What is Audio-Text-to-Text? - Hugging Face
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class="font-semibold">Example Output</h6> <p class="text-gray-500">Contribute some schema output for this task!</p></div></div></div></section> <section class="copiable-code-container max-w-2xl"><div class="SVELTE_HYDRATER contents" data-target="RepoCodeCopy" data-props="{}"><div></div></div> <h2 class="mb-8 text-3xl font-semibold">About Audio-Text-to-Text</h2> <div class="prose-doc prose"><!-- HTML_TAG_START --><h2 class="relative group flex items-center"> <a id="use-cases" class="block pr-1.5 text-lg md:absolute md:p-1.5 md:opacity-0 md:group-hover:opacity-100 md:right-full" href="#use-cases" > <span class="header-link"><svg class="text-gray-500 hover:text-black dark:hover:text-gray-200 w-4" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" aria-hidden="true" role="img" width="1em" height="1em" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" viewBox="0 0 256 256"><path d="M167.594 88.393a8.001 8.001 0 0 1 0 11.314l-67.882 67.882a8 8 0 1 1-11.314-11.315l67.882-67.881a8.003 8.003 0 0 1 11.314 0zm-28.287 84.86l-28.284 28.284a40 40 0 0 1-56.567-56.567l28.284-28.284a8 8 0 0 0-11.315-11.315l-28.284 28.284a56 56 0 0 0 79.196 79.197l28.285-28.285a8 8 0 1 0-11.315-11.314zM212.852 43.14a56.002 56.002 0 0 0-79.196 0l-28.284 28.284a8 8 0 1 0 11.314 11.314l28.284-28.284a40 40 0 0 1 56.568 56.567l-28.285 28.285a8 8 0 0 0 11.315 11.314l28.284-28.284a56.065 56.065 0 0 0 0-79.196z" fill="currentColor"></path></svg></span> </a> <span> Use Cases </span> </h2> <p>You can contribute this area with common use cases of the task!</p> <h2 class="relative group flex items-center"> <a id="task-variants" class="block pr-1.5 text-lg md:absolute md:p-1.5 md:opacity-0 md:group-hover:opacity-100 md:right-full" href="#task-variants" > <span class="header-link"><svg class="text-gray-500 hover:text-black dark:hover:text-gray-200 w-4" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" aria-hidden="true" role="img" width="1em" height="1em" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" viewBox="0 0 256 256"><path d="M167.594 88.393a8.001 8.001 0 0 1 0 11.314l-67.882 67.882a8 8 0 1 1-11.314-11.315l67.882-67.881a8.003 8.003 0 0 1 11.314 0zm-28.287 84.86l-28.284 28.284a40 40 0 0 1-56.567-56.567l28.284-28.284a8 8 0 0 0-11.315-11.315l-28.284 28.284a56 56 0 0 0 79.196 79.197l28.285-28.285a8 8 0 1 0-11.315-11.314zM212.852 43.14a56.002 56.002 0 0 0-79.196 0l-28.284 28.284a8 8 0 1 0 11.314 11.314l28.284-28.284a40 40 0 0 1 56.568 56.567l-28.285 28.285a8 8 0 0 0 11.315 11.314l28.284-28.284a56.065 56.065 0 0 0 0-79.196z" fill="currentColor"></path></svg></span> </a> <span> Task Variants </span> </h2> <p>This place can be filled with variants of this task if there's any.</p> <h2 class="relative group flex items-center"> <a id="inference" class="block pr-1.5 text-lg md:absolute md:p-1.5 md:opacity-0 md:group-hover:opacity-100 md:right-full" href="#inference" > <span class="header-link"><svg class="text-gray-500 hover:text-black dark:hover:text-gray-200 w-4" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" aria-hidden="true" role="img" width="1em" height="1em" 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items-center whitespace-nowrap font-semibold text-gray-800 lg:text-lg"><svg class="mr-1.5 flex-none text-indigo-400" style="" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" role="img" width="1em" height="1em" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path class="uim-quaternary" d="M20.23 7.24L12 12L3.77 7.24a1.98 1.98 0 0 1 .7-.71L11 2.76c.62-.35 1.38-.35 2 0l6.53 3.77c.29.173.531.418.7.71z" opacity=".25" fill="currentColor"></path><path class="uim-tertiary" d="M12 12v9.5a2.09 2.09 0 0 1-.91-.21L4.5 17.48a2.003 2.003 0 0 1-1-1.73v-7.5a2.06 2.06 0 0 1 .27-1.01L12 12z" opacity=".5" fill="currentColor"></path><path class="uim-primary" d="M20.5 8.25v7.5a2.003 2.003 0 0 1-1 1.73l-6.62 3.82c-.275.13-.576.198-.88.2V12l8.23-4.76c.175.308.268.656.27 1.01z" fill="currentColor"></path></svg> <div class="truncate">Models for Audio-Text-to-Text</div> <a class="btn ml-4 text-sm font-normal" href="/models?pipeline_tag=audio-text-to-text">Browse Models (51)</a> </div> <p class="mb-2 text-gray-500">No example model is defined for this task.</p> <p class="flex-none text-sm italic text-gray-400"><span class="mr-1 rounded-sm bg-gray-100 px-1 font-mono text-xs font-semibold not-italic text-gray-500 dark:bg-gray-800">Note</span> Contribute by proposing a model for this task !</p> </section> <section class="shadow-alternate-sm rounded-xl border border-gray-100 px-4 pb-4 pt-3 "><div class="mb-1.5 flex items-center whitespace-nowrap font-semibold text-gray-800 lg:text-lg"><svg class="mr-1.5 flex-none text-red-400" style="" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" role="img" width="1em" height="1em" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" viewBox="0 0 25 25"><ellipse cx="12.5" cy="5" fill="currentColor" fill-opacity="0.25" rx="7.5" ry="2"></ellipse><path d="M12.5 15C16.6421 15 20 14.1046 20 13V20C20 21.1046 16.6421 22 12.5 22C8.35786 22 5 21.1046 5 20V13C5 14.1046 8.35786 15 12.5 15Z" fill="currentColor" opacity="0.5"></path><path d="M12.5 7C16.6421 7 20 6.10457 20 5V11.5C20 12.6046 16.6421 13.5 12.5 13.5C8.35786 13.5 5 12.6046 5 11.5V5C5 6.10457 8.35786 7 12.5 7Z" fill="currentColor" opacity="0.5"></path><path d="M5.23628 12C5.08204 12.1598 5 12.8273 5 13C5 14.1046 8.35786 15 12.5 15C16.6421 15 20 14.1046 20 13C20 12.8273 19.918 12.1598 19.7637 12C18.9311 12.8626 15.9947 13.5 12.5 13.5C9.0053 13.5 6.06886 12.8626 5.23628 12Z" fill="currentColor"></path></svg> <div class="truncate">Datasets for Audio-Text-to-Text</div> <a class="btn ml-4 text-sm font-normal" href="/datasets?task_categories=task_categories:audio-text-to-text">Browse Datasets (2)</a> </div> <p class="mb-2 text-gray-500">No example dataset is defined for this task.</p> <p class="flex-none text-sm italic text-gray-400"><span class="mr-1 rounded-sm bg-gray-100 px-1 font-mono text-xs font-semibold not-italic text-gray-500 dark:bg-gray-800">Note</span> Contribute by proposing a dataset for this task !</p> </section> <section class="shadow-alternate-sm rounded-xl border border-gray-100 px-4 pb-4 pt-3 "><div class="mb-1.5 flex items-center whitespace-nowrap font-semibold text-gray-800 lg:text-lg"><svg class="mr-1.5 flex-none " xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" aria-hidden="true" focusable="false" role="img" width="1em" height="1em" preserveAspectRatio="xMidYMid meet" viewBox="0 0 32 32"><path d="M7.80914 18.7462V24.1907H13.2536V18.7462H7.80914Z" fill="#FF3270"></path><path d="M18.7458 18.7462V24.1907H24.1903V18.7462H18.7458Z" fill="#861FFF"></path><path d="M7.80914 7.80982V13.2543H13.2536V7.80982H7.80914Z" fill="#097EFF"></path><path fill-rule="evenodd" clip-rule="evenodd" d="M4 6.41775C4 5.08246 5.08246 4 6.41775 4H14.6457C15.7626 4 16.7026 4.75724 16.9802 5.78629C18.1505 4.67902 19.7302 4 21.4685 4C25.0758 4 28.0003 6.92436 28.0003 10.5317C28.0003 12.27 27.3212 13.8497 26.2139 15.02C27.243 15.2977 28.0003 16.2376 28.0003 17.3545V25.5824C28.0003 26.9177 26.9177 28.0003 25.5824 28.0003H17.0635H14.9367H6.41775C5.08246 28.0003 4 26.9177 4 25.5824V15.1587V14.9367V6.41775ZM7.80952 7.80952V13.254H13.254V7.80952H7.80952ZM7.80952 24.1907V18.7462H13.254V24.1907H7.80952ZM18.7462 24.1907V18.7462H24.1907V24.1907H18.7462ZM18.7462 10.5317C18.7462 9.0283 19.9651 7.80952 21.4685 7.80952C22.9719 7.80952 24.1907 9.0283 24.1907 10.5317C24.1907 12.0352 22.9719 13.254 21.4685 13.254C19.9651 13.254 18.7462 12.0352 18.7462 10.5317Z" fill="black"></path><path d="M21.4681 7.80982C19.9647 7.80982 18.7458 9.02861 18.7458 10.5321C18.7458 12.0355 19.9647 13.2543 21.4681 13.2543C22.9715 13.2543 24.1903 12.0355 24.1903 10.5321C24.1903 9.02861 22.9715 7.80982 21.4681 7.80982Z" fill="#FFD702"></path></svg> Spaces using Audio-Text-to-Text </div> <p class="mb-2 text-gray-500">No example Space is defined for this task.</p> <p class="flex-none text-sm italic text-gray-400"><span class="mr-1 rounded-sm bg-gray-100 px-1 font-mono text-xs font-semibold not-italic text-gray-500 dark:bg-gray-800">Note</span> Contribute by proposing a Space for this task 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