McAdams's Kennedy Assassination Home Page Index
<!DOCTYPE html> <HTML> <HEAD><TITLE>McAdams's Kennedy Assassination Home Page Index</TITLE> <meta name="document-rating" content="General"> <META NAME="DESCRIPTION" CONTENT="Guide to the JFK assassination, including table of contents, links to assassination web sites, search engine for site and assassination newsgroups, best of Kennedy assassination web sites."> <META name="keywords" content="JFK, ASSASSINATION, JOHN, KENNEDY, KENNEDY ASSASSINATION, JFK ASSASSINATION, CONSPIRACY, THEORY, ASSASINATION, JFK ASSASINATION, MEDICAL, Judyth Baker, Judyth Vary Baker, evidence, Jim Garrison, Lee, Oswald, James, Files, Dealey Plaza, Single, Magic, Bullet, Jack, Ruby, CIA, FBI, NEWSGROUP, ARRB, Assassination Records, Board, MARK LANE, SINGLE BULLET THEORY"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <!-- Global site tag (gtag.js) - Google Analytics --> <script async src=""></script> <script> window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'G-PH04FFWWP1'); </script> </HEAD> <BODY BGCOLOR="#808080" LINK="#80FFFF" VLINK="#00FF00" ALINK="#800000"> <img src="lee2post.gif" style="float: right; width: 35%; height: auto; margin-left: 20px; margin-bottom: 10px; max-width: 327px" ALT="Lee Oswald in Custody for JFK assassination"> <H1>Kennedy Assassination Home Page</H1> <HR><FONT SIZE=+2><STRONG>Index</STRONG></FONT> <HR> From this page you can: <UL TYPE=square> <LI><A HREF="home.htm">Go to the Kennedy Assassination Home Page</A> and Table of Contents <LI><A HREF="#index">Search all JFK assassination documents on this site</A> <LI><A HREF="#subjects">Browse an alphabetical subject index</A> <LI><A HREF="news.htm">Go to the Internet Newsgroup on the assassination</A> <LI><A HREF="sites.htm">Go to a list of links to other Kennedy Assassination Sites</A> <LI><A HREF="bestof.htm">Go to the "Best of Assassination Web Sites"</A> <LI><A HREF="books.htm">See a list of Recommended Books on the JFK Assassination</A> <LI><A HREF="photogal.htm">See photos of assassination-related events and people</A> </UL> <HR id="index"> <FONT SIZE=+2><STRONG>Search Web Site</STRONG></FONT><BR> <center> <!-- Google CSE Search Box Begins --> <form id="searchbox_009692819969986975742:fvtj6trw3km" action=""> <input type="hidden" name="cx" value="009692819969986975742:fvtj6trw3km" /> <input name="q" type="text" size="40" /> <input type="submit" name="sa" value="Search" /> <input type="hidden" name="cof" value="FORID:0" /> </form> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <!-- Google CSE Search Box Ends --> </center> <HR ID="allsearch"> <FONT SIZE=+2><STRONG>Search Best JFK Assassination Sites</STRONG></FONT><br> The following search box searches the best JFK assassination web pages, including both conspiracy-oriented and lone assassin sites. <CENTER> <!-- Google CSE Search Box Begins --> <form id="searchbox_009692819969986975742:odhiu_topzc" action=""> <input type="hidden" name="cx" value="009692819969986975742:odhiu_topzc" /> <input name="q" type="text" size="40" /> <input type="submit" name="sa" value="Search" /> <input type="hidden" name="cof" value="FORID:0" /> </form> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <!-- Google CSE Search Box Ends --> </CENTER> <HR> <FONT SIZE=+2><STRONG>Search Newsgroup Archives</STRONG></FONT><BR> The newsgroup, <A HREF="news.htm"><TT>alt.assassination.jfk</TT></A> is the current moderated newsgroup on the Internet dealing with the assassination. The place to go for sane and rational discussion, you can <A HREF="">search the archives on Google Groups</A>. <P> <HR> <A NAME="subjects"></A> <FONT SIZE=+1>Subject index of Kennedy Assassination Home Page</FONT> <UL TYPE=circle> <LH></LH> <LI>Assassination Records Review Board -- <A HREF="/arrb/index.htm">information, testimony</A> <LI>Arnold, Gordon -- man who <A HREF="arnold1.htm">claims to have been on the Grassy Knoll</A> at the time of the shooting <LI>Autopsy -- <A HREF="medical.htm#autopsy">supposed "military control"</A> <LI>Autopsy Photos -- <A HREF="medical.htm#aphotos">authenticity</A> <LI>Beveling -- <A HREF="medical.htm#beveling">evidence of a shot from behind</A> <LI>Back Wound -- <A HREF="medical.htm#backwound">difficulty probing</A> <LI>Backyard Photos -- <A HREF="oswald.htm#photos">authenticity</A> <LI>Baker, Judyth Vary -- woman who <A HREF="judyth.htm">claims to have been Oswald's girlfriend</A> in the summer of 1963 <LI>Brain -- <A HREF="medical.htm#brain">John Kennedy's brain missing</A> <LI>Bishop, Maurice -- <A HREF="bogus.htm#cowtown">Robert Morrow story</A> <LI> -- <A HREF="bishop.txt">HSCA investigation and</A> <LI>Bowers, Lee --<A HREF="deaths.htm#bowers"> "Strange Death"</A> <LI>Clark Panel -- <A HREF="medical.htm#cpanel">report on the medical evidence</A> <LI>Craig, Roger -- <A HREF="craig.htm">Sheriff's Deputy and conspiracy witness</A> <LI>Crenshaw, Charles -- <A HREF="crenshaw.htm">Parkland doctor</A> telling conspiracy stories <LI>CTKA - <A HREF="bogus.htm#ctka">Citizens for Truth in the Kennedy Assassination</A> <LI>Cutler, Robert -- <A HREF="dealey.htm#flechette">theory of The Umbrella Man</A> <LI>Dallas Police Department -- <A HREF="plate.htm">supposed photographic evidence tampering</A> <LI>Davison, Jean -- <A HREF="bogus.htm#davison">and Mark Lane's account of Jack Ruby's testimony</A> <LI>Dealey Plaza -- <A HREF="shots.htm">earwitness reports of source of shots</A> <LI>Deaths -- <A HREF="deaths.htm">supposedly "mysterious" and "convenient"</A> <LI>DeMohrenschildt, George --<A HREF="deaths.htm#demdeath"> death by suicide</A> <LI>Elrod, John -- <A HREF="laf.htm">supposed Oswald cellmate</A> <LI>Ferrie, David --<A HREF="deaths.htm#ferriedeath"> death</A> <LI>Files, James -- <A HREF="files.htm">man who "confessed" to being Grassy Knoll shooter</A> <LI>Fonzi, Gaeton -- told a <A HREF="bogus.htm#fonzi">story too good to be true</A>, which wasn't. <LI>Garrison, Jim -- <A HREF="garrison.htm">New Orleans "investigation"</A> <LI>Garrison, Jim -- <A HREF="litwin.htm">Contemporary defenders</A> <LI>Groden, Robert -- <A HREF="experts.htm">conspiracy "photographic expert"</A> <LI>"Guiding Hands" -- <A HREF="oswald.htm#hands">theory of Oswald's employment</A> <LI>Head Wound -- <A HREF="medical.htm#headwound">the evidence</A> <LI>Hill, Jean -- witness <A HREF="jhill.htm">says she saw Grassy Knoll gunman</A>. <LI>Hunt -- <A HREF="bogus.htm#mrhunt">Mr. Hunt Note</A> <LI>Kennedy, Robert -- <A HREF="bogus.htm#bobby">statements about assassination</A> <LI>La Fontaine, Ray and Mary -- authors of book <A HREF="laf.htm"><EM>Oswald Talked</EM></A> <LI>Lane, Mark -- <A HREF="bogus.htm#marklane">account of Helen Markham's testimony</A> <LI> -- <A HREF="bogus.htm#davison">account of Jack Ruby's testimony</A> <LI> -- <A HREF="bogus.htm#mercer">account of Julia Ann Mercer's testimony</A> <LI> -- book <A HREF="denial.htm"><EM>Plausible Denial</EM></A> <LI>Lifton, David -- <A HREF="medical.htm#lifton">body alteration theories</A> <LI>Markham, Hellen -- <A HREF="bogus.htm#markham">Mark Lane's account of testimony</A> <LI>Medical Evidence -- <A HREF="medical.htm#wcmedical">Warren Commission handling</A> <LI>Mellen, Joan -- author of <EM>A Farewell to Justice</EM>, a failed <A HREF="mellen.htm">attempt to justify Jim Garrison's sham "investigation"</A> into the assassination <LI>Mercer, Julia Ann -- <A HREF="bogus.htm#mercer">Mark Lane's account of her story</A> <LI>Military-Industrial Complex -- <A HREF="ike.htm">Eisenhower on</A> <LI>Milteer, Joseph -- racist political activist with <A HREF="milteer.htm">supposed "foreknowledge" of assassination</A> <LI>Motorcade Route -- <A HREF="route.htm">supposedly changed</A> <LI>Odio, Silvia -- witness who <A HREF="oswald.htm#sightings">claimed to see Oswald with anti-Castro Cubans</A>. <LI>Oswald, Lee Harvey -- Biography, <A HREF="oswald1.htm">childhood</A> and <A HREF="oswald.htm">adult</A> <LI> -- <A HREF="leeslies.htm">as chronic liar</A> <LI> -- <A HREF="patsy.htm">And the "victim game."</A> <LI> -- <A HREF="orphan.htm">As orphan.</A> <LI><EM>Oswald Talked</EM> -- <A HREF="laf.htm">conspiracy book</A> <LI>Paraffin Test --<A HREF="bogus.htm#ptest"> forensic value</A> <LI>Photogrammetry -- <A HREF="photog.htm">importance in photographic analysis</A> <LI>Photographic evidence -- <A HREF="experts.htm">conspiracy-oriented "experts"</A> <LI><EM>Plausible Denial</EM> -- <A HREF="denial.htm">book by Mark Lane</A> <LI>Prouty, Leroy Fletcher -- <A HREF="bogus.htm#prouty">statements and positions</A> <LI>Ruby, Jack -<A HREF="ruby.htm#rubybio"> biography</A> <LI> --<A HREF="bogus.htm#rubydc"> Warren Commission Testimony</A> <LI>"Second Oswald" -- <A HREF="oswald.htm#second">theories of imposter</A> <LI>Single Bullet Theory -- <A HREF="medical.htm#sbt">medical evidence</A> <LI> -- <A HREF="sbt.htm">trajectory and other studies</A>. <LI>Tague, James -- <A HREF="dealey.htm#tague">wounding</A> <LI>Thorburn position -- <A HREF="medical.htm#thorburn">Dr. Robert Artwohl on</A> <LI>Tilson, Tom -- <A HREF="bogus.htm#cowtown">auto chase</A> <LI>Tippit, J.D. -- <A HREF="car10.htm">timeline: whereabouts on November 22, 1963</A> <LI>Umbrella Man -- <A HREF="dealey.htm#tum">In Dealey Plaza</A> <LI>Walker, Edwin -- <A HREF="oswald.htm#walker">Attempted assassination by Oswald</A> <LI>Wecht, Dr. Cyril -- <A HREF="medical.htm#wecht">conspiracy forensic pathologist</A> <LI>White, Jack -- <A HREF="experts.htm#JWHITE">ignorance of photogrammetry</A> <LI>Zapruder, Abraham -- <A HREF="dealey.htm#zapruder">account of head wound</A> </UL> </BODY> </HTML>