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" rel="nofollow">Signature piece of 'Obamacare' rolls out Tuesday amid a vacuum of information about the health care law in the Coastal Bend</a> <span class="date">Published 9/29/2013 at 6:06 a.m.</span> <a href="/web/20130930144739/" class="comment_count" rel="nofollow">52 comments</a> </li> <li> <a href="/web/20130930144739/" title="Officials say man was trying to steal beer from store" rel="nofollow">Robbery suspect fatally shot by store owner while trying to steal beer Saturday night, Corpus Christi police say (Video)</a> <span class="date">Published 9/28/2013 at 10:51 p.m.</span> <a href="/web/20130930144739/" class="comment_count" rel="nofollow">23 comments</a> </li> <li> <a href="/web/20130930144739/" title="Corpus Christi police arrested a man Friday morning on suspicion of deadly conduct " rel="nofollow">Corpus Christi police: Man arrested after discharging firearm Friday morning</a> <span class="date">Published 9/27/2013 at 9:00 a.m.</span> <a href="/web/20130930144739/" class="comment_count" rel="nofollow">18 comments</a> </li> <li> <a href="/web/20130930144739/" title="The City Council passed a first reading of the ordinance on Tuesday. If approved during its second reading, expected Oct. 8, the ordinance would become law." rel="nofollow">While lacking definitive studies, Corpus Christi officials say proposed ban on cellphones is 'common sense' (Poll)</a> <span class="date">Published 9/29/2013 at 6:35 a.m.</span> <a href="/web/20130930144739/" class="comment_count" rel="nofollow">15 comments</a> </li> </ul> </div><!-- end #most_popular_commented --> <div id="most_popular_emailed" class="bucket_secondary preventFOUC"> <ul class="story_list sidebar_story_list"> <li> <a href="/web/20130930144739/" title="Brandon Scott Hesseltine, who is a wide receiver/punter, played in the Sept. 20 game against Beeville. " rel="nofollow">Ingleside High School football player arrested on sexual assault charges of family member</a> <span class="date">Published 9/27/2013 at 4:31 p.m.</span> <a href="/web/20130930144739/" class="comment_count" rel="nofollow">5 comments</a> </li> <li> <a href="/web/20130930144739/" title="For several generations of Corpus Christi children, Charles Lewis Concklin was known as the friendly bow tie-wearing pediatrician who put clients first. " rel="nofollow">Charles Concklin, renowned Corpus Christi pediatrician who ran for Congress, dies at age 102</a> <span class="date">Published 9/25/2013 at 9:34 p.m.</span> <a href="/web/20130930144739/" class="comment_count" rel="nofollow">4 comments</a> </li> <li> <a href="/web/20130930144739/" title="Corpus Christi has been ranked in the top ten list of worst places for food lovers in the United States. " rel="nofollow">Corpus Christi makes list of top 10 worst cities for food lovers, community members debate diversity options</a> <span class="date">Published 9/21/2013 at 6:08 a.m.</span> <a href="/web/20130930144739/" class="comment_count" rel="nofollow">24 comments</a> </li> <li> <a href="/web/20130930144739/" title="The weather pattern drenching the Coastal Bend has not put a damper on things at the $40 million Schlitterbahn water park on North Padre Island, where workers Tuesday poured the concrete foundation of the park’s signature feature and hammered away inside what will one day be the park’s main entrance building." rel="nofollow">An updated look at the Padre Island Schlitterbahn project</a> <span class="date">Published 9/18/2013 at 11:08 a.m.</span> <a href="/web/20130930144739/" class="comment_count" rel="nofollow">20 comments</a> </li> <li> <a href="/web/20130930144739/" title="A complaint was filed against Susie Luis-Saldaña Monday claiming she didn't properly represent the city and Saldaña resigned from the crime prevention board Thursday. " rel="nofollow">Corpus Christi Crime Control Board president resigns Thursday after ethics complaint</a> <span class="date">Published 9/26/2013 at 6:13 p.m.</span> <a href="/web/20130930144739/" class="comment_count" rel="nofollow">14 comments</a> </li> </ul> </div><!-- end #most_popular_emailed --> </div><!-- end #most_popular --> <div id="sidebar_weather" class="tab_wrapper clear"> <div class="titlebar titlebar_secondary"> <h3>Weather</h3> </div><!-- end .titlebar_secondary --> <ul class="tab_header"> <li class="ui-tabs-selected"><a href="#sidebar_weather_currently">Currently</a></li> <li><a href="#sidebar_weather_3day">36-Hour</a></li> <li><a href="#sidebar_weather_ugc">Your Photos</a></li> </ul> <div id="sidebar_weather_currently" class="bucket_secondary"> <!-- CachedContextUpdatingNode klass: django.templatetags.forecasttag.ForecastNode,1,2,3:12:27.800583:-97.396381:sidebar_forecasts --> <div class="sidebar_current_weather clear"> <div id="sidebar_current_icon"> <img src="" 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Water St. </a></h4> <h5 class="browse_list_time">7 a.m.</h5> </li> <li class="even clear"> <h4><a href="/web/20130930144739/" class="browse_list_title" title="Pre-Con Party">Pre-Con Party</a> <a href="/web/20130930144739/" class="browse_list_venue" title=" ">Texas State Museum of Asian Cultures, 1809 N. 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