Discover Secured Credit Card | Build Your Credit History
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See terms and apply for secured credit card today.", "image": " ", "category": "CreditCard", "annualPercentageRate": "28.24%", "provider": { "@id": "", "name": " Discover" } } </script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "HowTo", "name": "How to get a secured credit card and build credit with responsible use", "description": "When you're just starting out and you have no credit history at all, you need to find the right credit card that can help prepare you for the future. On-time payments can help put you on the right financial path. It's important to show a good credit score in case you want to rent an apartment, finance a car loan, get hired by employers who review credit reports, or use a mortgage to buy a house.", "image":"", "step": [{ "@type": "HowToStep", "name": "Check your credit score", "text": "Discover shows your FICO® Credit Score9 for free, so you can track it. Seeing how your credit score is affected by your credit actions can help you improve your credit knowledge.", "url": "" }, { "@type": "HowToStep", "name": "Apply for the Discover it® Secured Card", "text": "With the Discover it® Secured Credit Card, you provide a refundable security deposit to back your credit line. You still make monthly payments, and can build credit with responsible use.", "url": "" }, { "@type": "HowToStep", "name": "Pay credit bills on time", "text": "The Discover it® Secured Card can help you build credit with responsible use, like making your payments on time and in full each month. Payment history is reported to the credit bureaus.", "url": "" }, { "@type": "HowToStep", "name": "Keep your balances low", "text": "Another part of responsible credit card use is to keep your balances low to improve your credit utilization ratio–using less of your available credit is viewed by credit bureaus more favorably.", "url": "" }, { "@type": "HowToStep", "name": "Get your deposit back", "text": "After 7 months we begin automatic monthly account reviews to see if you are eligible to upgrade to an 'unsecured' card and get your deposit back. If you qualify to get your deposit back, you’ll automatically be considered for a credit line increase.", "url": "" }]} </script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [{ "@type": "Question", "name": "How do I know if Discover is the best secured credit card for me?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "If you want to build a credit history, or looking to rebuild credit with responsible use, the Discover it® Secured Credit Card may be right for you. To see if you qualify, Discover reviews your application, credit report, and other information. And while you work on your credit, the Discover it® Secured Credit Card also provides other industry-leading benefits, like cash back rewards on every purchase, a refundable security deposit, security features like Online Privacy Protection and $0 Fraud Liability Guarantee, and more." } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "What are secured credit cards and how does a Discover it® Secured card work?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "The Discover it® Secured Credit Card helps you build your credit history with responsible use. It looks and acts like a traditional credit card except that you provide a refundable security deposit, which will equal your credit line, of at least $200. And like a traditional credit card, as you use your credit card, you’ll need to make payments each month and your credit card account use is reported to the three major credit bureaus. So, your on-time payments and responsible use can help build your credit history. Discover conducts automatic reviews starting at 7 months to see if we can transition you to an unsecured line of credit and return your deposit. These reviews will look for your responsible credit use across all your cards and loans, not just with Discover. Apply Now." } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "What’s the difference between a secured credit card and an unsecured credit card?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "A secured credit card requires you to make a deposit equal to the amount of your credit line, while an unsecured credit card requires no deposit." } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "What do I need to apply for a secured credit card?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "To determine if you qualify for an account, we review the information that you provide on the application, information in your credit report, as well as other information we may have about your creditworthiness. You’ll need to be at least 18 years of age, have a Social Security number, U.S. address and U.S. bank account, and provide all the required information in the online application. Be sure to have your bank routing number and account number handy when you apply. There’s no credit score required to apply* for a Discover it®️ Secured Credit Card. If you’re not approved, we’ll provide you with the score we obtained, which credit reporting agency it was obtained from, and the reasons we couldn’t approve your application. Applications are taken 24X7 on Apply Now" } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "Can a secured credit card help me build credit or rebuild credit?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Some secured credit cards can help you build or rebuild credit if used responsibly, and if your card issuer reports your credit activity to the major credit bureaus. For example, the Discover it® Secured Card can help you build your credit history if you responsibly use your account and pay your other loans on time. Be sure to make at least your minimum monthly payment due on time. It may also help to pay down existing credit card debt and dispute errors on your credit report. How long it takes to get the credit score you want depends on where you're starting, and how you use your secured card, other credit accounts, and loans. With the Discover it® Secured Credit Card, after 7 months, we begin automatic monthly account reviews to see if you qualify to upgrade to an 'unsecured' card and get your deposit back. Apply for a Discover it® Secured card today, and if approved begin to build your credit with responsible use." } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "What’s the credit limit for a Discover it®️ Secured Card?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Discover determines your credit limit based on the information you provide. Your secured credit card requires a refundable security deposit, and your credit line will equal your deposit amount, starting at $200. Bank information must be provided when submitting your deposit. If approved, you could have a credit limit up to $2,500." } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "Can I get my Discover security deposit refunded?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "1. If you pay your balance in full and close your credit card account, we'll refund your security deposit, which can take up to two billing cycles plus 10 days. 2. After 7 months, we begin automatic monthly account reviews to see if you qualify to upgrade to an 'unsecured' card and get your deposit back. These reviews are based on responsible credit management across all of your credit cards and loans, including Discover and others." } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "Can you get denied for a secured credit card?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Yes. Getting a secured credit card isn’t guaranteed. Your application can be turned down." } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "What is the APR on secured cards?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Your APR—or annual percentage rate—on a secured credit card is a statement of the interest rate as a yearly rate. Let's say you started a new term and charged $500 for books, with an 18% APR. If you made only the minimum payment every month for 12 months, you would owe an extra $42 in interest." } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "How much is the security deposit for a Discover it®️ Secured credit card?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "With Discover, your secured credit card requires a refundable security deposit, and your credit line will equal your deposit amount, starting at $200. Bank information must be provided when submitting your deposit. When you're trying to build a credit history, you need a credit limit that lets you easily make regular purchases and pay your bill responsibly." } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "Does applying for a secured credit card result in a hard inquiry?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Yes, a credit card issuer will typically place a hard inquiry on your credit report when you apply for either secured or unsecured credit cards." } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "How do you make a payment on a Discover it®️ Secured card?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Paying your Discover it®️ Secured credit card is like paying any regular credit card. Each month, you’ll receive a statement with your minimum payment due by the due date. Pay at least the minimum amount due by the due date to keep your account in good standing." } },{ "@type": "Question", "name": "Can you increase the limit on a Discover it®️ Secured card?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "No, you can't increase the credit limit on your secured card. However, you can get your deposit back after six consecutive months of on-time payments and maintaining good status on all your credit accounts. If you qualify to get your deposit back, you’ll automatically be considered for a credit line increase." } }] } </script> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "", "@type": "WebPage", "sourceOrganization": "Discover", "url": "", "name": " Discover Secured Credit Card | Build Your Credit History ", "description": " A real credit card with no annual fee plus earn cashback on purchases. See terms and apply for secured credit card today." } </script> <link rel="preload" href="/content/dam/discover/en_us/credit-cards/card-acquisitions/grey-redesign/global/images/cardart/cardart-secured-fr-rgb-620-382.png" as="image"> <style> @media only screen and (min-device-width: 768px) and (max-device-width: 1024px) { .quarter-circle-top-left img , .quarter-circle-bottom-left img { height: 62pt!important; width: 63pt!important; } } @media only screen and (min-width: 320px) and (max-width: 767px) { #secured-fixedHeight .two-column__foreground-image img { min-height: 201.31px; height: 201.31px; width: 334px; object-fit: contain; } } .cmp-title_text-headingcontent sup{ font-size: 1pc; } .contactus .cmp-contactus { display : none; } @media screen and (max-width: 767px) { #secured-benefits .cf-list--variation-four-with-box .cf-list__item-elements { padding-right: 35px; } } .cmp-dark-blue-font a.disclosure { color: #3057b9 !important; font-family: 'DiscoverSans-Bold'; } </style> 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class="cmp-title theme-background cmp-title__text-heading cmp-title--orange"> <h1 id="title-1340882888" class="cmp-title__text">Discover it<sup>®</sup> Secured Credit Card</h1> </div> <div class="cmp-title theme-background cmp-title_text-headingcontent cmp-dark-blue-font"> <h2 id="title--673481225" class="cmp-title__text">See if You're Pre-Approved</h2> </div> <div class="cmp-text " id="text-top-bottom-no-margin"> <p>With no harm to your credit <span class='no-break'>score<sup><a aria-label="19" class="disclosure" data-analytics-label="Tooltip:19" data-scrollto="q19" href="javascript:void(0);">19</a></sup></span></p> </div> <div class="parsys-content"> <div class="spacer separator"> <div id="spacer-f916316906" class="cmp-spacer theme-white-background-gradient"> <div class="cmp-spacer__desktop" style="margin-bottom: 22.84px;"></div> <div class="cmp-spacer__mobile" style="margin-bottom: 22.84px;"></div> </div> </div> <div class="targetcontainer"> <div id="target-text" 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style="margin-bottom: 22.84px;"></div> </div> </div> <div class="title"> <div class="cmp-title theme-background cmp-title_text-subheading-var "> <h4 id="title-1880895638" class="cmp-title__text"><a aria-label="No annual fee" class="disclosure no-disclosure tooltip-disclosure" data-analytics-label="NO ANNUAL FEE:TOP" data-disclosure="naf-ee258481-f45b-4081-81ae-3d3fb5a00858" href="javascript:void(0);">No annual fee</a>. No credit score required to <span class='no-break'>apply<sup><a aria-label="5" class="disclosure" data-analytics-label="NAF_TERMS" data-scrollto="q5" href="javascript:void(0);">5</a></sup></span></h4> <div class="tooltip-content-wrapper test" style="display:none" id="naf-ee258481-f45b-4081-81ae-3d3fb5a00858"> <div class="tooltip-content"> <button class="tooltip__close-btn" aria-label="Close"></button> <div class="tooltip-content__fragment"> <b>Annual Fee: None.</b> <b><span class="product6 purchaserateactualapr">x</span>% standard variable purchase APR. Intro Balance Transfer APR</b> is <b><span class="product6 btaprrate">x</span>%</b> for <b><span class="product6 btaprduration">x</span> months</b> from date of first transfer, for transfers under this offer that post to your account by <b><span class="fw_mon"></span></b> then the standard purchase APR applies. <b>Cash APR: <span class="product6 cashrateactual">x</span>%</b> variable. Variable APRs will vary with the market based on the Prime Rate. Minimum interest charge: If you are charged interest, the charge will be no less than <b>$.50. Cash advance fee:</b> Either <b>$10</b> or <b>5%</b> of the amount of each cash advance, whichever is greater. <b>Balance transfer fee: <span class="product6 btfeesrate">x</span>%</b> Intro fee on balances transferred by <b><span class="fw_mon"></span></b> and up to <b><span class="product6 btstandardfeesrate">x</span>%</b> fee for future balance transfers will apply. Rates as of <b><span class="last_date"></span></b>. We will apply payments at our discretion, including in a manner most favorable or convenient for us. Each billing period, we will generally apply amounts you pay that exceed the Minimum Payment Due to balances with higher APRs before balances with lower APRs as of the date we credit your payment. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="targetcontainer"> <div id="target-bv-mobile" class="cmp-target-container cmp--mobile-show cmp--visibility-override scrolltracking"> <div class="ratings"> <div class="cmp-ratings cmp--mobile-hidden"> <div class=" conversation-api"> <div class="conversation-stars">★★★★★<div class="conversation-stars-inner">★★★★★</div></div> <div class="conversation-value"><p><a href="/credit-cards/secured-credit-card/reviews/#all-reviews" data-analytics-label="Ratings and reviews"><span class="product6 avgrating">x</span> out of 5 Average of <span class="product6 totalreviews">x</span> Reviews</a><sup><a aria-label="16" class="disclosure" data-analytics-label="Tooltip:16" data-scrollto="q16" href="javascript:void(0);">16</a></sup></p> <p><a aria-label="See how" class="disclosure" data-analytics-label="SEE HOW ABOUT REVIES" data-scrollto="q16" href="javascript:void(0);">See how</a> we calculate our ratings<br /> </p> </div> </div> </div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class=" two-column__content-half--image "> <div class="parsys-content-two"> </div> <div class="two-column__foreground-image"> <div class="cmp-image "> <div class=" " data-lazy="false"> <img alt="Discover it® Secured Credit Card" src="/content/dam/discover/en_us/credit-cards/card-acquisitions/grey-redesign/global/images/cardart/cardart-secured-fr-rgb-620-382.png"/> </div> </div> </div> <div class="parsys-content"> <div class="targetcontainer"> <div id="target-bv-desktop" class="cmp-target-container cmp--desktop-show cmp--visibility-override scrolltracking"> <div class="ratings"> <div class="cmp-ratings cmp--mobile-hidden"> <div class="single-row60 conversation-api"> <div class="conversation-stars">★★★★★<div class="conversation-stars-inner">★★★★★</div></div> <div class="conversation-value"><p><a href="" data-analytics-label="Ratings and reviews"><span class="product6 avgrating">x</span> out of 5 Average of <span class="product6 totalreviews">x</span> Reviews</a><sup><a aria-label="16" class="disclosure" data-analytics-label="Tooltip:16" data-scrollto="q16" href="javascript:void(0);">16</a></sup></p> <p><a aria-label="See how" class="disclosure" data-analytics-label="SEE HOW ABOUT REVIEWS" data-scrollto="q16" href="javascript:void(0);">See how</a> we calculate our ratings<br> </p> </div> </div> </div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="one-column__container"> </div> </section> </div></div> <div class="cta button aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> </div> <div class="cta button aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> </div> <div class="onecolumntile theme-light-gray-background-gradient light-theme cmp-p-75 aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <div class="stylesystemclass"> <section id='secured-benefit-section' class="one-column one-column__container__image--icon scrolltracking"> <div class='one-column__background theme-background' style="opacity: calc(100 / 100);"> </div> <div class="one-column__container"> <div class="cmp-title theme-background cmp-alignment--left cmp-title_text-headingcontent cmp-dark-blue-font"> <h2 id="title--338492978" class="cmp-title__text">How the Discover it<sup>®</sup> Secured credit card works for you</h2> </div> <div class="cmp-title theme-background cmp-alignment--left cmp-title__text-heading2 cmp-dark-blue-font"> <h3 id="title-745998717" class="cmp-title__text">A secured credit card could help you build your credit <span class='no-break'>history<sup><a aria-label="2" class="disclosure" data-analytics-label="undefined" data-scrollto="q2" href="javascript:void(0);">2</a></sup></span> to make more things possible tomorrow.</h3> </div> <div class="one-column__container__parsys parsys-content"> <div class="contentfragmentblock contentfragmentlist cmp-alignment--left cf-list--variation-three"> <div class="cf-list scrolltracking"> <!-- Content Block Items --> <div class="cf-list__items carousel-items cf-list__items--lg-stacked cf-list__items--sm-stacked cf-list__items--3-col" carousel-lg-slides-to-show="1"> <div class="cf-list__item cf-list__item--row-first cf-list__item--stacked-remainder"> <div class="cf-list__item-elements"> <div class="cf-list__item-element cf-list__item-element--image " data-lazy="true"> <img class="cf-list__item-element-value" data-src="/content/dam/discover/en_us/credit-cards/card-acquisitions/grey-redesign/global/images/icons/icon-secured-fraud-creditcard-88-88.svg"/> </div> <div class="cf-list__item-element cf-list__item-element--title "> <div class="cf-list__item-element-value ">You provide a refundable security deposit when you apply</div> </div> <div class="cf-list__item-element cf-list__item-element--text"> <div class="cf-list__item-element-value "><p>Your credit line will equal your deposit amount, starting at $<span class='no-break'>200.<sup><a aria-label="1" class="disclosure" data-analytics-label="Tooltip:1" data-scrollto="q1" href="javascript:void(0);">1</a></sup></span></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cf-list__item cf-list__item--stacked-remainder"> <div class="cf-list__item-elements"> <div class="cf-list__item-element cf-list__item-element--image " data-lazy="true"> <img class="cf-list__item-element-value" data-src="/content/dam/discover/en_us/credit-cards/card-acquisitions/grey-redesign/global/images/icons/icon-secured-graph-up-88-88.svg"/> </div> <div class="cf-list__item-element cf-list__item-element--title "> <div class="cf-list__item-element-value ">Your secured credit card can help you build credit responsibly</div> </div> <div class="cf-list__item-element cf-list__item-element--text"> <div class="cf-list__item-element-value "><p>Smart habits like paying all your bills on time and in full each month can help you build credit with responsible <span class='no-break'>use.<sup><a aria-label="2" class="disclosure" data-analytics-label="Tooltip:2" data-scrollto="q2" href="javascript:void(0);">2</a></sup></span></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cf-list__item cf-list__item--row-last cf-list__item--stacked-remainder"> <div class="cf-list__item-elements"> <div class="cf-list__item-element cf-list__item-element--image " data-lazy="true"> <img class="cf-list__item-element-value" data-src="/content/dam/discover/en_us/credit-cards/card-acquisitions/grey-redesign/global/images/icons/icon-secured-dollar-fast-88-88.svg"/> </div> <div class="cf-list__item-element cf-list__item-element--title "> <div class="cf-list__item-element-value ">You can get your deposit back</div> </div> <div class="cf-list__item-element cf-list__item-element--text"> <div class="cf-list__item-element-value "><p>After 7 months, we begin automatic monthly account reviews to see if you qualify to upgrade to an 'unsecured' card and get your deposit <span class='no-break'>back.<sup><a aria-label="3" class="disclosure" data-analytics-label="Tooltip:3" data-scrollto="q3" href="javascript:void(0);">3</a></sup></span></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cf_list__disclosures"> <div class="tooltip-content-wrapper test" style="display:none" id="NAFDisclamer-4de2140b-d777-4db6-9a16-ac31efef46c5"> <div class="tooltip-content"> <button class="tooltip__close-btn" aria-label="Close"></button> <div class="tooltip-content__fragment"> <b>Annual Fee: None.</b> <b><span class="product6 purchaserateactualapr">x</span>% standard variable purchase APR. Intro Balance Transfer APR</b> is <b><span class="product6 btaprrate">x</span>%</b> for <b><span class="product6 btaprduration">x</span> months</b> from date of first transfer, for transfers under this offer that post to your account by <b><span class="fw_mon"></span></b> then the standard purchase APR applies. <b>Cash APR: <span class="product6 cashrateactual">x</span>%</b> variable. Variable APRs will vary with the market based on the Prime Rate. Minimum interest charge: If you are charged interest, the charge will be no less than <b>$.50. Cash advance fee:</b> Either <b>$10</b> or <b>5%</b> of the amount of each cash advance, whichever is greater. <b>Balance transfer fee: <span class="product6 btfeesrate">x</span>%</b> Intro fee on balances transferred by <b><span class="fw_mon"></span></b> and up to <b><span class="product6 btstandardfeesrate">x</span>%</b> fee for future balance transfers will apply. Rates as of <b><span class="last_date"></span></b>. We will apply payments at our discretion, including in a manner most favorable or convenient for us. Each billing period, we will generally apply amounts you pay that exceed the Minimum Payment Due to balances with higher APRs before balances with lower APRs as of the date we credit your payment. </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cf-list__carousel-controls carousel-controls"></div> </div> <div class="cta button"> </div> <div class="cta button"> <div class="cmp-button--cta cmp-button--cta--opaque-orange large"> <a class="cmp-button " href="" target="_self" data-analytics-label="HOW IT WORKS_SEE IF PRE-APPROVED"> <span class="cmp-button__text"> See if you’re pre-approved <span class="sr-only"> </span> </span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="onecolumntile cmp-alignment--left theme-light-gray-background-gradient light-theme cmp-p-75 aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <div class="stylesystemclass"> <section id='secured-benefits' class="one-column theme-white-background-gradient border-top-left-radius one-column__container__image--icon scrolltracking"> <div class='one-column__background theme-background' style="opacity: calc(100 / 100);"> </div> <div class="one-column__container"> <div class="cmp-title theme-background cmp-title_text-headingcontent cmp-dark-blue-font"> <h2 id="title--188098503" class="cmp-title__text">A secured credit card with real rewards</h2> </div> <div class="one-column__container__parsys parsys-content"> <div class="contentfragmentblock contentfragmentlist cmp-alignment--left light-theme cf-list--white_card cf-list--orange-eyebrow cf-list--two-color-block cf-list--variation-four-with-box"> <div class="cf-list scrolltracking"> <!-- Content Block Items --> <div class="cf-list__items carousel-items cf-list__items--lg-stacked cf-list__items--sm-stacked cf-list__items--3-col" carousel-lg-slides-to-show="1"> <div class="cf-list__item cf-list__item--row-first cf-list__item--stacked-remainder"> <div class="cf-list__item-elements"> <div class="cf-list__item-element cf-list__item-element--eyebrow "> <div class="cf-list__item-element-value "><span class="cf-list__item-element-number">2</span> <span class="cf-list__item-element-character">%</span> <span class="cf-list__item-text-eyebrow-var">Cash Back</span></div> </div> <div class="cf-list__item-element cf-list__item-element--text"> <div class="cf-list__item-element-value cf-list-element-text"><p>Earn 2% Cashback Bonus<sup>®</sup> at Gas Stations and Restaurants on up to $1,000 in combined purchases each quarter, automatically. Plus, earn unlimited 1% cash back on all other <span class='no-break'>purchases.<sup><a aria-label="††" class="disclosure" data-analytics-label="SECURED_REWARDS_CB" data-scrollto="dagger-new" href="javascript:void(0);">††</a></sup></span></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cf-list__item cf-list__item--stacked-remainder"> <div class="cf-list__item-elements"> <div class="cf-list__item-element cf-list__item-element--eyebrow "> <div class="cf-list__item-element-value "><span class="cf-list__item-element-number">1</span> <span class="cf-list__item-element-character">%</span> <span class="cf-list__item-text-eyebrow-var">Cash Back</span></div> </div> <div class="cf-list__item-element cf-list__item-element--text"> <div class="cf-list__item-element-value cf-list-element-text"><p>Earn unlimited 1% cash back on all your other purchases.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cf-list__item cf-list__item--row-last cf-list__item--stacked-remainder"> <div class="cf-list__item-elements"> <div class="cf-list__item-element cf-list__item-element--eyebrow "> <div class="cf-list__item-element-value "><span class="cf-list__item-element-number">2</span> <span class="cf-list__item-element-character">x</span> <span class="cf-list__item-text-eyebrow-var">Cash Back</span></div> </div> <div class="cf-list__item-element cf-list__item-element--text"> <div class="cf-list__item-element-value cf-list-element-text"><p>Get an unlimited dollar-for-dollar match of all the cash back you earn at the end of your first year, automatically. There is no limit to how much we’ll <span class='no-break'>match.<sup><a aria-label="4" class="disclosure" data-analytics-label="Tooltip:4" data-scrollto="q4" href="javascript:void(0);">4</a></sup></span></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cf_list__disclosures"> </div> </div> <div class="cf-list__carousel-controls carousel-controls"></div> </div> <div class="cta button"> <div class="cmp-button--cta cmp-button--cta--opaque-orange cmp-alignment--center large"> <a class="cmp-button " href="" target="_self" data-analytics-label="REWARDS_APPLY_MID"> <span class="cmp-button__text"> Apply Now <span class="sr-only"> </span> </span> </a> </div> </div> <div class="contentfragmentblock contentfragmentlist cmp-alignment--center light-theme cf-list--white_card"> <div class="cf-list scrolltracking"> <!-- Content Block Items --> <div class="cf-list__items carousel-items cf-list__items--lg-stacked cf-list__items--sm-stacked cf-list__items--1-col" carousel-lg-slides-to-show="1"> <div class="cf-list__item cf-list__item--row-last cf-list__item--carousel-remainder cf-list__item--stacked-remainder"> <div class="cf-list__item-elements"> <div class="cf-list__item-element cf-list__item-element--text"> <div class="cf-list__item-element-value cmp-text-subcontent"><p><b>99% nationwide acceptance </b>— Discover is accepted nationwide by 99% of places that take credit <span class='no-break'>cards.<sup><a aria-label="10" class="disclosure" data-analytics-label="Tooltip:10" data-scrollto="q10" href="javascript:void(0);">10</a></sup></span></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cf_list__disclosures"> </div> </div> <div class="cf-list__carousel-controls carousel-controls"></div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="onecolumntile one-column--medium-2-width cmp-alignment--left theme-light-gray-background-gradient light-theme cmp-p-75 aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <div class="stylesystemclass"> <section class="one-column one-column__container__image--icon scrolltracking"> <div class='one-column__background theme-background' style="opacity: calc(100 / 100);"> </div> <div class="one-column__container"> <div class="cmp-title theme-background cmp-title_text-headingcontent "> <h3 id="title--391154829" class="cmp-title__text">Secured Credit Card FAQs</h3> </div> <div class="one-column__container__parsys parsys-content"> <div class="faqlist"> <div class="faq-list faq-list--gradual-reveal faq-list--separated-items " data-faqs-showing="6" data-faqs-to-reveal="9"> <!-- FAQ Items --> <span itemscope itemtype=""> <div class="faq-list__items"> <div class="faq" itemscope itemtype="" itemprop="mainEntity"> <h3 class="faq__question"> <button aria-expanded="false" class="faq__header" aria-controls="faq1" id="faq-question-1"> <span itemprop="name">How do I know if Discover is the best secured credit card for me?</span> <i class="twoSideArrow"></i> </button> </h3> <div class="faq__answer" id="faq1" role="region" aria-labelledby="faq-question-1" itemscope itemtype="" itemprop="acceptedAnswer"> <div class="faq__body" itemprop="text"> If you want to build a credit history,<sup><a aria-label="2" class="disclosure" data-analytics-label="Tooltip:2" data-scrollto="q2" href="javascript:void(0);">2</a></sup> or looking to rebuild credit with responsible use,<sup><a aria-label="2" class="disclosure" data-analytics-label="Tooltip:2" data-scrollto="q2" href="javascript:void(0);">2</a></sup> the <span class="no-break">Discover it<sup>®</sup> Secured</span> Credit Card may be right for you. To see if you qualify, Discover reviews your application, credit report, and other information. <br> <br> And while you work on your credit, the <span class="no-break">Discover it<sup>®</sup> Secured</span> Credit Card also provides other industry-leading benefits, like cash back rewards on every purchase, a refundable security deposit, security features like Online Privacy Protection and $0 Fraud Liability Guarantee, and more. </div> </div> </div> <div class="faq" itemscope itemtype="" itemprop="mainEntity"> <h3 class="faq__question"> <button aria-expanded="false" class="faq__header" aria-controls="faq2" id="faq-question-2"> <span itemprop="name">What are secured credit cards and how does a Discover it<sup>®</sup> Secured card work?</span> <i class="twoSideArrow"></i> </button> </h3> <div class="faq__answer" id="faq2" role="region" aria-labelledby="faq-question-2" itemscope itemtype="" itemprop="acceptedAnswer"> <div class="faq__body" itemprop="text"> <p>The Discover it<sup>®</sup> Secured Credit Card helps you build your credit history with responsible <span class='no-break'>use.<sup><a aria-label="2" class="disclosure" data-analytics-label="Tooltip:2" data-scrollto="q2" href="javascript:void(0);">2</a></sup></span> It looks and acts like a traditional credit card except that you provide a refundable security deposit, which will equal your credit line, of at least $<span class='no-break'>200.<sup><a aria-label="1" class="disclosure" data-analytics-label="Tooltip:1" data-scrollto="q1" href="javascript:void(0);">1</a></sup></span> And like a traditional credit card, as you use your credit card, you’ll need to make payments each month and your credit card account use is reported to the three major credit bureaus. So, your on-time payments and responsible use can help build your credit <span class='no-break'>history.<sup><a aria-label="2" class="disclosure" data-analytics-label="Tooltip:2" data-scrollto="q2" href="javascript:void(0);">2</a></sup></span> Discover conducts automatic reviews starting at 7 months to see if we can transition you to an unsecured line of credit and return your <span class='no-break'>deposit.<sup><a aria-label="3" class="disclosure" data-analytics-label="Tooltip:3" data-scrollto="q3" href="javascript:void(0);">3</a></sup></span> These reviews will look for your responsible credit use across all your cards and loans, not just with Discover. <a href="">Apply Now</a>.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="faq" itemscope itemtype="" itemprop="mainEntity"> <h3 class="faq__question"> <button aria-expanded="false" class="faq__header" aria-controls="faq3" id="faq-question-3"> <span itemprop="name">What’s the difference between a secured credit card and an unsecured credit card?</span> <i class="twoSideArrow"></i> </button> </h3> <div class="faq__answer" id="faq3" role="region" aria-labelledby="faq-question-3" itemscope itemtype="" itemprop="acceptedAnswer"> <div class="faq__body" itemprop="text"> <p>A secured credit card requires you to make a deposit equal to the amount of your credit line, while an unsecured credit card requires no deposit.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="faq" itemscope itemtype="" itemprop="mainEntity"> <h3 class="faq__question"> <button aria-expanded="false" class="faq__header" aria-controls="faq4" id="faq-question-4"> <span itemprop="name">What do I need to apply for a secured credit card?</span> <i class="twoSideArrow"></i> </button> </h3> <div class="faq__answer" id="faq4" role="region" aria-labelledby="faq-question-4" itemscope itemtype="" itemprop="acceptedAnswer"> <div class="faq__body" itemprop="text"> <p>To determine if you qualify for an account, we review the information that you provide on the application, information in your credit report, as well as other information we may have about your creditworthiness. You’ll need to be at least 18 years of age, have a Social Security number, U.S. address and U.S. bank account, and provide all the required information in the online application. Be sure to have your bank routing number and account number handy when you apply. There’s no credit score required to <span class='no-break'>apply<sup><a aria-label="*" class="disclosure" data-analytics-label="faq-no-credit" data-scrollto="no-credit" href="javascript:void(0);">*</a></sup></span> for a Discover it<sup>®</sup>️ Secured Credit Card.</p> <p> </p> <p>If you’re not approved, we’ll provide you with the score we obtained, which credit reporting agency it was obtained from, and the reasons we couldn’t approve your application.</p> <p> </p> <p>Applications are taken 24X7 on <a aria-label="Apply Now" class="disclosure no-disclosure" data-analytics-label="CC FAQ:Apply Now Middle" href="">Apply Now</a></p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="faq" itemscope itemtype="" itemprop="mainEntity"> <h3 class="faq__question"> <button aria-expanded="false" class="faq__header" aria-controls="faq5" id="faq-question-5"> <span itemprop="name">Can a secured credit card help me build credit or rebuild credit?</span> <i class="twoSideArrow"></i> </button> </h3> <div class="faq__answer" id="faq5" role="region" aria-labelledby="faq-question-5" itemscope itemtype="" itemprop="acceptedAnswer"> <div class="faq__body" itemprop="text"> Some secured credit cards can help you build or rebuild credit if used responsibly, and if your card issuer reports your credit activity to the major credit bureaus. For example, the Discover it<sup>®</sup> Secured Card can help you build your credit <span class='no-break'>history<sup><a aria-label="2" class="disclosure" data-analytics-label="Tooltip:2" data-scrollto="q2" href="javascript:void(0);">2</a></sup></span> if you responsibly use your account and pay your other loans on time. Be sure to make at least your minimum monthly payment due on time. It may also help to pay down existing credit card debt and dispute errors on your credit report. <br> <br> How long it takes to get the credit score you want depends on where <span class="no-break">you're starting,</span> and how you use your secured card, other credit accounts, and loans. With the Discover it<sup>®</sup> Secured Credit Card, after 7 months, we begin automatic monthly account reviews to see if you qualify to upgrade to an 'unsecured' card and get your deposit <span class='no-break'>back.<sup><a aria-label="3" class="disclosure" data-analytics-label="Tooltip:3" data-scrollto="q3" href="javascript:void(0);">3</a></sup></span> <br> <br> <a href="">Apply for a Discover it<sup>®</sup> Secured card</a> today, and if approved begin to build your credit with responsible <span class='no-break'>use.<sup><a aria-label="2" class="disclosure" data-analytics-label="Tooltip:2" data-scrollto="q2" href="javascript:void(0);">2</a></sup></span> </div> </div> </div> <div class="faq" itemscope itemtype="" itemprop="mainEntity"> <h3 class="faq__question"> <button aria-expanded="false" class="faq__header" aria-controls="faq6" id="faq-question-6"> <span itemprop="name">What’s the credit limit for a Discover it<sup>®</sup>️ Secured Card?</span> <i class="twoSideArrow"></i> </button> </h3> <div class="faq__answer" id="faq6" role="region" aria-labelledby="faq-question-6" itemscope itemtype="" itemprop="acceptedAnswer"> <div class="faq__body" itemprop="text"> <p>Discover determines your credit limit based on the information you provide. Your secured credit card requires a refundable security deposit, and your credit line will equal your deposit amount, starting at $200. Bank information must be provided when submitting your <span class='no-break'>deposit.<sup><a aria-label="1" class="disclosure" data-analytics-label="Tooltip:1" data-scrollto="q1" href="javascript:void(0);">1</a></sup></span> If approved, you could have a credit limit up to $2,500.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="faq" itemscope itemtype="" itemprop="mainEntity"> <h3 class="faq__question"> <button aria-expanded="false" class="faq__header" aria-controls="faq7" id="faq-question-7"> <span itemprop="name">Can I get my Discover security deposit refunded?</span> <i class="twoSideArrow"></i> </button> </h3> <div class="faq__answer" id="faq7" role="region" aria-labelledby="faq-question-7" itemscope itemtype="" itemprop="acceptedAnswer"> <div class="faq__body" itemprop="text"> <p>1. If you pay your balance in full and close your credit card account, we'll refund your security deposit, which can take up to two billing cycles plus 10 days.<br> <br> 2. After 7 months, we begin automatic monthly account reviews to see if you qualify to upgrade to an 'unsecured' card and get your deposit <span class='no-break'>back.<sup><a aria-label="3" class="disclosure" data-analytics-label="Tooltip:3" data-scrollto="q3" href="javascript:void(0);">3</a></sup></span> These reviews are based on responsible credit management across all of your credit cards and loans, including Discover and others.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="faq" itemscope itemtype="" itemprop="mainEntity"> <h3 class="faq__question"> <button aria-expanded="false" class="faq__header" aria-controls="faq8" id="faq-question-8"> <span itemprop="name">Can you get denied for a secured credit card?</span> <i class="twoSideArrow"></i> </button> </h3> <div class="faq__answer" id="faq8" role="region" aria-labelledby="faq-question-8" itemscope itemtype="" itemprop="acceptedAnswer"> <div class="faq__body" itemprop="text"> <p>Yes. Getting a secured credit card isn’t guaranteed. Your application can be turned down.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="faq" itemscope itemtype="" itemprop="mainEntity"> <h3 class="faq__question"> <button aria-expanded="false" class="faq__header" aria-controls="faq9" id="faq-question-9"> <span itemprop="name">What is the APR on secured cards?</span> <i class="twoSideArrow"></i> </button> </h3> <div class="faq__answer" id="faq9" role="region" aria-labelledby="faq-question-9" itemscope itemtype="" itemprop="acceptedAnswer"> <div class="faq__body" itemprop="text"> <p>Your APR—or annual percentage rate—on a secured credit card is a statement of the interest rate as a yearly rate. Let's say you started a new term and charged $500 for books, with an 18% APR. If you made only the minimum payment every month for 12 months, you would owe an extra $42 in interest.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="faq" itemscope itemtype="" itemprop="mainEntity"> <h3 class="faq__question"> <button aria-expanded="false" class="faq__header" aria-controls="faq10" id="faq-question-10"> <span itemprop="name">How much is the security deposit for a Discover it<sup>®</sup>️ Secured credit card?</span> <i class="twoSideArrow"></i> </button> </h3> <div class="faq__answer" id="faq10" role="region" aria-labelledby="faq-question-10" itemscope itemtype="" itemprop="acceptedAnswer"> <div class="faq__body" itemprop="text"> <p>With Discover, your secured credit card requires a refundable security deposit, and your credit line will equal your deposit amount, starting at $200. Bank information must be provided when submitting your <span class='no-break'>deposit.<sup><a aria-label="1" class="disclosure" data-analytics-label="Tooltip:1" data-scrollto="q1" href="javascript:void(0);">1</a></sup></span> When you're trying to build a credit history, you need a credit limit that lets you easily make regular purchases and pay your bill responsibly.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="faq" itemscope itemtype="" itemprop="mainEntity"> <h3 class="faq__question"> <button aria-expanded="false" class="faq__header" aria-controls="faq11" id="faq-question-11"> <span itemprop="name">Does applying for a secured credit card result in a hard inquiry?</span> <i class="twoSideArrow"></i> </button> </h3> <div class="faq__answer" id="faq11" role="region" aria-labelledby="faq-question-11" itemscope itemtype="" itemprop="acceptedAnswer"> <div class="faq__body" itemprop="text"> <p>Yes, a credit card issuer will typically place a hard inquiry on your credit report when you apply for either secured or unsecured credit cards.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="faq" itemscope itemtype="" itemprop="mainEntity"> <h3 class="faq__question"> <button aria-expanded="false" class="faq__header" aria-controls="faq12" id="faq-question-12"> <span itemprop="name">How do you make a payment on a Discover it<sup>®</sup>️ Secured card?</span> <i class="twoSideArrow"></i> </button> </h3> <div class="faq__answer" id="faq12" role="region" aria-labelledby="faq-question-12" itemscope itemtype="" itemprop="acceptedAnswer"> <div class="faq__body" itemprop="text"> <p>Paying your Discover it<sup>®</sup>️ Secured credit card is like paying any regular credit card. Each month, you’ll receive a statement with your minimum payment due by the due date. Pay at least the minimum amount due by the due date to keep your account in good standing.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="faq" itemscope itemtype="" itemprop="mainEntity"> <h3 class="faq__question"> <button aria-expanded="false" class="faq__header" aria-controls="faq13" id="faq-question-13"> <span itemprop="name">Can you increase the limit on a Discover it<sup>®</sup>️ Secured card?</span> <i class="twoSideArrow"></i> </button> </h3> <div class="faq__answer" id="faq13" role="region" aria-labelledby="faq-question-13" itemscope itemtype="" itemprop="acceptedAnswer"> <div class="faq__body" itemprop="text"> <p>No, you can't increase the credit limit on your secured card. However, you can get your deposit back after six consecutive months of on-time payments and maintaining good status on all your credit accounts. If you qualify to get your deposit back, you’ll automatically be considered for a credit line <span class='no-break'>increase.<sup><a aria-label="3" class="disclosure" data-analytics-label="TOOLTIP:4" data-scrollto="q3" href="javascript:void(0);">3</a></sup></span></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </span> </div> <div class="cmp-button--cta cmp-button--cta--transparent-dark"> <button class="cmp-button faq-see-more"> <span class="cmp-button__text">Read more Secured Credit Card FAQs</span> </button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="onecolumntile one-column--medium-2-width cmp-alignment--left theme-white-background-gradient light-theme cmp-p-75 aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <div class="stylesystemclass"> <section class="one-column scrolltracking"> <div class='one-column__background theme-background' style="opacity: calc(100 / 100);"> </div> <div class="one-column__container"> <div class="cmp-title theme-background cmp-alignment--left cmp-title_text-headingcontent cmp-no-underline "> <h2 id="title--1636605858" class="cmp-title__text"><a aria-label="No annual fee" class="disclosure no-disclosure tooltip-disclosure" data-analytics-label="No Annual Fee " data-disclosure="naf-64fa91d8-b609-40ff-bbc3-cc765a2d7bde" href="javascript:void(0);">No annual fee</a></h2> <div class="tooltip-content-wrapper test" style="display:none" id="naf-64fa91d8-b609-40ff-bbc3-cc765a2d7bde"> <div class="tooltip-content"> <button class="tooltip__close-btn" aria-label="Close"></button> <div class="tooltip-content__fragment"> <b>Annual Fee: None.</b> <b><span class="product6 purchaserateactualapr">x</span>% standard variable purchase APR. Intro Balance Transfer APR</b> is <b><span class="product6 btaprrate">x</span>%</b> for <b><span class="product6 btaprduration">x</span> months</b> from date of first transfer, for transfers under this offer that post to your account by <b><span class="fw_mon"></span></b> then the standard purchase APR applies. <b>Cash APR: <span class="product6 cashrateactual">x</span>%</b> variable. Variable APRs will vary with the market based on the Prime Rate. Minimum interest charge: If you are charged interest, the charge will be no less than <b>$.50. Cash advance fee:</b> Either <b>$10</b> or <b>5%</b> of the amount of each cash advance, whichever is greater. <b>Balance transfer fee: <span class="product6 btfeesrate">x</span>%</b> Intro fee on balances transferred by <b><span class="fw_mon"></span></b> and up to <b><span class="product6 btstandardfeesrate">x</span>%</b> fee for future balance transfers will apply. Rates as of <b><span class="last_date"></span></b>. We will apply payments at our discretion, including in a manner most favorable or convenient for us. Each billing period, we will generally apply amounts you pay that exceed the Minimum Payment Due to balances with higher APRs before balances with lower APRs as of the date we credit your payment. </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cmp-text "> <p><b><span class="product6 purchaserateactualapr">x</span>%</b> Standard Variable Purchase <span class='no-break'>APR<sup><a aria-label="†" class="disclosure cmp-button cmp-button--external no-disclosure" style="top: -5px;" data-analytics-label="NAF INTRO APR" data-external="true" href="">†</a></sup></span> applies.</p> </div> <div class="one-column__container__parsys parsys-content"> <div class="cta button"> <div class="cmp-button--text-link "> <a class="cmp-button cmp-button--external" href="" data-analytics-label="NAF:Link:See Rates Rewards and Other Info" data-external="true"> <span class="cmp-button__text"> <sup>†</sup>See rates, rewards, fees, and other cost <span class="no-break">information<i> > </i></span> <span class="sr-only"> , Opens new window </span> </span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="one-column__cta-container"> <div class="cmp-button--cta cmp-button--cta--opaque-orange large"> <a class="cmp-button " href="" target="_self" data-analytics-label="NO_ANNUAL_FEE_APPLY_NOW"> <span class="cmp-button__text"> Apply Now <span class="sr-only"> </span> </span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="onecolumntile one-column--medium-2-width cmp-alignment--left theme-light-gray-background-gradient light-theme cmp-p-50 aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <div class="stylesystemclass"> <section class="one-column scrolltracking"> <div class='one-column__background theme-background' style="opacity: calc(100 / 100);"> </div> <div class="one-column__container"> <div class="cmp-title theme-background cmp-title_text-headingcontent "> <h2 id="title--1584622726" class="cmp-title__text">Compare our secured credit card</h2> </div> <div class="cmp-title theme-background cmp-title__text-heading "> <h3 id="title--1132390871" class="cmp-title__text">Make the right call to build your credit <span class='no-break'>history<sup><a aria-label="2" class="disclosure" data-analytics-label="Tooltip:2" data-scrollto="q2" href="javascript:void(0);">2</a></sup></span></h3> </div> <div class="one-column__container__parsys parsys-content"> </div> <div class="one-column__cta-container"> <div class="cmp-button--text-link "> <a class="cmp-button " href="" target="_self" data-analytics-label="SEE FULL COMPARE CHART"> <span class="cmp-button__text"> See Full Compare Chart <span class="no-break">><i> > </i></span> <span class="sr-only"> </span> </span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="onecolumntile cmp-alignment--left theme-white-background-gradient light-theme cmp-p-75 one-column--inward-curve aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <div class="stylesystemclass"> <section class="one-column one-column__container__image--icon scrolltracking"> <div class='one-column__background theme-background' style="opacity: calc(100 / 100);"> </div> <div class="one-column__container"> <div class="cmp-title theme-background cmp-title_text-headingcontent "> <h2 id="title--320496578" class="cmp-title__text">How to get a secured credit card and build credit with responsible <span class='no-break'>use<sup><a aria-label="2" class="disclosure" data-analytics-label="Tooltip:2" data-scrollto="q2" href="javascript:void(0);">2</a></sup></span></h2> </div> <div class="cmp-text "> <p><span class="cmp-text--body-1">When you're just starting out and you have no credit history at all, you need to find the right credit card that can help prepare you for the future. On-time payments can help put you on the right financial path. It's important to show a good credit score in case you want to rent an apartment, finance a car loan, get hired by employers who review credit reports, or use a mortgage to buy a house.</span></p> </div> <div class="one-column__container__parsys parsys-content"> <div class="contentfragmentblock contentfragmentlist cmp-alignment--left light-theme cf-list--white_card cf-list--variation-three"> <div class="cf-list scrolltracking"> <!-- Content Block Items --> <div class="cf-list__items carousel-items cf-list__items--lg-stacked cf-list__items--sm-stacked cf-list__items--3-col" carousel-lg-slides-to-show="1"> <div class="cf-list__item cf-list__item--row-first "> <div class="cf-list__item-elements"> <div class="cf-list__item-element cf-list__item-element--title cmp-title_text-heading-2"> <div class="cf-list__item-element-value cmp-title_text-heading-2">Check your credit score </div> </div> <div class="cf-list__item-element cf-list__item-element--text"> <div class="cf-list__item-element-value cf-list-element-text"><p>Discover shows your FICO<sup>®</sup> Credit <span class='no-break'>Score<sup><a aria-label="9" class="disclosure" data-analytics-label="Tooltip:9" data-scrollto="q9" href="javascript:void(0);">9</a></sup></span> for free, so you can track it. Seeing how your credit score is affected by your credit actions can help you improve your credit knowledge.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cf-list__item "> <div class="cf-list__item-elements"> <div class="cf-list__item-element cf-list__item-element--title cmp-title_text-heading-2"> <div class="cf-list__item-element-value cmp-title_text-heading-2">Apply for the Discover it<sup>®</sup> Secured Card</div> </div> <div class="cf-list__item-element cf-list__item-element--text"> <div class="cf-list__item-element-value cf-list-element-text"><p>With the Discover it<sup>®</sup> Secured Credit Card, you provide a refundable security deposit to back your credit line. You still make monthly payments, and can build credit with responsible <span class='no-break'>use.<sup><a aria-label="2" class="disclosure" data-analytics-label="Tooltip:2" data-scrollto="q2" href="javascript:void(0);">2</a></sup></span></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cf-list__item cf-list__item--row-last "> <div class="cf-list__item-elements"> <div class="cf-list__item-element cf-list__item-element--title cmp-title_text-heading-2"> <div class="cf-list__item-element-value cmp-title_text-heading-2">Pay credit bills on time</div> </div> <div class="cf-list__item-element cf-list__item-element--text"> <div class="cf-list__item-element-value cf-list-element-text"><p>The Discover it<sup>®</sup> Secured Card can help you build credit with responsible <span class='no-break'>use<sup><a aria-label="2" class="disclosure" data-analytics-label="Tooltip:2" data-scrollto="q2" href="javascript:void(0);">2</a></sup></span>, like making your payments on time and in full each month. Payment history is reported to the credit bureaus.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cf-list__item cf-list__item--row-first cf-list__item--stacked-remainder"> <div class="cf-list__item-elements"> <div class="cf-list__item-element cf-list__item-element--title cmp-title_text-heading-2"> <div class="cf-list__item-element-value cmp-title_text-heading-2">Keep your balances low</div> </div> <div class="cf-list__item-element cf-list__item-element--text"> <div class="cf-list__item-element-value cf-list-element-text"><p>Another part of responsible credit card use is to keep your balances low to improve your credit utilization ratio–using less of your available credit is viewed by credit bureaus more favorably.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cf-list__item cf-list__item--stacked-remainder"> <div class="cf-list__item-elements"> <div class="cf-list__item-element cf-list__item-element--title cmp-title_text-heading-2"> <div class="cf-list__item-element-value cmp-title_text-heading-2">Get your deposit back</div> </div> <div class="cf-list__item-element cf-list__item-element--text"> <div class="cf-list__item-element-value cf-list-element-text"><p>After 7 months, we begin automatic monthly account reviews to see if you qualify to upgrade to an 'unsecured' card and get your deposit <span class='no-break'>back.<sup><a aria-label="3" class="disclosure" data-analytics-label="Tooltip:3" data-scrollto="q3" href="javascript:void(0);">3</a></sup></span></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cf_list__disclosures"> </div> </div> <div class="cf-list__carousel-controls carousel-controls"></div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> <div class="quarter-circle quarter-circle-top-left " data-lazy="true"> <img alt="Inward Curve" data-src="/content/dam/discover/en_us/credit-cards/card-acquisitions/grey-redesign/global/images/curves/curve-semi-discover-glow_top-left-274-274.svg"/> </div> </div> <div class="onecolumntile cmp-alignment--left theme-light-gray-background-gradient light-theme cmp-p-75 one-column--inward-curve aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <div class="stylesystemclass"> <section class="one-column one-column__container__image--icon scrolltracking"> <div class='one-column__background theme-background' style="opacity: calc(100 / 100);"> </div> <div class="one-column__container"> <div class="cmp-title theme-background cmp-title_text-headingcontent "> <h2 id="title--1521854803" class="cmp-title__text">Discover service and security features</h2> </div> <div class="one-column__container__parsys parsys-content"> <div class="contentfragmentblock contentfragmentlist cmp-alignment--left cf-list--icon cf-list-3-icons"> <div class="cf-list scrolltracking"> <!-- Content Block Items --> <div class="cf-list__items carousel-items cf-list__items--lg-stacked cf-list__items--sm-stacked cf-list__items--3-col" carousel-lg-slides-to-show="1"> <div class="cf-list__item cf-list__item--row-first "> <div class="cf-list__item-elements"> <div class="cf-list__item-element cf-list__item-element--image " data-lazy="true"> <img class="cf-list__item-element-value" data-src="/content/dam/discover/en_us/credit-cards/card-acquisitions/grey-redesign/global/images/icons/icon-online-privacy-82-73.png"/> </div> <div class="cf-list__item-element cf-list__item-element--title "> <div class="cf-list__item-element-value ">Online Privacy Protection.</div> </div> <div class="cf-list__item-element cf-list__item-element--text"> <div class="cf-list__item-element-value "><p>We’ll help you regularly remove your personal info from select people-search websites that could sell your data. It’s free, activate with the Discover <span class='no-break'>app.<sup><a aria-label="17" class="disclosure" data-analytics-label="Tooltip:17" data-scrollto="q17" href="javascript:void(0);">17</a></sup></span></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cf-list__item "> <div class="cf-list__item-elements"> <div class="cf-list__item-element cf-list__item-element--image " data-lazy="true"> <img class="cf-list__item-element-value" data-src="/content/dam/discover/en_us/credit-cards/card-acquisitions/grey-redesign/global/images/icons/icon-secured-device-mobile-alert-40-40.svg"/> </div> <div class="cf-list__item-element cf-list__item-element--title "> <div class="cf-list__item-element-value ">Free Social Security number alerts</div> </div> <div class="cf-list__item-element cf-list__item-element--text"> <div class="cf-list__item-element-value ">Get an alert if we find your Social Security Number on any of thousands of Dark Web <span class="no-break">sites. <sup><a aria-label="7" class="disclosure" data-analytics-label="SSN_ALERTS" data-scrollto="q7" href="javascript:void(0);">7</a></sup></span> Activate for free.</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cf-list__item cf-list__item--row-last "> <div class="cf-list__item-elements"> <div class="cf-list__item-element cf-list__item-element--image " data-lazy="true"> <img class="cf-list__item-element-value" data-src="/content/dam/discover/en_us/credit-cards/card-acquisitions/grey-redesign/global/images/icons/icon-secured-lock-40-40.svg"/> </div> <div class="cf-list__item-element cf-list__item-element--title "> <div class="cf-list__item-element-value ">Turn your account on/off with Freeze <span class="no-break">it<sup>®</sup></span></div> </div> <div class="cf-list__item-element cf-list__item-element--text"> <div class="cf-list__item-element-value ">If you misplace your card, you can prevent new purchases, cash advances, and balance transfers in seconds with the Freeze <span class="no-break">it<sup>®</sup></span> on/off switch on our mobile app and <span class='no-break'>website.<sup><a aria-label="8" class="disclosure" data-analytics-label="FREEZE_IT" data-scrollto="q8" href="javascript:void(0);">8</a></sup></span></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cf-list__item cf-list__item--row-first "> <div class="cf-list__item-elements"> <div class="cf-list__item-element cf-list__item-element--image " data-lazy="true"> <img class="cf-list__item-element-value" data-src="/content/dam/discover/en_us/credit-cards/card-acquisitions/grey-redesign/global/images/icons/icon-cash-chrome-search-40-40.svg"/> </div> <div class="cf-list__item-element cf-list__item-element--title "> <div class="cf-list__item-element-value "> $0 Fraud Liability Guarantee</div> </div> <div class="cf-list__item-element cf-list__item-element--text"> <div class="cf-list__item-element-value "><p>You're never responsible for unauthorized purchases on your Discover <span class='no-break'>Card.<sup><a aria-label="15" class="disclosure" data-analytics-label="Tooltip:15" data-scrollto="q15" href="javascript:void(0);">15</a></sup></span></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cf-list__item "> <div class="cf-list__item-elements"> <div class="cf-list__item-element cf-list__item-element--image " data-lazy="true"> <img class="cf-list__item-element-value" data-src="/content/dam/discover/en_us/credit-cards/card-acquisitions/grey-redesign/global/images/icons/icon-cash-chrome-service-phone-40-40.svg"/> </div> <div class="cf-list__item-element cf-list__item-element--title "> <div class="cf-list__item-element-value ">100% U.S. Based Customer Service</div> </div> <div class="cf-list__item-element cf-list__item-element--text"> <div class="cf-list__item-element-value "><p>You can talk to a real person from our customer service team any <span class='no-break'>time.<sup><a aria-label="18" class="disclosure" data-analytics-label="Tooltip:18" data-scrollto="q18" href="javascript:void(0);">18</a></sup></span></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cf-list__item cf-list__item--row-last "> <div class="cf-list__item-elements"> <div class="cf-list__item-element cf-list__item-element--image " data-lazy="true"> <img class="cf-list__item-element-value" data-src="/content/dam/discover/en_us/credit-cards/card-acquisitions/grey-redesign/global/images/icons/icon-cash-chrome-fico-40-40.svg"/> </div> <div class="cf-list__item-element cf-list__item-element--title "> <div class="cf-list__item-element-value ">View your FICO<sup>®</sup> Credit Score for free</div> </div> <div class="cf-list__item-element cf-list__item-element--text"> <div class="cf-list__item-element-value "><p>Viewing your Credit Scorecard will never impact your FICO<sup>®</sup> <span class='no-break'>Score.<sup><a aria-label="9" class="disclosure" data-analytics-label="Tooltip:9" data-scrollto="q9" href="javascript:void(0);">9</a></sup></span></p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cf_list__disclosures"> </div> </div> <div class="cf-list__carousel-controls carousel-controls"></div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> <div class="quarter-circle quarter-circle-bottom-left " data-lazy="false"> <img alt="Inward Curve" src="/content/dam/discover/en_us/credit-cards/card-acquisitions/grey-redesign/global/images/curves/curve-semi-glow-bottom-left-191-191.svg"/> </div> </div> <div class="onecolumntile cmp-alignment--left theme-dark-blue-background-gradient dark-theme cmp-p-75 aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <div class="stylesystemclass"> <section class="one-column scrolltracking"> <div class='one-column__background theme-background' style="opacity: calc(100 / 100);"> </div> <div class="one-column__container"> <div class="cmp-title theme-background cmp-title_text-headingcontent "> <h2 id="title--905985825" class="cmp-title__text">Discover Cards with no deposit required</h2> </div> <div class="cmp-text "> <p>Before you apply, see what Discover offers you could be pre-approved for with no harm to your credit <span class='no-break'>score<sup><a aria-label="19" class="disclosure" data-analytics-label="Tooltip:19" data-scrollto="q19" href="javascript:void(0);">19</a></sup></span></p> </div> <div class="one-column__container__parsys parsys-content"> </div> <div class="one-column__cta-container"> <div class="cmp-button--cta cmp-button--cta--opaque-orange "> <a class="cmp-button " href="" target="_self" data-analytics-label="Find Out If you are Preapproved"> <span class="cmp-button__text"> Find Out if I'm Pre-Approved <span class="sr-only"> </span> </span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="onecolumntile light-theme cmp-p-75 aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <div class="stylesystemclass"> <section class="one-column one-column__container__image--icon scrolltracking"> <div class='one-column__background theme-background' style="opacity: calc(100 / 100);"> </div> <div class="one-column__container"> <div class="cmp-title theme-background cmp-alignment--left cmp-title_text-headingcontent cmp-dark-blue-font"> <h2 id="title-582279512" class="cmp-title__text">Learn more about secured credit cards</h2> </div> <div class="one-column__container__parsys parsys-content"> <div class="contentfragmentblock contentfragmentlist cmp-alignment--left cf-list--variation-three"> <div class="cf-list scrolltracking"> <!-- Content Block Items --> <div class="cf-list__items carousel-items cf-list__items--lg-stacked cf-list__items--sm-stacked cf-list__items--2-col" carousel-lg-slides-to-show="1"> <div class="cf-list__item cf-list__item--row-first "> <div class="cf-list__item-elements"> <div class="cf-list__item-element cf-list__item-element--title cmp-title_text-subheading"> <div class="cf-list__item-element-value cmp-title_text-subheading"><a aria-label="What is a Secured Credit Card? >" class="disclosure no-disclosure" data-analytics-label="CRC:WHAT IS A SECURED CREDIT CARD" href="">What is a Secured Credit Card? ></a></div> </div> <div class="cf-list__item-element cf-list__item-element--text"> <div class="cf-list__item-element-value cmp-text-subcontent"><p> </p> <p>Denied for credit cards or loans due to poor credit? Learn what secured cards are and how one can help you build your credit <span class='no-break'>history<sup><a aria-label="2" class="disclosure" data-analytics-label="Tooltip:2" data-scrollto="q2" href="javascript:void(0);">2</a></sup></span> and get back on track.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cf-list__item cf-list__item--row-last "> <div class="cf-list__item-elements"> <div class="cf-list__item-element cf-list__item-element--title cmp-title_text-subheading"> <div class="cf-list__item-element-value cmp-title_text-subheading"><a aria-label="How to Use a Secured Credit Card >" class="disclosure no-disclosure" data-analytics-label="CRC:HOW TO USE A SECURED CREDIT CARD " href="">How to Use a Secured Credit Card ></a></div> </div> <div class="cf-list__item-element cf-list__item-element--text"> <div class="cf-list__item-element-value cmp-text-subcontent"><p> </p> <p>Use these tips on how to use your secured credit card.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cf-list__item cf-list__item--row-first "> <div class="cf-list__item-elements"> <div class="cf-list__item-element cf-list__item-element--title cmp-title_text-subheading"> <div class="cf-list__item-element-value cmp-title_text-subheading"><a aria-label="What is a Secured vs. Unsecured Credit Card?" class="disclosure no-disclosure" data-analytics-label="CRC:SECURED vs. UNSECURED CREDIT CARD" href="">What is a Secured vs. Unsecured Credit Card?</a></div> </div> <div class="cf-list__item-element cf-list__item-element--text"> <div class="cf-list__item-element-value cmp-text-subcontent"><p> </p> <p>Learn what makes a secured credit card different than an unsecured credit card, including which card requires a deposit and how you can qualify for each.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cf-list__item cf-list__item--row-last "> <div class="cf-list__item-elements"> <div class="cf-list__item-element cf-list__item-element--title cmp-title_text-subheading"> <div class="cf-list__item-element-value cmp-title_text-subheading"><a aria-label="Secured Credit Card Myths and Realities" class="disclosure no-disclosure" data-analytics-label="CRC:SECURED CREDIT CARD MYTHS AND REALITIES | DISCOVER" href="">Secured Credit Card Myths and Realities</a></div> </div> <div class="cf-list__item-element cf-list__item-element--text"> <div class="cf-list__item-element-value cmp-text-subcontent"><p> </p> <p>Worried about not getting your security deposit back? Learn more about how secured cards work.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="cf_list__disclosures"> </div> </div> <div class="cf-list__carousel-controls carousel-controls"></div> </div> </div> <div class="one-column__cta-container"> <div class="cmp-button--cta cmp-button--cta--opaque-orange cmp-alignment--center "> <a class="cmp-button " href="" target="_self" data-analytics-label="REWARDS_SECURED_CREDIT_CARD_ARTICLES"> <span class="cmp-button__text"> View all Secured Credit Card Articles <span class="sr-only"> View all Secured Credit Card Articles </span> </span> </a> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="disclosurecomponent aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"> <div class="stylesystemclass"> <div class="disclosurecomponent aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12 cmp-dark-blue-font" id="disclosure__cchp"> <div class="cq-placeholder" data-emptytext="Disclosure Component"></div> <section class="container notes-component scrolltracking" id="terms-and-conditions"> <div class="footnotes__container footnotes__container--scroll" id="footnotes-scroll"> <div class="footnotes__holder" id="disclosure"> <div class="footnotes__holder--heading"> <p id="dagger-new">†† You earn a full 2% <i>Cashback Bonus</i><sup>®</sup> on your first $1000 in combined purchases at Gas Stations (stand-alone), and Restaurants each calendar quarter. Calendar quarters begin January 1, April 1, July 1, and October 1. Purchases at Gas Stations and Restaurants over the quarterly cap, and all other purchases, earn 1% cash back. Gas Station purchases include those made at merchants classified as places that sell automotive gasoline that can be bought at the pump or inside the station, and some public electric vehicle charging stations. Gas Stations affiliated with supermarkets, supercenters, and wholesale clubs may not be eligible. Restaurant purchases include those made at merchants classified as full-service restaurants, cafes, cafeterias, fast-food locations, and restaurant delivery services. Purchases must be made with merchants in the U.S. To qualify for 2%, the purchase transaction date must be before or on the last day of the offer or promotion. For online purchases, the transaction date from the merchant may be the date when the item ships. Rewards are added to your account within two billing periods. Even if a purchase appears to fit in a 2% category, the merchant may not have a merchant category code (MCC) in that category. Merchants and payment processors are assigned an MCC based on their typical products and services. Discover Card does not assign MCCs to merchants. Certain third-party payment accounts and digital wallet transactions may not earn 2% if the technology does not provide sufficient transaction details or a qualifying MCC. Learn more at <a href=""></a>. See <a href=""><i>Cashback Bonus</i> Program Terms and Conditions</a> for more information.</p> </div> <div class="footnotes_contentWrapper"> </div> <div class="notes-ordering"> <ol> <li id="q1"> <p><b>Minimum Security Deposit:</b> If approved, you must make a minimum security deposit of $200 (or more, in increments of $100 up to $2,500), which will equal your requested credit limit. Discover will determine your maximum credit limit by your income and ability to pay.</p> </li> <li id="q2"> <p><b>Build credit with responsible use(Secured):</b> Discover reports your credit history to the three major credit bureaus so it can help build/rebuild your credit if used responsibly. Late payments, delinquencies or other derogatory activity with your credit card accounts and loans may adversely impact your ability to build/rebuild credit.</p> </li> <li id="q3"> <p><b>Getting your deposit back: </b>Monthly reviews start your seventh month as a customer. We will refund your security deposit if you have made all payments on time for the last six consecutive billing cycles on all your Discover accounts including any loans, and you've remained in "good status" on all credit accounts you are responsible for whether they are Discover accounts or not. "Good status" means: (1) your credit report shows no delinquencies, charge-offs, repossessions, or bankruptcies for the six months prior to our review; and (2) your Discover secured card is not in a prohibited status at the time of our review, including, but not limited to: closed, revoked, suspended, subject to tax levy, garnishment, deceased, lost/stolen, or fraud. Monthly reviews may be delayed if you change your payment due date. We typically process your refund in 2-3 business days based on your delivery preference. If you close your account and pay in full, we'll return your deposit within two billing cycles plus ten days.</p> </li> <li id="q4"> <p><b>Cashback Match:</b> Only from Discover as of September 2024. We'll match all the cash back rewards you've earned on your credit card from the day your new account is approved through your first 12 consecutive billing periods or 365 days, whichever is longer, and add it to your rewards account within two billing periods. You've earned cash back rewards only when they're processed, which may be after the transaction date. We will not match: rewards that are processed after your match period ends; statement credits; rewards transfers from Discover checking or other deposit accounts; or rewards for accounts that are closed. This promotional offer may not be available in the future and is exclusively for new cardmembers. No purchase minimums.</p> </li> <li id="q5"> <p>Based on 2023 Discover it Secured credit card application data, applicants without a credit score may qualify. You must meet other applicable underwriting criteria. When we evaluate your creditworthiness, we consider all the information you provide on your application, your credit report, and other information. If you have a credit score, we may use that in our evaluation.</p> </li> <li id="q6"> <p>Based on the preceding 12 months of Discover Student credit card application data, applicants without a credit score may qualify. You must meet other applicable underwriting criteria. When we evaluate your creditworthiness, we consider all the information you provide on your application, your credit report, and other information. If you have a credit score, we may use that in our evaluation.</p> </li> <li id="q7"> <p><b>Discover<sup>®</sup> Identity Alerts (Alerts)</b> are offered by Discover Bank at no cost, are available only online, and do not impact your credit score. The Alerts currently provide: (a) daily monitoring of your Experian<sup>®</sup> credit report and an alert when a new inquiry or account is listed on your report; (b) daily monitoring of thousands of Dark Web sites known for revealing personal information and an alert if your Social Security Number is found on such a website. Alerts are only provided to Primary cardmembers who agree to receive them online and whose accounts are open, in good standing, have a Social Security Number, and an email address on file. This benefit may change or end in the future. Discover Bank is not a credit repair organization as defined under federal or state law, including the Credit Repair Organizations Act. To see a list of Frequently Asked Questions, visit <a href="/credit-cards/member-benefits/security/ssn-newaccount-alerts/?vcmpgn=freealerts" target="_self"></a>.</p> </li> <li id="q8"> <p><b>Freeze it<sup>®</sup></b>: When you freeze your account, Discover will not authorize new purchases, cash advances or balance transfers (including checks). However, some activity will continue including charges from merchants where your card is stored or billed regularly, as well as returns, credits, dispute adjustments, delayed authorizations (such as some transit purchases), payments, Discover protection product fees, other account fees, interest, rewards redemptions and certain other exempted transactions.</p> </li> <li id="q9"> <p><b>FICO<sup>®</sup> Credit Score Terms</b>: Your FICO<sup>®</sup> Credit Score, key factors and other credit information are based on data from TransUnion<sup>®</sup> and may be different from other credit scores and other credit information provided by different bureaus. This information is intended for and only provided to Primary account holders who have an available score. See <a href=""></a> about the availability of your score. Your score, key factors and other credit information are available on <a href=""></a> and cardmembers are also provided a score on statements. Customers will see up to a year of recent scores online. Discover and other lenders may use different inputs, such as FICO<sup>®</sup> Credit Scores, other credit scores and more information in credit decisions. This benefit may change or end in the future. FICO is a registered trademark of Fair Isaac Corporation in the United States and other countries.</p> <p>If you prefer not to receive your FICO<sup>®</sup> Credit Score just call us at 1-800-DISCOVER (1-800-347-2683). Please give us two billing cycles to process your request.</p> </li> <li id="q10"> <p><b>Acceptance</b>: According to the Feb 2024 issue of the Nilson Report.</p> </li> <li id="q11"> <p><b>Rewards Redemption:</b> Rewards never expire. We reserve the right to determine the method to disburse your rewards balance. We will credit your Account or send you a check with your rewards balance if your Account is closed or if you have not used it within 18 months. You may be unable to redeem rewards in some limited situations such as when you choose to use an electronic funds transfer to redeem rewards to a new (unverified) deposit account. Any gift card must have a minimum value of at least $5.00 to be redeemed.</p> </li> <li id="q12"> <p><b>Use Rewards at </b>For complete details on how to Pay with Rewards at <u><a href=""></a></u><span class="no-break"> see <u><a href=""></a></u></span>. Amazon is not a sponsor of this promotion. Amazon, the logo, the smile logo and all related marks are trademarks of, Inc. or its affiliates. To redeem your rewards at checkout, you must select the Discover Card from which you want to redeem rewards. If you do not pay for your full purchase with rewards, you may use the Discover Card from which the rewards were applied or an Gift Card to pay for the remainder of your purchase. You may not use a credit card from an issuer other than Discover or another Discover credit card enrolled in Shop with Points in conjunction with the rewards transaction.</p> </li> <li id="q13"> <p><b>Use Rewards with PayPal</b>: For complete details on how to Pay with Rewards with PayPal see <a href=""></a>. Pay with Rewards with PayPal will be available for eligible credit cards on eligible purchases or rewards can be donated to support a charitable cause with PayPal Giving Fund. To learn more about Pay with Rewards, see <a href="">terms and conditions</a>. </p> <p>All reward redemptions are subject to Discover’s reward program terms. To redeem your rewards at checkout, you must select the Discover Card from which you want to redeem rewards. If you do not pay for your full purchase with rewards, you must use the Discover Card from which the rewards were applied to pay for the remainder of your purchase. You may not use a credit card from an issuer other than Discover or another Discover credit card enrolled in Pay with Rewards in conjunction with the rewards transaction.</p> <p>PayPal, and the PayPal logo are trademarks of PayPal and its Affiliates.</p> </li> <li id="q14"> <p><b>Free Overnight Card Replacement:</b> Free overnight shipping is not available to P.O. boxes or addresses outside the U.S. Carrier overnight shipping limitations apply that may impact the exact delivery date.</p> </li> <li id="q15"> <p><b>$0 Fraud Liability:</b> An “unauthorized purchase” is a purchase where you have not given access to your card information to another person or a merchant for one-time or repeated charges. Please use reasonable care to protect your card and do not share it with employees, relatives, or friends. Learn more at <a href=""></a>.</p> </li> <li id="q16"> <p><b>About product reviews</b>: We calculate the average product rating based on ratings that customers submit. We exclude some reviews from being displayed for reasons such as the customer included profanity, reviewed the wrong product, submitted inappropriate or irrelevant content, or revealed personally identifying information. Reviews are not filtered, edited, or deleted simply because they are negative or are lower rated. If a review is excluded, the associated rating is not calculated in the average product rating.</p> </li> <li id="q17"> <p><b>Online Privacy Protection: </b>Online Privacy Protection is offered by Discover Bank at no cost and only available in the mobile app. About every 90 days we will scan at least 10 people-search sites for your online personal information and help you submit opt-out requests. Types of personal information found on these sites will vary.</p> </li> <li id="q18"> <p><b>100% U.S. Based Customer Service: </b>You can reach a live agent any time by calling 1-800-Discover (1-800-347-2683). Certain specialized customer service agents may not be available 24/7.</p> </li> <li id="q19"> <p>There is no hard inquiry to your credit report to check if you’re pre-approved. If you’re pre-approved, and you move forward with submitting an application for the credit card, it will result in a hard inquiry which may impact your credit score. Receiving a pre-approval offer does not guarantee approval. Applicants applying without a social security number are not eligible to receive pre-approval offers. Card applicants cannot be pre-approved for the NHL Discover Card.</p> </li> </ol> </div> </div> <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="footnotes--toggle" role="button" aria-pressed="false" aria-expanded="false">Expand</a> </div> </section> </div> </div> <div class="stylesystemclass"> </div></div> <div class="conversationsbvapi aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"><div class="cq-placeholder" data-emptyText="Conversations BV API"></div> <span> <span id="ratings-api" ratingsapi-path=""></span> <span id="disableSchema" disable-schema="false"></span> <span> <span class="hide" id="ratings-srccodes"> dcsc-6. </span> </span> </span></div> <div class="productofferrates aem-GridColumn aem-GridColumn--default--12"><div class="cq-placeholder" data-emptyText="Product Offer Rates Service"></div> <span> <span id="ratesapi" ratesapi-path=""></span> <span> <span class="hide" id="rates-srccodes"> kxpa-6. </span> </span> <span id="ignoresccode" ignore-sccode="true"></span> <span id="pagetype" 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