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Make your mark online with the world’s greatest blogging tool, and join a community millions strong that’s waiting to hear what you have to say. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="lpc-features-block-item lp-features-feature"> <div id="lpc-feature.4" class="lpc lpc-feature"> <div class="lpc-feature-wrapper"> <div class="lpc-feature-container"> <div id="lpc-gridicon.4" class="lpc lpc-gridicon lpc-feature-icon" style="color: #fff; background-color: #204A69"> <svg class="gridicon gridicons-layout" height="24" width="24" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><g><path d="M8 20H5c-1.105 0-2-.895-2-2V6c0-1.105.895-2 2-2h3c1.105 0 2 .895 2 2v12c0 1.105-.895 2-2 2zm8-10h4c1.105 0 2-.895 2-2V5c0-1.105-.895-2-2-2h-4c-1.105 0-2 .895-2 2v3c0 1.105.895 2 2 2zm5 10v-6c0-1.105-.895-2-2-2h-5c-1.105 0-2 .895-2 2v6c0 1.105.895 2 2 2h5c1.105 0 2-.895 2-2z"/></g></svg> </div> <h5 class="lpc-feature-title lp-features-feature--title no-widows"> Design a portfolio. </h5> <div class="lpc-feature-description lp-features-feature--description lp-text no-widows"> Thousands of themes means there’s a layout that’s just right for you, while storage and design options ensure you can upload anything you need to and give your work the stage it deserves. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="lpc-features-cta lp-features-cta"> <div class="lpc-features-cta-block lp-features-cta--block"> <div class="lpc-features-cta-title lp-features-cta--title no-widows"> Getting started is easy. </div> </div> <div class="lpc-closing-cta-button lp-features-cta--button"> <a id="lpc-button.2" class="lpc lpc-button button is-cta no-widows" href="" >Start your website</a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section id="lpc-pitch-left" class="lpc lpc-pitch lpc-pitch-left"> <div class="lpc-pitch-wrapper"> <div class="lpc-pitch-container"> <div class="lpc-pitch-block-1"> <h3 class="lpc-pitch-title no-widows"> <span>Engineering</span> <span>happiness.</span> </h3> <div class="lpc-pitch-paragraphs"> <div id="lpc-paragraphs" class="lpc lpc-paragraphs"> <div class="lpc-paragraphs-wrapper"> <div class="lpc-paragraphs-container"> <p class="no-widows">Our 24/7 support is powered by actual people. We call them Happiness Engineers.</p><p class="no-widows">From configuring settings to publishing pages to helping you pick the perfect design, they’re all ears, all smiles, and all human. Happiness Engineers also work all around the world—and around the clock, so there’s always someone there when you need them.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="lpc-pitch-cta"> <a id="lpc-button.3" class="lpc lpc-button no-widows" href="" >Start your website</a> </div> </div> <div class="lpc-pitch-block-2"> <div class="lpc-pitch-other"> <div class="lpc-pitch-other-block1"> <div class="lpc-pitch-other-block1-wrapper"> <div class="lpc-pitch-other-block1-container"> <span>MORE THAN</span> <span>300</span> <span>Humans</span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="lpc-pitch-other-block2"> <div class="lpc-pitch-other-block2-wrapper"> <div class="lpc-pitch-other-block2-container"> <span>AVAILABLE</span> <span>24/7</span> <span>Instantly</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section id="lpc-pitch-right" class="lpc lpc-pitch lpc-pitch-right lpc-pitch-right-support"> <div class="lpc-pitch-wrapper"> <div class="lpc-pitch-container"> <div class="lpc-pitch-block-1"> <h3 class="lpc-pitch-title no-widows"> <span>You’re in</span> <span>good company.</span> </h3> <div class="lpc-pitch-paragraphs"> <div id="lpc-paragraphs.2" class="lpc lpc-paragraphs"> <div class="lpc-paragraphs-wrapper"> <div class="lpc-paragraphs-container"> <p class="no-widows">People all over the world are doing all sorts of amazing things on WordPress.</p><p class="no-widows"><a href="#"><svg class="gridicon gridicons-play" height="24" width="24" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><g><path d="M12 2a10 10 0 1 0 10 10A10 10 0 0 0 12 2zm-2 14.5v-9l6 4.5z"/></g></svg> Watch Annette’s story</a></p><p class="no-widows">An innovative New York City hair salon.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="lpc-pitch-block-2"> <div class="lpc-pitch-video"> <div id="lpc-video" class="lpc lpc-video click-tracking-enable"> <div class="lpc-video-wrapper"> <div class="lpc-video-container"> <div class="lpc-video-embed-container"> <video class="lpc-video-embed" poster="" preload="none" style=" width:100%; height:100%;" > <source src="" type="video/mp4"> </video> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <div id="lpc-video.2" class="lpc lpc-video lpc-pitch-right-support-video-overlay"> <div class="lpc-video-wrapper"> <div class="lpc-video-container"> <div class="lpc-video-embed-container"> <video class="lpc-video-embed" poster="" controls preload="none" style=" width:100%; height:100%;" > <source src="" type="video/mp4"> </video> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="lpc-testimonials" class="lpc lpc-testimonials"> <div class="lpc-testimonials-wrapper"> <div class="lpc-testimonials-container"> <div class="lpc-testimonials-collection"> <div id="lpc-testimonial" class="lpc lpc-testimonial"> <div class="lpc-testimonial-wrapper"> <div class="lpc-testimonial-container"> <div class="lpc-testimonial-block"> <div class="lpc-testimonial-quote-container"> <div class="lpc-testimonial-quote no-widows">I looked into what other bloggers whom I admired were using, and the Cadillac of platforms is, hands down. The themes are breathtaking — even the free ones! — and all of the supporting infrastructure and information is top shelf.</div> </div> <div class="lpc-testimonial-image"> <img id="lpc-image" class="lpc lpc-image" src="" alt="" title="Alexis Kanda-Olmstead" loading="lazy" /> </div> </div> <div class="lpc-testimonial-details"> <div class="lpc-testimonial-name no-widows"> Alexis Kanda-Olmstead </div> <div class="lpc-testimonial-website no-widows"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="lpc-testimonial.3" class="lpc lpc-testimonial"> <div class="lpc-testimonial-wrapper"> <div class="lpc-testimonial-container"> <div class="lpc-testimonial-block"> <div class="lpc-testimonial-quote-container"> <div class="lpc-testimonial-quote no-widows">It’s been a great privilege and a life-changing experience. I’m grateful to for providing an affordable and user-friendly platform for individuals to launch projects and be heard in this way.</div> </div> <div class="lpc-testimonial-image"> <img id="lpc-image.3" class="lpc lpc-image" src="" alt="" title="Ann Morgan" loading="lazy" /> </div> </div> <div class="lpc-testimonial-details"> <div class="lpc-testimonial-name no-widows"> Ann Morgan </div> <div class="lpc-testimonial-website no-widows"> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <section id="plans" class="lpc lpc-plans lpc-plans-five lp-module lp-plans" data-adjust-height-breakpoint="660" data-current-page="1" > <div class="lpc-plans-wrapper"> <div class="lpc-plans-container"> <div class="lpc-plans-shapes"> <div id="lpc-shape.5" class="lpc lpc-shape"> <div class="lpc-shape-wrapper"> <div class="lpc-shape-container"> <div class="lpc-shape-ratio"></div> <div class="lpc-shape-fill"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="lpc-shape.6" class="lpc lpc-shape"> <div 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Free </h3> <h4 class="lpc-plan-header-subtitle no-widows"> Best for Getting Started </h4> <h5 class="lpc-plan-header-price lpc-plans-table-interval-type-annual"> <span class="price-free-plan no-widows"> <sup>$</sup>0 </span> </h5> <p class="lpc-plan-header-timeframe plan-timeframe lpc-plans-table-interval-type-annual no-widows"> for life </p> </div> <div class="lpc-plan-cta-block description post-features has-cta lpc-plans-table-interval-type-annual"> <p class="lpc-plan-cta-block-cta lpc-plan-cta lp-cta"> <a id="lpc-button.4" class="lpc lpc-button button is-cta no-widows" href="" >Start with Free</a> </p> </div> <div class="lpc-plan-summary"> <div id="lpc-paragraphs.3" class="lpc lpc-paragraphs"> <div class="lpc-paragraphs-wrapper"> <div class="lpc-paragraphs-container"> <p class="no-widows">Create a&nbsp;beautiful, simple website&nbsp;in&nbsp;minutes.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="lpc-plans-table-wrapper"> <div 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class="lpc lpc-paragraphs"> <div class="lpc-paragraphs-wrapper"> <div class="lpc-paragraphs-container"> <p class="no-widows">Create a&nbsp;beautiful, simple website&nbsp;in&nbsp;minutes.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="lpc-plan-personal" class="lpc lpc-plan lpc-plan-personal plan card plan-personal price-monthly"> <div class="lpc-plan-header plan-header details details-short adjust-height"> <h3 class="lpc-plan-header-title no-widows"> Personal </h3> <h4 class="lpc-plan-header-subtitle no-widows"> Best for Personal Use </h4> <h5 class="lpc-plan-header-price lpc-plans-table-interval-type-annual"> <span class="price-personal-plan no-widows"> <sup>$</sup>5 </span> </h5> <p class="lpc-plan-header-timeframe plan-timeframe lpc-plans-table-interval-type-annual no-widows"> per month, billed yearly </p> </div> <div class="lpc-plan-cta-block description post-features has-cta lpc-plans-table-interval-type-annual"> <p class="lpc-plan-cta-block-cta lpc-plan-cta lp-cta"> <a id="lpc-button.8" class="lpc lpc-button button is-cta no-widows" href="" >Start with Personal</a> </p> </div> <div class="lpc-plan-summary"> <div id="lpc-paragraphs.5" class="lpc lpc-paragraphs"> <div class="lpc-paragraphs-wrapper"> <div class="lpc-paragraphs-container"> <p class="no-widows">Add personality to your website with a custom domain, and gain unlimited access to email support.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="lpc-plan-premium" class="lpc lpc-plan lpc-plan-premium plan card plan-premium price-monthly is-featured"> <div class="lpc-plan-header plan-header details details-short adjust-height"> <div class="lpc-plan-header-badge no-widows"> popular </div> <h3 class="lpc-plan-header-title no-widows"> Premium </h3> <h4 class="lpc-plan-header-subtitle no-widows"> Best for Freelancers </h4> <h5 class="lpc-plan-header-price lpc-plans-table-interval-type-annual"> <span class="price-premium-plan no-widows"> <sup>$</sup>8 </span> </h5> <p class="lpc-plan-header-timeframe plan-timeframe lpc-plans-table-interval-type-annual no-widows"> per month, billed yearly </p> </div> <div class="lpc-plan-cta-block description post-features has-cta lpc-plans-table-interval-type-annual"> <p class="lpc-plan-cta-block-cta lpc-plan-cta lp-cta"> <a id="lpc-button.10" class="lpc lpc-button button is-cta no-widows" href="" >Start with Premium</a> </p> </div> <div class="lpc-plan-summary"> <div id="lpc-paragraphs.6" class="lpc lpc-paragraphs"> <div class="lpc-paragraphs-wrapper"> <div class="lpc-paragraphs-container"> <p class="no-widows">Build a unique site with advanced design tools, custom CSS, and Google Analytics&nbsp;support.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="lpc-plan-business" class="lpc lpc-plan lpc-plan-business plan card plan-business price-monthly"> <div class="lpc-plan-header plan-header details details-short adjust-height"> <h3 class="lpc-plan-header-title no-widows"> Business </h3> <h4 class="lpc-plan-header-subtitle no-widows"> Best for Small Businesses </h4> <h5 class="lpc-plan-header-price lpc-plans-table-interval-type-annual"> <span class="price-business-plan no-widows"> <sup>$</sup>25 </span> </h5> <p class="lpc-plan-header-timeframe plan-timeframe lpc-plans-table-interval-type-annual no-widows"> per month, billed yearly </p> </div> <div class="lpc-plan-cta-block description post-features has-cta lpc-plans-table-interval-type-annual"> <p class="lpc-plan-cta-block-cta lpc-plan-cta lp-cta"> <a id="lpc-button.12" class="lpc lpc-button button is-cta no-widows" href="" >Start with Business</a> </p> </div> <div class="lpc-plan-summary"> <div id="lpc-paragraphs.7" class="lpc lpc-paragraphs"> <div class="lpc-paragraphs-wrapper"> <div class="lpc-paragraphs-container"> <p class="no-widows">Power your business with custom plugins &amp; themes, 200 GB storage, and 24/7 live&nbsp;chat.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div id="lpc-plan-ecommerce" class="lpc lpc-plan lpc-plan-ecommerce plan card plan-ecommerce price-monthly"> <div class="lpc-plan-header plan-header details details-short adjust-height"> <h3 class="lpc-plan-header-title no-widows"> eCommerce </h3> <h4 class="lpc-plan-header-subtitle no-widows"> Best for Online Stores </h4> <h5 class="lpc-plan-header-price lpc-plans-table-interval-type-annual"> <span class="price-ecommerce-plan no-widows"> <sup>$</sup>45 </span> </h5> <p class="lpc-plan-header-timeframe plan-timeframe lpc-plans-table-interval-type-annual no-widows"> per month, billed yearly </p> </div> <div class="lpc-plan-cta-block description post-features has-cta lpc-plans-table-interval-type-annual"> <p class="lpc-plan-cta-block-cta lpc-plan-cta lp-cta"> <a id="lpc-button.14" class="lpc lpc-button button is-cta no-widows" href="" >Start with eCommerce</a> </p> </div> <div class="lpc-plan-summary"> <div id="lpc-paragraphs.8" class="lpc lpc-paragraphs"> <div class="lpc-paragraphs-wrapper"> <div class="lpc-paragraphs-container"> <p class="no-widows">Open your online store with a powerful, 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WordPress VIP provides everything you need to build and run best-in-class customer experiences at scale. Plans start at $2,000/month.</span><a href="" id="vip-learn-more" class="-learn-more" target="_blank">Learn more ›</a></p><p class="no-widows"><img id="lpc-image.5" class="lpc lpc-image" src="" alt="" title="" width="369" height="31" loading="lazy" /></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> <div class="lpc-plans-tooltip-block features-list__item-tooltip-container"> <div class="lpc-plans-tooltip-arrow tip-arrow"></div> <div class="lpc-plans-tooltip-content features-list__item-tooltip-content"></div> </div> </div> </div> </section> <section id="lpc-pitch-right.2" class="lpc lpc-pitch lpc-pitch-right lpc-closing-pitch-right"> <div class="lpc-pitch-wrapper"> <div class="lpc-pitch-container"> <div class="lpc-pitch-block-1"> <h3 class="lpc-pitch-title no-widows"> <span>You can. 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Sets various event props * used in tracking, e.g. locale, page path, etc. Mainly used for Tracks * event props. */ function getWPCOMAnalyticsDefaultConfig() { const currentGenericPageName = null; const cannonicalPath = null; return { // Current page props. currentPagePath: getCurrentPagePath(), currentPageName: getCurrentPageName(), currentGenericPageName: currentGenericPageName ?? getCurrentPageName( cannonicalPath ), currentPageLocale: getCurrentPageLocale(), // Page variation props. pageVariation: '', pagePersonalVariation: '', // Current user props. currentUserIdHash: "", currentUserIdHashShort: "", currentUserEmailHash: "", // Other misc. props. isHomepage: true, affiliateJSVersion: "1716355472", } } // When a8c-analytics:loaded is fired, start main event handling. document.addEventListener( 'a8c-analytics:loaded', () => { const cb = window.a8cAnalytics.cb; const kit = window.a8cAnalytics.kit; const config = getWPCOMAnalyticsDefaultConfig(); const configOptions = window.a8cAnalyticsConfig.fireAnalyticsOptions; // Extend config with any custom props. Object.assign( window.a8cAnalyticsConfig, config ); // Backcompat. for `lpName` and `lpVariation` config properties. config.currentPageName = ! configOptions.currentPageName && 'logged-out-homepage' === configOptions.lpName ? configOptions.lpName : config.currentPageName; config.currentPageName = ! configOptions.currentPageName && 'logged-out-app-promo' === configOptions.lpName ? configOptions.lpName : config.currentPageName; // Backcompat. for `lpPersonalVariation` config property. config.pageVariation = ! configOptions.pageVariation && configOptions.lpVariation ? configOptions.lpVariation : config.pageVariation; config.pagePersonalVariation = ! configOptions.pagePersonalVariation && configOptions.lpPersonalVariation ? configOptions.lpPersonalVariation : config.pagePersonalVariation; /** * Applies linkers, e.g. for "forwarding" certain URL parameters between * and other properties (e.g. Used for affiliate tracking, coupons, etc. */ const applyLinkers = () => { kit.linkQueryVars( [ { includeRegExps: [ /^(?:[^\/]+\.)?(?:wordpress|jetpack|woocommerce|crowdsignal|wpjobmanager)\.com(?:\/|$)/i, ], linkQueryVars: [ 'aff', 'affiliate', 'cid', // Aff campaign ID. 'sid', // Aff sub ID. 'irclickid' // Impact Affiliate Click ID ], }, { includeRegExps: [ /^(?:[^\/]+\.)?(?:wordpress|jetpack)\.com(?:\/|$)/i, ], linkQueryVars: [ 'coupon', ], }, ] ); } /** * Handles currencies. Gets the currency value from cookies, and sets the currency * if the cookie is not present. Can also be overridden by setting the `currency` URL * paramter. */ const fireCurrencyHandlers = () => { let currency = kit.getQueryVar( 'currency' ) || ''; if ( ! currency && 'amex-business-in' === config.currentPageName ) { currency = 'USD'; // Special case for this LP. } if ( currency ) { kit.docCookies.setItem( 'landingpage_currency', currency, 31536000, '/', '.rootDomain' ); } }; /** * Fires the `wpcom_page_view` Tracks event. */ const fireTracks = () => { const props = Object.assign( {}, kit.getQueryVars( '', kit.QUERY_PARAMS ), { // Page props. path: config.currentPagePath, name: config.currentPageName, locale: config.currentPageLocale, variation: config.pageVariation, personal_variation: config.pagePersonalVariation, // Back compat. LP props. lp_name: config.currentGenericPageName, lp_variation: config.pageVariation, lp_personal_variation: config.pagePersonalVariation, } ); window._tkq.push( [ 'recordEvent', 'wpcom_page_view', props ] ); }; function fireRedditAdvertisingPixel() { !function(w,d){if(!w.rdt){var p=w.rdt=function(){p.sendEvent?p.sendEvent.apply(p,arguments):p.callQueue.push(arguments)};p.callQueue=[];var t=d.createElement("script");t.src="",t.async=!0;var s=d.getElementsByTagName("script")[0];s.parentNode.insertBefore(t,s)}}(window,document); rdt('init','a2_ehx23cq176s3'); rdt('track', 'PageVisit'); } /** * Handles the referral tracking. */ const fireAffiliateReferrals = () => { kit.attachScriptElement( '' + config.affiliateJSVersion ); }; /** * Loads the Google Ads gtag. */ const loadGoogleAdsGtag = () => { kit.loadGtag( 'AW-946162814' ); } /** * Loads and fires the Google Analytics 4. */ const fireGoogleAnalyticsFour = () => { const gtagOptions = { 'anonymize_ip': true, 'use_amp_client_id': true }; kit.loadGtag( 'G-1H4VG5F5JF', gtagOptions ); } const fireParsely = ( trackingId ) => { kit.loadParselyTracker( trackingId ); } const fireHotJar = () => { if ( ! kit.pertainsToSTS() ) { kit.fireHotjar( 227769 ); } } const fireHubspot = () => { if ( config.currentPageLocale !== 'es' ) { return; } kit.loadHubSpot( 145630858 ); // TODO: Identify user via email } /** * Loads and fires the Facebook Pixel. */ const fireFacebook = () => { kit.loadFacebook(); fbq( 'init', '823166884443641' ); fbq( 'track', 'PageView' ); } /** * Loads and fires Microsoft Clarity */ const fireMicrosoftClarity = () => { if ( window.clarity ) { return; } // Needs to be set prior to loading the external script. window.clarity = window.clarity || function () { ( window.clarity.q = window.clarity.q || [] ).push( arguments ); }; const clarityScript = kit.attachScriptElement( '' ); document.body.appendChild( clarityScript ); }; const fireImpactAffiliate = () => { kit.loadImpactAffiliate( config.currentUserIdHash, config.currentUserEmailHash ); } /** * Handles scroll percentage tracking. */ const trackScrollPercentage = () => { const scrollPosition = window.pageYOffset; const pageHeight = document.body.scrollHeight - window.innerHeight; const scrollProgress = ( scrollPosition / pageHeight ) * 100; // Check if the user has scrolled to 25%, 50%, 75%, or 100% of the page if ( scrollProgress >= 25 && scrollProgress < 50 ) { dispatchScrollCustomEvent( 25 ) } else if ( scrollProgress >= 50 && scrollProgress < 75 ) { dispatchScrollCustomEvent( 50 ) } else if ( scrollProgress >= 75 && scrollProgress < 100 ) { dispatchScrollCustomEvent( 75 ) } else if ( scrollProgress >= 100 ) { dispatchScrollCustomEvent( 100 ) } } /** * Dispatches a custom event with the scroll percentage. */ const dispatchScrollCustomEvent = ( scrollPercentage ) => { const event = new CustomEvent( `PageScrollPercentage${scrollPercentage}`, { detail: scrollPercentage } ); window.dispatchEvent(event); } /** * Handles the scroll tracking callback. E.g. firing Tracks and GA events. */ const scrollTrackingCallback = ( event ) => { const { detail: scrollPercentage } = event; const trackingProps = {}; // Event props. trackingProps.percent = event.detail ?? 0; trackingProps.path = config.currentPagePath || ''; = config.currentPageName || ''; trackingProps.locale = config.currentPageLocale || ''; trackingProps.variation = config.pageVariation || ''; trackingProps.personal_variation = config.pagePersonalVariation || ''; trackingProps.lp_name = config.currentGenericPageName || ''; trackingProps.lp_variation = config.pageVariation || ''; trackingProps.lp_personal_variation = config.pagePersonalVariation || ''; tracksAnalyticsScrollEvent( trackingProps ); } /** * Dispatches a Tracks event for page scroll. */ const tracksAnalyticsScrollEvent = ( trackingProps ) => { window._tkq.push( [ 'recordEvent', 'wpcom_page_scroll', trackingProps ] ); } // Call the trackScrollProgress function every time the user scrolls window.addEventListener( 'scroll', trackScrollPercentage ); // Listen to events for specific scroll percentages, each event is only acted upon once. window.addEventListener( 'PageScrollPercentage25', scrollTrackingCallback, { once: true } ) window.addEventListener( 'PageScrollPercentage50', scrollTrackingCallback, { once: true } ) window.addEventListener( 'PageScrollPercentage75', scrollTrackingCallback, { once: true } ) window.addEventListener( 'PageScrollPercentage100', scrollTrackingCallback, { once: true } ) /** * Handles click tracking for certain elements in Tracks and GA. */ const setupTracksGAClickTracking = () => { document.querySelector( 'body' ).addEventListener( 'click', ( event ) => { // We only care about clicks on certain elements. if ( 'a, button, .click-tracking-enable' ) ) { const { target: clickEventTarget } = event; // Initialize eventProps object with some defaults. const eventProps = {}; eventProps.path = config.currentPagePath || ''; = config.currentPageName || ''; eventProps.lp_name = config.currentGenericPageName || ''; eventProps.locale = config.currentPageLocale || ''; eventProps.variation = config.pageVariation || ''; eventProps.personal_variation = config.pagePersonalVariation || ''; // Identify farthest and closest parent element. const selectors = [ '.wpcom-masterbar.wpcom-header', '.lpc', '.lp-block', '.lp-module', 'section', 'post', 'article' ]; const section = getLastMatchingAncestor( event, selectors ); const container = getClosestMatchingAncestor( event, selectors ); // Get class name and ID for container and add to props. eventProps.container_id = container ? container.getAttribute( 'id' ) : ''; eventProps.container_class = container ? container.getAttribute( 'class' ) : ''; eventProps.container = eventProps.container_id || eventProps.container_class; // What type of element have we clicked? eventProps.is_cta = clickEventTarget.matches( 'is-cta' ) ?? false; eventProps.is_in_header_nav = clickEventTarget.classList.contains('x-nav-link') || clickEventTarget.classList.contains('x-dropdown-link') || clickEventTarget.classList.contains('x-menu-link') || section === 'lpc-header-nav' || section === 'wpcom-masterbar.wpcom-header'; const isClickedElementButton = clickEventTarget.classList.contains('lpc-button') || clickEventTarget.classList.contains('button') || clickEventTarget.classList.contains('wp-block-button__link'); const isParentElementButton = clickEventTarget.parentElement && (clickEventTarget.parentElement.classList.contains('lpc-button') || clickEventTarget.parentElement.classList.contains('button') || clickEventTarget.parentElement.classList.contains('wp-block-button__link')); eventProps.is_button = isClickedElementButton || isParentElementButton; // Link data. eventProps.href = clickEventTarget.getAttribute( 'href' ) || ''; = clickEventTarget.getAttribute( 'target' ) || ''; eventProps.text = clickEventTarget.innerText || ''; eventProps.use_beacon = true; // Emit tracking event in Tracks and GA. window._tkq.push( [ 'recordEvent', 'wpcom_link_click', eventProps ] ); // TODO: Implement a click delay on navigation links and CTA buttons to improve data integrity. // if ( props.is_in_header_nav || props.is_cta || props.is_button ) { // if ( props.href && 0 !== props.href.indexOf( '#' ) && -1 !== [ '', '_top', '_self' ].indexOf( ) ) { // event.preventDefault(); // Allow time for trackers to record the click. // setTimeout( function() { // document.location = props.href; // }, 300 ); // } // } } }); } /** * Add cookie and stats tracking for the Landpack language picker. */ const setupLocaleChangeTracking = () => { function createLocaleCookie( locale ) { const cookieDomain = ''; const cookieName = 'wpcom_locale'; const date = new Date(); date.setTime( date.getTime() + ( 5 * 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000 ) ); const expires = " expires=" + date.toGMTString(); document.cookie = cookieName + '=' + locale + ';' + expires +'; path=/; domain=' + cookieDomain; } function createStatsRequest( locale, href ) { const languageChangeStat = new Image(); languageChangeStat.onload = () => window.location.href = href; languageChangeStat.onerror = languageChangeStat.onload; languageChangeStat.src = '' + locale + '&rm=' + Math.random(); } document.body.addEventListener( 'click', ( event ) => { const { target } = event; if ( target.matches( '.lp-language-picker a[lang]' ) ) { event.preventDefault(); const code = target.getAttribute( 'lang' ); const href = target.getAttribute( 'href' ); createLocaleCookie( code ); createStatsRequest( code, href ); } }); } /** * Loads and fires the Bing tracking pixel. */ const fireBing = () => { ( function( w, d, t, r, u ) { var f, n, i; w[ u ] = w[ u ] || [], f = function() { var o = { ti: "4074038" }; o.q = w[ u ], w[ u ] = new UET( o ), w[ u ].push( "pageLoad" ) }, n = d.createElement( t ), n.src = r, n.async = 1, n.onload = n.onreadystatechange = function() { var s = this.readyState; s && s !== "loaded" && s !== "complete" || ( f(), n.onload = n.onreadystatechange = null ) }, i = d.getElementsByTagName( t )[ 0 ], i.parentNode.insertBefore( n, i ) } )( window, document, "script", "//", "uetq" ); } /** * Adds a click event for Facebook pixel tracking on the /webinar sub pages. */ const trackFacebookWebinarClicks = () => { const facebookPixelURL = ''; const elementsToTrack = document.getElementsByClassName( 'webinar-facebook-click-track' ); const handleFacebookClickEvent = ( event ) => { const facebookImgPixel = document.createElement( 'img' ); facebookImgPixel.width = 1; facebookImgPixel.height = 1; facebookImgPixel.src = facebookPixelURL; document.body.appendChild( facebookImgPixel ); } Array.from( elementsToTrack ).forEach( ( element ) => element.addEventListener( 'click', handleFacebookClickEvent )); } // Apply the URL parameter linkers. applyLinkers(); // Add "essential" trackers to queue. cb.addTracker( 'essential', false, fireCurrencyHandlers ); // Add "analytics" trackers to queue. cb.addTracker( 'analytics', false, fireTracks ); cb.addTracker( 'analytics', false, fireAffiliateReferrals ); cb.addTracker( 'analytics', false, setupTracksGAClickTracking ); cb.addTracker( 'analytics', false, trackScrollPercentage ); cb.addTracker( 'analytics', false, setupLocaleChangeTracking ); cb.addTracker( 'analytics', true, fireGoogleAnalyticsFour ); cb.addTracker( 'analytics', true, () => fireParsely( '' ) ); cb.addTracker( 'analytics', true, fireHubspot ); // Add "advertising" trackers to queue. cb.addTracker( 'advertising', true, loadGoogleAdsGtag ); cb.addTracker( 'advertising', true, fireFacebook ); cb.addTracker( 'advertising', true, trackFacebookWebinarClicks ); cb.addTracker( 'advertising', true, fireBing ); cb.addTracker( 'advertising', true, fireRedditAdvertisingPixel); // cb.addTracker( 'advertising', true, fireHotJar ); - Disabling for now. Enable when Hotjar is required to be used. // cb.addTracker( 'advertising', true, fireMicrosoftClarity ); - Disabling for now. cb.addTracker( 'advertising', true, fireImpactAffiliate ); // Maybe fire trackers now, via cookie banner, based on bucketed consent. cb.maybeFireTrackers(); }); }; // CCPA - Do Not Sell My Data. document.addEventListener( 'a8c-analytics:loaded-is-ccpa', ( event ) => { const { detail } = event; const isCCPAEligible = JSON.parse( detail ).isCCPA; if ( ! isCCPAEligible ) { document.querySelectorAll( '[data-is-ccpa-dnsd]' ).forEach( ( element ) => { const parent = element.parentNode; const parentTagName = parent.tagName.toLowerCase(); // If the link in a part of a list, remove the entire parent item. // Otherwise, remove only the link element. ( parentTagName === 'li' ? parent : element ).remove(); } ); return; } document.querySelector( '[data-is-ccpa-dnsd-trigger]' ).onclick = ( event ) => { event.preventDefault();; }; } ); if ( window.defQueue && defQueue.isLOHP && defQueue.isLOHP === 2020 ) { defQueue.items.push( setupAnalytics ); } else { setupAnalytics(); } } )(); </script> </div> <script type="text/javascript"> ( function() { 'use strict'; var currentScript = document.currentScript; var setupAnalytics = function() { function getScript() { var script = document.createElement( 'script' ); var prev = currentScript || document.getElementsByTagName( 'script' )[ 0 ]; script.setAttribute( 'src', "https:\/\/\/wp-content\/mu-plugins\/a8c-analytics\/a8c-analytics.js?v=1742510644" ); script.setAttribute( 'async', true ); prev.parentNode.insertBefore( script, prev ); } getScript(); }; if ( window.defQueue && defQueue.isLOHP && defQueue.isLOHP === 2020 ) { defQueue.items.push( setupAnalytics ); } else { setupAnalytics(); } } )(); </script> <!-- A8C Analytics [end] --> <script type="text/javascript"> window.doNotSellCallback = function( $ ) { var dnsLink = $( '<li><a href="">Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information</a></li>' ); var privacyLink = $( '#lpc-footer-links a[href=""]' ).parent(); if ( 0 === privacyLink.length ) { return false; } privacyLink.append(dnsLink); return true; } </script> <!-- CCPA [start] --> <script type="text/javascript"> ( function () { var setupPrivacy = function() { // Minimal Mozilla Cookie library // var cookieLib = window.cookieLib = {getItem:function(e){return e&&decodeURIComponent(document.cookie.replace(new RegExp("(?:(?:^|.*;)\\s*"+encodeURIComponent(e).replace(/[\-\.\+\*]/g,"\\$&")+"\\s*\\=\\s*([^;]*).*$)|^.*$"),"$1"))||null},setItem:function(e,o,n,t,r,i){if(!e||/^(?:expires|max\-age|path|domain|secure)$/i.test(e))return!1;var c="";if(n)switch(n.constructor){case Number:c=n===1/0?"; expires=Fri, 31 Dec 9999 23:59:59 GMT":"; max-age="+n;break;case String:c="; expires="+n;break;case Date:c="; expires="+n.toUTCString()}return"rootDomain"!==r&&".rootDomain"!==r||(r=(".rootDomain"===r?".":"")+document.location.hostname.split(".").slice(-2).join(".")),document.cookie=encodeURIComponent(e)+"="+encodeURIComponent(o)+c+(r?"; domain="+r:"")+(t?"; path="+t:"")+(i?"; secure":""),!0}}; // Implement IAB USP API. window.__uspapi = function( command, version, callback ) { // Validate callback. if ( typeof callback !== 'function' ) { return; } // Validate the given command. if ( command !== 'getUSPData' || version !== 1 ) { callback( null, false ); return; } // Check for GPC. If set, override any stored cookie. if ( navigator.globalPrivacyControl ) { callback( { version: 1, uspString: '1YYN' }, true ); return; } // Check for cookie. var consent = cookieLib.getItem( 'usprivacy' ); // Invalid cookie. if ( null === consent ) { callback( null, false ); return; } // Everything checks out. Fire the provided callback with the consent data. callback( { version: 1, uspString: consent }, true ); }; // Initialization. document.addEventListener( 'DOMContentLoaded', function() { // Internal functions. var setDefaultOptInCookie = function() { var value = '1YNN'; var domain = '' === location.hostname.slice( -14 ) ? '.rootDomain' : location.hostname; cookieLib.setItem( 'usprivacy', value, 365 * 24 * 60 * 60, '/', domain ); }; var setDefaultOptOutCookie = function() { var value = '1YYN'; var domain = '' === location.hostname.slice( -14 ) ? '.rootDomain' : location.hostname; cookieLib.setItem( 'usprivacy', value, 24 * 60 * 60, '/', domain ); }; var setDefaultNotApplicableCookie = function() { var value = '1---'; var domain = '' === location.hostname.slice( -14 ) ? '.rootDomain' : location.hostname; cookieLib.setItem( 'usprivacy', value, 24 * 60 * 60, '/', domain ); }; var setCcpaAppliesCookie = function( applies ) { var domain = '' === location.hostname.slice( -14 ) ? '.rootDomain' : location.hostname; cookieLib.setItem( 'ccpa_applies', applies, 24 * 60 * 60, '/', domain ); } var maybeCallDoNotSellCallback = function() { if ( 'function' === typeof window.doNotSellCallback ) { return window.doNotSellCallback(); } return false; } // Look for usprivacy cookie first. var usprivacyCookie = cookieLib.getItem( 'usprivacy' ); // Found a usprivacy cookie. if ( null !== usprivacyCookie ) { // If the cookie indicates that CCPA does not apply, then bail. if ( '1---' === usprivacyCookie ) { return; } // CCPA applies, so call our callback to add Do Not Sell link to the page. maybeCallDoNotSellCallback(); // We're all done, no more processing needed. return; } // We don't have a usprivacy cookie, so check to see if we have a CCPA applies cookie. var ccpaCookie = cookieLib.getItem( 'ccpa_applies' ); // No CCPA applies cookie found, so we'll need to geolocate if this visitor is from California. // This needs to happen client side because we do not have region geo data in our $SERVER headers, // only country data -- therefore we can't vary cache on the region. if ( null === ccpaCookie ) { var request = new XMLHttpRequest(); 'GET', '', true ); request.onreadystatechange = function () { if ( 4 === this.readyState ) { if ( 200 === this.status ) { // Got a geo response. Parse out the region data. var data = JSON.parse( this.response ); var region = data.region ? data.region.toLowerCase() : ''; var ccpa_applies = ['california', 'colorado', 'connecticut', 'delaware', 'indiana', 'iowa', 'montana', 'new jersey', 'oregon', 'tennessee', 'texas', 'utah', 'virginia'].indexOf( region ) > -1; // Set CCPA applies cookie. This keeps us from having to make a geo request too frequently. setCcpaAppliesCookie( ccpa_applies ); // Check if CCPA applies to set the proper usprivacy cookie. if ( ccpa_applies ) { if ( maybeCallDoNotSellCallback() ) { // Do Not Sell link added, so set default opt-in. setDefaultOptInCookie(); } else { // Failed showing Do Not Sell link as required, so default to opt-OUT just to be safe. setDefaultOptOutCookie(); } } else { // CCPA does not apply. setDefaultNotApplicableCookie(); } } else { // Could not geo, so let's assume for now that CCPA applies to be safe. setCcpaAppliesCookie( true ); if ( maybeCallDoNotSellCallback() ) { // Do Not Sell link added, so set default opt-in. setDefaultOptInCookie(); } else { // Failed showing Do Not Sell link as required, so default to opt-OUT just to be safe. setDefaultOptOutCookie(); } } } }; // Send the geo request. request.send(); } else { // We found a CCPA applies cookie. if ( ccpaCookie === 'true' ) { if ( maybeCallDoNotSellCallback() ) { // Do Not Sell link added, so set default opt-in. setDefaultOptInCookie(); } else { // Failed showing Do Not Sell link as required, so default to opt-OUT just to be safe. setDefaultOptOutCookie(); } } else { // CCPA does not apply. setDefaultNotApplicableCookie(); } } } ); }; // Kickoff initialization. if ( window.defQueue && defQueue.isLOHP && defQueue.isLOHP === 2020 ) { defQueue.items.push( setupPrivacy ); } else { setupPrivacy(); } } )(); </script> <!-- CCPA [end] --> </body> </html>

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