2013 - Ray and Stephanie Lane Computational Biology Department - School of Computer Science - Carnegie Mellon University

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<a href="../../index.html">Ray and Stephanie Lane Computational Biology Department</a> &#160;&#8250;&#160; <a href="../index.html"> News </a> &#160;&#8250;&#160; 2013 </div> <script type="text/javascript"> function addLoadEvent(func) { var oldonload = window.onload; if (typeof window.onload != 'function') { window.onload = func; } else { window.onload = function() { if (oldonload) { oldonload(); } func(); } } } </script> <div class="section-id" data-filter-id="news-index-1" id="2010"> <div class="grid column3 news js-list" id="2010"> <div class="filterable"> <a data-categories="" href="october-20-2013.html"> <div aria-label="Kraus" class="img" role="img" style="background-image:url(images/spring-kraus-campo-900x600.jpg)"> </div> <small>Sunday, October 20, 2013</small> <h2 class="name" tabindex="-1">iGEM Team wins Best Poster Award</h2> <span>Carnegie Mellon iGEM2013 Team traveled to Toronto to compete in the North American iGEM Team Competition</span> </a> </div> <div class="filterable"> <a data-categories="" href="october-10-2013.html"> <div aria-label="Hillman Center for Future Generation Technology" class="img" role="img" style="background-image:url(images/hillman-900x600.jpg)"> </div> <small>Thursday, October 10, 2013</small> <h2 class="name" tabindex="-1">Taraz Buck Defends Thesis</h2> <span>Taraz Buck successfully defends thesis</span> </a> </div> <div class="filterable"> <a data-categories="" href="august-20-2013.html"> <div aria-label="Aerial view of Pausch Bridge" class="img" role="img" style="background-image:url(images/spring-aerial-pausch-900x600.jpg)"> </div> <small>Tuesday, August 20, 2013</small> <h2 class="name" tabindex="-1">Armaghan Naik Defends Thesis</h2> <span>Armaghan Naik successfully defended his thesis.</span> </a> </div> <div class="hide filterable" data-img="../2011/images/spring-kraus-campo-900x600.jpg"> <a data-categories="" href="july-20-2013.html"> <div class="img">Carnegie Mellon Researchers Develop Artificial Cells To Study Effects of Molecular Crowding on Gene Expression</div> <small>Monday, July 15, 2013</small> <h2 class="name" tabindex="-1">Carnegie Mellon Researchers Develop Artificial Cells To Study Effects of Molecular Crowding on Gene Expression</h2> <span>Tightly Packed Macromolecules Enhance Gene Expression in Artificial Cellular System</span> </a> </div> <div class="hide filterable" data-img="../2011/images/hillman-900x600.jpg"> <a data-categories="" href="july-10-2013.html"> <div class="img">Lane Center Faculty and Ph.D. Student join team to help identify genes activated by ethylene</div> <small>Wednesday, July 10, 2013</small> <h2 class="name" tabindex="-1">Lane Center Faculty and Ph.D. Student join team to help identify genes activated by ethylene</h2> <span>Assoc. Professor Ziv Bar-Joseph and his Ph.D. advisee Shan Zhong joined a team lead by investigators at the Salk Institute for Biological Sciences to help identify thousands of genes that are activated by ethylene.</span> </a> </div> <div class="hide filterable" data-img="../2011/images/spring-aerial-pausch-900x600.jpg"> <a data-categories="" href="june-20-2013.html"> <div class="img">Roeder recipient of 12th Annual Janet L. Norwood Award for Outstanding Achievement by a Woman in the Statistical Sciences</div> <small>Thursday, June 20, 2013</small> <h2 class="name" tabindex="-1">Roeder recipient of 12th Annual Janet L. Norwood Award for Outstanding Achievement by a Woman in the Statistical Sciences</h2> <span>Prof. Roeder is being given this award for her research interests in theoretical and applied statistics.</span> </a> </div> <div class="hide filterable" data-img="../2011/images/spring-clock-900x600.jpg"> <a data-categories="" href="june-10-2013.html"> <div class="img">Bar-Joseph Chosen as one of 2013 James S. McDonnell Foundation Scholars</div> <small>Monday, June 10, 2013</small> <h2 class="name" tabindex="-1">Bar-Joseph Chosen as one of 2013 James S. McDonnell Foundation Scholars</h2> <span>Bar-Joseph is one of only six 2013 James S. McDonnell Foundation Scholars in the area of &#8220;Studying Complex Systems&#8221;</span> </a> </div> <div class="hide filterable" data-img="../2011/images/spring-clock-900x600.jpg"> <a data-categories="" href="may-20-2013.html"> <div class="img">Two Lane Fellows Accept Faculty Positions</div> <small>Monday, May 20, 2013</small> <h2 class="name" tabindex="-1">Two Lane Fellows Accept Faculty Positions</h2> <span>Cheemeng Tan and Marcel Schulz accept faculty positions.</span> </a> </div> <div class="hide filterable" data-img="../2011/images/spring-kraus-campo-900x600.jpg"> <a data-categories="" href="may-15-2013.html"> <div class="img"> Lane Center hosted &#8220;Automated Personal Genome Analysis for Clinical Advisors: Challenges and Solutions&#8221;</div> <small>Wednesday, May 15, 2013</small> <h2 class="name" tabindex="-1"> Lane Center hosted &#8220;Automated Personal Genome Analysis for Clinical Advisors: Challenges and Solutions&#8221;</h2> <span>The Lane Center brought together researchers and clinicians to assess the state of the field and to stimulate development of open source solutions.</span> </a> </div> <div class="hide filterable" data-img="../2011/images/hillman-900x600.jpg"> <a data-categories="" href="march-20-2013.html"> <div class="img">Seyoung Kim named 2013 Sloan Research Fellow</div> <small>Wednesday, March 20, 2013</small> <h2 class="name" tabindex="-1">Seyoung Kim named 2013 Sloan Research Fellow</h2> <span>Lane Center faculty member Seyoung Kim was named a 2013 Sloan Research Fellow in the area of Computational and Evolutionary Molecular Biology.</span> </a> </div> <div class="hide filterable" data-img="../2011/images/spring-aerial-pausch-900x600.jpg"> <a data-categories="" href="january-20-2013.html"> <div class="img">Joshua Kangas Successfully Defends Thesis</div> <small>Sunday, January 20, 2013</small> <h2 class="name" tabindex="-1">Joshua Kangas Successfully Defends Thesis</h2> <span> Joshua Kangas successfully defended his thesis entitled &#8220;Active Learning for Drug Discovery&#8221;</span> </a> </div> <div class="hide filterable" data-img="../2011/images/spring-clock-900x600.jpg"> <a data-categories="" href="january-10-2013.html"> <div class="img">Paper authored by Lane Center Students and Faculty Named 2013 Author's Choice Award Winner</div> <small>Thursday, January 10, 2013</small> <h2 class="name" tabindex="-1">Paper authored by Lane Center Students and Faculty Named 2013 Author's Choice Award Winner</h2> <span>The Society for Laboratory Automation and Screening (SLAS) named Automated Image Analysis for High-Content Screening and Analysis a 2013 Author&#8217;s Choice Award winner.</span> </a> </div> <span class="loadmore align-center"><a class="btn ghost wide" href="javascript:void(0);">Load more articles</a></span> </div> </div> <footer class="grid column3 invert"> <div> <p> Ray and Stephanie Lane Computational Biology Department<br/> School of Computer Science<br/> Carnegie Mellon University<br/> 5000 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