Astrophysics of Galaxies

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<a name='item1'>[1]</a> <a href ="/abs/2503.17440" title="Abstract" id="2503.17440"> arXiv:2503.17440 </a> [<a href="/pdf/2503.17440" title="Download PDF" id="pdf-2503.17440" aria-labelledby="pdf-2503.17440">pdf</a>, <a href="" title="View HTML" id="html-2503.17440" aria-labelledby="html-2503.17440" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">html</a>, <a href="/format/2503.17440" title="Other formats" id="oth-2503.17440" aria-labelledby="oth-2503.17440">other</a>] </dt> <dd> <div class='meta'> <div class='list-title mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Title:</span> The resolved star-formation efficiency of early-type galaxies </div> <div class='list-authors'><a href=";query=Williams,+T+G">Thomas G. Williams</a>, <a href=";query=Belfiore,+F">Francesco Belfiore</a>, <a href=";query=Bureau,+M">Martin Bureau</a>, <a href=";query=Barnes,+A+T">Ashley T. Barnes</a>, <a href=";query=Bigiel,+F">Frank Bigiel</a>, <a href=";query=Choi,+W">Woorak Choi</a>, <a href=";query=Chown,+R">Ryan Chown</a>, <a href=";query=Colombo,+D">Dario Colombo</a>, <a href=";query=Dale,+D+A">Daniel A. Dale</a>, <a href=";query=Davis,+T+A">Timothy A. Davis</a>, <a href=";query=Elford,+J">Jacob Elford</a>, <a href=";query=Gensior,+J">Jindra Gensior</a>, <a href=";query=Glover,+S+C+O">Simon C. O. Glover</a>, <a href=";query=Groves,+B">Brent Groves</a>, <a href=";query=Klessen,+R+S">Ralf S. Klessen</a>, <a href=";query=Liang,+F">Fu-Heng Liang</a>, <a href=";query=Pan,+H">Hsi-An Pan</a>, <a href=";query=Ruffa,+I">Ilaria Ruffa</a>, <a href=";query=Saito,+T">Toshiki Saito</a>, <a href=";query=S%C3%A1nchez-Bl%C3%A1zquez,+P">Patricia S谩nchez-Bl谩zquez</a>, <a href=";query=Sarzi,+M">Marc Sarzi</a>, <a href=";query=Schinnerer,+E">Eva Schinnerer</a></div> <div class='list-comments mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Comments:</span> 13 pages, 42 Figures (27 in Appendices). Accepted for publication in MNRAS </div> <div class='list-subjects'><span class='descriptor'>Subjects:</span> <span class="primary-subject">Astrophysics of Galaxies (astro-ph.GA)</span> </div> <p class='mathjax'> Understanding how and why star formation varies between galaxies is fundamental to our comprehension of galaxy evolution. In particular, the star-formation efficiency (SFE; star-formation rate or SFR per unit cold gas mass) has been shown to vary substantially both across and within galaxies. Early-type galaxies (ETGs) constitute an extreme case, as about a quarter have detectable molecular gas reservoirs but little to no detectable star formation. In this work, we present a spatially-resolved view of the SFE in ten ETGs, combining state-of-the-art Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) and Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) observations. Optical spectroscopic line diagnostics are used to identify the ionized emission regions dominated by star-formation, and reject regions where the ionization arises primarily from other sources. We identify very few regions where the ionization is consistent with pure star formation. Using ${\rm H}\alpha$ as our SFR tracer, we find that previous integrated measurements of the star-formation rate based on UV and 22$\mu$m emission are systematically higher than the SFR measured from ${\rm H}\alpha$. However, for the small number of regions where ionization is primarily associated with star formation, the SFEs are around 0.4 dex higher than those measured in star-forming galaxies at a similar spatial resolution (with depletion times ranging from $10^8$ to $10^{10}$ yr). Whilst the SFE of ETGs is overall low, we find that the SFEs of individual regions within ETGs can be similar to, or higher than, similar sized regions within star-forming galaxies. </p> </div> </dd> <dt> <a name='item2'>[2]</a> <a href ="/abs/2503.17444" title="Abstract" id="2503.17444"> arXiv:2503.17444 </a> [<a href="/pdf/2503.17444" title="Download PDF" id="pdf-2503.17444" aria-labelledby="pdf-2503.17444">pdf</a>, <a href="" title="View HTML" id="html-2503.17444" aria-labelledby="html-2503.17444" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">html</a>, <a href="/format/2503.17444" title="Other formats" id="oth-2503.17444" aria-labelledby="oth-2503.17444">other</a>] </dt> <dd> <div class='meta'> <div class='list-title mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Title:</span> Quantifying Feedback from Narrow Line Region Outflows in Nearby Active Galaxies. V. The Expanded Sample </div> <div class='list-authors'><a href=";query=Revalski,+M">Mitchell Revalski</a>, <a href=";query=Crenshaw,+D+M">D. Michael Crenshaw</a>, <a href=";query=Polack,+G+E">Garrett E. Polack</a>, <a href=";query=Rafelski,+M">Marc Rafelski</a>, <a href=";query=Kraemer,+S+B">Steven B. Kraemer</a>, <a href=";query=Fischer,+T+C">Travis C. Fischer</a>, <a href=";query=Meena,+B">Beena Meena</a>, <a href=";query=Schmitt,+H+R">Henrique R. Schmitt</a>, <a href=";query=Falc%C3%A3o,+A+T">Anna Trindade Falc茫o</a>, <a href=";query=Falcone,+J">Julia Falcone</a>, <a href=";query=Shea,+M+K">Maura Kathleen Shea</a></div> <div class='list-comments mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Comments:</span> Accepted for Publication in ApJ on March 14, 2025. The paper has 14 pages and 5 figures </div> <div class='list-subjects'><span class='descriptor'>Subjects:</span> <span class="primary-subject">Astrophysics of Galaxies (astro-ph.GA)</span> </div> <p class='mathjax'> We present spatially-resolved measurements of the ionized gas masses and mass outflow rates for six low-redshift ($z \leq$ 0.02) active galaxies. In this study, we expand our sample to galaxies with more complex gas kinematics modeled as outflows along a galactic disk that is ionized by the active galactic nucleus (AGN) bicone. We use Hubble Space Telescope (HST) Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) spectroscopy, Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) narrow-band imaging, and the photoionization modeling technique that we developed in Revalski et al. (2022) to calculate ionized gas masses using the [O III]/H$\beta$ ratios at each radius. We combine these with existing kinematic models to derive mass and energy outflow rates, which exhibit substantial radial variations due to changes in the outflow velocities. The full sample of 12 galaxies from this series of studies spans 10$^3$ in bolometric luminosity, and we find that the outflows contain ionized gas masses of $M \approx 10^{4.6} - 10^{7.2}$ $M_{\odot}$, reach maximum mass outflow rates of $\dot M_{out} \approx 0.1 - 13$ $M_{\odot}$ yr$^{-1}$, and encompass kinetic energies of $E \approx 10^{52} - 10^{56}$ erg. These energetic properties positively correlate with AGN luminosity. The outflow energetics are less than benchmarks for effective feedback from theoretical models, but the evacuation of gas and injection of energy may still generate long term effects on star-formation in these nearby galaxies. These results highlight the necessity of high spatial resolution imaging and spectroscopy for accurately modeling ionized outflows in active galaxies. </p> </div> </dd> <dt> <a name='item3'>[3]</a> <a href ="/abs/2503.17446" title="Abstract" id="2503.17446"> arXiv:2503.17446 </a> [<a href="/pdf/2503.17446" title="Download PDF" id="pdf-2503.17446" aria-labelledby="pdf-2503.17446">pdf</a>, <a href="" title="View HTML" id="html-2503.17446" aria-labelledby="html-2503.17446" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">html</a>, <a href="/format/2503.17446" title="Other formats" id="oth-2503.17446" aria-labelledby="oth-2503.17446">other</a>] </dt> <dd> <div class='meta'> <div class='list-title mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Title:</span> UV LIGHTS. New tools for revealing the low surface brightness regime in the ultraviolet </div> <div class='list-authors'><a href=";query=Cejudo,+I+R">Ignacio Ruiz Cejudo</a>, <a href=";query=Trujillo,+I">Ignacio Trujillo</a>, <a href=";query=Golini,+G">Giulia Golini</a>, <a href=";query=Sedighi,+N">Nafise Sedighi</a>, <a href=";query=Montes,+M">Mireia Montes</a>, <a href=";query=Arencibia,+S+G">Sergio Guerra Arencibia</a>, <a href=";query=D&#39;Onofrio,+M">Mauro D&#39;Onofrio</a>, <a href=";query=Zaritsky,+D">Dennis Zaritsky</a>, <a href=";query=Raji,+S">Samane Raji</a>, <a href=";query=Chamba,+N">Nushkia Chamba</a>, <a href=";query=Chuang,+C">Chen-Yu Chuang</a>, <a href=";query=Donnerstein,+R">Richard Donnerstein</a>, <a href=";query=Eskandarlou,+S">Sepideh Eskandarlou</a>, <a href=";query=Hosseini-ShahiSavandi,+S">S.Zahra Hosseini-ShahiSavandi</a>, <a href=";query=Sainz,+R+I">Ra煤l Infante Sainz</a>, <a href=";query=Kaboud,+O">Ouldouz Kaboud</a>, <a href=";query=Martin,+G">Garreth Martin</a>, <a href=";query=Rom%C3%A1n,+J">Javier Rom谩n</a>, <a href=";query=Sharbaf,+Z">Zahra Sharbaf</a></div> <div class='list-subjects'><span class='descriptor'>Subjects:</span> <span class="primary-subject">Astrophysics of Galaxies (astro-ph.GA)</span> </div> <p class='mathjax'> Ultra-deep optical surveys have reached unprecedented depths, facilitating the study of faint galactic structures. However, the ultraviolet bands, crucial for stellar population studies, remain essentially unexplored at these depths. We present a detailed surface brightness and color analysis of 20 nearby galaxies in the LIGHTS fields observed by GALEX in the FUV and NUV. We adapt and apply a low surface brightness oriented methodology that has proven effective in ultra-deep optical surveys. A novel approach to background subtraction is proposed for UV imaging. Instead of subtracting a constant value from the background, we subtract a Poisson distribution that transforms the background into a pseudo-Gaussian distribution centered at zero. Furthermore, the PSF deconvolution algorithms developed for optical data are applied to our sample, using a novel set of very extended (R=750 arcsec) PSFs for the GALEX bands. This methodology allows us to obtain depths ranging from 28.5 to 30 mag arcsec^{-2}, with reliable surface brightness profiles up to 31 mag arcsec^{-2}. This is about 1 mag deeper than with standard UV techniques. We use the surface brightness and color profiles to show that the application of PSF deconvolution, especially in the FUV, effectively mitigates the excess of light present in the outer regions of certain galaxies compared to the standard GALEX pipeline. This finding is crucial for any accurate stellar population inference from the color profiles. Additionally, a qualitative analysis of the results is presented, with particular emphasis on surface brightness and color properties of the galaxies beyond their optical edges. Our work highlights the importance of developing innovative low surface brightness methods for UV surveys. </p> </div> </dd> <dt> <a name='item4'>[4]</a> <a href ="/abs/2503.17455" title="Abstract" id="2503.17455"> arXiv:2503.17455 </a> [<a href="/pdf/2503.17455" title="Download PDF" id="pdf-2503.17455" aria-labelledby="pdf-2503.17455">pdf</a>, <a href="/format/2503.17455" title="Other formats" id="oth-2503.17455" aria-labelledby="oth-2503.17455">other</a>] </dt> <dd> <div class='meta'> <div class='list-title mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Title:</span> Euclid preparation LXX. Forecasting detection limits for intracluster light in the Euclid Wide Survey </div> <div class='list-authors'><a href=";query=Euclid+Collaboration">Euclid Collaboration</a>: <a href=";query=Bellhouse,+C">C. Bellhouse</a> (1), <a href=";query=Golden-Marx,+J+B">J. B. Golden-Marx</a> (1), <a href=";query=Bamford,+S+P">S. P. Bamford</a> (1), <a href=";query=Hatch,+N+A">N. A. Hatch</a> (1), <a href=";query=Kluge,+M">M. Kluge</a> (2), <a href=";query=Ellien,+A">A. Ellien</a> (3), <a href=";query=Ahad,+S+L">S. L. Ahad</a> (4 and 5), <a href=";query=Dimauro,+P">P. Dimauro</a> (6 and 7), <a href=";query=Durret,+F">F. Durret</a> (8), <a href=";query=Gonzalez,+A+H">A. H. Gonzalez</a> (9), <a href=";query=Jimenez-Teja,+Y">Y. Jimenez-Teja</a> (10 and 7), <a href=";query=Montes,+M">M. Montes</a> (11 and 12 and 13), <a href=";query=Sereno,+M">M. Sereno</a> (14 and 15), <a href=";query=Slezak,+E">E. Slezak</a> (16), <a href=";query=Bolzonella,+M">M. Bolzonella</a> (14), <a href=";query=Castignani,+G">G. Castignani</a> (14), <a href=";query=Cucciati,+O">O. Cucciati</a> (14), <a href=";query=De+Lucia,+G">G. De Lucia</a> (17), <a href=";query=Ghaffari,+Z">Z. Ghaffari</a> (17 and 18), <a href=";query=Moscardini,+L">L. Moscardini</a> (19 and 14 and 15), <a href=";query=Pello,+R">R. Pello</a> (20), <a href=";query=Pozzetti,+L">L. Pozzetti</a> (14), <a href=";query=Saifollahi,+T">T. Saifollahi</a> (21), <a href=";query=Borlaff,+A+S">A. S. Borlaff</a> (22 and 23), <a href=";query=Aghanim,+N">N. Aghanim</a> (24), <a href=";query=Altieri,+B">B. Altieri</a> (25), <a href=";query=Amara,+A">A. Amara</a> (26), <a href=";query=Andreon,+S">S. Andreon</a> (27), <a href=";query=Baccigalupi,+C">C. Baccigalupi</a> (18 and 17 and 28 and 29), <a href=";query=Baldi,+M">M. Baldi</a> (30 and 14 and 15), <a href=";query=Bardelli,+S">S. Bardelli</a> (14), <a href=";query=Basset,+A">A. Basset</a> (31), <a href=";query=Battaglia,+P">P. Battaglia</a> (14), <a href=";query=Bender,+R">R. Bender</a> (2 and 32), <a href=";query=Biviano,+A">A. Biviano</a> (17 and 18), <a href=";query=Bonino,+D">D. Bonino</a> (33), <a href=";query=Branchini,+E">E. Branchini</a> (34 and 35 and 27), <a href=";query=Brescia,+M">M. Brescia</a> (36 and 37 and 38), <a href=";query=Caillat,+A">A. Caillat</a> (20), <a href=";query=Camera,+S">S. Camera</a> (39 and 40 and 33), <a href=";query=Ca%C3%B1as-Herrera,+G">G. Ca帽as-Herrera</a> (41 and 42), <a href=";query=Capobianco,+V">V. Capobianco</a> (33), <a href=";query=Carbone,+C">C. Carbone</a> (43), <a href=";query=Cardone,+V+F">V. F. Cardone</a> (6 and 44), <a href=";query=Carretero,+J">J. Carretero</a> (45 and 46), <a href=";query=Casas,+S">S. Casas</a> (47 and 48), <a href=";query=Castellano,+M">M. Castellano</a> (6), <a href=";query=Cavuoti,+S">S. Cavuoti</a> (37 and 38), <a href=";query=Chambers,+K+C">K. C. Chambers</a> (49), <a href=";query=Cimatti,+A">A. Cimatti</a> (50), <a href=";query=Colodro-Conde,+C">C. Colodro-Conde</a> (12), <a href=";query=Congedo,+G">G. Congedo</a> (51), <a href=";query=Conselice,+C+J">C. J. Conselice</a> (52), <a href=";query=Conversi,+L">L. Conversi</a> (53 and 25), <a href=";query=Copin,+Y">Y. Copin</a> (54), <a href=";query=Courbin,+F">F. Courbin</a> (55 and 56), <a href=";query=Courtois,+H+M">H. M. Courtois</a> (57), <a href=";query=Cuillandre,+J">J.-C. Cuillandre</a> (58), <a href=";query=Da+Silva,+A">A. Da Silva</a> (59 and 60), <a href=";query=Degaudenzi,+H">H. Degaudenzi</a> (61), <a href=";query=Di+Giorgio,+A+M">A. M. Di Giorgio</a> (62), <a href=";query=Dinis,+J">J. Dinis</a> (59 and 60), <a href=";query=Dole,+H">H. Dole</a> (24), <a href=";query=Dubath,+F">F. Dubath</a> (61), <a href=";query=Duncan,+C+A+J">C. A. J. Duncan</a> (52), <a href=";query=Dupac,+X">X. Dupac</a> (25), <a href=";query=Dusini,+S">S. Dusini</a> (63), <a href=";query=Escoffier,+S">S. Escoffier</a> (64), <a href=";query=Farina,+M">M. Farina</a> (62), <a href=";query=Farinelli,+R">R. Farinelli</a> (14), <a href=";query=Farrens,+S">S. Farrens</a> (58), <a href=";query=Faustini,+F">F. Faustini</a> (65 and 6), <a href=";query=Ferriol,+S">S. Ferriol</a> (54), <a href=";query=Finelli,+F">F. Finelli</a> (14 and 66), <a href=";query=Fotopoulou,+S">S. Fotopoulou</a> (67), <a href=";query=Frailis,+M">M. Frailis</a> (17), <a href=";query=Franceschi,+E">E. Franceschi</a> (14), <a href=";query=Fumana,+M">M. Fumana</a> (43), <a href=";query=Galeotta,+S">S. Galeotta</a> (17), <a href=";query=George,+K">K. George</a> (32), <a href=";query=Gillis,+B">B. Gillis</a> (51), <a href=";query=Giocoli,+C">C. Giocoli</a> (14 and 15), <a href=";query=G%C3%B3mez-Alvarez,+P">P. G贸mez-Alvarez</a> (68 and 25), <a href=";query=Gracia-Carpio,+J">J. Gracia-Carpio</a> (2), <a href=";query=Grazian,+A">A. Grazian</a> (69), <a href=";query=Grupp,+F">F. Grupp</a> (2 and 32), <a href=";query=Haugan,+S+V+H">S. V. H. Haugan</a> (70), <a href=";query=Hoekstra,+H">H. Hoekstra</a> (71), <a href=";query=Holliman,+M+S">M. S. Holliman</a> (51), <a href=";query=Holmes,+W">W. Holmes</a> (72), <a href=";query=Hook,+I">I. Hook</a> (73), <a href=";query=Hormuth,+F">F. Hormuth</a> (74), <a href=";query=Hornstrup,+A">A. Hornstrup</a> (75 and 76), <a href=";query=Hudelot,+P">P. Hudelot</a> (77), <a href=";query=Jahnke,+K">K. Jahnke</a> (78), <a href=";query=Jhabvala,+M">M. Jhabvala</a> (79), <a href=";query=Keih%C3%A4nen,+E">E. Keih盲nen</a> (80), <a href=";query=Kermiche,+S">S. Kermiche</a> (64), <a href=";query=Kiessling,+A">A. Kiessling</a></div> <div class='list-comments mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Comments:</span> 21 pages, 13 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in A&amp;A </div> <div class='list-subjects'><span class='descriptor'>Subjects:</span> <span class="primary-subject">Astrophysics of Galaxies (astro-ph.GA)</span> </div> <p class='mathjax'> The intracluster light (ICL) permeating galaxy clusters is a tracer of the cluster&#39;s assembly history, and potentially a tracer of their dark matter structure. In this work we explore the capability of the Euclid Wide Survey to detect ICL using H-band mock images. We simulate clusters across a range of redshifts (0.3-1.8) and halo masses ($10^{13.9}$-$10^{15.0}$ M$_\odot$), using an observationally motivated model of the ICL. We identify a 50-200 kpc circular annulus around the brightest cluster galaxy (BCG) in which the signal-to-noise ratio (S/N) of the ICL is maximised and use the S/N within this aperture as our figure of merit for ICL detection. We compare three state-of-the-art methods for ICL detection, and find that a method that performs simple aperture photometry after high-surface brightness source masking is able to detect ICL with minimal bias for clusters more massive than $10^{14.2}$ M$_\odot$. The S/N of the ICL detection is primarily limited by the redshift of the cluster, driven by cosmological dimming, rather than the mass of the cluster. Assuming the ICL in each cluster contains 15% of the stellar light, we forecast that Euclid will be able to measure the presence of ICL in up to $\sim80000$ clusters of $&gt;10^{14.2}$ M$_\odot$ between $z=0.3$ and 1.5 with a S/N$&gt;3$. Half of these clusters will reside below $z=0.75$ and the majority of those below $z=0.6$ will be detected with a S/N $&gt;20$. A few thousand clusters at $1.3&lt;z&lt;1.5$ will have ICL detectable with a S/N greater than 3. The surface brightness profile of the ICL model is strongly dependent on both the mass of the cluster and the redshift at which it is observed so the outer ICL is best observed in the most massive clusters of $&gt;10^{14.7}$ M$_\odot$. Euclid will detect the ICL at more than 500 kpc distance from the BCG, up to $z=0.7$, in several hundred of these massive clusters over its large survey volume. </p> </div> </dd> <dt> <a name='item5'>[5]</a> <a href ="/abs/2503.17472" title="Abstract" id="2503.17472"> arXiv:2503.17472 </a> [<a href="/pdf/2503.17472" title="Download PDF" id="pdf-2503.17472" aria-labelledby="pdf-2503.17472">pdf</a>, <a href="" title="View HTML" id="html-2503.17472" aria-labelledby="html-2503.17472" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">html</a>, <a href="/format/2503.17472" title="Other formats" id="oth-2503.17472" aria-labelledby="oth-2503.17472">other</a>] </dt> <dd> <div class='meta'> <div class='list-title mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Title:</span> Cosmic rays, gas and dust in the Central Molecular Zone I -- $X_{CO}$ factors, cosmic-ray densities and dust opacities </div> <div class='list-authors'><a href=";query=Ren,+H">H.X. Ren</a>, <a href=";query=Remy,+Q">Q. Remy</a>, <a href=";query=Ravikularaman,+S">S. Ravikularaman</a>, <a href=";query=Bouyahiaoui,+M">M. Bouyahiaoui</a>, <a href=";query=Conte,+F">F. Conte</a>, <a href=";query=Djuvsland,+J">J. Djuvsland</a></div> <div class='list-subjects'><span class='descriptor'>Subjects:</span> <span class="primary-subject">Astrophysics of Galaxies (astro-ph.GA)</span>; High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena (astro-ph.HE) </div> <p class='mathjax'> Our goal is to estimate the total gas mass in the direction of the Central Molecular Zone (CMZ), quantify the various uncertainties associated, and discuss the implications for the estimates of CR energy densities and dust opacities. The $H_{\rm{I}}$ 21 cm line and the carbon monoxide isotopes ($^{12}\rm{CO}$, $^{13}\rm{CO}$ and $\rm{C}^{18}\rm{O}$) line emission maps are used to derive the total gas column density. The gas in the CMZ is separated from the disk contribution in position and velocity thanks to its different properties in term of velocity dispersion and brightness ratio of CO isotopes. The variations of the $X_{\rm{CO}}$ factors are modelled relying on both theoretical trends from simulations and empirical corrections. We use the new gas column density estimated together with gamma-ray and dust emission measurements to derive the CR energy density and dust opacities, respectively. The $X_{\rm{CO}}$ values in the CMZ range from $(0.32 - 1.37) \ \times$ $10^{20}$ cm$^{-2}$ K$^{-1}$ km$^{-1}$ s, with a distribution that is highly asymmetric and skewed. The median value is $ \rm{\overline{X}_{CO}^{CMZ}} = 0.39 \ \times$ $10^{20}$ cm$^{-2}$ K$^{-1}$ km$^{-1}$ s. The total gas mass in the CMZ is estimated to be $2.3_{-0.3}^{+0.3}\times10^{7} \; \rm{M_{\odot}}$ with $\sim 10 \%$ contribution from the atomic phase. Without removing the disk contamination the total mass is about twice higher, and the atomic gas fraction increases to $\sim30\%$. The cosmic-ray (CR) energy density in the CMZ, assuming a 1/r profile, is higher by a factor of two compared to the previous calculations at TeV energies. Using molecular gas tracers which probes only the densest molecular cores leads to an overestimation of the CR energy density, while ignoring the foreground/background contribution leads to an underestimation of the CR energy density in the CMZ. </p> </div> </dd> <dt> <a name='item6'>[6]</a> <a href ="/abs/2503.17478" title="Abstract" id="2503.17478"> arXiv:2503.17478 </a> [<a href="/pdf/2503.17478" title="Download PDF" id="pdf-2503.17478" aria-labelledby="pdf-2503.17478">pdf</a>, <a href="" title="View HTML" id="html-2503.17478" aria-labelledby="html-2503.17478" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">html</a>, <a href="/format/2503.17478" title="Other formats" id="oth-2503.17478" aria-labelledby="oth-2503.17478">other</a>] </dt> <dd> <div class='meta'> <div class='list-title mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Title:</span> A stellar dynamical mass measure of an inactive black hole in the distant universe </div> <div class='list-authors'><a href=";query=Newman,+A+B">Andrew B. Newman</a>, <a href=";query=Gu,+M">Meng Gu</a>, <a href=";query=Belli,+S">Sirio Belli</a>, <a href=";query=Ellis,+R+S">Richard S. Ellis</a>, <a href=";query=Gangula,+S">Sai Gangula</a>, <a href=";query=Greene,+J+E">Jenny E. Greene</a>, <a href=";query=Walsh,+J+L">Jonelle L. Walsh</a>, <a href=";query=Suyu,+S+H">Sherry H. Suyu</a>, <a href=";query=Ertl,+S">Sebastian Ertl</a>, <a href=";query=Caminha,+G">Gabriel Caminha</a>, <a href=";query=Granata,+G">Giovanni Granata</a>, <a href=";query=Grillo,+C">Claudio Grillo</a>, <a href=";query=Schuldt,+S">Stefan Schuldt</a>, <a href=";query=Barone,+T+M">Tania M. Barone</a>, <a href=";query=Bird,+S">Simeon Bird</a>, <a href=";query=Glazebrook,+K">Karl Glazebrook</a>, <a href=";query=Jafariyazani,+M">Marziye Jafariyazani</a>, <a href=";query=Kriek,+M">Mariska Kriek</a>, <a href=";query=Matthews,+A">Allison Matthews</a>, <a href=";query=Morishita,+T">Takahiro Morishita</a>, <a href=";query=Nanayakkara,+T">Themiya Nanayakkara</a>, <a href=";query=Pierel,+J+D+R">Justin D. R. Pierel</a>, <a href=";query=Acebr%C3%B3n,+A">Ana Acebr贸n</a>, <a href=";query=Bergamini,+P">Pietro Bergamini</a>, <a href=";query=Cha,+S">Sangjun Cha</a>, <a href=";query=Diego,+J+M">Jose M. Diego</a>, <a href=";query=Foo,+N">Nicholas Foo</a>, <a href=";query=Frye,+B">Brenda Frye</a>, <a href=";query=Fudamoto,+Y">Yoshinobu Fudamoto</a>, <a href=";query=Jee,+M+J">M. James Jee</a>, <a href=";query=Kamieneski,+P+S">Patrick S. Kamieneski</a>, <a href=";query=Koekemoer,+A+M">Anton M. Koekemoer</a>, <a href=";query=Meena,+A+K">Asish K. Meena</a>, <a href=";query=Nishida,+S">Shun Nishida</a>, <a href=";query=Oguri,+M">Masamune Oguri</a>, <a href=";query=Rosati,+P">Piero Rosati</a>, <a href=";query=Zitrin,+A">Adi Zitrin</a></div> <div class='list-comments mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Comments:</span> Submitted version, comments welcome </div> <div class='list-subjects'><span class='descriptor'>Subjects:</span> <span class="primary-subject">Astrophysics of Galaxies (astro-ph.GA)</span> </div> <p class='mathjax'> Understanding the coevolution of supermassive black holes and their host galaxies requires tracing their growth over time. Mass measurements of distant black holes have been limited to active nuclei and commonly rely on spatially unresolved observations, leading to large uncertainties. Accurate masses can be determined by resolving the kinematics of stars within the sphere of influence, which has heretofore been possible only in the local universe. Using JWST, we have measured the mass $M_{\bullet}=6.0^{+2.1}_{-1.7}\times10^9$ ${\rm M}_{\odot}$ of an inactive black hole in a gravitationally lensed quiescent galaxy at redshift $z=1.95$, along with detailed host properties. Comparisons to local galaxies suggest that the correlation between $M_{\bullet}$ and bulge mass has evolved substantially, whereas the correlation with stellar velocity dispersion may have been in place for 10 Gyr. </p> </div> </dd> <dt> <a name='item7'>[7]</a> <a href ="/abs/2503.17492" title="Abstract" id="2503.17492"> arXiv:2503.17492 </a> [<a href="/pdf/2503.17492" title="Download PDF" id="pdf-2503.17492" aria-labelledby="pdf-2503.17492">pdf</a>, <a href="" title="View HTML" id="html-2503.17492" aria-labelledby="html-2503.17492" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">html</a>, <a href="/format/2503.17492" title="Other formats" id="oth-2503.17492" aria-labelledby="oth-2503.17492">other</a>] </dt> <dd> <div class='meta'> <div class='list-title mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Title:</span> Mapping the diffuse interstellar bands $位$5780 and $位$6284 in the luminous infrared galaxy merger NGC 6240 </div> <div class='list-authors'><a href=";query=van+Erp,+C+D">Cas D. van Erp</a> (1), <a href=";query=Monreal-Ibero,+A">Ana Monreal-Ibero</a> (1), <a href=";query=Stroo,+J+C">Jelmer C. Stroo</a> (1), <a href=";query=Weilbacher,+P+M">Peter M. Weilbacher</a> (2), <a href=";query=Smoker,+J+V">Johnathan V. Smoker</a> (3) ((1) Leiden Observatory, Leiden University, (2) Leibniz-Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP), (3) ESO)</div> <div class='list-comments mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Comments:</span> 15 pages, 11 figures; accepted by A&amp;A, 20/03/2025 </div> <div class='list-subjects'><span class='descriptor'>Subjects:</span> <span class="primary-subject">Astrophysics of Galaxies (astro-ph.GA)</span> </div> <p class='mathjax'> [ABRIDGED] DIBs are faint absorption features of mainly unknown origin. Observational constraints on their carriers have been provided in the vast majority of the cases via observations in our Galaxy. Detections in other galaxies are scarce. However, they can further constrain the nature of the carriers by sampling different environments and they can put into test the ubiquity of the molecules creating these features. Using the MUSE data of the LIRG NGC 6240, we mapped the DIB5780 over an almost contiguous area of ~76.96 kpc^2 in the center of the system. We also traced the DIBl6284 over two separate areas toward the north and south of the system, with an extent of ~21.22 kpc^2 and ~31.41 kpc^2 (with a total detected area of ~59.78 kpc^2). This is the first time that the l6284 DIB has been mapped outside our Galaxy. Both maps were compared with the attenuation on the overall stellar population and the ionised gas. Both DIBs are detected in locations with high attenuation (E(B-V)_Gas} &gt; 0.3 and E(B-V)_Stellar &gt;0.1), supporting the connection between DIB carriers and dust. Moreover, when compared with other galaxies, DIBs correlate better with stellar than with the ionised gas attenuation. The DIBl6284 presents a stronger correlation with reddening than the l5780 DIB does that can be attributed to a different nature of the carriers causing these DIBs, or a combined effect of a dependency with the metallicity and the different locations where these DIBs have been measured. In addition, we show that NaI D strongly correlates with both DIBs and advocate the usage of DIBs as a first order tracer for amount of material, in the case where NaI D reaches saturation. The findings here show that DIB carriers can exist and survive in an environment as extreme as a galaxy hosting AGN and allow to envision the possibilities integral field spectrographs have to study DIBs well beyond our Galaxy. </p> </div> </dd> <dt> <a name='item8'>[8]</a> <a href ="/abs/2503.17519" title="Abstract" id="2503.17519"> arXiv:2503.17519 </a> [<a href="/pdf/2503.17519" title="Download PDF" id="pdf-2503.17519" aria-labelledby="pdf-2503.17519">pdf</a>, <a href="" title="View HTML" id="html-2503.17519" aria-labelledby="html-2503.17519" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">html</a>, <a href="/format/2503.17519" title="Other formats" id="oth-2503.17519" aria-labelledby="oth-2503.17519">other</a>] </dt> <dd> <div class='meta'> <div class='list-title mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Title:</span> Interstellar gas motions around massive star formation regions in the nearby dwarf galaxy DDO 43 </div> <div class='list-authors'><a href=";query=Pichler,+E">Enik艖 Pichler</a>, <a href=";query=Koncz,+B">Bendeg煤z Koncz</a>, <a href=";query=Gab%C3%A1nyi,+K+%C3%89">Krisztina 脡. Gab谩nyi</a>, <a href=";query=Jo%C3%B3,+A+P">Andr谩s P茅ter Jo贸</a>, <a href=";query=T%C3%B3th,+L+V">L. Viktor T贸th</a></div> <div class='list-comments mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Comments:</span> 6 pages, 12 figures, published in Acta Polytechnica </div> <div class='list-journal-ref'><span class='descriptor'>Journal-ref:</span> Acta Polytechnica, 65(1), 73-78 (2025) </div> <div class='list-subjects'><span class='descriptor'>Subjects:</span> <span class="primary-subject">Astrophysics of Galaxies (astro-ph.GA)</span> </div> <p class='mathjax'> Areas of massive star formation are strongly influenced by stellar winds and supernovae, therefore, enhanced turbulent flows are expected. We analyse high-quality Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array observations of the neutral hydrogen gas content of DDO 43, a relatively nearby irregular dwarf galaxy. The line wings of neutral hydrogen spectral lines, which provide insights into local enhanced velocity dispersion, are investigated together with far-ultraviolet data, tracing emissions from massive star-forming regions. We find very weak correlations with both higher and lower velocity areas. </p> </div> </dd> <dt> <a name='item9'>[9]</a> <a href ="/abs/2503.17585" title="Abstract" id="2503.17585"> arXiv:2503.17585 </a> [<a href="/pdf/2503.17585" title="Download PDF" id="pdf-2503.17585" aria-labelledby="pdf-2503.17585">pdf</a>, <a href="" title="View HTML" id="html-2503.17585" aria-labelledby="html-2503.17585" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">html</a>, <a href="/format/2503.17585" title="Other formats" id="oth-2503.17585" aria-labelledby="oth-2503.17585">other</a>] </dt> <dd> <div class='meta'> <div class='list-title mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Title:</span> How do Massive Primordial Black Holes Impact the Formation of the First Stars and Galaxies? </div> <div class='list-authors'><a href=";query=Zhang,+S">Saiyang Zhang</a>, <a href=";query=Liu,+B">Boyuan Liu</a>, <a href=";query=Bromm,+V">Volker Bromm</a>, <a href=";query=Jeon,+J">Junehyoung Jeon</a>, <a href=";query=Boylan-Kolchin,+M">Michael Boylan-Kolchin</a>, <a href=";query=Kuhnel,+F">Florian Kuhnel</a></div> <div class='list-comments mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Comments:</span> 24 pages, 11 figures. Submitted to ApJ </div> <div class='list-subjects'><span class='descriptor'>Subjects:</span> <span class="primary-subject">Astrophysics of Galaxies (astro-ph.GA)</span>; Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics (astro-ph.CO) </div> <p class='mathjax'> We investigate the impact of massive primordial black holes (PBHs; $m_{\rm BH}\sim 10^6~M_{\odot}$) on the star formation and first galaxy assembly process using high-resolution hydrodynamical simulations from $z = 1100$ to $z \sim 9$. We find that PBH accretion is self-regulated by feedback, suppressing mass growth unless feedback is weak. PBHs accelerate structure formation by seeding dark matter halos and gravitationally attracting gas, but strong feedback can delay cooling and suppress star formation. In addition, the presence of baryon-dark matter streaming creates an offset between the PBH location and the peaks induced in gas density, promoting earlier and more efficient star formation compared to standard $\Lambda$CDM. By $z \sim 10$, PBH-seeded galaxies form dense star clusters, with PBH-to-stellar mass ratios comparable to observed high-$z$ AGN like UHZ-1. Our results support PBHs as viable SMBH seeds but do not exclude alternative scenarios. We emphasize that PBH-seeding provides a natural explanation for some of the newly-discovered overmassive SMBHs at high redshift, in particular those with extreme ratios of BH-to-dynamical (virial) mass that challenge standard formation channels. Future studies with ultra-deep JWST surveys, the Roman Space Telescope, and radio surveys with facilities such as SKA and HERA will be critical in distinguishing PBH-driven SMBH growth from other pathways. </p> </div> </dd> <dt> <a name='item10'>[10]</a> <a href ="/abs/2503.17665" title="Abstract" id="2503.17665"> arXiv:2503.17665 </a> [<a href="/pdf/2503.17665" title="Download PDF" id="pdf-2503.17665" aria-labelledby="pdf-2503.17665">pdf</a>, <a href="" title="View HTML" id="html-2503.17665" aria-labelledby="html-2503.17665" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">html</a>, <a href="/format/2503.17665" title="Other formats" id="oth-2503.17665" aria-labelledby="oth-2503.17665">other</a>] </dt> <dd> <div class='meta'> <div class='list-title mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Title:</span> Indication of the electron-to-proton mass ratio variation within the Galaxy </div> <div class='list-authors'><a href=";query=Vorotyntseva,+J+S">J. S. Vorotyntseva</a>, <a href=";query=Levshakov,+S+A">S. A. Levshakov</a></div> <div class='list-comments mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Comments:</span> 11 pages, 1 figure, 3 tables, accepted for publication in JETP Letters, vol. 121, issue 8 </div> <div class='list-subjects'><span class='descriptor'>Subjects:</span> <span class="primary-subject">Astrophysics of Galaxies (astro-ph.GA)</span>; Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics (astro-ph.CO); High Energy Physics - Theory (hep-th) </div> <p class='mathjax'> Near (~100 pc) and far (~8.7 kpc) relative to the Galactic center, the molecular clouds SgrB2(N) and Orion-KL exhibit different values of the fundamental physical constant mu=m_e/m_p - the electron-to-proton mass ratio. Measured frequency difference between the emission lines of methanol (CH3OH), - J_K_u - J_K_l = 6_3 - 5_2 A+ 542000.981 MHz, 6_3 - 5_2 A- 542081.936 MHz, and 8_0 - 7_-1 E 543076.194 MHz, - observed with the space observatory Herschel toward SgrB2(N) and Orion-KL corresponds to (Sgr-Ori): Delta mu/mu = (-3.7 +/- 0.5)*10^(-7) (1 sigma C.L.). At the same time, comparison of the same methanol lines in Orion-KL with laboratory frequencies shows no significant changes in mu (Ori-lab): Delta mu/mu = (-0.5 +/- 0. 6)*10^(-7), while a comparison between SgrB2(N) and laboratory lines indicates a lower value of mu near the Galactic center (Sgr-lab): Delta mu/mu = (-4.2 +/- 0.7)*10^(-7). The reduced value of mu in SgrB2(N) is not explained by known systematic effects and requires further investigation. </p> </div> </dd> <dt> <a name='item11'>[11]</a> <a href ="/abs/2503.17732" title="Abstract" id="2503.17732"> arXiv:2503.17732 </a> [<a href="/pdf/2503.17732" title="Download PDF" id="pdf-2503.17732" aria-labelledby="pdf-2503.17732">pdf</a>, <a href="" title="View HTML" id="html-2503.17732" aria-labelledby="html-2503.17732" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">html</a>, <a href="/format/2503.17732" title="Other formats" id="oth-2503.17732" aria-labelledby="oth-2503.17732">other</a>] </dt> <dd> <div class='meta'> <div class='list-title mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Title:</span> Probing the He II reionization ERa via Absorbing C IV Historical Yield (HIERACHY) III: The C IV absorber catalog and initial results on cosmic abundance evolution at $z\approx 3-5$ </div> <div class='list-authors'><a href=";query=Yu,+X">Xiaodi Yu</a>, <a href=";query=Qu,+Z">Zhijie Qu</a>, <a href=";query=Cai,+Z">Zheng Cai</a>, <a href=";query=Li,+J">Jiangtao Li</a>, <a href=";query=Mao,+H">Huiyang Mao</a>, <a href=";query=Wang,+X">Xin Wang</a></div> <div class='list-comments mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Comments:</span> 26 pages, 12 figures, and 10 tables; Accepted for publication in APJ </div> <div class='list-subjects'><span class='descriptor'>Subjects:</span> <span class="primary-subject">Astrophysics of Galaxies (astro-ph.GA)</span> </div> <p class='mathjax'> As part of the HIERACHY program, we collect the high-SN and high-spectral resolution optical spectra of 25 quasars at $z\approx4-5$ to constrain the C IV evolution at $z\approx 3-5$. In this paper, we report a catalog of 626 (1263) C IV absorption systems (components) at $z\approx3-5$ with a 50% completeness column density of log$(N_{\rm CIV}/\rm cm^{-2}) \approx 12.3$. The HIERACHY/MIKE C IV sample is one of the best C IV absorber samples optimized to study the IGM during the He II reionization epoch. Using 557 (1090) intervening absorption systems (components), we found the column density distribution function of C IV absorption systems with log$(N_{\rm CIV}/\rm cm^{-2})\gtrsim 12.3$ has a broken power-law shape, with the turn-over column density log$(N_{\rm crit}/\rm cm^{-2}) = 13.35^{+0.20}_{-0.19}$, which is close to or smaller than the detection limit of most literature samples. We also found that both comoving path length number density $dn/dX$ and cosmic abundance $\Omega$ for C IV absorption systems with log$(N_{\rm CIV}/\rm cm^{-2})&gt; 13.2$ show an increase (at the 2.2$\sigma$ and 1.4$\sigma$ levels, respectively) from redshift $z\approx5$ to 3, while absorption systems with log$(N_{\rm CIV}/\rm cm^{-2})= 12.3-13.2$ exhibit a constant $dn/dX$ and $\Omega_{\rm CIV}$. </p> </div> </dd> <dt> <a name='item12'>[12]</a> <a href ="/abs/2503.17824" title="Abstract" id="2503.17824"> arXiv:2503.17824 </a> [<a href="/pdf/2503.17824" title="Download PDF" id="pdf-2503.17824" aria-labelledby="pdf-2503.17824">pdf</a>, <a href="" title="View HTML" id="html-2503.17824" aria-labelledby="html-2503.17824" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">html</a>, <a href="/format/2503.17824" title="Other formats" id="oth-2503.17824" aria-labelledby="oth-2503.17824">other</a>] </dt> <dd> <div class='meta'> <div class='list-title mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Title:</span> ODIN: Clustering Analysis of 14,000 Ly伪 Emitting Galaxies at z=2.4, 3.1, and 4.5 </div> <div class='list-authors'><a href=";query=Herrera,+D">Danisbel Herrera</a>, <a href=";query=Gawiser,+E">Eric Gawiser</a>, <a href=";query=Benda,+B">Barbara Benda</a>, <a href=";query=Firestone,+N">Nicole Firestone</a>, <a href=";query=Ramakrishnan,+V">Vandana Ramakrishnan</a>, <a href=";query=Moon,+B">Byeongha Moon</a>, <a href=";query=Lee,+K">Kyoung-Soo Lee</a>, <a href=";query=Park,+C">Changbom Park</a>, <a href=";query=Valdes,+F">Francisco Valdes</a>, <a href=";query=Yang,+Y">Yujin Yang</a>, <a href=";query=Artale,+M+C">M. Celeste Artale</a>, <a href=";query=Ciardullo,+R">Robin Ciardullo</a>, <a href=";query=Gronwall,+C">Caryl Gronwall</a>, <a href=";query=Guaita,+L">Lucia Guaita</a>, <a href=";query=Hwang,+H+S">Ho Seong Hwang</a>, <a href=";query=Kennedy,+J">Jacob Kennedy</a>, <a href=";query=Kumar,+A">Ankit Kumar</a>, <a href=";query=Zabludoff,+A">Ann Zabludoff</a></div> <div class='list-comments mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Comments:</span> 11 pages, 6 figures, submitted to ApJ Letters </div> <div class='list-subjects'><span class='descriptor'>Subjects:</span> <span class="primary-subject">Astrophysics of Galaxies (astro-ph.GA)</span> </div> <p class='mathjax'> Lyman Alpha Emitters (LAEs) are star-forming galaxies that efficiently probe the spatial distribution of galaxies in the high redshift universe. The spatial clustering of LAEs reflects the properties of their individual host dark matter halos, allowing us to study the evolution of the galaxy-halo connection. We analyze the clustering of 5233, 5220, and 3706 LAEs at z = 2.4, 3.1, and 4.5, respectively, in the 9 deg$^2$ COSMOS field from the One-hundred-deg$^2$ DECam Imaging in Narrowbands (ODIN) survey. After correcting for redshift space distortions, LAE contamination rates, and the integral constraint, the observed angular correlation functions imply linear galaxy bias factors of b = $1.64^{+0.26}_{-0.23}, 1.84^{+0.24}_{-0.22}$, and $2.93^{+0.41}_{-0.36}$, for z = 2.4, 3.1, and 4.5, respectively. The median dark matter halo masses inferred from these measurements are $log(M_h/M_{\odot}) = 11.34^{+0.30}_{-0.31}, 10.94^{+0.26}_{-0.28}$, and $10.83^{+0.26}_{-0.24}$ for the three samples, respectively. The analysis also reveals that LAEs occupy roughly 3-5% of the halos whose clustering strength matches that of the LAEs. The large contrast between this low halo occupation fraction and the high fraction of continuum-selected star-forming galaxies that exhibit Ly$\alpha$ in emission implies that LAEs are unusually luminous for their dark matter masses. </p> </div> </dd> <dt> <a name='item13'>[13]</a> <a href ="/abs/2503.17921" title="Abstract" id="2503.17921"> arXiv:2503.17921 </a> [<a href="/pdf/2503.17921" title="Download PDF" id="pdf-2503.17921" aria-labelledby="pdf-2503.17921">pdf</a>, <a href="" title="View HTML" id="html-2503.17921" aria-labelledby="html-2503.17921" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">html</a>, <a href="/format/2503.17921" title="Other formats" id="oth-2503.17921" aria-labelledby="oth-2503.17921">other</a>] </dt> <dd> <div class='meta'> <div class='list-title mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Title:</span> Empirical SED Templates for Star Clusters Observed with HST and JWST: No Strong PAH or IR Dust Emission after Five Myr </div> <div class='list-authors'><a href=";query=Whitmore,+B+C">Bradley C. Whitmore</a>, <a href=";query=Chandar,+R">Rupali Chandar</a>, <a href=";query=Lee,+J+C">Janice C. Lee</a>, <a href=";query=Henny,+K+F">Kiana F. Henny</a>, <a href=";query=Rodriguez,+M+J">M. Jimena Rodriguez</a>, <a href=";query=Baron,+D">Dalya Baron</a>, <a href=";query=Bigiel,+F">F. Bigiel</a>, <a href=";query=Boquien,+M">Mederic Boquien</a>, <a href=";query=Chevance,+M">Melanie Chevance</a>, <a href=";query=Chown,+R">Ryan Chown</a>, <a href=";query=Dale,+D+A">Daniel A. Dale</a>, <a href=";query=Floyd,+M">Matthew Floyd</a>, <a href=";query=Grasha,+K">Kathryn Grasha</a>, <a href=";query=Glover,+S+C+O">Simon C. O. Glover</a>, <a href=";query=Gnedin,+O">Oleg Gnedin</a>, <a href=";query=Hassani,+H">Hamid Hassani</a>, <a href=";query=Indebetouw,+R">Remy Indebetouw</a>, <a href=";query=Kapoor,+A+U">Anand Utsav Kapoor</a>, <a href=";query=Larson,+K+L">Kirsten L. Larson</a>, <a href=";query=Leroy,+A+K">Adam K. Leroy</a>, <a href=";query=Maschmann,+D">Daniel Maschmann</a>, <a href=";query=Scheuermann,+F">Fabian Scheuermann</a>, <a href=";query=Sutter,+J">Jessica Sutter</a>, <a href=";query=Schinnerer,+E">Eva Schinnerer</a>, <a href=";query=Sarbadhicary,+S+K">Sumit K. Sarbadhicary</a>, <a href=";query=Thilker,+D+A">David A. Thilker</a>, <a href=";query=Williams,+T+G">Thomas G. Williams</a>, <a href=";query=Wofford,+A">Aida Wofford</a></div> <div class='list-comments mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Comments:</span> 35 pages, 15 figures, 7 tables </div> <div class='list-journal-ref'><span class='descriptor'>Journal-ref:</span> ApJ, 2025, 982, 50 </div> <div class='list-subjects'><span class='descriptor'>Subjects:</span> <span class="primary-subject">Astrophysics of Galaxies (astro-ph.GA)</span> </div> <p class='mathjax'> JWST observations, when combined with HST data, promise to improve age estimates of star clusters in nearby spiral galaxies. However, feedback from young cluster stars pushes out the natal gas and dust, making cluster formation and evolution a challenge to model. Here, we use JWST + HST observations of the nearby spiral galaxy NGC 628 to produce spectral energy distribution (SED) templates of compact star clusters spanning 275 nm through 21 {\mu}m. These preliminary SEDs capture the cluster stars and associated gas and dust within radii of 0.12&#34; to 0.67&#34; (corresponding to 6 to 33 pc at the distance of NGC 628). One important finding is that the SEDs of 1, 2, 3, and 4 Myr clusters can be differentiated in the infrared. Another is that in 80-90% of the cases we study, the PAH and H_alpha emission track one another, with the dust responsible for the 3.3 {\mu}m PAH emission largely removed by 4 Myr, consistent with pre-supernova stellar feedback acting quickly on the surrounding gas and dust. Nearly-embedded cluster candidates have infrared SEDs which are quite similar to optically visible 1 to 3 Myr clusters. In nearly all cases we find there is a young star cluster within a few tenths of an arcsec (10 - 30 pc) of the nearly embedded cluster, suggesting the formation of the cluster was triggered by its presence. The resulting age estimates from the empirical templates are compatible both with dynamical estimates based on CO superbubble expansion velocities, and the TODDLERS models which track spherical evolution of homogeneous gas clouds around young stellar clusters. </p> </div> </dd> <dt> <a name='item14'>[14]</a> <a href ="/abs/2503.17951" title="Abstract" id="2503.17951"> arXiv:2503.17951 </a> [<a href="/pdf/2503.17951" title="Download PDF" id="pdf-2503.17951" aria-labelledby="pdf-2503.17951">pdf</a>, <a href="" title="View HTML" id="html-2503.17951" aria-labelledby="html-2503.17951" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">html</a>, <a href="/format/2503.17951" title="Other formats" id="oth-2503.17951" aria-labelledby="oth-2503.17951">other</a>] </dt> <dd> <div class='meta'> <div class='list-title mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Title:</span> Cloud-cloud collisions in the Antennae galaxies: Does high-speed collision suppress star formation? </div> <div class='list-authors'><a href=";query=Inoue,+S">Shin Inoue</a> (1), <a href=";query=Ohta,+K">Kouji Ohta</a> (1), <a href=";query=Maeda,+F">Fumiya Maeda</a> (2) ((1) Department of Astronomy, Kyoto University, Japan, (2) Research Center for Physics and Mathematics, Osaka Electro-Communication University, Japan)</div> <div class='list-comments mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Comments:</span> 16 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in PASJ </div> <div class='list-subjects'><span class='descriptor'>Subjects:</span> <span class="primary-subject">Astrophysics of Galaxies (astro-ph.GA)</span> </div> <p class='mathjax'> Cloud-cloud collision (CCC) has been proposed as a mechanism for triggering massive star formation. Observations in the Milky Way and nearby galaxies have revealed the presence of CCCs with collision velocity ($v_{\rm col}$) of 1-40 km/s, and the connection between star formation activity and the properties of colliding clouds has been investigated. In this study, we expand the study to much faster (~100 km/s) CCCs in a nearby colliding galaxies system, the Antennae galaxies. We examine how star formation rate (SFR) on a sub-kpc scale depends on the $v_{\rm col}$ and mass ($M_{\rm mol}$) of giant molecular clouds (GMCs) across the Antennae galaxies, which show diverse star formation activity. Furthermore, to examine the star formation process at a more fundamental level, we also investigate how the star formation efficiency (SFE) of a colliding GMC depends on its $v_{\rm col}$ and $M_{\rm mol}$. SFR is calculated using H$\alpha$ and mid-infrared data. From $\sim2000$ GMCs identified in the CO(1-0) data cube using the ALMA archival data, collision velocities are estimated based on the velocity dispersion among GMCs in a sub-kpc scale region, assuming random motion in three-dimensional space. GMCs are considered to be colliding at a velocity of ~10-150 km/s. We find that regions where high-speed collisions ($v_{\rm col}$~100 km/s) of massive ($M_{\rm mol}$~$10^{7-8}$ $M_\odot$) GMCs are seen show the highest surface density of SFR. Particularly, in the region with $v_{\rm col}$~100 km/s, we find that SFR on a sub-kpc scale increases with increasing $M_{\rm mol}$ in the range of ~$10^{6}$-$10^{8}$ $M_\odot$. The SFE of a colliding cloud is estimated to be 0.1%-3.0% without clear $M_{\rm mol}$ dependence, and the SFE is the lowest at the $v_{\rm col}$~100-150 km/s. These results suggest that the most active star formation in the Antennae galaxies seems to occur due to large GMC mass. </p> </div> </dd> <dt> <a name='item15'>[15]</a> <a href ="/abs/2503.18116" title="Abstract" id="2503.18116"> arXiv:2503.18116 </a> [<a href="/pdf/2503.18116" title="Download PDF" id="pdf-2503.18116" aria-labelledby="pdf-2503.18116">pdf</a>, <a href="" title="View HTML" id="html-2503.18116" aria-labelledby="html-2503.18116" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">html</a>, <a href="/format/2503.18116" title="Other formats" id="oth-2503.18116" aria-labelledby="oth-2503.18116">other</a>] </dt> <dd> <div class='meta'> <div class='list-title mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Title:</span> Using Planck maps for a systematic search of ultra-bright high-redshift strongly lensed galaxies </div> <div class='list-authors'><a href=";query=Bonato,+M">Matteo Bonato</a>, <a href=";query=Trobbiani,+L">Leonardo Trobbiani</a>, <a href=";query=Baronchelli,+I">Ivano Baronchelli</a>, <a href=";query=De+Zotti,+G">Gianfranco De Zotti</a>, <a href=";query=Negrello,+M">Mattia Negrello</a>, <a href=";query=Trombetti,+T">Tiziana Trombetti</a>, <a href=";query=Burigana,+C">Carlo Burigana</a>, <a href=";query=Galluzzi,+V">Vincenzo Galluzzi</a>, <a href=";query=Ruli,+E">Erlis Ruli</a></div> <div class='list-comments mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Comments:</span> Based on presentation at the Seventeenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting, Pescara, 8 July 2024. 7 pages, 3 Figures </div> <div class='list-subjects'><span class='descriptor'>Subjects:</span> <span class="primary-subject">Astrophysics of Galaxies (astro-ph.GA)</span>; Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics (astro-ph.CO) </div> <p class='mathjax'> This paper presents a novel approach to the use of Planck telescope data for the systematic search of ultra-bright high-redshift strongly lensed galaxies. These galaxies provide crucial insights into the early universe, particularly during phases of intense star formation. The Planck mission, despite its limited angular resolution, offers a unique opportunity to identify candidate strongly lensed galaxies over a wide area of the sky. This work outlines the methodology used to identify these rare objects, the challenges encountered, and the preliminary results obtained from follow-up observations with higher-resolution instruments. </p> </div> </dd> <dt> <a name='item16'>[16]</a> <a href ="/abs/2503.18326" title="Abstract" id="2503.18326"> arXiv:2503.18326 </a> [<a href="/pdf/2503.18326" title="Download PDF" id="pdf-2503.18326" aria-labelledby="pdf-2503.18326">pdf</a>, <a href="/format/2503.18326" title="Other formats" id="oth-2503.18326" aria-labelledby="oth-2503.18326">other</a>] </dt> <dd> <div class='meta'> <div class='list-title mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Title:</span> The properties of the obscuring material of an AGNs sample from mid-IR and X-ray simultaneous fitting </div> <div class='list-authors'><a href=";query=Esparza-Arredondo,+D">Donaji Esparza-Arredondo</a>, <a href=";query=Gonzalez-Mart%C3%ADn,+O">Omaira Gonzalez-Mart铆n</a>, <a href=";query=Dultzin,+D">Deborah Dultzin</a>, <a href=";query=Almeida,+C+R">Cristina Ramos Almeida</a>, <a href=";query=Garc%C3%ADa-Lorenzo,+B">Bego帽a Garc铆a-Lorenzo</a>, <a href=";query=Alonso-Herrero,+A">Almudena Alonso-Herrero</a>, <a href=";query=Garc%C3%ADa-Bernete,+I">Ismael Garc铆a-Bernete</a>, <a href=";query=Masegosa,+J">Josefa Masegosa</a></div> <div class='list-comments mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Comments:</span> 23 pages, 35 figures, 2 appendixes. Accepted for publication by A&amp;A </div> <div class='list-subjects'><span class='descriptor'>Subjects:</span> <span class="primary-subject">Astrophysics of Galaxies (astro-ph.GA)</span> </div> <p class='mathjax'> Over ten mid-infrared (mid-IR) and X-ray models are currently attempting to describe the nuclear obscuring material of active galactic nuclei (AGNs), but many questions remain unresolved. This study aims to determine the physical parameters of the obscuring material in nearby AGNs and explore their relationship with nuclear activity. We selected 24 nearby Seyfert AGNs with X-ray luminosities ranging from $10^{41}$ to $10^{44}$ erg/s, using NuSTAR and Spitzer spectra. Our team fitted the spectra using a simultaneous fitting technique. Then, we compared the resulting parameters with AGN properties, such as bolometric luminosity, accretion rate, and black hole mass. Our analysis shows that dust and gas share a similar structure in most AGNs. Approximately 70% of the sample favors a combination of the X-ray UXclumpy model with the Clumpy and two-phases models at IR wavelengths. We found that linking the half-opening angle and torus angular width parameters from X-ray and mid-IR models helps constrain other parameters and break degeneracies. The study reveals that Sy1 galaxies are characterized by low covering factors, half-opening angles, and column densities but high Eddington rates. In contrast, Sy2 galaxies display higher covering factors and column densities, with a broader range of half-opening angles. We also observed that the distribution of obscuring material is closer to the nucleus in intermediate-luminosity sources, while it is more extended in more luminous AGNs. Our findings reinforce the connection between the properties of gas-dust material within 10 pc and AGN activity. Applying this methodology to a larger sample and incorporating data from facilities such as JWST and XRISM will be crucial in further refining these results. </p> </div> </dd> <dt> <a name='item17'>[17]</a> <a href ="/abs/2503.18367" title="Abstract" id="2503.18367"> arXiv:2503.18367 </a> [<a href="/pdf/2503.18367" title="Download PDF" id="pdf-2503.18367" aria-labelledby="pdf-2503.18367">pdf</a>, <a href="" title="View HTML" id="html-2503.18367" aria-labelledby="html-2503.18367" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">html</a>, <a href="/format/2503.18367" title="Other formats" id="oth-2503.18367" aria-labelledby="oth-2503.18367">other</a>] </dt> <dd> <div class='meta'> <div class='list-title mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Title:</span> Extinction Distributions in Nearby Star-resolved Galaxies. I. M31 </div> <div class='list-authors'><a href=";query=Wang,+Y">Yuxi Wang</a> (1), <a href=";query=Gao,+J">Jian Gao</a> (2, 3), <a href=";query=Ren,+Y">Yi Ren</a> (1), <a href=";query=Chen,+B">Bingqiu Chen</a> (4) ((1) Department of Astronomy, College of Physics and Electronic Engineering, Qilu Normal University, (2) Institute for Frontiers in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Beijing Normal University, (3) School of Physics and Astronomy, Beijing Normal University, (4) South-Western Institute for Astronomy Research, Yunnan University)</div> <div class='list-subjects'><span class='descriptor'>Subjects:</span> <span class="primary-subject">Astrophysics of Galaxies (astro-ph.GA)</span>; Instrumentation and Methods for Astrophysics (astro-ph.IM) </div> <p class='mathjax'> An extinction distribution of the Andromeda Galaxy (M31) is constructed with member stars as tracers by fitting multiband photometric data from UKIRT/WFCAM, PS1, and Gaia DR3. The resulting extinction distribution covers approximately 10 deg$^2$ of M31 with a resolution of approximately 50 arcsec, providing the largest coverage to date based on stellar observations. The derived average extinction, $A_V = 1.17$ mag, agrees well with previous studies. To account for foreground extinction, an extinction map of the Milky Way toward M31 with a resolution of $\sim$ 1.7 arcmin is also constructed, yielding an average extinction of $A_V \approx 0.185$ mag. The results offer a valuable tool for extinction correction in future observations, such as those from the China Space Station Telescope, and provide insights for improving dust models based on the spatial distribution of dust in galaxies like M31. </p> </div> </dd> <dt> <a name='item18'>[18]</a> <a href ="/abs/2503.18480" title="Abstract" id="2503.18480"> arXiv:2503.18480 </a> [<a href="/pdf/2503.18480" title="Download PDF" id="pdf-2503.18480" aria-labelledby="pdf-2503.18480">pdf</a>, <a href="" title="View HTML" id="html-2503.18480" aria-labelledby="html-2503.18480" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">html</a>, <a href="/format/2503.18480" title="Other formats" id="oth-2503.18480" aria-labelledby="oth-2503.18480">other</a>] </dt> <dd> <div class='meta'> <div class='list-title mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Title:</span> Low Surface Brightness structures from annotated deep CFHT images: effects of the host galaxy&#39;s properties and environment </div> <div class='list-authors'><a href=";query=Sola,+E">Elisabeth Sola</a> (1 and 2), <a href=";query=Duc,+P">Pierre-Alain Duc</a> (2), <a href=";query=Urbano,+M">Mathias Urbano</a> (2), <a href=";query=Richards,+F">Felix Richards</a> (3), <a href=";query=Paiement,+A">Adeline Paiement</a> (4), <a href=";query=B%C3%ADlek,+M">Michal B铆lek</a> (5 and 6 and 7), <a href=";query=Y%C4%B1ld%C4%B1z,+M+K">Mustafa K. Y谋ld谋z</a> (8 and 9), <a href=";query=Boselli,+A">Alessandro Boselli</a> (10), <a href=";query=C%C3%B4t%C3%A9,+P">Patrick C么t茅</a> (11), <a href=";query=Cuillandre,+J">Jean-Charles Cuillandre</a> (12), <a href=";query=Ferrarese,+L">Laura Ferrarese</a> (11), <a href=";query=Gwyn,+S">Stephen Gwyn</a> (11), <a href=";query=Marchal,+O">Olivier Marchal</a> (2), <a href=";query=McConnachie,+A+W">Alan W. McConnachie</a> (11), <a href=";query=Baumann,+M">Matthieu Baumann</a> (2), <a href=";query=Boch,+T">Thomas Boch</a> (2), <a href=";query=Durret,+F">Florence Durret</a> (13), <a href=";query=Fossati,+M">Matteo Fossati</a> (14 and 15), <a href=";query=Habas,+R">Rebecca Habas</a> (16), <a href=";query=Marleau,+F">Francine Marleau</a> (17), <a href=";query=M%C3%BCller,+O">Oliver M眉ller</a> (18), <a href=";query=Poulain,+M">M茅lina Poulain</a> (19), <a href=";query=Belokurov,+V">Vasily Belokurov</a> (1) ((1) Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge, UK, (2) Universit茅 de Strasbourg CNRS Observatoire astronomique de Strasbourg (ObAS), Strasbourg, France, (3) Department of Computer Science, Swansea University, UK, (4) Universit茅 de Toulon, Aix Marseille Univ, France, (5) Coll猫ge de France, Paris, France, (6) LERMA, Observatoire de Paris, Paris, France, (7) Department of Astrophysics, University of Vienna, Austria, (8) Astronomy and Space Sciences Department, Kayseri, T眉rkiye, (9) Erciyes University, Astronomy and Space Sciences Observatory Applied and Research Center, Kayseri, T眉rkiye, (10) Aix-Marseille Univ., CNRS CNES LAM, Marseille, France, (11) Herzberg Astronomy and Astrophysics Research Centre, National Research Council of Canada, Victoria, Canada, (12) Universit茅 Paris-Saclay, Universit茅 Paris Cit茅, CEA CNRS AIM, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, (13) Sorbonne Universit茅, CNRS UMR 7095 Institut d Astrophysique de Paris, Paris, France, (14) Dipartimento di Fisica G. Occhialini, Universit脿 degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Milano, Italy, (15) INAF, Osservatorio Astronomico di Brera, Milano, Italy, (16) INAF, Astronomical Observatory of Abruzzo, Teramo, Italy, (17) Universit盲t Innsbruck, Institut f眉r Astro und Teilchenphysik, Innsbruck, Austria, (18) Institute of Physics, Laboratory of Astrophysics Ecole Polytechnique F茅d茅rale de Lausanne (EPFL), Sauverny, Switzerland, (19) Space Physics and Astronomy Research Unit, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland)</div> <div class='list-subjects'><span class='descriptor'>Subjects:</span> <span class="primary-subject">Astrophysics of Galaxies (astro-ph.GA)</span> </div> <p class='mathjax'> Hierarchical galactic evolution models predict that mergers drive galaxy growth, producing low surface brightness (LSB) tidal features that trace galaxies&#39; late assembly. These faint structures encode information about past mergers and are sensitive to the properties and environment of the host galaxy. We investigated the relationships between LSB features and their hosts in a sample of 475 nearby massive galaxies spanning diverse environments (field, groups, Virgo cluster) using deep optical imaging from the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (MATLAS, UNIONS/CFIS, VESTIGE, NGVS). Using Jafar, an online annotation tool, we manually annotated tidal features and extended stellar haloes, including 199 tidal tails and 100 streams. Geometric and photometric measurements were extracted to analyse their dependence on galaxy mass, environment, and internal kinematics. At our surface brightness limit of 29 mag$\,$arcsec$^{-2}$, tidal features and stellar haloes contribute 2% and 10% of total galaxy luminosity, respectively. Tidal features are detected in 36% of galaxies, with none fainter than 27.8 mag$\,$arcsec$^{-2}$. The most massive galaxies are twice as likely to host tidal debris, and for early-type galaxies their halos are twice as luminous as those in lower-mass systems, a trend not observed in late-type galaxies. Although small-scale interactions increase the frequency of tidal features, the large-scale environment does not influence it. An anticorrelation between this frequency and rotational support is found, but may reflect the mass-driven effect. We release our database of annotated features for deep learning applications. Our findings confirm that galaxy mass is the dominant factor influencing tidal feature prevalence, consistent with hierarchical formation models. </p> </div> </dd> <dt> <a name='item19'>[19]</a> <a href ="/abs/2503.18791" title="Abstract" id="2503.18791"> arXiv:2503.18791 </a> [<a href="/pdf/2503.18791" title="Download PDF" id="pdf-2503.18791" aria-labelledby="pdf-2503.18791">pdf</a>, <a href="" title="View HTML" id="html-2503.18791" aria-labelledby="html-2503.18791" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">html</a>, <a href="/format/2503.18791" title="Other formats" id="oth-2503.18791" aria-labelledby="oth-2503.18791">other</a>] </dt> <dd> <div class='meta'> <div class='list-title mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Title:</span> The PHANGS-HST-Halpha Survey: Warm Ionized Gas Physics at High Angular resolution in Nearby GalaxieS with the Hubble Space Telescope </div> <div class='list-authors'><a href=";query=Chandar,+R">Rupali Chandar</a>, <a href=";query=Barnes,+A+T">Ashley T. Barnes</a>, <a href=";query=Thilker,+D+A">David A. Thilker</a>, <a href=";query=Caputo,+M">Miranda Caputo</a>, <a href=";query=Floyd,+M+R">Matthew R. Floyd</a>, <a href=";query=Leroy,+A+K">Adam K. Leroy</a>, <a href=";query=Ubeda,+L">Leonardo Ubeda</a>, <a href=";query=Lee,+J+C">Janice C. Lee</a>, <a href=";query=Boquien,+M">M茅d茅ric Boquien</a>, <a href=";query=Maschmann,+D">Daniel Maschmann</a>, <a href=";query=Belfiore,+F">Francesco Belfiore</a>, <a href=";query=Kreckel,+K">Kathryn Kreckel</a>, <a href=";query=Glover,+S+C+O">Simon C. O. Glover</a>, <a href=";query=Klessen,+R+S">Ralf S. Klessen</a>, <a href=";query=Groves,+B">Brent Groves</a>, <a href=";query=Dale,+D+A">Daniel A. Dale</a>, <a href=";query=Schinnerer,+E">Eva Schinnerer</a>, <a href=";query=Emsellem,+E">Eric Emsellem</a>, <a href=";query=Rosolowsky,+E">Erik Rosolowsky</a>, <a href=";query=Bigiel,+F">Frank Bigiel</a>, <a href=";query=Blanc,+G">Guillermo Blanc</a>, <a href=";query=Chevance,+M">Melanie Chevance</a>, <a href=";query=Congiu,+E">Enrico Congiu</a>, <a href=";query=Egorov,+O+V">Oleg V. Egorov</a>, <a href=";query=Faesi,+C">Chris Faesi</a>, <a href=";query=Grasha,+K">Kathryn Grasha</a>, <a href=";query=Larson,+K+L">Kirsten L. Larson</a>, <a href=";query=Lopez,+L+A">Laura A. Lopez</a>, <a href=";query=Mok,+A">Angus Mok</a>, <a href=";query=Newmann,+J">Justus Newmann</a>, <a href=";query=Ostriker,+E">Eve Ostriker</a>, <a href=";query=Razza,+A">Alessandro Razza</a>, <a href=";query=S&#39;anchez-Bl&#39;azquez,+P">Patricia S&#39;anchez-Bl&#39;azquez</a>, <a href=";query=Santoro,+F">Franesco Santoro</a>, <a href=";query=Sun,+K">Kiayi Sun</a>, <a href=";query=Usero,+A">Antonio Usero</a>, <a href=";query=Watkins,+E">Elizabeth Watkins</a>, <a href=";query=Whitmore,+B+C">Bradley C. Whitmore</a>, <a href=";query=Williams,+T+G">Thomas G. Williams</a></div> <div class='list-comments mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Comments:</span> published in the Astronomical Journal </div> <div class='list-journal-ref'><span class='descriptor'>Journal-ref:</span> 2025 AJ, 169, 150 </div> <div class='list-subjects'><span class='descriptor'>Subjects:</span> <span class="primary-subject">Astrophysics of Galaxies (astro-ph.GA)</span> </div> <p class='mathjax'> The PHANGS project is assembling a comprehensive, multi-wavelength dataset of nearby (~5-20 Mpc), massive star-forming galaxies to enable multi-phase, multi-scale investigations into the processes that drive star formation and galaxy evolution. To date, large survey programs have provided molecular gas (CO) cubes with ALMA, optical IFU spectroscopy with VLT/MUSE, high-resolution NUV--optical imaging in five broad-band filters with HST, and infrared imaging in NIRCAM+MIRI filters with JWST. Here, we present PHANGS-HST-Halpha, which has obtained high-resolution (~2-10 pc), narrow-band imaging in the F658N or F657N filters with the HST/WFC3 camera of the warm ionized gas in the first 19 nearby galaxies observed in common by all four of the PHANGS large programs. We summarize our data reduction process, with a detailed discussion of the production of flux-calibrated, Milky Way extinction corrected, continuum-subtracted Halpha maps. PHANGS-MUSE IFU spectroscopy data are used to background subtract the HST-Halpha maps, and to determine the [NII] correction factors for each galaxy. We describe our public data products and highlight a few key science cases enabled by the PHANGS-HST-Halpha observations. </p> </div> </dd> <dt> <a name='item20'>[20]</a> <a href ="/abs/2503.18850" title="Abstract" id="2503.18850"> arXiv:2503.18850 </a> [<a href="/pdf/2503.18850" title="Download PDF" id="pdf-2503.18850" aria-labelledby="pdf-2503.18850">pdf</a>, <a href="" title="View HTML" id="html-2503.18850" aria-labelledby="html-2503.18850" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">html</a>, <a href="/format/2503.18850" title="Other formats" id="oth-2503.18850" aria-labelledby="oth-2503.18850">other</a>] </dt> <dd> <div class='meta'> <div class='list-title mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Title:</span> Beyond the first galaxies primordial black holes shine </div> <div class='list-authors'><a href=";query=Matteri,+A">Antonio Matteri</a>, <a href=";query=Ferrara,+A">Andrea Ferrara</a>, <a href=";query=Pallottini,+A">Andrea Pallottini</a></div> <div class='list-comments mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Comments:</span> 5 pages, 2 figures, 1 table, submitted to A&amp;A. Comments welcome </div> <div class='list-subjects'><span class='descriptor'>Subjects:</span> <span class="primary-subject">Astrophysics of Galaxies (astro-ph.GA)</span>; Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics (astro-ph.CO) </div> <p class='mathjax'> The presence of nine candidate galaxies at $z=17$ and $z=25$ discovered by the \textit{James Webb Space Telescope} in relatively small sky areas, if confirmed, is virtually impossible to reconcile with current galaxy formation model predictions. We show here that the implied UV luminosity density can be produced by a population of primordial black holes (PBH) of mass $M_{\rm PBH} = 10^{4-5} \, M_{\odot}$ residing in low-mass halos ($M_h \approx 10^{7} \, M_{\odot}$), and accreting at a moderate fraction of the Eddington luminosity, $\lambda_E \simeq 0.36$. These sources precede the first significant episodes of cosmic star formation. At later times, as star formation is ignited, PBH emission becomes comparable or subdominant with respect to the galactic one. Such a PBH+galaxy scenario reconciles the evolution of the UV LF from $z=25$ to $z=11$. If ultra-early sources are purely powered by accretion, this strongly disfavours seed production mechanisms requiring the presence of stars (massive/Pop III stars or clusters) or their UV radiation (direct collapse BHs), leaving PBH as the only alternative solution available so far. Alternative explanations, such as isolated, large clusters ($\approx 10^7 \, M_{\odot}$) of massive ($m_\star =10^3 M_{\odot}$) of Pop III are marginally viable, but require extreme and unlikely conditions, that can be probed via UV/FIR emission lines or gravitational waves. </p> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl id='articles'> <h3>Cross submissions (showing 7 of 7 entries)</h3> <dt> <a name='item21'>[21]</a> <a href ="/abs/2503.17894" title="Abstract" id="2503.17894"> arXiv:2503.17894 </a> (cross-list from astro-ph.SR) [<a href="/pdf/2503.17894" title="Download PDF" id="pdf-2503.17894" aria-labelledby="pdf-2503.17894">pdf</a>, <a href="" title="View HTML" id="html-2503.17894" aria-labelledby="html-2503.17894" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">html</a>, <a href="/format/2503.17894" title="Other formats" id="oth-2503.17894" aria-labelledby="oth-2503.17894">other</a>] </dt> <dd> <div class='meta'> <div class='list-title mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Title:</span> Generative AI for Validating Physics Laws </div> <div class='list-authors'><a href=";query=Nareklishvili,+M">Maria Nareklishvili</a>, <a href=";query=Polson,+N">Nicholas Polson</a>, <a href=";query=Sokolov,+V">Vadim Sokolov</a></div> <div class='list-subjects'><span class='descriptor'>Subjects:</span> <span class="primary-subject">Solar and Stellar Astrophysics (astro-ph.SR)</span>; Astrophysics of Galaxies (astro-ph.GA); Artificial Intelligence (cs.AI) </div> <p class='mathjax'> We present generative artificial intelligence (AI) to empirically validate fundamental laws of physics, focusing on the Stefan-Boltzmann law linking stellar temperature and luminosity. Our approach simulates counterfactual luminosities under hypothetical temperature regimes for each individual star and iteratively refines the temperature-luminosity relationship in a deep learning architecture. We use Gaia DR3 data and find that, on average, temperature&#39;s effect on luminosity increases with stellar radius and decreases with absolute magnitude, consistent with theoretical predictions. By framing physics laws as causal problems, our method offers a novel, data-driven approach to refine theoretical understanding and inform evidence-based policy and practice. </p> </div> </dd> <dt> <a name='item22'>[22]</a> <a href ="/abs/2503.18233" title="Abstract" id="2503.18233"> arXiv:2503.18233 </a> (cross-list from astro-ph.SR) [<a href="/pdf/2503.18233" title="Download PDF" id="pdf-2503.18233" aria-labelledby="pdf-2503.18233">pdf</a>, <a href="" title="View HTML" id="html-2503.18233" aria-labelledby="html-2503.18233" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">html</a>, <a href="/format/2503.18233" title="Other formats" id="oth-2503.18233" aria-labelledby="oth-2503.18233">other</a>] </dt> <dd> <div class='meta'> <div class='list-title mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Title:</span> Deciphering the Origins of the Elements Through Galactic Archeology </div> <div class='list-authors'><a href=";query=Farouqi,+K">Khalil Farouqi</a>, <a href=";query=Frebel,+A">Anna Frebel</a>, <a href=";query=Thielemann,+F">Friedrich-Karl Thielemann</a></div> <div class='list-comments mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Comments:</span> 39 pages, 13 figures, review paper for the Topical Collection to Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics, submitted to EPJA </div> <div class='list-subjects'><span class='descriptor'>Subjects:</span> <span class="primary-subject">Solar and Stellar Astrophysics (astro-ph.SR)</span>; Astrophysics of Galaxies (astro-ph.GA) </div> <p class='mathjax'> Low-metallicity stars preserve the signatures of the first stellar nucleosynthesis events in the Galaxy, as their surface abundances reflect the composition of the interstellar medium from which they were born. Aside from primordial Big Bang nucleosynthesis, massive stars, due to their short lifetimes, dominate the ejecta into the interstellar medium of the early Galaxy. Most of them will end as core-collapse supernova (CCSN) explosions, and typical ejected abundance distributions, e.g. in terms of the alpha-element-to-Fe ratios, reflect these contributions. Essentially all CCSNe contribute 56Fe. Therefore, low-metallicity stars can be used to test whether the abundances of any other elements are correlated with those of Fe, i.e. whether these elements have been co-produced in the progenitor sources or if they require either a different or additional astrophysical origin(s). The present analysis focuses on stars with [Fe/H]&lt;-2, as they probe the earliest formation phase of the Galaxy when only one or very few nucleosynthesis events had contributed their ejecta to the gas from which the lowest metallicity stars form. This was also the era before low and intermediate mass stars (or type Ia supernovae) could contribute any additional heavy elements. Following earlier works into the origin of heavy r-process elements [1], we extend the present study to examine Pearson and Spearman correlations of Fe with Li, Be, C, N, Na, Mg, Si, S, Ca, Ti, Cr, Ni, Zn, Ge, Se, Sr, Zr, Ba, Ce, Sm, Eu, Yb, Lu, Hf, Os, Ir, Pb, Th, and U, using high-resolution stellar abundance data from the SAGA [2] and JINA [3] databases. The main goal is to identify which of the observed elements (i) may have been co-produced with Fe in (possibly a variety of) CCSNe, and which elements require (ii) either a completely different, or (iii) at least an additional astrophysical origin. </p> </div> </dd> <dt> <a name='item23'>[23]</a> <a href ="/abs/2503.18318" title="Abstract" id="2503.18318"> arXiv:2503.18318 </a> (cross-list from astro-ph.SR) [<a href="/pdf/2503.18318" title="Download PDF" id="pdf-2503.18318" aria-labelledby="pdf-2503.18318">pdf</a>, <a href="" title="View HTML" id="html-2503.18318" aria-labelledby="html-2503.18318" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">html</a>, <a href="/format/2503.18318" title="Other formats" id="oth-2503.18318" aria-labelledby="oth-2503.18318">other</a>] </dt> <dd> <div class='meta'> <div class='list-title mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Title:</span> LAMOST YSOs. I. Spectroscopically identifying and characterizing M-type young stellar objects </div> <div class='list-authors'><a href=";query=Fang,+X">Xiang-Song Fang</a>, <a href=";query=Shi,+J">Jian-Rong Shi</a>, <a href=";query=Ding,+M">Ming-Yi Ding</a>, <a href=";query=Cao,+Z">Zi-Huang Cao</a></div> <div class='list-comments mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Comments:</span> Accepted for publication in ApJ. 31 pages, 23 figures </div> <div class='list-subjects'><span class='descriptor'>Subjects:</span> <span class="primary-subject">Solar and Stellar Astrophysics (astro-ph.SR)</span>; Astrophysics of Galaxies (astro-ph.GA) </div> <p class='mathjax'> This study utilized LAMOST low-resolution spectra to identify M-type YSOs and characterize their accretion signatures. We measured characteristic features, including hydrogen Balmer, Li {\sc i}, He~{\sc i}, Na {\sc i}, and Ca {\sc ii} lines, as well as molecular absorption bands such as CaH. These features were evaluated for their potential to distinguish between different classes of M-type stars. In addition to the commonly used H$\alpha$ emission and {Li \sc i} $\lambda6708$~脜~absorption, other features such as He~{\sc i}, Na {\sc i}, Ca~{\sc ii} HK and IRT lines, and CN, CaH, and VO bands also show potential for identifying YSOs from M-type dwarfs and giants. Based on key red-band features, we identified over 8,500 M-type YSO candidates from the LAMOST DR8 archive using the random forest technique, with over 2,300 of them likely being classical T Tauri stars (CTTSs). By incorporating $Gaia$ astrometry, 2MASS photometry, and extinction from 3D dust maps, we estimated the basic properties (such as age and mass) of the YSO candidates based on {\sc parsec} models. We also estimated the mass accretion rates of the CTTS candidates using H$\alpha$ emission. The derived accretion rates show a dependence on age and mass similar to that described in previous studies. Significant scatter in mass accretion rates exists even among stars with similar age and mass, which may be partly attributed to variations in $\rm H\alpha$ emission and the veiling. </p> </div> </dd> <dt> <a name='item24'>[24]</a> <a href ="/abs/2503.18333" title="Abstract" id="2503.18333"> arXiv:2503.18333 </a> (cross-list from astro-ph.CO) [<a href="/pdf/2503.18333" title="Download PDF" id="pdf-2503.18333" aria-labelledby="pdf-2503.18333">pdf</a>, <a href="" title="View HTML" id="html-2503.18333" aria-labelledby="html-2503.18333" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">html</a>, <a href="/format/2503.18333" title="Other formats" id="oth-2503.18333" aria-labelledby="oth-2503.18333">other</a>] </dt> <dd> <div class='meta'> <div class='list-title mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Title:</span> Environmental Effects on Hubble Constant Measurements from Gravitational Wave Observations: A Case Study of the GW190514-GW190521 Hierarchical Triple Merger inside AGN J124942.3+344929 </div> <div class='list-authors'><a href=";query=Li,+G">Guo-Peng Li</a>, <a href=";query=Fan,+X">Xi-Long Fan</a></div> <div class='list-comments mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Comments:</span> Comments are welcome </div> <div class='list-subjects'><span class='descriptor'>Subjects:</span> <span class="primary-subject">Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics (astro-ph.CO)</span>; Astrophysics of Galaxies (astro-ph.GA); High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena (astro-ph.HE); Solar and Stellar Astrophysics (astro-ph.SR); General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology (gr-qc) </div> <p class='mathjax'> We study the impact of environmental effects on the measurement of the Hubble constant ($H_0$) from gravitational wave (GW) observations of binary black hole mergers residing in active galactic nuclei (AGNs) near the central supermassive black hole. Using the potential hierarchical triple merger candidate GW190514-GW190521 in AGN J124942.3+344929 with its electromagnetic counterpart ZTF19abanrhr as a multimessenger case study, we demonstrate that environmental effects can be negligible for mergers at approximately tens to hundreds of Schwarzschild radii from the supermassive black hole. We find $H_0=40.9_{-8.9}^{+19.3}\,{\rm km\,s^{-1}\,Mpc^{-1}}$ (median and 68\% credible interval) under a flat prior and flat $\Lambda$CDM cosmology. Incorporating GW170817 prior information improves constraints to $H_0=68.8_{-6.0}^{+7.7}\,{\rm km\,s^{-1}\,Mpc^{-1}}$. We suggest that in general, AGN environments could serve as viable laboratories for cosmological studies from GW observations where environmental effects remain below detection thresholds. </p> </div> </dd> <dt> <a name='item25'>[25]</a> <a href ="/abs/2503.18510" title="Abstract" id="2503.18510"> arXiv:2503.18510 </a> (cross-list from astro-ph.SR) [<a href="/pdf/2503.18510" title="Download PDF" id="pdf-2503.18510" aria-labelledby="pdf-2503.18510">pdf</a>, <a href="" title="View HTML" id="html-2503.18510" aria-labelledby="html-2503.18510" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">html</a>, <a href="/format/2503.18510" title="Other formats" id="oth-2503.18510" aria-labelledby="oth-2503.18510">other</a>] </dt> <dd> <div class='meta'> <div class='list-title mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Title:</span> Brown dwarf number density in the JWST COSMOS-Web field </div> <div class='list-authors'><a href=";query=Chen,+A+Y">Amos Y.-A. Chen</a>, <a href=";query=Goto,+T">Tomotsugu Goto</a>, <a href=";query=Wu,+C+K">Cossas K.-W. Wu</a>, <a href=";query=Ling,+C">Chih-Teng Ling</a>, <a href=";query=Kim,+S+J">Seong Jin Kim</a>, <a href=";query=Ho,+S+C">Simon C.-C. Ho</a>, <a href=";query=Kilerci,+E">Ece Kilerci</a>, <a href=";query=Uno,+Y">Yuri Uno</a>, <a href=";query=Phan,+T+L">Terry Long Phan</a>, <a href=";query=Lin,+Y">Yu-Wei Lin</a>, <a href=";query=Yang,+T">Tsung-Ching Yang</a>, <a href=";query=Hashimoto,+T">Tetsuya Hashimoto</a></div> <div class='list-comments mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Comments:</span> 16 pages, 8 figures, 5 tables. Accepted for publication in Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia </div> <div class='list-subjects'><span class='descriptor'>Subjects:</span> <span class="primary-subject">Solar and Stellar Astrophysics (astro-ph.SR)</span>; Earth and Planetary Astrophysics (astro-ph.EP); Astrophysics of Galaxies (astro-ph.GA) </div> <p class='mathjax'> Brown dwarfs are failed stars with very low mass (13 to 75 $M_J$), and an effective temperature lower than 2500 K. Thus, they play a key role in understanding the gap in the mass function between stars and planets. However, due to their faint nature, previous searches are inevitably limited to the solar neighbourhood (20 pc). To improve our knowledge of the low mass part of the initial stellar mass function and the star formation history of the Milky Way, it is crucial to find more distant brown dwarfs. Using James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) COSMOS-Web data, this study seeks to enhance our comprehension of the physical characteristics of brown dwarfs situated at a distance of kpc scale. The exceptional sensitivity of the JWST enables the detection of brown dwarfs that are up to 100 times more distant than those discovered in the earlier all-sky infrared surveys. The large area coverage of the JWST COSMOS-Web survey allows us to find more distant brown dwarfs than earlier JWST studies with smaller area coverages. To capture prominent water absorption features around 2.7 $\mu$m, we apply two colour criteria, F115W-F277W+1&lt;F277W-F444W and F277W-F444W&gt;0.9. We then select point sources by CLASS_STAR, FLUX_RADIUS, and SPREAD_MODEL criteria. Faint sources are visually checked to exclude possibly extended sources. We conduct SED fitting and MCMC simulations to determine their physical properties and associated uncertainties. Our search reveals 25 T-dwarf and 2 Y-dwarf candidates, more than any previous JWST brown dwarf searches. They are located from 0.3 kpc to 4 kpc away from the Earth. The cumulative number count of our brown dwarf candidates is consistent with the prediction from a standard double exponential model. Three of our brown dwarf candidates were detected by HST, with transverse velocities $12\pm5$ km s$^{-1}$, $12\pm4$ km s$^{-1}$, and $17\pm6$ km s$^{-1}$. </p> </div> </dd> <dt> <a name='item26'>[26]</a> <a href ="/abs/2503.18621" title="Abstract" id="2503.18621"> arXiv:2503.18621 </a> (cross-list from astro-ph.HE) [<a href="/pdf/2503.18621" title="Download PDF" id="pdf-2503.18621" aria-labelledby="pdf-2503.18621">pdf</a>, <a href="" title="View HTML" id="html-2503.18621" aria-labelledby="html-2503.18621" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">html</a>, <a href="/format/2503.18621" title="Other formats" id="oth-2503.18621" aria-labelledby="oth-2503.18621">other</a>] </dt> <dd> <div class='meta'> <div class='list-title mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Title:</span> Multifrequency simultaneous VLBA view of the radio source 3C 111 </div> <div class='list-authors'><a href=";query=Bartolini,+V">V. Bartolini</a>, <a href=";query=Dallacasa,+D">D. Dallacasa</a>, <a href=";query=G%C3%B3mez,+J">J.L. G贸mez</a>, <a href=";query=Giroletti,+M">M. Giroletti</a>, <a href=";query=Lico,+R">R. Lico</a>, <a href=";query=Livingston,+J">J.D. Livingston</a></div> <div class='list-subjects'><span class='descriptor'>Subjects:</span> <span class="primary-subject">High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena (astro-ph.HE)</span>; Astrophysics of Galaxies (astro-ph.GA) </div> <p class='mathjax'> Relativistic jets originating at the center of AGN are embedded in extreme environments with strong magnetic fields and high particle densities, which makes them a fundamental tool for studying the physics of magnetized plasmas. We aim to investigate the magnetic field structure and the pc/sub-pc properties of the relativistic jet in the radio galaxy 3C111. Rotation Measure (RM) studies of nearby radio galaxies, such as this one, provide a valuable tool to investigate transversal magnetic field properties of the synchrotron emission. We model the brightness distribution of the source with multiple 2D Gaussian components to characterize individual emission features. After determining the core shift, we compute the spectral index maps for all the frequency pairs and find different distributions for the core region and the jet with an unusual optically thick/flat feature at 1-2 pc from the core. Using modelfit, we find a total of 56 components at different frequencies. By putting constraints on the size and position, we identify 22 components at different frequencies for which we compute the equipartition magnetic field. We compute the RM at two different triplets of frequencies. At 15.2-21.9-43.8 GHz, we discover high values of RM in the same region where the optically thick/flat feature was found. This can be associated with high electron density at 1-2 pc from the core that we interpreted as originating in a cloud of the clumpy torus. At 5-8.4-15.2 GHz, we find a distribution of the EVPAs and significant RM transverse gradient that provide strong evidence of a helical configuration of the magnetic field, as found in simulations. </p> </div> </dd> <dt> <a name='item27'>[27]</a> <a href ="/abs/2503.18838" title="Abstract" id="2503.18838"> arXiv:2503.18838 </a> (cross-list from astro-ph.SR) [<a href="/pdf/2503.18838" title="Download PDF" id="pdf-2503.18838" aria-labelledby="pdf-2503.18838">pdf</a>, <a href="" title="View HTML" id="html-2503.18838" aria-labelledby="html-2503.18838" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">html</a>, <a href="/format/2503.18838" title="Other formats" id="oth-2503.18838" aria-labelledby="oth-2503.18838">other</a>] </dt> <dd> <div class='meta'> <div class='list-title mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Title:</span> A benchmark companion at the hydrogen-burning limit imaged in the core cluster of the Fornax-Horologium association </div> <div class='list-authors'><a href=";query=Liu,+P">Pengyu Liu</a>, <a href=";query=Biller,+B+A">Beth A. Biller</a>, <a href=";query=Kenworthy,+M+A">Matthew A. Kenworthy</a>, <a href=";query=Fontanive,+C">Cl茅mence Fontanive</a>, <a href=";query=Kerr,+R+M+P">Ronan M. P. Kerr</a>, <a href=";query=Stolker,+T">Tomas Stolker</a>, <a href=";query=Ginski,+C">Christian Ginski</a></div> <div class='list-comments mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Comments:</span> Letter to the Editor, accepted for publication in A&amp;A, 5 pages </div> <div class='list-subjects'><span class='descriptor'>Subjects:</span> <span class="primary-subject">Solar and Stellar Astrophysics (astro-ph.SR)</span>; Earth and Planetary Astrophysics (astro-ph.EP); Astrophysics of Galaxies (astro-ph.GA) </div> <p class='mathjax'> Low-mass stellar and substellar companions are indispensable objects for verifying evolutionary models that transition from low-mass stars to planets. Their formation is likely also affected by the surrounding stellar environment. The Fornax-Horologium (FH) association is a recently classified young association in the solar neighbourhood with a dissolving open cluster in its centre. It has not been searched widely for substellar companions and exoplanets with direct imaging. We search for companions of stars in the FH and investigate the formation and evolution of companions during the expansion and dissolution of a star cluster. We conduct a direct-imaging survey of 49 stars in FH with VLT/SPHERE. We present HD 24121B, a companion at the hydrogen-burning limit that orbits star HD 24121 in the core cluster of the FH. The companion is located at a projected angular separation of 2.082 $\pm$ 0.004 arcsec from the central star and has contrasts of $\Delta$H2 = 5.07 $\pm$ 0.05 mag and $\Delta$H3= 4.98 $\pm$ 0.05 mag. We estimate a photometric mass of 74.9 $\pm$ 7.5 $M_J$ for HD 24121B, which places it at the boundary of brown dwarfs and low-mass stars. It is a new benchmark object for evolutionary models at the hydrogen-burning boundary, especially at the age of 30 - 40 Myr. Orbital fitting with joint Gaia and SPHERE relative astrometry found a high eccentricity for HD 24121B. This suggests that it may have undergone dynamic scattering. Future chemical composition measurements such as high-resolution spectroscopic observations will provide more clues on its formation history. </p> </div> </dd> </dl> <dl id='articles'> <h3>Replacement submissions (showing 13 of 13 entries)</h3> <dt> <a name='item28'>[28]</a> <a href ="/abs/2209.07234" title="Abstract" id="2209.07234"> arXiv:2209.07234 </a> (replaced) [<a href="/pdf/2209.07234" title="Download PDF" id="pdf-2209.07234" aria-labelledby="pdf-2209.07234">pdf</a>, <a href="" title="View HTML" id="html-2209.07234" aria-labelledby="html-2209.07234" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">html</a>, <a href="/format/2209.07234" title="Other formats" id="oth-2209.07234" aria-labelledby="oth-2209.07234">other</a>] </dt> <dd> <div class='meta'> <div class='list-title mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Title:</span> Hermeian haloes: extreme objects with two interactions in the past </div> <div class='list-authors'><a href=";query=Osipova,+A">Anastasiia Osipova</a>, <a href=";query=Pilipenko,+S">Sergey Pilipenko</a>, <a href=";query=Gottl%C3%B6ber,+S">Stefan Gottl枚ber</a>, <a href=";query=Libeskind,+N+I">Noam I. Libeskind</a>, <a href=";query=Newton,+O">Oliver Newton</a>, <a href=";query=Sorce,+J+G">Jenny G. Sorce</a>, <a href=";query=Yepes,+G">Gustavo Yepes</a></div> <div class='list-comments mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Comments:</span> 48 pages, 14 figures, published in Physics of the dark Universe </div> <div class='list-journal-ref'><span class='descriptor'>Journal-ref:</span> Physics of the Dark Universe 42 (2023) 101328 </div> <div class='list-subjects'><span class='descriptor'>Subjects:</span> <span class="primary-subject">Astrophysics of Galaxies (astro-ph.GA)</span>; Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics (astro-ph.CO) </div> <p class='mathjax'> Recent studies based on numerical models of the Local Group predict the existence of field haloes and galaxies that have visited both the Milky Way and M31 in the past, called Hermeian haloes. We extend this analysis beyond the Local Group using two high-resolution dark matter-only N-body simulations from the MultiDark suite. We define Hermeian haloes as field haloes which had close interactions with two other more massive field haloes in the past, called targets. We find that Hermeian haloes are a more extreme example of field haloes with interactions in the past than the well-known backsplash haloes that experienced only one interaction. Compared to backsplashers, Hermeians have more concentrated density profiles and tend to occupy more overdense regions. They also have higher velocities relative to their target haloes and relative to their neighbours within 1~$h^{-1}\; \mathrm{Mpc}$. Hermeian haloes can be found around every halo in the simulation (if the resolution is sufficient) and make up 0.4 to 2.3 per cent of the total number of field haloes (for haloes more massive than $10^{10}\; h^{-1}\;\mathrm{M_{\odot}}$ and $3.3 \times 10^{7}\; h^{-1}\;\mathrm{M_{\odot}}$, respectively), increasing to 10 per cent in overdense regions. They tend to be distributed close to the line connecting their targets, which may help to identify Hermeian haloes in observations. We also identify Local Group analogues in the simulation and find that about one-third (15 out of 49) of them contain Hermeian haloes if the distance between the two main haloes is below 1~$h^{-1} \;\mathrm{Mpc}$. </p> </div> </dd> <dt> <a name='item29'>[29]</a> <a href ="/abs/2309.07834" title="Abstract" id="2309.07834"> arXiv:2309.07834 </a> (replaced) [<a href="/pdf/2309.07834" title="Download PDF" id="pdf-2309.07834" aria-labelledby="pdf-2309.07834">pdf</a>, <a href="/format/2309.07834" title="Other formats" id="oth-2309.07834" aria-labelledby="oth-2309.07834">other</a>] </dt> <dd> <div class='meta'> <div class='list-title mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Title:</span> DUALZ: Deep UNCOVER-ALMA Legacy High-Z Survey </div> <div class='list-authors'><a href=";query=Fujimoto,+S">Seiji Fujimoto</a>, <a href=";query=Bezanson,+R">Rachel Bezanson</a>, <a href=";query=Labbe,+I">Ivo Labbe</a>, <a href=";query=Brammer,+G">Gabriel Brammer</a>, <a href=";query=Price,+S+H">Sedona H. Price</a>, <a href=";query=Wang,+B">Bingjie Wang</a>, <a href=";query=Weaver,+J+R">John R. Weaver</a>, <a href=";query=Fudamoto,+Y">Yoshinobu Fudamoto</a>, <a href=";query=Oesch,+P+A">Pascal A. Oesch</a>, <a href=";query=Williams,+C+C">Christina C. Williams</a>, <a href=";query=Dayal,+P">Pratika Dayal</a>, <a href=";query=Feldmann,+R">Robert Feldmann</a>, <a href=";query=Greene,+J+E">Jenny E. Greene</a>, <a href=";query=Leja,+J">Joel Leja</a>, <a href=";query=Whitaker,+K+E">Katherine E. Whitaker</a>, <a href=";query=Zitrin,+A">Adi Zitrin</a>, <a href=";query=Cutler,+S+E">Sam E. Cutler</a>, <a href=";query=Furtak,+L+J">Lukas J. Furtak</a>, <a href=";query=Pan,+R">Richard Pan</a>, <a href=";query=Chemerynska,+I">Iryna Chemerynska</a>, <a href=";query=Kokorev,+V">Vasily Kokorev</a>, <a href=";query=Miller,+T+B">Tim B. Miller</a>, <a href=";query=Atek,+H">Hakim Atek</a>, <a href=";query=van+Dokkum,+P">Pieter van Dokkum</a>, <a href=";query=Juneau,+S">Stephanie Juneau</a>, <a href=";query=Kassin,+S">Susan Kassin</a>, <a href=";query=Khullar,+G">Gourav Khullar</a>, <a href=";query=Marchesini,+D">Danilo Marchesini</a>, <a href=";query=Maseda,+M">Michael Maseda</a>, <a href=";query=Nelson,+E+J">Erica J. Nelson</a>, <a href=";query=Setton,+D+J">David J. Setton</a>, <a href=";query=Smit,+R">Renske Smit</a></div> <div class='list-comments mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Comments:</span> 36 pages, 17 figures, and 5 tables. ApJS in press. The ALMA products are fully available from here: <a href="" rel="external noopener nofollow" class="link-external link-https">this https URL</a> </div> <div class='list-subjects'><span class='descriptor'>Subjects:</span> <span class="primary-subject">Astrophysics of Galaxies (astro-ph.GA)</span>; Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics (astro-ph.CO) </div> <p class='mathjax'> We present the survey design and initial results of the ALMA Cycle 9 program of DUALZ, which aims to establish a joint ALMA and JWST public legacy field targeting the massive galaxy cluster Abell 2744. DUALZ features a contiguous $4&#39;\times6&#39;$ ALMA 30-GHz-wide mosaic in Band 6, covering areas of $\mu&gt;2$ down to a sensitivity of $\sigma=32.7~\mu$Jy. Through a blind search, we identified 69 dust continuum sources at S/N $\gtrsim5.0$ with median redshift and intrinsic 1.2-mm flux of $z=2.30$ and $S_{\rm 1.2mm}^{\rm int}=0.24$~mJy. Of these, 27 have been spectroscopically confirmed, leveraged by the latest NIRSpec observations, while photometric redshift estimates are constrained by the comprehensive HST, NIRCam, and ALMA data for the remaining sources. With priors, we further identify a [CII]158 $\mu$m line emitter at $z=6.3254\pm0.0004$, confirmed by the latest NIRSpec spectroscopy. The NIRCam counterparts of the 1.2-mm continuum exhibit undisturbed morphologies, denoted either by disk or spheroid, implying the triggers for the faint mm emission are less catastrophic than mergers. We have identified 8 HST-dark galaxies (F150W$&gt;$27mag, F150W$-$F444W$&gt;$2.3) and 2 JWST-dark (F444W$&gt;$30mag) galaxy candidates among the ALMA continuum sources. The former includes face-on disk galaxies, hinting that substantial dust obscuration does not always result from inclination. We also detect a marginal dust emission from an X-ray-detected galaxy at $z_{\rm spec}=10.07$, suggesting an active co-evolution of the central black hole and its host. We assess the infrared luminosity function up to $z\sim10$ and find it consistent with predictions from galaxy formation models. To foster diverse scientific outcomes from the community, we publicly release reduced ALMA mosaic maps, cubes, and the source catalog. </p> </div> </dd> <dt> <a name='item30'>[30]</a> <a href ="/abs/2409.05948" title="Abstract" id="2409.05948"> arXiv:2409.05948 </a> (replaced) [<a href="/pdf/2409.05948" title="Download PDF" id="pdf-2409.05948" aria-labelledby="pdf-2409.05948">pdf</a>, <a href="" title="View HTML" id="html-2409.05948" aria-labelledby="html-2409.05948" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">html</a>, <a href="/format/2409.05948" title="Other formats" id="oth-2409.05948" aria-labelledby="oth-2409.05948">other</a>] </dt> <dd> <div class='meta'> <div class='list-title mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Title:</span> RUBIES: a complete census of the bright and red distant Universe with JWST/NIRSpec </div> <div class='list-authors'><a href=";query=de+Graaff,+A">Anna de Graaff</a>, <a href=";query=Brammer,+G">Gabriel Brammer</a>, <a href=";query=Weibel,+A">Andrea Weibel</a>, <a href=";query=Lewis,+Z">Zach Lewis</a>, <a href=";query=Maseda,+M+V">Michael V. Maseda</a>, <a href=";query=Oesch,+P+A">Pascal A. Oesch</a>, <a href=";query=Bezanson,+R">Rachel Bezanson</a>, <a href=";query=Boogaard,+L+A">Leindert A. Boogaard</a>, <a href=";query=Cleri,+N+J">Nikko J. Cleri</a>, <a href=";query=Cooper,+O+R">Olivia R. Cooper</a>, <a href=";query=Gottumukkala,+R">Rashmi Gottumukkala</a>, <a href=";query=Greene,+J+E">Jenny E. Greene</a>, <a href=";query=Hirschmann,+M">Michaela Hirschmann</a>, <a href=";query=Hviding,+R+E">Raphael E. Hviding</a>, <a href=";query=Katz,+H">Harley Katz</a>, <a href=";query=Labb%C3%A9,+I">Ivo Labb茅</a>, <a href=";query=Leja,+J">Joel Leja</a>, <a href=";query=Matthee,+J">Jorryt Matthee</a>, <a href=";query=McConachie,+I">Ian McConachie</a>, <a href=";query=Miller,+T+B">Tim B. Miller</a>, <a href=";query=Naidu,+R+P">Rohan P. Naidu</a>, <a href=";query=Price,+S+H">Sedona H. Price</a>, <a href=";query=Rix,+H">Hans-Walter Rix</a>, <a href=";query=Setton,+D+J">David J. Setton</a>, <a href=";query=Suess,+K+A">Katherine A. Suess</a>, <a href=";query=Wang,+B">Bingjie Wang</a>, <a href=";query=Whitaker,+K+E">Katherine E. Whitaker</a>, <a href=";query=Williams,+C+C">Christina C. Williams</a></div> <div class='list-comments mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Comments:</span> 21 pages, 16 figures; accepted for publication in A&amp;A </div> <div class='list-subjects'><span class='descriptor'>Subjects:</span> <span class="primary-subject">Astrophysics of Galaxies (astro-ph.GA)</span> </div> <p class='mathjax'> We present the Red Unknowns: Bright Infrared Extragalactic Survey (RUBIES), providing JWST/NIRSpec spectroscopy of red sources selected across ~150 arcmin$^2$ from public JWST/NIRCam imaging in the UDS and EGS fields. RUBIES novel observing strategy offers a well-quantified selection function: the survey is optimised to reach high (&gt;70%) completeness for bright and red (F150W-F444W&gt;2) sources that are very rare. To place these rare sources in context, we simultaneously observe a reference sample of the 2&lt;z&lt;7 galaxy population, sampling sources at a rate that is inversely proportional to their number density in the 3D space of F444W magnitude, F150W-F444W colour, and photometric redshift. In total, RUBIES observes ~3000 targets across $1&lt;z_{phot}&lt;10$ with both the PRISM and G395M dispersers, and ~1500 targets at $z_{phot}&gt;3$ using only the G395M disperser. The RUBIES data reveal a highly diverse population of red sources that span a broad redshift range ($z_{spec}\sim1-9$), with photometric redshift scatter and outlier fraction that are 3 times higher than for similarly bright sources that are less red. This diversity is not apparent from the photometric SEDs. Only spectroscopy reveals that the SEDs encompass a mixture of galaxies with dust-obscured star formation, extreme line emission, a lack of star formation indicating early quenching, and luminous active galactic nuclei. As a first demonstration of our broader selection function we compare the stellar masses and rest-frame U-V colours of the red sources and our reference sample: red sources are typically more massive ($M_*\sim10^{10-11.5} M_\odot$) across all redshifts. However, we find that the most massive systems span a wide range in U-V colour. We describe our data reduction procedure and data quality, and publicly release the reduced RUBIES data and vetted spectroscopic redshifts of the first half of the survey through the DJA. </p> </div> </dd> <dt> <a name='item31'>[31]</a> <a href ="/abs/2410.05375" title="Abstract" id="2410.05375"> arXiv:2410.05375 </a> (replaced) [<a href="/pdf/2410.05375" title="Download PDF" id="pdf-2410.05375" aria-labelledby="pdf-2410.05375">pdf</a>, <a href="" title="View HTML" id="html-2410.05375" aria-labelledby="html-2410.05375" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">html</a>, <a href="/format/2410.05375" title="Other formats" id="oth-2410.05375" aria-labelledby="oth-2410.05375">other</a>] </dt> <dd> <div class='meta'> <div class='list-title mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Title:</span> COSMOS-Web: A history of galaxy migrations over the stellar mass-star formation rate plane </div> <div class='list-authors'><a href=";query=Arango-Toro,+R">R.C. Arango-Toro</a>, <a href=";query=Ilbert,+O">O. Ilbert</a>, <a href=";query=Ciesla,+L">L. Ciesla</a>, <a href=";query=Shuntov,+M">M. Shuntov</a>, <a href=";query=Aufort,+G">G. Aufort</a>, <a href=";query=Mercier,+W">W. Mercier</a>, <a href=";query=Laigle,+C">C. Laigle</a>, <a href=";query=Franco,+M">M. Franco</a>, <a href=";query=Bethermin,+M">M. Bethermin</a>, <a href=";query=Borgne,+D+L">D. Le Borgne</a>, <a href=";query=Dubois,+Y">Y. Dubois</a>, <a href=";query=McCracken,+H">H.J. McCracken</a>, <a href=";query=Paquereau,+L">L. Paquereau</a>, <a href=";query=Huertas-Company,+M">M. Huertas-Company</a>, <a href=";query=Kartaltepe,+J">J. Kartaltepe</a>, <a href=";query=Casey,+C+M">C. M. Casey</a>, <a href=";query=Akins,+H">H. Akins</a>, <a href=";query=Allen,+N">N. Allen</a>, <a href=";query=Andika,+I">I. Andika</a>, <a href=";query=Brinch,+M">M. Brinch</a>, <a href=";query=Drakos,+N+E">N. E. Drakos</a>, <a href=";query=Faisst,+A">A. Faisst</a>, <a href=";query=Gozaliasl,+G">G. Gozaliasl</a>, <a href=";query=Harish,+S">S. Harish</a>, <a href=";query=Kaminsky,+A">A. Kaminsky</a>, <a href=";query=Koekemoer,+A">A. Koekemoer</a>, <a href=";query=Kokorev,+V">V. Kokorev</a>, <a href=";query=Liu,+D">D. Liu</a>, <a href=";query=Magdis,+G">G. Magdis</a>, <a href=";query=Martin,+C+L">C. L. Martin</a>, <a href=";query=Moutard,+T">T. Moutard</a>, <a href=";query=Rhodes,+J">J. Rhodes</a>, <a href=";query=Rich,+R+M">R. M. Rich</a>, <a href=";query=Robertson,+B">B. Robertson</a>, <a href=";query=Sanders,+D+B">D. B. Sanders</a>, <a href=";query=Sheth,+K">K. Sheth</a>, <a href=";query=Talia,+M">M. Talia</a>, <a href=";query=Toft,+S">S. Toft</a>, <a href=";query=Tresse,+L">L. Tresse</a>, <a href=";query=Valentino,+F">F. Valentino</a>, <a href=";query=Vijayan,+A">A. Vijayan</a>, <a href=";query=Weaver,+J">J. Weaver</a></div> <div class='list-subjects'><span class='descriptor'>Subjects:</span> <span class="primary-subject">Astrophysics of Galaxies (astro-ph.GA)</span> </div> <p class='mathjax'> The stellar mass-star formation rate ($\mathrm{M_*}$-$\mathrm{SFR}$) plane is a fundamental diagnostic for distinguishing galaxy populations. However, the evolutionary pathways of galaxies within this plane across cosmic time remain poorly understood. This study aims to observationally characterize galaxy migration in the $\mathrm{M_*}$-$\mathrm{SFR}$ plane using reconstructed star formation histories (SFHs) of galaxies at $z &lt; 4$. Our goal is to provide insights into the physical processes governing star formation and quenching. We analyze a sample of 299,131 galaxies at $z &lt; 4$ from the COSMOS-Web NIRCam survey ($m_{\mathrm{F444W}} &lt; 27$, 0.54 deg$^2$). Using non-parametric SFH modeling with CIGALE, we derive physical properties and reconstruct SFHs. To trace galaxy evolution, we define migration vectors, quantifying their direction ($\Phi_{\mathrm{dt}}$ [deg]) and velocity norm ($r_{\mathrm{dt}}$ [dex/Gyr]) on the $\mathrm{M_*}$-$\mathrm{SFR}$ plane. The reliability of these vectors is assessed using the Horizon-AGN simulation. We find that main-sequence galaxies exhibit low-amplitude migration with scattered directions, suggesting oscillations within the main sequence. Their progenitors predominantly lie on the main sequence 1 Gyr earlier. Starburst galaxies show rapid mass assembly ($50\%$ within 350 Myr) and originate from the main sequence, while passive galaxies display uniformly declining SFHs. Massive passive galaxies emerge as early as $3.5 &lt; z &lt; 4$, increasing in number density over time. Only $&lt;20\%$ of passive galaxies were starbursts 1 Gyr prior, indicating diverse quenching pathways. By reconstructing SFHs to $z &lt; 4$, we present a coherent picture of galaxy migration in the $\mathrm{M_*}$-$\mathrm{SFR}$ plane, linking evolutionary phases to their star formation signatures. </p> </div> </dd> <dt> <a name='item32'>[32]</a> <a href ="/abs/2411.13640" title="Abstract" id="2411.13640"> arXiv:2411.13640 </a> (replaced) [<a href="/pdf/2411.13640" title="Download PDF" id="pdf-2411.13640" aria-labelledby="pdf-2411.13640">pdf</a>, <a href="" title="View HTML" id="html-2411.13640" aria-labelledby="html-2411.13640" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">html</a>, <a href="/format/2411.13640" title="Other formats" id="oth-2411.13640" aria-labelledby="oth-2411.13640">other</a>] </dt> <dd> <div class='meta'> <div class='list-title mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Title:</span> A Glimpse of the New Redshift Frontier Through Abell S1063 </div> <div class='list-authors'><a href=";query=Kokorev,+V">Vasily Kokorev</a>, <a href=";query=Atek,+H">Hakim Atek</a>, <a href=";query=Chisholm,+J">John Chisholm</a>, <a href=";query=Endsley,+R">Ryan Endsley</a>, <a href=";query=Chemerynska,+I">Iryna Chemerynska</a>, <a href=";query=Mu%C3%B1oz,+J+B">Julian B. Mu帽oz</a>, <a href=";query=Furtak,+L+J">Lukas J. Furtak</a>, <a href=";query=Pan,+R">Richard Pan</a>, <a href=";query=Berg,+D">Danielle Berg</a>, <a href=";query=Fujimoto,+S">Seiji Fujimoto</a>, <a href=";query=Oesch,+P+A">Pascal A. Oesch</a>, <a href=";query=Weibel,+A">Andrea Weibel</a>, <a href=";query=Adamo,+A">Angela Adamo</a>, <a href=";query=Blaizot,+J">Jeremy Blaizot</a>, <a href=";query=Bouwens,+R">Rychard Bouwens</a>, <a href=";query=Dessauges-Zavadsky,+M">Miroslava Dessauges-Zavadsky</a>, <a href=";query=Khullar,+G">Gourav Khullar</a>, <a href=";query=Korber,+D">Damien Korber</a>, <a href=";query=Goovaerts,+I">Ilias Goovaerts</a>, <a href=";query=Jecmen,+M">Michelle Jecmen</a>, <a href=";query=Labb%C3%A9,+I">Ivo Labb茅</a>, <a href=";query=Leclercq,+F">Floriane Leclercq</a>, <a href=";query=Marques-Chaves,+R">Rui Marques-Chaves</a>, <a href=";query=Mason,+C">Charlotte Mason</a>, <a href=";query=McQuinn,+K+B+W">Kristen B. W. McQuinn</a>, <a href=";query=Naidu,+R">Rohan Naidu</a>, <a href=";query=Natarajan,+P">Priyamvada Natarajan</a>, <a href=";query=Nelson,+E">Erica Nelson</a>, <a href=";query=Rosdahl,+J">Joki Rosdahl</a>, <a href=";query=Saldana-Lopez,+A">Alberto Saldana-Lopez</a>, <a href=";query=Schaerer,+D">Daniel Schaerer</a>, <a href=";query=Trebitsch,+M">Maxime Trebitsch</a>, <a href=";query=Volonteri,+M">Marta Volonteri</a>, <a href=";query=Zitrin,+A">Adi Zitrin</a></div> <div class='list-comments mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Comments:</span> 16 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables. ApJL in press </div> <div class='list-subjects'><span class='descriptor'>Subjects:</span> <span class="primary-subject">Astrophysics of Galaxies (astro-ph.GA)</span> </div> <p class='mathjax'> We report the discovery of two galaxy candidates at redshifts between $15.7&lt;z&lt;16.4$ in JWST observations from the GLIMPSE survey. These robust sources were identified using a combination of Lyman-break selection and photometric redshift estimates. The ultra-deep NIRCam imaging from GLIMPSE, combined with the strong gravitational lensing of the Abell S1063 galaxy cluster, allows us to probe an intrinsically fainter population (down to $M_{\rm UV} =-17.0$ mag) than previously achievable. These galaxies have absolute magnitudes ranging from $M_{\rm UV} = -17.0$ to $-17.2$ mag, with blue ($\beta \simeq -2.87$) UV continuum slopes, consistent with young, dust-free stellar populations. The number density of these objects, log$_{\rm 10}$($\phi$/[Mpc$^{-3}$ mag$^{-1}$])=$-3.47^{+0.13}_{-0.10}$ at $M_{\rm UV}=-17$ is in clear tension with pre-JWST theoretical predictions, extending the over-abundance of galaxies from $z\sim10$ to $z\sim 17$. These results, together with the scarcity of brighter galaxies in other public surveys, suggest a steep decline in the bright-end of the UV luminosity function at $z \sim 16$, implying efficient star formation and possibly a close connection to the halo mass function at these redshifts. Testing a variety of star formation histories suggests that these sources are plausible progenitors of the unusually UV-bright galaxies that JWST now routinely uncovers at $z = 10-14$. Overall, our results indicate that the luminosity distribution of the earliest star-forming galaxies could be shifting towards fainter luminosities, implying that future surveys of cosmic dawn will need to explore this faint luminosity regime. </p> </div> </dd> <dt> <a name='item33'>[33]</a> <a href ="/abs/2411.14885" title="Abstract" id="2411.14885"> arXiv:2411.14885 </a> (replaced) [<a href="/pdf/2411.14885" title="Download PDF" id="pdf-2411.14885" aria-labelledby="pdf-2411.14885">pdf</a>, <a href="" title="View HTML" id="html-2411.14885" aria-labelledby="html-2411.14885" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">html</a>, <a href="/format/2411.14885" title="Other formats" id="oth-2411.14885" aria-labelledby="oth-2411.14885">other</a>] </dt> <dd> <div class='meta'> <div class='list-title mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Title:</span> Alignment of Blue/Green and Red Early-type Galaxies with Large-scale Filaments Reveals Distinct Evolutionary Pathways </div> <div class='list-authors'><a href=";query=Rong,+Y">Yu Rong</a>, <a href=";query=Wang,+P">Peng Wang</a></div> <div class='list-comments mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Comments:</span> Accepted for publication in ApJ </div> <div class='list-subjects'><span class='descriptor'>Subjects:</span> <span class="primary-subject">Astrophysics of Galaxies (astro-ph.GA)</span> </div> <p class='mathjax'> We investigate the alignment of non-red early-type galaxies (ETGs) with blue or green colors within large-scale filaments and compare this alignment pattern with that of red ETGs. Our analysis reveals a significant alignment of the major axes of red ETGs with the orientations of their host cosmic filaments, consistent with prior research. In contrast, non-red ETGs show no significant alignment signal. This divergence in alignment behavior between non-red and red ETGs plausibly suggests distinct evolutionary pathways for non-red and red ETGs. </p> </div> </dd> <dt> <a name='item34'>[34]</a> <a href ="/abs/2412.00752" title="Abstract" id="2412.00752"> arXiv:2412.00752 </a> (replaced) [<a href="/pdf/2412.00752" title="Download PDF" id="pdf-2412.00752" aria-labelledby="pdf-2412.00752">pdf</a>, <a href="" title="View HTML" id="html-2412.00752" aria-labelledby="html-2412.00752" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">html</a>, <a href="/format/2412.00752" title="Other formats" id="oth-2412.00752" aria-labelledby="oth-2412.00752">other</a>] </dt> <dd> <div class='meta'> <div class='list-title mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Title:</span> The Structure, Populations and Kinematics of the Milky Way central and inner Bulge with OGLE, APOGEE and Gaia data </div> <div class='list-authors'><a href=";query=Han,+X">Xiao Han</a>, <a href=";query=Wang,+H">Hai-Feng Wang</a> (MWLUDPSG), <a href=";query=Carraro,+G">Giovanni Carraro</a>, <a href=";query=L%C3%B3pez-Corredoira,+M">Mart铆n L贸pez-Corredoira</a>, <a href=";query=Ting,+Y">Yuan-Sen Ting</a>, <a href=";query=Luo,+Y">Yang-Ping Luo</a>, <a href=";query=Wang,+G">Guan-Yu Wang</a></div> <div class='list-comments mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Comments:</span> 24 pages, 19 figures, Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal </div> <div class='list-subjects'><span class='descriptor'>Subjects:</span> <span class="primary-subject">Astrophysics of Galaxies (astro-ph.GA)</span> </div> <p class='mathjax'> We present an analysis of the structure, kinematics, and chemo-dynamical properties of the Milky Way bulge using RR Lyrae stars from OGLE, and giant stars from APOGEE and Gaia that have distances placing them in the inner Galaxy. Firstly, using a sample of 1,879 ab-type RR Lyrae stars (RRabs) from OGLE-IV, we identified three populations: central bulge RRabs, the inner bulge RRabs, and halo or disk interlopers, based on their apocenters derived from orbital integration. Inner bulge RRabs kinematically align with the Galactic bar, while central bulge RRabs show slower rotation with lower velocity dispersion. Higher velocity dispersion stars were identified as halo/disk interlopers. Then, orbital analysis of 28,188 APOGEE Red Clump and Red Giant Branch stars revealed kinematic properties consistent with RRabs, and the chemical abundance distribution displayed a bimodal stellar density pattern, suggesting complex star evolution histories and slightly different star formation histories for the inner bulge and central bulge. The differences in the density distribution on the $|\mathrm{Z}|_{\text{max}}$-eccentricity plane for the central bulge, inner bulge, and interlopers are clearly detected. It is found that the classification of bulge stars based on orbital parameters, rather than solely on metallicity, provides a more accurate population separation. As the inner bulge, which contains the highest fraction of stars, traces the bar formed by the instability of the Galactic disk, our results support that pseudo-bulge is the primary origin of the bulge. Furthermore, fitting the observed data to both the boxy and X-shaped bulge models indicated a preference for the boxy bulge. </p> </div> </dd> <dt> <a name='item35'>[35]</a> <a href ="/abs/2503.07715" title="Abstract" id="2503.07715"> arXiv:2503.07715 </a> (replaced) [<a href="/pdf/2503.07715" title="Download PDF" id="pdf-2503.07715" aria-labelledby="pdf-2503.07715">pdf</a>, <a href="" title="View HTML" id="html-2503.07715" aria-labelledby="html-2503.07715" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">html</a>, <a href="/format/2503.07715" title="Other formats" id="oth-2503.07715" aria-labelledby="oth-2503.07715">other</a>] </dt> <dd> <div class='meta'> <div class='list-title mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Title:</span> The $H_2$ angular momentum -- mass relation of local disc galaxies </div> <div class='list-authors'><a href=";query=Geesink,+N+N">Nikki N. Geesink</a>, <a href=";query=Pi%C3%B1a,+P+E+M">Pavel E. Mancera Pi帽a</a>, <a href=";query=del+P.+Lagos,+C">Claudia del P. Lagos</a>, <a href=";query=Kriek,+M">Mariska Kriek</a></div> <div class='list-comments mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Comments:</span> 11 pages, 6 figures, 4 tables. A&amp;A in press, final version </div> <div class='list-subjects'><span class='descriptor'>Subjects:</span> <span class="primary-subject">Astrophysics of Galaxies (astro-ph.GA)</span> </div> <p class='mathjax'> We present an analysis of the molecular specific angular momentum-mass ($j_{H_2}-M_{H_2}$) relation using a sample of 51 nearby disc galaxies from the PHANGS-ALMA survey with deep, high-resolution molecular gas rotation curves and surface density profiles. For the very first time, using a statistical sample, we report the discovery of a well-defined $j_{H_2}-M_{H_2}$ relation. We quantify the scaling law by fitting a power-law with a Bayesian framework, finding $j_{H_2} \propto M_{H_2}^{0.53}$. This slope closely resembles the well-known stellar $j_{\ast}$-$M_{\ast}$ (Fall) relation, highlighting the dynamical connection between molecular gas and stars. We show that the $j_{H_2}-M_{H_2}$ relation cannot be fully explained by analytic models of disc stability but instead is well recovered with more complex physics as implemented in the Shark semi-analytical model. These findings demonstrate the power of our novel $j_{H_2}-M_{H_2}$ relation in testing galaxy evolution theories and setting new constraints for models and simulations which aim to reproduce a realistic interstellar medium. Additionally, our findings provide a critical benchmark for upcoming high-redshift studies of molecular gas kinematics, offering a local baseline to study the evolution of cold gas dynamics across cosmic time. </p> </div> </dd> <dt> <a name='item36'>[36]</a> <a href ="/abs/2503.07730" title="Abstract" id="2503.07730"> arXiv:2503.07730 </a> (replaced) [<a href="/pdf/2503.07730" title="Download PDF" id="pdf-2503.07730" aria-labelledby="pdf-2503.07730">pdf</a>, <a href="" title="View HTML" id="html-2503.07730" aria-labelledby="html-2503.07730" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">html</a>, <a href="/format/2503.07730" title="Other formats" id="oth-2503.07730" aria-labelledby="oth-2503.07730">other</a>] </dt> <dd> <div class='meta'> <div class='list-title mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Title:</span> Study of Open Star Clusters Using the Gaia DR3: I- Poorly Studied King 2 and King 5 </div> <div class='list-authors'><a href=";query=Haroon,+A">Aly Haroon</a>, <a href=";query=Elsanhoury,+W">Waleed Elsanhoury</a>, <a href=";query=Elkholy,+E">Essam Elkholy</a>, <a href=";query=Saad,+A+n">Abdel naby Saad</a>, <a href=";query=%C3%87%C4%B1nar,+D+C">Deniz Cennet 脟谋nar</a></div> <div class='list-comments mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Comments:</span> 27 pages, including 11 figures and 8 tables, accepted for publication in the Physica Scripta </div> <div class='list-subjects'><span class='descriptor'>Subjects:</span> <span class="primary-subject">Astrophysics of Galaxies (astro-ph.GA)</span>; Solar and Stellar Astrophysics (astro-ph.SR) </div> <p class='mathjax'> In this study, we utilize photometric and kinematic data from \textit{Gaia} DR3 and the {\sc ASteCA} package to analyze the sparsely studied open clusters, King 2 and King 5. For King 2, we identify 340 probable members with membership probabilities exceeding 50\%. Its mean proper motion components are determined as $(\mu_\alpha\cos\delta,~\mu_\delta) = (-1.407 \pm 0.008, -0.863 \pm 0.012)$ mas yr$^{-1}$, and its limiting radius is derived as $6.94_{-1.06}^{+0.22}$ arcminutes based on radial density profiles. The cluster has an estimated age of $4.80 \pm 0.30$ Gyr, a distance of $6586 \pm 164$ pc, and a metallicity of $\text{[Fe/H]} = -0.25$ dex ($z = 0.0088$). We detect 17 blue straggler stars (BSSs) concentrated in its core, and its total mass is estimated to be $356 \pm 19~M_{\odot}$. The computed apex motion is $(A_o,~D_o) = (-142^\circ.61 \pm 0^\circ.08, -63^\circ.58 \pm 0^\circ.13)$. Similarly, King 5 consists of 403 probable members with mean proper motion components $(\mu_\alpha\cos\delta,~\mu_\delta) = (-0.291 \pm 0.005, -1.256 \pm 0.005)$ mas yr$^{-1}$ and a limiting radius of $11.33_{-2.16}^{+5.45}$ arcminutes. The cluster&#39;s age is determined as $1.45 \pm 0.10$ Gyr, with a distance of $2220 \pm 40$ pc and a metallicity of $\text{[Fe/H]} = -0.15$ dex ($z = 0.0109$). We identify 4 centrally concentrated BSSs, and the total mass is estimated as $484 \pm 22~M_{\odot}$. The apex motion is calculated as $(A_o,~D_o) = (-115^\circ.10 \pm 0^\circ.09, -73^\circ.16 \pm 0^\circ.12)$. The orbital analysis of King 2 and King 5 indicates nearly circular orbits, characterized by low eccentricities and minimal variation in their apogalactic and perigalactic distances. King 2 and King 5 reach maximum heights of $499 \pm 25$ pc and $177 \pm 2$ pc from the Galactic plane, respectively, confirming their classification as young stellar disc population. </p> </div> </dd> <dt> <a name='item37'>[37]</a> <a href ="/abs/2503.15314" title="Abstract" id="2503.15314"> arXiv:2503.15314 </a> (replaced) [<a href="/pdf/2503.15314" title="Download PDF" id="pdf-2503.15314" aria-labelledby="pdf-2503.15314">pdf</a>, <a href="" title="View HTML" id="html-2503.15314" aria-labelledby="html-2503.15314" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">html</a>, <a href="/format/2503.15314" title="Other formats" id="oth-2503.15314" aria-labelledby="oth-2503.15314">other</a>] </dt> <dd> <div class='meta'> <div class='list-title mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Title:</span> Euclid Quick Data Release (Q1). A first view of the star-forming main sequence in the Euclid Deep Fields </div> <div class='list-authors'><a href=";query=Euclid+Collaboration">Euclid Collaboration</a>: <a href=";query=Enia,+A">A. Enia</a>, <a href=";query=Pozzetti,+L">L. Pozzetti</a>, <a href=";query=Bolzonella,+M">M. Bolzonella</a>, <a href=";query=Bisigello,+L">L. Bisigello</a>, <a href=";query=Hartley,+W+G">W. G. Hartley</a>, <a href=";query=Saulder,+C">C. Saulder</a>, <a href=";query=Daddi,+E">E. Daddi</a>, <a href=";query=Siudek,+M">M. Siudek</a>, <a href=";query=Zamorani,+G">G. Zamorani</a>, <a href=";query=Cassata,+P">P. Cassata</a>, <a href=";query=Gentile,+F">F. Gentile</a>, <a href=";query=Wang,+L">L. Wang</a>, <a href=";query=Rodighiero,+G">G. Rodighiero</a>, <a href=";query=Allevato,+V">V. Allevato</a>, <a href=";query=Corcho-Caballero,+P">P. Corcho-Caballero</a>, <a href=";query=S%C3%A1nchez,+H+D">H. Dom铆nguez S谩nchez</a>, <a href=";query=Tortora,+C">C. Tortora</a>, <a href=";query=Baes,+M">M. Baes</a>, <a href=";query=Abdurro&#39;uf">Abdurro&#39;uf</a>, <a href=";query=Nersesian,+A">A. Nersesian</a>, <a href=";query=Spinoglio,+L">L. Spinoglio</a>, <a href=";query=Schaye,+J">J. Schaye</a>, <a href=";query=Ascasibar,+Y">Y. Ascasibar</a>, <a href=";query=Scott,+D">D. Scott</a>, <a href=";query=Duran-Camacho,+E">E. Duran-Camacho</a>, <a href=";query=Quai,+S">S. Quai</a>, <a href=";query=Talia,+M">M. Talia</a>, <a href=";query=Aghanim,+N">N. Aghanim</a>, <a href=";query=Altieri,+B">B. Altieri</a>, <a href=";query=Amara,+A">A. Amara</a>, <a href=";query=Andreon,+S">S. Andreon</a>, <a href=";query=Auricchio,+N">N. Auricchio</a>, <a href=";query=Aussel,+H">H. Aussel</a>, <a href=";query=Baccigalupi,+C">C. Baccigalupi</a>, <a href=";query=Baldi,+M">M. Baldi</a>, <a href=";query=Balestra,+A">A. Balestra</a>, <a href=";query=Bardelli,+S">S. Bardelli</a>, <a href=";query=Basset,+A">A. Basset</a>, <a href=";query=Battaglia,+P">P. Battaglia</a>, <a href=";query=Bender,+R">R. Bender</a>, <a href=";query=Biviano,+A">A. Biviano</a>, <a href=";query=Bonchi,+A">A. Bonchi</a>, <a href=";query=Branchini,+E">E. Branchini</a>, <a href=";query=Brescia,+M">M. Brescia</a>, <a href=";query=Brinchmann,+J">J. Brinchmann</a>, <a href=";query=Camera,+S">S. Camera</a>, <a href=";query=Ca%C3%B1as-Herrera,+G">G. Ca帽as-Herrera</a>, <a href=";query=Capobianco,+V">V. Capobianco</a>, <a href=";query=Carbone,+C">C. Carbone</a>, <a href=";query=Carretero,+J">J. Carretero</a>, <a href=";query=Casas,+S">S. Casas</a>, <a href=";query=Castander,+F+J">F. J. Castander</a>, <a href=";query=Castellano,+M">M. Castellano</a>, <a href=";query=Castignani,+G">G. Castignani</a>, <a href=";query=Cavuoti,+S">S. Cavuoti</a>, <a href=";query=Chambers,+K+C">K. C. Chambers</a>, <a href=";query=Cimatti,+A">A. Cimatti</a>, <a href=";query=Colodro-Conde,+C">C. Colodro-Conde</a>, <a href=";query=Congedo,+G">G. Congedo</a>, <a href=";query=Conselice,+C+J">C. J. Conselice</a>, <a href=";query=Conversi,+L">L. Conversi</a>, <a href=";query=Copin,+Y">Y. Copin</a>, <a href=";query=Courbin,+F">F. Courbin</a>, <a href=";query=Courtois,+H+M">H. M. Courtois</a>, <a href=";query=Cropper,+M">M. Cropper</a>, <a href=";query=Da+Silva,+A">A. Da Silva</a>, <a href=";query=Degaudenzi,+H">H. Degaudenzi</a>, <a href=";query=De+Lucia,+G">G. De Lucia</a>, <a href=";query=Di+Giorgio,+A+M">A. M. Di Giorgio</a>, <a href=";query=Dolding,+C">C. Dolding</a>, <a href=";query=Dole,+H">H. Dole</a>, <a href=";query=Dubath,+F">F. Dubath</a>, <a href=";query=Duncan,+C+A+J">C. A. J. Duncan</a>, <a href=";query=Dupac,+X">X. Dupac</a>, <a href=";query=Dusini,+S">S. Dusini</a>, <a href=";query=Ealet,+A">A. Ealet</a>, <a href=";query=Escoffier,+S">S. Escoffier</a>, <a href=";query=Fabricius,+M">M. Fabricius</a>, <a href=";query=Farina,+M">M. Farina</a>, <a href=";query=Farinelli,+R">R. Farinelli</a>, <a href=";query=Faustini,+F">F. Faustini</a>, <a href=";query=Ferriol,+S">S. Ferriol</a>, <a href=";query=Finelli,+F">F. Finelli</a>, <a href=";query=Fotopoulou,+S">S. Fotopoulou</a>, <a href=";query=Frailis,+M">M. Frailis</a>, <a href=";query=Franceschi,+E">E. Franceschi</a>, <a href=";query=Franzetti,+P">P. Franzetti</a>, <a href=";query=Galeotta,+S">S. Galeotta</a>, <a href=";query=George,+K">K. George</a>, <a href=";query=Gillis,+B">B. Gillis</a>, <a href=";query=Giocoli,+C">C. Giocoli</a>, <a href=";query=G%C3%B3mez-Alvarez,+P">P. G贸mez-Alvarez</a>, <a href=";query=Gracia-Carpio,+J">J. Gracia-Carpio</a>, <a href=";query=Granett,+B+R">B. R. Granett</a>, <a href=";query=Grazian,+A">A. Grazian</a>, <a href=";query=Grupp,+F">F. Grupp</a>, <a href=";query=Guzzo,+L">L. Guzzo</a>, <a href=";query=Gwyn,+S">S. Gwyn</a>, <a href=";query=Haugan,+S+V+H">S. V. H. Haugan</a></div> <div class='list-comments mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Comments:</span> Paper submitted as part of the A&amp;A Special Issue `Euclid Quick Data Release (Q1)&#39;, 17 pages, 11 figures </div> <div class='list-subjects'><span class='descriptor'>Subjects:</span> <span class="primary-subject">Astrophysics of Galaxies (astro-ph.GA)</span> </div> <p class='mathjax'> The star-forming main sequence (SFMS) is a tight relation observed between stellar masses and star-formation rates (SFR) in a population of galaxies. The relation holds for different redshift, morphological, and environmental domains, and is a key to understanding the underlying relations between a galaxy budget of cold gas and its stellar content. \Euclid Quick Data Release 1 (Q1) gives the opportunity to investigate this fundamental relation in galaxy formation and evolution. We complement the \Euclid release with public IRAC observations of the \Euclid Deep Fields (EDFs), improving the quality of recovered photometric redshifts, stellar masses, and star-formation rates, as shown both from simulations and comparison with available spectroscopic redshifts. From Q1 data alone, we recover more than $\sim 30\,\mathrm{k}$ galaxies with $\log_{10}(M_\ast/M_\odot) &gt; 11$, giving a precise constraint of the SFMS at the high-mass end. We investigated SFMS, in a redshift interval between $0.2$ and $3.0$, comparing our results with the existing literature and fitting them with a parameterisation taking into account the presence of a bending of the relation at the high-mass end, depending on the bending mass $M_0$. We find good agreement with previous results in terms of $M_0$ values. We also investigate the distribution of physical (e.g., dust absorption $A_V$ and formation age) and morphological properties (e.g., S茅rsic index and radius) in the SFR--stellar mass plane, and their relation with the SFMS. These results highlight the potential of \Euclid in studying the fundamental scaling relations that regulate galaxy formation and evolution in anticipation of the forthcoming Data Release 1. </p> </div> </dd> <dt> <a name='item38'>[38]</a> <a href ="/abs/2404.06539" title="Abstract" id="2404.06539"> arXiv:2404.06539 </a> (replaced) [<a href="/pdf/2404.06539" title="Download PDF" id="pdf-2404.06539" aria-labelledby="pdf-2404.06539">pdf</a>, <a href="" title="View HTML" id="html-2404.06539" aria-labelledby="html-2404.06539" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">html</a>, <a href="/format/2404.06539" title="Other formats" id="oth-2404.06539" aria-labelledby="oth-2404.06539">other</a>] </dt> <dd> <div class='meta'> <div class='list-title mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Title:</span> First Search for High-Energy Neutrino Emission from Galaxy Mergers </div> <div class='list-authors'><a href=";query=Bouri,+S">Subhadip Bouri</a>, <a href=";query=Parashari,+P">Priyank Parashari</a>, <a href=";query=Das,+M">Mousumi Das</a>, <a href=";query=Laha,+R">Ranjan Laha</a></div> <div class='list-comments mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Comments:</span> v2: 16 pages, 7 figures. Minor bugs fixed. Published version </div> <div class='list-journal-ref'><span class='descriptor'>Journal-ref:</span> Phys. Rev. D 111, 063059 (2025) </div> <div class='list-subjects'><span class='descriptor'>Subjects:</span> <span class="primary-subject">High Energy Astrophysical Phenomena (astro-ph.HE)</span>; Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics (astro-ph.CO); Astrophysics of Galaxies (astro-ph.GA); High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex); High Energy Physics - Phenomenology (hep-ph) </div> <p class='mathjax'> The exact sources of high-energy neutrinos detected by the IceCube neutrino observatory still remain a mystery. For the first time, this work explores the hypothesis that galaxy mergers may serve as sources for these high-energy neutrinos. Galaxy mergers can host very high-energy hadronic and photohadronic processes, which may produce very high-energy neutrinos. We perform an unbinned maximum-likelihood-ratio analysis utilizing the galaxy merger data from six catalogs and 10 years of public IceCube muon-track data to quantify any correlation between these mergers and neutrino events. First, we perform the single source search analysis, which reveals that none of the considered galaxy mergers exhibit a statistically significant correlation with high-energy neutrino events detected by IceCube. Furthermore, we conduct a stacking analysis with three different weighting schemes to understand if these galaxy mergers can contribute significantly to the diffuse flux of high-energy astrophysical neutrinos detected by IceCube. We find that upper limits (at $95\%$ CL) of the all flavor high-energy neutrino flux, associated with galaxy mergers considered in this study, at $100$ TeV with spectral index $\Gamma=-2$ are $1.11\times 10^{-18}$, $3.69 \times 10^{-19}$ and $1.02 \times 10^{-18}$ $\rm GeV^{-1}\,cm^{-2}\,s^{-1}\,sr^{-1}$ for the three weighting schemes. This work shows that these selected galaxy mergers do not contribute significantly to the IceCube detected high energy neutrino flux. We hope that in the near future with more data, the search for neutrinos from galaxy mergers can either discover their neutrino production or impose more stringent constraints on the production mechanism of high-energy neutrinos within galaxy mergers. </p> </div> </dd> <dt> <a name='item39'>[39]</a> <a href ="/abs/2411.13489" title="Abstract" id="2411.13489"> arXiv:2411.13489 </a> (replaced) [<a href="/pdf/2411.13489" title="Download PDF" id="pdf-2411.13489" aria-labelledby="pdf-2411.13489">pdf</a>, <a href="/format/2411.13489" title="Other formats" id="oth-2411.13489" aria-labelledby="oth-2411.13489">other</a>] </dt> <dd> <div class='meta'> <div class='list-title mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Title:</span> Accreting Binary Eccentricities follow Predicted Equilibrium Values </div> <div class='list-authors'><a href=";query=Murray,+A+R">Allen R Murray</a>, <a href=";query=Duffell,+P+C">Paul C Duffell</a></div> <div class='list-comments mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Comments:</span> 4 pages, 2 figures, 1 table </div> <div class='list-journal-ref'><span class='descriptor'>Journal-ref:</span> 2025 ApJ 982 113 </div> <div class='list-subjects'><span class='descriptor'>Subjects:</span> <span class="primary-subject">Solar and Stellar Astrophysics (astro-ph.SR)</span>; Astrophysics of Galaxies (astro-ph.GA) </div> <p class='mathjax'> We investigate observations of circumbinary disks (CBD), to find evidence for an equilibrium eccentricity predicted by current binary accretion theory. Although stellar binary demographics in the Milky Way show no evidence for a preferred eccentricity for binary systems, we show that actively accreting systems lie on a predicted equilibrium eccentricity curve. We constrain our sample to only systems that have well defined orbital parameters (e.g,. eccentricity, mass-ratio, inclination angle). We find observations are consistent with theory for stellar binaries that are aligned with the disk and that are separated enough that tidal circularization is negligible. This suggests that eccentricity in these systems evolves after the dissipation of the CBD, given the flat eccentricity distribution of binary systems in the Milky Way. </p> </div> </dd> <dt> <a name='item40'>[40]</a> <a href ="/abs/2502.21281" title="Abstract" id="2502.21281"> arXiv:2502.21281 </a> (replaced) [<a href="/pdf/2502.21281" title="Download PDF" id="pdf-2502.21281" aria-labelledby="pdf-2502.21281">pdf</a>, <a href="" title="View HTML" id="html-2502.21281" aria-labelledby="html-2502.21281" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">html</a>, <a href="/format/2502.21281" title="Other formats" id="oth-2502.21281" aria-labelledby="oth-2502.21281">other</a>] </dt> <dd> <div class='meta'> <div class='list-title mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Title:</span> JWST/MIRI Study of the Enigmatic Mid-Infrared Rings in the Planetary Nebula NGC 1514 </div> <div class='list-authors'><a href=";query=Ressler,+M+E">Michael E. Ressler</a>, <a href=";query=Aller,+A">Alba Aller</a>, <a href=";query=Jones,+D">David Jones</a>, <a href=";query=Lau,+R+M">Ryan M. Lau</a>, <a href=";query=Miranda,+L+F">Luis F. Miranda</a>, <a href=";query=Willacy,+K">Karen Willacy</a></div> <div class='list-comments mathjax'><span class='descriptor'>Comments:</span> Accepted for publication in the Astronomical Journal, 21 pages, 18 figures, 7 tables. V2 fixes typos in an ORCID, an institutional address, and a contract identifier </div> <div class='list-subjects'><span class='descriptor'>Subjects:</span> <span class="primary-subject">Solar and Stellar Astrophysics (astro-ph.SR)</span>; Astrophysics of Galaxies (astro-ph.GA) </div> <p class='mathjax'> While NGC 1514 is an elliptical, but complex, planetary nebula at optical wavelengths, it was discovered to have a pair of infrared-bright, axisymmetric rings contained within its faint outer shell during the course of the WISE all-sky survey. We have obtained JWST mid-infrared imaging and spectroscopy of the nebula through the use of simultaneous observations with the MIRI Imager and Medium Resolution Spectrometer, selecting the F770W, F1280W, and F2550W filters to match each of the MRS&#39;s three grating positions. These observations show that the rings are clearly resolved and relatively distinct structures, with both filamentary and clumpy detail throughout. There is also cloud-like material that has a turbulent appearance in the interior of the rings, particularly at the longest wavelengths, and faint ejecta-like structures just outside the ring boundaries. Despite their brightness, the emission from the rings within the three imager passbands is shown to be dominated by thermal emission from very small grains, not line emission from atomic hydrogen or forbidden atomic lines, shocked molecular hydrogen, or PAHs. The doppler velocities derived from the two brightest emission lines in the rings, however, suggest that the material from which the rings were formed was ejected during an early period of very heavy mass loss from the PN progenitor, then shaped by asymmetrical fast winds from the central binary pair. </p> </div> </dd> </dl> <div class='paging'>Total of 40 entries </div> <div class='morefewer'>Showing up to 2000 entries per page: <a href=/list/astro-ph.GA/new?skip=0&amp;show=1000 rel="nofollow"> fewer</a> | <span style="color: #454545">more</span> | <span style="color: #454545">all</span> </div> </div> </div> </div> </main> <footer style="clear: both;"> <div class="columns is-desktop" role="navigation" aria-label="Secondary" style="margin: -0.75em -0.75em 0.75em -0.75em"> <!-- Macro-Column 1 --> <div class="column" style="padding: 0;"> <div class="columns"> <div class="column"> <ul style="list-style: none; line-height: 2;"> <li><a href="">About</a></li> <li><a href="">Help</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="column"> <ul style="list-style: none; 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