Customer Care - IONOS Career
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Whether web and creative professionals, or entrepreneurs and private users,<br> our customer care teams put their heart and soul into ensuring that every customer achieves their goals.<br> It’s our goal to become the most customer-friendly cloud and web hosting provider worldwide.</p> <div class="fullscreen"> <div style="max-height: 780px;"><div style="display:flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center;"><img class="responsive" loading="lazy" src="/fileadmin/images/ionos-teams/teams-ionos-customer-care-01.jpg" width="1920" height="780" alt="" /><div class="overlapping-container-element" style="bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; text-align: center"> <aside id="oneandone-jobfilter-widget-2" class="widget oneandone-jobfilter-widget oneandone-jobfilter-widget-simple"> <form method="post" class="form joboffersearch" id="joboffer-search-form" action="/career/all-jobs/job-search"> <div> <input type="hidden" name="tx_cisocareer_jobsearchform[__referrer][@extension]" value="CisoCareer" /> <input type="hidden" name="tx_cisocareer_jobsearchform[__referrer][@controller]" value="JobOffer" /> <input type="hidden" name="tx_cisocareer_jobsearchform[__referrer][@action]" value="find" /> <input type="hidden" name="tx_cisocareer_jobsearchform[__referrer][arguments]" value="YTowOnt91f41138c372efb7d96a06e669a9570f992c1ecc8" /> <input type="hidden" name="tx_cisocareer_jobsearchform[__referrer][@request]" value="{"@extension":"CisoCareer","@controller":"JobOffer","@action":"find"}61bc2c5c282999cc35d7e4a7cc9ae00dc66e2ea2" /> <input type="hidden" name="tx_cisocareer_jobsearchform[__trustedProperties]" value="{"careerLevel":[1],"textSearch":1,"categories":[1],"locationName":[1]}c72253027114bb80aaf13866b5fc710eb1cd26db" /> </div> <div class="clearfix hidden"> <select class="clearfix input-select input-select-inline" name="tx_cisocareer_jobsearchform[careerLevel][]"><option value="" selected="selected">All career levels</option> <option value="executive">Executive</option> <option value="graduates">Graduates</option> <option value="Professionals">Professionals</option> <option value="student">Students</option> </select> </div> <div class="clearfix"> <input data-placeholder="Full-text search" size="50" placeholder="Search job..." class="search-term input-text" type="text" name="tx_cisocareer_jobsearchform[textSearch]" /> <input class="submit button button--primary" type="submit" value="Show Job Offers" /> </div> <div class="clearfix hidden"> <select class="input-select input-select-inline" name="tx_cisocareer_jobsearchform[categories][]"><option value="" selected="selected">All categories</option> <option value="20">(Online-) Marketing</option> <option value="30">Customer Service / Customer Management</option> <option value="46">Data Center</option> <option value="43">Human Resources / Administration</option> <option value="21">IT Security</option> <option value="23">IT Software Development</option> <option value="40">IT System Administration</option> <option value="19">Product Management</option> <option value="22">Project Management / Process Management</option> <option value="32">Sales</option> </select> <select class="input-select input-select-inline" name="tx_cisocareer_jobsearchform[locationName][]"><option value="" selected="selected">All locations</option> <option value="Berlin">Berlin</option> <option value="Cebu">Cebu</option> <option value="Gloucester">Gloucester</option> <option value="Karlsruhe">Karlsruhe</option> <option value="KS Lenexa">KS Lenexa</option> <option value="Philadelphia">Philadelphia</option> <option value="Puteaux">Puteaux</option> <option value="Paris">Paris</option> <option value="Work from home">Work from home</option> <option value="Zweibruecken">Zweibruecken</option> </select> </div> </form> </aside> </div></div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="page-section page-section--default" id="c804"> <div class="page-section__block"> <div class="equal-grid-spacing clearfix"> <div class="three grid-spacing-none clearfix"> <div class="grid-small-12 grid-04"><div class="grid-spacing-both"> <figure ><img class="align-center" src="/fileadmin/images/ionos-icons/96px/dna%4096px.png" width="96" height="96" loading="lazy" alt="" /></figure> <div class="proximity-section"><h5 class="subheadline align-horizontal-center">Who we are</h5></div> <p class="content-paragraph">We are looking for committed employees for a diverse range of tasks, who share our core values — above all ‘Customer Obsession’. We want our customers to achieve their goals with us and through us. That’s why we provide them with reliable and easy-to-understand support via phone, chat, email, social media and our online help center filled with tips and tricks.</p><p class="content-paragraph">Everyday life in customer care is exciting and challenging. We combine numerous disciplines to work towards a common goal: To offer our customers the best possible user experience. To achieve this, we always make and optimize decisions based on reports and data.</p><p class="content-paragraph">Our customers are spread all over the world. An international mindset is as important to us as respect for cultural diversity.</p> </div></div> <div class="grid-small-12 grid-04"><div class="grid-spacing-both"> <figure ><img class="align-center" src="/fileadmin/images/ionos-icons/96px/career%4096px.png" width="96" height="96" loading="lazy" alt="" /></figure> <div class="proximity-section"><h5 class="subheadline align-horizontal-center">Our mission</h5></div> <p class="content-paragraph">We set support standards for the entire industry. Our Personal Consultant service is unique — we are the only provider on the market to ensure individual and expert advice. Every customer receives individual advice, personal tips for online success and technical support — always from the same IONOS expert. </p><p class="content-paragraph">We are proud of the fact that our customer support has already received several awards for this service. However, praise from our customers means the most to us because for them, it’s vital that we’re available at any time of day, all year round.</p><p class="content-paragraph">We want to maintain this success long term. That’s why the continuous optimization of our services and processes is a key part of who we are and what we do.</p> </div></div> <div class="grid-small-12 grid-04"><div class="grid-spacing-both"> <figure ><img class="align-center" src="/fileadmin/images/ionos-icons/96px/collaboration%4096px.png" width="96" height="96" loading="lazy" alt="" /></figure> <div class="proximity-section"><h5 class="subheadline align-horizontal-center">Join our team</h5></div> <p class="content-paragraph">Every employee is important to us. We value diversity and the combined strengths of our team members make us who we are. </p><p class="content-paragraph">Help us become the most customer-friendly web host in the world. Bring along your enthusiasm for customer service and customer satisfaction, and work with us to achieve this goal. We look forward to getting to know your personality, your talents and your story. We always appreciate passion, know-how and creativity. </p><p class="content-paragraph">We will ensure that you continue to grow with individual and extensive training opportunities at IONOS. </p><p class="content-paragraph"> </p> </div></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="page-section page-section--primary" id="c793"> <div class="page-section__block"> <div class="equal-grid-spacing clearfix"> <div class="fullscreen"> <a class="in-page-anchor" id="c792"></a><h3 class="headline align-horizontal-center" > Our story </h3> </div> <div id="slickid-2266" class="slick-slider slickdefault hidden"><li class="stripe-item"><a class="in-page-anchor" id="acc2154"></a><!-- only show the header if it's not set to 'hidden' and content is available --><section><p class="content-paragraph">"I can easily bring in my own ideas and solutions."</p><figure ><img class="responsive" src="/fileadmin/images/ionos-people/560x700/people-ionos-28.jpg" width="560" height="700" loading="lazy" alt="" /><figcaption class="copy-text-e1 content-paragraph"> Frank, Workforce Specialist </figcaption></figure><p class="content-paragraph">"Although I've been in this position for almost 10 years, it never gets boring. I can move freely within my area of responsibility — there are no rigid lines. I can develop ideas freely and implement them without further complications."</p></section></li><li class="stripe-item"><a class="in-page-anchor" id="acc2270"></a><!-- only show the header if it's not set to 'hidden' and content is available --><section><p class="content-paragraph">"Our goal is simple: We don't just want to make our customers happy."</p><figure ><img class="responsive" src="/fileadmin/images/ionos-people/560x700/c-level/people-ionos-hd-1.jpg" width="560" height="700" loading="lazy" alt="" /><figcaption class="copy-text-e1 content-paragraph"> Hüseyin Dogan, COO IONOS </figcaption></figure><p class="content-paragraph">"Our goal is simple: We don't just want to make our customers happy, we want to truly delight them with outstanding products and excellent service. Our dedicated teams develop individual solutions for our customers every day, helping to improve the overall customer experience. With the launch of our new name IONOS in 2018, we created an international brand with high recognition value - something that was a special experience for me and helps to strengthen our cohesion. "</p></section></li><li class="stripe-item"><a class="in-page-anchor" id="acc2110"></a><!-- only show the header if it's not set to 'hidden' and content is available --><section><p class="content-paragraph">"For me, IONOS means developing solutions together with our customers."</p><figure ><img class="responsive" src="/fileadmin/images/ionos-people/560x700/people-ionos-vw-2.jpg" width="560" height="700" loading="lazy" alt="" /><figcaption class="copy-text-e1 content-paragraph"> Vanessa, Executive Solutions Manager </figcaption></figure><p class="content-paragraph">"I love it when I have found a suitable solution for both parties, together with our customers, and at the end of day, we're thanked again for our help. It is also nice to work in such a loyal team, where you always get support when you need it, and laugh a lot together despite the work."</p></section></li></div> <style> #slickid-2266, #slicksync-2266 { /*background:red;*/ } #slickid-2266 ul.slick-dots, #slicksync-2266 ul.slick-dots { bottom:0px; } #slickid-2266 .slick-next, #slicksync-2266 .slick-next { right:25px; } #slickid-2266 .slick-prev, #slicksync-2266 .slick-prev { left:25px; } </style> <script> var boolSlickRandomize2266 = false; /* #i0059, 190912, dwildt, 6+ */ if(!Array.isArray(slickUids)){ var slickUids = new Array(); } slickUids.push(2266); function _initSlick2266() { var dataUid = 2266; $('#slickid-2266').not('.slick-initialized').slick({ accessibility: true , adaptiveHeight: false , arrows: true , autoplay: false , autoplaySpeed: 15000 , centerMode: false , centerPadding: '50px' , cssEase: 'ease' , dots: true , dotsClass: 'slick-dots' , draggable: true , edgeFriction: 0.15 , fade: false , infinite: true , initialSlide: 0 , lazyLoad: 'ondemand' , mobileFirst: true , pauseOnHover: true , pauseOnDotsHover: true , respondTo: 'window' , rows: 1 , rtl: false , slidesPerRow: 1 , slidesToScroll: 1 , slidesToShow: 3 , speed: 500 , swipe: true , swipeToSlide: false , touchMove: true , touchThreshold: 25 , useCSS: true , useTransform: true , variableWidth: false , vertical: false , verticalSwiping: false , waitForAnimate: false , zIndex: 1000 , responsive: [ { breakpoint: 1024 , settings: { arrows: true , dots: false , rows: 1 , slidesPerRow: 1 , slidesToScroll: 1 , slidesToShow: 3 } } , { breakpoint: 667 , settings: { arrows: true , dots: true , rows: 1 , slidesPerRow: 1 , slidesToScroll: 1 , slidesToShow: 2 } } , { breakpoint: 0 , settings: { arrows: true , dots: false , rows: 1 , slidesPerRow: 1 , slidesToScroll: 1 , slidesToShow: 1 } } ] }); /* #t4060 */ if(false) { $('#slicksync-2266').slick({ arrows: false , asNavFor: '#slickid-2266' , centerMode: false , dots: false , focusOnSelect: false , slidesToScroll: 1 , slidesToShow: 5 }); } } function initSlick2266() { _initSlick2266(); /* #t4977, 200424, dwildt, 1+ */ $('#slickid-2266').removeClass('hidden'); var r; $(window).resize(function() { clearTimeout(r); r = setTimeout(_initSlick2266, 500); }); } /* #i0059, 190912, dwildt, 6+ */ if((typeof obj === "undefined")) { var obj = {}; } /* #i0072, 191211, Андрей Н. 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