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GC has the social contribution goal of "Good Companion, GC," to realize the value of "Together" based on the spirit of "Service & Consideration". To achieve this goal, GC continues to carry out various volunteer activities, </span> <span class="fd fd-up"> including donation of company medicines, support for scholarships and research funds, active volunteering by employees, support for the underprivileged, and blood donation. Contributing to social value creation, GC is maintaining a solid relationship of trust with society. </span> </p> <div class="mid-con fd"> <div class="typo-object social-object02"></div> </div> <div class="social-wrap"> <p class="title fd fd-up">Start Together</p> <ul> <li class="fd fd-up"> <p class="txt01 b c-navy list-title">Roundup Donation</p> <div class="content"> <p class="c-navy txt02">A program that donates less than 1,000 won (last three digits) out of monthly salary</p> <div class="detail"> <div class="table-wrap thin table02"> <table> <caption>Roundup Donation</caption> <colgroup> <col width="25%"> <col width="25%"> <col width="25%"> <col width="25%"> </colgroup> <thead> <tr> <th><span>Classification</span></th> <th><span>2019</span></th> <th><span>2020</span></th> <th><span>2021</span></th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td><span>Roundup Donation (KRW)</span></td> <td><span>12,376,904</span></td> <td><span>11,785,272</span></td> <td><span>9,688,605</span></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="fd fd-up"> <p class="txt01 b c-navy list-title">Year-end Donation of 1%</p> <div class="content"> <p class="c-navy txt02">A program that donates 1% of net salary in December every year</p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="social-wrap"> <p class="title fd fd-up">Share Together</p> <ul> <li class="fd fd-up"> <p class="txt01 b c-navy list-title">Matching Grant</p> <div class="content"> <p class="c-navy txt02">A program in which the company donates an amount equal to that of employees every month</p> <div class="detail"> <p class="txt-wrap txt03"> <span> It is a program connecting the charity donors one-on-one with recipients. It has been operated since 2008 to provide continuous support to the underprivileged in the community. It shows GC's efforts to take the lead in making donations together with its employees. </span> <span> In this program, when employees donate a certain amount to underprivileged neighbors such as the elderly living alone and child heads of households, the company also donates the same amount. For this program, GC is collaborating with Yongin Social Welfare Center, Community Chest of Korea, and non-profit organizations such as the Green Umbrella Children's Foundation and local district offices to find and support seniors living alone and low-income families who desperately need help. </span> <span> In addition to financial support, we are also carrying out volunteer activities through the Matching Grant system, such as visiting the homes of the elderly living alone to replace their old wallpaper and floors, and becoming a companion for them. </span> </p> <div class="img-list"> <div style="background-image:url(/eng/image/social-img01.jpg)"></div> <div style="background-image:url(/eng/image/social-img02.jpg)"></div> <div style="background-image:url(/eng/image/social-img03.jpg)"></div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="fd fd-up"> <p class="txt01 b c-navy list-title">GC Volunteer Group</p> <div class="content"> <p class="c-navy txt02">A volunteer activity program that organizes and develops activities tailored for the characteristics of each business site</p> <div class="detail"> <p class="txt03">GC launched the "GC Volunteer Group" in 2004 to actively practice the value of "Service & Consideration". More than 100 volunteer teams organized by each business site are taking the lead in spreading the culture of sharing. We support employees and their families to more actively participate in the love for neighbors and refresh the local community. </p> <div class="img-list"> <div style="background-image:url(/eng/image/social-img04.jpg)"></div> <div style="background-image:url(/eng/image/social-img05.jpg)"></div> <div style="background-image:url(/eng/image/social-img06.jpg)"></div> </div> </div> </div> </li> <li class="fd fd-up"> <p class="txt01 b c-navy list-title">Good Neighbor Day</p> <div class="content"> <p class="c-navy txt02">A volunteer program partnered with family members of employees</p> </div> </li> <li class="fd fd-up"> <p class="txt01 b c-navy list-title">GC Charity Bazaar</p> <div class="content"> <p class="c-navy txt02">A donation bazaar to help neighbors in need with the proceeds from the sale of the goods donated by employees</p> <div class="detail"> <p class="txt-wrap txt03"> <span> This bazaar started in 1992 with the purpose of "a small practice of loving neighbors" and has been established as GC's representative social contribution activity for over 30 years. In this place of sharing, we help our neighbors in need with the proceeds from sales of goods donated by executives and employees, and also save resources. In addition, we are providing a "place of sharing" where all employees can happily participate in food markets and giveaway events. The initial proceeds of 850,000 won have been raised to a total of 600 million won, and has been used to give hope to the less fortunate. </span> <span> GC strives to provide practical help to underprivileged neighbors by supporting social welfare facilities affiliated with the GC Volunteer Corps, support living expenses for the elderly living alone, foreign workers, and North Korean defectors, and also support school expenses for child heads of households. </span> </p> <div class="img-list"> <div style="background-image:url(/eng/image/social-img07.jpg)"></div> <div style="background-image:url(/eng/image/social-img08.jpg)"></div> <div style="background-image:url(/eng/image/social-img09.jpg)"></div> </div> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="social-wrap last"> <p class="title fd fd-up">Support Together</p> <ul> <li class="fd fd-up"> <p class="txt01 b c-navy list-title">GC Walk Together</p> <div class="content"> <p class="c-navy txt02">Donation through daily walks</p> </div> </li> <li class="fd fd-up"> <p class="txt01 b c-navy list-title">GC Plogging</p> <div class="content"> <p class="c-navy txt02">A volunteer program to pick up trash while jogging</p> </div> </li> <li class="fd fd-up"> <p class="txt01 b c-navy list-title">GC's Year-end Donation </p> <div class="content"> <p class="c-navy txt02">A donation program to help patients with a rare disease (Hunter syndrome and Hemophilia)</p> </div> </li> <li class="fd fd-up"> <p class="txt01 b c-navy list-title">Blood Donation of Love</p> <div class="content"> <p class="c-navy txt02">Blood donation of employees</p> <div class="detail"> <p class="txt-wrap txt03"> <span> As a company specializing in blood products, GC has been holding this annual event since 1992 to contribute to the national blood donation project. Regular blood donation events are held at each business site three times a year. When there is a lack of blood stock, separate blood donation events are held to help save lives. </span> <span> <span class="c-navy b">Blood donation of Love</span>GC Biopharma regularly runs the Blood Donation of Love campaign 12 times a year at business sites across the country. A total of 15,000 people participated in the blood donation event that lasted for 20 years, and more than 1,000 employees are actively participating in the campaign to save precious lives every year. </span> <span> <span class="c-navy b">Operation of Blood Donation Bank</span>GC Biopharma operates the blood donation bank system to efficiently manage the blood donation certificates donated by employees. GC is fulfilling its social responsibility as a company that protects the health of the people by providing blood donation certificates to support foundations and patients suffering from various diseases. </span> </p> <div class="img-list"> <div style="background-image:url(/eng/image/social-img10.jpg)"></div> <div style="background-image:url(/eng/image/social-img11.jpg)"></div> <div style="background-image:url(/eng/image/social-img12.jpg)"></div> </div> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="mid-con none1366 fd"> <div class="typo-object social-object03"></div> </div> <p class="section-tit fd fd-up">In addition, <br/>it serves as a public health and safety net<br/> <span class="b">by looking after places where help is needed.</span></p> <p class="body-tit fd fd-up">Public Health And Safety Net</p> <p class="txt01 c-navy b fd fd-up">Support for COVID-19 Screening Clinics <br/>and Temporary Screening Centers</p> <p class="txt03 fd fd-up" style="margin:20px 0">GC has established, operated and supported 21 COVID-19 screening clinics and <br class="none640"/>temporary screening clinics nationwide, starting with Changwon, in collaboration with the Gyeongsangnam-do Provincial Office, where it is collecting samples and providing PCR test results quickly and accurately. </p> <p class="txt04 r fd fd-up">(Changwon Sports Park Meeting Plaza, Gimhae Jinyeong Public Stadium, Gimhae Dongbu Dementia Center, Jinju Youth Training Center, Yangsan Mulgeum-eup Public Health Branch, etc.)</p> </div> <div class="tab-content"> <p class="txt02 fd fd-up">GC seeks to actively practice human rights management to prevent risks of human rights violations that may occur throughout business activities. <br/>For this purpose, we intend to establish our own human rights management policy, respect international standards and principles, and reinforce the human rights management process, which includes vitalization of internal and external communication and relief procedures.</p> <div class="mid-con fd"> <div class="typo-object social-object04"></div> </div> <p class="small-tit fd fd-up">Human Rights Management Policy</p> <p class="section-tit fd fd-up">Strict standards <br/><span class="b">Establishment of human rights management policy</span></p> <p class="txt02 fd fd-up">GC has established a human rights management policy to respect and protect the human rights of employees and stakeholders. <br class="none1200"/>Members of the business partners that GC plans to manage include its employees, corporations for overseas production and sales, subsidiaries, and subcontractors. <br class="none1200"/>In cases where provisions defined in the human rights management policy conflict with national laws and regulations, GC will apply the more stringent one to protect the human rights of stakeholders, its members and partner companies, as much as possible.</p> <div class="dx120"> <ul class="number-content"> <li> <p class="num fd fd-up">1</p> <div class="content"> <div class="tit fd fd-up"> <span>Human Rights Management Principles</span> <div class="line"></div> </div> <p class="txt fd fd-up">GC respects the human rights of all stakeholders, including executives and employees, throughout the business management and business activities, and strives to practice human rights management. GC has enacted the "GC Human Rights Charter" and discloses it internally and externally. The Charter is based on the international standards and guidelines related to human rights and labor, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, core conventions of the International Labor Organization, the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for responsible Business Conduct). In addition, GC has established the Code of Ethics, Supplier Code of Conduct, and various regulations, and strictly observes them in business activities in order to prevent direct or indirect human rights violations within the workplace or in business relationships.</p> </div> </li> <li> <p class="num fd fd-up">2</p> <div class="content"> <div class="tit fd fd-up"> <span>Human Rights Education</span> <div class="line"></div> </div> <p class="txt fd fd-up">GC recognizes the importance of human rights management, respects the human rights of its employees, and provides them with human rights training every year to raise their awareness of human rights. GC provides its domestic employees with training on labor and human rights, such as preventing sexual harassment, workplace bullying, and improving awareness of the disabled. GC will continue its efforts to protect human rights within the workplace by conducting various human rights education programs.</p> </div> </li> <li> <p class="num fd fd-up">3</p> <div class="content"> <div class="tit fd fd-up"> <span>Scope of the Human Rights Charter</span> <div class="line"></div> </div> <p class="txt fd fd-up">GC practices human rights management throughout its business activities. This Charter of Human Rights applies to all stakeholders throughout business activities, including investment and mergers and acquisitions, which include GC’s executives and employees (including executives, employees, and temporary workers), partners with whom GC has various business relationships, investments, and mergers and acquisitions.If the provisions covered by the Charter of Human Rights conflict with the laws of the country, the laws and regulations shall be obeyed first, and this Charter of Human Rights may be revised to reflect the laws and regulations of the country and the characteristics of the industry. All executives and staff members of GC shall conduct their duties in accordance with the Human Rights Charter, unless otherwise stipulated in national laws or the organization's articles of incorporation or company regulations.</p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="dx200"> <p class="small-tit fd fd-up">Human Rights Charter</p> <p class="section-tit fd fd-up">People and People <br/><span class="b">Establishment of Human Rights Charter</span></p> <p class="txt02 fd fd-up">GC has established a human rights management policy to respect and protect the human rights of its employees and stakeholders, and will apply it to its members including GC executives and employees, overseas production and sales corporations, subsidiaries, and business partners including subcontractors. In cases where provisions defined in the human rights management policy conflict with national laws and regulations, GC will apply the more stringent one to protect the human rights of stakeholders, its members and partner companies, as much as possible.</p> <div class="dx120"> <ul class="number-content"> <li> <p class="num fd fd-up">1</p> <div class="content"> <div class="tit fd fd-up"> <span>Ban on Discrimination</span> <div class="line"></div> </div> <p class="txt fd fd-up">GC prohibits discrimination based on the following without reasonable grounds in recruitment, hiring, wages, benefits, education, training, placement, transfer, promotion, retirement, dismissal, retirement age: gender, age, religion, social Status, region of origin, academic background, school attended, marriage, pregnancy, childbirth, or medical history.</p> </div> </li> <li> <p class="num fd fd-up">2</p> <div class="content"> <div class="tit fd fd-up"> <span>Compliance with Working Conditions</span> <div class="line"></div> </div> <p class="txt fd fd-up">GC complies with the statutory working hours of each country in which it operates, and offers overtime work and appropriate compensation within the scope of the law. GC complies with the legal minimum wage and operates various welfare programs to create a stable working environment for employees, including support for social insurance in the country where it operates. In addition, GC creates an appropriate working environment and operates flexible working arrangements so that all members can focus on their work.</p> </div> </li> <li> <p class="num fd fd-up">3</p> <div class="content"> <div class="tit fd fd-up"> <span>Humanitarian Treatment</span> <div class="line"></div> </div> <p class="txt fd fd-up">GC protects the privacy and personal information of all employees and strictly prohibits any form of bullying including mental and physical violence among employees. In particular, all verbal actions of coercion, abuse, and unreasonable treatment of bullying, sexual harassment, sexual violence, etc. are strictly prohibited, and necessary measures are taken and supports are provided to affected stakeholders.</p> </div> </li> <li> <p class="num fd fd-up">4</p> <div class="content"> <div class="tit fd fd-up"> <span>Prohibition of Forced Labor</span> <div class="line"></div> </div> <p class="txt fd fd-up">GC prohibits all forms of forced labor or involuntary servitude. GC does not force labor through violence, threats, confinement, or other acts against one's free will, and does not hire manpower from companies that engage in such acts. In addition, GC does not keep identification cards and documents that may restrict workers' behavior.</p> </div> </li> <li> <p class="num fd fd-up">5</p> <div class="content"> <div class="tit fd fd-up"> <span>Prohibition of Child Labor</span> <div class="line"></div> </div> <p class="txt fd fd-up">GC prohibits all forms of child labor, and checks the age of applicants in the process of employment and other labor contracts. When hiring underage workers, GC complies with the laws and regulations of each country in the business area, and strictly prohibits any restrictions on the educational opportunities of underage workers.</p> </div> </li> <li> <p class="num fd fd-up">6</p> <div class="content"> <div class="tit fd fd-up"> <span>Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining</span> <div class="line"></div> </div> <p class="txt fd fd-up">GC guarantees freedom of association and collective bargaining. GC fully guarantees its members’ rights to unite, collective bargaining, and collective action, and employees are not subject to employment disadvantages for participating in legitimate bargaining activities.</p> </div> </li> <li> <p class="num fd fd-up">7</p> <div class="content"> <div class="tit fd fd-up"> <span>Assurance of Occupational Safety</span> <div class="line"></div> </div> <p class="txt fd fd-up">GC actively supports employees to work in a safe and hygienic work environment. GC complies with national occupational safety laws, identifies and prevents risk factors in advance through workplace risk assessment, and provides training necessary to enhance employees’ safety awareness.</p> </div> </li> <li> <p class="num fd fd-up">8</p> <div class="content"> <div class="tit fd fd-up"> <span>Human Rights Protection of Local Residents</span> <div class="line"></div> </div> <p class="txt fd fd-up">GC does not harm the living environment, safety, and health of local communities and residents in the process of operating workplace, construction of new facilities, and expansion of the current facilities.</p> </div> </li> <li> <p class="num fd fd-up">9</p> <div class="content"> <div class="tit fd fd-up"> <span>Grievance Handling</span> <div class="line"></div> </div> <p class="txt fd fd-up">GC operates a grievance handling channel to listen to the opinions of its direct and indirect stakeholders. The GC guarantees the anonymity of informants who raised a grievance and the confidentiality of their identities and information. In addition, GC provides the informant with the results of review and action by doing its best to promptly take action on opinions.</p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="dx200"> <p class="small-tit fd fd-up">Grievance Handling System</p> <p class="section-tit fd fd-up">Settlement of Workplace Grievances <br/><span class="b">Establishment of Grievance Handling System</span></p> <p class="txt02 fd fd-up">GC operates an online communication system and reporting center that technically guarantees anonymity and safety. GC listens to various grievances that arise within the company, including human rights issues, through these grievance channels and strives to make immediate improvements. Grievances received on the "Counseling Cafe", a major grievance handling bulletin board in the company, are answered immediately, such as notification of action results to the informant, and action plans are notified within the deadline for issues that cannot be resolved immediately.</p> <div class="dx120"> <div class="distress-list"> <p class="txt03 c-navy fd fd-up">1. Receipt of grievance</p> <div class="text fd fd-up"> <p class="txt02 c-navy">Receive information about employee grievances through the counseling cafe and reporting center.</p> </div> <p class="txt03 c-navy fd fd-up">2. Grievance confirmation and review</p> <div class="text fd fd-up"> <p class="txt02 c-navy">Check the details and facts of grievances, review measures to protect informants and prepare action plans based on the facts.</p> </div> <p class="txt03 c-navy fd fd-up">3. Notification of review results</p> <div class="text fd fd-up"> <p class="txt02 c-navy">Deliver the results of the review, and listen to the offender's opinions.</p> </div> <p class="txt03 c-navy fd fd-up">4. Grievance handling</p> <div class="text fd fd-up"> <p class="txt02 c-white">Take personnel measures such as disciplinary actions depending on the case, and conduct training to prevent recurrence.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="tab-content"> <p class="txt-wrap txt02 fd fd-up">GC has established the "Ethical Management Standards" as a standard for proper behavior and values ​​to be observed by all executives and employees, and promotes ethical awareness among its members through various activities based on it. For ethical management, the GC Audit Team self-checks the ethical awareness of employees, collects ethical practice pledges, provides ethics practice campaigns and ethics education, conducts stakeholder surveys, and operates unethical behavior reporting channels.</p> <div class="btn-wrap fd fd-up"> <a href="/eng/pdf/Ethical Management Content on.pdf" target="_blank" class="btn btn-line-b btn-ico">Go to GC's Ethical Management Standards <i class="ico ico-plus"></i></a> </div> <div class="dx120"> <div class="left-fullimg-wrap fd"> <div class="left-fullimg"> <div class="img" style="background-image:url(/eng/image/social-img13.jpg)"></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="dx120"> <p class="small-tit fd fd-up">Ethical Management Activities</p> <p class="section-tit fd fd-up">GC is striving to spread the ethical <br/>management culture by preventing unethical behavior <br/><span class="b">that can occur throughout its management activities</span></p> <p class="txt-wrap txt02 fd fd-up">In order to familiarize with the ethics regulations, all executives and employees assure to participate in the company's ethical management by filling out the "Ethical Practice Pledge" every year. GC conducts regular and occasional ethical awareness checks every year to improve vulnerabilities, and when an issue requiring additional action is found, the problem is resolved through consultation with the relevant department.</p> </div> <div class="dx200"> <p class="small-tit fd fd-up">Unethical behavior reporting system</p> <p class="section-tit fd fd-up">To establish ethical management <br/>Unethical behavior reporting system is operating <br/></p> <p class="txt-wrap txt02 fd fd-up">GC operates an unethical behavior reporting system to establish ethical management. Stakeholders including employees and partner companies can use the "Reporting on Ethical Management" channel on the website at any time and anywhere. Reporters can report anonymously, and their identity is protected in accordance with our "Internal Reporting System Operation Regulations".</p> <div class="btn-wrap fd fd-up"> <a href="/eng/pdf/Internal Reporting System Operation Regulations.pdf" target="_blank" class="btn btn-line-b btn-ico">Go to Internal Reporting System Operation Regulations <i class="ico ico-plus"></i></a> </div> </div> <div class="dx200"> <p class="small-tit fd fd-up">Compliance with Fair Trade</p> <p class="section-tit fd fd-up">Through management and supervision, <br/><span class="b">we are meeting the standards for fair trade voluntary compliance</span></p> <p class="txt-wrap txt02 fd fd-up">GC Biopharma, GC Cell, and GC Wellbeing are working together for fair and transparent competition by organizing a professional compliance organization and operating a compliance program and anti-corruption system.</p> <div class="dx120"> <ul class="number-content no-num"> <li> <div class="content"> <div class="tit fd fd-up"> <span>Compliance Program</span> <div class="line"></div> </div> <p class="txt fd fd-up">GC Biopharma introduced an autonomous compliance program (CP) in August 2007, and the Board of Directors appointed a CP manager responsible for practical operations.In addition, we systematically manage the CP operation by establishing continuous training and internal supervision system for employees.</p> <div class="compliance-diagram-wrap fd fd-up"> <p class="c-navy b txt03">Continuous education and promotion (new hires, sales, clinical, subcontract related departments, etc.) Continuing compliance activities such as pledge of voluntary compliance with fair trade and production of compliance handbook</p> <ul class="compliance-diagram"> <li> <p class="year">2007</p> <span>Introduced <br/>compliance program</span> </li> <li> <p class="year">2014</p> <span>Launched a team <br/>dedicated to compliance</span> </li> <li> <p class="year">2015</p> <span>Built a <br/>monitoring system</span> </li> <li> <p class="year">2016</p> <span>Held an invitational meeting with partner companies <br/>Established guidelines and process for the Improper Solicitation and Graft Act</span> </li> <li> <p class="year">2018</p> <span>Obtained anti-corruption managment system certification <br/>"AA" rating in CP evaluation <br/>Conducted CP Month campaign</span> </li> <li> <p class="year">2020</p> <span>Established RPA <br/>utilization monitoring system</span> </li> <li> <p class="year">2021</p> <span>Renewed anti-corruption management system certification <br/>Started the Compliance Month (June) campaign</span> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </li> <li> <div class="content"> <div class="tit fd fd-up"> <span>Prior Consultation System and Monitoring</span> <div class="line"></div> </div> <p class="txt fd fd-up">All marketing and sales activities are conducted after prior consultation and review by the Compliance Team. In addition, using RPA we monitor monthly corporate card use and expenditure reports to see if there are any omissions, and perform follow-up inspections to ensure that there are no violations of the law during marketing and sales activities.</p> </div> </li> <li> <div class="content"> <div class="tit fd fd-up"> <span>Partners Day for Shared growth</span> <div class="line"></div> </div> <p class="txt fd fd-up">We invite partner companies once a year to inform them of our ethical standards and internal reporting system, and provide an expert lecture. We also hold meetings to listen to the voices of our partner companies.</p> </div> </li> </ul> <div class="duo-number-content"> <div class="img-wrap fd fd-up"> <img src="/eng/image/social-img14.jpg" alt="부패방지경영시스템 인증서"> <p>GC Biopharma received a certificate for the Anti-Corruption Management System</p> </div> <ul class="number-content no-num"> <li> <div class="content"> <div class="tit fd fd-up"> <span>Internal Reporting System</span> <div class="line"></div> </div> <p class="txt fd fd-up">Through the internal reporting system, unethical behaviors or violations of the law are reported and handled according to the procedures. The internal reporting system guarantees the anonymity of internal and external informants by consigning operation to a third party.</p> </div> </li> <li> <div class="content"> <div class="tit fd fd-up"> <span>Anti-Corruption Management System</span> <div class="line"></div> </div> <p class="txt fd fd-up">GC Biopharma has been accredited with the Anti-Corruption Management System (ISO 37001) certification in May 2018, and renewed the certification through the follow-up evaluation in 2019, 2020 and in 2021.<br class="none1200"/> <br class="none1200"/>Each year, we conduct a corruption risk assessment, internal screening, anti-corruption target monitoring, anti-corruption training, and reporting to BOD, to internalise culture of anti-corruption, along with ethical and compliance management.</p> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <div class="dx200"> <p class="small-tit fd fd-up">Privacy Policy</p> <p class="section-tit fd fd-up">We comply with the Personal Information Protection Act, <br/>and are doing our best <br/><span class="b">to protect the privacy of our customers.</span></p> <p class="txt-wrap txt02 fd fd-up">GC strictly complies with laws and regulations related to personal information protection, such as the "Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection" and "Personal Information Protection Act", and has obtained International Standard Information Protection certification (ISO 27001). GC has also obtained Korean certifications of Information Security Management System (ISMS) and Personal Information & Information Security Management System (SMS-P). GC has established "Information Security Management Guidelines" to protect its own intellectual property, which is a collection of research capabilities, and manages to prevent infringement of customers' personal information.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> </div> </div> <div class="topbtn-wrap"> <button><i class="ico ico-top"></i></button> </div> <footer id="footer"> <div class="footer-wrap"> <div class="footer-inner"> <div class="footer-content"> <div class="footer-logo" > <div align="right"> <!-- <div class="symbol" id="fSymbol"> --> <img src="/eng/image/logo-w.svg" alt="GC"> </div> </div> <ul class="util-list-top"> <li><a href="javascript:openPop('' , '브랜드' , screen.width , screen.height);">GC BRAND</a></li> <li><a href="#layer_family" class="layer-btn">GC FAMILY SITE</a></li> </ul> <ul class="util-list-btm"> <!-- <li><a href="" target="_blank">Report on Ethical Management</a></li> <li><a href="/eng/util/private">Privacy Policy</a></li> <li><a href="#layer_email" 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