Chapter 3: Einstein Demystifies Photoelectric Effect

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The emission has been found to have certain properties. <ol> <li>The <i>number</i> of electrons emitted by the metal depends on the <i>intensity</i> of the light beam applied on the metal;&nbsp; more intense the beam, higher the number of electrons emitted. <li>The emitted electrons move with greater <i>speed</i> if the applied light has a higher <i>frequency</i>. <li>No electron is emitted until the light has a <i>threshold</i> frequency, <i>no matter how intense the light is</i>. </ol> These observations baffled physicists for many decades, since they cannot be explained if light is thought of only as a wave. <p>If light were to be a wave, <i>both</i> the energy and the number of the electrons emitted from the metal should increase with an increase in the intensity of light.&nbsp; Observations contradicted this prediction; only the number, and not the energy, of the electrons increased with the increase of the intensity of the light. <hr> <center> <img src="images/peeffect.gif" alt= "Einstein's Explanation of Photoelectric Effect" hspace="5" vspace="5" height="152" width="265"> </center> <center> <b>Fig. 3-1: Einstein's Explanation of Photoelectric Effect</b> <sup>*</sup> </center> <hr> <p>What Einstein showed was that the photoelectric effect as it had been observed could be explained if individual particles (or <i>quanta</i>) of light were penetrating the metal and knocking electrons loose from atoms. <i>According to Einstein's paper, increasing the intensity of the light increased the number of photons, while the energy of each individual photon remained the same, as long as the frequency of the light remained the same</i>.&nbsp; Therefore the number of electrons emitted would increase, but the energy transmitted to them by the particles of light would remain the same. <p>In one stroke Einstein showed that light is a stream of particles, and also that there was solid evidence for the existence of quanta.&nbsp; His theory could satisfactorily explain all the known properties of the photoelectric effect, and was the first result derived from quantum theory of the interaction between radiation and matter. <p>The same theory also raises a fundamental question:&nbsp; is light ultimately a <i>wave</i>, or <i>a stream of photons</i>? <p>The answer is: <i>both</i>.&nbsp; Light behaves as a wave under certain conditions, and as a stream of particles under others.&nbsp; It is said to have a <i>dual nature</i>:&nbsp; we can understand it as either wave or particle, depending on our context of observation.&nbsp; If you are wondering why this is so, rest assured that this matter will be clarified later, in Chapter 7. <h5>Footnotes</h5> <a name="fn1"></a>1.&nbsp; Einstein's paper was titled, in German, <i>&Uuml;ber einen die Erzeugung und Verwandlung des Lichtes betreffenden heuristischen Gesichtspunkt</i> or, in English, <i>On a Heuristic Viewpoint Concerning the Production and Transformation of Light</i>.&nbsp; <a href="#fn1_back">Back</a> <p><a name="fn2"></a>2.&nbsp; Normally when we use the word <i>light</i>, we are actually referring to visible light.&nbsp; Visible light, however, is only a small part of the electromagnetic spectrum, which ranges all the way from radio waves to gamma radiation.&nbsp; Every kind of radiation on the electromagnetic spectrum is really the same thing, only with different wavelengths and frequencies.&nbsp; <a href="#fn2_back">Back</a> <p><a name="fb3"></a>3.&nbsp; Electrons will be explained in the context of atomic structure in the next chapter.&nbsp; <a href= "#fb3_back">Back</a> <p><i>* Fig 3-1 Courtesy: <a href= ""></a></i> <p><a href="chap02.html">&laquo; Previous: Planck's Hypothesis</a> || <a href="chap04.html">Next: Bohr's Model &raquo;</a> </div> </body> </html>

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