Multi-objective optimization of location and distribution in a closed-loop supply chain by considering market share in competitive conditions

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Accordingly, it is necessary to properly study the competitive conditions in which supply chain networks can be designed. In this regard, the present research contributes to the field by incorporating the market share and customer satisfaction to the competitive conditions of supply chains. For this purpose, a nonlinear mathematical model is presented in order to find locations and perform distributions in a closed-loop supply chain under competitive conditions. This model has two objectives including profit maximization and market share maximization. To solve the model, LP-metric and goal programming are implemented, and then the results of these two methods are discussed. Comparisons are also made in terms of the value of the objective functions as well as the solution time. Finally, the simple weighted sum method is used to select the superior method. The results show that the LP-metric method is worth performing to solve the mathematical model of the research." /> <meta name="title" content="Multi-objective optimization of location and distribution in a closed-loop supply chain by considering market share in competitive conditions" /> <meta name="googlebot" content="NOODP" /> <meta name="citation_title" content="Multi-objective optimization of location and distribution in a closed-loop supply chain by considering market share in competitive conditions" /> <meta name="citation_author" content="Goli, Alireza" /> <meta name="citation_author_institution" content="Industrial Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran" /> <meta name="citation_author" content="Golmohammadi, Amir-mohammad" /> <meta name="citation_author_institution" content="Department of Industrial Engineering, Arak University, Arak, Iran" /> <meta name="citation_abstract" content="Development of supply chains is one of the practical concepts in the field of production and sales in competitive conditions. Accordingly, it is necessary to properly study the competitive conditions in which supply chain networks can be designed. In this regard, the present research contributes to the field by incorporating the market share and customer satisfaction to the competitive conditions of supply chains. For this purpose, a nonlinear mathematical model is presented in order to find locations and perform distributions in a closed-loop supply chain under competitive conditions. This model has two objectives including profit maximization and market share maximization. To solve the model, LP-metric and goal programming are implemented, and then the results of these two methods are discussed. Comparisons are also made in terms of the value of the objective functions as well as the solution time. Finally, the simple weighted sum method is used to select the superior method. The results show that the LP-metric method is worth performing to solve the mathematical model of the research." /> <meta name="citation_id" content="2884" /> <meta name="citation_publication_date" content="2022/11/01" /> <meta name="citation_date" content="2022-11-01" /> <meta name="citation_journal_title" content="International Journal of Supply and Operations Management" /> <meta name="citation_issn" content="23831359" /> <meta name="citation_volume" content="9" /> <meta name="citation_issue" content="4" /> <meta name="citation_firstpage" content="483" /> <meta name="citation_lastpage" content="495" /> <meta name="citation_publisher" content="Kharazmi University" /> <meta name="citation_doi" content="10.22034/ijsom.2021.109265.2285" /> <meta name="DC.Identifier" content="10.22034/ijsom.2021.109265.2285" /> <meta name="citation_abstract_html_url" content="" /> <meta name="citation_pdf_url" content="" /> <meta name="DC.Title" content="Multi-objective optimization of location and distribution in a closed-loop supply chain by considering market share in competitive conditions" /> <meta name="DC.Source" content="International Journal of Supply and Operations Management" /> <meta name="DC.Date" content="01/11/2022" /> <meta name="DC.Date.issued" content="2022-11-01" /> <meta name="DC.Format" content="application/pdf" /> <meta name="DC.Contributor" content="Goli, Alireza" /> <meta name="DC.Contributor" content="Golmohammadi, Amir-mohammad" /> <meta name="og:title" content="Multi-objective optimization of location and distribution in a closed-loop supply chain by considering market share in competitive conditions" /> <meta name="og:description" content="Development of supply chains is one of the practical concepts in the field of production and sales in competitive conditions. Accordingly, it is necessary to properly study the competitive conditions in which supply chain networks can be designed. In this regard, the present research contributes to the field by incorporating the market share and customer satisfaction to the competitive conditions of supply chains. For this purpose, a nonlinear mathematical model is presented in order to find locations and perform distributions in a closed-loop supply chain under competitive conditions. This model has two objectives including profit maximization and market share maximization. To solve the model, LP-metric and goal programming are implemented, and then the results of these two methods are discussed. Comparisons are also made in terms of the value of the objective functions as well as the solution time. Finally, the simple weighted sum method is used to select the superior method. The results show that the LP-metric method is worth performing to solve the mathematical model of the research." /> <meta name="og:url" content="" /> <!-- WEB FONTS : use %7C instead of | (pipe) --> <link href="./themes/base/front/assets/css/social-icon-font.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <!-- CORE CSS --> <link href="./themes/base/front/assets/plugins/bootstrap/css/bootstrap.min.css?v=0.02" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link href="./themes/old/front/assets/css/header.css?v=0.05" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link href="./themes/old/front/assets/css/footer.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link href="./inc/css/essentials.css?v=0.2" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link href="./inc/css/cookieconsent.min.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <link href="./inc/css/print.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="print"/> <!-- RTL CSS --> <link href="./themes/base/front/assets/plugins/bootstrap/css/bootstrap-ltr.min.css" rel="stylesheet" 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distribution in a closed-loop supply chain by considering market share in competitive conditions</span></h1> <div> <div class="margin-bottom-3"> </div> <p class="margin-bottom-3">Document Type : Research Paper</p> <p class="padding-0" style="margin:12px -2px 0 -2px"><strong>Authors</strong></p> <ul class="list-inline list-inline-seprator margin-bottom-6 ltr"> <li class="padding-3"> <a href="./?_action=article&amp;au=117816&amp;_au=Alireza++Goli">Alireza Goli</a> <sup><a href="" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" title="Email to Corresponding Author"><i class="fa fa-envelope-o" ></i></a></sup> <sup class="ltr"><a class=" text-green" href="" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" data-html="true" title="ORCID: 0000-0001-9535-9902" target="_blank"><i class="ai ai-orcid size-13" ></i></a></sup> <sup><a href="#aff1" >1</a></sup> </li> <li class="padding-3"> <a href="./?_action=article&amp;au=126003&amp;_au=Amir-mohammad++Golmohammadi">Amir-mohammad Golmohammadi</a> <sup class="ltr"><a class=" text-green" href="" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="bottom" data-html="true" title="ORCID: 0000-0001-5467-9838" target="_blank"><i class="ai ai-orcid size-13" ></i></a></sup> <sup><a href="#aff2" >2</a></sup> </li> </ul> <p class="margin-bottom-3 ltr" id="aff1"> <sup>1</sup> Industrial Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran </p> <p class="margin-bottom-3 ltr" id="aff2"> <sup>2</sup> Department of Industrial Engineering, Arak University, Arak, Iran </p> <div class="margin-bottom-3 ltr" id="ar_doi" title="DOI"><i class="ai ai-doi size-25 text-orange"></i> <span dir="ltr"><a href="">10.22034/ijsom.2021.109265.2285</a></span></div> <p style="margin:12px -2px 0 -2px"><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <div class="padding_abstract justify ltr">Development of supply chains is one of the practical concepts in the field of production and sales in competitive conditions. Accordingly, it is necessary to properly study the competitive conditions in which supply chain networks can be designed. In this regard, the present research contributes to the field by incorporating the market share and customer satisfaction to the competitive conditions of supply chains. For this purpose, a nonlinear mathematical model is presented in order to find locations and perform distributions in a closed-loop supply chain under competitive conditions. This model has two objectives including profit maximization and market share maximization. To solve the model, LP-metric and goal programming are implemented, and then the results of these two methods are discussed. Comparisons are also made in terms of the value of the objective functions as well as the solution time. Finally, the simple weighted sum method is used to select the superior method. The results show that the LP-metric method is worth performing to solve the mathematical model of the research.</div> <p class="padding-0" style="margin:12px -2px 0 -2px"><strong>Keywords</strong></p> <ul class="block list-inline list-inline-seprator margin-bottom-6 ltr"> <li class="padding-3"> <a class="tag_a" href="./?_action=article&amp;kw=106319&amp;_kw=Location+and+distribution" >Location and distribution</a> </li> <li class="padding-3"> <a class="tag_a" href="./?_action=article&amp;kw=106320&amp;_kw=Market+share" >Market share</a> </li> <li class="padding-3"> <a class="tag_a" href="./?_action=article&amp;kw=104889&amp;_kw=Closed-loop+supply+chain" >Closed-loop supply chain</a> </li> <li class="padding-3"> <a class="tag_a" href="./?_action=article&amp;kw=106321&amp;_kw=LP-metric" >LP-metric</a> </li> <li class="padding-3"> <a class="tag_a" href="./?_action=article&amp;kw=105985&amp;_kw=Goal+programming" >Goal programming</a> </li> </ul> </div> <hr> <div class="page_break"></div> <div class="panel"> <div class="panel-heading card-header"> <h4 class="panel-title "> <a data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordions" href="#collapsesRef"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i> References</a> </h4> </div> <div id="collapsesRef" class="panel-collapse collapse"> <div class="panel-body justify"> <div class="padding-3 margin-top-3 ltr justify">Aghighi, A., Goli, A., Malmir, B., and Tirkolaee, E. 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(2022). Multi-objective optimization of location and distribution in a closed-loop supply chain by considering market share in competitive conditions. <em>International Journal of Supply and Operations Management</em>, 9(4), 483-495. doi: 10.22034/ijsom.2021.109265.2285</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="cite-mla" class="modal fade" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <div class="modal-content"> <!-- Modal Header --> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span></button> <h4 class="modal-title" id="myModalLabel">MLA</h4> </div> <!-- Modal Body --> <div class="modal-body"> <p>Alireza Goli; Amir-mohammad Golmohammadi. "Multi-objective optimization of location and distribution in a closed-loop supply chain by considering market share in competitive conditions". <em>International Journal of Supply and Operations Management</em>, 9, 4, 2022, 483-495. doi: 10.22034/ijsom.2021.109265.2285</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="cite-harvard" class="modal fade" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <div class="modal-content"> <!-- Modal Header --> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span></button> <h4 class="modal-title" id="myModalLabel">HARVARD</h4> </div> <!-- Modal Body --> <div class="modal-body"> <p>Goli, A., Golmohammadi, A. (2022). 'Multi-objective optimization of location and distribution in a closed-loop supply chain by considering market share in competitive conditions', <em>International Journal of Supply and Operations Management</em>, 9(4), pp. 483-495. doi: 10.22034/ijsom.2021.109265.2285</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="cite-vancouver" class="modal fade" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <div class="modal-content"> <!-- Modal Header --> <div class="modal-header"> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-label="Close"><span aria-hidden="true">&times;</span></button> <h4 class="modal-title" id="myModalLabel">VANCOUVER</h4> </div> <!-- Modal Body --> <div class="modal-body"> <p>Goli, A., Golmohammadi, A. Multi-objective optimization of location and distribution in a closed-loop supply chain by considering market share in competitive conditions. <em>International Journal of Supply and Operations Management</em>, 2022; 9(4): 483-495. doi: 10.22034/ijsom.2021.109265.2285</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- /MAIN CONTENT --> <!-- Subscribe --> <section class="alternate padding-xxs"> </section> <!-- /Subscribe --> <!-- FOOTER --> <div class="container"> <footer id="footer"> <div class="scrollup" id="scroll" href="#"><span></span></div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-2"> <!-- Links --> <h4 class="">Explore Journal</h4> <ul class="footer-links list-unstyled"> <li id="fli_home"><a href="./">Home</a></li> <li id="fli_about"><a href="./journal/about">About Journal</a></li> <li id="fli_Edb"><a href="./journal/editorial.board">Editorial Board</a></li> <li id="fli_submit"><a href="./author">Submit Manuscript</a></li> <li id="fli_contactus"><a href="./journal/">Contact Us</a></li> <li id="fli_glossary"><a href="./journal/glossary">Glossary</a></li> <li id="fli_order_hrdj"><a href="./journal/subscription.form">Hard Copy Subscription</a></li> <li id="fli_sitemap"><a href="./sitemap.xml?usr">Sitemap</a></li> </ul> <!-- /Links --> </div> <div class="col-md-3"> <!-- Latest News --> <h4 class="">Latest News</h4> <ul class="footer-posts list-unstyled"> <li> <a href="./news?newsCode=173">SD of ISC: Sustainable Development of Intelligent Supply Chains based on Trends and Future Directions: Application of Novel Solution Techniques</a> <small class="ltr">2023-03-05</small> </li> </ul> <!-- /Latest News --> </div> <div class="col-md-3"> <!-- Footer Note --> <div><p><a title="Linkedin" href=""><img src="images/linkedin.jpg" alt="linkedin" /></a></p></div> <!-- /Footer Note --> </div> <div class="col-md-4"> <!-- Newsletter Form --> <h4 class="">Newsletter Subscription</h4> <p>Subscribe to the journal newsletter and receive the latest news and updates</p> <form class="validate" action="" method="post" data-success="Subscription saved successfully." data-toastr-position="bottom-right"> <input type="hidden" name="_token" value="13f6eeebf77e0ee6ba34b2fcde1e5d7a6005abf81fe45ba6"/> <div class="input-group"> <span class="input-group-addon"><i class="fa fa-envelope"></i></span> <input type="email" id="email" name="email" required="required" class="form-control required sbs_email" placeholder="Enter your Email" oninvalid="this.setCustomValidity('Enter a valid email address.')" oninput="this.setCustomValidity('')"> <span class="input-group-btn"> <button class="btn btn-primary mybtn" type="submit">Subscribe</button> </span> </div> </form> <!-- /Newsletter Form --> <!-- Social Icons --> <div class="margin-top-20"> <a class="noborder" href="" target="_blank" class="social-icon social-icon-border social-facebook pull-left block" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="Facebook"> <i class="fa fa-facebook-square" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a class="noborder" href="" target="_blank" class="social-icon social-icon-border social-facebook pull-left block" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="Twitter"> <i class="fa fa-twitter-square" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a class="noborder" href="" target="_blank" class="social-icon social-icon-border social-facebook pull-left block" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="Linkedin"> <i class="fa fa-linkedin-square" aria-hidden="true"></i> </a> <a class="noborder" href="./ju.rss" class="social-icon social-icon-border social-rss pull-left block" data-toggle="tooltip" data-placement="top" title="Rss"><i class="fa fa-rss-square" aria-hidden="true"></i></a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="copyright" style="position: relative"> <ul class="nomargin list-inline mobile-block"> <li>&copy; 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