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Bhatia 3 putts to loose. Siem wins in Italy and Lorna McClymont looses out in an amazing final at the Womans Amateur. This and more with Donald, Peter & Stewart (Andy skiving). Thanks as always to Breadalbane Finance for the support! "/> <meta property="og:image" content=""/> <meta property="og:image:height" content="250"/> <meta property="og:image:width" content="250"/> <meta property="og:url" content=""/> <meta property="og:type" content="website"/> <meta name="twitter:card" content="player" /> <meta name="twitter:title" content="S6 Ep23 - Bland, Played 2, Won 2" /> <meta name="twitter:description" content="Richard Bland wins his second major in a row.&nbsp; Bhatia 3 putts to loose.&nbsp; Siem wins in Italy and Lorna McClymont looses out in an amazing final at the Womans Amateur. This and more with Donald, Peter &amp; Stewart (Andy skiving). Thanks as always to Breadalbane Finance for the support! 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Can he become the GOAT of Europe? We also look at the 10 players graduating to the PGA Tour next year and ask why was this not followed better on TV! Slow play, broken clubs and the Mid Amateur Championships make a return to Scottish Golf. </p> <i class="material-icons show-episode-description">info_outline</i> </a> <a class="collection-item avatar" href="33895117"> <img src="" alt="S6 Ep37 - Abu Dhabi and your questions show art" class="square"> <span class="title episode-title">S6 Ep37 - Abu Dhabi and your questions</span> <p class="show-title">Talk Golf Scotland</p> <p class="episode-body">With low scoring this past weekend in Abu Dhabi, we ask the obvious question - was it too easy? Also, the race to Dubai comes to an end this week and can Rory pick up his 6th win? We also attempt to answer a few more of your questions in our helpline section. </p> <i class="material-icons show-episode-description">info_outline</i> </a> <a class="collection-item avatar" href="33852047"> <img src="" alt="Jim Farmer RIP show art" class="square"> <span class="title episode-title">Jim Farmer RIP</span> <p class="show-title">Talk Golf Scotland</p> <p class="episode-body">It is very sad to hear of the passing of Mr Golf, Jim Farmer this week and it seems like a good time to repost this interview from one of our very early podcast episodes back in 2019. Jim was a legend of the game of golf in Scotland and St Andrews. A great player, a fantastic coach and a well kent face to so many involved in the game. He will be missed by many. RIP Jim </p> <i class="material-icons show-episode-description">info_outline</i> </a> <a class="collection-item avatar" href="33790662"> <img src="" alt="S6 Ep35 - An episode full of nothing much... show art" class="square"> <span class="title episode-title">S6 Ep35 - An episode full of nothing much...</span> <p class="show-title">Talk Golf Scotland</p> <p class="episode-body">After a three week break, we are back to talk about golf, laser eye surgery and to answer a couple of your questions... </p> <i class="material-icons show-episode-description">info_outline</i> </a> <a class="collection-item avatar" href="33376067"> <img src="" alt="S6 Ep34 - Pro Am's and should we just blow it up!? show art" class="square"> <span class="title episode-title">S6 Ep34 - Pro Am's and should we just blow it up!?</span> <p class="show-title">Talk Golf Scotland</p> <p class="episode-body">A look back at the Dunhill Links - Hatton wins for the third time while oor Bob gets a wee bit grumpy!! With Andy, Pete, Stewart and Breadalbane Finance! </p> <i class="material-icons show-episode-description">info_outline</i> </a> <a class="collection-item avatar" href="33276862"> <img src="" alt="S6 Ep33 - Training Aids and the Presidents Cup show art" class="square"> <span class="title episode-title">S6 Ep33 - Training Aids and the Presidents Cup</span> <p class="show-title">Talk Golf Scotland</p> <p class="episode-body">Andy, Peter and Stewart are back to talk over the Presidents Cup, the Spanish Open and discuss what golfing training aids actually work! Donald is away (again) on holiday... </p> <i class="material-icons show-episode-description">info_outline</i> </a> <a class="collection-item avatar" href="33191972"> <img src="" alt="S6 Ep32 - BMW Review and Handicaps. show art" class="square"> <span class="title episode-title">S6 Ep32 - BMW Review and Handicaps.</span> <p class="show-title">Talk Golf Scotland</p> <p class="episode-body">This week we look back at another amazing week on the DP World Tour with probably the best finish of the season on any tour! Also, another mini dive into the handicap system and our thoughts. </p> <i class="material-icons show-episode-description">info_outline</i> </a> <a class="collection-item avatar" href="33087282"> <img src="" alt="S6 Ep31 - Solheim & Royal County Down show art" class="square"> <span class="title episode-title">S6 Ep31 - Solheim & Royal County Down</span> <p class="show-title">Talk Golf Scotland</p> <p class="episode-body">How important is the quality of the golf course to your enjoyment of watching professional golf? Did Royal County Down add to the Irish Open or could it have been played at a number of other courses and hold your attention just the same? Also, we look back at the Solheim Cup and ask if there was anything Europe could have done differently to keep hold of the trophy for another couple of years... </p> <i class="material-icons show-episode-description">info_outline</i> </a> <a class="collection-item avatar" href="32988207"> <img src="" alt="S6 Ep30 - Your Questions & a Bit of Beef show art" class="square"> <span class="title episode-title">S6 Ep30 - Your Questions & a Bit of Beef</span> <p class="show-title">Talk Golf Scotland</p> <p class="episode-body">A little bit on Matt Wallace, Beef and the European Masters but most of todays podcast was spent butchering your questions. Thanks again to Breadalbane Finance for their amazing support!! </p> <i class="material-icons show-episode-description">info_outline</i> </a> <a class="collection-item avatar" href="32873792"> <img src="" alt="S6 Ep29 - Chipping Yips & the Fed Ex show art" class="square"> <span class="title episode-title">S6 Ep29 - Chipping Yips & the Fed Ex</span> <p class="show-title">Talk Golf Scotland</p> <p class="episode-body">A look back at another week in golf with Donald McKay, Andy McHardy & Stewart Whiteford </p> <i class="material-icons show-episode-description">info_outline</i> </a> <div id="episode-endpoint" class="collection-item"> </div> </div> </div> </div> <a class="btn center-block" id="show-more-episodes" style="display:block!important;">More Episodes</a> </div> <div class="col s12 m8" id="info-panel"> <div class="card-panel"> <div class="episode-description"> <p>Richard Bland wins his second major in a row. Bhatia 3 putts to loose. Siem wins in Italy and Lorna McClymont looses out in an amazing final at the Womans Amateur.</p> <p>This and more with Donald, Peter & Stewart (Andy skiving).</p> <p>Thanks as always to Breadalbane Finance for the support!</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="row col sm12 m8"> <div id="fb-root"></div> <!-- facebook comment --> <div id="comments" style="height:100%" class="fb-comments" data-href="" data-width="100%" data-numposts="5" data-mobile="true"></div> </div> </div> <script> //Displays bulletpoints $('.episode-description ul').addClass('browser-default'); //required for the customized Loading SVG var loadingSvg = '<svg id="bar-loader" width="100px" height="100px" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 100 100" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid" class="lds-facebook" style="background: none;"><rect id="rect-1" ng-attr-x="{{config.x1}}" ng-attr-y="{{config.y}}" ng-attr-width="{{config.width}}" ng-attr-height="{{config.height}}" ng-attr-fill="{{config.c1}}" x="17.5" y="30" width="15" height="40" fill="#e1ffb1"><animate attributeName="y" calcMode="spline" values="18;30;30" keyTimes="0;0.5;1" dur="1" keySplines="0 0.5 0.5 1;0 0.5 0.5 1" begin="-0.2s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animate><animate attributeName="height" calcMode="spline" values="64;40;40" keyTimes="0;0.5;1" dur="1" keySplines="0 0.5 0.5 1;0 0.5 0.5 1" begin="-0.2s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animate></rect><rect id="rect-2" ng-attr-x="{{config.x2}}" ng-attr-y="{{config.y}}" ng-attr-width="{{config.width}}" ng-attr-height="{{config.height}}" ng-attr-fill="{{config.c2}}" x="42.5" y="30" width="15" height="40" fill="#aed581"><animate attributeName="y" calcMode="spline" values="20.999999999999996;30;30" keyTimes="0;0.5;1" dur="1" keySplines="0 0.5 0.5 1;0 0.5 0.5 1" begin="-0.1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animate><animate attributeName="height" calcMode="spline" values="58.00000000000001;40;40" keyTimes="0;0.5;1" dur="1" keySplines="0 0.5 0.5 1;0 0.5 0.5 1" begin="-0.1s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animate></rect><rect id="rect-3" ng-attr-x="{{config.x3}}" ng-attr-y="{{config.y}}" ng-attr-width="{{config.width}}" ng-attr-height="{{config.height}}" ng-attr-fill="{{config.c3}}" x="67.5" y="30" width="15" height="40" fill="#7da453"><animate attributeName="y" calcMode="spline" values="24;30;30" keyTimes="0;0.5;1" dur="1" keySplines="0 0.5 0.5 1;0 0.5 0.5 1" begin="0s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animate><animate attributeName="height" calcMode="spline" values="52;40;40" keyTimes="0;0.5;1" dur="1" keySplines="0 0.5 0.5 1;0 0.5 0.5 1" begin="0s" repeatCount="indefinite"></animate></rect></svg>'; var episodeCount = $('#more-episodes-section .collection-item').length; var fetchLimit = 30; var showSlug = $('#episode-page').data('slug'); var showId = $('#episode-page').data('show-id'); var showTitle = $('#episode-page').data('show'); var endPoint = $('#episode-endpoint'); var count = 0; var load = true; var downArrowLocation = 0; var episodeEnd = false; //Toggles the more episodes section when clicked $('#show-more-episodes').on('click', function() { $('#more-episodes-section').toggleClass('active'); setTimeout(function() { $('#info-panel').toggleClass('m12'); }, 400); }); //Shows episode description by toggling the active class //Prevents from going the the href of the episode $('main').on('click', '.show-episode-description', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); $('.collection-item').not(this).removeClass('active'); $(this).parent().toggleClass('active'); }); $('#more-episodes-section').scroll(function(){ if( elementScrolled( $('.collection-item.avatar:last') ) && load === true && episodeEnd === false) { var currentHeight = $('#more-episodes-section')[0].scrollHeight; $.ajax({ url: "/shows/show-more", beforeSend: function(xhr){ load = false; endPoint.html(loadingSvg); }, dataType: "json", data: { "start-point": episodeCount, "fetch-limit" : fetchLimit, "id" : showId, }, success: function( data ){ const episodes = data.results; const episodeArray = Object.keys(episodes).map(i => episodes[i]); if( episodes.length == 0 ){ episodeEnd = true; endPoint.html("<img src='//' alt='Libsyn Logo End' class='responsive-img'/><p>No more episodes</p>"); } else{ // episodeArray needs to be reverse to display correctly episodeArray.reverse(); episodeArray.forEach(function(episode){ addEpisode(episode); }); episodeCount += fetchLimit; //Gets a slight break in between loading episodes if a user if constantly scrolling down. $('#more-episodes-section').animate( { scrollTop: currentHeight - 200, }, 1500); //Sets timeout to match the scrolling to ensure a new AJAX call cannot be executed setTimeout(function(){load = true}, 2000); } }, error: function( xhr, textStatus, errorThrown){ // jquery throws error endPoint.html("An error has occurred while while fetching new episodes. 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