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As the White House press secretary, Jean-Pierre serves as the spokesperson for President Biden and his administration.","current_level":"","excerpt":"TFK Kid Reporter Audrey Owolo visited the White House, in Washington, D.C., to interview Karine Jean-Pierre about her job and career path. As the White House pr\u2026","issue_date":1725580800,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/your-hot-job\/articles\/real-talk-with-karine-jean-pierre-white-house-press-secretary","post_id":89932,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1724838327,"reading_levels":[],"section":{"id":1203,"name":"United States","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/united-states\/","slug":"united-states"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/08\/G3G5_240906_briefing_room.jpg?w=1024","title":"Briefing Room","topic":{"id":33369,"name":"Careers","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/careers\/","slug":"careers"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g3-4","g5-6"],"editions_full":[{"id":7,"name":"G3-4","permalink":"\/g34\/","slug":"g3-4"},{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"}],"platform":{"site":"yhj","url":"https:\/\/\/your-hot-job\/articles\/real-talk-with-karine-jean-pierre-white-house-press-secretary","method":"modal"},"objectID":"89932","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"TFK Kid Reporter Audrey Owolo visited the White House, in Washington, D.C., to interview Karine Jean-Pierre about her job and career path. As the White House press secretary, Jean-Pierre serves as the spokesperson for President Biden and","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"TFK Kid Reporter Audrey Owolo visited the White House, in Washington, D.C., to interview Karine Jean-Pierre about her job and career path. As the White House press secretary, Jean-Pierre serves as the spokesperson for President Biden and his administration.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/your-hot-job\/articles\/real-talk-with-karine-jean-pierre-white-house-press-secretary","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Briefing Room","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g3-4","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"89918":{"authors":[{"id":38588,"name":"Lillian Stone","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/lillian-stone\/"}],"byline":"","content":"Students who excel in school are sometimes given the opportunity to skip a grade. They leave their class behind and jump ahead to learn with older students. Skipping a grade lets students take on more-challenging schoolwork. But it comes with its own obstacles. We asked our new crew of TFK Kid Reporters to tell us if they think kids should be able to skip grades. They made strong points on both sides of the issue. Here are four of their responses. Where do you stand? Meyer Ballas, 12 Los Angeles, California Students should be allowed to skip grades, but that doesn\u2019t mean all students should do it. Advanced students may learn more in a higher grade, but it may be hard for them to make friends. Grade-skippers risk getting bullied for their age or academic skills. For the kids who really want to skip a grade, go ahead. It could help bored students who don\u2019t feel like they are learning. My grandp\u00e8re went to college at 16. Because of that, he became a doctor at 24. Skipping a grade has its pros and cons, but students should be allowed the choice. Nate Rhew, 13 New York, New York Education is important, but so is being social. If a student skips a grade, they may struggle to find friends, and can feel left out. This can also affect learning. My sister skipped a grade and was challenged academically, but she had a hard time making friends and fitting in with older students. Instead, schools can place students into classes based on their academic level. My old school did this for classes I excelled in, such as math and writing. I was able to socialize with classmates my age while being challenged. This is a win-win situation. I believe this should be done at more schools. Milo Bhushan, 10 Johns Island, South Carolina Skipping a grade is easy when you\u2019re homeschooled, like me! I\u2019d still have the same teacher, classroom, and friends. For kids at a regular school, it\u2019s more challenging. Skipping a grade means taking harder classes while making friends with older kids. It could mean going to a different school. Is the extra academic challenge worth all the change and risk of social isolation? If grown-ups think a student is smart enough to skip a grade, I think the student should be allowed to decide for themselves. They should weigh the pros and cons and choose whether it\u2019s something they want to do. Vivian Goldhirsh, 11 Santa Barbara, California Students should not skip grades. Kids deserve the time to grow without being rushed through valuable experiences. Feeling this pressure could negatively affect a student\u2019s self-confidence. Social intelligence is just as important as academic intelligence, because it allows you to find out who you are. I think there is a better way to push students academically while letting them be social. Advanced classes offer kids the flexibility to grow as students\u2014but, when the break between classes comes, they can have fun in a social environment that helps them thrive. The Next Debate: Is AI good for society? Email your opinion to by October 21. Your response might be featured in an issue of TIME for Kids. *Submissions have been edited only for length and clarity. They are not intended to reflect the views of TIME for Kids. Ages are accurate as of the time of submission.","current_level":"","excerpt":"Students who excel in school are sometimes given the opportunity to skip a grade. They leave their class behind and jump ahead to learn with older students. Skipping a grade lets students take on more-challenging schoolwork. But it comes with\u2026","issue_date":1725580800,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g56\/should-skipping-grades-be-allowed-g5\/","post_id":89918,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1724838300,"reading_levels":[],"section":{"id":1209,"name":"Opinion","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/opinion\/","slug":"opinion"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/08\/G3G5_240906_debate_skipping_grades.jpg?w=1024","title":"Should Skipping Grades Be Allowed?","topic":{"id":892,"name":"Debate","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/debate\/","slug":"debate"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g5-6"],"editions_full":[{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"}],"objectID":"89918","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"Students who excel in school are sometimes given the opportunity to skip a grade. They leave their class behind and jump ahead to learn with older students. Skipping a grade lets students take on more-challenging schoolwork. But it comes","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"Students who excel in school are sometimes given the opportunity to skip a grade. They leave their class behind and jump ahead to learn with older students. Skipping a grade lets students take on more-challenging schoolwork. But it comes with its own obstacles. We asked our new crew of TFK Kid Reporters to tell us if they think kids should be able to skip grades. They made strong points on both sides of the issue. Here are four of their responses. Where do you stand? Meyer Ballas, 12 Los Angeles, California Students should be allowed to skip grades, but that doesn\u2019t mean all students should do it. Advanced students may learn more in a higher grade, but it may be hard for them to make friends. Grade-skippers risk getting bullied for their age or academic skills. For the kids who really want to skip a grade, go ahead. It could help bored students who don\u2019t feel like they are learning. My grandp\u00e8re went to college at 16. Because of that, he became a doctor at 24. Skipping a grade has its pros and cons, but students should be allowed the choice. Nate Rhew, 13 New York, New York Education is important, but so is being social. If a student skips a grade, they may struggle to find friends, and can feel left out. This can also affect learning. My sister skipped a grade and was challenged academically, but she had a hard time making friends and fitting in with older students. Instead, schools can place students into classes based on their academic level. My old school did this for classes I excelled in, such as math and writing. I was able to socialize with classmates my age while being challenged. This is a win-win situation. I believe this should be done at more schools. Milo Bhushan, 10 Johns Island, South Carolina Skipping a grade is easy when you\u2019re homeschooled, like me! I\u2019d still have the same teacher, classroom, and friends. For kids at a regular school, it\u2019s more challenging. Skipping a grade means taking harder classes while making friends with older kids. It could mean going to a different school. Is the extra academic challenge worth all the change and risk of social isolation? If grown-ups think a student is smart enough to skip a grade, I think the student should be allowed to decide for themselves. They should weigh the pros and cons and choose whether it\u2019s something they want to do. Vivian Goldhirsh, 11 Santa Barbara, California Students should not skip grades. Kids deserve the time to grow without being rushed through valuable experiences. Feeling this pressure could negatively affect a student\u2019s self-confidence. Social intelligence is just as important as academic intelligence, because it allows you to find out who you are. I think there is a better way to push students academically while letting them be social. Advanced classes offer kids the flexibility to grow as students\u2014but, when the break between classes comes, they can have fun in a social environment that helps them thrive. The Next Debate: Is AI good for society? Email your opinion to by October 21. Your response might be featured in an issue of TIME for Kids. *Submissions have been edited only for length and clarity. They are not intended to reflect the views of TIME for Kids. Ages are accurate as of the time of submission.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g56\/should-skipping-grades-be-allowed-g5\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Should Skipping Grades Be Allowed?","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"89809":{"authors":[],"byline":"Michele Bigley for TIME, adapted by TFK editors","content":"A year ago, wildfires swept through the town of Lahaina, on the Hawaiian island of Maui. More than 100 people died. The fires destroyed 1,400 homes and 200,000 trees. Today, some Lahaina residents displaced by the fires are still in need of permanent homes. Maui\u2019s mayor is working to pass laws to help people get easier access to new housing. Local groups are working to rebuild. More than half of Maui\u2019s money typically comes from tourism, but because of the fires, the island had to close to tourists. It officially reopened in November. When it did, it advertised a new type of trip. Now when people travel to Maui, they\u2019re asked to help. Tourists are given opportunities to volunteer, to support locally owned and eco-friendly businesses, and to leave the island better because of their visit. JOIN IN At a Lahaina beach, on August 8, people join a paddleboarding event to mark the one-year anniversary of the fires.MARIO TAMA\/GETTY IMAGES Maui Cultural Lands (MCL), a nonprofit based in Lahaina, is one of the groups offering visitors ways to give back to the island. Group director Ekolu Lindsey\u2019s house was destroyed in the fires. He has been pleased to welcome hundreds of volunteers since November. \u201cEverybody loves Maui,\u201d he says. On volunteer days, MCL invites visitors to pull weeds and plant baby trees and native seedlings in nurseries across the island. By 2025, visitors will be replanting on people\u2019s property. \u201cWe are going to work,\u201d Lindsey says. \u201cWe are opening people\u2019s eyes to what they can do to make their communities more resilient. And it\u2019s fun.\u201d Lindsey is a native Hawaiian. He teaches volunteers about Hawaiian culture. \u201cWe help people think of Hawaii as home,\u201d Lindsey says. \u201cNot your home, but someone\u2019s home.\u201d Stop and Think! WHY do you think TFK has chosen to return to this story? How often do you think a news publication should revisit a story?","current_level":"en-800","excerpt":"A year ago, wildfires swept through the town of Lahaina, on the Hawaiian island of Maui. More than 100 people died. The fires destroyed 1,400 homes and 200,000 trees. Today, some Lahaina residents displaced by the fires are still in\u2026","issue_date":1724371200,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g56\/lahaina-rebuilds-g5\/","post_id":89809,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1723804948,"reading_levels":{"en-670":"Reading Level 670L","en-800":"Reading Level 800L"},"section":{"id":1203,"name":"United States","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/united-states\/","slug":"united-states"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/08\/G3G5_240823_damage_done.jpg?w=1024","title":"Lahaina Rebuilds","topic":[],"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g5-6"],"editions_full":[{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"}],"objectID":"89809","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"A year ago, wildfires swept through the town of Lahaina, on the Hawaiian island of Maui. More than 100 people died. The fires destroyed 1,400 homes and 200,000 trees. Today, some Lahaina residents displaced by the fires are","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"A year ago, wildfires swept through the town of Lahaina, on the Hawaiian island of Maui. More than 100 people died. The fires destroyed 1,400 homes and 200,000 trees. Today, some Lahaina residents displaced by the fires are still in need of permanent homes. Maui\u2019s mayor is working to pass laws to help people get easier access to new housing. Local groups are working to rebuild. More than half of Maui\u2019s money typically comes from tourism, but because of the fires, the island had to close to tourists. It officially reopened in November. When it did, it advertised a new type of trip. Now when people travel to Maui, they\u2019re asked to help. Tourists are given opportunities to volunteer, to support locally owned and eco-friendly businesses, and to leave the island better because of their visit. JOIN IN At a Lahaina beach, on August 8, people join a paddleboarding event to mark the one-year anniversary of the fires.MARIO TAMA\/GETTY IMAGES Maui Cultural Lands (MCL), a nonprofit based in Lahaina, is one of the groups offering visitors ways to give back to the island. Group director Ekolu Lindsey\u2019s house was destroyed in the fires. He has been pleased to welcome hundreds of volunteers since November. \u201cEverybody loves Maui,\u201d he says. On volunteer days, MCL invites visitors to pull weeds and plant baby trees and native seedlings in nurseries across the island. By 2025, visitors will be replanting on people\u2019s property. \u201cWe are going to work,\u201d Lindsey says. \u201cWe are opening people\u2019s eyes to what they can do to make their communities more resilient. And it\u2019s fun.\u201d Lindsey is a native Hawaiian. He teaches volunteers about Hawaiian culture. \u201cWe help people think of Hawaii as home,\u201d Lindsey says. \u201cNot your home, but someone\u2019s home.\u201d Stop and Think! WHY do you think TFK has chosen to return to this story? How often do you think a news publication should revisit a story?","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g56\/lahaina-rebuilds-g5\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Lahaina Rebuilds","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"89823":{"authors":[],"byline":"TIME for Kids","content":"From July 26 to August 11, athletes from around the world competed at the 2024 Summer Olympic Games, in Paris, France. A total of 10,500 Olympians went for the gold in 32 sports, such as swimming, track, and gymnastics. More than 30 million viewers watched the games on TV. Read the chart to see which countries took home the most medals: gold, silver, and bronze.","current_level":"","excerpt":"From July 26 to August 11, athletes from around the world competed at the 2024 Summer Olympic Games, in Paris, France. A total of 10,500 Olympians went for the gold in 32 sports, such as swimming, track, and gymnastics. More\u2026","issue_date":1724371200,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g56\/going-for-olympic-gold-g5\/","post_id":89823,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1723719462,"reading_levels":[],"section":{"id":78,"name":"World","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/world\/","slug":"world"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/08\/G3G5_240823_going_for_gold.jpg?w=1024","title":"Going For Olympic Gold","topic":{"id":884,"name":"Sports","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/sports\/","slug":"sports"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g5-6"],"editions_full":[{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"}],"objectID":"89823","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"From July 26 to August 11, athletes from around the world competed at the 2024 Summer Olympic Games, in Paris, France. A total of 10,500 Olympians went for the gold in 32 sports, such as swimming, track, and gymnastics","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"From July 26 to August 11, athletes from around the world competed at the 2024 Summer Olympic Games, in Paris, France. A total of 10,500 Olympians went for the gold in 32 sports, such as swimming, track, and gymnastics. More than 30 million viewers watched the games on TV. Read the chart to see which countries took home the most medals: gold, silver, and bronze.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g56\/going-for-olympic-gold-g5\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Going For Olympic Gold","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"89795":{"authors":[{"id":38588,"name":"Lillian Stone","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/lillian-stone\/"}],"byline":"","content":"Simone Biles now has more Olympic medals than any American gymnast in history. She wasn\u2019t the only record-setter at this year\u2019s Games. Athletes broke 32 world records in eight sports. Some set Olympic records or records for their country. One record-breaking athlete is Katie Vincent. She won first place in the women\u2019s 200-meter canoe race. Vincent finished in 44.12 seconds, a new world record, earning Canada\u2019s first Olympic gold in a women\u2019s canoe event. Meanwhile, the British women\u2019s cycling team set a new world record for the women\u2019s team sprint event with a time of 45.186 seconds. And 14-year-old skateboarder Arisa Trew became Australia\u2019s youngest-ever Olympic gold medalist.","current_level":"","excerpt":"Simone Biles now has more Olympic medals than any American gymnast in history. She wasn\u2019t the only record-setter at this year\u2019s Games. Athletes broke 32 world records in eight sports. Some set Olympic records or records for their country.\r One\u2026","issue_date":1724371200,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g56\/the-record-breakers-g5\/","post_id":89795,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1723719155,"reading_levels":[],"section":{"id":78,"name":"World","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/world\/","slug":"world"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/08\/G3G5_240823_record_breakers.jpg?w=1024","title":"The Record-Breakers","topic":{"id":884,"name":"Sports","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/sports\/","slug":"sports"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g5-6"],"editions_full":[{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"}],"objectID":"89795","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"Simone Biles now has more Olympic medals than any American gymnast in history. She wasn\u2019t the only record-setter at this year\u2019s Games. Athletes broke 32 world records in eight sports. Some set Olympic records or records for","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"Simone Biles now has more Olympic medals than any American gymnast in history. She wasn\u2019t the only record-setter at this year\u2019s Games. Athletes broke 32 world records in eight sports. Some set Olympic records or records for their country. One record-breaking athlete is Katie Vincent. She won first place in the women\u2019s 200-meter canoe race. Vincent finished in 44.12 seconds, a new world record, earning Canada\u2019s first Olympic gold in a women\u2019s canoe event. Meanwhile, the British women\u2019s cycling team set a new world record for the women\u2019s team sprint event with a time of 45.186 seconds. And 14-year-old skateboarder Arisa Trew became Australia\u2019s youngest-ever Olympic gold medalist.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g56\/the-record-breakers-g5\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"The Record-Breakers","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"89791":{"authors":[],"byline":"TIME for Kids","content":"The Summer Paralympics will kick off in Paris, France, on August 28. More than 4,400 athletes with a disability will compete. Like the Summer Olympics, the Summer Paralympics take place every four years. This year\u2019s Games will feature 22 sports. Will you be watching?","current_level":"","excerpt":"The Summer Paralympics will kick off in Paris, France, on August 28. More than 4,400 athletes with a disability will compete. Like the Summer Olympics, the Summer Paralympics take place every four years. This year\u2019s Games will feature 22 sports.\u2026","issue_date":1724371200,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g34\/paralympic-preview\/","post_id":89791,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1723718893,"reading_levels":[],"section":{"id":78,"name":"World","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/world\/","slug":"world"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/08\/G3G5_240823_paralympic_preview.jpg?w=1024","title":"Paralympic Preview","topic":{"id":884,"name":"Sports","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/sports\/","slug":"sports"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g3-4","g5-6"],"editions_full":[{"id":7,"name":"G3-4","permalink":"\/g34\/","slug":"g3-4"},{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"}],"objectID":"89791","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"The Summer Paralympics will kick off in Paris, France, on August 28. More than 4,400 athletes with a disability will compete. Like the Summer Olympics, the Summer Paralympics take place every four years. This year\u2019s Games will feature","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"The Summer Paralympics will kick off in Paris, France, on August 28. More than 4,400 athletes with a disability will compete. Like the Summer Olympics, the Summer Paralympics take place every four years. This year\u2019s Games will feature 22 sports. Will you be watching?","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g34\/paralympic-preview\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Paralympic Preview","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g3-4","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"89728":{"authors":[{"id":2046,"name":"Jeffrey Kluger","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/jeffrey-kluger\/"}],"byline":"for TIME, adapted by TFK editors","content":"When Heman Bekele was 6, he got a chemistry set for Christmas. He used it to mix up \u201cpotions.\u201d Back then, only his parents paid attention. Now, at 15, Heman is used to a lot more people watching his work. In October 2023, 3M and Discovery Education named Heman the winner of their Young Scientist Challenge. His prize: $25,000. His accomplishment: inventing a soap that could one day treat and prevent some forms of skin cancer. EYES ON THE PRIZE Fifteen-year-old Heman Bekele has been fascinated by chemistry since he was 4.DINA LITOVSKY FOR TIME It could take years before the soap is available for purchase. But Heman, a 10th grader at Woodson High, in Fairfax, Virginia, is determined. Over the summer, he spent every weekday in a lab at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, in Baltimore, Maryland. When he goes back to school this fall, he\u2019ll be at the lab less often (see \u201cBeyond the Lab\u201d). But he\u2019ll keep striving to make his dream a reality. \u201cI\u2019m really passionate about skin-cancer research,\u201d he told TIME. \u201cIt\u2019s absolutely incredible to think that one day, my bar of soap will be able to make a direct impact on somebody else\u2019s life.\u201d That passion and the desire to help others have earned Heman the title of TIME\u2019s Kid of the Year for 2024. Bright Idea Heman was born in Addis Ababa, the capital city of Ethiopia, in Africa. He moved to the United States with his family when he was 4. He remembers seeing people in Africa working in the hot sun without protection for their skin. That made them vulnerable × vulnerable open to attack, harm, or damage (adjective) to skin cancer, a disease caused by too much exposure to the sun. Heman\u2019s parents explained the dangers of spending too much time outdoors without sunscreen or proper clothing. \u201cI realized what a big problem the sun [is] when you\u2019re exposed to it for a long time,\u201d he says. Skin-cancer treatments typically cost about $40,000. Heman wondered if there was a more affordable way for people to begin to treat the disease. He thought of adding a skin-cancer medicine called imiquimod to a bar of soap. \u201cWhat is one thing that is an internationally impactful idea, something that everyone can use?\u201d Heman recalls thinking. \u201cEveryone uses soap and water for cleaning. So soap would probably be the best option.\u201d Next Level Heman needed help to bring his idea to life. In 2023, he came across the 3M challenge and submitted a video explaining what he had in mind. Soon, he received an invitation to the company\u2019s headquarters, in St. Paul, Minnesota. He spoke in front of a panel of judges. That day, he was named the winner. Since then, Heman has been working on developing his idea. Adult experts are guiding him. One is Deborah Isabelle, a mentor × mentor someone who shares knowledge (noun) from 3M. \u201cI got really lucky,\u201d she says. \u201cLast year was my first year participating as a mentor in the Young Scientist Challenge, and I was paired with Heman. He\u2019s an incredible, passionate, very inspiring young man.\u201d Heman encourages all kids to dream big. \u201cJust keep inventing,\u201d he says. \u201cKeep thinking of new ways to improve our world.\u201d Beyond the Lab RAFE SWAN\/ GETTY IMAGES Heman is serious about science and about pursuing his dreams as an inventor. But he\u2019s also a regular teen, with hobbies and other interests. He\u2019s part of the Woodson High School Marching Band, for which he plays both flute and trombone. He plays basketball. And he enjoys reading a good book, especially if it\u2019s fantasy. Playing chess is another thing Heman loves to do. He says he considers chess \u201ca turn-my-brain-off-and-play kind of thing.\u201d","current_level":"en-810","excerpt":"When Heman Bekele was 6, he got a chemistry set for Christmas. He used it to mix up \u201cpotions.\u201d Back then, only his parents paid attention. Now, at 15, Heman is used to a lot more people watching his work.\u2026","issue_date":1724371200,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g56\/dreaming-of-a-cure-g5\/","post_id":89728,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1723716671,"reading_levels":{"en-650":"Reading Level 650L","en-810":"Reading Level 810L","en-990":"Reading Level 990L"},"section":{"id":1204,"name":"Science","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/science\/","slug":"science"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/08\/G3G5_240823_cover_hero.jpg?w=1024","title":"Dreaming of a Cure","topic":{"id":867,"name":"People","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/people\/","slug":"people"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en","es"]},"editions":["g5-6"],"editions_full":[{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"}],"objectID":"89728","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"When Heman Bekele was 6, he got a chemistry set for Christmas. He used it to mix up \u201cpotions.\u201d Back then, only his parents paid attention. Now, at 15, Heman is used to a lot more people watching his work","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"When Heman Bekele was 6, he got a chemistry set for Christmas. He used it to mix up \u201cpotions.\u201d Back then, only his parents paid attention. Now, at 15, Heman is used to a lot more people watching his work. In October 2023, 3M and Discovery Education named Heman the winner of their Young Scientist Challenge. His prize: $25,000. His accomplishment: inventing a soap that could one day treat and prevent some forms of skin cancer. EYES ON THE PRIZE Fifteen-year-old Heman Bekele has been fascinated by chemistry since he was 4.DINA LITOVSKY FOR TIME It could take years before the soap is available for purchase. But Heman, a 10th grader at Woodson High, in Fairfax, Virginia, is determined. Over the summer, he spent every weekday in a lab at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, in Baltimore, Maryland. When he goes back to school this fall, he\u2019ll be at the lab less often (see \u201cBeyond the Lab\u201d). But he\u2019ll keep striving to make his dream a reality. \u201cI\u2019m really passionate about skin-cancer research,\u201d he told TIME. \u201cIt\u2019s absolutely incredible to think that one day, my bar of soap will be able to make a direct impact on somebody else\u2019s life.\u201d That passion and the desire to help others have earned Heman the title of TIME\u2019s Kid of the Year for 2024. Bright Idea Heman was born in Addis Ababa, the capital city of Ethiopia, in Africa. He moved to the United States with his family when he was 4. He remembers seeing people in Africa working in the hot sun without protection for their skin. That made them vulnerable × vulnerable open to attack, harm, or damage (adjective) to skin cancer, a disease caused by too much exposure to the sun. Heman\u2019s parents explained the dangers of spending too much time outdoors without sunscreen or proper clothing. \u201cI realized what a big problem the sun [is] when you\u2019re exposed to it for a long time,\u201d he says. Skin-cancer treatments typically cost about $40,000. Heman wondered if there was a more affordable way for people to begin to treat the disease. He thought of adding a skin-cancer medicine called imiquimod to a bar of soap. \u201cWhat is one thing that is an internationally impactful idea, something that everyone can use?\u201d Heman recalls thinking. \u201cEveryone uses soap and water for cleaning. So soap would probably be the best option.\u201d Next Level Heman needed help to bring his idea to life. In 2023, he came across the 3M challenge and submitted a video explaining what he had in mind. Soon, he received an invitation to the company\u2019s headquarters, in St. Paul, Minnesota. He spoke in front of a panel of judges. That day, he was named the winner. Since then, Heman has been working on developing his idea. Adult experts are guiding him. One is Deborah Isabelle, a mentor × mentor someone who shares knowledge (noun) from 3M. \u201cI got really lucky,\u201d she says. \u201cLast year was my first year participating as a mentor in the Young Scientist Challenge, and I was paired with Heman. He\u2019s an incredible, passionate, very inspiring young man.\u201d Heman encourages all kids to dream big. \u201cJust keep inventing,\u201d he says. \u201cKeep thinking of new ways to improve our world.\u201d Beyond the Lab RAFE SWAN\/ GETTY IMAGES Heman is serious about science and about pursuing his dreams as an inventor. But he\u2019s also a regular teen, with hobbies and other interests. He\u2019s part of the Woodson High School Marching Band, for which he plays both flute and trombone. He plays basketball. And he enjoys reading a good book, especially if it\u2019s fantasy. Playing chess is another thing Heman loves to do. He says he considers chess \u201ca turn-my-brain-off-and-play kind of thing.\u201d","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g56\/dreaming-of-a-cure-g5\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Dreaming of a Cure","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"89726":{"authors":[],"byline":"","content":"TIME\u2019s Kid of the Year honor recognizes young people who are making a positive impact. In addition to this year\u2019s winner, Heman Bekele, five honorees were selected. This was done with the help of TIME and TIME for Kids editors, plus a committee of TFK Kid Reporters. Read on to learn about the five incredible honorees, then write to us at to tell us about kids you know who are making a difference. Bikes for All Dom Pecora (above) taught himself to fix bikes by watching YouTube videos. By the time he was 10 years old, he\u2019d gotten good at it. Eventually, he started doing repairs to raise money for his dream mountain bike. He had money left over, so he decided to surprise six other kids with brand-new bikes. Now Dom is 15, and runs his own bike shop in Malvern, Pennsylvania. He does tune-ups and repairs. He also sells bikes. But his biggest goal is to give away at least 100 bikes per year to people who need them. That includes young people with health issues and people dealing with homelessness. During the 2023 holiday season, he gave away 121 bikes. Dom says he\u2019s just getting started. \u201cSince the beginning, I always wanted everyone to be able to ride a bike, no matter their financial abilities,\u201d he says. \b\u2014By Jaime Joyce Breakout Star LIANE HENTSCHER\u2014HBO In 2023, Keivonn Woodard made history. The Emmy Awards are for people in the TV industry. That includes actors\u2014like Keivonn, who was 10 years old when he was nominated for an Emmy. Keivonn was the youngest person ever nominated in his category (Outstanding Guest Actor in a Drama Series). That\u2019s not all: Keivonn is Deaf, and he became the first Black Deaf actor to receive an Emmy nomination. Keivonn isn\u2019t stopping there. Now 11, he has several movie roles lined up. To Keivonn, each role is an opportunity for him to make people who are Deaf feel more represented. \u201cMost people [in TV and film] are hearing,\u201d he says. \u201cBut when I see Deaf people and they\u2019re using sign language, I understand what they\u2019re saying. Showing Deaf people playing Deaf characters is authentic and extremely important.\u201d \b \u2014By Megan McCluskey Fighting Fires LISA FRYKLUND\u2014SOCIETY FOR SCIENCE After a restaurant burned down in her hometown of San Jose, California, Shanya Gill wondered if she could invent a better fire-detection system. She created a device that alerts users to fires before they start. It uses a camera and a small computer. If the system detects heat but not a person nearby, it texts the user a warning. The idea won Shanya the 2023 Thermo Fisher Scientific Junior Innovators Challenge. It\u2019s a big science competition for middle schoolers. In March, Shanya, now 13, met with the head of the U.S. Fire Administration. The agency is helping her develop the project. \u201cI want people to feel safe in their own homes,\u201d she says. \b\u2014By Sanya Mansoor Earth Advocate COURTESY MADHVI CHITTOOR Did you know that some chemicals can last for hundreds of years? PFAS are sometimes referred to as \u201cforever chemicals.\u201d They\u2019re in everyday products, such as makeup. They can make their way into the water, soil, and air, causing health problems in people and wildlife. Thirteen-year-old Madhvi Chittoor wants to help. Madhvi lives in Arvada, Colorado. She works with government officials there to help reduce chemicals like PFAS. Madhvi worked with Colorado state senator Lisa Cutter to promote a bill that bans PFAS in common items. The bill passed in 2022, but Madhvi has more work to do. She\u2019s always finding ways to spread the word about the environment. For example, on a recent trip to her family\u2019s hometown of Chennai, India, Madhvi organized a beach cleanup and talked to schools about pollution. And \u201cthere\u2019s still more to be banned,\u201d she says.\b \u2014SM Protecting Paws COURTNEY HARRISON Jordan Sucato, 15, lives in Phoenix, Arizona. The summers there are scorching hot. As the air temperature rises, so does the pavement temperature. This endangers dogs walking on it. Jordan\u2019s goal is to protect homeless dogs, or pets of people who are unhoused. These pets often walk many miles a day outside. \u201cTheir paws can burn and blister in under five minutes,\u201d Jordan says. So far, she has raised $7,000, enough to buy protective boots for 515 dogs. Jordan also speaks up for change. Last year, she advocated for a ban on the sale of cosmetics that have been tested on animals. She even met with Arizona state senator John Kavanagh to discuss the issue. Many kids care about animals. What sets Jordan apart? \u201cHer passion,\u201d says animal advocate Monique Hebert, who has worked with Jordan. \u201cAnd her spirit.\u201d\b \u2014By Allison Singer","current_level":"en-830","excerpt":"TIME\u2019s Kid of the Year honor recognizes young people who are making a positive impact. In addition to this year\u2019s winner, Heman Bekele, five honorees were selected. This was done with the help of TIME and TIME for Kids editors,\u2026","issue_date":1724371200,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g56\/incredible-kids-g5\/","post_id":89726,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1723714818,"reading_levels":{"en-680":"Reading Level 680L","en-830":"Reading Level 830L","en-1010":"Reading Level 1010L"},"section":{"id":1203,"name":"United States","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/united-states\/","slug":"united-states"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/08\/G3G5_240823_bikes_for_all.jpg?w=1024","title":"Incredible Kids","topic":{"id":891,"name":"Young Game Changers","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/young-game-changers\/","slug":"young-game-changers"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g5-6"],"editions_full":[{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"}],"objectID":"89726","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"TIME\u2019s Kid of the Year honor recognizes young people who are making a positive impact. In addition to this year\u2019s winner, Heman Bekele, five honorees were selected. This was done with the help of TIME and TIME for","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"TIME\u2019s Kid of the Year honor recognizes young people who are making a positive impact. In addition to this year\u2019s winner, Heman Bekele, five honorees were selected. This was done with the help of TIME and TIME for Kids editors, plus a committee of TFK Kid Reporters. Read on to learn about the five incredible honorees, then write to us at to tell us about kids you know who are making a difference. Bikes for All Dom Pecora (above) taught himself to fix bikes by watching YouTube videos. By the time he was 10 years old, he\u2019d gotten good at it. Eventually, he started doing repairs to raise money for his dream mountain bike. He had money left over, so he decided to surprise six other kids with brand-new bikes. Now Dom is 15, and runs his own bike shop in Malvern, Pennsylvania. He does tune-ups and repairs. He also sells bikes. But his biggest goal is to give away at least 100 bikes per year to people who need them. That includes young people with health issues and people dealing with homelessness. During the 2023 holiday season, he gave away 121 bikes. Dom says he\u2019s just getting started. \u201cSince the beginning, I always wanted everyone to be able to ride a bike, no matter their financial abilities,\u201d he says. \b\u2014By Jaime Joyce Breakout Star LIANE HENTSCHER\u2014HBO In 2023, Keivonn Woodard made history. The Emmy Awards are for people in the TV industry. That includes actors\u2014like Keivonn, who was 10 years old when he was nominated for an Emmy. Keivonn was the youngest person ever nominated in his category (Outstanding Guest Actor in a Drama Series). That\u2019s not all: Keivonn is Deaf, and he became the first Black Deaf actor to receive an Emmy nomination. Keivonn isn\u2019t stopping there. Now 11, he has several movie roles lined up. To Keivonn, each role is an opportunity for him to make people who are Deaf feel more represented. \u201cMost people [in TV and film] are hearing,\u201d he says. \u201cBut when I see Deaf people and they\u2019re using sign language, I understand what they\u2019re saying. Showing Deaf people playing Deaf characters is authentic and extremely important.\u201d \b \u2014By Megan McCluskey Fighting Fires LISA FRYKLUND\u2014SOCIETY FOR SCIENCE After a restaurant burned down in her hometown of San Jose, California, Shanya Gill wondered if she could invent a better fire-detection system. She created a device that alerts users to fires before they start. It uses a camera and a small computer. If the system detects heat but not a person nearby, it texts the user a warning. The idea won Shanya the 2023 Thermo Fisher Scientific Junior Innovators Challenge. It\u2019s a big science competition for middle schoolers. In March, Shanya, now 13, met with the head of the U.S. Fire Administration. The agency is helping her develop the project. \u201cI want people to feel safe in their own homes,\u201d she says. \b\u2014By Sanya Mansoor Earth Advocate COURTESY MADHVI CHITTOOR Did you know that some chemicals can last for hundreds of years? PFAS are sometimes referred to as \u201cforever chemicals.\u201d They\u2019re in everyday products, such as makeup. They can make their way into the water, soil, and air, causing health problems in people and wildlife. Thirteen-year-old Madhvi Chittoor wants to help. Madhvi lives in Arvada, Colorado. She works with government officials there to help reduce chemicals like PFAS. Madhvi worked with Colorado state senator Lisa Cutter to promote a bill that bans PFAS in common items. The bill passed in 2022, but Madhvi has more work to do. She\u2019s always finding ways to spread the word about the environment. For example, on a recent trip to her family\u2019s hometown of Chennai, India, Madhvi organized a beach cleanup and talked to schools about pollution. And \u201cthere\u2019s still more to be banned,\u201d she says.\b \u2014SM Protecting Paws COURTNEY HARRISON Jordan Sucato, 15, lives in Phoenix, Arizona. The summers there are scorching hot. As the air temperature rises, so does the pavement temperature. This endangers dogs walking on it. Jordan\u2019s goal is to protect homeless dogs, or pets of people who are unhoused. These pets often walk many miles a day outside. \u201cTheir paws can burn and blister in under five minutes,\u201d Jordan says. So far, she has raised $7,000, enough to buy protective boots for 515 dogs. Jordan also speaks up for change. Last year, she advocated for a ban on the sale of cosmetics that have been tested on animals. She even met with Arizona state senator John Kavanagh to discuss the issue. Many kids care about animals. What sets Jordan apart? \u201cHer passion,\u201d says animal advocate Monique Hebert, who has worked with Jordan. \u201cAnd her spirit.\u201d\b \u2014By Allison Singer","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g56\/incredible-kids-g5\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Incredible Kids","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"89712":{"authors":[],"byline":"","content":"We\u2019ve got some new faces joining the TIME for Kids crew! Read about the 2024\u20132025 team of TFK Kid Reporters. Look for their articles in the magazine and online this school year. Meyer Ballas, 12 Los Angeles, California Meyer plays baseball. And he had the lead role in his school play. Milo Bhushan, 10 Johns Island, South Carolina Milo loves studying the universe. He wants to be an astronomer one day. Vivian Goldhirsh, 11 Santa Barbara, California Vivian keeps active by surfing, playing tennis, and doing jujitsu. Safiyyah Hussain, 12 Falls Church, Virginia Safiyyah speaks four languages. She wants to be a sports journalist. Dylan Landaw, 10 Bronx, New York Dylan likes to read books, watch movies, and write in her journal. Rudrh Nair, 13 Stamford, Connecticut Rudrh has won his city\u2019s literary competition four years in a row. Evelyn Peng, 11 New York, New York Evelyn hopes to meet author Kelly Yang and activist Malala Yousafzai. Disha Rai, 12 Bloomington, Illinois Disha has a collection of tote bags, one from every city she\u2019s visited. Nate Rhew, 13 New York, New York Nate wants to inspire all kids to be proud of their differences.","current_level":"","excerpt":"We\u2019ve got some new faces joining the TIME for Kids crew! Read about the 2024\u20132025 team of TFK Kid Reporters. Look for their articles in the magazine and online this school year. Meyer Ballas, 12 Los Angeles, California \rMeyer plays\u2026","issue_date":1724371200,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g34\/meet-our-kid-reporters-4\/","post_id":89712,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1723626714,"reading_levels":[],"section":{"id":2988,"name":"Community","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/community\/","slug":"community"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2023\/08\/G3G5_230825_KRs_main.jpg?w=1024","title":"Meet Our Kid Reporters","topic":{"id":891,"name":"Young Game Changers","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/young-game-changers\/","slug":"young-game-changers"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g3-4","g5-6"],"editions_full":[{"id":7,"name":"G3-4","permalink":"\/g34\/","slug":"g3-4"},{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"}],"objectID":"89712","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"We\u2019ve got some new faces joining the TIME for Kids crew! Read about the 2024\u20132025 team of TFK Kid Reporters. Look for their articles in the magazine and online this school year. Meyer Ballas, 12 Los Angeles, California","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"We\u2019ve got some new faces joining the TIME for Kids crew! Read about the 2024\u20132025 team of TFK Kid Reporters. Look for their articles in the magazine and online this school year. Meyer Ballas, 12 Los Angeles, California Meyer plays baseball. And he had the lead role in his school play. Milo Bhushan, 10 Johns Island, South Carolina Milo loves studying the universe. He wants to be an astronomer one day. Vivian Goldhirsh, 11 Santa Barbara, California Vivian keeps active by surfing, playing tennis, and doing jujitsu. Safiyyah Hussain, 12 Falls Church, Virginia Safiyyah speaks four languages. She wants to be a sports journalist. Dylan Landaw, 10 Bronx, New York Dylan likes to read books, watch movies, and write in her journal. Rudrh Nair, 13 Stamford, Connecticut Rudrh has won his city\u2019s literary competition four years in a row. Evelyn Peng, 11 New York, New York Evelyn hopes to meet author Kelly Yang and activist Malala Yousafzai. Disha Rai, 12 Bloomington, Illinois Disha has a collection of tote bags, one from every city she\u2019s visited. Nate Rhew, 13 New York, New York Nate wants to inspire all kids to be proud of their differences.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g34\/meet-our-kid-reporters-4\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Meet Our Kid Reporters","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g3-4","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"89675":{"authors":[{"id":32779,"name":"TFK Kid Reporter Ben Stern","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/tfk-kid-reporter-ben-stern\/"}],"byline":"","content":"TFK Kid Reporter Ben Stern saw Harold and the Purple Crayon, which opens in theaters on August 2. Read his thoughts below. Imagine having a magic purple crayon that can bring your imagination to life. That\u2019s exactly what happens in the movie Harold and the Purple Crayon, originally a children\u2019s book by Crockett Johnson. In the book, Harold is a kid who uses his crayon to draw a fantasy world. If he draws the moon, it shines just like the real thing. If he draws a hot-air balloon, he can float away. In the movie, Harold is a grown-up character in a book who uses the crayon to enter the real world. Joined by his friends Moose and Porcupine, Harold gets help from a kind family. He returns their kindness by drawing things that make them happy. He also shares his magical powers with a boy named Mel. Mel finds Harold\u2019s purple crayon helpful as he faces tragedy. Of course, the crayon eventually falls into the wrong hands. Harold worries about its being used for evil. He loses faith in his ability to make people happy with his drawings. Luckily, friendship and imagination show him and his friends that anything is possible. Harold and the Purple Crayon is funny and exciting. Readers of the book will really enjoy seeing the characters come to life on the big screen. It\u2019s perfect for a family movie night and for anyone who enjoys fantasy. It might inspire you to, as Harold says, \u201cMake your life what you want it to be. Use your imagination.\u201d","current_level":"","excerpt":"TFK Kid Reporter Ben Stern saw Harold and the Purple Crayon, which opens in theaters on August 2. Read his thoughts below. Imagine having a magic purple crayon that can bring your imagination to life. That\u2019s exactly what happens in\u2026","issue_date":1722589237,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g2\/draw-your-dreams\/","post_id":89675,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1722589237,"reading_levels":[],"section":{"id":1208,"name":"Time Off","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/newsmakers\/","slug":"newsmakers"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/08\/G3G5_240802_Harold_KR_badge.jpg?w=1024","title":"Draw Your Dreams","topic":{"id":889,"name":"Movies and Television","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/movies-and-television\/","slug":"movies-and-television"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g2","g3-4","g5-6"],"editions_full":[{"id":6,"name":"G2","permalink":"\/g2\/","slug":"g2"},{"id":7,"name":"G3-4","permalink":"\/g34\/","slug":"g3-4"},{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"}],"objectID":"89675","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"TFK Kid Reporter Ben Stern saw Harold and the Purple Crayon, which opens in theaters on August 2. Read his thoughts below. Imagine having a magic purple crayon that can bring your imagination to life. That\u2019s exactly what happens","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"TFK Kid Reporter Ben Stern saw Harold and the Purple Crayon, which opens in theaters on August 2. Read his thoughts below. Imagine having a magic purple crayon that can bring your imagination to life. That\u2019s exactly what happens in the movie Harold and the Purple Crayon, originally a children\u2019s book by Crockett Johnson. In the book, Harold is a kid who uses his crayon to draw a fantasy world. If he draws the moon, it shines just like the real thing. If he draws a hot-air balloon, he can float away. In the movie, Harold is a grown-up character in a book who uses the crayon to enter the real world. Joined by his friends Moose and Porcupine, Harold gets help from a kind family. He returns their kindness by drawing things that make them happy. He also shares his magical powers with a boy named Mel. Mel finds Harold\u2019s purple crayon helpful as he faces tragedy. Of course, the crayon eventually falls into the wrong hands. Harold worries about its being used for evil. He loses faith in his ability to make people happy with his drawings. Luckily, friendship and imagination show him and his friends that anything is possible. Harold and the Purple Crayon is funny and exciting. Readers of the book will really enjoy seeing the characters come to life on the big screen. It\u2019s perfect for a family movie night and for anyone who enjoys fantasy. It might inspire you to, as Harold says, \u201cMake your life what you want it to be. Use your imagination.\u201d","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g2\/draw-your-dreams\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Draw Your Dreams","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g2","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},{"value":"g3-4","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"89672":{"authors":[{"id":7252,"name":"Sean Gregory","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/sean-gregory\/"}],"byline":"for TIME, adapted by TFK editors","content":"There\u2019s a new sport at this year\u2019s Paris Olympics: breaking, sometimes called breakdancing. The sport combines dancing and acrobatics. To win the gold, athletes called breakers will spin, flip, and shuffle to hip-hop music. Here\u2019s what you need to know about the sport. Why is it called breaking? Breaking started in the 1970s, in New York City. At parties, dancers got up to perform during musical \u201cbreaks,\u201d which gave breaking its name. Breaking is now an important part of hip-hop culture around the world. Who can be a breaker? Anyone can be a B-girl or a B-boy, which is what breakers call themselves. Victor Montalvo is an American B-boy. \u201cBreaking is awesome because it\u2019s part of hip-hop culture, and [in] hip-hop culture, it doesn't matter what color you are, who you are, where you\u2019re from: It\u2019s inclusive,\u201d he says. \u201cIt\u2019s all about peace, love, unity, and having fun.\u201d How do breakers talk? Breakers have their own insider language to describe their dance style. A \u201ctop rock\u201d is when a breaker dances while standing up. A \u201cdown rock\u201d is when a breaker dances on the floor, moving their arms and kicking their legs. A \u201cfreeze\u201d is when a dancer stops in the middle of their routine in a tough position, like standing on their head. Do the breakers pick their own music? No! In breaking competitions, a DJ picks the music for each round. The breakers never know what songs the DJ will pick, so they have to choose their moves on the spot. When will breakers compete at the Olympics? The B-girls battle on Friday, August 9. The B-boys go on August 10.","current_level":"","excerpt":"There\u2019s a new sport at this year\u2019s Paris Olympics: breaking, sometimes called breakdancing. The sport combines dancing and acrobatics. To win the gold, athletes called breakers will spin, flip, and shuffle to hip-hop music. Here\u2019s what you need to know\u2026","issue_date":1722267704,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g2\/break-it-down\/","post_id":89672,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1722267704,"reading_levels":[],"section":{"id":78,"name":"World","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/world\/","slug":"world"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/07\/G2G3G5_Break_It_Down.jpg?w=1024","title":"Break It Down","topic":{"id":884,"name":"Sports","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/sports\/","slug":"sports"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g2","g3-4","g5-6"],"editions_full":[{"id":6,"name":"G2","permalink":"\/g2\/","slug":"g2"},{"id":7,"name":"G3-4","permalink":"\/g34\/","slug":"g3-4"},{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"}],"objectID":"89672","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"There\u2019s a new sport at this year\u2019s Paris Olympics: breaking, sometimes called breakdancing. The sport combines dancing and acrobatics. To win the gold, athletes called breakers will spin, flip, and shuffle to hip-hop music. Here\u2019s what","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"There\u2019s a new sport at this year\u2019s Paris Olympics: breaking, sometimes called breakdancing. The sport combines dancing and acrobatics. To win the gold, athletes called breakers will spin, flip, and shuffle to hip-hop music. Here\u2019s what you need to know about the sport. Why is it called breaking? Breaking started in the 1970s, in New York City. At parties, dancers got up to perform during musical \u201cbreaks,\u201d which gave breaking its name. Breaking is now an important part of hip-hop culture around the world. Who can be a breaker? Anyone can be a B-girl or a B-boy, which is what breakers call themselves. Victor Montalvo is an American B-boy. \u201cBreaking is awesome because it\u2019s part of hip-hop culture, and [in] hip-hop culture, it doesn't matter what color you are, who you are, where you\u2019re from: It\u2019s inclusive,\u201d he says. \u201cIt\u2019s all about peace, love, unity, and having fun.\u201d How do breakers talk? Breakers have their own insider language to describe their dance style. A \u201ctop rock\u201d is when a breaker dances while standing up. A \u201cdown rock\u201d is when a breaker dances on the floor, moving their arms and kicking their legs. A \u201cfreeze\u201d is when a dancer stops in the middle of their routine in a tough position, like standing on their head. Do the breakers pick their own music? No! In breaking competitions, a DJ picks the music for each round. The breakers never know what songs the DJ will pick, so they have to choose their moves on the spot. When will breakers compete at the Olympics? The B-girls battle on Friday, August 9. The B-boys go on August 10.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g2\/break-it-down\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Break It Down","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g2","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},{"value":"g3-4","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"89644":{"authors":[{"id":5620,"name":"Allison Singer","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/allison-singer\/"}],"byline":"","content":"In 2021, we asked TIME for Kids readers if they thought summer reading should be mandatory. We heard from students who felt strongly about both sides of the issue. So we decided to pose the question again. And again, you made your voices heard! Here are some of the responses we received. What\u2019s your take? Yes Krish Vijaykarthik, 9 Maple Grove, Minnesota Summer reading should be made mandatory because your reading skills would improve. You would learn a lot of vocabulary words. You should give exercise to your brain so that it can stay active all through the year. No Rose Torrey, 11 Chapel Hill, North Carolina Instead of mandatory summer reading, there should be optional summer reading with a wide variety of books on offer. If someone doesn\u2019t like reading, doing an extra-credit assignment like that could help them find something they like, and it won\u2019t feel forced and stressful. Yes Karolina DeLuca, 11 Walpole, Massachusetts Kids can explore new kinds of books during the summer. They may discover a book series or genre that they really like. Then, when they go back to school, they may want to choose one of those books for a project or report. Yes Maddy MacDonald, 11 Ontario, Canada Reading can be great for your mental health. It can help relieve any stress from school, work, or something that is really bothering you. No Alison Lee, 10 Los Angeles, California Students need to have the time to connect with friends and family during the summer. They should have the choice whether or not to read. We all know that kids don\u2019t want to do things if they are told they have to do them. Yes Jake Pyo, 9 Riverside, California Some kids don't have a lot of time to read at school because of homework and other activities. Summer reading will give these students more time to read, and it will improve their minds.","current_level":"","excerpt":"In 2021, we asked TIME for Kids readers if they thought summer reading should be mandatory. We heard from students who felt strongly about both sides of the issue. So we decided to pose the question again. And again, you\u2026","issue_date":1721906038,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g2\/should-summer-reading-be-mandatory\/","post_id":89644,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1721906038,"reading_levels":[],"section":{"id":1209,"name":"Opinion","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/opinion\/","slug":"opinion"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/07\/G2G3G5_240724_summer_reading_debate.jpg?w=1024","title":"Should Summer Reading Be Mandatory?","topic":{"id":892,"name":"Debate","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/debate\/","slug":"debate"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g2","g3-4","g5-6"],"editions_full":[{"id":6,"name":"G2","permalink":"\/g2\/","slug":"g2"},{"id":7,"name":"G3-4","permalink":"\/g34\/","slug":"g3-4"},{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"}],"objectID":"89644","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"In 2021, we asked TIME for Kids readers if they thought summer reading should be mandatory. We heard from students who felt strongly about both sides of the issue. So we decided to pose the question again. And again, you","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"In 2021, we asked TIME for Kids readers if they thought summer reading should be mandatory. We heard from students who felt strongly about both sides of the issue. So we decided to pose the question again. And again, you made your voices heard! Here are some of the responses we received. What\u2019s your take? Yes Krish Vijaykarthik, 9 Maple Grove, Minnesota Summer reading should be made mandatory because your reading skills would improve. You would learn a lot of vocabulary words. You should give exercise to your brain so that it can stay active all through the year. No Rose Torrey, 11 Chapel Hill, North Carolina Instead of mandatory summer reading, there should be optional summer reading with a wide variety of books on offer. If someone doesn\u2019t like reading, doing an extra-credit assignment like that could help them find something they like, and it won\u2019t feel forced and stressful. Yes Karolina DeLuca, 11 Walpole, Massachusetts Kids can explore new kinds of books during the summer. They may discover a book series or genre that they really like. Then, when they go back to school, they may want to choose one of those books for a project or report. Yes Maddy MacDonald, 11 Ontario, Canada Reading can be great for your mental health. It can help relieve any stress from school, work, or something that is really bothering you. No Alison Lee, 10 Los Angeles, California Students need to have the time to connect with friends and family during the summer. They should have the choice whether or not to read. We all know that kids don\u2019t want to do things if they are told they have to do them. Yes Jake Pyo, 9 Riverside, California Some kids don't have a lot of time to read at school because of homework and other activities. Summer reading will give these students more time to read, and it will improve their minds.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g2\/should-summer-reading-be-mandatory\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Should Summer Reading Be Mandatory?","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g2","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},{"value":"g3-4","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"89635":{"authors":[{"id":3459,"name":"TFK editors","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/tfk-editors\/"}],"byline":"","content":"Everyone\u2019s summer looks different. For many kids, summertime is a period of rest and fun. Others use their time off school to learn a skill, play a summer sport, take interesting classes, or connect with family and friends. How are you spending your summer months? Junior Journalists, we want to know: What\u2019s your summer goal? When you go back to school, what do you hope to have accomplished? What will you need to have done in order to consider your summer a success? Write your answer, and ask a parent or guardian to send it to us at","current_level":"","excerpt":"Everyone\u2019s summer looks different. For many kids, summertime is a period of rest and fun. Others use their time off school to learn a skill, play a summer sport, take interesting classes, or connect with family and friends. How are\u2026","issue_date":1721296581,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g2\/press-club-whats-your-summer-goal\/","post_id":89635,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1721296581,"reading_levels":[],"section":{"id":20640,"name":"TFK Press Club","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/tfk-press-club\/","slug":"tfk-press-club"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/07\/PressClubAssign18.jpg?w=1024","title":"What's Your Summer Goal?","topic":[],"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g2","g3-4","g5-6"],"editions_full":[{"id":6,"name":"G2","permalink":"\/g2\/","slug":"g2"},{"id":7,"name":"G3-4","permalink":"\/g34\/","slug":"g3-4"},{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"}],"objectID":"89635","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"Everyone\u2019s summer looks different. For many kids, summertime is a period of rest and fun. Others use their time off school to learn a skill, play a summer sport, take interesting classes, or connect with family and friends. How","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"Everyone\u2019s summer looks different. For many kids, summertime is a period of rest and fun. Others use their time off school to learn a skill, play a summer sport, take interesting classes, or connect with family and friends. How are you spending your summer months? Junior Journalists, we want to know: What\u2019s your summer goal? When you go back to school, what do you hope to have accomplished? What will you need to have done in order to consider your summer a success? Write your answer, and ask a parent or guardian to send it to us at","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g2\/press-club-whats-your-summer-goal\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"What's Your Summer Goal?","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g2","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},{"value":"g3-4","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"89609":{"authors":[],"byline":"Jamie Friedlander Serrano for TIME, adapted by TFK editors","content":"Record-setting high temperatures are dangerous for your health. Whether you\u2019re in the middle of a heat wave or just trying to get through one scorching day, you\u2019ll need strategies to cool off and stay well. One of the most important is staying hydrated. \u201cIn the heat, everyone needs more water,\u201d says Dr. Ashley Karpinos, associate professor of medicine, pediatrics, and sports medicine at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, in Tennessee. And if you\u2019re playing sports or exercising in hot weather, staying hydrated is even more crucial. One way to plan your water intake is to take your weight in pounds, divide that number in half, and drink that many ounces every day. That\u2019s according to Dr. Dana Cohen, who coauthored a book about the science behind hydration. Seems simple, right? Not so much. Hydration is complex. Some people need more water than others. And sometimes, a glass of water isn\u2019t even the best solution. The following five tips from experts can help ensure you\u2019re properly hydrated. Think beyond water. Water is typically the best thing you can drink when it\u2019s hot outside. But other beverages can also do an excellent job keeping you hydrated. Cohen recommends coconut water. It contains natural electrolytes, which are minerals that help your body function. Some research suggests that milk might be hydrating, as well. Eat water-rich foods. Eating foods with a high water content is a great way to stay hydrated in the heat, Karpinos says. She recommends fruits and vegetables such as watermelon, cantaloupe, berries, peppers, lettuce, and cucumbers. Hydrate before you feel thirsty. One of the biggest mistakes people make is waiting until they feel thirsty before they drink water, Karpinos says. By the time you feel thirsty, you\u2019re already on the way to dehydration. Be on the lookout for dehydration. Early signs of dehydration include feeling thirsty, having dry lips and mouth, and not sweating enough, Karpinos says. Feltheimer adds that body cramps and tiredness may be \u201csigns that your body is trying to conserve whatever fluid it has.\u201d If you\u2019re an athlete, be extra cautious. According to Karpinos, it\u2019s particularly important for athletes to have a hydration plan in the heat. \u201cThe goal is to start an exercise session well-hydrated [and] maintain hydration during exercise,\u201d she says. Athletes should also check for signs of dehydration when they\u2019re done exercising.","current_level":"","excerpt":"Record-setting high temperatures are dangerous for your health. Whether you\u2019re in the middle of a heat wave or just trying to get through one scorching day, you\u2019ll need strategies to cool off and stay well. One of the most important\u2026","issue_date":1720522106,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g2\/beat-the-heat\/","post_id":89609,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1720522106,"reading_levels":[],"section":{"id":1856,"name":"Health","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/health-and-fitness\/","slug":"health-and-fitness"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/07\/G2G3G5_240709_beat_the_heat.jpg?w=1024","title":"Beat the Heat","topic":{"id":885,"name":"The Human Body","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/the-human-body\/","slug":"the-human-body"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g2","g3-4","g5-6"],"editions_full":[{"id":6,"name":"G2","permalink":"\/g2\/","slug":"g2"},{"id":7,"name":"G3-4","permalink":"\/g34\/","slug":"g3-4"},{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"}],"objectID":"89609","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"Record-setting high temperatures are dangerous for your health. Whether you\u2019re in the middle of a heat wave or just trying to get through one scorching day, you\u2019ll need strategies to cool off and stay well. One of","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"Record-setting high temperatures are dangerous for your health. Whether you\u2019re in the middle of a heat wave or just trying to get through one scorching day, you\u2019ll need strategies to cool off and stay well. One of the most important is staying hydrated. \u201cIn the heat, everyone needs more water,\u201d says Dr. Ashley Karpinos, associate professor of medicine, pediatrics, and sports medicine at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, in Tennessee. And if you\u2019re playing sports or exercising in hot weather, staying hydrated is even more crucial. One way to plan your water intake is to take your weight in pounds, divide that number in half, and drink that many ounces every day. That\u2019s according to Dr. Dana Cohen, who coauthored a book about the science behind hydration. Seems simple, right? Not so much. Hydration is complex. Some people need more water than others. And sometimes, a glass of water isn\u2019t even the best solution. The following five tips from experts can help ensure you\u2019re properly hydrated. Think beyond water. Water is typically the best thing you can drink when it\u2019s hot outside. But other beverages can also do an excellent job keeping you hydrated. Cohen recommends coconut water. It contains natural electrolytes, which are minerals that help your body function. Some research suggests that milk might be hydrating, as well. Eat water-rich foods. Eating foods with a high water content is a great way to stay hydrated in the heat, Karpinos says. She recommends fruits and vegetables such as watermelon, cantaloupe, berries, peppers, lettuce, and cucumbers. Hydrate before you feel thirsty. One of the biggest mistakes people make is waiting until they feel thirsty before they drink water, Karpinos says. By the time you feel thirsty, you\u2019re already on the way to dehydration. Be on the lookout for dehydration. Early signs of dehydration include feeling thirsty, having dry lips and mouth, and not sweating enough, Karpinos says. Feltheimer adds that body cramps and tiredness may be \u201csigns that your body is trying to conserve whatever fluid it has.\u201d If you\u2019re an athlete, be extra cautious. According to Karpinos, it\u2019s particularly important for athletes to have a hydration plan in the heat. \u201cThe goal is to start an exercise session well-hydrated [and] maintain hydration during exercise,\u201d she says. Athletes should also check for signs of dehydration when they\u2019re done exercising.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g2\/beat-the-heat\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Beat the Heat","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g2","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},{"value":"g3-4","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"51392":{"authors":[{"id":7434,"name":"Olivia Waxman","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/olivia-waxman\/"}],"byline":"for TIME, adapted by TFK editors","content":"Fireworks may seem like a very American tradition, especially on the 4th of July. But fireworks go back many years before the first American Independence Day celebration, which took place in 1777, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The earliest fireworks can be traced to around 2,000 years ago in China. People then are said to have roasted bamboo stalks. The stalks turned black and sizzled. The air inside the hollow stalks would explode. Baozhu is a Mandarin Chinese word for firecracker. It means \"exploding bamboo.\" Years later, Chinese chemists took fireworks a step further. This happened sometime between 600 and 900 A.D. People filled bamboo shoots with gunpowder. They threw them into a fire pit. Steel dust or iron shavings were added to make them sparkle. In China, these firecrackers were often used in celebrations. In the 13th century, fireworks spread to Europe. In the centuries that followed, Europeans began moving to North America. So it was no surprise that when July 4th began to be celebrated as America's Independence Day, fireworks were included in the festivities. John Adams was one of America\u2019s Founding Fathers. He said he hoped the anniversary of the country\u2019s independence would be marked for years to come by \"bonfires\" and \"illuminations.\" The first July 4th celebration happened during the middle of the Revolutionary War. Cannons were fired. Fireworks, too, marked the occasion. Today, fireworks are an established July 4 tradition. Will you see a fireworks display this Independence Day? Note: It is dangerous (and illegal, in some states) to own and set off fireworks. The use of fireworks is best left to professionals. This story was originally published on July 4, 2019. It was updated on July 1, 2024.","current_level":"","excerpt":"Fireworks may seem like a very American tradition, especially on the 4th of July. But fireworks go back many years before the first American Independence Day celebration, which took place in 1777, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The earliest fireworks can be\u2026","issue_date":1562198400,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g2\/history-fireworks\/","post_id":51392,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1719835230,"reading_levels":[],"section":{"id":4271,"name":"History","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/history\/","slug":"history"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2019\/06\/fireworks.jpg?w=1024","title":"The History of Fireworks","topic":{"id":873,"name":"Holidays","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/holidays\/","slug":"holidays"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g2","g3-4","g5-6"],"editions_full":[{"id":6,"name":"G2","permalink":"\/g2\/","slug":"g2"},{"id":7,"name":"G3-4","permalink":"\/g34\/","slug":"g3-4"},{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"}],"objectID":"51392","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"Fireworks may seem like a very American tradition, especially on the 4th of July. But fireworks go back many years before the first American Independence Day celebration, which took place in 1777, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The earliest fireworks can be","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"Fireworks may seem like a very American tradition, especially on the 4th of July. But fireworks go back many years before the first American Independence Day celebration, which took place in 1777, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The earliest fireworks can be traced to around 2,000 years ago in China. People then are said to have roasted bamboo stalks. The stalks turned black and sizzled. The air inside the hollow stalks would explode. Baozhu is a Mandarin Chinese word for firecracker. It means \"exploding bamboo.\" Years later, Chinese chemists took fireworks a step further. This happened sometime between 600 and 900 A.D. People filled bamboo shoots with gunpowder. They threw them into a fire pit. Steel dust or iron shavings were added to make them sparkle. In China, these firecrackers were often used in celebrations. In the 13th century, fireworks spread to Europe. In the centuries that followed, Europeans began moving to North America. So it was no surprise that when July 4th began to be celebrated as America's Independence Day, fireworks were included in the festivities. John Adams was one of America\u2019s Founding Fathers. He said he hoped the anniversary of the country\u2019s independence would be marked for years to come by \"bonfires\" and \"illuminations.\" The first July 4th celebration happened during the middle of the Revolutionary War. Cannons were fired. Fireworks, too, marked the occasion. Today, fireworks are an established July 4 tradition. Will you see a fireworks display this Independence Day? Note: It is dangerous (and illegal, in some states) to own and set off fireworks. The use of fireworks is best left to professionals. This story was originally published on July 4, 2019. It was updated on July 1, 2024.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g2\/history-fireworks\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"The History of Fireworks","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g2","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},{"value":"g3-4","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"89544":{"authors":[{"id":32781,"name":"TFK Kid Reporter Sophia Zhang","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/tfk-kid-reporter-sophia-zhang\/"}],"byline":"","content":"TFK Kid Reporter Sophia Zhang attended a screening of the new movie Inside Out 2. Read her thoughts below. Team Riley is back, in Inside Out 2, a sequel to 2015\u2019s Inside Out. Joy, Sadness, Fear, Anger, and Disgust have been successfully operating Riley\u2019s mind. But their world takes a turn when Riley turns 13, which means growth spurts, braces, pimples\u2014in other words, puberty. The characters representing Riley\u2019s emotions have no explanation for her wild mood swings. They become more flabbergasted when a new emotion shows up: Anxiety. And as it turns out, Anxiety is not the only new emotion. When Riley goes to an elite hockey camp and is forced to make tough decisions, Anxiety causes mayhem in her mind. Anxiety banishes the original five emotions from Headquarters. Can they make it back and save Riley\u2019s sense of self? I recommend this movie to kids and parents alike. Teenagers especially will love it. It is so relatable, since the conflict between Joy and Anxiety acts out the bittersweetness of growing up. The movie will help teenagers reflect on and cope with their emotions. It will teach us that our emotions are meant to be felt and expressed, not hidden, and that being your true self means accepting all of yourself.","current_level":"","excerpt":"TFK Kid Reporter Sophia Zhang attended a screening of the new movie Inside Out 2. Read her thoughts below. Team Riley is back, in Inside Out 2, a sequel to 2015\u2019s Inside Out. Joy, Sadness, Fear, Anger, and Disgust have\u2026","issue_date":1719219799,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g2\/team-riley-returns\/","post_id":89544,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1719219799,"reading_levels":[],"section":{"id":1208,"name":"Time Off","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/newsmakers\/","slug":"newsmakers"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/06\/G2G3G5_240624_InsideOut.jpg?w=1024","title":"Team Riley Returns","topic":{"id":889,"name":"Movies and Television","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/movies-and-television\/","slug":"movies-and-television"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g2","g3-4","g5-6"],"editions_full":[{"id":6,"name":"G2","permalink":"\/g2\/","slug":"g2"},{"id":7,"name":"G3-4","permalink":"\/g34\/","slug":"g3-4"},{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"}],"objectID":"89544","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"TFK Kid Reporter Sophia Zhang attended a screening of the new movie Inside Out 2. Read her thoughts below. Team Riley is back, in Inside Out 2, a sequel to 2015\u2019s Inside Out. Joy, Sadness, Fear, Anger, and Disgust","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"TFK Kid Reporter Sophia Zhang attended a screening of the new movie Inside Out 2. Read her thoughts below. Team Riley is back, in Inside Out 2, a sequel to 2015\u2019s Inside Out. Joy, Sadness, Fear, Anger, and Disgust have been successfully operating Riley\u2019s mind. But their world takes a turn when Riley turns 13, which means growth spurts, braces, pimples\u2014in other words, puberty. The characters representing Riley\u2019s emotions have no explanation for her wild mood swings. They become more flabbergasted when a new emotion shows up: Anxiety. And as it turns out, Anxiety is not the only new emotion. When Riley goes to an elite hockey camp and is forced to make tough decisions, Anxiety causes mayhem in her mind. Anxiety banishes the original five emotions from Headquarters. Can they make it back and save Riley\u2019s sense of self? I recommend this movie to kids and parents alike. Teenagers especially will love it. It is so relatable, since the conflict between Joy and Anxiety acts out the bittersweetness of growing up. The movie will help teenagers reflect on and cope with their emotions. It will teach us that our emotions are meant to be felt and expressed, not hidden, and that being your true self means accepting all of yourself.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g2\/team-riley-returns\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Team Riley Returns","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g2","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},{"value":"g3-4","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"69864":{"authors":[{"id":1960,"name":"Brian S. McGrath","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/brian-s-mcgrath\/"},{"id":3380,"name":"Constance Gibbs","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/constance-gibbs\/"}],"byline":"","content":"This story was originally published on June 15, 2021. It was updated on June 17, 2024. On June 19, people across the United States celebrate Juneteenth. The holiday commemorates the end of slavery in the U.S., in 1865. Juneteenth is short for \u201cJune 19th.\u201d It was on that day, in June 1865, that 250,000 people in Galveston, Texas, found out they had been freed from slavery. A Look at History In 1860 and 1861, several Southern states declared their independence from the United States. This started the Civil War. The Southern Confederacy wanted to maintain slavery, while the Northern Union wanted to stop slavery from spreading to new territories. On January 1, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation. It declared freedom for enslaved people in the Confederacy. White slave owners kept the news a secret. Many enslaved people would not find out they had been freed until more than two years later. In April 1865, the Confederacy surrendered to the Union. The war was over. On June 19, Union soldiers arrived in Galveston, Texas, to enforce the president\u2019s order. When they told the crowds that the state\u2019s 250,000 enslaved people were free, celebrations broke out. Making a Holiday Over the years, Black people from Galveston moved to different cities, and the celebration spread. It is also called Emancipation Day, or Freedom Day. In the 1960s, the civil rights movement brought a wider awareness of Juneteenth. On June 19, 1968, two months after the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., a Solidarity Day rally was held on June 19 in Washington, D.C. The event drew 50,000 people. Texas made Juneteenth a state holiday in 1980. Following international protests sparked by the May 2020 killing of George Floyd, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, Juneteenth gained even wider recognition. Juneteenth celebrations include religious services, cookouts, parades, and festivals featuring music and dancing. On June 17, 2021, Juneteenth was designated a federal holiday.","current_level":"","excerpt":"This story was originally published on June 15, 2021. It was updated on June 17, 2024. On June 19, people across the United States celebrate Juneteenth. The holiday commemorates the end of slavery in the U.S., in 1865. Juneteenth is\u2026","issue_date":1718614815,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g2\/a-juneteenth-celebration\/","post_id":69864,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1718614815,"reading_levels":[],"section":{"id":4271,"name":"History","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/history\/","slug":"history"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2021\/06\/juneteenth21.jpg?w=1024","title":"A Juneteenth Celebration","topic":{"id":873,"name":"Holidays","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/holidays\/","slug":"holidays"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g2","g3-4","g5-6"],"editions_full":[{"id":6,"name":"G2","permalink":"\/g2\/","slug":"g2"},{"id":7,"name":"G3-4","permalink":"\/g34\/","slug":"g3-4"},{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"}],"objectID":"69864","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"This story was originally published on June 15, 2021. It was updated on June 17, 2024. On June 19, people across the United States celebrate Juneteenth. The holiday commemorates the end of slavery in the U.S., in 1865. Juneteenth","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"This story was originally published on June 15, 2021. It was updated on June 17, 2024. On June 19, people across the United States celebrate Juneteenth. The holiday commemorates the end of slavery in the U.S., in 1865. Juneteenth is short for \u201cJune 19th.\u201d It was on that day, in June 1865, that 250,000 people in Galveston, Texas, found out they had been freed from slavery. A Look at History In 1860 and 1861, several Southern states declared their independence from the United States. This started the Civil War. The Southern Confederacy wanted to maintain slavery, while the Northern Union wanted to stop slavery from spreading to new territories. On January 1, 1863, President Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation. It declared freedom for enslaved people in the Confederacy. White slave owners kept the news a secret. Many enslaved people would not find out they had been freed until more than two years later. In April 1865, the Confederacy surrendered to the Union. The war was over. On June 19, Union soldiers arrived in Galveston, Texas, to enforce the president\u2019s order. When they told the crowds that the state\u2019s 250,000 enslaved people were free, celebrations broke out. Making a Holiday Over the years, Black people from Galveston moved to different cities, and the celebration spread. It is also called Emancipation Day, or Freedom Day. In the 1960s, the civil rights movement brought a wider awareness of Juneteenth. On June 19, 1968, two months after the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., a Solidarity Day rally was held on June 19 in Washington, D.C. The event drew 50,000 people. Texas made Juneteenth a state holiday in 1980. Following international protests sparked by the May 2020 killing of George Floyd, in Minneapolis, Minnesota, Juneteenth gained even wider recognition. Juneteenth celebrations include religious services, cookouts, parades, and festivals featuring music and dancing. On June 17, 2021, Juneteenth was designated a federal holiday.","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g2\/a-juneteenth-celebration\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"A Juneteenth Celebration","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g2","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},{"value":"g3-4","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"89298":{"authors":[{"id":5620,"name":"Allison Singer","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/allison-singer\/"}],"byline":"","content":"On May 30, a seventh-grader from Tampa, Florida, became the 2024 Scripps National Spelling Bee champ. Bruhat Soma, 12, crushed a lightning tiebreaker round by spelling 29 words correctly in 90 seconds. The winning word was abseil. It\u2019s a word used in the sport of mountaineering. This was Bruhat\u2019s third appearance in the bee. In 2022, he tied for 163rd place. Last year, he came 74th. Bruhat told NPR that he felt \u201cexcited\u201d about winning. \u201cI\u2019ve been working really hard, so I just put a lot of time into spelling,\u201d he said. \u201cI\u2019m really happy that I won. Like, I really can\u2019t describe it. I\u2019m still shaking.\u201d Bruhat\u2019s spelling coach was 16-year-old speller Sam Evans. Sam coached three of the top four finishers. He told the Associated Press that Bruhat had indeed put in a lot of hard work. \u201cI\u2019m very happy that I could use my experience to help him, but at the end of the day, it\u2019s all about his hard work and his dedication,\u201d Evans said. \u201cI\u2019m so happy for him.\u201d Bruhat\u2019s prize includes more than $50,000, reference materials, and a trophy. The trophy was presented to him by Adam Symson, president and CEO of The E.W. Scripps Company. In a press release, Symson said that \u201cBruhat impressed with his display of knowledge and composure.\u201d","current_level":"","excerpt":"On May 30, a seventh-grader from Tampa, Florida, became the 2024 Scripps National Spelling Bee champ. Bruhat Soma, 12, crushed a lightning tiebreaker round by spelling 29 words correctly in 90 seconds. The winning word was abseil. It\u2019s a word\u2026","issue_date":1717412167,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g2\/bee-champ\/","post_id":89298,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1717412167,"reading_levels":[],"section":{"id":1203,"name":"United States","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/united-states\/","slug":"united-states"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/06\/G2G3G5_240603_SpellingBee.jpg?w=1024","title":"Bee Champ","topic":[],"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g2","g3-4","g5-6"],"editions_full":[{"id":6,"name":"G2","permalink":"\/g2\/","slug":"g2"},{"id":7,"name":"G3-4","permalink":"\/g34\/","slug":"g3-4"},{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"}],"objectID":"89298","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"On May 30, a seventh-grader from Tampa, Florida, became the 2024 Scripps National Spelling Bee champ. Bruhat Soma, 12, crushed a lightning tiebreaker round by spelling 29 words correctly in 90 seconds. The winning word was abseil. It\u2019s","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"On May 30, a seventh-grader from Tampa, Florida, became the 2024 Scripps National Spelling Bee champ. Bruhat Soma, 12, crushed a lightning tiebreaker round by spelling 29 words correctly in 90 seconds. The winning word was abseil. It\u2019s a word used in the sport of mountaineering. This was Bruhat\u2019s third appearance in the bee. In 2022, he tied for 163rd place. Last year, he came 74th. Bruhat told NPR that he felt \u201cexcited\u201d about winning. \u201cI\u2019ve been working really hard, so I just put a lot of time into spelling,\u201d he said. \u201cI\u2019m really happy that I won. Like, I really can\u2019t describe it. I\u2019m still shaking.\u201d Bruhat\u2019s spelling coach was 16-year-old speller Sam Evans. Sam coached three of the top four finishers. He told the Associated Press that Bruhat had indeed put in a lot of hard work. \u201cI\u2019m very happy that I could use my experience to help him, but at the end of the day, it\u2019s all about his hard work and his dedication,\u201d Evans said. \u201cI\u2019m so happy for him.\u201d Bruhat\u2019s prize includes more than $50,000, reference materials, and a trophy. The trophy was presented to him by Adam Symson, president and CEO of The E.W. Scripps Company. In a press release, Symson said that \u201cBruhat impressed with his display of knowledge and composure.\u201d","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g2\/bee-champ\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Bee Champ","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g2","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},{"value":"g3-4","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}},"89163":{"authors":[{"id":3390,"name":"Rebecca Mordechai","permalink":"\/g56\/authors\/rebecca-mordechai\/"}],"byline":"","content":"June 11 will mark the first-ever International Day of Play. On March 26, the United Nations adopted a resolution to create a day on which to honor play worldwide. Play is more than just a pastime for kids. It\u2019s a crucial part of their development. Play encourages them to be physically active, which is healthy. Play also fosters children\u2019s friendships and social skills. It teaches them how to solve problems and resolve conflicts. And through play, kids can increase their creativity and imagination. All of these benefits are important. They help kids thrive. Plus, play-based learning in school is more engaging. It motivates kids. And it helps them remember information. But four out of five children say that the adults around them don\u2019t think playing is important. That statistic comes from a survey conducted in 2023 by YouGov and the Child & Youth Friendly Governance Project. The groups surveyed more than 10,000 children from more than 20 countries. Now, a network of organizations is emphasizing the importance of play. These organizations banded together to campaign for an International Day of Play. The Right to Play is one of these organizations. Susan McIsaac is its president and CEO. \u201cPlay is powerful,\u201d McIsaac says in a press release. \u201cThrough play, children explore and understand the world.\u201d","current_level":"","excerpt":"June 11 will mark the first-ever International Day of Play. On March 26, the United Nations adopted a resolution to create a day on which to honor play worldwide. Play is more than just a pastime for kids. It\u2019s a\u2026","issue_date":1717164632,"is_cover_story":false,"language":"en","permalink":"\/g2\/ready-set-play\/","post_id":89163,"post_type":"tfk_article","publish_date":1717164632,"reading_levels":[],"section":{"id":78,"name":"World","permalink":"\/g56\/sections\/world\/","slug":"world"},"thumbnail_url":"\/wp-content\/uploads\/2024\/05\/G2G3G5_ready_set_play.jpg?w=1024","title":"Ready, Set, Play!","topic":{"id":873,"name":"Holidays","permalink":"\/g56\/topics\/holidays\/","slug":"holidays"},"availabilities":{"features":[],"languages":["en"]},"editions":["g2","g3-4","g5-6"],"editions_full":[{"id":6,"name":"G2","permalink":"\/g2\/","slug":"g2"},{"id":7,"name":"G3-4","permalink":"\/g34\/","slug":"g3-4"},{"id":8,"name":"G5-6","permalink":"\/g56\/","slug":"g5-6"}],"objectID":"89163","_snippetResult":{"content":{"value":"June 11 will mark the first-ever International Day of Play. On March 26, the United Nations adopted a resolution to create a day on which to honor play worldwide. Play is more than just a pastime for kids. It","matchLevel":"none"}},"_highlightResult":{"content":{"value":"June 11 will mark the first-ever International Day of Play. On March 26, the United Nations adopted a resolution to create a day on which to honor play worldwide. Play is more than just a pastime for kids. It\u2019s a crucial part of their development. Play encourages them to be physically active, which is healthy. Play also fosters children\u2019s friendships and social skills. It teaches them how to solve problems and resolve conflicts. And through play, kids can increase their creativity and imagination. All of these benefits are important. They help kids thrive. Plus, play-based learning in school is more engaging. It motivates kids. And it helps them remember information. But four out of five children say that the adults around them don\u2019t think playing is important. That statistic comes from a survey conducted in 2023 by YouGov and the Child & Youth Friendly Governance Project. The groups surveyed more than 10,000 children from more than 20 countries. Now, a network of organizations is emphasizing the importance of play. These organizations banded together to campaign for an International Day of Play. The Right to Play is one of these organizations. Susan McIsaac is its president and CEO. \u201cPlay is powerful,\u201d McIsaac says in a press release. \u201cThrough play, children explore and understand the world.\u201d","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"permalink":{"value":"\/g2\/ready-set-play\/","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"title":{"value":"Ready, Set, Play!","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},"editions":[{"value":"g2","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},{"value":"g3-4","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]},{"value":"g5-6","matchLevel":"none","matchedWords":[]}]}}},"nbHits":2089,"page":3,"nbPages":50,"hitsPerPage":20,"exhaustiveNbHits":true,"exhaustiveTypo":true,"exhaustive":{"nbHits":true,"typo":true},"query":"","params":"exactOnSingleWordQuery=word&facetFilters=%5B%5B%22editions%3Ag5-6%22%5D%2C%5B%22post_type%3Atfk_article%22%5D%2C%22subscribers_only%3A-true%22%2C%22family_only%3A-true%22%2C%22teacher_only%3A-true%22%5D&page=3","renderingContent":[],"processingTimeMS":1,"processingTimingsMS":{"_request":{"queue":4,"roundTrip":1},"afterFetch":{"format":{"highlighting":2,"snippeting":4,"total":7}},"total":0},"serverTimeMS":12}}; </script> </head> <body class="home blog archive paged post-type-archive post-type-archive-tfk_article paged-4 post-type-paged-4"> <a href="#main-content" class="skip-to-main-content">Skip to main 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A total of 10,500 Olympians went for the gold in 32 sports, such as swimming, track, and gymnastics. More…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">World</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >The Record-Breakers</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> August 15, 2024 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >Simone Biles now has more Olympic medals than any American gymnast in history. She wasn’t the only record-setter at this year’s Games. Athletes broke 32 world records in eight sports. Some set Olympic records or records for their country. One…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">World</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Paralympic Preview</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> August 15, 2024 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >The Summer Paralympics will kick off in Paris, France, on August 28. More than 4,400 athletes with a disability will compete. Like the Summer Olympics, the Summer Paralympics take place every four years. This year’s Games will feature 22 sports.…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">Science</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Dreaming of a Cure</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> August 15, 2024 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >When Heman Bekele was 6, he got a chemistry set for Christmas. He used it to mix up “potions.” Back then, only his parents paid attention. Now, at 15, Heman is used to a lot more people watching his work.…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--language-es"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Spanish</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">United States</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Incredible Kids</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> August 15, 2024 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >TIME’s Kid of the Year honor recognizes young people who are making a positive impact. In addition to this year’s winner, Heman Bekele, five honorees were selected. This was done with the help of TIME and TIME for Kids editors,…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">Community</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Meet Our Kid Reporters</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> August 14, 2024 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >We’ve got some new faces joining the TIME for Kids crew! Read about the 2024–2025 team of TFK Kid Reporters. Look for their articles in the magazine and online this school year. Meyer Ballas, 12 Los Angeles, California Meyer plays…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">Time Off</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Draw Your Dreams</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> August 2, 2024 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >TFK Kid Reporter Ben Stern saw Harold and the Purple Crayon, which opens in theaters on August 2. Read his thoughts below. Imagine having a magic purple crayon that can bring your imagination to life. That’s exactly what happens in…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">World</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Break It Down</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> July 29, 2024 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >There’s a new sport at this year’s Paris Olympics: breaking, sometimes called breakdancing. The sport combines dancing and acrobatics. To win the gold, athletes called breakers will spin, flip, and shuffle to hip-hop music. Here’s what you need to know…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">Opinion</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Should Summer Reading Be Mandatory?</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> July 25, 2024 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >In 2021, we asked TIME for Kids readers if they thought summer reading should be mandatory. We heard from students who felt strongly about both sides of the issue. So we decided to pose the question again. And again, you…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">TFK Press Club</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >What's Your Summer Goal?</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> July 18, 2024 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >Everyone’s summer looks different. For many kids, summertime is a period of rest and fun. Others use their time off school to learn a skill, play a summer sport, take interesting classes, or connect with family and friends. How are…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">Health</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Beat the Heat</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> July 9, 2024 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >Record-setting high temperatures are dangerous for your health. Whether you’re in the middle of a heat wave or just trying to get through one scorching day, you’ll need strategies to cool off and stay well. One of the most important…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">History</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >The History of Fireworks</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> July 1, 2024 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >Fireworks may seem like a very American tradition, especially on the 4th of July. But fireworks go back many years before the first American Independence Day celebration, which took place in 1777, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The earliest fireworks can be…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">Time Off</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Team Riley Returns</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> June 24, 2024 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >TFK Kid Reporter Sophia Zhang attended a screening of the new movie Inside Out 2. Read her thoughts below. Team Riley is back, in Inside Out 2, a sequel to 2015’s Inside Out. Joy, Sadness, Fear, Anger, and Disgust have…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">History</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >A Juneteenth Celebration</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> June 17, 2024 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >This story was originally published on June 15, 2021. It was updated on June 17, 2024. On June 19, people across the United States celebrate Juneteenth. The holiday commemorates the end of slavery in the U.S., in 1865. Juneteenth is…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">United States</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Bee Champ</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> June 3, 2024 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >On May 30, a seventh-grader from Tampa, Florida, became the 2024 Scripps National Spelling Bee champ. Bruhat Soma, 12, crushed a lightning tiebreaker round by spelling 29 words correctly in 90 seconds. The winning word was abseil. It’s a word…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="c-article-preview " > <div class="c-article-preview__image"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" > <div class="c-article-preview__image-container"> <img src="" alt=""/> </div> </a> </div> <div class="c-article-preview__wrapper"> <div class="c-article-preview__content"> <h3 class="c-article-preview__section"> <a href="">World</a> </h3> <h2 class="c-article-preview__title"> <a href="" >Ready, Set, Play!</a> </h2> <div class="c-article-preview__date"> May 31, 2024 </div> <p class="c-article-preview__text"> <a href="" tabindex="-1" >June 11 will mark the first-ever International Day of Play. On March 26, the United Nations adopted a resolution to create a day on which to honor play worldwide. Play is more than just a pastime for kids. It’s a…</a> </p> <div class="c-article-preview__availability"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon c-article-preview--audio"> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-image"></div> <div class="c-article-preview__icon-text">Audio</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <nav class="navigation pagination" aria-label="Posts"> <h2 class="screen-reader-text">Posts navigation</h2> <div class="nav-links"><a class="prev page-numbers" href="">Previous</a> <a class="page-numbers" href="">1</a> <a class="page-numbers" href="">2</a> <a class="page-numbers" href="">3</a> <span aria-current="page" class="page-numbers current">4</span> <a class="page-numbers" href="">5</a> <a class="page-numbers" href="">6</a> <a class="page-numbers" href="">7</a> <a class="page-numbers" href="">8</a> <span class="page-numbers dots">…</span> <a class="page-numbers" href="">50</a> <a class="next page-numbers" href="">Next</a></div> </nav> </div> </div> </div> </main> <!-- d6e5c47a495f6107cc2ee19d4ddc3a26e11967050d1e84a2df59300955eb6468|1730503478 --><footer class="c-footer dont-print"> <div class="site-container"> <div class="standard-container"> <nav> <ul class="c-footer__menu-items"> <li class="c-footer__menu-item"><a href="/contact-us/">Contact us</a></li> <li class="c-footer__menu-item"><a href="/privacy-policy/">Privacy policy</a></li> <li class="c-footer__menu-item"><a href="/privacy-policy/#_Toc54003735">California privacy</a></li> <li class="c-footer__menu-item"><a href="/terms-of-service/">Terms of Service</a></li> <li class="c-footer__menu-item"><a href="">Subscribe</a></li> <li class="c-footer__menu-item"><a href="">CLASSROOM INTERNATIONAL</a></li> </ul> </nav> <img src="" class="c-footer__logo" alt="TIME for Kids." /> <div class="horizontal-rule"></div> <div class="c-footer__legal"> <small>© 2024 TIME USA, LLC. 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