Chemical and Product Safety | Sustainability | Daicel Corporation
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At the same time, we practice chemicals management with consideration for risks that arise throughout the product life cycle, from development, manufacturing, distribution, and use to disposal, and recycling. We are committed to disclosing the information required for properly handling chemical substances both inside and outside the Group.</p> </div> <div class="basic-out"> <p class="list list-note"><span class="list__mark">*</span>Product stewardship is an initiative for minimizing the impact of chemical substances on human health, safety, and the environment throughout the entire value chain related to the life cycle of a chemical product, encompassing its development, manufacture, distribution, use, disposal, and recycling.</p> </div> <!--/column-basic--> </section> <section class="column-container" id="anc-2"> <div class="heading heading-lv3"> <h2> <span class="heading__label">Promotion System</span> </h2> </div> <p>Under the Responsible Care (“RC”) Promotion System, spearheaded by the RC Council, the Daicel Group strives to ensure chemical and product safety throughout the process of development, manufacturing, distribution, use, disposal, and recycling of chemical products. We practice proper chemical substance management by implementing the Total Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) Assessment System as a means for evaluating risks associated with chemical substances regarding health, safety, and the environment. Chemical substances subject to risk assessment include existing products that have undergone production process or production equipment changes, as well as new products.</p> <ul class="list list-link"> <li><a href="/en/sustainability/responsible/?id=anc-2" class="link"><span>Promotion System for Responsible Care</span></a></li> <li><a href="/en/sustainability/responsible/?id=anc-4" class="link"><span>Total Environmental, Health and Safety Assessment System</span></a></li> </ul> <!--/column-container--> </section> <section class="column-container" id="anc-3"> <div class="heading heading-lv3"> <h2> <span class="heading__label">Chemical Substance Management</span> </h2> </div> <section class="mt-0"> <h3 class="heading-lv3-csr">Initiatives to Maintain Compliance with International Chemical Substance Regulations</h3> <p>The Daicel Group not only complies with domestic regulations pertaining to the management of chemical substances but also maintains compliance with the chemical regulations enforced in each country in Europe, the U.S., Asia-Pacific, and other regions by utilizing search databases for domestic and international laws to obtain the latest information on revisions to laws and regulatory trends in each country.<br>In May 2018, Daicel completed all registrations of its chemical substances designated under the European Union’s REACH* as planned, in compliance with regulatory timelines specified by the regulations based on the volume of substances being manufactured or imported.<br>Even after registration, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) examines all registration-related documents based on the compliance check procedures of the REACH regulation and provides improvement recommendations to registrants to ensure compliance with changes in information requests under the regulation. The Daicel Group is also responding as necessary for the products in question. Furthermore, based on the CLP Regulation, notifications have been submitted to the poison centers of respective member states for the relevant products.</p> <p class="list list-note"><span class="list__mark">*</span>REACH (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals) is a regulation that mandates that producers and importers must register their chemical products with the European Union, conduct safety assessments, control permits for their use, and restrict their use.</p> </section> <section> <h3 class="heading-lv3-csr">Consolidated Management of Chemical Information</h3> <p>The Daicel Group creates SDS* and labels to ensure that all of its products are handled safely and securely, provides timely information to customers, and conducts risk assessments of the chemical substances in its products.<br>Using its unique chemical information management data bank called D-CLik, the company has unified information on raw materials, intermediates, and finished products regarding their toxicity, hazardous properties, and relevant regulations. As for the data on D-CLik, we not only register new chemical substances but also provide occasional updates by collecting monthly safety test reports and other relevant documents from the entire company and submitting them to the administration departments.</p> <p class="list list-note"><span class="list__mark">*</span>The Safety Data Sheet is a document providing information on the properties and safety of chemical substances, and instructions about their handling.</p> </section> <section> <h3 class="heading-lv3-csr">Provision of Chemical Information</h3> <p>The Daicel Group provides the following information on chemical substances to ensure that customers can use its products with a sense of safety and security.</p> <p class="pc_none">Scroll left or right</p> <div class="sp_scroll"> <table class="table table-bordered"> <colgroup> <col class="w-30"> <col class="w-70"> </colgroup> <tbody> <tr> <th>Information disclosed via the Safety Data Sheet (SDS)</th> <td> <ul class="list list-bullet"> <li>Daicel creates a SDS for all of its products in accordance with GHS<sup>*1</sup> and the Industrial Safety and Health Act of Japan and provides this information to customers.</li> <li>Daicel publishes a SDS for its major products on its website.</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <th>Information disclosed via GPS/JIPS<sup>*2</sup> activities</th> <td> <ul class="list list-bullet"> <li>Daicel participates in the GPS/JIPS (Global Product Strategy/Japan Initiative of Product Stewardship), a voluntary initiative promoted by the Japan Chemical Industry Association (JCIA) for reinforcing controls of chemical products.</li> <li>Daicel publishes its 12 Safety Summaries, based on risk assessment results, on the GPS Chemicals Portal Site run by the JCIA.</li> </ul> </td> </tr> <tr> <th>Information disclosed via chemSHERPA<sup>*3</sup></th> <td> <ul class="list list-bullet"> <li>Daicel has declared its support for promoting the use of chemSHERPA, a scheme developed by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan for communicating information on the ingredients of chemical products.</li> </ul> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <ol class="list list-note_v2 table__caption mb-3"> <li><span class="list__mark">*1</span>GHS stands for Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals, which provides a globally standardized set of rules regarding chemical categories and the presentation of SDS information for hazardous properties of chemical substances, as well as precautions for their handling.</li> <li><span class="list__mark">*2</span>GPS/JIPS stands for Global Product Strategy/Japan Initiative of Product Stewardship, and it concerns the voluntary actions of the chemical industry promoted by Japan Chemical Industry Association (JCIA) and is based on the chemical management strategy of the International Council of Chemical Associations (ICCA). Through these actions, the industry conducts risk assessments of chemical products, creates safety summaries to easily explain results to people outside the industry, and makes these summaries publicly available on JCIA’s “Portal Site for Chemical Substance Risk Assessment Support.”</li> <li><span class="list__mark">*3</span>chemSHERPA is a scheme that aims to ensure the appropriate management of the content of chemical products while communicating information regarding their ingredients throughout supply chains based on a unified list.</li> </ol> <p>A partial revision of the enforcement ordinance of the Industrial Safety and Health Act (ISHA) was promulgated in May 2022, and substances subject to required labeling, indication using SDS, etc. and notification are added every year since FY2024/3. The Daicel Group’s SDS is updated to include substances that are candidates until enforcement.</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener" class="link link-blank"><span>Chemical risk assessment support portal</span></a></p> </section> </section> <section class="column-container" id="anc-4"> <div class="heading heading-lv3"> <h2> <span class="heading__label">In-House Training and Education</span> </h2> </div> <p>To ensure appropriate management of chemical substances, the Daicel Group regularly provides all workers who handle chemical substances with educational programs about the hazardous properties of chemical substances and appropriate methods for handling them as well as the domestic and overseas laws and regulations governing them.<br>Particularly with respect to domestic and overseas laws and regulations, we have assigned chemical product management supervisors and workers in each business division and Group company who gather four times a year to exchange information, which is undertaken in two parts. In the first part, participants share information and discuss topics such as chemical product regulations in Japan and overseas along with the latest information and trends related to industry groups, and in the second part, topics such as regulatory trends and internal management systems that are focused on conveying information about chemicals are discussed. In FY2024/3, the meetings were attended by a total of 330 division heads and relevant staff.<br>In addition, we provide risk assessment education for all workers who handle chemical substances. This risk assessment is an extremely important element for chemical substance management, and it is essential that evaluators have a solid background to properly understand the assessment results and conduct risk management. The Daicel Group provides opportunities for practical training courses to cultivate professionals who can assess the risks of chemical substances, promoting the acquisition of extensive knowledge and continuous technical skills necessary for risk assessment.</p> <!--/column-container--> </section> <section class="column-container" id="anc-5"> <div class="heading heading-lv3"> <h2> <span class="heading__label">Voluntary Efforts Concerning Chemical Substances</span> </h2> </div> <p>When developing new plans* under the Total EHS Assessment System, the Daicel Group conducts advance assessments of all chemical substances handled through its business with regard to the risks and toxicity they may pose in order to prevent people, equipment, and the environment from being affected by its chemical substances.</p> <p>■ Prohibited substances<br>Chemical substances whose manufacture and use are prohibited or severely restricted by law due to their hazardous or harmful properties. The Daicel Group has implemented a ban on the manufacture and use of these substances.</p> <p>■ Substances prohibited in principle<br>Chemical substances whose manufacture and use are strictly regulated (requiring permission, notification, implementation of safety measures, etc.). In principle, the Daicel Group prohibits the manufacture and use of these substances and is considering replacing them with alternative substances at the research and development stage. If it is unavoidable to manufacture or use these substances, we conduct a preliminary review at Corporate Total EHS Assessment Committee based on information such as their hazards, harmfulness, production volume, usage volume, purpose, exposure situation, and risk measures for people's health and the environment, and make a judgment on whether or not it is permissible. As mentioned above, we systematically manage substances of concern for their hazards and harmfulness based on the Total EHS Assessment System.</p> <p>In addition, we conduct risk assessments for all chemical substances handled in all operations, including the manufacture, development, and testing of not only existing products but also new and developmental products.</p> <p class="list list-note"><span class="list__mark">*</span>This includes expanded applications for existing products as well as changes to product standards, manufacturing methods, and raw materials.</p> <!--/column-container--> </section> <section class="column-container" id="anc-6"> <div class="heading heading-lv3"> <h2> <span class="heading__label">Our Philosophy on Animal Experimentation in Toxicity Testing</span> </h2> </div> <p>Laws and regulations require hazard assessments be conducted as part of product development and appropriate product management control. As a general rule, the Daicel Group conducts toxicity testing without the use of animals.<br>When animal experimentation cannot be avoided, we outsource to testing organizations that are in compliance with the 3Rs* (a set of international principles for conducting animal experiments properly in accordance with animal welfare principles) and that have policies and certifications regarding the careful treatment of animals.</p> <p class="list list-note"><span class="list__mark">*</span>A set of internationally established principles that seeks to ensure animal experimentation is conducted properly and that includes guidelines for the feeding and storage of animals used in experiments. The 3Rs refer to the principles of (1) alleviating animal suffering (Refinement), (2) reducing the number of animals used (Reduction), and (3) using alternative means of experimentation that do not involve the use of animals (Replacement).</p> <!--/column-container--> </section> <!--/container-inner--> </div> <aside id="csr_side" class="column-nav"> </aside> <!--/container csr--> </div> <!--/mainContents--> </div> <!--/pageContents--> </div> </article> </main> <div class="pageGuide"> <nav class="breadcrumb container" aria-label="breadcrumb" data-parts="breadcrumb"> <ol class="main-breadcrumb" itemscope="" itemtype=""> <li class="breadcrumb__item home" itemprop="itemListElement" itemscope="" itemtype=""> <a class="link" itemprop="item" href="/en/"><span itemprop="name">TOP</span></a> <meta itemprop="position" content="1"> </li> <li class="breadcrumb__item" itemprop="itemListElement" itemscope="" itemtype=""> <a class="link" itemprop="item" href="/en/sustainability/"><span itemprop="name">Sustainability</span></a> <meta itemprop="position" content="2"> </li> <li class="breadcrumb__item" itemprop="itemListElement" itemscope="" itemtype=""> <a class="link" itemprop="item" href="/en/sustainability/socialreport.html"><span itemprop="name">Social Report</span></a> <meta itemprop="position" content="3"> </li> <li class="breadcrumb__item" itemscope="" itemtype=""> <span itemprop="item"><span itemprop="name">Chemical and Product Safety</span></span> <meta itemprop="position" content="4"> </li> </ol> </nav> <!--/pageGuide--> </div> <div id="wrap-footer"> </div> <!--/footer--> <script src="/en/js/lib/jquery.js"></script> <script src="/en/sustainability/js/csr.js?2024"></script> <script src="/en/sustainability/js/tpl.js?2024"></script> </body> </html>