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></li><li><em>牟**</em><span>183******99</span><i>35分钟前</i></li><li><em>王**</em><span>138******87</span><i>35分钟前</i></li><li><em>刘**</em><span>186******13</span><i>36分钟前</i></li><li><em>宗**</em><span>134******52</span><i>36分钟前</i></li><li><em>郭**</em><span>186******35</span><i>37分钟前</i></li><li><em>崔**</em><span>132******78</span><i>37分钟前</i></li><li><em>赵**</em><span>187******80</span><i>38分钟前</i></li><li><em>陈**</em><span>159******77</span><i>38分钟前</i></li><li><em>赵**</em><span>183******57</span><i>38分钟前</i></li></ul> 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"get", url: t.action.serial_group_infos, data: { sgid:serialId, ptl:1 }, dataType: "jsonp", jsonp: "callback", jsonpCallback:'seriaData', cache: true, timeout: 0, // timeout默认是0, 当类型是jsonp时,必须要设置timeout大于0才能执行ajax的error回调 success: function(data){ if (data.sgId) { $('#form-sg-pic').attr('src', data.baiPicSrc_180x135 || data.sgPhotoSrc); $('#form-sg-name').html(data.sgName); t.modelData.sgId = data.sgId; t.modelData.sgName = data.sgName; t.modelData.bId = data.bId; t.modelData.bName = data.bName; t.modelData.mId = data.manuId; t.modelData.mName = data.manuName; sgbox &&; fn && fn(); } }, error: function(status){ } }); } }, handleModel: function (pids, sids) { var t = this; var sgbox = $('#form-sg'); var sgctr = $('#form_sg_da'); var mdstr = $('#form-sg-md'); var sg_tips = $('#sg_tips'); var hasHide = false; var hasDone = false; var json = { id: 'form_sg_da', sales: false, price: true, modelShowType: 2, mrBack: function(data, dat){ if(data && && data.chexing.title){ t.modelData.modelId =; t.modelData.modelName = data.chexing.title; mdstr.html(data.chexing.title + ' ('+data.chexing.price+')'); }else if (dat && dat.dataC && && > 0) { if(modelId > 0){ t.modelData.modelId = modelId; t.modelData.modelName = mName; t.modelData.price = mPrice; mdstr.html(mName+'('+mPrice+')'); }else{ t.modelData.modelId =[1].id; t.modelData.modelName =[1].text; mdstr.html([1].text+'('[1].price+')'); } } t.getAther(); // 获取本地报价和印象 }, openBack: function () { sgctr.addClass('form-sg-dahover'); sg_tips.html(''); }, closeBack: function () { sgctr.removeClass('form-sg-dahover'); } } if(sids){ json.sids = sids; } if(pids){ json.pids = pids; } if (serialId) { sgbox.removeClass('form-sgn'); sgctr.html(sgctr.attr('data-tips1')+'<em></em>'); this.getModle(sgbox, function () {}); json.defaults = [brandId,serialId, modelId];//分别是品牌id,车系id,车型id json.step3 = function (data) { t.modelData.modelId =; t.modelData.modelName = data.chexing.title; serialId =; mdstr.html(data.chexing.title + ' ('+data.chexing.price+')'); t.getModle(null, function () {}); t.getAther(); // 获取本地报价和印象 if (!hasHide) { hasHide = true; $("#carTips").hide(); $("#carErrTips").hide(); } } } else { sgctr.html(sgctr.attr('data-tips')+'<em></em>');; json.step3 = function (data) { t.modelData.modelId =; t.modelData.modelName = data.chexing.title; sgbox.removeClass('form-sgn'); serialId =; mdstr.html(data.chexing.title + ' ('+data.chexing.price+')'); t.getModle(null, function () {}); t.getAther(); // 获取本地报价和印象 if (!hasHide) { hasHide = true; $("#carTips").hide(); $("#carErrTips").hide(); }; if (!hasDone) { hasDone = true; sgctr.html(sgctr.attr('data-tips1')+'<em></em>'); } } } var p33 = new cxpop(json); // 置换旧车系 if (document.getElementById('oldCar')) { var sosBtn = $('#oldCar'); var oldCar_tips = $('#oldCar_tips'); var json = { id: 'oldCarChoose', sales: false, price: true, step: 2, openBack: function () { sosBtn.addClass('form-sg-dahover'); }, closeBack: function () { sosBtn.removeClass('form-sg-dahover'); }, step2: function (data) { t.sgData = { bId:, bName: data.brand.title, sgId:, sgName: data.chexi.title } $('#oldCar').val(data.chexi.title); $('#oldCarId').val(; oldCar_tips.html(''); } } var p34 = new cxpop(json); } }, model: function () { var t = this; $.ajax({ type: "get", url: t.action.order_serial_json_chooser, data: { dealerId:dealerId }, dataType: "jsonp", jsonp: "callback", jsonpCallback:'order_serial_json_chooser', cache: true, timeout: 0, // timeout默认是0, 当类型是jsonp时,必须要设置timeout大于0才能执行ajax的error回调 success: function(data){ if (data && data.firms) { var pids = ''; var sids = ''; var i = 0; var n = data.firms.length; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (!pids) { pids = data.firms[i].bid; sids = data.firms[i].id; } else { pids += ','+ data.firms[i].bid; sids += ','+ data.firms[i].id; } } t.handleModel(pids, sids); } else { t.handleModel(); } }, error: function(status){ t.handleModel(); } }); }, /** * 显示地区信息 * @param {[string]} city 城市名字 * @param {[string]} cityId 城市id * @param {[string]} cityCode 城市编码 * @param {[string]} obj [点击对象] */ showArea: function (city, cityId, cityCode, obj) { regionId = cityId; var isok = true; var str = ''; if (saleType == 0) { // 0售本市 if (cityId != saleCityId) { isAllot = 1; isok = false; str = '温馨提示:该商家无法接待'+ saleCity +'外的客户,汽车商城将推荐更合适的商家为您服务。'; } } else if (saleType == 1) { // 1售本省 // 遍历省份之类的,校验是否在范围内 var i = 0; var n = areaData.length; var j = 0; var m = 0; var np = 0; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { m = areaData[i].citys.length; for (j = 0; j < m; j++) { if (cityId == areaData[i].citys[j].cityId) { if (areaData[i].proId) { np = areaData[i].proId } else { // 直辖市, 变成判断城市 np = '00' } } } } if (np == '00') { if (cityId != saleCityId) { isAllot = 1; isok = false; str = '温馨提示:该商家无法接待'+ saleProvince +'外的客户,汽车商城将推荐更合适的商家为您服务。'; } } else { if (saleProvinceId != np) { isAllot = 1; isok = false; str = '温馨提示:该商家无法接待'+ saleProvince +'外的客户,汽车商城将推荐更合适的商家为您服务。'; } } } else if (saleType == 2) { // 2售全国(不限) if('true'){ isAllot =0 ; } } else if (saleType == 3) { // 3售多市 var i = 0; var n = areaData.length; var j = 0; var m = 0; var np = 0; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { m = areaData[i].citys.length; for (j = 0; j < m; j++) { if (cityId == areaData[i].citys[j].cityId) { if (areaData[i].proId) { np = areaData[i].proId } else { // 直辖市, 变成判断城市 np = '00' } } } } // 匹配省份 var sta = [0,0]; if (np != '00') { // 有省份id if (saleCityIds.indexOf('p' + np + ',') != -1) { sta[0] = 1; } } else { // 没有,流到城市 sta[0] = 1; } if (cityId) { // 有城市id if (saleCityIds.indexOf('r' + cityId + ',') != -1) { sta[1] = 1; } } if (!sta[0] || !sta[1]) { isok = false; str = '温馨提示:该商家无法接待您选择区域的客户,汽车商城将推荐更合适的商家为您服务。'; isAllot = 1; }else{ isAllot = 0; } } if (isok) { $('#area_tips').html('<i class="icon-success"></i>'); } else { $('#area_tips').html('<i class="icon-error"></i>' + str); } $('#area').val(city).removeClass('form-con-gray'); this.cityData = { city: city, cityId: cityId, cityCode: cityCode }; return { isok: isok, str: str } }, getAreaById: function (id, fn) { var t = this; var param = { cityId: id } $.ajax({ type: "get", url: t.action.region_ipArea, data: param, timeout: 0, // timeout默认是0, 当类型是jsonp时,必须要设置timeout大于0才能执行ajax的error回调 success: function(data){ fn && fn(data); }, error: function(status){ } }); }, /** * 城市定位和城市选择弹窗 */ bindArea: function () { var t = this; // 有城市id,直接拿数据 if (regionId) { t.getAreaById(regionId, function (res) { if (res.code==0 && && > 0) { var cityInfo =[0]; t.showArea(cityInfo.cityName, cityInfo.cityId, cityInfo.cityCode) } }); } else { // ip定位 LocateAuto.init({ device: 'pc', cityCode: '', callback:function(data){ t.showArea(, data.cityId, data.cityCode) } }); } //城市选择 var cityPop1 = new cityPop({ "openBtn": "cityChoose", //打开弹框按钮ID "cityBox": "cityShow", //弹层ID "searchInp": "sCity1", //搜索框ID "searchResult": "sResult1", //搜索结果层ID "hotsCity": "hotsCity1", //热门城市ID "tipNo": "tipNo1", //无结果提示ID "tipGo": "tipGo1", //直达提示ID "resultList": "resultList1", //搜索结果列表ID "closeBtn": "sClose1", //关闭按钮ID "letArea": "letArea1", //字母列表ID "cityArea": "cityArea1" //城市列表ID }, function (e) { var e = window.event || e, target = e.srcElement ||, isAnchor = target.getAttribute("data") == "anchor" ? true : false; isSearchCity = target.getAttribute("data") == "search" ? true : false; if (target.tagName.toLowerCase() === "a" || target.parentNode.tagName.toLowerCase() === "a") { if (!isAnchor) { var city; var code = target.getAttribute("data-code"); var cityId = target.getAttribute("data-mid"); if (!isSearchCity) { city = target.innerHTML; } else { city = target.childNodes[0].innerHTML; } curCity = city;//城市名 curCityId = cityId;//城市id curCode = code;//ip库城市id t.showArea(curCity, curCityId, curCode, target) e.preventDefault ? (e.preventDefault()) : (e.returnValue = false); } } }); }, bind: function () { //自动填写用户信息 /* var userInfo = this.getCookie('_pcauto_order_info_'); if (userInfo.indexOf('__') != -1) { var arr = userInfo.split("__"); $("#name").val(arr[0]); $("#phone").val(arr[1]); } *///20190421 //名单滚动 new Slide({ target: $( '#slide ul' ), control: false, effect: 'slide', merge: true, stay:5000, direction: 'y', autoPlay: true }); }, /** * 表单单项检查 */ checkForm: function () { var t = this; // 地区校验 var area_tips = $('#area_tips'); window.carea = new checkForm({ id: '#area', placeholderClass: 'form-con-gray', //ie下灰色提示样式 rule: function (d) { var str = '',v = d.val(),ck = true; if (!v || v == d.attr('placeholder')) {str = '请选择地区';ck = false;} if (ck) { var st = t.showArea(, t.cityData.cityId, t.cityData.cityCode); if (!st.isok) { str = st.str; ck = st.isok; } } return { "status": ck, "msg": str } }, ruleResult: function (t, data) { if (!data.status) { area_tips.html('<i class="icon-error"></i>' + data.msg); } else { area_tips.html('<i class="icon-success"></i>'); } }, blurCheck: true, keyupCheck: true }); // 姓名校验 var name_tips = $('#name_tips'); window.cname = new checkForm({ id: '#name', placeholderClass: 'form-con-gray', //ie下灰色提示样式 rule: function (d) { var str = '',v = d.val(),reg = /^[A-Za-z\u4e00-\u9fa5]{1,20}$/,ck = true; if (!v || v == d.attr('placeholder')) {str = '请输入姓名';ck = false;} if (ck) { if (v.length > 5) {str = '请填写5位数以内的姓名';ck = false;} } if (ck) { if (!reg.test(v)) {str = '仅支持中文和英文';ck = false;} } return { "status": ck, "msg": str } }, ruleResult: function (t, data) { if (!data.status) { name_tips.html('<i class="icon-error"></i>' + data.msg); } else { name_tips.html('<i class="icon-success"></i>'); } }, blurCheck: true, keyupCheck: true }); // 电话校验 var phone_tips = $('#phone_tips'); window.cphone = new checkForm({ id: '#phone', placeholderClass: 'form-con-gray', //ie下灰色提示样式 rule: function (d) { var str = '',v = d.val(),reg = /^1[3-9]\d{9}$/,ck = true; if (!v || v == d.attr('placeholder')) {str = '请输入手机号';ck = false;} if (ck) { if (!reg.test(v)) {str = '请输入正确的手机号';ck = false;} } return { "status": ck, "msg": str } }, ruleResult: function (t, data) { if (!data.status) { phone_tips.html('<i class="icon-error"></i>' + data.msg); } else { phone_tips.html('<i class="icon-success"></i>'); } }, blurCheck: true, keyupCheck: true }); // 个人信息披露及保护声明校验 var chkSM_tips = $('#chkSM_tips'); window.cchkSM = new checkForm({ id: '#chkSM', rule: function (d) { var str = '',v = d[0].checked,reg = /^1[3-9]\d{9}$/,ck = true; if (!v) {str = '请勾选《个人信息披露及保护声明》';ck = false;} return { "status": ck, "msg": str } }, ruleResult: function (t, data) { if (!data.status) { chkSM_tips.html('<i class="icon-error"></i>' + data.msg); } else { chkSM_tips.html(''); } }, clickCheck: true }); // 验证码校验 var code_tips = $('#code_tips'); window.ccaptcha = new checkForm({ id: '#captcha', rule: function (d) { var str = '',v = d[0].value,reg = /^[A-Za-z0-9]{5}$/,ck = true; if (!v) {str = '请填写验证码';ck = false;} if (ck) { if (!reg.test(v)) {str = '请填写正确的验证码';ck = false;} } return { "status": ck, "msg": str } }, ruleResult: function (t, data) { if (!data.status) { code_tips.html('<i class="icon-error"></i>' + data.msg); } else { code_tips.html(''); } }, blurCheck: true, keyupCheck: true }); // 现有车系校验 if('3' == '4'){ var oldCar_tips = $('#oldCar_tips'); window.coldcar = new checkForm({ id: '#oldCar', rule: function (d) { var str = '',v = d[0].value,reg = /^[A-Za-z0-9]{5}$/,ck = true; if (!v) {str = '选择现有车系';ck = false;} return { "status": ck, "msg": str } }, ruleResult: function (t, data) { if (!data.status) { oldCar_tips.html('<i class="icon-error"></i>' + data.msg); } else { oldCar_tips.html(''); } }, blurCheck: true, keyupCheck: true }); } }, /** * 提交表单 */ submitForm: function () { var t = this; var isSubmit = false; var captchaContent = $('#captchaContent'); var code_tips = $('#code_tips'); captchaContent.bind('click', function () { code_tips.html(''); }); $('#btn').bind('click', function () { // 提交中,直接返回 if (isSubmit) { return; } var status = true, dc = null; if (t.modelData && !t.modelData.modelId) { var sg_tips = $('#sg_tips'); sg_tips.html('<i class="icon-error"></i> 请选择车型'); status = false; } // 检查地区 dc = carea.checks(); if (!dc.status) {status = false;} // 检查姓名 dc = cname.checks(); if (!dc.status) {status = false;} // 检查电话 dc = cphone.checks(); if (!dc.status) {status = false;} // 检查个人信息声明 dc = cchkSM.checks(); if (!dc.status) {status = false;} // 检查现有车系(置换购车) if('3' == '4'){ dc = coldcar.checks(); if (!dc.status) {status = false;} } // 验证码按需校验,如果打开开关的才校验 if ($('#captchaContent').css("display") != "none") { dc = ccaptcha.checks(); if (!dc.status) {status = false;} } var vfCodeBoxStatus = false; if ($('#vfCodeBox').css("display") == "none") { vfCodeBoxStatus = true; } if (!status) { //校验不通过 }else if (vfCodeBoxStatus) { isSubmit = true; var mid = t.modelData.modelId;//车型id var sgid = t.modelData.sgId;//车系id var rid = t.cityData.cityId;// 城市数据 var name = cname.getValue(); // 获取姓名 var phone = cphone.getValue();// 获取电话 var oldSerialGroupId = '';//置换购车中的现有车系 var gcfs = ''; // 购车方式 var gcsj = ''; // 购车时间 var code = '';//验证码 //置换购车-现有车系 if('false'){ oldSerialGroupId = $("#oldCarId").val(); } // 如果开启购车方式,获取值 if (t.gcfs) { $('#gcfs input').each(function () { if ($(this).prop('checked')) { gcfs = $(this).val(); } }); if (gcfs == 1) { $('#gcsj a').each(function () { if ($(this).hasClass('current')) { gcsj = $(this).attr('data-value'); } }); } } if ($('#captchaContent').css("display") != "none") { code = ccaptcha.getValue(); } var referer = window.location.href; //分期购车计数 if('true'){ t.count(855); } var entryPortal=1; var orderEntryUrl = ''; if('DealerCommOrder' == 'DealerDrive'){ orderEntryUrl = ''; entryPortal=3; }else if('DealerCommOrder'=='DealerReplace'){ orderEntryUrl = ''; entryPortal=4; } //特殊链接导入名单 var orderPortal = 0 ; var entryid=0; if('0' == '-1'){ orderPortal = 14; orderEntryUrl = ''; entryPortal=0; entryid=1169; }else if(orderPortal == 0 && '0' != ''){ orderPortal = '0'; }else if('3' == '3'){ orderPortal = 16; entryPortal=2; } var orderEntryId=0; phoneEncode('', phone, function (encryptPhone) { var postData={ dealerId:'1090821', domainName:'DealerCommOrder', referer:referer, refererType:2, origin:1, isAllot:isAllot, buyDate:gcsj, payType:gcfs, fenqi:'1', dealerFinProdId:'0', finDownPayment:'0', loanAmount:'0', monthlyPayment:'0', serialGroupId: sgid, original_serialGroupId:oldSerialGroupId, modelId: mid, regionId: rid, name: name, phone: encryptPhone, captcha: code, mtCode :'0', orderPortal : orderPortal, needGuard: 1, entryPortal:entryPortal, entryid: entryid }; postData.verifyStatus = 1; addOrder(orderEntryUrl, postData, function(d){ if(d && d.code==0){ var data =; orderEntryId =; if(data && (typeof data=='string')){ data=eval("("+data+")"); }; var param = ""; var award = 0; var lotteryId = 0; if (data) { if(data.repeat){ alert("会话超时,请刷新页面重新提交!"); isSubmit = false; return; } if (data.captchaResult != undefined) { if (data.captchaResult == -1) $("#code_tips").html('<i class="icon-error"></i>请输入验证码'); else $("#code_tips").html('<i class="icon-error"></i>请重新输入验证码'); var yzm = $('#yzm'); $('#captchaContent').show(); yzm.attr('src', '//' + new Date().getTime()); yzm.unbind(); yzm.bind('click', function () { yzm.attr('src', '//' + new Date().getTime()); }); isSubmit = false;//按钮可提交 return; } var provinceId = 5; var sgId = 0; var modelId = 0; var phone=""; var t = 0;//订单类型 var dealerId = 0; var regionId = 0; if (data.dealerId != undefined && data.dealerId != null){ dealerId = data.dealerId; } if (data.provinceId != undefined && data.provinceId != null) { provinceId = data.provinceId; } if (data.sgId != undefined && data.sgId != null) { sgId = data.sgId; } else { sgId = serialId; } if (data.modelId != undefined && data.modelId != null) { modelId = data.modelId; } else { modelId = modelId; } if (data.award != undefined && data.award != null) { award = data.award; } if (data.lotteryId != undefined && data.lotteryId != null) { lotteryId = data.lotteryId; } if(data.t!=undefined && data.t!=null){ t = data.t; } if(!=undefined &&!=null){ phone = encodeURIComponent(; } if(data.regionId!=undefined && data.regionId!=null){ regionId = data.regionId; } param = "dealerId=1090821&type=0&t="+t+"&sg=" + sgId + "&p=" + provinceId + "&r"+ regionId + "&m=" + modelId + "&d="+dealerId+"&award="+award+"&l="+lotteryId+"&phone="+phone+"&clueId=""&orderEntryId="+orderEntryId + "&referer=" + encodeURIComponent(location.href); // 添加ad监控 //20151231调整:询价ad=4339 , 试驾ad=5753 , 置换ad=5754 var ad ; var type = '3'; if(type== 0){ ad = '#ad=4339'; }else if(type== 2){ ad = '#ad=5753'; }else if(type== 4){ ad = '#ad=5754'; } var name = $('#name').val(); if('true'){ if(type==3){//分期购车不传ad号 redirect_url1 = '' + param; redirect_url2 = ''+encodeURIComponent(redirect_url1)+ "&orderEntryId="+orderEntryId+"&tId="+data.tId+"&phone="+encodeURIComponent("&modelId="+data.modelId+"&serialGroupId="+data.sgId+"&regionId="+data.regionId+"&name="+encodeURIComponent(name); }else{ redirect_url1 = '' + param; redirect_url2 = ''+encodeURIComponent(redirect_url1)+ "&orderEntryId="+orderEntryId+"&tId="+data.tId+"&phone="+encodeURIComponent("&modelId="+data.modelId+"&serialGroupId="+data.sgId+"&regionId="+data.regionId+"&name="+encodeURIComponent(name); } }else{ if(type==3){ redirect_url1 = '' + param; redirect_url2 = ''+encodeURIComponent(redirect_url1)+ "&orderEntryId="+orderEntryId+"&tId="+data.tId+"&phone="+encodeURIComponent("&modelId="+data.modelId+"&serialGroupId="+data.sgId+"&regionId="+data.regionId+"&name="+encodeURIComponent(name); }else{ redirect_url1 = '' + param; redirect_url2 = ''+encodeURIComponent(redirect_url1)+ "&orderEntryId="+orderEntryId+"&tId="+data.tId+"&phone="+encodeURIComponent("&modelId="+data.modelId+"&serialGroupId="+data.sgId+"&regionId="+data.regionId+"&name="+encodeURIComponent(name); } } //是否为拉黑手机号 $.getJSON(""+encodeURIComponent("&callback=?",function(data){ if(data && data.isBlacklist == 'true' || '0' == '-1'){// 是否发送验证码 mt=-1为不发送 window.location.href = redirect_url1; }else{ window.location.href = redirect_url1; } }); } else { alert("提交失败,请稍后再试!"); isSubmit = false;//按钮可提交 } } }); }); } else { //20200609增加短信验证码 校验验证码 var code = $('#verCode').val(); if(code==""){ alert("请输入验证码");return } else if(/[0-9]{6}/.test(code) && code.length==6){ $.getJSON(""+$('#phone').val()+"&code="+code, function(json){ if(json && json.code==0){ //20200609增加短信验证码 isSubmit = true; var mid = t.modelData.modelId;//车型id var sgid = t.modelData.sgId;//车系id var rid = t.cityData.cityId;// 城市数据 var name = cname.getValue(); // 获取姓名 var phone = cphone.getValue();// 获取电话 var oldSerialGroupId = '';//置换购车中的现有车系 var gcfs = ''; // 购车方式 var gcsj = ''; // 购车时间 var code = '';//验证码 //置换购车-现有车系 if('false'){ oldSerialGroupId = $("#oldCarId").val(); } // 如果开启购车方式,获取值 if (t.gcfs) { $('#gcfs input').each(function () { if ($(this).prop('checked')) { gcfs = $(this).val(); } }); if (gcfs == 1) { $('#gcsj a').each(function () { if ($(this).hasClass('current')) { gcsj = $(this).attr('data-value'); } }); } } if ($('#captchaContent').css("display") != "none") { code = ccaptcha.getValue(); } var referer = window.location.href; //分期购车计数 if('true'){ t.count(855); } var entryPortal=1; var orderEntryUrl = ''; if('DealerCommOrder' == 'DealerDrive'){ orderEntryUrl = ''; entryPortal=3; }else if('DealerCommOrder'=='DealerReplace'){ orderEntryUrl = ''; entryPortal=4; } //特殊链接导入名单 var orderPortal = 0 ; var entryid=0; if('0' == '-1'){ orderPortal = 14; orderEntryUrl = ''; entryPortal=0; entryid=1169; }else if(orderPortal == 0 && '0' != ''){ orderPortal = '0'; }else if('3' == '3'){ orderPortal = 16; entryPortal=2; } var orderEntryId=0; phoneEncode('', phone, function (encryptPhone) { var postData={ dealerId:'1090821', domainName:'DealerCommOrder', referer:referer, refererType:2, origin:1, isAllot:isAllot, buyDate:gcsj, payType:gcfs, fenqi:'1', dealerFinProdId:'0', finDownPayment:'0', loanAmount:'0', monthlyPayment:'0', serialGroupId: sgid, original_serialGroupId:oldSerialGroupId, modelId: mid, regionId: rid, name: name, phone: encryptPhone, captcha: code, mtCode :'0', orderPortal : orderPortal, needGuard: 1, entryPortal:entryPortal, entryid: entryid }; postData.verifyStatus = 1; addOrder(orderEntryUrl, postData, function(d){ if(d && d.code==0){ var data =; orderEntryId =; if(data && (typeof data=='string')){ data=eval("("+data+")"); }; var param = ""; var award = 0; var lotteryId = 0; if (data) { if(data.repeat){ alert("会话超时,请刷新页面重新提交!"); isSubmit = false; return; } if (data.captchaResult != undefined) { if (data.captchaResult == -1) $("#code_tips").html('<i class="icon-error"></i>请输入验证码'); else $("#code_tips").html('<i class="icon-error"></i>请重新输入验证码'); var yzm = $('#yzm'); $('#captchaContent').show(); yzm.attr('src', '//' + new Date().getTime()); yzm.unbind(); yzm.bind('click', function () { yzm.attr('src', '//' + new Date().getTime()); }); isSubmit = false;//按钮可提交 return; } var provinceId = 5; var sgId = 0; var modelId = 0; var phone=""; var t = 0;//订单类型 var dealerId = 0; var regionId = 0; if (data.dealerId != undefined && data.dealerId != null){ dealerId = data.dealerId; } if (data.provinceId != undefined && data.provinceId != null) { provinceId = data.provinceId; } if (data.sgId != undefined && data.sgId != null) { sgId = data.sgId; } else { sgId = serialId; } if (data.modelId != undefined && data.modelId != null) { modelId = data.modelId; } else { modelId = modelId; } if (data.award != undefined && data.award != null) { award = data.award; } if (data.lotteryId != undefined && data.lotteryId != null) { lotteryId = data.lotteryId; } if(data.t!=undefined && data.t!=null){ t = data.t; } if(!=undefined &&!=null){ phone = encodeURIComponent(; } if(data.regionId!=undefined && data.regionId!=null){ regionId = data.regionId; } param = "dealerId=1090821&type=0&t="+t+"&sg=" + sgId + "&p=" + provinceId + "&r"+ regionId + "&m=" + modelId + "&d="+dealerId+"&award="+award+"&l="+lotteryId+"&phone="+phone+"&clueId=""&orderEntryId="+orderEntryId + "&referer=" + encodeURIComponent(location.href); // 添加ad监控 //20151231调整:询价ad=4339 , 试驾ad=5753 , 置换ad=5754 var ad ; var type = '3'; if(type== 0){ ad = '#ad=4339'; }else if(type== 2){ ad = '#ad=5753'; }else if(type== 4){ ad = '#ad=5754'; } var name = $('#name').val(); if('true'){ if(type==3){//分期购车不传ad号 redirect_url1 = '' + param; redirect_url2 = ''+encodeURIComponent(redirect_url1)+ "&orderEntryId="+orderEntryId+"&tId="+data.tId+"&phone="+encodeURIComponent("&modelId="+data.modelId+"&serialGroupId="+data.sgId+"&regionId="+data.regionId+"&name="+encodeURIComponent(name); }else{ redirect_url1 = '' + param; redirect_url2 = ''+encodeURIComponent(redirect_url1)+ "&orderEntryId="+orderEntryId+"&tId="+data.tId+"&phone="+encodeURIComponent("&modelId="+data.modelId+"&serialGroupId="+data.sgId+"&regionId="+data.regionId+"&name="+encodeURIComponent(name); } }else{ if(type==3){ redirect_url1 = '' + param; redirect_url2 = ''+encodeURIComponent(redirect_url1)+ "&orderEntryId="+orderEntryId+"&tId="+data.tId+"&phone="+encodeURIComponent("&modelId="+data.modelId+"&serialGroupId="+data.sgId+"&regionId="+data.regionId+"&name="+encodeURIComponent(name); }else{ redirect_url1 = '' + param; redirect_url2 = ''+encodeURIComponent(redirect_url1)+ "&orderEntryId="+orderEntryId+"&tId="+data.tId+"&phone="+encodeURIComponent("&modelId="+data.modelId+"&serialGroupId="+data.sgId+"&regionId="+data.regionId+"&name="+encodeURIComponent(name); } } //是否为拉黑手机号 $.getJSON(""+encodeURIComponent("&callback=?",function(data){ if(data && data.isBlacklist == 'true' || '0' == '-1'){// 是否发送验证码 mt=-1为不发送 window.location.href = redirect_url1; }else{ window.location.href = redirect_url1; } }); } else { alert("提交失败,请稍后再试!"); isSubmit = false;//按钮可提交 } } }); }); //20200609增加短信验证码 校验验证码 }else{ alert('验证码错误'); } }); }else{ alert("请正确输入6位验证码"); return } } }); }, /** * 本店报价和印象 */ getAther: function () { var t = this; // 获取印象 $.ajax({ type: "get", url: t.action.impressions, data: { sgid:this.modelData.sgId, type: 1, ydNum: 3 }, dataType: "jsonp", jsonp: "callback", jsonpCallback:'impressions', cache: true, timeout: 0, // timeout默认是0, 当类型是jsonp时,必须要设置timeout大于0才能执行ajax的error回调 success: function(data){ if (data && data.advantage && data.advantage.length > 0) { var cla = ['bgc-blud', 'bgc-green', 'bgc-lightblue']; var ij = 0; var htm = ''; var ijd = data.advantage; for (ij = 0; ij < ijd.length; ij++) { htm += '<i class="tag '+cla[ij%3]+'">'+ ijd[ij].impressionContent +'</i>'; 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