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Providing personalised career advisory, resources and career opportunities, CCOTG supports effective career planning, empowering individuals in their professional journeys.</p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="bg-terviolet py-10 w-full grid"> <div class="container mx-auto px-4 py-6"> <div class="w-full flex-col flex-wrap items-center justify-between relative gap-2"> <h1 class="flex-1 text-black">We Are Here To Support You!</h1> <p>Navigate Your Professional Journey with Careers Connect On-The-Go</p> </div> </div> <div class="container mx-auto pb-6"> <div class="grid grid-cols-1 md: grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-4 items-stretch justify-between p-4 gap-4 w-full"> <div class="flex items-stretch justify-between border border-lgray rounded-lg relative h-full"> <div class ="flex flex-col items-stretch justify-center bg-secmagenta rounded-lg group-hover:shadow-lg"> <img src="./upload/event-highlights/ccotg-career-advisory.jpg" alt="A illustration of a man seeking career guidance from a career coach at a roadshow setting." class="w-full h-full aspect-card object-cover object-center rounded-t-lg group-hover:mix-blend-luminosity "> <div class="h-full px-4"> <h3 class="w-full text-center pt-4 text-white">Career Advisory</h3> <h4 class="w-full text-center pb-4 text-white">Speak to our career advisory team for insights to stand out and succeed in your professional</h4> </div> </div> </div> <div class="flex items-stretch justify-between border border-lgray rounded-lg relative h-full"> <div class ="flex flex-col items-stretch justify-center bg-prigreen rounded-lg group-hover:shadow-lg"> <img src="./upload/event-highlights/ccotg-career-insights.jpg" alt="A illustration of a man and woman standing, engaged in a conversation at a roadshow setting." class="w-full h-full aspect-card object-cover object-center rounded-t-lg group-hover:mix-blend-luminosity "> <div class="h-full px-4"> <h3 class="w-full text-center pt-4 text-white">Career Insights</h3> <h4 class="w-full text-center pb-4 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src="./upload/event-highlights/ccotg-career-exploration.jpg" alt="A illustration of a woman using a information kiosk surfing for information at a roadshow setting." class="w-full h-full aspect-card object-cover object-center rounded-t-lg group-hover:mix-blend-luminosity "> <div class="h-full px-4"> <h3 class="w-full text-center pt-4 text-white">Career Exploration</h3> <h4 class="w-full text-center pb-4 text-white">Learn anytime, anywhere with bite-sized learning content</h4> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="container mx-auto px-4 py-2"> <div class="w-full flex-col flex-wrap items-center justify-between pt-8 relative gap-2"> <h1 class="flex-1 text-black">Find Us Here!</h1> <p>Click to find out more and visit us to speak to our Career Advisory Team</p> </div> </div> <div class="container mx-auto items-stretch justify-between grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-4 gap-10 p-4 lg:pt-6 pb-10"> <a 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