FAQs - EventReference

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What happens if I'm unsure how to use EventReference?</dt> <dd>A. You'll receive our user guide when you create your first EventReference event. We also offer email support – <a href=""></a> and how-to videos on our <a href="" target="_blank">YouTube channel</a></dd> <dt>Q. Can I set-up my own online registration with EventReference?</dt> <dd>A. Yes, the EventReference system has been designed so that you can do just that – set-up your own online registration</dd> <dt>Q. Can EventReference set-up my online registration?</dt> <dd>A. Yes, but there is a fee which depends on what you require. Please get in touch for a personalised quote</dd> <dt>Q. How long does it take to set-up?</dt> <dd>A. EventReference has been designed to be simple. Your online registration can be created in less than 60 seconds – watch our how-to video to see just how easy it is</dd> <dd><iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></dd> <dt>Q. How many attendee types can I have?</dt> <dd> A. As many as you want – there is no limit. For more information on Attendee Types, see user guide #5 <a href="" target="_blank">HOW TO: Administer attendee types in EventReference</a> </dd> <dt>Q. Can I clone my event?</dt> <dd> A. Yes – to help save you even more time when you're setting up, the <b>Clone Event</b> button enables you to copy the attendee types, content and data fields from one event to another. More details can be found in User Guide #24: <a href="" target="_blank">HOW TO: Clone a previous event</a> </dd> <dt>Q. Can I invite delegates to register for my event?</dt> <dd> A. Yes – you can send a fully branded email containing a link to your registration form to anyone you'd like to invite to your event. More details can be found in User Guide #15: <a href="" target="_blank">HOW TO: Set-up a Smart Link</a> </dd> <dt>Q. I have delegates from different countries – can I have a registration form for each?</dt> <dd> A. Yes – simply specify an <b>attendee type</b> for each country and create the accompanying registration form when you set-up your event. With our Advanced Features premium add-on, you can even make each form different. More details can be found in User Guide #16: <a href="" target="_blank">HOW TO: Design your Registration Forms using the Form Builder</a> </dd> <dt>Q. Can I limit the number of people who can register?</dt> <dd> A. Yes. Using our Security &amp; Capacity premium add-on, you can specify a capacity against your attendee types so that only a certain number of registrations will be accepted before the site closes. More details can be found in User Guide #5: <a href="" target="_blank">HOW TO: Administer attendee types in EventReference</a>, under the "Additional Options" section </dd> <dt>Q. Can I have certain information pre-populated on the form?</dt> <dd> A. Yes. If you have details of people you want to invite, you can upload this to EventReference and send them a personalised smart link which will pre-fill the form with the data you uploaded. They can amend this if necessary and then complete the remainder of the form. More details can be found in User Guide #15: <a href="" target="_blank">HOW TO: Set-up a Smart Link</a> </dd> <dt>Q. Can I add a calendar link to my event?</dt> <dd>A. Yes – Select the text you wish to be the hyperlink, click the 'link' button, enter the following information into the URL box: changing the event name to your own, then click save.</dd> </dl> </div> <div class="to-top"><div class="to-top-box"><a href="#page-top"></a></div></div> <div class="faq-section sectionDivide"> <br> <a name="datasecurity" class="anchor"></a> <h2>Data Security</h2> <dl> <dt>Q. Is EventReference secure?</dt> <dd>A. Yes – EventReference is a <a href="" target="_blank">Reference Technology Limited product</a>. The company is <b>ISO/IEC 27001:2017 certified</b> – the first in the badging and registration industry. ISO 27001:2017 is an information security standard and is awarded when a company establishes, implements, maintains and continually improves its information security management system (ISMS). For more information <a href="" target="_blank">click here</a></dd> <dt>Q. What is the difference between an http site and an https site?</dt> <dd>A. An http site is an unsecured method of collecting data, whereas an https site is secured as the data is encrypted while travelling across the internet</dd> <dt>Q. Can I set up logins for my colleagues to use?</dt> <dd> A. Yes. You can create as many logins as you need to allow your colleagues to work on your events. You can even specify which permissions you need each person to have. More details can be found in User Guide #26: <a href="" target="_blank">HOW TO: Link additional Admin Users to your event</a> </dd> <dt>Q. Is my data within EventReference secure?</dt> <dd>A. Yes - EventReference is fully HTTPS encrypted by default. This means any information transmitted over the internet between the user and the system is fully protected. We also perform daily, multiple backups of the system.</dd> <dt>Q. Who owns my data?</dt> <dd>A. You own your data. EventReference stores the data for the period of time you are subscribing to the platform. When your subscription ends you can download your data before we securely remove it from our servers.</dd> </dl> </div> <div class="to-top"><div class="to-top-box"><a href="#page-top"></a></div></div> <div class="faq-section sectionDivide"> <br> <a name="design" class="anchor"></a> <h2>Branding and Designing</h2> <dl> <dt>Q. How do I brand the registration form?</dt> <dd> A. When creating your event, in the <b>Look &amp; Feel</b> tab simply click on <b>Choose file</b> under <b>Custom Header Graphic</b> and upload your own branding. You can also use our theme designer to customise colours, fonts, layouts and more. More details can be found in user guide #20: <a href="" target="_blank">HOW TO: Customise the design of your registration forms</a> </dd> <dt>Q. Can I use my own domain?</dt> <dd>A. You can personalise the URL in the <b>Look &amp; Feel</b> tab by editing the text under <b>Event URL</b> but it has to be</dd> <dt>Q. Is there a calendar option for delegates to use on the registration form when citing their DOB?</dt> <dd>A. Yes. This function is part of our Advanced feature Premium Add-on. Once you have activated this add-on on your event, all you need to do is click <b>Create New Field</b> in the <b>Details</b> tab and chose <b>'date'</b> as the format. You can also specify a date range too</dd> <dt>Q. Can I make my form look like my website?</dt> <dd> A. Yes. We provide a design tool which allows you to customise the look of your form. You can change the colours, fonts, layout and even upload your own graphics. Go into Design Form and click Customise Look &amp; Feel to try it out. More information can be found in user guide #20: <a href="" target="_blank">HOW TO: Customise the design of your registration forms</a> </dd> <dt>Q. Can I personalise the emails I send from EventReference?</dt> <dd> A. Yes. In content management you have the option to include certain data fields in the emails you create so you can include information from the registrant's record. More information can be found in User Guide #10: <a href="" target="_blank">HOW TO: Add Content to your Events</a> </dd> </dl> </div> <div class="to-top"><div class="to-top-box"><a href="#page-top"></a></div></div> <div class="faq-section sectionDivide"> <br> <a name="payments" class="anchor"></a> <h2>Payments within your event</h2> <p><em>Please note, the "Payment Processing" premium add-on is required to be able to take payments from your registrants. For more information on the "Payment Processing" premium add-on please <a href="" target="_blank">click here</a></em></p> <dl> <dt>Q. Can I collect credit card numbers using EventReference?</dt> <dd>A. No – EventReference is not PCI DSS compliant and therefore should never be used to store credit card information. Payments for event registrations can be taken using a payment gateway and EventReference can link up to a lot of different payment gateways for this purpose</dd> <dt>Q. Which payment gateways does EventReference support?</dt> <dd>A. EventReference can currently link to a number of different payment gateways. These include PayPal, Stripe, WorldPay, Netbanx/PaySafe, Sagepay, Barclays and Datacash</dd> <dt>Q. How can I link my payment gateway to EventReference?</dt> <dd> A. You will require the Payment Processing premium add-on to be able to do this. Select the payment gateway you want to connect and EventReference will tell you what information it needs to do this. Put in the required information and you are ready to go. More details can be found in user guide #18: <a href="" target="_blank">HOW TO: Link up your payment gateway</a> </dd> <dt>Q. Can I set different registration prices for each attendee type?</dt> <dd> A. Yes, you can set up as many different prices needed and assign them to different attendee types. You can also set up additional products which can be purchased along side the registration price. More details can be found in User Guide #21: <a href="" target="_blank">HOW TO: Add and Link Products</a> </dd> <dt>Q. Can I offer "early bird" discounts?</dt> <dd> A: Yes - You can set "early bird" discounts to your registration prices using our price lists. More details can be found in User Guide #22: <a href="" target="_blank">HOW TO: Set-up Price Lists</a> </dd> <dt>Q. Can EventReference send out invoices for me?</dt> <dd>A. Yes. There is the option to select 'Invoice' as a payment gateway. You can use the options available in Content Management to create an invoice template and the system will fill in the transaction information when the invoice is sent</dd> </dl> </div> <div class="to-top"><div class="to-top-box"><a href="#page-top"></a></div></div> <div class="faq-section sectionDivide"> <br> <a name="reporting" class="anchor"></a> <h2>Reporting</h2> <dl> <dt>Q. Can I download my data?</dt> <dd> A. Yes you can. Instructions for downloading data can be found in user guide #12 <a href="" target="_blank">HOW TO: View your Registration Data</a> </dd> <dt>Q. Can I report on my event?</dt> <dd> A. Yes – EventReference offers a full suite of reporting functions from custom reports to summary reports which can be filtered, rerun, stored and downloaded as many times as you need. For more information on reporting, see user guide #19 <a href="" target="_blank">HOW TO: Filter your data and create reports</a> </dd> <dt>Q. Can I control what fields are included in each report?</dt> <dd>A. Yes – you can control the fields that appear on your reports. You can even reorder the fields to make it easier for you when you export the report</dd> <dt>Q. What format do reports appear in when I download them?</dt> <dd>A. EventReference reports are downloaded to be viewed and edited in Microsoft Excel.</dd> </dl> </div> <div class="to-top"><div class="to-top-box"><a href="#page-top"></a></div></div> <div class="faq-section sectionDivide"> <br> <a name="badging" class="anchor"></a> <h2>Badging</h2> <dl> <dt>Q: Do I need additional software to create badges for my event?</dt> <dd>A: No – EventReference includes WebBadging, a fully integrated feature providing badge printing functionality (Windows only).</dd> <dt>Q: How do I design my event badges in EventReference?</dt> <dd>A: You can use our easy and effective Badge Designer function to add logos, colour flashes and event agendas. Take a look at User Guide #3: <a href="/promo-www/downloads/EventReference-UserGuide-Three-Badge-Designer.pdf" target="_blank">How to use badge designer</a> and User guide #4: <a href="/promo-www/downloads/EventReference-UserGuide-Four-WebBadging.pdf" target="_blank">How to print badges</a></dd> <dt>Q: Can I buy badge stock from EventReference to print my badges?</dt> <dd> A: Yes – you can buy badge stock from the <a href="" target="_blank">EventReference Supplies Shop</a>. Here you can also buy straps, lanyards, clips and badge trays </dd> <dt>Q: Do I have to print my badges before my event?</dt> <dd>A: You can print your event badges at anytime whether in the office, at home or at the event. As long as you have an internet connection and a printer, you can print event badges wherever you are</dd> <dt>Q: Can I use a barcode on my event badges?</dt> <dd> A: Yes – add a barcode to your badge design and use the WebScanning App within EventReference to scan and print. You can also use it for attendance and session scanning and reporting. There is an additional cost when using the WebScanning App. Take a look at User Guide #17: <a href="" target="_blank">Set-up and use WebScanning</a> </dd> </dl> </div> <div class="to-top"><div class="to-top-box"><a href="#page-top"></a></div></div> <div class="faq-section sectionDivide"> <br> <a name="event-management" class="anchor"></a> <h2>Event Management</h2> <dl> <dt>Q: Can I import a spreadsheet of attendee names and invite them to register?</dt> <dd>A: Yes – EventReference makes it easy to import a list of attendees using a standard .csv file. If you have the correct data protection compliance you can then invite them to register for your event. Take a look at User Guide #13: <a href="/promo-www/downloads/EventReference-UserGuide-Thirteen-Importing-Data.pdf" target="_blank">How to Import Data into your event</a></dd> <dt>Q: What happens when a registration is not completed?</dt> <dd>A: EventReference is designed to capture details entered when a person forgets to complete the registration process. Using the 'View Incomplete Registrations' report you can easily find these people and email them to remind them to complete their registration</dd> <dt>Q: Can I approve or decline registrations?</dt> <dd>A: Yes – the approval process allows you to review all the registrations and accept or decline them based on your criteria. This can be helpful when you have different categories of attendees</dd> <dt>Q: Can I communicate with attendees from within EventReference?</dt> <dd>A: Yes – A suite of marketing tools is available within EventReference to enable you to communicate with attendees including social media integration and email templates. You can send personalised welcome messages and e-blasts as well as control the content of all emails and on screen messages</dd> <dt>Q: Does EventReference include an Event App?</dt> <dd>A: Yes and No – the Event App is available as a bespoke add-on and is not included in a standard subscription or advanced functions subscriptions. If you would like to discuss how to use the EventReference Event App at your event, please <a href="">contact us</a></dd> <dt>Q: Does EventReference include an appointment setting function?</dt> <dd>A: Yes – the Diary System is a powerful bespoke add-on which enables visitors and exhibitors to book appointments, use diary messaging features, zoom integration, and best match functionality for matching buyers and exhibitors. Please <a href="">contact us</a> if you would like more information</dd> </dl> </div> <div class="to-top"><div class="to-top-box"><a href="#page-top"></a></div></div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- end content-wrapper div --> <div class="outerFooter outer-width"> <div class="innerFooter inner-width"> <div class="footerCol col1"> <ul> <li class="footerTitle">FEATURES</li> <li><a href="event-registration.php">EVENT REGISTRATION</a></li> <li><a href="paid-event-registration.php">PAID REGISTRATION</a></li> <li><a href="mobile-registration.php">MOBILE REGISTRATION</a></li> <li><a href="event-management.php">EVENT MANAGEMENT</a></li> <li><a href="event-app.php">EVENT APP</a></li> <li><a href="event-reporting.php">REPORTING</a></li> <li><a href="marketing.php">MARKETING</a></li> <li><a href="webbadging.php">WEBBADGING</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="footerCol col2"> <ul> <li class="footerTitle">KNOWLEDGE HUB</li> <li><a href="faqs.php">FAQs</a></li> <li><a href="guides.php">HOW TO GUIDES</a></li> <li><a href="video.php">VIDEOS</a></li> <li><a href="success-stories.php">SUCCESS STORIES</a></li> <li><a href="testimonials.php">TESTIMONIALS</a></li> <li><a href="white-papers.php">WHITE PAPERS</a></li> <li><a href="articles.php">ARTICLES</a></li> <li><a href="pricing.php">PLANS &amp; PRICING</a></li> <!-- <li><a href="blog.php">BLOG</a></li> --> </ul> </div> <div class="footerCol col3"> <!-- <ul> <li class="footerTitle">COMPARISON</li> <li><a href="/admin/">vs EVENTBRITE</a></li> <li><a href="help.php">vs CVENT</a></li> <li><a href="faqs.php">vs ANOTHER</a></li> </ul> --> <ul> <li class="footerTitle">SUPPORT</li> <li><a href="/admin/">CLIENT LOGIN</a></li> <li><a href="help.php">HELP &amp; SUPPORT</a></li> <li><a href="faqs.php">FAQs</a></li> <li><a href="policies.php">PRIVACY POLICY</a></li> <li><a href="cookies.php">COOKIES</a></li> <li><a href="javascript:;" onclick="ERCCShow();">EDIT COOKIE SETTNGS</a></li> <li><a href="datasafety/index.php">DATA SAFETY</a></li> <li><a href="terms.php">REFTECH: TERMS &amp; CONDITIONS</a></li> <li><a href="website-terms.php">WEBSITE: TERMS &amp; CONDITIONS</a></li> <li><a href="website-acceptable-use.php">WEBSITE: ACCEPTABLE USE POLICY</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="footerCol col4"> <ul> <li class="footerTitle">SOCIAL</li> <li><a href="">FACEBOOK</a></li> <li><a href="">TWITTER</a></li> <li><a href="">INSTAGRAM</a></li> <li><a href="">LINKEDIN</a></li> <li><a href="">YOUTUBE</a></li> </ul> <ul class="top-gap"> <li class="footerTitle">CONTACT</li> <li>TEL: +44 (0)1827 818181</li> <li><a href="">EMAIL US</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="footerCol col5"> <p>Sign up to our newsletter and stay up to date with product developments, event insights and technology news.</p> <p class="center-box"><a href="newsletter.php" class="function-button">SUBSCRIBE</a></p> </div> <div id="footer-graphics"> <!-- <div id="imex-promotion"> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="/promo-www/images/imex-logos.png" alt="IMEX"></a> <p>EventReference is the engine house behind IMEX registration and badging</p> </div> --> <div id="iso27001"> <a href="" target="_blank" style="text-decoration:none;border:none;"><img src="/promo-www/images/iso-logo-108.png" alt="ISO/IEC 27001 certified" style="border:none;padding:10px 10px;"></a> </div> </div> <div class="footer-padding"> <div class="footer-base-nav"> <ul> <li><a href="faqs.php">FAQs</a></li> <li><a href="resources.php">KNOWLEDGE HUB</a></li> <li><a href="help.php">CONTACT SUPPORT</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> </body> </html>

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