Merging two persons - GeneWeb

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text-align:center"><div class="MediaTransformError" style="width: 35px; height: 35px; display:inline-block;">Error creating thumbnail: File missing</div></div> </td> <td> <div class="bandeau-titre"><strong></strong></div><div class="bandeau-texte">Ne pas confondre la fusion d’individus avec la <a href="/wiki/merge/fr" title="merge/fr">fusion des bases de données</a>.</div> </td> </tr> </tbody></table> </div> <table class="nmbox" style="border:0px solid #AAA; border-collapse:collapse; clear:both; font-size:85%; margin: 0.5em"> <tbody><tr style="background:#EEF3E2"> <th class="mbox-image" style="white-space:nowrap; padding:4px 2px; border-right :1px solid #aaa"><div class="MediaTransformError" style="width: 25px; height: 25px; display:inline-block;">Error creating thumbnail: File missing</div> <b><a href="/wiki/GeneWeb:Language_policy" title="GeneWeb:Language policy">Language:</a></b>&#160;</th> <td class="mbox-text" style="background:#F6F9ED;">&#160;<b><a class="mw-selflink selflink">English</a></b>&#160;• <bdi lang="fr"><a href="/wiki/fusion/fr" title="fusion/fr">français</a></bdi><span class="autonym"></span><span class="autonym"></span></td> </tr></tbody></table> <h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Merging_two_persons">Merging two persons</span></h2> <p>This allows you to remove from your base any redundancy that may have appeared through an error (typo, etc) or by decision (<a href="/wiki/merge" title="merge">merging</a> two base). </p><p>The process is the following: </p><p>You select two persons to merge, and then appears the first potential problem: if both already have parents, then you must first merge those parents, and possibly those parents' parents, etc... until you reach two parents without parents which are then effectively "mergeables." GeneWeb helps you in this process by identifying for you the first "mergeable" ancestor". Once you have merged this ancestor, GeneWeb will propose merging the next "mergeable" one, until none are left and you end up merging your first selection. </p><p>Here is a proposed process that you could follow: </p> <ul><li>Open two windows in your browser and position them side by side.</li> <li>In the left window, select the first person of the pair you want to emrge</li> <li>In the right window, select the second</li> <li>In each window, select the <b>Update</b> command</li> <li>In the left window, select <b>Merge</b></li> <li>In the proposed typing window, enter the <i>FirstName.OccurenceNumber LastName</i> of the second person. This information is displayed in teh title of the right window (and possibly elsewhere with some other templates)</li> <li>Then type "Ok" to approve the merge. At this point you can close the right window</li> <li>If at least one of the two persons does not have parents, the merge can proceed, otherwise, GeneWeb will inform you that two ancestors, or two families need to be merged allow your merge to proceed</li> <li>In the case of the merge of two persons (those you selected or one of their ancestors <ul><li>For ancestors, the bottom of the window informs you of the branch currently being updated. With your help, GeneWeb will merge top down, branch by branch, until the two persons you have selected.</li> <li>The <b>person merge</b> form informs you of the conflicting available data for each person, and allows you to select which one you want to retain. After this selection, click the <code>Ok</code> button</li> <li>You will be shown the <b>person update</b> form, giving you a chance to correct, suppress or enter any of the personal data for this person. After this process, click the <code>Ok</code> button</li> <li>You are done for these two persons. If they were the two you selected, you are ddone. If they were any of their ancestors, the process repeats with the next pair identified by GeneWeb</li></ul></li> <li>In the case of the merge of two families <ul><li>This may happen when you have merged an ancestors couple. After this merge, it appears as if each member of this couple was married twice to the same person (with possibly different sets of children!). The families need to be merged which is done by secting <b>Update</b> , then the <b>merge</b> command in the family sub-menu</li> <li>As in the case of merging persons, a form with conflicting data will be shown for your selection. After this selection, click the <code>Ok</code> button</li> <li>You will be shown a form identical to the "Update or Modify Family". Perform any of the corrections, suppressions or capture of the family data. Note that you can observe that some children may appear twice. <b>Leave them as is in the family form</b>, they should be merged later.</li> <li>Click the <code>Ok</code> button to perform the family marge, and the merging process will continue.</li></ul></li> <li>Note that in the person or family merging forms, the persons affected by the merge are clickables, and you can always verify their data</li> <li>Note also that you can interrupt the process at any time. Any merge you have approved with the <code>Ok</code> button remain effective and your base remains coherent. You can later restart the merge of the two persons you selected at the beginning, and the process will resume.</li></ul> <h2><span class="mw-headline" id="Merging_two_families">Merging two families</span></h2> <p>You must firstly merge both parents. Once this is done, they will appear as if they married twice (with possibly different sets of children). In the <b>Update</b> command, a <b>Merge</b> sub-command will appear between the two marriages, if they are in sequence. If they are not in sequence, you must first alternate pairs of marriages until the two you want to merge are contiguous. Note again that in the resulting "update family" form, children that appear twice should not be remover, but should be merged later. For a similar discussion, see "removing a child from a family". </p> <p><br /></p><div style="margin:0 auto 1em; clear:both; width:90%; background-color:#f7f9ff; border:1px solid #8888aa; padding:3px;"> <p><big><b>GeneWeb Manual</b></big> </p> <div class="floatright"><div class="MediaTransformError" style="width: 210px; height: 293px; display:inline-block;">Error creating thumbnail: File missing</div></div> <ul><li><a href="/wiki/Download" class="mw-redirect" title="Download">Download</a> and install GeneWeb program under <a href="/wiki/Linux" title="Linux">GNU/Linux</a>, <a href="/wiki/OSX" title="OSX">Mac OS X</a>, <a href="/wiki/Windows" title="Windows">Microsoft Windows</a>, <a href="/wiki/FreeBSD" title="FreeBSD">FreeBSD</a>; on Mac OS X, Linux or Windows <a href="/wiki/Docker" title="Docker">using Docker</a>; or in <a href="/wiki/CGI" title="CGI">CGI mode behind a web server</a>.</li> <li>Understand <a href="/wiki/gwd" title="gwd">GeneWeb server</a>, <a href="/wiki/namesake" 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