Slant Drilling Rigs For Sale, Slant Rigs For Sale, Slant Water Well and Geothermal Rigs for Sale

<Title>Slant Drilling Rigs For Sale, Slant Rigs For Sale, Slant Water Well and Geothermal Rigs for Sale</Title> <META NAME="DESCRIPTION" CONTENT="Slant Drilling Rigs For Sale, Slant Rigs For Sale, Slant Water Well and Geothermal Rigs for Sale"> <META NAME="KEYWORDS" CONTENT="Slant drilling rigs equipment oil water well coiled tubing trailer mounted truck mounted axle USA hook load top drive deep second hand pre-owned box-on-box swing up clearing cheap 750hp workover Ingersoll Rand Atlas Copco Columbia Venezuela Mexico Dallas Houston Canada USA Peru Chinese European New Australia New Zealand Egypt Algeria Tunisia Saudi Arabia Yemen"> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <link rel="shortcut icon" href="" type="image/x-icon"> <link rel="icon" href="" type="image/x-icon"> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <meta name="apple-itunes-app" content="app-id=1088531001"> <meta name="google-play-app" content="app-id=com.worldrigs.myapplication"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css" media="screen"> </head> <body> <table align="center"> <tr> <td align="center" valign="middle"><a href=""><img src="" alt="World-rigs: Oil &amp; 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font-size: 12px">Worldrigs ID: WR391<br><p><span style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">The rig is suitable for API standard zone for oil and gas and composed as follow:</span></p> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Manufactured according to:</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- CEE Directive 2006/42/CE Machine Directive,</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- 2004/108/EEC Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- 2006/95/EEC Low Voltage Directive</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- 2005/88/CE Noise Directive</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- Application API 4F PSL1 Rev4/2013</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- API 6A PSL2 Rev.20/2010</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- API 7.1 Rev.1/2010</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- API 8C PSL1 Rev5/2012 where applicable</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- Ambient temperature -10&deg; +40&deg;C<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Truck Astra HD8:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Truck Astra HD8 Model 84.44 (HEAVY DUTY) 8x4 , Euro 5</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">(or other brand decided by you)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Designed for heavy duty service.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Engine IVECO CURSOR 13</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Max. power (EEC) 324 kW (440 HP)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Corresponding rpm 1.900 rpm</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Max. torque (EEC) 2.200 Nm (224 kgm)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Corresponding rpm 1.000-1.440 rpm</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Turbine VGT variable geometry</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Turbo intercooler diesel injection/cycle with electronic unit injection pumps. 6 in-linecylinders.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Single block head, four valves per cylinder, light alloy pistons.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Total displacement: 12.882 cm3.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Bore for stroke: 135 x 150 mm.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Water cooling.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Emissions according to 5 regulation norms SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) system composed of catalytic&nbsp;<br /> muffler, AdBlue-tank, injection and control systemTelligent &reg;&nbsp;engine system: electronic management injection&nbsp;<br /> through the continuous monitoring of the</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">parameters functional motor</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- Accessories Included : (if not sold in the mean time)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- Climate Visor Stabilizer bar Rear window Steering wheel radio</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Electric mirrors. Rotating lights, Michelin tires<br /> <span style="color:#008080">&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Main Frame:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Manufactured in high strength low carbon steel, electrically welded&nbsp;<br /> Floor complete of lateral extensions tilting model, ladders and handrails.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">The frame is complete of 4 plates (2 frontal and 2 in rear position) suitable to&nbsp;accommodate the stabilizers</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Hydraulic stabilizers support applied to main frame with stirrup bracket.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Complete of lower mast support for erection operation and mast support for horizontal&nbsp;position during rig moving.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Stairs with anti-slip steps and handrails, located to permit the crew moving from land to rig&nbsp;deck.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Rig frame rear part complete with mast support manufactured to accommodate the lower</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">part of mast, pivots with pins, the support is welded as one part with the rig frame.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Mast horizontal support suitable to cradle the upper mast during the rig moving operation.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">The support is welded to main frame as same part and it&rsquo;s complete of safety device for&nbsp;mast blocking in moving.&nbsp;<br /> The main frame is complete of all passage and support to&nbsp;accommodate the hydraulic pipe and hoses&nbsp;<br /> needed for hydraulic system.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">All critical parts and components will be protected to avoid damage during drilling&nbsp;operations.<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Drill Floor:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Manufactured with high steel grade welded structure, connected to main rig frame with&nbsp;pins.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Floor with anti-slip panel, complete of handrails and lower skirting.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">The handrails are removable for fast moving procedure.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">The drill floor is complete of clamp 27.1/2&rdquo; full passage API style suitable to accommodate&nbsp;bushing, bowls&nbsp;<br /> and slips for D.P. and CSG handling.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">The clamp is removable type to have a maximum passage of 40&rdquo;.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Stairs and handrails to permit the crew passage from land to drill floor and drill floor to rig</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">deck.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Height 10&rsquo; (3000 mm) , max load capacity 50 metric ton (55 short ton)<br /> <br /> <span style="color:#008080"><strong>Slip Power Group:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Hydraulic automatic slip handler positioned near the center well and controlled by main&nbsp;panel.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Complete with one set of slips D.P. 3.1/2&rdquo; (others diameters on request)<br /> <span style="color:#008080">&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Mast Sliding:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Manufactured with hollow high strength steel grade structural pipes electrically welded&nbsp;lattice type.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">&ldquo;U&rdquo; shape with internal side suitable to accommodate the main hydraulic cylinder, top&nbsp;drive dolly guides in high&nbsp;<br /> strength steel grade suitable to support top drive torque,&nbsp;complete of main hydraulic cylinder.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Lower mast side is complete of pad eyes for connection with main frame support.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Pad eyes with pins to connect two hydraulic cylinders for erection operations.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Inside lower cradle to mount the main hydraulic distributor to feed the hydraulic cylinder&nbsp;for pull-up and down.&nbsp;<br /> Frontal mechanical blocks when the mast is in vertical position.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Support, clamps, pipes and fasten to install stand pipe, hydraulic pipes and electric system light.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Side ladder to achieve top part of mast for maintenance complete of anti-fall safety&nbsp;system.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Max static hook load 50 metric ton (55 short ton)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Max pull down load 18 metric ton (19.8 short ton)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Top Drive max stroke 13.000 mm (42,65 ft) suitable for D.P. and CSG Range2</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Slant device that permit to drill from 0-45 degree with Hydraulic</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Stops 5 Degree by 5 Degree</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Hydraulic stop by two cylinders<br /> <span style="color:#008080">&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Pull Up-Down System:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Composed of hydraulic main distributor, connected directly to main cylinder and mounted&nbsp;inside the mast.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">The hydraulic block is controlled with the driller console and gives up-down movements.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Wire ropes and sheaves connected to top drive give the power to rig.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">The hydraulic distributor is complete of automatic driller system that permits to drill with&nbsp;automatic weight on bit,&nbsp;<br /> imposed by the driller with the main control panel command.<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Hydraulic Vice (Power Tong):</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">With double body, suitable to make-up and break-down D.P. and CSG</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Composed of two body with double rams supporting the die liners.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Upper body rotating on guide by hydraulic cylinder, lower body fixed by pins to mast&nbsp;structure.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Side rams controlled by internal hydraulic cylinders auto centring on outside diameter toll&nbsp;joints</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">D.P. centring system mounted on top and composed of two hydraulic cylinder with rollers,&nbsp;suitable to guide the&nbsp;<br /> D.P. during drilling operations.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">All movements of vice are controlled by driller console.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Max diameter to catch 20&rdquo;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Min diameter to catch 3.1/2&rdquo;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Max passage 20.1/2&rdquo;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Max make-up 6000 kgm (43.455 ft/lb)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Max break-down 8000 kgm (57.940 ft/lb)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">The hydraulic vice is removable from centre well by hand rotation with disassembly a pin&nbsp;to have<br /> center well opening of 40&rdquo; (1000 mm)<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Top Drive for Direct Circulation:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Hydraulically powered, manufactured with high strength steel grade for heavy duty&nbsp;service.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Main frame welded plates working finished to receive all internal components.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Internal gear reducer with straight teeth heavy duty service mounted on roller bearings.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Transmission powered by hydraulic motors with gear reducers in bath oil.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Slide mandrel complete of top and bottom shock absorber directly mounted on main shaft.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Lower pad eyes suitable to connect lifting device.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Max SWL 50 metric ton ( 55 short ton )</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Back mechanism for connection with the dolly.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Double gear pump for oil forced lubrications system.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">3&rdquo; wash pipe type fast replace system, with V packing and ring hammer for replacement&nbsp;spare part.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Dome mounted in the upper top drive side suitable to support the wash pipe system and&nbsp;the gooseneck.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Hammer union 4&rdquo; FIG.200, lubrication system located on wash pipe housing.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Full passage 3&rdquo;, max working pressure 140 Bar (2.000 PSI), bottom connection 50 API&nbsp;NC<br /> <span style="color:#008080">&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Standard Drilling:</strong></span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- Maximum torque 2.800 daNm at 50 RPM (20.282 ft/lb)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- Maximum torque 778 daNm at 180 RPM (5.633 ft/lb)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- RPM from 0 to 180<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Top Drive Dolly:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Suitable to support the top drive with Top Drive tilting movement by hydraulic cylinder from&nbsp;the vertical position to<br /> facilitate the Drill Pipe handling</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Four wheels bearing mounted to guide the entire system inside the mast running into the&nbsp;guides</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Upper frame complete with pad eyes suitable to accommodate the wire ropes sockets with&nbsp;pins for pull up.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Lower frame with the previous same device to connect the wire ropes for pull-down rack&nbsp;and brackets to<br /> install all hydraulic hoses and mud piping.<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Service Jib Crane:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Composed of vertical rotating body, telescopic arm&nbsp;positioned on mast driller side.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Rotation and arm stroke with hydraulic cylinder.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Two sheaves grooved for 9/16&rdquo; rope mounted on bearings, complete of anti disentangle&nbsp;device.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Max rotation angle 90&deg;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Maximum load capacity 3,5 tons (7.726 lb)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Speed up and down 0,5 m/s (1,736 ft/sec)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Rope &oslash; 9/16&rdquo;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Hydraulic winch positioned on mast flank complete of rope roller, brake negative, suitable&nbsp;for taking 40 meters<br /> of wire rope &oslash; 9/16&rdquo;, max pull 3.5 metric ton (7.726 lb)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Rope stroke end safety device installed on crane to avoid collision with arm.<br /> <span style="color:#008080">&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>N&deg;4 Stabilizers:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Hydraulically operated, composed of external body with side plate to accommodate on the&nbsp;rig main frame,<br /> with bolting.&nbsp;Threaded liner for heavy duty applications suitable to accommodate the mechanical stop&nbsp;blocking<br /> when the rig is in working position.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Internal hydraulic cylinder complete with over centre valves and piping for hydraulic&nbsp;circuit.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Lower part with spherical contact device for auto aligning and push on frame basement.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Mechanical clamp with internal thread to mount on outside liner when the rig is in working&nbsp;position.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">The system is applied for safety in case of hydraulic cylinder failure.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Max pull down 20 metric ton (22 short ton)<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Hydraulic Power Unit:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Nr. 01 Diesel engines industrial type, Caterpillar C13 model, 440 HP at 1800 RPM each,&nbsp;EPA certified, 6 cylinders&nbsp;<br /> in line turbocharged/after cooled, water heat exchanger,&nbsp;complete of pneumatic starter, rpm&nbsp;counter, hours counter,&nbsp;<br /> high water temperature control, lower oil pressure control,&nbsp;emergency stop, Caterpillar shut down system for&nbsp;<br /> over RPM gas inlet mounted on&nbsp;suction, muffler.<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Gear coupler directly connected to engine for hydraulic piston pumps and gear pumps&nbsp;drive type Tecnodrive<br /> Twin Disc or equivalent model, complete of heat exchanger type&nbsp;air-oil hydraulically powered.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Piston hydraulic pumps Denison/Parker trade mark or other equivalent model, mounted directly&nbsp;on gear coupler.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Skid base in carbon steel suitable to support the power unit, complete of cushions for shock&nbsp;absorbers.<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">No.1 fuel tanks 600 litres capacity.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Fire suppression system included, mounted inside engine hood.<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Sound Proof Hood:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Mounted on rig deck, complete of panels for noise absorbing, filters for engine air&nbsp;aspiration, muffler support.&nbsp;<br /> The hood is complete of opening doors for maintenance&nbsp;operations.<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>7.1/2&rdquo; X 7&rdquo; Duplex Double Acting Mud Pump:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Mounted on rig deck and composed of liners and pistons 7.1/2&rdquo;, internal reduction ratio</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">1:4.7 with double helical teeth mounted on roller bearings.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Connecting rods and crosshead pins mounted on roller bearings.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Wear guides for crossheads replaceable.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Lubrication with internal circuit.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Forced washing system for piston rod with centrifugal pump V belt driven.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Cross discharge 4&rdquo; with safety valve shear pin pulsation dampener pressure gauge.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Pot valves API 5.5, suction flanged 10&rdquo; ANSI 150.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Hydraulic motor and gear reducer applied to pinions with spline adapter.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Housing connected to pump flange with bolting.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Performance @120 stroke/min</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Max discharge 2376 l/min with 37 BAR liner 7.1/2&rdquo;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Max pressure 70 BAR with 1252 l/min liners 5.1/2&rdquo;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Power input 217 Hp</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Complete of Hydraulic motor joint for connection hydraulic motor to pump and flex hoses<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Foam / Water Pump:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Triplex type Cat 3535 or equivalent model, hydraulically powered, positioned on rig frame.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Complete with lubrication system, safety valve, pressure gauge</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Maximum delivery 136 l/min. (35,8 gal/min)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Maximum pressure 85 Bar. (1.214 PSI)<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Manifold for Mud-Air Discharge:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Composed of steel pipes and hoses, ball valves, non return valve for air in- or exclusion and</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">foam injection ball valve for air compressor exclusion complete of air actuator driven from</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">the control panel. Rotary hose 3.1/2&rdquo; I.D. and vibrator hose included, max W.P. 140 bar (</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">2000 PSI)<br /> <br /> <span style="color:#008080"><strong>Hydraulic System:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Composed of pumps and hydraulic motors, pipes and hoses, blocks, distributors, valves,&nbsp;hydraulic cylinders and fitting.<br /> All components mounted and connected to any user.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Oil tank capacity 1500 litres approx. (396,8 gal), complete of suction pipes and oil filter on&nbsp;return.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Optical oil level, thermometer for oil temperature control.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Each suction pipes is connected to a ball valve.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Heat exchanger type air-oil mounted on rig deck, powered by hydraulic motor.<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Dog House:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">With twist block, one door, with control panel and quick connection for quick removal and&nbsp;save time during transport</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">The Dog House is equipped with four hydraulic jacks to be levelled to drill floor height, and&nbsp;connection to the rig.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Control panel inside of the dog house is completed of:</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- Pressure Hydraulic service indicator</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- Pull up Top Drive indicator (Adjustable)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- Pull down Top drive indicator (Adjustable)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- Top Drive torque indicator (Adjustable)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- Top Drive RPM indicator</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- Mud Pressure indicator</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- Service crane load indication</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- Power tongue torque indicator (Adjustable)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- Power tongue closure force indicator (Adjustable)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Control levels and manipulators, starter panel for engine with instrumentation and&nbsp;emergency stop<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Electric System:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">EEx-d composed of</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">n&deg; 2 lamps of 18 W positioned on mast front toward the centre well</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">n&deg; 2 lamps of 2 x 18 W positioned on rear toward rig deck</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">n&deg; 2 lamps on drilling floor, n.2 lamps of 2 x 18 W under drilling floor</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">n&deg; 1 red lamp on mast</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">n&deg; 1 lamp inside hood 18 W</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">n&deg; 10 lights 24VDC Atex IP65 neon compact type, 18 W each</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">n&deg; 4 emergency light 2 x 18 W</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- TOOL BOX complete of standard tools for maintenance and positioned on main frame<br /> <span style="color:#008080">&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Coating of Drilling Rig:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Main component with the following cycle :</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- sandblasting SA 2.1/2;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- first hand epoxy zinc thk 50 micron;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- second hand epoxy thk 50 micron;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- third hand polyurethane 50 micron.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- Total paint thickness 150 micron, paint final tonality to be agree.<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Optional:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Elevator handling system Range 2 for casing &amp; Drill Pipes with semi-automatically pipe rack</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">To lift DP Range2, DC and CSG Range2 from pipe rack to vertical position in centre well composed of :</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">skid base connected with pins to rig substructure, adjustable and levellable by manual screws jack-arm<br /> positioned on skid base,&nbsp;pivoted by shafts and hydraulically driven with hydraulic cylinder catching pipe,<br /> lifting and down.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Movement hydraulically controlled by manipulators placed on control panel.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Nominal size capacity from 3 &frac12;&rdquo; to 5&rdquo; D.P. &ndash; 8.1/4&rdquo; D.C. &ndash; 7&rdquo; CSG &ndash; 9.5/8&rdquo; CSG &ndash; 13.3/8&rdquo; CSG<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Num 01 Elevator semiautomatic, type overshot, suitable to catch DP from 2&rdquo;7/8, 3.1/2&rdquo;, 4.1/2&rdquo; and 5&rdquo;.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">The elevator is mounted under top drive by two pins and connected with two hydraulic cylinders that control<br /> the open&nbsp;and close liners device. Interchangeable reductions and liners are available to catch the above<br /> described sizes casing&nbsp;and drill pipes.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Max load capacity 50 tons.<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Num 01 Elevator semiautomatic, type overshot, suitable to catch CSG 7&rdquo; &ndash; 9.5/8&rdquo; &ndash; 13.3/8&rdquo;.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">The elevator is mounted under top drive by two pins and connected with two hydraulic cylinders that<br /> control the open&nbsp;and close liners device.&nbsp;Interchangeable reductions and liners are available to catch<br /> the above described sizes casing and drill pipes.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Max load capacity 50 tons<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Semi-Automatically Pipe rack</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">With control panel mounted on ground floor or in the main control panel, for D.P. from<br /> 3 &frac12;&rdquo;- 5&rdquo; &ndash; D.C. 8.1/4&rdquo; &ndash; CSG 7&rdquo; to 13.3/8&rdquo; Range 2</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Designed for hard work and long life working activity manufactured with low alloy carbon steel pipes, beams, plates,&nbsp;<br /> all components will be electrically welded composed by n&deg; 2 tubular rack element</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">(2 left and 2 right ), capacity of No. 55 DP 3 &frac12;&rdquo; Range 2 or No.40 D.P. 5&rdquo; Range 2</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Hydraulic jacks for sloping mechanism to move the pipe on centre well and vice versa, n.04 hydraulic cylinders for&nbsp;<br /> levelling system, n.02 hydraulic cylinders for locking system.</div> </div> </div> <div style="height:8px"></div> <div style="text-align:center; width:240px"><a target="_blank" href=""><font class="stylebluebold12">D50S Hydraulic Slant Drilling Rig for sale</font></a></div> <div style="height:8px"></div> <div style="text-align:center; width:240px"><a target="_blank" href=""><font class="style36"></font></a></div> <!-- <div style="text-align:center;"><a href="">&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;font-size:12px&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;color:#800000&quot;&gt;D50S Hydraulic Slant Drilling Rig for Sale&lt;br /&gt; Slant Rigs for Sale&lt;br /&gt; Slant Hydraulic Drilling Rig - For Sale&lt;br /&gt; D50S Slant Hydraulic Drilling Rig&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt; </font></a></div> <div style="height: 10px"></div>--></td></tr><tr><td height="30" align="center"><a target="_blank" href=""><img src="" border="0" /></a></td></tr></table></td><td width="10" align="center" valign="middle"> <div style="height:260; width:1px; background-color:#CCCCCC"></div></td> <td width="270" align="center" valign="top"> <table width="270" height="270" align="center"><tr><td height="220" valign="top" align="center"> <div style="height:20px; width:100px"><font class="style42">Id: </font><font class="style38">WR371</font> </div> <div style="height: 5px"></div> <div style="text-align:center"> <a target="_blank" href="" onMouseOver="ShowPicture('divWR1_1',1)" onMouseOut="ShowPicture('divWR1_1',0)"><img src=" " height="160" border="0" title="D40S Water Well and Geothermal Hydraulic Drilling Rig for Sale" alt="D40S Water Well and Geothermal Hydraulic Drilling Rig for Sale" /></a></div><div id="divWR1_1" class="imgStyle" > <a target="_blank" href=""><img src=" " height="220" /></a><br><br><div><font class="stylebluebold12">D40S Water Well and Geothermal Hydraulic Drilling Rig for Sale</font></div><br> <div style="font-family:Arial; font-size: 12px">Worldrigs ID: WR371<br><p><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Specifications</strong></span><br /> Pull up : 88῾302 lb<br /> Pull down : 44῾150 lb<br /> Stroke : 28 &frac14;&rsquo;<br /> Drilling torque : 20῾650 ft-lb 0&divide;180 rpm<br /> Coring torque : 3῾320 ft-lb @ max 800 rpm<br /> <br /> Speed up/down : 2,3 ft/s<br /> Service jib crane : 22῾075 lb<br /> Mud pump : 7 1/2&rdquo; X 7&rdquo; duplex double acting<br /> Centrifugal pump : 792 gal 42&divide;72 psi<br /> Foam pump : 60 GPM 1210 psi<br /> <br /> Double vice : 20 &frac12;&rdquo;<br /> Make up and break out :59῾000 ft-lb<br /> Stroke : 27 &frac12;&rdquo;<br /> <br /> Diesel engine : 440 kW @ 1800 rpm<br /> Drill pipe feeder : 3 &frac12;&rdquo;&divide;8&rdquo;<br /> Drilling : Direct circulation - coring<br /> Dimensions : 8,20&rsquo;x 42,65&rsquo;x 13,94&rsquo; (h)<br /> Weight : 101῾412 lb<br /> <br /> <span style="color:#008080"><strong>Description</strong></span><br /> D40 Hydraulic Driling Rig<br /> Truck mounted on Astra 8 x 4<br /> Pull up 40 metric tons<br /> <br /> - Truck Astra HD8 Model 84.44 (heavy duty) 8x4, Euro 5<br /> - Mast Lattice Type for D.P. and D.C. 6mt long<br /> Maximum static hook load : 40 metric ton (44 short ton)<br /> Maximum pull down : 20 metric ton (22 short ton)<br /> Top drive stroke : 8,6 m.<br /> <br /> - Slant device that permit to drill from 0-45 degree with Hydraulic Stops 5 degree by 5<br /> degree<br /> - Automatic drill pipe and drill collar handling system Suitable to catch drill pipes and drill<br /> collars diameters 2 ⅜&rdquo; -8&rdquo; with control valve for force regulation.<br /> - Semi automatic Pipe Rack<br /> - Pull up and down system composed by hydraulic block distributor with valves,<br /> hydraulically controlled to action the main cylinder.<br /> <br /> - Hydraulic power Tong<br /> at double body, suitable to screw and unscrew DP, DC and CSG.suitable to catch D.P.<br /> from 2 ⅜&rdquo; to CSG max 20&rdquo;, full opening passage 20.1/2&rdquo;.( 520 mm).<br /> Maximum make : up 6200 kgm<br /> Maximum brake : out 8000 kgm<br /> <br /> - Top drive<br /> Standard Drilling<br /> &bull; Maximum torque 2.800 daNm at 50 RPM (20.282 ft/lb)<br /> &bull; Maximum torque 778 daNm at 180 RPM (5.633 ft/lb)<br /> &bull; RPM from 0 to 180<br /> <br /> Coring Drilling<br /> &bull; Maximum torque 448 daNm at 362 RPM (3239 ft/lb)<br /> &bull; Maximum torque 202 daNm at 800 RPM (1460 ft/lb)<br /> &bull; RPM from 0 to 800<br /> &bull; Stroke 8,6 m ( 52,5 ft)<br /> &bull; Pull up 40 metric tons ( 44 short ton )<br /> &bull; Pull down 20 metric tons ( 22 short ton )<br /> &bull; Maximum speed up 1 m/sec<br /> &bull; Maximum speed down 1 m/sec<br /> <br /> - Service jib crane<br /> With telescopic arm extension minimum 1.5 mt<br /> Maximum load capacity 10 tons<br /> Running speed up and down 0,5 m/s<br /> Rope &oslash; 13 mm<br /> <br /> - Crown block :<br /> Complete of 2 sheaves for wire rope &oslash; 13 mm mounted on bearings<br /> - Travelling block :<br /> For 10 Tons capacity and one sheave with dead line on travelling block<br /> - N&deg;4 Stabilizers<br /> - Hydraulic power unit :<br /> mounted on rig deck composed of :<br /> Nr.1 Diesel engine industrial type, Deutz TCD 16.0 V08 Tier IV or TCD 2015 V08 4V<br /> Tier III<br /> <br /> - Sound proof hood (max 80 DB )<br /> - Manifold for mud-air discharge max 80 Bar<br /> - Hydraulic system :<br /> composed of pumps and hydraulic motors, pipes and hoses, blocks, distributors,<br /> valves, hydraulic cylinders and fitting.<br /> <br /> - 7.1/2&rdquo; X 7&rdquo; Duplex double acting mud pump<br /> Performance : @120 stroke/min<br /> Max discharge : 2376 l/min with 37 BAR liner 7.1/2&rdquo;<br /> Max pressure : 70 BAR with 1252 l/min liners 5.1/2&rdquo;<br /> Power input : 217 Hp<br /> Complete of Hydraulic motor joint for connection hydraulic motor to pump and flex<br /> hoses<br /> <br /> - Centrifugal Pump : 3000 litres , 3-5 Bar with hydraulic motor<br /> - Foam pump : Triplex CAT mod. 6671 (or equivalent), driven by hydraulic motor,<br /> - wireline winch :<br /> Hydraulically operated ,<br /> Max drum capability 2.000 Mt cable (9000 feet)<br /> Suitable for wire &oslash; &frac14;&rdquo; max.<br /> Max Speed 4mt/sec Max pull 1400 daNm<br /> <br /> - Control panel, mounted on drill floor on rear position left side near to centre well,<br /> - Electric system EEx-d<br /> - Diesel Electric Generator Unit<br /> - Tool box complete of standard tools for maintenance and positioned on main frame</p> </div> </div> <div style="height:8px"></div> <div style="text-align:center; width:240px"><a target="_blank" href=""><font class="stylebluebold12">D40S Water Well and Geothermal Hydraulic Drilling Rig for Sale</font></a></div> <div style="height:8px"></div> <div style="text-align:center; width:240px"><a target="_blank" href=""><font class="style36"></font></a></div> <!-- <div style="text-align:center;"><a href="">&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;font-size:12px&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;color:#800000&quot;&gt;D40S Water Well and Geothermal Hydraulic Drilling Rig for Sale&lt;br /&gt; Slant Rigs for Sale&lt;br /&gt; &lt;span style=&quot;color:#800000&quot;&gt;Geothermal Hydraulic Drilling Rig - For Sale&lt;br /&gt; D40S Water Well and Geothermal Hydraulic Drilling Rig&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt; </font></a></div> <div style="height: 10px"></div>--></td></tr><tr><td height="30" align="center"><a target="_blank" href=""><img src="" border="0" /></a></td></tr></table></td><td width="10" align="center" valign="middle"> <div style="height:260; width:1px; background-color:#CCCCCC"></div></td> </tr> </table> <table width="1000" align="center"> <tr> <td width="903" height="8" align="right" class="style37 style39">Last updated : Saturday 29th of March 2025</td> </tr> </table> <br /> <table width="1000" align="center"> <tr> <td height="60" align="center" valign="middle"><span class="style36">If you have land rigs to sell or you want to buy land rigs or you cannot find the type of rig that you are looking for, <br /> please contact us on email</span> <img src="../images/email-image.gif" width="121" height="12" align="absmiddle" /><span class="style36">&nbsp;or call </span><span class="style42">+65 97768837</span>. </td> </tr> </table></div> <div class="display580"> <table width="580" align="center" cellspacing="1"> <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <td width="270" align="center" valign="top"> <table width="270" height="270" align="center"><tr><td height="220" valign="top" align="center"> <div style="height:20px; width:100px"><font class="style42">Id: </font><font class="style38">WR391</font> </div> <div style="height: 5px"></div> <div style="text-align:center"> <a href="" onMouseOver="ShowPicture('divWR0_1',1)" onMouseOut="ShowPicture('divWR0_1',0)"><img src=" " height="160" border="0" title="D50S Hydraulic Slant Drilling Rig for sale" alt="D50S Hydraulic Slant Drilling Rig for sale" /></a></div><div id="divWR0_1" class="imgStyle" > <a href=""><img src=" " height="220" /></a><br><br><div><font class="stylebluebold12">D50S Hydraulic Slant Drilling Rig for sale</font></div><br> <div style="font-family:Arial; font-size: 12px">Worldrigs ID: WR391<br><p><span style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">The rig is suitable for API standard zone for oil and gas and composed as follow:</span></p> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Manufactured according to:</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- CEE Directive 2006/42/CE Machine Directive,</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- 2004/108/EEC Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- 2006/95/EEC Low Voltage Directive</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- 2005/88/CE Noise Directive</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- Application API 4F PSL1 Rev4/2013</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- API 6A PSL2 Rev.20/2010</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- API 7.1 Rev.1/2010</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- API 8C PSL1 Rev5/2012 where applicable</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- Ambient temperature -10&deg; +40&deg;C<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Truck Astra HD8:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Truck Astra HD8 Model 84.44 (HEAVY DUTY) 8x4 , Euro 5</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">(or other brand decided by you)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Designed for heavy duty service.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Engine IVECO CURSOR 13</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Max. power (EEC) 324 kW (440 HP)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Corresponding rpm 1.900 rpm</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Max. torque (EEC) 2.200 Nm (224 kgm)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Corresponding rpm 1.000-1.440 rpm</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Turbine VGT variable geometry</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Turbo intercooler diesel injection/cycle with electronic unit injection pumps. 6 in-linecylinders.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Single block head, four valves per cylinder, light alloy pistons.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Total displacement: 12.882 cm3.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Bore for stroke: 135 x 150 mm.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Water cooling.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Emissions according to 5 regulation norms SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) system composed of catalytic&nbsp;<br /> muffler, AdBlue-tank, injection and control systemTelligent &reg;&nbsp;engine system: electronic management injection&nbsp;<br /> through the continuous monitoring of the</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">parameters functional motor</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- Accessories Included : (if not sold in the mean time)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- Climate Visor Stabilizer bar Rear window Steering wheel radio</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Electric mirrors. Rotating lights, Michelin tires<br /> <span style="color:#008080">&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Main Frame:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Manufactured in high strength low carbon steel, electrically welded&nbsp;<br /> Floor complete of lateral extensions tilting model, ladders and handrails.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">The frame is complete of 4 plates (2 frontal and 2 in rear position) suitable to&nbsp;accommodate the stabilizers</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Hydraulic stabilizers support applied to main frame with stirrup bracket.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Complete of lower mast support for erection operation and mast support for horizontal&nbsp;position during rig moving.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Stairs with anti-slip steps and handrails, located to permit the crew moving from land to rig&nbsp;deck.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Rig frame rear part complete with mast support manufactured to accommodate the lower</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">part of mast, pivots with pins, the support is welded as one part with the rig frame.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Mast horizontal support suitable to cradle the upper mast during the rig moving operation.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">The support is welded to main frame as same part and it&rsquo;s complete of safety device for&nbsp;mast blocking in moving.&nbsp;<br /> The main frame is complete of all passage and support to&nbsp;accommodate the hydraulic pipe and hoses&nbsp;<br /> needed for hydraulic system.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">All critical parts and components will be protected to avoid damage during drilling&nbsp;operations.<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Drill Floor:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Manufactured with high steel grade welded structure, connected to main rig frame with&nbsp;pins.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Floor with anti-slip panel, complete of handrails and lower skirting.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">The handrails are removable for fast moving procedure.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">The drill floor is complete of clamp 27.1/2&rdquo; full passage API style suitable to accommodate&nbsp;bushing, bowls&nbsp;<br /> and slips for D.P. and CSG handling.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">The clamp is removable type to have a maximum passage of 40&rdquo;.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Stairs and handrails to permit the crew passage from land to drill floor and drill floor to rig</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">deck.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Height 10&rsquo; (3000 mm) , max load capacity 50 metric ton (55 short ton)<br /> <br /> <span style="color:#008080"><strong>Slip Power Group:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Hydraulic automatic slip handler positioned near the center well and controlled by main&nbsp;panel.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Complete with one set of slips D.P. 3.1/2&rdquo; (others diameters on request)<br /> <span style="color:#008080">&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Mast Sliding:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Manufactured with hollow high strength steel grade structural pipes electrically welded&nbsp;lattice type.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">&ldquo;U&rdquo; shape with internal side suitable to accommodate the main hydraulic cylinder, top&nbsp;drive dolly guides in high&nbsp;<br /> strength steel grade suitable to support top drive torque,&nbsp;complete of main hydraulic cylinder.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Lower mast side is complete of pad eyes for connection with main frame support.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Pad eyes with pins to connect two hydraulic cylinders for erection operations.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Inside lower cradle to mount the main hydraulic distributor to feed the hydraulic cylinder&nbsp;for pull-up and down.&nbsp;<br /> Frontal mechanical blocks when the mast is in vertical position.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Support, clamps, pipes and fasten to install stand pipe, hydraulic pipes and electric system light.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Side ladder to achieve top part of mast for maintenance complete of anti-fall safety&nbsp;system.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Max static hook load 50 metric ton (55 short ton)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Max pull down load 18 metric ton (19.8 short ton)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Top Drive max stroke 13.000 mm (42,65 ft) suitable for D.P. and CSG Range2</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Slant device that permit to drill from 0-45 degree with Hydraulic</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Stops 5 Degree by 5 Degree</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Hydraulic stop by two cylinders<br /> <span style="color:#008080">&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Pull Up-Down System:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Composed of hydraulic main distributor, connected directly to main cylinder and mounted&nbsp;inside the mast.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">The hydraulic block is controlled with the driller console and gives up-down movements.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Wire ropes and sheaves connected to top drive give the power to rig.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">The hydraulic distributor is complete of automatic driller system that permits to drill with&nbsp;automatic weight on bit,&nbsp;<br /> imposed by the driller with the main control panel command.<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Hydraulic Vice (Power Tong):</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">With double body, suitable to make-up and break-down D.P. and CSG</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Composed of two body with double rams supporting the die liners.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Upper body rotating on guide by hydraulic cylinder, lower body fixed by pins to mast&nbsp;structure.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Side rams controlled by internal hydraulic cylinders auto centring on outside diameter toll&nbsp;joints</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">D.P. centring system mounted on top and composed of two hydraulic cylinder with rollers,&nbsp;suitable to guide the&nbsp;<br /> D.P. during drilling operations.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">All movements of vice are controlled by driller console.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Max diameter to catch 20&rdquo;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Min diameter to catch 3.1/2&rdquo;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Max passage 20.1/2&rdquo;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Max make-up 6000 kgm (43.455 ft/lb)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Max break-down 8000 kgm (57.940 ft/lb)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">The hydraulic vice is removable from centre well by hand rotation with disassembly a pin&nbsp;to have<br /> center well opening of 40&rdquo; (1000 mm)<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Top Drive for Direct Circulation:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Hydraulically powered, manufactured with high strength steel grade for heavy duty&nbsp;service.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Main frame welded plates working finished to receive all internal components.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Internal gear reducer with straight teeth heavy duty service mounted on roller bearings.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Transmission powered by hydraulic motors with gear reducers in bath oil.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Slide mandrel complete of top and bottom shock absorber directly mounted on main shaft.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Lower pad eyes suitable to connect lifting device.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Max SWL 50 metric ton ( 55 short ton )</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Back mechanism for connection with the dolly.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Double gear pump for oil forced lubrications system.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">3&rdquo; wash pipe type fast replace system, with V packing and ring hammer for replacement&nbsp;spare part.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Dome mounted in the upper top drive side suitable to support the wash pipe system and&nbsp;the gooseneck.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Hammer union 4&rdquo; FIG.200, lubrication system located on wash pipe housing.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Full passage 3&rdquo;, max working pressure 140 Bar (2.000 PSI), bottom connection 50 API&nbsp;NC<br /> <span style="color:#008080">&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Standard Drilling:</strong></span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- Maximum torque 2.800 daNm at 50 RPM (20.282 ft/lb)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- Maximum torque 778 daNm at 180 RPM (5.633 ft/lb)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- RPM from 0 to 180<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Top Drive Dolly:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Suitable to support the top drive with Top Drive tilting movement by hydraulic cylinder from&nbsp;the vertical position to<br /> facilitate the Drill Pipe handling</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Four wheels bearing mounted to guide the entire system inside the mast running into the&nbsp;guides</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Upper frame complete with pad eyes suitable to accommodate the wire ropes sockets with&nbsp;pins for pull up.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Lower frame with the previous same device to connect the wire ropes for pull-down rack&nbsp;and brackets to<br /> install all hydraulic hoses and mud piping.<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Service Jib Crane:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Composed of vertical rotating body, telescopic arm&nbsp;positioned on mast driller side.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Rotation and arm stroke with hydraulic cylinder.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Two sheaves grooved for 9/16&rdquo; rope mounted on bearings, complete of anti disentangle&nbsp;device.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Max rotation angle 90&deg;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Maximum load capacity 3,5 tons (7.726 lb)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Speed up and down 0,5 m/s (1,736 ft/sec)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Rope &oslash; 9/16&rdquo;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Hydraulic winch positioned on mast flank complete of rope roller, brake negative, suitable&nbsp;for taking 40 meters<br /> of wire rope &oslash; 9/16&rdquo;, max pull 3.5 metric ton (7.726 lb)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Rope stroke end safety device installed on crane to avoid collision with arm.<br /> <span style="color:#008080">&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>N&deg;4 Stabilizers:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Hydraulically operated, composed of external body with side plate to accommodate on the&nbsp;rig main frame,<br /> with bolting.&nbsp;Threaded liner for heavy duty applications suitable to accommodate the mechanical stop&nbsp;blocking<br /> when the rig is in working position.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Internal hydraulic cylinder complete with over centre valves and piping for hydraulic&nbsp;circuit.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Lower part with spherical contact device for auto aligning and push on frame basement.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Mechanical clamp with internal thread to mount on outside liner when the rig is in working&nbsp;position.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">The system is applied for safety in case of hydraulic cylinder failure.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Max pull down 20 metric ton (22 short ton)<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Hydraulic Power Unit:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Nr. 01 Diesel engines industrial type, Caterpillar C13 model, 440 HP at 1800 RPM each,&nbsp;EPA certified, 6 cylinders&nbsp;<br /> in line turbocharged/after cooled, water heat exchanger,&nbsp;complete of pneumatic starter, rpm&nbsp;counter, hours counter,&nbsp;<br /> high water temperature control, lower oil pressure control,&nbsp;emergency stop, Caterpillar shut down system for&nbsp;<br /> over RPM gas inlet mounted on&nbsp;suction, muffler.<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Gear coupler directly connected to engine for hydraulic piston pumps and gear pumps&nbsp;drive type Tecnodrive<br /> Twin Disc or equivalent model, complete of heat exchanger type&nbsp;air-oil hydraulically powered.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Piston hydraulic pumps Denison/Parker trade mark or other equivalent model, mounted directly&nbsp;on gear coupler.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Skid base in carbon steel suitable to support the power unit, complete of cushions for shock&nbsp;absorbers.<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">No.1 fuel tanks 600 litres capacity.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Fire suppression system included, mounted inside engine hood.<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Sound Proof Hood:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Mounted on rig deck, complete of panels for noise absorbing, filters for engine air&nbsp;aspiration, muffler support.&nbsp;<br /> The hood is complete of opening doors for maintenance&nbsp;operations.<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>7.1/2&rdquo; X 7&rdquo; Duplex Double Acting Mud Pump:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Mounted on rig deck and composed of liners and pistons 7.1/2&rdquo;, internal reduction ratio</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">1:4.7 with double helical teeth mounted on roller bearings.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Connecting rods and crosshead pins mounted on roller bearings.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Wear guides for crossheads replaceable.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Lubrication with internal circuit.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Forced washing system for piston rod with centrifugal pump V belt driven.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Cross discharge 4&rdquo; with safety valve shear pin pulsation dampener pressure gauge.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Pot valves API 5.5, suction flanged 10&rdquo; ANSI 150.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Hydraulic motor and gear reducer applied to pinions with spline adapter.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Housing connected to pump flange with bolting.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Performance @120 stroke/min</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Max discharge 2376 l/min with 37 BAR liner 7.1/2&rdquo;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Max pressure 70 BAR with 1252 l/min liners 5.1/2&rdquo;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Power input 217 Hp</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Complete of Hydraulic motor joint for connection hydraulic motor to pump and flex hoses<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Foam / Water Pump:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Triplex type Cat 3535 or equivalent model, hydraulically powered, positioned on rig frame.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Complete with lubrication system, safety valve, pressure gauge</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Maximum delivery 136 l/min. (35,8 gal/min)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Maximum pressure 85 Bar. (1.214 PSI)<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Manifold for Mud-Air Discharge:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Composed of steel pipes and hoses, ball valves, non return valve for air in- or exclusion and</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">foam injection ball valve for air compressor exclusion complete of air actuator driven from</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">the control panel. Rotary hose 3.1/2&rdquo; I.D. and vibrator hose included, max W.P. 140 bar (</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">2000 PSI)<br /> <br /> <span style="color:#008080"><strong>Hydraulic System:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Composed of pumps and hydraulic motors, pipes and hoses, blocks, distributors, valves,&nbsp;hydraulic cylinders and fitting.<br /> All components mounted and connected to any user.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Oil tank capacity 1500 litres approx. (396,8 gal), complete of suction pipes and oil filter on&nbsp;return.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Optical oil level, thermometer for oil temperature control.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Each suction pipes is connected to a ball valve.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Heat exchanger type air-oil mounted on rig deck, powered by hydraulic motor.<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Dog House:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">With twist block, one door, with control panel and quick connection for quick removal and&nbsp;save time during transport</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">The Dog House is equipped with four hydraulic jacks to be levelled to drill floor height, and&nbsp;connection to the rig.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Control panel inside of the dog house is completed of:</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- Pressure Hydraulic service indicator</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- Pull up Top Drive indicator (Adjustable)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- Pull down Top drive indicator (Adjustable)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- Top Drive torque indicator (Adjustable)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- Top Drive RPM indicator</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- Mud Pressure indicator</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- Service crane load indication</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- Power tongue torque indicator (Adjustable)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- Power tongue closure force indicator (Adjustable)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Control levels and manipulators, starter panel for engine with instrumentation and&nbsp;emergency stop<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Electric System:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">EEx-d composed of</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">n&deg; 2 lamps of 18 W positioned on mast front toward the centre well</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">n&deg; 2 lamps of 2 x 18 W positioned on rear toward rig deck</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">n&deg; 2 lamps on drilling floor, n.2 lamps of 2 x 18 W under drilling floor</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">n&deg; 1 red lamp on mast</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">n&deg; 1 lamp inside hood 18 W</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">n&deg; 10 lights 24VDC Atex IP65 neon compact type, 18 W each</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">n&deg; 4 emergency light 2 x 18 W</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- TOOL BOX complete of standard tools for maintenance and positioned on main frame<br /> <span style="color:#008080">&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Coating of Drilling Rig:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Main component with the following cycle :</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- sandblasting SA 2.1/2;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- first hand epoxy zinc thk 50 micron;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- second hand epoxy thk 50 micron;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- third hand polyurethane 50 micron.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- Total paint thickness 150 micron, paint final tonality to be agree.<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Optional:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Elevator handling system Range 2 for casing &amp; Drill Pipes with semi-automatically pipe rack</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">To lift DP Range2, DC and CSG Range2 from pipe rack to vertical position in centre well composed of :</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">skid base connected with pins to rig substructure, adjustable and levellable by manual screws jack-arm<br /> positioned on skid base,&nbsp;pivoted by shafts and hydraulically driven with hydraulic cylinder catching pipe,<br /> lifting and down.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Movement hydraulically controlled by manipulators placed on control panel.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Nominal size capacity from 3 &frac12;&rdquo; to 5&rdquo; D.P. &ndash; 8.1/4&rdquo; D.C. &ndash; 7&rdquo; CSG &ndash; 9.5/8&rdquo; CSG &ndash; 13.3/8&rdquo; CSG<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Num 01 Elevator semiautomatic, type overshot, suitable to catch DP from 2&rdquo;7/8, 3.1/2&rdquo;, 4.1/2&rdquo; and 5&rdquo;.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">The elevator is mounted under top drive by two pins and connected with two hydraulic cylinders that control<br /> the open&nbsp;and close liners device. Interchangeable reductions and liners are available to catch the above<br /> described sizes casing&nbsp;and drill pipes.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Max load capacity 50 tons.<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Num 01 Elevator semiautomatic, type overshot, suitable to catch CSG 7&rdquo; &ndash; 9.5/8&rdquo; &ndash; 13.3/8&rdquo;.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">The elevator is mounted under top drive by two pins and connected with two hydraulic cylinders that<br /> control the open&nbsp;and close liners device.&nbsp;Interchangeable reductions and liners are available to catch<br /> the above described sizes casing and drill pipes.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Max load capacity 50 tons<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Semi-Automatically Pipe rack</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">With control panel mounted on ground floor or in the main control panel, for D.P. from<br /> 3 &frac12;&rdquo;- 5&rdquo; &ndash; D.C. 8.1/4&rdquo; &ndash; CSG 7&rdquo; to 13.3/8&rdquo; Range 2</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Designed for hard work and long life working activity manufactured with low alloy carbon steel pipes, beams, plates,&nbsp;<br /> all components will be electrically welded composed by n&deg; 2 tubular rack element</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">(2 left and 2 right ), capacity of No. 55 DP 3 &frac12;&rdquo; Range 2 or No.40 D.P. 5&rdquo; Range 2</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Hydraulic jacks for sloping mechanism to move the pipe on centre well and vice versa, n.04 hydraulic cylinders for&nbsp;<br /> levelling system, n.02 hydraulic cylinders for locking system.</div> </div> </div> <div style="height:8px"></div> <div style="text-align:center; width:240px"><a href=""><font class="stylebluebold12">D50S Hydraulic Slant Drilling Rig for sale</font></a></div> <div style="height:8px"></div> <div style="text-align:center; width:240px"><a href=""><font class="style36"></font></a></div> <!-- <div style="text-align:center;"><a href="">&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;font-size:12px&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;color:#800000&quot;&gt;D50S Hydraulic Slant Drilling Rig for Sale&lt;br /&gt; Slant Rigs for Sale&lt;br /&gt; Slant Hydraulic Drilling Rig - For Sale&lt;br /&gt; D50S Slant Hydraulic Drilling Rig&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt; </font></a></div> <div style="height: 10px"></div>--></td></tr><tr><td height="30" align="center"><a href=""><img src="" border="0" /></a></td></tr></table></td><td width="10" align="center" valign="middle"> <div style="height:260; width:1px; background-color:#CCCCCC"></div></td> <td width="270" align="center" valign="top"> <table width="270" height="270" align="center"><tr><td height="220" valign="top" align="center"> <div style="height:20px; width:100px"><font class="style42">Id: </font><font class="style38">WR371</font> </div> <div style="height: 5px"></div> <div style="text-align:center"> <a href="" onMouseOver="ShowPicture('divWR1_1',1)" onMouseOut="ShowPicture('divWR1_1',0)"><img src=" " height="160" border="0" title="D40S Water Well and Geothermal Hydraulic Drilling Rig for Sale" alt="D40S Water Well and Geothermal Hydraulic Drilling Rig for Sale" /></a></div><div id="divWR1_1" class="imgStyle" > <a href=""><img src=" " height="220" /></a><br><br><div><font class="stylebluebold12">D40S Water Well and Geothermal Hydraulic Drilling Rig for Sale</font></div><br> <div style="font-family:Arial; font-size: 12px">Worldrigs ID: WR371<br><p><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Specifications</strong></span><br /> Pull up : 88῾302 lb<br /> Pull down : 44῾150 lb<br /> Stroke : 28 &frac14;&rsquo;<br /> Drilling torque : 20῾650 ft-lb 0&divide;180 rpm<br /> Coring torque : 3῾320 ft-lb @ max 800 rpm<br /> <br /> Speed up/down : 2,3 ft/s<br /> Service jib crane : 22῾075 lb<br /> Mud pump : 7 1/2&rdquo; X 7&rdquo; duplex double acting<br /> Centrifugal pump : 792 gal 42&divide;72 psi<br /> Foam pump : 60 GPM 1210 psi<br /> <br /> Double vice : 20 &frac12;&rdquo;<br /> Make up and break out :59῾000 ft-lb<br /> Stroke : 27 &frac12;&rdquo;<br /> <br /> Diesel engine : 440 kW @ 1800 rpm<br /> Drill pipe feeder : 3 &frac12;&rdquo;&divide;8&rdquo;<br /> Drilling : Direct circulation - coring<br /> Dimensions : 8,20&rsquo;x 42,65&rsquo;x 13,94&rsquo; (h)<br /> Weight : 101῾412 lb<br /> <br /> <span style="color:#008080"><strong>Description</strong></span><br /> D40 Hydraulic Driling Rig<br /> Truck mounted on Astra 8 x 4<br /> Pull up 40 metric tons<br /> <br /> - Truck Astra HD8 Model 84.44 (heavy duty) 8x4, Euro 5<br /> - Mast Lattice Type for D.P. and D.C. 6mt long<br /> Maximum static hook load : 40 metric ton (44 short ton)<br /> Maximum pull down : 20 metric ton (22 short ton)<br /> Top drive stroke : 8,6 m.<br /> <br /> - Slant device that permit to drill from 0-45 degree with Hydraulic Stops 5 degree by 5<br /> degree<br /> - Automatic drill pipe and drill collar handling system Suitable to catch drill pipes and drill<br /> collars diameters 2 ⅜&rdquo; -8&rdquo; with control valve for force regulation.<br /> - Semi automatic Pipe Rack<br /> - Pull up and down system composed by hydraulic block distributor with valves,<br /> hydraulically controlled to action the main cylinder.<br /> <br /> - Hydraulic power Tong<br /> at double body, suitable to screw and unscrew DP, DC and CSG.suitable to catch D.P.<br /> from 2 ⅜&rdquo; to CSG max 20&rdquo;, full opening passage 20.1/2&rdquo;.( 520 mm).<br /> Maximum make : up 6200 kgm<br /> Maximum brake : out 8000 kgm<br /> <br /> - Top drive<br /> Standard Drilling<br /> &bull; Maximum torque 2.800 daNm at 50 RPM (20.282 ft/lb)<br /> &bull; Maximum torque 778 daNm at 180 RPM (5.633 ft/lb)<br /> &bull; RPM from 0 to 180<br /> <br /> Coring Drilling<br /> &bull; Maximum torque 448 daNm at 362 RPM (3239 ft/lb)<br /> &bull; Maximum torque 202 daNm at 800 RPM (1460 ft/lb)<br /> &bull; RPM from 0 to 800<br /> &bull; Stroke 8,6 m ( 52,5 ft)<br /> &bull; Pull up 40 metric tons ( 44 short ton )<br /> &bull; Pull down 20 metric tons ( 22 short ton )<br /> &bull; Maximum speed up 1 m/sec<br /> &bull; Maximum speed down 1 m/sec<br /> <br /> - Service jib crane<br /> With telescopic arm extension minimum 1.5 mt<br /> Maximum load capacity 10 tons<br /> Running speed up and down 0,5 m/s<br /> Rope &oslash; 13 mm<br /> <br /> - Crown block :<br /> Complete of 2 sheaves for wire rope &oslash; 13 mm mounted on bearings<br /> - Travelling block :<br /> For 10 Tons capacity and one sheave with dead line on travelling block<br /> - N&deg;4 Stabilizers<br /> - Hydraulic power unit :<br /> mounted on rig deck composed of :<br /> Nr.1 Diesel engine industrial type, Deutz TCD 16.0 V08 Tier IV or TCD 2015 V08 4V<br /> Tier III<br /> <br /> - Sound proof hood (max 80 DB )<br /> - Manifold for mud-air discharge max 80 Bar<br /> - Hydraulic system :<br /> composed of pumps and hydraulic motors, pipes and hoses, blocks, distributors,<br /> valves, hydraulic cylinders and fitting.<br /> <br /> - 7.1/2&rdquo; X 7&rdquo; Duplex double acting mud pump<br /> Performance : @120 stroke/min<br /> Max discharge : 2376 l/min with 37 BAR liner 7.1/2&rdquo;<br /> Max pressure : 70 BAR with 1252 l/min liners 5.1/2&rdquo;<br /> Power input : 217 Hp<br /> Complete of Hydraulic motor joint for connection hydraulic motor to pump and flex<br /> hoses<br /> <br /> - Centrifugal Pump : 3000 litres , 3-5 Bar with hydraulic motor<br /> - Foam pump : Triplex CAT mod. 6671 (or equivalent), driven by hydraulic motor,<br /> - wireline winch :<br /> Hydraulically operated ,<br /> Max drum capability 2.000 Mt cable (9000 feet)<br /> Suitable for wire &oslash; &frac14;&rdquo; max.<br /> Max Speed 4mt/sec Max pull 1400 daNm<br /> <br /> - Control panel, mounted on drill floor on rear position left side near to centre well,<br /> - Electric system EEx-d<br /> - Diesel Electric Generator Unit<br /> - Tool box complete of standard tools for maintenance and positioned on main frame</p> </div> </div> <div style="height:8px"></div> <div style="text-align:center; width:240px"><a href=""><font class="stylebluebold12">D40S Water Well and Geothermal Hydraulic Drilling Rig for Sale</font></a></div> <div style="height:8px"></div> <div style="text-align:center; width:240px"><a href=""><font class="style36"></font></a></div> <!-- <div style="text-align:center;"><a href="">&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;font-size:12px&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;color:#800000&quot;&gt;D40S Water Well and Geothermal Hydraulic Drilling Rig for Sale&lt;br /&gt; Slant Rigs for Sale&lt;br /&gt; &lt;span style=&quot;color:#800000&quot;&gt;Geothermal Hydraulic Drilling Rig - For Sale&lt;br /&gt; D40S Water Well and Geothermal Hydraulic Drilling Rig&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt; </font></a></div> <div style="height: 10px"></div>--></td></tr><tr><td height="30" align="center"><a href=""><img src="" border="0" /></a></td></tr></table></td><td width="10" align="center" valign="middle"></td> <td width="10"></td></tr><tr height="30" valign="middle" align="center"><td colspan="4"><div style="width:100%; height:1px; background-color:#CCCCCC"></div></td></tr><tr> </tr> </table> <table width="580" align="center"> <tr> <td width="903" height="8" align="right" class="style37 style39">Last updated : Saturday 29th of March 2025</td> </tr> </table> <br /> <table width="580" align="center"> <tr> <td height="60" align="center" valign="middle"><span class="style36">If you have land rigs to sell or you want to buy land rigs or you cannot find the type of rig that you are looking for, <br /> please contact us on email</span> <img src="../images/email-image.gif" width="121" height="12" align="absmiddle" /><span class="style36">&nbsp;or call </span><span class="style42">+65 97768837</span>. </td> </tr> </table></div> <div class="display320"> <table width="300" align="center" cellspacing="1"> <tr bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <td width="270" align="center" valign="top"> <table width="270" height="270" align="center"><tr><td height="220" valign="top" align="center"> <div style="height:20px; width:100px"><font class="style42">Id: </font><font class="style38">WR371</font> </div> <div style="height: 5px"></div> <div style="text-align:center"> <a href="" onMouseOver="ShowPicture('divWR0_1',1)" onMouseOut="ShowPicture('divWR0_1',0)"><img src=" " height="140" border="0" title="D40S Water Well and Geothermal Hydraulic Drilling Rig for Sale" alt="D40S Water Well and Geothermal Hydraulic Drilling Rig for Sale" /></a></div><div id="divWR0_1" class="imgStyle" > <a href=""><img src=" " height="220" /></a><br><br><div><font class="stylebluebold12">D40S Water Well and Geothermal Hydraulic Drilling Rig for Sale</font></div><br> <div style="font-family:Arial; font-size: 12px">Worldrigs ID: WR371<br><p><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Specifications</strong></span><br /> Pull up : 88῾302 lb<br /> Pull down : 44῾150 lb<br /> Stroke : 28 &frac14;&rsquo;<br /> Drilling torque : 20῾650 ft-lb 0&divide;180 rpm<br /> Coring torque : 3῾320 ft-lb @ max 800 rpm<br /> <br /> Speed up/down : 2,3 ft/s<br /> Service jib crane : 22῾075 lb<br /> Mud pump : 7 1/2&rdquo; X 7&rdquo; duplex double acting<br /> Centrifugal pump : 792 gal 42&divide;72 psi<br /> Foam pump : 60 GPM 1210 psi<br /> <br /> Double vice : 20 &frac12;&rdquo;<br /> Make up and break out :59῾000 ft-lb<br /> Stroke : 27 &frac12;&rdquo;<br /> <br /> Diesel engine : 440 kW @ 1800 rpm<br /> Drill pipe feeder : 3 &frac12;&rdquo;&divide;8&rdquo;<br /> Drilling : Direct circulation - coring<br /> Dimensions : 8,20&rsquo;x 42,65&rsquo;x 13,94&rsquo; (h)<br /> Weight : 101῾412 lb<br /> <br /> <span style="color:#008080"><strong>Description</strong></span><br /> D40 Hydraulic Driling Rig<br /> Truck mounted on Astra 8 x 4<br /> Pull up 40 metric tons<br /> <br /> - Truck Astra HD8 Model 84.44 (heavy duty) 8x4, Euro 5<br /> - Mast Lattice Type for D.P. and D.C. 6mt long<br /> Maximum static hook load : 40 metric ton (44 short ton)<br /> Maximum pull down : 20 metric ton (22 short ton)<br /> Top drive stroke : 8,6 m.<br /> <br /> - Slant device that permit to drill from 0-45 degree with Hydraulic Stops 5 degree by 5<br /> degree<br /> - Automatic drill pipe and drill collar handling system Suitable to catch drill pipes and drill<br /> collars diameters 2 ⅜&rdquo; -8&rdquo; with control valve for force regulation.<br /> - Semi automatic Pipe Rack<br /> - Pull up and down system composed by hydraulic block distributor with valves,<br /> hydraulically controlled to action the main cylinder.<br /> <br /> - Hydraulic power Tong<br /> at double body, suitable to screw and unscrew DP, DC and CSG.suitable to catch D.P.<br /> from 2 ⅜&rdquo; to CSG max 20&rdquo;, full opening passage 20.1/2&rdquo;.( 520 mm).<br /> Maximum make : up 6200 kgm<br /> Maximum brake : out 8000 kgm<br /> <br /> - Top drive<br /> Standard Drilling<br /> &bull; Maximum torque 2.800 daNm at 50 RPM (20.282 ft/lb)<br /> &bull; Maximum torque 778 daNm at 180 RPM (5.633 ft/lb)<br /> &bull; RPM from 0 to 180<br /> <br /> Coring Drilling<br /> &bull; Maximum torque 448 daNm at 362 RPM (3239 ft/lb)<br /> &bull; Maximum torque 202 daNm at 800 RPM (1460 ft/lb)<br /> &bull; RPM from 0 to 800<br /> &bull; Stroke 8,6 m ( 52,5 ft)<br /> &bull; Pull up 40 metric tons ( 44 short ton )<br /> &bull; Pull down 20 metric tons ( 22 short ton )<br /> &bull; Maximum speed up 1 m/sec<br /> &bull; Maximum speed down 1 m/sec<br /> <br /> - Service jib crane<br /> With telescopic arm extension minimum 1.5 mt<br /> Maximum load capacity 10 tons<br /> Running speed up and down 0,5 m/s<br /> Rope &oslash; 13 mm<br /> <br /> - Crown block :<br /> Complete of 2 sheaves for wire rope &oslash; 13 mm mounted on bearings<br /> - Travelling block :<br /> For 10 Tons capacity and one sheave with dead line on travelling block<br /> - N&deg;4 Stabilizers<br /> - Hydraulic power unit :<br /> mounted on rig deck composed of :<br /> Nr.1 Diesel engine industrial type, Deutz TCD 16.0 V08 Tier IV or TCD 2015 V08 4V<br /> Tier III<br /> <br /> - Sound proof hood (max 80 DB )<br /> - Manifold for mud-air discharge max 80 Bar<br /> - Hydraulic system :<br /> composed of pumps and hydraulic motors, pipes and hoses, blocks, distributors,<br /> valves, hydraulic cylinders and fitting.<br /> <br /> - 7.1/2&rdquo; X 7&rdquo; Duplex double acting mud pump<br /> Performance : @120 stroke/min<br /> Max discharge : 2376 l/min with 37 BAR liner 7.1/2&rdquo;<br /> Max pressure : 70 BAR with 1252 l/min liners 5.1/2&rdquo;<br /> Power input : 217 Hp<br /> Complete of Hydraulic motor joint for connection hydraulic motor to pump and flex<br /> hoses<br /> <br /> - Centrifugal Pump : 3000 litres , 3-5 Bar with hydraulic motor<br /> - Foam pump : Triplex CAT mod. 6671 (or equivalent), driven by hydraulic motor,<br /> - wireline winch :<br /> Hydraulically operated ,<br /> Max drum capability 2.000 Mt cable (9000 feet)<br /> Suitable for wire &oslash; &frac14;&rdquo; max.<br /> Max Speed 4mt/sec Max pull 1400 daNm<br /> <br /> - Control panel, mounted on drill floor on rear position left side near to centre well,<br /> - Electric system EEx-d<br /> - Diesel Electric Generator Unit<br /> - Tool box complete of standard tools for maintenance and positioned on main frame</p> </div> </div> <div style="height:8px"></div> <div style="text-align:center; width:240px"><a href=""><font class="stylebluebold12">D40S Water Well and Geothermal Hydraulic Drilling Rig for Sale</font></a></div> <div style="height:8px"></div> <div style="text-align:center; width:240px"><a href=""><font class="style36"></font></a></div> <!-- <div style="text-align:center;"><a href="">&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;font-size:12px&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;color:#800000&quot;&gt;D40S Water Well and Geothermal Hydraulic Drilling Rig for Sale&lt;br /&gt; Slant Rigs for Sale&lt;br /&gt; &lt;span style=&quot;color:#800000&quot;&gt;Geothermal Hydraulic Drilling Rig - For Sale&lt;br /&gt; D40S Water Well and Geothermal Hydraulic Drilling Rig&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt; </font></a></div> <div style="height: 10px"></div>--></td></tr><tr><td height="30" align="center"><a href=" /equipdetails.php?id=371"><img src="" border="0" /></a></td></tr></table></td><td width="10" align="center" valign="middle"></td> <td width="10"></td></tr><tr height="30" valign="middle" align="center"><td colspan="2"><div style="width:100%; height:1px; background-color:#CCCCCC"></div></td></tr><tr> <td width="270" align="center" valign="top"> <table width="270" height="270" align="center"><tr><td height="220" valign="top" align="center"> <div style="height:20px; width:100px"><font class="style42">Id: </font><font class="style38">WR391</font> </div> <div style="height: 5px"></div> <div style="text-align:center"> <a href="" onMouseOver="ShowPicture('divWR1_1',1)" onMouseOut="ShowPicture('divWR1_1',0)"><img src=" " height="140" border="0" title="D50S Hydraulic Slant Drilling Rig for sale" alt="D50S Hydraulic Slant Drilling Rig for sale" /></a></div><div id="divWR1_1" class="imgStyle" > <a href=""><img src=" " height="220" /></a><br><br><div><font class="stylebluebold12">D50S Hydraulic Slant Drilling Rig for sale</font></div><br> <div style="font-family:Arial; font-size: 12px">Worldrigs ID: WR391<br><p><span style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">The rig is suitable for API standard zone for oil and gas and composed as follow:</span></p> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Manufactured according to:</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- CEE Directive 2006/42/CE Machine Directive,</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- 2004/108/EEC Electromagnetic Compatibility Directive</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- 2006/95/EEC Low Voltage Directive</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- 2005/88/CE Noise Directive</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- Application API 4F PSL1 Rev4/2013</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- API 6A PSL2 Rev.20/2010</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- API 7.1 Rev.1/2010</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- API 8C PSL1 Rev5/2012 where applicable</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- Ambient temperature -10&deg; +40&deg;C<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Truck Astra HD8:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Truck Astra HD8 Model 84.44 (HEAVY DUTY) 8x4 , Euro 5</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">(or other brand decided by you)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Designed for heavy duty service.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Engine IVECO CURSOR 13</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Max. power (EEC) 324 kW (440 HP)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Corresponding rpm 1.900 rpm</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Max. torque (EEC) 2.200 Nm (224 kgm)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Corresponding rpm 1.000-1.440 rpm</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Turbine VGT variable geometry</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Turbo intercooler diesel injection/cycle with electronic unit injection pumps. 6 in-linecylinders.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Single block head, four valves per cylinder, light alloy pistons.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Total displacement: 12.882 cm3.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Bore for stroke: 135 x 150 mm.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Water cooling.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Emissions according to 5 regulation norms SCR (Selective Catalytic Reduction) system composed of catalytic&nbsp;<br /> muffler, AdBlue-tank, injection and control systemTelligent &reg;&nbsp;engine system: electronic management injection&nbsp;<br /> through the continuous monitoring of the</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">parameters functional motor</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- Accessories Included : (if not sold in the mean time)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- Climate Visor Stabilizer bar Rear window Steering wheel radio</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Electric mirrors. Rotating lights, Michelin tires<br /> <span style="color:#008080">&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Main Frame:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Manufactured in high strength low carbon steel, electrically welded&nbsp;<br /> Floor complete of lateral extensions tilting model, ladders and handrails.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">The frame is complete of 4 plates (2 frontal and 2 in rear position) suitable to&nbsp;accommodate the stabilizers</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Hydraulic stabilizers support applied to main frame with stirrup bracket.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Complete of lower mast support for erection operation and mast support for horizontal&nbsp;position during rig moving.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Stairs with anti-slip steps and handrails, located to permit the crew moving from land to rig&nbsp;deck.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Rig frame rear part complete with mast support manufactured to accommodate the lower</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">part of mast, pivots with pins, the support is welded as one part with the rig frame.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Mast horizontal support suitable to cradle the upper mast during the rig moving operation.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">The support is welded to main frame as same part and it&rsquo;s complete of safety device for&nbsp;mast blocking in moving.&nbsp;<br /> The main frame is complete of all passage and support to&nbsp;accommodate the hydraulic pipe and hoses&nbsp;<br /> needed for hydraulic system.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">All critical parts and components will be protected to avoid damage during drilling&nbsp;operations.<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Drill Floor:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Manufactured with high steel grade welded structure, connected to main rig frame with&nbsp;pins.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Floor with anti-slip panel, complete of handrails and lower skirting.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">The handrails are removable for fast moving procedure.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">The drill floor is complete of clamp 27.1/2&rdquo; full passage API style suitable to accommodate&nbsp;bushing, bowls&nbsp;<br /> and slips for D.P. and CSG handling.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">The clamp is removable type to have a maximum passage of 40&rdquo;.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Stairs and handrails to permit the crew passage from land to drill floor and drill floor to rig</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">deck.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Height 10&rsquo; (3000 mm) , max load capacity 50 metric ton (55 short ton)<br /> <br /> <span style="color:#008080"><strong>Slip Power Group:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Hydraulic automatic slip handler positioned near the center well and controlled by main&nbsp;panel.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Complete with one set of slips D.P. 3.1/2&rdquo; (others diameters on request)<br /> <span style="color:#008080">&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Mast Sliding:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Manufactured with hollow high strength steel grade structural pipes electrically welded&nbsp;lattice type.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">&ldquo;U&rdquo; shape with internal side suitable to accommodate the main hydraulic cylinder, top&nbsp;drive dolly guides in high&nbsp;<br /> strength steel grade suitable to support top drive torque,&nbsp;complete of main hydraulic cylinder.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Lower mast side is complete of pad eyes for connection with main frame support.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Pad eyes with pins to connect two hydraulic cylinders for erection operations.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Inside lower cradle to mount the main hydraulic distributor to feed the hydraulic cylinder&nbsp;for pull-up and down.&nbsp;<br /> Frontal mechanical blocks when the mast is in vertical position.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Support, clamps, pipes and fasten to install stand pipe, hydraulic pipes and electric system light.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Side ladder to achieve top part of mast for maintenance complete of anti-fall safety&nbsp;system.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Max static hook load 50 metric ton (55 short ton)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Max pull down load 18 metric ton (19.8 short ton)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Top Drive max stroke 13.000 mm (42,65 ft) suitable for D.P. and CSG Range2</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Slant device that permit to drill from 0-45 degree with Hydraulic</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Stops 5 Degree by 5 Degree</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Hydraulic stop by two cylinders<br /> <span style="color:#008080">&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Pull Up-Down System:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Composed of hydraulic main distributor, connected directly to main cylinder and mounted&nbsp;inside the mast.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">The hydraulic block is controlled with the driller console and gives up-down movements.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Wire ropes and sheaves connected to top drive give the power to rig.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">The hydraulic distributor is complete of automatic driller system that permits to drill with&nbsp;automatic weight on bit,&nbsp;<br /> imposed by the driller with the main control panel command.<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Hydraulic Vice (Power Tong):</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">With double body, suitable to make-up and break-down D.P. and CSG</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Composed of two body with double rams supporting the die liners.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Upper body rotating on guide by hydraulic cylinder, lower body fixed by pins to mast&nbsp;structure.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Side rams controlled by internal hydraulic cylinders auto centring on outside diameter toll&nbsp;joints</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">D.P. centring system mounted on top and composed of two hydraulic cylinder with rollers,&nbsp;suitable to guide the&nbsp;<br /> D.P. during drilling operations.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">All movements of vice are controlled by driller console.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Max diameter to catch 20&rdquo;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Min diameter to catch 3.1/2&rdquo;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Max passage 20.1/2&rdquo;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Max make-up 6000 kgm (43.455 ft/lb)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Max break-down 8000 kgm (57.940 ft/lb)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">The hydraulic vice is removable from centre well by hand rotation with disassembly a pin&nbsp;to have<br /> center well opening of 40&rdquo; (1000 mm)<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Top Drive for Direct Circulation:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Hydraulically powered, manufactured with high strength steel grade for heavy duty&nbsp;service.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Main frame welded plates working finished to receive all internal components.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Internal gear reducer with straight teeth heavy duty service mounted on roller bearings.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Transmission powered by hydraulic motors with gear reducers in bath oil.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Slide mandrel complete of top and bottom shock absorber directly mounted on main shaft.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Lower pad eyes suitable to connect lifting device.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Max SWL 50 metric ton ( 55 short ton )</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Back mechanism for connection with the dolly.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Double gear pump for oil forced lubrications system.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">3&rdquo; wash pipe type fast replace system, with V packing and ring hammer for replacement&nbsp;spare part.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Dome mounted in the upper top drive side suitable to support the wash pipe system and&nbsp;the gooseneck.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Hammer union 4&rdquo; FIG.200, lubrication system located on wash pipe housing.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Full passage 3&rdquo;, max working pressure 140 Bar (2.000 PSI), bottom connection 50 API&nbsp;NC<br /> <span style="color:#008080">&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Standard Drilling:</strong></span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- Maximum torque 2.800 daNm at 50 RPM (20.282 ft/lb)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- Maximum torque 778 daNm at 180 RPM (5.633 ft/lb)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- RPM from 0 to 180<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Top Drive Dolly:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Suitable to support the top drive with Top Drive tilting movement by hydraulic cylinder from&nbsp;the vertical position to<br /> facilitate the Drill Pipe handling</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Four wheels bearing mounted to guide the entire system inside the mast running into the&nbsp;guides</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Upper frame complete with pad eyes suitable to accommodate the wire ropes sockets with&nbsp;pins for pull up.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Lower frame with the previous same device to connect the wire ropes for pull-down rack&nbsp;and brackets to<br /> install all hydraulic hoses and mud piping.<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Service Jib Crane:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Composed of vertical rotating body, telescopic arm&nbsp;positioned on mast driller side.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Rotation and arm stroke with hydraulic cylinder.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Two sheaves grooved for 9/16&rdquo; rope mounted on bearings, complete of anti disentangle&nbsp;device.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Max rotation angle 90&deg;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Maximum load capacity 3,5 tons (7.726 lb)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Speed up and down 0,5 m/s (1,736 ft/sec)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Rope &oslash; 9/16&rdquo;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Hydraulic winch positioned on mast flank complete of rope roller, brake negative, suitable&nbsp;for taking 40 meters<br /> of wire rope &oslash; 9/16&rdquo;, max pull 3.5 metric ton (7.726 lb)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Rope stroke end safety device installed on crane to avoid collision with arm.<br /> <span style="color:#008080">&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>N&deg;4 Stabilizers:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Hydraulically operated, composed of external body with side plate to accommodate on the&nbsp;rig main frame,<br /> with bolting.&nbsp;Threaded liner for heavy duty applications suitable to accommodate the mechanical stop&nbsp;blocking<br /> when the rig is in working position.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Internal hydraulic cylinder complete with over centre valves and piping for hydraulic&nbsp;circuit.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Lower part with spherical contact device for auto aligning and push on frame basement.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Mechanical clamp with internal thread to mount on outside liner when the rig is in working&nbsp;position.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">The system is applied for safety in case of hydraulic cylinder failure.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Max pull down 20 metric ton (22 short ton)<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Hydraulic Power Unit:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Nr. 01 Diesel engines industrial type, Caterpillar C13 model, 440 HP at 1800 RPM each,&nbsp;EPA certified, 6 cylinders&nbsp;<br /> in line turbocharged/after cooled, water heat exchanger,&nbsp;complete of pneumatic starter, rpm&nbsp;counter, hours counter,&nbsp;<br /> high water temperature control, lower oil pressure control,&nbsp;emergency stop, Caterpillar shut down system for&nbsp;<br /> over RPM gas inlet mounted on&nbsp;suction, muffler.<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Gear coupler directly connected to engine for hydraulic piston pumps and gear pumps&nbsp;drive type Tecnodrive<br /> Twin Disc or equivalent model, complete of heat exchanger type&nbsp;air-oil hydraulically powered.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Piston hydraulic pumps Denison/Parker trade mark or other equivalent model, mounted directly&nbsp;on gear coupler.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Skid base in carbon steel suitable to support the power unit, complete of cushions for shock&nbsp;absorbers.<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">No.1 fuel tanks 600 litres capacity.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Fire suppression system included, mounted inside engine hood.<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Sound Proof Hood:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Mounted on rig deck, complete of panels for noise absorbing, filters for engine air&nbsp;aspiration, muffler support.&nbsp;<br /> The hood is complete of opening doors for maintenance&nbsp;operations.<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>7.1/2&rdquo; X 7&rdquo; Duplex Double Acting Mud Pump:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Mounted on rig deck and composed of liners and pistons 7.1/2&rdquo;, internal reduction ratio</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">1:4.7 with double helical teeth mounted on roller bearings.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Connecting rods and crosshead pins mounted on roller bearings.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Wear guides for crossheads replaceable.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Lubrication with internal circuit.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Forced washing system for piston rod with centrifugal pump V belt driven.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Cross discharge 4&rdquo; with safety valve shear pin pulsation dampener pressure gauge.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Pot valves API 5.5, suction flanged 10&rdquo; ANSI 150.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Hydraulic motor and gear reducer applied to pinions with spline adapter.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Housing connected to pump flange with bolting.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Performance @120 stroke/min</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Max discharge 2376 l/min with 37 BAR liner 7.1/2&rdquo;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Max pressure 70 BAR with 1252 l/min liners 5.1/2&rdquo;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Power input 217 Hp</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Complete of Hydraulic motor joint for connection hydraulic motor to pump and flex hoses<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Foam / Water Pump:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Triplex type Cat 3535 or equivalent model, hydraulically powered, positioned on rig frame.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Complete with lubrication system, safety valve, pressure gauge</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Maximum delivery 136 l/min. (35,8 gal/min)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Maximum pressure 85 Bar. (1.214 PSI)<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Manifold for Mud-Air Discharge:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Composed of steel pipes and hoses, ball valves, non return valve for air in- or exclusion and</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">foam injection ball valve for air compressor exclusion complete of air actuator driven from</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">the control panel. Rotary hose 3.1/2&rdquo; I.D. and vibrator hose included, max W.P. 140 bar (</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">2000 PSI)<br /> <br /> <span style="color:#008080"><strong>Hydraulic System:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Composed of pumps and hydraulic motors, pipes and hoses, blocks, distributors, valves,&nbsp;hydraulic cylinders and fitting.<br /> All components mounted and connected to any user.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Oil tank capacity 1500 litres approx. (396,8 gal), complete of suction pipes and oil filter on&nbsp;return.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Optical oil level, thermometer for oil temperature control.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Each suction pipes is connected to a ball valve.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Heat exchanger type air-oil mounted on rig deck, powered by hydraulic motor.<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Dog House:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">With twist block, one door, with control panel and quick connection for quick removal and&nbsp;save time during transport</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">The Dog House is equipped with four hydraulic jacks to be levelled to drill floor height, and&nbsp;connection to the rig.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Control panel inside of the dog house is completed of:</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- Pressure Hydraulic service indicator</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- Pull up Top Drive indicator (Adjustable)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- Pull down Top drive indicator (Adjustable)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- Top Drive torque indicator (Adjustable)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- Top Drive RPM indicator</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- Mud Pressure indicator</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- Service crane load indication</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- Power tongue torque indicator (Adjustable)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- Power tongue closure force indicator (Adjustable)</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Control levels and manipulators, starter panel for engine with instrumentation and&nbsp;emergency stop<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Electric System:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">EEx-d composed of</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">n&deg; 2 lamps of 18 W positioned on mast front toward the centre well</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">n&deg; 2 lamps of 2 x 18 W positioned on rear toward rig deck</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">n&deg; 2 lamps on drilling floor, n.2 lamps of 2 x 18 W under drilling floor</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">n&deg; 1 red lamp on mast</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">n&deg; 1 lamp inside hood 18 W</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">n&deg; 10 lights 24VDC Atex IP65 neon compact type, 18 W each</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">n&deg; 4 emergency light 2 x 18 W</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- TOOL BOX complete of standard tools for maintenance and positioned on main frame<br /> <span style="color:#008080">&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Coating of Drilling Rig:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Main component with the following cycle :</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- sandblasting SA 2.1/2;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- first hand epoxy zinc thk 50 micron;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- second hand epoxy thk 50 micron;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- third hand polyurethane 50 micron.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">- Total paint thickness 150 micron, paint final tonality to be agree.<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial"><span style="color:#008080"><strong>Optional:</strong>&nbsp;</span></div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Elevator handling system Range 2 for casing &amp; Drill Pipes with semi-automatically pipe rack</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">To lift DP Range2, DC and CSG Range2 from pipe rack to vertical position in centre well composed of :</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">skid base connected with pins to rig substructure, adjustable and levellable by manual screws jack-arm<br /> positioned on skid base,&nbsp;pivoted by shafts and hydraulically driven with hydraulic cylinder catching pipe,<br /> lifting and down.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Movement hydraulically controlled by manipulators placed on control panel.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Nominal size capacity from 3 &frac12;&rdquo; to 5&rdquo; D.P. &ndash; 8.1/4&rdquo; D.C. &ndash; 7&rdquo; CSG &ndash; 9.5/8&rdquo; CSG &ndash; 13.3/8&rdquo; CSG<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Num 01 Elevator semiautomatic, type overshot, suitable to catch DP from 2&rdquo;7/8, 3.1/2&rdquo;, 4.1/2&rdquo; and 5&rdquo;.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">The elevator is mounted under top drive by two pins and connected with two hydraulic cylinders that control<br /> the open&nbsp;and close liners device. Interchangeable reductions and liners are available to catch the above<br /> described sizes casing&nbsp;and drill pipes.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Max load capacity 50 tons.<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Num 01 Elevator semiautomatic, type overshot, suitable to catch CSG 7&rdquo; &ndash; 9.5/8&rdquo; &ndash; 13.3/8&rdquo;.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">The elevator is mounted under top drive by two pins and connected with two hydraulic cylinders that<br /> control the open&nbsp;and close liners device.&nbsp;Interchangeable reductions and liners are available to catch<br /> the above described sizes casing and drill pipes.</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Max load capacity 50 tons<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Semi-Automatically Pipe rack</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">With control panel mounted on ground floor or in the main control panel, for D.P. from<br /> 3 &frac12;&rdquo;- 5&rdquo; &ndash; D.C. 8.1/4&rdquo; &ndash; CSG 7&rdquo; to 13.3/8&rdquo; Range 2</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Designed for hard work and long life working activity manufactured with low alloy carbon steel pipes, beams, plates,&nbsp;<br /> all components will be electrically welded composed by n&deg; 2 tubular rack element</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">(2 left and 2 right ), capacity of No. 55 DP 3 &frac12;&rdquo; Range 2 or No.40 D.P. 5&rdquo; Range 2</div> <div style="color:#333333; font-family:Arial">Hydraulic jacks for sloping mechanism to move the pipe on centre well and vice versa, n.04 hydraulic cylinders for&nbsp;<br /> levelling system, n.02 hydraulic cylinders for locking system.</div> </div> </div> <div style="height:8px"></div> <div style="text-align:center; width:240px"><a href=""><font class="stylebluebold12">D50S Hydraulic Slant Drilling Rig for sale</font></a></div> <div style="height:8px"></div> <div style="text-align:center; width:240px"><a href=""><font class="style36"></font></a></div> <!-- <div style="text-align:center;"><a href="">&lt;p&gt;&lt;strong&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;font-size:12px&quot;&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;color:#800000&quot;&gt;D50S Hydraulic Slant Drilling Rig for Sale&lt;br /&gt; Slant Rigs for Sale&lt;br /&gt; Slant Hydraulic Drilling Rig - For Sale&lt;br /&gt; D50S Slant Hydraulic Drilling Rig&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/strong&gt;&lt;/p&gt; </font></a></div> <div style="height: 10px"></div>--></td></tr><tr><td height="30" align="center"><a href=" /equipdetails.php?id=391"><img src="" border="0" /></a></td></tr></table></td><td width="10" align="center" valign="middle"></td> <td width="10"></td></tr><tr height="30" valign="middle" align="center"><td colspan="2"><div style="width:100%; height:1px; background-color:#CCCCCC"></div></td></tr><tr> </tr> </table> <table width="300" align="center"> <tr> <td height="8" align="right" class="style37 style39">Last updated : Saturday 29th of March 2025</td> </tr> </table> <br /> <table width="300" align="center"> <tr> <td height="60" align="center" valign="middle"><span class="style36">If you have land rigs to sell or you want to buy land rigs or you cannot find the type of rig that you are looking for, <br /> please contact us on email</span> <img src="../images/email-image.gif" width="121" height="12" align="absmiddle" /><span class="style36">&nbsp;or call </span><span class="style42">+65 97768837</span>. </td> </tr> </table></div> <br /> <br /> <div class="display860"><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; 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