Terms and Conditions | Accidentally Wes Anderson
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?>"/> </div> <div class="nav-card__post--content"> <h4>A Highway Guide to Nevada</h4> <p>From the shores of Lake Tahoe to the allusive Area 51 and to the majestic Hoover Dam, our Nevada road trip was full of unique signs, historic towns, and a handful of tumbleweeds.</p> </div> </a> --> <a class="nav-card__post" href=""> <div class="nav-card__post--img"> <img class="lazy" src="; ?>" data-src=""/> </div> <div class="nav-card__post--content"> <h4>A Highway Guide to Nevada</h4> <p>From the shores of Lake Tahoe to the allusive Area 51 and to the majestic Hoover Dam, our Nevada road trip was full of unique signs, historic towns, and a handful of tumbleweeds.</p> </div> </a> <!-- <a class="nav-card__post" href=""> <div class="nav-card__post--img" style="background-image: url('');"> <img src="; ?>"/> </div> <div class="nav-card__post--content"> <h4>Switzerland</h4> <p>From exploring art museums in Basel, to not lifting a finger at luxurious hotels, and to visiting charming Swiss chalets, our second trip to the Land of Milk and Honey was just as magical as the first.</p> </div> </a> --> <a class="nav-card__post" href=""> <div class="nav-card__post--img"> <img class="lazy" src="; ?>" data-src=""/> </div> <div class="nav-card__post--content"> <h4>Switzerland</h4> <p>From exploring art museums in Basel, to not lifting a finger at luxurious hotels, and to visiting charming Swiss chalets, our second trip to the Land of Milk and Honey was just as magical as the first.</p> </div> </a> <!-- <a class="nav-card__post" href=""> <div class="nav-card__post--img" style="background-image: url('');"> <img src="; ?>"/> </div> <div class="nav-card__post--content"> <h4>The Seventh Continent</h4> <p>All aboard! We embark from the end of the world aboard the MS Roald Amundsen on a (shivery) trip of a lifetime!</p> </div> </a> --> <a class="nav-card__post" href=""> <div class="nav-card__post--img"> <img class="lazy" src="; ?>" data-src=""/> </div> <div class="nav-card__post--content"> <h4>The Seventh Continent</h4> <p>All aboard! We embark from the end of the world aboard the MS Roald Amundsen on a (shivery) trip of a lifetime!</p> </div> </a> <!-- <a class="nav-card__post" href=""> <div class="nav-card__post--img" style="background-image: url('');"> <img src="; ?>"/> </div> <div class="nav-card__post--content"> <h4>A Curious Scottish Excursion</h4> <p>Over a century ago, Phileas Fogg circumnavigated the globe over 80 trips around the sun. Taking a page out of his whimsical legacy, we found ourselves on a similarly audacious adventure—in Scotland.</p> </div> </a> --> <a class="nav-card__post" href=""> <div class="nav-card__post--img"> <img class="lazy" src="; ?>" data-src=""/> </div> <div class="nav-card__post--content"> <h4>A Curious Scottish Excursion</h4> <p>Over a century ago, Phileas Fogg circumnavigated the globe over 80 trips around the sun. Taking a page out of his whimsical legacy, we found ourselves on a similarly audacious adventure—in Scotland.</p> </div> </a> <!-- <a class="nav-card__post" href=""> <div class="nav-card__post--img" style="background-image: url('');"> <img src="; ?>"/> </div> <div class="nav-card__post--content"> <h4>An Off-centered Vermont Road Trip</h4> <p>Join AWA and our off-centered friends over at Dogfish Head for an even more off-centered adventure in the Green Mountain State!</p> </div> </a> --> <a class="nav-card__post" href=""> <div class="nav-card__post--img"> <img class="lazy" src="; ?>" data-src=""/> </div> <div class="nav-card__post--content"> <h4>An Off-centered Vermont Road Trip</h4> <p>Join AWA and our off-centered friends over at Dogfish Head for an even more off-centered adventure in the Green Mountain State!</p> </div> </a> <!-- <a class="nav-card__post" href=""> <div class="nav-card__post--img" style="background-image: url('');"> <img src="; ?>"/> </div> <div class="nav-card__post--content"> <h4>A Rocky Mountain Road Trip</h4> <p>From the western metropolis of Denver to the surrounding Rocky Mountains, there’s something for everyone in the heart of Colorado. </p> </div> </a> --> <a class="nav-card__post" href=""> <div class="nav-card__post--img"> <img class="lazy" src="; ?>" data-src=""/> </div> <div class="nav-card__post--content"> <h4>A Rocky Mountain Road Trip</h4> <p>From the western metropolis of Denver to the surrounding Rocky Mountains, there’s something for everyone in the heart of Colorado. </p> </div> </a> </div> <a href="/guides/" class="subnav__btn--text hide-mobile">See all ></a> </div> <div class="subnav-place-flex__right"> <h3 class="subnav__headline">Submitted by our community <a href="/guides/community" class="subnav__headline--btn">See All</a> </h3> <div class="subnav-place-text-list"> <h4 class="subnav-place-textitem"> <a href=""> San Francisco, California </a> </h4> <h4 class="subnav-place-textitem"> <a href=""> Bahía 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<img src="; ?>"/> </div> <div class="nav-card__post--content"> <h4>Switzerland</h4> <p>From exploring art museums in Basel, to not lifting a finger at luxurious hotels, and to visiting charming Swiss chalets, our second trip to the Land of Milk and Honey was just as magical as the first.</p> </div> </a> --> <a class="nav-card__post" href=""> <div class="nav-card__post--img"> <img class="lazy" src="; ?>" data-src=""/> </div> <div class="nav-card__post--content"> <h4>Switzerland</h4> <p>From exploring art museums in Basel, to not lifting a finger at luxurious hotels, and to visiting charming Swiss chalets, our second trip to the Land of Milk and Honey was just as magical as the first.</p> </div> </a> <!-- <a class="nav-card__post" href=""> <div class="nav-card__post--img" style="background-image: url('');"> <img src="; ?>"/> </div> <div class="nav-card__post--content"> <h4>The Seventh Continent</h4> <p>All aboard! We embark from the end of the world aboard the MS Roald Amundsen on a (shivery) trip of a lifetime!</p> </div> </a> --> <a class="nav-card__post" href=""> <div class="nav-card__post--img"> <img class="lazy" src="; ?>" data-src=""/> </div> <div class="nav-card__post--content"> <h4>The Seventh Continent</h4> <p>All aboard! We embark from the end of the world aboard the MS Roald Amundsen on a (shivery) trip of a lifetime!</p> </div> </a> <!-- <a class="nav-card__post" href=""> <div class="nav-card__post--img" style="background-image: url('');"> <img src="; ?>"/> </div> <div class="nav-card__post--content"> <h4>A Curious Scottish Excursion</h4> <p>Over a century ago, Phileas Fogg circumnavigated the globe over 80 trips around the sun. Taking a page out of his whimsical legacy, we found ourselves on a similarly audacious adventure—in Scotland.</p> </div> </a> --> <a class="nav-card__post" href=""> <div class="nav-card__post--img"> <img class="lazy" src="; ?>" data-src=""/> </div> <div class="nav-card__post--content"> <h4>A Curious Scottish Excursion</h4> <p>Over a century ago, Phileas Fogg circumnavigated the globe over 80 trips around the sun. Taking a page out of his whimsical legacy, we found ourselves on a similarly audacious adventure—in Scotland.</p> </div> </a> <!-- <a class="nav-card__post" href=""> <div class="nav-card__post--img" style="background-image: url('');"> <img src="; ?>"/> </div> <div class="nav-card__post--content"> <h4>An Off-centered Vermont Road Trip</h4> <p>Join AWA and our off-centered friends over at Dogfish Head for an even more off-centered adventure in the Green Mountain State!</p> </div> </a> --> <a class="nav-card__post" href=""> <div class="nav-card__post--img"> <img class="lazy" src="; ?>" data-src=""/> </div> <div class="nav-card__post--content"> <h4>An Off-centered Vermont Road Trip</h4> <p>Join AWA and our off-centered friends over at Dogfish Head for an even more off-centered adventure in the Green Mountain State!</p> </div> </a> <!-- <a class="nav-card__post" href=""> <div class="nav-card__post--img" style="background-image: url('');"> <img src="; ?>"/> </div> <div class="nav-card__post--content"> <h4>A Rocky Mountain Road Trip</h4> <p>From the western metropolis of Denver to the surrounding Rocky Mountains, there’s something for everyone in the heart of Colorado. </p> </div> </a> --> <a class="nav-card__post" href=""> <div class="nav-card__post--img"> <img class="lazy" src="; ?>" data-src=""/> </div> <div class="nav-card__post--content"> <h4>A Rocky Mountain Road Trip</h4> <p>From the western metropolis of Denver to the surrounding Rocky Mountains, there’s something for everyone in the heart of Colorado. </p> </div> </a> </div> <a href="/guides/" class="subnav__btn--text hide-mobile">See all ></a> </div> <div class="subnav-place-flex__right"> <h3 class="subnav__headline">Submitted by our community <a href="/guides/community" class="subnav__headline--btn">See All</a> </h3> <div class="subnav-place-text-list"> <h4 class="subnav-place-textitem"> <a href=""> San Francisco, California </a> </h4> <h4 class="subnav-place-textitem"> <a href=""> Bahía 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constitute a legally binding agreement made between you, whether personally or on behalf of an entity (“You” or “Your” or “User”) and Accidentally Wes Anderson, LLC (“AWA”, “we”, “us”, or “our”), concerning your access to and use of <span class="s2">AWA’s website at (“</span><span class="s3">Website</span><span class="s2">”) or through any other site, program</span>.<span class="Apple-converted-space"> </span>You agree that by accessing the Website, you have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by all of these Terms of Use. IF YOU DO NOT AGREE WITH ALL OF THESE TERMS OF USE, THEN YOU ARE EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED FROM USING THE WEBSITE AND YOU MUST DISCONTINUE USE IMMEDIATELY.</p> <p class="p1">Supplemental terms and conditions or documents that may be posted on the Website from time to time are hereby expressly incorporated herein by reference. We reserve the right, in our sole discretion, to make changes or modifications to these Terms of Use at any time and for any reason. We will alert you about any changes by updating the “Last updated” date of these Terms of Use, and you waive any right to receive specific notice of each such change. It is your responsibility to periodically review these Terms of Use to stay informed of updates. You will be subject to, and will be deemed to have been made aware of and to have accepted, the changes in any revised Terms of Use by your continued use of the Website after the date such revised Terms of Use are posted.</p> <p class="p1">The information provided on the Website is not intended for distribution to or use by any person or entity in any jurisdiction or country where such distribution or use would be contrary to law or regulation or which would subject us to any registration requirement within such jurisdiction or country. Accordingly, those persons who choose to access the Website from other locations do so on their own initiative and are solely responsible for compliance with local laws, if and to the extent local laws are applicable.</p> <p class="p1"><b>INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS</b></p> <p class="p1">Unless otherwise indicated, the Website is our proprietary property and all source code, databases, functionality, software, website designs, audio, video, text, photographs, and graphics on the Website (collectively, the “Content”) and the trademarks, service marks, and logos contained therein (the “Marks”) are owned or controlled by us or licensed to us, and are protected by copyright and trademark laws and various other intellectual property rights and unfair competition laws of the United States, international copyright laws, and international conventions. The Content and the Marks are provided on the Website “AS IS” for your information and personal use only. Except as expressly provided in these Terms of Use, no part of the Website and no Content or Marks may be copied, reproduced, aggregated, republished, uploaded, posted, publicly displayed, encoded, translated, transmitted, distributed, sold, licensed, or otherwise exploited for any commercial purpose whatsoever, without our express prior written permission.</p> <p class="p1">Provided that you are eligible to use the Website, you are granted a limited license to access and use the Website. We reserve all rights not expressly granted to you in and to the Website, the Content and the Marks.</p> <p class="p1"><b>USER REPRESENTATIONS</b></p> <p class="p1">By using the Website, you represent and warrant that: (1) you have the legal capacity and you agree to comply with these Terms of Use; (2) you are not a minor in the jurisdiction in which you reside, or if a minor, you have received parental permission to use the Website; (3) you will not access the Website through automated or non-human means, whether through a bot, script, or otherwise; (4) you will not use the Website for any illegal or unauthorized purpose; and (5) your use of the Website will not violate any applicable law or regulation.</p> <p class="p1"><b>PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES</b></p> <p class="p1">You may not access or use the Website for any purpose other than that for which we make the Website available.</p> <p class="p1"><b>As a user of the Website, you agree not to:</b></p> <ol class="ol1"> <li class="li1">Systematically retrieve data or other content from the Website to create or compile, directly or indirectly, a collection, compilation, database, or directory.</li> <li class="li1">Trick, defraud, or mislead us and other users.</li> <li class="li1">Circumvent, disable, or otherwise interfere with security-related features of the Website, including features that prevent or restrict the use or copying of any Content or enforce limitations on the use of the Website and/or the Content contained therein.</li> <li class="li1">Disparage, tarnish, or otherwise harm, in our opinion, us and/or the Website.</li> <li class="li1">Use any information obtained from the Website in order to harass, abuse, or harm another person.</li> <li class="li1">Make improper use of our support services or submit false reports of abuse or misconduct.</li> <li class="li1">Use the Website in a manner inconsistent with any applicable laws or regulations.</li> <li class="li1">Use the Website to advertise or offer to sell goods and services.</li> <li class="li1">Upload or transmit (or attempt to upload or to transmit) viruses, Trojan horses, or other material, including excessive use of capital letters and spamming (continuous posting of repetitive text), that interferes with any party’s uninterrupted use and enjoyment of the Website or modifies, impairs, disrupts, alters, or interferes with the use, features, functions, operation, or maintenance of the Website.</li> <li class="li1">Engage in any automated use of the system, such as using scripts to send comments or messages, or using any data mining, robots, or similar data gathering and extraction tools.</li> <li class="li1">Delete the copyright or other proprietary rights notice from any Content.</li> <li class="li1">Upload or transmit (or attempt to upload or to transmit) any material that acts as a passive or active information collection or transmission mechanism, including without limitation, clear graphics interchange formats (“gifs”), 1×1 pixels, web bugs, cookies, or other similar devices (sometimes referred to as “spyware” or “passive collection mechanisms” or “pcms”).</li> <li class="li1">Interfere with, disrupt, or create an undue burden on the Website or the networks or services connected to the Website.</li> <li class="li1">Harass, annoy, intimidate, or threaten any of our employees or agents engaged in providing any portion of the Website to you.</li> <li class="li1">Attempt to bypass any measures of the Website designed to prevent or restrict access to the Website, or any portion of the Website.</li> <li class="li1">Copy or adapt the Website’s software, including but not limited to Flash, PHP, HTML, JavaScript, or other code.</li> <li class="li1">Decipher, decompile, disassemble, or reverse engineer any of the software comprising or in any way making up a part of the Website.</li> <li class="li1">Except as may be the result of standard search engine or Internet browser usage, use, launch, develop, or distribute any automated system, including without limitation, any spider, robot, cheat utility, scraper, or offline reader that accesses the Website, or using or launching any unauthorized script or other software.</li> <li class="li1">Make any unauthorized use of the Website, including collecting usernames and/or email addresses of users by electronic or other means for the purpose of sending unsolicited email, or creating user accounts by automated means or under false pretenses.</li> <li class="li1">Use the Website as part of any effort to compete with us or otherwise use the Website and/or the Content for any revenue-generating endeavor or commercial enterprise.</li> </ol> <p class="p1"><b>AWA SUBMISSIONS</b></p> <p class="p1">All photos submitted through the the AWA Submissions Page will abide by the AWA Submissions Terms & Conditions.</p> <p class="p1">First and foremost: You retain ownership of your submitted materials, but by submitting them to us, you are giving us the right to use them. By submitting your photograph(s) and/or your written material (either, the “Work”) to Accidentally Wes Anderson (“AWA” or “us” or “our” or “we”), you represent and warrant that: (a) it is your original work and is not copied; (b) does not violate the rights of any third party; (c) does not contain any third-party materials and/or content that you do not have permission to use; and (d) is not in breach of any applicable legislation or regulations.</p> <p>By submitting the Work to AWA, you grant us a non-exclusive, royalty-free, perpetual, worldwide license to use the Work as described herein as well as to host, store, transfer, display, reproduce, and distribute the Work. Further, you grant us permission to edit and/or modify the Work. You give us permission to publish the Work in any and all media, either print or digital, including but not limited to on the Website, as well as all AWA social media accounts including, but not limited to Instagram, and to reproduce and display the Work in any exhibition organized directly or indirectly by AWA. We may use the Work for our own promotional and marketing purposes, or as part of third-party promotional use, or as part of exhibitions organized by AWA and its commercial partners, and you hereby certify that AWA is not required to make any payment to you or any third party for any such use.</p> <p>When you submit the Work to us, you agree to provide us with the requested credit information, and AWA agrees to include the credit with your Work wherever it is used by us. However, failure to so credit shall not constitute a breach of these terms. We reserve the right to remove or unpublish the Work at any time, for any reason, in our sole discretion.</p> <p class="p1"><b>WEBSITE MANAGEMENT</b></p> <p class="p1">We reserve the right, but not the obligation, to: (1) monitor the Website for violations of these Terms of Use; (2) take appropriate legal action against anyone who, in our sole discretion, violates the law or these Terms of Use, including without limitation, reporting such user to law enforcement authorities; (3) in our sole discretion and without limitation, refuse, restrict access to, limit the availability of, or disable (to the extent technologically feasible) any of your Contributions or any portion thereof; (4) in our sole discretion and without limitation, notice, or liability, to remove from the Website or otherwise disable all files and content that are excessive in size or are in any way burdensome to our systems; and (5) otherwise manage the Website in a manner designed to protect our rights and property and to facilitate the proper functioning of the Website.</p> <p class="p1"><b>PRIVACY POLICY</b></p> <p class="p1">We care about data privacy and security. By using the Website, you agree to be bound by our Privacy which is incorporated into these Terms of Use. Please be advised the Website is hosted in the United States. If you access the Website from any other region of the world with laws or other requirements governing personal data collection, use, or disclosure that differ from applicable laws in the United States, then through your continued use of the Website or other AWA Program, you are transferring your data to the United States, and you agree to have your data transferred to and processed in the United States.</p> <p class="p1"><b>TERM AND TERMINATION</b></p> <p class="p1">These Terms of Use shall remain in full force and effect while you use the Website. WITHOUT LIMITING ANY OTHER PROVISION OF THESE TERMS OF USE, WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO, IN OUR SOLE DISCRETION AND WITHOUT NOTICE OR LIABILITY, DENY ACCESS TO AND USE OF THE WEBSITE (INCLUDING BLOCKING CERTAIN IP ADDRESSES), TO ANY PERSON FOR ANY REASON OR FOR NO REASON, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION FOR BREACH OF ANY REPRESENTATION, WARRANTY, OR COVENANT CONTAINED IN THESE TERMS OF USE OR OF ANY APPLICABLE LAW OR REGULATION. WE MAY TERMINATE YOUR USE OR PARTICIPATION IN THE WEBSITE OR DELETE ANY CONTENT OR INFORMATION THAT YOU POSTED AT ANY TIME, WITHOUT WARNING, IN OUR SOLE DISCRETION.</p> <p class="p1"><b>MODIFICATIONS AND INTERRUPTIONS</b></p> <p class="p1">We reserve the right to change, modify, or remove the contents of the Website at any time or for any reason at our sole discretion without notice. However, we have no obligation to update any information on our Website. We also reserve the right to modify or discontinue all or part of the Website without notice at any time. We will not be liable to you or any third party for any modification, price change, suspension, or discontinuance of the Website.</p> <p class="p1">We cannot guarantee the Website will be available at all times. We may experience hardware, software, or other problems or need to perform maintenance related to the Website, resulting in interruptions, delays, or errors. We reserve the right to change, revise, update, suspend, discontinue, or otherwise modify the Website at any time or for any reason without notice to you. You agree that we have no liability whatsoever for any loss, damage, or inconvenience caused by your inability to access or use the Website during any downtime or discontinuance of the Website. Nothing in these Terms of Use will be construed to obligate us to maintain and support the Website or to supply any corrections, updates, or releases in connection therewith.</p> <p class="p1"><b>GOVERNING LAW</b></p> <p class="p1">These Terms of Use and your use of the Website are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Delaware applicable to agreements made and to be entirely performed within the State of Delaware, without regard to its conflict of law principles.</p> <p class="p1"><b>DISPUTE RESOLUTION</b></p> <p class="p1"><b>Informal Negotiations</b></p> <p class="p1">To expedite resolution and control the cost of any dispute, controversy, or claim related to these Terms of Use (each a “Dispute” and collectively, the “Disputes”) brought by either you or us (individually, a “Party” and collectively, the “Parties”), the Parties agree to first attempt to negotiate any Dispute (except those Disputes expressly provided below) informally for at least thirty (30) days before initiating arbitration. Such informal negotiations commence upon written notice from one Party to the other Party.</p> <p class="p1"><b>Binding Arbitration</b></p> <p class="p1">If the Parties are unable to resolve a Dispute through informal negotiations, the Dispute (except those Disputes expressly excluded below) will be finally and exclusively resolved through binding arbitration. The arbitration shall be commenced and conducted under the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association (“AAA”) and, where appropriate, the AAA’s Supplementary Procedures for Consumer Related Disputes (“AAA Consumer Rules”), both of which are available at the AAA website: Your arbitration fees and your share of arbitrator compensation shall be governed by the AAA Consumer Rules and, where appropriate, limited by the AAA Consumer Rules. The arbitration may be conducted in person, through the submission of documents, by phone, or online. The arbitrator will make a decision in writing, but need not provide a statement of reasons unless requested by either Party. .Except where otherwise required by the applicable AAA rules or applicable law, the arbitration will take place in Wilmington, Delaware. Except as otherwise provided herein, the Parties may litigate in court to compel arbitration, stay proceedings pending arbitration, or to confirm, modify, vacate, or enter judgment on the award entered by the arbitrator.</p> <p class="p1">In no event shall any Dispute brought by either Party related in any way to the Website be commenced more than one (1) year after the cause of action arose. If this provision is found to be illegal or unenforceable, then neither Party will elect to arbitrate any Dispute falling within that portion of this provision found to be illegal or unenforceable, and such Dispute shall be decided by a court of competent jurisdiction within the courts listed for jurisdiction above, and the Parties agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction of that court.</p> <p class="p1"><b>Restrictions</b></p> <p class="p1">The Parties agree that any arbitration shall be limited to the Dispute between the Parties individually. To the full extent permitted by law, (a) no arbitration shall be joined with any other proceeding; (b) there is no right or authority for any Dispute to be arbitrated on a class-action basis or to utilize class action procedures; and (c) there is no right or authority for any Dispute to be brought in a purported representative capacity on behalf of the general public or any other persons.</p> <p class="p1"><strong>Exceptions to Informal Negotiations and Arbitration</strong></p> <p class="p1"><b>CORRECTIONS</b></p> <p class="p1">There may be information on the Website that contains typographical errors, inaccuracies, or omissions, including descriptions, pricing, availability, and various other information. We reserve the right to correct any errors, inaccuracies, or omissions and to change or update the information on the Website at any time, without prior notice.</p> <p class="p1"><b>DISCLAIMER</b></p> <p class="p1">THE WEBSITE IS PROVIDED ON AN AS-IS AND AS-AVAILABLE BASIS. YOU AGREE THAT YOUR USE OF THE WEBSITE AND OUR SERVICES WILL BE AT YOUR SOLE RISK. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW, WE DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IN CONNECTION WITH THE WEBSITE AND YOUR USE THEREOF, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT. WE MAKE NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS ABOUT THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THE WEBSITE’S CONTENT OR THE CONTENT OF ANY WEBSITES LINKED TO THE WEBSITE AND WE WILL ASSUME NO LIABILITY OR RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY (1) ERRORS, MISTAKES, OR INACCURACIES OF CONTENT AND MATERIALS, (2) PERSONAL INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE, OF ANY NATURE WHATSOEVER, RESULTING FROM YOUR ACCESS TO AND USE OF THE WEBSITE, (3) ANY UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS TO OR USE OF OUR SECURE SERVERS AND/OR ANY AND ALL PERSONAL INFORMATION AND/OR FINANCIAL INFORMATION STORED THEREIN, (4) ANY INTERRUPTION OR CESSATION OF TRANSMISSION TO OR FROM THE WEBSITE, (5) ANY BUGS, VIRUSES, TROJAN HORSES, OR THE LIKE WHICH MAY BE TRANSMITTED TO OR THROUGH THE WEBSITE BY ANY THIRD PARTY, AND/OR (6) ANY ERRORS OR OMISSIONS IN ANY CONTENT AND MATERIALS OR FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE OF ANY KIND INCURRED AS A RESULT OF THE USE OF ANY CONTENT POSTED, TRANSMITTED, OR OTHERWISE MADE AVAILABLE VIA THE WEBSITE. WE DO NOT WARRANT, ENDORSE, GUARANTEE, OR ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY FOR ANY PRODUCT OR SERVICE ADVERTISED OR OFFERED BY A THIRD PARTY THROUGH THE WEBSITE, ANY HYPERLINKED SITE, OR ANY SITE OR MOBILE APPLICATION FEATURED IN ANY BANNER OR OTHER ADVERTISING, AND WE WILL NOT BE A PARTY TO OR IN ANY WAY BE RESPONSIBLE FOR MONITORING ANY TRANSACTION BETWEEN YOU AND ANY THIRD-PARTY PROVIDERS OF PRODUCTS OR SERVICES. AS WITH THE PURCHASE OF A PRODUCT OR SERVICE THROUGH ANY MEDIUM OR IN ANY ENVIRONMENT, YOU SHOULD USE YOUR BEST JUDGMENT AND EXERCISE CAUTION WHERE APPROPRIATE.</p> <p class="p1"><b>LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY</b></p> <p class="p1">IN NO EVENT WILL WE OR OUR DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES, OR AGENTS BE LIABLE TO YOU OR ANY THIRD PARTY FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, EXEMPLARY, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES, INCLUDING LOST PROFIT, LOST REVENUE, LOSS OF DATA, OR OTHER DAMAGES ARISING FROM YOUR USE OF THE WEBSITE, EVEN IF WE HAVE BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. 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