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It’s complex, time-consuming, and creates a disconnect between where music is hyped up and where it’s actually streamed. Until now. \n\nIntroducing __Countdown Pages__, a new destination for your fans to pre-save your upcoming albums, preview the track list, pre-order new merch, watch video Clips you’ve shared, and see the timer count down to the release moment – all in one place. \n\nTaylor Swift, Karol G, Florence and the Machine, Quevedo, Paramore, and others have already tested Countdown Pages and the results have been stunning: On average, more than 80% of pre-savers have streamed the new release within the first week. Based on these results, we'll be giving more artists the ability to set up Countdown Pages right in Spotify for Artists over the coming months.\n\n## How artists are using Countdown Pages\n\nWe announced Countdown Pages at [Stream On](, where the Jonas Brothers shared their excitement for a new way to connect with their fans ahead of their new album, *The Album*, coming in May. \"We have a special connection with our fans,\" said Kevin Jonas. \"They have been supporting us since our very first album.\" \n\n\"And we're always looking for opportunities to give them a first look at everything we make,\" added Joe Jonas. \"That's why we're excited to start using Countdown Pages, a new tool that Spotify is starting to roll out today,\" concluded Nick Jonas.\n\nThey also introduced a few of their fellow artists to talk about Countdown Pages. Starting with Jennifer Lopez: \"I'm really excited about Spotify's new Countdown Pages,\" she said. \"Spotify is beginning to roll these pages out to more artists around the world, letting them bring their own personalized strategy to each and every album.\"\n\n\"I wouldn't be where I am today if not for the personal connection that I have with my fans,\" added 6LACK. \"Countdown Pages is just another way to deepen that connection.\"\n\n## The ins and outs of Countdown Pages\n\nWhen you’re building hype for your new album on other platforms, it takes a lot of time (and money), but doesn’t always translate into first-week streams or sales. That’s why we built Countdown Pages right where fans listen to your music – on Spotify. They’re designed to help you build hype for a new album and, ultimately, drive week-one streams. Fans who pre-save your album on your Countdown Page will get a push notification when it’s released, and we’ll automatically add your album to their library so they can start streaming. \n\nAfter you publish a new Countdown Page in Spotify for Artists, top fans will be automatically notified that one of their favorite artists has an upcoming release. They’ll be able to pre-save your release, preview the track list, watch exclusive video content, and more. They’ll see the three most recent Clips videos you added to your page, and when they click one, they’ll be able to explore more in your video feed. If you’ve already released any tracks from the upcoming album, they’ll be playable within the track list preview, so fans can stream your new music as they watch the timer count down.\n\nListeners can also access and explore your Countdown Page straight from your artist profile under the “Upcoming Release” section. If you want to see how it works for yourself, head to the Spotify mobile app to check out the brand new [Countdown Page for Ed Sheeran’s upcoming release]( \n\n## Start the Countdown\n\nWe’ve begun rolling out Countdown Pages to more artists around the world, so you can bring your own personalized strategy to each and every album. More updates will be coming over the coming months. \n\n## [Click here to see everything we announced for artists at Stream On](, plus [click here to get tips for using Clips]( on your Countdown Page and across Spotify.","modules":[{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"6zgwQDvn41uv6FQt62hjvd"}}],"indexed":true,"initialDropcap":false,"languages":"en-US","id":"x5sNsNmzl5vYExG6Mc9dH","contentType":"articlePage"},{"title":"Sell Merch on Spotify","description":"All you need to know about merch on Spotify. We've got tips, tricks and best practices for creating unique merch, connecting your Shopify store to Spotify for Artists, and selling and promoting merch to your top fans.","urlSlug":"merch","theme":"Light","tags":["spotify for artists","merch","commerce","shopify","fans first"],"heroModule":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"4UNiky8IhX6Y8eyBJ9u0hY"}},"modules":[{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"31sHXU2dRTm0wMIVzM5Pwn"}},{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"3KLNIhuIlrKD1UfVLnbAK6"}},{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"2H1rqcWxX7NrtVXFQJV0AS"}},{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"7Gfjtx9FnjfKOPMu77Zec3"}},{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"x1c2i6pDpqAVnqz5Quc7C"}},{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"6MkVL3LtiQNO8GyX364ltE"}},{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"3ndDk0tT7hWZiToAZibOEN"}},{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"4gQZyoFf9BtI6L4kfPoeo9"}},{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"6Px8uM0basACAjgpKlCDc"}},{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"6IV6o5j5uAtUCqoGPjKS2h"}},{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"3kviJi1O7PDOcOcIIq8zSf"}},{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"77RxDFeObsIKVazZydxqrE"}}],"socialCard":{"title":"S4A Merch Sharecard","description":"","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":642690,"image":{"width":1920,"height":1080}},"fileName":"S4A_Merch_Sharecard.jpg","contentType":"image/jpeg"}},"id":"5VpXHHSa2MD2de0ABSZNRK","contentType":"landingPage"},{"title":"Making the Most of the ‘Now Playing’ View to Encourage Discovery","description":"Five actions artists can take on each of their songs to take advantage of the Now Playing listener experience.","image":{"title":"NPV -- dive deeper","description":"","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":684501,"image":{"width":1776,"height":1002}},"fileName":"Screenshot 2024-07-01 at 1.00.38 PM.png","contentType":"image/png"}},"url":"","external":true,"id":"3W47QboXRV89L2pzShMrXV","contentType":"customGridContent"}],"id":"45rszibvB9GuqcQBclC6sY","contentType":"editorialGridModule"}],"socialCard":{"title":"Countdown pages social card","description":"","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":869953,"image":{"width":3840,"height":2160}},"fileName":"S4A_C2C_Sharecard.jpg","contentType":"image/jpeg"}},"id":"28afkpGgWiHwnNB0DbLd9W","contentType":"landingPage"},{"title":"How Goth Babe Amplified New Releases and Gave New Life to His Catalog with Campaign Kit","description":"Indie electronic artist Goth Babe and his team used Campaign Kit to grow his audience ahead of his debut album release.","metadataTitle":"Learn how artist Goth Babe used Campaign Kit to grow his audience ahead of his debut album release","metadataDescription":"Learn how artist Goth Babe used Campaign Kit to grow his audience ahead of his debut album release","urlSlug":"how-goth-babe-used-campaign-kit-to-amplify-his-music","releaseDate":"2024-01-16T07:54:32+0500","headerModule":{"title":"How Goth Babe Amplified New Releases and Gave New Life to His Catalog with Campaign Kit","headline":"How Goth Babe Amplified New Releases and Gave New Life to His Catalog with Campaign Kit","image":{"title":"Asset 1 — ALT (1)","description":"","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":1009115,"image":{"width":1280,"height":700}},"fileName":"Asset 1 — ALT (1).png","contentType":"image/png"}},"id":"2pbhbiyPg44YPJbBftOefd","contentType":"articleHeaderModule"},"introduction":"Ahead of his debut album, Goth Babe’s team used Campaign Kit to build momentum and invite listeners deeper into his experiential catalog. The approach drove the highest-ever listenership for his EP and gave “a new life” to his broader catalog – with several tracks surpassing their initial release week streams.\n","article":"For Griff Washburn – who performs as indie electronic artist [Goth Babe](\u0026nd=1\u0026dlsi=c2ff326003934572) – his music echoes his adventurous spirit. His sound brings listeners across his journey through nature, from sailing along the coast of Mexico to exploring the great outdoors in a camper van. \n\nFor the past few years, manager services and artist development company mtheory, have partnered with Goth Babe's manager Sean Sheahan, to develop his music marketing strategy, using a data-driven approach to promote Goth Babe’s experiential sound. So, when it came to building hype for his EP, [*Iceland*](\u0026nd=1\u0026dlsi=ce058e2f87064245), which dropped in November 2022 and his debut album, *Lola*, which will be released on January 26, 2024, his team turned to Campaign Kit to surface the right music – both new and catalog – where listeners were already streaming. “The end goal is helping artists connect with their fans. Being able to hone in on where artist fan bases actively are consuming their music already, and reach them there, is the best approach,” says mtheory’s Director of Marketing, Mira Brock. \n\nUsing [Campaign Kit]( in Spotify for Artists, Goth Babe's team strategically grew his audience release by release. From deploying a \"staircase\" approach with Marquee to grow his audience with each release, to creating a second (or even third) life for catalog tracks with Discovery Mode, to using Showcase to build off success from Discovery Mode, Goth Babe's team creatively used Campaign Kit tools in lockstep with their overall marketing strategy. Let’s take a look at how Goth Babe’s team surfaced the right music at the right time to bring even more listeners into his musical ecosystem. \n\n## Marquee Brought Listeners Into Goth Babe’s Storytelling Over Time\n\n![](//\n\nIn the lead up to Goth Babe’s EP, [*Iceland*](\u0026nd=1\u0026dlsi=ce058e2f87064245), his team used Marquee’s full-screen format to deepen fandom with a series of new releases. The strategy: engage the right listeners more and more with each new drop. “We ran Marquee for every single release, with the idea that it would function like a staircase. By the time we reached an EP…we’d been building more and more listeners,” says Brock. \n\nIncluded in that staircase strategy was Goth Babe’s previous EP, [*Santa Catalina*](\u0026nd=1\u0026dlsi=955142733001428d). To maximize impact among listeners who hadn’t yet heard the release, Goth Babe’s team targeted all relevant Marquee listeners and ran the campaign later in the release cycle. As a result, the Marquee reached the widest set of listeners who hadn’t actively streamed yet – and more than 30% of Marquee listeners saved a track from the EP to their library or added it to a personal playlist.\n\n“We used a Marquee the Wednesday after the release week,” continues Brock. “We waited for organic streaming to happen first and then Release Radar to hit on Tuesday. We wanted to maximize spend by reaching people who hadn’t streamed the song yet.”\n\nWith each step, Goth Babe’s team brought listeners deeper into his musical storytelling. To accelerate that journey, his team promoted his single [*“Surfing in Iceland”*](\u0026nd=1\u0026dlsi=8338210c2996434f) driving to his This Is playlist, where listeners could discover more of his sound after streaming the new release. \n\n“It wasn’t just about the singles, but a catalog consumption experience,” says Brock. “Listening to [‘*Surfing in Iceland*’](\u0026nd=1\u0026dlsi=8338210c2996434f) within the This Is playlist would help guide listeners into navigating the rest of the artist’s catalog.”\n\nThe strategy paid off. The Marquee for [*“Surfing in Iceland”*](\u0026nd=1\u0026dlsi=8338210c2996434f) drove nearly 4x more listeners of Goth Babe’s broader catalog, as compared to previous campaigns promoted to the singles or EPs page – meaning the Marquee prompted listeners to dive deeper into the Goth Babe experience.\n\n## Discovery Mode Brought New Life to Goth Babe’s Catalog Tracks\n![](//\n\nWhen Goth Babe’s team first started using Discovery Mode, they tested out the tool with catalog tracks that previously had not received a lot of listener activity. After seeing great results in terms of stream lift, they decided to include bigger catalog hits in their campaigns, such as Goth Babe's 2019 single, [*\"Weekend Friend.\"*](\u0026nd=1\u0026dlsi=ad832bc93697421b) With the help of Discovery Mode, streams of the track peaked in January 2023 when it experienced more than 3.2 million streams on Spotify — nearly 6x the streams it had generated in its first month of release.\n\n“We’ve been pleased and blown away with the results of tracks such as [*“Weekend Friend”*](\u0026nd=1\u0026dlsi=ad832bc93697421b). Discovery Mode gave *'Weekend Friend'* an entirely new life, but the fun part is also adding in tracks that were never focus tracks or hadn’t been playlisted before,” explains Jonah Berry, Vice President of mtheory. \n\nThis is a story that Goth Babe’s team has seen with other previously popular tracks as well, such as the single,[*“I Wanna Help Your Mind,”*](\u0026nd=1\u0026dlsi=9568d042c65b412f) which also beat out streams from its initial release week in 2021, after it was included in Discovery Mode. It then reached its highest streaming peak in December 2022. Discovery Mode has given selected tracks not only an entirely new life, but also a second or third life in some cases.\n\nDiscovery Mode has also helped Goth Babe reach a more international audience. “Once we saw we were reaching a wider audience through Discovery Mode, we really doubled down on that and started using it to reach new listeners in new regions,” says Mira. With the help of Discovery Mode, Goth Babe has now reached new listeners in 160 markets across the world.\n\nDiscovery Mode has been key in re-engaging Goth Babe’s listeners and bringing new listeners, wherever they may be, into his listening ecosystem.\n\n## Showcase built on Discovery Mode momentum\n![](//\n\nAfter seeing the success Discovery Mode drove for [*“Weekend Friend,”*](\u0026nd=1\u0026dlsi=ad832bc93697421b) Goth Babe’s team used Showcase to continue the momentum. \n\n“With Showcase, it was really exciting to focus on a catalog release and have it highlighted on Spotify’s Home,” says Brock. \n\nAfter reviewing data on Goth Babe’s audience segments, Goth Babe’s team decided to target his previously active audience with the campaign headline “You might like” to re-engage listeners who hadn’t recently streamed his music. With the help of Showcase, Goth Babe reactivated listeners who had fallen out of his active audience – 12% of previously active listeners who streamed the single saved it to their library or added it to a personal playlist. And their engagement wasn't limited to [*“Weekend Friend”*](\u0026nd=1\u0026dlsi=ad832bc93697421b) — more than 18% of listeners went on to stream from Goth Babe’s other releases. With a cohort of reactivated listeners, Goth Babe is now ready to drop his debut album to an even more engaged audience. \n\n## With Campaign Kit, Goth Babe grew and developed his fanbase, turning listeners into long-term fans\n![](//\n\nFor Goth Babe, the Campaign Kit tools work in harmony to ensure he engages the right listeners at various moments in the discovery and release cycle. \n\n“All the products work really cohesively and in tandem,” Mira shares. “Using these tools together is about trying to cast a broad net to reach new listeners or less active ones and bring them closer in. Then when you have a new release, you can further engage these listeners. The goal is to build up Goth Babe’s daily streams and monthly listeners so that at the time of his next release he has the highest amount of listenership possible. Our marketing goal is to amplify an artist’s reach and Campaign Kit allows us to do exactly that — whether it’s for a catalog track or a new release.” \n\nBy using Campaign Kit tools together over the course of more than a year, Goth Babe’s team grew his monthly listeners metric to its highest-ever level, achieving their marketing goal ahead of his [*Iceland*](\u0026nd=1\u0026dlsi=f6e05504fd8e490b) EP release, and in preparation for his debut album release, *Lola*.\n\nCampaign Kit made it easy for Goth Babe’s team to measure the impact of their campaigns and constantly iterate on strategy. They were especially focused on intent rate — a measure of likelihood of long-term fandom. \n\n“We can look at the data to understand what works and what listeners are resonating with. Intent rate is really valuable to us because it shows the listeners’ intent to stream more music. That’s the ultimate success of a campaign — bringing in new listeners, but also having them intend to stick around and continue engaging with the artist,” adds Mira.\n\nFor Goth Babe and his team, it’s all about bringing listeners into his musical world and creating a shared experience. Hear more about how Goth Babe’s team used Campaign Kit to support these goals in our upcoming [Campaign Kit Masterclass](, and be sure to check out Goth Babe’s debut album release: *Lola*, on January 26.","modules":[{"title":"Goth Babe Campaign Kit Recirculation Module","theme":"blackOnWhite","gridSupertext":"Related articles","items":[{"title":"Getting Started with Marquee","description":"These in-app recommendations are the best way to get the right listeners to focus on your new release on Spotify. Learn how the tool works, why it works, and how you can book your own campaigns.","urlSlug":"getting-started-with-marquee","releaseDate":"2021-11-22T12:00-04:00","headerModule":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"2aOP80eYi9JsIhx0Kj1stP"}},"theme":"Light","introduction":"These in-app recommendations are the best way to get the right listeners to focus on your new release on Spotify. Learn how the tool works, why it works, and how you can book your own campaigns.","article":"Dropping new music is all about making the right listeners aware of your latest release at the right time. Artists and their teams use everything from billboards and digital banners to ads on social media in the hopes of turning the folks who see those ads into listeners and, ultimately, fans. But ad campaigns like these can be imprecise in their targeting, inconsistent in their results, and unclear when it comes to their impact on listening. Sure, buying an ad on a social media platform can increase your music’s visibility, but with every step a potential listener has to take to get from that platform to Spotify comes the risk of losing them to the process. \n\nArtists and their teams wanted new and better ways to engage and develop audiences for their new releases on Spotify, so we developed [Marquee]( to be a powerful promotional tool that serves both the artist and the listener. Marquee, unlike other paid marketing tools, allows artists to target listeners based on their listening history rather than broad demographics or interests. It also reaches listeners right when they're deciding what to listen to rather than when they're scrolling a feed. Finally, Marquee’s reporting measures the impact on music listening and fan engagement. \n\nGot questions about Marquee? We’ve got answers for you. \n\n### What exactly is Marquee? How does it work?\n\nIf you’re a Spotify user, you’ve probably seen a notification recommending new music appear when you open the mobile app — that’s Marquee. This campaign tool grabs listeners’ attention and guides them from the app’s Home screen, directly to your new album, EP, or single. To be specific, Marquee is a full-screen, sponsored recommendation of your new release to Spotify Free and Premium listeners. Campaigns booked and managed in Spotify for Artists reach listeners who are most likely to stream your promoted release after seeing your Marquee — including both new and existing listeners. Marquee raises awareness about your new release and deepens your connection with an audience who is primed to become more highly engaged listeners and big fans. \n\n![](//\n\n### Why should I use Marquee (and not some other digital marketing tool)?\n\nMarquee is the best way to get the right listeners to focus on your new music on Spotify, because it reaches them at the right time. \n\nWith Marquee, you can target listeners based on the way they engage with your music. If you have the audience to support it, you can also target [audience segments]( For example, use Marquee to target your Spotify for Artists [active audience]( (including light listeners, moderate listeners, and super listeners) or your previously active audience. Plus, when you book and manage campaigns in Spotify for Artists, you can target your programmed or potential audience. \n\nAnd, speaking of the right time, unlike other digital music marketing tools where you reach people when browsing websites or social media feeds, Marquee allows you to promote your music to Free and Premium Spotify listeners the moment they open the app while they’re choosing what to stream. It’s minimally intrusive, helpful to the interested listener, and virtually frictionless. \n\n### How do the budgets work?\n\nBudgets for Marquee campaigns start at $100 when booked via Spotify for Artists, and campaigns run until you spend your budget or 10 days after your campaign starts, whichever comes first. Since Marquee is priced on a cost-per-click basis, we spend your budget only when people actually click on the Marquee. \n\nAlso, to maximize the value of your spend, Marquee filters out people who have already intentionally streamed from the new release. During the campaign, you’ll only reach people who haven’t actively listened yet. \n\n### When is the best time to start a Marquee campaign?\n\nMarquees can start at any time within the first three weeks of your release. Choose a start date that best aligns with your campaign goals. If you want the greatest and quickest impact, start the campaign on release day and coordinate your promotional efforts. You will likely see higher engagement (e.g., conversion rate, streams per listener). If you want a delayed boost, start your campaign after release day. Since we remove people who’ve already actively streamed the release from your campaign targeting, you’ll only reach people who haven’t listened yet.\n\n### What results can I expect?\n\nAfter your Marquee ends, Spotify will report to you how people who saw the campaign engaged with your promoted release, including listens, saves, or playlist adds. Marquee can inspire longer-term engagement: Listeners who see a Marquee are more than 2x as likely to save a track or add it to their personal playlists for future listening than if they hadn’t seen the Marquee. And, their engagement isn’t limited to the new release — Marquee builds a halo effect for your entire body of work. People who see a Marquee and stream the promoted release are 3x more likely to stream the artist’s other releases. As you're evaluating results, remember that Marquee helps you reach the right listeners and make them even more engaged. That means you’ll drive depth of results versus breadth.\n\n![](//\n\n### OK, I’m sold. How do I run a Marquee campaign? \n\nIf you’re an artist, manager, or label based in one of the markets where Marquee is [available]( to purchase, you will now see the Campaigns tab in your [Spotify for Artists dashboard]( on desktop, where you can use Marquee to promote eligible new releases. To create Marquee campaigns in Spotify for Artists, artists must meet the [eligibility requirements]( If your team is based in a market where Marquee is available to purchase but you don't see the Campaigns tab, ensure your billing country matches your market.\n\nIf you’ve ticked these requirements off, ask an admin on your team to follow these easy steps to book your campaign up to 18 days after your release date. \n\n1. Log in to on desktop.\n2. Click the three dots in the top left.\n3. Select “Your teams”, then the team you want to set a billing country for (if you’re on multiple teams).\n4. Go to “Billing.”\n5. Under “Billing information,” add an email, billing country, and payment card based in one of the markets where Marquee is [available]( to purchase.\n6. If you have an eligible release, within 24 hours you'll start to see a new “Campaigns” tab where you can create a Marquee directly from your Spotify for Artists dashboard. If you don't have an eligible release, you won't get fast access to the \"Campaigns\" tab; we’ll add you over the coming months.\n\nCampaigns can target audiences in over 40 markets, including Brazil, France, Germany, Mexico, the United Kingdom, and the United States. See the complete Marquee targeting list [here]( We're excited to share more updates as we continue to improve Marquee.\n\n\u003ciframe width=\"560\" height=\"315\" src=\"\" title=\"YouTube video player\" frameborder=\"0\" allow=\"accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture\" allowfullscreen\u003e\u003c/iframe\u003e\n\n*If you want to learn more about how using Marquee has helped artists’ promo campaigns, check out our case studies with [girl in red](, [Jackboy](, [Mt. Joy](, [Kaskade](, and [Lecrae](*\n","modules":[{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"6ehsjT0yWWWWDsGa6w3Gqd"}}],"indexed":true,"initialDropcap":false,"languages":"ar,zh-Hant-TW,cs-CZ,nl-NL,en-US,fi-FI,fr-CA,fr-FR,de-DE,el-GR,he-IL,hu-HU,id-ID,it-IT,ja-JP,ko-KR,ms-MY,pl-PL,pt-BR,ru-RU,es-419,es-ES,sv-SE,th-TH,tr-TR,vi-VN","id":"5BMJpuzcHlaR8TV1Zvuhq2","contentType":"articlePage"},{"title":"Getting Started with Showcase: A Campaign Tool to Give Your Music Its Moment on Home","description":"Showcase is our newest tool made for marketing music. It lets you promote the releases you want, when you want, to the listeners you want to reach – right on Spotify’s Home. ","metadataTitle":"Introducing Showcase: A Campaign tool made for marketing music ","urlSlug":"getting-started-with-showcase-a-campaign-tool-to-give-your-music-its-moment-on-home","releaseDate":"2023-09-12T10:31:00+0400","headerModule":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"4MjATHSy2DWCu27sK9scQA"}},"theme":"Light","introduction":"Showcase is our newest tool made for marketing music. It lets you promote the releases you want, when you want, to the listeners you want to reach – right on Spotify’s Home. \n","article":"At Spotify for Artists, we’re building tools that help artists and their teams promote their music — right where streaming happens. Today, [Marquee]( gets listeners into your new releases right when they open the app and [playlist pitching]( gets your unreleased music in front of Spotify editors to consider for editorial programming. \n\nBut artists and their teams want even more flexibility when it comes to surfacing the right music to the right fans at the right time — whether that’s reaching new listeners with a trending song, engaging super listeners with an anniversary album, or targeting previously active listeners with a reminder of your tour. \n\nWith a rise in the [popularity of catalog music,]( it’s also increasingly important to revitalize your body of work as a crucial aspect to building and maintaining your fanbase. From 2020 to 2022, the portion of our Global Weekly Top Songs Chart represented by catalog (18+ months) increased by 155%. Promoting new releases also remains critical, but not only during the release moment: On average, 75% of a release’s first-year streams happen after the first month.\n\nThat’s why we built [Showcase](, a new campaign tool that gives artists and their teams even more ways to get your new and catalog music in front of the right listeners, right when it counts. With Showcase, you'll be able to develop fans in ways that have never been possible before — by giving your music its moment on Home.\n\n![](//\n\n## What is Showcase and how does it work?\n\nShowcase is a sponsored recommendation that helps you share your music — whether it’s your newest release, your deepest catalog cut, or anything in between — at any time to likely listeners across Spotify. It appears as a mobile banner at the top of Spotify’s Home — the most visited place on Spotify, where millions of listeners come to decide what to listen to, resulting in billions of streams each day. Additionally, on average, people who see a Showcase are [6x more likely to stream the promoted release](\n\nWhat’s more, Showcase gives artists and their teams the option to book multiple campaigns for the same release. For example, the tool allows you to spotlight a single, EP, or album with multiple campaigns to reach different goals, each targeting different markets or listener segments.\n\nBelow are a few other examples of how Showcase gives you an opportunity to develop your audience in new and meaningful ways: \n- Hyping up your fans with an old favorite to build excitement for an upcoming release\n- Putting a seasonal hit in front of new listeners during a holiday moment \n- Re-engaging listeners you haven't reached in a while with a new release\n\nNo matter what your goal is, Showcase is the tool to help build your audience at the moments that best support your music and your career.\n\n![](//\n\n## When is the best moment to spotlight my music? \n\nWith Showcase, you can promote your music at any time, so it’s never too late to give your release its moment on Home. Plus you can add a headline to give listeners helpful context to the music you’re promoting. Here are a few examples of headlines and how you could use them:\n\n__Releasing music soon__\n\n Tap into the pre-release hype by promoting existing music with this headline. This can help prime your audience while letting them know to look out for your new music. \n\n__New music__\n\n Use this headline to make a splash when you’re dropping new music. You can also use [Marquee]( alongside Showcase for a new release, or you can use either tool on its own.\n\n__Recently released__\n\n Once the launch moment has died down, use this headline to extend your promotional cycle and keep your latest music top of mind for potential fans.\n\n__On tour__\n\n Want to build excitement for a new tour and help drum up interest in the [tickets on your artist profile]( and Now Playing view? You can use this option to engage listeners before they see you live.\n\n__Release anniversary__\n\n Use this headline to celebrate a milestone anniversary for one of your timeless releases and give listeners a reason to dive back in. \n\n__Getting buzz__\n\n It’s exciting to see your music trending, and this option allows you to seize the moment and build off the momentum to bring new listeners to your music. \n\n__Seasonal vibes__\n\n This is a great way to promote a seasonal song during a holiday or specific time of year. A spooky song, a festive favorite, or a new love song primed for Valentine’s Day — they all fall under “Seasonal vibes.”\n\nWhat’s important is that you have the freedom to choose the headline (and the moment) that matters most for your music. \n\n![](//\n\n## Who can I reach with Showcase?\n\nShowcase lets you reach listeners in over [40 markets](, helping you develop a global fanbase. By default, campaigns reach listeners who are most likely to stream your release — including those who have streamed you before and people who are new to your music. You can also choose to target specific segments of your audience based on real streaming behaviors:\n\n__Active audience__\n\nThese are valuable listeners who have intentionally streamed your music in the past 28 days from active sources like your artist profile, album and release pages, and their own library and playlists. Within the active audience there are three segments:\n\n- __Super listeners:__ Your most dedicated active listeners in the last 28 days. They’re also the most likely to keep streaming your music.\n\n- __Moderate listeners:__ Active listeners who intentionally streamed your music many times in the past 28 days, and could still develop into super listeners.\n\n- __Light listeners:__ Active listeners who intentionally streamed your music once or a couple times in the past 28 days, and could develop into moderate listeners.\n\n__Previously active audience__\n\nListeners who used to be in your active audience but haven’t intentionally streamed your music in at least 28 days. They may still stream your music from programmed sources.\n\n__Programmed audience__ \n\nListeners who only streamed your music from programmed sources like editorial playlists, Discover Weekly, Radio, Autoplay, or playlists by other listeners at least once in the last 2 years.\n\n__Potential audience__\n\nListeners who aren't currently in your total audience. Based on their listening habits, they may stream your promoted release.\n\n## How does Showcase reporting work?\nTwenty-four hours after your campaign starts, you’ll be able to access detailed reporting so you can see how your campaign drove engagement with the release you’re promoting, as well as with the rest of your catalog.\n\nWe already talked about how people who see a Showcase are six times more likely to stream the promoted release, but the effects can be seen even beyond that initial listen. Our reporting metrics measure how your campaigns are growing your audience and developing deeper fans over time. Whether your marketing goals include audience engagement, reactivation, or growth, Showcase reports measure the success of those goals by tracking how campaigns grew your amplified, reactivated, and new active listeners.\n\nBelow is a breakdown of each metric: \n\n- __Amplified listeners:__ Listeners from your active audience who intentionally streamed your promoted release for the first time after seeing your campaign.\n\n- __Reactivated listeners:__ Listeners who rejoined your active audience after intentionally streaming your promoted release.\n\n- __New active listeners:__ Listeners who joined your active audience for the first time by intentionally streaming your promoted release – including __new listeners__ who hadn’t streamed your music anywhere in the past two years.\n\nLastly, Showcase reporting can help you understand how listeners may intend to stream you in the long run by highlighting metrics live saves, playlist adds, and intent rate. Our research shows that saves and playlist adds correlate with a 2.5x increase in streaming of an artist six months later.\n\n\u003ciframe width=\"560\" height=\"315\" src=\"\" title=\"YouTube video player\" frameborder=\"0\" allow=\"accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share\" allowfullscreen\u003e\u003c/iframe\u003e\n\n## How do I set a campaign budget?\n\nBudgets for Showcase campaigns start at $100 when booked via Spotify for Artists and run until you either spend your budget or 14 days after your campaign starts, whichever comes first. Since Showcase is priced on a cost-per-click (CPC) basis starting at a $0.40 CPC, we only spend your budget when people actually click on the Showcase.\n\nIn order to maximize the value of your spend, Showcase filters out people who have already intentionally streamed the promoted release in the past 21 days. During the campaign, you’ll only reach people who haven’t actively listened yet. \n\n## How do I run a Showcase campaign?\n\nTo be eligible to book a Showcase, artists must have at least 1,000 streams over the past 28 days in at least one of the available [target markets](, and the artist team’s billing country must be set to a market where Showcase is [available]( to purchase.\n\nIf you meet these requirements, ask an admin on your team to follow these easy steps to book your campaign. \n1. Log in to your Spotify for Artists dashboard on desktop and head to the Campaigns tab.\n2. Locate the Showcase tab. \n3. Select an eligible release.\n4. Follow the instructions to set up your campaign, and you’re on your way!\n\nIf you’re an artist, manager, or label based in one of the markets where Showcase is [available]( to purchase, you will see the Campaigns tab in your [Spotify for Artists dashboard]( on desktop. To create Showcase campaigns in Spotify for Artists, artists must meet the [eligibility requirements]( If your team is based in a market where Showcase is available to purchase but you don't see the Campaigns tab, ensure your billing country matches your market. \n\nWe’re excited to share more updates so you can bring your own personalized strategy to the releases you want, when you want, and you can give your music its moment on Home, with Showcase.\n\n![](//\n","modules":[{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"2xLdBPaKqq9YXdbtUw2fBt"}}],"indexed":true,"languages":"ar,cs-CZ,de-DE,el-GR,en-US,es-419,es-ES,fi-FI,fr-CA,fr-FR,he-IL,hu-HU,id-ID,it-IT,ja-JP,ko-KR,ms-MY,nl-NL,pl-PL,pt-BR,ru-RU,sv-SE,th-TH,tr-TR,vi-VN,zh-Hant-TW","id":"9a07f2zVZd0ue26WEL860","contentType":"articlePage"},{"title":"How to Use Discovery Mode","description":"Discovery Mode is a tool from Spotify for Artists to help you find new listeners when they’re open to discovery. This video will walk you through how Discovery Mode works and how to get started.","urlSlug":"discovery-mode","video":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"KSXiEBJVksQ7aPpOGjeci"}},"thumbnailImage":{"title":"Discovery Mode Video Thumb","description":"","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":1851262,"image":{"width":2880,"height":1620}},"fileName":"DiscoModeThumbnail_edited.jpg","contentType":"image/jpeg"}},"modules":[{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"58KjzHU8iq5bwetYagMH8o"}}],"indexed":true,"translated":false,"id":"3MhYnlScvRfThfJ5ELkbml","contentType":"videoPage"},{"title":"How Magic City Hippies Sequenced Marquee, Canvas, and Discovery Mode to Develop Fans Ahead of Their New Album","description":"The Miami band’s use of Spotify for Artists marketing tools made listeners four times more likely to stream pre-release singles and helped triple the band’s audience in Radio and Autoplay before the album dropped.","urlSlug":"how-magic-city-hippies-sequenced-marquee-canvas-and-discovery-mode","releaseDate":"2022-07-14T11:50-04:00","headerModule":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"2Cj16pKHMvqeP8RUlrASiu"}},"theme":"Light","introduction":"The Miami band’s use of Spotify for Artists marketing tools made listeners four times more likely to stream pre-release singles and helped triple the band’s audience in [Discovery Mode contexts]( before the album dropped.","article":"Miami’s [Magic City Hippies]( have brought their breezy alt-funk to the party since they formed in 2015, but when the pandemic changed the game, the indie trio got innovative with how they recorded their sophomore album, *[Water Your Garden](*, and how they made sure it reached more listeners than the band ever had before.\n\nWritten and recorded in 2021 with band members Robby Hunter, Pat Howard, and John Coughlin all hunkered down in different parts of the country, the album’s title explains the 11 songs’ overarching theme of “taking care of yourself and taking care of your loved ones,” says manager Brad Desmond. “It’s something that the guys felt was missing from their lives before the pandemic.”\n\nWhen Magic City Hippies began planning *Water Your Garden*’s release, the band had nearly 650,000 monthly listeners on Spotify and it had been two years since their debut, *Modern Animal*. So when it came to developing *Garden*’s release strategy, it was all about working to reconnect with existing listeners and reaching new ones. To accomplish this, they planned to release singles over the course of the nine months in advance of the full album — building awareness so that the fanbase was ready to jump in eagerly when the album came out. \n\n\"You only get so many opportunities to release an album,” says Desmond. “I don't want to miss a single potential listener: it's a potential ticket buyer, a potential person who's going to tell 10 of their friends.\"\n\nTo meet their goal of “making it as easy as possible for [listeners] to get to” the new music, Desmond says, they utilized several Spotify for Artists tools, including [Marquee](, [Canvas](, and [Discovery Mode]( in a multi-faceted long-lead approach that activated their audience pre-release, made noise when the release dropped, and kept the momentum going post-release. \n\n![](//\n\n“Our audience is [on Spotify]. It’s how people discover us,” says Desmond. “It’s our main way of communicating with fans.... So it’s always our priority to play in the sandbox there, to use whatever marketing tools are available to us to provide the best experience possible.”\n\nWith Marquee and Canvas, they primed their listeners for the album with a series of singles beginning months ahead of the January 2022 album release. With Discovery Mode, they worked to expand their audience further, right before and after the album dropped — and just ahead of their tour. \n\n*Read on to learn exactly how they used each tool to exceed their goals.*\n\n## Marquee Engaged Listeners Pre-Album\n__*People who saw the Marquees were four times more likely to stream the singles.*__\n\n![](//\n\n*Water Your Garden*’s first pre-release single, “[Diamond](,” arrived nine months before the album, in April of 2021. Since it had been two years since their last album, the Magic City Hippies team decided to try a [Marquee]( targeting their lapsed listeners because, “It fit the release strategy by helping reach our goal of reengaging with fans,” says Iona Casta, paid media and digital marketing lead at Create Music Group, the band’s distributor. The Marquee drove 25% of their lapsed listeners to actively stream the band for the first time in more than six months. “Once we saw those results, we decided to use the tool for every release.” \n\nThroughout the rest of the year, they served up five more singles — “[Water Your Garden](,” “[Queen](,” “[High Beams](,” “[Ghost on the Mend](,” and “[Champagne on the Rider](” — and they used Marquee to promote all of them. They even had a cheeky inside joke about it. “Brad and I called it ‘foreplay’ for the album,” says Create Music Group project manager Anna Antoniadis. On average, 24% of people who streamed the pre-album singles after seeing the Marquee saved them to their personal libraries for future streaming. \n\n“It’s the most effective strategy to actually increase streaming numbers because it’s in-app,” Casta continues. “It gives fans direct access to actually listen to the music, save it, and come back to it later. Even if I optimize other ads for conversions, it takes several steps for people to stream and save it.”\n\nUsing Marquee to target Magic City Hippies’ recently interested, casual, and lapsed listeners resulted in listener familiarity with over half of *Water Your Garden* before it even dropped. \n\n“Our biggest challenge,” says Desmond, “is making sure that all of our fanbase is aware of what we’re doing… and Marquee is a home run for doing that.”\n\n## Canvas Extended the Aesthetic\n\n![](//\n\nMagic City Hippies’ comprehensive use of [Canvas]( — the Spotify for Artists tool for short, looping visuals — ensured that listeners who clicked the Marquee also got a taste of their creative world. The band invested in videos for every *Water Your Garden* single, and they made a Canvas for each. “Canvas allowed us to bring that visual into the Spotify platform, and to really give a deeper, more immersive listening experience to our fans,” Desmond explains. “The other thing I love about Canvas is, when it’s shared to Instagram Stories, which is something that we really look out for and encourage our fans to do… It just makes it that much more engaging for them.”\n\n“In some instances, we used a little bit of B-roll to provide a little Easter egg for fans who maybe are obsessed with the music video and are coming to Spotify to listen to the song,” Desmond continues. “On the non-single tracks, we used more B-roll from the other videos. One video, we had the director do a lot of slow-motion shots of flowers, and that was on-brand for the album title.” B-roll from another video was turned into “kind of like a psychedelic visualizer” Canvas for another song. \n\n## Discovery Mode Helped Expand Their Reach\n__*The trio more than tripled their audience in Discovery Mode contexts across more than 100 markets, with 31% of those listeners never having streamed the band before.*__ \n\nIn December, the month before the album arrived and the tour began, the team looked to reach new listeners by turning on [Discovery Mode](, a marketing tool that helps artists expand the reach of their music when audiences are most open to discovery. Discovery Mode allows distributors to select music they want to prioritize in select personalized sessions. This increases the likelihood a track reaches listeners in those contexts. \n\n“It was kind of a no-brainer in that period, to say, ‘Let’s give a shot at reaching as many people as possible’,” says Desmond. “Especially in a month like December, which is traditionally considered a down month,” seeing the band’s audience triple within Discovery Mode contexts, with 31% of those listeners never having streamed the band before, was “beyond what we expected.” \n\nThe team was surprised at first to see particular uplift for two of the songs they selected, with streams of “Ghost on the Mend” and “Diamond” doubling in Discovery Mode contexts when they turned on Discovery Mode for those tracks compared to the month prior. “Once we looked at a lot of the data, it ended up making sense,” explains Antoniadis. \n\n“I thought ‘Queen’ would've done better because it's shorter and hookier,” says Desmond. “‘Diamond’ and ‘Ghost on the Mend’ are really dynamic, and it was a surprise, but I think it was really cool. On our end, it was cool to see the impact. It's always cool to see the backend data, but specifically with Discovery Mode… it gave us some really interesting insight.” \n\nOverall, the band found Discovery Mode a powerful way to understand what people connect with, “because it’s coming up in algorithmic playlists,” she says. “It’s like, ‘Oh, I heard this super-randomly on a radio, and I added it to my playlist, and I listen to it all the time now.’ That was an interesting, different way to see how things connect.”\n\nFor Desmond, “as an independent artist, to be able to have that kind of audience insight, it’s really incredible.”\n\n## Making Noise On Release Day and Beyond \n\nHaving expanded their audience through Discovery Mode, the band was ready to promote the album, *Water Your Garden*, with Marquee once more. To build on the momentum, they booked a Marquee campaign targeting recently interested listeners — listeners who actively streamed their music in the last 28 days.\n\nIt drove an average of 13.5 streams of the new release per listener, over three times more streams per listener than their album at large. \n\nThat, “shows how reliably it converts, and, at the end of the day, it’s conversion, conversion, conversion,” says Antoniadis. “No matter how many clicks you get on Instagram or Facebook, it doesn’t necessarily mean the user’s gonna go stream the song… As data people, I love being able to see the actual conversion into streams.” \n\nWith Marquee, the album also reached their highest intent rate yet: 30% of Marquee listeners saved a track from the album to their library or added it to a personal playlist. Plus, 20% of their Marquee listeners also streamed from their older releases like 2019’s *[Modern Animal](*. \n\nBecause “fans are still connecting with it,” months after the album’s release day, Desmond says the team will return to Discovery Mode for *Garden* tracks that weren’t previously turned on.\n\n“One of my goals in general—and especially with an album rollout—is extending the release period the day after the release,” adds Antoniadis. “It doesn’t end there for anyone, and you can continue pushing it in different ways. Discovery Mode [is] an amazing tool for just that.”\n\n“It was a bigger, more professional release this time around,” Desmond says. “We always try to leave no stone unturned, and with these [three] tools, we were able to do a better job of that.”\n\nThe band is excited to continue building on the success of this release as their 2022 tour kicks into high gear, including a stop at Firefly Music Festival in September. “They worked really hard for a couple years to take that sound that’s very unique to them, that they create in the studio, and… bring it on the stage and still perform it live,” Desmond says.","modules":[{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"6GJZemISJ94qf0Z7O57fLq"}},{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"oxbqgOYOtbh56EDVgbAoN"}}],"indexed":true,"initialDropcap":false,"languages":"ar,zh-Hant-TW,cs-CZ,nl-NL,en-US,fi-FI,fr-CA,fr-FR,de-DE,el-GR,he-IL,hu-HU,id-ID,it-IT,ja-JP,ko-KR,ms-MY,pl-PL,pt-BR,ru-RU,es-419,es-ES,sv-SE,th-TH,tr-TR,vi-VN","id":"30R9sSwX2mwikPrD0cYxpo","contentType":"articlePage"}],"heroSupertext":"article","articleLink":{"title":"Introducing Campaign Kit: Campaign Tools Made for Music","description":"Learn how to use Campaign Kit, our set of tools specifically made to amplify your music and build lifelong fans — right where streaming happens. ","metadataTitle":"Introducing Campaign Kit: Campaign Tools Made for Music","metadataDescription":"Marquee, Discovery Mode, Showcase, and playlist pitching help artists develop and grow their audiences.","urlSlug":"introducing-campaign-kit-campaign-tools-made-for-music","releaseDate":"2023-12-06T03:00:00-0800","headerModule":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"WIPTAVGQcm6rdE1M7bTeZ"}},"theme":"Light","introduction":"Learn how to use Campaign Kit, our set of tools specifically made to amplify your music and build lifelong fans — right where streaming happens. \n","article":"Artists and their teams talk to us all the time about what success means to them: finding new listeners and turning them into lifelong fans. \n\nWhile using social media, billboards, and out-of-home ads can help you broadly reach listeners, these tools [aren’t made for music](, and they aren’t designed to reach your audience where they listen. They're costly and often fall short when it comes to targeting the right listeners or capturing their attention — not to mention the guesswork of trying to measure the impact of these tools on streaming.\n\nThat’s why we’ve invested in building effective campaign tools that are made for music — playlist pitching, Discovery Mode, Marquee and, most recently, Showcase. Each tool is designed to help you reach the right listeners, drive engagement when they're listening to music, and measure the impact on audience streaming and engagement. \n\nNow we're bringing together all these tools under one umbrella called Campaign Kit, with the goal of making it the single most effective toolkit to help you grow your audience, no matter where you are in your career or release cycle. \n\n![](//\n\n## What is Campaign Kit?\n\nAs the world's biggest music platform, Spotify can uniquely help artists create lifelong fans. With Campaign Kit, you have the tools you need to amplify your music – reaching listeners in Spotify programming or when they’re actively deciding what to stream next. \n\n### Let’s learn a little more about each tool: \n\n- __[Playlist pitching]( makes it easier to share your new songs with the editors who curate playlists like Rap Caviar, Today’s Top Hits, and Fresh Finds. Submit upcoming, unreleased music to Spotify’s editors for playlist consideration — it’s 100% free and available to all artists.\n\n- __[Discovery Mode]( can help expand the reach of your songs in personalized playlists — with no upfront cost. Select the songs that are a priority for you, and we’ll use that signal to help you find new listeners who are going to love them. \n\n- __[Marquee]( captures listeners’ undivided attention with a full-screen, sponsored recommendation of your new release right when they open the app. When a listener clicks on a Marquee, they can save or go directly to your new release, where they can focus on your music.\n\n- __[Showcase](, our newest sponsored recommendation, lets you promote your music to likely listeners at any time with a mobile banner at the top of Spotify’s Home – where millions of listeners look when they’re deciding what to listen to. You can spotlight both new releases and music from your catalog for any occasion, like if your song is going viral, you’re drumming up interest in a tour, or your album anniversary is coming up. \n\n## How Campaign Kit helps amplify your music\n\nThe tools within Campaign Kit are designed to be used together to meet your goals. Here are some examples of how artists and their teams used Campaign Kit – along with a few other Spotify for Artists tools – to successfully grow their audiences:\n\n- Independent R\u0026B artist thuy and her team used Campaign Kit across multiple releases to grow her monthly active listeners by more than 300%. They started by using Discovery Mode to grow her audience in the run up to her debut EP. Once her release dropped, they capitalized on that momentum with Marquee, targeting light and moderate listeners to turn them into bigger fans.\n\n “Once Discovery Mode started, we really began to notice that the save rate, the listenership, the playlist adds were going through the roof,” said Isobel Kelly, VP Global Head of Streaming at Venice Music and part of thuy’s team. “We had really connected with a new, wide range of potential fans.” \n\n The campaigns helped thuy reach fans in 178 countries and had her music saved by 230,000 listeners with 210,000 user playlist adds. See more [here](\n\n- Miami’s Magic City Hippies were able to prime listeners for their 2022 sophomore album, [*Water Your Garden*](, with a popular Campaign Kit strategy — promoting singles leading up to an album with Marquee, then turning on Discovery Mode for those same tracks. \n\n The results were clear: Listeners who saw their Marquees were 4x more likely to stream pre-release singles. See more [here](\n\n- When Nashville-based folktronica artist Conner Youngblood submitted his song [“Pizza Body”]( for editorial playlist consideration, the song was added to the Mellow Morning playlist. It sparked significant growth in his monthly listeners and followers on Spotify, with an added bonus: a noticeable boost in fans at his live shows all over the world. [Check out our series How They Made It](, where Conner, Brooklyn hip-hop artist Wiki, and Chicago rapper Dreezy discuss the impact that pitching their music for playlist consideration has had on each of their careers.\n\n- Goth Babe’s team have used Campaign Kit for many of his new releases and catalog tracks, last year hyping four new releases by successfully pairing Marquee and Discovery Mode. Using Discovery Mode on catalog tracks helped Goth Babe expand his audience, and Marquee helped him notify listeners about his new release. \n\n His 2019 single [“Weekend Friend”]( was one of the catalog tracks added to Discovery Mode in 2022. This resulted in more streams than it had even during its initial release-week peak. To keep the momentum going, they then promoted “Weekend Friend” with Showcase, targeting his previously active audience to re-engage listeners who had dropped off. \n\n## What new features are coming to Campaign Kit?\nWe’re building Campaign Kit to be the most effective way for artists to reach listeners and develop lifelong fans. In the coming weeks, we’re rolling out some exciting new features to help more artists reach more potential fans at the right music moments:\n\n- __Launching new creative options for Marquee and Showcase:__ Artists and their teams have asked us for more ways to customize their sponsored recommendations, so next year we’re excited to introduce new creative options, like giving teams the ability to pick and choose the background color of their Marquee to match their release artwork. For Showcase, artists will soon be able to choose from four additional headlines — including “Your playlist finds” and “Try something new” — that give listeners even more of a reason to engage.\n- __Connecting with listeners in Mixes:__ [Spotify Mixes]( are similar to [Spotify Radio](— both are personalized algorithmic playlists that listeners select when they’re open to discovery based on a specific input. However until now, despite their similarity to radio playlists, Discovery Mode hasn’t been available in Mixes. We’re updating that in early 2024: Discovery Mode campaigns will include Daily Mix starting January 3, and we’ll be expanding to artist, decade, mood, and genre mixes thereafter. (You can recognize Spotify Mixes with their signature cover design.) For artists and labels using Discovery Mode, this means more opportunities to connect with listeners when they’re most open to discovery — whether it’s a catalog artist reaching listeners in 80s Mix, an EDM artist reaching listeners in Dance/Electronic Mix, or an artist selecting *just* the right song to fit a listener’s Happy Mix.\n- __Expanding Marquee and Showcase to artists in more countries:__ This year, we expanded Marquee to the U.K., Canada, and Australia and introduced Showcase to [eligible]( artist teams in the U.S. Early next year, we’re excited to expand Showcase to the markets where Marquee is already live and roll out both tools to artist teams in France. Stay tuned for more news on the global reach of our campaign tools over the course of 2024.\n\n## How to get started with Campaign Kit tools\n\nWhile all artists have access to [playlist pitching](, we're still expanding access to Discovery Mode, Marquee, and [Showcase]( Eligible artists and their teams can navigate to the Campaigns tab on Spotify for Artists on desktop to start creating campaigns. (Learn more about eligibility for each tool: [Discovery Mode](, [Marquee, and Showcase](\n\nOn our new [Campaign Kit website](, you’ll find more details on how we can help you and your team reach your goals – whether you want to grow your audience with a new release, re-engage fans with your catalog, celebrate a release anniversary, develop new audiences around the world, and so much more. Keep an eye on that space over the next few months as we roll out webinars, insights, and more educational materials. \n\nAnd make sure you don’t miss a beat, [sign up]( for the Campaign Kit Masterclass on January 24, 2024. We'll share more details on how to best use the toolkit, including how marketers at mTheory and Venice Music are successfully pairing these tools for their artists.\n","modules":[{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"7bGCxJmljBimkh0v3S9GJb"}}],"indexed":true,"languages":"ar,cs-CZ,de-DE,el-GR,en-US,es-419,es-ES,fi-FI,fr-CA,fr-FR,he-IL,hu-HU,id-ID,it-IT,ja-JP,ko-KR,ms-MY,nl-NL,pl-PL,pt-BR,ru-RU,sv-SE,th-TH,tr-TR,vi-VN,zh-Hant-TW","id":"6kNkXAC9L8DmD16qgSX3VP","contentType":"articlePage"},"background":"#151E17","color":"#EFE3CC","id":"7wuKmoBtDGyUDhzQClTkZ3","contentType":"featuredContentModule"}],"languages":"en-US","id":"65kHDaOsIZQdAGEIZqflBK","contentType":"articlePage"},{"title":"Your next biggest fan could be one playlist away.","description":"Explore seven brand new Fan Study insights on Spotify playlists, discovery, and fueling fandom.","image":{"title":"Fan Study Spotify Playlists editorial grid","description":"","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":366176,"image":{"width":1920,"height":1080}},"fileName":"FanStudy_Playlist_EditorialGrid_16_9_02.jpg","contentType":"image/jpeg"}},"url":"","external":true,"id":"20tslXwO6fpxSew5ID8B4r","contentType":"customGridContent"},{"title":"The Complete Guide to Audience Segments","description":"From casual listeners to super fans: navigating Spotify's audience segments.","metadataTitle":"The Complete Guide to Audience Segments in Spotify for Artists","urlSlug":"introducing-new-audience-segmentation-on-spotify-for-artists","releaseDate":"2024-04-25T04:00:00+0400","headerModule":{"title":"New Audience Segments header module ","headline":"The Complete Guide to Audience Segments","image":{"title":"Header Image","description":"","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":107548,"image":{"width":1280,"height":720}},"fileName":"Header Image (3).png","contentType":"image/png"}},"backgroundColor":"#ffffff","textColor":"#000000","id":"4Zy9il69fGifTxp0HI7dDo","contentType":"articleHeaderModule"},"theme":"Light","introduction":"From casual listeners to super fans: navigating Spotify's audience segments.","article":"Monthly listeners, followers, and super listeners might sound alike, but they each represent a different kind of artist-fan relationship. Knowing these differences is key to grasping your Spotify audience and reaching your goals.\n\nWhen we introduced audience segmentation to Spotify for Artists, the goal was to offer fresh insights into audience engagement levels. We want to help you see how listeners progress from discovering your music to becoming loyal fans.\n\nWe've since expanded the Segments tab to give you detailed stats on each segment's size, how they change over time, and their contributions to monthly stream counts. \n\n\u003ciframe width=\"560\" height=\"315\" src=\"\" title=\"YouTube video player\" frameborder=\"0\" allow=\"accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share\" allowfullscreen\u003e\u003c/iframe\u003e\n\nThis guide covers all you need to know about audience segments and the metrics on the Segments tab, empowering you to understand your listeners better and make informed decisions to reach your goals.\n\n## Segments\n\nOn the Segments tab, you'll see your unique listeners from the past two years — we refer to this as your total audience. It's our most extensive view of your music's reach. This includes your active, previously active, and programmed audience. These segments paint a fuller picture of your audience by showing who's intentionally seeking out and streaming your music, and who is listening more passively.\n\nHere's a breakdown of these segments and why they're important:\n\n1. __Active Audience:__ These are valuable listeners who intentionally streamed your music in the past 28 days from active sources like your artist profile, single and album pages, and their own playlists or library. On average, they make up 33% of your total audience but *drive 60% of your streams and 80% of merch purchases through Spotify.* You want to keep them engaged to ensure they continue listening and stay in your active audience.\n\n - __Super listeners:__ These are your most dedicated listeners in the past 28 days. They're also the most likely to keep streaming your music in the next three months, more than any other segment in your total audience. Super listeners are your biggest fans on Spotify and a key measure of fandom.\n\n - __Moderate listeners:__ These are active listeners who intentionally streamed your music multiple times in the past 28 days. Although they're not as engaged as super listeners, there's potential for them to develop into super listeners over time.\n\n - __Light listeners:__ These are active listeners who streamed your music once or a couple of times in the past 28 days. While they're not heavily engaged like moderate or super listeners, there's potential for them to become more engaged over time.\n\n2. __Previously active audience:__ These listeners were part of your active audience in the past two years but haven't intentionally streamed your music in the past 28 days.\n\n3. __Programmed audience:__ These listeners haven't intentionally streamed your music in the past two years. However, at least once in the past two years, they have streamed your music from programmed sources such as editorial playlists, personalized playlists, Radio \u0026 Autoplay, or playlists created by other listeners.\n\nGrowing your active audience, especially super listeners, significantly impacts your streaming numbers and long-term audience retention. However, don't overlook the importance of your previously active and programmed audiences.\n\nListeners in your previously active audience have already shown interest in your music by actively streaming it in the past, making them easier to re-engage. On the other hand, listeners in your programmed audience may be discovering your music for the first time through channels like editorial playlists or radio, so they may be primed to go deeper into your catalog in the future and join your active audience.\n\n## Listener Conversion Metrics\n\nWhen a listener starts streaming your music, they enter one of your audience segments, but that's not necessarily where they'll stay. As they discover your music on Spotify playlists, stream from your artist profile, or save it to their libraries, they transition between segments.\n\nListener conversion metrics track these changes every month, and gauge your success at turning casual listeners into dedicated fans over time.\n\n\u003ciframe width=\"560\" height=\"315\" src=\"\" title=\"YouTube video player\" frameborder=\"0\" allow=\"accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share\" allowfullscreen\u003e\u003c/iframe\u003e\n\n- __New listeners:__ These are listeners who hadn't streamed your music on Spotify in the past two years but have now joined your total audience. Now you can measure how many new people your music is reaching each month on Spotify.\n\n- __New active listeners:__ These listeners joined your active audience after not intentionally streaming your music for at least two years. Their active streams might be the first time they’ve listened to your music, or they might have transitioned from streaming from only programmed sources. New active listeners will be included in your active audience numbers.\n\n- __Reactivated listeners:__ These listeners have rejoined your active audience after a period of inactivity of at least one month. As you reactivate more listeners, you'll notice your previously active audience segment shrinking and your active audience growing.\n\n## Share of Streams\n\n![](//\n\nUse the share of streams tool to grasp how different segments influence your streaming numbers. This tool provides data on how much each segment contributes to your streams in the past 28 days. By toggling between your share of audience and share of streams, you can see the streams driven by listeners in each segment, helping you understand their importance. \n\nThe data on the Segments tab helps you track your audience across various stages of fandom, from new listeners to loyal fans. Listener conversion metrics create a feedback loop connecting your marketing and release strategies to audience growth and re-engagement, which is essential for building long-term success.\n\nStart getting to know your Spotify audience by checking out the [segments tab]( on Spotify for Artists. \n","modules":[{"title":"Recirculation Module ","headline":"See More ","items":[{"title":"Making the Most of the ‘Now Playing’ View to Encourage Discovery","description":"Four actions artists can take on each of their songs to take advantage of the new Now Playing listener experience.","metadataTitle":"Making the Most of the ‘Now Playing’ View to Encourage Discovery","metadataDescription":"Making the Most of the ‘Now Playing’ View to Encourage Discovery","urlSlug":"making-the-most-of-the-now-playing-view-to-encourage-discovery","releaseDate":"2023-05-09T09:50:00+0800","headerModule":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"74ivlL7CFhFijbdz3MJiCp"}},"theme":"Light","introduction":"Five actions artists can take on each of their songs to take advantage of the Now Playing listener experience.","article":"As an artist, building a successful career is as much about creating music as it is about engaging your audience. If you are able to connect with listeners on a deeper level, you have the opportunity to turn them into real fans. On Spotify, you can showcase your creativity in a variety of ways, no matter what stage you’re at in your career. Whether it’s your newest track, an album anniversary, your latest merch drop, or upcoming tour dates, you can celebrate and promote it all on Spotify. \n\nWe call the space that listeners see when streaming a song on Spotify the Now Playing view. The Now Playing view was crafted to encourage discovery for listeners and to help artists form deeper connections with their audiences. Some listeners already know who you are and are coming to Spotify to listen to your music, but others may discover your work via our personalized programming or because your song is featured on a playlist. This means that a potential new fan is always at your fingertips.\n\nImagine your song is on a playlist, the listener likes what they hear, and they pull out their phone because they want to find out more. The Now Playing view presents the perfect moment to capture that listener’s attention by allowing them to dive deeper into your world. Listeners can not only find out what they’re listening to, but also who they’re listening to – with the artist’s bio, Canvas, lyrics, song credits, merch, and upcoming concerts. \n\nHere are five actions you can take to make the most out of the Now Playing view:\n\n## 1. Upload a Canvas\n\n[Canvas]( is a great way to draw listeners in through short, looping visuals that you can add to your tracks on Spotify. They’re like album artwork, for the streaming age. By [uploading a Canvas](, you have the opportunity to grab the listener’s attention and share the creative vision to your song, which can entice them to dive deeper. Listeners are 20% more likely to add a track to their playlist when they see a Canvas. \n\n![Upload a Canvas](//\n\n## 2. Tag Merch Associated with Your Albums or Singles \n\n[Merch and music are better together]( For fans, buying merch can be an emotional experience and a way to connect with their favorite artists on a deeper level. When you tag your merch to a release, it will now show up within the Now Playing view which means that while a listener is experiencing your music, they can also browse (and buy) a physical representation of your music as well.\n\nWhen you tag a piece of merch to an album, it will automatically be linked to every song included on that album within the Now Playing view, and it only takes [a few easy steps](\u0026category=artist-profile\u0026q=shopify%20merch).\n\nSome other things to keep in mind: \n\n- A merch item can also be tagged with multiple releases, so if a track appears on more than one release, go ahead and tag both!\n- Once the release has been delivered and is visible within Spotify for Artists, you can tag your merch pre-release so that it’s accessible the very first time a listener presses play.\n- Spotify will automatically associate merch items to releases if the name of the release is in the name of the merch item — but manually tagged merch items will be listed first on release pages. \n- Merch tagging is only available to items listed through our Shopify integration.\n\n[*Watch how mehro thinks about creating his merch and selling it on Spotify*](\n\n![Tag merch associated with your albums or singles](//\n\n## 3. Make Sure Your Artist Bio Is Up to Date \n\nIntroductions are key and artist bios on Spotify are an opportunity for you to let your fans know who you are in your own words. Your artist bio will now appear under “About the artist,” alongside a follow button, allowing listeners to easily follow your artist profile. Your artist image, [which you can upload via Spotify for Artists](, appears behind the bio. You can upload your bio by following [these steps](, and make sure to [check out our tips]( for making the most out of those 1500 characters to tell your fans your story.\n\n![Upload your bio ](//\n\n## 4. Include Song Credits When You Distribute Your Music\n\nWhether you’re a performing artist, songwriter, or producer, you deserve recognition for your contributions to the music you’ve helped create. Plus, fans love getting to know the people who had a hand in making the songs they love – song credits are here to help make those connections. Mobile app users can see and interact with song credits right within the Now Playing view.\n\nWe show information supplied to us by your distributor or record label. In order to ensure your credits appear properly, check to make sure the correct metadata was submitted, and that your credits are up to date. For songwriters or producers with a Songwriter Page, make sure your publishing info is correct with your publisher. Additionally, if you’re an artist self-releasing through a distributor, you can ensure your credits are in order right as you’re submitting your music.\n\nSong credits in the Now Playing view display three creators of the track, while the expanded view shows all creators listed. Listeners can follow Spotify artist profiles for artists with connected pages directly via the Now Playing view, and the expanded view offers navigation to connected Songwriter Pages where these are enabled.\n\n![Include song credits](//\n\n## 5. Connect Your Tickets and Lyrics to Your Artist Profile \n\nLetting people know when your next live show is and giving them the opportunity to discover your lyrics is a great way to turn listeners into fans, and under the new Now Playing view, both live show listings and lyrics are accessible all in one place. \n\nMake sure that your tickets are listed through one of our [third party ticketing partners](\u0026category=artist-profile\u0026q=tickets) – this way listeners can find out when you’re playing near them, right while they’re listening to your music. To make sure your tickets are syncing to Spotify properly, view the On Tour section of your artist profile. Those same listings will be featured on the Now Playing view.\n\nYou can connect your lyrics by following [these steps](\u0026category=artist-profile\u0026q=lyrics) and using Musixmatch's free offering to make sure your fans can sing along. Fans even have the option to share snippets of your lyrics to social media platforms with share cards. Note: availability of lyrics may vary by territory and licensor. ","modules":[{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"6g1UZghLH41s2q2vfq4Ypd"}}],"indexed":true,"initialDropcap":false,"languages":"ar,cs-CZ,de-DE,el-GR,en-US,es-419,es-ES,fi-FI,fr-CA,fr-FR,he-IL,hu-HU,id-ID,it-IT,ja-JP,ko-KR,ms-MY,nl-NL,pl-PL,pt-BR,ru-RU,sv-SE,th-TH,tr-TR,vi-VN,zh-Hant-TW","id":"5Pq6jcUZQuMdxIonFiTr18","contentType":"articlePage"},{"title":"Marquee Strategies: 6 Ways to Amplify Your New Release","description":"Explore ways you can use our campaign tool to amplify your new music, whether you’re looking to maximize engagement overall or develop specific audience segments.","urlSlug":"marquee-strategies-six-ways-to-amplify-your-new-release","releaseDate":"2022-06-24T12:00-04:00","headerModule":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"7wHEXGwtgsnusRDay2DLY5"}},"theme":"Light","introduction":"Explore ways you can use our campaign tool to amplify your new music, whether you’re looking to maximize engagement overall or develop specific audience segments.","article":"Since it launched, [Marquee]( — a full-screen, sponsored recommendation of your new music to listeners who have already shown interest in your music — has been enhanced so that there are now a variety of ways to use it to meet *your* specific needs. \n\n- __Release Types__: Promote new albums, EPs, or singles\n- __Timing__: Start campaigns up to 21 days post-release \n- __Targeting__: Select your reachable audience — or choose from lapsed, recently interested, and casual listeners.\n- __Geographies__: Reach listeners in over 10 markets, including Austria, Canada, France, Germany, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and the United States\n\nArtists of all sizes have used Marquee to drive focused streaming of their new releases. Listeners who see a Marquee are over two times on average more likely to save a track from the promoted release for future streaming. And, Marquee is not just about the new release: Listeners who engage with a Marquee are three times more likely on average to stream from older releases.\n\nLet’s take a closer look at six ways artists have been using Marquee to achieve the most common new release goals: maximizing engagement overall (__campaign engagement strategies__), and driving engagement from specific parts of your audience (__fan development strategies__). Plus, learn how to measure success for each goal.\n\n## Campaign Engagement Strategies\n\n### 1. Albums \u0026 EPs — Let’s Get Loud\nMake a huge splash right when your new music drops by starting your Marquee on release day. Since Marquees go live at midnight on the campaign start date, you can reach people who are most likely to listen in a big way. \n\n- __Targeting__: Your reachable audience\n- __Start date__: Release day \n- __Case study__: [Wolf Alice](’s team turned to Marquee to maximize engagement for their latest album, *Blue Weekend*, by starting their campaign on release day, generating two times more streams per listener than benchmarks. [*Read more here*](\n\n### 2. Amp up Pre-Release Singles\nUse Marquee to promote a series of singles ahead of your album. Targeting recently interested listeners — people who listened to your music in the last 28 days — around release will help you build momentum before your album drops.\n\n- __Targeting__: Recently interested listeners \n- __Start date__: Up to four days after release day \n- __Case study__: [bbno$]( built on the momentum of his 2019 viral hit “Lalala” by using Marquee to promote three singles in the lead up to 2021 album *Eat Ya Veggies*, increasing his active streams by 40 percentage points before the new release dropped. *[Read more here](*.\n\n### 3. Strengthen Your International Rollout Strategy\nYou can take your new release global by using your Spotify for Artists audience data to determine your top markets, and then targeting the right listeners from among the dozen-plus markets where Marquee is live. Staggering your campaign start dates will help maintain momentum and capture another wave of listeners who didn’t see it release week. \n\n- __Targeting__: Multiple countries \n- __Start date__: Staggered across markets \n- __Case study__: Spotify RADAR artist [girl in red]( ran a staggered multi-market Marquee campaign that helped her release maintain momentum across continents. *[Read more here](*.\n\n## Fan Development Strategies \nWhich listeners do you want to turn into bigger fans? Marquee targets people based on listening history and only reaches listeners who have not already [actively]( streamed the release. \n\n### 4. Re-engage Lapsed Listeners\nPerfect for the times when you haven’t released new music in a while or want to encourage intentional, active streaming. \n\n- __Targeting__: Lapsed listeners\n- __Start date__: Up to two days after release day\n- __Case study__: When the pandemic disrupted promotion plans for [Lecrae](’s first album in two years, he and his team turned to Marquee to reactivate lapsed listeners, driving 35% re-engagement and 80,000 saves and playlist adds. *[Read more here](*.\n\n### 5. Turn Casual Listeners Into Fans\nIf your goal is to use Marquee to deepen relationships with listeners, target people who already listen but have potential to stream more. \n\n- __Targeting__: Casual listeners\n- __Start date__: Up to four days after release day\n- __Case study__: After [Beach House]('s 2015 tune “Space Song” unexpectedly went viral last year, they had a newly expanded audience that they engaged with Marquee, driving 24% of casual listeners to save a track from their album and 20% to stream from their catalog. *[Read more here](*.\n\n### 6. Activate Listeners Post-Release\nSince Marquee’s targeting excludes listeners who have already actively streamed your new music, start a Marquee up to 20 days later to reach listeners who likely want to hear you but who may have missed your release date rollout. \n\n- __Targeting__: Your reachable audience \n- __Start date__: 1 to 2 weeks post-release day\n- __Case study__: Read how [Kaskade]( used Marquee to promote the single “[Miles to Go](” a week after the track’s release to make more listeners aware, resulting in more than 20% of Kaskade or [Ella Vos]( fans saving the track. *[Read more here](*. \n\n## Measuring Success \n\n### 1. Identify the metrics that matter most for hitting your goal.\nSuccess looks a little different depending on your overall goals. For the campaign engagement strategies (1, 2, and 3 above), look at your streams per listener, plus your listener conversion rate — the percentage of people who saw your Marquee and listened to the promoted release.\nFor the fan development strategies (4, 5, and 6 above), look at the intent rate — the percentage of your listeners who saved a track from the promoted release or added it to a playlist — plus how listeners engaged with your other releases. \n\n### 2. Check in on your results as they update and 14 days after the campaign ends.\nAfter each Marquee, you’ll receive reporting on how the people who saw your campaign responded to your music. You’ll start to see metrics about 24 hours after your campaign starts, and until 14 days after your campaign ends — this is when all metrics are finalized. \n\n### 3. Measure the metrics that matter.\nBenchmarking can help you understand how your Marquee performed. To benchmark against previous Marquees, visit your Spotify for Artists dashboard, click on the Campaigns tab, then choose “Download Results.” \nYour Spotify for Artists dashboard is also the place where you can compare how your Marquee audience engaged with your release versus your total audience. From your dashboard, visit the [__Release Details Page__]( by going to the Music tab, clicking on Releases, and then clicking on your new release. \n\n__To learn more about using Marquee, including how to get started, [visit the Marquee site here](\n","languages":"ar,zh-Hant-TW,cs-CZ,nl-NL,en-US,fi-FI,fr-CA,fr-FR,de-DE,el-GR,he-IL,hu-HU,id-ID,it-IT,ja-JP,ko-KR,ms-MY,pl-PL,pt-BR,ru-RU,es-419,es-ES,sv-SE,th-TH,tr-TR,vi-VN","id":"5vh2SL8jxbveY9duEMlWXO","contentType":"articlePage"},{"title":"Getting Started with Marquee","description":"These in-app recommendations are the best way to get the right listeners to focus on your new release on Spotify. Learn how the tool works, why it works, and how you can book your own campaigns.","urlSlug":"getting-started-with-marquee","releaseDate":"2021-11-22T12:00-04:00","headerModule":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"2aOP80eYi9JsIhx0Kj1stP"}},"theme":"Light","introduction":"These in-app recommendations are the best way to get the right listeners to focus on your new release on Spotify. Learn how the tool works, why it works, and how you can book your own campaigns.","article":"Dropping new music is all about making the right listeners aware of your latest release at the right time. Artists and their teams use everything from billboards and digital banners to ads on social media in the hopes of turning the folks who see those ads into listeners and, ultimately, fans. But ad campaigns like these can be imprecise in their targeting, inconsistent in their results, and unclear when it comes to their impact on listening. Sure, buying an ad on a social media platform can increase your music’s visibility, but with every step a potential listener has to take to get from that platform to Spotify comes the risk of losing them to the process. \n\nArtists and their teams wanted new and better ways to engage and develop audiences for their new releases on Spotify, so we developed [Marquee]( to be a powerful promotional tool that serves both the artist and the listener. Marquee, unlike other paid marketing tools, allows artists to target listeners based on their listening history rather than broad demographics or interests. It also reaches listeners right when they're deciding what to listen to rather than when they're scrolling a feed. Finally, Marquee’s reporting measures the impact on music listening and fan engagement. \n\nGot questions about Marquee? We’ve got answers for you. \n\n### What exactly is Marquee? How does it work?\n\nIf you’re a Spotify user, you’ve probably seen a notification recommending new music appear when you open the mobile app — that’s Marquee. This campaign tool grabs listeners’ attention and guides them from the app’s Home screen, directly to your new album, EP, or single. To be specific, Marquee is a full-screen, sponsored recommendation of your new release to Spotify Free and Premium listeners. Campaigns booked and managed in Spotify for Artists reach listeners who are most likely to stream your promoted release after seeing your Marquee — including both new and existing listeners. Marquee raises awareness about your new release and deepens your connection with an audience who is primed to become more highly engaged listeners and big fans. \n\n![](//\n\n### Why should I use Marquee (and not some other digital marketing tool)?\n\nMarquee is the best way to get the right listeners to focus on your new music on Spotify, because it reaches them at the right time. \n\nWith Marquee, you can target listeners based on the way they engage with your music. If you have the audience to support it, you can also target [audience segments]( For example, use Marquee to target your Spotify for Artists [active audience]( (including light listeners, moderate listeners, and super listeners) or your previously active audience. Plus, when you book and manage campaigns in Spotify for Artists, you can target your programmed or potential audience. \n\nAnd, speaking of the right time, unlike other digital music marketing tools where you reach people when browsing websites or social media feeds, Marquee allows you to promote your music to Free and Premium Spotify listeners the moment they open the app while they’re choosing what to stream. It’s minimally intrusive, helpful to the interested listener, and virtually frictionless. \n\n### How do the budgets work?\n\nBudgets for Marquee campaigns start at $100 when booked via Spotify for Artists, and campaigns run until you spend your budget or 10 days after your campaign starts, whichever comes first. Since Marquee is priced on a cost-per-click basis, we spend your budget only when people actually click on the Marquee. \n\nAlso, to maximize the value of your spend, Marquee filters out people who have already intentionally streamed from the new release. During the campaign, you’ll only reach people who haven’t actively listened yet. \n\n### When is the best time to start a Marquee campaign?\n\nMarquees can start at any time within the first three weeks of your release. Choose a start date that best aligns with your campaign goals. If you want the greatest and quickest impact, start the campaign on release day and coordinate your promotional efforts. You will likely see higher engagement (e.g., conversion rate, streams per listener). If you want a delayed boost, start your campaign after release day. Since we remove people who’ve already actively streamed the release from your campaign targeting, you’ll only reach people who haven’t listened yet.\n\n### What results can I expect?\n\nAfter your Marquee ends, Spotify will report to you how people who saw the campaign engaged with your promoted release, including listens, saves, or playlist adds. Marquee can inspire longer-term engagement: Listeners who see a Marquee are more than 2x as likely to save a track or add it to their personal playlists for future listening than if they hadn’t seen the Marquee. And, their engagement isn’t limited to the new release — Marquee builds a halo effect for your entire body of work. People who see a Marquee and stream the promoted release are 3x more likely to stream the artist’s other releases. As you're evaluating results, remember that Marquee helps you reach the right listeners and make them even more engaged. That means you’ll drive depth of results versus breadth.\n\n![](//\n\n### OK, I’m sold. How do I run a Marquee campaign? \n\nIf you’re an artist, manager, or label based in one of the markets where Marquee is [available]( to purchase, you will now see the Campaigns tab in your [Spotify for Artists dashboard]( on desktop, where you can use Marquee to promote eligible new releases. To create Marquee campaigns in Spotify for Artists, artists must meet the [eligibility requirements]( If your team is based in a market where Marquee is available to purchase but you don't see the Campaigns tab, ensure your billing country matches your market.\n\nIf you’ve ticked these requirements off, ask an admin on your team to follow these easy steps to book your campaign up to 18 days after your release date. \n\n1. Log in to on desktop.\n2. Click the three dots in the top left.\n3. Select “Your teams”, then the team you want to set a billing country for (if you’re on multiple teams).\n4. Go to “Billing.”\n5. Under “Billing information,” add an email, billing country, and payment card based in one of the markets where Marquee is [available]( to purchase.\n6. If you have an eligible release, within 24 hours you'll start to see a new “Campaigns” tab where you can create a Marquee directly from your Spotify for Artists dashboard. If you don't have an eligible release, you won't get fast access to the \"Campaigns\" tab; we’ll add you over the coming months.\n\nCampaigns can target audiences in over 40 markets, including Brazil, France, Germany, Mexico, the United Kingdom, and the United States. See the complete Marquee targeting list [here]( We're excited to share more updates as we continue to improve Marquee.\n\n\u003ciframe width=\"560\" height=\"315\" src=\"\" title=\"YouTube video player\" frameborder=\"0\" allow=\"accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture\" allowfullscreen\u003e\u003c/iframe\u003e\n\n*If you want to learn more about how using Marquee has helped artists’ promo campaigns, check out our case studies with [girl in red](, [Jackboy](, [Mt. Joy](, [Kaskade](, and [Lecrae](*\n","modules":[{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"6ehsjT0yWWWWDsGa6w3Gqd"}}],"indexed":true,"initialDropcap":false,"languages":"ar,zh-Hant-TW,cs-CZ,nl-NL,en-US,fi-FI,fr-CA,fr-FR,de-DE,el-GR,he-IL,hu-HU,id-ID,it-IT,ja-JP,ko-KR,ms-MY,pl-PL,pt-BR,ru-RU,es-419,es-ES,sv-SE,th-TH,tr-TR,vi-VN","id":"5BMJpuzcHlaR8TV1Zvuhq2","contentType":"articlePage"}],"themeName":"whiteOnBlack","id":"6Y5LvAsVNyGT55qo9Kf5bW","contentType":"relatedStoriesList"}],"indexed":true,"languages":"en-US","id":"4aRKdTLo53P1JYDb9gwHja","contentType":"articlePage"},{"title":"Campaign Kit","description":"Learn about Campaign Kit – our suite of tools for artists and music marketers that brings together playlist pitching, Marquee, Discovery Mode, and Showcase – and get best practices from experts at Venice Music and mtheory.","metadataTitle":"Campaign Kit","metadataDescription":"playlist pitching, Marquee, Discovery Mode, and Showcase","urlSlug":"masterclass-campaign-kit","video":{"title":"Campaign Kit: Tools Made for Artists \u0026 Music Marketers","headline":"Campaign Kit: Tools Made for Artists \u0026 Music Marketers","subtext":"Learn about Campaign Kit – our suite of tools for artists and music marketers that brings together playlist pitching, Marquee, Discovery Mode, and Showcase – and get best practices from experts at Venice Music and mtheory.","useCustomCta":true,"videoUrl":"","videoControlColors":{},"id":"AeUcOQdGNbv2JDUF05BWA","contentType":"videoModule"},"thumbnailImage":{"title":"Campaign Kit ","description":"","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":1221849,"image":{"width":1920,"height":1080}},"fileName":"Bryan 1.jpg","contentType":"image/jpeg"}},"modules":[{"title":"Masterclass 3 Related Stories","headline":"Related Stories","items":[{"title":"Campaign Kit gives music marketers and artists the tools to build fans. ","description":"Marquee, Discovery Mode, Showcase, and playlist pitching help artists develop and grow their audiences.","urlSlug":"campaign-kit","theme":"Dark","indexed":true,"heroModule":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"3UmI2cHkGx4gtJP73y1O91"}},"modules":[{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"fRouUzPJWEkhvbSmPsGh0"}},{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"1ojaDPxCz3RROGI8DcILz8"}},{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"1xmDRTK9eF7wYF8zIk4IEj"}},{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"4DLIPewPQ2EY0VkmiVFViV"}},{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"2ahW9oxAE2HYNq2FtyfTiy"}},{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"65w8vfgsSkeJaS0IbiBBec"}},{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"11Dw7rfs9BWl1ObXDUDig3"}},{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"75nYqlPcOlnmgqRqzmVR2N"}},{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"1e2FGuh2qkBtkJCNMn6YVm"}},{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"lifnB6K7lEBLHYzWFXxxU"}},{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"NIVrYELLAqp7MFoPbMffk"}}],"socialCard":{"title":"CK Social Share 16x9","description":"","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":1052250,"image":{"width":1921,"height":1080}},"fileName":"CK_Social_Share_16x9.jpg","contentType":"image/jpeg"}},"id":"22tLzoAeLeyQXAGHsNnIZL","contentType":"landingPage"},{"title":"How Goth Babe Amplified New Releases and Gave New Life to His Catalog with Campaign Kit","description":"Learn how artist Goth Babe used Campaign Kit to grow his audience ahead of his debut album release.","metadataTitle":"Learn how artist Goth Babe used Campaign Kit to grow his audience ahead of his debut album release","metadataDescription":"Learn how artist Goth Babe used Campaign Kit to grow his audience ahead of his debut album release","urlSlug":"how-goth-babe-amplified-new-releases-and-gave-new-life-to-his-catalog-with","headerModule":{"title":"How Goth Babe Amplified New Releases and Gave New Life to His Catalog with Campaign Kit","headline":"How Goth Babe Amplified New Releases and Gave New Life to His Catalog with Campaign Kit","image":{"title":"Asset 1 — ALT (1)","description":"","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":1009115,"image":{"width":1280,"height":700}},"fileName":"Asset 1 — ALT (1).png","contentType":"image/png"}},"id":"2pbhbiyPg44YPJbBftOefd","contentType":"articleHeaderModule"},"introduction":"Ahead of his debut album, Goth Babe’s team used Campaign Kit to build momentum and invite listeners deeper into his experiential catalog. The approach drove the highest-ever listenership for his EP and gave “a new life” to his broader catalog – with several tracks surpassing their initial release week streams.\n","article":"For Griff Washburn – who performs as indie electronic artist [Goth Babe](\u0026nd=1\u0026dlsi=c2ff326003934572) – his music echoes his adventurous spirit. His sound brings listeners across his journey through nature, from sailing along the coast of Mexico to exploring the great outdoors in a camper van. \n\nFor the past few years, manager services and artist development company mtheory, have partnered with Goth Babe's manager Sean Sheahan, to develop his music marketing strategy, using a data-driven approach to promote Goth Babe’s experiential sound. So, when it came to building hype for his EP, [*Iceland*](\u0026nd=1\u0026dlsi=ce058e2f87064245), which dropped in November 2022 and his debut album, *Lola*, which will be released on January 26, 2024, his team turned to Campaign Kit to surface the right music – both new and catalog – where listeners were already streaming. “The end goal is helping artists connect with their fans. Being able to hone in on where artist fan bases actively are consuming their music already, and reach them there, is the best approach,” says mtheory’s Director of Marketing, Mira Brock. \n\nUsing [Campaign Kit]( in Spotify for Artists, Goth Babe's team strategically grew his audience release by release. From deploying a \"staircase\" approach with Marquee to grow his audience with each release, to creating a second (or even third) life for catalog tracks with Discovery Mode, to using Showcase to build off success from Discovery Mode, Goth Babe's team creatively used Campaign Kit tools in lockstep with their overall marketing strategy. Let’s take a look at how Goth Babe’s team surfaced the right music at the right time to bring even more listeners into his musical ecosystem. \n\n## Marquee Brought Listeners Into Goth Babe’s Storytelling Over Time\n\n![](//\n\nIn the lead up to Goth Babe’s EP, [*Iceland*](\u0026nd=1\u0026dlsi=ce058e2f87064245), his team used Marquee’s full-screen format to deepen fandom with a series of new releases. The strategy: engage the right listeners more and more with each new drop. “We ran Marquee for every single release, with the idea that it would function like a staircase. By the time we reached an EP…we’d been building more and more listeners,” says Brock. \n\nIncluded in that staircase strategy was Goth Babe’s previous EP, [*Santa Catalina*](\u0026nd=1\u0026dlsi=955142733001428d). To maximize impact among listeners who hadn’t yet heard the release, Goth Babe’s team targeted all relevant Marquee listeners and ran the campaign later in the release cycle. As a result, the Marquee reached the widest set of listeners who hadn’t actively streamed yet – and more than 30% of Marquee listeners saved a track from the EP to their library or added it to a personal playlist.\n\n“We used a Marquee the Wednesday after the release week,” continues Brock. “We waited for organic streaming to happen first and then Release Radar to hit on Tuesday. We wanted to maximize spend by reaching people who hadn’t streamed the song yet.”\n\nWith each step, Goth Babe’s team brought listeners deeper into his musical storytelling. To accelerate that journey, his team promoted his single [*“Surfing in Iceland”*](\u0026nd=1\u0026dlsi=8338210c2996434f) driving to his This Is playlist, where listeners could discover more of his sound after streaming the new release. \n\n“It wasn’t just about the singles, but a catalog consumption experience,” says Brock. “Listening to [‘*Surfing in Iceland*’](\u0026nd=1\u0026dlsi=8338210c2996434f) within the This Is playlist would help guide listeners into navigating the rest of the artist’s catalog.”\n\nThe strategy paid off. The Marquee for [*“Surfing in Iceland”*](\u0026nd=1\u0026dlsi=8338210c2996434f) drove nearly 4x more listeners of Goth Babe’s broader catalog, as compared to previous campaigns promoted to the singles or EPs page – meaning the Marquee prompted listeners to dive deeper into the Goth Babe experience.\n\n## Discovery Mode Brought New Life to Goth Babe’s Catalog Tracks\n![](//\n\nWhen Goth Babe’s team first started using Discovery Mode, they tested out the tool with catalog tracks that previously had not received a lot of listener activity. After seeing great results in terms of stream lift, they decided to include bigger catalog hits in their campaigns, such as Goth Babe's 2019 single, [*\"Weekend Friend.\"*](\u0026nd=1\u0026dlsi=ad832bc93697421b) With the help of Discovery Mode, streams of the track peaked in January 2023 when it experienced more than 3.2 million streams on Spotify — nearly 6x the streams it had generated in its first month of release.\n\n“We’ve been pleased and blown away with the results of tracks such as [*“Weekend Friend”*](\u0026nd=1\u0026dlsi=ad832bc93697421b). Discovery Mode gave *'Weekend Friend'* an entirely new life, but the fun part is also adding in tracks that were never focus tracks or hadn’t been playlisted before,” explains Jonah Berry, Vice President of mtheory. \n\nThis is a story that Goth Babe’s team has seen with other previously popular tracks as well, such as the single,[*“I Wanna Help Your Mind,”*](\u0026nd=1\u0026dlsi=9568d042c65b412f) which also beat out streams from its initial release week in 2021, after it was included in Discovery Mode. It then reached its highest streaming peak in December 2022. Discovery Mode has given selected tracks not only an entirely new life, but also a second or third life in some cases.\n\nDiscovery Mode has also helped Goth Babe reach a more international audience. “Once we saw we were reaching a wider audience through Discovery Mode, we really doubled down on that and started using it to reach new listeners in new regions,” says Mira. With the help of Discovery Mode, Goth Babe has now reached new listeners in 160 markets across the world.\n\nDiscovery Mode has been key in re-engaging Goth Babe’s listeners and bringing new listeners, wherever they may be, into his listening ecosystem.\n\n## Showcase built on Discovery Mode momentum\n![](//\n\nAfter seeing the success Discovery Mode drove for [*“Weekend Friend,”*](\u0026nd=1\u0026dlsi=ad832bc93697421b) Goth Babe’s team used Showcase to continue the momentum. \n\n“With Showcase, it was really exciting to focus on a catalog release and have it highlighted on Spotify’s Home,” says Brock. \n\nAfter reviewing data on Goth Babe’s audience segments, Goth Babe’s team decided to target his previously active audience with the campaign headline “You might like” to re-engage listeners who hadn’t recently streamed his music. With the help of Showcase, Goth Babe reactivated listeners who had fallen out of his active audience – 12% of previously active listeners who streamed the single saved it to their library or added it to a personal playlist. And their engagement wasn't limited to [*“Weekend Friend”*](\u0026nd=1\u0026dlsi=ad832bc93697421b) — more than 18% of listeners went on to stream from Goth Babe’s other releases. With a cohort of reactivated listeners, Goth Babe is now ready to drop his debut album to an even more engaged audience. \n\n## With Campaign Kit, Goth Babe grew and developed his fanbase, turning listeners into long-term fans\n![](//\n\nFor Goth Babe, the Campaign Kit tools work in harmony to ensure he engages the right listeners at various moments in the discovery and release cycle. \n\n“All the products work really cohesively and in tandem,” Mira shares. “Using these tools together is about trying to cast a broad net to reach new listeners or less active ones and bring them closer in. Then when you have a new release, you can further engage these listeners. The goal is to build up Goth Babe’s daily streams and monthly listeners so that at the time of his next release he has the highest amount of listenership possible. Our marketing goal is to amplify an artist’s reach and Campaign Kit allows us to do exactly that — whether it’s for a catalog track or a new release.” \n\nBy using Campaign Kit tools together over the course of more than a year, Goth Babe’s team grew his monthly listeners metric to its highest-ever level, achieving their marketing goal ahead of his [*Iceland*](\u0026nd=1\u0026dlsi=f6e05504fd8e490b) EP release, and in preparation for his debut album release, *Lola*.\n\nCampaign Kit made it easy for Goth Babe’s team to measure the impact of their campaigns and constantly iterate on strategy. They were especially focused on intent rate — a measure of likelihood of long-term fandom. \n\n“We can look at the data to understand what works and what listeners are resonating with. Intent rate is really valuable to us because it shows the listeners’ intent to stream more music. That’s the ultimate success of a campaign — bringing in new listeners, but also having them intend to stick around and continue engaging with the artist,” adds Mira.\n\nFor Goth Babe and his team, it’s all about bringing listeners into his musical world and creating a shared experience. Hear more about how Goth Babe’s team used Campaign Kit to support these goals in our upcoming [Campaign Kit Masterclass](, and be sure to check out Goth Babe’s debut album release: *Lola*, on January 26.","modules":[{"title":"Goth Babe Campaign Kit Recirculation Module","theme":"blackOnWhite","gridSupertext":"Related articles","items":[{"title":"Getting Started with Marquee","description":"These in-app recommendations are the best way to get the right listeners to focus on your new release on Spotify. Learn how the tool works, why it works, and how you can book your own campaigns.","urlSlug":"getting-started-with-marquee","releaseDate":"2021-11-22T12:00-04:00","headerModule":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"2aOP80eYi9JsIhx0Kj1stP"}},"theme":"Light","introduction":"These in-app recommendations are the best way to get the right listeners to focus on your new release on Spotify. Learn how the tool works, why it works, and how you can book your own campaigns.","article":"Dropping new music is all about making the right listeners aware of your latest release at the right time. Artists and their teams use everything from billboards and digital banners to ads on social media in the hopes of turning the folks who see those ads into listeners and, ultimately, fans. But ad campaigns like these can be imprecise in their targeting, inconsistent in their results, and unclear when it comes to their impact on listening. Sure, buying an ad on a social media platform can increase your music’s visibility, but with every step a potential listener has to take to get from that platform to Spotify comes the risk of losing them to the process. \n\nArtists and their teams wanted new and better ways to engage and develop audiences for their new releases on Spotify, so we developed [Marquee]( to be a powerful promotional tool that serves both the artist and the listener. Marquee, unlike other paid marketing tools, allows artists to target listeners based on their listening history rather than broad demographics or interests. It also reaches listeners right when they're deciding what to listen to rather than when they're scrolling a feed. Finally, Marquee’s reporting measures the impact on music listening and fan engagement. \n\nGot questions about Marquee? We’ve got answers for you. \n\n### What exactly is Marquee? How does it work?\n\nIf you’re a Spotify user, you’ve probably seen a notification recommending new music appear when you open the mobile app — that’s Marquee. This campaign tool grabs listeners’ attention and guides them from the app’s Home screen, directly to your new album, EP, or single. To be specific, Marquee is a full-screen, sponsored recommendation of your new release to Spotify Free and Premium listeners. Campaigns booked and managed in Spotify for Artists reach listeners who are most likely to stream your promoted release after seeing your Marquee — including both new and existing listeners. Marquee raises awareness about your new release and deepens your connection with an audience who is primed to become more highly engaged listeners and big fans. \n\n![](//\n\n### Why should I use Marquee (and not some other digital marketing tool)?\n\nMarquee is the best way to get the right listeners to focus on your new music on Spotify, because it reaches them at the right time. \n\nWith Marquee, you can target listeners based on the way they engage with your music. If you have the audience to support it, you can also target [audience segments]( For example, use Marquee to target your Spotify for Artists [active audience]( (including light listeners, moderate listeners, and super listeners) or your previously active audience. Plus, when you book and manage campaigns in Spotify for Artists, you can target your programmed or potential audience. \n\nAnd, speaking of the right time, unlike other digital music marketing tools where you reach people when browsing websites or social media feeds, Marquee allows you to promote your music to Free and Premium Spotify listeners the moment they open the app while they’re choosing what to stream. It’s minimally intrusive, helpful to the interested listener, and virtually frictionless. \n\n### How do the budgets work?\n\nBudgets for Marquee campaigns start at $100 when booked via Spotify for Artists, and campaigns run until you spend your budget or 10 days after your campaign starts, whichever comes first. Since Marquee is priced on a cost-per-click basis, we spend your budget only when people actually click on the Marquee. \n\nAlso, to maximize the value of your spend, Marquee filters out people who have already intentionally streamed from the new release. During the campaign, you’ll only reach people who haven’t actively listened yet. \n\n### When is the best time to start a Marquee campaign?\n\nMarquees can start at any time within the first three weeks of your release. Choose a start date that best aligns with your campaign goals. If you want the greatest and quickest impact, start the campaign on release day and coordinate your promotional efforts. You will likely see higher engagement (e.g., conversion rate, streams per listener). If you want a delayed boost, start your campaign after release day. Since we remove people who’ve already actively streamed the release from your campaign targeting, you’ll only reach people who haven’t listened yet.\n\n### What results can I expect?\n\nAfter your Marquee ends, Spotify will report to you how people who saw the campaign engaged with your promoted release, including listens, saves, or playlist adds. Marquee can inspire longer-term engagement: Listeners who see a Marquee are more than 2x as likely to save a track or add it to their personal playlists for future listening than if they hadn’t seen the Marquee. And, their engagement isn’t limited to the new release — Marquee builds a halo effect for your entire body of work. People who see a Marquee and stream the promoted release are 3x more likely to stream the artist’s other releases. As you're evaluating results, remember that Marquee helps you reach the right listeners and make them even more engaged. That means you’ll drive depth of results versus breadth.\n\n![](//\n\n### OK, I’m sold. How do I run a Marquee campaign? \n\nIf you’re an artist, manager, or label based in one of the markets where Marquee is [available]( to purchase, you will now see the Campaigns tab in your [Spotify for Artists dashboard]( on desktop, where you can use Marquee to promote eligible new releases. To create Marquee campaigns in Spotify for Artists, artists must meet the [eligibility requirements]( If your team is based in a market where Marquee is available to purchase but you don't see the Campaigns tab, ensure your billing country matches your market.\n\nIf you’ve ticked these requirements off, ask an admin on your team to follow these easy steps to book your campaign up to 18 days after your release date. \n\n1. Log in to on desktop.\n2. Click the three dots in the top left.\n3. Select “Your teams”, then the team you want to set a billing country for (if you’re on multiple teams).\n4. Go to “Billing.”\n5. Under “Billing information,” add an email, billing country, and payment card based in one of the markets where Marquee is [available]( to purchase.\n6. If you have an eligible release, within 24 hours you'll start to see a new “Campaigns” tab where you can create a Marquee directly from your Spotify for Artists dashboard. If you don't have an eligible release, you won't get fast access to the \"Campaigns\" tab; we’ll add you over the coming months.\n\nCampaigns can target audiences in over 40 markets, including Brazil, France, Germany, Mexico, the United Kingdom, and the United States. See the complete Marquee targeting list [here]( We're excited to share more updates as we continue to improve Marquee.\n\n\u003ciframe width=\"560\" height=\"315\" src=\"\" title=\"YouTube video player\" frameborder=\"0\" allow=\"accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture\" allowfullscreen\u003e\u003c/iframe\u003e\n\n*If you want to learn more about how using Marquee has helped artists’ promo campaigns, check out our case studies with [girl in red](, [Jackboy](, [Mt. Joy](, [Kaskade](, and [Lecrae](*\n","modules":[{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"6ehsjT0yWWWWDsGa6w3Gqd"}}],"indexed":true,"initialDropcap":false,"languages":"ar,zh-Hant-TW,cs-CZ,nl-NL,en-US,fi-FI,fr-CA,fr-FR,de-DE,el-GR,he-IL,hu-HU,id-ID,it-IT,ja-JP,ko-KR,ms-MY,pl-PL,pt-BR,ru-RU,es-419,es-ES,sv-SE,th-TH,tr-TR,vi-VN","id":"5BMJpuzcHlaR8TV1Zvuhq2","contentType":"articlePage"},{"title":"Getting Started with Showcase: A Campaign Tool to Give Your Music Its Moment on Home","description":"Showcase is our newest tool made for marketing music. It lets you promote the releases you want, when you want, to the listeners you want to reach – right on Spotify’s Home. ","metadataTitle":"Introducing Showcase: A Campaign tool made for marketing music ","urlSlug":"getting-started-with-showcase-a-campaign-tool-to-give-your-music-its-moment-on-home","releaseDate":"2023-09-12T10:31:00+0400","headerModule":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"4MjATHSy2DWCu27sK9scQA"}},"theme":"Light","introduction":"Showcase is our newest tool made for marketing music. It lets you promote the releases you want, when you want, to the listeners you want to reach – right on Spotify’s Home. \n","article":"At Spotify for Artists, we’re building tools that help artists and their teams promote their music — right where streaming happens. Today, [Marquee]( gets listeners into your new releases right when they open the app and [playlist pitching]( gets your unreleased music in front of Spotify editors to consider for editorial programming. \n\nBut artists and their teams want even more flexibility when it comes to surfacing the right music to the right fans at the right time — whether that’s reaching new listeners with a trending song, engaging super listeners with an anniversary album, or targeting previously active listeners with a reminder of your tour. \n\nWith a rise in the [popularity of catalog music,]( it’s also increasingly important to revitalize your body of work as a crucial aspect to building and maintaining your fanbase. From 2020 to 2022, the portion of our Global Weekly Top Songs Chart represented by catalog (18+ months) increased by 155%. Promoting new releases also remains critical, but not only during the release moment: On average, 75% of a release’s first-year streams happen after the first month.\n\nThat’s why we built [Showcase](, a new campaign tool that gives artists and their teams even more ways to get your new and catalog music in front of the right listeners, right when it counts. With Showcase, you'll be able to develop fans in ways that have never been possible before — by giving your music its moment on Home.\n\n![](//\n\n## What is Showcase and how does it work?\n\nShowcase is a sponsored recommendation that helps you share your music — whether it’s your newest release, your deepest catalog cut, or anything in between — at any time to likely listeners across Spotify. It appears as a mobile banner at the top of Spotify’s Home — the most visited place on Spotify, where millions of listeners come to decide what to listen to, resulting in billions of streams each day. Additionally, on average, people who see a Showcase are [6x more likely to stream the promoted release](\n\nWhat’s more, Showcase gives artists and their teams the option to book multiple campaigns for the same release. For example, the tool allows you to spotlight a single, EP, or album with multiple campaigns to reach different goals, each targeting different markets or listener segments.\n\nBelow are a few other examples of how Showcase gives you an opportunity to develop your audience in new and meaningful ways: \n- Hyping up your fans with an old favorite to build excitement for an upcoming release\n- Putting a seasonal hit in front of new listeners during a holiday moment \n- Re-engaging listeners you haven't reached in a while with a new release\n\nNo matter what your goal is, Showcase is the tool to help build your audience at the moments that best support your music and your career.\n\n![](//\n\n## When is the best moment to spotlight my music? \n\nWith Showcase, you can promote your music at any time, so it’s never too late to give your release its moment on Home. Plus you can add a headline to give listeners helpful context to the music you’re promoting. Here are a few examples of headlines and how you could use them:\n\n__Releasing music soon__\n\n Tap into the pre-release hype by promoting existing music with this headline. This can help prime your audience while letting them know to look out for your new music. \n\n__New music__\n\n Use this headline to make a splash when you’re dropping new music. You can also use [Marquee]( alongside Showcase for a new release, or you can use either tool on its own.\n\n__Recently released__\n\n Once the launch moment has died down, use this headline to extend your promotional cycle and keep your latest music top of mind for potential fans.\n\n__On tour__\n\n Want to build excitement for a new tour and help drum up interest in the [tickets on your artist profile]( and Now Playing view? You can use this option to engage listeners before they see you live.\n\n__Release anniversary__\n\n Use this headline to celebrate a milestone anniversary for one of your timeless releases and give listeners a reason to dive back in. \n\n__Getting buzz__\n\n It’s exciting to see your music trending, and this option allows you to seize the moment and build off the momentum to bring new listeners to your music. \n\n__Seasonal vibes__\n\n This is a great way to promote a seasonal song during a holiday or specific time of year. A spooky song, a festive favorite, or a new love song primed for Valentine’s Day — they all fall under “Seasonal vibes.”\n\nWhat’s important is that you have the freedom to choose the headline (and the moment) that matters most for your music. \n\n![](//\n\n## Who can I reach with Showcase?\n\nShowcase lets you reach listeners in over [40 markets](, helping you develop a global fanbase. By default, campaigns reach listeners who are most likely to stream your release — including those who have streamed you before and people who are new to your music. You can also choose to target specific segments of your audience based on real streaming behaviors:\n\n__Active audience__\n\nThese are valuable listeners who have intentionally streamed your music in the past 28 days from active sources like your artist profile, album and release pages, and their own library and playlists. Within the active audience there are three segments:\n\n- __Super listeners:__ Your most dedicated active listeners in the last 28 days. They’re also the most likely to keep streaming your music.\n\n- __Moderate listeners:__ Active listeners who intentionally streamed your music many times in the past 28 days, and could still develop into super listeners.\n\n- __Light listeners:__ Active listeners who intentionally streamed your music once or a couple times in the past 28 days, and could develop into moderate listeners.\n\n__Previously active audience__\n\nListeners who used to be in your active audience but haven’t intentionally streamed your music in at least 28 days. They may still stream your music from programmed sources.\n\n__Programmed audience__ \n\nListeners who only streamed your music from programmed sources like editorial playlists, Discover Weekly, Radio, Autoplay, or playlists by other listeners at least once in the last 2 years.\n\n__Potential audience__\n\nListeners who aren't currently in your total audience. Based on their listening habits, they may stream your promoted release.\n\n## How does Showcase reporting work?\nTwenty-four hours after your campaign starts, you’ll be able to access detailed reporting so you can see how your campaign drove engagement with the release you’re promoting, as well as with the rest of your catalog.\n\nWe already talked about how people who see a Showcase are six times more likely to stream the promoted release, but the effects can be seen even beyond that initial listen. Our reporting metrics measure how your campaigns are growing your audience and developing deeper fans over time. Whether your marketing goals include audience engagement, reactivation, or growth, Showcase reports measure the success of those goals by tracking how campaigns grew your amplified, reactivated, and new active listeners.\n\nBelow is a breakdown of each metric: \n\n- __Amplified listeners:__ Listeners from your active audience who intentionally streamed your promoted release for the first time after seeing your campaign.\n\n- __Reactivated listeners:__ Listeners who rejoined your active audience after intentionally streaming your promoted release.\n\n- __New active listeners:__ Listeners who joined your active audience for the first time by intentionally streaming your promoted release – including __new listeners__ who hadn’t streamed your music anywhere in the past two years.\n\nLastly, Showcase reporting can help you understand how listeners may intend to stream you in the long run by highlighting metrics live saves, playlist adds, and intent rate. Our research shows that saves and playlist adds correlate with a 2.5x increase in streaming of an artist six months later.\n\n\u003ciframe width=\"560\" height=\"315\" src=\"\" title=\"YouTube video player\" frameborder=\"0\" allow=\"accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share\" allowfullscreen\u003e\u003c/iframe\u003e\n\n## How do I set a campaign budget?\n\nBudgets for Showcase campaigns start at $100 when booked via Spotify for Artists and run until you either spend your budget or 14 days after your campaign starts, whichever comes first. Since Showcase is priced on a cost-per-click (CPC) basis starting at a $0.40 CPC, we only spend your budget when people actually click on the Showcase.\n\nIn order to maximize the value of your spend, Showcase filters out people who have already intentionally streamed the promoted release in the past 21 days. During the campaign, you’ll only reach people who haven’t actively listened yet. \n\n## How do I run a Showcase campaign?\n\nTo be eligible to book a Showcase, artists must have at least 1,000 streams over the past 28 days in at least one of the available [target markets](, and the artist team’s billing country must be set to a market where Showcase is [available]( to purchase.\n\nIf you meet these requirements, ask an admin on your team to follow these easy steps to book your campaign. \n1. Log in to your Spotify for Artists dashboard on desktop and head to the Campaigns tab.\n2. Locate the Showcase tab. \n3. Select an eligible release.\n4. Follow the instructions to set up your campaign, and you’re on your way!\n\nIf you’re an artist, manager, or label based in one of the markets where Showcase is [available]( to purchase, you will see the Campaigns tab in your [Spotify for Artists dashboard]( on desktop. To create Showcase campaigns in Spotify for Artists, artists must meet the [eligibility requirements]( If your team is based in a market where Showcase is available to purchase but you don't see the Campaigns tab, ensure your billing country matches your market. \n\nWe’re excited to share more updates so you can bring your own personalized strategy to the releases you want, when you want, and you can give your music its moment on Home, with Showcase.\n\n![](//\n","modules":[{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"2xLdBPaKqq9YXdbtUw2fBt"}}],"indexed":true,"languages":"ar,cs-CZ,de-DE,el-GR,en-US,es-419,es-ES,fi-FI,fr-CA,fr-FR,he-IL,hu-HU,id-ID,it-IT,ja-JP,ko-KR,ms-MY,nl-NL,pl-PL,pt-BR,ru-RU,sv-SE,th-TH,tr-TR,vi-VN,zh-Hant-TW","id":"9a07f2zVZd0ue26WEL860","contentType":"articlePage"},{"title":"How to Use Discovery Mode","description":"Discovery Mode is a tool from Spotify for Artists to help you find new listeners when they’re open to discovery. This video will walk you through how Discovery Mode works and how to get started.","urlSlug":"discovery-mode","video":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"KSXiEBJVksQ7aPpOGjeci"}},"thumbnailImage":{"title":"Discovery Mode Video Thumb","description":"","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":1851262,"image":{"width":2880,"height":1620}},"fileName":"DiscoModeThumbnail_edited.jpg","contentType":"image/jpeg"}},"modules":[{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"58KjzHU8iq5bwetYagMH8o"}}],"indexed":true,"translated":false,"id":"3MhYnlScvRfThfJ5ELkbml","contentType":"videoPage"},{"title":"How Magic City Hippies Sequenced Marquee, Canvas, and Discovery Mode to Develop Fans Ahead of Their New Album","description":"The Miami band’s use of Spotify for Artists marketing tools made listeners four times more likely to stream pre-release singles and helped triple the band’s audience in Radio and Autoplay before the album dropped.","urlSlug":"how-magic-city-hippies-sequenced-marquee-canvas-and-discovery-mode","releaseDate":"2022-07-14T11:50-04:00","headerModule":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"2Cj16pKHMvqeP8RUlrASiu"}},"theme":"Light","introduction":"The Miami band’s use of Spotify for Artists marketing tools made listeners four times more likely to stream pre-release singles and helped triple the band’s audience in [Discovery Mode contexts]( before the album dropped.","article":"Miami’s [Magic City Hippies]( have brought their breezy alt-funk to the party since they formed in 2015, but when the pandemic changed the game, the indie trio got innovative with how they recorded their sophomore album, *[Water Your Garden](*, and how they made sure it reached more listeners than the band ever had before.\n\nWritten and recorded in 2021 with band members Robby Hunter, Pat Howard, and John Coughlin all hunkered down in different parts of the country, the album’s title explains the 11 songs’ overarching theme of “taking care of yourself and taking care of your loved ones,” says manager Brad Desmond. “It’s something that the guys felt was missing from their lives before the pandemic.”\n\nWhen Magic City Hippies began planning *Water Your Garden*’s release, the band had nearly 650,000 monthly listeners on Spotify and it had been two years since their debut, *Modern Animal*. So when it came to developing *Garden*’s release strategy, it was all about working to reconnect with existing listeners and reaching new ones. To accomplish this, they planned to release singles over the course of the nine months in advance of the full album — building awareness so that the fanbase was ready to jump in eagerly when the album came out. \n\n\"You only get so many opportunities to release an album,” says Desmond. “I don't want to miss a single potential listener: it's a potential ticket buyer, a potential person who's going to tell 10 of their friends.\"\n\nTo meet their goal of “making it as easy as possible for [listeners] to get to” the new music, Desmond says, they utilized several Spotify for Artists tools, including [Marquee](, [Canvas](, and [Discovery Mode]( in a multi-faceted long-lead approach that activated their audience pre-release, made noise when the release dropped, and kept the momentum going post-release. \n\n![](//\n\n“Our audience is [on Spotify]. It’s how people discover us,” says Desmond. “It’s our main way of communicating with fans.... So it’s always our priority to play in the sandbox there, to use whatever marketing tools are available to us to provide the best experience possible.”\n\nWith Marquee and Canvas, they primed their listeners for the album with a series of singles beginning months ahead of the January 2022 album release. With Discovery Mode, they worked to expand their audience further, right before and after the album dropped — and just ahead of their tour. \n\n*Read on to learn exactly how they used each tool to exceed their goals.*\n\n## Marquee Engaged Listeners Pre-Album\n__*People who saw the Marquees were four times more likely to stream the singles.*__\n\n![](//\n\n*Water Your Garden*’s first pre-release single, “[Diamond](,” arrived nine months before the album, in April of 2021. Since it had been two years since their last album, the Magic City Hippies team decided to try a [Marquee]( targeting their lapsed listeners because, “It fit the release strategy by helping reach our goal of reengaging with fans,” says Iona Casta, paid media and digital marketing lead at Create Music Group, the band’s distributor. The Marquee drove 25% of their lapsed listeners to actively stream the band for the first time in more than six months. “Once we saw those results, we decided to use the tool for every release.” \n\nThroughout the rest of the year, they served up five more singles — “[Water Your Garden](,” “[Queen](,” “[High Beams](,” “[Ghost on the Mend](,” and “[Champagne on the Rider](” — and they used Marquee to promote all of them. They even had a cheeky inside joke about it. “Brad and I called it ‘foreplay’ for the album,” says Create Music Group project manager Anna Antoniadis. On average, 24% of people who streamed the pre-album singles after seeing the Marquee saved them to their personal libraries for future streaming. \n\n“It’s the most effective strategy to actually increase streaming numbers because it’s in-app,” Casta continues. “It gives fans direct access to actually listen to the music, save it, and come back to it later. Even if I optimize other ads for conversions, it takes several steps for people to stream and save it.”\n\nUsing Marquee to target Magic City Hippies’ recently interested, casual, and lapsed listeners resulted in listener familiarity with over half of *Water Your Garden* before it even dropped. \n\n“Our biggest challenge,” says Desmond, “is making sure that all of our fanbase is aware of what we’re doing… and Marquee is a home run for doing that.”\n\n## Canvas Extended the Aesthetic\n\n![](//\n\nMagic City Hippies’ comprehensive use of [Canvas]( — the Spotify for Artists tool for short, looping visuals — ensured that listeners who clicked the Marquee also got a taste of their creative world. The band invested in videos for every *Water Your Garden* single, and they made a Canvas for each. “Canvas allowed us to bring that visual into the Spotify platform, and to really give a deeper, more immersive listening experience to our fans,” Desmond explains. “The other thing I love about Canvas is, when it’s shared to Instagram Stories, which is something that we really look out for and encourage our fans to do… It just makes it that much more engaging for them.”\n\n“In some instances, we used a little bit of B-roll to provide a little Easter egg for fans who maybe are obsessed with the music video and are coming to Spotify to listen to the song,” Desmond continues. “On the non-single tracks, we used more B-roll from the other videos. One video, we had the director do a lot of slow-motion shots of flowers, and that was on-brand for the album title.” B-roll from another video was turned into “kind of like a psychedelic visualizer” Canvas for another song. \n\n## Discovery Mode Helped Expand Their Reach\n__*The trio more than tripled their audience in Discovery Mode contexts across more than 100 markets, with 31% of those listeners never having streamed the band before.*__ \n\nIn December, the month before the album arrived and the tour began, the team looked to reach new listeners by turning on [Discovery Mode](, a marketing tool that helps artists expand the reach of their music when audiences are most open to discovery. Discovery Mode allows distributors to select music they want to prioritize in select personalized sessions. This increases the likelihood a track reaches listeners in those contexts. \n\n“It was kind of a no-brainer in that period, to say, ‘Let’s give a shot at reaching as many people as possible’,” says Desmond. “Especially in a month like December, which is traditionally considered a down month,” seeing the band’s audience triple within Discovery Mode contexts, with 31% of those listeners never having streamed the band before, was “beyond what we expected.” \n\nThe team was surprised at first to see particular uplift for two of the songs they selected, with streams of “Ghost on the Mend” and “Diamond” doubling in Discovery Mode contexts when they turned on Discovery Mode for those tracks compared to the month prior. “Once we looked at a lot of the data, it ended up making sense,” explains Antoniadis. \n\n“I thought ‘Queen’ would've done better because it's shorter and hookier,” says Desmond. “‘Diamond’ and ‘Ghost on the Mend’ are really dynamic, and it was a surprise, but I think it was really cool. On our end, it was cool to see the impact. It's always cool to see the backend data, but specifically with Discovery Mode… it gave us some really interesting insight.” \n\nOverall, the band found Discovery Mode a powerful way to understand what people connect with, “because it’s coming up in algorithmic playlists,” she says. “It’s like, ‘Oh, I heard this super-randomly on a radio, and I added it to my playlist, and I listen to it all the time now.’ That was an interesting, different way to see how things connect.”\n\nFor Desmond, “as an independent artist, to be able to have that kind of audience insight, it’s really incredible.”\n\n## Making Noise On Release Day and Beyond \n\nHaving expanded their audience through Discovery Mode, the band was ready to promote the album, *Water Your Garden*, with Marquee once more. To build on the momentum, they booked a Marquee campaign targeting recently interested listeners — listeners who actively streamed their music in the last 28 days.\n\nIt drove an average of 13.5 streams of the new release per listener, over three times more streams per listener than their album at large. \n\nThat, “shows how reliably it converts, and, at the end of the day, it’s conversion, conversion, conversion,” says Antoniadis. “No matter how many clicks you get on Instagram or Facebook, it doesn’t necessarily mean the user’s gonna go stream the song… As data people, I love being able to see the actual conversion into streams.” \n\nWith Marquee, the album also reached their highest intent rate yet: 30% of Marquee listeners saved a track from the album to their library or added it to a personal playlist. Plus, 20% of their Marquee listeners also streamed from their older releases like 2019’s *[Modern Animal](*. \n\nBecause “fans are still connecting with it,” months after the album’s release day, Desmond says the team will return to Discovery Mode for *Garden* tracks that weren’t previously turned on.\n\n“One of my goals in general—and especially with an album rollout—is extending the release period the day after the release,” adds Antoniadis. “It doesn’t end there for anyone, and you can continue pushing it in different ways. Discovery Mode [is] an amazing tool for just that.”\n\n“It was a bigger, more professional release this time around,” Desmond says. “We always try to leave no stone unturned, and with these [three] tools, we were able to do a better job of that.”\n\nThe band is excited to continue building on the success of this release as their 2022 tour kicks into high gear, including a stop at Firefly Music Festival in September. “They worked really hard for a couple years to take that sound that’s very unique to them, that they create in the studio, and… bring it on the stage and still perform it live,” Desmond says.","modules":[{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"6GJZemISJ94qf0Z7O57fLq"}},{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"oxbqgOYOtbh56EDVgbAoN"}}],"indexed":true,"initialDropcap":false,"languages":"ar,zh-Hant-TW,cs-CZ,nl-NL,en-US,fi-FI,fr-CA,fr-FR,de-DE,el-GR,he-IL,hu-HU,id-ID,it-IT,ja-JP,ko-KR,ms-MY,pl-PL,pt-BR,ru-RU,es-419,es-ES,sv-SE,th-TH,tr-TR,vi-VN","id":"30R9sSwX2mwikPrD0cYxpo","contentType":"articlePage"}],"heroSupertext":"article","articleLink":{"title":"Introducing Campaign Kit: Campaign Tools Made for Music","description":"Learn how to use Campaign Kit, our set of tools specifically made to amplify your music and build lifelong fans — right where streaming happens. ","metadataTitle":"Introducing Campaign Kit: Campaign Tools Made for Music","metadataDescription":"Marquee, Discovery Mode, Showcase, and playlist pitching help artists develop and grow their audiences.","urlSlug":"introducing-campaign-kit-campaign-tools-made-for-music","releaseDate":"2023-12-06T03:00:00-0800","headerModule":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"WIPTAVGQcm6rdE1M7bTeZ"}},"theme":"Light","introduction":"Learn how to use Campaign Kit, our set of tools specifically made to amplify your music and build lifelong fans — right where streaming happens. \n","article":"Artists and their teams talk to us all the time about what success means to them: finding new listeners and turning them into lifelong fans. \n\nWhile using social media, billboards, and out-of-home ads can help you broadly reach listeners, these tools [aren’t made for music](, and they aren’t designed to reach your audience where they listen. They're costly and often fall short when it comes to targeting the right listeners or capturing their attention — not to mention the guesswork of trying to measure the impact of these tools on streaming.\n\nThat’s why we’ve invested in building effective campaign tools that are made for music — playlist pitching, Discovery Mode, Marquee and, most recently, Showcase. Each tool is designed to help you reach the right listeners, drive engagement when they're listening to music, and measure the impact on audience streaming and engagement. \n\nNow we're bringing together all these tools under one umbrella called Campaign Kit, with the goal of making it the single most effective toolkit to help you grow your audience, no matter where you are in your career or release cycle. \n\n![](//\n\n## What is Campaign Kit?\n\nAs the world's biggest music platform, Spotify can uniquely help artists create lifelong fans. With Campaign Kit, you have the tools you need to amplify your music – reaching listeners in Spotify programming or when they’re actively deciding what to stream next. \n\n### Let’s learn a little more about each tool: \n\n- __[Playlist pitching]( makes it easier to share your new songs with the editors who curate playlists like Rap Caviar, Today’s Top Hits, and Fresh Finds. Submit upcoming, unreleased music to Spotify’s editors for playlist consideration — it’s 100% free and available to all artists.\n\n- __[Discovery Mode]( can help expand the reach of your songs in personalized playlists — with no upfront cost. Select the songs that are a priority for you, and we’ll use that signal to help you find new listeners who are going to love them. \n\n- __[Marquee]( captures listeners’ undivided attention with a full-screen, sponsored recommendation of your new release right when they open the app. When a listener clicks on a Marquee, they can save or go directly to your new release, where they can focus on your music.\n\n- __[Showcase](, our newest sponsored recommendation, lets you promote your music to likely listeners at any time with a mobile banner at the top of Spotify’s Home – where millions of listeners look when they’re deciding what to listen to. You can spotlight both new releases and music from your catalog for any occasion, like if your song is going viral, you’re drumming up interest in a tour, or your album anniversary is coming up. \n\n## How Campaign Kit helps amplify your music\n\nThe tools within Campaign Kit are designed to be used together to meet your goals. Here are some examples of how artists and their teams used Campaign Kit – along with a few other Spotify for Artists tools – to successfully grow their audiences:\n\n- Independent R\u0026B artist thuy and her team used Campaign Kit across multiple releases to grow her monthly active listeners by more than 300%. They started by using Discovery Mode to grow her audience in the run up to her debut EP. Once her release dropped, they capitalized on that momentum with Marquee, targeting light and moderate listeners to turn them into bigger fans.\n\n “Once Discovery Mode started, we really began to notice that the save rate, the listenership, the playlist adds were going through the roof,” said Isobel Kelly, VP Global Head of Streaming at Venice Music and part of thuy’s team. “We had really connected with a new, wide range of potential fans.” \n\n The campaigns helped thuy reach fans in 178 countries and had her music saved by 230,000 listeners with 210,000 user playlist adds. See more [here](\n\n- Miami’s Magic City Hippies were able to prime listeners for their 2022 sophomore album, [*Water Your Garden*](, with a popular Campaign Kit strategy — promoting singles leading up to an album with Marquee, then turning on Discovery Mode for those same tracks. \n\n The results were clear: Listeners who saw their Marquees were 4x more likely to stream pre-release singles. See more [here](\n\n- When Nashville-based folktronica artist Conner Youngblood submitted his song [“Pizza Body”]( for editorial playlist consideration, the song was added to the Mellow Morning playlist. It sparked significant growth in his monthly listeners and followers on Spotify, with an added bonus: a noticeable boost in fans at his live shows all over the world. [Check out our series How They Made It](, where Conner, Brooklyn hip-hop artist Wiki, and Chicago rapper Dreezy discuss the impact that pitching their music for playlist consideration has had on each of their careers.\n\n- Goth Babe’s team have used Campaign Kit for many of his new releases and catalog tracks, last year hyping four new releases by successfully pairing Marquee and Discovery Mode. Using Discovery Mode on catalog tracks helped Goth Babe expand his audience, and Marquee helped him notify listeners about his new release. \n\n His 2019 single [“Weekend Friend”]( was one of the catalog tracks added to Discovery Mode in 2022. This resulted in more streams than it had even during its initial release-week peak. To keep the momentum going, they then promoted “Weekend Friend” with Showcase, targeting his previously active audience to re-engage listeners who had dropped off. \n\n## What new features are coming to Campaign Kit?\nWe’re building Campaign Kit to be the most effective way for artists to reach listeners and develop lifelong fans. In the coming weeks, we’re rolling out some exciting new features to help more artists reach more potential fans at the right music moments:\n\n- __Launching new creative options for Marquee and Showcase:__ Artists and their teams have asked us for more ways to customize their sponsored recommendations, so next year we’re excited to introduce new creative options, like giving teams the ability to pick and choose the background color of their Marquee to match their release artwork. For Showcase, artists will soon be able to choose from four additional headlines — including “Your playlist finds” and “Try something new” — that give listeners even more of a reason to engage.\n- __Connecting with listeners in Mixes:__ [Spotify Mixes]( are similar to [Spotify Radio](— both are personalized algorithmic playlists that listeners select when they’re open to discovery based on a specific input. However until now, despite their similarity to radio playlists, Discovery Mode hasn’t been available in Mixes. We’re updating that in early 2024: Discovery Mode campaigns will include Daily Mix starting January 3, and we’ll be expanding to artist, decade, mood, and genre mixes thereafter. (You can recognize Spotify Mixes with their signature cover design.) For artists and labels using Discovery Mode, this means more opportunities to connect with listeners when they’re most open to discovery — whether it’s a catalog artist reaching listeners in 80s Mix, an EDM artist reaching listeners in Dance/Electronic Mix, or an artist selecting *just* the right song to fit a listener’s Happy Mix.\n- __Expanding Marquee and Showcase to artists in more countries:__ This year, we expanded Marquee to the U.K., Canada, and Australia and introduced Showcase to [eligible]( artist teams in the U.S. Early next year, we’re excited to expand Showcase to the markets where Marquee is already live and roll out both tools to artist teams in France. Stay tuned for more news on the global reach of our campaign tools over the course of 2024.\n\n## How to get started with Campaign Kit tools\n\nWhile all artists have access to [playlist pitching](, we're still expanding access to Discovery Mode, Marquee, and [Showcase]( Eligible artists and their teams can navigate to the Campaigns tab on Spotify for Artists on desktop to start creating campaigns. (Learn more about eligibility for each tool: [Discovery Mode](, [Marquee, and Showcase](\n\nOn our new [Campaign Kit website](, you’ll find more details on how we can help you and your team reach your goals – whether you want to grow your audience with a new release, re-engage fans with your catalog, celebrate a release anniversary, develop new audiences around the world, and so much more. Keep an eye on that space over the next few months as we roll out webinars, insights, and more educational materials. \n\nAnd make sure you don’t miss a beat, [sign up]( for the Campaign Kit Masterclass on January 24, 2024. We'll share more details on how to best use the toolkit, including how marketers at mTheory and Venice Music are successfully pairing these tools for their artists.\n","modules":[{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"7bGCxJmljBimkh0v3S9GJb"}}],"indexed":true,"languages":"ar,cs-CZ,de-DE,el-GR,en-US,es-419,es-ES,fi-FI,fr-CA,fr-FR,he-IL,hu-HU,id-ID,it-IT,ja-JP,ko-KR,ms-MY,nl-NL,pl-PL,pt-BR,ru-RU,sv-SE,th-TH,tr-TR,vi-VN,zh-Hant-TW","id":"6kNkXAC9L8DmD16qgSX3VP","contentType":"articlePage"},"background":"#151E17","color":"#EFE3CC","id":"7wuKmoBtDGyUDhzQClTkZ3","contentType":"featuredContentModule"}],"languages":"en-US","id":"3hplnmsuWjcfVreOSQPIuF","contentType":"articlePage"},{"title":"Getting Started with Showcase: A Campaign Tool to Give Your Music Its Moment on Home","description":"Showcase is our newest tool made for marketing music. It lets you promote the releases you want, when you want, to the listeners you want to reach – right on Spotify’s Home. ","metadataTitle":"Introducing Showcase: A Campaign tool made for marketing music ","urlSlug":"getting-started-with-showcase-a-campaign-tool-to-give-your-music-its-moment-on-home","releaseDate":"2023-09-12T10:31:00+0400","headerModule":{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"4MjATHSy2DWCu27sK9scQA"}},"theme":"Light","introduction":"Showcase is our newest tool made for marketing music. It lets you promote the releases you want, when you want, to the listeners you want to reach – right on Spotify’s Home. \n","article":"At Spotify for Artists, we’re building tools that help artists and their teams promote their music — right where streaming happens. Today, [Marquee]( gets listeners into your new releases right when they open the app and [playlist pitching]( gets your unreleased music in front of Spotify editors to consider for editorial programming. \n\nBut artists and their teams want even more flexibility when it comes to surfacing the right music to the right fans at the right time — whether that’s reaching new listeners with a trending song, engaging super listeners with an anniversary album, or targeting previously active listeners with a reminder of your tour. \n\nWith a rise in the [popularity of catalog music,]( it’s also increasingly important to revitalize your body of work as a crucial aspect to building and maintaining your fanbase. From 2020 to 2022, the portion of our Global Weekly Top Songs Chart represented by catalog (18+ months) increased by 155%. Promoting new releases also remains critical, but not only during the release moment: On average, 75% of a release’s first-year streams happen after the first month.\n\nThat’s why we built [Showcase](, a new campaign tool that gives artists and their teams even more ways to get your new and catalog music in front of the right listeners, right when it counts. With Showcase, you'll be able to develop fans in ways that have never been possible before — by giving your music its moment on Home.\n\n![](//\n\n## What is Showcase and how does it work?\n\nShowcase is a sponsored recommendation that helps you share your music — whether it’s your newest release, your deepest catalog cut, or anything in between — at any time to likely listeners across Spotify. It appears as a mobile banner at the top of Spotify’s Home — the most visited place on Spotify, where millions of listeners come to decide what to listen to, resulting in billions of streams each day. Additionally, on average, people who see a Showcase are [6x more likely to stream the promoted release](\n\nWhat’s more, Showcase gives artists and their teams the option to book multiple campaigns for the same release. For example, the tool allows you to spotlight a single, EP, or album with multiple campaigns to reach different goals, each targeting different markets or listener segments.\n\nBelow are a few other examples of how Showcase gives you an opportunity to develop your audience in new and meaningful ways: \n- Hyping up your fans with an old favorite to build excitement for an upcoming release\n- Putting a seasonal hit in front of new listeners during a holiday moment \n- Re-engaging listeners you haven't reached in a while with a new release\n\nNo matter what your goal is, Showcase is the tool to help build your audience at the moments that best support your music and your career.\n\n![](//\n\n## When is the best moment to spotlight my music? \n\nWith Showcase, you can promote your music at any time, so it’s never too late to give your release its moment on Home. Plus you can add a headline to give listeners helpful context to the music you’re promoting. Here are a few examples of headlines and how you could use them:\n\n__Releasing music soon__\n\n Tap into the pre-release hype by promoting existing music with this headline. This can help prime your audience while letting them know to look out for your new music. \n\n__New music__\n\n Use this headline to make a splash when you’re dropping new music. You can also use [Marquee]( alongside Showcase for a new release, or you can use either tool on its own.\n\n__Recently released__\n\n Once the launch moment has died down, use this headline to extend your promotional cycle and keep your latest music top of mind for potential fans.\n\n__On tour__\n\n Want to build excitement for a new tour and help drum up interest in the [tickets on your artist profile]( and Now Playing view? You can use this option to engage listeners before they see you live.\n\n__Release anniversary__\n\n Use this headline to celebrate a milestone anniversary for one of your timeless releases and give listeners a reason to dive back in. \n\n__Getting buzz__\n\n It’s exciting to see your music trending, and this option allows you to seize the moment and build off the momentum to bring new listeners to your music. \n\n__Seasonal vibes__\n\n This is a great way to promote a seasonal song during a holiday or specific time of year. A spooky song, a festive favorite, or a new love song primed for Valentine’s Day — they all fall under “Seasonal vibes.”\n\nWhat’s important is that you have the freedom to choose the headline (and the moment) that matters most for your music. \n\n![](//\n\n## Who can I reach with Showcase?\n\nShowcase lets you reach listeners in over [40 markets](, helping you develop a global fanbase. By default, campaigns reach listeners who are most likely to stream your release — including those who have streamed you before and people who are new to your music. You can also choose to target specific segments of your audience based on real streaming behaviors:\n\n__Active audience__\n\nThese are valuable listeners who have intentionally streamed your music in the past 28 days from active sources like your artist profile, album and release pages, and their own library and playlists. Within the active audience there are three segments:\n\n- __Super listeners:__ Your most dedicated active listeners in the last 28 days. They’re also the most likely to keep streaming your music.\n\n- __Moderate listeners:__ Active listeners who intentionally streamed your music many times in the past 28 days, and could still develop into super listeners.\n\n- __Light listeners:__ Active listeners who intentionally streamed your music once or a couple times in the past 28 days, and could develop into moderate listeners.\n\n__Previously active audience__\n\nListeners who used to be in your active audience but haven’t intentionally streamed your music in at least 28 days. They may still stream your music from programmed sources.\n\n__Programmed audience__ \n\nListeners who only streamed your music from programmed sources like editorial playlists, Discover Weekly, Radio, Autoplay, or playlists by other listeners at least once in the last 2 years.\n\n__Potential audience__\n\nListeners who aren't currently in your total audience. Based on their listening habits, they may stream your promoted release.\n\n## How does Showcase reporting work?\nTwenty-four hours after your campaign starts, you’ll be able to access detailed reporting so you can see how your campaign drove engagement with the release you’re promoting, as well as with the rest of your catalog.\n\nWe already talked about how people who see a Showcase are six times more likely to stream the promoted release, but the effects can be seen even beyond that initial listen. Our reporting metrics measure how your campaigns are growing your audience and developing deeper fans over time. Whether your marketing goals include audience engagement, reactivation, or growth, Showcase reports measure the success of those goals by tracking how campaigns grew your amplified, reactivated, and new active listeners.\n\nBelow is a breakdown of each metric: \n\n- __Amplified listeners:__ Listeners from your active audience who intentionally streamed your promoted release for the first time after seeing your campaign.\n\n- __Reactivated listeners:__ Listeners who rejoined your active audience after intentionally streaming your promoted release.\n\n- __New active listeners:__ Listeners who joined your active audience for the first time by intentionally streaming your promoted release – including __new listeners__ who hadn’t streamed your music anywhere in the past two years.\n\nLastly, Showcase reporting can help you understand how listeners may intend to stream you in the long run by highlighting metrics live saves, playlist adds, and intent rate. Our research shows that saves and playlist adds correlate with a 2.5x increase in streaming of an artist six months later.\n\n\u003ciframe width=\"560\" height=\"315\" src=\"\" title=\"YouTube video player\" frameborder=\"0\" allow=\"accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share\" allowfullscreen\u003e\u003c/iframe\u003e\n\n## How do I set a campaign budget?\n\nBudgets for Showcase campaigns start at $100 when booked via Spotify for Artists and run until you either spend your budget or 14 days after your campaign starts, whichever comes first. Since Showcase is priced on a cost-per-click (CPC) basis starting at a $0.40 CPC, we only spend your budget when people actually click on the Showcase.\n\nIn order to maximize the value of your spend, Showcase filters out people who have already intentionally streamed the promoted release in the past 21 days. During the campaign, you’ll only reach people who haven’t actively listened yet. \n\n## How do I run a Showcase campaign?\n\nTo be eligible to book a Showcase, artists must have at least 1,000 streams over the past 28 days in at least one of the available [target markets](, and the artist team’s billing country must be set to a market where Showcase is [available]( to purchase.\n\nIf you meet these requirements, ask an admin on your team to follow these easy steps to book your campaign. \n1. Log in to your Spotify for Artists dashboard on desktop and head to the Campaigns tab.\n2. Locate the Showcase tab. \n3. Select an eligible release.\n4. Follow the instructions to set up your campaign, and you’re on your way!\n\nIf you’re an artist, manager, or label based in one of the markets where Showcase is [available]( to purchase, you will see the Campaigns tab in your [Spotify for Artists dashboard]( on desktop. To create Showcase campaigns in Spotify for Artists, artists must meet the [eligibility requirements]( If your team is based in a market where Showcase is available to purchase but you don't see the Campaigns tab, ensure your billing country matches your market. \n\nWe’re excited to share more updates so you can bring your own personalized strategy to the releases you want, when you want, and you can give your music its moment on Home, with Showcase.\n\n![](//\n","modules":[{"sys":{"type":"Link","linkType":"Entry","id":"2xLdBPaKqq9YXdbtUw2fBt"}}],"indexed":true,"languages":"ar,cs-CZ,de-DE,el-GR,en-US,es-419,es-ES,fi-FI,fr-CA,fr-FR,he-IL,hu-HU,id-ID,it-IT,ja-JP,ko-KR,ms-MY,nl-NL,pl-PL,pt-BR,ru-RU,sv-SE,th-TH,tr-TR,vi-VN,zh-Hant-TW","id":"9a07f2zVZd0ue26WEL860","contentType":"articlePage"}],"themeName":"whiteOnBlack","id":"75Y1rYkwoCN2PJSeGkbeXj","contentType":"relatedStoriesList"}],"indexed":true,"translated":false,"id":"5fy9g1teLnGihRWgO7ghaw","contentType":"videoPage"}],"id":"7lkq6AdvT0PGi37bv2UwPr","contentType":"editorialGridModule"},{"title":"GET STARTED | Page breaker","headline":"Ready to claim your Spotify for Artists account?","moduleVersion":"Call to Action","ctaButton":{"title":"Get started","ctaText":"Get started","ctaLink":"","id":"7Fky85YQ9D6zWjNew8RLRX","contentType":"ctaButton"},"colors":{"textColor":"#FFFFFF","backgroundColor":"#4100F4"},"id":"3X6BMBQLxQkVUnbcmbDRye","contentType":"pageBreakerModule"}],"socialCard":{"title":"Home_SocialCard","description":"","file":{"url":"//","details":{"size":3715714,"image":{"width":2033,"height":1080}},"fileName":"Features_Home_SocialCard_Renaissance.jpg","contentType":"image/jpeg"}},"id":"4iKTkQH2z2Tf7tJMHM5uXT","contentType":"landingPage"}}},"page":"/[...urlSlug]","query":{"urlSlug":["home"]},"buildId":"76ZDubOMV0GakwB4j1hEP","assetPrefix":"","isFallback":false,"isExperimentalCompile":false,"gsp":true,"appGip":true,"locale":"en","locales":["en","ar","zh","cs","nl","fi","fr-CA","fr","de","el","he","hu","id","it","ja","ko","ms","pl","pt","ru","es-419","es","sv","th","tr","vi"],"defaultLocale":"en","scriptLoader":[]}</script></body></html>