Moldovan immigrant brings home wine to Canada
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datetime="08/29/2023 06:26:11" class="whitespace-nowrap">29.08.2023 09:26</time> <span aria-hidden="true">·</span> <span aria-hidden="true" class="whitespace-nowrap">11 minutes to read</span> </div> <p>Ludmila Terzi, a native of Gotești, Moldova, emigrated to Canada in 2009. Ten years later, she began importing Moldovan wines, and recently she purchased a vineyard in Quebec and began producing Canadian wine with Moldovan roots.</p> <figure><img src='' alt=''></img></figure><p>Terzi did not grow up surrounded by winemakers, but her passion for wine runs in her veins. She dared to experiment and study, and last fall she produced her own wine from the 3.5 hectares of grapevines she owns.</p> <p><em>“It takes a titanic effort to make wine in Quebec,”</em> Terzi says. <em>“It’s totally different to care for a vineyard in Canada. The cold climate, the low temperatures, the spring of about two weeks and the rather short summer all leave their mark on the quality of the wine. In winter, European grape varieties require special attention. To withstand temperatures of -30 to -40 degrees Celsius, the entire vine is lowered to the ground and wrapped in a special geotextile cloth.”</em></p> <p>Before becoming a wine producer in Canada, Terzi managed to build a small business importing wines from Moldova. It all started simply because she couldn’t find her favourite wine in the host country.</p> <p><em>“I came to the conclusion that we have a formed olfactory baggage and we will always look for that taste with which we are used to. My husband once told me not to look for wine to my taste anymore, it is in Moldova. Thus, the idea of importing wines arose,”</em> says the compatriot.</p> <p>Terzi works with small Moldovan wine producers and does not consider the wine regions when choosing a wine. She says it is a long way from our country to the glasses of Canadians.</p> <p><em>“In the province of Quebec, as in other Canadian regions, a wine importer cannot work directly with the supplier, you must pass the goods through the State Alcohol Corporation, which controls the import of alcoholic beverages. The wine we bring from Moldova is stored in the company’s warehouse. If it exceeds the 6-month stay period and has not been sold, it means either the agent does not know how to work or the wine is not of quality,”</em> Terzi said.</p> <p>Terzi’s company in Canada importing Moldovan wines did not provide a stable income, but she was prepared for such a situation.</p> <p>“In the host country, I graduated with a second degree, commerce. And I learned that when you start a business, you don’t reap the rewards immediately. They come in time. Only now, after five years of operation, my business has started to make a profit,” says our compatriot.</p> <p>Canada is not a wine-producing country. More than 80% of the wine Canadians consume is imported. Local wine is produced only in a few regions where the sun appears more often in the sky.</p> <p><em>“Canadians are very open as consumers. They prefer red wines, but the trend in recent years shows that whites are starting to climb the top. Among Moldovan wines, they prefer those from the local variety ‘rară neagră’. What is traditional and appreciated at home is also valued far and wide,”</em> Terzi said.</p> <p>Far from home, Ludmila often wondered if the decision to emigrate 14 years ago was the right one. She hasn’t found an explicit answer yet. In the meantime, she surrounds herself with things and customs that remind her of home. She built a brick oven in the winery yard and is ready to treat everyone to pies, according to a recipe she learned from her grandmother.</p> <p><em>“I built the oven with the help of my mother, a friend who came to Canada, and with the help of my parents, over the phone. I found the right clay on one of the plots in the vineyard, I added wheat straw, and in a few days, I baked pies,”</em> Ludmila told us.</p> <p>Before becoming a winemaker in Canada, Ludmila Terzi was a telecommunications engineer in Moldova. In Quebec, she earned a second degree, opened business after business, but still, sometimes, she still feels like the ground is slipping out from under her. And then, she returns to her roots, to everything that builds and defines us.</p> <figure><img src='' alt=''></img></figure><div id='viewer' class='fixed inset-0 bg-black bg-opacity-50 hidden flex items-center justify-center' style='z-index: 10000;'><div class='relative'><img id='fullImage' src='' class='object-contain object-center w-full h-auto max-h-full md:max-h-screen'></div><button id='closeBtn' class='fixed top-3 right-3 bg-black text-white w-10 h-10 rounded-full flex items-center justify-center z-10'>X</button></div> </article> <div class="mx-auto max-w-7xl mt-12 px-4 sm:px-6 lg:px-8 flex flex-row justify-center"> <button class="p-2" id="share" title="Share"> <svg class="w-6 fill-gray-500 hover:fill-gray-900" viewBox="0 0 13 17" xmlns=""> <path d="M2.28497 16.4104H10.1258C10.8413 16.4104 11.3768 16.2327 11.7322 15.8772C12.0923 15.5217 12.2723 14.9931 12.2723 14.2913V7.46899C12.2723 6.76717 12.0923 6.23853 11.7322 5.88306C11.3768 5.52759 10.8413 5.34985 10.1258 5.34985H8.21857V6.45044H10.1053C10.4425 6.45044 10.7046 6.54159 10.8914 6.72388C11.0783 6.90617 11.1717 7.17505 11.1717 7.53052V14.2297C11.1717 14.5852 11.0783 14.8541 10.8914 15.0364C10.7046 15.2187 10.4425 15.3098 10.1053 15.3098H2.29865C1.95685 15.3098 1.6948 15.2187 1.51251 15.0364C1.33022 14.8541 1.23907 14.5852 1.23907 14.2297V7.53052C1.23907 7.17505 1.33022 6.90617 1.51251 6.72388C1.6948 6.54159 1.95685 6.45044 2.29865 6.45044H4.1922V5.34985H2.28497C1.56948 5.34985 1.03172 5.52759 0.671692 5.88306C0.316223 6.23397 0.138489 6.76261 0.138489 7.46899V14.2913C0.138489 14.9976 0.316223 15.5263 0.671692 15.8772C1.03172 16.2327 1.56948 16.4104 2.28497 16.4104ZM6.20197 11.0579C6.35236 11.0579 6.47996 11.0055 6.58478 10.9006C6.69415 10.7958 6.74884 10.6705 6.74884 10.5247V3.50415L6.70782 2.47876L7.16583 2.96411L8.2049 4.07153C8.3006 4.18091 8.42365 4.2356 8.57404 4.2356C8.71531 4.2356 8.8338 4.19002 8.9295 4.09888C9.02521 4.00773 9.07306 3.89152 9.07306 3.75024C9.07306 3.62264 9.01837 3.50415 8.909 3.39478L6.59845 1.16626C6.53009 1.0979 6.46401 1.05005 6.40021 1.02271C6.34096 0.995361 6.27488 0.981689 6.20197 0.981689C6.13361 0.981689 6.06753 0.995361 6.00372 1.02271C5.94448 1.05005 5.8784 1.0979 5.80548 1.16626L3.49493 3.39478C3.39012 3.50415 3.33771 3.62264 3.33771 3.75024C3.33771 3.89152 3.38328 4.00773 3.47443 4.09888C3.56557 4.19002 3.68406 4.2356 3.8299 4.2356C3.98484 4.2356 4.11017 4.18091 4.20587 4.07153L5.2381 2.96411L5.70294 2.47876L5.66193 3.50415V10.5247C5.66193 10.6705 5.71434 10.7958 5.81915 10.9006C5.92853 11.0055 6.05613 11.0579 6.20197 11.0579Z" /> </svg> </button> </div> </div> <div id="promo"></div> <div class="mx-auto max-w-7xl mt-16"> <div class="text-center"> <p class="font-light text-gray-700 hover:text-gray-800 text-3xl">Read more</p> </div> </div> <div id="list" class="mx-auto max-w-7xl mb-12 mt-8"> <div class="mx-auto mt-8 grid max-w-lg gap-x-5 gap-y-6 lg:max-w-none lg:grid-cols-3 px-4 sm:px-6 lg:px-8"> <div class="flex flex-col overflow-hidden rounded-lg shadow-lg"> <div class="flex-shrink-0"> <a href="/p/49266/protest-in-gagauzia-after-governor-evghenia-gutul-s-detention"> <img loading='eager' class="w-full aspect-[16/9] object-cover" src="" alt="Protest in Gagauzia after governor Evghenia Guțul’s detention"> </a> </div> <div class="flex flex-1 flex-col justify-between bg-white p-6"> <div class="flex-1"> <div class="flex flex-1 flex-row justify-between"> <div class="text-sm font-medium text-indigo-600"> <a href="/c/en/1" class="hover:underline">Social</a> </div> <div> </div> </div> <a href="/p/49266/protest-in-gagauzia-after-governor-evghenia-gutul-s-detention" class="mt-2 block"> <p class="text-xl font-semibold text-gray-900">Protest in Gagauzia after governor Evghenia Guțul’s detention</p> <p class="mt-3 text-base text-gray-500">Several people gathered on Wednesday morning outside the headquarters of the People's Assembly of Gagauzia in Comrat to protest the detention of Evghenia Guțul, the Governor of Gagauzia.
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