Annual Catalysis Conferences 2024 | Chemical Engineering Conferences | CatScience 2024

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The decision of abstract acceptance will be judged by a panel of expert reviewers and / or session chair and / or conference chairman emphasizing whether the findings and / or conclusions are novel and make useful contributions to the field.</p> <p class="text text-justify">The committee will determine whether the abstract is more appropriate for oral or poster presentation. Eligibility for oral or poster presentation will be determined by the total score (with adjustment for differential scoring behaviour between referees).</p> <p class="text text-justify">The committee operates a single / double-blind peer review process for all the abstracts submitted, where both the reviewer and the author remain anonymous.</p> <p class="text text-justify"><strong>The following are the steps that each abstract of CatScience-2024 undergoes during the process of peer review:</strong></p> <div> <p class="text text-justify">&#10004; All submitted abstracts are reviewed by the internal editorial team to ensure adherence to the conference scope and abstracts which have passed this initial screening are then assigned to the session chair / review committee for evaluation.</p> <p class="text text-justify">&#10004; The session chair / review committee decides whether reviews from appropriate independent experts / reviewers are needed to evaluate the abstract. External reviewer (s) evaluate the majority of the submissions, but it is up to the session chair / review committee to determine the number of reviews required.</p> <p class="text text-justify">&#10004; Once the reviews have been received, the session chair / review committee decides to accept or reject a manuscript, or to request revisions from the author in response to the reviewers’ comments. If the decision is minor revision or major revision, authors will be given 14 days to resubmit the revised abstract.</p> </div> <p class="text text-justify">Abstracts submitted by invited and/or keynote speakers will be reviewed by conference chairman.</p> <p class="text text-justify"><strong>Criteria to be Considered for Scoring</strong> <p> <p class="text text-justify">The abstract should be reviewed according to the following criteria:</p> <div> <p class="text text-justify">&#10004; Originality of concept/approach and level of innovativeness<br> &#10004; Significance/impact/relevance to conference theme<br> &#10004; Quality of research design/theoretical argument<br> &#10004; Conclusions and interpretations of results<br> &#10004; Presentation style: coherence and clarity of structure</p> </div> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div><!-- //.CONTAINER --> </div><!-- //.INNER --> </div> </section> <!--ABOUT END--> </div> </main> <script type="text/javascript"> function enquiry() { 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