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Take out your surfboard and catch the epic wave with the new Kitsuné Tee collection inspired by the clear Southern California blue skies, foaming white waves and sunny beaches! Th... </div> <div class="read-more-button" style="position: absolute;bottom:0"><a href="">Read more</a></div> </div> <!-- /Little posts --> <!-- Little posts --> <div id="post-18687" class="little-post" style="width:244px;float: left;height:320px;position: relative"><p class="date"><strong>NEWS</strong> 10 May 2012, 5.16 | <a href="" class="comments-link" title="Comment on Housse de Racket – “Aquarium” Flash Remix Contest’s Winner!">NO COMMENT</a></p> <div class="little-visual"><a href=""> <img width="300" height="199" src="" class="attachment-300x220 wp-post-image" alt="untitled-111" title="untitled-111"/></a> </div> <h1 style="width:244px;" class="little-post"><a href=""> Housse de Ra<span style="font-size:17px;">...</span></a> </h1> <div class="text-little-post"> Housse de Racket and Kitsuné are proud to announce the winner of “Aquarium” Flash Remix Contest! It hasn’t been easy to decide which one was our favourite, congrats to Oxford for his fabulous remix of the epic anthem “Aquarium”... </div> <div class="read-more-button" style="position: absolute;bottom:0"><a href="">Read more</a></div> </div> <!-- /Little posts --> <!-- Little posts --> <div id="post-18676" class="little-post" style="width:244px;float: left;height:320px;position: relative"><p class="date"><strong>NEWS</strong> 10 May 2012, 1.01 | <a href="" class="comments-link" title="Comment on Is Tropical Free Mixtape + US Tour with for Crystal Fighters">NO COMMENT</a></p> <div class="little-visual"><a href=""> <img width="176" height="220" src="" class="attachment-300x220 wp-post-image" alt="Is_Tropical_photo" title="Is_Tropical_photo"/></a> </div> <h1 style="width:244px;" class="little-post"><a href=""> Is Tropical <span style="font-size:17px;">...</span></a> </h1> <div class="text-little-post"> The wild trio Is Tropical is about to fly away for the US. From May to June they will be sharing the bill with Crystal Fighters. They’re thrilled about touring once again in the US and are happy to offer you this mixtape : RADIOPAPIERMASHUPHEAD... </div> <div class="read-more-button" style="position: absolute;bottom:0"><a href="">Read more</a></div> </div> <!-- /Little posts --> <!-- Little posts --> <div id="post-18582" class="little-post" style="width:244px;float: left;height:320px;position: relative"><p class="date"><strong>NEWS</strong> 9 May 2012, 7.30 | <a href="" class="comments-link" title="Comment on New Compilation : Kitsuné AMERICA – Out Now !">1 COMMENT</a></p> <div class="little-visual"><a href=""> <img width="293" height="220" src="’écran-2012-05-07-à-13.05.54-300x225.png" class="attachment-300x220 wp-post-image" alt="Capture d’écran 2012-05-07 à 13.05.54" title="Capture d’écran 2012-05-07 à 13.05.54"/></a> </div> <h1 style="width:244px;" class="little-post"><a href=""> New Compilat<span style="font-size:17px;">...</span></a> </h1> <div class="text-little-post"> Kitsuné AMERICA is out now ! For the first time Kitsuné has compiled a quirky, eclectic selection of fresh new US artists. The compilation Kitsuné AMERICA is full of the stuff that we like most : good songs and big talents yet to be discovered, fr... </div> <div class="read-more-button" style="position: absolute;bottom:0"><a href="">Read more</a></div> </div> <!-- /Little posts --> <!-- Little posts --> <div id="post-18642" class="little-post" style="width:244px;float: left;height:320px;position: relative"><p class="date"><strong>NEWS</strong> 9 May 2012, 5.16 | <a href="" class="comments-link" title="Comment on Watch NOW Citizens! New Video “Caroline” Premiere On !">1 COMMENT</a></p> <div class="little-visual"><a href=""> <img width="300" height="198" src="" class="attachment-300x220 wp-post-image" alt="Caroline5" title="Caroline5"/></a> </div> <h1 style="width:244px;" class="little-post"><a href=""> Watch NOW Ci<span style="font-size:17px;">...</span></a> </h1> <div class="text-little-post"> Fantastic band Citizens! premiere their new video for “Caroline” exclusivley on ! WATCH NOW “CAROLINE” VIDEO DIRECTED BY JEPPE KOLSTRUP ON NOISEY.COM ! “Caroline” is the third single to be taken from the... </div> <div class="read-more-button" style="position: absolute;bottom:0"><a href="">Read more</a></div> </div> <!-- /Little posts --> <!-- Little posts --> <div id="post-18622" class="little-post" style="width:244px;float: left;height:320px;position: relative"><p class="date"><strong>NEWS</strong> 9 May 2012, 2.54 | <a href="" class="comments-link" title="Comment on LOGO “Jacob & Fabrice” Exclusively Out On Beatport + Free Minimix">NO COMMENT</a></p> <div class="little-visual"><a href=""> <img width="219" height="220" src="" class="attachment-300x220 wp-post-image" alt="Web" title="Web"/></a> </div> <h1 style="width:244px;" class="little-post"><a href=""> LOGO “<span style="font-size:17px;">...</span></a> </h1> <div class="text-little-post"> Young and classy Parisian duo LOGO is back with a third EP “Jacob & Fabrice” to be released on May 21st on Kitsuné! “Jacob & Fabrice”, LOGO‘s brand new EP is a proper double A side like they used to say. Two rather en... </div> <div class="read-more-button" style="position: absolute;bottom:0"><a href="">Read more</a></div> </div> <!-- /Little posts --> <!-- Little posts --> <div id="post-18334" class="little-post" style="width:244px;float: left;height:320px;position: relative"><p class="date"><strong>NEWS</strong> 9 May 2012, 10.00 | <a href="" class="comments-link" title="Comment on Two Door Cinema Club at Le Zénith in Paris on November 15th!!!">NO COMMENT</a></p> <div class="little-visual"><a href=""> <img width="300" height="199" src="" class="attachment-300x220 wp-post-image" alt="Two Door Cinema Club" title="Two Door Cinema Club"/></a> </div> <h1 style="width:244px;" class="little-post"><a href=""> Two Door Cin<span style="font-size:17px;">...</span></a> </h1> <div class="text-little-post"> AMAZING NEWS! Our favorite Irish band Two Door Cinema Club are back in PARIS, after some remarkable soldout shows at La Cigale and Olympia … Alex, Kev and Sam will smash one of the biggest venue of the French capital : Le Zénith on November 15... </div> <div class="read-more-button" style="position: absolute;bottom:0"><a href="">Read more</a></div> </div> <!-- /Little posts --> <!-- Little posts --> <div id="post-18604" class="little-post" style="width:244px;float: left;height:320px;position: relative"><p class="date"><strong>NEWS</strong> 8 May 2012, 11.56 | <a href="" class="comments-link" title="Comment on Maison Kitsuné Day Suit – women – Spring Summer 2012">NO COMMENT</a></p> <div class="little-visual"><a href=""> <img width="146" height="220" src="" class="attachment-300x220 wp-post-image" alt="14" title="14"/></a> </div> <h1 style="width:244px;" class="little-post"><a href=""> Maison Kitsu<span style="font-size:17px;">...</span></a> </h1> <div class="text-little-post"> The Maison Kitsuné Day Suit is made up of the Maison Kitsuné Day Jacket and Pants. The Maison Kitsuné Day Jacket and the Pleated Trousers are cut in a contrasting fabric with romantic tennis stripes. The Maison Kitsuné Day Suit is a perfect for c... </div> <div class="read-more-button" style="position: absolute;bottom:0"><a href="">Read more</a></div> </div> <!-- /Little posts --> <div class="post-nav"> <a href=""><div class="next-button"></div></a> </div> </div> <div id="right-column"> <script type="text/javascript"> function affichage_popup(nom_de_la_page, nom_interne_de_la_fenetre) { (nom_de_la_page, nom_interne_de_la_fenetre, config='height=355, width=650, toolbar=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=no, resizable=no, location=no, directories=no, status=no') } </script> <a class="player_img" href="javascript:affichage_popup('/journal/player.php','popup_1');"></a> <div class="blocs"><p onclick="$(this).next().slideToggle();">ARTISTS</p> <div id="artists-list"> <ul id="mycarouselartist"> <li><a href=""><img width="331" height="249" src="" class="attachment-373x249 wp-post-image" alt="heartsrevolution" title="heartsrevolution"/><span class="titrartiste">Heartsrevolution</span></a></li><li><a href=""><img width="332" height="249" src="" class="attachment-373x249 wp-post-image" alt="FH_Citizens01_023_500" title="FH_Citizens01_023_500"/><span class="titrartiste">Citizens!</span></a></li><li><a href=""><img width="373" height="223" src="" class="attachment-373x249 wp-post-image" alt="delphic" title="delphic"/><span class="titrartiste">Delphic</span></a></li><li><a href=""><img width="373" height="249" src="" class="attachment-373x249 wp-post-image" alt="Two Door Cinema Club" title="Two Door Cinema Club"/><span class="titrartiste">Two door cinema club</span></a></li><li><a href=""><img width="373" height="249" src="" class="attachment-373x249 wp-post-image" alt="F1000032" title="F1000032"/><span class="titrartiste">Logo</span></a></li><li><a href=""><img width="373" height="249" src="" class="attachment-373x249 wp-post-image" alt="IMG_6731" title="IMG_6731"/><span class="titrartiste">BeatauCue</span></a></li><li><a href=""><img width="373" height="249" src="" class="attachment-373x249 wp-post-image" alt="Housse de Racket" title="Housse de Racket"/><span class="titrartiste">Housse De Racket</span></a></li><li><a href=""><img width="322" height="249" src="" class="attachment-373x249 wp-post-image" alt="Is Tropical" title="Is Tropical"/><span class="titrartiste">Is Tropical</span></a></li> </ul> </div></div><br style="clear:both"/><div class="blocs"><p onclick="$(this).next().slideToggle();">NEWSLETTER</p> <div style="display: block"> <div class="blocs-text" style="font-family:helvetica"> ENTER YOUR E-MAIL BELOW TO SUSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER </div> <div id="newsletter-contener"> <form onsubmit="return(VerifForm(this))" method="post" id="newsletterform" action=""> <fieldset class="newsletter"> <input type="hidden" name="formSubmitted" value="1"> <input type="hidden" name="liste_name" value="nouvelles_nouvelles"> <input type="hidden" name="pommo_signup" value="true"> <input type="text" class="box" name="Email" value=""/> <input type="submit" class="btn" title="Submit Newsletter" name="pommo_signup" value="Sign up"> </fieldset> </form> </div> </div> </div><div class="blocs"><p onclick="$(this).next().slideToggle();">CONTRIBUTORS</p> <div style="display: none" class="blocs-text"> <ul> <li><a href="" title="Posts by André Saraiva's life">André Saraiva's life</a></li><li><a href="" title="Posts by Benjamin Kinas">Benjamin Kinas</a></li><li><a href="" title="Posts by De Jeunes Gens Modernes">De Jeunes Gens Modernes</a></li><li><a href="" title="Posts by Heartsrevolution">Heartsrevolution</a></li><li><a href="" title="Posts by Holly Stanton">Holly Stanton</a></li><li><a href="" title="Posts by IS TROPICAL">IS TROPICAL</a></li><li><a href="" title="Posts by Jerry Bouthier">Jerry Bouthier</a></li><li><a href="" title="Posts by Kitsuné">Kitsuné</a></li><li><a href="" title="Posts by Kitsune Club Night">Kitsune Club Night</a></li><li><a href="" title="Posts by Maison Kitsune at Nomad - New York">Maison Kitsune at Nomad - New York</a></li><li><a href="" title="Posts by Revue Nationale">Revue Nationale</a></li> </ul> </div></div><div class="blocs"><p onclick="$(this).next().slideToggle();">MOST POPULAR POSTS</p> <div style="display: none" class="blocs-text"> <ul> <!-- Wordpress Popular Posts Plugin v2.0.3 [SC] [weekly] --> <ul> <li><a href="" title="New Compilation : Kitsuné AMERICA - Out Now ! 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New Video “Caroline” Premiere On ! « Kitsune Journal:</strong> <a href="" title="View the entire comment by Watch NOW Citizens! New Video “Caroline” Premiere On ! « Kitsune Journal">[...] Watch True Romance video</a></li> </ul> </div></div><div class="blocs"><p onclick="$(this).next().slideToggle();">ONLINE SHOP</p><div style="margin-top:15px;"><span style="display:none">Age du flux : 00:04:29 | 269 secondes</span><div class="blocs-product gauche"><div class="product" style="width:180px;height:auto;"><a href=""><div class="product-visual"><img src="" alt="" width="180" height="180"/></div></a>Kitsuné America (Deluxe Edition)</div></div><div class="blocs-product droite"><div class="product" style="width:180px;height:auto;"><a href=""><div class="product-visual"><img src="" alt="" width="180" height="180"/></div></a>VINYL / KITSUNE AMERICA </div></div><div class="blocs-product gauche"><div class="product" style="width:180px;height:auto;"><a href=""><div class="product-visual"><img src="" alt="" width="180" height="180"/></div></a>TOTE BAG / SS12</div></div><div class="blocs-product droite"><div class="product" style="width:180px;height:auto;"><a href=""><div class="product-visual"><img src="" alt="" width="180" height="180"/></div></a>Hey Today! - 83 - EP</div></div><div class="blocs-product gauche"><div class="product" style="width:180px;height:auto;"><a href=""><div class="product-visual"><img src="" alt="" width="180" height="180"/></div></a>TEE SHIRT PARISIEN - MEN </div></div><div class="blocs-product droite"><div class="product" style="width:180px;height:auto;"><a href=""><div class="product-visual"><img src="" alt="" width="180" height="180"/></div></a>TEE SHIRT PARISIEN - MEN </div></div></div></div><div class="blocs"><p onclick="$(this).next().slideToggle();">EVENTS</p> <div class="dates-text" style="display: none"> <p><a style="font-family: univ, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;font-size:11px;" href=""><strong>03/05/2012</strong> - Kitsuné Club Night – Floor - Miyazaki - w/ BeatauCue</a></p> </div> </div><div class="blocs" class="widget widget_text"><p onclick="$(this).next().slideToggle();">CONTACT</p><div style="display: none; 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