Ideas on a Model of Economic Growth for the UK: An Integrated Framework
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Economic growth theories have provided significant insights into the mecha- nisms driving development, yet single-idea models often fall short in addressing the complexities of modern economies. The Solow Growth Model, endogenous growth frameworks, and structural change theories each focus on specific drivers of growth but lack a comprehensive perspective. This paper proposes an integrated overarching model that combines elements from these frameworks, including capi- tal accumulation, human capital, technological progress, structural transformation, institutional quality, and globalisation. By addressing the limitations in existing theories, this model is tailored to the UK’s economic challenges and highlights ac- tionable strategies for fostering innovation, reforming education, enhancing trade, strengthening governance, and building resilience to shocks. This holistic frame- work aims to guide the UK toward achieving sustainable and inclusive growth in an increasingly interconnected global economy."> <META NAME="keywords" CONTENT=""> <META NAME="jel_code" CONTENT=""> <META NAME="author" CONTENT="Adamou, Marios"> <META NAME="author_shortid" CONTENT=""> <META NAME="title" CONTENT="Ideas on a Model of Economic Growth for the UK: An Integrated Framework"> <META NAME="download" CONTENT="1"> <META NAME="freedownload" CONTENT="1"> <META NAME="date" CONTENT="2025-02-02"> <META NAME="citation_publication_date" CONTENT="2025/01/03"> <META NAME="citation_authors" content="Adamou, Marios"> <META NAME="citation_title" content="Ideas on a Model of Economic Growth for the UK: An Integrated Framework"> <META NAME="citation_abstract" content="Economic growth theories have provided significant insights into the mecha- nisms driving development, yet single-idea models often fall short in addressing the complexities of modern economies. The Solow Growth Model, endogenous growth frameworks, and structural change theories each focus on specific drivers of growth but lack a comprehensive perspective. This paper proposes an integrated overarching model that combines elements from these frameworks, including capi- tal accumulation, human capital, technological progress, structural transformation, institutional quality, and globalisation. By addressing the limitations in existing theories, this model is tailored to the UK’s economic challenges and highlights ac- tionable strategies for fostering innovation, reforming education, enhancing trade, strengthening governance, and building resilience to shocks. This holistic frame- work aims to guide the UK toward achieving sustainable and inclusive growth in an increasingly interconnected global economy."> <META NAME="citation_publisher" content="Center for Open Science"> <META NAME="citation_journal_title" content="OSF Preprints"> <META NAME="citation_keywords" content=""> <META NAME="citation_abstract_html_url" content=""> <META NAME="citation_abstract_pdf_url" content=""> <META NAME="redif-type" content="paper"> <META NAME="citation_type" content="redif-paper"> <META NAME="citation_technical_report_number" content="t2vhj"> <META NAME="citation_year" content="2025"> <META NAME="twitter:card" content="summary_large_image"> <META NAME="twitter:site" content="@repec_org"> <META NAME="twitter:title" content="Ideas on a Model of Economic Growth for the UK: An Integrated Framewor"> <META NAME="twitter:description" content="Economic growth theories have provided significant insights into the mecha- nisms driving development, yet single-idea models often fall short in addressing the complexities of modern economies. The S"> <META NAME="twitter:image" content=""> <META PROPERTY="og:type" content="article"> <META PROPERTY="og:title" content="Ideas on a Model of Economic Growth for the UK: An Integrate"> <META PROPERTY="og:description" content="Economic growth theories have provided significant insights into the mecha- nisms driving development, yet single-idea models often fall short in addressing the complexities of modern economies. The S"> <META PROPERTY="og:url" content=""> <META PROPERTY="og:image" content=""> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@graph": [ { "@id": "#periodical", "@type": "Periodical", "name": "OSF Preprints", "publisher": "Center for Open Science", "url": "", "requiresSubscription": "false" }, { "@id": "#number", "@type": "PublicationIssue", "datePublished": "2025-01-03", "issueNumber": "t2vhj" }, { "@id": "#article", "@type": "ScholarlyArticle", "name": "Ideas on a Model of Economic Growth for the UK: An Integrated Framework", "url": "", "description": "Economic growth theories have provided significant insights into the mecha- nisms driving development, yet single-idea models often fall short in addressing the complexities of modern economies. The Solow Growth Model, endogenous growth frameworks, and structural change theories each focus on specific drivers of growth but lack a comprehensive perspective. This paper proposes an integrated overarching model that combines elements from these frameworks, including capi- tal accumulation, human capital, technological progress, structural transformation, institutional quality, and globalisation. By addressing the limitations in existing theories, this model is tailored to the UK’s economic challenges and highlights ac- tionable strategies for fostering innovation, reforming education, enhancing trade, strengthening governance, and building resilience to shocks. This holistic frame- work aims to guide the UK toward achieving sustainable and inclusive growth in an increasingly interconnected global economy.", "keywords": "", "author": "Adamou, Marios", "isPartOf": [ { "@id": "#periodical" }, { "@id": "#number" } ] } ] } </script> </HEAD><BODY><!-- Google tag (gtag.js) --> <script async src=""></script> <script> window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'G-G63YGSJVZ7'); </script> <div class="container"> <div id="header" class="row"> <nav class="navbar navbar-collapse navbar-expand-md" role="navigation"> <a class="navbar-brand" href="/"> <img width="125" src="/ideas4.jpg" border="0" alt="IDEAS home"> </a> <button class="navbar-toggler" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#mobilesearch" aria-controls="mobilesearch" aria-expanded="false" aria-label="Toggle navigation"> <span class="navbar-toggler-icon"><i class="fa fa-search"></i></span> </button> <div 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The Solow Growth Model, endogenous growth frameworks, and structural change theories each focus on specific drivers of growth but lack a comprehensive perspective. This paper proposes an integrated overarching model that combines elements from these frameworks, including capi- tal accumulation, human capital, technological progress, structural transformation, institutional quality, and globalisation. By addressing the limitations in existing theories, this model is tailored to the UK’s economic challenges and highlights ac- tionable strategies for fostering innovation, reforming education, enhancing trade, strengthening governance, and building resilience to shocks. This holistic frame- work aims to guide the UK toward achieving sustainable and inclusive growth in an increasingly interconnected global economy.</div> <h2>Suggested Citation</h2> <div id="biblio-body"> <LI class="list-group-item downfree"> Adamou, Marios, 2025. "<B><A HREF="/p/osf/osfxxx/t2vhj.html">Ideas on a Model of Economic Growth for the UK: An Integrated Framework</A></B>," <A HREF="/s/osf/osfxxx.html">OSF Preprints</A> t2vhj, Center for Open Science. </li> Handle: <i style="word-break:break-all">RePEc:osf:osfxxx:t2vhj</i> <br>DOI: 10.31219/ <form method="post" action="/cgi-bin/refs.cgi" enctype="multipart/form-data" target="refs" class="form-inline" role="form" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> <input type="hidden" name="handle" value="RePEc:osf:osfxxx:t2vhj"> <div class="pull-left" style="padding-right: 2px;"> <input type="submit" class="btn btn-default fa" name="ref" value="Export reference "> as </div> <div class="col-xs-8" style="padding-left: 0;"> <select name="output" size="1"> <option value="0">HTML</option> <option value="0.5">HTML with abstract</option> <option value="1">plain text</option> <option value="1.5">plain text with abstract</option> <option value="2">BibTeX</option> <option value="3">RIS (EndNote, RefMan, ProCite)</option> <option value="4">ReDIF</option> <option value="6">JSON</option> </select> </div> </form></div> </div> <div class="tab-pane fade" id="download" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="download-tab"> <h2>Download full text from publisher</h2><p></p> <FORM METHOD=GET ACTION="/cgi-bin/" target="_blank"> <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="urn" VALUE="RePEc:osf:osfxxx:t2vhj"><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="url" VALUE="" checked><B>File URL:</B> <span style="word-break:break-all"></span><BR><B>Download Restriction:</B> no<BR> <HR><INPUT TYPE="radio" NAME="url" VALUE=""> <B>File URL:</B> <span style="word-break:break-all"></span><BR> <B>LibKey link</B>: if access is restricted and if your library uses this service, LibKey will redirect you to where you can use your library subscription to access this item<BR> <font size="+2" color="red">---><INPUT TYPE="SUBMIT" class="btn fa" VALUE="Download the selected file " style="color:white;background-color:#2d4e8b;"><---</font></FORM><P> </div> <div class="tab-pane fade" id="refs" role="tabpanel" aria-labelledby="refs-tab"><h2>References listed on IDEAS</h2><form method="post" action="/cgi-bin/refs.cgi" enctype="multipart/form-data" target="refs" class="form-inline" role="form" style="margin-bottom: 10px;"> <input type="hidden" name="handle" value="repec:oup:qjecon:v:70:y:1956:i:1:p:65-94.#repec:ucp:jpolec:v:94:y:1986:i:5:p:1002-37#repec:cla:levarc:2232#repec:eee:moneco:v:22:y:1988:i:1:p:3-42"> <div class="pull-left" style="padding-right: 2px;"> <input type="submit" class="btn btn-default fa" name="ref" value="Export references "> as </div> <div class="col-xs-8" style="padding-left: 0;"> <select name="output" size="1"> <option value="0">HTML</option> <option value="0.5">HTML with abstract</option> <option value="1">plain text</option> <option value="1.5">plain text with abstract</option> <option value="2">BibTeX</option> <option value="3">RIS (EndNote, RefMan, ProCite)</option> <option value="4">ReDIF</option> <option value="6">JSON</option> </select> </div> </form> <ol class="list-group"><LI class="list-group-item downgate"> Romer, Paul M, 1986. 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