <div class="center-content pa xlarge lh15em"><a href="" title="Hulled Sesame Seeds 99.98%" >Hulled Sesame Seeds 99.98%</a></div> <div class="left-slide-box pa ac lh15em"> <div class="ac db xlarge b mb15px h sc w100"><a href="" title="Hulled Sesame Seeds 99.98%" >Hulled Sesame Seeds 99.98%</a></div> <div class="mt5px lh14em al"> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Color :</b> White</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Packaging Size :</b> 10 Kgs To 50 Kgs As ..</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Brand Name :</b> Top Taste</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Cultivation Type :</b> Organic</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Shelf Life :</b> 24 Months / As Menti..</p> <div class="mt10px ac"> <span class="a_cld buttonBig p5px15px dib"><a href="" class="fancy-popup open_pop_zoom c3px" rel="nofollow">Enquiry Now</a></span> <span class="a_cld button p5px15px dib ml5px"><a href="" class="c3px fw4">View More</a></span> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> </li> <li class="ac"> <div class="pr ofh lh0 cp data" style="z-index:1;" onclick="location.href='';"> <div class="dib ofh"> <div class="imgFrame m0a db pr ofh w250px h250px vam ac"> <div class="lh0 pa blur-bg" style="background-image:url(;"></div> <div class="imgFrame dtc ac vam lh0 pr"> <a href=""><img loading="lazy" src="" width="300" height="300" alt="Natural Sesame Seeds" title="Natural Sesame Seeds" style="width:auto;max-width:100%;max-height:250px;" ></a> </div> </div> <div class="center-content pa xlarge lh15em"><a href="" title="Natural Sesame Seeds" >Natural Sesame Seeds</a></div> <div class="left-slide-box pa ac lh15em"> <div class="ac db xlarge b mb15px h sc w100"><a href="" title="Natural Sesame Seeds" >Natural Sesame Seeds</a></div> <div class="mt5px lh14em al"> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Seed Type :</b> Natural</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Color :</b> White,Black , Brown</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Usage/Application :</b> Cooking</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Packaging Size :</b> 10 Kgs To 50 Kgs As ..</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Cultivation Type :</b> Natural</p> <div class="mt10px ac"> <span class="a_cld buttonBig p5px15px dib"><a href="" class="fancy-popup open_pop_zoom c3px" rel="nofollow">Enquiry Now</a></span> <span class="a_cld button p5px15px dib ml5px"><a href="" class="c3px fw4">View More</a></span> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <br> <div class="scale-animation bdrEffect"> <div class="cf_4img-flex ac-mb30px fullImageFrame"> <p class="b xxlarge dif mb10px bdrB pb5px"><a name="3527502"></a> <a href="" title="Groundnut Kernals" >Groundnut Kernals</a></p> <br> <ul class="lsn m0px p0px fo idv_eqheight ac-al"> <li class="ac"> <div class="pr ofh lh0 cp data" style="z-index:1;" onclick="location.href='';"> <div class="dib ofh"> <div class="imgFrame m0a db pr ofh w250px h250px vam ac"> <div class="lh0 pa blur-bg" style="background-image:url(;"></div> <div class="imgFrame dtc ac vam lh0 pr"> <a href=""><img loading="lazy" src="" width="300" height="168" alt="Bold Peanuts" title="Bold Peanuts" style="width:auto;max-width:100%;max-height:250px;" ></a> </div> </div> <div class="center-content pa xlarge lh15em"><a href="" title="Bold Peanuts" >Bold Peanuts</a></div> <div class="left-slide-box pa ac lh15em"> <div class="ac db xlarge b mb15px h sc w100"><a href="" title="Bold Peanuts" >Bold Peanuts</a></div> <div class="mt5px lh14em al"> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Country of Origin :</b> India</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Packing Type :</b> PP Bags / Jute Bags ..</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Packing Size :</b> 10 Kgs to 50 Kgs As ..</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Purity :</b> 99 % to 99.99 %</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Cleaning :</b> Machine Clean, Sorte..</p> <div class="mt10px ac"> <span class="a_cld buttonBig p5px15px dib"><a href="" class="fancy-popup open_pop_zoom c3px" rel="nofollow">Enquiry Now</a></span> <span class="a_cld button p5px15px dib ml5px"><a href="" class="c3px fw4">View More</a></span> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> </li> <li class="ac"> <div class="pr ofh lh0 cp data" style="z-index:1;" onclick="location.href='';"> <div class="dib ofh"> <div class="imgFrame m0a db pr ofh w250px h250px vam ac"> <div class="lh0 pa blur-bg" style="background-image:url(;"></div> <div class="imgFrame dtc ac vam lh0 pr"> <a href=""><img loading="lazy" src="" width="300" height="225" alt="Java Peanuts" title="Java Peanuts" style="width:auto;max-width:100%;max-height:250px;" ></a> </div> </div> <div class="center-content pa xlarge lh15em"><a href="" title="Java Peanuts" >Java Peanuts</a></div> <div class="left-slide-box pa ac lh15em"> <div class="ac db xlarge b mb15px h sc w100"><a href="" title="Java Peanuts" >Java Peanuts</a></div> <div class="mt5px lh14em al"> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Country of Origin :</b> India</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Packing Type :</b> PP Bags / Jute Bags ..</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Packing Size :</b> 10 Kgs to 50 Kgs As ..</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Purity :</b> 99 % to 99.99 %</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Cleaning :</b> Machine Clean, Sorte..</p> <div class="mt10px ac"> <span class="a_cld buttonBig p5px15px dib"><a href="" class="fancy-popup open_pop_zoom c3px" rel="nofollow">Enquiry Now</a></span> <span class="a_cld button p5px15px dib ml5px"><a href="" class="c3px fw4">View More</a></span> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> </li> <li class="ac"> <div class="pr ofh lh0 cp data" style="z-index:1;" onclick="location.href='';"> <div class="dib ofh"> <div class="imgFrame m0a db pr ofh w250px h250px vam ac"> <div class="lh0 pa blur-bg" style="background-image:url(;"></div> <div class="imgFrame dtc ac vam lh0 pr"> <a href=""><img loading="lazy" src="" width="300" height="157" alt="TJ Peanuts" title="TJ Peanuts" style="width:auto;max-width:100%;max-height:250px;" ></a> </div> </div> <div class="center-content pa xlarge lh15em"><a href="" title="TJ Peanuts" >TJ Peanuts</a></div> <div class="left-slide-box pa ac lh15em"> <div class="ac db xlarge b mb15px h sc w100"><a href="" title="TJ Peanuts" >TJ Peanuts</a></div> <div class="mt5px lh14em al"> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Country of Origin :</b> India</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Packing Type :</b> PP Bags / Jute Bags ..</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Packing Size :</b> 10 Kgs to 50 Kgs As ..</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Purity :</b> 99 % to 99.99 %</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Cleaning :</b> Machine Clean, Sorte..</p> <div class="mt10px ac"> <span class="a_cld buttonBig p5px15px dib"><a href="" class="fancy-popup open_pop_zoom c3px" rel="nofollow">Enquiry Now</a></span> <span class="a_cld button p5px15px dib ml5px"><a href="" class="c3px fw4">View More</a></span> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <br> <div class="scale-animation bdrEffect"> <div class="cf_4img-flex ac-mb30px fullImageFrame"> <p class="b xxlarge dif mb10px bdrB pb5px"><a name="3527612"></a> <a href="" title="Indian Spices" >Indian Spices</a></p> <br> <ul class="lsn m0px p0px fo idv_eqheight ac-al"> <li class="ac"> <div class="pr ofh lh0 cp data" style="z-index:1;" onclick="location.href='';"> <div class="dib ofh"> <div class="imgFrame m0a db pr ofh w250px h250px vam ac"> <div class="lh0 pa blur-bg" style="background-image:url(;"></div> <div class="imgFrame dtc ac vam lh0 pr"> <a href=""><img loading="lazy" src="" width="300" height="255" alt="Asalia Seeds" title="Asalia Seeds" style="width:auto;max-width:100%;max-height:250px;" ></a> </div> </div> <div class="center-content pa xlarge lh15em"><a href="" title="Asalia Seeds" >Asalia Seeds</a></div> <div class="left-slide-box pa ac lh15em"> <div class="ac db xlarge b mb15px h sc w100"><a href="" title="Asalia Seeds" >Asalia Seeds</a></div> <div class="mt5px lh14em al"> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Country of Origin :</b> India</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Packing Type :</b> PP Bags / Jute Bags ..</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Packing Size :</b> 10 Kgs to 50 Kgs As ..</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Purity :</b> 99 % to 99.99 %</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Cleaning :</b> Machine Clean . Sort..</p> <div class="mt10px ac"> <span class="a_cld buttonBig p5px15px dib"><a href="" class="fancy-popup open_pop_zoom c3px" rel="nofollow">Enquiry Now</a></span> <span class="a_cld button p5px15px dib ml5px"><a href="" class="c3px fw4">View More</a></span> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> </li> <li class="ac"> <div class="pr ofh lh0 cp data" style="z-index:1;" onclick="location.href='';"> <div class="dib ofh"> <div class="imgFrame m0a db pr ofh w250px h250px vam ac"> <div class="lh0 pa blur-bg" style="background-image:url(;"></div> <div class="imgFrame dtc ac vam lh0 pr"> <a href=""><img loading="lazy" src="" width="300" height="198" alt="Basil Seeds" title="Basil Seeds" style="width:auto;max-width:100%;max-height:250px;" ></a> </div> </div> <div class="center-content pa xlarge lh15em"><a href="" title="Basil Seeds" >Basil Seeds</a></div> <div class="left-slide-box pa ac lh15em"> <div class="ac db xlarge b mb15px h sc w100"><a href="" title="Basil Seeds" >Basil Seeds</a></div> <div class="mt5px lh14em al"> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Country of Origin :</b> India</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Also Known as :</b> Tukmaria, Sabja Seed..</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Packing Type :</b> PP Bags / Jute Bags ..</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Packing Size :</b> 10 Kgs to 50 Kgs As ..</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Purity :</b> 99 % to 99.99 %</p> <div class="mt10px ac"> <span class="a_cld buttonBig p5px15px dib"><a href="" class="fancy-popup open_pop_zoom c3px" rel="nofollow">Enquiry Now</a></span> <span class="a_cld button p5px15px dib ml5px"><a href="" class="c3px fw4">View More</a></span> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> </li> <li class="ac"> <div class="pr ofh lh0 cp data" style="z-index:1;" onclick="location.href='';"> <div class="dib ofh"> <div class="imgFrame m0a db pr ofh w250px h250px vam ac"> <div class="lh0 pa blur-bg" style="background-image:url(;"></div> <div class="imgFrame dtc ac vam lh0 pr"> <a href=""><img loading="lazy" src="" width="300" height="258" alt="Coriander Seeds" title="Coriander Seeds" style="width:auto;max-width:100%;max-height:250px;" ></a> </div> </div> <div class="center-content pa xlarge lh15em"><a href="" title="Corionder Seeds" >Coriander Seeds</a></div> <div class="left-slide-box pa ac lh15em"> <div class="ac db xlarge b mb15px h sc w100"><a href="" title="Corionder Seeds" >Coriander Seeds</a></div> <div class="mt5px lh14em al"> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Brand Name :</b> Top Taste</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Color :</b> Green</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Purity :</b> Upto 99.95%</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Packaging Size :</b> 10 Kgs To 50 Kgs As ..</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Shelf Life :</b> 24 Months / As menti..</p> <div class="mt10px ac"> <span class="a_cld buttonBig p5px15px dib"><a href="" class="fancy-popup open_pop_zoom c3px" rel="nofollow">Enquiry Now</a></span> <span class="a_cld button p5px15px dib ml5px"><a href="" class="c3px fw4">View More</a></span> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> </li> <li class="ac"> <div class="pr ofh lh0 cp data" style="z-index:1;" onclick="location.href='';"> <div class="dib ofh"> <div class="imgFrame m0a db pr ofh w250px h250px vam ac"> <div class="lh0 pa blur-bg" style="background-image:url(;"></div> <div class="imgFrame dtc ac vam lh0 pr"> <a href=""><img loading="lazy" src="" width="300" height="250" alt="Cumin Seeds" title="Cumin Seeds" style="width:auto;max-width:100%;max-height:250px;" ></a> </div> </div> <div class="center-content pa xlarge lh15em"><a href="" title="Cumin Seeds" >Cumin Seeds</a></div> <div class="left-slide-box pa ac lh15em"> <div class="ac db xlarge b mb15px h sc w100"><a href="" title="Cumin Seeds" >Cumin Seeds</a></div> <div class="mt5px lh14em al"> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Brand Name :</b> Top Taste</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Cultivation Type :</b> Natural</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Color :</b> Brown</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Grade Standard :</b> Food Grade</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Packaging Size :</b> 10 Kgs To 50 Kgs As ..</p> <div class="mt10px ac"> <span class="a_cld buttonBig p5px15px dib"><a href="" class="fancy-popup open_pop_zoom c3px" rel="nofollow">Enquiry Now</a></span> <span class="a_cld button p5px15px dib ml5px"><a href="" class="c3px fw4">View More</a></span> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> </li> <li class="ac"> <div class="pr ofh lh0 cp data" style="z-index:1;" onclick="location.href='';"> <div class="dib ofh"> <div class="imgFrame m0a db pr ofh w250px h250px vam ac"> <div class="lh0 pa blur-bg" style="background-image:url(;"></div> <div class="imgFrame dtc ac vam lh0 pr"> <a href=""><img loading="lazy" src="" width="300" height="227" alt="Deluxe Quality Dry Ginger" title="Deluxe Quality Dry Ginger" style="width:auto;max-width:100%;max-height:250px;" ></a> </div> </div> <div class="center-content pa xlarge lh15em"><a href="" title="Deluxe Quality Dry Ginger" >Deluxe Quality Dry Ginger</a></div> <div class="left-slide-box pa ac lh15em"> <div class="ac db xlarge b mb15px h sc w100"><a href="" title="Deluxe Quality Dry Ginger" >Deluxe Quality Dry Ginger</a></div> <div class="mt5px lh14em al"> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Country of Origin :</b> India</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Packing Type :</b> PP Bags / Jute Bags ..</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Packing Size :</b> 10 Kgs to 50 Kgs As ..</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Purity :</b> 99 % to 99.99 %</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Cleaning :</b> Machine Clean . Sort..</p> <div class="mt10px ac"> <span class="a_cld buttonBig p5px15px dib"><a href="" class="fancy-popup open_pop_zoom c3px" rel="nofollow">Enquiry Now</a></span> <span class="a_cld button p5px15px dib ml5px"><a href="" class="c3px fw4">View More</a></span> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> </li> <li class="ac"> <div class="pr ofh lh0 cp data" style="z-index:1;" onclick="location.href='';"> <div class="dib ofh"> <div class="imgFrame m0a db pr ofh w250px h250px vam ac"> <div class="lh0 pa blur-bg" style="background-image:url(;"></div> <div class="imgFrame dtc ac vam lh0 pr"> <a href=""><img loading="lazy" src="" width="300" height="300" alt="Dill Seeds" title="Dill Seeds" style="width:auto;max-width:100%;max-height:250px;" ></a> </div> </div> <div class="center-content pa xlarge lh15em"><a href="" title="Dill Seeds" >Dill Seeds</a></div> <div class="left-slide-box pa ac lh15em"> <div class="ac db xlarge b mb15px h sc w100"><a href="" title="Dill Seeds" >Dill Seeds</a></div> <div class="mt5px lh14em al"> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Country of Origin :</b> India</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Packing Type :</b> PP Bags / Jute Bags ..</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Packing Size :</b> 10 Kgs to 50 Kgs As ..</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Purity :</b> 99 % to 99.99 %</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Cleaning :</b> Machine Clean . Sort..</p> <div class="mt10px ac"> <span class="a_cld buttonBig p5px15px dib"><a href="" class="fancy-popup open_pop_zoom c3px" rel="nofollow">Enquiry Now</a></span> <span class="a_cld button p5px15px dib ml5px"><a href="" class="c3px fw4">View More</a></span> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> </li> <li class="ac"> <div class="pr ofh lh0 cp data" style="z-index:1;" onclick="location.href='';"> <div class="dib ofh"> <div class="imgFrame m0a db pr ofh w250px h250px vam ac"> <div class="lh0 pa blur-bg" style="background-image:url(;"></div> <div class="imgFrame dtc ac vam lh0 pr"> <a href=""><img loading="lazy" src="" width="300" height="300" alt="Fennel Seeds" title="Fennel Seeds" style="width:auto;max-width:100%;max-height:250px;" ></a> </div> </div> <div class="center-content pa xlarge lh15em"><a href="" title="Feenal Seeds" >Fennel Seeds</a></div> <div class="left-slide-box pa ac lh15em"> <div class="ac db xlarge b mb15px h sc w100"><a href="" title="Feenal Seeds" >Fennel Seeds</a></div> <div class="mt5px lh14em al"> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Brand Name :</b> Top Taste</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Cultivation Type :</b> Organic</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Color :</b> Green</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Packaging Size :</b> 10 Kgs To 50 Kgs As ..</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Shelf Life :</b> 24 Months / As menti..</p> <div class="mt10px ac"> <span class="a_cld buttonBig p5px15px dib"><a href="" class="fancy-popup open_pop_zoom c3px" rel="nofollow">Enquiry Now</a></span> <span class="a_cld button p5px15px dib ml5px"><a href="" class="c3px fw4">View More</a></span> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> </li> <li class="ac"> <div class="pr ofh lh0 cp data" style="z-index:1;" onclick="location.href='';"> <div class="dib ofh"> <div class="imgFrame m0a db pr ofh w250px h250px vam ac"> <div class="lh0 pa blur-bg" style="background-image:url(;"></div> <div class="imgFrame dtc ac vam lh0 pr"> <a href=""><img loading="lazy" src="" width="300" height="202" alt="Fenugreek Seeds" title="Fenugreek Seeds" style="width:auto;max-width:100%;max-height:250px;" ></a> </div> </div> <div class="center-content pa xlarge lh15em"><a href="" title="Fenugreek Seeds" >Fenugreek Seeds</a></div> <div class="left-slide-box pa ac lh15em"> <div class="ac db xlarge b mb15px h sc w100"><a href="" title="Fenugreek Seeds" >Fenugreek Seeds</a></div> <div class="mt5px lh14em al"> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Color :</b> Yellow</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Country of Origin :</b> Made In India</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Usage/Application :</b> For Cooking Purpose</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Packing Type :</b> PP Bags / Jute Bags ..</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Packaging Size :</b> 10 Kgs to 50 Kgs As ..</p> <div class="mt10px ac"> <span class="a_cld buttonBig p5px15px dib"><a href="" class="fancy-popup open_pop_zoom c3px" rel="nofollow">Enquiry Now</a></span> <span class="a_cld button p5px15px dib ml5px"><a href="" class="c3px fw4">View More</a></span> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> </li> <li class="ac"> <div class="pr ofh lh0 cp data" style="z-index:1;" onclick="location.href='';"> <div class="dib ofh"> <div class="imgFrame m0a db pr ofh w250px h250px vam ac"> <div class="lh0 pa blur-bg" style="background-image:url(;"></div> <div class="imgFrame dtc ac vam lh0 pr"> <a href=""><img loading="lazy" src="" width="300" height="291" alt="Flax Seeds" title="Flax Seeds" style="width:auto;max-width:100%;max-height:250px;" ></a> </div> </div> <div class="center-content pa xlarge lh15em"><a href="" title="Flax Seeds" >Flax Seeds</a></div> <div class="left-slide-box pa ac lh15em"> <div class="ac db xlarge b mb15px h sc w100"><a href="" title="Flax Seeds" >Flax Seeds</a></div> <div class="mt5px lh14em al"> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Country of Origin :</b> India</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Packing Type :</b> PP Bags / Jute Bags ..</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Packing Size :</b> 10 Kgs to 50 Kgs As ..</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Purity :</b> 99 % to 99.99 %</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Cleaning :</b> Machine Clean . Sort..</p> <div class="mt10px ac"> <span class="a_cld buttonBig p5px15px dib"><a href="" class="fancy-popup open_pop_zoom c3px" rel="nofollow">Enquiry Now</a></span> <span class="a_cld button p5px15px dib ml5px"><a href="" class="c3px fw4">View More</a></span> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> </li> <li class="ac"> <div class="pr ofh lh0 cp data" style="z-index:1;" onclick="location.href='';"> <div class="dib ofh"> <div class="imgFrame m0a db pr ofh w250px h250px vam ac"> <div class="lh0 pa blur-bg" style="background-image:url(;"></div> <div class="imgFrame dtc ac vam lh0 pr"> <a href=""><img loading="lazy" src="" width="300" height="206" alt="Kalonji Seeds" title="Kalonji Seeds" style="width:auto;max-width:100%;max-height:250px;" ></a> </div> </div> <div class="center-content pa xlarge lh15em"><a href="" title="Kalonji Seeds" >Kalonji Seeds</a></div> <div class="left-slide-box pa ac lh15em"> <div class="ac db xlarge b mb15px h sc w100"><a href="" title="Kalonji Seeds" >Kalonji Seeds</a></div> <div class="mt5px lh14em al"> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Country of Origin :</b> Made in India</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Packing Type :</b> PP Bags / Jute Bags ..</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Packaging Size :</b> 10 Kgs to 50 Kgs As ..</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Purity :</b> 99 % to 99.99 %</p> <p class="mt10px"><b class="small">Cleaning :</b> Machine Clean . 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