CERN Computer Security Information

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A next step is joining one of the technical or non-technical training courses provided by the Security Team in collaboration with the CERN Technical Training.</p> <p>The full training catalogue of security courses can be found on the <a href="">CERN Learning Hub</a>.</p> <h4>Awareness Campaigns</h4> <p>Basic awareness presentations and posters are aimed at all CERN users, in particular newcomers. Depending on the audience, the presentations discuss general risks for CERN, past incidents and suitable solutions.</p> <h4>Non-technical Training</h4> <p>"Non-technical" training courses are for the day-to-day computer users. They are short and compact, but filled with all essentials - you are strongly encouraged to attend them!</p> <h4>Technical Training</h4> <p>"Technical" training courses go deeper into the details, and currently cover the development of secure software and secure coding principles for various programming languages or paradigms like C/C++, Java, PHP, Web, Perl and Python.</p> </div> <!-- main ends --> <!-- SIDEBAR --><!-- sidebar menu starts --> <div id="sidebar"> <h3>Obligatory Courses</h3> <ul class="sidemenu"> <li><a href="">Basic Computing Security Course</a></li> </ul> <h3>Awareness Campaign</h3> <ul class="sidemenu"> <li><a href="/training/en/CERN Articles On Computer Security.pdf">Awareness articles</a></li> <li><a href="/training/en/flyers.shtml">Awareness flyers</a></li> <li><a href="/training/en/login-screens.shtml">Awareness login-screens</a></li> <li><a href="/training/en/posters.shtml">Awareness posters</a></li> <li><a href="/training/en/awareness.shtml">Awareness presentation</a></li> <li><a href="/training/en/videos.shtml">Awareness videos</a></li> <li><a href="/training/en/wallpapers.shtml">Awareness wallpapers</a></li> <li><a href="">1st Computer Security Day (2010)</a></li> </ul> <h3>Non-technical Training</h3> <ul class="sidemenu"> <li><a href="/training/en/non-technical.shtml#basic">Basic computer security course</a></li> </ul> <h3>Technical Training</h3> <ul class="sidemenu"> <li><a href="">Developing secure software</a></li> <!--li><a href="/training/en/technical.shtml#sw">Developing secure software</a></li> <li>Secure coding...<br/> <a href="/training/en/technical.shtml#c"> C/C++</a></br> <a href="/training/en/technical.shtml#java">...Java</a></br> <a href="/training/en/technical.shtml#php">...PHP</a></br> <a href="/training/en/technical.shtml#perl">...Perl</a></br> <a href="/training/en/technical.shtml#python">...Python</a></br> <a href="/training/en/technical.shtml#web">...for Web applications</a></br></li--> <li><a href="/services/en/whitehats.shtml">CERN WhiteHat Training</a></li> </ul> </div> <!-- sidebar menu ends --> <!-- content-wrap ends--> </div> <!-- footer starts --> <div id="footer-wrap"> <div id="footer-bottom"> &copy; Copyright 2024<strong> <a href="">CERN Computer Security Office</a></strong> <table> <tr> <td id="footer-info-left"> e-mail: <a href=""></a><br/> Please use the following PGP key to encrypt your messages:<br/> ID: 0x954CE234B4C6ED84<br/> <a href="">429D 6046 0EBE 8006 B04C DF02 954C E234 B4C6 ED84</a> </td> <td id="footer-info-right"> Phone: +41 22 767 0500<br/> Please listen to the recorded instructions. </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> <!-- footer ends--> </div> <!-- wrap ends here --> <!--img height=30px src="/home/en/CERNfooter_800.png"--> </body> </html>

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