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Animation]] | num_episodes = 162 | list_episodes = | first_aired = {{Start date|2011|11|11}} | last_aired = {{End date|2014|08|02}} }} '''''DC Nation Shorts''''' is an animated series of shorts featuring characters from [[DC Comics]] from a variety of different titles that aired on [[Cartoon Network]] on Saturdays at 10/9c. ==Production== In March 2012, the shorts premiered as part of the ''[[DC Nation]]'' block, produced by [[Warner Bros. Animation]]. They aired alongside ''[[Green Lantern: The Animated Series]]'' and ''[[Young Justice (TV series)|Young Justice]]'', as well as with ''[[Beware the Batman]]'' and ''[[Teen Titans Go!]]'' in 2013.&lt;ref>[ CGI 'Beware The Batman' Coming to Cartoon Network in 2013 | Screen Rant] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2016-05-03}}.&lt;/ref> Warner Bros. revived the ''[[Teen Titans (TV series)|Teen Titans]]'' animated series as ''[[Teen Titans Go!]]'', based on the New Teen Titans shorts. Despite having one Cartoon Network / Warner Bros. Animation short, ''Swaroop'' (aired during ''[[What a Cartoon!|The Big Pick]]'' contest), ''DC Nation Shorts'' was the first and only Cartoon Network original series co-produced by [[DC Entertainment]] and Warner Bros. Animation. In 2011, Sam Register promised new content every week on the block in addition to the shorts: "...whether that's a new show or an interstitial or a short".&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=DC Nation and Beware the Batman Preview|work=YouTube|access-date=2016-11-25|archive-date=2017-04-06|archive-url=|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref> ==Series== {| class="wikitable" style="width:95%;" |- !width=25%|Title!!width=50%|Description!!width=25%|Note(s) |- |align=center|''Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld''||Seven shorts based on [[Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld]] (voiced by [[Sophie Oda]]) as she is brought into Gemworld to fight the forces of Dark Opal (voiced by [[Eric Bauza]]).&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=potato farm girl: Amethyst of Gemworld||date=15 November 2011|access-date=16 November 2011|archive-date=25 April 2012|archive-url=|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref> ||The shorts were created by [[Brianne Drouhard]] with [[David Production]]. |- |align=center|''Animal Man''||Shorts about the DC superhero [[Animal Man]] (voiced by [["Weird Al" Yankovic]]), who saves animals instead of the people who are actually in danger.&lt;ref>[ DC COMICS ALL ACCESS: IAN SATTLER TALKS MORE DC NATION! | DC Comics] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2012-03-22}} (article)&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>[ DC COMICS ALL ACCESS: IAN SATTLER TALKS MORE DC NATION! | DC Comics] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2012-10-18}} (gallery)&lt;/ref> || |- |align=center|''[[Batman Beyond]]''||A short series about ''Batman Beyond''.||Shown in 2014 during the 75th anniversary of Batman,&lt;ref>["Superman 75" Animated Short Nabs New York Comic-Con Debut, Upcoming DC Nation Short Update]{{dead link|date=January 2018 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes}}&lt;/ref> a significant feature has [[Will Friedle]] and [[Kevin Conroy]] reprising their roles of [[Batman (Terry McGinnis)|Terry McGinnis]] and [[Batman|Bruce Wayne]]. |- |align=center|''Batman of Shanghai''||Shorts about [[Batman]] (voiced by [[Kirk Thornton]]), [[Bane (comics)|Bane]] (voiced by [[Kirk Thornton]]), and [[Catwoman]] (voiced by [[Stephanie Sheh]]). || It was re-imagined in 1930s [[Shanghai]] and animated by Wolf Smoke.&lt;ref name="buzzfocus">{{cite web |title=Q&amp;A With 'DC Nation Shorts' Producer &amp; 'Teen Titans' Director Ben Jones on Making Saturday Morning Snacks |url= |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=2012-04-04 |}}&lt;/ref> |- |align=center|''Batman: Strange Days''||A short series about [[Batman]] (voiced by [[Kevin Conroy]]) as he fights [[Hugo Strange]] (voiced by [[Brian George]]).||Written, storyboarded and directed by Bruce Timm. |- |align=center|''Blue Beetle''|| ||During the premiere of ''[[Green Lantern: The Animated Series]]'', the preview for DC Nation included clips from the [[Jaime Reyes|Blue Beetle]] trailer starring Garrett Plotkin. |- |align=center|''Creature Commandos''|| Featuring the sometimes-successful misadventures of a team of superheroes modeled after the classic film monster canon, led by Lt. Matthew Shreive (voiced by Chris Cox) and consisting of [[werewolf]] Warren Griffith (voiced by [[Dana Snyder]]), [[vampire]] Sgt. Vincent Velcro (voiced by [[Kevin Shinick]]), [[Frankenstein Monster]]-like Pvt. Elliot "Lucky" Taylor (voiced by [[Kevin Shinick]]), and snake-haired Dr. Myrra Rhodes (voiced by [[Rachel Ramras]]). A humorous retelling of the [[Creature Commandos]]. || |- |align=center|''DC Super Pets''||Shorts based on the Super Pets characters like [[Krypto|Krypto the Superdog]] (voiced by [[David Kaye (voice actor)|David Kaye]]), [[Streaky the Supercat]] (voiced by [[Debra Wilson]]), [[Ace the Bat-Hound]] (voiced by [[Diedrich Bader]]), Robin [[Robin (comics)|Robin]] (voiced by [[Maria Bamford]]), and B'Dg (voiced by [[Elisha Yaffe]]). ||Created by [[Franco Aureliani]] and [[Art Baltazar]].&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Franco - Timeline Photos - Facebook||access-date=2013-05-17|archive-date=2023-07-25|archive-url=|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref> |- |align=center|''DC's World's Funnest''||Shorts revolving around [[Batman]], [[Dick Grayson|Robin]], the [[Joker (character)|Joker]], [[Catwoman]], and [[Superman]].&lt;ref name="herorus">{{cite web|url=|title=Beware the Batman and DC Nation Animated Information|work=Superheroes-R-Us|url-status=dead|archive-url=|archive-date=2013-10-19}}&lt;/ref> ||Animation directed by Rich Webber of [[Aardman Animations]],&lt;ref name="buzzfocus"/>&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Batgirl, Supergirl and Wonder Girl Are Lauren Faust's Super Best Friends Forever Alongside Aardman's Batman - Bleeding Cool Comic Book, Movie, TV News|work=Bleeding Cool Comic Book, Movie, TV News|date=5 October 2011|access-date=12 November 2011|archive-date=7 November 2011|archive-url=|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref> and produced by John Woolley. |- |align=center|''Deadman''||Shorts about the [[ghost]] superhero [[Deadman (DC Comics)|Deadman]] (voiced by [[Matt L. Jones]]).||Produced by [[C. H. Greenblatt]]. |- |align=center|''Demonstrations''||Real world demonstrations of tools and techniques employed by superheroes and supervillains featuring professionals like [[Anthony De Longis]] and [[Jack Dagger]].&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Mary De Longis - Timeline Photos - Facebook||access-date=2012-03-06|archive-date=2023-07-25|archive-url=|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref>|| |- |align=center|''Doctor Fate''||Shorts about the DC superhero [[Doctor Fate]].&lt;ref name="Spinoff">{{cite web|url=|title=First Look: Supergirl, Wonder Girl and Batgirl From DC Nation Shorts - Spinoff Online - TV, Film, and Entertainment News Daily|work=Spinoff Online - TV, Film, and Entertainment News Daily|date=21 February 2012|access-date=23 February 2012|archive-date=20 January 2013|archive-url=|url-status=dead}}&lt;/ref>|| |- |align=center|''Doom Patrol''||Shorts about the DC superhero team the [[Doom Patrol]], consisting of the [[Chief (comics)|Chief]] (voiced by [[Jeffrey Combs]]), [[Elasti-Girl]] (voiced by [[Kari Wahlgren]]), [[Negative Man]] (voiced by [[Clancy Brown]]), and [[Robotman (Cliff Steele)|Robotman]] (voiced by [[David Kaye (voice actor)|David Kaye]]). The Doom Patrol fights different villains including [[General Immortus]] (also voiced by Clancy Brown).&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Superhero Shows: First Look at Doom Patrol and Animal Man, Citizens of DC Nation||date=22 March 2012|access-date=7 April 2012|archive-date=15 November 2020|archive-url=|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref>|| |- |align=center|''Farm League''||Featuring a version of the [[Just'a Lotta Animals]], Farm League&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Cartoon Network Announces Return Of DC Nation With New Press Release||date=13 September 2012|access-date=14 September 2012|archive-date=17 September 2012|archive-url=|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref> stars DC characters as animals including [[Superman]] as [[Manatee|Supermanatee]] (voiced by [[David Kaye (voice actor)|David Kaye]]), [[Batman]] as [[Mongoose|Batmongoose]] (voiced by [[Diedrich Bader]]), [[Wonder Woman]] as Wonder [[Wombat]] (voiced by [[Lauren Tom]]), the [[Flash (Barry Allen)|Flash]] as [[Fish|The Flish]] (voiced by [[Jason Marsden]]), [[John Stewart (comics)|Green Lantern]] as [[Wild boar|Green]] [[Lamprey]] (voiced by [[Kevin Michael Richardson]]), [[Aquaman]] as [[Mandrill|Aquamandrill]] (voiced by [[Armin Shimerman]]), [[Captain Marvel (DC Comics)|Shazam!]] as [[Pig|Shazham!]], [[Dick Grayson|Robin]] as a Robin's Egg (voiced by [[Lauren Tom]]), [[Cyborg (comics)|Cyborg]] as [[Insect|Cybug]] (voiced by [[Kevin Michael Richardson]]), [[Darkseid]] as [[Duck]]seid (voiced by [[David Kaye (voice actor)|David Kaye]]), the [[Joker (character)|Joker]] as [[Frog|the Croaker]] (voiced by [[Kevin Michael Richardson]]), [[Catwoman]] as [[Cat|Cat Cat]], [[Mister Mxyzptlk]] as [[Chicken|Mr. Mxyzchkn]] (voiced by [[Jason Marsden]]), [[Solomon Grundy (character)|Solomon Grundy]] as [[Rabbit|Solomon Bunny]], [[Two-Face]] as [[Cattle|Moo-Face]] (voiced by [[Armin Shimerman]]), [[Bizarro]] as [[Dog|Bizarrfo]] (voiced by [[Diedrich Bader]]), [[Captain Cold]] as [[Cod|Captain Cod]] (voiced by [[Eric Bauza]]), [[Sinestro]] as [[Hippopotamus|Sinestropotamus]] (voiced by [[Jason Marsden]]), [[Lex Luthor]] as Lex [[Liger]] (voiced by [[Eric Bauza]]), [[Brainiac (character)|Brainiac]] as [[Crane (bird)|Craniac]] (voiced by [[Armin Shimerman]]), and [[Ambush Bug]] as [[Slug|Ambush Slug]].&lt;ref>[ Comic Con 2012: DC Nation | Warner Bros. Comic-Con 2012] {{webarchive|url= | date=2012-08-18}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite web|url= |title='JL Animals' Shorts Coming to DC Nation Later This Month [Video] |work=Comics Alliance |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=2012-09-17}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Videos - DC Nation - Watch DC Nation videos featuring Teen Titans GO!, Beware the Batman and more legendary characters from the DC Universe.||access-date=2013-01-24|archive-date=2013-01-25|archive-url=|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref>|| |- |align=center|''Gotham City Impostors''|| ||The preview for DC Nation included animation of ''[[Gotham City Impostors]]''. |- |align=center|''Green Arrow''||Shorts about the superhero [[Green Arrow]] (voiced by [[Will Friedle]]) and his high-tech bow (voiced by [[Kevin Michael Richardson]]) as he teams up with [[Black Canary]] (voiced by [[Kari Wahlgren]]) to defeat [[Onomatopoeia (comics)|Onomatopoeia]] and his Ono-Bots (voiced by [[Kevin Michael Richardson]]).|| |- |align=center|''Lego Batman''||The preview for DC Nation included animation of [[Lego Batman]]. ||This animation was actually a pair of cut scenes from ''[[Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes]]''. |- |align=center|''MAD Presents...''||Shorts based on various DC characters, such as the "Shazamwich!" segment by Nate Theis.&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=;list=UUiifkYAs_bq1pt_zbNAzYGg|title=DC Nation Animated Short "MAD Presents Shazamwich"|work=YouTube|date=15 March 2012 |access-date=2016-11-25|archive-date=2016-04-16|archive-url=;list=UUiifkYAs_bq1pt_zbNAzYGg|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref>||Produced by ''[[Mad (TV series)|Mad]]''. |- |align=center|''Metal Men''||Shorts about [[Will Magnus]] (voiced by [[Corey Burton]]) and the [[Metal Men]] consisting of Gold (voiced by [[Tom Kenny]]), Lead (voiced by [[Tom Kenny]]), Platinum (voiced by [[Hynden Walch]]), Mercury (voiced by [[Corey Burton]]), Iron (voiced by [[Corey Burton]]), and Tin (voiced by [[Hynden Walch]]).&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=METAL MEN To Make Their DC Nation Debut||access-date=2013-08-24|archive-date=2013-08-25|archive-url=|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref>||Produced by [[Evan Dorkin]] and [[Sarah Dyer]] with [[Augenblick Studios]]. |- |align=center|''New Teen Titans''||Shorts about the [[Teen Titans]] with [[Scott Menville]], [[Hynden Walch]], [[Greg Cipes]], [[Tara Strong]], and [[Khary Payton]] reprising their roles of [[Dick Grayson|Robin]], [[Starfire (Teen Titans)|Starfire]], [[Beast Boy]], [[Raven (DC Comics)|Raven]], and [[Cyborg (comics)|Cyborg]], respectively. ||They are drawn more in a [[Chibi (term)|super-deformed]] style, but the basic animation style remains intact. Due to the popularity of the shorts, Cartoon Network revived ''Teen Titans'' as ''[[Teen Titans Go!]]'', a half-hour show that is more comedic and lighthearted than its predecessor but still featuring the original cast. ''Teen Titans Go!'' premiered on April 23, 2013. |- |align=center|''Plastic Man''||Shorts about the DC superhero [[Plastic Man]] (voiced by [[Tom Kenny]]) in his daily misadventures fighting supervillains, such as the Tuxedo (voiced by [[Carlos Alazraqui]]) and Lady Granite (voiced by [[Jill Talley]]), and teaming up with [[Batman]] (voiced by [[Kevin Michael Richardson]]).|| It is based on the ''Puddle Trouble'' pilot developed by Andy Suriano, [[Tom Kenny]], and Stephen DeStefano.&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=,59920/2/|title=Tom Kenny|work=[[The A.V. Club]]|access-date=2011-11-12|archive-date=2012-01-28|archive-url=|url-status=dead}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Plastic Man TV Pilot|work=YouTube|date=8 February 2009 |access-date=2016-11-25|archive-date=2016-10-24|archive-url=;|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref> |- |align=center|''Riddler''||Shorts about Batman villain the [[Riddler]] (voiced by [["Weird Al" Yankovic]]) as he tries to best Batman (voiced by [[Kevin Michael Richardson]]) with his riddles.|| |- |align=center|''Shade, the Changing Man''||Shorts about the DC superhero [[Shade, the Changing Man]] (voiced by [[Benjamin Diskin]]).&lt;ref name="usatoday"/>|| |- |align=center|''Shazam!''||Shorts depicting Billy Batson (voiced by [[Tara Strong]]) becoming [[Captain Marvel (DC Comics)|Shazam]] (voiced by [[David Kaye (voice actor)|David Kaye]]).|| |- |align=center|''Super Best Friends Forever''||Series of shorts about [[Donna Troy|Wonder Girl]] (voiced by [[Grey DeLisle]]), [[Barbara Gordon|Batgirl]] (voiced by [[Tara Strong]]), and [[Supergirl (Kara Zor-El)|Supergirl]] (voiced by [[Nicole Sullivan]]) joining to fight crime. ||Developed by [[Lauren Faust]], the series lasted for 5 episodes.&lt;ref name="herorus"/>&lt;ref>[;id=1139 The World's Finest: "Beware The Batman" CGI Animated Series Coming For 2013, "DC Nation" Updates] {{webarchive |url=;id=1139 |date=November 7, 2011}}&lt;/ref> Faust would later use it as a basis for ''[[DC Super Hero Girls (TV series)|DC Super Hero Girls]]''. |- |align=center|''[[Superman|スーパーマン]] @ Tokyo/Baby Superman''||Shorts about a baby named Kenta (vocal effects provided by [[Jeff Bennett]]) who is granted the powers of the [[Superman]] of Tokyo (voiced by [[Blair Underwood]]) upon wearing his cape as a diaper.&lt;ref name="buzzfocus"/>&lt;ref name="usatoday"/>&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=DC Nation Short Preview: Baby Superman|work=YouTube|date=8 March 2012 |access-date=2016-11-25|archive-date=2016-05-08|archive-url=|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref>||Produced by [[David Production]] |- |align=center|''Sword of the Atom''||Shorts about the DC superhero [[Atom (Ray Palmer)|Atom]] (voiced by [[Jason Marsden]]).|| These shorts are based on the series ''Sword of the Atom''.&lt;ref name="buzzfocus"/> |- |align=center|''Tales of Metropolis''||Shorts about the city of [[Metropolis (comics)|Metropolis]] featuring [[Lois Lane]] (voiced by [[Maria Bamford]]), [[Jimmy Olsen]] (voiced by [[Elisha Yaffe]]), [[Bizarro]] (voiced by [[David Kaye (voice actor)|David Kaye]]), [[Brainiac (character)|Brainiac]] (voiced by [[Brian Doyle-Murray]]), and [[Batman]] (voiced by [[Kevin Conroy]]).|| |- |align=center|''Thunder and Lightning''||Shorts about the DC superhero [[Black Lightning]] (voiced by [[Blair Underwood]]) and his super-powered daughters [[Thunder (DC Comics)|Thunder]] (voiced by [[Cree Summer]]) and [[Lightning (DC Comics)|Lightning]] (voiced by [[Masasa Moyo]]). Thunder and Lightning receive their costumes from [[Peter Gambi]] (voiced by [[Jeff Bennett]]) in order to help their father fight crime.&lt;ref name="Spinoff"/>&lt;ref name="usatoday">{{cite web|url=;PID=4003003&amp;SID=1vk4kjhrtrapf|title='DC Nation' cartoon superheroines look to be kids' new BFFs|work=USATODAY.COM}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Superhero Shows: See DC Nation's Black Lightning and More||date=2 March 2012|access-date=3 March 2012|archive-date=8 August 2012|archive-url=|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref>|| |- |align=center|''Vibe''||Shorts about the DC superhero [[Vibe (comics)|Vibe]] (voiced by [[Carlos Alazraqui]]) competing in a break-dancing competition with his sidekick Daniel (voiced by [[Nika Futterman]]). Vibe must defeat the robot Extreme-O, created by [[Professor Ivo]] (voiced by [[Jason Marsden]]), who is disguised as the judge of the breakdancing competition.&lt;ref name="Spinoff"/>|| |- |align=center|''Wonder Woman''||Shorts about [[Wonder Woman]] (voiced by [[Susan Eisenberg]]) and [[Steve Trevor]] (voiced by Sean Donnellan) re-imagined in the vein of ''[[Starsky and Hutch]]''.|| Written and directed by [[Robert Valley]], and produced by No Dice INK Inc. |} ==Episodes== {{Episode table |overall= |background=#3198FF |title= |airdate= |episodes={{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 1 | Title = DC's World's Funnest #1: Superkids | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2011|11|11}} | ShortSummary = Superheroes and villains are reimagined with childlike personalities. The [[Joker (character)|Joker]] does as many jumps and hops as he can in a minute. [[Superman]] explains he's not very sporty. [[Catwoman]] discusses her mask. [[Batman]] runs and jumps off a table. ''Note:'' Premiered as part of the DC Nation Preview. Aired as part of DC Nation on {{Start date|2012|05|05}}. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 2 | Title = New Teen Titans #1: Burp | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2011|11|11}} | ShortSummary = The [[Teen Titans]] eat pizza and belch. ''Note:'' Premiered as part of the DC Nation Preview. Aired as part of DC Nation on {{Start date|2012|06|30}}. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 3 | Title = Boxing Glove Arrow | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|03|03}} | ShortSummary = [[Anthony De Longis]] demonstrates [[Green Arrow]]'s boxing glove arrow. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 4 | Title = DC's World's Funnest #2: Heroic Goofballs&lt;ref name=toonzonemarch2012>{{URL||Cartoon Network March 2012 Premiere Timeslot Schedule}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Aardman - Heroic Goofballs - DC Nation - Cartoon Network|work=YouTube|access-date=2016-11-25|archive-date=2016-05-09|archive-url=|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref> | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|03|03}} | ShortSummary = Batman shows off his "superpowers" to Robin. Superman ponders why Robin is called "Robin". The Joker jokes that he prefers not to play jokes on people. Catwoman shows off her long jumping abilities. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 5 | Title = Plastic Man in... Super Hero Sketch Artist&lt;ref name=toonzonemarch2012/> | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|03|03}} | ShortSummary = [[Plastic Man]] uses his stretching abilities to help an elderly woman identify the man who stole her purse. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 6 | Title = Batarang | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|03|10}} | ShortSummary = [[Jack Dagger]] demonstrates the [[batarang]]. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 7 | Title = New Teen Titans #2: Utility Player&lt;ref name=toonzonemarch2012/> | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|03|10}} | ShortSummary = [[Beast Boy]] accidentally washes [[Dick Grayson|Robin]]'s utility belt and tries to cover it up just as the team faces [[Doctor Light (Arthur Light)|Doctor Light]]. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 8 | Title = ''[[Superman|スーパーマン]]'' @ Tokyo #1&lt;ref name=toonzonemarch2012/> | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|03|10}} | ShortSummary = The Superman of Tokyo is defeated by a giant robot in Tokyo and passes on his cape and powers to baby Kenta. Upon wearing the cape as a diaper, Kenta becomes Baby Superman. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 9 | Title = Batmobile | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|03|17}} | ShortSummary = [[NASCAR]] driver [[Trevor Bayne]] checks out [[Warner Bros.]]' collection of [[Batmobile]]s from the several Batman films. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 10 | Title = Super Best Friends Forever #1: Invisible Joy Ride&lt;ref name=toonzonemarch2012/> | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|03|17}} | ShortSummary = [[Supergirl (Kara Zor-El)|Supergirl]] and [[Barbara Gordon|Batgirl]] try to convince [[Donna Troy|Wonder Girl]] to fly [[Wonder Woman]]'s [[Invisible plane|Invisible Jet]]. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 11 | Title = MAD Presents... Shazamwich!&lt;ref name=toonzonemarch2012/> | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|03|17}} | ShortSummary = From ''[[Mad (TV series)|MAD]]'', a commercial has Billy Batson transforming into [[Captain Marvel (DC Comics)|Captain Marvel]] to try and convince a friend to try the Shazamwich. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 12 | Title = Character Profile: Plastic Man | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|03|24}} | ShortSummary = The origin story of [[Plastic Man]] is revealed. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 13 | Title = DC's World's Funnest #3&lt;ref name=toonzonemarch2012/> | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|03|24}} | ShortSummary = Superman discusses how Wonder Woman wears very little. The Joker talks about his new shoes. Batman shows how he fights the wind. Catwoman demonstrates how she has to be sneaky. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 14 | Title = Plastic Man in... The Many and the Fowl&lt;ref name=toonzonemarch2012/> | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|03|24}} | ShortSummary = Plastic Man tries to pay his electric bill, but first has to deal with the Tuxedo, Lady Granite, and the Fowl when it comes to mailing the payment. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 15 | Title = Knockout Gas Arrow | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|03|31}} | ShortSummary = [[Anthony De Longis]] demonstrates [[Green Arrow]]'s knockout gas arrow. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 16 | Title = New Teen Titans #3: Stream of Consciences&lt;ref name=toonzonemarch2012/> | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|03|31}} | ShortSummary = Beast Boy is tempted by a plate of fresh-baked cookies. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 17 | Title = ''[[Superman|スーパーマン]]'' @ Tokyo #2&lt;ref name=toonzonemarch2012/> | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|03|31}} | ShortSummary = Kenta's mother tries to interview Tokyo's Superman. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 18 | Title = Character Profile: Kilowog | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|04|07}} | ShortSummary = The origin story of [[Kilowog]] is revealed. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 19 | Title = Animal Man #1: Bank Robbery&lt;ref name=toonzoneapril2012>{{URL||Cartoon Network April 2012 Premiere Info}}&lt;/ref> | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|04|07}} | ShortSummary = [[Animal Man]] interrupts a bank robbery by [[Captain Cold]] to save a mouse that Captain Cold was about to step on. After Animal Man leaves, Captain Cold continues his bank robbery. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 20 | Title = Animal Man #2: Train&lt;ref name=toonzoneapril2012/> | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|04|07}} | ShortSummary = [[Animal Man]] races against time to beat a speeding train in order to get a cow off its track at the time when a woman has been tied to the train tracks. After Animal Man saves the cow, the woman slaps Animal Man. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 21 | Title = Super Best Friends Forever #2: Time Waits for No Girl&lt;ref name=toonzoneapril2012/> | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|04|07}} | ShortSummary = After waiting for her father [[James Gordon (comics)|Commissioner Gordon]] to go to sleep, Batgirl hurries across the city to stop [[Poison Ivy (character)|Poison Ivy]]. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 22 | Title = Batarang #2 | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|04|14}} | ShortSummary = Jack Dagger demonstrates throwing two batarangs at once. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 23 | Title = MAD Presents... Green Care Bear | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|04|14}} | ShortSummary = [[Hal Jordan]] takes on the legacy of the [[Care Bears|Green Care Bear]]. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 24 | Title = DC's World's Funnest #4&lt;ref name=toonzoneapril2012/> | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|04|14}} | ShortSummary = Batman runs around and Superman talks about constellations. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 25 | Title = WonderCon #1 | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|04|21}} | ShortSummary = [[Cosplay]]ers are interviewed at [[WonderCon]]. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 26 | Title = Plastic Man in... Boobtube&lt;ref name=toonzoneapril2012/> | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|04|21}} | ShortSummary = Flatscreen captures Plastic Man in a television. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 27 | Title = New Teen Titans #4: Turn Back the Clock&lt;ref name=toonzoneapril2012/> | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|04|21}} | ShortSummary = [[Mad Mod]] is trying to use a time machine to turn back time in order to regain his youth. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 28 | Title = Character Profile: Blue Beetle | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|04|28}} | ShortSummary = The origin story of [[Jaime Reyes|Blue Beetle]] is revealed. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 29 | Title = Super Best Friends Forever #3: Grounded&lt;ref name=toonzoneapril2012/> | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|04|28}} | ShortSummary = Supergirl is grounded and Superman will make sure she stays in her room. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 30 | Title = MAD Presents... Teen Titanic | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|04|28}} | ShortSummary = ''[[Titanic (1997 film)|Titanic]]'' is parodied with the Teen Titans in this trailer spoof. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 31 | Title = WonderCon #2 | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|05|05}} | ShortSummary = [[Cosplay]]ers are interviewed at [[WonderCon]]. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 32 | Title = Animal Man #3: Beach | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|05|05}} | ShortSummary = [[Black Manta]] invades the beach and Animal Man defeats him after he had knocked down a [[crab]]'s sand castle. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 33 | Title = Animal Man #4: Invasion | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|05|05}} | ShortSummary = [[Darkseid]] and his [[Parademon]]s invade Earth as Animal Man scolds a dog's owner for tying his dog to a parking meter. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 34 | Title = Robin's Collapsible Bo Staff | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|05|12}} | ShortSummary = A martial artist demonstrates the use of [[Tim Drake|Robin's]] collapsible [[Bō|bo staff]]. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 35 | Title = New Teen Titans #5: Blackfire's Babysitter | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|05|12}} | ShortSummary = Starfire is asked to babysit her sister [[Blackfire (DC Comics)|Blackfire]]'s children. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 36 | Title = Mad Presents... That's What Super Friends Are For | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|05|12}} | ShortSummary = The rest of the [[Super Friends]] perform a song and dance for Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman questioning their group's name. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 37 | Title = Character Profile: Animal Man | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|05|19}} | ShortSummary = The origin story of Animal Man is revealed. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 38 | Title = Vibe #1: Enter Extremo Pt. 1 | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|05|19}} | ShortSummary = [[Vibe (comics)|Vibe]] enters a [[B-boying|breakdancing]] competition. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 39 | Title = Vibe #2: Enter Extremo Pt. 2 | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|05|19}} | ShortSummary = During the breakdancing competition, Vibe battles [[Professor Ivo|Dr. Ivo]]'s android [[Amazo|Extremo]]. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 40 | Title = Sword of the Atom #1: Eye of the Storm | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|05|26}} | ShortSummary = The [[Atom (Ray Palmer)|Atom]] crash lands into the jungle. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 41 | Title = Super Best Friends Forever #4: Name Game | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|05|26}} | ShortSummary = While battling the [[Cheetah (character)|Cheetah]], the girls debate if they should call their group the Super Best Friends Forever. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 42 | Title = Character Profile: The Flash | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|06|02}} | ShortSummary = The origin story of the [[Flash (Barry Allen)|Flash]] is revealed. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 43 | Title = Sword of the Atom #2: A Choice of Dooms | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|06|02}} | ShortSummary = Atom battles a snake and the Morlaidhans. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 44 | Title = New Teen Titans #6: Cyborg the Lifeguard | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|06|02}} | ShortSummary = Cyborg acts as a [[lifeguard]] at a pool. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 45 | Title = Kid Flash's Dodging | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|06|09}} | ShortSummary = Demonstration of Kid Flash's ability to dodge attacks. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 46 | Title = Sword of the Atom #3: Rattling the Cage | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|06|09}} | ShortSummary = The Atom and Taren battle for their lives in the Pit. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 47 | Title = New Teen Titans #7: Taped Before a Live Studio Audience | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|06|09}} | ShortSummary = Robin and Cyborg split their lives using duct tape. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 48 | Title = Joker's Playing Cards | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|06|16}} | ShortSummary = Jack Dagger demonstrates the Joker's playing cards as a weapon. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 49 | Title = Sword of the Atom #4: Battle of the Tiny Titans | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|06|16}} | ShortSummary = The Atom must battle Taren in gladiatorial combat. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 50 | Title = Mad Presents... The Curious Case of Benjamin Batman | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|06|16}} | ShortSummary = ''[[The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (film)|The Curious Case of Benjamin Button]]'' is parodied as Batman ages like Benjamin Button in this trailer spoof. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 51 | Title = Nightwing's Movement | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|06|23}} | ShortSummary = An athlete demonstrates [[Dick Grayson|Nightwing]]'s movement with running and acrobatics. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 52 | Title = The Tumbler | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|07|14}} | ShortSummary = Specifications are given about the Tumbler from the [[Christopher Nolan]] series of Batman films. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 53 | Title = Batman of Shanghai #1: Catwoman | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|07|14}} | ShortSummary = Set in Shanghai 1930, Catwoman steals an important scroll and must battle to keep it (a cameo is made by [[Bane (comics)|Bane]]). | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 54 | Title = Mad Presents... Batman Family Feud | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|07|14}} | ShortSummary = When Batman hears that the Riddler is going to rob a television studio, Batman, Robin, Batgirl, and Alfred enter ''[[Family Feud]]'' only to risk failure because of their peculiar habits. Batman makes a deal with the Riddler for the questions to skew towards their lifestyle in order to win. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 55 | Title = San Diego Comic-Con | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|07|28}} | ShortSummary = Cosplayers at the 2012 [[San Diego Comic-Con]] are interviewed. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 56 | Title = Batman of Shanghai #2: Bane | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|07|28}} | ShortSummary = Bane appears and obtains the Scroll of Destiny. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 57 | Title = Batman of Shanghai #3: Bat-Man | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|07|28}} | ShortSummary = Batman battles Bane and Catwoman for the scroll. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 58 | Title = New Teen Titans #8: Red X Unmasked | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|08|04}} | ShortSummary = The Titans capture Red X, but still can't uncover just who he is. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 59 | Title = Boxing Glove Arrow #2 | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|09|01}} | ShortSummary = Anthony De Longis demonstrates Green Arrow's boxing glove arrow's capability for distance and accuracy. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 60 | Title = Character Profile: Batgirl | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|09|22}} | ShortSummary = The origin story of Batgirl is revealed. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 61 | Title = Flash's Agility | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|09|29}} | ShortSummary = A demonstration is done with a runner performing as the Flash in an obstacle course inspired by [[Trickster (comics)|Trickster]]. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 62 | Title = New Teen Titans #9: Gamma Rays and You | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|09|29}} | ShortSummary = The Titans explain gamma rays. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 63 | Title = Super Best Friends Forever #5: Solomon Grundy Don't Fight Girls | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|09|29}} | ShortSummary = When [[Solomon Grundy (comics)|Solomon Grundy]] begins rampaging, the SBFF show up to stop him. Only, Grundy don't fight girls. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 64 | Title = Batarang #3 | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|10|06}} | ShortSummary = Jack Dagger demonstrates the destructive power of the batarang. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 65 | Title = New Teen Titans #10: Titans in Love | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|10|06}} | ShortSummary = Segments include "Raven in Love" and "Robin in Love". | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 66 | Title = DC's World's Funnest #5 | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|10|06}} | ShortSummary = Joker captures Robin as Batman comes to the rescue and Catwoman debates Batman's choice of costume. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 67 | Title = New Teen Titans #11: Titanimal Kingdom | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|11|10}} | ShortSummary = Mumbo transforms the Titans into Titanimals and showcases them on his nature show. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 68 | Title = New Teen Titans #12: Kidz Korner 4 Kidz | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|11|17}} | ShortSummary = The Titans put on a children's TV show. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 69 | Title = New Teen Titans #13: Groundhog Minute | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|11|24}} | ShortSummary = The Titans are stuck in a time loop when baby [[Warp (comics)|Warp]] keeps biting his time disk. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 70 | Title = New Teen Titans #14: Apprentice Part III | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|12|01}} | ShortSummary = Larry the Titan makes a fan-made continuation of the "Apprentice" episode, with Larry as "Robin" and Silkie as "Starfire". | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 71 | Title = New Teen Titans #15: Bad Dad | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|12|08}} | ShortSummary = Raven's father [[Trigon (comics)|Trigon]] visits her at Titans Tower. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 72 | Title = New Teen Titans #16: Lightning Round | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|12|15}} | ShortSummary = Beast Boy goes on Control Freak's new game show called "Quiz Freak" where he is competing against [[Brain (DC Comics)|Brain]] and [[Psimon]]. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 73 | Title = New Teen Titans #17: Mayhem at First Sight | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2012|12|22}} | ShortSummary = Mumbo and Mother Mae-Eye meet and fall in love and decide to get married. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 74 | Title = Character Profile: Cyborg | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|01|05}} | ShortSummary = The origin story of [[Cyborg (comics)|Cyborg]] is revealed. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 75 | Title = Thunder and Lightning #1: Clothes Make the Hero | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|01|05}} | ShortSummary = [[Black Lightning]] gets a new costume from tailor Peter Gambi when [[Doctor Polaris]] interrupts by attacking the city. Leaving behind his daughters [[Thunder (DC Comics)|Thunder]] and [[Lightning (DC Comics)|Lightning]], Gambi surprises the sisters with their own costumes. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 76 | Title = Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld: Level 1: Your Quest Begins | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|01|05}} | ShortSummary = A young girl named Amy Winston is playing the handheld video game "[[Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld]]". She is unable to defeat the evil Dark Opal with Prince Topaz only to be magically transported to Gemworld as the long-lost Princess Amethyst. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 77 | Title = Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld: Level 2: Village of the Frogs | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|01|12}} | ShortSummary = Dark Opal sends a giant [[spider]] that battles Amethyst. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 78 | Title = Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld: Level 3: Random Encounter | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|01|19}} | ShortSummary = Amethyst must take a dip in a lake after an encounter with a slime, but must also battle the enormous [[centipede]]-like creature that takes residence in the lake. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 79 | Title = Farm League #1: The Boiled Wonder/When the League's Away | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|01|26}} | ShortSummary = "The Boiled Wonder": Supermanatee and the Flish must save Robin's Egg from Lex Liger. &lt;br> "When the League's Away": Shazham protects the Barn of Justice from Duckseid. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 80 | Title = Character Profile: Impulse | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|02|02}} | ShortSummary = The origin story of [[Bart Allen|Impulse]] is revealed. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 81 | Title = Thunder and Lightning #2: Lightning Under the Weather | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|02|02}} | ShortSummary = While Black Lightning battles the [[Masters of Disaster (comics)|Masters of Disaster]] and [[Challengers of the Unknown#Villains|Volcano Man]], Thunder has to get herself and Lightning ready for school, but Lightning is under the weather. This turns out to be true to Black Lightning when her sneeze defeats one of the villains that Black Lightning was fighting. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 82 | Title = Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld: Level 4: The Turquoise Cave | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|02|09}} | ShortSummary = Amethyst battles Prince Topaz (who had been turned into a [[Skeleton (undead)|skeleton]] by Dark Opal in the first short) and earns his treasure after defeating him. Nothing left to hold him back, Amethyst puts Prince Topaz's skeleton back together and urges Prince Topaz to travel the world. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 83 | Title = Character Profile: Beast Boy | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|02|16}} | ShortSummary = The origin story of [[Beast Boy]] is revealed. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 84 | Title = Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld: Level 5: Battle in the Stormy Peaks | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|02|16}} | ShortSummary = Amethyst saves the [[Frog]] Prince from Dark Opal's spell and obtains her pendant's jewel Prince Topaz told her she needed. She however must face Dark Opal himself when he shows up in person. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 85 | Title = Farm League #2: Snack Run | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|02|23}} | ShortSummary = Batmongoose is sent out to get snacks only to discover the Croaker, Cat Cat, and Moo-Face drugging the League's water trough. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 86 | Title = Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld: Level 6: The Final Battle | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|03|02}} | ShortSummary = Amethyst faces off against Dark Opal. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 87 | Title = Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld: Level 7: Welcome Home | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|03|09}} | ShortSummary = Amethyst defeats Dark Opal and returns to her own world. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 88 | Title = Farm League #3: Swimming Lessons/Talk to the Lamprey | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|03|16}} | ShortSummary = "Swimming Lessons": The Flish and Robin's Egg have their swim interrupted by Captain Cod. &lt;br> "Talk to the Lamprey": Sinestropotamus attacks the Barn of Justice capturing Cybug and Billy Bacon but is stopped by the Green Lamprey. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 89 | Title = Farm League #4: Taking Out the Trash | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|04|27}} | ShortSummary = Wonder Wombat and Cybug are fighting with Lex Liger. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 90 | Title = Shade #1: Shade, the Changing Man | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|05|04}} | ShortSummary = Shade, the Changing Man, combats madness late at night on a city street. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 91 | Title = Aquaman's Swimming Obstacle | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|05|11}} | ShortSummary = | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 92 | Title = DC's World's Funnest #6 | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|05|11}} | ShortSummary = Superman sneezes and rains heat vision on the people of Gotham as the Joker tries to imitate a balloon and Catwoman describes what to do with a tail. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 93 | Title = Character Profile: Amethyst | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|05|18}} | ShortSummary = The origin story of [[Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld|Amethyst]] is revealed. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 94 | Title = DC Super Pets #1: Jokes on You | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|05|18}} | ShortSummary = [[Ace the Bat-Hound]] and Robin Robin must stop Joker Fish's villainous crime wave. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 95 | Title = Wonder Woman's Golden Lasso | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|05|25}} | ShortSummary = | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 96 | Title = Tales of Metropolis #1: Bizarro | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|05|25}} | ShortSummary = [[Bizarro]] tries to take the place of Clark Kent/Superman when [[Brainiac (character)|Brainiac]] attacks Metropolis. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 97 | Title = Comic-Con 2013 | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|06|01}} | ShortSummary = | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 98 | Title = Farm League #5: Heads or Tails | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|06|01}} | ShortSummary = In the super villain's silo, Craniac comes up with a brilliant plan, but Bizarrfo has a plan of his own. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 99 | Title = Penguin's Knock-Out Gas Umbrella | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|06|08}} | ShortSummary = Anthony De Longis demonstrates [[Penguin (character)|Penguin]]'s umbrella including its knockout gas feature. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 100 | Title = DC's World's Funnest #7 | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|06|08}} | ShortSummary = Superman describes what he's scared of, The Joker sings Jingle Bells as Batman appears, and Catwoman describes being good at balancing on one leg. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 101 | Title = Man of Steel Interview: Dylan Sprayberry #1 | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|06|15}} | ShortSummary = [[Dylan Sprayberry]] is interviewed about playing a younger Clark Kent in ''[[Man of Steel (film)|Man of Steel]]''. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 102 | Title = MAD Presents... Extreme Renovation: House Edition | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|06|15}} | ShortSummary = [[Ty Pennington]] and Lex Luthor do an [[Extreme Makeover: Home Edition|extreme renovation]] on Superman's [[Fortress of Solitude]]. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 103 | Title = Man of Steel Interview: Dylan Sprayberry #2 | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|06|22}} | ShortSummary = [[Dylan Sprayberry]] is interviewed about playing young Clark Kent in ''[[Man of Steel (film)|Man of Steel]]''. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 104 | Title = DC Super Pets #2: Krypto vs. Streaky | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|06|22}} | ShortSummary = Krypto tries to compete against Streaky to see which could do the most good deeds in the shortest amount of time. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 105 | Title = Catwoman's Whip | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|06|29}} | ShortSummary = Mary De Longis demonstrates Catwoman's whip. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 106 | Title = Plastic Man in... The Bat and the Eel | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|06|29}} | ShortSummary = Batman relates his encounter with safecracker Eel O'Brian. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 107 | Title = Character Profile: Black Lightning | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|07|06}} | ShortSummary = The origin story of Black Lightning is revealed. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 108 | Title = Riddler #1: Riddle Me This! | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|07|06}} | ShortSummary = The Riddler places Batman in various death traps while asking him juvenile riddles involving members of the Justice League. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 109 | Title = Aquaman's Trident | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|07|13}} | ShortSummary = A man demonstrates Aquaman's underwater movements as he works to get the trident, swim around obstacles, and take down an underwater cut-out of Black Manta. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 110 | Title = Wonder Woman #1 | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|07|13}} | ShortSummary = [[Steve Trevor]] crash lands on an island paradise and is pursued by two women in weaponized jeeps before Wonder Woman captures him using a stylized car that turns invisible. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 111 | Title = Wonder Woman #2 | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|07|20}} | ShortSummary = As the two women confront Wonder Woman about interrogating Steve Trevor, [[Giganta]] awakes and emerges from the water taking the jeeps as roller skates. Wonder Woman, Steve Trevor, and the two women pack into the stylized car as they try to evade the giant. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 112 | Title = Teen Titans Go! Cast | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|07|27}} | ShortSummary = The cast of ''[[Teen Titans Go!]]'' is interviewed by their oversized blow-ups at the 2013 [[San Diego Comic-Con]]. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 113 | Title = Wonder Woman #3 | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|07|27}} | ShortSummary = Wonder Woman defeats Giganta by sending her crashing into the ocean and saves Steve Trevor. Trevor asks where he is, but is not surprised when Wonder Woman replies "[[Themyscira (DC Comics)|Paradise Island]]". | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 114 | Title = Comic-Con 2013: Costumes | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|08|03}} | ShortSummary = | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 115 | Title = Tales of Metropolis #2: Lois Lane | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|08|03}} | ShortSummary = Lois Lane follows Batman everywhere to get an interview. Before he defeats Penguin, Batman answers Lois' questions in order of when each one is asked. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 116 | Title = Metal Men #1: Meet the Metal Men | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|08|10}} | ShortSummary = [[Will Magnus]] constructs the [[Metal Men]]. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 117 | Title = Penguin's Umbrella Gun | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|08|17}} | ShortSummary = Anthony De Longis demonstrates Penguin's Umbrella Gun by shooting paintballs at paper lanterns. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 118 | Title = DC Super Pets #3: World's Finest Bark | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|08|17}} | ShortSummary = Ace and Krypto team with Green Lantern B'dg. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 119 | Title = Doom Patrol: Chapter #1 - Challenge of the Timeless Commander | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|08|24}} | ShortSummary = The Doom Patrol protect an alien vessel from getting into the hands of General Immortus. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 120 | Title = Comic-Con 2013: Raven &amp; Beast Boy | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|08|31}} | ShortSummary = | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 121 | Title = Metal Men #2: Three Laws of Robotics | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|08|31}} | ShortSummary = [[Will Magnus]] tries to teach the [[Metal Men]] the [[Three Laws of Robotics]]. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 122 | Title = Character Profile: Bizarro | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|09|07}} | ShortSummary = The origin story of Bizarro is revealed. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 123 | Title = Plastic Man in... Superheroes Wear Pajamas | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|09|07}} | ShortSummary = Plastic Man is entranced by the Tuxedo and appears in public in his Batman pajamas with his teddy bear. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 124 | Title = Catwoman's Whip #2 | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|09|14}} | ShortSummary = Mary De Longis demonstrates Catwoman's whip on her husband who is wielding a baseball bat. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 125 | Title = DC's World's Funnest #8 | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|09|14}} | ShortSummary = Batman misses a call on the Batphone because he was in the bathroom. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 126 | Title = Superman's Heat Vision | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|09|21}} | ShortSummary = | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 127 | Title = DC Super Pets #4: The League of Just Us Cows | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|09|21}} | ShortSummary = | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 128 | Title = Comic-Con 2013: Superman's Powers | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|09|28}} | ShortSummary = Con-goers were asked what they would do with Superman's powers. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 129 | Title = Deadman #1: Catch | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|09|28}} | ShortSummary = [[Deadman (DC Comics)|Deadman]] possesses various bodies in order to save a falling crow that he has tried to scare. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 130 | Title = Superman 75th Anniversary Party | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|10|05}} | ShortSummary = Celebrities at the Superman 75th Anniversary Party are asked what would they do with Superman's powers. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 131 | Title = Metal Men #3: Identity Crisis | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|10|05}} | ShortSummary = The Metal Men must face a threat despite their heads switched between each other's bodies. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 132 | Title = Interview: Dylan Sprayberry | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|10|05}} | ShortSummary = [[Dylan Sprayberry]] is interviewed about playing a younger Clark Kent in ''[[Man of Steel (film)|Man of Steel]]''. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 133 | Title = Cyborg's Arm Cannon | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|10|12}} | ShortSummary = | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 134 | Title = MAD Presents... Zeke and Lex Luthor | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|10|12}} | ShortSummary = ''[[Zeke and Luther]]'' is parodied when Lex Luthor abducts and replaces Luther in a skateboarding competition. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 135 | Title = Character Profile: Metamorpho | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|10|19}} | ShortSummary = The origin story of [[Metamorpho]] is revealed. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 136 | Title = [[Superman|Superman 75th Anniversary]] | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|10|19}} | ShortSummary = [[Zack Snyder]] and [[Bruce Timm]] produced tribute to 75 years of Superman. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 137 | Title = Katana's Sword | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|10|26}} | ShortSummary = [[Katana (comics)|Katana]]'s katana is demonstrated. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 138 | Title = Tales of Metropolis #3: Jimmy Olsen | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|10|26}} | ShortSummary = Jimmy Olsen goes over the problems with being Superman's best (and perhaps only) friend to Clark Kent. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 139 | Title = Deadman #2: Graveffiti | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|11|02}} | ShortSummary = | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 140 | Title = Plastic Man in... Untouchable | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|11|09}} | ShortSummary = | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 141 | Title = Character Profile: Shazam! | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|11|17}} | ShortSummary = The origin story of [[Captain Marvel (DC Comics)|Captain Marvel]] is revealed. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 142 | Title = Doom Patrol: Chapter #2 - Trail of the Terrible Titan | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|11|17}} | ShortSummary = | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 143 | Title = Robin's Staff | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|11|23}} | ShortSummary = | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 144 | Title = Metal Men #4: Cash for Gold | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|11|23}} | ShortSummary = | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 145 | Title = Deadman #3: Date | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|11|30}} | ShortSummary = | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 146 | Title = DC's World's Funnest #9 | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|12|07}} | ShortSummary = | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 147 | Title = Doom Patrol: Chapter #3 - The Spy Within the Doom Patrol | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2013|12|28}} | ShortSummary = | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 148 | Title = Character Profile: Wonder Woman | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2014|02|22}} | ShortSummary = The origin story of [[Wonder Woman]] is revealed. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 149 | Title = [[Batman: Strange Days]] (Batman 75th Anniversary) | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2014|04|09}} | ShortSummary = A lost tale from Batman's past, the Dark Knight tracks a strange giant to the mysterious lair of [[Hugo Strange]]. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 150 | Title = Green Arrow #1: Onomatopoeiabot | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2014|04|16}} | ShortSummary = Green Arrow and [[Black Canary]] have a competition to see who can destroy more of [[Onomatopoeia (comics)|Onomatopoeia]]'s giant robots. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 151 | Title = ''[[Batman Beyond]]'' (Batman 75th Anniversary) | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2014|04|23}} | ShortSummary = Terry (Batman) battles a Batman robot in the Batcave with help from Bruce and the Batmobile. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 152 | Title = Shazam! #1: Courage | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2014|04|30}} | ShortSummary = Billy Batson transforms into Shazam in order to see an R-rated, scary movie, but his fear leaves him too weak to fight when he encounters [[Ibac]] on the way home. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 153 | Title = DC Super Pets #5: Have Your Cake and B'Dg Too | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2014|05|14}} | ShortSummary = | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 154 | Title = Creature Commandos #1: Trailer | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2014|07|05}} | ShortSummary = | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 155 | Title = Green Arrow #2: Brick | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2014|07|06}} | ShortSummary = Green Arrow tests out a bunch of new arrows on [[Brick (comics)|Brick]], to Black Canary's dismay. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 156 | Title = Shazam! #2: Wisdom | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2014|07|12}} | ShortSummary = Billy seeks the gods' help in answering a math problem involving trains. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 157 | Title = Metal Men #5: Metal Men vs. Chemo | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2014|07|13}} | ShortSummary = | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 158 | Title = Creature Commandos #2: Lucky Day | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2014|07|19}} | ShortSummary = | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 159 | Title = Green Arrow #3: Cupid | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2014|07|20}} | ShortSummary = Green Arrow's Bow falls in love with Cupid's crossbow. | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 160 | Title = Shazam! #3: Stamina | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2014|07|26}} | ShortSummary = | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 161 | Title = DC's World's Funnest #10 | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2014|07|27}} | ShortSummary = | LineColor = 3198FF }} {{Episode list | EpisodeNumber = 162 | Title = Creature Commandos #3: Weak Link | OriginalAirDate = {{Start date|2014|08|02}} | ShortSummary = | LineColor = 3198FF }} }} ==''DC Nation Super Spectacular''== In May 2012, DC Comics released a 64-page monthly magazine called ''DC Nation Super Spectacular''. The featured strips are based on the ''Young Justice'' &amp; ''Green Lantern: The Animated Series'' television series as well as additional content such as behind the scenes features.&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=DC NATION ARRIVES ON MOBILE DEVICES AND NEWSSTANDS WITH NEW APP AND MAGAZINE|work=DC Comics|date=26 April 2012|access-date=26 April 2012|archive-date=27 April 2012|archive-url=|url-status=live}}&lt;/ref>&lt;ref>{{cite web|url=|title=DC reveals details of kid-friendly DC Nation magazine, mobile app - Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources|work=Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources|date=26 April 2012|access-date=5 May 2012|archive-date=7 November 2013|archive-url=|url-status=dead}}&lt;/ref> ==Latin America== The ''DC Nation Shorts'' have been transmitted by Cartoon Network (Latin America) since July 2013. The series are transmitted randomly in commercial breaks and it has broadcast shorts this way for years. This is because Cartoon Network Latin America has not incorporated the DC Nation block. The shorts broadcast were ''Tokyo/Baby Superman'', ''DC Super Pets'', ''Animal Man'', ''Vibe'', and ''The New Teen Titans''. ==References== {{reflist|30em}} ==External links== {{Div col|colwidth=30em}} * {{IMDb title|qid=Q113015865|title=Amethyst, Princess of Gemworld}} * {{IMDb title|qid=Q127688395|title=Animal Man}} * {{IMDb title|qid=Q127688401|title=Batman Beyond}} * {{IMDb title|qid=Q127688404|title=Batman of Shanghai}} * {{IMDb title|qid=Q28129008|title=Batman: Strange Days}} * {{IMDb title|qid=Q127688417|title=Creature Commandos}} * {{IMDb title|qid=Q127688420|title=DC Super-Pets}} * {{IMDb title|qid=Q127688423|title=Deadman}} * {{IMDb title|qid=Q127688430|title=Doom Patrol}} * {{IMDb title|qid=Q127688433|title=Farm League}} * {{IMDb title|qid=Q127688435|title=Green Arrow}} * {{IMDb title|qid=Q127688438|title=Metal Men}} * {{IMDb title|qid=Q113015789|title=New Teen Titans}} * {{IMDb title|qid=Q127688440|title=Plastic Man}} * {{IMDb title|qid=Q127688443|title=Riddler}} * {{IMDb title|qid=Q127688446|title=Shade the Changing Man}} * {{IMDb title|qid=Q127688448|title=Shazam!}} * {{IMDb title|qid=Q113004795|title=Super Best Friends Forever}} * {{IMDb title|qid=Q127688451|title=Superman of Tokyo}} * {{IMDb title|qid=Q127688453|title=Sword of the Atom}} * {{IMDb title|qid=Q114402959|title=Tales of Metropolis}} * {{IMDb title|qid=Q127688455|title=Thunder and Lightning}} * {{IMDb title|qid=Q127688458|title=Vibe}} * {{IMDb title|qid=Q127688461|title=Wonder Woman}} {{div col end}} {{Warner Bros. animation and comics}} {{Cartoon Network original programming}} {{Aardman Animations}} {{Black Lightning}} {{Plastic Man}} [[Category:DC Nation]] [[Category:2010s American animated television series]] [[Category:2010s American anthology television series]] [[Category:2011 American television series debuts]] [[Category:2014 American television series endings]] [[Category:American children's animated action television series]] [[Category:American children's animated anthology television series]] [[Category:American children's animated comedy television series]] [[Category:American children's animated superhero television series]] [[Category:American flash animated television series]] [[Category:American English-language television shows]] [[Category:Cartoon Network original programming]] [[Category:Teen Titans in other media]] [[Category:Animated short films based on DC Comics]] [[Category:Television series by Aardman Animations]] [[Category:Television series by Warner Bros. 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