International Conference On Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Technology (ICMRES-2024)
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If your paper got selected you must confirm the registration before last date of registration. Your registration will not be considered after last date of registration and no money will be refunded.</li> <li>Do visit the official conference website(only) and use the official mail id of the conference for all the latest information.(Always refresh the web page for any update)</li> <li>Do check your registered mail ID and Mobile number regularly. Any conference notifications will be communicated through mail and Mobile only.</li> <li>Do Ask for the "Conference Schedule mail " from the Conference Coordinator after Last date of registration only.</li> </ul> <h5><strong> Dont's</strong></h5> <ul> <li>Do not book your tickets and hotels before taking the "Conference Schedule mail " from our Conference Coordinator.Any financial loss due to travel cancellation/travel rescheduling will not be provided by the organizer due to conference rescheduling.</li> <li>Do not reach the venue before or after the reporting time on the day of the conference.</li> <li>Do not use any adult picture, Controversial map or Picture while presenting and publishing your paper.</li> <li>Do not consider the Payment Confirmation mail(From Payment Gateway) as the Final Confirmation mail. 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