Undergraduate tuition fees | University of Southampton
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Part year will be charged 100% of the tuition fee.</p> <h2>Year of study abroad</h2> <div>You'll pay 15% of the tuition fee for any full year you study abroad if this is part of your course. Part year study abroad will be charged 100% of the tuition fee.</div> <h2>Foundation years</h2> <p>The foundation year fee is separate from your undergraduate degree fee. You'll pay the fee for your foundation year, and then an annual fee for your undergraduate degree. For students starting their undergraduate degree from 1 August 2026 this fee will increase each year.</p> <h2>Find out if you'll pay overseas fees</h2> <p>You can <a href="/courses/fees/"> check your fee status </a> if you don’t know whether you're a home or overseas student.</p> <h2>Pay your fees</h2> <p>Find out how and when to <a href="/courses/fees/"> pay your tuition fees </a> .</p> <h2>Deferring your place</h2> <p>Students who defer their place will pay the tuition fees for the academic year they start their studies. This may be different to the fee in your original offer letter. The fees will increase each year. </p> <h2>Previous years' fees</h2> <p>If needed, you can access full <a href="/studentservices/money-matters/student-fees/"> fee information from previous years </a> .These tables reflect the tuition fee charged on the date you started your course; they may not reflect the tuition fee you are charged for future years of study.</p> <h2>Where your tuition fees go</h2> <p>Learn <a href="/courses/fees/"> how your fees relate to our income and expenditure from August 2018 to July 2019 </a> .</p> </div> </div> <div class="uos-tier uos-tier-secondary uos-tier-fill"> <div class="uos-tier-inner"> <h2>Funding your studies</h2> <p>You might be able to get help to cover some of your costs when you come to study at Southampton. This help can come from many different places and organisations.</p> </div> <div class="uos-tier-inner uos-tier-inner-grid"> <div class="uos-grid uos-grid-3"> <article class="uos-box"> <div class="uos-box-copy" style="height: 165px;"> <h2 class="uos-box-copy-title"><a href="/courses/funding/undergraduate/">Student finance </a></h2> <p class="uos-box-copy-excerpt">Find out about the government loans & financial support available to undergraduate students studying at Southampton.</p> </div> <a class="uos-box-link" href="/courses/funding/undergraduate/" style="text-decoration:none;margin:0 0 0 -5px;"> </a></article> </div> <div class="uos-grid uos-grid-3"> <article class="uos-box"> <div class="uos-box-copy" style="height: 165px;"> <h2 class="uos-box-copy-title">Southampton Undergraduate Bursary</h2> <p class="uos-box-copy-excerpt">The University offers a bursary to help certain students with the cost of their studies.</p> </div> <a class="uos-box-link" href="/courses/funding/undergraduate/" style="text-decoration:none;margin:0 0 0 -5px;"> </a></article> </div> <div class="uos-grid uos-grid-3"> <article class="uos-box"> <div class="uos-box-copy" style="height: 165px;"> <h2 class="uos-box-copy-title"><a href="/courses/funding/">Scholarships and awards </a></h2> <p class="uos-box-copy-excerpt">There are a range of scholarships and awards available to undergraduate students at Southampton. These are offered by governments, external organisations or the University.</p> </div> <a class="uos-box-link" href="/courses/funding/" style="text-decoration:none;margin:0 0 0 -5px;"> </a></article> </div> </div> </div> <div class="uos-tier uos-tier-secondary"> <div class="uos-tier-inner"> <h2>Get help and support</h2> <p>We can help with your questions about fees and funding.</p> <h3>Student Hub</h3> <p>You can contact the Student Hub if you have any questions about fees or funding.</p> <ul> <li>Address: Building 37, Highfield Campus, University Road, Southampton SO17 1BJ</li> <li>Telephone: +44 (0)23 8059 9599</li> <li>Email: <a href=""> </a></li> </ul> <h3>Students' Union</h3> <p>You can contact the Students' Union <a href="" title="SUSU Advice Centre"> Advice Centre </a> for free and confidential support.</p> <ul> <li>Address: Building 40, Highfield Campus, University Road, Southampton SO17 1BJ</li> <li>Tel: +44 (0)23 8059 2085</li> <li>Email: <a href=""> </a></li> </ul> </div> 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