Careers - TECH@CZI
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124.732 37.7514C125.163 37.2669 125.378 36.6344 125.378 35.8538V34.7637C125.378 34.6291 125.418 34.5215 125.499 34.4407C125.607 34.3331 125.728 34.2792 125.862 34.2792L130.586 34.4811C130.721 34.4811 130.828 34.5349 130.909 34.6426C131.017 34.7234 131.071 34.831 131.071 34.9656V35.3693C131.071 37.7918 130.331 39.7297 128.85 41.1832C127.37 42.6097 125.418 43.323 122.996 43.323ZM144.227 15.2228C144.227 15.0882 144.268 14.9805 144.348 14.8998C144.456 14.7921 144.577 14.7383 144.712 14.7383H149.435C149.57 14.7383 149.678 14.7921 149.758 14.8998C149.866 14.9805 149.92 15.0882 149.92 15.2228V42.5155C149.92 42.6501 149.866 42.7712 149.758 42.8789C149.678 42.9596 149.57 43 149.435 43H144.712C144.577 43 144.456 42.9596 144.348 42.8789C144.268 42.7712 144.227 42.6501 144.227 42.5155V31.4934C144.227 31.3589 144.16 31.2916 144.025 31.2916H139.988C139.853 31.2916 139.786 31.3589 139.786 31.4934V42.5155C139.786 42.6501 139.732 42.7712 139.625 42.8789C139.544 42.9596 139.436 43 139.302 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21.077C209.672 20.9693 209.618 20.8213 209.618 20.6329V15.3439C209.618 15.1555 209.672 15.0074 209.779 14.8998C209.887 14.7921 210.035 14.7383 210.223 14.7383H229.643C229.832 14.7383 229.98 14.7921 230.087 14.8998C230.195 15.0074 230.249 15.1555 230.249 15.3439V21.1577C230.249 21.4807 230.155 21.7364 229.966 21.9248L218.137 36.2576C218.083 36.3114 218.069 36.3652 218.096 36.4191C218.123 36.4729 218.177 36.4998 218.258 36.4998H229.643C229.832 36.4998 229.98 36.5536 230.087 36.6613C230.195 36.769 230.249 36.917 230.249 37.1054V42.3944C230.249 42.5828 230.195 42.7308 230.087 42.8385C229.98 42.9462 229.832 43 229.643 43H210.223ZM233.5 43C233.311 43 233.163 42.9462 233.056 42.8385C232.948 42.7308 232.894 42.5828 232.894 42.3944V15.3439C232.894 15.1555 232.948 15.0074 233.056 14.8998C233.163 14.7921 233.311 14.7383 233.5 14.7383H239.879C240.067 14.7383 240.215 14.7921 240.323 14.8998C240.431 15.0074 240.485 15.1555 240.485 15.3439V42.3944C240.485 42.5828 240.431 42.7308 240.323 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3.99716C12.9045 3.50011 12.5015 3.09717 12.0045 3.09717C11.5074 3.09717 11.1045 3.50011 11.1045 3.99716C11.1045 4.49421 11.5074 4.89715 12.0045 4.89715Z" fill="white"/> </svg> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" title="Threads"> <svg width="16" height="18" viewBox="0 0 16 18" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M12.1722 8.17907C12.0971 8.14264 12.0208 8.10757 11.9435 8.074C11.8089 5.56417 10.454 4.1273 8.17888 4.11259C8.16858 4.11253 8.15832 4.11253 8.14802 4.11253C6.78721 4.11253 5.65544 4.70045 4.95885 5.77028L6.21009 6.63904C6.73047 5.83992 7.54716 5.66956 8.14862 5.66956C8.15556 5.66956 8.16254 5.66956 8.16941 5.66962C8.91852 5.67446 9.4838 5.89491 9.84966 6.32482C10.1159 6.6378 10.294 7.07031 10.3822 7.61616C9.71799 7.5019 8.9997 7.46677 8.23183 7.51133C6.06876 7.63744 4.67817 8.91433 4.77156 10.6886C4.81896 11.5886 5.26194 12.3629 6.01885 12.8687C6.6588 13.2962 7.48303 13.5053 8.33965 13.458C9.47091 13.3952 10.3584 12.9584 10.9775 12.1596C11.4477 11.5529 11.7451 10.7668 11.8764 9.77629C12.4155 10.1056 12.8151 10.539 13.0357 11.0599C13.411 11.9455 13.4329 13.4007 12.2597 14.5871C11.2319 15.6265 9.99632 16.0761 8.12908 16.09C6.05782 16.0744 4.49135 15.4021 3.47288 14.0916C2.51916 12.8645 2.02627 11.0921 2.00788 8.82353C2.02627 6.55494 2.51916 4.7825 3.47288 3.5554C4.49135 2.24494 6.05779 1.57261 8.12906 1.55703C10.2153 1.57273 11.8091 2.24829 12.8666 3.56507C13.3851 4.21081 13.776 5.02287 14.0337 5.9697L15.5 5.57373C15.1876 4.40829 14.6961 3.40402 14.0272 2.57114C12.6715 0.882967 10.6888 0.0179364 8.13417 0H8.12394C5.57449 0.0178741 3.61399 0.886195 2.29693 2.58082C1.12493 4.08882 0.520377 6.1871 0.500064 8.81733L0.5 8.82353L0.500064 8.82973C0.520377 11.4599 1.12493 13.5583 2.29693 15.0663C3.61399 16.7608 5.57449 17.6292 8.12394 17.6471H8.13417C10.4008 17.6312 11.9984 17.0305 13.3146 15.6995C15.0366 13.9583 14.9848 11.7756 14.4172 10.4358C14.01 9.47491 13.2337 8.6945 12.1722 8.17907ZM8.25867 11.9032C7.31063 11.9573 6.32572 11.5266 6.27716 10.604C6.24116 9.92004 6.75809 9.1568 8.31685 9.06588C8.49536 9.05546 8.67053 9.05037 8.84261 9.05037C9.40879 9.05037 9.93847 9.10604 10.42 9.21259C10.2404 11.483 9.18686 11.8517 8.25867 11.9032Z" fill="white"/> </svg> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" title="Linkedin"> <svg width="14" height="14" viewBox="0 0 14 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M3.38044 1.8411C3.38044 2.63159 2.79797 3.25566 1.84105 3.25566C0.925736 3.25566 0.343262 2.63159 0.343262 1.8411C0.343262 1.0506 0.925736 0.426514 1.84105 0.426514C2.79797 0.426514 3.33883 1.0506 3.38044 1.8411ZM0.426471 13.5737V4.42059H3.25562V13.5737H0.426471ZM5.00303 7.33295C5.00303 6.20961 4.96143 5.2527 4.91982 4.42059H7.37453L7.49934 5.71037H7.54095C7.91539 5.1279 8.83071 4.21257 10.3701 4.21257C12.2423 4.21257 13.6569 5.46072 13.6569 8.16505V13.5737H10.8277V8.49792C10.8277 7.33297 10.4117 6.50085 9.37157 6.50085C8.58107 6.50085 8.12342 7.04173 7.91539 7.5826C7.83218 7.74902 7.83218 8.04026 7.83218 8.28989V13.5737H5.00303V7.33295Z" fill="white"/> </svg> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" title="Twitter"> <svg width="15" height="14" viewBox="0 0 15 14" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M8.81717 5.922L14.0193 0H12.7867L8.26767 5.14092L4.66092 0H0.5L5.95533 7.77467L0.5 13.9842H1.73258L6.50192 8.554L10.3117 13.9842H14.4726L8.81717 5.922ZM7.12842 7.84292L6.57483 7.06825L2.17708 0.91H4.07058L7.62075 5.88175L8.172 6.65642L12.7862 13.1186H10.8927L7.12842 7.84292Z" fill="white"/> </svg> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" title="YouTube"> <svg width="16" height="12" viewBox="0 0 16 12" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.8438 1.78125C14.4219 1.03125 14 0.890625 13.1094 0.84375C12.2187 0.796875 9.96877 0.75 8.00002 0.75C6.03127 0.75 3.78126 0.796875 2.89064 0.84375C2.00001 0.890625 1.53123 1.03125 1.15623 1.78125C0.734352 2.53125 0.500023 3.79688 0.500023 6C0.500023 8.20313 0.734352 9.46875 1.15623 10.2188C1.5781 10.9688 2.00001 11.1094 2.89064 11.1563C3.78126 11.2031 6.03127 11.25 8.00002 11.25C9.96877 11.25 12.2187 11.2031 13.1094 11.1563C14 11.1094 14.4688 10.9688 14.8438 10.2188C15.2656 9.46875 15.5 8.20313 15.5 6C15.4531 3.79688 15.2656 2.53125 14.8438 1.78125ZM6.49999 8.76563V3.28125L10.7656 6.04688L6.49999 8.76563Z" fill="white"/> </svg> </a> </li> <li> <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" title="GitHub"> <svg width="21" height="21" viewBox="0 0 21 21" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M19.1731 10.4C19.1731 9.22623 18.9122 8.11763 18.4557 7.00904C17.9993 5.96566 17.3471 4.9875 16.6298 4.27018C15.9125 3.55285 14.9343 2.90073 13.8909 2.44425C12.8476 1.98777 11.6738 1.72694 10.5 1.72694C9.32615 1.72694 8.21756 1.98777 7.10897 2.44425C6.06559 2.90073 5.08741 3.55285 4.37008 4.27018C3.65276 4.9875 3.00065 5.96566 2.54417 7.00904C2.08769 8.05242 1.82684 9.22623 1.82684 10.4C1.82684 12.2912 2.41375 13.9867 3.52234 15.5517C4.63094 17.1168 6.1308 18.1602 7.8915 18.6819V16.3995C7.36981 16.4647 7.10896 16.4647 6.97854 16.4647C6.00037 16.4647 5.28304 16.0082 4.89178 15.0953C4.76135 14.7692 4.56572 14.4431 4.37008 14.2475C4.30487 14.1823 4.23966 14.1171 4.10924 13.9867C3.97882 13.8562 3.84839 13.791 3.71797 13.6606C3.58755 13.5302 3.52234 13.465 3.52234 13.465C3.52234 13.3346 3.65276 13.3346 3.9136 13.3346C4.17445 13.3346 4.4353 13.3998 4.63093 13.5302C4.82657 13.6606 5.0222 13.791 5.15263 13.9867C5.28305 14.1823 5.41347 14.3779 5.6091 14.5736C5.73953 14.7692 5.93516 14.8996 6.1308 15.0301C6.32643 15.1605 6.58727 15.2257 6.91333 15.2257C7.3046 15.2257 7.63065 15.1605 8.02192 15.0301C8.15235 14.5084 8.4784 14.1171 8.86967 13.791C7.36981 13.6606 6.26121 13.2693 5.54389 12.6824C4.82656 12.0955 4.4353 11.0521 4.4353 9.61749C4.4353 8.57411 4.76135 7.66117 5.41347 6.94385C5.28305 6.55258 5.21783 6.1613 5.21783 5.77003C5.21783 5.24834 5.34826 4.72666 5.6091 4.27018C6.1308 4.27018 6.58727 4.33538 6.97854 4.53102C7.3698 4.72665 7.82629 4.98749 8.34798 5.37876C9.0653 5.24833 9.78263 5.11792 10.6304 5.11792C11.3477 5.11792 12.065 5.18314 12.7171 5.31356C13.2388 4.92229 13.6953 4.66144 14.0866 4.53102C14.4778 4.33538 14.9343 4.27018 15.456 4.27018C15.7169 4.72666 15.8473 5.24834 15.8473 5.77003C15.8473 6.1613 15.7821 6.55257 15.6517 6.87863C16.3038 7.59595 16.6298 8.50892 16.6298 9.5523C16.6298 10.9869 16.2386 11.9651 15.5212 12.6172C14.8039 13.2693 13.6953 13.5954 12.1954 13.7258C12.8476 14.1823 13.1084 14.7692 13.1084 15.4865V18.5515C14.9343 17.9646 16.369 16.9212 17.4776 15.4213C18.5862 13.9867 19.1731 12.2912 19.1731 10.4ZM20.8686 10.4C20.8686 12.2912 20.4121 14.0519 19.4991 15.6169C18.5862 17.2472 17.2819 18.4862 15.7169 19.3992C14.0866 20.3122 12.3911 20.7686 10.5 20.7686C8.60883 20.7686 6.84812 20.3122 5.28305 19.3992C3.65276 18.4862 2.41375 17.182 1.50079 15.6169C0.587827 13.9867 0.131344 12.2912 0.131344 10.4C0.131344 8.50891 0.587827 6.7482 1.50079 5.18313C2.41375 3.55285 3.71797 2.31384 5.28305 1.40088C6.91333 0.487921 8.60883 0.0314371 10.5 0.0314371C12.3911 0.0314371 14.1518 0.487921 15.7169 1.40088C17.3471 2.31384 18.5862 3.61806 19.4991 5.18313C20.4121 6.7482 20.8686 8.50891 20.8686 10.4Z" fill="white"/> </svg> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </header> <main> <div class="max-container content-wrapper"> <div class="careers__hero relative"> <div class="careers__hero-bg"> <div class="careers__hero__container flex a-c relative wrap"> <div class="careers__hero__title"> <h1>CZI TECH CAREERS</h1> <h2>Help Us Build A Better Future For Everyone</h2> <a href=",engineering,information-technology,infrastructure-security" class="btn rounded yellow"> <div class="button-cta__text">View Openings</div> </a> </div> <div class="careers__hero__quote"> <figure class="relative"> <img src="" alt="" /> </figure> <div class="careers__hero__quote__block relative"> <div class="quote-mark">“</div> <span>I love being able to contribute to positive change, and I feel we are able to do that at CZI.</span> </div> <div class="flex j-end"> <div class="careers__hero__quote__author relative"> <p class="careers__hero__quote__author__name">Justine Larsen</p> <p>Engineering Manager on the Imaging team in Science</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="image-1"> <img src=""/> </div> <div class="image-2"> <img src=""/> </div> <div class="image-3"> <img class="desktop" src=""/> <img class="mobile" src=""/> </div> </div> <div class="czi-logo"> <svg width="494" height="493" viewBox="0 0 494 493" fill="none" xmlns=""> <g style="mix-blend-mode:multiply"> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M241.535 227.6C224.802 239.201 205.218 246.518 177.964 247.062C145.165 247.739 120.542 226.082 118.26 194.131C117.056 177.135 122.791 160.848 134.39 148.434C145.989 135.966 161.77 129.004 178.851 128.839C187.503 128.757 196.662 130.547 204.521 133.908C204.521 133.908 202.366 151.77 201.7 159.792L228.637 159.981L233.485 119.733L225.88 114.99C211.714 106.291 195.394 101.71 178.63 101.817C154.26 102.064 130.841 112.334 114.299 130.06C97.5345 148.054 89.295 171.5 91.0696 195.974C92.5908 217.792 101.939 237.601 117.468 251.912C133.091 266.413 154.196 274.245 177.013 274.056C177.584 274.056 178.154 274.002 178.725 273.973C192.542 273.622 208.102 270.992 225.246 264.216L244.704 226.544C244.704 226.544 244.324 225.703 241.535 227.6Z" fill="#B0B0B0" fill-opacity="0.1"/> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M333.086 324.542L329.826 361.633L329.795 362.038C328.497 376.039 320.995 387.95 309.727 393.891C300.801 398.611 291.084 398.585 282.316 393.783C273.169 388.817 268.832 381.385 267.186 371.968C264.654 357.047 273.137 341.473 284.658 333.604L465.393 216.045C466.754 226.031 467.514 236.176 467.514 246.486C467.514 368.17 368.568 467.146 247.024 467.146C125.416 467.146 26.5181 368.17 26.5181 246.486C26.5181 124.83 125.416 25.8827 247.024 25.8827C337.897 25.8827 416.078 81.2312 449.788 160.019L471.85 145.696C433.234 59.8781 347.045 0 247.024 0C111.109 0 0.5 110.561 0.5 246.486C0.5 382.388 111.109 493 247.024 493C382.907 493 493.5 382.388 493.5 246.486C493.5 230.805 492.012 215.45 489.195 200.608C487.454 190.868 483.783 177.925 483.15 175.836L431.81 207.932L363.821 250.965C361.478 241.902 355.971 232.786 344.386 227.522C330.649 221.255 308.366 226.085 292.033 235.337C292.033 235.337 336.758 148.789 344.228 134.57C344.671 133.649 344.006 132.535 342.93 132.535L340.208 132.592V132.509H259.305L255.918 160.51L268.579 160.453H301.276L237.18 283.086C235.945 285.476 238.541 288.078 240.946 286.805L275.131 268.627C291.653 260.16 319.128 242.798 332.706 252.864C334.669 254.301 337.201 258.182 337.359 262.249C337.423 263.797 336.631 265.288 335.334 266.158L267.123 312.255C244.935 328.072 236.325 351.647 238.383 373.867C240.092 392.533 251.708 408.651 268.99 418.011C277.98 422.92 287.855 425.256 297.572 424.984C306.182 424.74 314.76 422.486 322.799 418.229C342.202 407.999 355.148 388.003 357.427 364.833L362.903 302.404L333.086 324.542Z" fill="#B0B0B0" fill-opacity="0.1"/> </g> </svg> </div> </div> </div> <div class="careers__why" id="content"> <div class="careers__why-bg"> <div class="careers__why__container flex relative"> <div class="careers__why__fixed"> <figure class="figure-1 absolute"> <img class="is-active" src=""> <p class="caption is-active">CZI builds Along, a free tool to help teachers build connection and amplify student voice. | Photograph by Foxes and Wolves </p> </figure> <figure class="figure-2 absolute"> <img class="" src=""> <p class="caption ">Jennifer Tang is a Product Design Manager at the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. | Photo by Dale Ramos. </p> </figure> <figure class="figure-3 absolute"> <img class="" src=""> <p class="caption ">Grantees collaborate during a working session at the CZI Essential Open Source Software for Science meeting. Photo by Scott Murphy, CZI. </p> </figure> <figure class="figure-4 absolute"> <img class="" src=""> <p class="caption ">Justin Taraska is working with a team of scientists to merge fluorescence and electron microscopy to visualize the structure of proteins and organelles at the cell’s surface. | Photo courtesy of The National Institutes of Health </p> </figure> </div> <div id="careers__why__text" class="careers__why__text"> <h2>WHY JOIN CZI?</h2> <div class="careers__why__text_slide relative"> <div class="careers__why__text__block section-1"> <h3 class="positively">Positively Impact the World</h3> <p><strong>SciTech</strong></p> <p>Work on game-changing open-source solutions that can accelerate the pace of progress in science and support our mission to eradicate all diseases by the end of the century.</p> <p><strong>EdTech</strong></p> <p>You’ll create products that build connections between teachers and students, and help all children receive exactly what they need to to be successful in school and to thrive beyond the classroom.</p> <p><strong>Central Tech</strong></p> <p>By developing secure platforms that help our partners and teams across CZI work faster and more efficiently, you will empower experts in the field, researchers, and product development teams to build a better future for everyone.</p> </div> <div class="careers__why__text__block section-2"> <h3 class="positively">Develop Your Career</h3> <p>Continue to invest in yourself to advance your career. Learn from our diversely skilled team through regular mentorship and enjoy access to professional development funding, training and innovation programs.</p> </div> <div class="careers__why__text__block section-3"> <h3 class="positively">Multidisciplinary Collaboration</h3> <p>Collaborate directly with other thought partners in the fields of education and science. From infectious disease experts to biomedical researchers, or child development experts to school leaders, we take an inclusive-design approach to address the needs of our communities.</p> </div> <div class="careers__why__text__block section-4"> <h3 class="positively">Taking On The Toughest Challenges</h3> <p>To truly move the needle our work is fueled by our mission (not by profits). We need big-picture visionaries, problem-solvers and risk-takers to make an impact and to build a better future for everyone.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="careers__why__container mobile flex relative"> <div id="careers__why__text" class="careers__why__text mobile"> <h2>WHY JOIN CZI?</h2> <div class="careers__why__text_slide mobile relative"> <h3 class="positively">Positively Impact the World</h3> <div class="careers__why__text__block section-1"> <figure class="figure-1 relative"> <div class="gradient"></div> <img class="is-active" src=""> <p class="caption is-active">CZI builds Along, a free tool to help teachers build connection and amplify student voice. | Photograph by Foxes and Wolves </p> </figure> <p><strong>SciTech</strong></p> <p>Work on game-changing open-source solutions that can accelerate the pace of progress in science and support our mission to eradicate all diseases by the end of the century.</p> <p><strong>EdTech</strong></p> <p>You’ll create products that build connections between teachers and students, and help all children receive exactly what they need to to be successful in school and to thrive beyond the classroom.</p> <p><strong>Central Tech</strong></p> <p>By developing secure platforms that help our partners and teams across CZI work faster and more efficiently, you will empower experts in the field, researchers, and product development teams to build a better future for everyone.</p> </div> <h3 class="positively">Develop Your Career</h3> <div class="careers__why__text__block section-2"> <figure class="figure-2 relative"> <div class="gradient"></div> <img class="" src=""> <p class="caption ">Jennifer Tang is a Product Design Manager at the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative. | Photo by Dale Ramos. </p> </figure> <p>Continue to invest in yourself to advance your career. Learn from our diversely skilled team through regular mentorship and enjoy access to professional development funding, training and innovation programs.</p> </div> <h3 class="positively">Multidisciplinary Collaboration</h3> <div class="careers__why__text__block section-3"> <figure class="figure-3 relative"> <div class="gradient"></div> <img class="" src=""> <p class="caption ">Grantees collaborate during a working session at the CZI Essential Open Source Software for Science meeting. Photo by Scott Murphy, CZI. </p> </figure> <p>Collaborate directly with other thought partners in the fields of education and science. From infectious disease experts to biomedical researchers, or child development experts to school leaders, we take an inclusive-design approach to address the needs of our communities.</p> </div> <h3 class="positively">Taking On The Toughest Challenges</h3> <div class="careers__why__text__block section-4"> <figure class="figure-4 relative"> <div class="gradient"></div> <img class="" src=""> <p class="caption ">Justin Taraska is working with a team of scientists to merge fluorescence and electron microscopy to visualize the structure of proteins and organelles at the cell’s surface. | Photo courtesy of The National Institutes of Health </p> </figure> <p>To truly move the needle our work is fueled by our mission (not by profits). We need big-picture visionaries, problem-solvers and risk-takers to make an impact and to build a better future for everyone.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="careers__inclusion"> <div class="careers__inclusion-bg"> <div class="careers__inclusion__container flex wrap relative"> <div class="careers__inclusion__text"> <h2>Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion</h2> <p>We believe that the strongest teams and best thinking are defined by the diversity of voices at the table — including those from historically marginalized groups. We are committed to fair treatment and equal access to opportunity for all CZI team members, and to maintaining a workplace where everyone feels welcomed, respected, supported, and valued. We have several employee resource groups to support our diverse workforce and two that are tech-focused, Sprouts (early career resource group) and Women In Tech.</p> <a href="" class="btn rounded yellow"> <div class="button-cta__text">Learn More</div> </a> </div> <div class="careers__inclusion__image absolute"> <figure class=""> <img src="" alt="" /> </figure> <div class="careers__inclusion__image__stats"> <div class="careers__inclusion__image__stats__cols flex wrap flex-1"> <div class="careers__inclusion__image__stats__col"> <h3>21%</h3> <p>of our technology team are from historically underrepresented groups*</p> </div> <div class="careers__inclusion__image__stats__col"> <h3>47%</h3> <p>of our technology team are women</p> </div> </div> <p class="footnote">*Black, Latinx, Native American, Pacific Islander, or two or more races.</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="careers__explore"> <div class="careers__explore-bg"> <div class="careers__explore__container relative"> <h2>We're Builders.<span class="red"> Explore our Tech roles.</span></h2> <div class="careers__explore__cols flex wrap"> <a href="" class="careers__explore__col"> <figure class="image"> <img class="" alt="engineering" src=""> </figure> <div class="text"> <h4>Engineering</h4> <p>Our software engineers and machine learning experts bring the best software development innovations to the tools we build.</p> </div> </a> <a href="" class="careers__explore__col"> <figure class="image"> <img class="" alt="Product" src=""> </figure> <div class="text"> <h4>Product</h4> <p>Our product managers drive collaboration with domain experts, partners, and the people we serve towards high-impact tools.</p> </div> </a> <a href="" class="careers__explore__col"> <figure class="image"> <img class="" alt="Design" src=""> </figure> <div class="text"> <h4>Design</h4> <p>Our designers, user researchers, and content strategists put communities at the center so we can deeply understand the contexts we build within.</p> </div> </a> <a href="" class="careers__explore__col"> <figure class="image"> <img class="" alt="Data & Analytics" src=""> </figure> <div class="text"> <h4>Data & Analytics</h4> <p>Our data scientists bring the grounding of data to advance decision-making within CZI and within the fields we work in.</p> </div> </a> <a href="" class="careers__explore__col"> <figure class="image"> <img class="" alt="Technical Program Management" src=""> </figure> <div class="text"> <h4>Technical Program Management</h4> <p>Our technical program managers drive strong execution across multiple engineering teams working on complicated problems.</p> </div> </a> <a href=",technical-program-management" class="careers__explore__col"> <figure class="image"> <img class="" alt="" src=""> </figure> <div class="text"> <h4>Strategic Program Management</h4> <p>Our program managers are experts in various domains such as security and work with various cross functional partners, teams and external organizations to solve high leverage problems in their area of expertise.</p> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="careers__explore__quote__block"> <div class="careers__explore__quote relative"> <h4>"At CZI, we prioritize more than technical fluency. Our hiring team seeks out candidates that are highly collaborative, inquisitive about our work, invested in the challenges we seek to overcome and deeply mission aligned."</h4> <div class="flex j-end"> <div class="careers__explore__quote__author relative"> <p class="careers__explore__quote__author__name">Susie Alvarez</p> <p>Head of Technology Recruiting</p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="careers__tech"> <div class="careers__tech-bg"> <div class="careers__tech__container flex wrap relative j-c"> <div class="careers__tech__image"> <div class="relative careers__tech__image__container"> <div id="product-design" class="sci-wheel-spoke product-design"></div> <div id="engineering" class="sci-wheel-spoke engineering"></div> <div id="ux" class="sci-wheel-spoke ux"></div> <div id="product-management" class="sci-wheel-spoke product-management"></div> <div id="computational-biology" class="sci-wheel-spoke computational-biology"></div> <div id="applied-research" class="sci-wheel-spoke applied-research"></div> <div id="data-science" class="sci-wheel-spoke data-science"></div> <img class="wheel-bg absolute" src=""> <img class="hover-spoke-sci relative" src=""> <img class="active-spoke-sci relative" src=""> </div> </div> <div class="careers__tech__text is-active"> <div sci-wheel="starter" class="careers__tech__text__container absolute is-active"> <h2>SCITECH</h2> <p>CZI isn’t your typical tech company. We stay close to challenges on the ground and the scientists that lead solutions. We work toward impact, rather than profit. Our team combines experience in industry and academia to innovate and promote best practices in software and product development, applying modern engineering and product methods to accelerate biomedical research.</p> <a href=",design,engineering,it,product,science-programs,technical-program-management,technology-operations&initiative=science" class="btn rounded yellow"> <div class="button-cta__text">View Openings</div> </a> <div class="careers__tech__text__container-under-cta"> <p>We are also hiring for roles in SciTech at the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Chan Zuckerberg Biohub Network</a>, including the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Chan Zuckerberg Institute for Advanced Biological Imaging</a>.</p> </div> </div> <div sci-wheel="product-design" class="careers__tech__text__container absolute"> <div class="careers__tech__text__container__back sci-back"> <svg width="16" height="9" viewBox="0 0 16 9" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M0.798392 3.98499C0.570591 4.21279 0.570591 4.58213 0.798392 4.80993L4.51063 8.52217C4.73843 8.74997 5.10777 8.74997 5.33557 8.52217C5.56337 8.29437 5.56337 7.92503 5.33557 7.69723L2.0358 4.39746L5.33557 1.09769C5.56337 0.869893 5.56337 0.500554 5.33557 0.272753C5.10777 0.0449509 4.73843 0.0449509 4.51063 0.272753L0.798392 3.98499ZM15.5049 3.81414L1.21086 3.81414L1.21086 4.98078L15.5049 4.98078L15.5049 3.81414Z" fill="#FF414B"/> </svg> <span>Back</span> </div> <h2>Product Design</h2> <p>Our in-house technology team consists of smaller product teams working on specific problems. These teams include product managers, engineers, data scientists, product designers, and UX researchers who work together to build tools and platforms that tackle science’s biggest challenges.</p> <p>Product designers work with product managers, engineers, and scientists to design and build impactful experiences to support the science and technology that will make it possible to cure, prevent, or manage all diseases by the end of this century. From start to finish, product designers are responsible for the entire design process: brainstorming solutions, iterating on interactions, creating visual polish, and giving design guidance to engineers as they implement.</p> <a href=",design,engineering,it,product,science-programs,technical-program-management,technology-operations&initiative=science" class="btn rounded yellow"> <div class="button-cta__text">View Openings</div> </a> </div> <div sci-wheel="engineering" class="careers__tech__text__container absolute"> <div class="careers__tech__text__container__back sci-back"> <svg width="16" height="9" viewBox="0 0 16 9" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M0.798392 3.98499C0.570591 4.21279 0.570591 4.58213 0.798392 4.80993L4.51063 8.52217C4.73843 8.74997 5.10777 8.74997 5.33557 8.52217C5.56337 8.29437 5.56337 7.92503 5.33557 7.69723L2.0358 4.39746L5.33557 1.09769C5.56337 0.869893 5.56337 0.500554 5.33557 0.272753C5.10777 0.0449509 4.73843 0.0449509 4.51063 0.272753L0.798392 3.98499ZM15.5049 3.81414L1.21086 3.81414L1.21086 4.98078L15.5049 4.98078L15.5049 3.81414Z" fill="#FF414B"/> </svg> <span>Back</span> </div> <h2>Engineering</h2> <p>Software engineers work closely with collaborative teams of scientists, engineers, product managers, designers, and user experience researchers to build software that accelerates the pace of biological science. For example, engineers on our single-cell biology team build end-to-end software solutions, including petabyte-scale data archives, analysis pipelines, and scientific visualization systems, with a domain focus on molecular and cellular-scale measurement of biological systems.</p> <a href=",design,engineering,it,product,science-programs,technical-program-management,technology-operations&initiative=science" class="btn rounded yellow"> <div class="button-cta__text">View Openings</div> </a> </div> <div sci-wheel="ux" class="careers__tech__text__container absolute"> <div class="careers__tech__text__container__back sci-back"> <svg width="16" height="9" viewBox="0 0 16 9" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M0.798392 3.98499C0.570591 4.21279 0.570591 4.58213 0.798392 4.80993L4.51063 8.52217C4.73843 8.74997 5.10777 8.74997 5.33557 8.52217C5.56337 8.29437 5.56337 7.92503 5.33557 7.69723L2.0358 4.39746L5.33557 1.09769C5.56337 0.869893 5.56337 0.500554 5.33557 0.272753C5.10777 0.0449509 4.73843 0.0449509 4.51063 0.272753L0.798392 3.98499ZM15.5049 3.81414L1.21086 3.81414L1.21086 4.98078L15.5049 4.98078L15.5049 3.81414Z" fill="#FF414B"/> </svg> <span>Back</span> </div> <h2>User Experience Research</h2> <p>Our user experience (UX) research team conducts rigorous, mixed-methods research to better understand the needs of the scientific community when it comes to fostering faster-paced and more open, collaborative scientific discovery. UX researchers generate and iterate on human-centered design solutions to meet the needs of the scientific community in the spirit of advancing science.</p> <a href=",design,engineering,it,product,science-programs,technical-program-management,technology-operations&initiative=science" class="btn rounded yellow"> <div class="button-cta__text">View Openings</div> </a> </div> <div sci-wheel="product-management" class="careers__tech__text__container absolute"> <div class="careers__tech__text__container__back sci-back"> <svg width="16" height="9" viewBox="0 0 16 9" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M0.798392 3.98499C0.570591 4.21279 0.570591 4.58213 0.798392 4.80993L4.51063 8.52217C4.73843 8.74997 5.10777 8.74997 5.33557 8.52217C5.56337 8.29437 5.56337 7.92503 5.33557 7.69723L2.0358 4.39746L5.33557 1.09769C5.56337 0.869893 5.56337 0.500554 5.33557 0.272753C5.10777 0.0449509 4.73843 0.0449509 4.51063 0.272753L0.798392 3.98499ZM15.5049 3.81414L1.21086 3.81414L1.21086 4.98078L15.5049 4.98078L15.5049 3.81414Z" fill="#FF414B"/> </svg> <span>Back</span> </div> <h2>Product Management</h2> <p>At CZI Science, our Product team focuses on opportunities to deliver and scale value and impact, not profit. We deliver products that accelerate science, identify products that would be underfunded as commercial ventures, and build scientific communities by collaborating and leveraging technology. Product managers incubate, resource, and lead products in all stages of the development cycle.</p> <a href=",design,engineering,it,product,science-programs,technical-program-management,technology-operations&initiative=science" class="btn rounded yellow"> <div class="button-cta__text">View Openings</div> </a> </div> <div sci-wheel="computational-biology" class="careers__tech__text__container absolute"> <div class="careers__tech__text__container__back sci-back"> <svg width="16" height="9" viewBox="0 0 16 9" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M0.798392 3.98499C0.570591 4.21279 0.570591 4.58213 0.798392 4.80993L4.51063 8.52217C4.73843 8.74997 5.10777 8.74997 5.33557 8.52217C5.56337 8.29437 5.56337 7.92503 5.33557 7.69723L2.0358 4.39746L5.33557 1.09769C5.56337 0.869893 5.56337 0.500554 5.33557 0.272753C5.10777 0.0449509 4.73843 0.0449509 4.51063 0.272753L0.798392 3.98499ZM15.5049 3.81414L1.21086 3.81414L1.21086 4.98078L15.5049 4.98078L15.5049 3.81414Z" fill="#FF414B"/> </svg> <span>Back</span> </div> <h2>Computational Biology</h2> <p>Computational biologists advance our work in single-cell biology, microscopy and medical imaging, metagenomics, neurodegeneration, and more. Computational biologists bring domain expertise in specific biological areas—along with modern computational and statistical methods like data analysis and open-source software—to CZI’s grantmaking and to our grantees.</p> <a href=",design,engineering,it,product,science-programs,technical-program-management,technology-operations&initiative=science" class="btn rounded yellow"> <div class="button-cta__text">View Openings</div> </a> </div> <div sci-wheel="applied-research" class="careers__tech__text__container absolute"> <div class="careers__tech__text__container__back sci-back"> <svg width="16" height="9" viewBox="0 0 16 9" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M0.798392 3.98499C0.570591 4.21279 0.570591 4.58213 0.798392 4.80993L4.51063 8.52217C4.73843 8.74997 5.10777 8.74997 5.33557 8.52217C5.56337 8.29437 5.56337 7.92503 5.33557 7.69723L2.0358 4.39746L5.33557 1.09769C5.56337 0.869893 5.56337 0.500554 5.33557 0.272753C5.10777 0.0449509 4.73843 0.0449509 4.51063 0.272753L0.798392 3.98499ZM15.5049 3.81414L1.21086 3.81414L1.21086 4.98078L15.5049 4.98078L15.5049 3.81414Z" fill="#FF414B"/> </svg> <span>Back</span> </div> <h2>Applied Research and Application Science</h2> <p>Application scientists collaborate with CZI’s scientific networks, collaborators, and partners to ensure that they can successfully utilize CZI software in their work. With their technical and scientific expertise, they build computational tools and engage with a global community of biomedical researchers, onboarding new scientist users and building a community around our product applications.</p> <a href=",design,engineering,it,product,science-programs,technical-program-management,technology-operations&initiative=science" class="btn rounded yellow"> <div class="button-cta__text">View Openings</div> </a> </div> <div sci-wheel="data-science" class="careers__tech__text__container absolute"> <div class="careers__tech__text__container__back sci-back"> <svg width="16" height="9" viewBox="0 0 16 9" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M0.798392 3.98499C0.570591 4.21279 0.570591 4.58213 0.798392 4.80993L4.51063 8.52217C4.73843 8.74997 5.10777 8.74997 5.33557 8.52217C5.56337 8.29437 5.56337 7.92503 5.33557 7.69723L2.0358 4.39746L5.33557 1.09769C5.56337 0.869893 5.56337 0.500554 5.33557 0.272753C5.10777 0.0449509 4.73843 0.0449509 4.51063 0.272753L0.798392 3.98499ZM15.5049 3.81414L1.21086 3.81414L1.21086 4.98078L15.5049 4.98078L15.5049 3.81414Z" fill="#FF414B"/> </svg> <span>Back</span> </div> <h2>Data Science and Analytics</h2> <p>Data scientists design and build data structures, data pipelines, and dashboards that support our tools, working cross-functionally to understand data needs. They also design experiments, collect and analyze data to assess progress, and gain insights to inform the strategy and direction of critical technologies for science.</p> <a href=",design,engineering,it,product,technical-program-management" class="btn rounded yellow"> <div class="button-cta__text">View Openings</div> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="careers__tech__container mobile-reverse flex wrap relative j-c"> <div class="careers__tech__text is-active left"> <div ed-wheel="starter" class="careers__tech__text__container absolute is-active"> <h2>EDTECH</h2> <p>We bring together pedagogical experts, learning scientists and software product development teams to create tools for educators that enable them to better engage students and achieve whole child outcomes.</p> <ul> <li>Partner with <a href="">Gradient Learning</a> to create learning experiences and tools like those found in <a href="">Summit Learning</a> and <a href="">Along</a> to help teachers differentiate learning experiences equitably and foster strong connections with their students</li> <li>Expand access to educational models grounded in the science of learning and development</li> </ul> <a href=",design,engineering,it,product,science-programs,technical-program-management,technology-operations&initiative=education" class="btn rounded yellow"> <div class="button-cta__text">View Openings</div> </a> </div> <div ed-wheel="improving" class="careers__tech__text__container absolute"> <div class="careers__tech__text__container__back ed-back"> <svg width="16" height="9" viewBox="0 0 16 9" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M0.798392 3.98499C0.570591 4.21279 0.570591 4.58213 0.798392 4.80993L4.51063 8.52217C4.73843 8.74997 5.10777 8.74997 5.33557 8.52217C5.56337 8.29437 5.56337 7.92503 5.33557 7.69723L2.0358 4.39746L5.33557 1.09769C5.56337 0.869893 5.56337 0.500554 5.33557 0.272753C5.10777 0.0449509 4.73843 0.0449509 4.51063 0.272753L0.798392 3.98499ZM15.5049 3.81414L1.21086 3.81414L1.21086 4.98078L15.5049 4.98078L15.5049 3.81414Z" fill="#FF414B"/> </svg> <span>Back</span> </div> <h2>Continuously improving with evidence</h2> <p>We believe in a data-driven approach to building products and research based on human development and learning science. Every team includes educators, learning scientists, and data scientists to evaluate the impact of our products.</p> <a href=",design,engineering,it,product,science-programs,technical-program-management,technology-operations&initiative=education" class="btn rounded yellow"> <div class="button-cta__text">View Openings</div> </a> </div> <div ed-wheel="building" class="careers__tech__text__container absolute"> <div class="careers__tech__text__container__back ed-back"> <svg width="16" height="9" viewBox="0 0 16 9" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M0.798392 3.98499C0.570591 4.21279 0.570591 4.58213 0.798392 4.80993L4.51063 8.52217C4.73843 8.74997 5.10777 8.74997 5.33557 8.52217C5.56337 8.29437 5.56337 7.92503 5.33557 7.69723L2.0358 4.39746L5.33557 1.09769C5.56337 0.869893 5.56337 0.500554 5.33557 0.272753C5.10777 0.0449509 4.73843 0.0449509 4.51063 0.272753L0.798392 3.98499ZM15.5049 3.81414L1.21086 3.81414L1.21086 4.98078L15.5049 4.98078L15.5049 3.81414Z" fill="#FF414B"/> </svg> <span>Back</span> </div> <h2>Building the best learning experience – for every kid</h2> <p>Our funding model allows us to put the student’s experience above all else and not be constrained by market pressures. We want to help transform classrooms so that every student gets the individualized support they need. We partner with learning scientists, human development experts, and educators to build a product that will work for all students and teachers across a wide range of skill levels, readiness, and socioeconomic backgrounds.</p> <a href=",design,engineering,it,product,science-programs,technical-program-management,technology-operations&initiative=education" class="btn rounded yellow"> <div class="button-cta__text">View Openings</div> </a> </div> <div ed-wheel="empowering" class="careers__tech__text__container absolute"> <div class="careers__tech__text__container__back ed-back"> <svg width="16" height="9" viewBox="0 0 16 9" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M0.798392 3.98499C0.570591 4.21279 0.570591 4.58213 0.798392 4.80993L4.51063 8.52217C4.73843 8.74997 5.10777 8.74997 5.33557 8.52217C5.56337 8.29437 5.56337 7.92503 5.33557 7.69723L2.0358 4.39746L5.33557 1.09769C5.56337 0.869893 5.56337 0.500554 5.33557 0.272753C5.10777 0.0449509 4.73843 0.0449509 4.51063 0.272753L0.798392 3.98499ZM15.5049 3.81414L1.21086 3.81414L1.21086 4.98078L15.5049 4.98078L15.5049 3.81414Z" fill="#FF414B"/> </svg> <span>Back</span> </div> <h2>Empowering teachers</h2> <p>We work with the Summit Learning Program to build tools that allow teachers to customize instruction to meet each of their student’s individual needs and develop deeper relationships with their students. With the relevant data and resources.</p> <a href=",design,engineering,it,product,science-programs,technical-program-management,technology-operations&initiative=education" class="btn rounded yellow"> <div class="button-cta__text">View Openings</div> </a> </div> <div ed-wheel="investing" class="careers__tech__text__container absolute"> <div class="careers__tech__text__container__back ed-back"> <svg width="16" height="9" viewBox="0 0 16 9" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M0.798392 3.98499C0.570591 4.21279 0.570591 4.58213 0.798392 4.80993L4.51063 8.52217C4.73843 8.74997 5.10777 8.74997 5.33557 8.52217C5.56337 8.29437 5.56337 7.92503 5.33557 7.69723L2.0358 4.39746L5.33557 1.09769C5.56337 0.869893 5.56337 0.500554 5.33557 0.272753C5.10777 0.0449509 4.73843 0.0449509 4.51063 0.272753L0.798392 3.98499ZM15.5049 3.81414L1.21086 3.81414L1.21086 4.98078L15.5049 4.98078L15.5049 3.81414Z" fill="#FF414B"/> </svg> <span>Back</span> </div> <h2>Investing in privacy and security</h2> <p>We care deeply about privacy and security and build such considerations into our product development process from the beginning. If you’re interested in learning more, take a look at our <a href="">Education Privacy Principles</a>.</p> <a href=",design,engineering,it,product,science-programs,technical-program-management,technology-operations&initiative=education" class="btn rounded yellow"> <div class="button-cta__text">View Openings</div> </a> </div> <div ed-wheel="preparing" class="careers__tech__text__container absolute"> <div class="careers__tech__text__container__back ed-back"> <svg width="16" height="9" viewBox="0 0 16 9" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M0.798392 3.98499C0.570591 4.21279 0.570591 4.58213 0.798392 4.80993L4.51063 8.52217C4.73843 8.74997 5.10777 8.74997 5.33557 8.52217C5.56337 8.29437 5.56337 7.92503 5.33557 7.69723L2.0358 4.39746L5.33557 1.09769C5.56337 0.869893 5.56337 0.500554 5.33557 0.272753C5.10777 0.0449509 4.73843 0.0449509 4.51063 0.272753L0.798392 3.98499ZM15.5049 3.81414L1.21086 3.81414L1.21086 4.98078L15.5049 4.98078L15.5049 3.81414Z" fill="#FF414B"/> </svg> <span>Back</span> </div> <h2>Preparing students for life beyond school</h2> <p>We believe that students need to learn more in school than what is measured on standardized tests. Our tools help students set and track progress towards short- and long-term goals, make plans, demonstrate mastery when ready, and reflect on their learning with mentors. Through projects, students work with their teachers to apply knowledge, concepts, and skills to real-world scenarios they’ll encounter in life after school.</p> <a href=",design,engineering,it,product,science-programs,technical-program-management,technology-operations&initiative=education" class="btn rounded yellow"> <div class="button-cta__text">View Openings</div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="careers__tech__image"> <div class="relative careers__tech__image__container"> <div id="improving" class="ed-wheel-spoke improving"></div> <div id="building" class="ed-wheel-spoke building"></div> <div id="empowering" class="ed-wheel-spoke empowering"></div> <div id="investing" class="ed-wheel-spoke investing"></div> <div id="preparing" class="ed-wheel-spoke preparing"></div> <img class="wheel-bg absolute" src=""> <img class="hover-spoke-ed relative" src=""> <img class="active-spoke-ed relative" src=""> </div> </div> </div> <div class="careers__tech__container flex wrap relative j-c"> <div class="careers__tech__image"> <div class="relative careers__tech__image__container"> <div id="security" class="central-wheel-spoke security"></div> <div id="stack" class="central-wheel-spoke stack"></div> <div id="scale" class="central-wheel-spoke scale"></div> <div id="open" class="central-wheel-spoke open"></div> <img class="wheel-bg absolute" src=""> <img class="hover-spoke-central relative" src=""> <img class="active-spoke-central relative" src=""> </div> </div> <div class="careers__tech__text is-active"> <div central-wheel="starter" class="careers__tech__text__container absolute is-active"> <h2>Central Tech</h2> <p>The Central Technology organization builds stability, security, and shared solutions into our everyday work and infrastructure. We give our teams the solid foundation they need to focus on solving big problems — equipping Science and Education with solutions to build for the long term. Our team also works closely with partner organizations to support them in their technology needs.</p> <p>We bring together a diverse group of engineers, technical program managers, and operational experts who work across all of CZI through our Infrastructure Engineering, Information Security, and Information Technology teams.</p> <a href=",design,engineering,it,product,science-programs,technical-program-management,technology-operations&initiative=central" class="btn rounded yellow"> <div class="button-cta__text">View Openings</div> </a> </div> <div central-wheel="security" class="careers__tech__text__container absolute"> <div class="careers__tech__text__container__back central-back"> <svg width="16" height="9" viewBox="0 0 16 9" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M0.798392 3.98499C0.570591 4.21279 0.570591 4.58213 0.798392 4.80993L4.51063 8.52217C4.73843 8.74997 5.10777 8.74997 5.33557 8.52217C5.56337 8.29437 5.56337 7.92503 5.33557 7.69723L2.0358 4.39746L5.33557 1.09769C5.56337 0.869893 5.56337 0.500554 5.33557 0.272753C5.10777 0.0449509 4.73843 0.0449509 4.51063 0.272753L0.798392 3.98499ZM15.5049 3.81414L1.21086 3.81414L1.21086 4.98078L15.5049 4.98078L15.5049 3.81414Z" fill="#FF414B"/> </svg> <span>Back</span> </div> <h2>Security is Paramount</h2> <p>At CZI, we build privacy and security into all of our work from day one. Our infrastructure teams work closely across the organization to keep information secure and cultivate a culture of next-generation security knowledge and practices.</p> <a href=",design,engineering,it,product,science-programs,technical-program-management,technology-operations&initiative=central" class="btn rounded yellow"> <div class="button-cta__text">View Openings</div> </a> </div> <div central-wheel="stack" class="careers__tech__text__container absolute"> <div class="careers__tech__text__container__back central-back"> <svg width="16" height="9" viewBox="0 0 16 9" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M0.798392 3.98499C0.570591 4.21279 0.570591 4.58213 0.798392 4.80993L4.51063 8.52217C4.73843 8.74997 5.10777 8.74997 5.33557 8.52217C5.56337 8.29437 5.56337 7.92503 5.33557 7.69723L2.0358 4.39746L5.33557 1.09769C5.56337 0.869893 5.56337 0.500554 5.33557 0.272753C5.10777 0.0449509 4.73843 0.0449509 4.51063 0.272753L0.798392 3.98499ZM15.5049 3.81414L1.21086 3.81414L1.21086 4.98078L15.5049 4.98078L15.5049 3.81414Z" fill="#FF414B"/> </svg> <span>Back</span> </div> <h2>Use Our Stack</h2> <p>One of the most powerful things our Shared Infrastructure Engineering team does is create automation tools that all of our engineers can use, even if they’re not infrastructure specialists. We’ve begun sharing these tools starting with <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">cztack</a> and <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">fogg</a>, to help build and manage infrastructure across all of our teams, while ensuring everything being shipped across CZI is consistently reliable and secure.</p> <a href=",design,engineering,it,product,science-programs,technical-program-management,technology-operations&initiative=central" class="btn rounded yellow"> <div class="button-cta__text">View Openings</div> </a> </div> <div central-wheel="scale" class="careers__tech__text__container absolute"> <div class="careers__tech__text__container__back central-back"> <svg width="16" height="9" viewBox="0 0 16 9" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M0.798392 3.98499C0.570591 4.21279 0.570591 4.58213 0.798392 4.80993L4.51063 8.52217C4.73843 8.74997 5.10777 8.74997 5.33557 8.52217C5.56337 8.29437 5.56337 7.92503 5.33557 7.69723L2.0358 4.39746L5.33557 1.09769C5.56337 0.869893 5.56337 0.500554 5.33557 0.272753C5.10777 0.0449509 4.73843 0.0449509 4.51063 0.272753L0.798392 3.98499ZM15.5049 3.81414L1.21086 3.81414L1.21086 4.98078L15.5049 4.98078L15.5049 3.81414Z" fill="#FF414B"/> </svg> <span>Back</span> </div> <h2>Enable Our Operations to Scale</h2> <div class="text-read-more__content"> <div class="thumbnail-list__content-padding-block t-body--large "> <p>We build systems that allow for hundreds of millions of dollars in grants to be made every year, for our initiative teams to communicate with the communities they serve, and for teams across CZI to scale their operations through building software and integrating great third-party products.</p> <p> </p> </div> </div> <div class="text-read-more__cta color--red t-small-headline"></div> <a href=",design,engineering,it,product,science-programs,technical-program-management,technology-operations&initiative=central" class="btn rounded yellow"> <div class="button-cta__text">View Openings</div> </a> </div> <div central-wheel="open" class="careers__tech__text__container absolute"> <div class="careers__tech__text__container__back central-back"> <svg width="16" height="9" viewBox="0 0 16 9" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M0.798392 3.98499C0.570591 4.21279 0.570591 4.58213 0.798392 4.80993L4.51063 8.52217C4.73843 8.74997 5.10777 8.74997 5.33557 8.52217C5.56337 8.29437 5.56337 7.92503 5.33557 7.69723L2.0358 4.39746L5.33557 1.09769C5.56337 0.869893 5.56337 0.500554 5.33557 0.272753C5.10777 0.0449509 4.73843 0.0449509 4.51063 0.272753L0.798392 3.98499ZM15.5049 3.81414L1.21086 3.81414L1.21086 4.98078L15.5049 4.98078L15.5049 3.81414Z" fill="#FF414B"/> </svg> <span>Back</span> </div> <h2>Open Source</h2> <p><p>We <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">make the infrastructure systems we build available as Open Source</a>, share best practices and guides on running modern systems, and generally optimize for problem-solving together.</p> </p> <a href=",design,engineering,it,product,science-programs,technical-program-management,technology-operations&initiative=central" class="btn rounded yellow"> <div class="button-cta__text">View Openings</div> </a> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="careers__benefits"> <div class="careers__benefits-bg"> <div class="careers__benefits__container relative"> <h2>Benefits for the whole you</h2> <div class="careers__benefits__slider flex"> <div class="careers__benefits__slider__left"> <div class="careers__benefits__toggle__titles"> <a data-target="0" class="active"> <span> Rejuvenate </span> </a> <a data-target="1" class=""> <span> Live The Mission </span> </a> <a data-target="2" class=""> <span> Feed Your Brain </span> </a> <a data-target="3" class=""> <span> Get Financially Fit </span> </a> <a data-target="4" class=""> <span> Be Well </span> </a> </div> <a href=",design,engineering,it,product,technical-program-management" class="btn rounded yellow"> <div class="button-cta__text">View Openings</div> </a> </div> <div class="careers__benefits__slider__right"> <div class="careers__benefits__toggle__slides"> <div class="careers__benefits__toggle__slides__container flex wrap"> <div class="careers__benefits__toggle__slides__container__col"> <div class="flex"> <svg width="29" height="29" viewBox="0 0 29 29" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.5 25.375C20.5061 25.375 25.375 20.5061 25.375 14.5C25.375 8.4939 20.5061 3.625 14.5 3.625C8.4939 3.625 3.625 8.4939 3.625 14.5C3.625 20.5061 8.4939 25.375 14.5 25.375Z" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M19.3465 11.337L14.0812 18.3586C13.8443 18.6737 13.4825 18.8706 13.0893 18.8984C12.6961 18.9262 12.3101 18.7822 12.0312 18.5036L9.3125 15.7849" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> <span>Generous Time Off</span> </div> <ul> <li>Paid holidays</li> <li>Paid vacation time off</li> <li>Paid sick time off</li> <li>Paid jury duty time off</li> <li>Paid parental leave</li> <li>Paid pregnancy disability leave</li> <li>Paid family care leave</li> <li>Paid medical leave</li> </ul> </div> <div class="careers__benefits__toggle__slides__container__col"> <div class="flex"> <svg width="29" height="29" viewBox="0 0 29 29" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.5 25.375C20.5061 25.375 25.375 20.5061 25.375 14.5C25.375 8.4939 20.5061 3.625 14.5 3.625C8.4939 3.625 3.625 8.4939 3.625 14.5C3.625 20.5061 8.4939 25.375 14.5 25.375Z" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M19.3465 11.337L14.0812 18.3586C13.8443 18.6737 13.4825 18.8706 13.0893 18.8984C12.6961 18.9262 12.3101 18.7822 12.0312 18.5036L9.3125 15.7849" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> <span>Ease Back from Parental Leave</span> </div> <p>Our parental leave allows new parents returning to work the option of working part-time for up to four weeks after their initial return to work</p> </div> </div> <div class="careers__benefits__toggle__slides__container flex wrap"> <div class="careers__benefits__toggle__slides__container__col"> <div class="flex"> <svg width="29" height="29" viewBox="0 0 29 29" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.5 25.375C20.5061 25.375 25.375 20.5061 25.375 14.5C25.375 8.4939 20.5061 3.625 14.5 3.625C8.4939 3.625 3.625 8.4939 3.625 14.5C3.625 20.5061 8.4939 25.375 14.5 25.375Z" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M19.3465 11.337L14.0812 18.3586C13.8443 18.6737 13.4825 18.8706 13.0893 18.8984C12.6961 18.9262 12.3101 18.7822 12.0312 18.5036L9.3125 15.7849" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> <span>Matching Gift Program</span> </div> <p>CZI matches qualified donations to 501(c)(3) organizations by employees 1:1 up to an annual maximum amount.</p> </div> <div class="careers__benefits__toggle__slides__container__col"> <div class="flex"> <svg width="29" height="29" viewBox="0 0 29 29" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.5 25.375C20.5061 25.375 25.375 20.5061 25.375 14.5C25.375 8.4939 20.5061 3.625 14.5 3.625C8.4939 3.625 3.625 8.4939 3.625 14.5C3.625 20.5061 8.4939 25.375 14.5 25.375Z" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M19.3465 11.337L14.0812 18.3586C13.8443 18.6737 13.4825 18.8706 13.0893 18.8984C12.6961 18.9262 12.3101 18.7822 12.0312 18.5036L9.3125 15.7849" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> <span>Life of Services Gifts</span> </div> <p>CZI Life of Service Gifts are awarded to employees to ‘live the mission’ and support the causes closet to them. These gifts are awarded following key anniversaries. Employees may direct the gift to the 501(c)(3) of their choice in their name.</p> </div> <div class="careers__benefits__toggle__slides__container__col"> <div class="flex"> <svg width="29" height="29" viewBox="0 0 29 29" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.5 25.375C20.5061 25.375 25.375 20.5061 25.375 14.5C25.375 8.4939 20.5061 3.625 14.5 3.625C8.4939 3.625 3.625 8.4939 3.625 14.5C3.625 20.5061 8.4939 25.375 14.5 25.375Z" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M19.3465 11.337L14.0812 18.3586C13.8443 18.6737 13.4825 18.8706 13.0893 18.8984C12.6961 18.9262 12.3101 18.7822 12.0312 18.5036L9.3125 15.7849" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> <a href=""> <span>New — Explore Giving Stories</span> <span class="link"> <svg width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M30.5068 17.5068C31.339 16.6746 31.339 15.3254 30.5068 14.4932L16.9455 0.931891C16.1133 0.0997027 14.7641 0.0997027 13.9319 0.931891C13.0997 1.76408 13.0997 3.11332 13.9319 3.94551L25.9864 16L13.9319 28.0545C13.0997 28.8867 13.0997 30.2359 13.9319 31.0681C14.7641 31.9003 16.1133 31.9003 16.9455 31.0681L30.5068 17.5068ZM0 18.131H29V13.869H0L0 18.131Z" fill="#FFC843"/> </svg> </span> </a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="careers__benefits__toggle__slides__container flex wrap"> <div class="careers__benefits__toggle__slides__container__col"> <div class="flex"> <svg width="29" height="29" viewBox="0 0 29 29" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.5 25.375C20.5061 25.375 25.375 20.5061 25.375 14.5C25.375 8.4939 20.5061 3.625 14.5 3.625C8.4939 3.625 3.625 8.4939 3.625 14.5C3.625 20.5061 8.4939 25.375 14.5 25.375Z" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M19.3465 11.337L14.0812 18.3586C13.8443 18.6737 13.4825 18.8706 13.0893 18.8984C12.6961 18.9262 12.3101 18.7822 12.0312 18.5036L9.3125 15.7849" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> <span>Professional Development Allowance </span> </div> <p>To support employees in growing their skills, knowledge, and abilities, CZI provides a professional development allowance to reimburse employees for eligible professional development expenses.</p> </div> <div class="careers__benefits__toggle__slides__container__col"> <div class="flex"> <svg width="29" height="29" viewBox="0 0 29 29" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.5 25.375C20.5061 25.375 25.375 20.5061 25.375 14.5C25.375 8.4939 20.5061 3.625 14.5 3.625C8.4939 3.625 3.625 8.4939 3.625 14.5C3.625 20.5061 8.4939 25.375 14.5 25.375Z" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M19.3465 11.337L14.0812 18.3586C13.8443 18.6737 13.4825 18.8706 13.0893 18.8984C12.6961 18.9262 12.3101 18.7822 12.0312 18.5036L9.3125 15.7849" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> <span>On-demand Learning (LinkedIn Learning)</span> </div> <p>CZI provides unlimited access to LinkedIn Learning, an on-demand learning solution designed to help employees gain new skills and advance their career.</p> </div> </div> <div class="careers__benefits__toggle__slides__container flex wrap"> <div class="careers__benefits__toggle__slides__container__col"> <div class="flex"> <svg width="29" height="29" viewBox="0 0 29 29" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.5 25.375C20.5061 25.375 25.375 20.5061 25.375 14.5C25.375 8.4939 20.5061 3.625 14.5 3.625C8.4939 3.625 3.625 8.4939 3.625 14.5C3.625 20.5061 8.4939 25.375 14.5 25.375Z" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M19.3465 11.337L14.0812 18.3586C13.8443 18.6737 13.4825 18.8706 13.0893 18.8984C12.6961 18.9262 12.3101 18.7822 12.0312 18.5036L9.3125 15.7849" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> <span>401(k) Retirement Plan</span> </div> <p>CZI Provides a generous match on employee 401(k) contributions to support planning for the future.</p> </div> <div class="careers__benefits__toggle__slides__container__col"> <div class="flex"> <svg width="29" height="29" viewBox="0 0 29 29" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.5 25.375C20.5061 25.375 25.375 20.5061 25.375 14.5C25.375 8.4939 20.5061 3.625 14.5 3.625C8.4939 3.625 3.625 8.4939 3.625 14.5C3.625 20.5061 8.4939 25.375 14.5 25.375Z" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M19.3465 11.337L14.0812 18.3586C13.8443 18.6737 13.4825 18.8706 13.0893 18.8984C12.6961 18.9262 12.3101 18.7822 12.0312 18.5036L9.3125 15.7849" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> <span>Commuter Benefits</span> </div> <p>Pre-tax transit and parking benefits, annual Caltrain passes subsidized for employees who take Caltrain to work once more per week and free onsite parking at our buildings.</p> </div> <div class="careers__benefits__toggle__slides__container__col"> <div class="flex"> <svg width="29" height="29" viewBox="0 0 29 29" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.5 25.375C20.5061 25.375 25.375 20.5061 25.375 14.5C25.375 8.4939 20.5061 3.625 14.5 3.625C8.4939 3.625 3.625 8.4939 3.625 14.5C3.625 20.5061 8.4939 25.375 14.5 25.375Z" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M19.3465 11.337L14.0812 18.3586C13.8443 18.6737 13.4825 18.8706 13.0893 18.8984C12.6961 18.9262 12.3101 18.7822 12.0312 18.5036L9.3125 15.7849" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> <span>Whole You Fund</span> </div> <p>Annual benefit for employees that can be used in the most meaningful way for them and their family such as housing, student loan repayment, childcare, commuter costs, or other life needs.</p> </div> <div class="careers__benefits__toggle__slides__container__col"> <div class="flex"> <svg width="29" height="29" viewBox="0 0 29 29" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.5 25.375C20.5061 25.375 25.375 20.5061 25.375 14.5C25.375 8.4939 20.5061 3.625 14.5 3.625C8.4939 3.625 3.625 8.4939 3.625 14.5C3.625 20.5061 8.4939 25.375 14.5 25.375Z" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M19.3465 11.337L14.0812 18.3586C13.8443 18.6737 13.4825 18.8706 13.0893 18.8984C12.6961 18.9262 12.3101 18.7822 12.0312 18.5036L9.3125 15.7849" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> <span>Child, Adult, and Elder Care Support (Bright Horizons)</span> </div> <p>Access to emergency back-up child care and adult and elder care. Additional benefits include preferred enrollment at select centers and resources to find sitters and pet care.</p> </div> </div> <div class="careers__benefits__toggle__slides__container flex wrap"> <div class="careers__benefits__toggle__slides__container__col"> <div class="flex"> <svg width="29" height="29" viewBox="0 0 29 29" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.5 25.375C20.5061 25.375 25.375 20.5061 25.375 14.5C25.375 8.4939 20.5061 3.625 14.5 3.625C8.4939 3.625 3.625 8.4939 3.625 14.5C3.625 20.5061 8.4939 25.375 14.5 25.375Z" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M19.3465 11.337L14.0812 18.3586C13.8443 18.6737 13.4825 18.8706 13.0893 18.8984C12.6961 18.9262 12.3101 18.7822 12.0312 18.5036L9.3125 15.7849" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> <span>Medical Dental and Vision Insurance</span> </div> <p>CZI provides 100% of the premium cost for employees and 75% of the premium cost for dependent coverage for medical, dental, and vision coverage.</p> </div> <div class="careers__benefits__toggle__slides__container__col"> <div class="flex"> <svg width="29" height="29" viewBox="0 0 29 29" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.5 25.375C20.5061 25.375 25.375 20.5061 25.375 14.5C25.375 8.4939 20.5061 3.625 14.5 3.625C8.4939 3.625 3.625 8.4939 3.625 14.5C3.625 20.5061 8.4939 25.375 14.5 25.375Z" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M19.3465 11.337L14.0812 18.3586C13.8443 18.6737 13.4825 18.8706 13.0893 18.8984C12.6961 18.9262 12.3101 18.7822 12.0312 18.5036L9.3125 15.7849" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> <span>Short and Long-term Disability Plans</span> </div> <p>Disability benefits protect employees and their families by providing a portion of their income during times when they are unable to work.</p> </div> <div class="careers__benefits__toggle__slides__container__col"> <div class="flex"> <svg width="29" height="29" viewBox="0 0 29 29" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.5 25.375C20.5061 25.375 25.375 20.5061 25.375 14.5C25.375 8.4939 20.5061 3.625 14.5 3.625C8.4939 3.625 3.625 8.4939 3.625 14.5C3.625 20.5061 8.4939 25.375 14.5 25.375Z" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M19.3465 11.337L14.0812 18.3586C13.8443 18.6737 13.4825 18.8706 13.0893 18.8984C12.6961 18.9262 12.3101 18.7822 12.0312 18.5036L9.3125 15.7849" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> <span>Fitness Reimbursement Program</span> </div> <p>CZI offers a monthly reimbursement for employee’s physical fitness costs (i.e. gym memberships, fitness classes).</p> </div> <div class="careers__benefits__toggle__slides__container__col"> <div class="flex"> <svg width="29" height="29" viewBox="0 0 29 29" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.5 25.375C20.5061 25.375 25.375 20.5061 25.375 14.5C25.375 8.4939 20.5061 3.625 14.5 3.625C8.4939 3.625 3.625 8.4939 3.625 14.5C3.625 20.5061 8.4939 25.375 14.5 25.375Z" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M19.3465 11.337L14.0812 18.3586C13.8443 18.6737 13.4825 18.8706 13.0893 18.8984C12.6961 18.9262 12.3101 18.7822 12.0312 18.5036L9.3125 15.7849" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> <span>Life and AD&D Insurance</span> </div> <p>Life insurance designed to protect employees and their families against loss of income due to accidental death.</p> </div> <div class="careers__benefits__toggle__slides__container__col"> <div class="flex"> <svg width="29" height="29" viewBox="0 0 29 29" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.5 25.375C20.5061 25.375 25.375 20.5061 25.375 14.5C25.375 8.4939 20.5061 3.625 14.5 3.625C8.4939 3.625 3.625 8.4939 3.625 14.5C3.625 20.5061 8.4939 25.375 14.5 25.375Z" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M19.3465 11.337L14.0812 18.3586C13.8443 18.6737 13.4825 18.8706 13.0893 18.8984C12.6961 18.9262 12.3101 18.7822 12.0312 18.5036L9.3125 15.7849" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> <span>Mental Wellness Benefits</span> </div> <p>Coaching and therapy care options include stress management, financial wellness, relationships, parenting transitions, career advice, inclusion and belonging, and other life challenges.</p> </div> <div class="careers__benefits__toggle__slides__container__col"> <div class="flex"> <svg width="29" height="29" viewBox="0 0 29 29" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.5 25.375C20.5061 25.375 25.375 20.5061 25.375 14.5C25.375 8.4939 20.5061 3.625 14.5 3.625C8.4939 3.625 3.625 8.4939 3.625 14.5C3.625 20.5061 8.4939 25.375 14.5 25.375Z" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M19.3465 11.337L14.0812 18.3586C13.8443 18.6737 13.4825 18.8706 13.0893 18.8984C12.6961 18.9262 12.3101 18.7822 12.0312 18.5036L9.3125 15.7849" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> <span>Paid Bereavement Time Off</span> </div> <p>Bereavement benefits are provided to attend a funeral and grieve for a family member or loved one.</p> </div> <div class="careers__benefits__toggle__slides__container__col"> <div class="flex"> <svg width="29" height="29" viewBox="0 0 29 29" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.5 25.375C20.5061 25.375 25.375 20.5061 25.375 14.5C25.375 8.4939 20.5061 3.625 14.5 3.625C8.4939 3.625 3.625 8.4939 3.625 14.5C3.625 20.5061 8.4939 25.375 14.5 25.375Z" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M19.3465 11.337L14.0812 18.3586C13.8443 18.6737 13.4825 18.8706 13.0893 18.8984C12.6961 18.9262 12.3101 18.7822 12.0312 18.5036L9.3125 15.7849" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> <span>Flexible Spending Accounts </span> </div> <p>Healthcare FSA and Dependent Care FSA available. Flexible spending accounts provide pre-tax savings on eligible expenses on healthcare and dependent care for employees and their families.</p> </div> <div class="careers__benefits__toggle__slides__container__col"> <div class="flex"> <svg width="29" height="29" viewBox="0 0 29 29" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.5 25.375C20.5061 25.375 25.375 20.5061 25.375 14.5C25.375 8.4939 20.5061 3.625 14.5 3.625C8.4939 3.625 3.625 8.4939 3.625 14.5C3.625 20.5061 8.4939 25.375 14.5 25.375Z" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M19.3465 11.337L14.0812 18.3586C13.8443 18.6737 13.4825 18.8706 13.0893 18.8984C12.6961 18.9262 12.3101 18.7822 12.0312 18.5036L9.3125 15.7849" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> <span>Family Forming Benefits</span> </div> <p>We help fund select infertility, surrogacy and adoption services.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="careers__benefits__toggle__slides__arrows flex"> <div id="prev" class="arrow start"> <svg width="35" height="32" viewBox="0 0 35 32" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M1.49313 17.5068C0.660938 16.6746 0.660938 15.3254 1.49313 14.4932L15.0544 0.931891C15.8866 0.0997021 17.2359 0.0997022 18.068 0.931891C18.9002 1.76408 18.9002 3.11332 18.068 3.94551L6.01356 16L18.068 28.0545C18.9002 28.8867 18.9002 30.2359 18.068 31.0681C17.2359 31.9003 15.8866 31.9003 15.0544 31.0681L1.49313 17.5068ZM34.2539 18.131L2.99994 18.131L2.99994 13.869L34.2539 13.869L34.2539 18.131Z" fill="#FFC843"/> </svg> </div> <div id='next' class="arrow"> <svg width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M30.5068 17.5068C31.339 16.6746 31.339 15.3254 30.5068 14.4932L16.9455 0.931891C16.1133 0.0997027 14.7641 0.0997027 13.9319 0.931891C13.0997 1.76408 13.0997 3.11332 13.9319 3.94551L25.9864 16L13.9319 28.0545C13.0997 28.8867 13.0997 30.2359 13.9319 31.0681C14.7641 31.9003 16.1133 31.9003 16.9455 31.0681L30.5068 17.5068ZM0 18.131H29V13.869H0L0 18.131Z" fill="#FFC843"/> </svg> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="careers__benefits__accordion flex"> <div class="careers__benefits__accordion"> <div class="careers__benefits__accordion__titles"> <a class="accordion_block"><span>Rejuvenate</span> <div id="prev" class="arrow"> <svg width="35" height="32" viewBox="0 0 35 32" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M1.49313 17.5068C0.660938 16.6746 0.660938 15.3254 1.49313 14.4932L15.0544 0.931891C15.8866 0.0997021 17.2359 0.0997022 18.068 0.931891C18.9002 1.76408 18.9002 3.11332 18.068 3.94551L6.01356 16L18.068 28.0545C18.9002 28.8867 18.9002 30.2359 18.068 31.0681C17.2359 31.9003 15.8866 31.9003 15.0544 31.0681L1.49313 17.5068ZM34.2539 18.131L2.99994 18.131L2.99994 13.869L34.2539 13.869L34.2539 18.131Z" fill="#FFC843"/> </svg> </div> </a> <div class="careers__benefits__accordion__content"> <div class="careers__benefits__accordion__content__right"> <div class="flex"> <svg width="29" height="29" viewBox="0 0 29 29" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.5 25.375C20.5061 25.375 25.375 20.5061 25.375 14.5C25.375 8.4939 20.5061 3.625 14.5 3.625C8.4939 3.625 3.625 8.4939 3.625 14.5C3.625 20.5061 8.4939 25.375 14.5 25.375Z" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M19.3465 11.337L14.0812 18.3586C13.8443 18.6737 13.4825 18.8706 13.0893 18.8984C12.6961 18.9262 12.3101 18.7822 12.0312 18.5036L9.3125 15.7849" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> <span>Generous Time Off</span> </div> <p><ul> <li>Paid holidays</li> <li>Paid vacation time off</li> <li>Paid sick time off</li> <li>Paid jury duty time off</li> <li>Paid parental leave</li> <li>Paid pregnancy disability leave</li> <li>Paid family care leave</li> <li>Paid medical leave</li> </ul> </p> </div> <div class="careers__benefits__accordion__content__right"> <div class="flex"> <svg width="29" height="29" viewBox="0 0 29 29" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.5 25.375C20.5061 25.375 25.375 20.5061 25.375 14.5C25.375 8.4939 20.5061 3.625 14.5 3.625C8.4939 3.625 3.625 8.4939 3.625 14.5C3.625 20.5061 8.4939 25.375 14.5 25.375Z" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M19.3465 11.337L14.0812 18.3586C13.8443 18.6737 13.4825 18.8706 13.0893 18.8984C12.6961 18.9262 12.3101 18.7822 12.0312 18.5036L9.3125 15.7849" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> <span>Ease Back from Parental Leave</span> </div> <p><p>Our parental leave allows new parents returning to work the option of working part-time for up to four weeks after their initial return to work</p> </p> </div> </div> <a class="accordion_block"><span>Live The Mission</span> <div id="prev" class="arrow"> <svg width="35" height="32" viewBox="0 0 35 32" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M1.49313 17.5068C0.660938 16.6746 0.660938 15.3254 1.49313 14.4932L15.0544 0.931891C15.8866 0.0997021 17.2359 0.0997022 18.068 0.931891C18.9002 1.76408 18.9002 3.11332 18.068 3.94551L6.01356 16L18.068 28.0545C18.9002 28.8867 18.9002 30.2359 18.068 31.0681C17.2359 31.9003 15.8866 31.9003 15.0544 31.0681L1.49313 17.5068ZM34.2539 18.131L2.99994 18.131L2.99994 13.869L34.2539 13.869L34.2539 18.131Z" fill="#FFC843"/> </svg> </div> </a> <div class="careers__benefits__accordion__content"> <div class="careers__benefits__accordion__content__right"> <div class="flex"> <svg width="29" height="29" viewBox="0 0 29 29" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.5 25.375C20.5061 25.375 25.375 20.5061 25.375 14.5C25.375 8.4939 20.5061 3.625 14.5 3.625C8.4939 3.625 3.625 8.4939 3.625 14.5C3.625 20.5061 8.4939 25.375 14.5 25.375Z" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M19.3465 11.337L14.0812 18.3586C13.8443 18.6737 13.4825 18.8706 13.0893 18.8984C12.6961 18.9262 12.3101 18.7822 12.0312 18.5036L9.3125 15.7849" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> <span>Matching Gift Program</span> </div> <p><p>CZI matches qualified donations to 501(c)(3) organizations by employees 1:1 up to an annual maximum amount.</p> </p> </div> <div class="careers__benefits__accordion__content__right"> <div class="flex"> <svg width="29" height="29" viewBox="0 0 29 29" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.5 25.375C20.5061 25.375 25.375 20.5061 25.375 14.5C25.375 8.4939 20.5061 3.625 14.5 3.625C8.4939 3.625 3.625 8.4939 3.625 14.5C3.625 20.5061 8.4939 25.375 14.5 25.375Z" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M19.3465 11.337L14.0812 18.3586C13.8443 18.6737 13.4825 18.8706 13.0893 18.8984C12.6961 18.9262 12.3101 18.7822 12.0312 18.5036L9.3125 15.7849" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> <span>Life of Services Gifts</span> </div> <p><p>CZI Life of Service Gifts are awarded to employees to ‘live the mission’ and support the causes closet to them. These gifts are awarded following key anniversaries. Employees may direct the gift to the 501(c)(3) of their choice in their name.</p> </p> </div> <div class="careers__benefits__accordion__content__right"> <div class="flex"> <svg width="29" height="29" viewBox="0 0 29 29" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.5 25.375C20.5061 25.375 25.375 20.5061 25.375 14.5C25.375 8.4939 20.5061 3.625 14.5 3.625C8.4939 3.625 3.625 8.4939 3.625 14.5C3.625 20.5061 8.4939 25.375 14.5 25.375Z" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M19.3465 11.337L14.0812 18.3586C13.8443 18.6737 13.4825 18.8706 13.0893 18.8984C12.6961 18.9262 12.3101 18.7822 12.0312 18.5036L9.3125 15.7849" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> <span> <a href=""> <span>New — Explore Giving Stories</span> <span class="link"> <svg width="32" height="32" viewBox="0 0 32 32" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M30.5068 17.5068C31.339 16.6746 31.339 15.3254 30.5068 14.4932L16.9455 0.931891C16.1133 0.0997027 14.7641 0.0997027 13.9319 0.931891C13.0997 1.76408 13.0997 3.11332 13.9319 3.94551L25.9864 16L13.9319 28.0545C13.0997 28.8867 13.0997 30.2359 13.9319 31.0681C14.7641 31.9003 16.1133 31.9003 16.9455 31.0681L30.5068 17.5068ZM0 18.131H29V13.869H0L0 18.131Z" fill="#FFC843"/> </svg> </span> </a> </span> </div> <p></p> </div> </div> <a class="accordion_block"><span>Feed Your Brain</span> <div id="prev" class="arrow"> <svg width="35" height="32" viewBox="0 0 35 32" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M1.49313 17.5068C0.660938 16.6746 0.660938 15.3254 1.49313 14.4932L15.0544 0.931891C15.8866 0.0997021 17.2359 0.0997022 18.068 0.931891C18.9002 1.76408 18.9002 3.11332 18.068 3.94551L6.01356 16L18.068 28.0545C18.9002 28.8867 18.9002 30.2359 18.068 31.0681C17.2359 31.9003 15.8866 31.9003 15.0544 31.0681L1.49313 17.5068ZM34.2539 18.131L2.99994 18.131L2.99994 13.869L34.2539 13.869L34.2539 18.131Z" fill="#FFC843"/> </svg> </div> </a> <div class="careers__benefits__accordion__content"> <div class="careers__benefits__accordion__content__right"> <div class="flex"> <svg width="29" height="29" viewBox="0 0 29 29" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.5 25.375C20.5061 25.375 25.375 20.5061 25.375 14.5C25.375 8.4939 20.5061 3.625 14.5 3.625C8.4939 3.625 3.625 8.4939 3.625 14.5C3.625 20.5061 8.4939 25.375 14.5 25.375Z" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M19.3465 11.337L14.0812 18.3586C13.8443 18.6737 13.4825 18.8706 13.0893 18.8984C12.6961 18.9262 12.3101 18.7822 12.0312 18.5036L9.3125 15.7849" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> <span>Professional Development Allowance </span> </div> <p><p>To support employees in growing their skills, knowledge, and abilities, CZI provides a professional development allowance to reimburse employees for eligible professional development expenses.</p> </p> </div> <div class="careers__benefits__accordion__content__right"> <div class="flex"> <svg width="29" height="29" viewBox="0 0 29 29" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.5 25.375C20.5061 25.375 25.375 20.5061 25.375 14.5C25.375 8.4939 20.5061 3.625 14.5 3.625C8.4939 3.625 3.625 8.4939 3.625 14.5C3.625 20.5061 8.4939 25.375 14.5 25.375Z" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M19.3465 11.337L14.0812 18.3586C13.8443 18.6737 13.4825 18.8706 13.0893 18.8984C12.6961 18.9262 12.3101 18.7822 12.0312 18.5036L9.3125 15.7849" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> <span>On-demand Learning (LinkedIn Learning)</span> </div> <p><p>CZI provides unlimited access to LinkedIn Learning, an on-demand learning solution designed to help employees gain new skills and advance their career.</p> </p> </div> </div> <a class="accordion_block"><span>Get Financially Fit</span> <div id="prev" class="arrow"> <svg width="35" height="32" viewBox="0 0 35 32" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M1.49313 17.5068C0.660938 16.6746 0.660938 15.3254 1.49313 14.4932L15.0544 0.931891C15.8866 0.0997021 17.2359 0.0997022 18.068 0.931891C18.9002 1.76408 18.9002 3.11332 18.068 3.94551L6.01356 16L18.068 28.0545C18.9002 28.8867 18.9002 30.2359 18.068 31.0681C17.2359 31.9003 15.8866 31.9003 15.0544 31.0681L1.49313 17.5068ZM34.2539 18.131L2.99994 18.131L2.99994 13.869L34.2539 13.869L34.2539 18.131Z" fill="#FFC843"/> </svg> </div> </a> <div class="careers__benefits__accordion__content"> <div class="careers__benefits__accordion__content__right"> <div class="flex"> <svg width="29" height="29" viewBox="0 0 29 29" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.5 25.375C20.5061 25.375 25.375 20.5061 25.375 14.5C25.375 8.4939 20.5061 3.625 14.5 3.625C8.4939 3.625 3.625 8.4939 3.625 14.5C3.625 20.5061 8.4939 25.375 14.5 25.375Z" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M19.3465 11.337L14.0812 18.3586C13.8443 18.6737 13.4825 18.8706 13.0893 18.8984C12.6961 18.9262 12.3101 18.7822 12.0312 18.5036L9.3125 15.7849" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> <span>401(k) Retirement Plan</span> </div> <p><p>CZI Provides a generous match on employee 401(k) contributions to support planning for the future.</p> </p> </div> <div class="careers__benefits__accordion__content__right"> <div class="flex"> <svg width="29" height="29" viewBox="0 0 29 29" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.5 25.375C20.5061 25.375 25.375 20.5061 25.375 14.5C25.375 8.4939 20.5061 3.625 14.5 3.625C8.4939 3.625 3.625 8.4939 3.625 14.5C3.625 20.5061 8.4939 25.375 14.5 25.375Z" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M19.3465 11.337L14.0812 18.3586C13.8443 18.6737 13.4825 18.8706 13.0893 18.8984C12.6961 18.9262 12.3101 18.7822 12.0312 18.5036L9.3125 15.7849" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> <span>Commuter Benefits</span> </div> <p><p>Pre-tax transit and parking benefits, annual Caltrain passes subsidized for employees who take Caltrain to work once more per week and free onsite parking at our buildings.</p> </p> </div> <div class="careers__benefits__accordion__content__right"> <div class="flex"> <svg width="29" height="29" viewBox="0 0 29 29" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.5 25.375C20.5061 25.375 25.375 20.5061 25.375 14.5C25.375 8.4939 20.5061 3.625 14.5 3.625C8.4939 3.625 3.625 8.4939 3.625 14.5C3.625 20.5061 8.4939 25.375 14.5 25.375Z" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M19.3465 11.337L14.0812 18.3586C13.8443 18.6737 13.4825 18.8706 13.0893 18.8984C12.6961 18.9262 12.3101 18.7822 12.0312 18.5036L9.3125 15.7849" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> <span>Whole You Fund</span> </div> <p><p>Annual benefit for employees that can be used in the most meaningful way for them and their family such as housing, student loan repayment, childcare, commuter costs, or other life needs.</p> </p> </div> <div class="careers__benefits__accordion__content__right"> <div class="flex"> <svg width="29" height="29" viewBox="0 0 29 29" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.5 25.375C20.5061 25.375 25.375 20.5061 25.375 14.5C25.375 8.4939 20.5061 3.625 14.5 3.625C8.4939 3.625 3.625 8.4939 3.625 14.5C3.625 20.5061 8.4939 25.375 14.5 25.375Z" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M19.3465 11.337L14.0812 18.3586C13.8443 18.6737 13.4825 18.8706 13.0893 18.8984C12.6961 18.9262 12.3101 18.7822 12.0312 18.5036L9.3125 15.7849" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> <span>Child, Adult, and Elder Care Support (Bright Horizons)</span> </div> <p><p>Access to emergency back-up child care and adult and elder care. Additional benefits include preferred enrollment at select centers and resources to find sitters and pet care.</p> </p> </div> </div> <a class="accordion_block"><span>Be Well</span> <div id="prev" class="arrow"> <svg width="35" height="32" viewBox="0 0 35 32" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path d="M1.49313 17.5068C0.660938 16.6746 0.660938 15.3254 1.49313 14.4932L15.0544 0.931891C15.8866 0.0997021 17.2359 0.0997022 18.068 0.931891C18.9002 1.76408 18.9002 3.11332 18.068 3.94551L6.01356 16L18.068 28.0545C18.9002 28.8867 18.9002 30.2359 18.068 31.0681C17.2359 31.9003 15.8866 31.9003 15.0544 31.0681L1.49313 17.5068ZM34.2539 18.131L2.99994 18.131L2.99994 13.869L34.2539 13.869L34.2539 18.131Z" fill="#FFC843"/> </svg> </div> </a> <div class="careers__benefits__accordion__content"> <div class="careers__benefits__accordion__content__right"> <div class="flex"> <svg width="29" height="29" viewBox="0 0 29 29" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.5 25.375C20.5061 25.375 25.375 20.5061 25.375 14.5C25.375 8.4939 20.5061 3.625 14.5 3.625C8.4939 3.625 3.625 8.4939 3.625 14.5C3.625 20.5061 8.4939 25.375 14.5 25.375Z" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M19.3465 11.337L14.0812 18.3586C13.8443 18.6737 13.4825 18.8706 13.0893 18.8984C12.6961 18.9262 12.3101 18.7822 12.0312 18.5036L9.3125 15.7849" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> <span>Medical Dental and Vision Insurance</span> </div> <p><p>CZI provides 100% of the premium cost for employees and 75% of the premium cost for dependent coverage for medical, dental, and vision coverage.</p> </p> </div> <div class="careers__benefits__accordion__content__right"> <div class="flex"> <svg width="29" height="29" viewBox="0 0 29 29" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.5 25.375C20.5061 25.375 25.375 20.5061 25.375 14.5C25.375 8.4939 20.5061 3.625 14.5 3.625C8.4939 3.625 3.625 8.4939 3.625 14.5C3.625 20.5061 8.4939 25.375 14.5 25.375Z" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M19.3465 11.337L14.0812 18.3586C13.8443 18.6737 13.4825 18.8706 13.0893 18.8984C12.6961 18.9262 12.3101 18.7822 12.0312 18.5036L9.3125 15.7849" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> <span>Short and Long-term Disability Plans</span> </div> <p><p>Disability benefits protect employees and their families by providing a portion of their income during times when they are unable to work.</p> </p> </div> <div class="careers__benefits__accordion__content__right"> <div class="flex"> <svg width="29" height="29" viewBox="0 0 29 29" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.5 25.375C20.5061 25.375 25.375 20.5061 25.375 14.5C25.375 8.4939 20.5061 3.625 14.5 3.625C8.4939 3.625 3.625 8.4939 3.625 14.5C3.625 20.5061 8.4939 25.375 14.5 25.375Z" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M19.3465 11.337L14.0812 18.3586C13.8443 18.6737 13.4825 18.8706 13.0893 18.8984C12.6961 18.9262 12.3101 18.7822 12.0312 18.5036L9.3125 15.7849" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> <span>Fitness Reimbursement Program</span> </div> <p><p>CZI offers a monthly reimbursement for employee’s physical fitness costs (i.e. gym memberships, fitness classes).</p> </p> </div> <div class="careers__benefits__accordion__content__right"> <div class="flex"> <svg width="29" height="29" viewBox="0 0 29 29" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.5 25.375C20.5061 25.375 25.375 20.5061 25.375 14.5C25.375 8.4939 20.5061 3.625 14.5 3.625C8.4939 3.625 3.625 8.4939 3.625 14.5C3.625 20.5061 8.4939 25.375 14.5 25.375Z" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M19.3465 11.337L14.0812 18.3586C13.8443 18.6737 13.4825 18.8706 13.0893 18.8984C12.6961 18.9262 12.3101 18.7822 12.0312 18.5036L9.3125 15.7849" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> <span>Life and AD&D Insurance</span> </div> <p><p>Life insurance designed to protect employees and their families against loss of income due to accidental death.</p> </p> </div> <div class="careers__benefits__accordion__content__right"> <div class="flex"> <svg width="29" height="29" viewBox="0 0 29 29" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.5 25.375C20.5061 25.375 25.375 20.5061 25.375 14.5C25.375 8.4939 20.5061 3.625 14.5 3.625C8.4939 3.625 3.625 8.4939 3.625 14.5C3.625 20.5061 8.4939 25.375 14.5 25.375Z" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M19.3465 11.337L14.0812 18.3586C13.8443 18.6737 13.4825 18.8706 13.0893 18.8984C12.6961 18.9262 12.3101 18.7822 12.0312 18.5036L9.3125 15.7849" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> <span>Mental Wellness Benefits</span> </div> <p><p>Coaching and therapy care options include stress management, financial wellness, relationships, parenting transitions, career advice, inclusion and belonging, and other life challenges.</p> </p> </div> <div class="careers__benefits__accordion__content__right"> <div class="flex"> <svg width="29" height="29" viewBox="0 0 29 29" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.5 25.375C20.5061 25.375 25.375 20.5061 25.375 14.5C25.375 8.4939 20.5061 3.625 14.5 3.625C8.4939 3.625 3.625 8.4939 3.625 14.5C3.625 20.5061 8.4939 25.375 14.5 25.375Z" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M19.3465 11.337L14.0812 18.3586C13.8443 18.6737 13.4825 18.8706 13.0893 18.8984C12.6961 18.9262 12.3101 18.7822 12.0312 18.5036L9.3125 15.7849" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> <span>Paid Bereavement Time Off</span> </div> <p><p>Bereavement benefits are provided to attend a funeral and grieve for a family member or loved one.</p> </p> </div> <div class="careers__benefits__accordion__content__right"> <div class="flex"> <svg width="29" height="29" viewBox="0 0 29 29" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.5 25.375C20.5061 25.375 25.375 20.5061 25.375 14.5C25.375 8.4939 20.5061 3.625 14.5 3.625C8.4939 3.625 3.625 8.4939 3.625 14.5C3.625 20.5061 8.4939 25.375 14.5 25.375Z" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M19.3465 11.337L14.0812 18.3586C13.8443 18.6737 13.4825 18.8706 13.0893 18.8984C12.6961 18.9262 12.3101 18.7822 12.0312 18.5036L9.3125 15.7849" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> <span>Flexible Spending Accounts </span> </div> <p><p>Healthcare FSA and Dependent Care FSA available. Flexible spending accounts provide pre-tax savings on eligible expenses on healthcare and dependent care for employees and their families.</p> </p> </div> <div class="careers__benefits__accordion__content__right"> <div class="flex"> <svg width="29" height="29" viewBox="0 0 29 29" fill="none" xmlns=""> <path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M14.5 25.375C20.5061 25.375 25.375 20.5061 25.375 14.5C25.375 8.4939 20.5061 3.625 14.5 3.625C8.4939 3.625 3.625 8.4939 3.625 14.5C3.625 20.5061 8.4939 25.375 14.5 25.375Z" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> <path d="M19.3465 11.337L14.0812 18.3586C13.8443 18.6737 13.4825 18.8706 13.0893 18.8984C12.6961 18.9262 12.3101 18.7822 12.0312 18.5036L9.3125 15.7849" stroke="#FFC843" stroke-width="1.8125" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-linejoin="round"/> </svg> <span>Family Forming Benefits</span> </div> <p><p>We help fund select infertility, surrogacy and adoption services.</p> </p> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <section class="module module__related"> <div class="module__related-container"> <div class="module__related-title"> <span>Life at CZI</span> </div> <div class="module__related-list"> <div class="module__related-list-item"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <figure class="module__related-list-item-img"> <img src="" alt=""> </figure> <div class="module__related-list-item-content"> <span class="module__related-list-item-category"> Life at CZI </span> <span class="module__related-list-item-title"> How a CZI Product Manager Helps Support Scientists Across the World in Tracking Infectious Disease </span> </div> </a> </div> <div class="module__related-list-item"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <figure class="module__related-list-item-img"> <img src="" alt=""> </figure> <div class="module__related-list-item-content"> <span class="module__related-list-item-category"> Life at CZI </span> <span class="module__related-list-item-title"> A CZI Product Designer on Creating Tools To Help Educators Strengthen Relationships With Their Students </span> </div> </a> </div> <div class="module__related-list-item"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <figure class="module__related-list-item-img"> <img src="" alt="Collage of old and more recent photos of six different women smiling."> </figure> <div class="module__related-list-item-content"> <span class="module__related-list-item-category"> Central Tech, Life at CZI </span> <span class="module__related-list-item-title"> Women in Tech Share Tips on How They Started Their Career </span> </div> </a> </div> <div class="module__related-list-item"> <a href="" target="_blank"> <figure class="module__related-list-item-img"> <img src="" alt="Fiona Griffin"> </figure> <div class="module__related-list-item-content"> <span class="module__related-list-item-category"> Life at CZI </span> <span class="module__related-list-item-title"> “We’re Doing Something Unique” Why This Neuroscientist Works at CZI </span> </div> </a> </div> <div class="module__related-list-item"> <a href="" target="_self"> <figure class="module__related-list-item-img"> <img src="" alt=""> </figure> <div class="module__related-list-item-content"> <span class="module__related-list-item-category"> Life at CZI </span> <span class="module__related-list-item-title"> 2020 Annual Offsite and Day of Service </span> </div> </a> </div> <div class="module__related-list-item"> <a href="" target="_self"> <figure class="module__related-list-item-img"> <img src="" alt=""> </figure> <div class="module__related-list-item-content"> <span class="module__related-list-item-category"> Life at CZI </span> <span class="module__related-list-item-title"> Celebrating National Mentoring Month & the Impact of Mentorship </span> </div> </a> </div> <div class="module__related-list-item"> <a href="" target="_self"> <figure class="module__related-list-item-img"> <img src="" alt=""> </figure> <div class="module__related-list-item-content"> <span class="module__related-list-item-category"> Life at CZI </span> <span class="module__related-list-item-title"> Chan Zuckerberg Initiative EdTech: Kari Lee on Education Engineering Opportunities </span> </div> </a> </div> <div class="module__related-list-item"> <a href="" target="_self"> <figure class="module__related-list-item-img"> <img src="" alt=""> </figure> <div class="module__related-list-item-content"> <span class="module__related-list-item-category"> Life at CZI </span> <span class="module__related-list-item-title"> Sprouts: Growing Together at CZI </span> </div> </a> </div> <div class="module__related-list-item"> <a href="" target="_self"> <figure class="module__related-list-item-img"> <img src="" alt=""> </figure> <div class="module__related-list-item-content"> <span class="module__related-list-item-category"> Life at CZI </span> <span class="module__related-list-item-title"> How Tech Can Help Tackle the Toughest Challenges </span> </div> </a> </div> <div class="module__related-list-item"> <a href="" target="_self"> <figure class="module__related-list-item-img"> <img src="" alt=""> </figure> <div class="module__related-list-item-content"> <span class="module__related-list-item-category"> Life at CZI </span> <span class="module__related-list-item-title"> A Grace Hopper Reflection </span> </div> </a> </div> </div> <div class="module__related-list-nav "> <div class="arrow arrow-left"> <img src="" alt="Arrow Left"> </div> <div class="arrow arrow-right"> <img src="" alt="Arrow Right"> </div> </div> </div> </section> </div> <div class="global-newsletter" newsletter-form> <div class="global-newsletter-container"> <div class="global-newsletter-close-icon" newsletter-trigger> </div> <script> hbspt.forms.create({ portalId: "7272273", formId: "e9113fff-53ed-4f0e-a011-73985e78abfc", onFormReady: function(form, ctx){ const event = new CustomEvent('HUBSPOT_LOADED', { detail: form, }) window.dispatchEvent(event) }, onFormSubmit: function(form) { 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