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Effective January 1, 2023, all unredeemed points will expire. New points will not be awarded after October 31, 2022. For more information visit <a href="">Harlequin Help Center</a></strong></p> </div> <p><strong>Effective date: December 4, 2018</strong></p> <p><strong>BY JOINING HARLEQUIN.COM OR CARINAPRESS.COM (each, a “Site”), AND PRESSING THE "ACCEPT AND CONTINUE" BUTTON, YOU AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS BELOW.</strong></p> <p>This agreement specifically incorporates by reference the <a href="" class="u-link-underline">Site Terms of Use</a> and the <a href="" class="u-link-underline">Privacy Policy</a> (collectively, “Agreement”), which together form the entire agreement. By accepting this Agreement, you expressly consent to the use and disclosure of your personally identifiable and other information as described in the Privacy Policy. The Privacy Policy supersedes the Membership Agreement which in turn supersedes the Site Terms of Use in the case of any conflict or discrepancy.</p> <p>We reserve the right to modify this Agreement at any time. Updated Agreements will be posted at least 30 days prior to any changes taking effect. </p> <p>1. ELIGIBILITY: You are eligible to become a member of the Site so long as you are age 18 or over. If you are under age 18, you may not register with the Site. Memberships are available for free. They include access to message boards, the shopping cart, your choice of email newsletters and service personalization, as well as additional benefits to be added in the future. We reserve the right to add, delete or change some or all of your free membership services at any time.</p> <p>2. MEMBERSHIP: You should register yourself, and only yourself, for a membership. Membership is personal to you and may not be transferred or shared. Message boards may only be used for personal purposes, not commercial purposes. You shall comply with all applicable laws regarding your access to membership and your participation in member services.</p> <p>3. PURCHASES: All prices, unless otherwise indicated, are in United States dollars. All orders are subject to approval. Purchases may be subject to sales tax. Price and availability information is subject to change without notice. You agree to pay all fees and charges incurred in connection with your user name and password, including applicable taxes.</p> <p><strong>Upon the purchase of any digital content from the Site you will receive a limited and non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable license to view such content on your personal device(s). </strong> The license gives you a personal right to use, to view and to display the content on your personal device. You may not use the content for any other purpose other than as stated above. 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WE AND OUR SUPPLIERS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF TITLE, MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. We do not guarantee continuous or uninterrupted access to your membership. Applicable law may not allow the disclaimer of implied warranties, so the foregoing disclaimer may not apply to you.</p> <p>7. MY REWARDS: If you register to become a member of the My Rewards program, the terms and conditions of this Section 7 shall apply.</p> <p>7.1 Eligibility and Registration: The My Rewards program is offered to members in the United States and Canada (excluding Quebec), except where prohibited or restricted by law, who: a) are 18 years of age or older as of the date of their first participation in the My Rewards Program; and b) possess a valid, active and personal email address or a third party account, e.g., a Facebook or other account requested during the registration process, issued in the member's name, for access to the My Rewards program. Harlequin is not responsible for determining compliance with local laws. To the extent local laws apply, you are solely responsible for compliance. Taxes on Coupons (defined below) or rewards, if any, are your sole responsibility.</p> <p>When registering for the My Rewards program you may only register one (1) account for the purpose of accruing or earning Points. For example, if a promotion allows you to accrue points via Facebook or Foursquare, you may have one user account for Facebook and one user account for Foursquare that may accrue points, so long as they are both registered in your name. Any person who tries to use more than one user account, user ID or create more than one identity to obtain more Points shall be disqualified in Harlequin's sole discretion. Harlequin employees (including members of their households) are ineligible to participate in the My Rewards program.</p> <p>7.2 Points: For the purposes of the My Rewards program, "Points" mean those particular measurement increments based on dollars spent on qualifying purchases, as detailed below, or other qualifying behaviors. Points and their values are: (a) determined by Harlequin in its sole discretion; (b) subject to change without notice; and (c) variable among promotions. Points have no cash value and can only be redeemed for Coupons (defined below). All Points and actions utilizing Points, including but not limited to earning, saving and using, must be in compliance with this Agreement. Points are not transferable and Points cannot be earned after the My Rewards program is terminated as set out below. Unless prohibited by law, unused Points are forfeited upon termination of the My Rewards program. The total Points awarded for qualifying purchases are based on Harlequin's suggested retail price. The amount of points awarded for qualifying purchases will be the dollar amount rounded up to the nearest one hundred (ex. $5.75 = 600 points). Points will be reflected in a commercially reasonable time after they are earned or after the retailer purchase upload date. Uploads must be completed within 90 days of receipt date. Any inquiries regarding Points not correctly reflected must be received by Harlequin within 7 days of the date of alleged accrual of Points. Earned Points are not transferable. If an item is returned, your Points related to the returned purchase may be deducted.</p> <p>7.3 Points Redemption: Coupons may be exchanged online by signing into your account at <a href="" class="u-link-underline"></a> (the "Redemption Page") and according to the terms set out on the Redemption Page. The number of points required to redeem for specific Coupons is subject to change at Harlequin's discretion and will be as set out at the time of redemption. Points may not be combined with cash or with another member's points in order to redeem.</p> <p>7.4 Earning Points: Users may earn Points for specific activities outlined on the Redemption Page or via proof of purchase (sales receipt) of new Harlequin books at participating retailers, in accordance with the rules set out for each such activity. Harlequin reserves the right to refuse to award Points for books purchased second hand or through non-participating retailers. If you would like more details on participating retailers in your area, please contact <a href="" class="u-link-underline"></a>. Points earned are reflected in your account and can be used to redeem coupons ("Coupons") exchangeable for: (i) any book with a cover value of $8.99 or less on; (ii) experiences provided by Harlequin as listed from time to time on the Redemption Page; or (iii) goods and services from third party providers as listed from time to time on the Redemption Page. The Coupon values and participating retailers may change from time to time, without notice, at Harlequin's discretion.</p> <p>7.5 Termination of My Rewards: The My Rewards program may terminate at Harlequin's discretion, upon 30 days prior notice. Notice of termination shall be provided to you in the manner Harlequin deems reasonable, including but not limited to, posting such notice on the Site or via email. Points may expire, subject to applicable law. You must redeem and use all Points and exchange your Coupons before expiration or the effective date of termination. Harlequin may also terminate your participation in the My Rewards program if it determines, in its sole discretion, you are in breach of any terms of this Agreement.</p> <p>7.6 Use: Harlequin reserves the right to modify, suspend and/or terminate the My Rewards program, without notice, in whole or in part, in the event of computer, programming, system errors or other problems which are beyond Harlequin's control and that affect Harlequin's ability to proceed as intended. Any attempts by you to access the My Rewards program via a bot script or other brute-force attack shall result in your becoming ineligible and forfeiting any and all accrued Points, Coupons and rewards. Any use of automated means, whether programmatic or robotic or the like, to gather Points shall result in your disqualification from the My Rewards program and forfeiture of Points.</p> <p>8.INDEMNITY: You agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Site and its affiliates, representatives, officers, directors and employees from all liabilities, claims, costs and expenses, including attorney fees that arise out of or in connection with your use of the site or participation in the My Rewards program. Harlequin is not responsible for the inability of a User to accept, redeem and/or use Coupons for any reason, including any third-party's terms and conditions and/or the terms of business and operations for a particular entity (e.g., timeframes for selecting merchandise, registration obligations, etc.) which is offering Coupons. 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