Woolf, Stuart - Persée
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J.</li> <li itemprop="alternateName"> woolf, stuart joseph</li> </ul> <span title="Tout déplier" class="expand-button" style="display: none"><span class="picto"><img src="" alt="expand" class="hover-base"><img src="" alt="expand" class="hover-alt"></span></span><span title="Tout replier" class="collapse-button" style="display: none"><span class="picto"><img src="" alt="collapse" class="hover-base"><img src="" alt="collapse" class="hover-alt"></span></span></div> <div class="authority-bio"> <p itemprop="description"> Écrit aussi en italien Professeur d'histoire contemporaine dans les universités de Cambridge, Reading, Essex, Fiesole et Venise. - Spécialiste de l'histoire sociale, politique et économique de l'Europe de l'Ouest <i>(<a href="" target="_blank"><root xmlns="">Source DataBNF</root></a>)</i> </p> </div> </div> <div class="external-services"> <h4>Ses notices bibliographiques ailleurs sur la toile</h4> <div> <a itemprop="sameAs" href="" target="_blank"><root xmlns=""><img alt="Voir la notice IdRef" src="" title="Voir la notice IdRef"/></root></a></div> <div> <a itemprop="sameAs" href="" target="_blank"><root xmlns=""><img alt="Voir la notice DataBNF" src="" title="Voir la notice DataBNF"/></root></a></div> <div> <a itemprop="sameAs" href="" target="_blank"><root xmlns=""><img alt="Voir la notice" src="" title="Voir la notice"/></root></a></div> <div> <a itemprop="sameAs" href="" target="_blank"><root xmlns=""><img alt="Voir la notice VIAF" src="" title="Voir la notice VIAF"/></root></a></div> <div> <a itemprop="sameAs" href="" target="_blank"><root xmlns=""><img alt="Voir la notice ISNI" src="" title="Voir la notice ISNI"/></root></a></div> <div> <a itemprop="sameAs" href="" target="_blank"><root xmlns=""><img alt="Voir la notice DBpedia" src="" title="Voir la notice DBpedia"/></root></a></div> </div> </div> <div class="div-authority-articles"> <div class="authority-articles"> <h4>Sa production dans <span class="perseePrimary">Persée</span></h4> <div class="collections-contributor-carousel"> <ul class="collectionImage role-contributor"> <li> <div class="collection"> <div class="toggler-container"> <div class="div-couv toggler-header"> <figure> <img src="" alt="vignette collection Annales" title="vignette collection Annales" class="collection-cover"/></figure> <h6 class="collection-label"> Annales</h6> <h5 class="collection-label"> 3 publications de 1982 à 1988</h5> </div> </div> </div> </li> </ul> <ul class="collectionImage role-contributor"> <li> <div class="collection"> <div class="toggler-container"> <div class="div-couv toggler-header"> <figure> <img src="" alt="vignette collection Mélanges de l'école française de Rome" title="vignette collection Mélanges de l'école française de Rome" class="collection-cover"/></figure> <h6 class="collection-label"> Mélanges de l'école française de Rome</h6> <h5 class="collection-label"> 2 publications en 1987</h5> </div> </div> </div> </li> </ul> <ul class="collectionImage role-contributor"> <li> <div class="collection"> <div class="toggler-container"> <div class="div-couv toggler-header"> <figure> <img src="" alt="vignette collection Revue économique" title="vignette collection Revue économique" class="collection-cover"/></figure> <h6 class="collection-label"> Revue économique</h6> <h5 class="collection-label"> 1 publication en 1989</h5> </div> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> <div class="collections-contributor"> <ul class="role-contributor control-buttons"> <li class="toggle-control-buttons"> <span title="Tout déplier" class="expand-button"><span class="picto"><img src="" alt="expand" class="hover-base"><img src="" alt="expand" class="hover-alt"></span></span> <span title="Tout replier" class="collapse-button"><span class="picto"><img src="" alt="collapse" class="hover-base"><img src="" alt="collapse" class="hover-alt"></span></span></li> </ul><ul class="collection role-contributor"> <li> <div class="collection"> <div class="toggler-container"> <div class="div-toc"> <ul class="role-contributor"> <li> <span class="toggler-header authority"> Annales</span> <span> (3 publications de 1982 à 1988)</span> <a href="" title="Lien vers cette collection" class="authority left-picto"><span class="picto"><img src="" alt="sem-link" class="hover-base"><img src="" alt="sem-link" class="hover-alt"></span></a></li> </ul> </div> <ul class="toggler-content role-contributor"> <li> <ul class="docs"> <li> <a href="" class="title title-free"><root xmlns="">Luisa Passerini <i>Torino operaia e fascismo. Una storia orale</i></root></a> (1988, compte-rendu)</li> <li> <a href="" class="title title-free"><root xmlns="">Charité, pauvreté et structure des ménages à Florence au début du XIXe siècle</root></a> (1984, article)</li> <li> <a href="" class="title title-free"><root xmlns="">Alan Forrest,<i> The French Revolution and the Poor</i></root></a> (1982, compte-rendu)</li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </li> </ul> <ul class="collection role-contributor"> <li> <div class="collection"> <div class="toggler-container"> <div class="div-toc"> <ul class="role-contributor"> <li> <span class="toggler-header authority"> Mélanges de l'école française de Rome</span> <span> (2 publications en 1987)</span> <a href="" title="Lien vers cette collection" class="authority left-picto"><span class="picto"><img src="" alt="sem-link" class="hover-base"><img src="" alt="sem-link" class="hover-alt"></span></a></li> </ul> </div> <ul class="toggler-content role-contributor"> <li> <ul class="docs"> <li> <a href="" class="title title-free"><root xmlns="">The domestic economity of the poor of Florence in the early nineteenth century</root></a> (1987, article)</li> <li> <a href="" class="title title-free"><root xmlns="">Charity and family subsistence : Florence in the nineteenth century</root></a> (1987, article)</li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </li> </ul> <ul class="collection role-contributor"> <li> <div class="collection"> <div class="toggler-container"> <div class="div-toc"> <ul class="role-contributor"> <li> <span class="toggler-header authority"> Revue économique</span> <span> (1 publication en 1989)</span> <a href="" title="Lien vers cette collection" class="authority left-picto"><span class="picto"><img src="" alt="sem-link" class="hover-base"><img src="" alt="sem-link" class="hover-alt"></span></a></li> </ul> </div> <ul class="toggler-content role-contributor"> <li> <ul class="docs"> <li> <a href="" class="title title-free"><root xmlns="">L'impact de l'occupation française sur l'économie italienne (1796-1815)</root></a> (1989, article)</li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </li> </ul> </div> </div> <div class="authority-articles"> <h4>Ses co-auteurs dans <span class="perseePrimary">Persée</span></h4> <div class="collections"> <ul class="role-contributor control-buttons"> <li class="toggle-control-buttons"> <span title="Tout déplier" class="expand-button"><span class="picto"><img src="" alt="expand" class="hover-base"><img src="" alt="expand" class="hover-alt"></span></span> <span title="Tout replier" class="collapse-button"><span class="picto"><img src="" alt="collapse" class="hover-base"><img src="" alt="collapse" class="hover-alt"></span></span></li> </ul><div class="collection"> <div class="toggler-container"> <ul class="collection role-contributor"> <li> <div style="display: inline-block;"> <span class="toggler-header authority"> Kaufmann, Caroline</span> <span> (1 publication en 1984)</span> <a href="" title="Informations sur cette personne" class="authority left-picto"><span class="picto"><img src="" alt="sem-link" class="hover-base"><img src="" alt="sem-link" class="hover-alt"></span></a></div> </li> </ul> <ul class="collection role-contributor"> <li class="toggler-content"> <ul class="docs"> <li> <a href="" class="title title-free"><root xmlns="">Charité, pauvreté et structure des ménages à Florence au début du XIXe siècle</root></a> (<a href=""><root xmlns="">Annales</root></a>, 1984, article, Traducteur)</li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="authority-articles-citing"> <h4>Cet auteur est cité dans ce.s document.s dans <span class="perseePrimary">Persée</span></h4> <div class="collections-citing"> <span title="Tout déplier" class="expand-button" style="display: none"><span class="picto"><img src="" alt="expand" class="hover-base"><img src="" alt="expand" class="hover-alt"></span></span><span title="Tout replier" class="collapse-button" style="display: none"><span class="picto"><img src="" alt="collapse" class="hover-base"><img src="" alt="collapse" class="hover-alt"></span></span><span class="articleText"> 5 publications</span> <ul class="docs"> <li> <a href="" class="title title-free"><root xmlns="">Poussou Jean-Pierre. Les activités commerciales des villes françaises de 1789 à 1815. In: <i>Histoire, économie et société</i>, 1993, 12ᵉ année, n°1. Entreprises et révolutions, sous la direction de François Caron. pp. 101-118.</root></a></li> <li> <a href="" class="title title-free"><root xmlns="">Verley Patrick. Stuart Woolf,<i> Napoléon et la conquête de l'Europe</i>. In: <i>Annales. Économies, Sociétés, Civilisations</i>. 47ᵉ année, N. 4-5, 1992. pp. 1029-1032.</root></a></li> <li> <a href="" class="title title-free"><root xmlns="">Woolf Stuart Joseph. Charity and family subsistence : Florence in the nineteenth century. In: <i>Mélanges de l'Ecole française de Rome. Moyen-Age, Temps modernes</i>, tome 99, n°2. 1987. pp. 917-934.</root></a></li> <li> <a href="" class="title title-free"><root xmlns="">Lombardi Daniela. La demande d'assistance et les réponses des autorités urbaines face à une crise conjoncturelle : Florence 1619-1622. In: <i>Mélanges de l'Ecole française de Rome. Moyen-Age, Temps modernes</i>, tome 99, n°2. 1987. pp. 935-945.</root></a></li> <li> <a href="" class="title title-free"><root xmlns="">Gozzini Giovanni. Il censimento del 1810 a Firenze. In: Villes et territoire pendant la période napoléonienne (France et Italie). Actes du colloque de Rome (3-5 mai 1984) Rome : École Française de Rome, 1987. pp. 221-229. (<i>Publications de l'École française de Rome</i>, 96)</root></a></li> </ul> <span title="Plus" class="show-more" style="display: none"><span class="picto"><img src="" alt="more" class="hover-base"><img src="" alt="more" class="hover-alt"></span></span></div> </div> <div class="authority-articles-cited"> <h4>Cet auteur cite ce.s document.s dans <span class="perseePrimary">Persée</span></h4> <div class="collections-cited"> <span title="Tout déplier" class="expand-button" style="display: none"><span class="picto"><img src="" alt="expand" class="hover-base"><img src="" alt="expand" class="hover-alt"></span></span><span title="Tout replier" class="collapse-button" style="display: none"><span class="picto"><img src="" alt="collapse" class="hover-base"><img src="" alt="collapse" class="hover-alt"></span></span><span class="articleText"> 1 publication</span> <ul class="docs"> <li> <a href="" class="title title-free"><root xmlns="">Woolf Stuart J., Kaufmann Caroline. Charité, pauvreté et structure des ménages à Florence au début du XIXe siècle. In: <i>Annales. Économies, Sociétés, Civilisations</i>. 39ᵉ année, N. 2, 1984. pp. 355-382.</root></a></li> </ul> <span title="Plus" class="show-more" style="display: none"><span class="picto"><img src="" alt="more" class="hover-base"><img src="" alt="more" class="hover-alt"></span></span></div> </div> </div> <div class="external-data"> <h3>Autres données</h3> <div class="ext-data-container ext-data-sudoc"> <div class="ext-data-service-logo"> <h4>Ses documents dans<br/></h4> </div> <div class="content"> <div class="sudoc"> <h5>Documents (39)</h5> <ul> <li class="idref-Document"><a href="" target="_blank">The Rebirth of Italy : 1943-50 / edited by S. J. Woolf / London : Longman , 1972</a></li> <li class="idref-Document"><a href="" target="_blank">Il Fascismo in Europa / a cura di S. J. Woolf,... [et al.] / Bari : Laterza , 1968</a></li> <li class="idref-Document"><a href="" target="_blank">Regional and national identities in Europe in the XIXth and XXth centuries = = Les identités régionales et nationales en Europe aux XIXe et XXe siècles : [proceedings of the] European forum, Centre for advanced studies, Florence, Italy / [organized by the] European university Institute ; ed. by Heinz-Gerhard Haupt, Michael G. Müller, Stuart Woolf / The Haghe : Kluwer law international , 1998</a></li> <li class="idref-Document"><a href="" target="_blank">The world of the peasantry = = Le monde de la paysannerie : / edited by Stuart Woolf / sous la direction de Stuart Woolf / Florence : European University Institute , 1993</a></li> <li class="idref-Document"><a href="" target="_blank">Agrarian change and economic development : the historical problems / ed. by E. L. Jones and S. J. Woolf / London : Methuen , 1974</a></li> <li class="idref-Document"><a href="" target="_blank">Espaces et familles dans l'Europe du Sud à l'âge moderne / sous la direction de Stuart Woolf / Paris : Éditions de la Maison des Sciences de l'Homme , 1993</a></li> <li class="idref-Document"><a href="" target="_blank">The Nature of fascism / Edited by S. J. Woolf / London : Weidenfeld and Nicolson , [cop. 1968]</a></li> <li class="idref-Document"><a href="" target="_blank">Italia 1943-1950 : la ricostruzione / a cura di Stuart J. Woolf / Bari : Laterza , 1974</a></li> <li class="idref-Document"><a href="" target="_blank">If this is a man ; and The truce / Primo Levi ; translated by Stuart Woolf ; with an introduction by Paul Bailey and an afterword by the author / London : Abacus , 1987</a></li> <li class="idref-Document"><a href="" target="_blank">Storia di famiglie : matrimonio, biografie famigliari e identità sociale in una comunità dell'Italia centrale : Poppi dal XVIII al XIX secolo / Giovanna Cappelletto ; [presentazione di Stuart Woolf] / Marsilio : Giunta regionale toscana , cop. 1996</a></li> <li class="idref-Document"><a href="" target="_blank">Una nazione da rigenerare : catalogo delle edizioni italiane 1789-1799 / a cura di Valeria Cremona, Rosanna de Longis, Lauro Rossi ; saggi introduttivi di Luciano Guerci e Stuart Woolf / Napoli : Vivarium</a></li> <li class="idref-Document"><a href="" target="_blank">Quando o rico se faz pobre : misericórdias, caridade e poder no império português, 1500-1800 / Isabel dos Guimarães Sá ; pref. de Stuart Woolf / Lisboa : Comissão nacional para as comemorações dos descobrimentos portugueses , 1997</a></li> <li class="idref-Document"><a href="" target="_blank">Una terra senza uomini : Suvereto in Maremma dal XVI al XIX secolo / Isabelle Chabot ; [presentazione di Stuart Woolf] / [Firenze] : Giunta regionale toscana</a></li> <li class="idref-Document"><a href="" target="_blank">L'unificazione italiana e la grande idea : ideologia e nazione dei movimenti nazionali in Italia e in Grecia, 1859-1871 / Antonis Liakos ; pref. di Stuart Woolf / Firenze : Aletheia , cop. 1995</a></li> <li class="idref-Document"><a href="" target="_blank">Napoleon's integration of Europe / Stuart Woolf / London : Routledge , cop. 1991</a></li> <li class="idref-Document"><a href="" target="_blank">L'Impresa pubblica nell'esperienza italiana / M. V. Posner e S. J. Woolf / Torino : G. Einaudi , 1977</a></li> <li class="idref-Document"><a href="" target="_blank">Il Risorgimento italiano / Stuart J. Woolf ; [traduzioni di Elda Negri Monateri e Aldo Serafini] / Torino : G. Einaudi , impr.1981, cop.1981</a></li> <li class="idref-Document"><a href="" target="_blank">Italian public enterprise / by M. V. Posner and S. J. Woolf / Cambridge : Harvard University Press , 1967, cop. 1967</a></li> <li class="idref-Document"><a href="" target="_blank">The poor in Western Europe in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries / Stuart Woolf / London : Methuen , 1986</a></li> <li class="idref-Document"><a href="" target="_blank">Napoleon's integration of Europe / Stuart Woolf / London : Routledge , 1991</a></li> <li class="idref-Document"><a href="" target="_blank">Napoléon et la conquête de l'Europe / Stuart Woolf ; traduit de l'anglais par Jeannie Carlier et Isabelle Detienne / Paris : Flammarion</a></li> <li class="idref-Document"><a href="" target="_blank">Europe and the Nation-State : inaugural lecture of the European university institute for the session 1990-1991 delivered at the Badia Fiesolana, 20 february 1991 / Stuart Woolfd ; European University Institute, Florence, Department of history and civillization / San Domenico (FI) : Badia Fiesolana</a></li> <li class="idref-Document"><a href="" target="_blank">Storia d'Italia 3, Dal primo settecento all'unità / Stuart J Woolf, Alberto Caracciolo, Nicola Badaloni, Franco Venturi / Torino : Einaudi , 1993</a></li> <li class="idref-Document"><a href="" target="_blank">State and statistics in France : 1789-1815 / by Jean-Claude Perrot,... and Stuart J. Woolf,... ; pref. by Louis Bergeron,... / Chur : Harwood , 1984</a></li> <li class="idref-Document"><a href="" target="_blank">L'impresa pubblica nell'esperienza italiana / M. V. Posner e S. J. Woolf / Torino : G. Einaudi , 1967</a></li> <li class="idref-Document"><a href="" target="_blank">La storia politica e sociale / Stuart J. Woolf ; [traduzionie di Aldo Serafini e Elda Negri] / Lieu inconnu : Editeur inconnu , [1973]</a></li> <li class="idref-Document"><a href="" target="_blank">Napoleone e la conquista dell'Europa : trad. di Anna De Benedetti e Paola Querci / Stuart J. Woolf / Bari : Ed. Laterza , 1990</a></li> <li class="idref-Document"><a href="" target="_blank">The nature of fascism / edited by S. J. Woolf / New York : Vintage books , 1969</a></li> <li class="idref-Document"><a href="" target="_blank">Agrarian change and economic development : the historical problems / edited by E. L. Jones and S. J. Woolf / London : Methuen , 1969</a></li> <li class="idref-Document"><a href="" target="_blank">Nationalism in Europe, 1815 to the present : a reader / edited by Stuart Woolf / London : Routledge , 1996</a></li> <li class="idref-Document"><a href="" target="_blank">L' Italia repubblicana vista da fuori (1945-2000) / Alastair Davidson, John Anthony Davis, Mark Gilbert [et al...] ; a cura di Stuart Woolf / Bologna : Il Mulino , 2007</a></li> <li class="idref-Document"><a href="" target="_blank">Medieval parliaments : a comparative study / Antonio Marongiu,... ; translated [from the Italian] and adapted by S. J. Woolf,... ; with a foreword by Helen M. Cam,... / London : Eyre & Spottiswoode , 1968</a></li> <li class="idref-Document"><a href="" target="_blank">Storia di Venezia / [ed.] Istituto della Enciclopedia italiana ; a cura di Mario Isnenghi e Stuart Woolf / Roma : Istituto della Enciclopedia italiana , 2002</a></li> <li class="idref-Document"><a href="" target="_blank">Domestic strategies : work and family in France and Italy, 1600-1800 / edited by Stuart Woolf,... / Cambridge : Cambridge University press , 1991</a></li> <li class="idref-Document"><a href="" target="_blank">Formaggi e mercati : economie d'alpeggio in Valle d'Aosta e Haute-Savoie / a cura di Stuart Woolf e Pier Paolo Viazzo / Aosta : Le Chateau , 2002</a></li> <li class="idref-Document"><a href="" target="_blank">European fascism / edited by S. J. Woolf / London : Weidenfeld & Nicolson , 1968</a></li> <li class="idref-Document"><a href="" target="_blank">Fascism in Europe / edited by S. J. Woolf / London : Methuen , 1981</a></li> <li class="idref-Document"><a href="" target="_blank">European fascism / edited by S. J. Woolf / New York : Vintage Books , 1969</a></li> <li class="idref-Document"><a href="" target="_blank">La Valle d'Aosta / a cura di Stuart J. Woolf / Torino : Giulio Einaudi , cop. 1995</a></li> </ul> </div> </div></div> <div class="ext-data-container ext-data-calames"> <div class="ext-data-service-logo"> <h4>Ses documents dans<br/></h4> </div> <div class="content"> <div class="calames"> <h5>Documents (2)</h5> <ul> <li class="idref-Document"><a href="" target="_blank">Woolf, Stuart J. (1959)</a></li> <li class="idref-Document"><a href="" target="_blank">Woolf, Stuart J. (1959)</a></li> </ul> </div> </div></div> <div class="ext-data-container ext-data-DataBNF"> <div class="ext-data-service-logo"> <h4>Sa fiche auteur à la <br/>BNF</h4> </div> <div class="content"> <div class="databnf"> <p class="databnf-biographicalInformation">A aussi écrit en italien</p> <p class="databnf-biographicalInformation">Professeur d'histoire contemporaine dans les universités de Cambridge, Reading, Essex, Fiesole et Venise. - Spécialiste de l'histoire sociale, politique et économique de l'Europe de l'Ouest</p> <div class="item"><span class="key">Lieu de naissance</span> <span class="value databnf-placeOfBirth">Londres</span></div> <div class="item"><span class="key">Lieu de décès</span> <span class="value databnf-placeOfDeath">Florence (Italie)</span></div> </div> </div></div> <div class="ext-data-container ext-data-DBpedia"> <div class="ext-data-service-logo"> <h4>Sa page <br/>DBpedia</h4> </div> <div class="content"> <div class="dbpedia"> <div class="dbpedia-entry-wrapper"> <h5 class="dbpedia-entry-title">Informations générales</h5> <div class="dbpedia-entry-content"> <div class="dbpedia-entry-wrapper"> <h5 class="dbpedia-entry-title">Autres formes possibles de son nom</h5> <div class="lang-selector dbpedia-entry-content"> <div class="lang-content-container"> <div class="dbpedia-label dbpedia-entry-content" xml:lang="en">Stuart Woolf</div> <div class="dbpedia-label dbpedia-entry-content" xml:lang="fr">Stuart Woolf</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="dbpedia-entry-wrapper"> <h5 class="dbpedia-entry-title">Commentaire</h5> <div class="lang-selector dbpedia-entry-content"> <div class="lang-content-container"> <div class="dbpedia-comment dbpedia-entry-content" xml:lang="en">Stuart Joseph Woolf (23 January 1936 – 1 May 2021) was an English-Italian historian. Woolf was emeritus professor of contemporary history at the Ca' Foscari University of Venice, where he had taught from 1996 to 2006. Prior to this he taught at the European University Institute in Florence from 1984 to 1992 and at the University of Essex where he was Foundation Professor of History beginning in 1975. He previously held appointments at the University of Reading and Pembroke College in the University of Cambridge. He also held a number of visiting appointments at European, American and Australian universities, including Columbia University in New York and the École des hautes études en sciences sociales in Paris.</div> <div class="dbpedia-comment dbpedia-entry-content" xml:lang="fr">Stuart Joseph Woolf est un historien et traducteur anglais, spécialisé dans l'histoire de l'Italie.</div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="dbpedia-entry-wrapper"> <h5 class="dbpedia-entry-title">Résumé</h5> <div class="lang-selector dbpedia-entry-content"> <div class="lang-content-container"> <div class="dbpedia-abstract dbpedia-entry-content" xml:lang="en">Stuart Joseph Woolf (23 January 1936 – 1 May 2021) was an English-Italian historian. Woolf was emeritus professor of contemporary history at the Ca' Foscari University of Venice, where he had taught from 1996 to 2006. Prior to this he taught at the European University Institute in Florence from 1984 to 1992 and at the University of Essex where he was Foundation Professor of History beginning in 1975. He previously held appointments at the University of Reading and Pembroke College in the University of Cambridge. He also held a number of visiting appointments at European, American and Australian universities, including Columbia University in New York and the École des hautes études en sciences sociales in Paris. Educated at St Marylebone Grammar School he attended Merton College in the University of Oxford, graduating in 1956. Tutored by Roger Highfield and J. M. Roberts, he subsequently undertook research toward a doctoral degree under the supervision of H. R. Trevor-Roper. His research was on the domestic economic practices of three early modern aristocratic families in Piedmont during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Woolf submitted his thesis and received his DPhil in 1960. During this period he formed a close relationship with the noted scholar of the Enlightenment Franco Venturi. A year at St. Antony's College, Oxford, in the company of its warden William Deakin, combined with Venturi's influence, turned his interests to modern and contemporary history, in particular to the history of Fascism and its opponents. In the 1970s and 1980s, while at Essex and the EUI, Woolf expanded his interests to include Europe under Napoleon, the use of statistics in the age of the French Revolution, the history of poverty, and the comparative history of Nationalism.</div> <div class="dbpedia-abstract dbpedia-entry-content" xml:lang="fr">Stuart Joseph Woolf est un historien et traducteur anglais, spécialisé dans l'histoire de l'Italie.</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div></div> </div> </div> </div> <script> AUI().use( "aui-node", function (A) { var defaultLang = "fr"; A.all(".lang-selector").each(function (selector) { insertLangPickers(A, selector); var lang = defaultLang; if (".lang-picker-container .lang-picker[data-lang=\"" + lang + "\"]") == null) { lang =".lang-picker-container .lang-picker").getAttribute("data-lang"); } selectLang(A, selector, lang); setupLanguagesSwitchers(A, selector); }); } ); function setupLanguagesSwitchers(A, selector) { selector.all(".lang-picker-container .lang-picker").each(function (picker) { picker.on("click", function () { selectLang(A, selector, picker.getAttribute("data-lang")); 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