Unlimited Web hosting, PHP 5, MySQL, Host Unlimited domains
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This includes space for your web pages, files, emails and error & access logs for your account.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Disk Space</td> <td class="tdU1"><strong class="greyb">200 MB</strong></td> <td class="tdU2_1"><span class="beline">50,000 MB</span><br><strong class="greyb">Unlimited</strong></td> <td class="tdU3"><span class="beline">100,000 MB</span><br><strong class="greyb">Unlimited</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="trU"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>Also known as bandwidth. It is the amount of data transferred between your site and your visitors during the month. That is each time somebody loads your web page, file or image from your site, some data is transferred, so "data transfer" is related to the amount of traffic that your website gets - the busier your website, the more data transfer you need.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Data Transfer / month</td> <td class="tdU1"><strong class="greyb">4 GB</strong></td> <td class="tdU2"><span class="beline">500 GB</span><br><strong class="greyb">Unlimited</strong></td> <td class="tdU3"><span class="beline">1000 GB</span><br><strong class="greyb">Unlimited</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="trU_1"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>This is a promotional monthly cost of a hosting plan, the fee that is paid each month for using our web hosting services (for new/upgrade orders).<br><br> The FREE hosting plan is actually a totally free one - you do not pay anything, and you can use it as long as you wish.<br><br> However, we hope you like our webhosting services so much that you decide to upgrade to one of our advanced plans :-)</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Promo Monthly Price</td> <td class="tdU1"><strong class="orangeb">FREE</strong></td> <td class="tdU2_1"><strong class="orangeb">$4.95</strong></td> <td class="tdU3"><strong class="orangeb">$7.95</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="trU"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>This is a regular monthly cost of a hosting plan, the fee that is paid each month for using our web hosting services<br> (for web hosting plan <strong>renewal</strong> orders).</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Regular Monthly Price</td> <td class="tdU1">FREE</td> <td class="tdU2">$6.95</td> <td class="tdU3">$11.95</td> </tr> <tr class="trU_1"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>This is the setup fee you are supposed to pay for getting your account activated.<br><br> Unlike most our competitors FreeHostingEU does not charge any setup fees, and thus the account activation is going to be very fast and absolutely free!</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Setup/Activation Fee</td> <td class="tdU1">$0.00</td> <td class="tdU2_1">$0.00</td> <td class="tdU3">$0.00</td> </tr> </tbody> </table><br><br> <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="6" class="tableH" id="key-features"> <tbody> <tr class="trH"> <td class="tdHt"><strong>FreeHostingEU Key Features</strong></td> <td class="tdH1"><strong>FREE plan</strong></td> <td class="tdH2"><strong>BEST plan</strong></td> <td class="tdH3"><strong>PRO plan</strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table><br> <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="6" class="tableU"> <tbody> <tr class="trU_1"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>FreeHostingEU offers a FREE one year domain name registration of one top level domain (.com, .net, .org, etc.) included with our advanced website hosting plans</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt"><strong class="greyb">Free Domain Name</strong><br><font class="tdsmall">(.com, .net, .org, .info, .biz, .us,, .eu)</font></td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/n2.gif" class="no" alt="No"></td> <td class="tdU2_1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>FreeHostingEU provides some of the best web site creation tools: <strong>Concrete5</strong> website builder that is included with advanced webhosting plans for free. Both newbies and expert site designers can use Concrete5 site builder easily to create unique, multi functional websites in no time and without any additional costs.<br><strong>Joomla</strong> website builder that is a powerful content management system. It supports numerous services such as document management, eCommerce engines, email newsletters, forums, blogging software.<br><strong>WordPress</strong> site builder is a powerful tool that enables to create a personal or business web blog. It is also a publishing script that enables you to customize your blog, upload, categorize and tag photos. It has also numerous privacy options, spam protection, etc to get your web blog up and running at no cost and in minutes.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">3 FREE Web Site Builders <img src="imgas/novos/26.gif" alt="New" style="vertical-align:top;"></td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"><br><span class="tdsmall">(only 2 available)</span></td> <td class="tdU2"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU_1"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>FreeHostingEU provides an easy to use, one-click installer for many php-based scripts and software, including blogs, forums, content management systems, photo gallery, etc. So that you no longer need to spend hours uploading and configuring, do it the easy way with a simple mouse click!</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Easy PHP Scripts Installer (<font class="tdsmall"><a href="">learn more</a>)</font></td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/n2.gif" class="no" alt="No"></td> <td class="tdU2_1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>FreeHostingEU <b>does not</b> put any adverts to the hosted web sites, so you never see any forced by FreeHostingEU advertising on your site, no matter if you use our free or advanced web page hosting package!</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Forced Ads<br><font class="tdsmall">(banners, popups, text links, etc.)</font></td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/n2.gif" class="no" alt="No"></td> <td class="tdU2"><img src="imgas/icos/n2.gif" class="no" alt="No"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/n2.gif" class="no" alt="No"></td> </tr> </tbody> </table><br><br> <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="6" class="tableH" id="payment"> <tbody> <tr class="trH"> <td class="tdHt"><strong>Payment Options</strong></td> <td class="tdH1"><strong>FREE plan</strong></td> <td class="tdH2"><strong>BEST plan</strong></td> <td class="tdH3"><strong>PRO plan</strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table><br> <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="6" style="width:690px;border:0;background:#FFF;margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;"> <tbody> <tr style="text-align:center;"> <td style="text-align:left;"> <div style="padding-left:15px;"> <img src="imgas/pms.gif" alt="We accept Visa, MasterCard and PayPal payments" style="width:190px;height:35px;"> </div></td> <td style="width:115px;"> <div style="padding:1px;"> <a href="" class="but" rel="nofollow"><img src="imgas/sh_1.jpg" alt="Free Signup"></a> </div></td> <td style="width:115px;"> <div style="padding:1px;"> <a href="" class="but" rel="nofollow"><img src="imgas/sh_2.jpg" alt="Order Now"></a> </div></td> <td style="width:115px;"> <div style="padding:1px;"> <a href="" class="but" rel="nofollow"><img src="imgas/sh_2.jpg" alt="Order Now"></a> </div></td> </tr> </tbody> </table><br><br><br> <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="6" class="tableH" id="unlimited-domains-hosting"> <tbody> <tr class="trH"> <td class="tdHt"><strong>Host Multiple Websites</strong></td> <td class="tdH1"><strong>FREE plan</strong></td> <td class="tdH2"><strong>BEST plan</strong></td> <td class="tdH3"><strong>PRO plan</strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table><br> <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="6" class="tableU"> <tbody> <tr class="trU_1"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>The number of TLD's (.com, .net, .org, etc.) that you are allowed to add to each web hosting plan. This <strong>does not mean</strong> the mentioned number of domains is included with the plan, but it means that you are allowed to add the maximum of the mentioned number of domains to your account, e.g. if you already own many domains, or if you plan to own more ones.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Top Level Domains Hosted</td> <td class="tdU1">1</td> <td class="tdU2_1">5</td> <td class="tdU3"><strong class="greyb">Unlimited</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="trU"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>The total number of sub-domains (i.e. that you are allowed to add to each web hosting plan.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Subdomains</td> <td class="tdU1">5</td> <td class="tdU2">20</td> <td class="tdU3"><strong>Unlimited</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="trU_1"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>A number of FREE domains (such as are <strong>included</strong> with each web site hosting plan.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Free domains included</td> <td class="tdU1">5</td> <td class="tdU2_1">20</td> <td class="tdU3"><strong>50</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="trU"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>FreeHostingEU offers a FREE one year domain name registration of one top level domain (.com, .net, .org, .biz, .info, .eu, .us, included with our advanced web site hosting plans</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Free .com, .net, .org, etc. domain included</td> <td class="tdU1">0</td> <td class="tdU2">1</td> <td class="tdU3">1</td> </tr> </tbody> </table><br> <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="6" class="tableU"> <tbody> <tr class="trU_1"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>The total number of domain name based web sites that you can setup/host on each web hosting plan.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt"><strong class="greyb">Total number of domains hosted</strong></td> <td class="tdU1"><strong class="greyb">6</strong></td> <td class="tdU2_1"><strong class="greyb">25</strong></td> <td class="tdU3"><strong class="greyb">Unlimited</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="trU"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>The total number of domain names that are included with the corresponding web hosting plan:<br> - FREE plan includes 5 FREE web domains;<br> - BEST plan includes one FREE .com (.net, .org, etc.) and 20 FREE domains;<br> - PRO plan includes one FREE .com (.net, .org, .eu, .biz, .info, .us, or and 50 FREE domain names.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Total number of FREE domains included</td> <td class="tdU1">5</td> <td class="tdU2">21</td> <td class="tdU3"><strong>51</strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table><br><br> <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="6" class="tableH" id="email"> <tbody> <tr class="trH"> <td class="tdHt"><strong>E-Mail Features</strong></td> <td class="tdH1"><strong>FREE plan</strong></td> <td class="tdH2"><strong>BEST plan</strong></td> <td class="tdH3"><strong>PRO plan</strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table><br> <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="6" class="tableU"> <tbody> <tr class="trU_1"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>The number of E-mail accounts that you can create within your web hosting plan limits. Please note that you can create email accounts only with .com, .net, etc. domain names (e.g., and you can not create email accounts with subdomains or domains. Unfortunately, we had to set this limit to avoid spam attempts.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">E-mail Accounts</td> <td class="tdU1">1</td> <td class="tdU2_1">100</td> <td class="tdU3">Unlimited</td> </tr> <tr class="trU"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>The email alias feature allows you to setup multiple email addresses and point them to any other email address created within your hosting account.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">E-mail Aliases</td> <td class="tdU1">1</td> <td class="tdU2">500</td> <td class="tdU3">Unlimited</td> </tr> <tr class="trU_1"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>Using E-mail Filters you can easily manage the e-mail traffic to the mailboxes in your web hosting account. You can set filters that apply rules to any incoming e-mail which contains specific keywords in the mail header or body i.e. delete, forward, move to another folder. You can also set priorities and order the way these rules are executed.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">E-mail Filters</td> <td class="tdU1">1</td> <td class="tdU2_1">100</td> <td class="tdU3">Unlimited</td> </tr> <tr class="trU"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>In case you e.g. run a newsletter or regularly send emails to multiple recipients, the mailing list can help you to arrange your mailings with minimum efforts on your side.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Mailing lists</td> <td class="tdU1">0</td> <td class="tdU2">1</td> <td class="tdU3">10</td> </tr> <tr class="trU_1"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>FreeHostingEU provides an easy to use web-based software to access your e-mail accounts from anywhere and anytime by logging in the web interface where you can read or send e-mail messages.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Web-based Email</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU2_1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>POP3 (Post Office Protocol) access allows you to download your e-mail messages straight to your computer and navigate them using your favorite mail client such as Outlook, Outlook Express, Thunderbird, Eudora, TheBat, etc.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">POP3 server access</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU2"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU_1"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) is a powerful protocol providing you direct access to your mailbox online while all<br> e-mail messages are kept on the mail server. Thus you can control your e-mails from a desktop computer at home, a workstation in your office or a notebook while traveling without transferring or synchronizing messages between those computers.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">IMAP server access</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="no" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU2_"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) is a text-based protocol being the standard for email transmissions across the Internet. SMTP access enables you to send emails using our email servers.<br><br> There is a limit of 30 emails per month for a free hosting account.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">SMTP server access</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="no" alt="Yes"><br><span class="tdsmall">(limited)</span></td> <td class="tdU2"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU_1"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>Using this tool you can setup your email addresses to automatically reply to emails sent to those addresses with your chochosenssage. This feature can be useful e.g. if you are away, or just as notification upon the email receipt, etc.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Autoresponders</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="no" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU2_1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>In case SPAM is becoming a real issue for you and your business, you can block all unwanted e-mails and thus save time and efforts using out Spam Protection feature.<br><br> FreeHostingEU Virus protection system scans, detects and removes any unwanted programs that can potentially corrupt your data, or infringe the normal operation of your website, email, etc.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Anti-SPAM, Virus Protection</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="no" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU2"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU_1"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>It is sometimes called the <b>default</b> email address. So that you can set your web hosting account to catch any incoming email going to your domain name even if that email address doesn't exist.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Catch-All E-mail address</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/n2.gif" class="no" alt="No"></td> <td class="tdU2_1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>Email forwarding feature enables you to forward the email messages sent to one email address to any other email address.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">E-mail forwarding</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/n2.gif" class="no" alt="No"></td> <td class="tdU2"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU_1"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>FreeHostingEU allows to setup custom MX records, so that you can run your own mail-server and deliver emails externally.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Custom MX Record</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/n2.gif" class="no" alt="No"></td> <td class="tdU2_1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> </tbody> </table><br><br> <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="6" class="tableH" id="php-cgi"> <tbody> <tr class="trH"> <td class="tdHt"><strong>Server Side Scripting</strong></td> <td class="tdH1"><strong>FREE plan</strong></td> <td class="tdH2"><strong>BEST plan</strong></td> <td class="tdH3"><strong>PRO plan</strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table><br> <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="6" class="tableU"> <tbody> <tr class="trU_1"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>PHP is a powerful server side HTML embedded scripting language that is the most well known and widely used one in different web applications like blogs, image gallery, forums, etc.<br><br> FreeHostingEU hosting supports PHP5 (v.5.2 - v.5.6), PHP7 (v.7.0.10).</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">PHP 5, <strong>PHP 7</strong> hosting</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU2_1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>CGI (Common Gateway Interface) is a standard for interfacing web servers with an executable application. And Perl is the most common CGI scripting languages used now. FreeHostingEU offers full Perl5 support.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">CGI/Perl support</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU2"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU_1"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>Perl module is a piece of Perl code that contains ready-made Perl functions and tools that help to simplify the programming process. Perl modules can be used by a Perl script or by other Perl modules.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">3200+ Perl Modules</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU2_1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>ASP.NET is a developed by Microsoft web application framework that allows programmers to build dynamic web sites, web applications and web services. FreeHostingEU provides ASP.NET hosting on Linux based web servers with Apache2. We support ASP.NET 2.0 and such file extensions as .asax, .ascx, .ashx, .asmx, .aspx, .cs, .dll, .soap, .rem and .axd.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt"><strong>ASP.NET</strong> support</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/n2.gif" class="no" alt="No"></td> <td class="tdU2"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU_1"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>Ruby is a powerful programming language that supports multiple programming paradigms including functional, object oriented, imperative and reflection.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Ruby support</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/n2.gif" class="no" alt="No"></td> <td class="tdU2_1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>Python is an interpreted, interactive, object-oriented programming language.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Python support</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/n2.gif" class="no" alt="No"></td> <td class="tdU2"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU_1"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>Server Side Include (SSI) are Perl based commands executed by the server as it parses an HTML file. Server side includes can be used to include the value of various server environment variables into HTML, e.g. the local date and time, etc. Also you can use SSI e.g. to add a signature file or company logo to all html web pages of the site.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Server Side Includes (SSI)</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/n2.gif" class="no" alt="No"></td> <td class="tdU2_1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>ImageMagick is a robust collection of tools and libraries to read, write, and manipulate an image in many formats.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Image Magick support</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/n2.gif" class="no" alt="No"></td> <td class="tdU2"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU_1"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>Installed PHP version includes IonCube Loader that you can switch ON and OFF using "Edit php.ini" tool.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">IonCube Loader</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/n2.gif" class="no" alt="No"></td> <td class="tdU2_1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>Installed PHP version includes Zend Optimizer that you can switch ON and OFF using "Edit php.ini" tool.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Zend Optimizer</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/n2.gif" class="no" alt="No"></td> <td class="tdU2"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU_1"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>Curl is a command line tool for transferring files with URL syntax, supporting FTP, FTPS, HTTP, HTTPS, SSL certificates, HTTP POST, HTTP PUT, FTP uploading, HTTP form based upload, proxies, cookies, user+password authentication, file transfer resume, proxy tunneling and more.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">cURL support</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/n2.gif" class="no" alt="No"></td> <td class="tdU2_1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>GD is an ANSI library dynamic creation of images. GD creates PNG and JPEG images, among other formats. We support GD 2 version. </span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">GD Library</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU2"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> </tbody> </table><br><br> <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="6" class="tableH" id="mysql"> <tbody> <tr class="trH"> <td class="tdHt"><strong>Database Support</strong></td> <td class="tdH1"><strong>FREE plan</strong></td> <td class="tdH2"><strong>BEST plan</strong></td> <td class="tdH3"><strong>PRO plan</strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table><br> <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="6" class="tableU"> <tbody> <tr class="trU_1"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>MySQL is the most popular open source database used by most forums, blogs, and other PHP software and scripts. FreeHostingEU completely supports MySQL version 5.1 at both our free and unlimited website hosting plans.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">MySQL databases <strong>v.5</strong></td> <td class="tdU1">1</td> <td class="tdU2_1">10</td> <td class="tdU3">Unlimited</td> </tr> <tr class="trU"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>This is the amount of disk storage (web space) you get per each MySQL database included with your webhosting plan.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">MySQL Database storage<br><font class="tdsmall">(per each database)</font></td> <td class="tdU1"><span class="beline">10 MB</span> 30 MB <img src="imgas/novos/26.gif" alt="New" style="vertical-align:top;"></td> <td class="tdU2">100 MB</td> <td class="tdU3">Unlimited</td> </tr> <tr class="trU_1"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source relational database system.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">PostgreSQL databases</td> <td class="tdU1">0</td> <td class="tdU2_1">10</td> <td class="tdU3">Unlimited</td> </tr> <tr class="trU"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>This is the amount of disk storage (web space) you get per each PostgreSQL database included with your hosting plan.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">PostgreSQL Database storage<br><font class="tdsmall">(per each database)</font></td> <td class="tdU1">n/a</td> <td class="tdU2">50 MB</td> <td class="tdU3">Unlimited</td> </tr> <tr class="trU_1"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>phpMyAdmin is an advanced database management tool that enables to manage MySQL databases over the web.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">phpMyAdmin support</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU2_1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>phpPgAdmin is an advanced database management tool that enables to manage PostgreSQL databases over the web.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">phpPgAdmin support</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/n2.gif" class="no" alt="No"></td> <td class="tdU2"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> </tbody> </table><br><br> <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="6" class="tableH" id="manage-sites"> <tbody> <tr class="trH"> <td class="tdHt"><strong>Web Site Management</strong></td> <td class="tdH1"><strong>FREE plan</strong></td> <td class="tdH2"><strong>BEST plan</strong></td> <td class="tdH3"><strong>PRO plan</strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table><br> <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="6" class="tableU"> <tbody> <tr class="trU_1"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol, the internet protocol that is mainly used to upload files to a web server FTP account using any FTP client.<br> With more than one FTP account you can setup a separate login details for your website co-owner, member of your family, and give them access to different folders of your web hosting account, etc.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">FTP accounts</td> <td class="tdU1">1</td> <td class="tdU2_1">5</td> <td class="tdU3">Unlimited</td> </tr> <tr class="trU"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>Crontab is used to execute commands and scripts periodically as well as to run commands/scripts at exact time. Cron deamon reads sets of commands (cron jobs) and executes them according to the predefined schedule.<br> This feature is very useful to automate running of your everyday tasks.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Crontab support / Cron jobs</td> <td class="tdU1">0</td> <td class="tdU2">0</td> <td class="tdU3">3</td> </tr> <tr class="trU_1"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>We have developed a fully featured advanced web-based Control Panel that enables you to manage all the features of your web hosting account.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Advanced Control Panel (<a href="" onclick="demo('start'); return false;" title="Live Demo of FreeHostingEU Control Panel">demo</a>)</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU2_1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>The web based file manager enables you to easily upload, change, rename or delete files and folders in your web hosting account directly via your Control Panel.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Web-Based File Manager</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU2"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU_1"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>You can connect to our servers directly from Dreamweaver and upload your files using Dreamweaver software.<br> We also support all other web design software on FreeHostingEU servers.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Dreamweaver support</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU2_1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>By default, each hosting account is setup to use PHP4. This tool enables to easily select and switch PHP versions (php4/php5.2/php5.3) that you'd like to use for the PHP scripts in your web sites.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Switch PHP version</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU2"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU_1"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>This tool enables you to easily customize the PHP Configuration for your hosting account (and websites hosted) by editing the directives in php.ini file.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Edit <strong class="greyb">php.ini</strong> file</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/n2.gif" class="no" alt="No"></td> <td class="tdU2_1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>SSH support provides an easy way to remotely access a command line interface of your webhosting account and to run shell commands, configure options, transfer large files, make backups, etc.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt"><strong class="greyb">SSH Access</strong> (secure shell account)</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/n2.gif" class="no" alt="No"></td> <td class="tdU2"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU_1"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>The Password Protection feature helps you administer easily the web access to the directories in your website hosting account. You can add password protection to any folder in your hosting account so that no one can access it without the proper username/password.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Password Protection</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/n2.gif" class="no" alt="No"></td> <td class="tdU2_1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>A 404 error page is displayed when someone enters an URL or follows a link that does not exist. You can customize your 404 page i.e. put anything you like on it such as friendly statement that the requested page could not be found, using the same feel and look as for the rest of your site. This 404 error page enables you to track where your visitors come from, as well as the sources of broken links.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Custom Error 404 pages</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/n2.gif" class="no" alt="No"></td> <td class="tdU2"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU_1"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>Concrete5 is one of the best web creation tools, and it is included with advanced hosting plans for free. Both newbies and expert site designers can use Concrete5 site builder easily to create unique, multifunctional websites in no time and without any additional costs!</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt"><strong>Concrete5 Website Builder</strong><br><font class="tdsmall">Advanced Site Builder and CMS</font></td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/n2.gif" class="no" alt="No"></td> <td class="tdU2_1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>WordPress is a perfect tool for both beginners and experienced website owners that want to create personal or business web blog. WordPress is a blog builder tool that enables you to customize your blog, upload, categorize and tag photos. It has also numerous privacy options, spam protection, etc. to get your web blog up and running within minutes.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt"><strong class="greyb">WordPress Blog Builder</strong> <img src="imgas/novos/26.gif" alt="New" style="vertical-align:top;"><br><font class="tdsmall">install WordPress blog with few mouse-clicks</font></td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU2"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU_1"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>Joomla is a user friendly one-click install website builder with powerful content management features. It supports numerous services such as document management, eCommerce engines, email newsletters, forums, blogging software, etc.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt"><strong class="greyb">Joomla Website Builder</strong> <img src="imgas/novos/15.gif" alt="New" style="vertical-align:top;"><br><font class="tdsmall">install Joomla web site with few clicks</font></td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU2_1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>Due to security and anti-abuse reasons there are file size limits set for all files on our FREE hosting plans.<br> And there are NO any file size limits at advanced hosting plans..</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">File Size Limit</td> <td class="tdU1"><span class="beline">2 MB</span> 15 MB <img src="imgas/novos/26.gif" alt="New" style="vertical-align:top;"></td> <td class="tdU2">Unlimited</td> <td class="tdU3">Unlimited</td> </tr> </tbody> </table><br><br> <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="6" class="tableH" id="free-scripts"> <tbody> <tr class="trH"> <td class="tdHt"><strong>Pre-Installed PHP Scripts</strong></td> <td class="tdH1"><strong>FREE plan</strong></td> <td class="tdH2"><strong>BEST plan</strong></td> <td class="tdH3"><strong>PRO plan</strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table><br> <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="6" class="tableU"> <tbody> <tr class="trU_1"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>Advanced FreeHostingEU plans include pre-installed (few-clicks installation) Discussion Board applications - phpBB and SimpleMachines that you can use to easily create your online forum and invite users all over the internet to participate and discuss things.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt"><strong class="greyb">Discussion Boards</strong><br><font class="tdsmall">phpBB 3, SimpleMachines (SMF) forums</font></td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/n2.gif" class="no" alt="No"></td> <td class="tdU2_1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>Advanced FreeHostingEU plans include pre-installed (few-clicks installation) CMS aka Content Management Systems that enable to manage the creation, modification and removal of web content such as computer files, image and audio files, electronic documents, etc.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt"><strong class="greyb">CMS / Content Management Systems</strong><br><font class="tdsmall">Drupal, Concrete5, Joomla</font></td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/n2.gif" class="no" alt="No"></td> <td class="tdU2"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU_1"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>Advanced FreeHostingEU plans include pre-installed (few-clicks installation) blog, wiki and online learning system tools. They enable you to easily create your personal weblog, wiki or learning system and upload texts, images, audio files, links to other pages, etc.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt"><strong class="greyb">Weblogs / Wikis / Learning</strong><br><font class="tdsmall">Wordperss Blog, MediaWiki, Moodle</font></td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/n2.gif" class="no" alt="No"></td> <td class="tdU2_1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>With just few mouse-clicks you can setup Elgg that is an award-winning social networking engine, delivering the building blocks that enable businesses, schools, universities and associations to create their own fully-featured social networks and applications!</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt"><strong class="greyb">Social Engine Software</strong><br><font class="tdsmall">Elgg social networking engine</font></td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/n2.gif" class="no" alt="No"></td> <td class="tdU2"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU_1"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>You can create your own online gallery (photo or image gallery for yourself, your fiends, your family, etc.) using our Image Gallery application that is just few clicks to install. It's quick, easy and fun!</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt"><strong class="greyb">Image & Photo Gallery</strong><br><font class="tdsmall">Zenphoto simpler media website</font></td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/n2.gif" class="no" alt="No"></td> <td class="tdU2_1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> </tbody> </table><br><br> <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="6" class="tableH" id="ecommerce"> <tbody> <tr class="trH"> <td class="tdHt"><strong>E-Commerce Tools</strong></td> <td class="tdH1"><strong>FREE plan</strong></td> <td class="tdH2"><strong>BEST plan</strong></td> <td class="tdH3"><strong>PRO plan</strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table><br> <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="6" class="tableU"> <tbody> <tr class="trU_1"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>FreeHostingEU can install several eCommerce applications (shopping cart, online store) for you with just few clicks of the mouse. So that you can easily start your very own online store and collect money with one of the shopping carts provided.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt"><strong class="greyb">Shopping Cart</strong><br><font class="tdsmall">Zen Cart, osCommerce, PrestaShop, etc.</font></td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/n2.gif" class="no" alt="No"></td> <td class="tdU2_1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>The Password Protection feature enables you easily manage access to different areas of your web site. E.g. you can add password protection to your members area so that nobody can access it without the proper username/password that you can give to your site members/clients.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Password Protected Areas</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/n2.gif" class="no" alt="No"></td> <td class="tdU2"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU_1"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>FreeHostingEU provide all advanced hosting accounts with a Secure Socket Layer support which ensures the privacy and integrity of all data transfer between your website and your visitors. It is mandatory to have a SSL to protect information such as credit card details and passwords.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Shared SSL Server (https://)</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/n2.gif" class="no" alt="No"></td> <td class="tdU2_1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>Unlike Shared SSL that is not personalized and that is shared among many users, the private SSL certificate is dedicated to a single domain/website/company (up to verifing the location of the business) and thus it provides much more credibility to the web site than the shared one can do.<br><br> FreeHostingEU offers SSL Certificates by RapidSSL, SSL Certificate by GeoTrust (QuickSSL & True BusinessID SSL Certificate).</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Private <strong class="greyb">SSL Certificate</strong> (<a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;" rel="nofollow">details<span><strong>RapidSSL - $29.95 per year</strong><br> RapidSSL certificates have a browser recognition of around 99% and are ideal for websites conducting low volume / low value ecommerce transactions.<br><br><strong>GeoTrust QuickSSL - $129.95 per year</strong><br> GeoTrust QuickSSL enables up to 256-bit encryption and assures online visitors that confidential information and transactions cannot be viewed, intercepted or altered.<br><br><strong>GeoTrust True BusinessID - $169.95/year</strong><br> This bundled package of SSL certificate and True Site庐 site seal delivers unsurpassed browser and server recognition, as well as airtight access protection and fraud prevention.<br><br></span></a>)</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/n2.gif" class="no" alt="No"></td> <td class="tdU2">optional</td> <td class="tdU3">optional</td> </tr> <tr class="trU_1"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>In order to be setup and operate properly Private SSL Certificate requires a Dedicated IP address to be installed.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Private / Dedicated IP for SSL</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/n2.gif" class="no" alt="No"></td> <td class="tdU2_1">optional</td> <td class="tdU3">optional</td> </tr> </tbody> </table><br><br> <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="6" class="tableH" id="media-files"> <tbody> <tr class="trH"> <td class="tdHt"><strong>Media Support</strong></td> <td class="tdH1"><strong>FREE plan</strong></td> <td class="tdH2"><strong>BEST plan</strong></td> <td class="tdH3"><strong>PRO plan</strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table><br> <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="6" class="tableU"> <tbody> <tr class="trU_1"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span> Adobe Macromedia Flash is supported as standard at FreeHostingEU hosting.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Flash Support</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU2_1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span> Adobe Shockwave is supported.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Shockwave Support</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU2"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU_1"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>This feature is supported only by FreeHostingEU advanced hosting plans.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Streaming Video & Audio</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/n2.gif" class="no" alt="No"></td> <td class="tdU2_1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>This feature is supported only by FreeHostingEU advanced hosting plans.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Real Media Audio & Video</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/n2.gif" class="no" alt="No"></td> <td class="tdU2"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU_1"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>This feature is supported only by FreeHostingEU advanced hosting plans.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Windows Media Compatible</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/n2.gif" class="no" alt="No"></td> <td class="tdU2_1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> </tbody> </table><br><br> <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="6" class="tableH" id="website-stats"> <tbody> <tr class="trH"> <td class="tdHt"><strong>Website Statistics</strong></td> <td class="tdH1"><strong>FREE plan</strong></td> <td class="tdH2"><strong>BEST plan</strong></td> <td class="tdH3"><strong>PRO plan</strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table><br> <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="6" class="tableU"> <tbody> <tr class="trU_1"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>Webalizer is a web server log file analysis program that produces usage statistics in HTML format. Yearly, monthly, daily and hourly usage statistics are presented, as well as usage by site, URL, referrer, user agent (browser), username, search strings, entry/exit pages, country, etc.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Detailed Traffic Statistics <font class="tdsmall">(WebAlizer)</font></td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/n2.gif" class="no" alt="No"></td> <td class="tdU2_1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>This feature enables you to monitor the access and error log files for the domain names and subdomains in your hosting account.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Access Logs and Error Logs</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/n2.gif" class="no" alt="No"></td> <td class="tdU2"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU_1"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>FreeHostingEU advanced Control Panel provides detailed reports on the usage of different features of your web hosting account, so that you can monitor the usage and take the appropriate actions in case some of the allocated hosting resources go close or over the limits set in the account.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Resources Usage Reports</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU2_1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>This feature enables to monitor the traffic of domain names and subdomains in your hosting account to help you monitor the available traffic resources.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Common Traffic Statistics</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU2"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> </tbody> </table><br><br> <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="6" class="tableH" id="tech-secure"> <tbody> <tr class="trH"> <td class="tdHt"><strong>Technology & Security</strong></td> <td class="tdH1"><strong>FREE plan</strong></td> <td class="tdH2"><strong>BEST plan</strong></td> <td class="tdH3"><strong>PRO plan</strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table><br> <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="6" class="tableU"> <tbody> <tr class="trU_1"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>FreeHostingEU uses stable Linux (Debian Linux) operating system with Apache web server.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Stable Linux-based OS</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU2_1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>FreeHostingEU uses so called "clustered" hosting technology that enables to provide greater performance, increased reliability and better security at a very reasonable price.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Powerful Cluster-based hosting</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU2"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU_1"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>FreeHostingEU uses only high-end web server hardware with at least Intel Core 2 Duo processor, 8 GB RAM and SATA II hard drives in RAID configuration</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">High-End Enterprise Servers</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU2_1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>All FreeHostingEU web servers are protected with the firewall, so that you can feel safe knowing that your web site is protected from any standard web server attack.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Firewall Protection</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU2"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>Our RAID (Redundant Area of Independent Drives) configuration is designed to provide an increased data reliability.<br> Even if there is a system crash, we have instant backups, so your information is safely stored with us.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">RAID Backup Technology</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/n2.gif" class="no" alt="No"></td> <td class="tdU2"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU_1"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>This includes an UPS - uninterruptable power source is a device which maintains a continuous supply of electric power from a separate source when utility power is not available. We also have a Diesel generator which supplies power to our servers in case of emergency.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Secure Datacenter Environment</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU2_1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>The datacenter (where FreeHostingEU servers are located) maintains a super fast IP backbone connections to 11 backbone providers with the total of 50 GBits network connectivity.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">50 GBits Network Connectivity</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU2"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU_1"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>All FreeHostingEU web servers are monitored 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to ensure a continuous operation of our web hosting servers and our clients web sites.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">24/7 Server Monitoring</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU2_1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> </tbody> </table><br><br> <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="6" class="tableH" id="support"> <tbody> <tr class="trH"> <td class="tdHt"><strong>Customer Support & Guarantees</strong></td> <td class="tdH1"><strong>FREE plan</strong></td> <td class="tdH2"><strong>BEST plan</strong></td> <td class="tdH3"><strong>PRO plan</strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table><br> <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="6" class="tableU"> <tbody> <tr class="trU_1"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>FreeHostingEU Technical Support team of highly qualified professionals is avavailable 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and they are willing and ready to help you with any issue that you might come across while using our services.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">24/7 customer support</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU2_1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>Open a personal trouble ticket from your control panel and you will be directly connected to our technical support team.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Trouble Tickets System</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU2"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU_1"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>Each section of FreeHostingEU Control Panel contains a "Help link" that leads to the detailed instructions on how to use that section.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Integrated context help</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU2_1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>This support section provides answers to the most frequent questions and solutions to the most common issues.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Frequently Asked Questions</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU2"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU_1"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>FreeHostingEU guarantees 99.8% network uptime.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">99.8% uptime guarantee</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU2_1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>FreeHostingEU guarantees an unconditional 30 day money back. I.e. if for some reason you decide to get a refund, you can request a refund within 30 days of purchase, and get your money back.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">30 Day Money Back Guarantee</td> <td class="tdU1">n/a</td> <td class="tdU2"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> <tr class="trU_1"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>Free web hosting accounts are activated instantly, and advanced accounts are activated within minutes of verification (please see Terms of Service page).</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Quick Account Activation</td> <td class="tdU1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU2_1"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> <td class="tdU3"><img src="imgas/icos/y2.gif" class="yes" alt="Yes"></td> </tr> </tbody> </table><br><br> <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="6" class="tableH" id="final-plans"> <tbody> <tr class="trH"> <td class="tdHt"><strong>Pricing</strong></td> <td class="tdH1"><strong>FREE plan</strong></td> <td class="tdH2"><strong>BEST plan</strong></td> <td class="tdH3"><strong>PRO plan</strong></td> </tr> </tbody> </table><br> <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="6" class="tableU"> <tbody> <tr class="trU_1"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>This is a cost of FreeHostingEU website hosting plans calculated on monthly basis<br> (valid for <strong>new/upgrade</strong> orders)</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">PROMO Monthly Price (if paid annually)</td> <td class="tdU1">$<strong class="greyb">0.00</strong></td> <td class="tdU2_1">$<strong class="greyb">4.95</strong></td> <td class="tdU3">$<strong class="greyb">7.95</strong></td> </tr> <tr class="trU"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>FreeHostingEU does not charge any setup or activation fees, so that the account setup and activation is totally free, and the setup process is also very fast!</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Setup/Activation Fee</td> <td class="tdU1">$0.00</td> <td class="tdU2">$0.00</td> <td class="tdU3">$0.00</td> </tr> <tr class="trU_1"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>FreeHostingEU advanced hosting plans include a FREE one year domain name registration of one TLD domain name (.eu, .com, .net, .org, .biz, .info. or .us), and FreeHostingEU free hosting plan does NOT include this feature.</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">One Top Level Domain<br><font class="tdsmall">(.com, .net, .org, .info, .biz, .us,, .eu)</font></td> <td class="tdU1">n/a</td> <td class="tdU2_1">$0.00</td> <td class="tdU3">$0.00</td> </tr> <tr class="trU"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>ALL our hosting plans include a number (depending on the plan) of domains, such as<br><br> The domains are included for free, and you can use this free service as long as you wish!</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt">Free domain names</td> <td class="tdU1">$0.00</td> <td class="tdU2">$0.00</td> <td class="tdU3">$0.00</td> </tr> </tbody> </table><br> <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="6" class="tableU"> <tbody> <tr class="trU_1"> <td class="tdUd"><a href="" class="tooltip" onclick="return false;"><img src="imgas/icos/q2.gif" alt=""><span>The total yearly price of each hosting plan that you should pay to order the package (in case of free plan you pay 0.00 yearly)</span></a></td> <td class="tdUt"><strong class="greyb" style="font-size:15px;">TOTAL ANNUAL PROMO PRICE</strong></td> <td class="tdU1" style="font-family:Arial;color:#777;font-size:11px;">$<strong class="orangeb" style="font-size:19px;">0.00</strong> / year</td> <td class="tdU2_1" style="font-family:Arial;color:#777;font-size:11px;">$<strong class="orangeb" style="font-size:19px;">59.40</strong> / year</td> <td class="tdU3" style="font-family:Arial;color:#777;font-size:11px;">$<strong class="orangeb" style="font-size:19px;">95.40</strong> / year</td> </tr> </tbody> </table><br> <table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="6" style="width:690px;border:0;background:#FFF;margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;"> <tbody> <tr style="text-align:center;"> <td style="text-align:left;"></td> <td style="width:115px;"> <div style="padding:1px;"> <a href="" class="but" rel="nofollow"><img src="imgas/sh_1.jpg" alt="Free Signup"></a> </div></td> <td style="width:115px;"> <div style="padding:1px;"> <a href="" class="but" rel="nofollow"><img src="imgas/sh_2.jpg" alt="Order Now"></a> </div></td> <td style="width:115px;"> <div style="padding:1px;"> <a href="" class="but" rel="nofollow"><img src="imgas/sh_2.jpg" alt="Order Now"></a> </div></td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <h2 class="kf" id="more-features"><strong>Advanced Web Hosting</strong> Highlights and main Advantages explained</h2> <h3 class="keyf">Multiple FREE domains with extension</h3> <p class="keyfp">FreeHostingEU offers <strong>free 3rd level domains</strong> such as <strong class="green5b"></strong> included with each hosting plan (even with <a href="">free webhosting</a>) that enables our clients to create and host multiple sites with just one mouse-click, and thus there is no need to buy additional domain names.</p> <h3 class="keyf">1 FREE domain name with TLD extension</h3> <p class="keyfp">FreeHostingEU offers <a href="">free domain registration</a> of one <strong class="greenb">.com</strong>, <strong class="greenb">.net</strong>, <strong class="greenb">.org</strong>, <strong class="greenb">.biz</strong>, <strong class="greenb">.info</strong>, <strong class="greenb">.us</strong>, <strong class="greenb"></strong>, or <strong class="greenb">.eu</strong> top level domain extension that is included with "<a href="" rel="nofollow">BEST</a>" and "<a href="" rel="nofollow">PRO</a>" hosting plans and the offer is valid for all new orders.</p> <h3 class="keyf">Ability to Host Multiple domain names at once</h3> <p class="keyfp">FreeHostingEU offers multi domain hosting, i.e. the ability to host multiple websites, each with its own separate domain, corresponding email addresses, ftp accounts and other stuff - all in one low cost web hosting account.</p> <h3 class="keyf">Free PHP Scripts - Install with Few Mouse-Clicks</h3> <p class="keyfp">The "<a href="" rel="nofollow">BEST</a>" and "<a href="" rel="nofollow">PRO</a>" hosting plans includes an Easy installer that enables you to install your own Blogs, Forums, Image Gallery, Joomla, Drupal, PrestaShop, <strong class="greenb">Site builder</strong>, etc. with just <strong>few mouse-clicks</strong>, and you do not need to know any HTML and PHP/MySQL scripting, just click to install and everything is set up and configured!</p> <p class="keysigns"><a href=""><strong>Compare plans</strong></a>, check <a href=""><strong>Pre-Sales FAQ</strong></a>, or go ahead and <a href=""><strong>Sign Up Right Now</strong></a></p> </div> <div class="footer"> <div class="botnav"> <ul class="bnav"> <li><a href="" title="Report SPAM or Other Service Abuse"><strong>Report Abuse</strong></a></li> <li class="sep">|</li> <li><a href="" title="Legal Info: TOS, AUP, Privacy Policy, etc.">Terms of Service</a></li> <li class="sep">|</li> <li><a href="" title="Frequently Asked Questions">Check FAQ</a></li> <li class="sep">|</li> <li><a href="" title="Useful Web Hosting Resources">Hosting Resources</a></li> <li class="sep">|</li> <li><a href="" title="Links & Banners for Free Hosting EU">Links</a></li> <li class="sep">|</li> <li><a href="" title="About Free Hosting EU service">About Us</a></li> <li class="sep">|</li> <li><a href="" title="Contact Free Hosting EU information">Contact Us</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="clearfix" style="margin:10px 10px 0px 50px;"> <div class="lcopy"> <p class="copy">Copyright 漏 2008-2024 (former All rights reserved.<br> A project of <strong></strong> and <strong>AttractSoft</strong> GmbH.</p> </div> <div class="rcopy"> <script type="text/javascript"><!-- document.write("<a href='' "+ "target=_blank><img src=';r"+ escape(document.referrer)+((typeof(screen)=="undefined")?"": ";s"+screen.width+"*"+screen.height+"*"+(screen.colorDepth? screen.colorDepth:screen.pixelDepth))+";u"+escape(document.URL)+ ";"+Math.random()+ "' alt='' title='Counter' border='0' width='88' height='15'><\/a>") //--></script> </div> </div><b class="rbottom2"><b class="r4"></b> <b class="r3"></b> <b class="r2"></b> <b class="r1"></b></b> </div> <div class="flyBox2"> <div class="liveCont"> <a href="javascript:void(0);?_x_tr_sl=el&_x_tr_tl=ar&_x_tr_hl=el" onclick="LiveChat();return false;" title="Live Sales Chat" class="but"><img src="" alt="Live Sales Chat"></a> </div> <div class="faceCont"> <div class="fb-like" data-href="" data-width="100" data-layout="box_count" data-action="like" data-size="large" data-show-faces="false" data-share="true"></div> </div> </div> <div id="fb-root"></div> <script>(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; 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