TIME for Kids | Articles

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He defeated Vice President Kamala Harris. Results of the November 5 election were announced the following day. Trump spoke to the nation after the polls had closed. His win looked certain. \u201cI will fight for you, for your family, and for your future,\u201d he promised Americans. Donald Trump speaks during his Election Night event, in West Palm Beach, Florida.CHIP SOMODEVILLA\u2014GETTY IMAGES Path to Victory Trump was the Republican candidate. He received nearly 72 million votes. Harris was the Democratic candidate. She received more than 67 million votes. A few states were still counting ballots when this magazine was published. Some people get a sticker when they vote. This one is from Chicago, Illinois.JACEK BOCZARSKI\u2014ANADOLU\/GETTY IMAGES The race was close. But Trump\u2019s win is decisive. At press time, he\u2019s ahead in the electoral college. He has 292 electoral votes. Harris has 224. A candidate needs 270 electoral votes to win. A voter drops off a ballot in Washington, D.C., on November 3. People can vote early, in person or by mail.KENT NISHIMURA\u2014GETTY IMAGES It was an unusual election season. At first, Trump was running against President Joe Biden. But Biden dropped out of the race on July 21. Harris became the Democratic nominee for president soon after. A voter and his son go to a polling place on Election Day in Washington, D.C.TOM WILLIAMS\u2014CQ-ROLL CALL, INC.\/GETTY IMAGES What\u2019s Next Trump will take office on January 20, 2025. There are many issues facing him. These include conflicts in other countries and immigration. Another is inflation. People are worried about the cost of groceries and owning a home. This will be Trump\u2019s second term as president. He was first elected in 2016. He ran for reelection in 2020. He lost to Biden. It\u2019s rare for a U.S. presidential candidate to win elections that are not back-to-back. Trump is only the second person to do so. \u201cWe overcame obstacles that we never thought possible,\u201d Trump said on November 6.","current_level":"en-560","excerpt":"Donald Trump has won the 2024 presidential election. He defeated Vice President Kamala Harris. Results of the November 5 election were announced the following day. Trump spoke to the nation after the polls had closed. His win looked certain. \u201cI\u2026","issue_date":1731628800,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g2\/trump-wins-g2\/","post_id":91079,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1730926285,"reading_levels":{"en-430":"Reading Level 430L","en-560":"Reading Level 560L","en-680":"Reading Level 680L"},"section":[],"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/11\/G2_241115_cover_hero.jpg?w=1024","title":"Trump Wins","topic":{"id":39277,"name":"Election 2024","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/election-2024\/","slug":"election-2024"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en","es"]},"editions":["g2"],"editions_full":[{"id":6,"name":"G2","permalink":"\/g2\/","slug":"g2"}],"objectID":"91079","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"Donald Trump has won the 2024 presidential election. He defeated Vice President Kamala Harris. Results of the November 5 election were announced the following day. Trump spoke to the nation after the polls had closed. His win looked certain. \u201cI","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"Donald Trump has won the 2024 presidential election. He defeated Vice President Kamala Harris. Results of the November 5 election were announced the following day. Trump spoke to the nation after the polls had closed. His win looked certain. \u201cI will fight for you, for your family, and for your future,\u201d he promised Americans. Donald Trump speaks during his Election Night event, in West Palm Beach, Florida.CHIP SOMODEVILLA\u2014GETTY IMAGES Path to Victory Trump was the Republican candidate. He received nearly 72 million votes. Harris was the Democratic candidate. She received more than 67 million votes. A few states were still counting ballots when this magazine was published. Some people get a sticker when they vote. This one is from Chicago, Illinois.JACEK BOCZARSKI\u2014ANADOLU\/GETTY IMAGES The race was close. But Trump\u2019s win is decisive. At press time, he\u2019s ahead in the electoral college. He has 292 electoral votes. Harris has 224. A candidate needs 270 electoral votes to win. A voter drops off a ballot in Washington, D.C., on November 3. People can vote early, in person or by mail.KENT NISHIMURA\u2014GETTY IMAGES It was an unusual election season. At first, Trump was running against President Joe Biden. But Biden dropped out of the race on July 21. Harris became the Democratic nominee for president soon after. A voter and his son go to a polling place on Election Day in Washington, D.C.TOM WILLIAMS\u2014CQ-ROLL CALL, INC.\/GETTY IMAGES What\u2019s Next Trump will take office on January 20, 2025. There are many issues facing him. These include conflicts in other countries and immigration. Another is inflation. People are worried about the cost of groceries and owning a home. This will be Trump\u2019s second term as president. He was first elected in 2016. He ran for reelection in 2020. He lost to Biden. It\u2019s rare for a U.S. presidential candidate to win elections that are not back-to-back. Trump is only the second person to do so. \u201cWe overcame obstacles that we never thought possible,\u201d Trump said on November 6.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g2\/trump-wins-g2\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Trump Wins","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g2","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"91027":{"authors":[{"id":6845,"name":"Candace Dipsey","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/candace-dipsey\/"}],"byline":"","content":"Author Jennifer E. Smith and illustrator Leo Espinosa are the team behind The Creature of Habit. Readers of the book meet a large creature and a small one. The large creature does the exact same thing every day. He likes routines. The small one does not. He does something different each day. The large creature thinks this is absolute madness. That is, until he tries something new. Smith thinks the story is relatable. There\u2019s never a time when \u201ctrying something new isn\u2019t a little bit scary,\u201d she told TFK Kid Reporter Dylan Landaw. Smith says she\u2019s like the large creature. She thinks most people are like one or the other. Some people have trouble adjusting to change. Others are like the little guy. They\u2019re up for anything. Espinosa says he\u2019s like the big creature, too. But \u201cit\u2019s good to have that curiosity of that little creature,\u201d he says. \u201cThat\u2019s when you get out of the comfort zone.\u201d Espinosa had fun illustrating this book. \u201cI can go really silly,\u201d he says, \u201cbecause they\u2019re imaginary creatures.\u201d Espinosa and Smith enjoy working together. Their next book is The Creature of Habit Tries His Best. It comes out on November 19.","current_level":"","excerpt":"Author Jennifer E. Smith and illustrator Leo Espinosa are the team behind The Creature of Habit. Readers of the book meet a large creature and a small one. The large creature does the exact same thing every day. He likes\u2026","issue_date":1731628800,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g2\/same-same-g2\/","post_id":91027,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1730883610,"reading_levels":[],"section":[],"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/11\/G2_241115_same_same_creature_of_habit.jpg?w=1024","title":"Same Same","topic":{"id":890,"name":"Books","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/books\/","slug":"books"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g2"],"editions_full":[{"id":6,"name":"G2","permalink":"\/g2\/","slug":"g2"}],"objectID":"91027","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"Author Jennifer E. Smith and illustrator Leo Espinosa are the team behind The Creature of Habit. Readers of the book meet a large creature and a small one. The large creature does the exact same thing every day. He likes","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"Author Jennifer E. Smith and illustrator Leo Espinosa are the team behind The Creature of Habit. Readers of the book meet a large creature and a small one. The large creature does the exact same thing every day. He likes routines. The small one does not. He does something different each day. The large creature thinks this is absolute madness. That is, until he tries something new. Smith thinks the story is relatable. There\u2019s never a time when \u201ctrying something new isn\u2019t a little bit scary,\u201d she told TFK Kid Reporter Dylan Landaw. Smith says she\u2019s like the large creature. She thinks most people are like one or the other. Some people have trouble adjusting to change. Others are like the little guy. They\u2019re up for anything. Espinosa says he\u2019s like the big creature, too. But \u201cit\u2019s good to have that curiosity of that little creature,\u201d he says. \u201cThat\u2019s when you get out of the comfort zone.\u201d Espinosa had fun illustrating this book. \u201cI can go really silly,\u201d he says, \u201cbecause they\u2019re imaginary creatures.\u201d Espinosa and Smith enjoy working together. Their next book is The Creature of Habit Tries His Best. It comes out on November 19.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g2\/same-same-g2\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Same Same","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g2","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"89556":{"authors":[{"id":1960,"name":"Brian S. McGrath","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/brian-s-mcgrath\/"}],"byline":"","content":"Jaxon Porter, 11, is happiest behind the wheel. He\u2019s too young to have a driver\u2019s license. He races go-karts. Racers wait at the starting line. The green flag signals for them to go.KARA C. PHOTOGRAPHY \u201cI just love going fast,\u201d Jaxon told TIME for Kids. He races at speeds up to 70 m.p.h. Jaxon started racing at 5 years old. He has been driving for more than five years. He has dreams of going pro. \u201cI\u2019ll be up there soon,\u201d he says. \u201cAn IndyCar driver.\u201d Jaxon Porter prepares for a race at the Orlando Karting Center, in Florida, in 2023.ON TRACK PROMOTIONS Racing Families Jaxon began competing in local go-kart races. They were in Phoenix, Arizona. Soon, he was taking part in national races. Drivers compete against kids their age. Some events have a thousand karts competing. Members of a racing team chat at an event held by Youth Racers of America in 2023.SEAN MONTGOMERY For many go-karters, racing runs in the family. Families spend a lot of time at events. They travel long distances. Many drivers are homeschooled. That gives them time for racing. A young driver gets help with a helmet. Safety is important.COURTESY YOUTH RACERS OF AMERICA \u201cIt\u2019s a sacrifice for the whole family,\u201d Elysia Porter says. She\u2019s Jaxon\u2019s mom. \u201cBut it\u2019s worth it,\u201d she adds. A Growing Sport Audrey Littrell first drove a go-kart at age 4. She has been racing for several years now. Audrey Littrell attends a practice race in Indiana in 2023.COURTESY JENNIFER LITTRELL \u201cThere aren\u2019t many girls in racing,\u201d says Audrey, now 8. But she could be part of a trend. There are few females in professional racing. But younger racers are more used to seeing girls on the track. McKenna Haase heads Youth Racers of America. \u201cRacing is growing a ton,\u201d she says. She\u2019s interested to see how many female racers make it to the pros in the coming years.","current_level":"en-470","excerpt":"Jaxon Porter, 11, is happiest behind the wheel. He\u2019s too young to have a driver\u2019s license. He races go-karts. \u201cI just love going fast,\u201d Jaxon told TIME for Kids. He races at speeds up to 70 m.p.h. Jaxon started racing\u2026","issue_date":1731024000,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g2\/lets-go-g2\/","post_id":89556,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1730455242,"reading_levels":{"en-340":"Reading Level 340L","en-470":"Reading Level 470L","en-640":"Reading Level 640L"},"section":[],"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2023\/10\/20231110_GoKarts_1.jpg?w=1024","title":"Let's Go!","topic":{"id":884,"name":"Sports","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/sports\/","slug":"sports"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en","es"]},"editions":["g2"],"editions_full":[{"id":6,"name":"G2","permalink":"\/g2\/","slug":"g2"}],"objectID":"89556","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"Jaxon Porter, 11, is happiest behind the wheel. He\u2019s too young to have a driver\u2019s license. He races go-karts. Racers wait at the starting line. The green flag signals for them to go.KARA C. PHOTOGRAPHY \u201cI","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"Jaxon Porter, 11, is happiest behind the wheel. He\u2019s too young to have a driver\u2019s license. He races go-karts. Racers wait at the starting line. The green flag signals for them to go.KARA C. PHOTOGRAPHY \u201cI just love going fast,\u201d Jaxon told TIME for Kids. He races at speeds up to 70 m.p.h. Jaxon started racing at 5 years old. He has been driving for more than five years. He has dreams of going pro. \u201cI\u2019ll be up there soon,\u201d he says. \u201cAn IndyCar driver.\u201d Jaxon Porter prepares for a race at the Orlando Karting Center, in Florida, in 2023.ON TRACK PROMOTIONS Racing Families Jaxon began competing in local go-kart races. They were in Phoenix, Arizona. Soon, he was taking part in national races. Drivers compete against kids their age. Some events have a thousand karts competing. Members of a racing team chat at an event held by Youth Racers of America in 2023.SEAN MONTGOMERY For many go-karters, racing runs in the family. Families spend a lot of time at events. They travel long distances. Many drivers are homeschooled. That gives them time for racing. A young driver gets help with a helmet. Safety is important.COURTESY YOUTH RACERS OF AMERICA \u201cIt\u2019s a sacrifice for the whole family,\u201d Elysia Porter says. She\u2019s Jaxon\u2019s mom. \u201cBut it\u2019s worth it,\u201d she adds. A Growing Sport Audrey Littrell first drove a go-kart at age 4. She has been racing for several years now. Audrey Littrell attends a practice race in Indiana in 2023.COURTESY JENNIFER LITTRELL \u201cThere aren\u2019t many girls in racing,\u201d says Audrey, now 8. But she could be part of a trend. There are few females in professional racing. But younger racers are more used to seeing girls on the track. McKenna Haase heads Youth Racers of America. \u201cRacing is growing a ton,\u201d she says. She\u2019s interested to see how many female racers make it to the pros in the coming years.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g2\/lets-go-g2\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Let's Go!","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g2","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"89570":{"authors":[{"id":1960,"name":"Brian S. McGrath","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/brian-s-mcgrath\/"}],"byline":"","content":"The first New York City marathon took place in 1970. It was hosted by New York Road Runners (NYRR). Only 127 runners entered the 26.2-mile race. Now it\u2019s the world\u2019s largest marathon. It\u2019s held on the first Sunday in November. More than 55,000 people finished the run in 2024. The 2023 marathon.CRAIG T. FRUCHTMAN\u2014GETTY IMAGES A Growing Marathon The New York City Marathon has been run for 54 years. It\u2019s still hosted by NYRR. The race has been canceled only twice: in 2012, following Hurricane Sandy, and again in 2020, because of the COVID-19 pandemic. For the Kids Kids can get involved with NYRR too. Rising New York Road Runners is a youth fitness platform. It has resources for communities in New York City and beyond. The goal is to help kids build confidence through physical activity. Not a runner? That\u2019s okay. It has fitness activities anyone can join in on.","current_level":"","excerpt":"The first New York City marathon took place in 1970. It was hosted by New York Road Runners (NYRR). Only 127 runners entered the 26.2-mile race. Now it\u2019s the world\u2019s largest marathon. It\u2019s held on the first Sunday in November.\u2026","issue_date":1731024000,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g2\/a-big-race-g2\/","post_id":89570,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1730451609,"reading_levels":[],"section":[],"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/06\/G2_241108_big_race.jpg?w=1024","title":"A Big Race","topic":{"id":872,"name":"History","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/history\/","slug":"history"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g2"],"editions_full":[{"id":6,"name":"G2","permalink":"\/g2\/","slug":"g2"}],"objectID":"89570","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"The first New York City marathon took place in 1970. It was hosted by New York Road Runners (NYRR). Only 127 runners entered the 26.2-mile race. Now it\u2019s the world\u2019s largest marathon. It\u2019s held on","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"The first New York City marathon took place in 1970. It was hosted by New York Road Runners (NYRR). Only 127 runners entered the 26.2-mile race. Now it\u2019s the world\u2019s largest marathon. It\u2019s held on the first Sunday in November. More than 55,000 people finished the run in 2024. The 2023 marathon.CRAIG T. FRUCHTMAN\u2014GETTY IMAGES A Growing Marathon The New York City Marathon has been run for 54 years. It\u2019s still hosted by NYRR. The race has been canceled only twice: in 2012, following Hurricane Sandy, and again in 2020, because of the COVID-19 pandemic. For the Kids Kids can get involved with NYRR too. Rising New York Road Runners is a youth fitness platform. It has resources for communities in New York City and beyond. The goal is to help kids build confidence through physical activity. Not a runner? That\u2019s okay. It has fitness activities anyone can join in on.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g2\/a-big-race-g2\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"A Big Race","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g2","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"89615":{"authors":[{"id":32777,"name":"TFK Kid Reporter Dylan Patel","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/tfk-kid-reporter-dylan-patel\/"}],"byline":"","content":"Brian Fisher is an entomologist. That\u2019s a person who studies insects. Fisher works at a museum in San Francisco, California. It\u2019s called the California Academy of Sciences. In April, TFK Kid Reporter Dylan Patel traveled to San Francisco. He met with the famous ant expert. They talked about Fisher\u2019s work. Brian Fisher gives TFK Kid Reporter Dylan Patel a tour of the California Academy of Sciences, in San Francisco, in April 2024.COURTESY KIRAN DUTT From Plants to Insects Fisher\u2019s childhood dream was to be a botanist. That\u2019s a scientist who studies plants. He reached that goal. But Fisher started asking questions about the ants he found on botany expeditions. The other botanists couldn\u2019t identify them. Fisher got in touch with an ant scientist to learn more. Fisher\u2019s career as an entomologist comes from his fascination with different types of ants.ARTRUSH\/GETTY IMAGES GEORGEK\u2014GETTY IMAGES Over time, Fisher\u2019s interest in the ants grew. So he made a change. He became an entomologist. Helping Out Scientists must be \u201cmotivated, driven, and focused,\u201d Fisher says. He has a goal. He wants to identify every type of ant. He would like to create a family tree of ant species. This will require cooperation from scientists around the world. Fisher\u2019s mission took him to Madagascar. It\u2019s an island off the coast of Africa. He didn\u2019t just study ants there. He also helped people. In 2022, Fisher (center) teaches students in Madagascar how to climb trees to collect ants for study.COURTESY BRIAN FISHER Fisher invented a way to farm insects for food. He taught it to people in Madagascar. They use insects to make crackers. The crackers are given to people who need food. Fisher\u2019s ant family tree could open up a new world of insect studies. But if people \u201cnearby are hungry,\u201d he says, it\u2019s more important to work on that first.","current_level":"en-520","excerpt":"Brian Fisher is an entomologist. That\u2019s a person who studies insects. Fisher works at a museum in San Francisco, California. It\u2019s called the California Academy of Sciences. In April, TFK Kid Reporter Dylan Patel traveled to San Francisco. He met\u2026","issue_date":1730419200,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g2\/ant-expert-g2\/","post_id":89615,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1729850441,"reading_levels":{"en-370":"Reading Level 370L","en-520":"Reading Level 520L","en-670":"Reading Level 670L"},"section":[],"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/07\/G2_241101_cover_hero.jpg?w=1024","title":"Ant Expert","topic":{"id":33369,"name":"Careers","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/careers\/","slug":"careers"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en","es"]},"editions":["g2"],"editions_full":[{"id":6,"name":"G2","permalink":"\/g2\/","slug":"g2"}],"objectID":"89615","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"Brian Fisher is an entomologist. That\u2019s a person who studies insects. Fisher works at a museum in San Francisco, California. It\u2019s called the California Academy of Sciences. In April, TFK Kid Reporter Dylan Patel traveled to San Francisco","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"Brian Fisher is an entomologist. That\u2019s a person who studies insects. Fisher works at a museum in San Francisco, California. It\u2019s called the California Academy of Sciences. In April, TFK Kid Reporter Dylan Patel traveled to San Francisco. He met with the famous ant expert. They talked about Fisher\u2019s work. Brian Fisher gives TFK Kid Reporter Dylan Patel a tour of the California Academy of Sciences, in San Francisco, in April 2024.COURTESY KIRAN DUTT From Plants to Insects Fisher\u2019s childhood dream was to be a botanist. That\u2019s a scientist who studies plants. He reached that goal. But Fisher started asking questions about the ants he found on botany expeditions. The other botanists couldn\u2019t identify them. Fisher got in touch with an ant scientist to learn more. Fisher\u2019s career as an entomologist comes from his fascination with different types of ants.ARTRUSH\/GETTY IMAGES GEORGEK\u2014GETTY IMAGES Over time, Fisher\u2019s interest in the ants grew. So he made a change. He became an entomologist. Helping Out Scientists must be \u201cmotivated, driven, and focused,\u201d Fisher says. He has a goal. He wants to identify every type of ant. He would like to create a family tree of ant species. This will require cooperation from scientists around the world. Fisher\u2019s mission took him to Madagascar. It\u2019s an island off the coast of Africa. He didn\u2019t just study ants there. He also helped people. In 2022, Fisher (center) teaches students in Madagascar how to climb trees to collect ants for study.COURTESY BRIAN FISHER Fisher invented a way to farm insects for food. He taught it to people in Madagascar. They use insects to make crackers. The crackers are given to people who need food. Fisher\u2019s ant family tree could open up a new world of insect studies. But if people \u201cnearby are hungry,\u201d he says, it\u2019s more important to work on that first.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g2\/ant-expert-g2\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Ant Expert","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g2","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"89631":{"authors":[{"id":32777,"name":"TFK Kid Reporter Dylan Patel","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/tfk-kid-reporter-dylan-patel\/"}],"byline":"","content":"TFK Kid Reporter Dylan Patel is an ant enthusiast. He is also a photographer. He takes close-up photos. Dylan\u2019s subject of choice? Insects and spiders! He shared some of his pictures with TIME for Kids. Read on to learn more about each of his subjects. The honeybee is a pollinator. It\u2019s \u201cone of the most important animals on this entire planet,\u201d Dylan says.DYLAN PATEL This alien-looking insect is a mantis. It\u2019s \u201cdesigned to be an apex predator,\u201d Dylan explains. That means it eat all kinds of other insects.DYLAN PATEL","current_level":"","excerpt":"TFK Kid Reporter Dylan Patel is an ant enthusiast. He is also a photographer. He takes close-up photos. Dylan\u2019s subject of choice? Insects and spiders! He shared some of his pictures with TIME for Kids. Read on to learn more\u2026","issue_date":1730419200,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g2\/small-subjects-g2\/","post_id":89631,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1729846812,"reading_levels":[],"section":[],"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/07\/G2_241101_tarantula.jpg?w=1024","title":"Small Subjects","topic":{"id":16891,"name":"Science","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/science\/","slug":"science"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g2"],"editions_full":[{"id":6,"name":"G2","permalink":"\/g2\/","slug":"g2"}],"objectID":"89631","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"TFK Kid Reporter Dylan Patel is an ant enthusiast. He is also a photographer. He takes close-up photos. Dylan\u2019s subject of choice? Insects and spiders! He shared some of his pictures with TIME for Kids. Read on to","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"TFK Kid Reporter Dylan Patel is an ant enthusiast. He is also a photographer. He takes close-up photos. Dylan\u2019s subject of choice? Insects and spiders! He shared some of his pictures with TIME for Kids. Read on to learn more about each of his subjects. The honeybee is a pollinator. It\u2019s \u201cone of the most important animals on this entire planet,\u201d Dylan says.DYLAN PATEL This alien-looking insect is a mantis. It\u2019s \u201cdesigned to be an apex predator,\u201d Dylan explains. That means it eat all kinds of other insects.DYLAN PATEL","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g2\/small-subjects-g2\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Small Subjects","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g2","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"90936":{"authors":[{"id":5620,"name":"Allison Singer","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/allison-singer\/"}],"byline":"","content":"On September 12, Jared Isaacman and Sarah Gillis made history. They became the first civilians to perform a spacewalk. Past spacewalks had been done only by professional astronauts. Jared Isaacman, mission commander, Sarah Gillis, mission specialist, Scott Poteet, mission pilot, Anna Menon, medical officerJOHN KRAUS\u2014POLARIS PROGRAM During a spacewalk, an astronaut leaves a spacecraft. They do not actually walk: They float in space. This is also called an extravehicular activity, or EVA. Isaacman and Gillis performed an EVA outside the SpaceX Crew Dragon spacecraft. Mission commander Jared Isaacman pokes his head into space on September 12.SPACEX \u201cMission Complete\u201d Their mission was called Polaris Dawn. It was paid for by SpaceX and Isaacman. He\u2019s a billionaire businessman. He and Gillis were two of the Polaris Dawn crew. They traveled to space with Scott Poteet and Anna Menon. The group set another record. Their trip took them farther into space than anyone has gone since NASA\u2019s moonwalkers. The Polaris Dawn mission lifts off from NASA\u2019s Kennedy Space Center, in Florida, on September 10.JOHN KRAUS\u2014POLARIS PROGRAM The team came back to Earth on September 15. They splashed down in the Gulf of Mexico near Florida. Isaacman radioed to their recovery team: \u201cWe are mission complete.\u201d The four-person Polaris Dawn crew returns to Earth on the Crew Dragon.JOHN KRAUS\u2014POLARIS PROGRAM Risky Business Spacewalks can be risky. Astronaut Alexei Leonov did the first one in 1965. His suit overinflated. But he made it back safely. So did astronaut Gene Cernan, the following year. His suit overheated and his helmet fogged up. Isaacman and Gillis had no such trouble. They were outside the craft for less than half an hour. But they were able to test SpaceX\u2019s nimble new spacesuits. The company hopes to use these suits on missions to the moon and Mars. Mission specialist Sarah Gillis plays violin in space.SPACEX","current_level":"en-530","excerpt":"On September 12, Jared Isaacman and Sarah Gillis made history. They became the first civilians to perform a spacewalk. Past spacewalks had been done only by professional astronauts. During a spacewalk, an astronaut leaves a spacecraft. They do not actually\u2026","issue_date":1729814400,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g2\/polaris-dawn-g2\/","post_id":90936,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1729245615,"reading_levels":{"en-370":"Reading Level 370L","en-530":"Reading Level 530L","en-700":"Reading Level 700L"},"section":[],"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/10\/G2_241025_cover_hero.jpg?w=1024","title":"Polaris Dawn","topic":{"id":875,"name":"Space","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/space\/","slug":"space"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en","es"]},"editions":["g2"],"editions_full":[{"id":6,"name":"G2","permalink":"\/g2\/","slug":"g2"}],"objectID":"90936","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"On September 12, Jared Isaacman and Sarah Gillis made history. They became the first civilians to perform a spacewalk. Past spacewalks had been done only by professional astronauts. Jared Isaacman, mission commander, Sarah Gillis, mission specialist, Scott Poteet, mission pilot","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"On September 12, Jared Isaacman and Sarah Gillis made history. They became the first civilians to perform a spacewalk. Past spacewalks had been done only by professional astronauts. Jared Isaacman, mission commander, Sarah Gillis, mission specialist, Scott Poteet, mission pilot, Anna Menon, medical officerJOHN KRAUS\u2014POLARIS PROGRAM During a spacewalk, an astronaut leaves a spacecraft. They do not actually walk: They float in space. This is also called an extravehicular activity, or EVA. Isaacman and Gillis performed an EVA outside the SpaceX Crew Dragon spacecraft. Mission commander Jared Isaacman pokes his head into space on September 12.SPACEX \u201cMission Complete\u201d Their mission was called Polaris Dawn. It was paid for by SpaceX and Isaacman. He\u2019s a billionaire businessman. He and Gillis were two of the Polaris Dawn crew. They traveled to space with Scott Poteet and Anna Menon. The group set another record. Their trip took them farther into space than anyone has gone since NASA\u2019s moonwalkers. The Polaris Dawn mission lifts off from NASA\u2019s Kennedy Space Center, in Florida, on September 10.JOHN KRAUS\u2014POLARIS PROGRAM The team came back to Earth on September 15. They splashed down in the Gulf of Mexico near Florida. Isaacman radioed to their recovery team: \u201cWe are mission complete.\u201d The four-person Polaris Dawn crew returns to Earth on the Crew Dragon.JOHN KRAUS\u2014POLARIS PROGRAM Risky Business Spacewalks can be risky. Astronaut Alexei Leonov did the first one in 1965. His suit overinflated. But he made it back safely. So did astronaut Gene Cernan, the following year. His suit overheated and his helmet fogged up. Isaacman and Gillis had no such trouble. They were outside the craft for less than half an hour. But they were able to test SpaceX\u2019s nimble new spacesuits. The company hopes to use these suits on missions to the moon and Mars. Mission specialist Sarah Gillis plays violin in space.SPACEX","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g2\/polaris-dawn-g2\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Polaris Dawn","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g2","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"90951":{"authors":[],"byline":"TIME for Kids","content":"When people go on a space mission, they sometimes go outside the spacecraft. This is called a spacewalk. Read about four noteworthy spacewalks in history. First Spacewalk On March 18, 1965, cosmonaut Alexei Leonov (above) floated outside Russia\u2019s Voskhod 2 craft. His walk lasted about 12 minutes. First U.S. Spacewalk HERITAGE SPACE\/HERITAGE IMAGES\/GETTY IMAGES American Edward H. White took his walk on June 3, 1965. He spent 36 minutes outside Gemini 4. First Untethered Spacewalk SPACE FRONTIERS\/GETTY IMAGES American Bruce McCandless walked unconnected to the craft on February 7, 1984. It was a \u201cbig leap,\u201d he said. Longest Spacewalk NASA On March 11, 2001, Americans Susan Helms and James Voss walked for nearly nine hours. Theirs is still the longest spacewalk.","current_level":"","excerpt":"When people go on a space mission, they sometimes go outside the spacecraft. This is called a spacewalk. Read about four noteworthy spacewalks in history.\r First Spacewalk On March 18, 1965, cosmonaut Alexei Leonov (above) floated outside Russia\u2019s Voskhod 2\u2026","issue_date":1729814400,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g2\/walking-in-space-g2\/","post_id":90951,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1729242043,"reading_levels":[],"section":[],"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/10\/G2_241025_first_spacewalk.jpg?w=1024","title":"Walking in Space","topic":{"id":875,"name":"Space","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/space\/","slug":"space"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g2"],"editions_full":[{"id":6,"name":"G2","permalink":"\/g2\/","slug":"g2"}],"objectID":"90951","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"When people go on a space mission, they sometimes go outside the spacecraft. This is called a spacewalk. Read about four noteworthy spacewalks in history. First Spacewalk On March 18, 1965, cosmonaut Alexei Leonov (above) floated outside Russia\u2019s Voskhod","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"When people go on a space mission, they sometimes go outside the spacecraft. This is called a spacewalk. Read about four noteworthy spacewalks in history. First Spacewalk On March 18, 1965, cosmonaut Alexei Leonov (above) floated outside Russia\u2019s Voskhod 2 craft. His walk lasted about 12 minutes. First U.S. Spacewalk HERITAGE SPACE\/HERITAGE IMAGES\/GETTY IMAGES American Edward H. White took his walk on June 3, 1965. He spent 36 minutes outside Gemini 4. First Untethered Spacewalk SPACE FRONTIERS\/GETTY IMAGES American Bruce McCandless walked unconnected to the craft on February 7, 1984. It was a \u201cbig leap,\u201d he said. Longest Spacewalk NASA On March 11, 2001, Americans Susan Helms and James Voss walked for nearly nine hours. Theirs is still the longest spacewalk.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g2\/walking-in-space-g2\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Walking in Space","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g2","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"90697":{"authors":[],"byline":"Koh Ewe for TIME, adapted by TIME for Kids editors","content":"Meet Moo Deng. She is a baby pygmy hippopotamus. She is three months old. She lives at Khao Kheow Open Zoo. That is in Thailand. Moo Deng was born on July 10. Her name means \u201cbouncy pig\u201d or \u201cpork patty.\u201d She is always making funny faces. This has made Moo Deng famous online. Her keepers take photos and videos of her. They share them on social media. Many have gone viral. Moo Deng is famous on social media.LILLIAN SUWANRUMPHA\u2014AFP\/GETTY IMAGES Protecting Pygmy Hippos Pygmy hippos are smaller than other hippos. They weigh only about 500 pounds, fully grown. Other hippos weigh thousands of pounds. Pygmy hippos are native to West Africa. They are endangered. There are only about 2,000 of them left in the wild. Moo Deng and her mother, Jona, get a lot of visitors.RACHEN SAGEAMSAK\u2014XINHUA\/GETTY IMAGES The zoo wants to keep Moo Deng safe. Lots of people travel to see her. Some throw things to get her attention. Workers keep a close eye on visitors. Narongwit Chodchoi is the zoo\u2019s director. \u201cWe must protect these animals and ensure that they have a safe and comfortable environment,\u201d he says.","current_level":"en-500","excerpt":"Meet Moo Deng. She is a baby pygmy hippopotamus. She is three months old. She lives at Khao Kheow Open Zoo. That is in Thailand.\r Moo Deng was born on July 10. Her name means \u201cbouncy pig\u201d or \u201cpork patty.\u201d\u2026","issue_date":1729209600,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g2\/hippo-hooray-g2\/","post_id":90697,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1728558729,"reading_levels":{"en-290":"Reading Level 290L","en-500":"Reading Level 500L","en-660":"Reading Level 660L"},"section":[],"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/10\/G2_241018_cover_hero.jpg?w=1024","title":"Hippo Hooray","topic":{"id":1937,"name":"World","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/world\/","slug":"world"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en","es"]},"editions":["g2"],"editions_full":[{"id":6,"name":"G2","permalink":"\/g2\/","slug":"g2"}],"objectID":"90697","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"Meet Moo Deng. She is a baby pygmy hippopotamus. She is three months old. She lives at Khao Kheow Open Zoo. That is in Thailand. Moo Deng was born on July 10. Her name means \u201cbouncy pig\u201d or \u201cpork patty","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"Meet Moo Deng. She is a baby pygmy hippopotamus. She is three months old. She lives at Khao Kheow Open Zoo. That is in Thailand. Moo Deng was born on July 10. Her name means \u201cbouncy pig\u201d or \u201cpork patty.\u201d She is always making funny faces. This has made Moo Deng famous online. Her keepers take photos and videos of her. They share them on social media. Many have gone viral. Moo Deng is famous on social media.LILLIAN SUWANRUMPHA\u2014AFP\/GETTY IMAGES Protecting Pygmy Hippos Pygmy hippos are smaller than other hippos. They weigh only about 500 pounds, fully grown. Other hippos weigh thousands of pounds. Pygmy hippos are native to West Africa. They are endangered. There are only about 2,000 of them left in the wild. Moo Deng and her mother, Jona, get a lot of visitors.RACHEN SAGEAMSAK\u2014XINHUA\/GETTY IMAGES The zoo wants to keep Moo Deng safe. Lots of people travel to see her. Some throw things to get her attention. Workers keep a close eye on visitors. Narongwit Chodchoi is the zoo\u2019s director. \u201cWe must protect these animals and ensure that they have a safe and comfortable environment,\u201d he says.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g2\/hippo-hooray-g2\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Hippo Hooray","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g2","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"90711":{"authors":[],"byline":"TIME for Kids","content":"Here, teams from Boeing and NASA tend to the Starliner spacecraft. It returned to Earth on September 6. It landed in White Sands Space Harbor, in New Mexico. The Starliner arrived without its crew members. They are at the International Space Station. They will return in February.","current_level":"","excerpt":"Here, teams from Boeing and NASA tend to the Starliner spacecraft. It returned to Earth on September 6. It landed in White Sands Space Harbor, in New Mexico. The Starliner arrived without its crew members. They are at the International\u2026","issue_date":1729209600,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g2\/snapshot-g2\/","post_id":90711,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1728558698,"reading_levels":[],"section":[],"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/10\/G2_241018_snapshot_starliner_returns.jpg?w=1024","title":"Snapshot","topic":{"id":875,"name":"Space","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/space\/","slug":"space"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g2"],"editions_full":[{"id":6,"name":"G2","permalink":"\/g2\/","slug":"g2"}],"objectID":"90711","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"Here, teams from Boeing and NASA tend to the Starliner spacecraft. It returned to Earth on September 6. It landed in White Sands Space Harbor, in New Mexico. The Starliner arrived without its crew members. They are at the International","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"Here, teams from Boeing and NASA tend to the Starliner spacecraft. It returned to Earth on September 6. It landed in White Sands Space Harbor, in New Mexico. The Starliner arrived without its crew members. They are at the International Space Station. They will return in February.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g2\/snapshot-g2\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Snapshot","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g2","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"90709":{"authors":[{"id":6845,"name":"Candace Dipsey","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/candace-dipsey\/"}],"byline":"","content":"Carlsbad Caverns National Park is a system of caves. It is in New Mexico. In September, a bag of Cheetos was dropped there. It caused problems for cave life. Food and drink are not allowed in the caves. A spilled snack might seem harmless. But \u201cto the life of the cave it can be world changing.\u201d That is according to a park official. It was posted on Facebook on September 6. The Cheetos \u201cformed the perfect environment\u201d for fungus. Much of this did not belong in the cave. Rangers spent time removing it. The post reminded people that \u201cwe all leave an impact wherever we go.\u201d","current_level":"","excerpt":"Carlsbad Caverns National Park is a system of caves. It is in New Mexico. In September, a bag of Cheetos was dropped there. It caused problems for cave life. Food and drink are not allowed in the caves. A spilled\u2026","issue_date":1729209600,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g2\/unwelcome-object-g2\/","post_id":90709,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1728558676,"reading_levels":[],"section":[],"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/10\/G2_241018_unwanted_object.jpg?w=1024","title":"Unwelcome Object","topic":{"id":878,"name":"Environment","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/environment\/","slug":"environment"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g2"],"editions_full":[{"id":6,"name":"G2","permalink":"\/g2\/","slug":"g2"}],"objectID":"90709","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"Carlsbad Caverns National Park is a system of caves. It is in New Mexico. In September, a bag of Cheetos was dropped there. It caused problems for cave life. Food and drink are not allowed in the caves. A spilled","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"Carlsbad Caverns National Park is a system of caves. It is in New Mexico. In September, a bag of Cheetos was dropped there. It caused problems for cave life. Food and drink are not allowed in the caves. A spilled snack might seem harmless. But \u201cto the life of the cave it can be world changing.\u201d That is according to a park official. It was posted on Facebook on September 6. The Cheetos \u201cformed the perfect environment\u201d for fungus. Much of this did not belong in the cave. Rangers spent time removing it. The post reminded people that \u201cwe all leave an impact wherever we go.\u201d","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g2\/unwelcome-object-g2\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Unwelcome Object","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g2","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"90714":{"authors":[{"id":38588,"name":"Lillian Stone","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/lillian-stone\/"}],"byline":"","content":"Historical Records is the newest podcast from Story Pirates. Each episode turns a person\u2019s life story into a hip-hop song. Broadway actress Nimene Wureh hosts the show. \u201cThe purpose is to highlight people who are underrepresented. People who did amazing things in history,\u201d Wureh told TIME for Kids. One example is Claudette Colvin. She is a civil rights activist. She may not be as famous as a president or a sports star. But she changed the world.","current_level":"","excerpt":"Historical Records is the newest podcast from Story Pirates. Each episode turns a person\u2019s life story into a hip-hop song. Broadway actress Nimene Wureh hosts the show. \u201cThe purpose is to highlight people who are underrepresented. People who did amazing\u2026","issue_date":1729209600,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g2\/historic-hits-g2\/","post_id":90714,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1728558665,"reading_levels":[],"section":[],"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/10\/G2_241018_Historical_Hits.jpg?w=1024","title":"Historic Hits","topic":{"id":1175,"name":"Music and Theater","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/music-and-theater\/","slug":"music-and-theater"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g2"],"editions_full":[{"id":6,"name":"G2","permalink":"\/g2\/","slug":"g2"}],"objectID":"90714","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"Historical Records is the newest podcast from Story Pirates. Each episode turns a person\u2019s life story into a hip-hop song. Broadway actress Nimene Wureh hosts the show. \u201cThe purpose is to highlight people who are underrepresented. People who","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"Historical Records is the newest podcast from Story Pirates. Each episode turns a person\u2019s life story into a hip-hop song. Broadway actress Nimene Wureh hosts the show. \u201cThe purpose is to highlight people who are underrepresented. People who did amazing things in history,\u201d Wureh told TIME for Kids. One example is Claudette Colvin. She is a civil rights activist. She may not be as famous as a president or a sports star. But she changed the world.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g2\/historic-hits-g2\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Historic Hits","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g2","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"90717":{"authors":[{"id":38595,"name":"TFK Kid Reporter Evelyn Peng","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/tfk-kid-reporter-evelyn-peng\/"}],"byline":"","content":"Spooky Celebrations Around the World is a new book by Matt Ralphs. It details spooky traditions from different countries. Many cultures celebrate those who have died. But not all these celebrations are scary. They can be joyful and fun, too. Beautiful illustrations show the festivities. As a kid, Ralphs loved being scared. He thinks most kids are like that. \u201cLots of people like to be scared, but in a safe way,\u201d he told TIME for Kids. Stories are a great way to do that. Anyone curious about the world will enjoy this book. \u201cWherever you\u2019re from, you\u2019ll see similarities of things people enjoy,\u201d Ralphs says.","current_level":"","excerpt":"Spooky Celebrations Around the World is a new book by Matt Ralphs. It details spooky traditions from different countries. Many cultures celebrate those who have died. But not all these celebrations are scary. They can be joyful and fun, too.\u2026","issue_date":1729209600,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g2\/beyond-halloween-g2\/","post_id":90717,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1728558647,"reading_levels":[],"section":[],"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/10\/G2_241018_beyond_halloween.jpg?w=1024","title":"Beyond Halloween","topic":{"id":890,"name":"Books","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/books\/","slug":"books"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g2"],"editions_full":[{"id":6,"name":"G2","permalink":"\/g2\/","slug":"g2"}],"objectID":"90717","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"Spooky Celebrations Around the World is a new book by Matt Ralphs. It details spooky traditions from different countries. Many cultures celebrate those who have died. But not all these celebrations are scary. They can be joyful and fun, too","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"Spooky Celebrations Around the World is a new book by Matt Ralphs. It details spooky traditions from different countries. Many cultures celebrate those who have died. But not all these celebrations are scary. They can be joyful and fun, too. Beautiful illustrations show the festivities. As a kid, Ralphs loved being scared. He thinks most kids are like that. \u201cLots of people like to be scared, but in a safe way,\u201d he told TIME for Kids. Stories are a great way to do that. Anyone curious about the world will enjoy this book. \u201cWherever you\u2019re from, you\u2019ll see similarities of things people enjoy,\u201d Ralphs says.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g2\/beyond-halloween-g2\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Beyond Halloween","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g2","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"90641":{"authors":[{"id":38588,"name":"Lillian Stone","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/lillian-stone\/"}],"byline":"","content":"A United States presidential election is coming up. Voters will go to the polls on Tuesday, November 5. Some people will vote by mail even sooner. The winner of the election will lead the country for the next four years. There are two main candidates. One is Donald Trump. He served as president of the U.S. from 2017 to 2021. The other is Kamala Harris. She is the U.S. vice president. She works alongside the current president, Joe Biden. Donald Trump represents the Republican Party. He won the 2016 presidential election. He served for one term. U.S. presidents can serve two terms. If Trump is reelected, he will serve in the White House for four more years. Donald Trump is a former U.S. president. He served from 2017 to 2021.HANNAH BEIER\u2014BLOOMBERG\/GETTY IMAGES Kamala Harris represents the Democratic Party. She became the Democratic nominee later than usual. President Biden was the Democratic nominee until July 21. Then he dropped out of the race. Harris became the party\u2019s candidate soon after. Kamala Harris is the current vice president of the United States.ANNA MONEYMAKER\u2014GETTY IMAGES Connecting with Voters Both Trump and Harris are trying to win votes. The candidates are traveling around the country. They are visiting big cities and small towns. They are giving speeches. And they are talking to voters about their ideas. Trump appears at a campaign event in Uniondale, New York, in September.DAVID DEE DELGADO\u2014AFP\/GETTY IMAGES Harris speaks at the Community College of Philadelphia, in Pennsylvania, in September.JIM WATSON\u2014AFP\/GETTY IMAGES Americans must be 18 years old to vote. But everyone should pay attention. Presidential elections are important moments for the country. Election Words campaign: a series of actions to meet a goal; a series of actions that a candidate takes in order to win an election candidate: a person who is running for office drop out: to quit nominee: a person chosen by a political party to be its candidate political party: an organized group of voters with similar ideas and goals for a country and its government polls: surveys of groups; places where people vote term: the amount of time a person can serve in a political position","current_level":"en-510","excerpt":"A United States presidential election is coming up. Voters will go to the polls on Tuesday, November 5. Some people will vote by mail even sooner. The winner of the election will lead the country for the next four years.\r\u2026","issue_date":1728604800,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g2\/election-2024-g2\/","post_id":90641,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1728034201,"reading_levels":{"en-340":"Reading Level 340L","en-510":"Reading Level 510L","en-670":"Reading Level 670L"},"section":[],"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/10\/G2_241011_cover_hero.jpg?w=1024","title":"Election 2024","topic":{"id":39277,"name":"Election 2024","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/election-2024\/","slug":"election-2024"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en","es"]},"editions":["g2"],"editions_full":[{"id":6,"name":"G2","permalink":"\/g2\/","slug":"g2"}],"objectID":"90641","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"A United States presidential election is coming up. Voters will go to the polls on Tuesday, November 5. Some people will vote by mail even sooner. The winner of the election will lead the country for the next four years","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"A United States presidential election is coming up. Voters will go to the polls on Tuesday, November 5. Some people will vote by mail even sooner. The winner of the election will lead the country for the next four years. There are two main candidates. One is Donald Trump. He served as president of the U.S. from 2017 to 2021. The other is Kamala Harris. She is the U.S. vice president. She works alongside the current president, Joe Biden. Donald Trump represents the Republican Party. He won the 2016 presidential election. He served for one term. U.S. presidents can serve two terms. If Trump is reelected, he will serve in the White House for four more years. Donald Trump is a former U.S. president. He served from 2017 to 2021.HANNAH BEIER\u2014BLOOMBERG\/GETTY IMAGES Kamala Harris represents the Democratic Party. She became the Democratic nominee later than usual. President Biden was the Democratic nominee until July 21. Then he dropped out of the race. Harris became the party\u2019s candidate soon after. Kamala Harris is the current vice president of the United States.ANNA MONEYMAKER\u2014GETTY IMAGES Connecting with Voters Both Trump and Harris are trying to win votes. The candidates are traveling around the country. They are visiting big cities and small towns. They are giving speeches. And they are talking to voters about their ideas. Trump appears at a campaign event in Uniondale, New York, in September.DAVID DEE DELGADO\u2014AFP\/GETTY IMAGES Harris speaks at the Community College of Philadelphia, in Pennsylvania, in September.JIM WATSON\u2014AFP\/GETTY IMAGES Americans must be 18 years old to vote. But everyone should pay attention. Presidential elections are important moments for the country. Election Words campaign: a series of actions to meet a goal; a series of actions that a candidate takes in order to win an election candidate: a person who is running for office drop out: to quit nominee: a person chosen by a political party to be its candidate political party: an organized group of voters with similar ideas and goals for a country and its government polls: surveys of groups; places where people vote term: the amount of time a person can serve in a political position","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g2\/election-2024-g2\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Election 2024","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g2","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}}},"nbHits":884,"page":0,"nbPages":45,"hitsPerPage":20,"exhaustiveNbHits":true,"exhaustiveTypo":true,"exhaustive":{"nbHits":true,"typo":true},"query":"","params":"exactOnSingleWordQuery=word&facetFilters=%5B%5B%22editions%3Ag2%22%5D%2C%5B%22post_type%3Atfk_article%22%5D%2C%22subscribers_only%3A-true%22%2C%22family_only%3A-true%22%2C%22teacher_only%3A-true%22%5D&page=0","renderingContent":[],"processingTimeMS":1,"processingTimingsMS":{"_request":{"roundTrip":1},"afterFetch":{"format":{"highlighting":1,"snippeting":3,"total":5}},"total":1},"serverTimeMS":6}}; </script> </head> <body class="archive post-type-archive post-type-archive-tfk_article"> <a href="#main-content" class="skip-to-main-content">Skip to main content</a> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 0 0" width="0" height="0" focusable="false" role="none" style="visibility: hidden; position: absolute; left: -9999px; overflow: 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tabindex="-1" >Donald Trump has won the 2024 presidential election. He defeated Vice President Kamala Harris. Results of the November 5 election were announced the following day. Trump spoke to the nation after the polls had closed. His win looked certain. “I…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--language-es"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Spanish</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">Entertainment</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Same Same</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> November 6, 2024 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >Author Jennifer E. Smith and illustrator Leo Espinosa are the team behind The Creature of Habit. Readers of the book meet a large creature and a small one. The large creature does the exact same thing every day. He likes…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">United States</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Let&#039;s Go!</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> November 1, 2024 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >Jaxon Porter, 11, is happiest behind the wheel. He’s too young to have a driver’s license. He races go-karts. “I just love going fast,” Jaxon told TIME for Kids. He races at speeds up to 70 m.p.h. Jaxon started racing…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--language-es"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Spanish</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">United States</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >A Big Race</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> November 1, 2024 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >The first New York City marathon took place in 1970. It was hosted by New York Road Runners (NYRR). Only 127 runners entered the 26.2-mile race. Now it’s the world’s largest marathon. It’s held on the first Sunday in November.…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">Animals</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Ant Expert</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> October 25, 2024 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >Brian Fisher is an entomologist. That’s a person who studies insects. Fisher works at a museum in San Francisco, California. It’s called the California Academy of Sciences. In April, TFK Kid Reporter Dylan Patel traveled to San Francisco. He met…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--language-es"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Spanish</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">Science</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Small Subjects</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> October 25, 2024 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >TFK Kid Reporter Dylan Patel is an ant enthusiast. He is also a photographer. He takes close-up photos. Dylan’s subject of choice? Insects and spiders! He shared some of his pictures with TIME for Kids. Read on to learn more…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">United States</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Polaris Dawn</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> October 18, 2024 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >On September 12, Jared Isaacman and Sarah Gillis made history. They became the first civilians to perform a spacewalk. Past spacewalks had been done only by professional astronauts. During a spacewalk, an astronaut leaves a spacecraft. They do not actually…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--language-es"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Spanish</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">History</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Walking in Space</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> October 18, 2024 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >When people go on a space mission, they sometimes go outside the spacecraft. This is called a spacewalk. Read about four noteworthy spacewalks in history. First Spacewalk On March 18, 1965, cosmonaut Alexei Leonov (above) floated outside Russia’s Voskhod 2…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">Animals</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Hippo Hooray</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> October 10, 2024 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >Meet Moo Deng. She is a baby pygmy hippopotamus. She is three months old. She lives at Khao Kheow Open Zoo. That is in Thailand. Moo Deng was born on July 10. Her name means “bouncy pig” or “pork patty.”…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--language-es"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Spanish</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">United States</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Snapshot</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> October 10, 2024 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >Here, teams from Boeing and NASA tend to the Starliner spacecraft. It returned to Earth on September 6. It landed in White Sands Space Harbor, in New Mexico. The Starliner arrived without its crew members. They are at the International…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">United States</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Unwelcome Object</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> October 10, 2024 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >Carlsbad Caverns National Park is a system of caves. It is in New Mexico. In September, a bag of Cheetos was dropped there. It caused problems for cave life. Food and drink are not allowed in the caves. A spilled…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">Entertainment</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Historic Hits</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> October 10, 2024 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >Historical Records is the newest podcast from Story Pirates. Each episode turns a person’s life story into a hip-hop song. Broadway actress Nimene Wureh hosts the show. “The purpose is to highlight people who are underrepresented. People who did amazing…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">Entertainment</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Beyond Halloween</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> October 10, 2024 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >Spooky Celebrations Around the World is a new book by Matt Ralphs. It details spooky traditions from different countries. Many cultures celebrate those who have died. But not all these celebrations are scary. They can be joyful and fun, too.…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">United States</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Election 2024</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> October 4, 2024 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >A United States presidential election is coming up. Voters will go to the polls on Tuesday, November 5. Some people will vote by mail even sooner. The winner of the election will lead the country for the next four years. …</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--language-es"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Spanish</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <nav class="navigation pagination" aria-label="Posts"> <h2 class="screen-reader-text">Posts navigation</h2> <div class="nav-links"><span aria-current="page" class="page-numbers current">1</span> <a class="page-numbers" href="">2</a> <a class="page-numbers" href="">3</a> <a class="page-numbers" href="">4</a> <a class="page-numbers" href="">5</a> <span class="page-numbers dots">&hellip;</span> <a class="page-numbers" href="">45</a> <a class="next page-numbers" href="">Next</a></div> </nav> </div> </div> </div> </main> <!-- d6e5c47a495f6107cc2ee19d4ddc3a26e11967050d1e84a2df59300955eb6468|1730503478 --><footer class="c-footer dont-print"> <div class="site-container"> <div class="standard-container"> <nav> <ul class="c-footer__menu-items"> <li class="c-footer__menu-item"><a href="/contact-us/">Contact us</a></li> <li class="c-footer__menu-item"><a href="/privacy-policy/">Privacy policy</a></li> <li class="c-footer__menu-item"><a href="/privacy-policy/#_Toc54003735">California privacy</a></li> <li class="c-footer__menu-item"><a href="/terms-of-service/">Terms of Service</a></li> <li class="c-footer__menu-item"><a href="">Subscribe</a></li> <li class="c-footer__menu-item"><a href="">CLASSROOM INTERNATIONAL</a></li> </ul> </nav> <img src="" class="c-footer__logo" alt="TIME for Kids." /> <div class="horizontal-rule"></div> <div class="c-footer__legal"> <small>&copy; 2024 TIME USA, LLC. 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