AI tools for human knowledge | Sana

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const lead = {values: {}}; window.cpPreloader = (type = 'start', data = null) => { switch (type) { case 'start': addStyle(); start(); break; case 'stop': stop(); reset(); break; case 'setLead': lead.values = (data && typeof data === 'object') ? data : {}; break; case 'setAutoStop': find.autoStop = !!data; break; case 'setAutoStart': find.autoStart = !!data; break; } } function reset() { clearInterval(find.interval); clearInterval(popup.interval); lead.values = {}; = null; popup.tries = 0; popup.interval = null; find.tries = 0; find.interval = null; } function sanitize(string) { return string.replace(/[^\w. ]/gi, function (c) { return '&#' + c.charCodeAt(0) + ';'; }); } function addStyle() { if(document.querySelector('.chilipiper-preloader-style')) { return; } document.querySelector('head').insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `<style class="chilipiper-preloader-style" type="text/css">.chilipiper-preloader-popup{position:fixed;width:100vw;height:100vh;background:#000000a8;z-index:99999999999999;top:0;left:0}.chilipiper-preloader-popup .cp-box{max-width:560px;width:100vw;left:0;top:0;z-index:999999;position:fixed;right:0;bottom:0;margin:auto;padding:100px 65px;background:#fff;box-shadow:0 48px 64px rgb(0 26 94 / 10%);border-radius:32px;text-align:center;height:fit-content;max-height:100vh;overflow:auto;opacity:0}.chilipiper-preloader-popup .cp-loader{border:10px solid #f7f9fa;width:220px;height:220px;border-radius:47px;margin:0 auto;padding:10px}.chilipiper-preloader-popup .cp-loader>div{overflow:hidden}.chilipiper-preloader-popup .cp-loader>div>img{width:100%;transform:scale(1.004)}.chilipiper-preloader-popup .cp-box>h2{display:flex;justify-content:center;align-items:center;font-style:normal;font-weight:700;font-size:37px;line-height:42px;text-align:center;letter-spacing:-.02em;font-feature-settings:'liga' off;color:#252c47;min-height:90px}@media screen and (max-width:992px){.chilipiper-preloader-popup .cp-box{padding:60px 30px}.chilipiper-preloader-popup .cp-box>h2{font-size:30px;min-height:70px}}</style>`); } function findPopup(then) { find.interval = setInterval(() => { find.tries++; /* Handle Tries */ if(find.tries > 50) { clearInterval(find.interval); find.interval = null; find.tries = 0; console.log('ChiliPiper Preloader: Failed to find ChiliPiper popup.'); return false; } /* Get Popup */ = document.querySelector(popup.class); /* Skip if Popup was not Found */ if(! { return false; } /* Clear Interval */ clearInterval(find.interval); /* Reset Find */ find.interval = null; find.tries = 0; /* Show Warning */ console.warn('ChiliPiper Preloader: ChiliPiper popup found.'); /* Callback */ then(); }, 100); } function start() { console.log('CHILIPIPER TRANSFORM STARTED') $("#platform-contact-popup, #assistant-contact-popup, #core-popup, #enterprise-popup, #sana-ai-contact-popup").removeClass("visible"); $("body").removeClass("noscroll"); /* Hide ChiliPiper Popup */ = document.querySelector(popup.class); if( {[{opacity: '1'}, {opacity: '0'}], {duration: 250, fill: 'forwards'}); } /* Add Blur */ let blur = document.querySelector('.chilipiper-preloader-blur'); if(blur) { = 'blur(5px)'; } /* Get Name */ let text = ''; for(let key in lead.values) { let find = key; find = find + ''; find = find.replace('_', '').replace('-', ''); find = find.toLowerCase(); if(['firstname', 'fullname', 'name'].includes(find)) { text = lead.values[key]; break; } } if(text && text.length) { text = ` <h3 style="margin-top: 50px; color: #482deb;">Almost ready to book ...</h3> <h2 style="margin: 0">Hi ${sanitize(text)} </h2> `; } else { text = `<h2 style="margin-bottom: 0;">Almost ready to book ...</h2>`; } /* Append Loader */ document.querySelector('body').insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', ` <div class="chilipiper-preloader-popup"> <div class="cp-box"> <div class="cp-loader"> <div> <img src="" alt="Book a Demo"> </div> </div> ${text} </div> </div> `); document.querySelector('.chilipiper-preloader-popup > .cp-box').animate([{opacity: '0'}, {opacity: '1'}], {duration: 250, fill: 'forwards'}); /* Wait 20 Seconds and Force Close Preloader */ popup.interval = setInterval(() => { popup.tries++; if(popup.tries < 40) { return true; } reset(); stop(); }, 500); } function stop() { /* Show ChiliPiper Popup */ = document.querySelector(popup.class); if( {[{opacity: '0'}, {opacity: '1'}], {duration: 250, fill: 'forwards'}); } /* Hide & Remove Preloader */ let preloader = document.querySelector('.chilipiper-preloader-popup'); if(preloader) { preloader.animate([{opacity: '1'}, {opacity: '0'}], {duration: 250, fill: 'forwards'}).onfinish = () => { document.querySelector('.chilipiper-preloader-popup').remove(); } } /* Remove Blur */ let blur = document.querySelector('.chilipiper-preloader-blur'); if(blur) { = 'none'; } } /* Listen for ChiliPiper Event to Close Preloader */ window.addEventListener('message', (event) => { if(find.autoStop && === 'SetIframeSize' && event.origin?.includes('chilipiper')) { stop(); reset(); } }, false); /* Catch HubSpot Form Submit to get Lead Data */ window.addEventListener('message', event => { if( === 'hsFormCallback' && === 'onFormSubmit') { for(let key in { if(Array.isArray([key].value)) {[key].value =[key].value.toString().replaceAll(",",";"); } lead.values[[key].name] =[key].value; } } }); /* Catch HubSpot Form Submitted to Start Animation */ window.addEventListener('message', event => { if(find.autoStart && === 'hsFormCallback' && === 'onFormSubmitted'&& cpFormID.includes( { ChiliPiper.submit(cpTenantDomain, cpRouterName, { map: true, lead: lead.values }); findPopup(() => { addStyle(); start(); }); } }); /* Catch Click to Start Animation */ document.addEventListener('click', (event) => { if('chilipiper-preloader')) { findPopup(() => { addStyle(); start(); }); } }); })({}); </script> <script>(function() { const cpTenantDomain = "sanalabs"; // nothing to change const cpRouterName = "Sana_AI_router"; // replace with correct router name for the page const cpFormID = ["0ee0e265-922d-4207-b828-6bcd4e164bc0"]; // replace with correct form ID(s), comma separated between the two square brackets const find = {autoStart: true, autoStop: true, interval: null, tries: 0}; const popup = {target: null, class: '.chilipiper-popup', ready: false, interval: null, tries: 0}; const lead = {values: {}}; window.cpPreloader = (type = 'start', data = null) => { switch (type) { case 'start': addStyle(); start(); break; case 'stop': stop(); reset(); break; case 'setLead': lead.values = (data && typeof data === 'object') ? data : {}; break; case 'setAutoStop': find.autoStop = !!data; break; case 'setAutoStart': find.autoStart = !!data; break; } } function reset() { clearInterval(find.interval); clearInterval(popup.interval); lead.values = {}; = null; popup.tries = 0; popup.interval = null; find.tries = 0; find.interval = null; } function sanitize(string) { return string.replace(/[^\w. ]/gi, function (c) { return '&#' + c.charCodeAt(0) + ';'; }); } function addStyle() { if(document.querySelector('.chilipiper-preloader-style')) { return; } document.querySelector('head').insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `<style class="chilipiper-preloader-style" type="text/css">.chilipiper-preloader-popup{position:fixed;width:100vw;height:100vh;background:#000000a8;z-index:99999999999999;top:0;left:0}.chilipiper-preloader-popup .cp-box{max-width:560px;width:100vw;left:0;top:0;z-index:999999;position:fixed;right:0;bottom:0;margin:auto;padding:100px 65px;background:#fff;box-shadow:0 48px 64px rgb(0 26 94 / 10%);border-radius:32px;text-align:center;height:fit-content;max-height:100vh;overflow:auto;opacity:0}.chilipiper-preloader-popup .cp-loader{border:10px solid #F7F9FA;width:220px;height:220px;border-radius:47px;margin:0 auto;padding:10px}.chilipiper-preloader-popup .cp-loader>div{overflow:hidden}.chilipiper-preloader-popup .cp-loader>div>img{width:100%;transform:scale(1.004)}.chilipiper-preloader-popup .cp-box>h2{display:flex;justify-content:center;align-items:center;font-style:normal;font-weight:700;font-size:37px;line-height:42px;text-align:center;letter-spacing:-.02em;font-feature-settings:'liga' off;color:#252c47;min-height:90px}@media screen and (max-width:992px){.chilipiper-preloader-popup .cp-box{padding:60px 30px}.chilipiper-preloader-popup .cp-box>h2{font-size:30px;min-height:70px}}</style>`); } function findPopup(then) { find.interval = setInterval(() => { find.tries++; /* Handle Tries */ if(find.tries > 50) { clearInterval(find.interval); find.interval = null; find.tries = 0; console.log('ChiliPiper Preloader: Failed to find ChiliPiper popup.'); return false; } /* Get Popup */ = document.querySelector(popup.class); /* Skip if Popup was not Found */ if(! { return false; } /* Clear Interval */ clearInterval(find.interval); /* Reset Find */ find.interval = null; find.tries = 0; /* Show Warning */ console.warn('ChiliPiper Preloader: ChiliPiper popup found.'); /* Callback */ then(); }, 100); } function start() { console.log('CHILIPIPER SANA AI STARTED') /* Hide ChiliPiper Popup */ = document.querySelector(popup.class); if( {[{opacity: '1'}, {opacity: '0'}], {duration: 250, fill: 'forwards'}); } /* Add Blur */ let blur = document.querySelector('.chilipiper-preloader-blur'); if(blur) { = 'blur(5px)'; } /* Get Name */ let text = ''; for(let key in lead.values) { let find = key; find = find + ''; find = find.replace('_', '').replace('-', ''); find = find.toLowerCase(); if(['firstname', 'fullname', 'name'].includes(find)) { text = lead.values[key]; break; } } if(text && text.length) { text = ` <h3 style="margin-top: 50px; color: #482DEB;">Almost ready to book ...</h3> <h2 style="margin: 0">Hi ${sanitize(text)}</h2> `; } else { text = `<h2 style="margin-bottom: 0;">Almost ready to book ...</h2>`; } /* Append Loader */ document.querySelector('body').insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', ` <div class="chilipiper-preloader-popup"> <div class="cp-box"> <div class="cp-loader"> <div> <img src="" alt="Book a Demo"> </div> </div> ${text} </div> </div> `); document.querySelector('.chilipiper-preloader-popup > .cp-box').animate([{opacity: '0'}, {opacity: '1'}], {duration: 250, fill: 'forwards'}); /* Wait 20 Seconds and Force Close Preloader */ popup.interval = setInterval(() => { popup.tries++; if(popup.tries < 40) { return true; } reset(); stop(); }, 500); } function stop() { /* Show ChiliPiper Popup */ = document.querySelector(popup.class); if( {[{opacity: '0'}, {opacity: '1'}], {duration: 250, fill: 'forwards'}); } /* Hide & Remove Preloader */ let preloader = document.querySelector('.chilipiper-preloader-popup'); if(preloader) { preloader.animate([{opacity: '1'}, {opacity: '0'}], {duration: 250, fill: 'forwards'}).onfinish = () => { document.querySelector('.chilipiper-preloader-popup').remove(); } } /* Remove Blur */ let blur = document.querySelector('.chilipiper-preloader-blur'); if(blur) { = 'none'; } } /* Listen for ChiliPiper Event to Close Preloader */ window.addEventListener('message', (event) => { if(find.autoStop && === 'SetIframeSize' && event.origin?.includes('chilipiper')) { stop(); reset(); } }, false); /* Catch HubSpot Form Submit to get Lead Data */ window.addEventListener('message', event => { if( === 'hsFormCallback' && === 'onFormSubmit') { for(let key in { if(Array.isArray([key].value)) {[key].value =[key].value.toString().replaceAll(",",";"); } lead.values[[key].name] =[key].value; } } }); /* Catch HubSpot Form Submitted to Start Animation */ window.addEventListener('message', event => { if(find.autoStart && === 'hsFormCallback' && === 'onFormSubmitted'&& cpFormID.includes( { ChiliPiper.submit(cpTenantDomain, cpRouterName, { map: true, lead: lead.values }); findPopup(() => { addStyle(); start(); }); } }); /* Catch Click to Start Animation */ document.addEventListener('click', (event) => { if('chilipiper-preloader')) { findPopup(() => { addStyle(); start(); }); } }); })({}); </script> <!--NEW--> <script>(function() { const cpTenantDomain = "sanalabs"; // nothing to change const cpRouterName = "combined_router"; // replace with correct router name for the page const cpFormID = ["be4f058f-0301-49d0-ad42-fbbd572bd46f"]; // replace with correct form ID(s), comma separated between the two square brackets const find = {autoStart: true, autoStop: true, interval: null, tries: 0}; const popup = {target: null, class: '.chilipiper-popup', ready: false, interval: null, tries: 0}; const lead = {values: {}}; window.cpPreloader = (type = 'start', data = null) => { switch (type) { case 'start': addStyle(); start(); break; case 'stop': stop(); reset(); break; case 'setLead': lead.values = (data && typeof data === 'object') ? data : {}; break; case 'setAutoStop': find.autoStop = !!data; break; case 'setAutoStart': find.autoStart = !!data; break; } } function reset() { clearInterval(find.interval); clearInterval(popup.interval); lead.values = {}; = null; popup.tries = 0; popup.interval = null; find.tries = 0; find.interval = null; } function sanitize(string) { return string.replace(/[^\w. ]/gi, function (c) { return '&#' + c.charCodeAt(0) + ';'; }); } function addStyle() { if(document.querySelector('.chilipiper-preloader-style')) { return; } document.querySelector('head').insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', `<style class="chilipiper-preloader-style" type="text/css">.chilipiper-preloader-popup{position:fixed;width:100vw;height:100vh;background:#000000a8;z-index:99999999999999;top:0;left:0}.chilipiper-preloader-popup .cp-box{max-width:560px;width:100vw;left:0;top:0;z-index:999999;position:fixed;right:0;bottom:0;margin:auto;padding:100px 65px;background:#fff;box-shadow:0 48px 64px rgb(0 26 94 / 10%);border-radius:32px;text-align:center;height:fit-content;max-height:100vh;overflow:auto;opacity:0}.chilipiper-preloader-popup .cp-loader{border:10px solid #f7f9fa;width:220px;height:220px;border-radius:47px;margin:0 auto;padding:10px}.chilipiper-preloader-popup .cp-loader>div{overflow:hidden}.chilipiper-preloader-popup .cp-loader>div>img{width:100%;transform:scale(1.004)}.chilipiper-preloader-popup .cp-box>h2{display:flex;justify-content:center;align-items:center;font-style:normal;font-weight:700;font-size:37px;line-height:42px;text-align:center;letter-spacing:-.02em;font-feature-settings:'liga' off;color:#252c47;min-height:90px}@media screen and (max-width:992px){.chilipiper-preloader-popup .cp-box{padding:60px 30px}.chilipiper-preloader-popup .cp-box>h2{font-size:30px;min-height:70px}}</style>`); } function findPopup(then) { find.interval = setInterval(() => { find.tries++; /* Handle Tries */ if(find.tries > 50) { clearInterval(find.interval); find.interval = null; find.tries = 0; console.log('ChiliPiper Preloader: Failed to find ChiliPiper popup.'); return false; } /* Get Popup */ = document.querySelector(popup.class); /* Skip if Popup was not Found */ if(! { return false; } /* Clear Interval */ clearInterval(find.interval); /* Reset Find */ find.interval = null; find.tries = 0; /* Show Warning */ console.warn('ChiliPiper Preloader: ChiliPiper popup found.'); /* Callback */ then(); }, 100); } function start() { /* Hide ChiliPiper Popup */ = document.querySelector(popup.class); if( {[{opacity: '1'}, {opacity: '0'}], {duration: 250, fill: 'forwards'}); } /* Add Blur */ let blur = document.querySelector('.chilipiper-preloader-blur'); if(blur) { = 'blur(5px)'; } /* Get Name */ let text = ''; for(let key in lead.values) { let find = key; find = find + ''; find = find.replace('_', '').replace('-', ''); find = find.toLowerCase(); if(['firstname', 'fullname', 'name'].includes(find)) { text = lead.values[key]; break; } } if(text && text.length) { text = ` <h3 style="margin-top: 50px; color: #482deb;">Almost ready to book....</h3> <h2 style="margin: 0">Hi ${sanitize(text)} 馃憢</h2> `; } else { text = `<h2 style="margin-bottom: 0;">Almost ready to book....</h2>`; } /* Append Loader */ document.querySelector('body').insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', ` <div class="chilipiper-preloader-popup"> <div class="cp-box"> <div class="cp-loader"> <div> <img src="" alt="Book a Demo"> </div> </div> ${text} </div> </div> `); document.querySelector('.chilipiper-preloader-popup > .cp-box').animate([{opacity: '0'}, {opacity: '1'}], {duration: 250, fill: 'forwards'}); /* Wait 20 Seconds and Force Close Preloader */ popup.interval = setInterval(() => { popup.tries++; if(popup.tries < 40) { return true; } reset(); stop(); }, 500); } function stop() { /* Show ChiliPiper Popup */ = document.querySelector(popup.class); if( {[{opacity: '0'}, {opacity: '1'}], {duration: 250, fill: 'forwards'}); } /* Hide & Remove Preloader */ let preloader = document.querySelector('.chilipiper-preloader-popup'); if(preloader) { preloader.animate([{opacity: '1'}, {opacity: '0'}], {duration: 250, fill: 'forwards'}).onfinish = () => { document.querySelector('.chilipiper-preloader-popup').remove(); } } /* Remove Blur */ let blur = document.querySelector('.chilipiper-preloader-blur'); if(blur) { = 'none'; } } /* Listen for ChiliPiper Event to Close Preloader */ window.addEventListener('message', (event) => { if(find.autoStop && === 'SetIframeSize' && event.origin?.includes('chilipiper')) { stop(); reset(); } }, false); /* Catch HubSpot Form Submit to get Lead Data */ window.addEventListener('message', event => { if( === 'hsFormCallback' && === 'onFormSubmit') { for(let key in { if(Array.isArray([key].value)) {[key].value =[key].value.toString().replaceAll(",",";"); } lead.values[[key].name] =[key].value; } } }); /* Catch HubSpot Form Submitted to Start Animation */ window.addEventListener('message', event => { if(find.autoStart && === 'hsFormCallback' && === 'onFormSubmitted'&& cpFormID.includes( { ChiliPiper.submit(cpTenantDomain, cpRouterName, { map: true, lead: lead.values }); findPopup(() => { addStyle(); start(); }); } }); /* Catch Click to Start Animation */ document.addEventListener('click', (event) => { if('chilipiper-preloader')) { findPopup(() => { addStyle(); start(); }); } }); })({}); </script> <script src="/js/js.js"></script> <script src="" crossorigin="anonymous" referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src="/js/brand.js"></script> <script src="/js/modules/accordion.js"></script> <script src="/js/js-base.js"></script> <script src="/js/trackers.js"></script> <script src="/js/utm.js"></script> </body> </html>

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