Things to do in Aberdeen | Travel by coach with Citylink | Citylink

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class="hero slider responsive lazy"> <div> <div class="inner"> <span class="pagingInfo">a</span> <h1> <span class="pre-head"> <a href="/"> Home </a> <span> /</span> <a href="/destinations/"> Destinations </a> </span> Aberdeen </h1> <span class="subtitle">Aberdeen</span> <ul class="layout inline-list comma-list"> <li>Food and drink</li> <li>Nightlife</li> <li>Shopping</li> </ul> </div> </div> </div> <a href="#" class="scroll" data-scrollto="anchorPoint"> Explore <svg class="icon"> <use xlink:href="/assets/dist/img/sprite.svg#icon-back-to-top"></use> </svg> </a> </div> <main> <section class="centered-content ReduceHeight"> <div class="text-panel module"> <h2>Your trip to Aberdeen</h2> <p style="text-align: left;"><strong>Aberdeen or the ‘Granite City’ is best known for its links with the oil industry, but this city has plenty on offer with the perfect mix of the cosmopolitan, beautiful coastlines, scenery, and culture. The promenade along the beach gives great strolling, jogging, and cycling opportunities, while the beach itself is always popular with children who can play on its golden sands. With historical buildings such as St. Machar’s Cathedral and an array of authentic Scottish whisky distilleries, as well as exciting activities including scuba diving and dolphin watching, you'll have a packed schedule from the start of your trip until the very end when you visit this unique Scottish city.</strong></p> <p style="text-align: left;">Scotland's third-largest city, Aberdeen is located on the northeast coast of Scotland. The city itself is famous for its historical production of granite, something that is still evident today in the distinct grey buildings which sparkle silver and make Aberdeen such a distinctive place to visit - get your camera ready for when you arrive! When you travel by coach with Citylink, you'll arrive directly into the city centre at Aberdeen Bus Station which is in a handy location right next to Union Square shopping centre and just a stone's throw from the Aberdeen Maritime Museum.</p> </div> </section> <!-- TWO COL TEXT/IMG NO SWOOSH --> <section class="centered-content overflow-carousel-container show-1 alt ReduceHeight"> <ul class="layout two-col-text-img"> <li class="intro"> <h2>Getting you there</h2> <p>Ready to experience all that Aberdeen has to offer? Discounted fares are available when booking at least two days in advance - you can buy tickets online or at any station. With knowledgeable drivers and plenty of space to relax in your seat, taking the coach has never been easier. As we provide an hourly service throughout the day from Glasgow, Perth, Dundee, and Edinburgh, there really is no reason not to pay a visit to Scotland’s third-largest city!</p> <p>Our modern and comfortable coaches provide you with access to USB sockets so that you'll never have to worry about running out of charge on your journey. With reclining seats and additional legroom, choosing to get to your destination with Citylink makes for the smoothest travel experience ever.</p> <p>We have services from Glasgow, Stirling, Perth, and Dundee to Aberdeen running 24/7, and direct hourly services from Edinburgh - all that's left for you to do is book your tickets to visit the Granite City!</p> </li> <li class="layout cards tall-cards carousel"> <div class="card no-tint two-col-dc19361a-5290-4996-b6a1-c80cfbd5f2f0" style='background-image: url( /media/4psfdcab/citylinkfinaledit230_rt.jpg?anchor=center&amp;mode=crop&amp;width=600&amp;height=500&amp;rnd=132773845624230000)' ></div> <div class="card no-tint two-col-dc19361a-5290-4996-b6a1-c80cfbd5f2f0" style='background-image: url( /media/zcppc0yd/mb-usb.jpg?center=0.53540686803456261,0.42832549442765006&amp;mode=crop&amp;width=600&amp;height=500&amp;rnd=133680232157230000)' ></div> </li> </ul> </section> <!-- TWO COL TEXT/IMG NO SWOOSH --> <section class="centered-content overflow-carousel-container show-1 ReduceHeight"> <ul class="layout two-col-text-img"> <li class="intro"> <h2>Explore &amp; experience</h2> <p style="text-align: left;">If you're visiting Aberdeen between May and August, make sure to pack a pair of good walking shoes and warm, waterproof clothing, because the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds offers exciting dolphin-watching sessions, providing you with top-notch binoculars and telescopes for you to see the bottlenose dolphins, seals or even whales swimming in the North Sea.</p> <p style="text-align: left;">If it’s the culture you’re looking for, then make your way to the Lemon Tree, which is described as Aberdeen’s all-year-round festival fringe venue, or take a visit to the Castlegate area of the city which is full of fascinating historical sites. The city centre also boasts three shopping malls - the Bon Accord, Union Square, and Trinity Centre – all packed with well-known high street names.</p> <p>Aberdeen’s Union Street, or what the locals refer to as the Granite Mile, is known for its shopping with a variety of stores as well as a host of bars and restaurants. Specialising in craft beers, this is where you'll find BrewDog Castlegate; a casual but lively well-known pub restaurant. If you’re a seafood lover, the Aberdeen Harbour area is the place to be. Scallops, prawns, herring, mussels, and more – the types of seafood caught along the 170 km coastline of Aberdeenshire seem endless and will entice you back time and time again.</p> <p>If the thought of sampling some Scottish whisky tickles your fancy, there’s certainly plenty to cheers to while on a whisky tour of Aberdeen. Visit the most easterly distillery in Scotland at Glen Garioch which maintains its original features like its barley mill, or take a trip to Royal Lochnagar in the heart of the Cairngorms National Park - a distillery which was favoured by Queen Victoria so much it was bestowed a Royal Warrant!</p> </li> <li class="layout cards tall-cards carousel"> <div class="card no-tint two-col-c762ab66-470a-4033-b6a8-43df9d3cdf29" style='background-image: url( /media/uaxpdaez/aberdeen-beach.jpg?anchor=center&amp;mode=crop&amp;width=600&amp;height=500&amp;rnd=133020190706330000)' ></div> <div class="card no-tint two-col-c762ab66-470a-4033-b6a8-43df9d3cdf29" style='background-image: url( /media/2mjjply4/aberdeen_steps_2019_03-1.jpg?anchor=center&amp;mode=crop&amp;width=600&amp;height=500&amp;rnd=133130731685270000)' ></div> <div class="card no-tint two-col-c762ab66-470a-4033-b6a8-43df9d3cdf29" style='background-image: url( /media/emdjes12/kingscollege_old_aberdeen_2019_11-1.jpg?anchor=center&amp;mode=crop&amp;width=600&amp;height=500&amp;rnd=133130731986670000)' ></div> <div class="card no-tint two-col-c762ab66-470a-4033-b6a8-43df9d3cdf29" style='background-image: url( /media/pv5ftr5g/food-kenny-lam.jpg?anchor=center&amp;mode=crop&amp;width=600&amp;height=500&amp;rnd=133130698815670000)' ></div> </li> </ul> </section><section class="offset-btn-cta layout"> <div class="inner"> <h2>Let&#39;s get going</h2> <p><span>From Edinburgh and Glasgow, Citylink can get you here in around 3 hours. If you're travelling from Dundee, you can expect a comfortable journey lasting around 1 hour and 25 minutes.</span></p> <a href="" class="btn dark"> <svg class="icon" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 39.4 45.1"> <style> .st3 { fill-rule: evenodd; clip-rule: evenodd; fill: none } .st4 { fill: #fff } .st5 { fill: #140B95 } </style> <path class="st3" d="M17 1.3l14.7 8.5c1 .6 1.3 1.8.7 2.7L19.5 35c-.6 1-1.8 1.3-2.7.7L2 27.2c-1-.6-1.3-1.8-.7-2.7L14.3 2c.5-1 1.7-1.3 2.7-.7z" /> <path class="st4" d="M17 1.3l14.7 8.5c1 .6 1.3 1.8.7 2.7L19.5 35c-.6 1-1.8 1.3-2.7.7L2 27.2c-1-.6-1.3-1.8-.7-2.7L14.3 2c.5-1 1.7-1.3 2.7-.7z" /> <path class="st5" d="M17.7 37c-.5 0-1-.1-1.5-.4L1.5 28.1c-.7-.4-1.2-1-1.4-1.8-.2-.8-.1-1.6.3-2.3l13-22.5c.4-.7 1-1.2 1.8-1.4.8-.2 1.6-.1 2.3.3l14.7 8.5c1.4.8 1.9 2.7 1.1 4.1l-13 22.5c-.4.7-1 1.2-1.8 1.4-.3.1-.5.1-.8.1zM16 2h-.3c-.3.1-.5.2-.6.5L2.1 25c-.1.2-.1.5-. 8.5c. 2.1c-.2-.1-.3-.1-.5-.1z" /> <path transform="rotate(-60 18.427 15.372)" class="st5" d="M16.9 5.6h3v19.6h-3z" /> <path class="st3" d="M22.7 9.4l14.7 8.5c1 .6 1.3 1.8.7 2.7l-13 22.5c-.6 1-1.8 1.3-2.7.7L7.7 35.3c-1-.6-1.3-1.8-.7-2.7l13-22.5c.5-1 1.8-1.3 2.7-.7z" /> <path class="st4" d="M22.7 9.4l14.7 8.5c1 .6 1.3 1.8.7 2.7l-13 22.5c-.6 1-1.8 1.3-2.7.7L7.7 35.3c-1-.6-1.3-1.8-.7-2.7l13-22.5c.5-1 1.8-1.3 2.7-.7z" /> <path class="st5" d="M23.4 45.1c-.5 0-1-.1-1.5-.4L7.2 36.2c-1.4-.8-1.9-2.7-1.1-4.1l13-22.5c.8-1.4 2.7-1.9 4.1-1.1L37.9 17c.7.4 1.2 1 1.4 1.6-.3 2.3L26 43.6c-.4.7-1 1.2-1.8 1.4-.2.1-.5.1-.8.1zm-1.7-35c-.3 0-.7.2-.9.5l-13 22.5c-.3.5-.1 1.1.4 1.4L22.9 43c." /> <path transform="rotate(-60 24.15 23.46)" class="st5" d="M22.6 13.7h3v19.6h-3z" /> </svg> Get your ticket </a> </div> </section> <section class="centered-content"> <div class="text-panel left-aligned small-margin module"> <h2>Location</h2> </div> <div class="map-container" id="destination-map" data-lat="57.14458" data-lng="-2.09643"></div> </section><!-- 3 COLUMN CAROUSEL --> <section class="overflow-carousel-container centered-content col-4-text show-3 yellow-swoosh-full"> <div class="intro module"> <h2>Explore</h2> <p>Take the road less travelled and explore every inch of Scotland from vibrant cities to tranquil countryside spots. Let us help you find your ideal Scottish destination!</p> <a href="*176tcx3*_ga*ODE4MTk1MTczLjE2NjY2MjI3NzI.*_ga_M4E7SCHW71*MTY3NDIyMzc0Mi4xMjMuMS4xNjc0MjIzOTgxLjYwLjAuMA..#/" class="btn"> Plan your trip <svg class="icon"> <use xlink:href="/assets/dist/img/sprite.svg#icon-more-arrow"></use> </svg> </a> </div> <div class="layout cards tall-cards carousel"> <a href="/destinations/all-destinations/central-scotland/" class="card" style="background-image: url(/media/ksbfh12n/visitscotland_34264240793.jpg?crop=0.39541326766199791,0,0.144959211943974,0&amp;cropmode=percentage&amp;width=350&amp;height=500&amp;rnd=133561199468430000);"> <h3> <span class="pre-head">Explore</span> Central Scotland </h3> <svg class="icon"> <use xlink:href="/assets/dist/img/sprite.svg#icon-more-arrow"></use> </svg> </a> <a href="/destinations/all-destinations/east-coast/" class="card" style="background-image: 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<div class="content-container module"> <span class="date">09 10 2024</span> <span class="read-time">Reading time: 5 mins</span> <h3> Keep the Kids Entertained this October Week </h3> </div> <svg class="icon"> <use xlink:href="/assets/dist/img/sprite.svg#icon-more-arrow"></use> </svg> </a> </div> <div class="overflow-carousel-container centered-content show-4"> <div class="layout cards tall-cards carousel mobile-carousel"> <a href="/travelogue/fall-for-scotland-with-an-explorer-pass-this-autumn/" class="card" style="background-image: url(/media/q5mn23sk/carl-jorgensen-gktah_pbsum-unsplash-1.jpg);"> <div class="mobile-carousel-container"> <h3 class="mobile-carousel-title"> <span class="date">6-11-2024</span> <span class="reading-time">Reading time: 3 minutes</span> <span class="title">Fall for Scotland with an Explorer Pass this autumn </span> </h3> <svg class="icon"> <use xlink:href="/assets/dist/img/sprite.svg#icon-more-arrow"></use> </svg> </div> </a> <a 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