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<a href="#qc_with_panorama">Quality control with AutoQC</a><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#autoqc_setup_tutorial">Lindsay Pino&#039;s AutoQC Setup Tutorial</a><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#upgrade-to-autoqc-24.1.0.x">Upgrading to AutoQC Loader 24.1.0.x</a><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#autoqc_loader_doc">AutoQC Loader Documentation</a><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#autoqc_1_1_0_20237_doc">AutoQC Loader Documentation</a><br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#recover_autoqc_configs">Recovering configurations for a broken installation</a><br> &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#Install Panorama">Install Panorama</a><br> <a href="#tutorials">Tutorials</a><br> &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#sharing_documents">Tutorial: Sharing Skyline Documents</a><br> &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#chromatogram_libraries">Tutorial: Panorama Chromatogram Libraries</a><br> &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#panorama_public">Tutorial: Submitting Supplementary Data to Panorama Public</a><br> <a href="#webinars">Webinars</a><br> &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#webinar6">System Suitability Best Practices With Skyline &amp; Panorama</a><br> &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#webinar5">Introduction to Panorama 17.2</a><br> &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#webinar4">Panorama Public and Panorama AutoQC</a><br> &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#webinar1">Panorama: An Introduction</a><br> &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#webinar3">Panorama: Managing and Analyzing Large Datasets</a><br> &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#webinar2">Panorama Targeted Proteomics Knowledge Base</a><br> <a href="#publications">Publications</a><br> <a href="#Dashboard">Dashboard</a><br> <a href="#examples">Example Data</a><br> <a href="#related">Related</a><br> <a href="#University of Washington">University of Washington</a><br> <a href="#archived_docs">Archived</a><br> &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#panorama_public_old">Tutorial: Submitting Supplementary Data to Panorama Public</a><br> &nbsp;&nbsp; <a href="#publish_to_panorama_public_old">Submit Data to Panorama Public</a><br> <hr size=1> <h3><a name="default"></a>Panorama: A Repository for Targeted Mass Spectrometry Assays from Skyline</h3><br> <div class="labkey-wiki"><style xmlns=""> td.announcement { background-color: #134277; 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This is a daunting scientific challenge and solutions will come only from innovative research. " + "We have brought together a unique interdisciplinary team of investigators with the goal of bridging the divide between state-of-the-art technologies and translational applications."; appendSlide("", "/_webdav/home/%40files/Slides/tpad_600x400.png", "", description); description = 'The LINCS Proteomic Characterization Center for Signaling and Epigenetics (PCCSE) repository for the reduced representation phosphoproteomics assay (P100) ' + 'and global chromatin profiling assay (GCP) primary mass chromatogram data. The goal of this project is to build a resource of proteomic profiles ' + 'that directly report on changes in phosphosignaling and chromatin states to better inform drug development efforts and build a rationale for ' + 'therapeutic decision-making. This work contributes to the <a href="">Library of Integrated Network-based Cellular Signatures (LINCS)</a> program at the NIH.'; appendSlide("", "/_webdav/home/%40files/Slides/lincs_600x400.png", "", description); } function appendSlide(accessUrl, imageUrl, title, description) { const slideshowContainer = document.getElementsByClassName('slideshow-container')[0]; const slideshowDots = document.getElementsByClassName('slideshow-dots')[0]; const slideshowTexts = document.getElementsByClassName('slideshow-texts')[0]; const existingSlideCount = slideshowDots.children.length; // console.log("Existing slide count before appending hard coded slides: " + existingSlideCount); let entry = {}; entry.accessUrl = accessUrl; entry.imageUrl = imageUrl; entry.title = title; entry.description = description; appendCoverSlide(entry, slideshowContainer); appendDot(slideshowDots, existingSlideCount + 1); appendTextForHardcoded(entry, slideshowTexts); } function appendTextForHardcoded(entry, textsContainer) { const txt = document.createElement('div'); txt.setAttribute('class', 'text'); let html = ''; if (entry.title.length > 0) { html += '<em>Panorama Public dataset</em></br>' + '<em><strong>' + Ext4.htmlEncode(entry.title) + '</strong></em></br>'; } html += entry.description; // Don't encode description. 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It is implemented as a module within <a href="">LabKey Server</a>, an open-source bioinformatics data management platform with extensive support for proteomics and small molecule data, other assay data, and a security model rich enough to support clinical studies. Free projects are available on <a href="/home/support/wiki-page.view?name=hosted-project-signup-form">Sign Up</a>, and <a href="">paid support is available for groups needing their own installation</a>.</p> </td> <td nowrap valign="top" width="20%"> <p class="banner-links"> [<a href="/labkey/wiki/home/page.view?name=Importing%20data%20into%20Panorama">Importing data into Panorama</a>]<br> [<a href="/labkey/wiki/home/page.view?name=tutorials">Tutorials</a>] <!--<span class="new">New!</span>--><br> [<a href="/labkey/wiki/home/page.view?name=examples">Examples</a>]<br> [<a href="/labkey/issues/home/list.view?">Issues</a>]<br> [<a href="/labkey/project/home/support/begin.view">Support</a>]<br> [<a href="/labkey/wiki/home/support/page.view?name=hosted-project-signup-form">Sign Up</a>] </p> </td> </tr> </tbody></table> <h2>Get Started</h2> <div class="getstarted"> <table class="format"> <tbody> <tr> <td valign="top" width="36%"> <p><strong>Webinars</strong></p> <a href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=webinars"><img alt="Webinars" height="116" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ab4dea39-4e28-1030-8928-134f01698911&amp;name=icon_webinars.png" width="165"></a> <ul> <li><span class="new">New! </span><a href="" target="_blank">System Suitability Best Practices with Skyline and Panorama hosted by LabKey</a></li> <li><a href="" target="_blank">Introduction to Panorama 17.2 hosted by LabKey</a></li> <li><a href="">Panorama Public and Panorama AutoQC</a></li> <li><a href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=webinar3">Panorama: Managing and Analyzing Large Datasets </a></li> <li><a href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=webinar2">Panorama Targeted Proteomics Knowledgebase</a></li> <li><a href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=webinar1">Panorama: An Introduction</a></li> </ul> <!--<a class="labkey-text-link" href="webinars">More Webinars</a>--> </td> <td valign="top" width="30%"> <p><strong>Tutorials</strong></p> <a class="labkey-text-link" href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=tutorials"><img alt="Tutorials" height="116" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ab4dea39-4e28-1030-8928-134f01698911&amp;name=icon_tutorials.png" width="146"></a> <ul> <li><a href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=sharing_documents">Sharing Skyline Documents</a></li> <li><a href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=chromatogram_libraries">Panorama Chromatogram Libraries</a></li> <li><a href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=panorama_public">Publish to Panorama Public</a></li> </ul> <!--<a class="labkey-text-link" href="/labkey/wiki/home/software/Skyline/page.view?name=tutorials">More Tutorials</a>--> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <table class="format" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td> <p><br>Panorama was developed with the following goals for targeted proteomics investigation:</p> <ul> <li>Help labs aggregate curated results</li> <li>Store the complete Skyline document data model</li> <li>Use previous experiments to inform new experiments</li> <li>Make it easy to search and review a large body of experiments</li> <li>Facilitate sharing results</li> <li>Keep private data secure</li> </ul> <p>Panorama was designed to integrate with existing Skyline workflows. &nbsp;Users can publish their documents to a Panorama server directly from Skyline. &nbsp;Data on the server can be organized in folders, and users can take advantage of LabKey Server's fine-grained permission controls to securely share data with collaborators, or make it publicly available. &nbsp;You can browse through some of the <a href="#examples">example experiments</a> below to explore the Panorama UI for published Skyline documents.&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>PanoramaWeb</strong> is a public Panorama server hosted at the University of Washington where laboratories and organizations can own free projects. &nbsp;You can request a project on this server to find out what Panorama has to offer, without having to set up and maintain your own LabKey Server. &nbsp;You will be able to explore all the available features in Panorama, and be given administrative rights to your project so that you can set up folders and configure permissions. &nbsp;The LabKey Server security infrastructure will allow you to keep your data as private as you want or release it publicly when you are ready.</p> <p>Panorama can also be installed by laboratories and organizations on their own servers. &nbsp;Look at&nbsp;<a href="/labkey/wiki/home/page.view?name=Install%20Panorama">Install Panorama</a>&nbsp;to get started.&nbsp;</p> </td> </tr> </tbody></table> <h2>Events</h2> <table class="format" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td valign="middle" width="60%"> <p><strong>Skyline User Group Meeting Online before ASMS 2020</strong> <br> <!-- Skyline User Group Meeting, ASMS 2020 --> <a href="" target="_blank">Review the presentations</a> </p> <p><strong>Skyline User Group Meeting at ASMS 2019</strong> <br> <!-- Skyline User Group Meeting, ASMS 2019 --> <a href="" target="_blank">Review the presentations</a> </p> <p><strong>Skyline User Group Meeting at ASMS 2018</strong> <br> <!-- Skyline User Group Meeting, ASMS 2018 --> <a href="" target="_blank">Review the presentations</a> </p> <p><strong>Skyline User Group Meeting at ASMS 2017</strong> <br> <!-- Skyline User Group Meeting, ASMS 2017 --> <a href="" target="_blank">Review the presentations</a> </p> <p><strong>Skyline User Group Meeting at ASMS 2016</strong> <br> <!-- Skyline User Group Meeting, ASMS 2016 --> <a href="" target="_blank">Review the presentations</a> </p> <!-- <p><strong>Skyline User Group Meeting at ASMS 2015</strong> <br /> <a href="" target="_blank">Review the presentations</a> </p> <p><strong>Skyline User Group Meeting at ASMS 2014</strong> <br /> <a href="" target="_blank">Review the presentations</a> </p> <p><strong>Skyline User Group Meeting at ASMS 2013</strong> <br /> <a href="" target="_blank">Review the presentations</a></p> --> </td> <!-- <td width="40%" valign="top"> <h3> <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="skyline.jpg" align="left" style="margin-right: 10px;"/></a> <a href="" target="_blank">Review the Presentations</a><br /> Skyline User Group Meeting 2015</h3> </td> --> </tr> </tbody></table> <!-- <h2>Announcements</h2> <table class="format" width="100%"> <tr> <td> <p> <a href="">ABRF's Proteome Standards Research Group (sPRG)</a> has launched a new research study for 2013. View study details on <a href=""></a>. </p> <p>The latest release of LabKey Server (<a href="" target="_blank">v13.2</a>) includes the most recent version of Panorama.<br /> Click <a href="/labkey/wiki/home/page.view?name=Install%20Panorama">here</a> for information on installing Panorama.</p> --> <h2>Recently Published</h2> <table class="format"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p> Panorama Public: A public repository for quantitative data sets processed in Skyline <em> Vagisha Sharma, Josh Eckels, Birgit Schilling, Christina Ludwig, Jacob D. Jaffe, Michael J. MacCoss and Brendan MacLean. </em> Molecular and Cellular Proteomics. 2018 <br> [<a href="" target="_blank">abstract</a>] [<a href="" target="_blank">pdf</a>] </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p>An Automated Pipeline to Monitor System Performance in Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry Proteomic Experiments <em>Michael S. Bereman, Joshua Beri, Vagisha Sharma, Cory Nathe, Josh Eckels, Brendan MacLean, Michael J. MacCoss<em>. Journal of Proteome Research</em></em>. 2016 <br> [<a href="" target="_blank">abstract</a>] [<a href="" target="_blank">pdf</a>] </p></td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p>Panorama Public: ProteomeXchange and Cloud Storage Integration. <em>Sharma V, Connolly B, Eckels J, Bradlee D, Omaiye A, MacCoss MJ, MacLean B<i>. ASMS Poster</i></em>. 2019 <br> [<a href="/_webdav/home/%40files/ASMS_2019_PanoramaPublic.pdf?renderAs=DEFAULT" target="_blank">pdf</a>]</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p>Customizable quality control metrics and notifications with Panorama, AutoQC, and Skyline. <em>Eckels J, Sharma V, Pradere M, Juneja A, Omaiye A, Nathe C, Jewargikar S, MacCoss MJ, MacLean B<i>. ASMS Poster</i></em>. 2019 <br> [<a href="/_webdav/home/%40files/2019-ASMS-Panorama-QC-update.pdf?renderAs=DEFAULT" target="_blank">pdf</a>]</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p>Audit Logs to enforce document integrity in Skyline and Panorama. <em>Rhode T, Chupalov R, Shulman N, Sharma V, Eckels J, Pratt BS, MacCoss MJ, MacLean B<i>. ASMS Poster</i></em>. 2019 <br> [<a href="/_webdav/home/%40files/ASMS-2019-Audit-Logging.pdf?renderAs=DEFAULT" target="_blank">pdf</a>]</p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td> <p>Managing Small Molecule Targeted Mass Spec Assays using Skyline and Panorama. <em>Eckels J, Sharma V, Pratt B, Dunkley T, Wildsmith K, Anania V, Li Q, Nathe C, Patel B, MacCoss MJ, MacLean B<i>. ASMS Poster</i></em>. 2016 <br> [<a href="/labkey/_webdav/home/%40files/2016-ASMS-Panorama-small-molecule-poster-v5.pdf?renderAs=DEFAULT" target="_blank">pdf</a>]</p> </td> </tr> <tr><td><a class="labkey-text-link" href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=publications">More Publications</a></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <div class="labkey-page-nav"> <table width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td align="left" class="homegrant" valign="middle" width="50%"><a href="" target="_blank">Seattle Quant: A Resource for the Skyline Software Ecosystem</a></td> <td><a href="" target="_blank"><img src=""></a></td> <td align="right" class="homegrant" valign="middle" width="50%">Funding provided by: <a href="" target="_blank">NIGMS National and Regional Resources (R24) Program</a></td> </tr> </tbody></table> </div> </div><br><br> <hr size=1> <h3><a name="public-forward"></a>Panorama Public</h3><br> <div class="labkey-wiki"><script language="javascript" nonce="907b99d64c23666739e2e94c213de340" type="text/javascript"> if(!LABKEY.Security.currentUser.isAdmin) { window.location.href = ""; } else { document.write("<p>This page forwards to <a href=\"\">Panorama Public</a> for users who are not administrators. No forwarding for administrators to allow them to edit the page.</p>"); } </script></div><br><br> <hr size=1> <h3><a name="panoramaPartnersProgram"></a>Panorama Partners Program</h3><br> <div class="labkey-wiki">Panorama is a freely-available, open-source repository server application for targeted proteomics assays that integrates into a <span class="nobr"><a href="">Skyline</a></span> proteomics workflow. It has been implemented as a module within <span class="nobr"><a href="">LabKey Server</a></span>, an open-source bioinformatics data management platform with extensive support for proteomics data and a security model rich enough to support clinical studies.<p class="paragraph"/>The Panorama Partners Program (P3) is designed to help organizations like these make the most of Panorama and its integration with Skyline, host their own in-house installation of the software, and provides a unique opportunity to help guide its development. It gives users a chance to engage directly with the Panorama and Skyline development teams, and help shape the direction of the projects to better suit the organization’s targeted mass spec needs. It has been serving <b class="bold">Roche (since 2013), Genentech (since 2013), Merck &#38; Co., Inc. (since 2014), NCI-CPTAC (since 2017)</b> as members, as well as other multi-year pharma partners.<p class="paragraph"/><span class="nobr"><a href="">Learn more about the Panorama Partners Program</a></span> and how it can help your organization.</div><br><br> <hr size=1> <h3><a name="autoqc_loader"></a>AutoQC Loader</h3><br> <div class="labkey-wiki">AutoQC Loader is a utility application that uses SkylineRunner to invoke Skyline without a user interface for automated data processing. AutoQC Loader can be run on an instrument control computer to capture new QC runs automatically, add them to a Skyline document, and upload the document to a Panorama QC folder. Panorama retains a full history of QC run performance, and presents users with interactive plots for key metrics including retention time and peak area. Additionally, users can add information about changes including instrumentation, maintenance, and reagents, which are overlaid on the plots, providing a convenient way to correlate cause and effect. <br/> <br/> <b class="bold"><span class="nobr"><a href="">Install AutoQC Loader</a></span></b> for <span class="nobr"><a href="">Skyline</a></span> or <span class="nobr"><a href="">Skyline-daily</a></span> (Note: The most recent versions are recommended, but Skyline 3.5 and later or Skyline-daily or later are supported.) <br/> <div style="background-color:#FAF0E6; border: 1px solid #FF0000; font-size: 14px; line-height: 1.2; padding: 10px 20px; "> <b class="bold">IMPORTANT</b> AutoQC Loader version or older will not automatically upgrade to version 24.1.0.x. Please see this note on how to upgrade to AutoQC Loader 24.1.0.x - <a class="link" href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=upgrade-to-autoqc-24.1.0.x">Upgrading to AutoQC Loader 24.1.0.x</a> 24.1.0.x </div> <br/><p class="paragraph"/><br/> <b class="bold"><a class="link" href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=autoqc_loader_doc">AutoQC Loader Documentation</a></b> <br/> <b class="bold"><a class="link" href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=qc_with_panorama">Panorama QC folder documentation</a></b> <br/> <b class="bold"><a class="link" href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=autoqc_setup_tutorial">AutoQC Setup Tutorial</a></b> <br/> <br/> <br/> <a name="release_notes"></a> <h3 class="heading-1-1">AutoQC Loader Release Notes</h3> <b class="bold">AutoQC Loader</b> (Aug 22nd, 2024) <ul class="minus"> <li>New signing certificate</li> <li>Added support for importing annotations into the Skyline document</li> <li>Upload Skyline document to Panorama after configuration starts if new results were imported, or the document contains previously imported replicates</li> </ul><br/> <br/> <b class="bold">AutoQC Loader</b> (May 2nd, 2022) <ul class="minus"> <li>Updated SkylineRunner.exe and SkylineDailyRunner.exe to support ampersand (&#38;) in the Windows username</li> </ul><br/> <br/> <b class="bold">AutoQC Loader</b> (June 7th, 2021) <ul class="minus"> <li>Added new buttons to</li> <ul class="minus"> <li>Open the Skyline document associated with a configuration</li> <li>Open the Panorama folder associated with a configuration in a web-browser</li> <li>Open the folder that AutoQC Loader is monitoring for raw data</li> <li>Open the folder that contains the AutoQC.log file for a configuration</li> </ul> <li>Added a <b class="bold">Skyline</b> tab in the <b class="bold">AutoQC Configuration</b> form that allows selecting the Skyline installation that should be used for a configuration</li> <li>Configurations can be exported as AutoQC Configuration files (.qcfg). These files can be imported by clicking the <b class="bold">Import</b> button and selecting a .qcfg file to import, or by double-clicking the .qcfg file</li> <li>Invalid configurations are displayed in red text, and can be fixed with a wizard-like <b class="bold">Configuration Set Up Manager</b></li> <li>Added a <b class="bold">Remove results</b> checkbox. This is checked by default to remove older results and keep the active Skyline document from getting too large. It can be unchecked to keep all the imported results in the Skyline document. (Note: for long running projects this may eventually cause a noticeable slowdown in upload times.)</li> <li>AutoQC.log file is written into a directory with the same name as the name of the configuration. This directory can be found in the directory that contains the template Skyline document</li> <li>Importing raw data into the Skyline document and uploading it to Panorama are now separate commands. If a Panorama upload fails it is retried every 5 minutes until it succeeds or more than 24 hours have elapsed since the last successful upload. The configuration stops with an error if Panorama uploads have not been successful in over 24 hours.</li> <li>Pinging the Panorama server now requires a single request instead of two. The first request was made to get a CSRF token. This is now reused for subsequent ping requests so that only a one http request is made</li> </ul><br/> <br/> <b class="bold">AutoQC Loader</b> (Aug 23rd, 2020) <ul class="minus"> <li>This release combines AutoQC Loader and AutoQC Loader-daily into a single installer</li> <li>The <b class="bold">Settings</b> tab has additional options to:</li> <ul class="minus"> <li>specify if Skyline or Skyline-daily should be used with AutoQC Loader</li> <li>set the path to the Skyline installation directory (e.g. if using the <span class="nobr"><a href="">Administrator install of Skyline</a></span> or <span class="nobr"><a href="">Skyline-daily</a></span>)</li> </ul> <li>When AutoQC Loader first start up after this upgrade it will attempt to look for an existing Skyline installation</li> </ul><br/> <br/> <b class="bold">AutoQC Loader</b> (May 8th, 2019) <ul class="minus"> <li>Added a <b class="bold">Settings</b> tab with 2 checkboxes</li> <ul class="minus"> <li><b class="bold">Keep AutoQC Loader running</b>: This will start AutoQCStarter.exe, a small executable, that checks every couple of minutes to see if AutoQC Loader is running, and starts it if it is not running. Any configurations that had been running when AutoQC Loader was last running are automatically started. A shortcut to AutoQCStarter.exe is placed in the Windows Startup folder so that AutoQC Loader is starts up automatically when the computer restarts</li> <li><b class="bold">Minimize program to Windows System Tray</b>: This will put an icon for the program in the System Tray instead of the Windows Task Bar when the program is minimized</li> </ul></ul><br/> <br/> <b class="bold">AutoQC Loader</b> (Feb 18th, 2019) <ul class="minus"> <li>Use TLS 1.2 protocol. PanoramaWeb disabled everything but TLS 1.2</li> </ul><br/> <br/> <b class="bold">AutoQC Loader</b> (Jan 27th, 2019) <ul class="minus"> <li>Keep configuration running if watched path is on a network share and becomes unavailable due to temporary network disruptions</li> <li>Change color of "Running" status if watched path (network share or mapped network drive) is unavailable</li> <li>Wait for up to an hour to re-connect to network share before stopping configuration</li> <li>Keep last 100 log messages in memory</li> </ul><br/> <br/> <b class="bold">AutoQC Loader</b> (Dec 11th, 2018) <ul class="minus"> <li>Bug fixes:</li> <ul class="minus"> <li>AutoQC Loader was not putting a raw file on the re-import queue if Skyline was unable to save the .sky or .skyd file (e.g. if the document is open in another instance of Skyline) after successfully importing the file</li> <li>A raw file could be put on the re-import queue more than once. Example case: A file backup utility copies raw files from the instrument computer to the computer where AutoQC Loader is running. The file may be copied while it is still being acquired, and will fail to import and be added to the re-import queue. If the file is then added again to the folder by the backup program, before full acquisition, it will fail to import again and be added to the re-import queue a second time</li> </ul></ul><br/> <br/> <b class="bold">AutoQC Loader</b> (Nov 1st, 2018) <ul class="minus"> <li>Fixed bug: AutoQC Loader was not listening to file rename events (reported by Vidya)</li> <ul class="minus"> <li>Reported case: backup program copies files from the instrument computer to a mapped network drive. File is renamed when it is fully copied</li> </ul> <li>Fixed bug: UNC paths could not be used for the Skyline file or watched folder (reported by Michel)</li> <li>Include CSRF token in all POST requests to a Panorama server</li> </ul></div><br><br> <hr size=1> <h3><a name="documentation"></a>Documentation</h3><br> <div class="labkey-wiki"><ul class="minus"> <li><span class="nobr"><a href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=ReleaseNotes">Release Notes</a></span></li> </ul>This is a partial list, check the "Pages" menu on the right for more. <br/> <ul class="minus"> <li><span class="nobr"><a href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=Create%20a%20folder%20in%20Panorama">Create a Folder in Panorama</a></span></li> <li><span class="nobr"><a href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=folder_navigation">Folder Navigation in Panorama</a></span></li> <li><span class="nobr"><a href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=add_project_users">Adding Users to a Project</a></span></li> <li><span class="nobr"><a href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=Importing%20data%20into%20Panorama">Import Data Into Panorama</a></span></li> <li><span class="nobr"><a href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=upload_raw_data">Upload Raw Data</a></span></li> <li><span class="nobr"><a href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=upload_suppl_files">Upload Supplementary Files</a></span></li> <li><span class="nobr"><a href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=include_subfolders">Include Subfolders in Panorama Public Submission</a></span></li> <li><span class="nobr"><a href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=publish_to_panorama_public">Submit Data to Panorama Public</a></span></li> <li><span class="nobr"><a href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=px_data_validation">Data Validation for ProteomeXchange</a></span></li> <li><span class="nobr"><a href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=unimod_matching">Finding Unimod matches</a></span></li> <li><span class="nobr"><a href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=wiki_page_links">Adding Links in Wiki Pages</a></span></li> <li><span class="nobr"><a href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=download_public_data">Download Data From Panorama Public </a></span></li> <li><span class="nobr"><a href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=qc_with_panorama">Quality Control with AutoQC</a></span></li> <li><span class="nobr"><a href="">Document Version Tracking <span class="fa fa-external-link"></span></a></span></li> <li><span class="nobr"><a href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=Install%20Panorama">Install Panorama</a></span></li> </ul>Additional documentation is available at LabKey: <ul class="minus"> <li><span class="nobr"><a href="">Panorama Documentation <span class="fa fa-external-link"></span></a></span></li> </ul></div><br><br> <hr size=1> <h3><a name="ReleaseNotes"></a>Release Notes</h3><br> <div class="labkey-wiki"><h3 class="heading-1">Version 24.11, released November 2024</h3><p class="paragraph"/><b class="bold">View the <span class="nobr"><a href="">LabKey Server 24.7 release notes</a></span>.</b> <h3 class="heading-1">Version 24.7, released July 2024</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li>Improved axis scaling and display of upper and lower bounds defining outliers in QC plots.</li> <li>Performance improvements for some reporting of transition-level data.</li> </ul><b class="bold">View the <span class="nobr"><a href="">LabKey Server 24.7 release notes</a></span>.</b> <h3 class="heading-1">Version 24.3, released March 2024</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li>Outlier thresholds can be customized per metric, making instrument tracking folders more relevant to specific needs. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li>Improvements to Panorama dashboard and plot options. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li>Support for peak shape scores, including kurtosis, skewness, and more.</li> <li>Improved Multi-Attribute Method reporting.</li> </ul><b class="bold">View the <span class="nobr"><a href="">LabKey Server 24.3 release notes</a></span>.</b> <h3 class="heading-1">Version 23.11, released November 2023</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li>Panorama is compatible with the Skyline 23.1 file format beginning with version 23.7.3. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">learn more</a></span>)</li> </ul><h3 class="heading-1-1">LabKey Server General Enhancements</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li>The page for managing short URLs uses a standard grid, making it easier to use and faster to load. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li>Administrators can improve security by selecting a new, stronger, entropy-based password rule. Site administrators of production deployments will now see a warning if they use the "Weak" password option, which will be removed entirely in the next major release. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li>Individual fields in Lists, Datasets, Sample Types, and Data Classes, can be defined to require that every value in that column of that table must be unique. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> </ul><b class="bold">View the <span class="nobr"><a href="">LabKey Server 23.11 release notes</a></span>.</b> <h3 class="heading-1">Version 23.7, released July 2023</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li>Use a Calendar View to easily visualize performance and utilization of instruments over time. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>) <i class="italic">Also available in 23.3.6</i></li> <li>Improved outlier indicators make it easier to see the severity of an issue at a glance. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>) <i class="italic">Also available in 23.3.6</i></li> <li>Panorama will be compatible with the upcoming Skyline 23.1 file format beginning with version 23.7.3.</li> </ul><h3 class="heading-1-1">LabKey Server General Enhancements</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li>Permissions for an existing user can be updated to match those of another user account. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li>Export a folder archive containing metadata-only by excluding all data. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li>Administrators can configure the retention time for audit log events. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> </ul><b class="bold">View the <span class="nobr"><a href="">LabKey Server 23.7 release notes</a></span>.</b> <h3 class="heading-1">Version 23.3, released March 2023</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li>New Panorama MAM report for early-stage post-translational modification (PTM) with improved formatting and layout. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li>New QC plots let you track the trailing mean and %CV of any QC folder metric over a specified number of runs. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>) <i class="italic">Also available in 22.11.6.</i></li> <li>An example of using a custom run-scoped metric has been added to the documentation and examples available on PanoramaWeb. Capture and track <b class="bold">Peptide ID Count</b> following these steps. (<span class="nobr"><a href="/home/Example%20Data/Custom%20Metric%20-%20Peptide%20IDs/project-begin.view">example</a></span>)</li> </ul><h3 class="heading-1-1">LabKey Server General Enhancements</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li>Enhancements have been made to clarify the options of importing new data, updating existing data, and merging both update and new data in the same import. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li>Administrators are now proactively warned about "unknown modules," modules that were previous installed but no longer exist in the current deployment. Administrators are encouraged to delete these modules and their schemas. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">details</a></span>)</li> </ul><b class="bold">View the <span class="nobr"><a href="">LabKey Server 23.3 release notes</a></span>.</b> <h3 class="heading-1">Version 22.11, released November 2022</h3> <h3 class="heading-1-1">Panorama</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li>Protein groups (mapping a peptide to multiple possible proteins) will be represented in Panorama folders when a Skyline document. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>) <i class="italic">Also available in version 22.7.2.</i></li> <li>Performance and plotting improvements for QC folders with many samples. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li>Support for z+1 and z+2 ions.</li> <li>Amino acid indices within protein sequences are based at 1 (instead of 0) for consistency with Skyline. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>) <i class="italic">Also available in version 22.7.2.</i></li> </ul><h3 class="heading-1-1">LabKey Server General Enhancements</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li>New role available: Editor without Delete. Users with this role can read, insert, and update information but cannot delete it. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li>Lists can use definitions that are shared across multiple containers, improving the ability to use them for cross-folder data consistency. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> </ul><b class="bold">View the <span class="nobr"><a href="">LabKey Server 22.11 release notes</a></span>.</b> <h3 class="heading-1">Version 22.7, released July 2022</h3> <h3 class="heading-1-1">Panorama</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li>Protein <b class="bold">Sequence Coverage</b> maps provide a heatmap style view of peptide intensity and confidence scores. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li>Include annotations, guide sets, and customized view settings when you export or copy a Panorama QC folder. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li>Consistency improvements in the interface for excluding/including precursors and viewing grids. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li>Option to split precursor and transition series on chromatogram plots. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li>Quick links make it easier to subscribe to per-folder outlier email notifications. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li>Improved and streamlined QC Plot user interface. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>) <i class="italic">These changes are also available in version 22.3.4.</i></li> <ul class="minus"> <li>When showing all series in a single plot, hovering over a point highlights the selected series.</li> <li>Points in plots are no longer shown as different shapes; all points are now circles, with excluded data shown as an open circle.</li> <li>Streamlined interface for QC plots, including removal of the small/large option, adjusted spacing for better display, and rearrangement of the plot checkboxes and options.</li> <li>Always include full +/- 3 standard deviation range in QC plots.</li> </ul> <li>Support for crosslinked peptides, including improvements in multi-attribute method reporting about how and where peptides are linked. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>) <i class="italic">Also available in version 22.3.6.</i></li> </ul><h3 class="heading-1-1">LabKey Server General Enhancements</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li>Use wiki aliases to redirect legacy links when page names change. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li>New options to clear all objects and reset default selections on the export folder/study objects page make it easier to select the desired content of a folder or study archive. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> </ul><b class="bold">View the <span class="nobr"><a href="">LabKey Server 22.7 release notes</a></span>.</b> <h3 class="heading-1">Version 22.3, released March 2022</h3> <h3 class="heading-1-1">Panorama</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li>Configure which peptide and small molecule precursors are tracked for system suitability, so that you can focus on the most relevant ones. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li>Set the default view for QC plots for providing customized and consistent views to users. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li>Improvements to Reproducibility Report: Select either light/heavy ratio or peak areas. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li>Performance of AutoQC plots has been improved.</li> </ul><h3 class="heading-1-1">Distribution Changes</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li><b class="bold"><span class="nobr"><a target="_blank" href="">&#80;anorama</a></span></b> is available for on-premise installation only with Premium Editions of LabKey Server through the <span class="nobr"><a target="_blank" href="">&#80;anorama Partners Program</a></span>.</li> <ul class="minus"> <li>Please <span class="nobr"><a target="_blank" href="">&#99;ontact LabKey if you are interested in joining the Panorama Partners</a></span>.</li> </ul> <li>PanoramaWeb remains a public Panorama server hosted at the University of Washington where laboratories and organizations can own free projects. It is not impacted by the above distribution change. <span class="nobr"><a href="">Sign up here</a></span>.</li> </ul><a name="upcoming"></a> <h3 class="heading-1-1">Upcoming Distribution Changes</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li>Beginning with LabKey Server version 22.4 (April 2022), support for Java 16 will be removed. Before upgrading, Java will need to be upgraded to a <span class="nobr"><a href="">supported version of JDK 17</a></span>.</li> <li>Beginning with version 22.4 (April 2022), support for Microsoft SQL Server 2012 as the primary database for LabKey Server will be removed. Before upgrading, your database will need to be upgraded to a <span class="nobr"><a href="">supported version of Microsoft SQL Server</a></span>.</li> </ul><b class="bold">View the <span class="nobr"><a href="">LabKey Server 22.3 release notes</a></span>.</b> <h3 class="heading-1">Version 21.11, released November 2021</h3> <h3 class="heading-1-1">Panorama</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li>When viewing a protein or molecule list, multiple peptides and molecules chromatograms are plotted together. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li>Monitor iRT metrics (slope, intercept, and r-squared correlation) to track system suitability. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li><span class="nobr"><a href=""><span class="fa fa-star-o"></span></a></span> Integrate Panorama with LabKey Sample Manager (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> </ul><h3 class="heading-1-1">Operations/Development</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li>Release 21.11 of LabKey Server no longer supports Java version 14 or 15. We recommend upgrading to Java 17 for long term support. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <ul class="minus"> <li>Running under JDK 16 or 17 still requires use of special JVM flags. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> </ul> <li>Support for PostgreSQL 9.6 has been removed. Before upgrading, PostgreSQL must be upgraded to a <span class="nobr"><a href="">supported version</a></span>.</li> </ul><a name="upcoming"></a> <h3 class="heading-1-1">Upcoming Distribution Changes</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li>Beginning with version 22.3 (March 2022), <b class="bold"><span class="nobr"><a href="">Panorama</a></span></b> will be available only with Premium Editions of LabKey Server through the <span class="nobr"><a target="_blank" href="">&#80;anorama Partners Program</a></span>. It will no longer be included in the Community Edition.</li> <ul class="minus"> <li>Please <span class="nobr"><a href="">contact LabKey if you are interested in joining the Panorama Partners</a></span>.</li> <li>Users with projects on PanoramaWeb will not be impacted by this change.</li> </ul></ul><b class="bold">View the <span class="nobr"><a href="">LabKey Server 21.11 release notes</a></span>.</b> <h3 class="heading-1">Version 21.7, released July 2021</h3> <h3 class="heading-1-1">Panorama</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li>Reproducibility Report - Now integrated into chromatogram libraries, assess inter- and intra-day variation based on raw, normalized, or calibrated values, along with calibration curve and figures of merit data. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li>Improved navigation and summarization for calibration curve and figure of merit reporting. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>) | (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li><span class="nobr"><a href=""><span class="fa fa-star-o"></span></a></span> Pressure Traces - In QC folders, use pressure traces as sources for metrics to monitor for system suitability and identify column and other problems. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> </ul><h3 class="heading-1-1">Operations/Development</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li>Support for PostgreSQL 9.5.x has been removed. Before upgrading, PostgreSQL must be upgraded to a <span class="nobr"><a href="">supported version</a></span>.</li> <li>Support for Apache Tomcat 8.5.x has been deprecated and will be removed in 21.8.0. Please upgrade to Tomcat 9.0.x ASAP. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li>The build has been updated to use Gradle 7, which now allows <u class="underline">building</u> LabKey from source with JDK 16. <u class="underline">Running</u> under JDK 16 still requires use of a couple special JVM flags. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> </ul><b class="bold">View the <span class="nobr"><a href="">LabKey Server 21.7 release notes</a></span>.</b> <h3 class="heading-1">Version 21.3, released March 2021</h3> <h3 class="heading-1-1">Panorama</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li>Link from Experiment data to QC folder - Panorama automatically links data in Experiment folders to the QC folder(s) that contain data from the same instrument, making it quick to see how the instrument was performing at the time of acquisition. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li>Instrument summary on replicate page - Easily see which instruments acquired the data in a Skyline document. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li>Always include guide set data in QC plots - When zooming in to view QC data for a specific date range, juxtapose the guide set data that's being used to identify outliers. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li>MxN reproducibility reports - New reporting summarizes intra- and inter-day variability for peptides within a protein to assess its reproducibility. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li>PDF and PNG plot exports - Many Panorama reports are now rendered as vector-based plots in the web browser for better clarity and offer PDF and PNG export formats. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span> | <span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li>Reduced memory usage during import - Importing large Skyline documents uses 80% or less memory, offering much better performance and scaling. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li>Enhanced chromatogram library exports - Chromatogram libraries (.clib files) now include additional optimization and ion mobility information. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> </ul><h3 class="heading-1-1">Operations/Development</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li>Java 13 No Longer Supported - LabKey has removed support for JDK 13. Before upgrading LabKey Server, Java must be upgraded to a <span class="nobr"><a href="">supported version</a></span>.</li> <li><span class="nobr"><a href="">Upgrade all LabKey Dependencies</a></span> - We strongly recommend that, as part of your LabKey Server upgrade, you also upgrade all major LabKey dependencies to the latest point releases: AdoptOpenJDK 15 64-bit (x64) with HotSpot JVM, Tomcat 9.0.x, and PostgreSQL 13.x.</li> <li><span class="nobr"><a href="">Upgrade Instructions</a></span> - Follow the steps in this topic to upgrade to the latest release of LabKey Server: <span class="nobr"><a href="">Upgrade Instructions</a></span></li> <li>Support for running under the upcoming JDK 16 release is available with use of a special flag. You cannot yet build LabKey from source with JDK 16. Learn more here: <span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span></li> <li>Microsoft SQL Server (and all other non-PostgreSQL database connections) are supported only in Premium Edition distributions. The BigIron module, which provides support for Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, and SAS/SHARE, has moved to Premium Edition distributions.</li> </ul><b class="bold">View the <span class="nobr"><a href="">LabKey Server 21.3 release notes</a></span>.</b> <h3 class="heading-1">Version 20.11, released November 2020</h3> <h3 class="heading-1-1">Panorama</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li><b class="bold">Refinements to Multi-attribution Methods Reports</b> - Peptide reporting shows more information of interest. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li><b class="bold">Small Molecule Chromatogram Libraries</b> - Curate and export chromatogram libraries for small molecules in addition to proteomics data. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li>Performance improvements for QC metric reporting.</li> <li>Higher resolution plots - Chromatograms and sample comparison plots leverage higher resolution displays when available. <i class="italic">(Introduced in 20.11.1)</i></li> </ul><h3 class="heading-1-1">Operations/Development</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li>Completed migration of LabKey source code and history to <span class="nobr"><a href="">GitHub</a></span>. A read-only copy of the trunk code will remain available in subversion to assist in migration, but all new development will be on GitHub. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li>The developer links menu has been reorganized to better support developer needs. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li>Upgrade to the <span class="nobr"><a href="">Log4j 2 API</a></span> with release 20.11. A backwards-compatibility JAR will be available if you are not able to upgrade immediately. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li>Updates to file handling</li> <ul class="minus"> <li>Deprecated properties removed: SvnUrl, SvnRevision, Version, LabKeyVersion, and ConsolidateScripts are no longer supported. See <span class="nobr"><a href="">&#104;ttps://</a></span> and <span class="nobr"><a href="">&#104;ttps://</a></span> for migration tips.</li> <li>Deprecated properties: We have deprecated the use of the ModuleDependencies property in favor of declaring the dependency within a module's build.gradle file. Support for ModuleDependencies will be completely removed for the 21.3 (March 2021) release. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> </ul> <li><b class="bold">Security Update</b>: API calls like selectRows and executeSql and UI-based requests that render data grids will now return a 400 error response if the parameters have invalid values. For example, if the maxRows parameter has a non-numeric value. In the past these bogus values were ignored, and the server used the parameter's default.</li> </ul><b class="bold">View the <span class="nobr"><a href="">LabKey Server 20.11 release notes</a></span>.</b> <h3 class="heading-1">Version 20.7, released July 2020</h3> <h3 class="heading-1-1">Panorama</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li><b class="bold">Panorama QC Performance</b> - Performance improvements when reporting on QC folders with high data volume. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li><b class="bold">Skyline Audit Log</b> - Improvements to import and display of Skyline document's audit log. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li><b class="bold">Crosslinked-Peptides</b> - Support for Skyline's new handling of cross-linked peptides.</li> <li><b class="bold">Multi Attribute Method (MAM) Folder Type</b> - Panorama includes a new folder type intended for groups doing MAM analysis, making key reports easily available.</li> </ul><h3 class="heading-1-1">Operations</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li><b class="bold">Changes to How JDBC Jars are Distributed</b> - The JDBC jars (jtds.jar, postgresql.jar, mysql.jar) are now versioned and distributed inside the module directories like any other third-party jar, making it unnecessary to copy them to the CATALINA_HOME/lib directory during installation and upgrade. When you upgrade to 20.7, delete these JDBC jar files from CATALINA_HOME/lib to avoid conflicts.</li> <li><b class="bold">Changes to Source Directory Structure</b> - When building from source, the /optionalModules and /externalModules directories are no longer used. Move all contents from these directories into /server/modules. Note that this change only applies to developers building the server from source; for production servers /externalModules can still be used for deploying modules.</li> <li><b class="bold">Changes to How Proteomics Binaries are Distributed</b> - The proteomics binaries are now downloaded automatically without further action. This download can be <span class="nobr"><a href="">skipped if desired</a></span>.</li> <li><b class="bold">Java, Tomcat, and PostgreSQL Versions</b> - LabKey has removed support for JDK 12.x, Tomcat 7.0.x, and PostgreSQL 9.4.x. Before upgrading LabKey Server, we strongly recommend you also upgrade all major LabKey dependencies to their latest point releases. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li><b class="bold">Upgrade Instructions</b> - Follow the steps in this topic to upgrade to the latest release of LabKey Server: <span class="nobr"><a href="">Upgrade LabKey Server</a></span></li> </ul><b class="bold">View the <span class="nobr"><a href="">LabKey Server 20.7 release notes</a></span>.</b> <h3 class="heading-1">Version 20.3, released March 2020</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li><b class="bold">Month-based Version Names</b> - A new month-based naming pattern has been adopted for LabKey Server. This March 2020 release is named 20.3; the next production release in July 2020 will be 20.7.</li> </ul><h3 class="heading-1-1">Panorama</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li><b class="bold">Skyline Document Version Updates</b> - Updates to Panorama to ensure full compatibility with changes to Skyline's file format.</li> <li><b class="bold">Sample File Scoped Chromatograms</b> - Display and provide API access to chromatogram-style data contained within Skyline documents. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li><b class="bold">Multi Attribute Method (MAM) reporting</b> - To support MAM analysis, Panorama now includes a post-translational modification (PTM) report that shows the percent of peptides that included tracked PTMs across samples, as well as a Peptide ID report that shows the identified peptides with their retention times, and expected and observed masses.</li> </ul><h3 class="heading-1-1">Operations</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li><b class="bold">Important Security Update</b> - LabKey Server 20.3 includes an important security update, which has been back-ported to version 19.3.7. We strongly recommend that you upgrade your servers to at least 19.3.7 to pick up this security update.</li> <li><b class="bold">AdoptOpenJDK 13</b> - Starting with LabKey Server 20.3.0, we recommended AdoptOpenJDK 13 for new installations and upgrades. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li><b class="bold">Upgrade all LabKey Dependencies</b> - We strongly recommend that, as part of your LabKey Server upgrade, you also upgrade all major LabKey dependencies to their latest point releases, these include: Java, Tomcat, and your database server. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> </ul><b class="bold">View the <span class="nobr"><a href="">LabKey Server 20.3 release notes</a></span>.</b> <h3 class="heading-1">Version 19.3, released November 2019</h3> <h3 class="heading-1-1">Panorama</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li><span class="nobr"><a href=""><span class="fa fa-star-o"></span></a></span> <b class="bold">Panorama Premium: Auto-enabling Metrics</b> - Metrics are shown when relevant data is detected; these metrics are hidden when relevant data is not detected. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li><b class="bold">Skyline List Support</b> - Lists defined in Skyline are imported and available in Panorama folders. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li><b class="bold">Isotopologue Metrics</b> - Plot isotopologue metrics including LOD and LOQ when data is available from Skyline. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li><b class="bold">Total Ion Chromatogram Metric</b> - In QC folders, track the total ion chromatogram area as a metric, scoped to the entire run. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li><b class="bold">Skyline Audit Log</b> - Import the Skyline audit log into Panorama. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> </ul><h3 class="heading-1">Version 19.2, released July 2019</h3> <h3 class="heading-1-1">Panorama</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li><b class="bold">Zip files during upload</b> - .raw and .d directories or raw data files (from Agilent, Waters, and Bruker instruments) are automatically zipped before upload to a Panorama files repository. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li><b class="bold"><span class="nobr"><a href=""><span class="fa fa-star-o"></span></a></span> Premium Features for Panorama Partners</b>: New features available exclusively to members of the Panorama Partners Program and on</li> <ul class="minus"> <li><span class="nobr"><a href=""><span class="fa fa-star-o"></span></a></span> <b class="bold">Panorama Premium: Outlier Notifications</b> - Subscribe to email notifications for new QC folder data imports, or only when the number of outliers in a series of imports is over a threshold. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li><b class="bold"><span class="nobr"><a href=""><span class="fa fa-star-o"></span></a></span> Panorama Premium: Configure QC Metrics</b> - Configure which QC metrics are used for analysis. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> </ul></ul><h3 class="heading-1-1">Operations</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li><b class="bold">MS1 Module Removed</b> - The MS1 module has reached end of life and due to lack of usage, has been removed.</li> <li><b class="bold">Internet Explorer - End of Support</b> - LabKey no longer supports Internet Explorer. For details, see <span class="nobr"><a href="">supported browsers</a></span>.</li> <li><b class="bold">Upgrade to Java 12</b> - Oracle has ended public support for Java 11, and as a result, LabKey has completely removed support for Java 11 in the 19.2.0 release. For details, see <span class="nobr"><a href="">supported Java versions</a></span>.</li> <li><b class="bold">Upgrade Tomcat Version</b> - If you are using Tomcat 7 or 8, be sure to update to the latest point release. LabKey Server version 19.2.0 will be incompatible with Tomcat releases prior to 7.0.76 or 8.5.12. If you are using an incompatible version, you may see JSP compilation errors. Tomcat 9 releases (beginning with 9.0.0) are compatible and will not see these errors. For details, see <span class="nobr"><a href="">supported Tomcat versions</a></span>.</li> </ul><h3 class="heading-1-1">Development</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li><b class="bold">Source Code Migration to GitHub</b> - Core LabKey Server modules have been migrated from SVN to GitHub, as well as the central automated test code and all of the modules from server/customModules. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span> | <span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li><b class="bold">Performance improvements by caching virtual schema metadata</b> - Database schema metadata has always been cached, but beginning with release 19.2.x, table and column metadata for user schemas (i.e., virtual schemas) is also cached per request. This improves performance when processing complex queries.</li> </ul><h3 class="heading-1">Version 19.1, released March 2019</h3> <h3 class="heading-1-1">Panorama</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li><b class="bold">Improved Replicate Views</b> - The replicate view of a Skyline document now highlights the annotations present in that single file, as well as showing more information about the samples being used.</li> <li><b class="bold">QC Folder Optimizations</b> - Page load times for QC folders with substantial amounts of data should be improved.</li> <li><b class="bold">Import Optimizations</b> - The time required to import a Skyline document has been reduced, by 50% or more in many cases.</li> </ul><h3 class="heading-1-1">Security</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li><b class="bold">See User and Group Details Role</b> - Allow non-administrators to see email addresses and contact information of other users as well as information about security groups. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li><b class="bold">Enforce CSRF Checking</b> - All POST requests must include a CSRF token. This is no longer a configurable option. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> </ul><h3 class="heading-1-1">Sample Management</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li><b class="bold">Sample Set Updates</b> - The sample set creation and import pages have been streamlined and standardized. Performance has been improved when importing large sample sets, as well as for query and update operations. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>).</li> </ul><h3 class="heading-1-1">Administration</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li><b class="bold">Configure Allowable External Redirects</b> - Create a whitelist of allowable redirects to external sites. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> </ul><h3 class="heading-1-1">Operations</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li><b class="bold">Upgrade to Java 12</b> - We strongly recommend upgrading your server installations to Oracle OpenJDK 12 as soon as possible. 19.1.x installations will continue to run on Java 11, but site administrators will see a warning banner. Oracle has ended public support for Java 11; as a result, LabKey will completely remove support for Java 11 in the 19.2.0 release. For details see <span class="nobr"><a href="">Supported Technologies</a></span>.</li> <li><b class="bold">Remove Support for Java 8</b> - Oracle ended public support for Java 8 in January 2019; as a result, LabKey Server no longer supports Java 8. For details, see <span class="nobr"><a href="">Supported Technologies</a></span>.</li> </ul><h3 class="heading-1-1">Potential Backwards Compatibility Issues</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li><b class="bold">Remote API Date Format Change</b> - The date format in JSON responses has been changed to include milliseconds: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS". In previous releases the following format was used: "yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss".</li> <li><b class="bold">Removal of Legacy JFree Chart Views</b> - Existing charts of these older types are rendered as JavaScript charts. No action is needed to migrate them. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li><b class="bold">Legacy MS2 Views</b> - Options in the Grouping and Comparison views previously marked as "legacy" have been removed.</li> <li><b class="bold">User and Group Details Access Change</b> - Access to contact information fields in the core.Users and core.SiteUsers queries, the core.Groups query, and the getGroupPerms API now require the Administrator or "See User and Group Details" role.</li> <li><b class="bold">External Redirects Change</b> - External redirects are now restricted to the host names configured using the new Configure Allowable External Redirects administration feature. The 18.3.x experimental feature that unconditionally allowed external redirects has been removed.</li> <li><b class="bold">POST Method Required for Many APIs</b> - Many LabKey APIs and actions have been migrated to require the POST method, which has security benefits over GET. The LabKey client APIs have been adjusted to call these server APIs using POST, but code that invokes LabKey actions directly using HTTP may need to switch to POST.</li> </ul><h3 class="heading-1-1">Upcoming Changes</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li><b class="bold">End of Support for IE 11</b> - Support for IE 11 will end in the upcoming LabKey Server 19.2.0 release, scheduled for July 2019. Please contact us for workaround options if this change strongly impacts you. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> </ul><h3 class="heading-1">Version 18.3, released November 2018</h3> <h3 class="heading-1-1">Panorama</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li><b class="bold">Normalized Y-axes in QC Plots</b> - Support for normalizing Levey-Jennings and Moving Range plots using percent of mean or standard deviation as the zero point on the Y-axis. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li><b class="bold">Improved Figures of Merit performance</b> - Rendering performance for the Figures of Merit report has been improved. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li><b class="bold">Read Chromatograms Directly from SKYD files</b> - An experimental feature allows you to read chromatograms directly from SKYD files instead of storing them in the database. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> </ul><h3 class="heading-1-1">Administration</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li><b class="bold">Subfolder Web Part</b> - This web part shows the subfolders of the current location; included in new collaboration folders by default. Also available in the 18.2 release. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li><b class="bold">Connect to Existing Amazon S3 Directories</b> - Connect to an existing S3 directory or create a new one for each LabKey folder. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li><b class="bold">Improved Navigation Menu</b> - The project menu and any custom menus you define have a more consistent interface, and each contain graphical elements signaling that they are interactive elements. You can also access the project menu from the admin console. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> </ul><h3 class="heading-1-1">Reporting and Visualization</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li><b class="bold">Scatter and Line Plot Enhancements</b> - Specify multiple Y axes. Show all data on a single plot or display separate plots per measure. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span> | <span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> </ul><h3 class="heading-1-1">Development and APIs</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li><b class="bold">NaN and Infinity Values</b> - LabKey SQL supports constants NaN, INF, and -INF. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> </ul><h3 class="heading-1-1">Potential Backwards Compatibility Issues</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li><b class="bold">Changes to CSRF Setting</b> - At 18.3 upgrade time, the CSRF checking setting on all servers will be set to "All POST requests". Site administrators will have the ability to revert back to "Admin requests" for deployments that still need to make their external modules or custom pages compatible with this setting. For release 19.1, we plan to remove the setting entirely and check CSRF tokens on every POST (except for specially annotated actions). When servers are protecting against CSRF attacks, they will require the following minimum versions: Skyline - 4.2; Skyline-daily -; AutoQC Loader - (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> </ul><h3 class="heading-1-1">Operations </h3> <ul class="minus"> <li>Support for <b class="bold">Java 11</b> - We recommend upgrading your server installation to Java 11. Oracle is expected to end public support for Java 8 in January 2019, and, as a result, LabKey Server will no longer support Java 8 for the 19.1 release. For details see <span class="nobr"><a href="">Supported Technologies</a></span>.</li> <li>Support for <b class="bold">PostgreSQL 11</b> - PostgreSQL 11.1 and above is supported (<b class="bold">not</b> the initial PostgreSQL 11.0 release). For details, see <span class="nobr"><a href="">Supported Technologies</a></span>.</li> <li>Remove support for <b class="bold">PostgreSQL 9.3</b> - PostgreSQL 9.3 reached end-of-life in November 2018. We recommend upgrading your PostgreSQL installation to version 10 or later. For details, see <span class="nobr"><a href="">Supported Technologies</a></span>.</li> </ul>View the <span class="nobr"><a href="">LabKey Server 18.3 release notes</a></span>. <h3 class="heading-1">Version 18.2, released July 2018</h3> <h3 class="heading-1-1">Panorama</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li><b class="bold">Improved Pharmacokinetic Report</b> - Pharmacokinetic (PK) calculations are provided per subgroup, replicate annotations are included, and non-IV routes of administration are supported. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li><b class="bold">LOD/LOQ Skyline Compatibility</b> - Limit of Detection (LOD) is now shown in Panorama, and there is support for additional Limit of Quantitation (LOQ) configuration as defined in Skyline. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> </ul><h3 class="heading-1-1">System Integration</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li><b class="bold">Spotfire Integration</b> - Use data stored in LabKey Server to create Spotfire visualizations. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> </ul><h3 class="heading-1-1">LabKey SQL</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li><b class="bold">Common Table Expressions</b> - Use a SQL "WITH" clause to simplify complex queries and create recursive queries. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> </ul><h3 class="heading-1-1">Development</h3> <h3 class="heading-1-1">Potential Backward Compatibility Issues</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li><b class="bold">Changes to CSRF Default Setting</b> In 18.2, we have switched the default CSRF checking setting (affecting only new servers) to "All POST requests". We recommend that all clients run their servers with the "All POST requests" setting, ideally on production servers but at a minimum on their tests/staging servers. In the upcoming 18.3 release, we plan to force the setting (on all existing servers at upgrade time) to "All POST requests". We will retain the ability to revert back to "Admin requests" for deployments that still need to make their external modules or custom pages compatible with this setting. For release 19.1, we plan to remove the setting entirely and check CSRF tokens on every POST (except for specially annotated actions).</li> </ul><h3 class="heading-1-1">Operations</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li><b class="bold">Tomcat 8.0.x is no longer supported</b> - If you are using Tomcat 8.0.x, you should upgrade to 8.5.x at your earliest convenience. No configuration changes in LabKey Server are necessary as part of this upgrade. For details see <span class="nobr"><a href="">Supported Technologies</a></span>.</li> <li><b class="bold">Connection Pool Size</b> - We recommend reviewing the connection pool size settings on your production servers. For details, see <span class="nobr"><a href="">Troubleshooting</a></span>.</li> </ul>View the <span class="nobr"><a href="">LabKey Server 18.2 release notes</a></span>. <h3 class="heading-1">Version 18.1, released March 2018</h3> <h3 class="heading-1-1">Panorama</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li><b class="bold">Pharmacokinetic Calculations</b> - See the stability, longevity, and uptake of compounds of interest. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li><b class="bold">Figures of Merit for Quantitation Data</b> - Summary statistics show the mean, standard deviation, and %CV for the replicates, along with lower limit of detection, quantitation, etc. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> </ul><h3 class="heading-1">Collaboration</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li><b class="bold">Files Table</b> - All files under @files, @pipeline, and @filesets in a container can be managed using a new exp.Files table. Developers can use exp.Files to programmatically control all files at once. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li><b class="bold">Messages Default to Markdown</b> - Markdown is a simple markup language for formatting pages from plain text, similar to LabKey's Wiki syntax. The Messages editor window includes a Markdown syntax key and message preview tab. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> </ul><h3 class="heading-1-1">Security</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li><b class="bold">New Role: See Absolute File Paths</b> - A new site-level role allows users to see absolute file paths in the File Repository. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li><b class="bold">Impersonation Auditing</b> - Audit records are created when a user starts or stops impersonating a role or group. <span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li><b class="bold">API Keys</b> - Client code can access the server using API keys. Administrators can allow users to obtain new API keys and manage when keys expire. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li><b class="bold">Captcha for Self Sign-up</b> - Self-registration now includes a captcha step to prevent abuse by bots. (<span class="nobr"><a href="">docs</a></span>)</li> <li><b class="bold">Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Protection Changes</b> - All LabKey pages have been tested and updated to protect against CSRF. We recommend that site admins change the default CSRF protection setting to "All POST requests" to enable this increased protection. This may cause issues with custom pages that are not configured to submit CSRF tokens when doing an HTTP POST. For details see the Potential Backwards Compatibility Issues section below.</li> </ul><h3 class="heading-1-1">Operations</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li>Support for <b class="bold">Microsoft SQL Server 2017</b> on Windows and Linux - For details, see <span class="nobr"><a href="">Supported Technologies</a></span>.</li> <li>Support for <b class="bold">Tomcat 9.0.x</b> - For details, see <span class="nobr"><a href="">Supported Technologies</a></span>.</li> </ul><h3 class="heading-1-1">Potential Backwards Compatibility Issues</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li><a name="csrf"></a><b class="bold">New Cross-Site Request Forgery Protection (CSRF) Recommendation</b> - We recommend that administrators begin the process of converting their servers from the current default CSRF protection setting of "Admin requests" to "All POST requests". The more stringent security setting may cause issues for custom pages that submit HTTP POST requests. If you <i class="italic">have no</i> custom pages or forms, we recommend that you immediately change the CSRF setting for all test, staging, and production servers running 18.1. If you <i class="italic">have</i> custom pages and forms, we recommend that you begin testing on your test and staging servers. In a future release, LabKey Server will enforce that all HTTP POSTs include the CSRF token, at which point all custom pages will be required to be do so. For details on configuring custom pages with CSRF protection, see <span class="nobr"><a href="">here</a></span>.</li> </ul>View the <span class="nobr"><a href="">LabKey Server 18.1 release notes</a></span>.</div><br><br> <hr size=1> <h3><a name="Create a folder in Panorama"></a>Create a Folder in Panorama</h3><br> <div class="labkey-wiki">To get your data into Panorama, first create a folder. <ul class="minus"> <li>Hover over your project name in the menu bar below the Panorama icon and click on the New Subfolder icon shown in the image below.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=d52f572f-f1a1-1030-88ad-3013bb9bb2e8&amp;name=panFolder1.png" title="panFolder1.png"> <ul class="minus"> <li>Give the new folder a <b class="bold">Name</b>.</li> <li>Select the <b class="bold">Panorama</b> option under <b class="bold">Folder Type</b>. This is the folder type that should be selected for all workflows supported by Skyline (SRM-MS, MS1 filtering or MS2 based projects).</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=d52f572f-f1a1-1030-88ad-3013bb9bb2e8&amp;name=panFolder2.png" title="panFolder2.png"> <ul class="minus"> <li>On the <b class="bold">Users / Permissions</b> page, select one of the available options and click <b class="bold">Next.</b></li> <ul class="minus"> <li>You can also change permissions on a folder after it has been created.</li> </ul> <li>The next page, <b class="bold">Configure Panorama Folder</b>, asks you to choose the type of Targeted MS folder you would like to create. Panorama offers several choices here:</li> <ul class="minus"> <li>Choose the <b class="bold">Experimental data</b> option for folders that serve as a repository of Skyline documents, useful for collaborating, sharing and searching across multiple experiments.</li> <li>Choose the <b class="bold">Multi-attribute method (MAM)</b> option for an Experimental data folder including additional reporting for multi-attribute method analyses.</li> <li>Choose <b class="bold">Chromatogram library</b> to store curated assays that can be used for designing and validating future experiments.</li> <li>Check Rank peptides within proteins by peak area if your data contains relative peptide expression for proteins.</li> </ul> <li>Choose the <b class="bold">Quality control</b> (QC) option for tracking performance of mass spec. instruments over time.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=d52f572f-f1a1-1030-88ad-3013bb9bb2e8&amp;name=panFolder3.png" title="panFolder3.png"> <ul class="minus"> <li>Click <b class="bold">Finish</b>.</li> </ul><br/> <br/> <h3 class="heading-1-1">Changing the folder type</h3> If you forget to select "Panorama" as the folder type option when creating a new folder, the folder will not be recognized by Skyline as a folder where it can upload Skyline documents. The folder will also not have the layout that you expect to see in a "Panorama" folder. For example, the <b class="bold">Raw Data</b> tab where you can upload raw files will not be available. You can change the folder type by following these steps: <ul class="minus"> <li>Click the <span class="fa fa-cog"></span> gear icon in the top right corner and select <b class="bold">Folder</b> and then <b class="bold">Management</b></li> <li>In the <b class="bold">Folder Management</b> interface select the <b class="bold">Folder Type</b> tab as show in the image below</li> <li>Select <b class="bold">Panorama</b> as the folder type option and click the <b class="bold">Update Folder</b> button</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=d52f572f-f1a1-1030-88ad-3013bb9bb2e8&amp;name=change_folder_type.png" title="change_folder_type.png"> <br/> <br/> <br/> See the LabKey documentation for more information: <ul class="minus"> <li><span class="nobr"><a href="">Creating Folders <span class="fa fa-external-link"></span></a></span></li> <li><span class="nobr"><a href="">Setting Folder Permissions <span class="fa fa-external-link"></span></a></span></li> <li><span class="nobr"><a href="">Managing Folders <span class="fa fa-external-link"></span></a></span></li> </ul></div><br><br> <hr size=1> <h3><a name="folder_navigation"></a>Folder Navigation in Panorama</h3><br> <div class="labkey-wiki"><p>To navigate to your available projects and subfolders, hover over the folder icon <i class="fa fa-folder-open"></i> or the current project name, located at the top left corner, just under the Panorama logo.&nbsp;</p> <p><img alt="" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=a32d3708-dcf2-1034-ad99-3013bb9b0ecc&amp;name=panoNav1.jpg"></p> <p><strong>Project navigation:</strong> Hovering over the folder icon to the left displays all the projects that you have access to on PanoramaWeb. Clicking on the project name (e.g. &ldquo;MacCoss&rdquo;) will take you to the home page of the project.</p> <p><strong>Folder navigation:</strong>&nbsp;The menu provides a tree view with expandible/collapsable nodes for navigation to sub-folders. Clicking on a folder name navigates to the home page of the folder.</p> <p>Also see: <a href="">LabKey Documentation: Navigate Server <i class="fa fa-external-link"></i></a></p></div><br><br> <hr size=1> <h3><a name="add_project_users"></a>Adding Users to a Project</h3><br> <div class="labkey-wiki"><p>If you are the administrator of a project on, you can follow these steps to add users from your lab or organization to the project.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <ul> <li>Click on the&nbsp;<strong>Gear Icon&nbsp;</strong> <i class="fa fa-gear"></i>, as shown in the image below.</li> <li>Click&nbsp;<strong>Folder&nbsp;</strong>and then click &nbsp;<strong>Permissions</strong>.</li> </ul> <p><img alt="" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=eb0b806a-249f-1031-bb0e-3013bb9b4498&amp;name=panoPerms1.png" style="border: 1px solid black;"></p> <ul> <li>On the permissions page click on the&nbsp;<strong>Project Groups&nbsp;</strong>tab.</li> <li>Click on the "Users" group. &nbsp;This is a group that is created for every project on Panorama.</li> </ul> <p><img alt="" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=eb0b806a-249f-1031-bb0e-3013bb9b4498&amp;name=panoPerms2.png" style="border: 1px solid black;"></p> <ul> <li>In the&nbsp;<strong>Users Information&nbsp;</strong>popup click on&nbsp;<strong>Manage Group</strong>.</li> </ul> <p><img alt="" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=eb0b806a-249f-1031-bb0e-3013bb9b4498&amp;name=panoPerms3.png" style="border: 1px solid black;"></p> <ul> <li>Enter the email addresses of new users in the&nbsp;<strong>Add New Members&nbsp;</strong>text box.&nbsp;</li> <li>Click on&nbsp;<strong>Update Group Membership</strong>.</li> </ul> <p><img alt="" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=eb0b806a-249f-1031-bb0e-3013bb9b4498&amp;name=panoPerms4.png" style="border: 1px solid black;"></p> <ul> <li>Any users that did not already have accounts on the Panorama server will be added to the system, and a welcoming email will be sent to them.</li> <li>Click on&nbsp;<strong>Permissions&nbsp;</strong>in the navigation trail, as shown in the image below, to go back to the permissions page.</li> </ul> <p><img alt="" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=eb0b806a-249f-1031-bb0e-3013bb9b4498&amp;name=panoPerms5.png" style="border: 1px solid black;"></p> <ul> <li>Assign the&nbsp;<strong>Users&nbsp;</strong>group to the&nbsp;<strong>Reader&nbsp;</strong>role, as shown in the image below. &nbsp;All users that are members of the&nbsp;<strong>Users&nbsp;</strong>group will have read access to the project.</li> </ul> <p><img alt="" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=eb0b806a-249f-1031-bb0e-3013bb9b4498&amp;name=panoPerms6.png" style="border: 1px solid black;"></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>To make a folder public assign <strong>Site:Guests</strong> to the <strong>Reader</strong> role. Anyone with a link to the folder will be able to view it without having to log in.</p> <p>For more information on the adding / managing users and security roles look at the LabKey documentation on&nbsp;<a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">LabKey security architecture</a>.</p></div><br><br> <hr size=1> <h3><a name="Importing data into Panorama"></a>Import Data Into Panorama</h3><br> <div class="labkey-wiki"><p>You can import data into a Panorama server either <a href="#import_from_skyline">directly from Skyline</a> or from <a href="#import_from_panorama">Panorama's web-browser interface</a>.</p> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a name="import_from_skyline"></a>Importing data into a Panorama server from Skyline</span></strong></p> <p>Open the document that you want to publish to Panorama.</p> <ul> <li>Click on the&nbsp;<strong>Upload to Panorama</strong>&nbsp;button in the toolbar, as shown below.&nbsp; Alternatively, on the&nbsp;<strong>File</strong>&nbsp;menu, click&nbsp;<strong>Upload to Panorama</strong>.</li> </ul> <p><img alt="" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ab4debe5-4e28-1030-8928-134f01698911&amp;name=Skyline_ways_to_upload_to_Panorama.png">&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <ul> <li>&nbsp;If you have not already registered a Panorama server in Skyline you will see the following message.</li> </ul> <p><img alt="" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ab4debe5-4e28-1030-8928-134f01698911&amp;name=Skyline_no_panorama_servers.png"></p> <p>If you have an existing account on a Panorama server, and you would like to use that, click <strong>Continue </strong>and enter the server details in the <strong>Edit Server</strong> form Skyline presents. &nbsp;If you do not have an existing Panorama account, you can&nbsp;<a href="">request a project</a>&nbsp;on the&nbsp;<a href="">PanoramaWeb server</a>&nbsp;hosted at the University of Washington&nbsp;by clicking <strong>Register.</strong></p> <p><strong><img alt="" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ab4debe5-4e28-1030-8928-134f01698911&amp;name=Skyline_edit_server.png"><br></strong></p> <p>In the <strong>Edit Server</strong>&nbsp;form enter the server URL and the email address and password for your account on the server. Click&nbsp;<strong>OK.&nbsp;</strong>Skyline will now display a form with the folder hierarchy on the Panorama server.</p> <ul> <li>Select a folder on the server where you want to add the document.</li> <li>Click the&nbsp;<strong>OK </strong>button<strong>.</strong>&nbsp;</li> </ul> <p><img alt="" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ab4debe5-4e28-1030-8928-134f01698911&amp;name=Skyline_upload_document_dlg.png"></p> <p>Skyline will create a ZIP archive of the files for your document and upload the ZIP file to the Panorama server, where it will be imported into the Panorama database.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <hr><hr> <p><strong><br></strong></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;"><a name="import_from_panorama"></a>Importing data into a Panorama server via a web-browser</span></strong></p> <p>Using the Skyline <strong>Upload to Panorama</strong> toolbar button or menu item is the most convenient way to get your documents into Panorama.&nbsp; But this can also be done by using the Panorama web interface.</p> <ul> <li>In Skyline, open the file you want to upload to Panorama.</li> <li>In the <strong>File </strong>menu click <strong>Share.</strong></li> <li>If the document uses spectral libraries or a background proteome:</li> <ul> <li>Click the Minimize libraries radio button to share only the library spectra used in your document</li> <li>Click the Store everything radio button to share the libraries and background proteome files as they exist on your system</li> </ul> </ul> <p><img alt="" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ab4debe5-4e28-1030-8928-134f01698911&amp;name=Skyline_share_document.png"></p> <ul> <li>Save the ZIP file on your computer using the <strong>Share Document</strong> form presented by Skyline.</li> <li>In Panorama, navigate to your folder.</li> <li>Click the <strong>Data Pipeline</strong> tab in the upper right corner.</li> <li>Click <strong>Process and Import Data</strong> as shown below.</li> </ul> <p><img alt="" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ab4debe5-4e28-1030-8928-134f01698911&amp;name=panoImport1.png" style="border: 0px solid black;"></p> <ul> <li>In the <strong>Files </strong>browser, click <strong>Upload Files</strong></li> <li>Click the<strong> <strong>Browse</strong></strong> button and select the file that you want to import.</li> <li>Click the <strong>Upload </strong>button.</li> </ul> <p><img alt="" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ab4debe5-4e28-1030-8928-134f01698911&amp;name=panoImport2.png" style="border: 1px solid black;"></p> <p>Once the file has been uploaded it will appear in the list of files in your folder</p> <ul> <li>Check the box next to your file name.</li> <li>Click <strong>Import Data</strong> in the toolbar, beside the <strong>Upload Files</strong> button</li> </ul> <p><img alt="" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ab4debe5-4e28-1030-8928-134f01698911&amp;name=panoImport3.png" style="border: 1px solid black;">.</p> <p>Wait for the file import to complete and then click the <strong>Panorama Dashboard </strong>tab in the upper right corner. &nbsp;Your file should be listed under <strong>Targeted MS Runs</strong>.&nbsp;You can click the file name to view the results in the Skyline document.&nbsp;</p> <p><img alt="" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ab4debe5-4e28-1030-8928-134f01698911&amp;name=panoImport4.png" style="border: 1px solid black;"></p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p></p></div><br><br> <hr size=1> <h3><a name="wiki_page_links"></a>Adding Links in Wiki Pages</h3><br> <div class="labkey-wiki">Wiki pages are one of the tools that can be used to include additional, supplementary content in a folder that will submitted to Panorama Public. A Wiki page can have static text and image content as well as links to other files. The general rule of thumb for links is that if the URL for a file that you are linking to in a Wiki page begins with "" then the link is absolute, and it has to be converted to a folder-relative link. Otherwise, when the folder gets copied to Panorama Public the link in copied Wiki page will still point to the file in the source folder rather than the copied file in the Panorama Public folder. <h3 class="heading-1-1">Relative links to files</h3> If a file is less than 50MB in size, it can be attached to a Wiki page. See this page for more information on attaching files: <span class="nobr"><a href="">Using File Attachments in Wikis</a></span> <span class="fa fa-external-link"></span>. <br/> To add a link to a file that is attached to the Wiki page use the name of the file in the HTML source editor rather than the absolute URL of the file. Using the name of the file in the <span style="background-color: #E7EFF4;border:1px solid #dee0e1;padding:2px;font-family: monospace;white-space: pre;">href</span> attribute of the <span style="background-color: #E7EFF4;border:1px solid #dee0e1;padding:2px;font-family: monospace;white-space: pre;">&#60;a&#62;</span> tag, for example, will create a link that is relative to the folder, and will get copied correctly to Panorama Public. For FILENAME.csv attached to a Wiki page, for example: <ul class="minus"> <li><b class="bold">DO THIS</b>: <span style="background-color: #E7EFF4;border:1px solid #dee0e1;padding:2px;font-family: monospace;white-space: pre;">&#60;a href="FILENAME.csv"&#62;</span></li> <li><b class="bold">NOT THIS</b>: &#60;a href=";name=FILENAME.csv"&#62;</li> </ul>This is also relevant when adding images to a wiki page. Use the name of the attached image file in the <span style="background-color: #E7EFF4;border:1px solid #dee0e1;padding:2px;font-family: monospace;white-space: pre;">src</span> attribute of the <span style="background-color: #E7EFF4;border:1px solid #dee0e1;padding:2px;font-family: monospace;white-space: pre;">&#60;img&#62;</span> tag instead of the absolute URL. Example: <ul class="minus"> <li><b class="bold">DO THIS</b>: <span style="background-color: #E7EFF4;border:1px solid #dee0e1;padding:3px;font-family: monospace;white-space: pre;">&#60;img src="IMAGE.png"&#62;</span></li> <li><b class="bold">NOT THIS</b>: &#60;img src=";name=IMAGE.png"&#62;</li> </ul><br/> <br/> Wiki pages can also contain links to files that have been uploaded to the <b class="bold">Raw Data</b> tab (See <a class="link" href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=upload_raw_data">Upload Raw Data</a>) or added as supplementary files (See <a class="link" href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=upload_suppl_files">Upload Supplementary Files</a>). For example, if FILENAME.csv has been uploaded as a supplementary file, and its absolute URL is: <br/> <br/> <span style="background-color: #E7EFF4;border:1px solid #dee0e1;font-family: monospace;white-space: pre;"><span class="nobr"><a href="">&#104;ttps://</a></span></span>SupplementaryFiles/FILENAME.csv <br/> <br/> To create a link relative to the folder <ul class="minus"> <li>replace <span style="background-color: #E7EFF4;border:1px solid #dee0e1;font-family: monospace;white-space: pre;"><span class="nobr"><a href="">&#104;ttps://</a></span></span> WITH <span style="background-color: #E7EFF4;border:1px solid #dee0e1;font-family: monospace;white-space: pre;">filecontent-sendFile.view?fileName=</span></li> <li>Add <span style="background-color: #FFF0F5;border:1px solid #dee0e1;font-family: monospace;white-space: pre;">&#38;renderAs=attachment</span> at the end of the URL if you want the file to be downloaded rather than displayed in the web browser.</li> </ul>The folder-relative link will look like this: <br/> <br/> <span style="background-color: #E7EFF4;border:1px solid #dee0e1;font-family: monospace;white-space: pre;">filecontent-sendFile.view?fileName=</span>SupplementaryFiles/FILENAME.csv<span style="background-color: #FFF0F5;border:1px solid #dee0e1;font-family: monospace;white-space: pre;">&#38;renderAs=attachment</span> <br/> <br/> <h3 class="heading-1-1">Relative links to folders</h3> To add a direct link to a directory in the <b class="bold">Files</b> repository in a folder, the relative URL is: <br/> <span style="background-color: #E7EFF4;border:1px solid #dee0e1;font-family: monospace;white-space: pre;">filecontent-begin.view?path=&#60;path_to_directory&#62;</span> <br/> For example, the link to the "raw_DIA" directory highlighted in the <b class="bold">Files</b> browser below would be: <br/> <span style="background-color: #E7EFF4;border:1px solid #dee0e1;font-family: monospace;white-space: pre;">filecontent-begin.view?path=RawFiles/raw_DIA</span> <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=23a1d43d-d47b-103a-b0c0-fea6ddf5cd3a&amp;name=file-content-link-to-dir.png" title="file-content-link-to-dir.png"> <br/> <br/> <h3 class="heading-1-1">Relative links to Skyline documents</h3> To link to a Skyline document in a Wiki page, get the folder-relative URL for the document from the <b class="bold">Targeted MS Runs</b> grid by clicking the download icon <span class="fa fa-download"></span> next to the document name and selecting <b class="bold">Copy relative URL to clipboard</b>. <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=23a1d43d-d47b-103a-b0c0-fea6ddf5cd3a&amp;name=sky_doc_rel_url.png" title="sky_doc_rel_url.png"> <br/> <br/> <h3 class="heading-1-1">Relative links to folder tabs</h3> To get the link to a tab in a folder (e.g. <b class="bold">Raw Data</b> tab), right-click the tab and select "Copy link address" (in Google Chrome) or "Copy Link" (in Firefox). Paste the link as the <span style="background-color: #E7EFF4;border:1px solid #dee0e1;padding:2px;font-family: monospace;white-space: pre;">href</span> attribute of an <span style="background-color: #E7EFF4;border:1px solid #dee0e1;padding:2px;font-family: monospace;white-space: pre;">&#60;a&#62;</span> tag in a Wiki page. For example: <br/> <span style="background-color: #E7EFF4;border:1px solid #dee0e1;font-family: monospace;white-space: pre;">&#60;a href=""&#62;</span> <br/> <br/> To convert the absolute URL to a folder-relative link remove everything until <span style="background-color: #E7EFF4;border:1px solid #dee0e1;font-family: monospace;white-space: pre;">project-begin.view?</span>. <br/> The folder-relative link will look like this: <br/> <span style="background-color: #E7EFF4;border:1px solid #dee0e1;font-family: monospace;white-space: pre;">&#60;a href="project-begin.view?pageId=Data%20Pipeline"&#62;</span> <br/></div><br><br> <hr size=1> <h3><a name="panorama_public_docs"></a>Panorama Public</h3><br> <div class="labkey-wiki"><ul class="minus"> <li><span class="nobr"><a href="">Submit Data to Panorama Public</a></span></li> <li><span class="nobr"><a href="">Upload Raw Data</a></span></li> <li><span class="nobr"><a href="">Upload Supplementary Files</a></span></li> <li><span class="nobr"><a href="">Include Subfolders in a Panorama Public Submission</a></span></li> <li><span class="nobr"><a href="">Data Validation for ProteomeXchange</a></span></li> <li><span class="nobr"><a href="">Finding Unimod Matches</a></span></li> <li><span class="nobr"><a href="">Download Data From Panorama Public</a></span></li> </ul><h3 class="heading-1-1">Tutorial</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li><span class="nobr"><a href="">Submitting Supplementary Data to Panorama Public</a></span></li> </ul></div><br><br> <hr size=1> <h3><a name="publish_to_panorama_public"></a>Submit Data to Panorama Public</h3><br> <div class="labkey-wiki">PanoramaWeb hosts a public repository called <b class="bold">Panorama Public</b> where users may submit supplementary data associated with manuscripts that have been published or are under review. The repository provides a permanent location for data that can be referenced in publications. Users with data in their own projects on PanoramaWeb can follow the instructions below to submit the data to Panorama Public. The PanoramaWeb site administrators will review the submission request and make a copy of the data to Panorama Public. Reviewer account details will be provided to the submitter if the data is for a manuscript undergoing peer review, and the copy on Panorama Public will be kept private until the manuscript is accepted for publication. Data copied to Panorama Public is read-only, ensuring its availability in the original form accepted for publication. <br/> <br/> Panorama Public is a member repository of the <b class="bold"><span class="nobr"><a href="">ProteomeXchange</a></span></b> consortium. Data submitted to Panorama Public that fulfills ProteomeXchange submission requirements will be assigned a ProteomeXchange identifier and announced on <b class="bold"><span class="nobr"><a href="">ProteomeCentral</a></span></b>. <br/> <br/> <b class="bold"><u class="underline">Submitting Data to Panorama Public</u></b> <ul class="minus"> <li><a class="link" href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=publish_to_panorama_public#step1">Step 1: Upload Skyline documents and other files to a folder on PanoramaWeb</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=publish_to_panorama_public#step2">Step 2: Prepare the folder for submission to Panorama Public</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=publish_to_panorama_public#step3">Step 3: Submit the annotated folder to Panorama Public</a></li> </ul><br/> <br/> <a name="step1"></a> <b class="bold"><span style="color:red">STEP 1:</span> Upload Skyline documents and other files to a folder on PanoramaWeb</b><p class="paragraph"/>Refer to the following wiki pages to create a folder in your project on PanoramaWeb and upload Skyline documents and associated data. <ul class="minus"> <li><a class="link" href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=Create%20a%20folder%20in%20Panorama">Create a folder in Panorama</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=Importing%20data%20into%20Panorama">Import Skyline documents to a folder in Panorama</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=upload_raw_data">Upload raw data</a> associated with the Skyline documents. This is a requirement for ProteomeXchange.</li> <li><a class="link" href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=upload_suppl_files">Upload supplementary files</a></li> </ul><br/> <a name="step2"></a> <b class="bold"><span style="color:red;">STEP 2:</span> Prepare the folder for submission to Panorama Public</b><p class="paragraph"/>Folders containing supplementary data intended for submission to Panorama Public have to be annotated with a description of the experiment. This includes information such as an abstract, experiment and sample descriptions, organism, MS instruments used etc. To add experiment annotations to a folder, do the following: <ul class="minus"> <li>Go to the home page of the folder by navigating the folder menu under the Panorama logo (<a class="link" href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=folder_navigation">Folder Navigation</a>).</li> <li>Click the <b class="bold"><span class="fa fa-cog"></span></b> gear icon in the top right corner of the page, then select <b class="bold">Page Admin Mode</b> from the drop-down menu.</li> <li>Scroll to the bottom of the page and select <b class="bold">Targeted MS Experiment</b> from the &#60;<b class="bold">Select Web Part</b>&#62; menu at the bottom-left of the page.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ee0b2e91-b701-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=AddExpWebPart.png" title="AddExpWebPart.png"> <ul class="minus"> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Add</b> button. This action will add a web part titled <b class="bold">Targeted MS Experiment</b> at the bottom of the page that looks like this:</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ee0b2e91-b701-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=CreateNewExperiment.png" title="CreateNewExperiment.png"> <ul class="minus"> <li>Click the Create New Experiment link in the <b class="bold">Targeted MS Experiment</b> web part.</li> <li>Fill out the <b class="bold">Targeted MS Experiment</b> form.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ee0b2e91-b701-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=TargetedMSExperimentForm.png" title="TargetedMSExperimentForm.png"> <br/> The <b class="bold">Instrument</b> and <b class="bold">Organism</b> fields are auto-complete fields. Type 3 or more letters to see a drop-down list of matching options. Continue typing to refine the list and select from one of the available options. Contact the Panorama team if you do not see your instrument or organism in the list. At least one organism and one instrument is required for a ProteomeXchange submission. <br/> <br/> In addition to an organism and an instrument, <b class="bold">Keywords</b> describing the data also need to be filled in for a ProteomeXchange submission. Contact details of the data submitter and a lab head are also required. In the <b class="bold">Targeted MS Experiment</b> form, the currently logged in user is auto-selected as the submitter. Please fill in the <b class="bold">Submitter Affiliation</b> for the submitting user. You can select a lab head from the drop-down menu in the <b class="bold">Lab Head</b> field which lists all users that have administrative privileges in the folder. If your lab head does not have an account on the server, you may create one by referring to <a class="link" href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=add_project_users">Adding Users to a Project</a>. If you do not wish to create an account for the lab head you can leave the <b class="bold">Lab Head</b> and <b class="bold">Lab Head Affiliation</b> fields blank. You will have the option of entering a lab head name and affiliation when you submit the data to Panorama Public. <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ee0b2e91-b701-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=TargetedMSExperimentForm_2.png" title="TargetedMSExperimentForm_2.png"> <br/> <ul class="minus"> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Submit</b> button at the bottom of the form.</li> </ul>You will be taken to the experiment details page. All the Skyline documents that were uploaded to the folder where you added the <b class="bold">Targeted MS Experiment</b> webpart will get added to the experiment and will appear in the <b class="bold">Targeted MS Runs</b> table. If your data is organized in subfolders under the main folder, you should click the <b class="bold">Include Subfolders</b> button shown in the image below. For more information see <a class="link" href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=include_subfolders">Include Subfolders in a Panorama Public Submission</a>. <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ee0b2e91-b701-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=IncludeSubfolders.png" title="IncludeSubfolders.png"> <br/> <br/> <a name="step3"></a> <b class="bold"><span style="color:red;">STEP 3:</span> Submit the annotated folder to Panorama Public</b> <ul class="minus"> <li>Navigate back to the folder home page by clicking on the link with the <span class="fa fa-folder-o"></span> icon and folder name near the top of the page.</li> <li>Scroll down, if you need to, so that you can see the <b class="bold">Targeted MS Experiment</b> web part.</li> <li>Click the red <b class="bold">Submit</b> button in the <b class="bold">Targeted MS Experiment</b> web part.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ee0b2e91-b701-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=SubmitButton.png" title="SubmitButton.png"> <br/> <br/> If the Skyline documents in the folder you are submitting contain proteomic data, you will have the option of getting a ProteomeXchange ID for your data. After you click the <b class="bold">Submit</b> button you will see a page with a button to validate the data for a ProteomeXchange submission. <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ee0b2e91-b701-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=click_submit_validate_button.png" title="click_submit_validate_button.png"> <br/> Click the <b class="bold">Validate Data for ProteomeXchange</b> button to start the data validation process. This process will: <ul class="minus"> <li>Verify that all the raw data files imported into your Skyline documents have been uploaded</li> <li>All the modifications used in your Skyline documents have a Unimod Id</li> <li>The source files (raw data + search results) used to build the spectral libraries used in your documents have been uploaded.</li> </ul>Clicking the button will redirect you to a page where you will see the validation progress. This page will refresh the status every 5 seconds. <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ee0b2e91-b701-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=validation_job_running.png" title="validation_job_running.png"> <br/> <br/> After the validation job is complete a detailed status report is displayed showing the validation status. A summary list of any problems found is included in the main <b class="bold">Data Validation Status</b> panel. Details are displayed in the tables below this panel. <br/> <br/> <div class="yellownote">View <b class="bold"><a class="link" href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=px_data_validation">Data Validation for ProteomeXchange</a></b> for more details.</div> <br/> If your data is valid for a "complete" ProteomeXchange submission, you can click the <b class="bold">Continue Submission</b> button to proceed with the submission. Otherwise, you can try submitting again after you have provided all the missing information. <i class="italic">You also have the option of submitting without a ProteomeXchange ID, or continuing with an "incomplete" ProteomeXchange submission.</i> <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ee0b2e91-b701-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=CompletePxData.png" title="CompletePxData.png"> <br/> <br/> <b class="bold">NOTE: ProteomeXchange IDs can only be assigned to proteomic data. If your Skyline documents do not contain any proteomic targets then you will not be presented with the option to get a ProteomeXchange ID.</b> <br/> <br/> After you click the button on the data validation page, you will see a form that looks similar to the one in the image below. <ul class="minus"> <li>The <b class="bold">Get ProteomeXchange ID</b> checkbox will be displayed only if the data is valid for a "complete" or "incomplete" ProteomeXchange submission.</li> <li>If you did not enter a lab head in the <b class="bold">Targeted MS Experiment</b> form, you will be able to enter the lab head details in the submission form. If you do not fill in the lab head details in this form, the submitting user's information will be used in the lab head field when announcing the data to ProteomeXchange.</li> </ul><br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ee0b2e91-b701-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=submit_form_complete.png" title="submit_form_complete.png"> <br/> <br/> In the <b class="bold">Submission Request to Panorama Public</b> form do the following: <ul class="minus"> <li>Select “Panorama Public” from the drop-down list next to the <b class="bold">Submit To</b> option, if it is not already selected</li> <li>Enter an <b class="bold">Access Link</b></li> <li>If you are submitting data for a manuscript undergoing peer review leave the <b class="bold">Keep Private</b> box checked. This will ensure that when the data is copied to Panorama Public, it will be kept private with read-only access to the submitter. A read-only reviewer account will be created for the data, and account details provided to the submitter. The account details can be conveyed to the journal where the manuscript is submitted. If you want your data to be publicly available on Panorama Public right away uncheck the <b class="bold">Keep Private</b> checkbox.</li> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Submit</b> button</li> </ul><b class="bold">Access Link</b> is the link that you will include in your manuscript to link to supplementary data on Panorama Public that can be viewed in a web browser. Initially, this link points to your folder on PanoramaWeb. But once a copy of your data has been made to Panorama Public, it will link to the location of the copied data on Panorama Public. This will be the permanent location of your data on Panorama Public. <br/> <br/> The Publish Experiment form allows you to “build” these the access link. The initial part of the link remains constant: <span class="nobr"><a href=""><span class="nobr"><a href="">&#104;ttps://</a></span></a></span>. You can choose a string to complete the link (highlighted in yellow below). <br/> <b class="bold"><span class="nobr"><a href="">&#104;ttps://</a></span><span style="background-color:yellow;">choose_a_string.url</span></b> <br/> The initial value entered in the <b class="bold">Access Link</b> field is a randomly generated alphanumeric string. You can replace it with a convenient, easy to remember string. This string has to be unique across all the experiments published to Panorama Public. You may get an error if the link you entered is already in use for another experiment on Panorama Public. If this happens change the text in the access link field and try again. <br/> <br/> Requests to copy data are handled by Panorama Public administrators within a week of submission. Once your data has been successfully copied to Panorama Public you will receive a confirmation email. If you requested that your data on Panorama Public be kept private (e.g. for a manuscript under peer review), the confirmation email will also include reviewer account details. You can pass on the account details to the journal where you are submitting your manuscript. The confirmation email will also include a ProteomeXchange ID unless you opted to skip ProteomeXchange submission. <br/> <br/> Once the form is submitted successfully you can go back to the experiment details page. <br/> <br/> In the Experiment Details box, just above the experiment title, you will see a “Copy Pending!” message. This message will disappear once your data has been copied to Panorama Public. Any changes that you make in the folder, such as adding/removing Skyline documents or wiki pages, or changing the layout of the page will also get copied when a copy is made to Panorama Public. At the bottom of the page, in the Submission table, you will see the <b class="bold">Access Link</b> that you created for this experiment. The Copied column will be blank until a copy has been made successfully. Once the data has been copied this column will display the date when the data was copied. And at that point if you click the <b class="bold">Access Link</b> you will be taken to the location on Panorama Public where your data was copied. You can verify that the data, folder layout and views were copied accurately. <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ee0b2e91-b701-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=CopyPending.png" title="CopyPending.png"> <br/> <br/> <a name="resubmit"></a> If you need to make any changes to your data (e.g. to address reviewer feedback) after it has been copied to Panorama Public you can make the changes in your own folder. When you are ready click the red <b class="bold">Resubmit</b> button in the <b class="bold">Targeted MS Experiment</b> web part. This will send a request to the Panorama Public administrators to delete the old copy and make a new copy of your data to Panorama Public. Your access link will remain unchanged. <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ee0b2e91-b701-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=Resubmit.png" title="Resubmit.png"> <br/> <br/> <u class="underline"><b class="bold">Related Resources:</b></u> <br/> <ul class="minus"> <li><span class="nobr"><a href="/wiki/home/download.view?entityId=cc1425e9-e60c-1032-ad5a-3013bb9b0dab&#38;name=ASMS_2015_PanoramaPublic_42x56.pdf"><b class="bold">Panorama Public: A public repository for Skyline documents</b></a></span> (ASMS 2015 poster)</li> <li><span class="nobr"><a href="/wiki/home/page.view?name=panorama_public"><b class="bold">Submitting Supplementary Data to Panorama Public</b></a></span> (A detailed tutorial that covers a broader set of Panorama features)</li> </ul></div><br><br> <hr size=1> <h3><a name="upload_raw_data"></a>Upload Raw Data</h3><br> <div class="labkey-wiki"><ul class="minus"> <li><a class="link" href="#web_browser_upload">Upload raw data in a web browser</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="#create_folder">Organizing data in folders</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="#network_drive_upload">Upload raw data by mapping a network drive in Windows</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="#command_line_upload">Upload raw data on the command line</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="#add_raw_data_tab">What to do if the <b class="bold">Raw Data</b> tab is missing or has an error</a></li> </ul><br/> <br/> <h3 class="heading-1">Upload raw data in a web-browser<a name="web_browser_upload"></a></h3> Raw data associated with Skyline documents in a folder can be uploaded via the <b class="bold">Raw Data</b> tab in the top right corner. <br/> (NOTE: If you don't see a <b class="bold">Raw Data</b> tab click <a class="link" href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=upload_raw_data#add_raw_data_tab">here</a> for instructions on how to add it) <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ebdcf4af-727d-1036-92a6-3013bb9b6e35&amp;name=RawDataTab.png" title="RawDataTab.png"> <br/> <br/> <br/> Click the tab to see a <b class="bold">Files</b> browser. You can drag-and-drop files and/or folders located on your computer onto the <b class="bold">Files</b> browser as shown in the image below. <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ebdcf4af-727d-1036-92a6-3013bb9b6e35&amp;name=FilesDragAndDrop.png" title="FilesDragAndDrop.png"> <br/> <br/> <br/> Another way to upload files is to click the <b class="bold">Upload Files</b> button in the <b class="bold">Files</b> browser, and click <b class="bold">Browse</b> to navigate to and select the file you want to upload. <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ebdcf4af-727d-1036-92a6-3013bb9b6e35&amp;name=FilesUploadFiles.png" title="FilesUploadFiles.png"> <br/> <br/> <br/> <h3 class="heading-1">Organizing data in folders<a name="create_folder"></a></h3> Raw data files can be organized in folders. Create a new folder by clicking the new folder button in the <b class="bold">Files</b> webpart. <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ebdcf4af-727d-1036-92a6-3013bb9b6e35&amp;name=Upload_files_new_folder.png" title="Upload_files_new_folder.png"> <br/> <br/> Enter a name for the folder and click <b class="bold">Submit</b>. <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ebdcf4af-727d-1036-92a6-3013bb9b6e35&amp;name=Upload_files_create_folder.png" title="Upload_files_create_folder.png"> <br/> <br/> Click the <span class="fa fa-sitemap"></span> <b class="bold">Show or Hide Folder Tree</b> button to show the folder tree panel. <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ebdcf4af-727d-1036-92a6-3013bb9b6e35&amp;name=Upload_files_show_folder_tree.png" title="Upload_files_show_folder_tree.png"> <br/> <br/> Click the newly created folder in the folder tree panel to select it. The right panel will update to show the contents of the selected folder. Drag-and-drop files in the right panel to upload them to the new folder. <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ebdcf4af-727d-1036-92a6-3013bb9b6e35&amp;name=Upload_files_folder_tree_drag_drop.png" title="Upload_files_folder_tree_drag_drop.png"> <br/> <br/> <br/> More information on using the <b class="bold">Files</b> browser can be found here: <b class="bold"><span class="nobr"><a href="">Using the Files Repository <span class="fa fa-external-link"></span></a></span></b> <br/> <br/> <br/> <h3 class="heading-1">Upload raw data by mapping a network drive in Windows<a name="network_drive_upload"></a></h3> On a Windows machine you can map your PanoramaWeb folder as a network drive and copy files to the folder using Windows Explorer. This uses <span class="nobr"><a href="">WebDAV</a></span> for file transfer, and Windows XP and later have a built-in WebDAV client. <br/> <br/> <b class="bold">NOTE</b>: The instructions below will work on Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016. If you have an older operating system and are unable to map a network drive with these steps then you can use a third party WebDAV client such as <span class="nobr"><a href="">Cyberduck</a></span>. Look at this page for instructions on setting up Cyberduck and for a list of other WebDAV clients: <span class="nobr"><a href="">Example Setup for Cyberduck WebDAV Client <span class="fa fa-external-link"></span></a></span> <br/> <br/> To map a PanoramaWeb raw data folder as a Windows network drive follow these steps: <h3 class="heading-1-1">Get the WebDAV URL</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li>In a web-browser navigate to the Panorama folder and click the <b class="bold">Raw Data</b> tab</li> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Upload Files</b> button in the <b class="bold">Files</b> webpart (1. in the screenshot below)</li> <li>Click the "Upload file" <span class="fa fa-info-circle"></span> icon (2. in the screenshot below).</li> <li>From the <b class="bold">File Upload Help</b> dialog copy the WebDav URL (3. in the screenshot below)</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ebdcf4af-727d-1036-92a6-3013bb9b6e35&amp;name=find_webdav_url3.png" title="find_webdav_url3.png"> <br/> <ul class="minus"> <li>On your computer open Windows Explorer. Right-click <b class="bold">This PC</b> in the left pane and select <b class="bold">Map network drive</b> from the menu</li> </ul><br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ebdcf4af-727d-1036-92a6-3013bb9b6e35&amp;name=map_network_drive2.png" title="map_network_drive2.png"> <br/> <ul class="minus"> <li>In the <b class="bold">Map network drive</b> dialog enter the WebDav URL that you copied from your Panorama folder. Check <b class="bold">Connect using different credentials</b> and click <b class="bold">Finish</b></li> <li>You will be prompted for a username and password. Enter your PanoramaWeb email address and password and click <b class="bold">OK</b></li> </ul>This should map the PanoramaWeb folder as a network drive on your computer, and you should be able to copy files to the folder just as you would to a another folder in Windows Explorer. Once you are done copying files you can disconnect the network drive by right-clicking the mapped drive and selecting <b class="bold">Disconnect network drive</b> from the menu. <br/> <br/> <h3 class="heading-1-1">Using Cyberduck (<span class="nobr"><a href="">&#104;ttps://</a></span>)<a name="cyberduck"></a></h3> <ul class="minus"> <li>Click <b class="bold">Open Connection</b>.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ebdcf4af-727d-1036-92a6-3013bb9b6e35&amp;name=cyberduck1.png" title="cyberduck1.png"> <br/> <ul class="minus"> <li>In the <b class="bold">Open Connection</b> dialog select WebDAV (HTTPS) as the connection type.</li> <li>Get the WebDAV URL as described above and enter it in the <b class="bold">Server</b> field. CyberDuck will automatically parse the URL and populate the <b class="bold">Path</b> field.</li> <li>In the <b class="bold">Username</b> field enter your email address on PanoramaWeb.</li> <li>Enter you password in the <b class="bold">Password</b> field.</li> <li>Click <b class="bold">Connect</b>.</li> </ul><br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ebdcf4af-727d-1036-92a6-3013bb9b6e35&amp;name=cyberduck2.png" title="cyberduck2.png"> <br/> <br/> <br/> <h3 class="heading-1">Upload raw data on the command line<a name="command_line_upload"></a></h3> If you are comfortable using the command line, you can use <span class="nobr"><a href="">rclone</a></span> to upload your raw files. Rclone is a command line utility to sync files to and from the cloud. Among the many cloud providers it can sync with, one is webdav. Webdav can be used to access files on PanoramaWeb.<p class="paragraph"/>You can download rclone from <span class="nobr"><a href=""><span class="nobr"><a href="">&#104;ttps://</a></span></a></span>. If you are on Windows I recommend that you download the `AMD64 - 64bit` version. <br/> <br/> <h3 class="heading-1-1">The first step is find WebDav URL</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li>In a web-browser navigate to the Panorama folder and click the <b class="bold">Raw Data</b> tab</li> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Upload Files</b> button in the <b class="bold">Files</b> webpart (1. in the screenshot below)</li> <li>Click the "Upload file" <span class="fa fa-info-circle"></span> icon (2. in the screenshot below).</li> <li>From the <b class="bold">File Upload Help</b> dialog copy the WebDav URL (3. in the screenshot below)</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ebdcf4af-727d-1036-92a6-3013bb9b6e35&amp;name=find_webdav_url3.png" title="find_webdav_url3.png"><p class="paragraph"/><br/> <br/> <h3 class="heading-1-1">Setup a remote for your folder on Panoramaweb </h3><p class="paragraph"/>Start the interactive configuration session<p class="paragraph"/><div class="code"><pre>rclone.exe config edit<br />No remotes found &#45; make a <span class="java&#45;keyword">new</span> one<br />n) New remote<br />s) Set configuration password<br />q) Quit config<br />n/s/q&#62; n</pre></div><p class="paragraph"/>Create a name. I recommend using the name of the server or something that is easy for your to remember <div class="code"><pre>name&#62; PanoramaWebFiles</pre></div><p class="paragraph"/>Next it will ask you to choose the type of storage location to configure. We will be using webdav <div class="code"><pre>Type of storage to configure.<br />Enter a string value. Press Enter <span class="java&#45;keyword">for</span> the <span class="java&#45;keyword">default</span> (<span class="java&#45;quote">""</span>).<br />Choose a number from below, or type in your own value<br /> 1 / 1Fichier<br /> &#32;<span class="java&#45;quote">"fichier"</span><br /> 2 / Alias <span class="java&#45;keyword">for</span> an existing remote<br /> &#32;<span class="java&#45;quote">"alias"</span><br /> 3 / Amazon Drive<br /> &#32;<span class="java&#45;quote">"amazon cloud drive"</span><br />...<br />33 / Webdav<br /> &#32;<span class="java&#45;quote">"webdav"</span><br />34 / Yandex Disk<br /> &#32;<span class="java&#45;quote">"yandex"</span><br />35 / http Connection<br /> &#32;<span class="java&#45;quote">"http"</span><br />36 /<br /> &#32;<span class="java&#45;quote">"premiumizeme"</span><br />Storage&#62; 33</pre></div> Now we will enter URL for the FileRoot of your PanoramaWeb folder <div class="code"><pre>URL of http host to connect to<br />Enter a string value. Press Enter <span class="java&#45;keyword">for</span> the <span class="java&#45;keyword">default</span> (<span class="java&#45;quote">""</span>).<br />Choose a number from below, or type in your own value<br /> 1 / Connect to<br /> &#32;<span class="java&#45;quote">""</span><br />url&#62; <span class="nobr"><a href="">&#104;ttps://</a></span></pre></div><p class="paragraph"/>Now choose `other` when asked what type of service we are using <div class="code"><pre>Name of the Webdav site/service/software you are using<br />Enter a string value. Press Enter <span class="java&#45;keyword">for</span> the <span class="java&#45;keyword">default</span> (<span class="java&#45;quote">""</span>).<br />Choose a number from below, or type in your own value<br /> 1 / Nextcloud<br /> &#32;<span class="java&#45;quote">"nextcloud"</span><br /> 2 / Owncloud<br /> &#32;<span class="java&#45;quote">"owncloud"</span><br /> 3 / Sharepoint<br /> &#32;<span class="java&#45;quote">"sharepoint"</span><br /> 4 / Other site/service or software<br /> &#32;<span class="java&#45;quote">"other"</span><br />vendor&#62; other</pre></div><p class="paragraph"/>Enter the email address that you use for logging into the PanoramaWeb server <div class="code"><pre>User name<br />Enter a string value. Press Enter <span class="java&#45;keyword">for</span> the <span class="java&#45;keyword">default</span> (<span class="java&#45;quote">""</span>).<br />user&#62;</pre></div> Here you will be asked to enter your password. <div class="code"><pre>Password.<br />y) Yes type in my own password<br />g) Generate random password<br />n) No leave <span class="java&#45;keyword">this</span> optional password blank (<span class="java&#45;keyword">default</span>)<br />y/g/n&#62; y<br />y/g/n&#62; y<br />Enter the password:<br />password:<br />Confirm the password:<br />password:</pre></div> Choose the default option for the next two questions <div class="code"><pre>Bearer token instead of user/pass (eg a Macaroon)<br />Enter a string value. Press Enter <span class="java&#45;keyword">for</span> the <span class="java&#45;keyword">default</span> (<span class="java&#45;quote">""</span>).<br />bearer_token&#62;<br />Edit advanced config? (y/n)<br />y) Yes<br />n) No (<span class="java&#45;keyword">default</span>)<br />y/n&#62; n</pre></div> We are almost done. Here you will just confirm the information that you entered and then quit. <div class="code"><pre>Remote config<br />&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;<br /><a class=<span class="java&#45;quote">"missing"</span> href=<span class="java&#45;quote">"/home/wiki&#45;page.view?name=PanoramaWebFiles"</span>>PanoramaWebFiles</a><br />type = webdav<br />url = <span class="nobr"><a href="">&#104;ttps://</a></span><br />vendor = other<br />user =<br />&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;&#45;<br />y) Yes <span class="java&#45;keyword">this</span> is OK (<span class="java&#45;keyword">default</span>)<br />e) Edit <span class="java&#45;keyword">this</span> remote<br />d) Delete <span class="java&#45;keyword">this</span> remote<br />y/e/d&#62; yes<br />y/e/d&#62; y<br />Current remotes:<br /><br />Name Type<br />==== ====<br />PanoramaWebFiles webdav<br /><br />e) Edit existing remote<br />n) New remote<br />d) Delete remote<br />r) Rename remote<br />c) Copy remote<br />s) Set configuration password<br />q) Quit config<br />e/n/d/r/c/s/q&#62; q</pre></div><p class="paragraph"/> <br/> <br/> <h3 class="heading-1-1">Copying files </h3> To copy a file to PanoramaWeb, you can use the command <div class="code"><pre>rclone.exe &#45;&#45;progress copy FILENAME PanoramaWebFiles:</pre></div><p class="paragraph"/>If you would like to copy a directory to the PanoramaWeb, you can use the command <div class="code"><pre>rclone.exe &#45;&#45;progress copy DIRECTORY_TO_COPY PanoramaWebFiles:</pre></div><p class="paragraph"/>If a copy fails to complete for whatever reason, you can simply run the command again and rclone will only copy up the files which failed. If you would like to see a list of the files which are copied, you can add the `-v` option to the command line.<p class="paragraph"/><br/> <br/> <br/> <h3 class="heading-1">What to do if the Raw Data tab is missing or has an error <a name="add_raw_data_tab"></a></h3> The <b class="bold">Raw Data</b> tab is added by default when you create a new "Panorama" type folder. Some older folders may not have this tab. If you do not see the <b class="bold">Raw Data</b> in a "Panorama" type folder, and you are the administrator of the folder, you can add it as follows: <ul class="minus"> <li>Click the <span class="fa fa-cog"></span> gear icon in the top right corner</li> <li>Select <b class="bold">Add Raw Data Tab</b> from the drop-down menu</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ebdcf4af-727d-1036-92a6-3013bb9b6e35&amp;name=AddRawDataTab.png" title="AddRawDataTab.png"> <br/> <br/> The <b class="bold">Raw Data</b> tab provides a view into a "RawFiles" directory on the server's file system. If the "RawFiles" directory is somehow deleted you will see an error when you click the <b class="bold">Raw Data</b> tab. <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ebdcf4af-727d-1036-92a6-3013bb9b6e35&amp;name=RawData_tab_error.png" title="RawData_tab_error.png"> <br/> <br/> If you see the error message above or something like "<i class="italic">File root directory configured for this webpart could not be found</i>", first remove the <b class="bold">Raw Data</b> tab and then add it back. To remove the tab: <ul class="minus"> <li>If you are not in page admin mode, click the <span class="fa fa-cog"></span> gear icon in the top right corner and select <b class="bold">Page Admin Mode</b> from the menu</li> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Raw Data</b> tab and click <b class="bold">OK</b> in the <b class="bold">Error</b> dialog</li> <li>Click the little triangle in the right corner of the tab to access the control menu and select <b class="bold">Delete</b></li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ebdcf4af-727d-1036-92a6-3013bb9b6e35&amp;name=RawData_tab_remove.png" title="RawData_tab_remove.png"> <br/> After this follow the steps above to add the <b class="bold">Raw Data</b> tab. This will create the "RawFiles" directory on the file system.</div><br><br> <hr size=1> <h3><a name="upload_suppl_files"></a>Upload Supplementary Files</h3><br> <div class="labkey-wiki">The <b class="bold">Files</b> webpart or the file browser in Panorama can be used to upload any additional supplementary files that you may want to make available with your data on Panorama Public. To add a <b class="bold">Files</b> webpart <ul class="minus"> <li>Click the <span class="fa fa-cog"></span> gear icon in the top right corner and select <b class="bold">Page Admin Mode</b> from the menu</li> <li>Scroll to the bottom of the page and select <b class="bold">Files</b> from the &#60;<b class="bold">Select Web Part</b>&#62; menu at the bottom-left of the page</li> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Add</b> button</li> </ul>This will add a file browser at the bottom of the folder homepage. <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=362c00c2-4795-1039-9674-3013bb9b91fd&amp;name=Files_wp_default.png" title="Files_wp_default.png"> <br/> In the file browser you will see a "RawFiles" folder. This folder is automatically created for every "Panorama" type folder. This is the folder where raw files associated with Skyline documents should be uploaded. The <b class="bold">Raw Data</b> tab provides a view into this folder. Look at <a class="link" href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=upload_raw_data"><b class="bold">[Upload Raw Data]</b></a> for more details. In the file browser you should also see the Skyline documents ( files) that were uploaded to the folder. For each Skyline document where will be an exploded directory (containing the .sky, .skyd etc. files), as well as a log file that was created when the document was imported. <br/> <br/> Files and folders can be uploaded by selecting them on your computer and then dragging and dropping them on top of the file browser. It may be a little hard for viewers to locate supplementary files in the default view of the file browser if there are multiple Skyline documents uploaded to the folder. To provide a cleaner view, you can create a sub-folder for supplementary files and customize the file browser to display only the contents of that folder. A new folder can be created by clicking the "Create a new folder" button in the tool bar of the file browser as shown below. You can name the folder whatever you like. Here it is named "SupplementaryFiles". <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=362c00c2-4795-1039-9674-3013bb9b91fd&amp;name=Files_wp_new_folder.png" title="Files_wp_new_folder.png"> <br/> <br/> Double click the new folder to open it. Alternatively, click the "Show or hide the folder tree" icon in the toolbar to split the file browser into two panels. The left panel shows an expandable tree view of the folder structure, and the right panel displays the contents of the folder selected in the left panel. Select the folder just created (e.g. "SupplementaryFiles") and drag and drop files on top of the right panel to add files to this folder. <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=362c00c2-4795-1039-9674-3013bb9b91fd&amp;name=Files_wp_folder_tree.png" title="Files_wp_folder_tree.png"> <br/> <br/> Next, customize the <b class="bold">Files</b> webpart to display only the contents of the "SupplementaryFiles" folder. To do this: <ul class="minus"> <li>Click the little triangle in the top right corner of the <b class="bold">Files</b> webpart and select <b class="bold">Customize</b> from the control menu</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=362c00c2-4795-1039-9674-3013bb9b91fd&amp;name=Files_wp_customize.png" title="Files_wp_customize.png"> <ul class="minus"> <li>In the <b class="bold">Customize Files</b> form enter a name in the <b class="bold">Title</b> field</li> <li>Select the "SupplementaryFiles" folder in the <b class="bold">File Root</b> tree</li> <li>Click <b class="bold">Submit</b></li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=362c00c2-4795-1039-9674-3013bb9b91fd&amp;name=Files_wp_customize_form.png" title="Files_wp_customize_form.png"> <br/> <br/> The file browser will now show the contents of the "SupplementaryFiles" folder. More than one <b class="bold">Files</b> webpart can be added to a folder page and each one can have different customization settings. <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=362c00c2-4795-1039-9674-3013bb9b91fd&amp;name=Files_wp_after_customize.png" title="Files_wp_after_customize.png"> <br/> <br/> <h3 class="heading-1-1">Adding a new tab for supplementary files</h3> The <b class="bold">Files</b> webpart can also be added to a new tab on the page, like the <b class="bold">Raw Data</b> tab. To add a new tab first make sure you are in the Page Admin mode. If you are, you will see an <b class="bold">Exit Admin Mode</b> button in the top right corner of the browser window. If you don't see the button, do this to enter Page Admin mode: <ul class="minus"> <li>Click the <span class="fa fa-cog"></span> gear icon in the top right corner and select <b class="bold">Page Admin Mode</b> from the menu</li> </ul><br/> To add a new tab: <ul class="minus"> <li>Click the "+" icon to the right of the <b class="bold">Raw Data</b> tab</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=362c00c2-4795-1039-9674-3013bb9b91fd&amp;name=Add_new_tab.png" title="Add_new_tab.png"> <ul class="minus"> <li>Enter "Supplementary Data" in the <b class="bold">Add Tab</b> form, and click <b class="bold">OK</b></li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=362c00c2-4795-1039-9674-3013bb9b91fd&amp;name=Add_new_tab_form.png" title="Add_new_tab_form.png"> <br/> <br/> A <b class="bold">Files</b> webpart can now be added to the new "Supplementary Data" tab by selecting "Files" from the <b class="bold">&#60;Select Web Part&#62;</b> menu. The files browser can be configured, as described above, to show the contents of the folder that has the supplementary data files. <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=362c00c2-4795-1039-9674-3013bb9b91fd&amp;name=Files_wp_add.png" title="Files_wp_add.png"></div><br><br> <hr size=1> <h3><a name="include_subfolders"></a>Include Subfolders in a Panorama Public Submission</h3><br> <div class="labkey-wiki">Data submitted to Panorama Public can be organized in subfolders. If you submit a folder to Panorama Public that has subfolders, you will be asked to confirm that you want to include subfolders in your submission request. <br/> <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=b6decd94-8d04-1039-a9d2-fea6ddf5fcf4&amp;name=confirm_include_subfolders.png" title="confirm_include_subfolders.png"> <br/> Click <b class="bold">Include Subfolders And Continue</b> to configure the experiment to include subfolders. <br/> Click <b class="bold">Skip Subfolders and Continue</b> if you do not want to include any of the subfolders. When you choose this option only the contents of the main folder will be copied to Panorama Public. <br/> <br/> To include subfolders in a submission request the user must have read permissions in all the subfolders. If you do not have read permissions in one or more of the subfolders you will this following message. <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=b6decd94-8d04-1039-a9d2-fea6ddf5fcf4&amp;name=noperms_skip_subfolders.png" title="noperms_skip_subfolders.png"> <br/> <br/> <div style="margin-top:30px"><hr class="line"/></div> You can also configure a folder to include (or exclude) subfolders prior to submitting. To do this, click the <b class="bold">&#91;More Details&#93;</b> link in the <b class="bold">Targeted MS Experiments</b> webpart to go to the experiment details page. On this page you will see a panel titled <b class="bold">Subfolders</b> if there are subfolders. <br/> <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=b6decd94-8d04-1039-a9d2-fea6ddf5fcf4&amp;name=subfolders_panel_1.png" title="subfolders_panel_1.png"> <br/> Click the <b class="bold">Include Subfolders</b> button to configure the experiment to include subfolders. The page will refresh and you will see a list of all the subfolders that are included in the experiment. These subfolders will be copied to Panorama Public when the data is submitted. <br/> <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=b6decd94-8d04-1039-a9d2-fea6ddf5fcf4&amp;name=subfolders_panel_2.png" title="subfolders_panel_2.png"></div><br><br> <hr size=1> <h3><a name="px_data_validation"></a>Data Validation for ProteomeXchange</h3><br> <div class="labkey-wiki"><ul class="minus"> <li><a class="link" href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=px_data_validation#validation_status">Data validation status</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=px_data_validation#sample_files_table">Sample file validation</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=px_data_validation#modifications_table">Modifications validation</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=px_data_validation#speclibs_table">Spectral library validation</a></li> </ul><br/> <a name="validation_status"></a> Proteomic datasets submitted to Panorama Public can be assigned a ProteomeXchange ID if they fulfill the <span class="nobr"><a href="">ProteomeXchange data guidelines</a></span>. To get a ProteomeXchange ID <b class="bold">all the raw data files imported into the Skyline documents must be uploaded</b>. This is the minimum requirement for getting a ProteomeXchange ID. See <a class="link" href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=upload_raw_data">Upload Raw Data</a> for details on how to upload raw data. In addition to the raw data the following are also required for a "complete" ProteomeXchange submission: <br/> <ul class="minus"> <li>All modifications used in the Skyline documents must have Unimod Ids</li> <li>If the Skyline documents include spectral libraries then all the source files (raw + search results) used to build the libraries must be uploaded</li> </ul><br/> When a dataset is submitted, it is validated for a ProteomeXchange submission. The validation process runs as a pipeline job, and the results are displayed after the job is complete. The summary panel at the top of the page displays the validation status and any problems that were found during data validation. <br/> <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=de64c2bf-b708-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=CompletePxData.png" title="CompletePxData.png"> <br/> You will see this status message if the data is valid for a "complete" ProteomeXchange submission. This means: <ul class="minus"> <li>All the raw data files used with the Skyline documents were uploaded</li> <li>All the modifications used with the Skyline documents had Unimod Ids OR there were no modifications</li> <li>The source files (spectrum files + search results files) used to build the spectral libraries were uploaded OR there were no spectral libraries</li> </ul><br/> <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=de64c2bf-b708-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=IncompletePxData.png" title="IncompletePxData.png"> <br/> You will see this status message if <ul class="minus"> <li>All the raw data files used with the Skyline documents were uploaded</li> <li>BUT, one or more modifications in the Skyline documents did not have a Unimod Id OR the source files used to build one or more spectral libraries were not uploaded</li> </ul>The data <b class="bold">can be assigned a ProteomeXchange ID</b>. However, it will be marked as "supported by repository but incomplete data and/or metadata" when it is announced on ProteomeXchange. <br/> <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=de64c2bf-b708-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=DataNotValidForPx.png" title="DataNotValidForPx.png"> <br/> You will see this status message if one more raw files used with the Skyline documents were not uploaded. <b class="bold">The data cannot be assigned a ProteomeXchange ID but it can still be submitted to Panorama Public</b> by clicking the <b class="bold">Submit Without a ProteomeXchange ID</b> button. <br/> <br/> <br/> Validation details for Skyline documents (sample files), modifications and spectral libraries are displayed in the tables below the validation summary panel. <br/> <br/> <a name="sample_files_table"></a> <h3 class="heading-1">Sample file validation table</h3> The <b class="bold">Skyline Document Sample Files</b> table displays the status for each Skyline document in the dataset. If all the raw data files imported into the document were uploaded, the status displayed is <span style="color:green;font-weight:bold">Complete</span>. Otherwise, the status displayed is <span style="color:red;font-weight:bold">Incomplete</span>. <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=de64c2bf-b708-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=sample_files_validation_table_closed.png" title="sample_files_validation_table_closed.png"> <br/> <br/> The nodes in the table can be expanded to view the list of replicates and sample files in each document. <br/> <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=de64c2bf-b708-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=sample_files_validation_table.png" title="sample_files_validation_table.png"> <br/> <br/> <a name="modifications_table"></a> <h3 class="heading-1">Modifications validation table</h3> The <b class="bold">Modifications</b> table displays a list of modifications found in the Skyline documents. For a "complete" ProteomeXchange submission all the modifications must have a Unimod Id. Skyline supports an extensive set of Unimod modifications, and it is recommended that you use modifications from the built-in list of Unimod modifications rather than define your own custom modifications. If you are unable to find your desired modification in Skyline then please post to the <span class="nobr"><a href="">Skyline</a></span> or <span class="nobr"><a href="">Panorama</a></span> support boards. <br/> The modifications table will display <span style="color:red;font-weight:bold">Missing</span> in the <b class="bold">Unimod Match</b> column if the modification in the Skyline document did not have a Unimod Id. Otherwise, the Unimod Id is displayed. Clicking on a Unimod Id will take you to the modification page on the <span class="nobr"><a href="">Unimod website</a></span>. <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=de64c2bf-b708-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=modifications_validation_closed.png" title="modifications_validation_closed.png"> <br/> <br/> Expand the nodes by clicking the '+' icon in the first column to view the Skyline documents in the dataset that use the modification along with a link to the peptides in the document with the modification. <br/> <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=de64c2bf-b708-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=modifications_validation.png" title="modifications_validation.png"> <br/> <br/> If any of the modifications did not have a Unimod Id you can click the <b class="bold">Find Match</b> link. This will attempt to find a Unimod match for the modification based on the modification formula and the modified amino acids and / or terminus information found in the modification definition in the Skyline document. Read more about finding Unimod matches on this page: <b class="bold"><a class="link" href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=unimod_matching">Finding Unimod Matches</a></b>. <br/> <br/> <a name="speclibs_table"></a> <h3 class="heading-1">Spectral library validation table</h3> The <b class="bold">Spectral Libraries</b> table has a row for each spectral library used with the Skyline documents in the dataset. The library status, in the <b class="bold">Status</b> column is <span style="color:green;font-weight:bold">Complete</span> if the library is supported and all the source files used to build the library were uploaded. Otherwise the status is <span style="color:red;font-weight:bold">Incomplete</span>. Each row can be expanded by clicking the '+' icon in the first column to view a list of source files for the library along with links to Skyline documents that use the library. <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=de64c2bf-b708-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=spec_lib_incomplete_missing_pepid_files.png" title="spec_lib_incomplete_missing_pepid_files.png"></div><br><br> <hr size=1> <h3><a name="unimod_matching"></a>Finding Unimod Matches</h3><br> <div class="labkey-wiki">For a “complete” ProteomeXchange submission all the modifications used in the submitted Skyline documents are required to have a Unimod Id. Without Unimod Ids, the data can still be assigned a ProteomeXchange ID, but the data will be annotated as "<i class="italic">supported by repository but incomplete data and/or metadata</i>" when it is announced to ProteomeXchange. <br/> <br/> View <b class="bold"><a class="link" href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=px_data_validation">Data Validation for ProteomeXchange</a></b> for more details. <br/> <br/> Skyline supports an extensive set of Unimod modifications, and it is recommended that you use modifications from Skyline's built-in list of modifications rather than define your own custom modifications. If you are unable to find your desired modification in Skyline, please post to the <span class="nobr"><a href="">Skyline</a></span> or <span class="nobr"><a href="">Panorama</a></span> support boards. <br/> The sections below cover the following: <ul class="minus"> <li><a class="link" href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=unimod_matching#assign_unimod">Assign a Unimod match</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=unimod_matching#define_combo_mod">Define a combination modification</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="#wildcard_mods">Wildcard modifications in Skyline</a></li> </ul><br/> <br/> If a modification is not associated with a Unimod Id, you will see a <b class="bold">Find Match</b> link for the modification in two locations: <ul class="minus"> <li>If you have already run ProteomeXchange data validation on the data, and are looking at the <a class="link" href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=px_data_validation#modifications_table">validation results</a>, you will see the <b class="bold">Find Match</b> link in the <b class="bold">Unimod Match</b> column of the <b class="bold">Modifications</b> table.</li> </ul><br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=2ff70e19-b711-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=modifications_validation_find_match.png" title="modifications_validation_find_match.png"> <br/> <ul class="minus"> <li>Another location where you will see the <b class="bold">Find Match</b> link is on the experiment details page in the <b class="bold">Structural Modifications</b> and <b class="bold">Isotope Modifications</b> tables. These tables list the structural and isotope modifications used in the dataset. You can go to the experiment details page by clicking the &#91;More Details...&#93; link in the <b class="bold">Targeted MS Experiment</b> webpart.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=2ff70e19-b711-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=Structural_mods_grid_find_match.png" title="Structural_mods_grid_find_match.png"><p class="paragraph"/><br/> <br/> <a name="assign_unimod"></a> <h3 class="heading-1">Assign a Unimod match</h3> It is highly recommended that you use a modification from Skyline's built-in list of structural and isotope modifications, since those modifications have a Unimod Id. However, if there are custom modifications in your documents that do not have a Unimod Id, you can find a Unimod match for those modifications on Panorama if the modification definition has a modification formula (or labeled atoms for isotope modifications), the modified sites (amino acids) and / or the modified terminus. To find a Unimod match do the following: <ul class="minus"> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Find Match</b> link in one of tables (<b class="bold">Modifications</b> table on the data validation results page, or one of the modifications table on the experiment details page). If you click this link for a structural modification you will see a page with buttons to find a <b class="bold">Unimod Match</b> or define a <b class="bold">Combination Modification</b>. Click the button to find a <b class="bold">Unimod Match</b>. This will display a page that shows the Unimod matches found for the modification based on the modification formula and modification sites (amino acids) and / or modified terminus. The option to define a combination modification is not available for Isotope modifications, so clicking the <b class="bold">Find Match</b> link will open the page with Unimod matches found for the modification.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=2ff70e19-b711-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=StructuralUnimodMatch_propionyl.png" title="StructuralUnimodMatch_propionyl.png"> <br/> If more than one match was found, click the <b class="bold">Save Match</b> button below the correct match to associate the Unimod Id with the modification. <br/> <br/> <br/> <a name="define_combo_mod"></a> <h3 class="heading-1">Define a combination modification</h3> Sometimes users have to create a custom modification in Skyline that is the combination of two modifications. Such modifications do not have a Unimod Id in the Skyline document. To associate a combination modification with the Unimod Ids of the two modifications that it combines, you can do the following: <ul class="minus"> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Find Match</b> link in one of tables (<b class="bold">Modifications</b> table on the data validation results page, or the <b class="bold">Structural Modifications</b> table on the experiment details page). You will see the following page:</li> </ul><br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=2ff70e19-b711-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=unimod_match_options_methylpropionyl.png" title="unimod_match_options_methylpropionyl.png"> <br/> <ul class="minus"> <li>Click the button to define a <b class="bold">Combination Modification</b>. You will see a form where you can select two Unimod modifications that make up the modification.</li> </ul><br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=2ff70e19-b711-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=combomod_methylpropionyl.png" title="combomod_methylpropionyl.png"> <ul class="minus"> <li>Start typing the name of first modification in the textbox for <b class="bold">Unimod Modification 1</b>. The drop-down list will show you the modifications that match the text entered. Select a modification from the list.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=2ff70e19-b711-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=combomod_select_first.png" title="combomod_select_first.png"> <ul class="minus"> <li>The sum of the formulas of the two modifications you select must match the formula of combination modification. After you select the first modification, the form will update to show the difference in the formula of the combination modification and the selected modification.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=2ff70e19-b711-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=combomod_select_first_see_diff.png" title="combomod_select_first_see_diff.png"> <ul class="minus"> <li>Select the second modification in <b class="bold">Unimod Modification 2</b>. You can search for the modification by name or by the difference in the formula that is displayed in the form (e.g. H4C3O in the image above)</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=2ff70e19-b711-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=combomod_select_both_balanced.png" title="combomod_select_both_balanced.png"> <br/> <br/> If the sum of the formulas of the two selected modifications matches the formula of the combination modification then a green checkmark will be displayed as shown in the image above. <ul class="minus"> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Save</b> button.</li> </ul><br/> The screenshot below shows a saved combination modification in the <b class="bold">Modifications</b> table on the data validation results page: <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=2ff70e19-b711-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=combomod_validationgrid_saved.png" title="combomod_validationgrid_saved.png"> <br/> Clicking the Unimod Ids will link to the modification page on the <span class="nobr"><a href="">Unimod website</a></span><p class="paragraph"/><br/> <br/> <br/> <a name="wildcard_mods"></a> <h3 class="heading-1">Wildcard modifications in Skyline</h3> Skyline includes the following built-in wildcard modifications. <ul class="minus"> <li>Label:15N</li> <li>Label:13C</li> <li>Label:13C15N</li> </ul>These modifications implicitly apply to all amino acids. The Unimod modifications corresponding these modifications are included in Skyline's list of available isotope modifications. However, if you choose to use the wildcard modifications, the ProteomeXchange data validation process will automatically determine the correct Unimod modifications based on the amino acids in the peptides where the modification is applied. The matches found will be displayed in the <b class="bold">Modifications</b> table of the validation results page. <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=2ff70e19-b711-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=wildcard_mods_match.png" title="wildcard_mods_match.png"> <br/></div><br><br> <hr size=1> <h3><a name="download_public_data"></a>Download Data From Panorama Public</h3><br> <div class="labkey-wiki"><ul class="minus"> <li><a class="link" href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=download_public_data#download_sky_doc">Download Skyline documents</a></li> <li>Download raw data</li> <ul class="minus"> <li><a class="link" href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=download_public_data#download_in_browser">Download in a web browser</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=download_public_data#download_in_webdav_client">Download using WebDAV</a></li> </ul></ul><br/> <h3 class="heading-1">Download Skyline documents<a name="download_sky_doc"></a></h3> Skyline documents available in a public dataset can be downloaded by clicking the download icon ( <b class="bold"><span class="fa fa-download"></span></b> ) next to the document name. In the pop-up menu click <b class="bold">Full Skyline Document</b>. This will download a file which can be opened in Skyline. <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=d8bad646-d074-1037-ade8-3013bb9b1db2&amp;name=download_skyline_document.png" title="download_skyline_document.png"> <br/> <br/> <h3 class="heading-1">Download raw data in a web-browser <a name="download_in_browser"></a></h3> Raw data uploaded with a dataset is available under the <b class="bold">Raw Data</b> tab in the top right corner. Click the tab to view a list of files available for downloading. Select one or more files and click the download icon ( <b class="bold"><span class="fa fa-download"></span></b> ). <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=d8bad646-d074-1037-ade8-3013bb9b1db2&amp;name=download_raw_data_in_browser.png" title="download_raw_data_in_browser.png"> <br/> <br/> To select all the files listed in the files browser, select the first file in the list by clicking the name of the file in the <b class="bold">File</b> column. Press the <b class="bold">Shift</b> key and then select the last file by clicking the file name. This will select all the files between the first and the last selected files. Please note that this will not work if you use the checkboxes next to the file names to select files. Click files names instead to select files. <br/> <br/> <h3 class="heading-1">Download raw data using WebDAV <a name="download_in_webdav_client"></a></h3> Files can also be downloaded using the <span class="nobr"><a href="">WebDAV</a></span> protocol. On Windows the raw data folder can be mapped as a network drive in Windows Explorer. Other WebDAV clients such as <span class="nobr"><a href="">CyberDuck</a></span> or <span class="nobr"><a href="">WinSCP</a></span> can also be used to connect to the folder. <br/> In the <b class="bold">Download Data</b> panel below the files browser in the <b class="bold">Raw Data</b> tab you will find the WebDAV URL (example screenshot below) along with the email address and password that is needed to connect to the folder. <br/> <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=d8bad646-d074-1037-ade8-3013bb9b1db2&amp;name=webdav_url.png" title="webdav_url.png"> <br/> <br/> <h3 class="heading-1-1">Map folder as a network drive in Windows</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li>Copy the WebDAV URL displayed in the <b class="bold">Download Data</b> panel under the files browser in the <b class="bold">Raw Data</b> tab.</li> <li>On your computer open Windows Explorer. Right-click <b class="bold">This PC</b> in the left pane and select <b class="bold">Map network drive</b> from the menu.</li> </ul><br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=d8bad646-d074-1037-ade8-3013bb9b1db2&amp;name=map_network_drive2.png" title="map_network_drive2.png"> <br/> <ul class="minus"> <li>In the <b class="bold">Map network drive</b> dialog enter the WebDav URL copied in step 1. Check <b class="bold">Connect using different credentials</b> and click <b class="bold">Finish</b>.</li> <li>When prompted for a username and password enter the email address and password from the <b class="bold">DataPanel</b> in the <b class="bold">Raw Data</b> tab and click <b class="bold">OK</b>.</li> </ul><br/> This should map the folder as a network drive on your computer, and you should be able to copy down the desired files to another folder in Windows Explorer. Once you are done copying files you can disconnect the network drive by right-clicking the mapped drive and selecting <b class="bold">Disconnect network drive</b> from the menu. Please note that this works in Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016. If you have an older operating system and are unable to map a network drive with these steps then you can use a third party WebDAV clients such as CyberDuck and WinSCP. <br/> <br/> <h3 class="heading-1-1">CyberDuck (<span class="nobr"><a href="">&#104;ttps://</a></span>)</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li>Click <b class="bold">Open Connection</b>.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=d8bad646-d074-1037-ade8-3013bb9b1db2&amp;name=cyberduck1.png" title="cyberduck1.png"> <br/> <ul class="minus"> <li>In the <b class="bold">Open Connection</b> dialog select WebDAV (HTTPS) as the connection type.</li> <li>In the <b class="bold">Server</b> field enter the WebDAV URL copied from the <b class="bold">Download Data</b> panel in the <b class="bold">Raw Data</b> tab. CyberDuck will automatically parse the URL and populate the <b class="bold">Path</b> field.</li> <li>In the <b class="bold">Username</b> field enter <b class="bold"></b>.</li> <li>In the <b class="bold">Password</b> field enter <b class="bold">panorama</b>.</li> <li>Click <b class="bold">Connect</b>.</li> </ul><br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=d8bad646-d074-1037-ade8-3013bb9b1db2&amp;name=cyberduck2.png" title="cyberduck2.png"> <br/> <br/> <h3 class="heading-1-1">WinSCP (<span class="nobr"><a href="">&#104;ttps://</a></span>)</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li>In the <b class="bold">Login</b> dialog select <b class="bold">WwbDAV</b> under <b class="bold">File Protocol</b>.</li> <li>Copy the WebDAV URL in the <b class="bold">Host name</b> field. WinSCP will automatically parse the remote directory path from the URL, and you will only see "" in the field.</li> <li>Enter <b class="bold"></b> under <b class="bold">User name</b>.</li> <li>Enter <b class="bold">panorama</b> under <b class="bold">Password</b>.</li> <li>Click <b class="bold">Login</b>.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=d8bad646-d074-1037-ade8-3013bb9b1db2&amp;name=winscp.png" title="winscp.png"><p class="paragraph"/><br/> <br/> <br/> For options on OSX and Linux see this link: <span class="nobr"><a href="">Native OSX and Linux WebDAV Clients</a></span></div><br><br> <hr size=1> <h3><a name="qc_with_panorama"></a>Quality control with AutoQC</h3><br> <div class="labkey-wiki"><h3 class="heading-1">Panorama AutoQC</h3> The Panorama AutoQC pipeline enables mass spec laboratories to evaluate LC MS/MS performance over time, and quickly identify potential issues. This pipeline comprises three components: Skyline, a Panorama server and AutoQC Loader, a utility program that automates the processing and uploading of QC results from the instrument computer to the Panorama server. The pipeline is initialized by specifying the following: <ul class="minus"> <li>A template document with target QC peptides into which raw data files should be imported as they are acquired.</li> <li>A local folder where QC results files are written.</li> <li>A folder on the Panorama server where data should be uploaded.</li> </ul>After the Skyline documents containing QC results are uploaded to Panorama, users can examine instrument performance though a variety of charts that track several metrics such as retention time, peak area, FWHM etc. More information on the QC capabilities in Panorama can be found in the documentation links below.<p class="paragraph"/><a name="panorama_qc_folder_doc"></a> <h3 class="heading-1-1">Panorama QC folder documentation:</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li><span class="nobr"><a href="">Panorama QC Dashboard <span class="fa fa-external-link"></span></a></span></li> <li><span class="nobr"><a href="">Panorama QC Plots <span class="fa fa-external-link"></span></a></span></li> <li><span class="nobr"><a href="">Panorama QC Plot Types <span class="fa fa-external-link"></span></a></span></li> <li><span class="nobr"><a href="">Panorama QC Pareto Plots <span class="fa fa-external-link"></span></a></span></li> <li><span class="nobr"><a href="">Panorama QC Annotations <span class="fa fa-external-link"></span></a></span></li> <li><span class="nobr"><a href=""">Panorama QC Guide Sets <span class="fa fa-external-link"></span></a></span></li> <li><span class="nobr"><a href="">Configure QC Metrics (enable/disable metrics, define new metrics) <span class="fa fa-external-link"></span></a></span></li> <li><span class="nobr"><a href="">Setup Email Notifications <span class="fa fa-external-link"></span></a></span></li> </ul><br/> <a name="autoqc_loader_doc"></a> <h3 class="heading-1-1">AutoQC Loader </h3> AutoQC Loader automates the process of importing results files into a Skyline document and uploading the document to a folder on a Panorama server. It uses SkylineRunner to launch Skyline without showing the Skyline window. Command-line arguments are passed to this invisible instance of Skyline to import results files to a Skyline document and upload the document to the Panorama server specified in the settings. <br/> <b class="bold"><a class="link" href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=autoqc_loader">Install AutoQC Loader</a></b> <br/> <b class="bold"><a class="link" href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=autoqc_loader_doc">AutoQC Loader Documentation</a></b> <br/> <br/> <h3 class="heading-1-1">AutoQC Setup Tutorial</h3> A tutorial describing how to setup a Skyline document for use with AutoQC, and setting up the instrument method: <a class="link" href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=autoqc_setup_tutorial">AutoQC Setup</a></div><br><br> <hr size=1> <h3><a name="autoqc_setup_tutorial"></a>Lindsay Pino&#039;s AutoQC Setup Tutorial</h3><br> <div class="labkey-wiki"></div><br><br> <hr size=1> <h3><a name="upgrade-to-autoqc-24.1.0.x"></a>Upgrading to AutoQC Loader 24.1.0.x</h3><br> <div class="labkey-wiki">AutoQC Loader version will not automatically upgrade to version 24.1.0.x. To install AutoQC Loader 24.1.0.x on a machine currently running version or an older version, you must first uninstall the older version. Please follow the steps below to save your configurations, uninstall the older version, and install AutoQC Loader 24.1.0.x. <br/> <br/> <b class="bold">1&#46; Export Configurations</b> <ul class="minus"> <li>Launch AutoQC Loader if it is not already running.</li> <li>Stop all running configurations.</li> <li>Export the configurations by clicking the <b class="bold">Share</b> button.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=1aaa71fd-4347-103d-9292-dc22ffcd208d&amp;name=ExportConfigs.png" title="ExportConfigs.png"> <ul class="minus"> <li>Check <b class="bold">Select All</b> in the <b class="bold">Share Configurations</b> dialog, and click <b class="bold">Save</b>. Save the .qcfg file on your computer.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=1aaa71fd-4347-103d-9292-dc22ffcd208d&amp;name=SelectAllConfigs.png" title="SelectAllConfigs.png"><p class="paragraph"/><br/> <b class="bold">2&#46; Uninstall AutoQC Loader</b> <br/><b class="bold">BEFORE</b> uninstalling AutoQC Loader it is important to: <ul class="minus"> <li>Stop all running configurations</li> <li>In the <b class="bold">Settings</b> tab uncheck <b class="bold">Keep AutoQC Loader running</b></li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=1aaa71fd-4347-103d-9292-dc22ffcd208d&amp;name=keep-autoqc-loader-running.png" title="keep-autoqc-loader-running.png"> <ul class="minus"> <li>Close the AutoQC Loader app by clicking the Close ('X') icon in the top right corner of the app window.</li> </ul><br/> <br/> To uninstall: <ul class="minus"> <li>In the search box on the taskbar, type Control Panel and select it from the results.</li> <li>Select Programs &#62; Programs and Features</li> <li>Find AutoQC in the list of installed programs. Right-click on "AutoQC". Select Uninstall or Uninstall/Change.</li> <li>In the <b class="bold">AutoQC Maintenance</b> dialog, select <b class="bold">Remove the application from this computer</b>, and click <b class="bold">OK</b>.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=1aaa71fd-4347-103d-9292-dc22ffcd208d&amp;name=UninstallAutoQC.png" title="UninstallAutoQC.png"> <br/> <br/> <b class="bold">2&#46; Install AutoQC Loader 24.1.0.x</b> <ul class="minus"> <li>Download the installer here <span class="nobr"><a href="">&#104;ttps://</a></span></li> <li>After installing, import the saved configurations by clicking the <b class="bold">Import</b> button, browsing and selecting the previously saved configuration (.qcfg) file.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=1aaa71fd-4347-103d-9292-dc22ffcd208d&amp;name=ImportConfigs.png" title="ImportConfigs.png"></div><br><br> <hr size=1> <h3><a name="autoqc_loader_doc"></a>AutoQC Loader Documentation</h3><br> <div class="labkey-wiki"><h3 class="heading-1">AutoQC Loader </h3> AutoQC Loader automates the process of importing results files into a Skyline document and uploading the document to a folder on a Panorama server. It uses SkylineRunner or SkylineCmd to launch Skyline without showing the Skyline window. Command-line arguments are passed to this invisible instance of Skyline to import results files to a Skyline document and upload the document to the Panorama server specified in the settings. <b class="bold"><a class="link" href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=autoqc_loader">Install AutoQC Loader</a></b>. <br/> <br/> <ul class="minus"> <li><a class="link" href="#new_config">Create a New Configuration</a></li> <ul class="minus"> <li><a class="link" href="#main_settings">Settings</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="#panorama_settings">Panorama Settings</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="#skyline_settings">Skyline Settings</a></li> </ul> <li><a class="link" href="#run_config">Starting / Stopping / Editing a Configuration</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="#export_configs">Exporting / Importing Configurations</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="#invalid_configs">Invalid Configurations</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="#autoqc_loader_settings">Other Settings</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="#autoqc_log">Logging</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="#data_archival">Data Archival</a></li> </ul><br/><p class="paragraph"/><a name="new_config"></a> When you start AutoQC Loader for the first time you will see this window. <br/> <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ac40b433-9333-1039-8a46-fea6ddf55ba4&amp;name=autoqc_no_config.png" title="autoqc_no_config.png"> <br/> <br/> To start monitoring a local folder for QC results, create a new configuration by clicking the <b class="bold">Add</b> button. Each configuration is a combination of settings that include the location of the template Skyline document, the local folder where QC results will be written, and the folder on a Panorama server where the results will be uploaded. Multiple configurations can be enabled allowing users to monitor more than one QC data folder at the same time. Configurations are saved so that instrument operators can enable a previously created configuration if they are acquiring data for an ongoing project with intermittent breaks in data acquisition. <br/> <br/> <a name="main_settings"></a> <h3 class="heading-1-1"><u class="underline">Configuration Settings</u></h3> In the <b class="bold">AutoQC Configuration</b> form enter the appropriate settings in the <b class="bold">Settings</b> tab. <br/> <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ac40b433-9333-1039-8a46-fea6ddf55ba4&amp;name=autoqc_main_settings.png" title="autoqc_main_settings.png"> <br/> <br/> <b class="bold">Configuration name</b>: This can be the name of an instrument or the project or study for which data is being acquired. Each configuration has to have a unique name. <br/> <br/> <b class="bold">Skyline file path</b>: This is the path to the template Skyline document into which QC results files will be imported. Click the browse button next to the textbox to open a Windows Explorer window and navigate to the template Skyline document (.sky file). <br/> <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ac40b433-9333-1039-8a46-fea6ddf55ba4&amp;name=autoqc_skyline_filepath.png" title="autoqc_skyline_filepath.png"> <br/> <br/> Note for Skyline versions prior to 4.2 the Integrate all setting (<b class="bold">Settings &#62; Integrate all</b>) must be checked in the template Skyline document. This setting forced Skyline to calculate areas for all fragment ions between the integration boundaries and gives better quantitative results. Since Skyline 4.2 areas are now always the sum of all quantitative transitions, but you may still want this setting for visualization inside Skyline. <br/> <br/> <b class="bold">Folder to watch</b>: This is the folder that AutoQC Loader will monitor for new QC results files. Any new results files added to the folder will automatically be imported into the given template Skyline document. When a configuration is started all existing results files in this folder that are newer than the last imported result in the Skyline document will get imported. If the document does not have any imported results, AutoQC Loader will import all the results files in the folder. The folder can be on a physical disk drive of the computer running AutoQC Loader, or it may also be on a mapped network drive, allowing central processing of system suitability files collected by multiple instruments. <br/> <br/> <b class="bold">File filter</b>: This can be used to apply a filter on the results files that will be imported into the Skyline document. The default option (<b class="bold">All</b>) will import all results files added to the QC folder without applying any filters. Choose one of the other options from the drop-down list to import only those results files that match the filter. For example, the filter selected in the screenshot below can be used to import only those files that have the substring "_QC_" in the file name. <br/> <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ac40b433-9333-1039-8a46-fea6ddf55ba4&amp;name=autoqc_file_filter.png" title="autoqc_file_filter.png"> <br/> <br/> <b class="bold">Results time window</b>: The results time window determines how long imported results will be retained in the Skyline document. This is a rolling window and only results acquired within the last ‘n’ days, where ‘n’ is the width of this window in days, will be retained in the document. When a new run is imported into the document any results that no longer fall within this time window, ending on that day, will be removed from the document. The default (and minimum) width of the window is 31 days. <i class="italic">Please note that AutoQC Loader does NOT delete any results files on the computer. Only results imported into the document that are older than the current time window are removed from the document.</i> This is done to keep the active Skyline document from getting too large. The larger the document gets the more time it will take for each upload to Panorama. Uncheck the <b class="bold">Remove Results</b> checkbox to keep all the imported results in the Skyline document. This is not recommended for long-running projects. <br/> <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ac40b433-9333-1039-8a46-fea6ddf55ba4&amp;name=autoqc_remove_results.png" title="autoqc_remove_results.png"> <br/> <br/> <b class="bold">Instrument type</b>: The instrument type setting tells AutoQC Loader the type of files (e.g. *.raw for Thermo instruments, *.wiff for SCIEX instruments etc.) to look for in the folder that it is monitoring. <br/> <br/> <b class="bold">Expected acquisition duration</b>: The expected acquisition duration determines how long AutoQC Loader will wait before attempting to import a new results file. Most instruments write directly to the output results file when data acquisition begins, and an error occurs if an attempt is made to read the file before acquisition is complete. When AutoQC Loader detects a new results file in the QC folder, it will wait for the duration specified in this setting before attempting to import the file. The default value for this setting is 75 minutes (10 min. trapping time + 60 min. gradient + 5 min. extra). <br/> <br/><p class="paragraph"/> <a name="panorama_settings"></a> <h3 class="heading-1-1"><u class="underline">Panorama Settings</u></h3> To upload the Skyline document containing QC results to a Panorama server, check the <b class="bold">Publish to Panorama</b> checkbox in the <b class="bold">Panorama</b> tab. Enter the URL of the Panorama server, your email and password on the server along with the path to the folder on the server where the document should be uploaded. AutoQC Loader will upload the document to the Panorama server each time a new results file is imported into the document. <br/> <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ac40b433-9333-1039-8a46-fea6ddf55ba4&amp;name=autoqc_panorama_settings.png" title="autoqc_panorama_settings.png"> <br/> <br/> The Panorama server manages redundant results files included in successive Skyline documents uploaded to a QC folder by keeping the results contained in the most recently uploaded Skyline document. <br/> <br/> Note: The password is stored encrypted using a Windows system encryption key and is not accessible as plain text. <br/> <br/><p class="paragraph"/><p class="paragraph"/><a name="skyline_settings"></a> <h3 class="heading-1-1"><u class="underline">Skyline Settings</u></h3> You can choose to use either <span class="nobr"><a href="">Skyline</a></span> or <span class="nobr"><a href="">Skyline-daily</a></span> with a configuration if both are installed on the computer that is running AutoQC Loader. This selection can be made in the <b class="bold">Skyline</b> tab of the <b class="bold">AutoQC Configuration</b> form. Only the installations of Skyline that are available will be enabled and selectable in the form. You may also specify the path to a Skyline (or Skyline-daily) installation somewhere else on your computer.<p class="paragraph"/><br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ac40b433-9333-1039-8a46-fea6ddf55ba4&amp;name=autoqc_skyline_settings.png" title="autoqc_skyline_settings.png"> <br/> <br/><p class="paragraph"/><p class="paragraph"/><a name="run_config"></a> <h3 class="heading-1-1"><u class="underline">Running a Configuration</u></h3> In the main AutoQC Loader window, in the <b class="bold">Configurations</b> tab check the box next to the configuration name to start the configuration. AutoQC Loader will start the monitoring the local folder specified in the configuration for new results files. Uncheck the box to stop the configuration. <br/> <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ac40b433-9333-1039-8a46-fea6ddf55ba4&amp;name=autoqc_run_config.png" title="autoqc_run_config.png"> <br/> <br/> The selected configuration can be edited by clicking the <b class="bold">Edit</b> button to the right of the <b class="bold">Saved configurations</b> panel. <br/> To make a copy of the configuration, click the <b class="bold">Copy</b> button. <br/> In addition, the following buttons are enabled when a configuration is selected in the <b class="bold">Saved configurations</b> list. <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ac40b433-9333-1039-8a46-fea6ddf55ba4&amp;name=autoqc_config_options.png" title="autoqc_config_options.png"> <br/> <br/><p class="paragraph"/> <a name="export_configs"></a> <h3 class="heading-1-1"><u class="underline">Exporting Configurations</u></h3> You can export some or all of your saved configurations to a AutoQC Configuration file (.qcfg) by clicking the <b class="bold">Share</b> button in the main program window. <br/> <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ac40b433-9333-1039-8a46-fea6ddf55ba4&amp;name=autoqc_share_configs.png" title="autoqc_share_configs.png"> <br/> In the <b class="bold">Share Configurations</b> form select the configurations you want to export and click the <b class="bold">Save</b> button. <br/> <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ac40b433-9333-1039-8a46-fea6ddf55ba4&amp;name=autoqc_save_qcfg.png" title="autoqc_save_qcfg.png"> <br/> In the Windows File Explorer navigate to the folder where you want to save the file. <br/> <br/> Configurations contained in the exported AutoQC Configuration file (.qcfg) can be imported into AutoQC Loader by clicking the <b class="bold">Import</b> button and selecting the .qcfg file in the File Explorer. <br/> <br/><p class="paragraph"/><a name="invalid_configs"></a> <h3 class="heading-1-1"><u class="underline">Invalid Configurations</u></h3> Configurations that cannot be validated appear in red text in the list of configurations in the main window (e.g. "Fusion 1" in the screenshot below). Configurations can become invalid, for example, if the path to the Skyline document or the folder to monitor no longer exist on the computer. A configuration may also become invalid if the user email and password saved in the Panorama settings can no longer be authenticated, or if the permissions were changed on the Panorama server and the user does not have permissions to upload to the selected Panorama folder. <br/> <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ac40b433-9333-1039-8a46-fea6ddf55ba4&amp;name=autoqc_invalid_config.png" title="autoqc_invalid_config.png"> <br/> <br/> Attempting to run an invalid configuration will display an error message as can be seen in the example below where the path to the Skyline document does not exist on the computer. <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ac40b433-9333-1039-8a46-fea6ddf55ba4&amp;name=autoqc_invalid_config_run_error.png" title="autoqc_invalid_config_run_error.png"> <br/> <br/> To fix an invalid configuration either double-click the configuration name or select the configuration and click the <b class="bold">Edit</b> button. This will open the <b class="bold">Configuration Set Up Manager</b> which will step through the configuration issues which must be addressed to fix the configuration. <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ac40b433-9333-1039-8a46-fea6ddf55ba4&amp;name=autoqc_invalid_config_config_setup_manager.png" title="autoqc_invalid_config_config_setup_manager.png"> <br/> <br/><p class="paragraph"/> <a name="autoqc_loader_settings"></a> <h3 class="heading-1-1"><u class="underline">AutoQC Loader Settings</u></h3> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ac40b433-9333-1039-8a46-fea6ddf55ba4&amp;name=AutoQC_settings_keeprunning_and_minimize.png" title="AutoQC_settings_keeprunning_and_minimize.png"> <br/> <br/> If you want AutoQC Loader to keep running continuously on your computer, and start-up automatically after the computer restarts check the <b class="bold">Keep AutoQC Loader running</b> checkbox in the <b class="bold">Settings</b> tab. This will place a shortcut to AutoQCStarter.exe in the Windows Startup folder. AutoQCStarter.exe checks every few minutes to see if AutoQC Loader is running, and starts it if it is not running. Any configurations that were running when AutoQC Loader was last running are also started. <br/> <br/> Check the <b class="bold">Minimize program to Windows System Tray</b> to minimize the AutoQC Loader window to the Windows System Tray <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ac40b433-9333-1039-8a46-fea6ddf55ba4&amp;name=AutoQC_minimized_to_system_tray.png" title="AutoQC_minimized_to_system_tray.png"> instead of the Task Bar. If the AutoQC icon is no longer visible in Windows System Tray, click the "Show hidden icons" button, and double-click the AutoQC icon to view the AutoQC Loader window. <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ac40b433-9333-1039-8a46-fea6ddf55ba4&amp;name=find-autoqc-in-windows-system-tray.png" title="find-autoqc-in-windows-system-tray.png"> <br/> <br/><p class="paragraph"/> <a name="autoqc_log"></a> <h3 class="heading-1-1"><u class="underline">Logging</u></h3> AutoQC Loader writes to a log file (AutoQC.log) that is located in a directory with the same name as the name of the configuration. This directory can be found in the directory that contains the template Skyline document. You can open this directory by selecting a configuration and clicking the "Open Folder" icon shown below and selecting <b class="bold">Log Folder</b>. <br/> <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ac40b433-9333-1039-8a46-fea6ddf55ba4&amp;name=autoqc_open_folder.png" title="autoqc_open_folder.png"> <br/> <br/> The contents of the log can be viewed in the <b class="bold">Log</b> tab by selecting the configuration in the <b class="bold">Configurations</b> tab and clicking the <b class="bold">View Log</b> button. Once the <b class="bold">Log</b> tab is active you can also choose the log for any configuration from the dropdown list above the pane displaying the log text. The folder containing the log file for the selected configuration can also be opened by clicking the <b class="bold">Open Folder</b> button in the <b class="bold">Log</b> tab. <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=ac40b433-9333-1039-8a46-fea6ddf55ba4&amp;name=autoqc_log_tab.png" title="autoqc_log_tab.png"> <br/> <b class="bold"><i class="italic">Please provide this log file to the developers if you run into any issues with AutoQC Loader.</i></b> <br/> <br/><p class="paragraph"/> <a name="data_archival"></a> <h3 class="heading-1-1"><u class="underline">Data Archival</u></h3> AutoQC Loader creates a monthly archive (* of the Skyline document. Archive creation is triggered when the first run is imported into the document in a given month. For example, when the first run is imported into the Skyline document,, in the month of August 2015, an archive file,, is created in the same directory as<p class="paragraph"/><p class="paragraph"/></div><br><br> <hr size=1> <h3><a name="autoqc_1_1_0_20237_doc"></a>AutoQC Loader Documentation</h3><br> <div class="labkey-wiki"><div style="background-color:#FFF6D8; color:red;border: 1px solid #DDDDDD; font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold; font-style:italic; line-height: 1.2; padding: 20px 20px; margin: 0 20px 10px 20px;"> This documentation is for an older version of AutoQC Loader. Please refer to the latest documentation <span class="nobr"><a href="">here</a></span>. </div> <h3 class="heading-1-1">AutoQC Loader </h3> AutoQC Loader automates the process of importing results files into a Skyline document and uploading the document to a folder on a Panorama server. It uses SkylineRunner to launch Skyline without showing the Skyline window. Command-line arguments are passed to this invisible instance of Skyline to import results files to a Skyline document and upload the document to the Panorama server specified in the settings. <br/> <b class="bold"><a class="link" href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=autoqc_loader">Install AutoQC Loader</a></b> for Skyline 3.5 or later, or Skyline-daily ( or later) <br/> <br/><p class="paragraph"/><a name="skyline_settings"></a> When AutoQC Loader starts up for the very first time, it will check for existing Skyline or Skyline-daily installations in the following order: <ul class="minus"> <li>C:&#92;&#80;rogram Files&#92;&#83;kyline</li> <li>C:&#92;&#80;rogram Files&#92;&#83;kyline-daily</li> <li>Web installation (ClickOnce) of Skyline</li> <li>Web installation (ClickOnce) of Skyline-daily</li> </ul>If an existing installation is found it is used for all future invocations of the program. The first two locations in the list above are the default locations for the <span class="nobr"><a href="">Administrator Install of Skyline</a></span> and <span class="nobr"><a href="">Skyline-daily</a></span>. Most users do not need an administrator install of Skyline, and install Skyline via the web-installer instead. The installation of Skyline or Skyline-daily that should be used by AutoQC Loader can also be configured in the <b class="bold">Settings</b> tab of the program window. Click the <b class="bold">Apply</b> button after making changes to the Skyline settings. <br/> <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=05a9ecd4-a9bd-1039-be5b-fea6ddf5138a&amp;name=AutoQC_skyline_settings.png" title="AutoQC_skyline_settings.png"> <br/> <br/> <br/> To start monitoring a local folder for QC results, create a new configuration in AutoQC Loader by clicking on the <b class="bold">Create a new configuration</b> button in the <b class="bold">Configurations</b> tab. Each configuration is a combination of settings that include the location of the template Skyline document, the local folder where QC results will be written, and the folder on a Panorama server where the results will be uploaded. Multiple configurations can be enabled allowing users to monitor more than one QC data folder at the same time. Configurations are saved so that instrument operators can enable a previously created configuration if they are acquiring data for an ongoing project with intermittent breaks in data acquisition. <br/> <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=05a9ecd4-a9bd-1039-be5b-fea6ddf5138a&amp;name=AutoQC_create_new_config.png" title="AutoQC_create_new_config.png"> <br/> <br/> <h3 class="heading-1-1-1">Configuration Settings</h3> In the <b class="bold">AutoQC Configuration</b> form enter the appropriate settings in the <b class="bold">Settings</b> tab. <br/> <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=05a9ecd4-a9bd-1039-be5b-fea6ddf5138a&amp;name=AutoQC_new_config_form.png" title="AutoQC_new_config_form.png"> <br/> <br/> <b class="bold">Configuration name</b>: This can be the name of the project or study for which data is being acquired. <br/> <b class="bold">Skyline file path</b>: This is the path to the template Skyline document into which QC results files will be imported. Please note that the Integrate all setting (<b class="bold">Settings &#62; Integrate all</b>) must be checked for Skyline documents that contain QC results. This setting forces Skyline to calculate areas for all fragment ions between the integration boundaries and gives better quantitative results. <br/> <b class="bold">Folder to watch</b>: This is the folder that AutoQC Loader will monitor for new QC results files. Any new results files added to the folder will automatically be imported into the given template Skyline document. When a configuration is enabled or started, all existing results files in this folder that are newer than the last imported result in the Skyline document will get imported. If the document does not have any imported results, AutoQC Loader will import all the results files in the folder. <br/> <b class="bold">File filter</b>: One of the options in this combo-box can be used to apply a filter on the QC files that will be imported to the Skyline document. Only files with names that match the selected option will be imported. The default option (All) will import all results files added to the QC folder without applying any filters. <br/> <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=05a9ecd4-a9bd-1039-be5b-fea6ddf5138a&amp;name=AutoQC_config_form_file_filter.png" title="AutoQC_config_form_file_filter.png"> <br/> <br/> <b class="bold">Results time window</b>: The results time window determines how long imported results will be retained in the Skyline document. This is a rolling window and only results acquired within the last ‘n’ days, where ‘n’ is the width of this window in days, will be retained in the document. When a new run is imported into the document any results that no longer fall within this time window, ending on that day, will be removed from the document. The default (and minimum) width of the window is 31 days. Please note that AutoQC Loader does NOT delete any results files on the computer. Only results imported into the document that are older than the current time window are removed from the document. This is done to keep the active Skyline document from getting too large. <br/> <b class="bold">Instrument type</b>: The instrument type setting tells AutoQC Loader the type of files (e.g. *.raw for Thermo instruments, *.wiff for SCIEX instruments etc.) to look for in the folder that it is monitoring. <br/> <b class="bold">Expected acquisition duration</b>: The expected acquisition duration determines how long AutoQC Loader will wait before attempting to import a new results file. Most instruments write directly to the output results file during acquisition, and an error occurs if an attempt is made to read the file before acquisition is complete. When AutoQC Loader detects a new results file in the QC folder, it will wait for the duration specified in this setting before attempting to import the file. The default value for this setting is 75 minutes (10 min. trapping time + 60 min. gradient + 5 min. extra). <br/> <br/> <h3 class="heading-1-1-1">Panorama Settings For a Configuration</h3> To upload the Skyline document containing QC results to a Panorama server, check the <b class="bold">Publish to Panorama</b> checkbox in the <b class="bold">Panorama Settings</b> tab. Enter the URL of the Panorama server, your email and password on the server along with the path to the folder on the server where the document should be uploaded. AutoQC Loader will upload the document to the Panorama server each time a new results file is imported into the document. <br/> <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=05a9ecd4-a9bd-1039-be5b-fea6ddf5138a&amp;name=AutoQC_config_form_panorama_settings.png" title="AutoQC_config_form_panorama_settings.png"> <br/> <br/> The Panorama server manages redundant results files included in multiple, successive Skyline documents uploaded to a QC folder by keeping only the most recent copy of the results. <br/> <br/> <br/> <h3 class="heading-1-1-1">Starting or Stopping a Configuration</h3> In the main AutoQC Loader window, under the <b class="bold">Configurations</b> check the box next to the configuration name to start the configuration. AutoQC Loader will start the monitoring the local folder specified in the configuration for new results files. Uncheck the box to stop the configuration. <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=05a9ecd4-a9bd-1039-be5b-fea6ddf5138a&amp;name=AutoQC_run_new_config.png" title="AutoQC_run_new_config.png"> <br/> <br/> <br/> <a name="autoqc_loader_settings"></a> <h3 class="heading-1-1-1">AutoQC Loader Settings</h3> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=05a9ecd4-a9bd-1039-be5b-fea6ddf5138a&amp;name=AutoQC_settings_keeprunning_and_minimize.png" title="AutoQC_settings_keeprunning_and_minimize.png"> <br/> <br/> If you want AutoQC Loader to keep running continuously on your computer, and start-up automatically after the computer restarts check the <b class="bold">Keep AutoQC Loader running</b> checkbox in the <b class="bold">Settings</b> tab. This will place a shortcut to AutoQCStarter.exe in the Windows Startup folder. AutoQCStarter.exe checks every few minutes to see if AutoQC Loader is running, and starts it if it is not running. Any configurations that were running when AutoQC Loader was last running are also started. <br/> <br/> Check the <b class="bold">Minimize program to Windows System Tray</b> to minimize the AutoQC Loader window to the Windows System Tray <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=05a9ecd4-a9bd-1039-be5b-fea6ddf5138a&amp;name=AutoQC_minimized_to_system_tray.png" title="AutoQC_minimized_to_system_tray.png"> instead of the Task Bar. <br/> <br/> <h3 class="heading-1-1-1">Logging</h3> AutoQC Loader writes to a log file (AutoQC.log) in the directory that contains the template Skyline document. Please provide this log file to the developers if you run into any issues with AutoQC Loader. <br/> <br/> <h3 class="heading-1-1-1">Data Archival</h3> AutoQC Loader creates a monthly archive (* of the Skyline document. Archive creation is triggered when the first run is imported into the document in a given month. For example, when the first run is imported into the Skyline document,, in the month of August 2015, an archive file,, is created in the same directory as</div><br><br> <hr size=1> <h3><a name="recover_autoqc_configs"></a>Recovering configurations for a broken installation</h3><br> <div class="labkey-wiki">If your AutoQC Loader installation is broken and you are unable to install a new release over the top of your existing installation you may have to first uninstall AutoQC Loader on your computer and install it again. Before you uninstall AutoQC Loader, locate the file that contains the saved AutoQC Loader configurations. This file can be imported into your new installation to recover the configurations. <br/> <br/> <b class="bold">Finding and saving your settings:</b> <br/> On Windows 10, Windows 7 or Windows Vista, find the folder: C:&#92;Users&#92;&#60;your_user_name&#62;&#92;AppData&#92;Local&#92;Apps&#92;2.0 <br/> On Windows XP, it will be something like: C:&#92;Documents and Settings&#92;&#60;your_user_name&#62;&#92;Local Settings&#92;Apps&#92;2.0 <br/> If you are unable to find either the AppData (Windows 10/7) or the Local Settings (Windows XP) folder, you may need to do the following in Windows Explorer: <ul class="minus"> <li>Open the <b class="bold">Folder Options</b> form</li> <ul class="minus"> <li>On Windows 10, select the <b class="bold">View</b> tab and click <b class="bold">Options</b> &#62; <b class="bold">Change folder and search options</b>.</li> <li>On Windows 7, Windows Vista of Windows XP press Alt+T, O to open the <b class="bold">Folder Options</b> form.</li> </ul> <li>Click the <b class="bold">View</b> tab.</li> <li>Under the <b class="bold">Hidden files and folders</b> item, click the <b class="bold">Show hidden files and folders</b> option.</li> <li>Click the <b class="bold">OK</b> button.</li> </ul>You should now be able to see the necessary folder in Windows Explorer. <br/> <br/> With the Apps&#92;2.0 folder open in Windows Explorer search for the file 'user.config'. You will likely find more than one. Look for the most recent file under a folder beginning with 'auto..'. <ul class="minus"> <li>Open the file in a text editor to verify that it contains your configurations. AutoQC Loader configurations are saved as XML that will look like this:</li> </ul><div class="code"><pre>&#60;setting name=<span class="java&#45;quote">"ConfigList"</span> serializeAs=<span class="java&#45;quote">"Xml"</span>&#62;<br /> &#60;value&#62;<br /> &#60;ConfigList&#62;<br /> &#60;autoqc_config name=...&#62;<br /> &#60;main_settings skyline_file_path=&#8230; /&#62;<br /> &#60;panorama_settings publish_to_panorama=&#8230; /&#62;<br /> &#60;/autoqc_config&#62;<br /> &#60;/ConfigList&#62;<br /> &#60;/value&#62;<br />&#60;/setting&#62;</pre></div> <ul class="minus"> <li>Save this file to another location on your computer (e.g. Desktop) and change the file extension from .config to .qcfg (e.g. user-config.qcfg). For versions of AutoQC Loader older than change the extension from .config to .xml.</li> </ul>After you have a fresh installation of AutoQC Loader do the following to import the file <ul class="minus"> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Import</b> button in the <b class="bold">Configurations</b> tab of the main window.</li> <li>Select the .qcfg file saved in the previous step and click <b class="bold">Open</b>.</li> </ul>This should import your configurations. <br/> <br/> </div><br><br> <hr size=1> <h3><a name="Install Panorama"></a>Install Panorama</h3><br> <div class="labkey-wiki"><p>Panorama has been implemented as a module within <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">LabKey Server</a>,&nbsp;and is included in all official releases. <br> You can download the latest release of LabKey Server <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">here</a>&nbsp;for a new installation or to upgrade an existing one. &nbsp;See <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">LabKey installation documentation</a> for available install options.</p> <p>Once you have a running LabKey Server you can set up a workspace for your lab or group by creating projects and folders, and configuring user and group permissions for authenticated access to the workspace. Please see the LabKey documentation for:</p> <ul> <li> <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Creating projects and folders</a> </li> <li> <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">LabKey security architecture</a> </li> </ul> <p>For additional documentation and help regarding LabKey Server please visit the <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">LabKey support site</a>.</p> <p>For information on creating folders in Panorama, see <a href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=Create%20a%20folder%20in%20Panorama">Create a folder in Panorama</a>.&nbsp;</p> <p>For more information on getting your data into a Panorama server see <a href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=Importing%20data%20into%20Panorama">Import data into Panorama</a>.</p></div><br><br> <hr size=1> <h3><a name="tutorials"></a>Tutorials</h3><br> <div class="labkey-wiki"><p>Try one of these tutorials, and get hands-on experience using Panorama with real data.</p> <p><a href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=sharing_documents">Sharing Skyline Documents</a>&nbsp;</p> <p><a href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=sharing_documents"><img alt="" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=32ab6ad6-facb-1030-88ad-3013bb9bb2e8&amp;name=sharingdocuments_thumbnail.png" style="border: 1px solid black;"></a></p> <p><a href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=chromatogram_libraries">Panorama Chromatogram Libraries</a>&nbsp;</p> <p><a href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=chromatogram_libraries"><img alt="" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=32ab6ad6-facb-1030-88ad-3013bb9bb2e8&amp;name=chromatogram_libraries_thumpnail.png" style="border: 1px solid black;"></a></p> <p><a href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=panorama_public">Submit Data to Panorama Public</a>&nbsp;</p> <p><a href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=panorama_public"><img alt="" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=32ab6ad6-facb-1030-88ad-3013bb9bb2e8&amp;name=panorama_public_thumbnail.png" style="border: 1px solid black;"></a></p> <div class="labkey-wiki"> <p>On Oct 20, 2015, the Skyline and Panorama Teams produced&nbsp;<a href=""><span>Webinar #11: Panorama Public and Panorama AutoQC</span></a>, another great resource to learn more about some of the new aspects of Panorama.<br>[<a href="">webinar</a>]</p> </div></div><br><br> <hr size=1> <h3><a name="sharing_documents"></a>Tutorial: Sharing Skyline Documents</h3><br> <div class="labkey-wiki"><br/> <ul class="minus"> <li><a class="link" href="#overview">Overview</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="#start">Getting Started</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="#request">Requesting a Project on</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="#subfolder">Creating a Subfolder in Panorama</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="#publish">Uploading Data from Skyline to Panorama</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="#view">Viewing Data in Panorama</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="#customizeView">Customizing Grid Views in Panorama</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="#download">Downloading Skyline Files from Panorama</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="#upload">Uploading Documents Using the Panorama Web Interface</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="#search">Search Features in Panorama</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="#sharing">Sharing Data in Panorama</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="#ptm">Viewing of PTM-containing Peptides in Panorama</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="#conclusion">Conclusion</a></li> </ul><a name="overview"></a> <h3 class="heading-1">Overview</h3><p class="paragraph"/>Panorama is a freely available, open-source web server database application for targeted proteomics assays that integrates into a Skyline proteomics workflow. It has been implemented as a module within <span class="nobr"><a href="">LabKey Server</a></span>, an open-source bioinformatics data management platform with extensive support for proteomics data and a security model rich enough to support clinical studies.<p class="paragraph"/>Panorama can be installed by laboratories and organizations on their own servers. You can visit the LabKey Server installation documentation: <b class="bold"><span class="nobr"><a href=""><span class="nobr"><a href="">&#104;ttps://</a></span></a></span></b> for the available installation options. For this tutorial you will use the Panorama server hosted at the University of Washington <span class="nobr"><a href=""></a></span> where users can request free projects and have full administrative rights to configure data organization and security. This tutorial is an introduction to Panorama and covers the following areas: <ul class="minus"> <li>Requesting a project on</li> <li>Data organization and folder management in Panorama</li> <li>Publishing Skyline documents to Panorama</li> <li>Data display options and searching results uploaded to Panorama</li> <li>Providing access to collaborators and other groups</li> </ul><a name="start"></a> <h3 class="heading-1">Getting Started</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li>To start this tutorial, download the following ZIP file:</li> <ul class="minus"> <li><a class="link" href="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=96240058-c4f5-1035-882d-3013bb9b60c9&amp;"></a></li> </ul> <li>Extract the files in it to a folder on your computer, such as <div class="code"><pre>C:&#92;Users&#92;userName&#92;Documents</pre></div></li> <li>This will create a new folder: <div class="code"><pre>C:&#92;Users&#92;userName&#92;Documents&#92;PanoramaSharing</pre></div></li> </ul>It will contain all the files necessary for this tutorial.<p class="paragraph"/><a name="request"></a> <h3 class="heading-1">Requesting a Project on</h3><p class="paragraph"/>Open the file in Skyline either by double-clicking on the file in Windows Explorer or by going through the <b class="bold">File &#62; Open</b> menu in Skyline. This file contains results that are part of a recent CPTAC multi-site SRM-MS system suitability study (Abbatiello et al., Mol. Cell. Proteomics 2013). The data in this document was collected at Site 52. To publish this document to Panorama, click on the <img class="radeox-image" src=";name=pubPanIcon.PNG"> <b class="bold">Upload to Panorama</b> button in the toolbar, as circled below. Alternatively, on the <b class="bold">File</b> menu, click <b class="bold">Upload to Panorama</b>.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=96240058-c4f5-1035-882d-3013bb9b60c9&amp;name=SharingSky1.PNG" title="SharingSky1.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>Since you have not yet registered a Panorama server in Skyline, you will see the following message:<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=96240058-c4f5-1035-882d-3013bb9b60c9&amp;name=SharingSky2.PNG" title="SharingSky2.PNG"> <ul class="minus"> <li>If you have an existing account on a Panorama server (or LabKey Server), and you would like to use that, click <b class="bold">Continue</b> and enter the server details in the Edit Server form Skyline presents. Skip to the <a class="link" href="#publish">next section of this tutorial</a>.</li> <li>If you do not have an existing Panorama account, click <b class="bold">Register</b> to request a project on the PanoramaWeb server hosted at the University of Washington. This will open the project sign-up page on in a web-browser as shown below.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=96240058-c4f5-1035-882d-3013bb9b60c9&amp;name=SharingSky3.PNG" title="SharingSky3.PNG"> <ul class="minus"> <li>Fill out the form and be sure to enter a <b class="bold">Group</b> name.</li> <li>Click <b class="bold">Submit for Review</b>.</li> </ul>The group name is used to create projects on The Panorama team reviews all project requests and, upon approval, creates a project with the requested group name. If you are looking for a space to work through this tutorial and explore Panorama, please enter "Tutorials" in the Group name, and a folder with full administrative rights will be created for you in the <b class="bold">Tutorials</b> project on Otherwise, enter your preferred project name. Once your project or folder has been created, you will receive a welcoming email with a link to setup a password for your account. After you have completed the registration process you can sign-in to On the home page, click the <b class="bold">Projects</b> tab to see a list of all the projects to which you have access on If you entered "Tutorials" in the project sign-up form, you will see the <b class="bold">Tutorials</b> project where a folder was just created for you.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=96240058-c4f5-1035-882d-3013bb9b60c9&amp;name=SharingSky4.PNG" title="SharingSky4.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>Click on the <b class="bold">Tutorials</b> project to go to the project homepage. On the project homepage, hover over the project name in the menu bar below the Panorama icon, click the <span class="fa fa-plus-square-o"></span> to open the Tutorials node, then click on the folder that was created for you (e.g. ‘Your_Username’ in the following screenshot). You will have full administrative rights in your folder, so you will be able to create a folder structure for organizing your Skyline documents, and configure user access to the sub-folders.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=96240058-c4f5-1035-882d-3013bb9b60c9&amp;name=SharingSky5.PNG" title="SharingSky5.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/><a name="subfolder"></a> <h3 class="heading-1">Creating a Subfolder in Panorama</h3><p class="paragraph"/>Skyline documents cannot be uploaded to the root project folder on or your folder in the ‘Tutorials’ project. You will create a sub-folder for uploading the Skyline document that you opened earlier. As a project administrator, you would typically organize your project workspace to have subfolders for each project and/or each researcher in your laboratory or organization. Follow these steps to create a "system suitability" sub-folder in your folder in the “Tutorials” project: <ul class="minus"> <li>Navigate to "Your_Username" folder home page, if you are not already there.</li> <li>Hover over the project name in the menu bar below the Panorama icon and click on the new folder icon shown in the image below.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=96240058-c4f5-1035-882d-3013bb9b60c9&amp;name=SharingSky6.PNG" title="SharingSky6.PNG"> <ul class="minus"> <li>In the Create Folder form, enter "system suitability" in the folder <b class="bold">Name</b> field.</li> <li>Select the <b class="bold">Panorama</b> option under Folder Type. This is the folder type that should be selected for all workflows supported by Skyline (SRM-MS, MS1 filtering or MS2 based projects).</li> <li>Click <b class="bold">Next</b>.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=96240058-c4f5-1035-882d-3013bb9b60c9&amp;name=SharingSky7.PNG" title="SharingSky7.PNG"> <ul class="minus"> <li>On the "Users / Permissions" page accept the default selection and click <b class="bold">Next</b>. You will configure user permissions on this folder later.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=96240058-c4f5-1035-882d-3013bb9b60c9&amp;name=SharingSky8.PNG" title="SharingSky8.PNG"> <ul class="minus"> <li>The next page <b class="bold">Configure Panorama Folder</b> asks you to choose the type of Targeted MS folder you would like to create. Panorama offers three choices here. For this tutorial accept the default <b class="bold">Experimental data</b> option. This option is meant for folders that serve as a repository of Skyline documents, useful for collaborating, sharing and searching across multiple experiments.</li> <li>Click <b class="bold">Finish</b>.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=96240058-c4f5-1035-882d-3013bb9b60c9&amp;name=SharingSky8a.PNG" title="SharingSky8a.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/> You will be taken to the home page of the "system suitability" sub-folder that should look as follows:<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=96240058-c4f5-1035-882d-3013bb9b60c9&amp;name=SharingSky9.PNG" title="SharingSky9.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>You are now ready to upload Skyline documents to this folder.<p class="paragraph"/><a name="publish"></a> <h3 class="heading-1">Publishing Data from Skyline to Panorama</h3><p class="paragraph"/>To publish your first Skyline document to PanoramaWeb, perform the following steps: <ul class="minus"> <li>Open "" in Skyline if it is not already open.</li> <li>If the <b class="bold">Edit Server</b> form is not already open, open it by clicking the <img class="radeox-image" src=";name=pubPanIcon.PNG"> Upload to Panorama button, or selecting <b class="bold">File &#62; Upload to Panorama</b> and clicking <b class="bold">Continue</b> in the popup.</li> <li>In the <b class="bold">Edit Server</b> form, enter the email address and password for your account.</li> <ul class="minus"> <li>If you are using PanoramaWeb, the server URL should already be entered as <span class="nobr"><a href="">&#104;ttps://</a></span></li> <li>If not, enter the URL to your Panorama/LabKey Server.</li> </ul></ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=96240058-c4f5-1035-882d-3013bb9b60c9&amp;name=SharingSky10.PNG" title="SharingSky10.PNG"> <ul class="minus"> <li>Click <b class="bold">OK</b>.</li> </ul>Skyline will now display a form with the folder hierarchy on Only the folders to which you have access will be displayed. <ul class="minus"> <li>Navigate to and select the "system suitability" folder.</li> <li>Click <b class="bold">OK</b>.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=96240058-c4f5-1035-882d-3013bb9b60c9&amp;name=SharingSky11.PNG" title="SharingSky11.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>Skyline will create a ZIP archive of the files for your document and upload the ZIP file to, where it will be imported into the Panorama database.<p class="paragraph"/>A popup message reading "Publish succeeded, would you like to view the file in Panorama?" will appear. Click <b class="bold">Yes</b> to view the document details.<p class="paragraph"/><a name="view"></a> <h3 class="heading-1">Viewing Data in Panorama</h3><p class="paragraph"/>If you are not already viewing the document details, return to your "system suitability" folder, refresh the browser window if necessary, and click the name of the file you just uploaded in the <b class="bold">Targeted MS Runs</b> box.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=96240058-c4f5-1035-882d-3013bb9b60c9&amp;name=SharingSky12.PNG" title="SharingSky12.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>The <b class="bold">Document Summary</b> box shown in image below gives you a summary of the number of proteins, peptides, and transitions in your document.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=96240058-c4f5-1035-882d-3013bb9b60c9&amp;name=SharingSky13.PNG" title="SharingSky13.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>Below the <b class="bold">Document Summary</b> box you can view a list of all the proteins, peptides and precursors in your document, along with some of the information imported from the Skyline document, such as a modified peptide sequence, m/z and charge. You can click on a protein or peptide to view more details, including chromatograms and some of the other graphs that are also available in Skyline. Scroll down on the page and click on the peptide <b class="bold">CAVVDVPFGGAK</b>. This will take you to a page that has the following details for this peptide:<p class="paragraph"/><a name="quality"></a> <h3 class="heading-1-1">&#49;. Chromatograms to show quantitative data quality</h3><p class="paragraph"/>This peptide was measured in 10 QC system suitability replicates and there were 3 blank acquisitions. On this page you can view the chromatograms for this peptide in all the replicates. The image below shows the precursor and transition chromatograms in the replicates QC_01 and QC_02. There is one row of chromatograms for each replicate in your Skyline document, where the first column has the total precursor chromatogram and the subsequent columns have transition chromatograms. If this precursor was measured in a light as well as a heavy-labeled from, transition chromatograms for both the forms would be displayed side-by-side.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=96240058-c4f5-1035-882d-3013bb9b60c9&amp;name=SharingSky14.PNG" title="SharingSky14.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/><a name="repgraph"></a> <h3 class="heading-1-1">&#50;. Peak Area Replicate Graph</h3><p class="paragraph"/>Scroll further down on the page or collapse the Chromatograms box by clicking on the <b class="bold"><span class="fa fa-minus-square-o"></span></b> icon in the header of the box as circled in the image above.<p class="paragraph"/>In the <b class="bold">Summary Charts</b> panel, you will now see a graph displaying the peak area for this peptide in the 13 replicates. This graph is similar to what you would see in Skyline for this peptide.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=96240058-c4f5-1035-882d-3013bb9b60c9&amp;name=SharingSky15.PNG" title="SharingSky15.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>As in Skyline, Panorama also allows grouping peak areas by custom replicate annotations. In this Skyline document researchers used a custom "system suitability" annotation that was set to "true" for the system suitability replicates and "false" for the blank acquisitions. You can group the peak areas by selecting "system suitability" from the pull-down combo-box next to <b class="bold">Group By</b>.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=96240058-c4f5-1035-882d-3013bb9b60c9&amp;name=SharingSky16.PNG" title="SharingSky16.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>Click <b class="bold">Update</b> to see peak areas grouped by the "system suitability" annotation.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=96240058-c4f5-1035-882d-3013bb9b60c9&amp;name=SharingSky17.PNG" title="SharingSky17.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>In the graph above, the red bar labeled ‘true’ represents the 10 system suitability runs, and the small error bar indicates that there was very little variability in the measurements for this peptide in the 10 replicates. You can also switch to a Coefficient of Variation (CV) view by checking the <b class="bold">CV Values</b> box and clicking <b class="bold">Update</b> again. <h3 class="heading-1-1">&#51;. Library MS/MS spectrum viewer</h3><p class="paragraph"/>Scroll down further on the peptide details page to see an interactive spectrum viewer displaying the MS/MS spectrum for <b class="bold">CAVVDVPFGGAK</b> from the spectrum library associated with this Skyline document. The name of the library is displayed in the title bar of the viewer. The viewer allows you to zoom in by clicking and dragging your mouse over the spectrum. You can also customize the view by selecting the ion types and charge states you want to display from the options menu to the left of the spectrum. A color-coded table to the right of the spectrum lists all the fragment ion m/z values for the peptide, with colored boxed representing the matching fragment ions found in the library spectrum. These spectral library views can be used to support publications in peer-reviewed journals or share data with collaborators.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=96240058-c4f5-1035-882d-3013bb9b60c9&amp;name=SharingSky17a.PNG" title="SharingSky17a.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/><a name="customizeView"></a> <h3 class="heading-1">Customizing Grid Views in Panorama</h3><p class="paragraph"/>On your web-browser click the back button, or scroll to the top of the page and click on the ZIP file name in the navigation trail just under your folder name as shown in the image below. This will take you back to the documents details page.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=96240058-c4f5-1035-882d-3013bb9b60c9&amp;name=SharingSky18.PNG" title="SharingSky18.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>LabKey Server, on top of which Panorama is built, allows customizations of all tabular views. You can select which columns you would like to see, order them according to your preference, and define a sorting order. The <b class="bold">Precursor List</b> table on this page has blank annotation columns since the researchers did not define any custom peptide or precursor annotations in this Skyline document.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=96240058-c4f5-1035-882d-3013bb9b60c9&amp;name=SharingSky19.PNG" title="SharingSky19.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>To hide these columns from the default view preform the following steps: <ul class="minus"> <li>Select <b class="bold"><span class="fa fa-table"></span> (Grid Views)</b> just under the Precursor List heading.</li> <li>Choose <b class="bold">Customize Grid</b> from the drop-down menu.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=96240058-c4f5-1035-882d-3013bb9b60c9&amp;name=SharingSky19a.PNG" title="SharingSky19a.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>In the customization form that appears, you will see the Selected Fields panel on the right that shows the fields that are currently displayed. <ul class="minus"> <li>Hover over "Peptide Note/Annotations" below Peptide in the Selected Fields and click the <b class="bold"><span class="fa fa-times"></span> (remove)</b> icon.</li> <li>Do the same for "Precursor Note/Annotations" below Precursor.</li> <li>Click <b class="bold">Save</b>.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=96240058-c4f5-1035-882d-3013bb9b60c9&amp;name=SharingSky20.PNG" title="SharingSky20.PNG"> <ul class="minus"> <li>In the popup, leave "Default grid view for this page" checked.</li> <li>Check "Make this grid view available to all users". This will cause all users with access to this folder to see the same table columns.</li> <li>Click <b class="bold">Save</b>.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=96240058-c4f5-1035-882d-3013bb9b60c9&amp;name=SharingSky21.PNG" title="SharingSky21.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>The annotation columns should no longer be displayed, as shown below:<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=96240058-c4f5-1035-882d-3013bb9b60c9&amp;name=SharingSky22.PNG" title="SharingSky22.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>You can view the LabKey Server documentation on customizing grid views (<span class="nobr"><a href="">&#104;ttps://</a></span>) for more information.<p class="paragraph"/><a name="download"></a> <h3 class="heading-1">Downloading Skyline Files from Panorama</h3><p class="paragraph"/>Scroll up, if you need to, to view the <b class="bold">Document Summary</b> box. You can download the original Skyline ZIP archive that was published to Panorama by clicking on the <b class="bold">Download</b> link next to the file name.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=96240058-c4f5-1035-882d-3013bb9b60c9&amp;name=SharingSky23.PNG" title="SharingSky23.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>To open this zip file in Skyline do the following: <ul class="minus"> <li>On the <b class="bold">File</b> menu, click <b class="bold">Open</b> (<span class="key">Ctrl-O).</li> <li>Navigate</span> to and select the zip file that you downloaded.</li> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Open</b> button.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=96240058-c4f5-1035-882d-3013bb9b60c9&amp;name=SharingSky24.PNG" title="SharingSky24.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>Publishing to Panorama provides a convenient way to share Skyline documents with other researchers. You will see later in this tutorial how to give other users access to the folders you create in Panorama.<p class="paragraph"/><a name="upload"></a> <h3 class="heading-1">Uploading Documents Using the Panorama Web Interface</h3><p class="paragraph"/>Using the Skyline <img class="radeox-image" src=";name=pubPanIcon.PNG"> <b class="bold">Publish to Panorama</b> toolbar button or menu item is the most convenient way to get your documents into Panorama. But this can also be done by using the Panorama web interface. Next, you will use the web-interface to upload another document to the "system suitability" folder. <ul class="minus"> <li>In Skyline, open the file "".</li> </ul>This file contains results acquired at another site in the CPTAC system suitability study. Prepare this file for upload to Panorama by doing the following: <ul class="minus"> <li>In the <b class="bold">File</b> menu, click <b class="bold">Share</b>.</li> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Minimal</b> button in the form that appears.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=96240058-c4f5-1035-882d-3013bb9b60c9&amp;name=SharingSky25.PNG" title="SharingSky25.PNG"> <ul class="minus"> <li>Save the ZIP file on your computer using the <b class="bold">Share Document</b> form presented by Skyline.</li> <li>In Panorama, go to the "system suitability" folder.</li> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Data Pipeline</b> tab in the upper right corner.</li> <li>Click <b class="bold">Process and Import Data</b> as shown below.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=96240058-c4f5-1035-882d-3013bb9b60c9&amp;name=SharingSky26.PNG" title="SharingSky26.PNG"> <ul class="minus"> <li>In the <b class="bold">Files</b> browser, click <b class="bold">Upload Files</b>.</li> <li>Click <b class="bold">Browse</b> or <b class="bold">Choose File</b>.</li> <li>Select "" that you just saved through Skyline.</li> <li>In the <b class="bold">Description</b> field enter "Site 54".</li> <li>Click <b class="bold">Upload</b>.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=96240058-c4f5-1035-882d-3013bb9b60c9&amp;name=SharingSky27.PNG" title="SharingSky27.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>Once the file has been uploaded it will appear in the list of files in your folder. <ul class="minus"> <li>Check the box next to</li> <li>Click <b class="bold">Import Data</b> in the toolbar.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=96240058-c4f5-1035-882d-3013bb9b60c9&amp;name=SharingSky28.PNG" title="SharingSky28.PNG"> <ul class="minus"> <li>Confirm that <b class="bold">Import Skyline Results</b> is selected.</li> <li>Click <b class="bold">Import</b> in the <b class="bold">Import Data</b> popup.</li> </ul>Wait for the file import to complete and then click the <b class="bold">Panorama Dashboard</b> tab. You will now see 2 files (from sites 52 and 54) available under <b class="bold">Targeted MS Runs</b>.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=96240058-c4f5-1035-882d-3013bb9b60c9&amp;name=SharingSky29.PNG" title="SharingSky29.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/><a name="search"></a> <h3 class="heading-1">Search Features in Panorama</h3><p class="paragraph"/>Panorama allows you to search for proteins, peptides and even peptides with specific modifications across all the documents contained in a folder and its sub-folders. These search features are particularly useful for large projects and data sets, and help to compare results between data acquired over a long period of time.<p class="paragraph"/>On the "system suitability" folder page look at the <b class="bold">Mass Spec Search</b> box. You will see three available search options under the tabs <b class="bold">Protein Search, Peptide Search and Modification Search</b>. You will use the modification search option later in the tutorial. To perform a peptide search do the following: <ul class="minus"> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Peptide Search</b> tab.</li> <li>Enter "GFCGLSQPK" in the <b class="bold">Peptide sequence</b> field.</li> <li>Check <b class="bold">Exact matches only</b>.</li> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Search</b> button.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=96240058-c4f5-1035-882d-3013bb9b60c9&amp;name=SharingSky30.PNG" title="SharingSky30.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>On the results page, in the <b class="bold">Targeted MS Peptides</b> box, you will see a list of documents in your folder where this peptide was observed. This peptide was found in both documents uploaded (sites 52 and 54) to this folder. You can view the details for the peptide in a document by clicking on the peptide sequence.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=96240058-c4f5-1035-882d-3013bb9b60c9&amp;name=SharingSky31.PNG" title="SharingSky31.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/><a name="sharing"></a> <h3 class="heading-1">Sharing Data in Panorama</h3><p class="paragraph"/>Panorama allows you to set fine-grained access control on your folders. You can grant access to your folders to individual collaborators or groups of researchers, and you can also configure the type of access (read-only, read and edit etc.).<p class="paragraph"/>To change the permissions on the "system suitability" folder, first, make sure that you are on the "system suitability" folder page. If not, return by hovering over your project name (e.g. Tutorials) in the menu bar below the Panorama icon, opening the project and folders, then clicking your "system suitability" folder as shown in the image below.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=96240058-c4f5-1035-882d-3013bb9b60c9&amp;name=SharingSky32.PNG" title="SharingSky32.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>To change the permissions on this folder, navigate to the <b class="bold">Permissions</b> page by doing the following: <ul class="minus"> <li>On the menu bar, choose <b class="bold"><span class="fa fa-cog"></span> (Admin) &#62; Folder &#62; Permissions</b>.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=96240058-c4f5-1035-882d-3013bb9b60c9&amp;name=SharingSky33.PNG" title="SharingSky33.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>If you did not configure the permissions for this folder during the folder creation process, the permissions page should look like this.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=96240058-c4f5-1035-882d-3013bb9b60c9&amp;name=SharingSky34.PNG" title="SharingSky34.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>The email address selected for the <b class="bold">Folder Administrator</b> role should be the email address with which you requested a project on The Folder Administrator has full control over a folder. To add Brendan MacLean (Skyline team) to the Editor role, which will give him the ability to add and delete documents to this folder, follow these steps: <ul class="minus"> <li>Uncheck "Inherit permissions from parent", if it is checked.</li> <li>Select ‘ (Brendan MacLean)’ from the combo-box next to <b class="bold">Editor</b>.</li> <li>Click <b class="bold">Save</b>.</li> </ul>To add Vagisha Sharma (Panorama team) to the Reader role: <ul class="minus"> <li>Select ‘’ from the combo-box next to <b class="bold">Reader</b>.</li> <li>Click <b class="bold">Save</b>.</li> </ul>The Reader role allows users to view data in a folder but they may not add or delete documents. The permissions page should now look like this:<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=96240058-c4f5-1035-882d-3013bb9b60c9&amp;name=SharingSky35.PNG" title="SharingSky35.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>Instead of adding individual users to a role you can create a group of users and assign a role to the group. Only Project Administrators have permissions to create user groups. If you are working in your folder in the “Tutorials” project on, you do not have project administrator privileges. However, if you are working through this tutorial in your own project on or any other Panorama server, follow these steps to create a "Seattle collaborators" group and assign it to the <b class="bold">Reader</b> role: <ul class="minus"> <li>On the Permissions page click on the <b class="bold">Project Groups</b> tab.</li> <li>In the <b class="bold">New group name</b> field enter "Seattle collaborators" and click <b class="bold">Create New Group</b>.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=96240058-c4f5-1035-882d-3013bb9b60c9&amp;name=SharingSky36.PNG" title="SharingSky36.PNG"> <ul class="minus"> <li>In the popup select Brendan and Vagisha from the pull down list to add them to the group.</li> <li>Click <b class="bold">Done</b>.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=96240058-c4f5-1035-882d-3013bb9b60c9&amp;name=SharingSky37.PNG" title="SharingSky37.PNG"> <ul class="minus"> <li>Select the <b class="bold">Permissions</b> tab.</li> <li>Add the new "Seattle collaborator" group to the <b class="bold">Reader</b> role.</li> <li>Click <b class="bold">Save</b>.</li> <li>Select your "system suitability" folder in the folder navigation column.</li> <li>Add the "Seattle collaborator" group to the <b class="bold">Reader</b> role for this folder.</li> <li>Click <b class="bold">Save and Finish</b>.</li> </ul>Members of the "Seattle collaborators" group will be able to view the "system suitability" folder if they have a direct link to the folder. They will not be able to view the parent folder (e.g. Your_Username) on the home page or navigate to the "system suitability" folder through the folder navigation UI. To access a folder from the UI, users or user groups require read permissions not only on the folder but also on the parent folders all the way up to the root project folder. To enable the "Seattle collaborators" group to access the "system suitability" folder via the navigation UI, assign the <b class="bold">Reader</b> role to this group in the parent folder (e.g. Your_Username).<p class="paragraph"/>You can add more users later to the "Seattle collaborators" group. All users in this group will have read access to the "system suitability" folder. If you would like to add a user to the "Seattle collaborators" group that does not already have an account on Panorama, you can do that by following these steps: <ul class="minus"> <li>Select <b class="bold"><span class="fa fa-cog"></span> (Admin) &#62; Folder &#62; Permissions</b>.</li> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Project Groups</b> tab.</li> <li>Click the "Seattle collaborators" group.</li> <li>In the popup, click <b class="bold">Manage Group</b>.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=96240058-c4f5-1035-882d-3013bb9b60c9&amp;name=SharingSky38.PNG" title="SharingSky38.PNG"> <ul class="minus"> <li>On the <b class="bold">Manage Group</b> page, enter the email address of the new user in the <b class="bold">Add New Members</b> field.</li> <li>Scroll down and click <b class="bold">Update Group Membership</b>.</li> </ul>An email will be sent to the new user and they will be able login to view the data in the "System suitability" folder once they setup a password for their account.<p class="paragraph"/>You can view the LabKey Server documentation on configuring permissions (<span class="nobr"><a href="">&#104;ttps://</a></span>) for more information.<p class="paragraph"/><a name="ptm"></a> <h3 class="heading-1">Viewing of PTM-containing Peptides in Panorama</h3><p class="paragraph"/>Many journals require visual display of MS/MS spectra of peptides containing post-translational modifications such as phosphorylation or acetylation. You can make use of Skyline to build spectral libraries from your peptide search results and view the annotated spectra in the Skyline Spectral Library Explorer. However, using the resulting Skyline document to satisfy journal requirements requires that you send the Skyline document to reviewers, and that they have a local installation of Skyline to view the document. Alternatively, you can publish the documents to Panorama, where reviewers can view the spectra in the Panorama spectrum viewer.<p class="paragraph"/>Next, you will import a Skyline document to Panorama that contains phosphorylated peptides, search for modified peptides and view their spectra.<p class="paragraph"/>Create a new sub-folder in "Your_Username" folder called "Phospho peptides", using another method for creating sub-folders in Panorama than you used before: <ul class="minus"> <li>In the header bar, select <b class="bold"><span class="fa fa-cog"></span> (Admin) &#62; Folder &#62; Management</b>.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=96240058-c4f5-1035-882d-3013bb9b60c9&amp;name=SharingSky39.PNG" title="SharingSky39.PNG"> <ul class="minus"> <li>On the Folder Management page, make sure that the <b class="bold">Folder Tree</b> tab is selected, and "Your_Username" folder is highlighted.</li> <li>Click <b class="bold">Create Subfolder</b>.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=96240058-c4f5-1035-882d-3013bb9b60c9&amp;name=SharingSky40.PNG" title="SharingSky40.PNG"> <ul class="minus"> <li>In the Create Folder wizard enter <b class="bold">Name</b>: “Phospho peptides”.</li> <li>Select <b class="bold">Folder Type</b>, "Panorama" as before.</li> <li>Click <b class="bold">Next</b>.</li> <li>For Users/Permissions keep the default selection: <b class="bold">Inherit from Parent Folder</b>.</li> <li>Click <b class="bold">Next</b>.</li> <li>Select <b class="bold">Experimental Data</b> on the <b class="bold">Configure Panorama Folder</b> page.</li> <li>Click <b class="bold">Finish</b>.</li> </ul>To add to the new folder a Skyline document containing a spectral library from a phosphorylation experiment, perform the following steps: <ul class="minus"> <li>In Skyline, open the file "Phospho_0921_2010_Thr99_v1_P" from the tutorial folder.</li> <li>Click the <img class="radeox-image" src=";name=pubPanIcon.PNG"> <b class="bold">Publish to Panorama</b> toolbar button.</li> <li>Select the “Phospho peptides” folder from the folder tree in the <b class="bold">Publish Document</b> dialog.</li> <li>Click <b class="bold">OK</b>.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=96240058-c4f5-1035-882d-3013bb9b60c9&amp;name=SharingSky41.PNG" title="SharingSky41.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>Wait for data import to complete and then go back to Panorama in your web-browser, and navigate to the “Phospho peptides” folder. Refresh the page (F5 in most browsers) if you are already on the “Phospho peptides” folder page. You should see the file that you just imported to Panorama in the <b class="bold">Targeted MS Runs</b> table. Click on the name of the file to see the document details. Clicking on any of the peptide sequences will take you to the peptide details page where you can view the library spectrum for the peptide. Click the back button to go back to the folder page, or use the <b class="bold"><span class="fa fa-folder-o"></span> Phospho peptides</b> link.<p class="paragraph"/>To find all peptides in this document containing a phosphorylation, perform the following steps: <ul class="minus"> <li>In the <b class="bold">Mass Spec Search</b> box, select the <b class="bold">Modification Search</b> tab.</li> <li>Choose the <b class="bold">Delta Mass</b> option for <b class="bold">Search By</b>, if it is not already selected.</li> <li>Enter "S" in the <b class="bold">Amino Acid</b> field.</li> <li>Enter "80" in the <b class="bold">Delta Mass</b> field.</li> <li>Click <b class="bold">Search</b>.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=96240058-c4f5-1035-882d-3013bb9b60c9&amp;name=SharingSky42.PNG" title="SharingSky42.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>You will now see a list of all the serine phosphorylated peptides in the document. Click on the first peptide in the list, LSVPTSDEEDEVPAPKPR, to view its library spectrum. Click back in your browser. In the <b class="bold">Peptide Summary</b> box click on the name of the protein (sp|Q8NE71|ABCF1_HUMAN) to which this peptide belongs.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=96240058-c4f5-1035-882d-3013bb9b60c9&amp;name=SharingSky43.PNG" title="SharingSky43.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>You will be taken to the protein details page where you can see the location of this peptide in the protein sequence.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=96240058-c4f5-1035-882d-3013bb9b60c9&amp;name=SharingSky44.PNG" title="SharingSky44.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/><a name="conclusion"></a> <h3 class="heading-1">Conclusion</h3><p class="paragraph"/>In this tutorial, you have been introduced to new ways you can share Skyline documents with collaborators, reviewers and the general public using Panorama, and the web site hosted by the MacCoss Lab at the University of Washington. You have requested a project on PanoramaWeb, registered an administrator account for that project with your email address, and created 2 new folders in that project. You have explored data from Skyline documents in these folders, searched for specific peptides and post-translational modifications, and customized access to the data in them. If you worked on this tutorial in your own project instead of the "Tutorials" project, you can now just as easily go back to the folder management form and delete these tutorial folders to return your new project to its original state, ready for your own experimental data.<p class="paragraph"/>We wish you luck in your research and hope that you find these tools useful in sharing and disseminating your findings.</div><br><br> <hr size=1> <h3><a name="chromatogram_libraries"></a>Tutorial: Panorama Chromatogram Libraries</h3><br> <div class="labkey-wiki"><ul class="minus"> <li><a class="link" href="#overview">Overview</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="#start">Getting Started</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="#sign">Signing Up for an Account on</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="#folder">Creating a Chromatogram Library Folder in Panorama</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="#publish">Publishing Skyline Documents to a Library Folder in Panorama</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="#view">Viewing Chromatogram Library Data in Panorama</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="#update">Updating Chromatogram Libraries</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="#using">Using Chromatogram Libraries in Skyline</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="#conclusion">Conclusion</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="#reference">Reference List</a></li> </ul><a name="overview"></a> <h3 class="heading-1">Overview</h3><p class="paragraph"/>Targeted assay development for proteins or peptides is typically a time-consuming and lengthy process. Deciding the ideal set of peptides and transitions to measure for your proteins of interest requires careful experimental design and iterative optimization. Once an assay has been established, the assay parameters can be reused for designing future experiments. Chromatogram libraries in Panorama provide a way you can store targeted assays that have been curated in Skyline and reuse them in the future for measuring proteins and peptides in other samples, as well as share them with other researchers. Chromatogram libraries can also capture physiochemical and experimental properties such as the relative ion abundance, measured retention time, measured chromatograms, and in the future we expect to store iRT, ion mobility, and optimal instrument parameters such as collision energy. Empirical measurements for these parameters can be particularly relevant in guiding targeted experiment design.<p class="paragraph"/>You can preview the results of this tutorial in <span class="nobr"><a href="/home/Example%20Data/Chromatogram%20Library/project-begin.view">an example folder on</a></span>.<p class="paragraph"/>In this tutorial we will: <ul class="minus"> <li>Create a folder in Panorama for chromatogram library data.</li> <li>Add Skyline documents, with curated targeted results, to the chromatogram library folder.</li> <li>Download the chromatogram library from Panorama and use it in Skyline.</li> </ul><a name="start"></a> <h3 class="heading-1">Getting Started</h3><p class="paragraph"/>To start this tutorial, download the following ZIP file: <ul class="minus"> <li><a class="link" href="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=d8c2f59b-cb57-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;"></a></li> </ul>Extract the files to a folder on your computer, like: <div class="code"><pre>C:&#92;Users&#92;username&#92;Documents</pre></div><p class="paragraph"/>This will create a new folder: <div class="code"><pre>C:&#92;Users&#92;username&#92;Documents&#92;PanoramaChromatogramLibraries</pre></div><p class="paragraph"/>It will contain all the files necessary for this tutorial.<p class="paragraph"/>The data used in this tutorial was published in <a class="link" href="#reference">Stergachis et al. 2011</a>, where the authors described a high-throughput method for selecting optimal peptides and fragment ions for targeted proteomics applications. The Skyline files used in this tutorial contain assays for a subset of the 96 human transcription factors on which they demonstrated their approach.<p class="paragraph"/><a name="sign"></a> <h3 class="heading-1">Signing Up for an Account on</h3><p class="paragraph"/>This tutorial assumes that you will be working in a sub-folder of the "Tutorials" project on, the Panorama server hosted by the MacCoss lab at the University of Washington. However, if you already have an existing account and project on, or have an account on another Panorama server you are welcome to use that, and skip to <a class="link" href="#folder">the next step</a>.<p class="paragraph"/>To request a folder on for working through this tutorial, fill out the sign-up form on this page: <span class="nobr"><a href=""><span class="nobr"><a href="">&#104;ttps://</a></span></a></span> <ul class="minus"> <li>Fill in the required fields, marked with a red asterisk, in the form shown below.</li> <li>Enter "Tutorials" in the <b class="bold">Group name</b>.</li> <li>Click <b class="bold">Submit</b>.</li> </ul> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=d8c2f59b-cb57-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=SharingSky3.PNG" title="SharingSky3.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>Once your request is approved, a folder with full administrative rights will be created for you in the "Tutorials" project on You will receive a welcoming email with a link to complete your account registration by choosing a password.<p class="paragraph"/><a name="folder"></a> <h3 class="heading-1">Creating a Chromatogram Library Folder in Panorama</h3><p class="paragraph"/>First <b class="bold">sign in to the Panorama server</b> and navigate to your folder. If you are working in the "Tutorials" project on follow these steps: <ul class="minus"> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Projects</b> tab to see a list of all the projects to which you have access on the server.</li> <li>Click the "Tutorials" project.</li> <li>On the project homepage, hover over the project name in the menu bar below the Panorama icon and click on the folder that was created for you (e.g. "Your_Username").</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=d8c2f59b-cb57-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=SharingSky5.PNG" title="SharingSky5.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>When organizing your data for chromatogram libraries, we recommend that you create a folder for each species that you study, and under each species folder you can create subfolders for the instrument type where the data was collected, or any other experimental conditions for which it is appropriate to have separate chromatogram libraries. In this tutorial you will create a subfolder for building a chromatogram library for human transcription factors. To create a sub-folder for this tutorial, do the following: <ul class="minus"> <li>Hover over the project menu and click the new folder icon shown in the image below.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=d8c2f59b-cb57-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=SharingSky6.PNG" title="SharingSky6.PNG"> <ul class="minus"> <li>In the <b class="bold">Create Folder</b> form, enter "Human" in the folder <b class="bold">Name</b> field.</li> <li>Select the Panorama option under Folder Type, as shown below.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=d8c2f59b-cb57-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Chroma1.PNG" title="Chroma1.PNG"> <ul class="minus"> <li>Click <b class="bold">Next</b>.</li> <li>On the <b class="bold">Users / Permissions</b> page accept the default selection.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=d8c2f59b-cb57-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Chroma2.PNG" title="Chroma2.PNG"> <ul class="minus"> <li>Click <b class="bold">Next</b>.</li> <li>On the <b class="bold">Configure Panorama Folder</b> page choose the <b class="bold">Chromatogram library</b> option.</li> <li>Check the box to "Rank peptides within proteins by peak area".</li> </ul> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=d8c2f59b-cb57-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Chroma3.PNG" title="Chroma3.PNG"> <ul class="minus"> <li>Click <b class="bold">Finish</b>.</li> </ul>The <b class="bold">Rank peptides within proteins by peak area</b> box should be checked when you have targeted results containing relative peptide peak areas for a given protein. Leave this box unchecked if you do not yet have quantitative data from proteolytically digested proteins, such as when you are working with synthetic peptides.<p class="paragraph"/>After successful folder creation, you will be taken to the home page of the "Human" chromatogram library folder that should look as follows:<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=d8c2f59b-cb57-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Chroma4.PNG" title="Chroma4.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>You are now ready to upload Skyline documents to this folder.<p class="paragraph"/><a name="publish"></a> <h3 class="heading-1">Publishing Skyline Documents to a Library Folder in Panorama</h3><p class="paragraph"/>Open the "" file in Skyline either by double-clicking on the file in Windows Explorer or in Skyline, on the <b class="bold">File</b> menu, click <b class="bold">Open</b> (<span class="key">Ctrl-O).</span> This file contains peptides and fragment ions for 10 human transcription factors published in <a class="link" href="#reference">Stergachis et al. 2011</a>. To publish this document to your library folder on Panorama, follow these steps: <ul class="minus"> <li>Click on the <b class="bold">Publish to Panorama</b> <img class="radeox-image" src=";name=pubPanIcon.PNG"> button in the Skyline toolbar, shown in the image below. Alternatively, on the <b class="bold">File</b> menu, click <b class="bold">Publish to Panorama</b>.</li> </ul> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=d8c2f59b-cb57-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Chroma5.PNG" title="Chroma5.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>If you have not yet set up a Panorama server in Skyline, you will see the following message.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=d8c2f59b-cb57-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Chroma6.PNG" title="Chroma6.PNG"> <ul class="minus"> <li>Click <b class="bold">Continue</b>.</li> </ul>In the <b class="bold">Edit Server</b> form that appears, the default value in the URL field is <span class="nobr"><a href=""><span class="nobr"><a href="">&#104;ttps://</a></span></a></span>. This is the URL of the server hosted at the University of Washington, and the server where you have an account if you followed the registration steps at the beginning of this tutorial. <ul class="minus"> <ul class="minus"> <li>If you are working on a server other than, enter the URL of your server.</li> <li>Enter your email address and password on the Panorama server.</li> <li>Click the <b class="bold">OK</b> button.</li> </ul></ul>Skyline will now display a form with the folders available to you on your Panorama server. Chromatogram library folders will have the <img class="radeox-image" src=";name=chromaIcon.PNG"> chromatogram icon next to them.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=d8c2f59b-cb57-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Chroma7.PNG" title="Chroma7.PNG"> <ul class="minus"> <li>Navigate to and select the "Human" folder that you just created in Panorama.</li> <li>Click the <b class="bold">OK</b> button.</li> </ul>Skyline will upload a ZIP archive of your document to the selected library folder on the Panorama server.<p class="paragraph"/><a name="view"></a> <h3 class="heading-1">Viewing Chromatogram Library Data in Panorama</h3><p class="paragraph"/>Once your document has been imported into Panorama, go back to the web-browser where the home page of the "Human" library folder should still be open. Skyline will offer you the option to directly view the results. From this page click <b class="bold"><span class="fa fa-folder-o"></span> Human</b> to return to the home page. Refresh the page (F5 in most browsers) and, in the <b class="bold">Chromatogram Library Download</b> box, you will see that the first version (Revision 1) of your "Human Library" is now available for download. A brief summary of the contents of the library is also displayed under the <b class="bold">Library Statistics</b> heading.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=d8c2f59b-cb57-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Chroma8.PNG" title="Chroma8.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>Further down on the page, in the <b class="bold">Mass Spec Search</b> box, you can search for proteins, peptide sequences or peptides with specific modifications in your library.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=d8c2f59b-cb57-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Chroma9.PNG" title="Chroma9.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>The tables below the <b class="bold">Mass Spec Search</b> box display a list of the proteins and peptides in the library folder. Clicking on an entry in one of these tables will display more details for the selected protein or peptide. Click on <b class="bold">CTCF</b> in the <b class="bold">Proteins</b> table to bring up a page with more details for this protein. The <b class="bold">Sequence Coverage</b> box displays the sequence, with colored rectangles highlighting the peptides for which there are measurements in the library.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=d8c2f59b-cb57-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Chroma10.PNG" title="Chroma10.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>The <b class="bold">Peptides</b> table displays a list of these peptides along with some information that was contained in the uploaded Skyline document, such as the retention time.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=d8c2f59b-cb57-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Chroma11.PNG" title="Chroma11.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>Below the Peptides table is a bar graph that displays the peak areas of the peptides, ordered from the highest to the lowest measured peak area. Retention times are also shown.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=d8c2f59b-cb57-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Chroma12.PNG" title="Chroma12.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>Go back to the home page of your library folder either by clicking your browser's back button or by clicking the <b class="bold"><span class="fa fa-folder-o"></span> Human</b> (folder name) link near the top of the page.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=d8c2f59b-cb57-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Chroma13.PNG" title="Chroma13.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/><a name="update"></a> <h3 class="heading-1">Updating Chromatogram Libraries</h3><p class="paragraph"/>As you develop assays for more proteins or peptides, you can publish Skyline documents containing those assays to the same library folder. Panorama will build a new version of the library each time a Skyline document is published to the folder. Any proteins that were not already included in the library will be added.<p class="paragraph"/>Open the file "" in Skyline. This file contains another subset of transcription factor assays from "Stergachis et al. 2011|#reference]. This file also contains measurements for the transcription factor MAX that was already included in the first document that you published to the library folder. Two additional peptide measurements are included for this protein in this document.<p class="paragraph"/>Publish this document to the "Human" chromatogram library folder on Panorama by doing the following: <ul class="minus"> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Publish to Panorama</b> <img class="radeox-image" src=";name=pubPanIcon.PNG"> button in the Skyline toolbar.</li> <li>Select the "Human" folder in the <b class="bold">Panorama Folders</b> tree of the <b class="bold">Publish Document</b> form.</li> <li>Click <b class="bold">OK</b>.</li> <li>Wait for the file import to complete.</li> <li>Go to your browser and refresh the library folder page on PanoramaWeb. If you click <b class="bold">Yes</b> in Skyline to "view the file in Panorama", you will open a new browser showing the results. Click <b class="bold"><span class="fa fa-folder-o"></span> Human</b> near the top of the page to return to the library folder page.</li> </ul>You will see that a new version of the library is now available in Panorama, as indicated by the higher revision number (2) in the <b class="bold">Chromatogram Library Download</b> box. This library includes the new proteins, peptides and transitions from the Skyline file that you just uploaded, reflected in the updated library statistics. You should also see a warning message below the library statistics about a conflicting protein. This message is displayed because the document you just uploaded contains a protein (transcription factor MAX) which already existed in the library.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=d8c2f59b-cb57-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Chroma14.PNG" title="Chroma14.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>In case of a conflict, Panorama marks the incoming version of the protein as conflicted, and continues to include the older version of the protein in the library, until the conflict is resolved. The library built after uploading "" still contains peptides, transitions and chromatograms for protein MAX from the first document that was uploaded to the library folder. To tell Panorama to use the newer version of the protein: <ul class="minus"> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Resolve conflicts</b> link.</li> </ul>You will now see a table containing a list of conflicting proteins displayed side by side. The left column, titled <b class="bold">Conflicting Proteins in Document</b>, displays the version of the protein contained in the document that you just uploaded. The right column, titled <b class="bold">Current Library Proteins</b> has the version contained in the current library.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=d8c2f59b-cb57-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Chroma15.PNG" title="Chroma15.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>Click on the <span class="fa fa-plus-square-o"></span> (plus) icon next to the protein name to view the list of peptides measured for this protein in the two versions. (When expanded, the icon will become a <span class="fa fa-minus-square-o"></span> (minus). The new document contains measurements for two additional peptides that are marked in the image below.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=d8c2f59b-cb57-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Chroma16.PNG" title="Chroma16.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/> To resolve this conflict by choosing the new version of the protein, do the following: <ul class="minus"> <li>Under <b class="bold">Conflicting Proteins in Document</b>, click the check box next to the protein name if it is not already checked.</li> <li>Click <b class="bold">Apply Changes</b>.</li> </ul>Panorama will now rebuild the library and include the new version of the protein with all its peptides and transitions. Any peptides or transitions that existed only in the older version of the protein will be removed from the library. Once the new library has been built you will be taken to the home page of the library folder where you will see that a new revision (3) of the library is available. The conflict message should no longer be displayed. <ul class="minus"> <li>Click on the <b class="bold">Download</b> button and save the chromatogram library file (Human_rev3.clib) to your computer.</li> </ul>You will use this library in the next section of the tutorial.<p class="paragraph"/>You can access older revisions of the library by clicking on the <b class="bold">Archived Revisions</b> link below the library file name, shown in the image below.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=d8c2f59b-cb57-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Chroma17.PNG" title="Chroma17.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>A table with all the library revisions will be displayed. You can download older revisions by clicking on a file name in the Archived Revisions table.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=d8c2f59b-cb57-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Chroma18.PNG" title="Chroma18.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/><a name="using"></a> <h3 class="heading-1">Using Chromatogram Libraries in Skyline</h3><p class="paragraph"/>You will now prepare a new Skyline document to measure the proteins CTCF and MAX in another sample. The library you just downloaded from Panorama contains chromatograms for peptides from these proteins. You will use the library to filter the set of peptides and transitions in your Skyline document to the best responding ones contained in the library. You will also see how you can compare fragment ion or transition chromatograms obtained in a new experiment with chromatograms contained in the library to confirm peptide identifications.<p class="paragraph"/>Before you begin, make sure that the peptide and transition settings in Skyline are configured correctly, by creating a new file and adjusting its settings as necessary: <ul class="minus"> <li>On the <b class="bold">File</b> menu in Skyline, click <b class="bold">New</b> (<span class="key">Ctrl-N).</li> </ul>Configure</span> the peptide settings as follows: <ul class="minus"> <li>On the <b class="bold">Settings</b> menu, click <b class="bold">Peptide Settings...</b>.</li> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Digestion</b> tab, if it is not already selected.</li> <ul class="minus"> <li>In the Enzyme dropdown list, select "Trypsin <a class="missing" href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=%20P">KR </a>" (if it is not selected by default).</li> <li>In the <b class="bold">Max Missed Cleavages</b> dropdown list, select "0" (if it is not selected by default).</li> <li>In the <b class="bold">Background proteome</b> dropdown list, select "None" (if it is not already selected).</li> </ul> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Filter</b> tab.</li> <ul class="minus"> <li>In the <b class="bold">Min length</b> field, enter "7".</li> <li>In the <b class="bold">Max length</b> field, enter "23".</li> <li>In the <b class="bold">Exclude N-terminal AAs</b> field, enter "0".</li> <li>Uncheck <b class="bold">Exclude potential ragged ends</b> (if it is checked).</li> <li>Uncheck any selected options in the <b class="bold">Exclude peptides containing:</b> list.</li> <li>Check <b class="bold">Auto-select all matching peptides</b> (if it is not already checked).</li> </ul> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Library</b> tab.</li> <ul class="minus"> <li>Uncheck any selected libraries.</li> </ul> <li>Click on the <b class="bold">Modifications</b> tab.</li> <ul class="minus"> <li>Check the "Carbamidomethyl (C)" modification in the <b class="bold">Structural modifications list</b> (if it is not already checked).</li> <li>Uncheck any other selected modifications in the <b class="bold">Structural modifications list</b>.</li> <li>Uncheck any selected modifications in the <b class="bold">Isotope modifications</b> list.</li> </ul> <li>Click the <b class="bold">OK</b> button in the <b class="bold">Peptide Settings</b> form.</li> </ul>Configure the transition settings as follows: <ul class="minus"> <li>On the <b class="bold">Settings</b> menu, click <b class="bold">Transition Settings...</b>.</li> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Filter</b> tab.</li> <ul class="minus"> <li>In the <b class="bold">Precursor charges</b> field, enter "2".</li> <li>In the <b class="bold">Ion charges</b> field, enter "1".</li> <li>In the <b class="bold">Ion types</b> field, enter "y".</li> <li>In the <b class="bold">Product ions</b> section <b class="bold">From</b> dropdown list, select "ion 3".</li> <li>In the <b class="bold">Product ions</b> section <b class="bold">To</b> dropdown list, select "last ion – 1".</li> <li>In the <b class="bold">Special ions</b> list, uncheck any selected options.</li> <li>Make sure that the <b class="bold">Precursor m/z exclusion window</b> field is blank.</li> <li>Check <b class="bold">Auto-select all matching transitions</b> (if it is not already checked).</li> </ul> <li>Click on the <b class="bold">Library</b> tab.</li> <ul class="minus"> <li>Uncheck <b class="bold">If a library spectrum is available, pick its most intense ions</b>.</li> </ul> <li>Click on the <b class="bold">Instrument</b> tab.</li> <ul class="minus"> <li>Enter "50" in the <b class="bold">Min m/z</b> textbox.</li> <li>Enter "1500" in the <b class="bold">Max m/z</b> textbox.</li> <li>Uncheck <b class="bold">Dynamic min product m/z</b> if it is checked.</li> </ul> <li>Click the <b class="bold">OK button</b> in the <b class="bold">Transition Settings</b> form.</li> </ul>The files you downloaded for this tutorial include the file "CTCF_MAX.txt". This file contains sequences for the proteins CTCF and MAX. To add these proteins to the new Skyline document do the following: <ul class="minus"> <li>On the <b class="bold">File</b> menu, choose <b class="bold">Import</b> and click <b class="bold">FASTA...</b>.</li> <li>Browse to and select "CTCF_MAX.txt" in the file browser.</li> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Open</b> button.</li> </ul>The Skyline window should now look like this:<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=d8c2f59b-cb57-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Chroma19.PNG" title="Chroma19.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>The settings you configured in Skyline have resulted in 31 peptides for the two proteins. If you export a transition list for this document without applying any filtering you would be measuring 220 transitions. However, you can take advantage of the information contained in the chromatogram library to limit your measurements to the best responding precursors and product ions for the two proteins. Follow these steps to filter the list of peptides and transitions: <ul class="minus"> <li>On the <b class="bold">Settings</b> menu, click <b class="bold">Peptide Settings...</b>.</li> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Library</b> tab.</li> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Edit List</b> button.</li> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Add...</b> button in the <b class="bold">Edit Libraries</b> form.</li> <li>In the <b class="bold">Name</b> field of the Edit Library form, enter "Panorama Human Library".</li> <li>Click on the <b class="bold">Browse...</b> button.</li> <li>Select the "Human_rev3.clib" chromatogram library file that you downloaded earlier.</li> <li>Click the <b class="bold">OK</b> button in the <b class="bold">Edit Library</b> form.</li> <li>Click the <b class="bold">OK</b> button in the <b class="bold">Edit Libraries</b> form.</li> <li>Check the box next to "Panorama Human Library", in the Libraries list.</li> <li>In the <b class="bold">Pick peptides matching</b> dropdown list that appears, select <b class="bold">Library</b> (if it is not selected by default).</li> <li>In the <b class="bold">Rank peptides by</b> dropdown list, select <b class="bold">Peak Area</b>.</li> <li>Check the <b class="bold">Limit peptides per protein</b> box.</li> <li>In the Peptides field, enter "5".</li> </ul>The Peptide Settings form should now look like this:<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=d8c2f59b-cb57-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Chroma20.PNG" title="Chroma20.PNG"> <ul class="minus"> <li>Click the <b class="bold">OK</b> button.</li> </ul>The number of transitions in the document should have decreased from 220 to 64. Skyline also displays a rank for each peptide as indicated in the image below. This rank is based on the total peak area, summing all transition peak areas, for the peptide in the library.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=d8c2f59b-cb57-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Chroma21.PNG" title="Chroma21.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>This number can be further reduced by limiting the transitions to the top ranking transitions in the library. <ul class="minus"> <li>On the <b class="bold">Settings</b> menu, click <b class="bold">Transition Settings...</b>.</li> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Library</b> tab.</li> <li>Check the box for <b class="bold">If a library spectrum is available, pick its most intense ions.</b></li> <li>In the <b class="bold">Pick: product ions</b> field that appears, Enter "3".</li> <li>Select the <b class="bold">From filtered product ions</b> option.</li> </ul>The <b class="bold">Transition Settings</b> form should look like this:<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=d8c2f59b-cb57-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Chroma22.PNG" title="Chroma22.PNG"> <ul class="minus"> <li>Click the <b class="bold">OK</b> button.</li> </ul>The number of transitions in this document should now be 30.<p class="paragraph"/>You can now export a transition list or a native instrument method for this document, and acquire data. Skyline offers the ability to export transition lists and SRM methods for instruments from several different instrument manufacturers. <ul class="minus"> <li>On the <b class="bold">File</b> menu, choose <b class="bold">Export</b> and click either <b class="bold">Transition List...</b> or <b class="bold">Method...</b>.</li> <li>To view the list of supported instrument types, use the <b class="bold">Instrument type</b> dropdown menu.</li> </ul>Please see the <span class="nobr"><a href="">Targeted Method Editing</a></span> and <span class="nobr"><a href="">Targeted Method Refinement</a></span> Skyline tutorials for more information on exporting transition lists and SRM Methods.<p class="paragraph"/>The files you downloaded for this tutorial already contain a document with data acquired on a triple quadrupole mass spectrometer. To begin exploring how acquired data and your new chromatogram library can be used together: <ul class="minus"> <li>Open the file "" in Skyline.</li> <li>In the <b class="bold">Targets</b> view, select the peptide "TFQCELCSYTCPR", under the CTCF protein.</li> </ul>The Skyline window should look like this:<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=d8c2f59b-cb57-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Chroma23.PNG" title="Chroma23.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>You should see the chromatograms for this peptide from the newly acquired data side-by-side with the chromatograms from the Human_rev3.clib library. The tab titled <b class="bold">K562 (nuclear)</b> has the chromatograms from the new data, and the tab titled <b class="bold">Library Match</b> displays the library chromatograms.<p class="paragraph"/>If you do not see the <b class="bold">Library Match tab</b> you can display it as follows: <ul class="minus"> <li>On the <b class="bold">View</b> menu, click <b class="bold">Library Match</b>.</li> </ul>Skyline also calculates a dot product as a measure of similarity between the peak areas in the new data and the library peak areas. This is displayed next to the precursor, as marked in the image above. For the peptide <b class="bold">TFQCELCSYTCPR</b> the similarity is high, with a dot product of <b class="bold">0.97</b>, and that gives a measure of confidence in the peptide identification.<p class="paragraph"/><a name="conclusion"></a> <h3 class="heading-1">Conclusion</h3><p class="paragraph"/>In this tutorial, you have gone through the steps of creating a library folder in Panorama for curated, targeted results. You have built a chromatogram library in Panorama, and used it in Skyline to select the peptides and product ions to measure in a new experimental setting. You have also compared chromatograms acquired in a new experiment with data contained in the library to validate peptide identifications. By using these techniques with your own experimental data, you can build an extensive knowledge base of the targeted assays you have investigated and refined in your laboratory, and avoid duplicating this effort in new experiments. You can share these libraries with collaborators or the general public, as others are already doing, helping others to reproduce your results, or use them for new applications in targeted proteomics.<p class="paragraph"/><a name="reference"></a> <h3 class="heading-1">Reference List</h3><p class="paragraph"/>&#49;. Stergachis, A., MacLean, B., Lee, K., Stamatoyannopoulos, J. A., &#38; MacCoss, M. J., Rapid empirical discovery of optimal peptides for targeted proteomics Nature Methods 8,1041–1043 (2011) <h3 class="heading-1">Related Topics</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li><span class="nobr"><a href="">Skyline Tutorial: Targeted Method Editing</a></span></li> <li><span class="nobr"><a href="">Skyline Tutorial: Targeted Method Refinement</a></span></li> </ul></div><br><br> <hr size=1> <h3><a name="panorama_public"></a>Tutorial: Submitting Supplementary Data to Panorama Public</h3><br> <div class="labkey-wiki"><ul class="minus"> <li><a class="link" href="#overview">Overview</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="#start">Getting Started</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="#folder">Creating a Folder in Panorama</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="#upload">Uploading Skyline Documents to Panorama</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="#customize">Customizing Grid Views in Panorama</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="#wiki">Creating Wiki Pages on Panorama</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="#publish">Submitting to Panorama Public</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="#reference">Reference List</a></li> </ul><a name="overview"></a> <h3 class="heading-1">Overview</h3><p class="paragraph"/>PanoramaWeb (<span class="nobr"><a href=""><span class="nobr"><a href="">&#104;ttps://</a></span></a></span>), the public Panorama server hosted at the University of Washington is being increasingly used by researchers to host data processed in Skyline for sharing with collaborators and for referencing in published papers. Users on PanoramaWeb are given their own projects over which they have full administrative control. The ease of uploading Skyline documents to Panorama combined with the ability to configure permissions and folder structure makes PanoramaWeb an attractive choice for hosting and sharing data from Skyline centric workflows. It also makes it possible for users to provide public access to data for fulfilling journal submission requirements. Several papers have already been published that reference supplementary Skyline documents hosted on PanoramaWeb. However, data in user projects remains under the control of the user, and may be edited or deleted post publication.<p class="paragraph"/>To address this concern, PanoramaWeb hosts a public repository called "Panorama Public" where users may submit supplementary data contained in their projects on PanoramaWeb. The repository provides a permanent location for data to be referenced in publications. Upon submission, a copy of the data contained in the user project is made to Panorama Public. This copy includes user interface elements such as wiki pages, charts and other supplementary figures which were added by the user to their project. Data copied to Panorama Public is read-only, ensuring its availability in the original form accepted for publication. Permissions to the data in Panorama Public are managed as required -- private with access to reviewers while the manuscript is in review and public after the paper has been accepted.<p class="paragraph"/>In this tutorial you will you will prepare a folder on PanoramaWeb for submitting to Panorama Public. This will involve uploading documents related to a manuscript and building a custom user interface around the data. Finally, you will go through the steps of submitting the folder to Panorama Public. A large part of this tutorial covers adding custom user interface elements to enhance the presentation and provide context to the supplementary data contained in a folder on PanoramaWeb. If you already have a folder that is ready for publication, you can skip to the section "Submitting to Panorama Public" that covers the steps required for submitting data to Panorama Public.<p class="paragraph"/>In this tutorial you will use several features that are part of LabKey Server (<span class="nobr"><a href=""><span class="nobr"><a href="">&#104;ttps://</a></span></a></span>), the data management platform behind Panorama, to create a user interface for your supplementary data on PanoramaWeb. Links to detailed documentation provided by on individual features are included in the tutorial in yellow boxes like the one below. Please note that these links are not part of the tutorial and are only meant to provide more detailed information on a particular feature in LabKey Server. The link below takes you to the main documentation page on<p class="paragraph"/> <div style="background-color:#FFF6D8; border: 1px solid #DDDDDD; font-size: 14px; line-height: 1.2; padding: 10px 20px; margin: 0 20px 10px 20px;"> <img class="radeox-image" src=";name=logoLK.svg"> Documentation Home: <span class="nobr"><a href=""><span class="nobr"><a href="">&#104;ttps://</a></span></a></span> </div><p class="paragraph"/><a name="start"></a> <h3 class="heading-1">Getting Started</h3><p class="paragraph"/>To start the tutorial, download the following ZIP file: <ul class="minus"> <li><span class="nobr"><a href="/_webdav/home/%40files/"></a></span></li> </ul>Extract the files to a folder on your computer, like: <div class="code"><pre>C:&#92;Users&#89;our_Username&#92;Documents</pre></div><p class="paragraph"/>This will create a new folder: <div class="code"><pre>C:&#92;Users&#92;Your_Username&#92;Documents&#92;SubmitToPanoramaPublic</pre></div><p class="paragraph"/>It will contain all the necessary files for this tutorial.<p class="paragraph"/>The data used in this tutorial was published in <a class="link" href="#reference">Abbatiello et al. 2013</a>, where the authors described a system suitability protocol (SSP) that helps to ensure reproducible analyte quantification measurements within a lab or across multiple laboratories with different MS instrument platforms. The SSP was evaluated in 11 laboratories on a total of 15 different instruments, and the data analyzed in Skyline. The resulting Skyline documents were uploaded to PanoramaWeb and made publicly available at: <ul class="minus"> <li><span class="nobr"><a href=""><span class="nobr"><a href="">&#104;ttps://</a></span></a></span></li> </ul>The data for this tutorial contains Skyline documents from 3 of the participating laboratories, of which one used a ThermoFisher TSQ Vantage instrument and the other two used the SCIEX 4000 QTRAP instrument.<p class="paragraph"/>In the following sections you will: <ul class="minus"> <li>Create a folder on PanoramaWeb and upload Skyline documents to the folder.</li> <li>Add wiki pages with text, supplementary figures and tables.</li> <li>Prepare the folder for submission by providing an abstract, organism, instrument information etc.</li> <li>Submit to Panorama Public.</li> </ul><a name="sign"></a> <h3 class="heading-1">Signing Up for an Account on PanoramaWeb</h3><p class="paragraph"/>This tutorial assumes that you will be working in a sub-folder of the "Tutorials" project on PanoramaWeb, the Panorama server hosted by the MacCoss lab at the University of Washington. However, if you already have a project on this server, you are welcome to work in a sub-folder of your project, and skip to the next step.<p class="paragraph"/>To request a folder on PanoramaWeb for working through this tutorial, fill out the sign-up form on this page: <ul class="minus"> <li><span class="nobr"><a href=""><span class="nobr"><a href="">&#104;ttps://</a></span></a></span></li> <li>Fill in the required fields, marked with a red asterisk, in the form shown below.</li> <li>Enter "Tutorials" in the <b class="bold">Group name</b>.</li> <li>Click <b class="bold">Submit</b>.</li> </ul> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cf1b7368-b712-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=SharingSky3.PNG" title="SharingSky3.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>Once your request is approved, a folder with full administrative rights will be created for you in the "Tutorials" project on PanoramaWeb. You will also receive a welcoming email with a link to complete your account registration by choosing a password.<p class="paragraph"/><a name="folder"></a> <h3 class="heading-1">Creating a Folder in Panorama</h3><p class="paragraph"/>Sign in to PanoramaWeb at <span class="nobr"><a href=""><span class="nobr"><a href="">&#104;ttps://</a></span></a></span> with your username and password. If you are working in the "Tutorials" project follow these steps to navigate to your folder under this project: <ul class="minus"> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Projects</b> tab in the upper right corner (shown below) to see a list of all the projects to which you have access on the server.</li> <li>Click the "Tutorials" project.</li> <li>On the project homepage, hover over the project name in the menu bar below the Panorama icon and click on the folder that was created for you. We will use "Your_Username" as the folder name only as an example. Your folder name will be different.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cf1b7368-b712-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=SharingSky5.PNG" title="SharingSky5.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/><div style="color:darkred;border: 1px solid #DDDDDD; font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold; line-height: 1.2; padding: 10px 20px; margin: 0 20px 10px 20px;"> NOTE: Most of the Panorama features that you will explore in the rest of the tutorial require that you have administrative permissions in the folder that you are working in. If you are working in your sub-folder in the "Tutorials" project you are the administrator of the folder. If, however, you are working in another project on PanoramaWeb you must contact your project administrator to ensure that you have administrative permissions. </div><p class="paragraph"/>You will now create a subfolder where you will upload Skyline documents and add other supplementary information for a manuscript. To create a sub-folder for this tutorial, do the following: <ul class="minus"> <li>Click the new folder icon shown in the image below.</li> </ul> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cf1b7368-b712-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=SharingSky6.PNG" title="SharingSky6.PNG"> <ul class="minus"> <li>In the <b class="bold">Create Folder</b> form, enter "System Suitability Study" in the folder <b class="bold">Name</b> field.</li> <li>Select the <b class="bold">Panorama</b> option under <b class="bold">Folder Type</b>, as shown below.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cf1b7368-b712-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=Publish1.PNG" title="Publish1.PNG"> <ul class="minus"> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Next</b> button.</li> <li>On the <b class="bold">Users/Permissions</b> page accept the default selection <b class="bold">(Inherit From Parent Folder)</b>.</li> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Next</b> button.</li> <li>On the <b class="bold">Configure Panorama Folder</b> page accept the default selection <b class="bold">(Experimental data)</b>.</li> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Finish</b> button.</li> </ul>After successful folder creation, you will be taken to the home page of the "System Suitability Study" folder. You are now ready to upload Skyline documents to this folder.<p class="paragraph"/><a name="upload"></a> <h3 class="heading-1">Uploading Skyline Documents to Panorama</h3><p class="paragraph"/>From the tutorial files downloaded earlier, open the "" file in Skyline either by double-clicking on the file in Windows Explorer or in Skyline, on the <b class="bold">File</b> menu, click <b class="bold">Open</b> (<span class="key">Ctrl-O).</span> This file contains measured results for 22 peptides from one of the participating labs in the system suitability study (<a class="link" href="#reference">Abbatiello et al. 2013</a>). To upload this document to the folder you just created on Panorama, follow these steps: <ul class="minus"> <li>Click on the <b class="bold">Upload to Panorama</b> button in the Skyline toolbar, shown in the image below. Alternatively, on the <b class="bold">File</b> menu, click <b class="bold">Upload to Panorama</b>.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cf1b7368-b712-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=Skyline_ways_to_upload_to_Panorama.png" title="Skyline_ways_to_upload_to_Panorama.png"><p class="paragraph"/>If you have not yet set up a Panorama server in Skyline, you will see the following message.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cf1b7368-b712-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=Skyline_no_panorama_servers.png" title="Skyline_no_panorama_servers.png"> <ul class="minus"> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Continue</b> button.</li> </ul>Do the following in the <b class="bold">Edit Server</b> form: <ul class="minus"> <li>Enter "&#104;ttps://" in the URL field.</li> <li>Enter your email address and password on PanoramaWeb.</li> <li>Click the <b class="bold">OK</b> button.</li> </ul>Skyline will display a <b class="bold">Upload Document</b> form with the folders available to you on PanoramaWeb.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cf1b7368-b712-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=Publish2.PNG" title="Publish2.PNG"> <ul class="minus"> <li>In the Panorama Folders field, navigate to and select the "System Suitability Study" folder that you just created on Panorama.</li> <li>Click the <b class="bold">OK</b> button.</li> </ul>Wait for the document import to complete. When asked whether you want to view the file in Panorama, click <b class="bold">No</b>. Follow the same steps to upload the other two Skyline files in the tutorial data – "" and "" to your "System Suitability Study" folder on PanoramaWeb.<p class="paragraph"/>Once all three documents have been imported into Panorama, go back to the web-browser where the home page of the "System Suitability Study" folder should still be open. Refresh the page (F5 in most browsers) and you will see the three files that you just uploaded in the Targeted MS Runs table.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cf1b7368-b712-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=Publish3.PNG" title="Publish3.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/><a name="customize"></a> <h3 class="heading-1">Customizing Grid Views in Panorama</h3><p class="paragraph"/>Click on "" in the <b class="bold">Targeted MS Runs</b> table to open the details page for the document. The <b class="bold">Precursor List</b> table on this page displays a list of precursors in this Skyline document. The <b class="bold">Precursor Note/Annotations</b> column in the table, highlighted in the image below, is blank since the researchers did not define any custom precursor annotations in this document.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cf1b7368-b712-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=Publish4.PNG" title="Publish4.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>Do the following to hide this column from the default grid view: <ul class="minus"> <li>Click the <b class="bold"><span class="fa fa-table"></span> (Grid Views)</b> button at the top of the table, just under the <b class="bold">Precursor List</b> title.</li> <li>Select <b class="bold">Customize Grid</b> from the drop-down menu.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cf1b7368-b712-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=Publish5.PNG" title="Publish5.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>In the customization form that appears, you will see a <b class="bold">Selected Fields</b> panel, to the right, that lists the columns that are currently displayed. <ul class="minus"> <li>Scroll down, then hover over <b class="bold">Precursor Note/Annotations</b> below <b class="bold">Precursor</b> in the <b class="bold">Selected Fields</b> panel and click the <b class="bold"><span class="fa fa-times"></span></b> (remove) icon.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cf1b7368-b712-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=Publish6.PNG" title="Publish6.PNG"> <ul class="minus"> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Save</b> button.</li> <li>In the <b class="bold">Save Custom View</b> form, check <b class="bold">Make this grid view available to all users</b>.</li> </ul>This will ensure all users with access to this folder see the same table columns. <ul class="minus"> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Save</b> button.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cf1b7368-b712-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=SharingSky21.PNG" title="SharingSky21.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>The Precursor Note/Annotations columns should no longer be displayed, as shown below:<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cf1b7368-b712-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=Publish7.PNG" title="Publish7.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>Go back to the home page of the "System Suitability Study" folder by clicking on the <b class="bold"><span class="fa fa-folder-o"></span> folder-name</b> link near the top of the page as shown here:<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cf1b7368-b712-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=Publish8.PNG" title="Publish8.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/><div class="note"> TIP: This folder name link is provided on all pages within the folder except the main home page and provides a quick way to navigate to the home page of that folder. </div><p class="paragraph"/><br/><p class="paragraph"/>Click on "" in the <b class="bold">Targeted MS Runs</b> table. The default view for the <b class="bold">Precursor List</b> table for this document should not have the <b class="bold">Precursor Note/Annotations</b> column. Custom grid views defined once in a folder apply to all Skyline documents uploaded to the folder. The "default" grid we saved our changes to is shown by default.<p class="paragraph"/> <div style="background-color:#FFF6D8; border: 1px solid #DDDDDD; font-size: 14px; line-height: 1.2; padding: 10px 20px; margin: 0 20px 10px 20px;"> <img class="radeox-image" src=";name=logoLK.svg"> Customize Grid Views: <span class="nobr"><a href=""><span class="nobr"><a href="">&#104;ttps://</a></span></a></span> </div><p class="paragraph"/><a name="wiki"></a> <h3 class="heading-1">Creating Wiki Pages on Panorama</h3><p class="paragraph"/>Wiki pages allow you to add content, including file attachments, to your folders on Panorama. You will now create a wiki page to display a supplementary figure (Supplementary Figure 3A) from the original paper along with a figure caption. This figure displays normalized peak areas for the 9 best peptides identified in the study (<a class="link" href="#reference">Abbatiello et al. 2013</a>), across 10 replicates in each site. The original figure has a plot for each of the 15 sites in the study. "SupplFig_3A.png" in the tutorial files has plots for the 3 sites for which Skyline files are included in the tutorial.<p class="paragraph"/>Navigate back to the "System Suitability Study" folder home page. To add a wiki page in the folder, we first need to enter "Page Admin Mode" to add a new wiki web part to the folder page.<p class="paragraph"/> <div style="background-color:#FFF6D8; border: 1px solid #DDDDDD; font-size: 14px; line-height: 1.2; padding: 10px 20px; margin: 0 20px 10px 20px;"> <img class="radeox-image" src=";name=logoLK.svg"> Page Admin Mode: <span class="nobr"><a href=""><span class="nobr"><a href="">&#104;ttps://</a></span></a></span> </div><p class="paragraph"/>Do the following: <ul class="minus"> <li>In the header, click the <b class="bold"><span class="fa fa-cog"></span></b> (gear) icon to open the Admin menu. Select <b class="bold">Page Admin Mode</b>.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cf1b7368-b712-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=PageAdmin.png" title="PageAdmin.png"> <ul class="minus"> <li>From the <b class="bold">&#60;Select Web Part&#62;</b> drop-down menu that will appear at the bottom left of the folder home page, scroll down and select <b class="bold">Wiki</b>.</li> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Add</b> button.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cf1b7368-b712-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=Publish9.PNG" title="Publish9.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>A box titled <b class="bold">Wiki</b> will be added under the <b class="bold">Targeted MS Runs</b> box that should look like this:<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cf1b7368-b712-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=Publish10.PNG" title="Publish10.PNG"> <ul class="minus"> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Create a new wiki page</b> link to open the wiki editor.</li> <li>Enter "supplementary_figure_3A" in the <b class="bold">Name</b> field. The name must be unique in the folder and typically does not contain spaces.</li> <li>Enter "Supplementary Figure 3A" in the <b class="bold">Title</b> field. The title is the display title and has no restrictions on uniqueness or spaces for display.</li> <li>In the <b class="bold">Body (HTML)</b> field select the <b class="bold">Visual</b> tab if it is not already selected.</li> </ul> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cf1b7368-b712-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=Publish11.PNG" title="Publish11.PNG"> <ul class="minus"> <li>In Notepad or another text editor open the file "SupplFig_3A_caption.txt" contained in the tutorial data you downloaded. Copy and paste the contents of this file into the <b class="bold">Body (HTML)</b> field.</li> <li>You can format the text using the options available in the formatting toolbar. - Remove any preformatting by selecting the text and choosing the format "Paragraph".</li> <li>Select the title of the figure caption ("Supplementary Figure 3A") and make it bold by clicking the <b class="bold">B</b> button in the toolbar. You can see more formatting options in the toolbar by clicking the Show/hide toolbars button at the left corner of the toolbar.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cf1b7368-b712-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=Publish12.PNG" title="Publish12.PNG"> <ul class="minus"> <li>Upload an image file to display on the wiki page:</li> <ul class="minus"> <li>Scroll down, if you need to, to the <b class="bold">Files</b> field at the bottom of the wiki editor.</li> <li>Uncheck the <b class="bold">Show Attached Files</b> checkbox.</li> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Attach a file</b> link and click the <b class="bold">Choose File</b> button that appears.</li> <li>Navigate to the folder where you downloaded the tutorial data and select "SupplFig_3A.png".</li> <li>Click on the <b class="bold">Open</b> button.</li> </ul> <li>Add the image to the wiki page:</li> <ul class="minus"> <li>Place the mouse cursor just before the figure title in the <b class="bold">Body(HTML)</b> field.</li> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Insert/edit image icon</b> <img class="radeox-image" src=";name=imageIcon.png"> in the toolbar.</li> <li>Enter "SupplFig_3A.png" in the <b class="bold">Image URL</b> field of the <b class="bold">Insert/edit image</b> dialog.</li> <li>Click <b class="bold">Insert</b> in the dialog.</li> <li>Press the "Enter" key on your keyboard once so that the image title is below the image icon in the Body(HTML) field. At this time the actual image will not appear in the editor.</li> </ul></ul>The Body (HTML) field should look like this:<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cf1b7368-b712-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=Publish13.PNG" title="Publish13.PNG"> <ul class="minus"> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Save &#38; Close</b> button at the top left of the wiki editor.</li> </ul> You will be taken back to the "System Suitability Study" folder home page. You should see the wiki page that you just created at the bottom of the page. It should look like this:<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cf1b7368-b712-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=Publish14.PNG" title="Publish14.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/> <div style="background-color:#FFF6D8; border: 1px solid #DDDDDD; font-size: 14px; line-height: 1.2; padding: 10px 20px; margin: 0 20px 10px 20px;"> <img class="radeox-image" src=";name=logoLK.svg"> Wiki User Guide: <span class="nobr"><a href=""><span class="nobr"><a href="">&#104;ttps://</a></span></a></span> </div><p class="paragraph"/><div class="note"> A note about "Web Parts" in LabKey Server:<p class="paragraph"/>The wiki page that you just created appears on the folder home page in a box with a border and a title that is referred to as a "web part". Web parts are user interface panels that can be added or removed from folder pages by folder administrators when they are in <span class="nobr"><a href="">page admin mode</a></span>. Each web part provides a way for users to view and/or interact with some part of the data contained in the folder. For example, the Wiki web part displays the contents of a specific wiki page. The list of available web parts can be accessed from the two &#60;Select Web Part&#62; menus at the bottom of the folder home page – one on the left side and the other on the right side. The two menus have different sets of available web parts. Web parts selected from the menu on the bottom left of the page are wider and get added to the left side of the page, and those selected from the menu on the bottom right get added to a narrower column on the right side of the page.<p class="paragraph"/>The title bar of a web part has controls (available to folder administrators in page admin mode) for moving it up and down the page, relative to other web parts. These controls appear in the right side of the title bar for the wider web parts, shown in the image below.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cf1b7368-b712-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=Publish15.PNG" title="Publish15.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>The term "web part" will be used in the remainder of the tutorial to refer to these user interface elements.<p class="paragraph"/></div><p class="paragraph"/> <div style="background-color:#FFF6D8; border: 1px solid #DDDDDD; font-size: 14px; line-height: 1.2; padding: 10px 20px; margin: 0 20px 10px 20px;"> <img class="radeox-image" src=";name=logoLK.svg"> Build User Interface: <span class="nobr"><a href=""><span class="nobr"><a href="">&#104;ttps://</a></span></a></span> </div><p class="paragraph"/>You will now add a table of contents for easy navigation to the wiki pages. <ul class="minus"> <li>Scroll down to the bottom of the page.</li> <li>Choose <b class="bold">Wiki Table of Contents</b> from the <b class="bold">&#60;Select Web Part&#62;</b> drop-down menu at the bottom <i class="italic">right</i> of the page.</li> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Add</b> button.</li> </ul>This will add a narrower web part titled Pages to the right side of the folder home page as shown below. Links to all the wiki pages that you add in this folder will appear in this web part.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cf1b7368-b712-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=Publish16.PNG" title="Publish16.PNG"> <ul class="minus"> <li>Change the title of the web part by clicking the <b class="bold"><span class="fa fa-caret-down"></span> (triangle)</b> drop-down icon in the title bar and selecting <b class="bold">Customize</b>. <i class="italic">If you are still in page admin mode, you will see additional options on this menu.</i></li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cf1b7368-b712-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=Publish17.PNG" title="Publish17.PNG"> <ul class="minus"> <li>Enter "Figures &#38; Tables" as the title (leave the folder path as is) and click the <b class="bold">Submit</b> button. The table of contents web part on the home page should now display the updated title. This webpart will allow you to easily navigate to all the wiki pages in this folder as you add additional figures and tables in new wikis.</li> </ul>You will now create another wiki page where you will add a supplementary Excel table containing the retention time drift information. This table has been taken from the original paper and data filtered to the three sites for which Skyline files are included in this tutorial. <ul class="minus"> <li>Add a new wiki page by clicking the drop-down icon in the title bar (which should now read <b class="bold">Figures &#38; Tables</b>) of the Wiki Table of Contents web part.</li> <li>Select <b class="bold">New</b> from the menu.</li> </ul>Do the following in the wiki editor: <ul class="minus"> <li>Enter "supplementary_table_6" in the <b class="bold">Name</b> field.</li> <li>Enter "Supplementary Table 6" in the <b class="bold">Title</b> field.</li> <li>In the <b class="bold">Body (HTML)</b> field select the <b class="bold">Visual</b> tab if it is not already selected.</li> <li>In Notepad or another text editor open the file "SupplTable_6_caption.txt" contained in the tutorial data. Copy and paste the contents of this file in the <b class="bold">Body (HTML)</b> field.</li> <li>Remove any preformatting by selecting the text and choosing the format "Paragraph".</li> <li>Format the text using options available in the formatting toolbar. For example, you can make the title ("Supplementary Table 6") bold.</li> <li>In the Files field at the bottom of the wiki editor click the <b class="bold">Attach a file</b> link and click the <b class="bold">Choose File</b> button.</li> <li>Navigate to the folder where you downloaded the tutorial data and select "SupplTable_6.xlsx".</li> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Open</b> button if double clicking does not attach the file and close the popup.</li> <li>Notice that we are leaving the <b class="bold">Show Attached Files</b> checkbox checked this time.</li> <li>Click <b class="bold">Save &#38; Close</b> at the top of the wiki editor.</li> </ul>The new wiki page should look like this:<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cf1b7368-b712-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=Publish18.PNG" title="Publish18.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>Viewers can click the attached file to download it.<p class="paragraph"/>Notice that we did not create a new wiki <i class="italic">web part</i> for this wiki, so you are viewing the wiki page itself. By default, a search box and a Wiki Table of Contents web part with the title <b class="bold">Pages</b> is shown. This web part should display the titles of the two wiki pages you have in the folder. You can click on a title to view either wiki page.<p class="paragraph"/>Go back to the home page of the folder by clicking the <b class="bold"><span class="fa fa-folder-o"></span> System Suitability Study</b> link near the top of the page. Notice on the home page that the <b class="bold">Figures &#38; Tables</b> is displayed in the table of contents web part here.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cf1b7368-b712-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=Publish19.PNG" title="Publish19.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>Since the wiki pages can now be accessed via the table of contents web part, you can remove the wiki web part that is displaying "Supplementary Figure 3A" from the folder home page. <ul class="minus"> <li>Scroll down, if you need to, so that the title bar of the wiki web part is visible.</li> <li>From the <b class="bold"><span class="fa fa-caret-down"></span> (triangle)</b> menu, select <b class="bold"><span class="fa fa-times"></span> Remove From Page</b>.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cf1b7368-b712-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=Publish20.PNG" title="Publish20.PNG"> <ul class="minus"> <ul class="minus"> <li>If you do not see this option, first reenter page admin mode by selecting: <b class="bold"><span class="fa fa-cog"></span> Page Admin Mode</b> in the header.</li> </ul> <li>Notice that the wiki itself is still available from the table of contents. Removing the web part did not remove the underlying content.</li> </ul><a name="publish"></a> <h3 class="heading-1">Submitting to Panorama Public</h3><p class="paragraph"/>Folders containing supplementary data intended for publication to Panorama Public have to be annotated with a description of the experiment. This includes information such as an abstract, experiment and sample descriptions, organism, MS instruments used etc. To add experiment annotations to the folder, do the following: <ul class="minus"> <li>Go back to the home page of the <b class="bold"><span class="fa fa-folder-o"></span> System Suitability Study</b> folder, if you are not already there.</li> <li>Re-enter <b class="bold"><span class="fa fa-cog"></span> &#62; Page Admin Mode</b> if you are not already in this mode.</li> <li>Select <b class="bold">Targeted MS Experiment</b> from the <b class="bold">&#60;Select Web Part&#62;</b> menu at <i class="italic">bottom-left</i> of the page.</li> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Add</b> button.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cf1b7368-b712-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=AddWebPart.png" title="AddWebPart.png"><p class="paragraph"/>This action will add a web part titled <b class="bold">Targeted MS Experiment</b> at the bottom of the page that looks like this:<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cf1b7368-b712-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=CreateNewExperiment.png" title="CreateNewExperiment.png"> <ul class="minus"> <li>While in page admin mode, you can change the layout of the folder home page to move the <b class="bold">Targeted MS Experiment</b> webpart to the top of the page.</li> <ul class="minus"> <li>Move the <b class="bold">Targeted MS Experiment</b> web part above the <b class="bold">Targeted MS Runs</b> web part by selecting <b class="bold">Move Up</b> from the <b class="bold"><span class="fa fa-caret-down"></span> (triangle)</b> menu in the web part title bar.</li> </ul></ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cf1b7368-b712-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=Publish21.PNG" title="Publish21.PNG"> <ul class="minus"> <ul class="minus"> <li>Scroll to the top of the page and remove the <b class="bold">Mass Spec Search</b> web part by selecting <b class="bold"><span class="fa fa-caret-down"></span> &#62; <span></span> Remove From Page</b> in its title bar.</li> </ul> <li>Click <b class="bold">Exit Admin Mode</b> at the top of the page to hide the page layout editing features.</li> </ul>Next, create the experiment: <ul class="minus"> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Create New Experiment</b> link in the <b class="bold">Targeted MS Experiment</b> web part.</li> <li>In the <b class="bold">Targeted MS Experiment</b> form enter "Multi-lab system suitability study" in the <b class="bold">Title</b> field.</li> <li>Start typing "Bos" in the organism field and select "Bos taurus" from the drop-down list.</li> <li>Select "TSQ Vantage" and "4000 QTRAP" in the <b class="bold">Instrument</b> field. Start typing the instrument name and select from the drop-down list.</li> <li>In Notepad or another text editor open the file "Abstract.txt" included in the tutorial data. Copy the contents of the file and paste in the <b class="bold">Abstract</b> field of the form.</li> <li>In the <b class="bold">Keywords</b> field enter "skyline, system-suitability".</li> <li>Enter a <b class="bold">Submitter Affiliation</b>.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cf1b7368-b712-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=TargetedMSExperimentForm.png" title="TargetedMSExperimentForm.png"> <ul class="minus"> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Submit</b> button at the bottom of the form.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cf1b7368-b712-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=Publish23.PNG" title="Publish23.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>You will be taken to the experiment details page. All the Skyline documents you upload to this folder will get added to the experiment and will appear in the <b class="bold">Targeted MS Runs</b> table. In this tutorial you have uploaded all the Skyline files to a single folder. If, however, your data is organized in subfolders, you will see a panel titled <b class="bold">Subfolders</b>. You can click the <b class="bold">Include Subfolders</b> button in this panel to include data from subfolders in your experiment prior to submitting to Panorama Public. You can find more details on <span class="nobr"><a href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=include_subfolders">this documentation page</a></span>. Navigate back to the folder home page by clicking the <b class="bold"><span class="fa fa-folder-o"></span> System Suitability Study</b> link near the top of the page.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cf1b7368-b712-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=Publish25.PNG" title="Publish25.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>To submit to Panorama Public, click the red <b class="bold">Submit</b> button in the <b class="bold">Targeted MS Experiment</b> web part.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cf1b7368-b712-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=ClickRedSubmitButton.png" title="ClickRedSubmitButton.png"><p class="paragraph"/><div style="color:red"> Panorama Public is a member repository of the <b class="bold"><span class="nobr"><a href="">ProteomeXchange</a></span></b> consortium. Data submitted to Panorama Public that fulfills ProteomeXchange submission requirements will be assigned a ProteomeXchange Id and announced on <b class="bold"><span class="nobr"><a href="">ProteomeCentral</a></span></b>. For more details refer to this documentation page: <a class="link" href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=px_data_validation">Data Validation for ProteomeXchange</a> </div> Click the <b class="bold">Validate Data for ProteomeXchange</b> button on the next page. The data validation process will check for: <ul class="minus"> <li>All the raw files imported into the Skyline documents being submitted have been uploaded. This is the minimum requirement for getting a ProteomeXchange Id.</li> <li>All the modifications used in the Skyline documents have a Unimod Id.</li> <li>The source files (spectrum files + search results files) used to build any spectral libraries used with the Skyline documents are uploaded.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cf1b7368-b712-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=StartDataValidation.png" title="StartDataValidation.png"><p class="paragraph"/>This will start a data validation process in the background. This page will refresh automatically with the validation progress.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cf1b7368-b712-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=DataValidationRunning.png" title="DataValidationRunning.png"><p class="paragraph"/>Validation results will be displayed when the validation job is complete. Since the raw files used with the Skyline documents have not been uploaded, the validation status displayed should be - "Data is not valid for a ProteomeXchange submission". <br/> <br/> Learn more about data validation for ProteomeXchange here: <a class="link" href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=px_data_validation">Data Validation for ProteomeXchange</a> <br/><p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cf1b7368-b712-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=DataNotValidForPx.png" title="DataNotValidForPx.png"><p class="paragraph"/>Expand the nodes next to the Skyline document names in the "Skyline Document Sample Files" grid to view the names of the missing raw data files. Click the <b class="bold">Upload Files</b> button.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cf1b7368-b712-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=ExpandNodeUploadButton.png" title="ExpandNodeUploadButton.png"><p class="paragraph"/>On the "Upload Missing Sample Files" page drag and drop the raw files from the "Raw Files" subfolder of the tutorial data. You can select multiple files and drop them into the files browser. After the files are uploaded click the <b class="bold">Rerun Validation</b> button.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cf1b7368-b712-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=UploadSampleFilesPageAddFiles.png" title="UploadSampleFilesPageAddFiles.png"><p class="paragraph"/>When the validation job is complete the status displayed should be - "Incomplete data and / or metadata". The "Skyline Document Sample Files" grid should show a "Complete" status for all the Skyline documents. This means that the data can be assigned a ProteomeXchange Id, but there is some more information required for a "complete" ProteomeXchange submission. In the "Modifications" grid there is no Unimod Id for "Carboxymethylcysteine". Click the "Find Match" link in the "Unimod Match" column.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cf1b7368-b712-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=IncompletePxData.png" title="IncompletePxData.png"><p class="paragraph"/>On the "Unimod Match Options" page click the <b class="bold">Unimod Match</b> button to find a Unimod Id for Carboxymethylcysteine.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cf1b7368-b712-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=FindUnimodMatch.png" title="FindUnimodMatch.png"><p class="paragraph"/>The match found for Carboxymethylcysteine should be "Carboxymethyl, Unimod:6". Click the <b class="bold">Save Match</b> button.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cf1b7368-b712-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=UnimodMatch.png" title="UnimodMatch.png"><p class="paragraph"/>After saving the Unimod match, the status on the validation results page should be "Complete". Click the <b class="bold">Continue Submission</b> button.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cf1b7368-b712-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=CompletePxData.png" title="CompletePxData.png"><p class="paragraph"/>You will be presented with a form that looks similar to the image below:<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cf1b7368-b712-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=SubmissionForm.png" title="SubmissionForm.png"><p class="paragraph"/>In the <b class="bold">Submission Request to Panorama Public</b> form do the following: <ul class="minus"> <li>If you were working in a folder with real data for a manuscript, you would select "Panorama Public" from the drop-down list next to the <b class="bold">Submit To</b> option (it is the default, shown above). For this tutorial, select <b class="bold">"Panorama Public Tutorial"</b>.</li> <li>Enter "publication _tutorial_&#60;your_ folder_name&#62;" in the <b class="bold">Access Link</b> field. Replace &#60;your_ folder_name&#62; with the name of your folder in the "Tutorials" project. For example, if you folder name is "Your_Username" enter "publication_tutorial_Your_Username" in the textbox. The URL displayed below the textbox will be updated as you type in the textbox. Once you have finished typing the URL should read (for folder "Your_Username") <div class="code"><pre>&#104;ttps://</pre></div></li> <li>Uncheck the <b class="bold">Keep Private</b> checkbox. If you were submitting data for a manuscript undergoing peer review you could keep the <b class="bold">Keep Private</b> box checked. This will ensure that when the data is copied to Panorama Public, it will be kept private with read-only access to the submitter. Another read-only reviewer account will be created for the data, and account details provided to the submitter. These account details can be conveyed to the journal where the manuscript is submitted.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cf1b7368-b712-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=Publish27.PNG" title="Publish27.PNG"> <ul class="minus"> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Submit</b> button.</li> </ul>The <b class="bold">Access Link</b> provided in the UI in bold is the link that you will include in your manuscript to link to supplementary data on Panorama Public that can be viewed in a web browser. Initially, this link points to your folder on PanoramaWeb. But once a copy of your data has been made to Panorama Public, it will link to the location of the copied data on Panorama Public. This will be the permanent location of your supplementary data on Panorama Public.<p class="paragraph"/>The <b class="bold">Submission Request to Panorama Public</b> form allows you to "build" this access link. The initial part of the link remains constant: &#104;ttps:// You can choose a string to complete the link (highlighted in yellow below).<p class="paragraph"/>&#104;ttps://<span style="background-color:yellow">choose_a_string</span>.url<p class="paragraph"/>The initial value entered in the <b class="bold">Access Link</b> field is a randomly generated alphanumeric string. You can replace it with a convenient, easy to remember string. This string has to be unique across all the experiments submitted to Panorama Public. You may get an error if the link you entered is already in use for another experiment on Panorama Public. If this happens change the text and try again.<p class="paragraph"/>When the form is submitted successfully you will be taken to the experiment details page.<p class="paragraph"/>In the <b class="bold">Experiment Details</b> box, you will see a red "Copy Pending!" message, circled below. This message will disappear once your data has been copied to Panorama Public. Any changes that you make in the folder, such as adding/removing Skyline documents or wiki pages, or changing the layout of the page will also get copied when a copy is made to Panorama Public. At the bottom of the page, in the <b class="bold">Submission</b> table, you will see the <b class="bold">Access Link</b> that you created for this experiment. The <b class="bold">Copied</b> column, circled below will be blank until a copy has been made successfully.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cf1b7368-b712-103a-a967-fea6ddf5e15e&amp;name=CopyPending.png" title="CopyPending.png"><p class="paragraph"/>Once the data has been copied this column will display the date when the data was copied. You will also receive an email informing you that the data was successfully copied to Panorama Public. At that point if you click on the value in the <b class="bold">Access Link</b> column you will be taken to the folder where your data was copied on Panorama Public and you can verify that the data, folder layout, and views were copied accurately.<p class="paragraph"/>Requests to copy data are handled by Panorama Public administrators within a week of submission. Once your data has been successfully copied to Panorama Public you will receive a confirmation email. If you requested that your data on Panorama Public be kept private (e.g. for a manuscript under peer review), the confirmation email will also include reviewer account details. You can pass on the account details to the journal where you are submitting your manuscript.<p class="paragraph"/><a name="reference"></a> <h3 class="heading-1">Reference List</h3><p class="paragraph"/>&#49;. Abbatiello, S. E., Mani, D. R., Schilling, B., MacLean, B., Zimmerman, L. J., Feng, X., … Carr, S. A. (2013). Design, Implementation and Multisite Evaluation of a System Suitability Protocol for the Quantitative Assessment of Instrument Performance in Liquid Chromatography-Multiple Reaction Monitoring-MS (LC-MRM-MS). Molecular &#38; Cellular Proteomics : MCP, 12(9), 2623–2639. doi:10.1074/mcp.M112.027078<p class="paragraph"/><div style="color:darkred;border: 1px solid #DDDDDD; font-size: 14px; line-height: 1.2; padding: 10px 20px; margin: 0 20px 10px 20px;"> On Oct 20, 2015, the Skyline and Panorama Teams produced <span class="nobr"><a href="">Webinar #11: Panorama Public and Panorama AutoQC</a></span>, another great resource to learn more about some of the new aspects of Panorama. </div></div><br><br> <hr size=1> <h3><a name="webinars"></a>Webinars</h3><br> <div class="labkey-wiki"><!-- updated links to LabKey hosted videos on 6/13/2023 --> <table class="format" style="width: 100%;"> <tbody> <tr> <td><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><img align="left" alt="" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=4efbd81f-7b54-1033-ba92-3013bb9b0495&amp;name=AutoQC%20-%20title.png" style="margin-right: 10px; margin-top: 10px; border: 1px solid;"></a> <p> <strong>Panorama Webinar hosted by LabKey (June 29, 2021) <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">System Suitability Best Practices with Skyline and Panorama webinar -</a></strong> </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><img align="left" alt="" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=4efbd81f-7b54-1033-ba92-3013bb9b0495&amp;name=IntroToPan17_2.png" style="margin-right: 10px; margin-top: 10px; border: 1px solid;"></a> <p> <strong>Panorama Webinar hosted by LabKey (September 21, 2017) <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Introduction to Panorama</a></strong> </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><img align="left" alt="" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=4efbd81f-7b54-1033-ba92-3013bb9b0495&amp;name=SkylineWebinar11.png" style="margin-right: 10px; margin-top: 10px; border: 1px solid;"></a> <p> <strong>Skyline Tutorial Webinar #11 (October 20, 2015) <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Panorama Public and Panorama AutoQC</a></strong> </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><img align="left" alt="" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=4efbd81f-7b54-1033-ba92-3013bb9b0495&amp;name=LargeDataset-title.png" style="margin-right: 10px; margin-top: 10px; border: 1px solid;"></a> <p> <strong>Webinar August 19, 2014<a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Panorama: Managing and Analyzing Large Datasets</a></strong> </p> </td> </tr> <tr> <td><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><img align="left" alt="" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=4efbd81f-7b54-1033-ba92-3013bb9b0495&amp;name=KnowledgeBase-title.png" style="margin-right: 10px; margin-top: 10px; border: 1px solid;"></a> <p> <strong>Webinar August 8, 2013:<a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"> Panorama targeted proteomics knowledge base</a></strong> </p> </td> </tr></tbody> </table></div><br><br> <hr size=1> <h3><a name="webinar6"></a>System Suitability Best Practices With Skyline &amp; Panorama</h3><br> <div class="labkey-wiki"><p> <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><img alt="" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=408234eb-d226-1039-937c-fea6ddf55d1e&amp;name=AutoQC%20-%20title.png" style="margin-bottom: 10px; border: 1px solid;"></a> </p> <p> <strong>Panorama Webinar hosted by LabKey (June 29, 2021) <br> <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">System Suitability Best Practices with Skyline and Panorama webinar</a></strong> </p></div><br><br> <hr size=1> <h3><a name="webinar5"></a>Introduction to Panorama 17.2</h3><br> <div class="labkey-wiki"><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><img align="top" alt="" src=";name=IntroToPan17_2.png" style="margin-right: 10px; margin-top: 10px; border: 1px solid;"></a> <br> <p> <strong>Panorama Webinar hosted by LabKey (September 21, 2017) <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Introduction to Panorama 17.2</a></strong> </p></div><br><br> <hr size=1> <h3><a name="webinar4"></a>Panorama Public and Panorama AutoQC</h3><br> <div class="labkey-wiki"><p> <a href="" target="_blank"> <img alt="" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=4efbe795-7b54-1033-ba92-3013bb9b0495&amp;name=SkylineWebinar11.png" style="margin-right:20px;margin-top:10px; margin-right:10px; border:1px solid"> </a> </p> <p><strong>Skyline Webinar #11 (October 20, 2015)<br> <a href="" target="_blank">Panorama Public and Panorama AutoQC </a></strong><br> </p></div><br><br> <hr size=1> <h3><a name="webinar1"></a>Panorama: An Introduction</h3><br> <div class="labkey-wiki"><strong>Webinar: Introduction to Panorama for Targeted Proteomics Research<br> </strong><li><strong><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Panorama: An Introduction</a></strong> </li></div><br><br> <hr size=1> <h3><a name="webinar3"></a>Panorama: Managing and Analyzing Large Datasets</h3><br> <div class="labkey-wiki"><p> <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><img align="left" alt="" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=4efbe780-7b54-1033-ba92-3013bb9b0495&amp;name=LargeDataset-title.png" style="margin-right: 10px; margin-top: 10px; border: 1px solid;"></a> </p> <p> <strong>Webinar August 19, 2014<br><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Panorama: Managing and Analyzing Large Datasets</a></strong> </p> [<a href="/labkey/_webdav/home/%40files/Panorama%20%28Webinar%202014-08-19%29.pdf" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">slides</a>] <br> <br></div><br><br> <hr size=1> <h3><a name="webinar2"></a>Panorama Targeted Proteomics Knowledge Base</h3><br> <div class="labkey-wiki"><p> <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><img align="left" alt="" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=4efbe76e-7b54-1033-ba92-3013bb9b0495&amp;name=KnowledgeBase-title.png" style="margin-right: 10px; margin-top: 10px; border: 1px solid;"></a> </p> <p> <strong>Webinar August 8, 2013:<br><a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"> Panorama targeted proteomics knowledge base</a></strong> </p></div><br><br> <hr size=1> <h3><a name="publications"></a>Publications</h3><br> <div class="labkey-wiki"><h3 class="heading-1">Peer reviewed manuscripts</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li><b class="bold">Panorama: A Targeted Proteomics Knowledge Base.</b> <i class="italic">Sharma V, Eckels J, Taylor GK, Shulman NJ, Stergachis AB, Joyner SA, Yan P, Whiteaker JR, Halusa GN, Schilling B, Gibson BW, Colangelo CM, Paulovich AG, Carr SA, Jaffe JD, MacCoss MJ, MacLean B</i>. Journal of Proteome Research. 2014 <span class="nobr"><a target="_blank" href="">&#91;abstract&#93;</a></span> <span class="nobr"><a target="_blank" href="">&#91;pdf&#93;</a></span></li> <li><b class="bold">Panorama Public: A public repository for quantitative data sets processed in Skyline.</b> <i class="italic">Vagisha Sharma, Josh Eckels, Birgit Schilling, Christina Ludwig, Jacob D. Jaffe, Michael J. MacCoss and Brendan MacLean.</i> Molecular and Cellular Proteomics. 2018 <span class="nobr"><a target="_blank" href="">&#91;abstract&#93;</a></span> <span class="nobr"><a target="_blank" href="">&#91;pdf&#93;</a></span></li> <li><b class="bold">An Automated Pipeline to Monitor System Performance in Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry Proteomic Experiments.</b> <i class="italic">Michael S. Bereman, Joshua Beri, Vagisha Sharma, Cory Nathe, Josh Eckels, Brendan MacLean, Michael J. MacCoss.</i> Journal of Proteome Research. 2016 <span class="nobr"><a target="_blank" href="">&#91;abstract&#93;</a></span> <span class="nobr"><a target="_blank" href="">&#91;pdf&#93;</a></span></li> </ul><h3 class="heading-1">Posters</h3> <ul class="minus"> <li><b class="bold">Panorama Public: ProteomeXchange and Cloud Storage Integration.</b> <i class="italic">Sharma V, Connolly B, Eckels J, Bradlee D, Omaiye A, MacCoss MJ, MacLean B.</i> ASMS Poster. 2019 <span class="nobr"><a target="_blank" href="/_webdav/home/%40files/ASMS_2019_PanoramaPublic.pdf">&#91;pdf&#93;</a></span></li> <li><b class="bold">Customizable quality control metrics and notifications with Panorama, AutoQC, and Skyline.</b> <i class="italic">Eckels J, Sharma V, Pradere M, Juneja A, Omaiye A, Nathe C, Jewargikar S, MacCoss MJ, MacLean B.</i> ASMS Poster. 2019 <span class="nobr"><a target="_blank" href="/_webdav/home/%40files/2019-ASMS-Panorama-QC-update.pdf">&#91;pdf&#93;</a></span></li> <li><b class="bold">Audit Logs to enforce document integrity in Skyline and Panorama .</b> <i class="italic">Rhode T, Chupalov R, Shulman N, Sharma V, Eckels J, Pratt BS, MacCoss MJ, MacLean B.</i> ASMS Poster. 2019 <span class="nobr"><a target="_blank" href="/_webdav/home/%40files/ASMS-2019-Audit-Logging.pdf">&#91;pdf&#93;</a></span></li> <li><b class="bold">Managing Small Molecule Targeted Mass Spec Assays using Skyline and Panorama.</b> <i class="italic">Eckels J, Sharma V, Pratt B, Dunkley T, Wildsmith K, Anania V, Li Q, Nathe C, Patel B, MacCoss MJ, MacLean B</i>. ASMS Poster. 2016 <span class="nobr"><a target="_blank" href="/_webdav/home/%40files/2016-ASMS-Panorama-small-molecule-poster-v5.pdf">&#91;pdf&#93;</a></span></li> <li><b class="bold">Performing quality control on targeted proteomics assays using Skyline and Panorama.</b> <i class="italic">Eckels J, Sharma V, Boss Y, Shi H, Dunkley T, Wildsmith K, Nathe C, Robinson A, Johnson R, Jaffe JD, MacCoss MJ, MacLean B</i>. ASMS Poster. 2015 <span class="nobr"><a target="_blank" href="/labkey/_webdav/home/%40files/2015-ASMS-Panorama-QC-poster.pdf">&#91;pdf&#93;</a></span></li> <li><b class="bold">Panorama Public: A public repository for Skyline documents.</b> <i class="italic">Sharma V, Eckels J, Schilling B, Jaffe JD, MacCoss MJ, Brendan MacLean</i>. ASMS Poster. 2015 <span class="nobr"><a target="_blank" href="/_webdav/home/%40files/ASMS_2015_PanoramaPublic_42x56.pdf">&#91;pdf&#93;</a></span></li> <li><b class="bold">Sharing targeted proteomics assays using Skyline and Panorama.</b> <i class="italic">Eckels J, Sharma V, MacLean B, Taylor GK, Shulman NJ, Stergachis AB, Joyner SA, Jaffe JD, MacCoss MJ.</i> ASMS Poster. 2013 <span class="nobr"><a target="_blank" href="/labkey/_webdav/home/%40files/2013-ASMS-Panorama.pdf">&#91;pdf&#93;</a></span></li> <li><b class="bold">Panorama: A Private Repository of Targeted Proteomics Assays for Skyline.</b> <i class="italic">Sharma V, MacLean B, Eckels J, Stergachis AB, Jaffe JD, MacCoss MJ.</i> ASMS Poster. 2012 <span class="nobr"><a target="_blank" href="/_webdav/home/%40files/2012-ASMS-Panorama_poster_small.pdf">&#91;pdf&#93;</a></span></li> </ul></div><br><br> <hr size=1> <h3><a name="Dashboard"></a>Dashboard</h3><br> <div class="labkey-wiki"><div style="font-weight:bold; font-size:16px;text-decoration:underline;">Projects on PanoramaWeb</div> <div>PanoramaWeb currently hosts projects for <span id="totalProjects"></span> labs.</div> <div style="margin:10px 10px 50px 0px;"><div id="projectsSplineChart"></div></div> <div style="font-weight:bold; font-size:16px;text-decoration:underline;">Skyline Documents on PanoramaWeb</div> <div><span id="totalDocs"></span> Skyline documents have been uploaded to PanoramaWeb.</div> <div style="margin:10px 10px 0 0;"><div id="docsSplineChart"></div></div> <!-- c3 requires this particular version of d3 --> <script nonce="907b99d64c23666739e2e94c213de340" src=""></script> <script nonce="907b99d64c23666739e2e94c213de340" type="text/javascript"> LABKEY.requiresCss("/pwebdashboard/c3.css"); LABKEY.requiresCss("/pwebdashboard/dashboard.css"); var startYear = 2013; var currentDate = new Date(); var currentYear = currentDate.getFullYear(); var currentMonth = currentDate.getMonth(); // We will not plot the current month as the values will be 0 or close to 0 depending on when the reports were exported. var numMonths = ((currentYear - startYear) * 12) + currentDate.getMonth(); // month is 0-based. January is 0 LABKEY.requiresScript("/pwebdashboard/c3.js", function() { LABKEY.Query.selectRows({ schemaName: 'lists', queryName: 'ProjectsByMonth_02.01.25', success: createProjectCharts, failure: onFailure }); LABKEY.Query.selectRows({ schemaName: 'lists', queryName: 'RunsByMonth_02.01.25', containerFilter : LABKEY.Query.containerFilter.allFolders, sort: 'Month,Year', success: createDocsSplineChart, failure: onFailure }); }); function createDocsSplineChart(data) { console.log("numMonths" + numMonths); var months = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']; var rows = data.rows; var points_total = ['Total documents']; var points_exp = ['Experimental']; var points_qc = ['QC']; var points_lib = ['Library']; for(var i = 0; i < numMonths; i++) { points_total.push(0); points_exp.push(0); points_qc.push(0); points_lib.push(0); } var totalDocuments = 0; for(var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { var row = rows[i]; var year = row.Year - startYear; var month = row.Month; if(row.Year === currentYear && month === (currentMonth+1)) { // Don't plot the current month as that will just show up as a "no growth". continue; } points_total[(year * 12) + month] = row.Documents; points_exp[(year * 12) + month] = row.ExpDocs; points_qc[(year * 12) + month] = row.QcDocs; points_lib[(year * 12) + month] = row.LibDocs; totalDocuments += row.Documents; } document.getElementById("totalDocs").innerHTML = totalDocuments; for(var i = 2; i < points_total.length; i++) { points_total[i] = points_total[i] + points_total[i - 1]; points_exp[i] = points_exp[i] + points_exp[i - 1]; points_qc[i] = points_qc[i] + points_qc[i - 1]; points_lib[i] = points_lib[i] + points_lib[i - 1]; } var chart = c3.generate({ bindto: '#docsSplineChart', size: {width: 700, height: 400}, data: { columns: [points_total, points_exp, points_qc, points_lib], type: 'area-spline' //groups: [['Experimental', 'QC', 'Library']], //colors: {'Experimental': '#0000ff', 'QC': '#00ff00', 'Library': '#ff0000'}, }, grid: {y: {show: true}}, axis: { x: { tick: { culling: false, format: function(x) { var v = parseInt(x); var year = parseInt((v / 12) + startYear); return (v % 12) === 6 ? year : '' } } } }, tooltip: { format: { title: function(x) { var month = months[x% 12]; var year = startYear + parseInt(x/ 12); return month + " " + year; } } } }); chart.regions.add([{axis: 'x', start: 0, end: 11, class: 'c3-region-teal'}, {axis: 'x', start: 23, end: 35, class: 'c3-region-teal'}, {axis: 'x', start: 47, end: 59, class: 'c3-region-teal'}, {axis: 'x', start: 71, end: 83, class: 'c3-region-teal'}, {axis: 'x', start: 95, end: 107, class: 'c3-region-teal'}, {axis: 'x', start: 119, end: 131, class: 'c3-region-teal'}, {axis: 'x', start: 143, end: 155, class: 'c3-region-teal'}]); } function createProjectCharts(data) { createProjectSplineChart(data); } function createProjectSplineChart(data) { var months = ['Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec']; var rows = data.rows; points = ['projects']; for(var i = 0; i < numMonths; i++) {points.push(0);} var totalProjects = 0; for(var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { var row = rows[i]; var year = row.Year - startYear; var month = row.Month; if(row.Year === currentYear && month === (currentMonth+1)) { // Don't plot the current month as that will just show up as a "no growth". continue; } points[(year * 12) + month] = row.Num; totalProjects += row.Num; } document.getElementById("totalProjects").innerHTML = totalProjects; for(var i = 2; i < points.length; i++) { points[i] = points[i] + points[i - 1]; } var chart = c3.generate({ bindto: '#projectsSplineChart', size: {width: 700, height: 400}, data: { columns: [points], type: 'area-spline' }, axis: { x: { tick: { culling: false, format: function(x) { var v = parseInt(x); var year = parseInt((v / 12) + startYear); return (v % 12) === 6 ? year : '' } } } }, tooltip: { format: { value: function(value, ratio, id, index) { var month = months[index % 12]; var year = startYear + parseInt(index / 12); return month + " " + year + ", " + value; } } }, grid: {y: {show: true}}, legend: {show: false} }); chart.regions.add([{axis: 'x', start: 0, end: 11, class: 'c3-region-teal'}, {axis: 'x', start: 23, end: 35, class: 'c3-region-teal'}, {axis: 'x', start: 47, end: 59, class: 'c3-region-teal'}, {axis: 'x', start: 71, end: 83, class: 'c3-region-teal'}, {axis: 'x', start: 95, end: 107, class: 'c3-region-teal'}, {axis: 'x', start: 119, end: 131, class: 'c3-region-teal'}, {axis: 'x', start: 143, end: 155, class: 'c3-region-teal'}]); } function onFailure(errorInfo, options, responseObj) { if (errorInfo && errorInfo.exception) alert("Failure: " + errorInfo.exception); else alert("Failure: " + responseObj.statusText); } </script></div><br><br> <hr size=1> <h3><a name="examples"></a>Example Data</h3><br> <div class="labkey-wiki"><div><strong>System suitability</strong></div> <ul> <li><a href="/project/home/Example%20Data/System%20Suitability/begin.view?">System suitability example</a> using data from the <a href="">SProCoP</a> tutorial</li> <li><a href="/project/home/Example%20Data/System%20Suitability%202/begin.view?">System suitability example</a> using data published in <a href="">An Automated Pipeline to Monitor System Performance in Liquid Chromatography Tandem Mass Spectrometry Proteomic Experiments</a>.</li> <li><a href="/MSstatsQC.url">System suitability example</a> using data published in <a href="">MSstatsQC: Longitudinal system suitability monitoring and quality control for targeted proteomic experiments</a>.</li> <li><a href="/project/home/Example%20Data/Lindsay%27s%20Real%20World%20System%20Suitability/begin.view?">Lindsay Pino's real world system suitability data</a></li> <li><a href="/project/home/Example%20Data/7x5%20QC/begin.view?">System suitability example</a> using isotopologue tracking via a Pierce&trade; LC-MS/MS System Suitability Standard (7 x 5 Mix)</li> <li>Custom metric example: <a href="">add a metric for peptide identification counts</a></li> </ul> <div><strong>Chromatogram library</strong></div> <ul> <li><a href="/home/Example%20Data/Chromatogram%20Library/project-begin.view?">Chromatogram library example</a> from completing the <a href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=chromatogram_libraries">chromatogram library tutorial</a>.</li> <li><a href="/home/Example%20Data/Reproducibility%20Reporting/project-begin.view?">Example reproducibility report</a></li> </ul> <div><strong>Multi Attribute Method (MAM)</strong></div> <ul> <li><a href="/home/Example%20Data/Multi%20Attribute%20Method/project-begin.view?">Specialized reporting for Multi Attribute Method (MAM) analysis</a></li> </ul> <div><strong>Small molecule</strong></div> <ul> <li><a href="/Panorama%20Public/2021/NCSU%20Baker%20Lab%20-%20Lipid%20Libraries/targetedms-showPrecursorList.view?id=104872">Lipidomics library, including iRT and ion mobility filtering</a> (<a href="">Kirkwood, K; Baker, E. et al.</a>)</li> <li><a href="/Panorama%20Public/2019/Gundry%20Lab%20-%20CM%20Glyco%20Diff%20Manuscript/targetedms-showPrecursorList.view?id=73956">Glycan structure libraries of primary human cardiomyocytes and pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes</a> (<a href="/Panorama%20Public/2019/Gundry%20Lab%20-%20CM%20Glyco%20Diff%20Manuscript/project-begin.view">Ashwood, C; Gundry, R; et al.</a>)</li> <li><a href="/targetedms/home/Example%20Data/showPrecursorList.view?id=24589">Analysis of cross-linked peptide pairs</a> - (<a href="">Chavez, J.D. et al.</a>) (also <a href="/project/Panorama%20Public/2016/Bruce%20-%20PRM_XL_manuscript/begin.view?">view in Panorama Public</a>)</li> </ul> <div><strong>Experimental data</strong></div> <ul> <li><a href="/targetedms/home/Example%20Data/showPrecursorList.view?id=19873">Yeast SILAC data from MRMer experiment</a> (<a href="" target="_blank">Martin, D. B., et al.</a>)</li> <li>Data from inter-laboratory studies of the <a href="">CPTAC</a> Verification Working Group (<a href="">Addona, T.A. et al.</a>)</li> <ul> <li><a href="/targetedms/home/Example%20Data/showPrecursorList.view?id=4">Study 7 - Data from site 56</a></li> <li><a href="/targetedms/home/Example%20Data/showPrecursorList.view?id=3">Study 7 - Data from site 52</a></li> <li><a href="/targetedms/home/Example%20Data/showPrecursorList.view?id=23810">Study 9 - Data from site 56A</a> - includes calibration curves</li> </ul> <li><a href="/targetedms/home/Example%20Data/showPrecursorList.view?id=5">Assays for human transcription factors</a> (<a href="">Stergachis, A.B. et al.</a>)</li> </ul> <div>&nbsp;</div> <p>Developers with experience creating SQL queries, R, Perl, Python or other scripts may be interested in exploring the <a href="/labkey/query/home/Example%20Data/begin.view#sbh-ssp-targetedms">Query Schema Browser</a> to see the underlying data structures exposed for SQL queries, especially the queries in the targetedms schema, or <a href="">LabKey Server client API</a> requests.</p></div><br><br> <hr size=1> <h3><a name="related"></a>Related</h3><br> <div class="labkey-wiki"><p> <strong>Skyline</strong> <br> Learn more about <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">Skyline</a> software for large-scale proteomics studies. <br> <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><img src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=2cc8d9b8-86e4-1030-bc9c-3013bb9bac3b&amp;name=logo_skyline.png"></a> </p> <p> <strong>LabKey Server</strong> <br> Learn more about <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">LabKey Server</a>: Data management software built with scientists, for scientists. <br> <a href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank"><img src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=2cc8d9b8-86e4-1030-bc9c-3013bb9bac3b&amp;name=logo_labkey.png"></a> </p></div><br><br> <hr size=1> <h3><a name="University of Washington"></a>University of Washington</h3><br> <div class="labkey-wiki"><p><a href="" target="_blank">Terms of Use</a></p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">Privacy Statement</a></p></div><br><br> <hr size=1> <h3><a name="archived_docs"></a>Archived</h3><br> <div class="labkey-wiki"><div class="yellownote">The documentation under this node are for an older version for Panorama Public</div></div><br><br> <hr size=1> <h3><a name="panorama_public_old"></a>Tutorial: Submitting Supplementary Data to Panorama Public</h3><br> <div class="labkey-wiki"><div class="yellownote">This tutorial is outdated. View the current tutorial at <a class="link" href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=panorama_public">Submitting Supplementary Data to Panorama Public</a>.</div> <ul class="minus"> <li><a class="link" href="#overview">Overview</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="#start">Getting Started</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="#folder">Creating a Folder in Panorama</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="#upload">Uploading Skyline Documents to Panorama</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="#customize">Customizing Grid Views in Panorama</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="#wiki">Creating Wiki Pages on Panorama</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="#publish">Submitting to Panorama Public</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="#reference">Reference List</a></li> </ul><a name="overview"></a> <h3 class="heading-1">Overview</h3><p class="paragraph"/>PanoramaWeb (<span class="nobr"><a href=""><span class="nobr"><a href="">&#104;ttps://</a></span></a></span>), the public Panorama server hosted at the University of Washington is being increasingly used by researchers to host data processed in Skyline for sharing with collaborators and for referencing in published papers. Users on PanoramaWeb are given their own projects over which they have full administrative control. The ease of uploading Skyline documents to Panorama combined with the ability to configure permissions and folder structure makes PanoramaWeb an attractive choice for hosting and sharing data from Skyline centric workflows. It also makes it possible for users to provide public access to data for fulfilling journal submission requirements. Several papers have already been published that reference supplementary Skyline documents hosted on PanoramaWeb. However, data in user projects remains under the control of the user, and may be edited or deleted post publication.<p class="paragraph"/>To address this concern, PanoramaWeb now hosts a public repository called "Panorama Public" where users may submit supplementary data contained in their projects on PanoramaWeb. The repository provides a permanent location for data to be referenced in publications. Upon submission, a copy of the data contained in the user project is made to Panorama Public. This copy includes user interface elements such as wiki pages, charts and other supplementary figures which were added by the user to their project. Data copied to Panorama Public is read-only, ensuring its availability in the original form accepted for publication. Permissions to the data in Panorama Public are managed as required -- private with access to reviewers while the manuscript is in review and public after the paper has been accepted.<p class="paragraph"/>In this tutorial you will you will prepare a folder on PanoramaWeb for submitting to Panorama Public. This will involve uploading documents related to a manuscript and building a custom user interface around the data. Finally, you will go through the steps of submitting the folder to Panorama Public. A large part of this tutorial covers adding custom user interface elements to enhance the presentation and provide context to the supplementary data contained in a folder on PanoramaWeb. If you already have a folder that is ready for publication, you can skip to the section "Submitting to Panorama Public" that covers the steps required for submitting data to Panorama Public.<p class="paragraph"/>In this tutorial you will use several features that are part of LabKey Server (<span class="nobr"><a href=""><span class="nobr"><a href="">&#104;ttps://</a></span></a></span>), the data management platform behind Panorama, to create a user interface for your supplementary data on PanoramaWeb. Links to detailed documentation provided by on individual features are included in the tutorial in yellow boxes like the one below. Please note that these links are not part of the tutorial and are only meant to provide more detailed information on a particular feature in LabKey Server. The link below takes you to the main documentation page on<p class="paragraph"/> <div style="background-color:#FFF6D8; border: 1px solid #DDDDDD; font-size: 14px; line-height: 1.2; padding: 10px 20px; margin: 0 20px 10px 20px;"> <img class="radeox-image" src=";name=logoLK.svg"> Documentation Home: <span class="nobr"><a href=""><span class="nobr"><a href="">&#104;ttps://</a></span></a></span> </div><p class="paragraph"/><a name="start"></a> <h3 class="heading-1">Getting Started</h3><p class="paragraph"/>To start the tutorial, download the following ZIP file: <ul class="minus"> <li><a class="link" href="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=0c8b91ae-cd7c-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;"></a></li> </ul>Extract the files to a folder on your computer, like: <div class="code"><pre>C:&#92;Users&#89;our_Username&#92;Documents</pre></div><p class="paragraph"/>This will create a new folder: <div class="code"><pre>C:&#92;Users&#92;Your_Username&#92;Documents&#92;SubmitToPanoramaPublic</pre></div><p class="paragraph"/>It will contain all the necessary files for this tutorial.<p class="paragraph"/>The data used in this tutorial was published in <a class="link" href="#reference">Abbatiello et al. 2013</a>, where the authors described a system suitability protocol (SSP) that helps to ensure reproducible analyte quantification measurements within a lab or across multiple laboratories with different MS instrument platforms. The SSP was evaluated in 11 laboratories on a total of 15 different instruments, and the data analyzed in Skyline. The resulting Skyline documents were uploaded to PanoramaWeb and made publicly available at: <ul class="minus"> <li><span class="nobr"><a href=""><span class="nobr"><a href="">&#104;ttps://</a></span></a></span></li> </ul>The data for this tutorial contains Skyline documents from 3 of the participating laboratories, of which one used a ThermoFisher TSQ Vantage instrument and the other two used the SCIEX 4000 QTRAP instrument.<p class="paragraph"/>In the following sections you will: <ul class="minus"> <li>Create a folder on PanoramaWeb and upload Skyline documents to the folder.</li> <li>Add wiki pages with text, supplementary figures and tables.</li> <li>Prepare the folder for submission by providing an abstract, organism, instrument information etc.</li> <li>Submit to Panorama Public.</li> </ul><a name="sign"></a> <h3 class="heading-1">Signing Up for an Account on PanoramaWeb</h3><p class="paragraph"/>This tutorial assumes that you will be working in a sub-folder of the "Tutorials" project on PanoramaWeb, the Panorama server hosted by the MacCoss lab at the University of Washington. However, if you already have a project on this server, you are welcome to work in a sub-folder of your project, and skip to the next step.<p class="paragraph"/>To request a folder on PanoramaWeb for working through this tutorial, fill out the sign-up form on this page: <ul class="minus"> <li><span class="nobr"><a href=""><span class="nobr"><a href="">&#104;ttps://</a></span></a></span></li> <li>Fill in the required fields, marked with a red asterisk, in the form shown below.</li> <li>Enter "Tutorials" in the <b class="bold">Group name</b>.</li> <li>Click <b class="bold">Submit</b>.</li> </ul> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=0c8b91ae-cd7c-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=SharingSky3.PNG" title="SharingSky3.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>Once your request is approved, a folder with full administrative rights will be created for you in the "Tutorials" project on PanoramaWeb. You will also receive a welcoming email with a link to complete your account registration by choosing a password.<p class="paragraph"/><a name="folder"></a> <h3 class="heading-1">Creating a Folder in Panorama</h3><p class="paragraph"/>Sign in to PanoramaWeb at <span class="nobr"><a href=""><span class="nobr"><a href="">&#104;ttps://</a></span></a></span> with your username and password. If you are working in the "Tutorials" project follow these steps to navigate to your folder under this project: <ul class="minus"> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Projects</b> tab in the upper right corner (shown below) to see a list of all the projects to which you have access on the server.</li> <li>Click the "Tutorials" project.</li> <li>On the project homepage, hover over the project name in the menu bar below the Panorama icon and click on the folder that was created for you. We will use "Your_Username" as the folder name only as an example. Your folder name will be different.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=0c8b91ae-cd7c-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=SharingSky5.PNG" title="SharingSky5.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/><div style="color:darkred;border: 1px solid #DDDDDD; font-size: 14px; font-weight:bold; line-height: 1.2; padding: 10px 20px; margin: 0 20px 10px 20px;"> NOTE: Most of the Panorama features that you will explore in the rest of the tutorial require that you have administrative permissions in the folder that you are working in. If you are working in your sub-folder in the "Tutorials" project you are the administrator of the folder. If, however, you are working in another project on PanoramaWeb you must contact your project administrator to ensure that you have administrative permissions. </div><p class="paragraph"/>You will now create a subfolder where you will upload Skyline documents and add other supplementary information for a manuscript. To create a sub-folder for this tutorial, do the following: <ul class="minus"> <li>Click the new folder icon shown in the image below.</li> </ul> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=0c8b91ae-cd7c-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=SharingSky6.PNG" title="SharingSky6.PNG"> <ul class="minus"> <li>In the <b class="bold">Create Folder</b> form, enter "System Suitability Study" in the folder <b class="bold">Name</b> field.</li> <li>Select the <b class="bold">Panorama</b> option under <b class="bold">Folder Type</b>, as shown below.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=0c8b91ae-cd7c-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Publish1.PNG" title="Publish1.PNG"> <ul class="minus"> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Next</b> button.</li> <li>On the <b class="bold">Users/Permissions</b> page accept the default selection <b class="bold">(Inherit From Parent Folder)</b>.</li> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Next</b> button.</li> <li>On the <b class="bold">Configure Panorama Folder</b> page accept the default selection <b class="bold">(Experimental data)</b>.</li> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Finish</b> button.</li> </ul>After successful folder creation, you will be taken to the home page of the "System Suitability Study" folder. You are now ready to upload Skyline documents to this folder.<p class="paragraph"/><a name="upload"></a> <h3 class="heading-1">Uploading Skyline Documents to Panorama</h3><p class="paragraph"/>From the tutorial files downloaded earlier, open the "" file in Skyline either by double-clicking on the file in Windows Explorer or in Skyline, on the <b class="bold">File</b> menu, click <b class="bold">Open</b> (<span class="key">Ctrl-O).</span> This file contains measured results for 22 peptides from one of the participating labs in the system suitability study (<a class="link" href="#reference">Abbatiello et al. 2013</a>). To upload this document to the folder you just created on Panorama, follow these steps: <ul class="minus"> <li>Click on the <b class="bold">Upload to Panorama</b> button in the Skyline toolbar, shown in the image below. Alternatively, on the <b class="bold">File</b> menu, click <b class="bold">Upload to Panorama</b>.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=0c8b91ae-cd7c-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Skyline_ways_to_upload_to_Panorama.png" title="Skyline_ways_to_upload_to_Panorama.png"><p class="paragraph"/>If you have not yet set up a Panorama server in Skyline, you will see the following message.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=0c8b91ae-cd7c-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Skyline_no_panorama_servers.png" title="Skyline_no_panorama_servers.png"> <ul class="minus"> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Continue</b> button.</li> </ul>Do the following in the <b class="bold">Edit Server</b> form: <ul class="minus"> <li>Enter "&#104;ttps://" in the URL field.</li> <li>Enter your email address and password on PanoramaWeb.</li> <li>Click the <b class="bold">OK</b> button.</li> </ul>Skyline will display a <b class="bold">Upload Document</b> form with the folders available to you on PanoramaWeb.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=0c8b91ae-cd7c-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Publish2.PNG" title="Publish2.PNG"> <ul class="minus"> <li>In the Panorama Folders field, navigate to and select the "System Suitability Study" folder that you just created on Panorama.</li> <li>Click the <b class="bold">OK</b> button.</li> </ul>Wait for the document import to complete. When asked whether you want to view the file in Panorama, click <b class="bold">No</b>. Follow the same steps to upload the other two Skyline files in the tutorial data – "" and "" to your "System Suitability Study" folder on PanoramaWeb.<p class="paragraph"/>Once all three documents have been imported into Panorama, go back to the web-browser where the home page of the "System Suitability Study" folder should still be open. Refresh the page (F5 in most browsers) and you will see the three files that you just uploaded in the Targeted MS Runs table.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=0c8b91ae-cd7c-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Publish3.PNG" title="Publish3.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/><a name="customize"></a> <h3 class="heading-1">Customizing Grid Views in Panorama</h3><p class="paragraph"/>Click on "" in the <b class="bold">Targeted MS Runs</b> table to open the details page for the document. The <b class="bold">Precursor List</b> table on this page displays a list of precursors in this Skyline document. The <b class="bold">Precursor Note/Annotations</b> column in the table, highlighted in the image below, is blank since the researchers did not define any custom precursor annotations in this document.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=0c8b91ae-cd7c-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Publish4.PNG" title="Publish4.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>Do the following to hide this column from the default grid view: <ul class="minus"> <li>Click the <b class="bold"><span class="fa fa-table"></span> (Grid Views)</b> button at the top of the table, just under the <b class="bold">Precursor List</b> title.</li> <li>Select <b class="bold">Customize Grid</b> from the drop-down menu.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=0c8b91ae-cd7c-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Publish5.PNG" title="Publish5.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>In the customization form that appears, you will see a <b class="bold">Selected Fields</b> panel, to the right, that lists the columns that are currently displayed. <ul class="minus"> <li>Scroll down, then hover over <b class="bold">Precursor Note/Annotations</b> below <b class="bold">Precursor</b> in the <b class="bold">Selected Fields</b> panel and click the <b class="bold"><span class="fa fa-times"></span></b> (remove) icon.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=0c8b91ae-cd7c-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Publish6.PNG" title="Publish6.PNG"> <ul class="minus"> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Save</b> button.</li> <li>In the <b class="bold">Save Custom View</b> form, check <b class="bold">Make this grid view available to all users</b>.</li> </ul>This will ensure all users with access to this folder see the same table columns. <ul class="minus"> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Save</b> button.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=0c8b91ae-cd7c-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=SharingSky21.PNG" title="SharingSky21.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>The Precursor Note/Annotations columns should no longer be displayed, as shown below:<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=0c8b91ae-cd7c-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Publish7.PNG" title="Publish7.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>Go back to the home page of the "System Suitability Study" folder by clicking on the <b class="bold"><span class="fa fa-folder-o"></span> folder-name</b> link near the top of the page as shown here:<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=0c8b91ae-cd7c-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Publish8.PNG" title="Publish8.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/><div class="note"> TIP: This folder name link is provided on all pages within the folder except the main home page and provides a quick way to navigate to the home page of that folder. </div><p class="paragraph"/><br/><p class="paragraph"/>Click on "" in the <b class="bold">Targeted MS Runs</b> table. The default view for the <b class="bold">Precursor List</b> table for this document should not have the <b class="bold">Precursor Note/Annotations</b> column. Custom grid views defined once in a folder apply to all Skyline documents uploaded to the folder. The "default" grid we saved our changes to is shown by default.<p class="paragraph"/> <div style="background-color:#FFF6D8; border: 1px solid #DDDDDD; font-size: 14px; line-height: 1.2; padding: 10px 20px; margin: 0 20px 10px 20px;"> <img class="radeox-image" src=";name=logoLK.svg"> Customize Grid Views: <span class="nobr"><a href=""><span class="nobr"><a href="">&#104;ttps://</a></span></a></span> </div><p class="paragraph"/><a name="wiki"></a> <h3 class="heading-1">Creating Wiki Pages on Panorama</h3><p class="paragraph"/>Wiki pages allow you to add content, including file attachments, to your folders on Panorama. You will now create a wiki page to display a supplementary figure (Supplementary Figure 3A) from the original paper along with a figure caption. This figure displays normalized peak areas for the 9 best peptides identified in the study (<a class="link" href="#reference">Abbatiello et al. 2013</a>), across 10 replicates in each site. The original figure has a plot for each of the 15 sites in the study. "SupplFig_3A.png" in the tutorial files has plots for the 3 sites for which Skyline files are included in the tutorial.<p class="paragraph"/>Navigate back to the "System Suitability Study" folder home page. To add a wiki page in the folder, we first need to enter "Page Admin Mode" to add a new wiki web part to the folder page.<p class="paragraph"/> <div style="background-color:#FFF6D8; border: 1px solid #DDDDDD; font-size: 14px; line-height: 1.2; padding: 10px 20px; margin: 0 20px 10px 20px;"> <img class="radeox-image" src=";name=logoLK.svg"> Page Admin Mode: <span class="nobr"><a href=""><span class="nobr"><a href="">&#104;ttps://</a></span></a></span> </div><p class="paragraph"/>Do the following: <ul class="minus"> <li>In the header, click the <b class="bold"><span class="fa fa-cog"></span></b> (gear) icon to open the Admin menu. Select <b class="bold">Page Admin Mode</b>.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=0c8b91ae-cd7c-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=PageAdmin.png" title="PageAdmin.png"> <ul class="minus"> <li>From the <b class="bold">&#60;Select Web Part&#62;</b> drop-down menu that will appear at the bottom left of the folder home page, scroll down and select <b class="bold">Wiki</b>.</li> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Add</b> button.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=0c8b91ae-cd7c-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Publish9.PNG" title="Publish9.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>A box titled <b class="bold">Wiki</b> will be added under the <b class="bold">Targeted MS Runs</b> box that should look like this:<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=0c8b91ae-cd7c-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Publish10.PNG" title="Publish10.PNG"> <ul class="minus"> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Create a new wiki page</b> link to open the wiki editor.</li> <li>Enter "supplementary_figure_3A" in the <b class="bold">Name</b> field. The name must be unique in the folder and typically does not contain spaces.</li> <li>Enter "Supplementary Figure 3A" in the <b class="bold">Title</b> field. The title is the display title and has no restrictions on uniqueness or spaces for display.</li> <li>In the <b class="bold">Body (HTML)</b> field select the <b class="bold">Visual</b> tab if it is not already selected.</li> </ul> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=0c8b91ae-cd7c-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Publish11.PNG" title="Publish11.PNG"> <ul class="minus"> <li>In Notepad or another text editor open the file "SupplFig_3A_caption.txt" contained in the tutorial data you downloaded. Copy and paste the contents of this file into the <b class="bold">Body (HTML)</b> field.</li> <li>You can format the text using the options available in the formatting toolbar. - Remove any preformatting by selecting the text and choosing the format "Paragraph".</li> <li>Select the title of the figure caption ("Supplementary Figure 3A") and make it bold by clicking the <b class="bold">B</b> button in the toolbar. You can see more formatting options in the toolbar by clicking the Show/hide toolbars button at the left corner of the toolbar.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=0c8b91ae-cd7c-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Publish12.PNG" title="Publish12.PNG"> <ul class="minus"> <li>Upload an image file to display on the wiki page:</li> <ul class="minus"> <li>Scroll down, if you need to, to the <b class="bold">Files</b> field at the bottom of the wiki editor.</li> <li>Uncheck the <b class="bold">Show Attached Files</b> checkbox.</li> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Attach a file</b> link and click the <b class="bold">Choose File</b> button that appears.</li> <li>Navigate to the folder where you downloaded the tutorial data and select "SupplFig_3A.png".</li> <li>Click on the <b class="bold">Open</b> button.</li> </ul> <li>Add the image to the wiki page:</li> <ul class="minus"> <li>Place the mouse cursor just before the figure title in the <b class="bold">Body(HTML)</b> field.</li> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Insert/edit image icon</b> <img class="radeox-image" src=";name=imageIcon.png"> in the toolbar.</li> <li>Enter "SupplFig_3A.png" in the <b class="bold">Image URL</b> field of the <b class="bold">Insert/edit image</b> dialog.</li> <li>Click <b class="bold">Insert</b> in the dialog.</li> <li>Press the "Enter" key on your keyboard once so that the image title is below the image icon in the Body(HTML) field. At this time the actual image will not appear in the editor.</li> </ul></ul>The Body (HTML) field should look like this:<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=0c8b91ae-cd7c-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Publish13.PNG" title="Publish13.PNG"> <ul class="minus"> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Save &#38; Close</b> button at the top left of the wiki editor.</li> </ul> You will be taken back to the "System Suitability Study" folder home page. You should see the wiki page that you just created at the bottom of the page. It should look like this:<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=0c8b91ae-cd7c-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Publish14.PNG" title="Publish14.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/> <div style="background-color:#FFF6D8; border: 1px solid #DDDDDD; font-size: 14px; line-height: 1.2; padding: 10px 20px; margin: 0 20px 10px 20px;"> <img class="radeox-image" src=";name=logoLK.svg"> Wiki User Guide: <span class="nobr"><a href=""><span class="nobr"><a href="">&#104;ttps://</a></span></a></span> </div><p class="paragraph"/><div class="note"> A note about "Web Parts" in LabKey Server:<p class="paragraph"/>The wiki page that you just created appears on the folder home page in a box with a border and a title that is referred to as a "web part". Web parts are user interface panels that can be added or removed from folder pages by folder administrators when they are in <span class="nobr"><a href="">page admin mode</a></span>. Each web part provides a way for users to view and/or interact with some part of the data contained in the folder. For example, the Wiki web part displays the contents of a specific wiki page. The list of available web parts can be accessed from the two &#60;Select Web Part&#62; menus at the bottom of the folder home page – one on the left side and the other on the right side. The two menus have different sets of available web parts. Web parts selected from the menu on the bottom left of the page are wider and get added to the left side of the page, and those selected from the menu on the bottom right get added to a narrower column on the right side of the page.<p class="paragraph"/>The title bar of a web part has controls (available to folder administrators in page admin mode) for moving it up and down the page, relative to other web parts. These controls appear in the right side of the title bar for the wider web parts, shown in the image below.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=0c8b91ae-cd7c-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Publish15.PNG" title="Publish15.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>The term "web part" will be used in the remainder of the tutorial to refer to these user interface elements.<p class="paragraph"/></div><p class="paragraph"/> <div style="background-color:#FFF6D8; border: 1px solid #DDDDDD; font-size: 14px; line-height: 1.2; padding: 10px 20px; margin: 0 20px 10px 20px;"> <img class="radeox-image" src=";name=logoLK.svg"> Build User Interface: <span class="nobr"><a href=""><span class="nobr"><a href="">&#104;ttps://</a></span></a></span> </div><p class="paragraph"/>You will now add a table of contents for easy navigation to the wiki pages. <ul class="minus"> <li>Scroll down to the bottom of the page.</li> <li>Choose <b class="bold">Wiki Table of Contents</b> from the <b class="bold">&#60;Select Web Part&#62;</b> drop-down menu at the bottom <i class="italic">right</i> of the page.</li> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Add</b> button.</li> </ul>This will add a narrower web part titled Pages to the right side of the folder home page as shown below. Links to all the wiki pages that you add in this folder will appear in this web part.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=0c8b91ae-cd7c-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Publish16.PNG" title="Publish16.PNG"> <ul class="minus"> <li>Change the title of the web part by clicking the <b class="bold"><span class="fa fa-caret-down"></span> (triangle)</b> drop-down icon in the title bar and selecting <b class="bold">Customize</b>. <i class="italic">If you are still in page admin mode, you will see additional options on this menu.</i></li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=0c8b91ae-cd7c-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Publish17.PNG" title="Publish17.PNG"> <ul class="minus"> <li>Enter "Figures &#38; Tables" as the title (leave the folder path as is) and click the <b class="bold">Submit</b> button. The table of contents web part on the home page should now display the updated title. This webpart will allow you to easily navigate to all the wiki pages in this folder as you add additional figures and tables in new wikis.</li> </ul>You will now create another wiki page where you will add a supplementary Excel table containing the retention time drift information. This table has been taken from the original paper and data filtered to the three sites for which Skyline files are included in this tutorial. <ul class="minus"> <li>Add a new wiki page by clicking the drop-down icon in the title bar (which should now read <b class="bold">Figures &#38; Tables</b>) of the Wiki Table of Contents web part.</li> <li>Select <b class="bold">New</b> from the menu.</li> </ul>Do the following in the wiki editor: <ul class="minus"> <li>Enter "supplementary_table_6" in the <b class="bold">Name</b> field.</li> <li>Enter "Supplementary Table 6" in the <b class="bold">Title</b> field.</li> <li>In the <b class="bold">Body (HTML)</b> field select the <b class="bold">Visual</b> tab if it is not already selected.</li> <li>In Notepad or another text editor open the file "SupplTable_6_caption.txt" contained in the tutorial data. Copy and paste the contents of this file in the <b class="bold">Body (HTML)</b> field.</li> <li>Remove any preformatting by selecting the text and choosing the format "Paragraph".</li> <li>Format the text using options available in the formatting toolbar. For example, you can make the title ("Supplementary Table 6") bold.</li> <li>In the Files field at the bottom of the wiki editor click the <b class="bold">Attach a file</b> link and click the <b class="bold">Choose File</b> button.</li> <li>Navigate to the folder where you downloaded the tutorial data and select "SupplTable_6.xlsx".</li> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Open</b> button if double clicking does not attach the file and close the popup.</li> <li>Notice that we are leaving the <b class="bold">Show Attached Files</b> checkbox checked this time.</li> <li>Click <b class="bold">Save &#38; Close</b> at the top of the wiki editor.</li> </ul>The new wiki page should look like this:<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=0c8b91ae-cd7c-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Publish18.PNG" title="Publish18.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>Viewers can click on the attached file to download it.<p class="paragraph"/>Notice that we did not create a new wiki <i class="italic">web part</i> for this wiki, so you are viewing the wiki page itself. By default, a search box and a Wiki Table of Contents web part with the title <b class="bold">Pages</b> is shown. This web part should display the titles of the two wiki pages you have in the folder. You can click on a title to view either wiki page.<p class="paragraph"/>Go back to the home page of the folder by clicking the <b class="bold"><span class="fa fa-folder-o"></span> System Suitability Study</b> link near the top of the page. Notice on the home page that the <b class="bold">Figures &#38; Tables</b> is displayed in the table of contents web part here.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=0c8b91ae-cd7c-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Publish19.PNG" title="Publish19.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>Since the wiki pages can now be accessed via the table of contents web part, you can remove the wiki web part that is displaying "Supplementary Figure 3A" from the folder home page. <ul class="minus"> <li>Scroll down, if you need to, so that the title bar of the wiki web part is visible.</li> <li>From the <b class="bold"><span class="fa fa-caret-down"></span> (triangle)</b> menu, select <b class="bold"><span class="fa fa-times"></span> Remove From Page</b>.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=0c8b91ae-cd7c-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Publish20.PNG" title="Publish20.PNG"> <ul class="minus"> <ul class="minus"> <li>If you do not see this option, first reenter page admin mode by selecting: <b class="bold"><span class="fa fa-cog"></span> Page Admin Mode</b> in the header.</li> </ul> <li>Notice that the wiki itself is still available from the table of contents. Removing the web part did not remove the underlying content.</li> </ul><a name="publish"></a> <h3 class="heading-1">Submitting to Panorama Public</h3><p class="paragraph"/>Folders containing supplementary data intended for publication to Panorama Public have to be annotated with a description of the experiment. This includes information such as an abstract, experiment and sample descriptions, organism, MS instruments used etc. To add experiment annotations to the folder, do the following: <ul class="minus"> <li>Go back to the home page of the <b class="bold"><span class="fa fa-folder-o"></span> System Suitability Study</b> folder, if you are not already there.</li> <li>Re-enter <b class="bold"><span class="fa fa-cog"></span> &#62; Page Admin Mode</b> if you are not already in this mode.</li> <li>Select <b class="bold">Targeted MS Experiment</b> from the <b class="bold">&#60;Select Web Part&#62;</b> menu at <i class="italic">bottom-left</i> of the page.</li> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Add</b> button.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=0c8b91ae-cd7c-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=AddWebPart.png" title="AddWebPart.png"><p class="paragraph"/>This action will add a web part titled <b class="bold">Targeted MS Experiment</b> at the bottom of the page that looks like this:<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=0c8b91ae-cd7c-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=CreateNewExperiment.png" title="CreateNewExperiment.png"> <ul class="minus"> <li>While in page admin mode, you can change the layout of the folder home page to move the <b class="bold">Targeted MS Experiment</b> webpart to the top of the page.</li> <ul class="minus"> <li>Move the <b class="bold">Targeted MS Experiment</b> web part above the <b class="bold">Targeted MS Runs</b> web part by selecting <b class="bold">Move Up</b> from the <b class="bold"><span class="fa fa-caret-down"></span> (triangle)</b> menu in the web part title bar.</li> </ul></ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=0c8b91ae-cd7c-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Publish21.PNG" title="Publish21.PNG"> <ul class="minus"> <ul class="minus"> <li>Scroll to the top of the page and remove the <b class="bold">Mass Spec Search</b> web part by selecting <b class="bold"><span class="fa fa-caret-down"></span> &#62; <span></span> Remove From Page</b> in its title bar.</li> </ul> <li>Click <b class="bold">Exit Admin Mode</b> at the top of the page to hide the page layout editing features.</li> </ul>Next, create the experiment: <ul class="minus"> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Create New Experiment</b> link in the <b class="bold">Targeted MS Experiment</b> web part.</li> <li>In the <b class="bold">Targeted MS Experiment</b> form enter "System Suitability Study" in the <b class="bold">Title</b> field.</li> <li>Enter "TSQ Vantage, 4000 QTRAP" in the <b class="bold">Instrument</b> field</li> <li>In Notepad or another text editor open the file "Abstract.txt" included in the tutorial data. Copy the contents of the file and paste in the <b class="bold">Abstract</b> field of the form.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=0c8b91ae-cd7c-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Publish22.PNG" title="Publish22.PNG"> <ul class="minus"> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Submit</b> button at the bottom of the form.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=0c8b91ae-cd7c-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Publish23.PNG" title="Publish23.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>You will be taken to the experiment details page. All the Skyline documents you upload to this folder will get added to the experiment and will appear in the <b class="bold">Targeted MS Runs</b> table. In this tutorial you have uploaded all the Skyline files to a single folder. If, however, your data is organized in subfolders, you will see a panel titled <b class="bold">Subfolders</b>. You can click the <b class="bold">Include Subfolders</b> button in this panel to include data from subfolders in your experiment prior to submitting to Panorama Public. You can find more details on <span class="nobr"><a href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=include_subfolders">this documentation page</a></span>.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=0c8b91ae-cd7c-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Publish24.png" title="Publish24.png"><p class="paragraph"/>Navigate back to the folder home page by clicking the <b class="bold"><span class="fa fa-folder-o"></span> System Suitability Study</b> link near the top of the page.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=0c8b91ae-cd7c-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Publish25.PNG" title="Publish25.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/> To submit to Panorama Public, click the red <b class="bold">Submit</b> button in the <b class="bold">Targeted MS Experiment</b> web part.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=0c8b91ae-cd7c-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Publish25_a.PNG" title="Publish25_a.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>You will be presented with a form that looks similar to the image below:<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=0c8b91ae-cd7c-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Publish26.PNG" title="Publish26.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>In the <b class="bold">Submission Request to Panorama Public</b> form do the following: <ul class="minus"> <li>If you were working in a folder with real data for a manuscript, you would select "Panorama Public" from the drop-down list next to the <b class="bold">Submit To</b> option (it is the default, shown above). For this tutorial, select <b class="bold">"Panorama Public Tutorial"</b>.</li> <li>Enter "publication _tutorial_&#60;your_ folder_name&#62;" in the <b class="bold">Access Link</b> field. Replace &#60;your_ folder_name&#62; with the name of your folder in the "Tutorials" project. For example, if you folder name is "Your_Username" enter "publication_tutorial_Your_Username" in the textbox. The URL displayed below the textbox will be updated as you type in the textbox. Once you have finished typing the URL should read (for folder "Your_Username") <div class="code"><pre>&#104;ttps://</pre></div></li> <li>Uncheck the <b class="bold">Keep Private</b> checkbox. If you were submitting data for a manuscript undergoing peer review you could keep the <b class="bold">Keep Private</b> box checked. This will ensure that when the data is copied to Panorama Public, it will be kept private with read-only access to the submitter. Another read-only reviewer account will be created for the data, and account details provided to the submitter. These account details can be conveyed to the journal where the manuscript is submitted.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=0c8b91ae-cd7c-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Publish27.PNG" title="Publish27.PNG"> <ul class="minus"> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Submit</b> button.</li> </ul>The <b class="bold">Access Link</b> provided in the UI in bold is the link that you will include in your manuscript to link to supplementary data on Panorama Public that can be viewed in a web browser. Initially, this link points to your folder on PanoramaWeb. But once a copy of your data has been made to Panorama Public, it will link to the location of the copied data on Panorama Public. This will be the permanent location of your supplementary data on Panorama Public.<p class="paragraph"/>The <b class="bold">Submission Request to Panorama Public</b> form allows you to "build" this access link. The initial part of the link remains constant: &#104;ttps:// You can choose a string to complete the link (highlighted in yellow below).<p class="paragraph"/>&#104;ttps://<span style="background-color:yellow">choose_a_string</span>.url<p class="paragraph"/>The initial value entered in the <b class="bold">Access Link</b> field is a randomly generated alphanumeric string. You can replace it with a convenient, easy to remember string. This string has to be unique across all the experiments submitted to Panorama Public. You may get an error if the link you entered is already in use for another experiment on Panorama Public. If this happens change the text and try again.<p class="paragraph"/><div style="color:red"> <b class="bold">NOTE:</b> Panorama Public is a now a member repository of the <b class="bold"><span class="nobr"><a href="">ProteomeXchange</a></span></b> consortium. Data submitted to Panorama Public that fulfills ProteomeXchange submission requirements will be assigned a ProteomeXchange ID and announced on <b class="bold"><span class="nobr"><a href="">ProteomeCentral</a></span></b>. When you click the <b class="bold">Submit</b> button in the form your data will be checked for completeness for a ProteomeXchange submission. If there is missing information, such as missing raw data or missing metadata, it will be listed on a page after you click the Submit button. You can click the submit button again after you have provided all the missing information. Alternatively, if you do not want a ProteomeXchange ID for your submission you can proceed to the submission form by clicking the Continue without ProteomeXchange ID link. For more details refer to this documentation page: <a class="link" href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=publish_to_panorama_public">Submit Data to Panorama Public</a> </div><p class="paragraph"/>When the form is submitted successfully you will be taken to the experiment details page.<p class="paragraph"/>In the <b class="bold">Experiment Details</b> box, you will see a red "Copy Pending!" message, circled below. This message will disappear once your data has been copied to Panorama Public. Any changes that you make in the folder, such as adding/removing Skyline documents or wiki pages, or changing the layout of the page will also get copied when a copy is made to Panorama Public. At the bottom of the page, in the <b class="bold">Submission</b> table, you will see the <b class="bold">Access Link</b> that you created for this experiment. The <b class="bold">Copied</b> column, circled below will be blank until a copy has been made successfully.<p class="paragraph"/><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=0c8b91ae-cd7c-1035-8580-3013bb9b3ac7&amp;name=Publish28.PNG" title="Publish28.PNG"><p class="paragraph"/>Once the data has been copied this column will display the date when the data was copied. You will also receive an email informing you that the data was successfully copied to Panorama Public. At that point if you click on the value in the <b class="bold">Access Link</b> column you will be taken to the folder where your data was copied on Panorama Public and you can verify that the data, folder layout, and views were copied accurately.<p class="paragraph"/>Requests to copy data are handled by Panorama Public administrators within a week of submission. Once your data has been successfully copied to Panorama Public you will receive a confirmation email. If you requested that your data on Panorama Public be kept private (e.g. for a manuscript under peer review), the confirmation email will also include reviewer account details. You can pass on the account details to the journal where you are submitting your manuscript.<p class="paragraph"/><a name="reference"></a> <h3 class="heading-1">Reference List</h3><p class="paragraph"/>&#49;. Abbatiello, S. E., Mani, D. R., Schilling, B., MacLean, B., Zimmerman, L. J., Feng, X., … Carr, S. A. (2013). Design, Implementation and Multisite Evaluation of a System Suitability Protocol for the Quantitative Assessment of Instrument Performance in Liquid Chromatography-Multiple Reaction Monitoring-MS (LC-MRM-MS). Molecular &#38; Cellular Proteomics : MCP, 12(9), 2623–2639. doi:10.1074/mcp.M112.027078<p class="paragraph"/><div style="color:darkred;border: 1px solid #DDDDDD; font-size: 14px; line-height: 1.2; padding: 10px 20px; margin: 0 20px 10px 20px;"> On Oct 20, 2015, the Skyline and Panorama Teams produced <span class="nobr"><a href="">Webinar #11: Panorama Public and Panorama AutoQC</a></span>, another great resource to learn more about some of the new aspects of Panorama. </div></div><br><br> <hr size=1> <h3><a name="publish_to_panorama_public_old"></a>Submit Data to Panorama Public</h3><br> <div class="labkey-wiki"><div class="yellownote">This documentation is outdated. View the current document at <a class="link" href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=publish_to_panorama_public">Submit Data to Panorama Public</a>.</div> PanoramaWeb hosts a public repository called <b class="bold">Panorama Public</b> where users may submit supplementary data associated with manuscripts that have been published or are under review. The repository provides a permanent location for data that can be referenced in publications. Users with data in their own projects on PanoramaWeb can follow the instructions below to submit the data to Panorama Public. The PanoramaWeb site administrators will review the submission request and make a copy of the data to Panorama Public. Reviewer account details will be provided to the submitter if the data is for a manuscript undergoing peer review, and the copy on Panorama Public will be kept private until the manuscript is accepted for publication. Data copied to Panorama Public is read-only, ensuring its availability in the original form accepted for publication. <br/> <br/> Panorama Public is a member repository of the <b class="bold"><span class="nobr"><a href="">ProteomeXchange</a></span></b> consortium. Data submitted to Panorama Public that fulfills ProteomeXchange submission requirements will be assigned a ProteomeXchange identifier and announced on <b class="bold"><span class="nobr"><a href="">ProteomeCentral</a></span></b>. <br/> <br/> <b class="bold"><u class="underline">Submitting Data to Panorama Public</u></b><p class="paragraph"/><b class="bold"><span style="color:red">STEP 1:</span> Upload Skyline documents and other files to a folder on PanoramaWeb</b><p class="paragraph"/>Refer to the following wiki pages to create a folder in your project on PanoramaWeb and upload Skyline documents and associated data. <ul class="minus"> <li><a class="link" href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=Create%20a%20folder%20in%20Panorama">Create a folder in Panorama</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=Importing%20data%20into%20Panorama">Import Skyline documents to a folder in Panorama</a></li> <li><a class="link" href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=upload_raw_data">Upload raw data</a> associated with the Skyline documents. This is a requirement for ProteomeXchange.</li> <li><a class="link" href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=upload_suppl_files">Upload supplementary files</a></li> </ul><br/> <b class="bold"><span style="color:red;">STEP 2:</span> Prepare the folder for submission to Panorama Public</b><p class="paragraph"/>Folders containing supplementary data intended for submission to Panorama Public have to be annotated with a description of the experiment. This includes information such as an abstract, experiment and sample descriptions, organism, MS instruments used etc. To add experiment annotations to a folder, do the following: <ul class="minus"> <li>Go to the home page of the folder by navigating the folder menu under the Panorama logo (<a class="link" href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=folder_navigation">Folder Navigation</a>).</li> <li>Click the <b class="bold"><span class="fa fa-cog"></span></b> gear icon in the top right corner of the page, then select <b class="bold">Page Admin Mode</b> from the drop-down menu.</li> <li>Scroll to the bottom of the page and select <b class="bold">Targeted MS Experiment</b> from the &#60;<b class="bold">Select Web Part</b>&#62; menu at the bottom-left of the page.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cc1425e9-e60c-1032-ad5a-3013bb9b0dab&amp;name=AddExpWebPart.png" title="AddExpWebPart.png"> <ul class="minus"> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Add</b> button. This action will add a web part titled <b class="bold">Targeted MS Experiment</b> at the bottom of the page that looks like this:</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cc1425e9-e60c-1032-ad5a-3013bb9b0dab&amp;name=CreateNewExperiment.png" title="CreateNewExperiment.png"> <ul class="minus"> <li>Click the Create New Experiment link in the <b class="bold">Targeted MS Experiment</b> web part.</li> <li>Fill out the <b class="bold">Targeted MS Experiment</b> form.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cc1425e9-e60c-1032-ad5a-3013bb9b0dab&amp;name=TargetedMSExperimentForm.png" title="TargetedMSExperimentForm.png"> <br/> The <b class="bold">Instrument</b> and <b class="bold">Organism</b> fields are auto-complete fields. Type 3 or more letters to see a drop-down list of matching options. Continue typing to refine the list and select from one of the available options. Contact the Panorama team if you do not see your instrument or organism in the list. At least one organism and one instrument is required for a ProteomeXchange submission. <br/> <br/> In addition to an organism and an instrument, <b class="bold">Keywords</b> describing the data also need to be filled in for a ProteomeXchange submission. Contact details of the data submitter and a lab head are also required. In the <b class="bold">Targeted MS Experiment</b> form, the currently logged in user is auto-selected as the submitter. Please fill in the <b class="bold">Submitter Affiliation</b> for the submitting user. You can select a lab head from the drop-down menu in the <b class="bold">Lab Head</b> field which lists all users that have administrative privileges in the folder. If your lab head does not have an account on the server, you may create one by referring to <a class="link" href="/home/wiki-page.view?name=add_project_users">Adding Users to a Project</a>. If you do not wish to create an account for the lab head you can leave the <b class="bold">Lab Head</b> and <b class="bold">Lab Head Affiliation</b> fields blank. You will have the option of entering a lab head name and affiliation when you submit the data to Panorama Public. <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cc1425e9-e60c-1032-ad5a-3013bb9b0dab&amp;name=TargetedMSExperimentForm_2.png" title="TargetedMSExperimentForm_2.png"> <br/> <ul class="minus"> <li>Click the <b class="bold">Submit</b> button at the bottom of the form.</li> </ul>You will be taken to the experiment details page. All the Skyline documents that were uploaded to the folder where you added the <b class="bold">Targeted MS Experiment</b> webpart will get added to the experiment and will appear in the Targeted MS Runs table. If your data is organized in subfolders under the main folder, you should click the <b class="bold">Include Subfolders</b> button shown in the image below. <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cc1425e9-e60c-1032-ad5a-3013bb9b0dab&amp;name=IncludeSubfolders.png" title="IncludeSubfolders.png"> <br/> <br/> <b class="bold"><span style="color:red;">STEP 3:</span> Submit the annotated folder to Panorama Public</b> <ul class="minus"> <li>Navigate back to the folder home page by clicking on the link with the <span class="fa fa-folder-o"></span> icon and folder name near the top of the page.</li> <li>Scroll down, if you need to, so that you can see the <b class="bold">Targeted MS Experiment</b> web part.</li> <li>Click the red <b class="bold">Submit</b> button in the <b class="bold">Targeted MS Experiment</b> web part.</li> </ul><img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cc1425e9-e60c-1032-ad5a-3013bb9b0dab&amp;name=SubmitButton.png" title="SubmitButton.png"> <br/> <br/> Your data will be checked for completeness for a ProteomeXchange submission. If there is missing information, such as missing raw data or missing metadata, it will be listed on a page after you click the <b class="bold">Submit</b> button. You can click the submit button again after you have provided all the missing information. Alternatively, if you do not want a ProteomeXchange ID for your submission you can proceed to the submission form by clicking the <b class="bold">Continue without ProteomeXchange ID</b> link shown below. <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cc1425e9-e60c-1032-ad5a-3013bb9b0dab&amp;name=PreSubmissionCheck.png" title="PreSubmissionCheck.png"> <br/> <br/> After you have provided all the missing information or clicked on the link to continue without a ProteomeXchange ID you will be presented with a form that looks similar to the one in the image below: <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cc1425e9-e60c-1032-ad5a-3013bb9b0dab&amp;name=SubmitExperimentForm.png" title="SubmitExperimentForm.png"> <br/> <br/> If you did not enter a lab head in the <b class="bold">Targeted MS Experiment</b> form, and a ProteomeXchange ID will be requested for your data, you will see additional fields in the form: <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cc1425e9-e60c-1032-ad5a-3013bb9b0dab&amp;name=SubmitExperimentForm_2.png" title="SubmitExperimentForm_2.png"> <br/> If you do not fill in the lab head details in this form, the submitting user's information will be used in the lab head field when announcing the data to ProteomeXchange. <br/> <br/> In the <b class="bold">Submission Request to Panorama Public</b> form do the following: <ul class="minus"> <li>Select “Panorama Public” from the drop-down list next to the Publish To option, if it is not already selected</li> <li>Enter an Access Link</li> <li>If you are submitting data for a manuscript undergoing peer review leave the <b class="bold">Keep Private</b> box checked. This will ensure that when the data is copied to Panorama Public, it will be kept private with read-only access to the submitter. Another read-only reviewer account will be created for the data, and account details provided to the submitter. The account details can be conveyed to the journal where the manuscript is submitted. If, however, you want your data to be publicly available on Panorama Public right away uncheck the <b class="bold">Keep Private</b> checkbox.</li> <li>Click the Submit button</li> </ul><b class="bold">Access Link</b> is the link that you will include in your manuscript to link to supplementary data on Panorama Public that can be viewed in a web browser. Initially, this link points to your folder on PanoramaWeb. But once a copy of your data has been made to Panorama Public, it will link to the location of the copied data on Panorama Public. This will be the permanent location of your supplementary data on Panorama Public. <br/> <br/> The Publish Experiment form allows you to “build” these the access link. The initial part of the link remains constant: <span class="nobr"><a href=""><span class="nobr"><a href="">&#104;ttps://</a></span></a></span>. You can choose a string to complete the link (highlighted in yellow below). <br/> <b class="bold"><span class="nobr"><a href="">&#104;ttps://</a></span><span style="background-color:yellow;">choose_a_string.url</span></b> <br/> The initial value entered in the <b class="bold">Access Link</b> field is a randomly generated alphanumeric string. You can replace it with a convenient, easy to remember string. This string has to be unique across all the experiments published to Panorama Public. You may get an error if the link you entered is already in use for another experiment on Panorama Public. If this happens change the text in the access link field and try again. <br/> <br/> Requests to copy data are handled by Panorama Public administrators within a week of submission. Once your data has been successfully copied to Panorama Public you will receive a confirmation email. If you requested that your data on Panorama Public be kept private (e.g. for a manuscript under peer review), the confirmation email will also include reviewer account details. You can pass on the account details to the journal where you are submitting your manuscript. The confirmation email will also include a ProteomeXchange ID unless you opted to skip ProteomeXchange submission. <br/> <br/> Once the form is submitted successfully you can go back to the experiment details page. <br/> <br/> In the Experiment Details box, just above the experiment title, you will see a “Copy Pending!” message. This message will disappear once your data has been copied to Panorama Public. Any changes that you make in the folder, such as adding/removing Skyline documents or wiki pages, or changing the layout of the page will also get copied when a copy is made to Panorama Public. At the bottom of the page, in the Submission table, you will see the <b class="bold">Access Link</b> that you created for this experiment. The Copied column will be blank until a copy has been made successfully. Once the data has been copied this column will display the date when the data was copied. And at that point if you click the <b class="bold">Access Link</b> you will be taken to the location on Panorama Public where your data was copied. You can verify that the data, folder layout and views were copied accurately. <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cc1425e9-e60c-1032-ad5a-3013bb9b0dab&amp;name=CopyPending.png" title="CopyPending.png"> <br/> <br/> <a name="resubmit"></a> If you need to make any changes to your data (e.g. to address reviewer feedback) after it has been copied to Panorama Public you can make the changes in your own folder. When you are ready click the red <b class="bold">Resubmit</b> button in the <b class="bold">Targeted MS Experiment</b> web part. This will send a request to the Panorama Public administrators to delete the old copy and make a new copy of your data to Panorama Public. Your access link will remain unchanged. <br/> <img class="link" src="/home/wiki-download.view?entityId=cc1425e9-e60c-1032-ad5a-3013bb9b0dab&amp;name=Resubmit.png" title="Resubmit.png"> <br/> <br/> <u class="underline"><b class="bold">Related Resources:</b></u> <br/> <ul class="minus"> <li><span class="nobr"><a href="/wiki/home/download.view?entityId=cc1425e9-e60c-1032-ad5a-3013bb9b0dab&#38;name=ASMS_2015_PanoramaPublic_42x56.pdf"><b class="bold">Panorama Public: A public repository for Skyline documents</b></a></span> (ASMS 2015 poster)</li> <li><span class="nobr"><a href="/wiki/home/page.view?name=panorama_public"><b class="bold">Submitting Supplementary Data to Panorama Public</b></a></span> (A detailed tutorial that covers a broader set of Panorama features)</li> </ul></div><br><br> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <a href="/__r2/wiki-printAll.view" id="permalink" name="permalink" style="display: none;"></a><!-- Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506; .NET CLR 3.5.21022; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) --> <script type="text/javascript" nonce="907b99d64c23666739e2e94c213de340"> LABKEY.loadScripts(); LABKEY.showNavTrail(); if (LABKEY.WebSocket) LABKEY.WebSocket.initWebSocket(); (function() { function _on_dom_content_loaded_(){const A = function(a,b,c){LABKEY.Utils.attachEventHandler(a,b,c,1);} } function _on_document_loaded_(){ } if (document.readyState !== "loading") { _on_dom_content_loaded_(); if (document.readyState === "complete") _on_document_loaded_(); } document.addEventListener('readystatechange', function() { if (document.readyState === 'interactive') _on_dom_content_loaded_(); else if (document.readyState === 'complete') _on_document_loaded_(); }); })(); </script> </body> </html>

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