István Széchenyi
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Very carefully educated at home until his seventeenth year, when he entered the army, he fought with distinction at the battle of Raab (June 14, 1809), and on the 19th of July brought about the subsequent junction of the two Austrian armies by conveying a message across the <a href="/geo/475/000179935/">Danube</a> to General J. G. Chasteler at the risk of his life. Equally memorable was his famous ride, through the enemy's lines on the night of the 16th-17th of October 1813, to convey to <a href="/people/912/000094630/">Bl點her</a> and Bernadotte the wishes of the two emperors that they should participate in the battle of Leipzig on the following day, at a given time and place. In May 1815 he was transferred to Italy, and at the battle of Tolentino scattered Murat's bodyguard by a dashing cavalry charge. From September 1815 to 1821 he visited France, England, Italy, Greece and the Levant, carefully studying the institutions of the countries through which he passed, and everywhere winning admirers and friends. A second -- scientific -- tour with his friend, Baron Miklos Wessel閚yi, taught him much about trade and industry, which knowledge he subsequently applied to his country's needs. In 1825, when he went to France in the suite of Prince P鄉 Esterh醶y, to attend the coronation of <a href="/people/833/000093554/">Charles X</a>, the canal du Midi especially attracted his attention and suggested to him the idea of regulating the rivers Danube and Theiss. At the Diet of 1825, when the motion for founding a Hungarian academy was made by P醠 Nagy, who bitterly reproached the Magyar nobles for so long neglecting their mother-tongue, Sz閏henyi offered to contribute a whole year's income (60,000 florins) towards it. His example was followed by three other magnates who contributed between them 58,000 florins more. A commission was thereupon appointed to settle the details, and on the 18th of August the project received the royal assent. Another of his great projects was the opening up of the Danube for trade from Buda to the Black Sea. He satisfied himself of the practicability of the scheme by a personally conducted naval expedition from Pest to Constantinople. The Palatine Joseph was then won over, and on the 20th of June 1833 a Danube Navigation Committee was formed which completed its work in ten years. Sz閏henyi was also the first to start steamboats on the Theiss, the Danube and Lake Balaton. It was now, too, that he published his famous work <i>Stadium</i>, suggesting a whole series of useful and indeed indispensable reforms (1833), which was followed by <i>Hunnia</i> (1834), which advocated the extension and beautifying of Budapest so as to make it the worthy capital of a future great power. His <i>A Few Words on Horse-racing</i>, a sport which he did so much to introduce and ennoble, appeared in 1839.<p> All this time Sz閏henyi had been following, with some anxiety, the political course of Kossuth. He sincerely believed that the exaggeration and exaltation of the popular editor of the <i>Pesti Hirlap</i> would cast the nation back into the old evil conditions from which it had only just been raised, mainly by Sz閏henyi's own extraordinary efforts, and in <i>Kelet n閜e</i>, which is also an autobiography, he prophetically hinted at an approaching revolution. "Trample on me without ceremony", he wrote to Kossuth on this occasion, "but for God's sake don't use the nimbus of your popularity to plunge Hungary into chaos." On this very point of reform the nation was already divided into two parties, though only the minority held with Sz閏henyi. But neither this fact nor the gradual loss of his popularity restrained Sz閏henyi, both in the Diet and at county meetings, from fulminating conscientiously against the extreme demands of Kossuth. His views at this period are expounded in the pamphlet <i>Politikai programm t鰎ed閗ek</i> ("Fragments of a Political Program"). He held the portfolio of ways and communications in the first responsible Magyar administration (March 23, 1848) under B醨thy醤y, but his increasing apprehension of a revolution, with its inevitable corollaries of civil war and a rupture with the dynasty, finally affected his mind, and on the 5th of September he was removed to an asylum. Here he remained for many years, but recovered sufficiently to correspond with his friends and even to meditate writing fresh books. In 1859 he published the pamphlet <i>Ein Blick</i> in which he implored his countrymen to accept the Bach system as the best constitution attainable in the circumstances. The sudden death of his old friend Baron Samuel J髎ika and the once more darkening political horizon led him, in a moment of despair, to take his own life (April 8, 1860). He richly deserved the epithet "the greatest of the Magyars" bestowed upon him by his political antagonist Kossuth. Most of his numerous works on political and economical subjects have been translated into German. The best complete edition of his writings has been published, in nine volumes, by the Hungarian Academy (Pest, 1884-96). <p><b>Father:</b> Ferencz Széchenyi<br><b>Mother:</b> Countess Juliana Festetics<br><p><br><br><p> <font size=-1>Do you know something we don't?</font><br> <font size=-1><a href="" rel="nofollow">Submit a correction or make a comment about this profile</a></font><br> <p> <br><br><p><font size=-1>Copyright ©2019 Soylent Communications</font><p> </td></tr></table> </td></tr> </table> </td> <td width=180 align="center" valign="top" style="padding: 0px 0px 8px 25px;"></td></tr> </table> </center> </body> </html>