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A popular tourist destination, it is home to several small- to medium-sized cities, extensive state and national forests, lakes and rivers, and a large portion of [[Great Lakes]] shoreline. The region has a significant seasonal population much like other regions that depend on tourism as their main industry. Northern Lower Michigan is distinct from the more northerly [[Upper Peninsula of Michigan|Upper Peninsula]] and [[Isle Royale]], which are also located in "northern" Michigan. In the northernmost 21 counties in the [[Lower Peninsula of Michigan]], the total population of the region is 506,658 people.<ref group="upper-alpha" name="auto">The largest city is [[Traverse City, Michigan|Traverse City]]. The 4 counties surrounding it make up [[Traverse City micropolitan area|Traverse City Micropolitan Area]] and have a population of 143,372, [[List of micropolitan statistical areas|7th in nation]].</ref> ==History== {{see also|Timeline of Michigan history|Michigan#History}} ===Pre-colonial era: itinerant Native American tribes=== {{CSS image crop |Image = Beaver wars map.jpg |bSize = 600 |cWidth = 275 |cHeight = 180 |oTop = 50 |oLeft = 100 |Location = right |Description = Map showing the approximate location of major tribes and settlements around 1648<ref>Jennings, p. 15 & 26</ref> }} {{CSS image crop |Image = 5NationsExpansion.jpg |bSize = 400 |cWidth = 280 |cHeight = 180 |oTop = 0 |oLeft = 66 |Location = right |Description = Map of [[Iroquois]] expansion during [[Beaver Wars]] 1638–1711. Through the lucrative fur trade, the Iroquois gained European weapons, giving them an advantage against tribes in the Great Lakes region, whose lands they took over. }} For thousands of years before the French and English set up colonies in the region, Northern Michigan was inhabited by [[Native Americans in the United States|Native American]] cultures and succeeding tribes. Northern Michigan was the southern extent of the area scholars believed occupied by prehistoric inhabitants known as the [[Laurel complex]]. They were part of the Hopewell Indian exchange system, which is named after a prehistoric [[Hopewell tradition|tribe]] that existed in the [[Great Lakes region]].<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Then Again WebChron}}</ref> According to [[Menominee]] tradition, this tribe's original homeland was farther north, near present-day Sault Ste. Marie and Michilimackinac. At some period before European contact (probably around 1600), they were forced southwest to the [[Menominee River]] by arrival of the Ojibwe, Odawa, and Potawatomi from the east.<ref>[], Dick's Shovel website</ref> [[Odawa]] history written by [[Andrew Blackbird]] records that [[Emmet County, Michigan|Emmet County]] was thickly populated by a race of Indians that they called the [[Mascouten|Mush-co-desh]], which means "the prairie tribe". The Mush-co-desh had an agrarian society and were said to have "shaped the land by making the woodland into prairie as they abandoned their old worn out gardens which formed grassy plains". Ottawa tradition claims that they slaughtered from forty to fifty thousand Mush-co-desh and drove the rest from the land after the Mush-co-desh insulted an Ottawa war party. At this same time, the areas surrounding the Straits of Mackinac, was home to the Michinemackinawgo.<ref>{{cite book|author=Andrew J. Blackbird|title=History of the Ottawa and Chippewa Indians of Michigan: A Grammar of Their Language, and Personal and Family History of the Author|url=|year=1887|publisher=Ypsilantian job printing house}}</ref> They were a race of natives of small stature that were nearly wiped out by the Iroquois in the 1640s during the Beaver Wars. The remnants of this race were taken in by the Ojibwe and still exist today amongst the [[Mackinac Bands of Chippewa and Ottawa Indians]].<ref>{{cite book|editor=Reuben Gold Thwaites|title=The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents, Travels and Explorations of the Jesuit Missionaries in New France, 1610-1791}}</ref> In the historic period, the [[Anishinaabe]]/[[Algonquian peoples|Algonquian]]-speaking peoples known as the [[Ojibwe]], [[Odawa]] and [[Potawatomi]], formed a loose confederation which they called the [[Council of Three Fires]]. They inhabited areas surrounding the Straits of Mackinac, the upper and lower peninsulas of Michigan, and the northern islands and shoreline of Canada along Lake Huron. ===French and English colonial eras: fur trade and exploration based at the Straits=== {{see also|North American fur trade}} {{CSS image crop |Image = Insel Kalifornien 1650.jpg |bSize = 1600 |cWidth = 440 |cHeight = 305 |oTop = 400 |oLeft = 525 |Location = center |Description = Much of New France's "[[Pays d'en Haut]]" (Upper Country) remained unexplored in the mid-1600s; [[Nicolas Sanson d'Abbeville]]'s 1650 map was the first to show all five Great Lakes.<ref name="">[ "French Exhibit Catalog"], Library, Central Michigan State University</ref> }} ==== Initial colonial influence on Natives: French exploration and Beaver Wars ==== In 1608, [[Samuel de Champlain]] established [[Quebec]] as part of [[New France]]. He sent [[coureur des bois]] such as [[Étienne Brûlé]] into the woods to establish relations with the Indians. Around 1615 or 1616, Champlain traveled to [[Georgian Bay]] via the [[French River (Ontario)|French River]] and met Ottawa and Huron Indians on the south end near [[Penetanguishene]].<ref name="Saarinen2013">{{cite book|author=Oiva W. Saarinen|title=From Meteorite Impact to Constellation City: A Historical Geography of Greater Sudbury|url=|date=15 June 2013|publisher=Wilfrid Laurier Univ. Press|isbn=978-1-55458-875-6|pages=48–}}</ref><ref>{{cite book|last=Leavelle|first=Tracy Neal |title=The Catholic Calumet: Colonial Conversions in French and Indian North America|url=|date=29 November 2011|publisher=University of Pennsylvania Press|isbn=978-0-8122-0704-0|page=27}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=400 years ago, Champlain's first European contact with First Nations in Georgian Bay met sound society|last=McCutcheon|first=Alicia|date=2015-08-12|website=Manitoulin Expositor|language=en-CA|access-date=2019-08-10}}</ref><ref name="Fletcher2012">{{cite book|author=Matthew L.M. Fletcher|title=The Eagle Returns: The Legal History of the Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians|url=|date=1 January 2012|publisher=MSU Press|isbn=978-1-60917-004-2|pages=17–}}</ref> The French established the [[North American fur trade]] with Indian tribes. In the decades that followed, French explorers and missionaries continued to explore the [[Pays d'en Haut|"Upper Country"]] of New France that included the Upper [[Great Lakes]]. In 1634, [[Jean Nicolet]] passed through the straits of Mackinac on the way to Wisconsin.<ref>[], State of Michigan</ref> While France colonized the interior lands along the [[St. Lawrence River]], the Dutch and English began colonizing the East Coast of North America, setting up fur trade and arming the [[Iroquois]] along the east and southeast of the Great Lakes. Competition for trade and pelts resulted in the brutal [[Beaver Wars]]. The Iroquois pushed west into the Great Lakes territory, displacing the tribes who had settled there before. As a result of an Iroquois attack and dispersal of the [[Wyandot people|Huron]] from [[Southern Ontario]] in 1649, the Huron sought refuge with the Ojibwe at [[Michilimackinac]] where eventually a Jesuit mission was established for their care.<ref name="autogenerated2">Fenton, William N. "[ KONDIARONK, Le Rat.]" ''Dictionary of Canadian Biography''. ©2000 University of Toronto/Universite Laval. Web. 21 Feb. 2012.</ref> ==== Jesuit Mission at St. Ignace (1671–1696) ==== [[File:Huronie.JPG|thumb|right| After taking refuge at Michilimackinac during the Beaver Wars, many [[Wyandot people|Wyandot]] (Huron) migrated to the areas of Detroit, Windsor, and northern Ohio in the early 18th century.<ref>{{cite book|last=Onofrio|first=Jan |title=Dictionary of Indian Tribes of the Americas|url=|date=1 January 1995|publisher=American Indian Publishers, Inc.|isbn=978-0-937862-28-5|page=965|quote="Driven by the Sioux from their Chequamegon Bay base in 1670, they moved next to Michillimackinac where they lived until 1704, then they again resettled near Detroit under French auspices. It was from this Detroit village that dissident members of the Turtle clans... began moving into the long vacant Ohio country... along the Sandusky River valley and plain.}}</ref>]] Jesuit [[Jacques Marquette|Father Marquette]] set up a [[St. Ignace Mission|mission in St. Ignace]] in 1671. While the Beaver Wars raged on, Marquette evangelized the Indians. From May 17, 1673, until Marquette's death near [[Ludington, MI|Ludington]] on May 18, 1675, Father Marquette and [[Louis Jolliet]] explored and mapped Lake Michigan and the northern portion of the Mississippi River. In 1679, [[René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle]] and [[Louis Hennepin|Father Louis Hennepin]] set out on ''[[Le Griffon]]'' to find the [[Northwest Passage]]; it was the first known sailing ship to sail in Northern Michigan. They sailed across [[Lake Erie]], [[Lake Huron]], and [[Lake Michigan]] through uncharted waters, which previously only men in [[canoes]] had explored. After Marquette's death, the mission was taken over by Father Phillip Pierson, and then [[Henri Nouvel|Father Nouvel]].<ref name="histn">{{citation | title = A History of the Northern Peninsula of Michigan and Its People: Its Mining, Lumber and Agricultural Industries, Volume 1 | author = Alvah Littlefield Sawyer | publisher = Lewis Publishing Company | year = 1911 | pages = 128–135 | isbn = 978-0-598-48952-4 | url =}}</ref> Father Henri Nouvel was "Superior of the Otawa missions",<ref>{{cite book|title=Annals of Fort Mackinac|url=|year=1892|publisher=D.H. Kelton|quote=1673 or 74 Henry Nouvel Superior of the Otawa Missions takes charge of them. Father Philip Pierson becomes pastor of the Huron}}</ref> Nouvel served in this position from 1672 to 1680 (with a two-year break in 1678–1679), and again from 1688 to 1695.<ref>{{cite book|author=Louise Phelps Kellogg|title=Early Narratives of the Northwest, 1634-1699|url=|volume=19|year=1917|publisher=C. Scribners's sons|page=334|isbn=978-0-7222-6534-5}}</ref> Under Nouvel, a new chapel was built in approximately 1674. By 1683 the mission was so successful and prosperous that three priests, Fathers Nicholas Potier, Enjalran, and [[Pierre Bailloquet]], were assigned there.<ref name="histn" /> The establishment of a French garrison at St. Ignace in 1679 disrupted relations between the French and the local population, as the soldiers were less educated and amiable than the missionaries. ==== 1680s: Fortification (Fort de Buade) at St. Ignace ==== In 1683, Governor [[Joseph-Antoine de La Barre]] ordered [[Daniel Greysolon, Sieur du Lhut]] and [[Olivier Morel de La Durantaye]] to establish a strategic presence on the north shore of the [[Straits of Mackinac]], which connected [[Lake Michigan]] and [[Lake Huron]] of the Great Lakes. They fortified the Jesuit mission at St. Ignace and [[Olivier Morel de La Durantaye|La Durantaye]] settled in as overall commander of the French forts in the northwest: [[Fort Saint Louis des Illinois]] ([[Utica, Illinois]]); [[Fort Kaministigoya]] ([[Thunder Bay, Ontario]]); and [[Fort la Tourette]] ([[Lake Nipigon, Ontario]]). He was also responsible for the region around Green Bay in present-day Wisconsin. In the spring of 1684, La Durantaye led a relief expedition from Saint Ignace to Fort Saint Louis des Illinois, which had been besieged by the [[Seneca people|Seneca]] (part of the Iroquois Confederacy) as part of the [[Beaver Wars]]; they sought to gain more hunting grounds in order to control the lucrative fur trade. That summer and again in 1687, La Durantaye led [[Coureur des bois|coureurs de bois]] and Indians from the Straits against the Seneca homeland in the territory of western upper New York state. During these years, English traders from New York penetrated the Great Lakes and also traded at [[Michilimackinac]]. This, and the [[King William's War|outbreak of war between England and France in 1689]], led to the new commandant [[Louis de La Porte de Louvigny]] directing construction of Fort de Buade in 1690. ==== 1690s: Cadillac at Fort de Buade; St. Ignace Fort and Mission later abandoned ==== In the 1690s, commander [[Antoine de la Mothe Cadillac]] used [[Fort de Buade]] as a base of operations to explore and map the Great Lakes. Cadillac left St. Ignace in 1697 and the Jesuits vacated their residence and church by 1705.<ref>{{cite book|url=|title=The Metis Homeland: Its Settlements and Communities|last=Barkwell|first=Lawrence|publisher=Louis Riel Institute|year=2016|isbn=978-1-927531-12-9|location=Winnipeg, MB|format=PDF|oclc=956556384|quote=The original French fort and Jesuit mission were there from about 1671, although there was no French commandant after Lamothe Cadillac left in 1697, as the post was ordered closed in 1696. The Jesuits (and several Coureurs de Bois) remained there until the Jesuits burned their residence and church in 1705.}}</ref> The Beaver Wars ended when the [[Great Peace of Montreal]] was signed in 1701 in Montreal by the French and 39 Indian chiefs including [[Kondiaronk]] (the chief of the Mackinaw-area [[Wyandot people|Huron]]). When [[Antoine Laumet de La Mothe, sieur de Cadillac]] left the area in 1701 to found [[Detroit]], taking many of the St. Ignace residents with him, the importance of the mission declined dramatically.<ref name="histn" /> ==== Early 1700s: Fort Michilimackinac established as a New France outpost ==== {{CSS image crop |Image = Nouvelle-France map-en.svg |bSize = 600 |cWidth = 500 |cHeight = 275 |oTop = 0 |oLeft = 0 |Location = left |Description = Map of French and British North American possessions in the early 18th century. After ceding Hudson's Bay to the British in the [[Treaty of Utrecht]], France built forts such as [[Fort Michilimackinac]] to protect the New France [[North American fur trade|fur trade]] from the British [[Hudson's Bay Company]]. }} {{CSS image crop |Image = 1755 Bellin Map of the Great Lakes - Geographicus - GreatLakes-bellin-1755.jpg |bSize = 1800 |cWidth = 300 |cHeight = 260 |oTop = 575 |oLeft = 600 |Location = right |Description = Northern Michigan as shown on a 1755 Map of [[New France]] showing various islands, land features, rivers, and settlements. (In French, "I. du [[Beaver|Castor]]" means [[Beaver Island, Michigan|Beaver Island]], "L'ours qui dort" means [[Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore|The Bear That Sleeps]], and "Ance au tonnerre" means [[Thunder Bay (Michigan)|Thunder Bay]]). The map also shows several rivers that retained some similar names: [[Betsie River|Rue Aux Buscies]], and [[Manistee River|Rue d'Oulamanittie]], [[Pere Marquette River|Rue du Pierre Marquet]]. }} The [[St. Ignace Mission]] remained open until 1705, when it was abandoned and burned by Father [[Étienne de Carheil]].<ref name="nrhpinv2">{{Cite journal|title=National Register of Historic Places Inventory-Nomination: St. Ignace Mission|url={{NHLS url|id=66000398}} |format=pdf|date=May 7, 1975 |author=Joseph Scott Mendinghall |publisher=National Park Service}} and {{NHLS url|id=66000398|title=''Accompanying four photos, from 1974''|photos=y}}&nbsp;{{small|(32&nbsp;KB)}}</ref> It was reopened in 1712, and operated on the north shore of the Straits until 1741, when it was relocated to the south shore.<ref name="state">{{cite web | title = St. Ignace Mission | publisher = Michigan State Housing Development Authority | url = | access-date = May 12, 2012 | archive-url = | archive-date = December 24, 2012 | url-status = dead | df = mdy-all }}</ref> With the relocation of the mission, the exact location of Marquette's chapel was lost.<ref name="nrhpinv2" /> In 1712, at the beginning of [[Fox Wars|a 25-year war]] between the French and the [[Fox (tribe)|Fox]] tribe, Canadian Governor [[Philippe de Rigaud Vaudreuil|Philippe de Rigaud de Vaudreuil]] sent [[Constant le Marchand de Lignery]] to reoccupy the former post of Michilimackinac, which had been abandoned in 1696 by royal orders. Around 1715 (during the [[Fox Wars|First Fox War]]), the French re-established a Northern Michigan military outpost at a new site on the northern tip of the lower peninsula and called it [[Fort Michilimackinac]]. This location became the new locus for fur and other trade, and mission work with the natives. Lignery returned to the command of Michilimackinac in 1722 after an absence of about three years fighting the Fox in Illinois. He carried out the orders of acting Governor [[Charles le Moyne de Longueuil et de Châteauguay|Charles Le Moyne de Longueuil]] and (starting in 1726) New France governor [[Charles de la Boische, Marquis de Beauharnois]]. From 1720 to 1722, [[Pierre François Xavier de Charlevoix]] stopped at [[Michilimackinac]] and other points in Northern Michigan while seeking a Pacific Ocean passage. In 1728, fur trader [[Augustin Langlade]] obtained a fur trading license at [[Michilimackinac]]. He and his half-Ottawa son [[Charles Michel de Langlade]] (born at the fort in 1729) would later strongly influence the Northern Michigan fur trade as well as French relations with Great Lakes tribes during the 1712 to 1733 [[Fox Wars]] and the 1754–1763 [[French and Indian War]]. By 1745, the Odawa had created settlements down the coast of Lake Michigan into the [[Grand Traverse Bay]] area, with an approximate population between 1,550 and 3,000. This population varied with the seasons, as the tradition was to migrate inland to different camps (sometimes as far as to Illinois) depending upon the season.<ref name="">{{cite book|last=Fletcher|first=Matthew L.M. |title=The Eagle Returns: The Legal History of the Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians|url=|date=1 January 2012|publisher=MSU Press|isbn=978-1-60917-004-2|page=17}}</ref> Some Ojibwe bands also shared the Grand Traverse Bay region with the Odawa.<ref name="" /> In 1751, a Jesuit Mission to the Odawa was established in Manistee.<ref>{{cite book|title=Appletons' Annual Cyclopaedia and Register of Important Events|url=|volume=17|year=1893|publisher=D. Appleton|page=114|quote=In 1751 a Jesuit mission was established here, but the first actual white settlement took place in 1841, when a sawmill was built.}}</ref> ==== 1760s: Beginning of the British era ==== In the 1760s after defeating the French in the [[French and Indian War]] (and in the [[Seven Years' War]] in Europe), the British took control of the Straits of Mackinac and other French territory east of the Mississippi River. They encountered resistance from the Natives, who rose up in what was called [[Pontiac's War]] (1763–1766). On June 2, 1763 [[Ojibwe]] and [[Sauk people|Sauk]] warriors killed the majority of white residents at [[Fort Michilimackinac]]. [[Alexander Henry the elder]], one of the survivors, was taken captive and transported to Beaver Island but was rescued by the [[Odawa]] ''[[Wawatam]]''. The British built the more substantial [[Fort Mackinac]] at the site in 1780.<ref name="High Cliffs">{{cite web | last = Petersen | first = Eugene T | title = High Cliffs | publisher = | url = | access-date = March 4, 2007 | archive-date = February 13, 2007 | archive-url = | url-status = dead }}</ref><ref name=".orgHistory">{{cite web | last =Slevin | first= Mary McGuire | title = History | publisher = | url = | access-date = March 8, 2007 | archive-url = <!--Added by H3llBot--> | archive-date = January 23, 2007}}</ref> The success of rebels in the American Revolutionary War led to another change in parties in the region. Great Britain formally ceded [[Fort Mackinac]] at [[Mackinac Island]] to the newly independent [[United States]] in the [[Treaty of Paris (1783)|Treaty of Paris]] in 1783, but the [[British Army]] refused to evacuate the posts on the [[Great Lakes]] until 1796. At that time, they transferred the forts at [[Fort Detroit|Detroit]], Mackinac, and [[Fort Niagara|Niagara]] to the Americans. British and American forces contested the area again throughout the [[War of 1812]]. The boundary was not settled until 1828, when Fort Drummond, a British post on nearby [[Drummond Island]], was evacuated. === 1780s to 1830s: United States territorial acquisition, continued fur trade, and territorial disputes === The entire Straits area was officially acquired by the United States from the British through the [[Treaty of Paris (1783)|Treaty of Paris]] in 1783 and settlement permitted by the [[Northwest Ordinance]] of 1787. However, much of the British forces did not leave the Great Lakes area until after 1794, when [[Jay's Treaty]] established U.S. sovereignty over the [[Northwest Territory]] with Northern Michigan part of [[Knox County, Indiana|"Knox County"]].<ref>{{cite book |last=Brinkley |first=Alan |author-link=Alan Brinkley |title=American History: A Survey |year=2003 |edition=11 |publisher=McGraw-Hill Higher Education |location=New York |isbn=978-0-07-242436-2 |pages=[ 141, 173] |url-access=registration |url= }}</ref> Between 1795 and 1815 a system of [[Métis people (United States)|Métis]] (descendants of indigenous women who married French (and later Scottish) fur trappers and traders) settlements and trading posts was established throughout Michigan, Wisconsin, and to a lesser extent in Illinois and Indiana. As late as 1829 the Métis were dominant in the economy of Wisconsin and influential in Northern Michigan<ref>{{cite book|last1=Peterson|first1=Jacqueline |last2=Brown|first2=Jennifer S. H. |title=The New Peoples: Being and Becoming Métis in North America|url=|year=2001|publisher=Minnesota Historical Society Press|isbn=978-0-87351-408-8|pages=44–45}}</ref> in part because they were able to work as intermediaries between natives and white fur traders. US settlement of the [[Michigan Territory]] (established in 1805) was punctuated by misunderstandings with Native Americans over land ownership. Meanwhile, in 1804, Mackinac Island was the center of the American fur trade.<ref>"In 1804, Mackinac Island was the center of the American fur trade."</ref> [[Gurdon Saltonstall Hubbard]] was one of many of [[John Jacob Astor]]'s trappers and [[voyageurs]]<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Michilimackinac 300 - Mackinac State Historic Parks||access-date=14 November 2018}}</ref> who plied the waters of the Great Lakes in [[Mackinaw boat]]s and collected pelts to be sold in Europe.<ref>{{cite book|author=Gurdon Saltonstall Hubbard|title=The Autobiography of Gurdon Saltonstall Hubbard: Pa-pa-ma-ta-be, "The Swift Walker"|url=|year=1911|publisher=R. R. Donnelley & sons Company|pages=[ 10]–11|quote=This, of course, involved annual trips to Mackinaw, the headquarters of John Jacob Astor and his colleagues, the descent of lake Michigan in open Mackinaw boats, a short stop at Chicago, and then the rivers and praries of Illinois, with few but savages for friends at the outset.}}</ref> As US Congress passed [[Nonintercourse Act|trade and intercourse acts]] to regulate trade with the natives, the [[Office of Indian Trade]] established a [[Factory (trading post)|US Trading Post "factory"]] at Mackinaw that was in place until the War of 1812.<ref>{{cite book|last=Widder|first=Keith R. |title=Battle for the Soul: Mètis Children Encounter Evangelical Protestants at Mackinaw Mission, 1823-1837|url=|date=30 April 1999|publisher=MSU Press|location=East Lansing|isbn=978-0-87013-967-3|page=33}}</ref><ref>{{cite web | last=Hall | first=Lance L. | title=BIA (RG75) Inventory, Washington, D.C., entries 1-74. | | url= | access-date=2019-08-10|quote=The several Government factories operating under the Superintendent of Indian Trade are listed below in the order of their establishment: ...Mackinac (Michilimackinac), 1808–12}}</ref> One of the first engagements of the [[War of 1812]], the [[Siege of Fort Mackinac]] was conducted by [[United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland|British]] and [[Native Americans in the United States|Native American]]. They captured the island soon after the outbreak of war between Britain and the [[United States]]. Encouraged by the easy British victory, more Native Americans subsequently rallied to their support. Native American cooperation was an important factor in several British victories during the remainder of the war. For the rest of 1812 and 1813, the British hold on Mackinac was secure since they also held [[Michigan State Capitol|Detroit, the territorial capital]], which the Americans would have to recapture before attacking Mackinac. After the September 1813 [[Battle of Lake Erie]], the [[Henry Procter (British Army officer)|British abandoned Detroit]] leaving an opportunity for the Americans try to retake the waters of Northern Michigan. In July 1814, as Commander of Fort Mackinaw [[Robert McDouall]] was struggling to supply war efforts [[Siege of Prairie du Chien]], Americans attacked Mackinaw in July 1814 during the [[Battle of Mackinac Island (1814)|Battle of Mackinac Island]]. The Americans failed to take over the post, and the British held Mackinac Island until the peace in 1815, after which it was re-occupied by the US.<ref>{{Cite web |url= |title=Archived copy |access-date=2019-04-10 |archive-url= |archive-date=2018-06-25 |url-status=dead }}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=|title=War of 1812 – Mackinac State Historic Parks|}}</ref> Mackinac Island continued to be a locus of trade for the [[American Fur Company]] and was the site where Army doctor [[William Beaumont]] became Post surgeon<ref>{{cite book|title=Physician and Surgeon: A Professional Medical Journal|url=|volume=24|year=1902|publisher=J. W. Keating.|page=544}}</ref> in 1820<ref>{{cite book|last=Arnold|first=James R|title=Health under Fire: Medical Care during America's Wars|url=|date=17 November 2014|publisher=ABC-CLIO|isbn=978-1-61069-748-4|page=41}}</ref> and began conducting his famous digestion experiments on 19-year-old [[Alexis St. Martin]] between 1822 and 1833.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Man With Hole in Stomach Revolutionized Medicine||date=24 April 2013 }}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=|title=The Gruesome Medical Breakthrough of Dr. William Beaumont on Mackinac Island -|date=18 May 2017|website=[[]]}}</ref> Mackinac Island was also the site where [[Henry Schoolcraft]] located his [[Indian Dormitory Art Museum|US Indian Agent headquarters]] starting in 1833. Following the 1830 [[Indian Removal Act]], Schoolcraft negotiated the 1836 [[Treaty of Washington (1836)|Treaty of Washington]] which opened up the land north of Grand Rapids for unequivocal legal ownership and settlement of lands in Northern Michigan, with provision that land sales would provide some monetary means to fund skills training for the Natives to assimilate to "civilized" life. Despite the presence of fur trade, US military and Indian offices, and various tradesmen, the settled population of Michilimackinac (defined as all the settlements from Saginaw to Green Bay) was between 800 and 1000 for the time period between 1820 and 1840.<ref>{{cite book|last1=Strang|first1=James|title=Ancient and Modern Michilimackinac|date=1854|publisher=Samuel E. West|page=9|edition=2nd|url=,_michilimackinac.htm|access-date=7 April 2016|url-status=dead|archive-url=,_michilimackinac.htm|archive-date=22 March 2016}}</ref> === Early coastal settlements in the 1830s through 1850s === [[File:Tourist's Pocket Map Of Michigan (Samuel Augustus Mitchell, 1835).jpg|thumb|291x291px|left|The 1835 Tourist's Pocket Map of Michigan by [[S. Augustus Mitchell]] shows the relatively undeveloped Northern Michigan even as a steamboat route operated between Detroit and Chicago via Michilimackinac.]] [[File:2016 0208 Tourist Pocket Map inset1.JPG|thumb|250px|This inset image from the 1835 Tourist's Pocket Map of Michigan lists the stops taken along the 980-mile steamboat route between Detroit and Chicago via Michilimackinac. Northern Michigan stops (between miles 197 and 519) included [[Thunder Bay Island|Thunder Bay Isles]], [[Middle Island Light|Sandy Bay Islands]], [[Presque Isle Township, Michigan|Presqu' Isle]], [[Bois Blanc Island (Michigan)|Bois Blanc Island]], [[Mackinac Island]], and [[Beaver Island, Michigan|Beaver Island]].]] {{CSS image crop |Image = Tourist's Pocket Map Of Michigan (Samuel Augustus Mitchell, 1835).jpg |bSize = 1500 |cWidth = 656 |cHeight = 475 |oTop = 344 |oLeft = 606 |Location = right |Description = Northern Michigan islands, rivers, and shore landmarks featured prominently on this 1835 Tourist's Pocket Map Of Michigan. }} {{CSS image crop |Image = Royce-areas-michigan.jpg |bSize = 600 |cWidth = 275 |cHeight = 375 |oTop = 175 |oLeft = 225 |Location = left |Description = In the 1836 [[Treaty of Washington (1836)|Treaty of Washington]], Michigan tribes ceded claims to lands in the yellow (Royce No. 205) area above – covering eastern Upper Peninsula and the northwestern Lower Peninsula of Michigan to the United States – and opened it to settlement. }} {{CSS image crop |Image = 1853 Mitchell Map of Michigan - Geographicus - Michigan-mitchell-1850.jpg |bSize = 1300 |cWidth = 650 |cHeight = 488 |oTop = 325 |oLeft = 380 |Location = right |Description = As settlers arrived between 1840 and 1853, the state broke up the single [[Mackinac County, Michigan#History|Michilimackinac County]] and established [[plat]]ted counties across Northern Michigan. This 1853 map by [[Samuel Augustus Mitchell|S. A. Mitchell]] shows an improved understanding of the contours and inland lakes and streams of Northern Michigan based on recent land surveys. }} ==== Decline of Mackinaw and fur trade ==== By the 1840s, the [[American Fur Company]] was in steep decline as [[silk]] hats replaced [[beaver hats]] in European fashion.<ref>{{cite web|last1=Virr|first1=Dr. Richard|title=The Beaver and Other Pelts / Masson Manuscripts / In Pursuit of Adventure: The Fur Trade in Canada and the North West Company|url=|website=Digital exhibitions & collections - McGill Library - McGill University|publisher=McGill University|access-date=21 April 2016|quote=As fashion changed in the 1820s, silk hats had a very negative impact on the beaver trade, but a positive one on beaver populations. As a result of its cheapness, silk was ubiquitous by the 1840s. Thus after a long reign, beaver felt was forced to abdicate by the dictates of changing fashion, the same ones which propelled it in the 1620s}}</ref><ref>{{cite book|last1=Anderson|first1=Terry Lee|last2=Hill|first2=Peter Jensen|title=The Not So Wild, Wild West: Property Rights on the Frontier|date=2004|publisher=Stanford Economics and Finance (an imprint of Stanford University Press)|location=Stanford, California|isbn=978-0-8047-4854-4|page=94|url=|access-date=21 April 2016|quote=By 1840, the beaver trade was essentially over. ... given the precipitous decline in demand brought on by the shift from beaver hats to silk hats in the 1840s...}}</ref> The straits of Mackinac declined in influence as government offices moved towards the capital at Detroit. While fishing slightly increased, the loss of the fur industry dealt a blow to Michilimackinac's economic significance.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Straits of Mackinac's 'Lost Era' Recounted in Planisek's New 'Frontier Entrepreneur' Book|last=Doerr|first=Erich T.|date=2015-07-09|website=St. Ignace News|archive-url=|archive-date=2016-09-21|url-status=unfit|access-date=2019-08-10|quote=between 1820 and 1840. It was an important era as Michigan approached statehood and the Straits area saw most of its business and influence drifting toward Detroit," ... "The mid-1800s saw the decline of the Straits of Mackinac as an economic center. With the Americans now in control of the entire region, the area’s international influence and government subsidiaries dried up. New industries were slow to replace them as the area proved ill suited to farming and the fur trade died off by 1842. Changing forms of transportation also played a part, as the area had no railroads or roads. The area did have hope, as fishing began to pick up}}</ref> ==== Increased ship traffic along Northern Michigan coasts ==== The [[Erie Canal]] opened in 1825, allowing settlers from [[New England]] and New York to reach Michigan by water through [[Albany, NY|Albany]] and [[Buffalo, NY|Buffalo]]. This route opening and the incorporation of Chicago in 1837,<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Act of Incorporation for the City of Chicago, 1837|}}</ref> increased [[Great Lakes passenger steamers|Great Lakes steamboat traffic]] from Detroit through the straits of Mackinac to Chicago.<ref>{{Cite book |url= |title=History of the Great Lakes. Volume I |date=1899 |publisher=J. H. Beers & Co |others=Walter Lewis, Brendan Baillod (transcription) |editor-last=Mansfield |editor-first=J.B. |location=Chicago |via=Maritime History of the Great Lakes |access-date=2023-02-22}}</ref><ref>{{cite web | title=History and Development of Great Lakes Water Craft | website=Minnesota Historical Society | date=2008-11-04 | url= | access-date=2019-08-10|quote=By the 1840s, the Erie Canal brought tens of thousands of settlers to Buffalo each year in search of passage to the West. Population in cities bordering the upper Lakes reportedly quadrupled in the eight years previous to 1840 as a result of that influx}}</ref><ref>In 1843, [[Margaret Fuller]] travelled from [[Niagara Falls]], through the Erie Canal, to [[Mackinac Island]], and on to [[Chicago]] and [[Milwaukee]] via steamboat and documented it in her 1844 book [[Summer on the Lakes]].</ref> While the coastal areas were travelled, practically nothing was known about the interior parts of Northern Michigan.<ref>{{cite web|last1=ALLEN|first1=R. C.|last2=MARTIN|first2=HELEN M.|title=A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE GEOLOGICAL AND BIOLOGICAL SURVEY OF MICHIGAN: 1837 to 1872|url=||publisher=Article originally printed in Michigan History Magazine, Vol. VI, 1922, No. 44|access-date=25 March 2016|quote=The coast was only roughly charted, the northern two-thirds of the State was an unsurveyed wilderness including all of the Northern Peninsula and practically nothing was known of its interior into which very few white men had ever penetrated}}</ref> When Michigan became a state in 1837, one of its first acts was to name [[Douglass Houghton]] as the lead of the [[Michigan Geological Survey]], an effort to understand the geological and mineralogical, zoological, botanical, and topographical aspects of the lesser known parts of Michigan.<ref>{{cite web|last1=ALLEN|first1=R. C.|last2=MARTIN|first2=HELEN M.|title=A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE GEOLOGICAL AND BIOLOGICAL SURVEY OF MICHIGAN: 1837 to 1872|url=||publisher=Article originally printed in Michigan History Magazine, Vol. VI, 1922, No. 44|access-date=25 March 2016|quote=This plan provided for geological, topographical, zoological, and botanical departments, each in charge of a specialist under the direction of the State Geologist}}</ref> Early settlers came to the coasts along Northern Michigan, including fishermen, missionaries to the Native Americans, and participants in early Great Lakes maritime industries such as fishing, lighthouses, and cutting cordwood for passing ships. In 1835, Lieutenant Benjamin Poole of the [[3rd U.S. Artillery]].<ref name="poole">{{cite map |last=Poole |first= Benjamin |title= Survey of a Road Route from Saginaw to Mackinac |id= M.T. 25 Congress 2 Session, Doc. no. 234 |location= Washington |publisher= Benjamin Poole |year= 1837 |scale= Scale not given |url= |access-date= June 14, 2012 |via= Michigan State University Map Library}}</ref> surveyed a former Indian path between [[Saginaw, Michigan|Saginaw]] and Mackinac that would become known as the [[Mackinac Trail]]. ==== Indian missions ==== Missions to Native Americans included Rev. Peter Dougherty<ref>{{cite journal|last1=Vogel|first1=Virgil J.|title=The Missionary as Acculturation Agent: Peter Dougherty and the Indians of Grand Traverse|journal=Michigan History|date=1967|volume=52|issue=3|pages=185–201|url=|access-date=14 December 2016}}</ref> and Rev. John Fleming's 1839 Presbyterian mission on the [[Peninsula Township, Michigan|Old Mission Peninsula]], [[William Montague Ferry]]'s Presbyterian-affiliated 1825 [[Mission House (Mackinac Island)|Mission House]] / [[Mission Church (Michigan)|Mission Church]] on Mackinac Island, [[Magdelaine Laframboise]] and [[Samuel Charles Mazzuchelli]]'s Catholic [[Sainte Anne Church (Mackinac Island)|Sainte Anne Church]] on Mackinac Island in 1830, [[Frederic Baraga]] [[Francis Xavier Pierz]] and [[Ignatius Mrak]]'s Catholic mission to the people of the Chippewa and Ottawa at [[L'Arbre Croche]] and [[Peshawbestown, Michigan|Peshawbestown]] (on the [[Leelanau Peninsula]]), Peter Greensky's Methodist [[Greensky Hill church]] founded near the [[Little Traverse Bay]] in 1844, and an 1848 congregationalist mission founded by Chief Peter Waukazoo and Reverend George Smith in [[Northport, Michigan|Northport]] (on the [[Leelanau Peninsula]]). The [[James Strang|Strangite]] Mormon community move to Beaver Island in 1848 <ref>{{cite web |url=,_michilimackinac.htm |title=Beaver Island, Michilimackinac |access-date=2016-04-07 |url-status=dead |archive-url=,_michilimackinac.htm |archive-date=2016-03-22 }}</ref> brought additional conflicts as the Mormon leaders sought to enforce laws and restrict use of alcohol on the Beaver Archipelago.<ref>{{Cite web |url= |title=A Strangite Time - BackStory with the American History Guys |access-date=2015-08-03 |archive-url= |archive-date=2015-07-22 |url-status=dead }}</ref> ==== Fishing settlements ==== Key fishing settlements included "Fishtown" in [[Leland, Michigan]], and the [[Beaver Island (Lake Michigan)#Archipelago|Beaver Island Archipelago]]. ====Lighthouses==== Early [[List of lighthouses in Michigan|Northern Michigan lighthouses]] included [[Thunder Bay Island Light]] (1831), [[Old Presque Isle Light]] (1840), [[South Manitou Island Lighthouse]] (1840), [[DeTour Reef Light]] (1847), [[Waugoshance Light]] (1851), [[Grand Traverse Light]] (1852), [[Tawas Point Light]] (1853), [[Beaver Island Harbor Light]] (1856), [[Beaver Island Head Light]] (1858), and [[Point Betsie Light]] (1858). While the [[United States Life-Saving Service|United States Lifesaving Service]] did not establish a system of Great Lakes [[Lifeboat stations]] on the Great Lakes until the 1870s,<ref name="USCG History">{{cite web |author=United States Coast Guard (USCG)|title=U.S. Lifesaving Service History |publisher=USCG |year=2011 |url= |access-date=May 3, 2011}}&nbsp; {{PD-notice}}</ref> some volunteer stations, such as the [[North Manitou Island Lifesaving Station]] were created as early as 1854. ==== Tension between White settlement and Native American land claims ==== In the 1836 [[Treaty of Washington (1836)|Treaty of Washington]], Michigan tribes ceded claims to land in Northern Michigan—and opened it to settlement. In the 1840s, Odawa villages lined the Lake Michigan shore, especially from present-day [[Harbor Springs, Michigan|Harbor Springs]] to [[Cross Village, Michigan|Cross Village]]. The area on the tip of the peninsula was mostly reserved for native tribes by treaty provisions with the U.S. federal government until 1875. Early government had been centered around Mackinac Island and St. Ignace, but between 1840 and 1853, the state broke up this single large [[Mackinac County, Michigan#History|Michilimackinac County]]<ref>{{Cite web |url= |title=Michigan in the 1840s |access-date=2015-08-03 |archive-url= |archive-date=2015-09-05 |url-status=dead }}</ref><ref>{{Cite web |url= |title=Archived copy |access-date=2015-08-03 |archive-url= |archive-date=2016-03-04 |url-status=dead }}</ref><ref>{{Cite web |url= |title=Archived copy |access-date=2015-08-03 |archive-url= |archive-date=2015-10-29 |url-status=dead }}</ref><ref>{{Cite web |url= |title=Archived copy |access-date=2015-08-03 |archive-url= |archive-date=2016-03-05 |url-status=dead }}</ref> and established names and boundaries of about 21 counties across Northern Michigan. This naming and [[Public Land Survey System|surveying]] allowed specific [[plat]]ted lands to be sold at the [[Land Office]].<ref>{{cite web |first= |date= |title=Old Historical City, County and State Maps of Michigan |url= |}}</ref> Increased white immigration and homesteading in Northern Michigan brought difficulties in dispatching of Native American land claims stemming from the treaty of 1836. Bands of Chippewa and Odawa Indians sought redress through the [[Treaty with the Ottawa and Chippewa, 1855|Treaty of 1855]];<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=INDIAN AFFAIRS: LAWS AND TREATIES. Vol. 2, Treaties |access-date=2006-06-13 |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=2006-07-10 }}</ref> by this 1855 treaty agreement, lands and payments would be set aside for individual Native American families related to the 1836 treaty, but after this treaty, the US would cease to owe anything ("land, money or other thing guaranteed to them") to Indians or their tribes.<ref>{{cite web | title=Indians of Michigan | website=Michigan Family History Network | date=2010-01-01 | url= | access-date=2019-08-10 |quote=Still further progress was made in the same direction by treaty with the Ottawa and Chippewa Indians of Michigan made on the 31st day of July, 1855. By this treaty the United States withdraws from sale certain townships of the State of Michigan and assigns to each one of some twenty bands into which the Indians are divided, the particular townships in which its members may select land. The United States agree to give to each Ottawa and Chippewa Indian, being the head of a family, eighty acres of land, to each single person over twenty-one years of age forty acres, to each family of orphan children under twenty-one years of age containing two or more persons, eight acres and to each single orphan child under twenty-one years of age forty acres; and each beneficiary is to select his land in the tract reserved for the band to which he belonged. On such selection being made each was at liberty to go into possession of the land selected by him and was to receive a certificate therefore, but he could not assign his interest secured thereby. At the end of ten years he was entitled to receive a patent therefore in the usual form, but still the president might, in his discretion, order the patent to be issued at an earlier date or to be longer withheld when it was proved that the welfare of the holder of the certificate would be promoted thereby. The treaty also provides that the portion of the land so described and set apart which shall not be selected by the Indians within five years shall remain the property of the United States and may be sold like other public lands, except that the exclusive right to become purchasers within the next five years was reserved to the Indians. In consideration of these provisions of the treaty and the payment of $538,400 in manner therein specified, the Ottawa and Chippewa Indians release the United States from all liability on account of former treaty stipulations and receive them in lieu and satisfaction of all claims legal and equitable on the part of said Indians, jointly and severally, for land, money or other thing guaranteed to them or either of them by previous treaties. And by the fifth article of the treaty the tribal organization of said Ottawa and Chippewa Indians is dissolved, except so far as is necessary to carry out the provisions of said treaty; and all future matters of business are to be transacted not with the entire tribe, but with those only who are interested in the subject matter, and the payments which are to be in money by the terms of the treaty are to be paid not to the tribe as such, but to the individual Indians of these several bands per capita.}}</ref> === 1860s to 1890s: Homestead Act settlements and industrial developments === {{CSS image crop |Image = Michigan railroad map 1876.jpg |bSize = 900 |cWidth = 455 |cHeight = 380 |oTop = 430 |oLeft = 260 |Location = left |Description = Starting in the 1870s, railroads connected Northern Michigan to lower cities. }} ==== Increased settlement and establishment of port cities ==== Now that the land was surveyed and outstanding native land claims eliminated, Northern Michigan settlement increased even further. The [[Homestead Acts#Homestead Act of 1862|Homestead Act of 1862]] brought many Civil War veterans and speculators to Northern Michigan, by making 160 acre tracts of land available for $1.25 an acre.<ref>{{cite book|author=Shannon McRae|title=Manistee County|url=|year=2006|publisher=Arcadia Publishing|isbn=978-0-7385-4124-2|page=9|quote=The Homestead act of 1863 drew another type of settler to northern Michigan. Any person over 21 who headed a household – ... who could successfully build a dwelling, clear, and farm at least five acres on a 160-acre parcel of land for five years – could claim the property.}}</ref> The cutting of wood for passing ships morphed into a full-fledged lumber industry, contributing to the rise of port cities like [[Manistee, Michigan|Manistee]], [[Traverse City]], [[Charlevoix, Michigan|Charlevoix]], and [[Ludington, Michigan|Ludington]]. [[File:Manisteerivermap.png|thumb|250px|left| From 1836 to 1848, much of the Manistee River Valley, including Manistee itself, was an Ottawa Reservation.<ref>[[Helen Hornbeck Tanner]]. ''Atlas of Great Lakes Indian History''. (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1987) p. 165.</ref> During the lumbering era of the late 1800s, Manistee became a significant site for lumber mills. Huge numbers of [[Eastern White Pine|white pine]] logs were floated down the river to the port at Manistee and eventually on to the lumber markets of [[Grand Rapids, Michigan|Grand Rapids]], [[Milwaukee]] and [[Chicago]].]] ==== 1870s: Arrival of rail infrastructure, rampant lumbering and fishing, and economic slowdown ==== Starting in the 1870s, railroads were built connecting Northern Michigan to larger industrial areas to the south. The [[Grand Rapids and Indiana Railroad]] reached Traverse City in December 1872 (via [[Walton Junction, Michigan|Walton Junction]] and [[Traverse City Rail Road Company]]) and reached Petoskey (known up to that point as "[[Bear River (Michigan)|Bear River]]") in 1873.<ref>{{cite book|last1=Friday|first1=Matthew J.|title=The Inland Water Route|date=2010|publisher=Arcadia Publishing|location=Charleston, SC; Chicago Illinois; Portsmouth, NH; San Francisco, CA|isbn=978-0-7385-7734-0|page=8|url=|access-date=25 April 2016|quote=The small settlement, once dubbed Bear River, was renamed Petoskey in 1873 in honor of Native American chief Ignatius Pet-o-sega.}}</ref> The [[Flint and Pere Marquette Railroad#The Ludington terminal|Flint and Pere Marquette Railroad]] completed its terminal at Ludington in 1874. While the [[Michigan Central Railroad]] reached [[Otsego County, Michigan|Otsego County]] in the fall of 1872,<ref>[] "In the fall of 1872, the Village of Otsego Lake was established and the railroad reached the Otsego Lake area about this same time."</ref> rail investments slowed for several years due to the [[Panic of 1873|financial panic of 1873]] and the ensuing [[Long Depression#United States|five year economic slowdown]]. [[Cheboygan, Michigan|Cheboygan]] and <ref>{{cite book|last=Friday|first=Matthew J|title=The Inland Water Route|url=|date=17 May 2010|publisher=Arcadia Publishing|isbn=978-1-4396-2440-1|page=14|quote=The railroad arrived in Cheboygan in 1881... prior to this, seasonal navigation provided the only real link to places further south.}}</ref> Mackinaw City did not have rail service until the early 1880s.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Village of Wolverine Village of Wolverine History||access-date=14 November 2018}}</ref> Despite setbacks from the [[Great Michigan Fire]] in 1871 in [[Manistee, Michigan|Manistee]] and other lumbering ports, lumbering in Northern Michigan greatly increased. New mechanical tools such as [[steam-powered]] (versus water-powered) sawmills and [[circular saw]]s expanded the ability to process high volumes of lumber quickly. [[Narrow gauge railroads in the United States|Narrow-gauge moveable rails]] made it possible to harvest timber year round, in previously inaccessible places away from rivers.<ref>{{cite web|last1=Schaetzl|first1=Dr. Randall J.|title=GEO 333 Geography of Michigan and the Great Lakes Region|url=|website=Michigan State University (Geography text)|publisher=Michigan State University Geography department|access-date=21 April 2016}}</ref> The Michigan lumber market experienced a crash in July 1877 <ref>{{Cite news|url=,1218279&hl=en|title=Lumberman Stanchfield left Ludington in 1883|last=Cabot|first=James L|date=1998-01-17|work=Ludington Daily News|access-date=2019-08-10|page=8|quote=[he was] a sawmill owner until the lumber-market crash of 1877}}</ref><ref>{{cite book|last=Roybal|first=R. James|title=Beneath the Wings of Geronimo's Spirit: Haskay Bay Nay Ntay|url=|date=17 September 2013|publisher=Xlibris Corporation|isbn=978-1-4836-8756-8|page=258|quote=Further trouble came in July 1877 in the form of a crash in the market for lumber, resulting in the bankruptcy of several leading Michigan lumbering concerns.}}</ref> that coincided with the [[Great Railroad Strike of 1877]]. By 1880 the [[Great Lakes region]] would dominate [[History of the lumber industry in the United States|logging]], with [[Michigan]] producing more lumber than any other state.<ref>"Lumber Industry." Encyclopedia of American History. Answers Corporation, 2006.</ref> The [[commercial fishing]] industry also flourished in the 1880s. By 1881, the rich fishing areas around the Beaver Archipelago led to Beaver Island becoming the largest supplier of fresh-water fish in the United States.<ref>{{cite news|last1=ANDERSON|first1=LORAINE|title=Beaver Island has strong Gaelic roots|url=|access-date=29 April 2016|work=Traverse City Record Eagle||date=Mar 17, 2013|quote=By 1881, Beaver Island had become the largest supplier of fresh-water fish in the United States because of the control Irish fishermen had over the rich fishing grounds.}}</ref> By 1886, there was a drastic reduction in the amount of fishing produced, due to overfishing.<ref>{{cite web|title=An Overview of Beaver Island's History|url=|website=Beaver Island.Net|publisher=Beaver Beacon ("Beaver Island's Magazine since 1955")|access-date=29 April 2016}}</ref> In 1893, the [[Michigan Fish Commission]] commissioned the University of Nebraska Zoologist [[Henry Baldwin Ward|Henry Ward]] to study the sources of food for Traverse Bay area fish.<ref>{{cite journal|last1=Ward|first1=Henry|title=A Biological Examination of Lake Michigan in the Traverse Bay Region|journal=Studies from the Zoological Laboratory: The University of Nebraska|date=1896-01-08|issue=Paper 14|url=|access-date=29 April 2016}}</ref> [[File:Alabama bird day book (1915) (14751712302).jpg|thumb|upright|Passenger pigeons were hunted to extinction sometime after the 1870s, with the last large nesting in [[Petoskey, Michigan]], in 1878. ]] The [[passenger pigeon]] was hunted in Northern Michigan as a source of food, but by the 1870s, a combination of increased population and economic scarcity led to over-hunting and eventual extinction. The massive flocks of passenger pigeons stopped darkening the skies of Northern Michigan, especially after the last large scale nestings and subsequent slaughters of millions of birds in 1874 and 1878. By this time, large nestings only took place in the north, around the Great Lakes. The last large nesting was in [[Petoskey, Michigan]], in 1878 (following one in Pennsylvania a few days earlier), where 50,000 birds were killed each day for nearly five months. The surviving adults attempted a second nesting at new sites, but were killed by professional hunters before they had a chance to raise any young. Scattered nestings were reported into the 1880s, but the birds were now weary, and commonly abandoned their nests if persecuted.<ref>{{cite book | last =Fuller | first =E. | title =The Passenger Pigeon | publisher=[[Princeton University Press]] | year =2014 | location =Princeton and Oxford | isbn =978-0-691-16295-9}}</ref> ==== 1880s: Emergence of resort and vacation industry ==== Rail connections to the large midwestern cities through rail centers like [[Kalamazoo, Michigan|Kalamazoo]] led to settlers immigrating and wealthy [[resort]]ers establishing summer home associations in [[Bay View, Michigan|Bay View Association]] near Petoskey, the [[Belvedere Club]] in Charlevoix, and other lakeside getaways. Starting in 1875 (until 1895) the {{convert|1044|acre|adj=on}} [[Mackinac National Park]] became the second [[List of National Parks of the United States|National Park]] in the United States after [[Yellowstone National Park]] in the [[Rocky Mountains]]. ==== Sport fishing ==== [[File:Ausablerivermap.png|thumb|left|200px|After being used for floating logs in previous decades,<ref>{{cite web|title=History of Iosco County|url=||access-date=22 April 2016|quote=By 1857, a mill and dock had been built, a general store building had been erected; dwellings for the pioneers had been built; the river had been cleaned out to permit logs to float down to the mill,|url-status=dead|archive-url=|archive-date=17 April 2016}}</ref> the Au Sable River in the 1880s became famous for fishing – first for grayling, and later for [[brook trout]] and [[brown trout]].]] [[File:Arctic Grayling Thymallus arcticus arcticus.jpg|thumb|200px|Lumbering practices destroyed [[Arctic Grayling]] breeding grounds in rivers and led to their slow decline, and the sport fishing industry also contributed to the grayling's eventual disappearance from Northern Michigan.]] Sport fishing along the [[Au Sable River (Michigan)|Au Sable River]] became a tourist attraction for wealthy sportsmen from Detroit, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Buffalo, Toledo, Indianapolis, and Chicago.<ref name="Diversion Books">{{cite book|last1=Dennis|first1=Jerry|title=A Place on the Water: An Angler's Reflections on Home|date=Nov 22, 2013|publisher=Diversion Books|url=|access-date=22 April 2016|isbn=978-1-940941-12-7}}</ref> After the [[Jackson, Lansing and Saginaw Railroad]] reached Grayling in the late 1870s, it began to advertise hunting and fishing trips in Crawford County, home of the [[arctic grayling]].<ref name="Diversion Books" /> In the same way, the Grand Rapids and Indiana Railway published a "Guide to the Health, Pleasure, Game and Fishing Resorts of Northern Michigan reached by the Grand Rapids and Indiana Railroad" in 1882.<ref>{{cite book|last1=Leet|first1=A.B.|last2=Hughart|first2=W.O.|title=Guide to the Health, Pleasure, Game and Fishing Resorts of Northern Michigan reached by the Grand Rapids and Indiana Railroad|date=1882|publisher=J.M.W Jones Stationery and Printing Co.|location=Chicago|url=|access-date=22 April 2016}}</ref> In 1880, Ansel Judd Northrup, a lawyer from New York, published a detailed account of his train trip to fish Northern Michigan, and he assessed the Au Sable, [[Manistee River]], [[Cheboygan River]], [[Pigeon River (Mullett Lake)|Pigeon River]], and [[Jordan River (Michigan)|Jordan River]] for trout and grayling fishing.<ref>{{cite book|last1=Northrup|first1=A. Judd|title=Camps and Tramps in the Adirondacks, and Grayling Fishing in Northern Michigan: A record of Summer Vacations in the Wilderness|date=1880|publisher=Davis, Bardeen & Co., Publishers|location=Syracuse, NY|pages=279–302}}</ref> The state of Michigan, having created a [[Board of Fish Commissioners]] in 1873, stocked rivers with [[Freshwater whitefish|whitefish]], [[Micropterus|black bass]], and non-native species such as [[Chinook salmon|California salmon]], [[Rainbow trout|California trout]], [[Mirror carp|German carp]], and [[brook trout]].<ref>{{cite book|last1=Leet|first1=A.B.|last2=Hughart|first2=W.O.|title=Guide to the Health, Pleasure, Game and Fishing Resorts of Northern Michigan reached by the Grand Rapids and Indiana Railroad|date=1882|publisher=J.M.W Jones Stationery and Printing Co.|location=Chicago|url=|page=18|access-date=22 April 2016}}</ref> The Board of Fish Commissioners created its first fish hatchery at Crystal Springs Creek in [[Pokagon Township, Michigan|Pokagon]] and shipped rail cars full of small fish to streams across Michigan.<ref>{{cite book|title=HISTORY OF CASS COUNTY, MICHIGAN|date=1882|publisher=Waterman, Watkins, & Co.|location=Chicago|page=[ 219]|url=|access-date=22 April 2016}}</ref><ref>{{cite book|last1=Mcdonald|first1=Marshall|title=Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission, Volume 13 (1893)|date=1894|publisher=Government Printing Office / United States Fish Commission|location=Washington|page=202|url=|access-date=22 April 2016}}</ref> As the grayling vanished from the Au Sable, Manistee and other rivers, the state propped up the Northern Michigan fishing industry with non-native [[brook trout]], [[brown trout]], and [[rainbow trout]] ([[steelhead]]).<ref>{{cite book|last1=Borgelt|first1=Bryon|title=Flies Only: Early Sport Fishing Conservation on Michigan's Au Sable River|date=May 2009|pages=115–122|url=|access-date=22 April 2016|quote=UMI number 3361957|isbn=978-1-109-21024-8}}</ref> Ultimately, the [[Arctic grayling]] that had inhabited much of Northern Michigan<ref>{{cite web|last1=Fuller|first1=Pam|last2=Cannister|first2=Matt|last3=Neilson|first3=Matt|title=Thymallus arcticus (Pallas, 1776)|url=|website=US Geological Survey|access-date=22 April 2016|quote="Formerly in Great Lakes basin, Michigan" (with map showing Northern Michigan highlighted)}}</ref> was eventually wiped out. The logging practice of using river beds to move logs in the springtime destroyed the breeding grounds for these fish.<ref>{{cite web|title=Michigan Grayling Only a Memory|url=,1607,7-153-10364_18958-53612--,00.html|website=Michigan Department of Natural Resources|access-date=22 April 2016}}</ref> Before they could recover, non-native sport fish such as [[brook trout]]<ref>{{cite journal|last1=Borgelt|first1=Bryon|title=Flies only: early sportfishing conservation on Michigan's Au Sable River|journal=University of Toledo Theses and Dissertations|date=2009|volume=Paper 1042|page=ii|quote="By the 1890s the grayling were all but gone due in part to over fishing, commercial lumbering and the introduction of non-native brook trout.}}</ref> took over the grayling's habitat and made them disappear from northern Michigan. ==== Industrial growth and diversification ==== [[File:Boyne SE RR Map.jpg|thumb|400px| As the lumber industry declined, rail lines such as the BCG & A Railroad (1915) helped to access remote inland tracts of timber.]] The effect of rail connections was ultimately transformative; timber and other goods could be produced in the north and shipped to urban markets to the south. Diverse industries developed, such as iron works, tanneries, mills, cement plants, and agricultural enterprises. By 1885, the intense harvesting and export of pine trees led to visible decline in the lumber industry's ability to produce white pine.<ref>{{cite book|last1=Sparhawk|first1=William Norwood |last2=Brush|first2=Warren David |title=The Economic Aspects of Forest Destruction in Northern Michigan|url=|year=1929|publisher=U.S. Department of Agriculture|page=8|quote=As early as 1885 depletion of the accessible pine began to be noticed even in the northern part of the lower peninsula.}}</ref> Logging in Michigan peaked in 1889.<ref>{{cite web|last1=Quinlan|first1=Maria|title=Lumbering in Michigan|url=||publisher=Michigan Historical Museum|access-date=25 April 2016|quote=In 1889, the year of greatest lumber production, Michigan produced approximately 5.9 Billion board feet.}}</ref> Where available, hardwoods and hemlock were harvested, temporarily extending the life of lumbering in the area, especially around East Jordan, the Traverse Bay, and near [[Crawford County, Michigan|Crawford County]].<ref>{{cite book|last1=Sparhawk|first1=William Norwood|last2=Brush|first2=Warren David|title=The Economic Aspects of Forest Destruction in Northern Michigan|date=1929|publisher=U.S. Department of Agriculture|location=Washington, DC|page=9|url=|access-date=22 April 2016}}</ref> [[William Howard White]]'s lumber railroad ([[Boyne City Railroad|Boyne City, Gaylord & Alpena Railroad Company]]), David Ward's [[Detroit and Charlevoix Railroad]], and the [[East Jordan and Southern Railroad]] enabled access to remote timber areas. As lumbering declined, rail lines began to promote Northern Michigan as a "fresh air" resort destination,<ref>{{cite web|url=,%20MCR.html|title=Michigan Central Railroad, Wolverine Depot|date=Jun 2011|website=Detroit: The History and Future of the Motor City|access-date=2019-08-10|quote=By the mid to late 1890s, very much of the white pine in Michigan had been cut and the railroads lacked for traffic. The Michigan Central, the Grand Rapids and Indiana and the Detroit and Mackinac began promoting northern Michigan as a summer vacation destination in hopes of generating revenue from passengers.}}</ref> and the logging companies promoted their cut-over, stump-filled tracts for their agricultural potential.<ref>{{cite web|last1=Quinlan|first1=Maria|title=Lumbering in Michigan|url=||publisher=Michigan Historical Museum|access-date=25 April 2016|quote="[Lumber Companies] vigorously promoted the former forests as good farmland"... but experience soon proved that this was not the case"}}</ref> === 20th century: resort era === ====Early resorts==== The resort era flourished in lakeside areas of Northern Michigan even as the fishing and lumbering industries experienced slow decline. Historian [[Bruce Catton]]'s memoir ''Waiting for the Morning Train'' (1972) documents his personal experiences of early 20th-century life in a small Northern Michigan town as Michigan's logging era was ending.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=WAITING FOR THE MORNING TRAIN: An American Boyhood by Bruce Catton – Kirkus Reviews|}}</ref> [[Ernest Hemingway]] also documented turn-of-the-century life in Northern Michigan through his "[[Nick Adams (character)|Nick Adams]]" stories; Hemingway's own parents were resorters, wintering in [[Oak Park, Illinois]], but summering in the [[Ernest Hemingway Cottage|Windemere]] cottage on [[Walloon Lake]] starting in 1899.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Articles, Road Trips, & Itineraries|last=hostmaster|date=15 October 2016|}}</ref> [[File:Traverse City State Park beach (Oct 2020).jpg|thumb|[[Traverse City State Park]]]] [[File:North Higgins Lake State Park beachfront (2020).jpg|thumb|[[North Higgins Lake State Park]]]] [[File:Negwegon State Park.jpg|thumb|[[Negwegon State Park]]]] ==== State parks ==== As lumbering died down, many parts of Northern Michigan returned to their forested state through conservation efforts. The [[Huron-Manistee National Forests|Huron National Forest]] was set aside in 1909. and the [[Huron-Manistee National Forests|Manistee National Forest]] was set aside in 1938. State parks were established as well, to include: * [[Interlochen State Park]] (1917) * [[Mitchell State Park]] (1919) * [[Burt Lake State Park]] (1920) * [[Traverse City State Park]] (1920) * [[Orchard Beach State Park]] (1921) * [[Harrisville State Park]] (1921) * [[Hoeft State Park]] (1922) * [[Aloha State Park]] (1923) * [[Straits State Park]] (1924) * [[South Higgins Lake State Park]] (1927) * [[Hartwick Pines State Park]] (1927) * [[Wilderness State Park]] (1928)<ref>{{Cite web |url= |title=Archived copy |access-date=2016-04-05 |archive-url= |archive-date=2016-05-05 |url-status=dead }}</ref> * [[Cheboygan State Park]] (1962) <ref>[ "The Federal Bureau of Recreation conducted a survey of Michigan's coastline for possible State Parks in 1956, and designated Lighthouse Point as part of its proposed "Poe Reef State Park Site." In 1958, the Michigan Department of Natural Resources built the Duncan Bay State Forest Campground on thirteen acres at Duncan Bay Beach, all of which was combined to become the current 1,200-acre Cheboygan State Park in 1962"]</ref> * [[Negwegon State Park]] (1962) * [[Leelanau State Park]] (1964) * [[North Higgins Lake State Park]] (1965) * [[Clear Lake State Park (Michigan)|Clear Lake State Park]] (1966) * [[Tawas Point State Park]] (1966) * [[Petoskey State Park]] (1970) * [[Fisherman's Island State Park]] (1975) * [[Thompson's Harbor State Park]] (1988) * [[Rockport State Park (Michigan)|Rockport State Park]] (2012) ==== Ski resorts ==== [[Hanson Hills]] in [[Grayling, Michigan|Grayling]] was the first [[skiing|downhill ski]] area in Michigan. It opened in 1929 and was served by rail service.<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Hanson Hills Recreation Area|first=Grayling Recreation|last=Authority|website=Grayling Recreation Authority}}</ref>[[Caberfae Peaks Ski & Golf Resort]] near Cadillac opened in 1938 and was served by rail service. [[Boyne Mountain Resort]] opened in 1948. [[Crystal Mountain (Michigan)|Crystal Mountain]] in [[Benzie County, Michigan|Benzie County]] opened in 1956. [[Nub's Nob]] opened in 1958 near Harbor Springs. ==== Decline of rail ==== As passenger railroad usage ended in the 1960s (due in part to increased automobile travel), aggressive promotion of Northern Michigan by local chambers of commerce led to many of the festivals and attractions that bring visitors north even today. ==Geography== {{see also|Protected areas of Michigan|Michigan#Geography}} === Boundary description === [[File:Michigan Lower Peninsula Regions.png|thumb|250px|right| Northern Michigan is at the northern tip of Michigan's [[Lower Peninsula]].]] Residents of Northern Michigan generally consider it to lie between Grayling and the Mackinac Bridge. The southern boundary of the region is not precisely defined. Some residents in the southern part of the state consider its southern limit to be just north of [[Flint, Michigan|Flint]], [[Port Huron, Michigan|Port Huron]], [[Grand Rapids, Michigan|Grand Rapids]], or [[Mount Pleasant, Michigan|Mount Pleasant]], though those in Northern Michigan refer to this are as Mid Michigan. Others may restrict it to the area north of [[Bay City, Michigan|Bay City]] and [[Clare, Michigan|Clare]], using [[U.S. Route 10 in Michigan|US Highway 10]] as a reference point, which roughly marks the "fingers" of the mitten-like shape of the [[Lower Peninsula of Michigan|Lower Peninsula]].<ref>{{cite web | url= | title=The Detroit News }}</ref> The topic of where "Up North" begins is often debated among Michiganders, with there being no definitive answer on the subject.<ref>{{cite web | url= | title=Where does Michigan's 'Up North' begin? Here's what Michiganders think | date=29 June 2018 }}</ref> The [[45th parallel north|45th parallel]] runs across Northern Michigan. Signs in the Lower Peninsula that mark that line are at [[Mission Point Light]]<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=45th Parallel – Old Mission Point}}</ref> (just north of [[Traverse City, Michigan|Traverse City]]); [[Suttons Bay, Michigan|Suttons Bay]]; Cairn Highway in [[Kewadin, Michigan|Kewadin]];<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=45th Parallel – Elk Lake}}</ref> Alba, Michigan, on U.S. 131 Highway (approximately two miles north of County Road 42, with signs on both sides of the highway); [[Gaylord, Michigan|Gaylord]];<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Otsego County Historical Society|}}</ref> [[Atlanta, Michigan|Atlanta]]; and [[Alpena, Michigan|Alpena]].<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=45th Parallel – Alpena}}</ref> These are six of 29 places in the U.S.A. where such signs or monuments are known to exist. One other such sign is in [[Menominee, Michigan]], in the [[Upper Peninsula]].<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=45th Parallel North America}}</ref> === Definition excludes the Upper Peninsula === Across the [[Straits of Mackinac]], to the north, west, and northeast, lies the [[Upper Peninsula of Michigan]] (the "U.P."). Despite its geographic location as the most northerly part of Michigan, the Upper Peninsula is not usually included in the definition of Northern Michigan (although [[Northern Michigan University]] is located in the U.P. city of [[Marquette, Michigan|Marquette]]), and is instead regarded by Michigan residents as a distinct region of the state, although residents of the Upper Peninsula often say that "Northern Michigan" is not in the Lower Peninsula. They insist the region must only be referred to as "Northern Lower Michigan", and this can sometimes become a topic of contention between people who are from different Peninsulas.{{citation needed|date=December 2012}} The two regions are connected by the 5-mile-long [[Mackinac Bridge]].<ref>[ Facts & Figures] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2007-02-28 }} December 27, 2012</ref> Those living South of the bridge are known as trolls, while those living above the bridge are yoopers. === Other definitions of Northern Michigan === All of the northern [[Lower Peninsula]] – north of a line from [[Manistee County]] on the west to [[Iosco County]] on the east (the second orange tier up on the map) – is considered to be part of the [[Roman Catholic Diocese of Gaylord]].<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=The Diocese of Gaylord, Michigan : A Diocese of the Roman Catholic Church - Diocese of Gaylord|}}</ref> === Topography, climate and soil === The geographical theme of this region is shaped by rolling hills, Great Lakes shorelines including [[coastal dunes]] on the west coast, large inland lakes, numerous rivers and large forests. A [[Ecotone|tension zone]] is identified running from Muskegon to Saginaw Bay marked by a change in soil type and common tree species.<ref>''Managing Michigan Wildlife: A Landowners Guide.'', Sargent, M.S and Carter, K.S., 1999, Michigan United Conservation Clubs, East Lansing, MI.</ref> North of the line the historic presettlement forests were beech and sugar maple, mixed with hemlock, white pine, and [[yellow birch]] which only grew on moist soils further south. Southern Michigan forests were primarily deciduous with oaks, red maple, [[shagbark hickory]], basswood and cottonwood which are uncommon further north. Northern Michigan soils tend to be coarser, and the growing season is shorter with a cooler climate. [[Lake-effect snow|Lake effect]] weather brings significant snowfalls to snow belt areas of Northern Michigan. Glaciers shaped the area, creating a unique regional ecosystem. A large portion of the area is the so-called Grayling outwash plain, which consists of broad outwash plain including sandy ice-disintegration ridges; jack pine barrens, some white pine-red pine forest, and northern hardwood forest. Large lakes were created by glacial action.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Michigan regional geology.}}{{Dead link|date=August 2018 |bot=InternetArchiveBot |fix-attempted=yes }}</ref> === Weather === The region has the four seasons in their extremes, with sometimes hot and humid summer days (although, mild in comparison to some parts of the [[Southern United States|south]]) to [[cold|subzero days]] in winter. With the expansive [[hardwood forest]] in Northern Michigan, [[Autumn leaf color|"fall color"]] tourists are found throughout the area in early to mid-autumn.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Fall: Take the Scenic Route|last=hostmaster|date=14 October 2016|}}</ref> When the spring rains come, many roads and bridges become impassable due to flooding or muddy to the point a [[four-wheel drive]] cannot pass. Snowfall varies throughout the region due to [[lake-effect snow]] from the [[Prevailing winds|prevailing westerly winds]] off of [[Lake Michigan]]: average yearly snow ranges from {{convert|141.4|in|m|2|disp=or}} in [[Gaylord, Michigan|Gaylord]] to {{convert|52.4|in|m|2|disp=or}} in [[Harrisville, Michigan|Harrisville]].<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Average Annual Snowfall Totals in Michigan – Current Results}}</ref> Both the high and low temperature records for all of Michigan are held by communities in Northern Lower Michigan. The high is {{convert|112|°F|°C|1|disp=or}} set in [[Mio, Michigan|Mio]] on July 13, 1936, and the low is {{convert|&minus;51|°F|°C|1|disp=or}} set in [[Vanderbilt, Michigan|Vanderbilt]] on February 9, 1934.<ref>[[U.S. state temperature extremes]]</ref> ===Population=== [[File:Traverse City Skyline.jpg|thumb|View of downtown [[Traverse City, Michigan|Traverse City]], the largest city in Northern Michigan.]] [[File:Cadillac, MI downtown (July 2022).jpg|thumb|Downtown [[Cadillac, Michigan|Cadillac]], the second-largest city in Northern Michigan.]] [[File:City Hall - Alpena Michigan.jpg|thumb|Alpena City Hall in Alpena, the third-largest city in the region.]] [[File:Ludington Downtown 2.jpg|thumb|Downtown [[Ludington, Michigan|Ludington]], the fourth-largest city.]] [[File:Manistee Harbor.jpg|thumb|View of [[Manistee, Michigan|Manistee]], the fifth-largest city.]] [[File:Petoskey.jpg|thumb|Downtown [[Petoskey, Michigan|Petoskey]], the sixth-largest city.]] In the northernmost 21 counties in the [[Lower Peninsula of Michigan]], the total population of the region is 506,658 people.<ref group="upper-alpha" name="auto" /> The most populated city in Northern Michigan is [[Traverse City, Michigan|Traverse City]], with over 15 thousand inhabitants. [[Grand Traverse County, Michigan|Grand Traverse County]] is the largest county in Northern Michigan by population, at just under 100,000. Grand Traverse County also contains the three most populous municipalities in Northern Michigan: [[Garfield Township, Grand Traverse County, Michigan|Garfield Township]], Traverse City (which partially extends into [[Leelanau County, Michigan|Leelanau County]]), and [[East Bay Township, Michigan|East Bay Township]]. {| class="wikitable sortable" |+Cities, villages, and CDPs in Northern Michigan with a population above 1,000 in 2020 !Municipality ![[2020 United States census|2020 population]] !Area (sq mi) !Area (km<sup>2</sup>) !County(ies) |- |[[Traverse City, Michigan|Traverse City]] |15,678 |8.66 |22.43 |[[Grand Traverse County, Michigan|Grand Traverse]], [[Leelanau County, Michigan|Leelanau]] |- |[[Cadillac, Michigan|Cadillac]] |10,371 |8.91 |23.09 |[[Wexford County, Michigan|Wexford]] |- |[[Alpena, Michigan|Alpena]] |10,197 |9.23 |23.9 |[[Alpena County, Michigan|Alpena]] |- |[[Ludington, Michigan|Ludington]] |8,076 |3.60 |9.34 |[[Mason County, Michigan|Mason]] |- |[[Manistee, Michigan|Manistee]] |6,259 |4.53 |11.73 |[[Manistee County, Michigan|Manistee]] |- |[[Petoskey, Michigan|Petoskey]] |5,877 |5.34 |13.84 |[[Emmet County, Michigan|Emmet]] |- |[[Houghton Lake, Michigan|Houghton Lake]] |5,294 |7.49 |19.4 |[[Roscommon County, Michigan|Roscommon]] |- |[[Cheboygan, Michigan|Cheboygan]] |4,876 |6.93 |17.94 |[[Cheboygan County, Michigan|Cheboygan]] |- |[[Gaylord, Michigan|Gaylord]] |4,286 |5.00 |12.95 |[[Otsego County, Michigan|Otsego]] |- |[[Boyne City, Michigan|Boyne City]] |3,816 |5.34 |13.84 |[[Charlevoix County, Michigan|Charlevoix]] |- |[[Clare, Michigan|Clare]] |3,254 |3.83 |9.92 |[[Clare County, Michigan|Clare]], [[Isabella County, Michigan|Isabella]] |- |[[Skidway Lake, Michigan|Skidway Lake]] |3,082 |11.79 |30.52 |[[Ogemaw County, Michigan|Ogemaw]] |- |[[Gladwin, Michigan|Gladwin]] |3,069 |2.90 |7.51 |[[Gladwin County, Michigan|Gladwin]] |- |[[Rogers City, Michigan|Rogers City]] |2,850 |8.36 |21.65 |[[Presque Isle County, Michigan|Presque Isle]] |- |[[St. Helen, Michigan|St. Helen]] |2,735 |5.92 |15.3 |Roscommon |- |[[East Tawas, Michigan|East Tawas]] |2,663 |3.27 |8.48 |[[Iosco County, Michigan|Iosco]] |- |[[Reed City, Michigan|Reed City]] |2,490 |2.13 |5.53 |[[Osceola County, Michigan|Osceola]] |- |[[West Branch, Michigan|West Branch]] |2,351 |1.53 |3.97 |Ogemaw |- |[[Charlevoix, Michigan|Charlevoix]] |2,348 |2.05 |5.30 |Charlevoix |- |[[East Jordan, Michigan|East Jordan]] |2,239 |3.92 |10.15 |Charlevoix |- |[[Harrison, Michigan|Harrison]] |2,150 |4.03 |10.43 |Clare |- |[[Kalkaska, Michigan|Kalkaska]] |2,132 |3.21 |8.31 |[[Kalkaska County, Michigan|Kalkaska]] |- |[[Indian River, Michigan|Indian River]] |1,950 |20.2 |52.4 |Cheboygan |- |[[Tawas City, Michigan|Tawas City]] |1,834 |2.13 |5.51 |Iosco |- |[[Grayling, Michigan|Grayling]] |1,867 |2.08 |5.39 |[[Crawford County, Michigan|Crawford]] |- |[[Evart, Michigan|Evart]] |1,742 |2.53 |6.55 |Osceola |- |[[Mio, Michigan|Mio]] |1,690 |8.98 |23.3 |[[Oscoda County, Michigan|Oscoda]] |- |[[Prudenville, Michigan|Prudenville]] |1,643 |3.62 |9.4 |Roscommon |- |[[Elk Rapids, Michigan|Elk Rapids]] |1,642 |2.01 |5.20 |[[Antrim County, Michigan|Antrim]] |- |[[Greilickville, Michigan|Greilickville]] |1,634 |7.11 |18.41 |Leelanau |- |[[Standish, Michigan|Standish]] |1,458 |2.18 |5.64 |[[Arenac County, Michigan|Arenac]] |- |[[Au Sable, Michigan|Au Sable]] |1,453 |2.13 |5.52 |Iosco |- |[[Kingsley, Michigan|Kingsley]] |1,431 |1.22 |3.17 |Grand Traverse |- |[[Rapid City, Michigan|Rapid City]] |1,357 |5.53 |14.31 |Kalkaska |- |[[Mancelona, Michigan|Mancelona]] |1,344 |1.00 |2.60 |Antrim |- |[[Harbor Springs, Michigan|Harbor Springs]] |1,274 |1.29 |3.35 |Emmet |- |[[Manton, Michigan|Manton]] |1,258 |1.61 |4.18 |Wexford |- |[[Frankfort, Michigan|Frankfort]] |1,252 |1.58 |4.10 |[[Benzie County, Michigan|Benzie]] |- |[[Scottville, Michigan|Scottville]] |1,214 |1.49 |3.86 |Mason |- |[[Beaverton, Michigan|Beaverton]] |1,145 |1.33 |3.44 |Gladwin |- |[[Chums Corner, Michigan|Chums Corner]] |1,065 |2.79 |2.66 |Grand Traverse |- |[[Bellaire, Michigan|Bellaire]] |1,053 |1.99 |5.16 |Antrim |- |[[Lakes of the North, Michigan|Lakes of the North]] |1,044 |16.73 |43.44 |Antrim |} The area was populated by many different ethnicities, including groups from [[New England]] (Maine, Vermont, New York), [[Ireland]], [[Germany]], and [[Poland]]. The Odawa nation is located in Emmet County (Little Traverse Band of Odawa Indians). Other [[Native American reservation]]s exist at Mount Pleasant and on the [[Leelanau Peninsula]]. ==Counties== {{CSS image crop |Image = MichiganCounties.svg |bSize = 1100 |cWidth = 500 |cHeight = 360 |oTop = 442 |oLeft = 485 |Location = right |Description = 21 counties in Northern Michigan }} There are 21 counties traditionally associated with Northern Michigan: {| class="wikitable sortable" |+ !County ![[2020 United States census|2020 population]] !Land area (sq mi) !Land area (km<sup>2</sup>) !Seat |- |[[Alcona County, Michigan|Alcona County]] |10,167 |675 |1,750 |[[Harrisville, Michigan|Harrisville]] |- |[[Alpena County, Michigan|Alpena County]] |28,907 |572 |1,480 |[[Alpena, Michigan|Alpena]] |- |[[Antrim County, Michigan|Antrim County]] |23,431 |476 |1,230 |[[Bellaire, Michigan|Bellaire]] |- |[[Benzie County, Michigan|Benzie County]] |17,970 |320 |800 |[[Beulah, Michigan|Beulah]] |- |[[Charlevoix County, Michigan|Charlevoix County]] |25,597 |416 |1,080 |[[Charlevoix, Michigan|Charlevoix]] |- |[[Cheboygan County, Michigan|Cheboygan County]] |26,152 |715 |1,850 |[[Cheboygan, Michigan|Cheboygan]] |- |[[Crawford County, Michigan|Crawford County]] |23,988 |556 |1440 |[[Grayling, Michigan|Grayling]] |- |[[Emmet County, Michigan|Emmet County]] |34,112 |467 |1,210 |[[Petoskey, Michigan|Petoskey]] |- |[[Grand Traverse County, Michigan|Grand Traverse County]] |95,238 |464 |1,200 |[[Traverse City, Michigan|Traverse City]] |- |[[Iosco County, Michigan|Iosco County]] |25,237 |549 |1,420 |[[Tawas City, Michigan|Tawas City]] |- |[[Leelanau County, Michigan|Leelanau County]] |22,301 |347 |900 |[[Suttons Bay, Michigan|Suttons Bay]] |- |[[Kalkaska County, Michigan|Kalkaska County]] |17,939 |560 |1,500 |[[Kalkaska, Michigan|Kalkaska]] |- |[[Manistee County, Michigan|Manistee County]] |25,032 |542 |1,400 |[[Manistee, Michigan|Manistee]] |- |[[Missaukee County, Michigan|Missaukee County]] |15,052 |565 |1,460 |[[Lake City, Michigan|Lake City]] |- |[[Montmorency County, Michigan|Montmorency County]] |9,153 |547 |1,420 |[[Atlanta, Michigan|Atlanta]] |- |[[Ogemaw County, Michigan|Ogemaw County]] |20,770 |563 |1,460 |[[West Branch, Michigan|West Branch]] |- |[[Oscoda County, Michigan|Oscoda County]] |8,219 |566 |1,470 |[[Mio, Michigan|Mio]] |- |[[Otsego County, Michigan|Otsego County]] |25,091 |514 |1,330 |[[Gaylord, Michigan|Gaylord]] |- |[[Presque Isle County, Michigan|Presque Isle County]] |12,982 |659 |1,710 |[[Rogers City, Michigan|Rogers City]] |- |[[Roscommon County, Michigan|Roscommon County]] |23,459 |520 |1,300 |[[Roscommon, Michigan|Roscommon]] |- |[[Wexford County, Michigan|Wexford County]] |33,673 |565 |1,460 |[[Cadillac, Michigan|Cadillac]] |} In addition to these 21, six more counties to the south are also occasionally referred to as Northern Michigan, but are generally considered to be part of other regions. This counties are: {| class="wikitable sortable" |+ !County ![[2020 United States census|2020 population]] !Land area (sq mi) !Land area (km<sup>2</sup>) !Seat |- |[[Arenac County, Michigan|Arenac County]] |15,002 |363 |1,760 |[[Standish, Michigan|Standish]] |- |[[Clare County, Michigan|Clare County]] |30,856 |564 |1,460 |[[Harrison, Michigan|Harrison]] |- |[[Gladwin County, Michigan|Gladwin County]] |25,386 |502 |1,300 |[[Gladwin, Michigan|Gladwin]] |- |[[Lake County, Michigan|Lake County]] |12,096 |567 |1,470 |[[Baldwin, Michigan|Baldwin]] |- |[[Mason County, Michigan|Mason County]] |29,052 |495 |1,280 |[[Ludington, Michigan|Ludington]] |- |[[Osceola County, Michigan|Osceola County]] |22,891 |566 |1,470 |[[Reed City, Michigan|Reed City]] |} == Cities, villages, and unincorporated communities == Below is a list of cities, villages, and unincorporated communities in northern Michigan: {{columns-list|colwidth=15em| *[[Acme, Michigan|Acme]] (Grand Traverse) *[[Afton, Michigan|Afton]] (Cheboygan) *[[Albert, Michigan|Albert]] (Montmorency) *[[Alanson, Michigan|Albert]] (Emmet) *[[Aloha, Michigan|Aloha]] (Cheboygan) *[[Alpena, Michigan|Alpena]] (Alpena) *[[Caldwell Township, Michigan|Arlene]] (Missaukee) *[[Atlanta, Michigan|Atlanta]] (Montmorency) *[[Au Gres, Michigan|Au Gres]] (Arenac) *[[Barton City, Michigan|Barton City]] (Alcona) *[[Bates, Michigan|Bates]] (Grand Traverse) *[[Beaver Island (Lake Michigan)|Beaver Island]] (Charlevoix) *[[Beaverton, Michigan|Beaverton]] (Gladwin) *[[Bear Lake, Michigan|Bear Lake]] (Manistee) *[[Belknap Township, Michigan|Belknap]] (Presque Isle) *[[Benzonia, Michigan|Benzonia]] (Benzie) *[[Beulah, Michigan|Beulah]] (Benzie) *[[Black River, Michigan|Black River]] (Alcona) *[[Boon, Michigan|Boon]] *[[Boyne City, Michigan|Boyne City]] (Charlevoix) *[[Boyne Falls, Michigan|Boyne Falls]] (Charlevoix) *[[Briley Township, Michigan|Briley]] (Montmorency) *[[Garfield Township, Grand Traverse County, Michigan|Brookside]] (Grand Traverse) *[[Buckley, Michigan|Buckley]] (Wexford) *[[Cadillac, Michigan|Cadillac]] (Wexford) *[[Cedar, Michigan|Cedar]] (Leelanau) *[[Central Lake, Michigan|Central Lake]] (Antrim) *[[Charlevoix, Michigan|Charlevoix]] (Charlevoix) *[[Cheboygan, Michigan|Cheboygan]] (Cheboygan) *[[Custer, Michigan|Custer]] (Mason) *[[Denton, Michigan|Denton]] (Roscommon) *[[East Jordan, Michigan|East Jordan]] (Charlevoix) *[[East Tawas, Michigan|East Tawas]] (Iosco) *[[Elberta, Michigan|Elberta]] (Benzie) *[[Elk Rapids, Michigan|Elk Rapids]] (Antrim) *[[Empire, Michigan|Empire]] (Leelanau) *[[Fairview, Michigan|Fairview]] (Oscoda) *[[Falmouth, Michigan|Falmouth]] (Missaukee) *[[Fife Lake, Michigan|Fife Lake]] (Grand Traverse) *[[Fountain, Michigan|Fountain]] (Mason) *[[Frankfort, Michigan|Frankfort]] (Benzie) *[[Free Soil, Michigan]] (Mason) *[[Gaylord, Michigan|Gaylord]] (Otsego) *[[Gladwin, Michigan|Gladwin]] (Gladwin) *[[Glennie, Michigan|Glennie]] (Alcona) *[[Glen Arbor, Michigan|Glen Arbor]] (Leelanau) *[[Glen Haven, Michigan|Glen Haven]] (Leelanau) *[[Goodar Township, Michigan|Goodar]] (Ogemaw) *[[Good Harbor, Michigan|Good Harbor]] (Leelanau) *[[Grawn, Michigan|Grawn]] (Grand Traverse) *[[Grayling, Michigan|Grayling]] (Crawford) *[[Greenbush, Michigan|Greenbush]] (Alcona) *[[Greilickville, Michigan|Greilickville]] *[[Gustin Township, Michigan|Gustin]] (Alcona) *[[Hale, Michigan|Hale]] (Iosco) *[[Hannah, Michigan|Hannah]] (Grand Traverse) *[[Harbor Springs, Michigan|Harbor Springs]] (Emmet) *[[Harrietta, Michigan|Harrietta]] *[[Harrisville, Michigan|Harrisville]] (Alcona) *[[Hawks, Michigan|Hawks]] (Presque Isle) *[[Herron, Michigan|Herron]] (Alpena) *[[Higgins Lake, Michigan|Higgins Lake]] (Roscommon) *[[Hillman, Michigan|Hillman]] (Alpena/Montmorency) *[[Honor, Michigan|Honor]] (Benzie) *[[Houghton Lake, Michigan|Houghton Lake]] (Roscommon) *[[Hubbard Lake, Alcona County, Michigan|Hubbard Lake]] (Alcona) *[[Indian River, Michigan|Indian River]] (Cheboygan) *[[Interlochen, Michigan|Interlochen]] (Grand Traverse) *[[Kalkaska, Michigan|Kalkaska]] (Kalkaska) *[[Kaleva, Michigan|Kaleva]] (Manistee) *[[Karlin, Michigan|Karlin]] (Grand Traverse) *[[Kingsley, Michigan|Kingsley]] (Grand Traverse) *[[Lachine, Michigan|Lachine]] (Alpena) *[[Lake Ann, Michigan|Lake Ann]] (Benzie) *[[Lake City, Michigan|Lake City]] (Missaukee) *[[Lake Leelanau, Michigan|Lake Leelanau]] (Leelanau) *[[Leland, Michigan|Leland]] *[[Lewiston, Michigan|Lewiston]] (Montmorency) *[[Lincoln, Michigan|Lincoln]] (Alcona) *[[Long Rapids, Michigan|Long Rapids]] (Alpena) *[[Lost Lake Woods, Michigan|Lost Lake Woods]] (Alcona) *[[Ludington, Michigan|Ludington]] (Mason) *[[Lupton, Michigan|Lupton]] (Ogemaw) *[[Mackinac Island, Michigan|Mackinac Island]] (Mackinac) *[[Mackinaw City, Michigan|Mackinaw City]] (Cheboygan/Emmet) *[[Manistee, Michigan|Manistee]] (Manistee) *[[Manton, Michigan|Manton]] (Wexford) *[[Peninsula Township, Michigan|Mapleton]] (Grand Traverse) *[[Maple City, Michigan|Maple City]] (Leelanau) *[[Maple Ridge, Michigan|Maple Ridge]] (Arenac) *[[Mayfield, Michigan|Mayfield]] (Grand Traverse) *[[McBain, Michigan|McBain]] (Missaukee) *[[Mesick, Michigan|Mesick]] (Wexford) *[[Metz, Michigan|Metz]] (Presque Isle) *[[Millersburg, Michigan|Millersburg]] (Presque Isle) *[[Mikado, Michigan|Mikado]] (Alcona) *[[Mio, Michigan|Mio]] (Oscoda) *[[Moltke Township, Michigan|Moltke]] (Presque Isle) *[[Monroe Center, Michigan|Monroe Center]] (Grand Traverse) *[[Mullett Lake, Michigan|Mullett Lake]] (Cheboygan) *[[National City, Michigan|National City]] (Iosco) *[[Northport, Michigan|Northport]] (Leelanau) *[[Ocqueoc Township, Michigan|Ocqueoc]] (Presque Isle) *[[Peninsula Township, Michigan|Ogdensburg]] (Grand Traverse) *[[Old Mission, Michigan|Old Mission]] (Grand Traverse) *[[Omena, Michigan|Omena]] (Leelanau) *[[Omer, Michigan|Omer]] (Arenac) *[[Onaway, Michigan|Onaway]] (Presque Isle) *[[Onekama, Michigan|Onekama]] (Manistee) *[[Oscoda, Michigan|Oscoda]] (Iosco) *[[Ossineke, Michigan|Ossineke]] (Alpena) *[[Whitewater Township, Michigan|Palaestrum]] (Grand Traverse) *[[Pellston, Michigan|Pellston]] (Emmet) *[[Petoskey, Michigan|Petoskey]] (Emmet) *[[Posen, Michigan|Posen]] (Presque Isle) *[[Prescott, Michigan|Prescott]] (Ogemaw) *[[Presque Isle, Michigan|Presque Isle]] (Presque Isle) *[[Prudenville, Michigan|Prudenville]] (Roscommon) *[[Rapid City, Michigan|Rapid City]] (Kalkaska) *[[Richfield Township, Roscommon County, Michigan|Richfield]] (Roscommon) *[[Rogers City, Michigan|Rogers City]] (Presque Isle) *[[Roscommon, Michigan|Roscommon]] (Roscommon) *[[Rose City, Michigan|Rose City]] (Ogemaw) *[[Rust, Michigan|Rust]] (Montmorency) *[[St. Helen, Michigan|St. Helen]] (Roscommon) *[[Scottville, Michigan|Scottville]] (Mason) *[[South Boardman, Michigan|South Boardman]] (Kalkaska) *[[South Branch, Michigan|South Branch]] (Iosco) *[[Spruce, Alcona County, Michigan|Spruce]] (Alcona) *[[Standish, Michigan|Standish]] (Arenac) *[[Sterling, Michigan|Sterling]] (Arenac) *[[Summit City, Michigan|Summit City]] (Grand Traverse) *[[Tawas City, Michigan|Tawas City]] (Iosco) *[[Thompsonville, Michigan|Thompsonville]] (Benzie) *[[Topinabee, Michigan|Topinabee]] (Cheboygan) *[[Tower, Michigan|Tower]] (Cheboygan) *[[Traverse City, Michigan|Traverse City]] (Grand Traverse/Leelanau) *[[Turner, Michigan|Turner]] (Arenac) *[[Twining, Michigan|Twining]] (Arenac) *[[Vanderbilt, Michigan|Vanderbilt]] (Otsego) *[[Walhalla, Michigan|Walhalla]] (Mason) *[[Walton, Michigan|Walton]] (Grand Traverse/Wexford) *[[West Branch, Michigan|West Branch]] (Ogemaw) *[[Whittemore, Michigan|Whittemore]] (Iosco) *[[Wilber Township, Michigan|Wilber]] (Iosco) *[[Williamsburg, Michigan|Williamsburg]] (Grand Traverse) *[[Wolverine, Michigan|Wolverine]] (Cheboygan) *[[Yuba, Michigan|Yuba]] (Grand Traverse)}} ===Indian reservations=== * [[Burt Lake Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians]] * [[Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians]] * [[Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians]] occupies at least 13 scattered reservation areas within Emmet County, including portions within the city of [[Petoskey, Michigan|Petoskey]] and the townships of [[Bear Creek Township, Michigan|Bear Creek]], [[Bliss Township, Michigan|Bliss]], [[Center Township, Michigan|Center]], [[Little Traverse Township, Michigan|Little Traverse]], [[McKinley Township, Emmet County, Michigan|McKinley]], [[Readmond Township, Michigan|Readmond]], [[Resort Township, Michigan|Resort]], [[Wawatam Township, Michigan|Wawatam]], and [[West Traverse Township, Michigan|West Traverse]].<ref>{{cite web|url= |archive-url= |archive-date=2012-10-19 |url-status=live|title=Michigan: 2010 Population and Housing Unit Counts 2010 Census of Population and Housing | date = September 2012|publisher = [[United States Census Bureau]]| work = [[2010 United States Census]]| access-date = February 29, 2020|page=E-19}}</ref> * [[Mackinac Bands of Chippewa and Ottawa Indians]] ==Flora and fauna== ===Common plants=== [[File:North Woods.gif|thumb|Extent of the [[Laurentian Mixed Forest Province|Laurentian Mixed Forest]] nearly coincides with Northern Michigan]] Northern Michigan has many tree types including [[maple]], [[birch]], [[oak]], [[Fraxinus|ash]], [[Thuja occidentalis|white cedar]], [[aspen]], [[pine]], and [[beech]]. [[Fern]]s, [[milkweed]], [[Daucus carota|Queen Anne's lace]], and [[chicory]] grow in the open fields and along roadsides. Forest plants include [[Allium tricoccum|wild leek]]s, [[morel mushroom]]s, and [[trillium]]s. [[Ammophila breviligulata|Marram grass]] grows on beaches. Several [[moss]]es cover the land. === Common mammals === Common mammals in Northern Michigan include [[white-tailed deer]], [[fox]], [[raccoon]]s, [[porcupine]]s, and [[rabbit]]s. [[American black bear|black bear]], [[elk]], [[coyote]], [[bobcat]], [[Gray wolf|wolves]], and [[mountain lions]] are also present. Although not common, the presence of [[cougar]]s has been persistently reported over many years.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=DNRE confirms Michigan cougar sighting||access-date=2010-10-25|archive-url=|archive-date=2012-03-02|url-status=dead}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=|title=SaveTheCougar.Org – The Michigan Cougar Conservation Effort *please scroll down*|access-date=2010-10-25|archive-url=|archive-date=2012-03-19|url-status=dead}}</ref><ref>[[Michigan Wildlife Conservancy]] [ 1/29/2009 ''Lawmakers Look At Cougar Evidence''] {{Webarchive|url=|date=2011-07-27}}</ref> Fish include [[Lake whitefish|whitefish]], [[yellow perch]], [[trout]], [[Bass (fish)|bass]], [[northern pike]], [[walleye]], [[muskellunge|muskie]], and [[Centrarchidae|sunfish]]. === Common birds === Common birds are [[ducks]], [[seagulls]], [[wild turkey]], [[great blue heron]]s, [[northern cardinal]]s, [[blue jay]]s, [[black-capped chickadee]]s, [[hummingbird]]s, [[Baltimore oriole]], and [[ruffed grouse]]. [[Canada geese]] may be seen flying over head in spring and fall. Less well known birds that are unique in Michigan to the Northern Lower Peninsula are [[spruce grouse]], [[sharp-tailed grouse]], [[red-throated loon]], [[Swainson's hawk]], and the [[boreal owl]].<ref>{{cite web|url=|archive-url=|url-status=dead|archive-date=10 April 2006||date=10 April 2006}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=|archive-url=|url-status=dead|archive-date=19 June 2006|title=Northern Michigan Birding|date=19 June 2006}}</ref> The [[Au Sable State Forest]] is a state forest in the north-central Lower Peninsula of Michigan. Much of the forest is used for wildlife game management and the fostering of endangered and rare species, such as the [[Kirtland's warbler]] – there are regular controlled burns to maintain its habitat. The Kirtland's warbler has its habitat in an increasing part of the area.<ref>{{cite web|url=,1607,7-153-10371_10402-175411--,00.html |title=Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Kirtland's Warbler Populations Continue to Grow. |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=2007-12-23 }}</ref> There is a Kirtland's Warbler Festival, which is sponsored in part by Kirtland Community College.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Kirtland Warbler Festival and links.|url-status=dead|archive-url=|archive-date=2008-01-02}}</ref> The [[American Bird Conservancy]] and the [[National Audubon Society]] have designated several locations as internationally [[Important Bird Area]]s.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Michigan Important Bird Areas Program|author=Michigan IBA Program}}</ref> ===Common insects=== Insect populations are similar to those found elsewhere in the [[midwestern United States]]. [[ladybug]]s, [[Cricket (insect)|crickets]], [[dragonfly|dragonflies]], [[mosquito]]es, [[ant]]s, [[house fly|house flies]], and [[grasshopper]]s are common, as is the [[Leptoglossus occidentalis|Western conifer seed bug]], and several kinds of [[butterfly|butterflies]] and [[moth]]s (for example, [[monarch butterfly|monarch butterflies]] and [[tomato worm]] moths). Notable deviations in insect populations are a high population of [[Phyllophaga|June bugs]] during June as well as a scarcity of [[Firefly|lightning bugs]] because of the lower average temperatures year round and especially in the summer. Northern Michigan is home to Michigan's most endangered species and one of the most endangered species in the world: the [[Hungerford's crawling water beetle]]. The species lives in only five locations in the world, four of which are in Northern Michigan (one is in [[Bruce County, Ontario]]). Indeed, the only stable population of the rare beetle occurs along a two and a half mile stretch of the East Branch of the Maple River in [[Emmet County, Michigan]]. === Common reptiles === There are no fatally venomous snakes native to Northern Michigan. The venomous [[Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake]] lives in Michigan, but it is not common, particularly in Northern Michigan. In any event, its non-fatal bite may make an adult sick, but it should be medically treated without delay. Snakes present include the [[eastern hog-nosed snake]], [[Storeria|brown snake]], [[common garter snake]], [[eastern milk snake]] and the [[Thamnophis saurita septentrionalis|northern ribbon snake]]. The only common reptiles and amphibians are various pond [[frog]]s, [[toad]]s, [[salamander]]s, and small [[turtle]]s. === State Forests and conservation areas === The state forests in the U.S. state of Michigan are managed by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Forest, Mineral and Fire Management unit. It is the largest state forest system in the nation at {{convert|3900000|acre|km2}}. ''See [[List of Michigan state forests]]''. The Northern [[lower peninsula]] includes three forests: *[[Mackinaw State Forest]] ** Atlanta FMU (Alpena, northeast Cheboygan, most of Montmorency, and most of Presque Isle counties) ** Gaylord FMU (Antrim, Charlevoix, most of Cheboygan, Emmet, and most of Otsego counties) ** Pigeon River Country FMU (southeast Cheboygan, northwest Montmorency, northeast Otsego, and southwest Presque Isle counties) *[[Pere Marquette State Forest]] ** Cadillac FMU (Lake, Mason, Mecosta, Missaukee, Newaygo, Oceana, Osceola, and Wexford counties) ** Traverse City FMU (Benzie, Grand Traverse, Leelanau, Kalkaska, Manistee counties) *[[Au Sable State Forest]] ** Gladwin FMU (Arenac, Bay, Clare, Gladwin, southern Iosco, Isabella, and Midland counties) ** Grayling FMU (Alcona, Crawford, Oscoda, and northern Iosco counties) ** Roscommon FMU (Ogemaw and Roscommon counties) In addition, large portions of this area are covered by the [[Manistee National Forest]] and the [[Huron National Forest]]. In the former, a unique environment is present at the [[Nordhouse Dunes Wilderness]]. This relatively small area of {{convert|3450|acre|km2}}, on [[Lake Michigan]]'s east shore, is one of few [[wilderness area]]s in the U.S. with an extensive lake shore [[dune]]s ecosystem. The dunes are 3500 to 4000 years old, and rise to nearly {{convert|140|ft|m|0}} higher than the lake. The Nordhouse Dunes are interspersed with woody vegetation such as [[jack pine]], [[juniper]] and [[Conium|hemlock]]. Many small water holes and marshes dot the landscape, and dune grass covers some of the dunes. The wide and sandy beach is ideal for walks and sunset viewing. Eight islands off the Lakes Michigan and Huron coasts – [[Charlevoix County, Michigan|Charlevoix]] and [[Alpena County, Michigan|Alpena]] counties, respectively – are part of the [[Michigan Islands National Wildlife Refuge]]. ==Tourism== [[File:Lake Michigan Sleeping Bear Dunes.jpg|thumb|[[Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore]]]] [[File:Ocqueoc Falls (8897493304).jpg|thumb|[[Ocqueoc Falls]]]] [[File:Torch Lake Antrim County (July 2019).jpg|thumb|[[Torch Lake (Antrim County, Michigan)|Torch Lake]]]] ===Summer destinations=== {{See also|List of National Historic Landmarks in Michigan}} Boating, golf, and camping are leading activities. Sailing, kayaking,<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Map and links for sea kayaking in Michigan.|access-date=2008-01-02|archive-url=|archive-date=2007-10-23|url-status=dead}}</ref> canoeing, birding, bicycling,<ref>{{cite news|url=|title=Bicycling in western Michigan, New York Times | work=The New York Times | first=Laura | last=Mansnerus | date=June 6, 1993 | access-date=May 20, 2010}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Cherry capital cycling club map|access-date=2010-10-28|archive-url=|archive-date=2010-04-13|url-status=dead}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=DNR - DNR|}}</ref> horse back riding, motorcycling, and 'off roading' are important avocations. The forest activities are available everywhere. There are a great many [[Michigan state parks]] and other protected areas which make these truly a 'pleasant peninsula.' These would include the [[Huron National Forest]] and the [[Manistee National Forest]], plus the [[Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore]] (a 35-mile stretch of eastern Lake Michigan dunes)<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Sleeping Bear Dunes Visitors Bureau &#124; Sleeping Bear Dunes|}}</ref> and the [[Nordhouse Dunes Wilderness]]. *Many city dwellers from "downstate" and nearby areas (notably [[Chicago]]) have summer vacation homes in Northern Michigan. The largest resort cities in Northern Michigan are in the west on [[Lake Michigan]], with its sandy beaches and warm bays. Popular tourist towns in Northern Michigan include [[Northport, Michigan|Northport]], [[Traverse City, Michigan|Traverse City]], [[Elk Rapids, Michigan|Elk Rapids]], [[Charlevoix, Michigan|Charlevoix]], [[Boyne City, Michigan|Boyne City]], [[Petoskey, Michigan|Petoskey]], [[Manistee, Michigan|Manistee]], [[Ludington, Michigan|Ludington]], [[Bear Lake, Michigan|Bear Lake]], [[Empire, Michigan|Empire]], [[Frankfort, Michigan|Frankfort]],<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Frankfort-Elberta Area Chamber of Commerce|website=Frankfort-Elberta Area Chamber of Commerce}}</ref> [[Harbor Springs, Michigan|Harbor Springs]], and [[Leland, Michigan|Leland]]. It should also be noted that there is a large wine district in the area along the [[Lake Michigan Shore]]. *At the top of the [[lower peninsula]] are [[Mackinaw City, Michigan|Mackinaw City]], and [[Mackinac Island]]<ref>*[ Mackinac Island Tourism Bureau].</ref> (which lies between the Lower and Upper Peninsulas in the [[Straits of Mackinac]]). *Less well known and less developed is the northeastern [[lower peninsula]] along the [[Lake Huron]] shore. It offers many great vacation spots, particularly along the coast. These are, in order from south-to-north, [[Standish, Michigan|Standish]], [[Omer, Michigan|Omer]], [[Au Gres, Michigan|Au Gres]], [[Tawas City, Michigan|Tawas City]], [[East Tawas, Michigan|East Tawas]], [[Oscoda, Michigan|Oscoda]], [[Greenbush, Michigan|Greenbush]], [[Harrisville, Michigan|Harrisville]], [[Alpena, Michigan|Alpena]], [[Presque Isle, Michigan|Presque Isle]], [[Rogers City, Michigan|Rogers City]], [[Cheboygan, Michigan|Cheboygan]], and points in between. Some consider these to be more 'up north' than the relatively congested west coast. Indeed, the Detroit Free Press noted that the area between Oscoda and Ossineke included beaches that are "overlooked" and among the "top ten in Michigan." This would include the area around Harrisville (and two state parks). It was noted that: "Old-fashioned lake vacations abound on this pretty stretch of Lake Huron."<ref>''Detroit Free Press'', May 26, 2007</ref> *In between the two (or three, depending on how you count) coasts, there are a large number of inland cities and lakes (Michigan has 11,037 lakes), and a varied landscape that has many rivers. Such places as [[Cadillac, Michigan|Cadillac]], [[Kalkaska, Michigan|Kalkaska]], [[Grayling, Michigan|Grayling]], [[West Branch, Michigan|West Branch]] and [[Gaylord, Michigan|Gaylord]] are also prized summer destinations for Michiganders and visitors from other states. Among many others, [[Houghton Lake, Michigan|Houghton Lake]], [[Higgins Lake, Michigan|Higgins Lake]], [[Torch Lake, Michigan|Torch Lake]], and [[Hubbard Lake (Michigan)|Hubbard Lake]] are large inland lakes within the region. *The Michigan [[Shore to Shore Riding & Hiking Trail]]<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Michigan Shore to Shore Riding and Hiking Trail|url-status=dead|archive-url=|archive-date=2012-07-16}}</ref> runs from [[Empire, Michigan|Empire]] to [[Oscoda, Michigan|Oscoda]], and points north and south. It is a {{convert|240|mi|km|adj=on}} interconnected system of trails. *The [[Great Lakes Circle Tour]] is a designated scenic road system connecting all of the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Great Lakes Circle Tour|url-status=dead|archive-url=|archive-date=2010-07-25}}</ref> [[File:HighlandsAtHarborSptings.jpg|thumb|[[The Highlands at Harbor Springs]]]] ===Non-summer destinations=== Some of the [[downhill skiing|downhill]] and [[Nordic skiing]] (cross-country) resorts located in the Northern Lower include [[Boyne Mountain]], [[Boyne Highlands]], [[Otsego Club & Resort]] (since 1939), [[Crystal Mountain (Michigan)|Crystal Mountain Resort]], [[Snow Snake Ski and Golf]], [[Nub's Nob]], [[Caberfae Peaks]] and [[Schuss Mountain]]. Some of these also serve as summer golf resorts. [[Frederic, Michigan]], is a particularly noteworthy center for [[cross country skiing]]. Fall activities include [[harvest festival]]s, seasonal beer and wine events, and fall color tours. [[Hunting]] in Northern Michigan is a popular fall pastime. There are seasons for bow hunting and a muzzle-loader season as well as for using modern rifle season. The opening day of [[deer season]] (November 15) is a major day for some residents. Some schools close November 15, due to low attendance as a result of the opening day of deer season. In winter, a variety of sports are enjoyed by the locals which also draw visitors to Northern Michigan. [[Snowmobiling]], also called sledding, is popular, and with hundreds of miles of interconnected groomed trails cross the region. [[Ice fishing]] is also popular. Tip-up Town on [[Houghton Lake (Michigan)|Houghton Lake]] is a major ice-fishing, snowmobiling and winter sports festival, and is unique in that it is a village that assembles out on the frozen lake surface. [[Higgins Lake]] also offers good ice fishing and has many snowmobiling, cross country skiing, and snowshoeing trails at the [[North Higgins Lake State Park]]. [[Grayling, Michigan|Grayling]] and [[Gaylord, Michigan|Gaylord]] and their environs are recognized for Nordic skiing. [[Cadillac, Michigan|Cadillac]] is reputed to be even more popular during the winter than it is in the summer. === Other tourist attractions === * [[Pierce Stocking Scenic Drive]] * [[Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary]] * [[Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore]] * [[Mackinac Bridge]] * [[Boyne Mountain]] * [[Fort Michilimackinac]] * Many [[List of Michigan state parks|State Parks]] The [[Lumberman's Monument]] honors lumberjacks that shaped the area, exploiting the natural resource. It is located on the [[River Road National Scenic Byway]], which runs parallel with the [[Au Sable River (Michigan)|Au Sable River]], and is a designated [[National Scenic Byway]] for the {{convert|23|mi|km}} that go into Oscoda.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=River Road Scenic Byway|work=America's Byways|publisher=[[Federal Highway Administration]]|access-date=2007-12-27|archive-url=|archive-date=2007-02-03|url-status=dead}}</ref> The State of Michigan has designated [[Oscoda, Michigan|Oscoda]] as the official home of [[Paul Bunyan]] due to the earliest documented publications in the ''Oscoda Press'', August 10, 1906, by James MacGillivray (later revised and published in ''The Detroit News'' in 1910).<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Oscoda Press|first=Iosco County News|last=Herald|website=Iosco County News Herald|date=23 May 2023 }}</ref> [[Hartwick Pines State Park]] is a {{convert|9672|acre|km2|adj=on}} state park and logging museum located in [[Crawford County, Michigan|Crawford County]] near [[Grayling, Michigan|Grayling]] and I-75. It is the third largest state park on Michigan's Lower Peninsula and the state's fifth-biggest park overall. The park contains an old growth forest of white pines and red pines that resembles the appearance of all of Northern Michigan prior to the logging era. Also to be noted is [[Interlochen State Park]], which is the oldest state park and the other remaining stand of virgin [[Eastern White Pine]] in the [[Lower Peninsula]]. The '''[[Besser Museum for Northeast Michigan]]''' is a community museum serving [[Alpena County, Michigan|Alpena County]] and surrounding counties in the U.S. state of [[Michigan]]. [[Alpena, Michigan|Alpena]] is a port city on [[Lake Huron]]. The museum defines its role broadly {{mdash}} to preserve, protect and present history and culture closely connected with the heritage of Northern Michigan and the [[Great Lakes]]. The museum includes a small publicly owned [[planetarium]].<ref name="Besser">{{cite web |url= |title=Art-History-Science: Besser Museum for Northeast Michigan |access-date=2016-02-25 }}</ref> The institution says "Our mission is to collect, preserve, interpret, and exhibit authentic articles and artifacts of art, history, and science to inspire curiosity, foster community pride, and cultivate personal legacy."<ref name="Besser2">{{cite web |url=!plan-your-visit/c1j3l |title=Plan Your Visit |access-date=2016-03-28 }}</ref> There were more than 150 past and present [[lighthouses]] around Michigan's [[Great Lakes]] coasts, including several in Northern Michigan. They serve as functioning warnings to mariners, but are also integral to the region's culture and history. See [[Lighthouses in the United States#Michigan|the list of Michigan lighthouses]] for more information on individual lighthouses. ===Festivals=== A number of annual festivals occur in Northern Michigan, including: {| class="wikitable" style="text-align:center" ! width="40%" |Festival ! width="20%" |Location ! width="40%" |Remarks and sources |- | AlpenFest and Alpenfest run/walk || [[Gaylord, Michigan|Gaylord]] || <ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Gaylord Chamber of Commerce website}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Alpenfest Run|}}</ref> |- | Art on the Beach || [[Oscoda, Michigan|Oscoda]] || <ref name="auto1">{{cite web|url=|archive-url=|url-status=dead|archive-date=13 December 2007|title=Oscoda AuSable Chamber of Commerce - Northeast Michigan Small Business Representative|date=13 December 2007}}</ref> |- | Arts and crafts shows around the state|| Various || <ref>{{Cite web |url= |title=A Directory of Michigan Art Shows, Craft Shows, Festivals and Events |access-date=2008-01-13 |archive-url= |archive-date=2008-01-20 |url-status=dead }}</ref> |- | Bass Festival || [[Mancelona]] || <ref>{{cite web|url=|title=The 63rd Annual Mancelona Bass Festival May 31 - June 3, 2018 - Mancelona Bass Festival|}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|last1=Bevier|first1=Patrick W.C.|title=Let's get outdoors, Petoskey! A fishing fiesta|url=|access-date=4 April 2016|agency=Petoskey News Review|date=June 1, 2015}}</ref> |- | Blissfest (folk festival) || [[Bliss Township, Michigan|Bliss Township]] || <ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Home - Blissfest Music Organization|website=Blissfest Music Organization}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|last1=Erickson|first1=Anne|title=10 things to do in Michigan in July|url=|access-date=4 April 2016|agency=Lansing State Journal|newspaper=Detroit Free Press|date=June 30, 2015|quote=Blissfest Music Festival – Blissfest Music Festival brings together live American roots music, dance and art at the Festival Farm in rural northern Michigan.}}</ref> |- | Cadillac Chestnut Harvest Festival|| [[Cadillac, Michigan|Cadillac]] || <ref>[ Chestnut Harvest Festival]</ref> Held every year, on the second Saturday of October<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Chestnut Festival|url-status=dead|archive-url=|archive-date=2008-11-23}}</ref> |- | Cedar Polka Festival || [[Cedar, Michigan|Cedar]] || <ref>{{cite web|url=|archive-url=|url-status=dead|archive-date=22 March 2007|title=Annual Cedar Polka Fest - Cedar, Michigan|date=22 March 2007}}</ref> |- | Celebration Days at [[Tawas Point State Park]] || [[East Tawas, Michigan]] || <ref>{{cite web|url=,1607,7-153-10366_11859-206264--,00.html|title=DNR - DNR|}}</ref> |- | Charlevoix Waterfront Art Fair || [[Charlevoix, Michigan|Charlevoix]] || <ref>{{cite web|url=|title=cwaf|website=cwaf}}</ref> 2nd weekend in August {{citation needed|date=April 2016}} |- | [[Chicago Yacht Club Race to Mackinac]] || [[Lake Michigan]] || <ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Welcome to CYC Race to Mackinac - Race to Mackinac|}}</ref> |- | Dulcimer FunFest || [[Evart, Michigan|Evart]] || <ref>{{cite web | last=Skaryd | first=Sharon | title=ODPC FUNFEST | website=Dulcimers | url= | access-date=2019-08-10}}</ref>{{citation needed|date=April 2016}} |- | Firemen's Memorial Festival || [[Roscommon, Michigan|Roscommon]] || <ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Best Place to Buy Watches for Firemen - Beware Of The Quality Of Luxury Watches In The Online Medium|website=Best Place to Buy Watches for Firemen}}</ref>{{citation needed|date=April 2016}} |- | Freedom Festival || [[East Jordan, Michigan|East Jordan]] || <ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Home - East Jordan Chamber|website=East Jordan Chamber}}</ref>{{citation needed|date=April 2016}} |- | Great Lakes Bioneers Conference || ??? || <ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Great Lakes Bioneers Conference|}}</ref>{{citation needed|date=April 2016}} |- | Great Lakes Lighthouse Festival || [[Alpena, Michigan|Alpena]] || <ref>{{cite web|url=|archive-url=|url-status=dead|archive-date=2003-04-02|title=event website}}</ref> {{citation needed|date=April 2016}} According to Tim Harrison, Editor in Chief and publisher of ''Lighthouse Digest'' magazine, and President of American Lighthouse Foundation, "There is no other festival like it in the United States..."<ref name="">{{cite web|url=|title=Great Lakes Lighthouse Festival causes.||access-date=2009-04-03|archive-url=|archive-date=2011-07-27|url-status=dead}}</ref> |- | Harrisville Arts & Crafts Show aka "Harmony Weekend"<ref>{{Cite web |url= |title=Harrisvilleactivities |access-date=2007-12-09 |archive-url= |archive-date=2008-03-15 |url-status=dead }}</ref> || [[Harrisville, Michigan|Harrisville]] || Labor Day weekend {{citation needed|date=April 2016}} |- | Hoxeyville Music Festival|| [[South Branch Township, Wexford County, Michigan]] || <ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Hoxeyville Music Festival|website=Hoxeyville}}</ref>{{citation needed|date=April 2016}} |- | [[Kirtland Community College|Kirtland]] Warbler Festival || [[Roscommon County, Michigan]]|| <ref>{{cite web|url=|archive-url=|url-status=dead|archive-date=3 December 2007|title=Kirtland's Warbler Festival|date=3 December 2007|access-date=10 December 2020}}</ref> |- | Leland Wine & Food Festival|| [[Northport, Michigan|Northport]] || <ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Wine & Food Festival : Leland|}}</ref>{{citation needed|date=April 2016}} |- | Mackinac Island Fudge Festival || [[Mackinac Island]] || <ref>{{cite web|url=|title=event website}}</ref>{{citation needed|date=April 2016}} |- | Mackinac Island Lilac Festival || [[Mackinac Island]] || <ref>{{cite web|url=|archive-url=|url-status=dead|archive-date=2 February 2015|title=Mackinac Island Lilac Festival|date=2 February 2015}}</ref> {{citation needed|date=April 2016}} |- | Mackinac Island Music Festival || [[Mackinac Island]] || <ref>{{cite web|url=|archive-url=|url-status=dead|archive-date=22 April 2009|title=Mackinac Island Music Festival|date=22 April 2009}}</ref> {{citation needed|date=April 2016}} |- | Michigan Brown Trout Festival || [[Alpena, Michigan|Alpena]] || <ref>{{cite web|url=|archive-url=|url-status=dead|archive-date=2009-02-21|title=event website}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|last1=Schulwitz|first1=Steve|title=Future uncertain for Brown Trout Festival|url=|access-date=4 April 2016|agency=The Alpena News|date=October 30, 2015|archive-url=|archive-date=2016-04-16|url-status=dead}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|last1=Schulwitz|first1=Steve|title=2016 Brown Trout to be smaller|url=|access-date=4 April 2016|agency=The Alpena News|date=November 24, 2015|archive-url=|archive-date=2016-04-16|url-status=dead}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|last1=Ricciardi|first1=Bethany|title=Brown Trout Festival Is Downsizing For 2016|url=|access-date=4 April 2016|agency=WBKB NEws|date=14 December 2015|archive-url=|archive-date=16 April 2016|url-status=dead|df=dmy-all}}</ref> |- | Mushroom Festival || [[Mesick, Michigan|Mesick]] || <ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Annual Mesick Mushroom Festival|first=Silverthorn Web|last=Design|}}</ref> {{citation needed|date=April 2016}} |- | [[National Cherry Festival]] || [[Traverse City, Michigan|Traverse City]] || <ref>{{cite news|last1=Erickson|first1=Anne|title=10 things to do in Michigan in July|url=|access-date=4 April 2016|agency=Lansing State Journal|newspaper=Detroit Free Press|date=June 30, 2015|quote="National Cherry Festival – If you've lived in Michigan for years and never been to the National Cherry Festival in Traverse City, you really need to attend the festivities at least once. The festival is scheduled for July 4 through 11 and attracts roughly half a million people every year.}}</ref> |- | National Coho Salmon Festival|| [[Honor, Michigan|Honor]] || <ref>{{cite web|url=|archive-url=|url-status=dead|archive-date=20 April 2009|title=National Coho Festival|date=20 April 2009}}</ref>{{citation needed|date=April 2016}} |- | National Forest Festival || [[Manistee, Michigan|Manistee]] || <ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Manistee County Chamber of Commerce website|access-date=2009-04-03|archive-url=|archive-date=2011-07-14|url-status=dead}}</ref> |- | National Morel Mushroom Festival || [[Boyne City, Michigan|Boyne City]] || <ref>{{cite web|url=|title=National Morel Mushroom Festival - Official site for the Mushroom Festival held each May in Boyne City, Michigan|}}</ref> {{citation needed|date=April 2016}} |- | National Trout Festival || [[Kalkaska, Michigan|Kalkaska]] || <ref>{{cite web|url=|title=National Trout Festival - Festival, Entertainment|website=National Trout Festival}}</ref> {{citation needed|date=April 2016}} End of April |- | Nautical Festival || [[Rogers City, Michigan|Rogers City]] || <ref>{{cite web|url=|archive-url=|url-status=dead|archive-date=15 May 2009|title=Rogers City Nautical Festival|date=15 May 2009}}</ref> {{citation needed|date=April 2016}} |- | North American Snowmobile Festival || [[Cadillac, Michigan|Cadillac]] || <ref>{{cite web|url=|archive-url=|url-status=dead|title=23nd Annual North American Snow Festival|archive-date=20 January 2007|date=20 January 2007}}</ref> |- | Northport's Harbor Day (and July 4 Celebration) || [[Northport, Michigan|Northport]] || {{citation needed|date=April 2016}} |- | [[Paul Bunyan]] Festival & Great Lakes Chainsaw Carving Competition || [[Oscoda, Michigan|Oscoda]] || <ref name="auto1" /> |- | Petoskey Festival on the Bay|| [[Petoskey, Michigan|Petoskey]] || <ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Festival on the Bay - Petoskey Michigan - August|}}</ref>{{citation needed|date=April 2016}} |- | Polish Festival || [[Boyne Falls]] || <ref>{{cite web|url=|title=44th Annual Boyne Falls Polish Festival Michigan - August 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 2018|website=Boyne Falls Polish Festival}}</ref> {{citation needed|date=April 2016}} |- | [[Port Huron to Mackinac Boat Race]] || [[Lake Huron]] || Ends on Mackinac Island <ref>{{cite news|last1=Erickson|first1=Anne|title=10 things to do in Michigan in July|url=|access-date=4 April 2016|agency=Lansing State Journal|newspaper=Detroit Free Press|date=June 30, 2015|quote="Bell's Beer Bayview Mackinac Race – It's year 91 for the Bell's Beer Bayview Mackinac Race (and year five with Bell's sponsorship), set for July 18 in Port Huron. The longest consecutively run freshwater yacht race in the world, it is expected to attract more than 2,500 sailors, 260 boats and 75,000 sailing fans."}}</ref> |- | Posen Potato Festival || [[Posen, Michigan|Posen]] || <ref>{{cite web|url=|archive-url=|url-status=dead|archive-date=24 August 2003|title=Posen Potato Festival|date=24 August 2003}}</ref> |- | Salmon Slam || [[Northport, Michigan]]|| {{citation needed|date=April 2016}} |- | Scottville Harvest Festival || [[Scottville, Michigan|Scottville]] || <ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Scottville Harvest Festival, every September in Scottville, MI||date=22 February 2021 }}</ref> |- | Timberfest || [[Lewiston, Michigan|Lewiston]] || <ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Lewiston Area Chamber of Commerce|access-date=2016-05-14|archive-url=|archive-date=2016-05-30|url-status=dead}}</ref> |- | Tip-Up Town (ice fishing festival) || [[Houghton Lake (Michigan)|Houghton Lake]] || <ref>{{cite web|url=|archive-url=|url-status=dead|archive-date=15 November 2012|title=Home|date=15 November 2012}}</ref> {{citation needed|date=April 2016}} |- | Traverse Bay Farms Salsa Bar Festival || [[Elk Rapids, Michigan|Elk Rapids]]/[[Bellaire, Michigan|Bellaire]] || <ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Traverse Bay Farms Free Shipping on Tart Cherry Juice, Cherry Capsules|website=Traverse Bay Farms}}</ref> {{citation needed|date=April 2016}} |- | [[Traverse City Film Festival]] || [[Traverse City, Michigan|Traverse City]] || {{citation needed|date=April 2016}} |- | Venetian Festival || [[Charlevoix, Michigan|Charlevoix]] || <ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Charlevoix Venetian Festival – Building community by bringing people together|}}</ref> {{citation needed|date=April 2016}} |- | [[Weyerhauser]] [[Au Sable River Canoe Marathon]] || [[Grayling, Michigan|Grayling]] to [[Oscoda, Michigan|Oscoda]] || One leg of the "Triple Crown of Canoe Racing". This is one of the few pro-am canoeing events in the U.S., and winning times may be as long as 21 hours.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=AuSable River Canoe Marathon}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|last1=Slagter|first1=Josh|title=Record number of teams will compete in 120-mile AuSable River Canoe Marathon|url=|access-date=4 April 2016|agency=MLive|publisher=MLive|date=July 18, 2009|format=online|quote=Teams of two paddle 120 miles down the AuSable River from Grayling to Oscoda on Lake Huron in a grueling, 19-hour marathon... The Au Sable marathon, sponsored by Weyerhaeuser, is the second leg of the Triple Crown of Canoe Racing.}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|last1=Features|first1=Booth|title=AuSable River International Canoe Marathon July 30–31 is one of world's toughest races|url=|access-date=4 April 2016|agency=Mlive|publisher=Mlive|date=July 11, 2011|quote="The Weyerhaeuser AuSable River Canoe Marathon is the roughest nonstop canoe race in North America, ranked number seven among the world's toughest 100 races by the website The racecourse runs almost the entire length of the AuSable River, 120 miles."}}</ref> |- | WinterFest and || [[Kalkaska, Michigan|Kalkaska]]|| <ref>{{cite web|url=|archive-url=|url-status=dead|archive-date=13 April 2009|title=Welcome to Kalkaska, Michigan|date=13 April 2009}}</ref> Includes a [[sled dog]] race.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=SDC 2004: Kalkaska Winterfest Sled Dog Race|}}</ref> |- | World Famous Labor Day Fish Boil || [[Northport, Michigan]] || {{citation needed|date=April 2016}} |} ==Economy== {{see also|Michigan#Economy}} The economy of Northern Michigan is limited by its lower population, few industries and reduced agriculture compared to lower Michigan. Seasonal and tourism related employment is significant. Unemployment rates are generally high. (In June 2007, seven of the ten highest unemployment rates occurred in counties in the Northern Michigan area.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Michigan Labor Market Information, Mi Fast Facts, HOME}}</ref> Historically, [[Fur trade]], lumbering and [[commercial fishing]] were among the most important industries. The fur trade essentially died out in the 1840s. [[Logging]] is still important but at a mere fraction of its heyday (1860–1910) output. Commercial fishing is a minor activity. ===Vacation and tourism=== A major draw to Northern Michigan is [[tourism]]. [[Real estate]], especially condominiums and summer homes, is another significant source of income. Because money spent in the real estate and tourism market in Northern Michigan is dependent upon visitors from southern Michigan and the Chicago area, the Northern Michigan economy is sensitive to downswings in the [[automobile industry|automobile]] and other industries.<ref>See also: [[Detroit Michigan#Economy|Economy of Detroit]] and [[Economy of Chicago]]</ref> === Agriculture === [[File:MichiganHardinessZones.svg|thumb|350px|right|This map of [[hardiness zone]]s demonstrates Northern Michigan's temperature extremes compared to the southern half of the lower peninsula. Most Michigan fruit sites are in Zone 5 or 6,<ref>{{cite web|last1=Perry|first1=Ron|title=Producing Fruit for the Home|url=|website=Horticulture Department|publisher=Michigan State University|access-date=4 May 2016|quote=Most MI fruit sites Zone 5 (−20 o F to −10 o F) to 6 (−10 o F to 0 o F)|url-status=dead|archive-url=|archive-date=11 August 2015}}</ref> making the Leelanau Peninsula and [[Grand Traverse Bay]] area uniquely conducive to cherries and other fruit trees.]] Agriculture is limited by the climate and soil conditions compared to southern regions of the state. However, there are significant [[potato]] and [[dry bean]] farms in the east. [[Michigan wine|Wine]] grapes, vegetables and [[cherry|cherries]] are produced in the west in the protected [[microclimate]]s around [[Grand Traverse Bay]]. The Grand Traverse region has two of Michigan's four federally-recognized [[American Viticultural Area|wine growing areas]]. The Grand Traverse Bay area is listed as one of the most endangered agricultural regions in the U.S. as its scenic land is highly sought after for vacation homes. === Heavy industry === [[Heavy Industry|Heavy industrial]] developments are sparse. The northeast corner has an industrial base. ==== Quarrying and mining ==== [[Cement]]-making and the mining of [[limestone]] and [[gypsum]] for [[Portland Cement]] are major exports of the area. Charlevoix's Medusa Cement Plant was bought by [[Cemex]] in the 1990s. Alpena is home to the [[Lafarge (company)|Lafarge Company]]'s holdings in the world's largest cement plant and is home to Besser Block Co. ([[Jesse M. Besser]] invented concrete block in 1904 and founded the [[Besser Block Co.]] in [[Alpena, Michigan|Alpena]] after making the concrete block making machine). [[USG Corporation]], also known as United States [[Gypsum]] Corporation, operates several quarries, including one at [[Alabaster, Michigan|Alabaster]], and one in [[Rogers City, Michigan|Rogers City]]. Rogers City is the locale of the world's largest limestone quarry, which is also used in steel making all along the Great Lakes. ==== Energy (oil and natural gas) ==== [[File:AntrimShaleMap.JPG|thumb|250px|right|Antrim Shale reserves in northern Michigan]] Northern Michigan has significant [[natural gas]] reserves along the [[Antrim shale]] formation in northern Michigan. By some estimates it is the 15th largest gas field in the nation.<ref>{{cite news|last1=Greene|first1=Jay|title=Hydraulic fracturing in Michigan: Waiting for the boom|url=|access-date=6 May 2016|agency=Crane's Detroit business|date=2013-03-29|quote="other experts say it is only a matter of time before Michigan's Antrim Shale gas field reserves – estimated to be the 15th largest in the nation – will be tapped in greater numbers. "}}</ref> Drilling activity peaked in the late 1980s and early 1990s,<ref>{{cite news|last1=Payette|first1=Peter|title=Drilling for oil and gas is on the decline in Michigan|url=|access-date=6 May 2016|agency=Michigan Radio|date=October 28, 2014|quote=Drilling activity peaked in the late 1980s and early 1990s, when oil and gas companies went after natural gas in a layer of the earth called the Antrim Shale.}}</ref> In 2014, [[Encana]], the Canadian company who had been drilling in Northern Michigan, sold their mineral rights to [[Marathon Oil]] order to focus on more profitable operations elsewhere. For oil interest, Encana amassed rights for the [[Utica Shale|Collingwood-Utica Shale]] (Michigan) between 2008 and 2010, mostly in [[Cheboygan, Michigan|Cheboygan]], [[Kalkaska, Michigan]], and [[Missaukee, Michigan|Missaukee]] counties. The Collingwood layer is two miles below the surface and would require horizontal drilling.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Is Michigan the Next State to See Widespread Shale Drilling?|date=2009-09-03|website=Marcellus Drilling News|access-date=2019-08-10|quote=it’s often referred to as the Utica-Collingwood. The Collingwood is two miles (or more) below the surface. Encana and others have been testing the Utica-Collingwood in Michigan}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Michigan Shale|date=2016-10-19|website=Great Lakes Energy Forum|archive-url=|archive-date=2016-10-19|url-status=dead|access-date=2019-08-10|quote=The largest emerging oil and gas field in Michigan is the Utica-Collingwood Shale, located between 10,000 and 12,000 feet below the surface of northern Michigan.}}</ref><ref>{{cite web | title=Michigan Basin Geology Makes Michigan a Great Oil and Gas State | website=Drillinginfo | date=2014-11-13 | url= | access-date=2019-08-10|quote=Encana recently transferred all of its Michigan Collingwood holdings, rumored to be in excess of 100,000 acres, to Marathon. Some say the reason Encana left is because they couldn’t figure out the Collingwood, however, I suspect it has more to do with the $6 billion investment in the Permian basin and the focus to earn a return on that investment. The Michigan Department of Natural Resources has auctioned 120,000 acres (October 29th) in some of the prime Collingwood acreage in northern Michigan.}}</ref> ==== Manufacturing ==== Alpena has a hardboard manufacturing facility owned by Decorative Panels, International. Nearer to the Lake Michigan shore, Cadillac and Manistee have manufacturing and chemical industries. [[Morton Salt]] operates one of the largest salt plants in the world in [[Manistee, Michigan|Manistee]]. Also, the [[East Jordan Iron Works]] corporate offices, as well as the original foundry, are located in [[East Jordan]]. === Maritime === A small number of people work on the [[Great Lakes freighter]]s. Adjacent to the [[Traverse City]] [[Cherry Capital Airport]] is a [[United States Coast Guard]] [[Coast Guard Air Station|air station (CGAS)]], which is responsible for both maritime and land-based [[search and rescue]] operations in the northern [[Great Lakes]] region. === Military === Military presence in Northern Michigan is as follows: *[[Alpena Combat Readiness Training Center]] in [[Alpena, Michigan]], is run by the [[Air National Guard]] and is co-located with the [[Alpena County Regional Airport]]. *[[Camp Grayling]] near [[Grayling, Michigan]]. Camp Grayling is the largest military installation east of the [[Mississippi River]], and the nation's largest National Guard training site. It is used by the [[U.S. National Guard]], as well as active and reserve components of the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps. Year-round training is conducted on its {{convert|147000|acre|km2}} in [[Crawford County, Michigan|Crawford]], [[Kalkaska County, Michigan|Kalkaska]] and [[Otsego County, Michigan|Otsego]] counties. Much of the land (including [[Lake Margrethe (Crawford County, Michigan)|Lake Margrethe]]) is accessible to the public for hunting, fishing, snowmobiling and other recreational uses (when military training is not happening). *[[Wurtsmith Air Force Base]] near [[Oscoda, Michigan|Oscoda]] closed in 1993 and has been converted to civilian use as [[Oscoda-Wurtsmith Airport]]. * The Coast Guard has a presence in [[Charlevoix, Michigan|Charlevoix]], [[Cheboygan, Michigan|Cheboygan]], and [[Traverse City]]. ==Education== [[Interlochen Center for the Arts]] is a notable arts center that offers a high-school-level academy and summer camp near Traverse City. There are also several institutions of [[higher education]] in Northern Michigan. Community colleges include [[North Central Michigan College]] (NCMC, pronounced "nuck-muck" by locals), [[Alpena Community College]], Huron Shores Campus-Alpena Community College, [[Kirtland Community College]], [[West Shore Community College]], and [[Northwestern Michigan College]] (NMC) including the [[Great Lakes Maritime Academy]], the only U.S. maritime academy on freshwater. Northern Michigan has arguably only one four-year university (depending on the definition of the southern boundary of the region), [[Ferris State University]] in [[Big Rapids, Michigan|Big Rapids]]. Other nearby universities are in the [[Upper Peninsula]] ([[Northern Michigan University]] and [[Lake Superior State University]]), as well as [[Central Michigan University]] and [[Ferris State University]] in the more southern reaches of the state. The University of Michigan runs the [[University of Michigan Biological Station]] out of [[Pellston|Pellston, MI]]. [[Central Michigan University]] runs the CMU Biological Station on [[Beaver Island, Michigan|Beaver Island]]. [[Hillsdale College]] runs the biological station in [[Lake County, MI|Lake County]]. Many four-year universities located downstate offer bachelor's and master's degree programs through Northwestern Michigan College's unique University Center program, located in Traverse City. The University Center, located in Traverse City, is a joint program with Northwestern Michigan College and various universities around the state that allows local students to "attend" universities that offer bachelor's and master's degrees programs not available through NMC, a two-year college, locally without leaving Northern Michigan. NMC supplies the facilities while the senior universities provide the education and endorsement. Universities offering programs here include Michigan State University, Western Michigan University, Central Michigan University, Grand Valley State University, Ferris State University, Spring Arbor University, and others.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Home : University Center at Northwestern Michigan College}}</ref> ==Media== Northern Michigan is in the [[Designated Market Area]]s of "[[Template: Northern Michigan TV|Traverse City-Cadillac]]" (116), "[[Template: Alpena TV|Alpena]]" (208), and some portions of "[[Template: Flint-Saginaw-Bay City TV|Flint-Saginaw-Bay City]]" (66). ===Newspapers=== {{main|List of newspapers in Michigan}} {{div col|colwidth=22em}} * ''[[Alcona County Review]]'', Harrisville * ''[[The Alpena News]]'' * ''[[Boyne City Gazette]]'' * ''[[Cadillac Evening News]]'' * ''[[Charlevoix Courier]]'' * ''[[Cheboygan Daily Tribune]]'' * ''[[Citizen-Journal (Boyne City–East Jordan, Michigan)|Citizen-Journal]]'', Boyne City, East Jordan * ''[[Crawford County Avalanche]]'', Grayling * ''[[Gaylord Herald Times]]'' * ''Grand Traverse Herald'', weekly in Traverse City * ''[[Iosco County News-Herald]]'', Tawas City * ''The Leader and the Kalkaskian'', Kalkaska * ''[[Leelanau Enterprise]]'', Leland * ''[[Ludington Daily News]]'' * ''[[Manistee Daily News Advocate]]'' * ''[[Mears News]]'', historical/defunct * ''[[Midland Daily News]]'' * ''[[Missaukee Sentinel]]'' (Lake City) * ''Northern Express Weekly'', weekly in Traverse City * ''Onaway Outlook'' * ''Oscoda Press'' * ''[[Petoskey News-Review]]'' * ''[[Presque Isle County Advance]]'', Rogers City * ''[[St. Ignace News]]'', serving the Straits area * ''The Town Meeting'', Elk Rapids * ''[[Traverse City Record-Eagle]]'' * ''White Pine Press'',<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Student Groups : White Pine Press : Northwestern Michigan College|}}</ref> [[Northwestern Michigan College]] {{div col end}} Daily editions of the ''[[Detroit Free Press]]'' and ''[[The Detroit News]]'' are also available throughout the area with the ''[[Bay City Times]]'' and ''[[Saginaw News]]'' available in the east and ''[[The Grand Rapids Press]]'' available in the west. ===Magazines=== *''[[Traverse (magazine)|Traverse]]'' is published monthly with a focus on regional interests. ===Radio=== {{main|List of radio stations in Michigan}} ====FM==== // designates a simulcast. {{columns-list|colwidth=30em| * 88.5 WIAB Mackinaw City – //88.7 WIAA * 88.5 WSFP Rust Twp/Alpena – [[Smile FM]] * 88.7 [[WIAA (FM)|WIAA]] Interlochen – Classical "IPR Music Radio" * 89.3 [[WTLI]] Bear Creek Twp. (Petoskey) – Contemporary Christian; [[Smile FM]] (//88.1 WLGH Lansing) * 89.7 [[WJOJ]] Harrisville/Alpena – [[Smile FM]] * 89.9 [[WLJN]] Traverse City – Religious * 90.5 [[WPHN]] Gaylord – Adult Contemporary Christian "The Promise FM"; also airs on 99.7 FM translator in Petoskey * 90.7 [[WNMC]] Traverse City – Variety, College * 90.9 [[WTCK]] Charlevoix – Catholic; also airs on translators 92.1 FM Gaylord/95.3 FM Mackinaw City * 90.9 [[WMSD]] Rose Township (Ogemaw County) – Religious * 91.1 WOLW Cadillac – //90.5 WPHN * 91.3 WJOG Good Hart/Petoskey – [[Smile FM]] * 91.3 WZHN East Tawas – //90.5 WPHN * 91.5 WICA Traverse City – [[National Public Radio|NPR]], Public News/Talk * 91.7 [[WCMU-FM|WCML]] Alpena – Public Music Variety/News/Talk "CMU Public Radio" * 92.1 [[WTWS]] Houghton Lake – Hot Country "92-1 The Twister" * 92.3 [[WBNZ]] Beulah – currently silent * 92.5 [[WFDX]] Atlanta – Silent * 92.9 [[WJZQ]] Cadillac/Traverse City – Contemporary Hits "Z-93" * 93.5 WBCM Boyne City – //103.5 WTCM * 93.7 [[WKAD]] Harrietta/Cadillac – Oldies "Oldies 93.7" * 93.9 WAVC Mio – //Talk radio "The Patriot" * 94.3 [[WCMV-FM]] Leland/Traverse City – Silent * 94.5 [[WSBX (FM)|WSBX]] Mackinaw City – Classic Rock "94.5 WSBX" * 94.9 [[WKJZ]] Hillman/Alpena – //103.3 WQLB; also airs on 98.1 FM translator in Alpena proper * 95.5 [[WGFE]] Glen Arbor – Modern Rock "The Zone" * 95.7 [[WCMB-FM]] Oscoda – CMU Public Radio * 96.1 [[WHNN]] Bay City – Classic Hits; listenable in the West Branch and Tawas areas * 96.3 [[WLXT]] Petoskey – Adult Contemporary "Lite 96" * 96.7 [[WLXV]] Cadillac – Hot Adult Contemporary "Mix 96" * 96.7 WRGZ Rogers City – //99.3 WATZ * 96.9 [[WWCM]] Standish – CMU Public Radio * 97.3 [[WDEE-FM]] Reed City/Big Rapids – Oldies "Sunny 97.3" * 97.5 [[WKLT]] Kalkaska/Traverse City – Classic Rock "KLT the Rock Station" * 97.7 [[WMLQ]] Manistee – Soft Adult Contemporary/EZ Listening "97 Coast-FM" * 97.7 [[WMRX-FM]] Beaverton – Oldies/Adult Standards "[[Timeless (radio network)|Timeless Favourites]]" * 98.1 [[WGFN]] Glen Arbor/Traverse City – Classic Rock "The Bear" * 98.5 [[WUPS]] Harrison/Mount Pleasant – Classic Hits "98.5 UPS" * 98.9 WKLZ Petoskey – //WKLT 97.5 * 99.3 [[WATZ-FM|WATZ]] Alpena – Country * 99.3 [[WLLS]] Beulah – Silent * 99.9 [[WHAK-FM]] Rogers City – Oldies "99-9 The Wave" * 100.3 [[WGRY-FM|WGRY]] Grayling – Country "Y100" * 100.7 [[WWTH]] Oscoda – Country "Thunder Country" also airs on 94.1 FM translator in Alpena * 100.9 WICV East Jordan/Charlevoix – //88.7 WIAA * 101.1 [[WQON]] Roscommon/Grayling – Adult Contemporary "Decades 101" * 101.5 [[WMJZ]] Gaylord – Adult Hits "Eagle 101.5" * 101.5 [[WMTE-FM|WMTE]] Manistee – Classic Hits "Kool 101.5" * 101.9 [[WLDR]] Traverse City – Country "Sunny Country" * 102.1 [[WLEW-FM|WLEW]] Bad Axe – Adult Hits; listenable on the Lake Huron west shore up to Harrisville. * 102.7 [[WMOM]] Ludington/Pentwater – Top 40 "Always Listen to your Mom" * 102.9 [[WMKC]] St. Ignace – Country "102.9 Big Country Hits" * 103.3 [[WQLB]] Tawas City – Classic Hits "Hits FM" * 103.5 [[WTCM-FM]] Traverse City – Country "Today's Country Music" * 103.9 WCMW Harbor Springs – CMU Public Radio * 104.3 [[WRDS-LP]] Roscommon – Southern Gospel "The Lighthouse" * 104.7 [[WKJC]] Tawas City – Country * 104.9 WAIR Lake City/Cadillac – [[Smile FM]] * 105.1 WGFM Cheboygan – //98.1 WGFN * 105.5 [[WSRT|WSJR]] Honor/Traverse City – //106.7 WSRT * 105.5 [[WBMI]] West Branch – Classic Country * 105.7 [[WZTK]] Alpena – news, talk and sports * 105.9 [[WKHQ]] Charlevoix – Contemporary Hits "106 KHQ" * 106.1 [[WTZM]] Tawas City – //90.5 WPHN * 106.3 [[WWMN]] Ludington – Hot Adult Contemporary "The Lakeshore's Hit Music Station" * 106.7 [[WSRT]] Gaylord – Adult Contemporary "106.7 You FM" also airs on 95.3 FM translator in Petoskey area * 107.1 WCKC Cadillac – //98.1 WGFN * 107.5 [[WCCW-FM|WCCW]] Traverse City – Oldies "Oldies 107.5" * 107.7 [[WHSB]] Alpena – Hot Adult Contemporary "107-7 The Bay" * 107.9 WCZW Charlevoix/Petoskey – //107.5 WCCW }} ====AM==== {{columns-list|colwidth=30em| * [[WTCM (AM)|WTCM]] 580 50000 watt day, 1100 night, directional day and night, Talk, Traverse City * [[WLDR|WARD]] 750 1000 watt day, 330 night, directional day and night, Country (with WLDR-FM 101.9), Petoskey * [[WMMI]] 830 1000 day only, talk, Shepherd * [[WIDG]] 940 5000 watt day, 4 watt night, Catholic Talk, St. Ignace * [[WHAK (AM)|WHAK]] 960 5000 watt day, 137 night, Country (simulcasting WWTH FM Oscoda), Rogers City – simulcast of WWTH 100.7 FM * [[WJML]] 1110 10000 watt day, 10 night, directional day and night, Talk, Petoskey * [[WJNL]] 1210 50000 watt day, 2500 critical hours, day only, Talk (with WJML-AM), Kingsley * [[WMQU]] 1230 1000 watt day and night, Adult Standards, Grayling * [[WATT]] 1240 1000 watt day and night, Talk, Cadillac * [[WCBY]] 1240 1000 watt day and night, Classic Country "Big Country Gold" * [[WMKT]] 1270 27000 watt day, 5000 night, directional night, Talk, Charlevoix * [[WMBN]] 1340 1000 watt day and night, Adult Standards, Petoskey * [[WLJW (AM)|WLJW]] 1370 5000 watt day, 1000 night, directional day and night, Christian Talk, Cadillac * [[WLJN]] 1400 1000 watt day and night, Christian, Traverse City * [[WIOS]] 1480 1000 watt day only, directional, Adult Standards, Tawas City "The Bay's Best" }} ===Broadcast television=== The following stations serve parts of Northern Michigan as their viewing area, and also some areas outside of the region. {{columns-list|colwidth=30em| * [[WPBN-TV|WPBN]] (7)—[[NBC]], Traverse City/Cadillac ** WTOM (4)—Cheboygan * [[WWTV]] (9)—[[CBS]], Cadillac ** WWUP (10)-Sault Ste. Marie * [[WCMU-TV|WCMU]] (14)—[[Public Broadcasting Service|PBS]], Mount Pleasant ** [[WCML (TV)|WCML]] (6)—Alpena **[[WCMW (TV)|WCMW]] (21)—Manistee **WCMV (27)—Cadillac **W46AD (46)—Traverse City **W69AV (69)—Leland * [[WBKB-TV|WBKB]] (11)—CBS, Alpena * [[WGTU]] (29)—[[American Broadcasting Company|ABC]], Traverse City ** WGTQ (8)—Sault Ste. Marie * [[WFQX-TV|WFQX]] (32)—[[Fox Broadcasting Company|FOX]], Cadillac **WFUP (45)—Vanderbilt * [[WXII-LD]] (12)—[[MyNetworkTV]], Traverse City/Cedar }} ==Transportation== === Transportation by air === Airports serving Northern Michigan include [[MBS International Airport]] near [[Freeland, Michigan|Freeland]], [[Pellston Regional Airport]],<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Pellston Regional Airport Serving Northern Michigan Emmet County|website=Pellston Airport}}</ref> [[Cherry Capital Airport|Traverse City Cherry Capital Airport]] and [[Alpena County Regional Airport]] in the [[Lower peninsula]]. Depending on one's destination, [[Chippewa County International Airport]] in [[Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan|Sault Ste. Marie]], in the eastern [[Upper peninsula]] might be a viable alternative. Grand Rapids and Bishop airport at Flint (although neither is within the area) also have scheduled service proximate to parts of the region. The [[Oscoda-Wurtsmith Airport]] is now a public airport which gives 24-hour near-all-weather service for general aviation. === Transportation by water === Several ferries still operate in the region. *The [[SS Badger|SS ''Badger'']] [[carferry]] departs from [[Ludington, Michigan|Ludington]] and arrives in [[Wisconsin]]. *Ferry service between [[Charlevoix, Michigan|Charlevoix]] and [[Beaver Island (Michigan)|Beaver Island]] is provided by M/V Emerald Isle, and occasionally, the older M/V Beaver Islander.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Beaver Island Ferry Schedules}}</ref> *The [[Straits of Mackinac]] is home to lake ferries that take passengers to [[Mackinac Island]] from either [[Mackinaw City, Michigan|Mackinaw City]] in the Lower Peninsula or [[St. Ignace, Michigan|St. Ignace]] in the Upper Peninsula. *A ferry for tours of [[Charity Island (Michigan)|Charity Island]] in the middle of [[Saginaw Bay]] and the [[Charity Island Light]] (and even dinner cruises) are available. It leaves from [[Au Gres, Michigan|Au Gres]] on the mainland, south of [[Tawas City, Michigan|Tawas]].<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Charity Island ferry service.|url-status=dead|archive-url=|archive-date=2016-04-27}}</ref> *The ''Kristen D'' is a ferry which operates between [[Cheboygan, Michigan|Cheboygan]] and [[Bois Blanc Island (Michigan)|Bois Blanc Island]].<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Plaunt Transportation, Inc. :: Ferry Service to Bois Blanc Island|author=Robert E. Johnston}}</ref> The largest bridge in Northern Michigan is the [[Mackinac Bridge]] connecting Northern Michigan to the Upper Peninsula. The second largest is the [[Zilwaukee Bridge]]. === Transportation by land === On land, Michigan is a unique travel environment. Consequently, drivers should be forewarned: travel distances should not be underestimated. Michigan's overall length is only {{convert|456|mi|km}} and width {{convert|386|mi|km}} – but because of the lakes those distances cannot be traveled directly. The distance from northwest to the southeast corner is {{convert|456|mi|km}} "as the crow flies". However, travelers must go around the [[Great Lakes]]. For example, when traveling to the Upper Peninsula, it is well to realize that it is roughly {{convert|300|mi|km}} from Detroit to the [[Mackinac Bridge]], but it is another {{convert|300|mi|km}} from [[St. Ignace, Michigan|St. Ignace]] to [[Ironwood, Michigan|Ironwood]]. Likewise direct routes are few and far between [[Interstate 75 in Michigan|Interstate 75]] (I-75) and [[M-115 (Michigan highway)|M-115]] do angle from the southeast to the northwest), but most roads are oriented either east–west or north–south (oriented with township lines set up under the [[Land Ordinance of 1785]]). ==== Transit ==== *[[Bay Area Transportation Authority]] *[[Indian Trails]] ==== Automobile roads ==== [[File:US_Highway_131_map.png|thumb|450px|US-131 (in red), US-23 (in orange), and I-75 (in blue) are three primary highways bringing downstate automobile traffic to Northern Michigan.]][[File:SSBadger.JPG|thumbnail|right|250px|The [[SS Badger|SS ''Badger'']] connects the Wisconsin and Michigan segments of US 10]] [[File:Grandview Parkway Traverse City.jpg|thumb|The [[Grandview Parkway (Michigan)|Grandview Parkway]] in Traverse City serves as a bypass of downtown, and, in total, carries four different highways along its length: US-31, M-22, M-37, & M-72]] The primary means of transportation in Northern Michigan is by automobile.{{citation needed|date=January 2012}} Northern Michigan is served by one [[List of Interstate Highways in Michigan|Interstate]], and a number of [[List of U.S. Highways in Michigan|U.S. Highways]] and [[List of state trunklines in Michigan|Michigan state trunklines]].<ref name="MDOT11">{{cite map |publisher= Michigan Department of Transportation |title= State Transportation Map |year= 2011 |scale= 1&nbsp;in:15&nbsp;mi&nbsp;/ 1&nbsp;cm:9&nbsp;km |section= E8–J13}}</ref> *{{jct|state=MI|I|75}} runs northwest–southeast through the region between the [[Flint/Tri-Cities]] area and [[Mackinac Bridge]] at [[Mackinaw City, Michigan|Mackinaw City]], which leads on to the [[Upper Peninsula]]. *{{jct|state=MI|US|10}} enters [[Michigan]] after it crosses [[Lake Michigan]] from Manitowoc to Ludington. US&nbsp;10 runs from Ludington through Baldwin and Reed City before it becomes a [[freeway]] west of US&nbsp;127 near the junction with M-115. US&nbsp;10 bypasses Midland and terminates at I-75 in Bay City. *{{jct|state=MI|US|23}} runs northward for about {{convert|200|mi|km}} along (or parallel with) the [[Lake Huron]] shoreline as the Sunrise Side Coastal Highway from the Flint/Tri-Cities area. *{{jct|state=MI|US|31}} mainly parallels the Lake Michigan shore from the Ludington area north to Mackinaw City; near Traverse City, the highway cuts the base of the Leelanau Peninsula. *{{jct|state=MI|US|127}} ends at Grayling, connecting Northern Michigan with points south *{{jct|state=MI|US|131}} is a primary north–south highway that is a freeway from Manton southwards; north of the freeway terminus, the highway is mostly two lanes, connecting Kalkaska, Mancelona, and ending at US&nbsp;31 in [[Petoskey, Michigan|Petoskey]]. *{{jct|state=MI|M|18}} runs between Midland County, through Prudenville and Roscommon to M-72 in Crawford County. *{{jct|state=MI|M|22}} follows the Lake Michigan shoreline from Traverse City to Manistee and is a scenic drive along the Leelanau Peninsula and the [[Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore]]. *{{jct|state=MI|M|27}} runs along the old route of [[U.S. Route 27 in Michigan|US&nbsp;27]] between Indian River and Cheboygan. *{{jct|state=MI|M|32}} runs between East Jordan and Alpena. *{{jct|state=MI|M|33}} runs between Alger (northwest of Standish) and Cheboygan. *{{jct|state=MI|M|37}} runs from Battle Creek via Grand Rapids to Traverse City and the Old Mission Peninsula. *{{jct|state=MI|M|42}} is a short route between Manton and M-66 north of Lake City. *{{jct|state=MI|M|55}} is a {{convert|150|mi|km|adj=on}} transpeninsular highway at the southern edge of the region from Manistee to Tawas City. *{{jct|state=MI|M|65}} runs northward from Au Gres (just north of Standish) to Rogers City,. *{{jct|state=MI|M|66}} traverses almost the entire north–south distance of the Lower Peninsula ending at Charlevoix. *{{jct|state=MI|M|68}} is an east–west state highway that runs from Alanson to Rogers City; it passes through Indian River, Afton, Tower, and Onaway. *{{jct|state=MI|M|72}} crosses the Lower Peninsula from Empire via Traverse City to Harrisville. *{{jct|state=MI|M|75}} is a connector between US-131 and Boyne City, and, despite its proximity to the highway, is not related to I-75. *{{jct|state=MI|M|88}} traverses Antrim County from Eastport to Mancelona via a handful of small towns. *{{jct|state=MI|M|93}} is a short highway connecting Camp Grayling, Hartwick Pines, and the city of Grayling in Crawford County. *{{jct|state=MI|M|109}} serves as a scenic loop off M-22 in the Sleeping Bear Dunes. *{{jct|state=MI|M|113}} runs across southern Grand Traverse County connecting M-37, US-131, and the village of Kingsley. *{{jct|state=MI|M|115}} is a "diagonal highway", taking a generally northwest–southeast direction from Clare to Frankfort. *{{jct|state=MI|M|119}} spurs off US-31 near Petoskey through Harbor Springs and along the Lake Michigan Coast as the [[Tunnel of Trees]]. *{{jct|state=MI|M|137}} is a short highway running from US-31 to Interlochen Center for the Arts. The highway has become famous among students. *{{jct|state=MI|M|204}} cuts across Leelanau County from Leland to Suttons Bay. *{{jct|state=MI|M|212}} is the shortest signed highway in the state, connecting Aloha State Park to M-33 south of Cheboygan. ====Past railroads==== The Northern Lower Peninsula was home to many different railroads during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. One of these lines was the Detroit, Bay City & Alpena Railroad, later known as the [[Detroit and Mackinac Railway]]. The railroad had a main line along the Lake Huron shore and branch lines connecting to logging camps and gravel quarries. The railroad was a part owner of the [[SS Chief Wawatam]], a rail [[Train ferry#United States|car ferry]] that crossed the [[Straits of Mackinac]]. Running down the center of the Northern Lower Peninsula was the [[Michigan Central Railroad]], which connected Mackinaw City with Bay City, Detroit, Lansing, and beyond. This line later became the [[New York Central]] and was sold to the [[Detroit and Mackinac Railway]] in 1976.<ref>{{cite web|url= |title=Detroit and Mackinac Railway pictures and history. |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=2016-01-13 }}</ref> Several other railroads have existed in Alpena's history.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Michigan Railroad history for Alpena.|url-status=dead|archive-url=|archive-date=2013-07-24}}</ref> On the west side of the peninsula, the [[Chicago and West Michigan Railway]] (later the [[Pere Marquette Railway]]) and several commercial cruise lines were early in generating traffic to Northern Michigan destinations. The Pere Marquette Railway operated rail car ferries across Lake Michigan out of [[Ludington, Michigan|Ludington]]. The most known ferry is the [[SS Badger]] which is still in use today for automobiles and passengers. The [[Grand Rapids and Indiana Railroad]] provided rail service between [[Cincinnati, Ohio]], and Mackinaw City. It was later bought out by the [[Pennsylvania Railroad]]. It served resort towns such as Traverse City, Petoskey, and Cadillac. In 1975 the line was bought by the [[Michigan Department of Transportation]] and the [[Michigan Northern Railway]] was contracted to operate. By 1984 much of the railroad was abandoned and operations were handed over to the [[Tuscola and Saginaw Bay Railway]]. The [[Ann Arbor Railroad (1895–1976)|Ann Arbor]] was a railroad stretching from [[Toledo, Ohio]], to [[Elberta, Michigan]], where it operated a rail car ferry until 1982. The ferry serviced the cities of [[Manitowoc, Wisconsin]], [[Menominee, Michigan]], and [[Manistique, Michigan]]. The Ann Arbor became a part of [[Conrail]] and then was later divided up between the [[Michigan Northern Railway]] and the [[Michigan Interstate Railway Company]]. The remaining portions of the line were absorbed into the state owned lines operated by the [[Tuscola and Saginaw Bay Railway]].<ref name="drury">{{cite book | last = Drury | first = George H. | title = The Historical Guide to North American Railroads: Histories, Figures, and Features of more than 160 Railroads Abandoned or Merged since 1930 | publisher = [[Kalmbach Publishing]] | year = 1994 | location = [[Waukesha, Wisconsin]] | pages = 19–20 | isbn = 978-0-89024-072-4}}</ref> ====Present railroads==== Currently, Northern Michigan's railroad system is a skeleton of its former self. After the Chief Wawatam stopped running in 1984, rail lines serving the Straits of Mackinac were soon abandoned. In years past, four different railroads served Mackinaw City and St. Ignace, and now none are left. The remainder of the former [[Detroit and Mackinac Railway]] is now the [[Lake State Railway]]. It operates a line from Bay City to Pinconning where it then branches northeast to Alpena and northwest to Gaylord. Portions of the former Pere Marquette Railway, Grand Rapids and Indiana Railroad, and the Ann Arbor Railroad became the Tuscola and Saginaw Bay Railway. The main line of this railway runs from Ann Arbor north to Petoskey, with branch lines to Yuma and Traverse City. The railroad was renamed the [[Great Lakes Central Railroad]]. There have been discussions of reviving passenger service along this line.{{citation needed|date=June 2014}} ==See also== {{Portal|Michigan}} * [[List of counties in Michigan]] * [[Temple Beth El (Alpena, Michigan)]] *[[Upstate New York]] *[[Downstate Illinois]] ==Notes== {{Reflist|group=upper-alpha}} ==References== {{reflist}} ===Further reading=== {{refbegin}} *{{cite book |last= Bogue |first= Margaret |title= Around the Shores of Lake Michigan: A Guide to Historic Sites |location= Madison, WI |publisher=[[University of Wisconsin Press]] |year= 1985 |isbn= 978-0-299-10004-9}} *{{cite book |editor1-last= Cappel |editor1-first=Constance |title= Odawa Language and Legends: Andrew J. Blackbird and Raymond Kiogima |year= 2006 |location= Philadelphia |publisher= Xlibris |isbn= 978-1-59926-920-7}}{{Self-published inline|certain=yes|date=December 2017}} *{{cite book |last= Cappel |first= Constance |author-mask=—— |title= The Smallpox Genocide of the Odawa Tribe at L'Arbre Croche, 1763: The History of a Native American People |location= Lewiston, NY |publisher= The Edwin Mellen Press |year= 2007 |isbn= 978-0-7734-5220-6}} *{{cite book |last= McRae |first= Shannon |series= Images of America |title= Manistee County |location= Charleston, SC |publisher= Arcadia Publishing |year= 2003 |isbn= 978-0-7385-4124-2}} *{{cite book |last= Ruchhoft |first= Robert H. |title= Exploring North Manitou, South Manitou, High and Garden Islands of the Lake Michigan Archipelago' |location= Cincinnati, OH |publisher= Pucelle Press |year= 1991 |isbn= 978-0-940029-02-6}} *{{cite book |last1= Russell |first1= Curran N . |first2= Dona Degen |last2= Baer |title= The Lumberman's Legacy |year= 1954 |location= Manistee, MI |publisher= Manistee County Historical Society |oclc= 1213029}} *{{cite book |last1= Wood |first1= Mable C. |first2= Douglas J. |last2= Ingells |title= Scooterville, U.S.A |location= Grand Rapids, MI |publisher= Eerdmans |year= 1962 |oclc= 2556377}} {{refend}} ==External links== {{commons}} *[ Clarke Historical Library, Central Michigan University] – bibliographies organized by county and region *[ Great Lakes Coast Watch] *[ Info Michigan – detailed information on 630 cities] *[ Pure Michigan: Michigan's Official Travel and Tourism Site] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2008-01-17 }} *{{usurped|1=[ Michigan Historical Markers]}} *[ Northern Michigan culture and community website] *[ Harbors, hunting, resources and more] from the Michigan Department of Natural Resources {{Coord|44|45|N|84|45|W|region:US-MI_scale:1000000|display=title}} {{Northern Michigan}} {{Michigan}} [[Category:Northern Michigan| ]] [[Category:Regions of Michigan]] </textarea><div 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