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If you successfully e-filed your return last year, we'll even transfer your verification info so you won't have to re-enter your PIN or AGI.</p><p>Limitations:</p><ul> <li>You can only transfer information from the <strong>prior tax year</strong>. You can't skip years.</li> <li>You can only transfer information from <strong>one</strong> tax return. Information from additional returns must be entered manually.</li> <li>Personal tax return data <strong>cannot</strong> be transferred to a business return, nor vice versa.</li></ul></div> <div class="article_block"> <div class="expando article_block_title"><h2><span class="uaq_msnav"> Transfer your 2010 TurboTax software for Windows return</span></h2></div> <div class="expando_body"><p>Before you begin, have your 2010 tax file ready. If you don't remember where it is, <a href="/web/20111205204149/">click here for help in finding it</a>.</p><ol> <li>Open TurboTax 2011 and start a return by <ul> <li>Clicking the <b>Start a New Return</b> button; or</li> <li>Choosing <b>New Tax Return</b> from the TurboTax <b>File</b> menu.</li> </ul> </li> <li>Select last year's tax return file and click <strong>Transfer Return</strong>. <ul> <li>If you don't see any tax return(s) on this screen, click the <b>Find a Tax File</b> link, browse to the location of your 2010 return, and open it.</li> <li>Still can't locate it? It might be on another computer. You'll need to <a href="/web/20111205204149/">move it to this computer</a>.</li> </ul> </li> <li>Wait for the <strong>Transfer Complete</strong> screen to appear, then click <strong>Continue</strong> to review the transferred information. You can also <a href="/web/20111205204149/">review, edit, or delete transferred information</a> later on.</li></ol><p>Please note that you cannot go back to the Transfer screens once you have gone past them. This is because transferring wipes out existing information that was entered. It is only possible to transfer into a new, blank return.</p></div> </div> <div class="article_block"> <div class="expando article_block_title"><h2><span class="uaq_msnav"> Transfer your 2010 TurboTax software for Mac return</span></h2></div> <div class="expando_body"><p>You can transfer last year's tax return prepared with TurboTax CD/Download software for Mac to your 2011 TurboTax for Windows return.</p><ol> <li>From your Mac, copy last year's TurboTax file to a flash drive, or e-mail it to yourself so you can open it on your Windows computer. <a href="/web/20111205204149/">Find your Mac tax file</a></li> <li>On your Windows computer, <strong>copy</strong> the tax file from the flash drive or e-mail to your Desktop.</li> <li>Rename the tax file by right-clicking it, choosing <strong>Rename</strong>, and adding a <strong>.tax2010</strong> file name extension to it.</li> <li>Open TurboTax for Windows and select <strong>Start a New Return</strong>.</li> <li>TurboTax will search for 2010 tax return files on your computer, but it probably won't find the Mac file. To find it yourself: <ul> <li>Click&nbsp;<strong>Find a Tax File&nbsp;</strong>and look on our Desktop.</li> <li>Once located, select the file and click <strong>Open</strong>.</li> </ul> </li> <li>Wait for TurboTax to finish transferring the information over.</li></ol><p>You can then review transferred information and add, edit, or delete items as necessary. <a href="/web/20111205204149/">More info</a></p></div> </div> <div class="article_block"> <div class="expando article_block_title"><h2><span class="uaq_msnav"> Transfer your 2010 TurboTax Online return</span></h2></div> <div class="expando_body"><p>You can transfer your 2010 TurboTax Online <strong>Basic</strong>, <strong>Deluxe</strong>, <strong>Premier</strong>, or <strong>Home &amp; Business</strong> return to 2011 TurboTax CD/Download software for Windows.</p><p>If you downloaded and saved your 2010 Online return as a <strong>.tax2010</strong> data file, simply follow the TurboTax for Windows software instructions above.</p><p>If you didn't save your 2010 Online return as a data file, use this workaround:</p><ol> <li>Go to <a href="" target="_blank"></a> and <strong>start</strong> a 2011 Online return in the Deluxe, Premier, or Home &amp; Business version.</li> <li>Sign in with last year's <strong>User ID and password</strong>.</li> <li>Once you've signed in, TurboTax Online will automatically transfer your 2010 data over.</li> <li>Make sure you're on the <strong>Welcome Back</strong> screen (the <b>Home</b> tab).</li> <li>Click the link <b>Save your 2011 return to your computer</b>, located in the lower left corner of your screen, and then click <b>Save</b>.</li> <li>In the <b>Save As</b> window, browse to the location where you want to save the file (we recommend your Desktop).</li> <li>(Optional) Change the default name to something more meaningful, for example <em>J Doe 2011 Tax Return</em>.</li> <li>Click <b>Save</b>.</li></ol><p>Now you can open the tax file (which contains the transferred 2010 info) in TurboTax for Windows:</p><ol> <li>Open your TurboTax 2011 program.</li> <li>From the <strong>File</strong> menu, select <strong>Open Tax Return</strong>.</li> <li>Browse to where you saved the .tax2011 file in step 6 above, select it, and then click <strong>Open</strong>.</li> <li>(Optional) <a href="" target="_self">Review, edit, or delete the transferred information</a>.</li></ol></div> </div> <div class="article_block"> <div class="expando article_block_title"><h2><span class="uaq_msnav"> Transfer your 2010 HR Block at Home return</span></h2></div> <div class="expando_body"><p>You can transfer your 2010 H&amp;R Block at Home tax return (either from the <strong>.t10</strong> tax data file or the <strong>PDF</strong> file) to the 2011 version of TurboTax for Windows software.</p><p>The following information transfers from the H&amp;R Block <strong>.t10</strong> data file to TurboTax:</p><ul> <li><strong>Federal Information Worksheet</strong> - Taxpayer and spouse name, address, social security number, birth date, and filing status as well as dependent(s) name(s), social security number(s), and birth date(s).</li> <li><strong>Form 2441 Child and Dependent Care Expenses</strong> - Care provider name, address, and EIN/SSN number.</li> <li><strong>Form W-2</strong> - Employer name, address, EIN/control numbers, state and local names.</li> <li><strong>Schedule B</strong> - Interest and dividend payer name.</li> <li><strong>Schedule C and Schedule F</strong> - Required business designations plus prior-year inventory and cost amounts. Business use of home required information plus carryover amounts.</li> <li><strong>Schedule E</strong> - Property type, location and special other expense designations.</li> <li><strong>Schedule K-1 Partnership, K-1 S Corporation, and K-1 Estates and Trusts</strong> - Name, ID, taxpayer, spouse, PTP and foreign designations.</li> <li><strong>Retirement and Pension Information</strong> - Taxpayer/spouse designations; payer name, address, account number and ID; distributions codes, state and local designations.</li> <li><strong>Carryover Worksheet</strong> - Prior year AGI, tax liability, overpayment credit, itemized deductions, and AMT. Short term and long term carryovers, investment expenses disallowed, general business credits, section 179 disallowed and IRA basis and excess contributions.</li></ul><p>In contrast, transferring from the H&amp;R Block <strong>PDF</strong> file is limited to the following information:</p><ul> <li>Name, address, and filing status</li> <li>Social Security number</li> <li>Adjusted Gross Income</li> <li>Dependent information</li> <li>Bank information for direct deposit of tax refunds</li></ul><p>For this reason, we recommend transferring from the <strong>.t10</strong> file rather than the PDF file whenever possible.</p><p>To transfer, simply follow the first set of directions, <strong>Transfer your 2010 TurboTax software for Windows return</strong>.</p></div> </div> <div class="article_block"> <div class="expando article_block_title"><h2><span class="uaq_msnav"> Transfer your 2010 TaxACT return</span></h2></div> <div class="expando_body"><p>You can transfer your 2010 TaxACT tax return (either from the <strong>.ta0</strong> tax data file or the <strong>PDF</strong> file) to the 2011 version of TurboTax for Windows software.</p><p>The following information transfers from the TaxACT <strong>.ta0</strong> data file to TurboTax:</p><ul> <li><strong>Federal Information Worksheet</strong> - Taxpayer and spouse name, address, social security number, birth date, and filing status as well as dependent(s) name(s), social security number(s), and birth date(s).</li> <li><strong>Form 2441 Child and Dependent Care Expenses</strong> - Care provider name, address, and EIN/SSN number.</li> <li><strong>Form W-2</strong> - Employer name, address, EIN/control numbers, state and local names.</li> <li><strong>Schedule B</strong> - Interest and dividend payer name.</li> <li><strong>Schedule C and Schedule F</strong> - Required business designations plus prior-year inventory and cost amounts. Business use of home required information plus carryover amounts.</li> <li><strong>Schedule E</strong> - Property type, location and special other expense designations.</li> <li><strong>Schedule K-1 Partnership, K-1 S Corporation, and K-1 Estates and Trusts</strong> - Name, ID, taxpayer, spouse, PTP and foreign designations.</li> <li><strong>Retirement and Pension Information</strong> - Taxpayer/spouse designations; payer name, address, account number and ID; distributions codes, state and local designations.</li> <li><strong>Carryover Worksheet</strong> - Prior year AGI, tax liability, overpayment credit, itemized deductions, and AMT. Short term and long term carryovers, investment expenses disallowed, general business credits, section 179 disallowed and IRA basis and excess contributions.</li></ul><p>In contrast, transferring from the TaxACT <strong>PDF</strong> file is limited to the following information:</p><ul> <li>Name, address, and filing status</li> <li>Social Security number</li> <li>Adjusted Gross Income</li> <li>Dependent information</li> <li>Bank information for direct deposit of tax refunds</li></ul><p>For this reason, we recommend transferring from the <strong>.ta0</strong> file rather than the PDF file whenever possible.</p><p>To transfer, simply follow the first set of directions, <strong>Transfer your 2010 TurboTax software for Windows return</strong>.</p></div> </div> <!-- INTERNAL_PUBLIC</br> map:EXTERNAL_PUBLIC--> <!-- syptom and image --> <!-- description - solution channel for InQuira --> </div> <div class="bottom"><!-- bottom --></div> <!-- end article-content --> </div> <!-- end article --> </div> <!-- end primary --> </div> <div id="secondary"> <!-- googleoff: index --> <!--googleoff: snippet--> <div id="rnav_wrapper"> <div id="rnav_content"> <div class="rnav_header"><div>Today's Hot Topics<br/><br/><img src="/web/20111205204149im_/" alt=""></div></div> <div class="rnav_body"><div class="rnav_body_inner strip_para hot_topics"> <p>Get important updates on emerging tax issues and answers to our most common questions.</p><ul> <li><a href="/web/20111205204149/">Lost Your Login?</a> <br/> Find it for TurboTax Online 2011</li> <li><a href="/web/20111205204149/">TurboTax Issue (Mac)</a><br/> Updating freezes on Lion 7.2</li> <li><a href="/web/20111205204149/">Access 2010 or Earlier Returns</a><br/> Get your previously filed return</li></ul><br/> </div></div> <div class="rnav_header"> <div>Most Viewed Answers</div> </div> <div class="rnav_body"> <div class="rnav_body_inner strip_para"> <div id="baynote_guides" style="display:none"> <!-- NO ITEMS FOUND --><!-- start baynote-content.jsp output --> <!-- DEFAULT CONTENT category= platform= cmsContentUrls=null baynoteAttrFilters=null -->&lt;guides of=&quot;XML&quot; 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