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The original model is one of a number of mid-1980s computers with [[16-bit computing|16-]] or 16/32-bit processors, 256&nbsp;KB or more of RAM, mouse-based GUIs, and significantly improved graphics and audio compared to previous [[8-bit]] systems. These systems include the [[Atari ST]]—released earlier the same year—as well as the [[Macintosh 128K|Macintosh]] and [[Acorn Archimedes]]. Based on the [[Motorola 68000]] [[microprocessor]], the Amiga differs from its contemporaries through the inclusion of custom hardware to accelerate graphics and sound, including [[sprite (computer graphics)|sprites]] and a [[blitter]], and a [[pre-emptive multitasking]] operating system called [[AmigaOS]]. The [[Amiga 1000]] was released in July 1985, but production problems kept it from becoming widely available until early 1986.<ref>{{cite book |author=<!--Not stated--> |date=2012 |title=Classic Videogame Hardware Genius Guide |url= |publisher=[[Imagine Publishing]] |page=171 |isbn=9781908222220}}</ref> The best-selling model, the [[Amiga 500]], was introduced in 1987 along with the more expandable [[Amiga 2000]]. The [[Amiga 3000]] was introduced in 1990, followed by the [[Amiga 500 Plus]], and [[Amiga 600]] in March 1992, followed by the [[Amiga 1200]] and [[Amiga 4000]]. Estimates of Amiga sales figures vary, with several older sources presenting values between 4.85 (purely Commodore Amiga sales) and 5.29 million (including Escom sales).<ref name="amigahistory" /> While early advertisements cast the computer as an all-purpose business machine,<ref name="ad1987a" /><ref name="ad1987b" /><ref name="ad1987c" /><ref name="ad1987d" /><ref name="ad1987e" /><ref name="ad1989" /> especially when outfitted with the [[Amiga Sidecar|Sidecar]] IBM PC compatibility add-on, the Amiga was most commercially successful as a [[home computer]], with a wide range of [[Video game|games]] and creative software. It also found a niche in [[video production]] with the [[Video Toaster]] hardware and software, and Amiga's audio hardware made it a popular platform for [[music tracker]] software. The processor and memory capacity enabled 3D rendering packages, including [[LightWave 3D]], [[Imagine (3D modeling software)|Imagine]], and Traces, a predecessor to [[Blender (software)|Blender]]. Poor marketing and the failure of later models to repeat the technological advances of the first systems resulted in Commodore quickly losing market share to the rapidly dropping prices of [[IBM PC compatible]]s (which gained 256 color graphics in 1987),<ref name="reimer" /> as well as the [[fourth generation of video game consoles]]. Commodore ultimately went bankrupt in April 1994 after a version of the Amiga packaged as a game console, the [[Amiga CD32]], failed in the marketplace. [[Escom AG|Escom]] of Germany, who acquired Commodore properties, continued developing the Amiga line for just under two more years until it also went bankrupt. Since the demise of Commodore and Escom, various groups have marketed successors to the original Amiga line, including [[Eyetech]], [[ACube Systems Srl]] and A-EON Technology who have produced [[AmigaOne]] computers since the 2000s. AmigaOS has influenced replacements, clones, and compatible software such as [[MorphOS]] and [[AROS]]. Currently Belgian company [[Hyperion Entertainment]] maintains and develops [[AmigaOS 4]], which is an official and direct descendant of AmigaOS 3.1 – the last system made by Commodore for the original Amiga computers. == History == {{Main|History of the Amiga}} === Concept and early development === [[Jay Miner]] joined [[Atari, Inc.]] in the 1970s to develop custom [[integrated circuit]]s, and led development of the [[Atari Video Computer System]]'s [[Television Interface Adaptor|TIA]].<ref name=p1p3>{{cite web |url= |title=A history of the Amiga, part 1: Genesis |website=Ars Technica |first=Jeremy |last=Reimer |date=3 July 2007 |access-date=14 June 2017 |archive-url= |archive-date=4 July 2017 |url-status=live |df=dmy-all }}</ref> When complete, the team began developing a much more sophisticated set of chips, [[CTIA and GTIA|CTIA]], [[ANTIC]] and [[POKEY]], that formed the basis of the [[Atari 8-bit computers]].<ref name=p1p4>{{cite web |url= |title=A history of the Amiga, part 1: Genesis |website=Ars Technica |first=Jeremy |last=Reimer |date=3 July 2007 |access-date=14 June 2017 |archive-url= |archive-date=4 July 2017 |url-status=live |df=dmy-all }}</ref> With the 8-bit line's launch in 1979, the team once again started looking at a next generation chipset. [[Nolan Bushnell]] had sold the company to [[WarnerMedia|Warner Communications]] in 1978, and the new management was much more interested in the existing lines than development of new products that might cut into their sales. Miner wanted to start work with the new [[Motorola 68000]], but management was only interested in another [[6502]] based system. Miner left the company, and, for a time, the industry.<ref name=p1p4/> In 1979, [[Larry Kaplan]] left Atari and founded [[Activision]]. In 1982, Kaplan was approached by a number of investors who wanted to develop a new game platform. Kaplan hired Miner to run the hardware side of the newly formed company, "Hi-Toro". The system was code-named "Lorraine" in keeping with Miner's policy of giving systems female names, in this case the company president's wife, Lorraine Morse.<ref name="AutoP5-1" /> When Kaplan left the company late in 1982, Miner was promoted to head engineer<ref name=p1p4/> and the company relaunched as Amiga Corporation.<ref>''New York Times'', 29 August 1984, p. D1</ref> [[File:boingball.png|thumb|The Boing Ball]] The Amiga hardware was designed by Miner, [[RJ Mical]], and Dale Luck.<ref name=NGen39>{{cite magazine |title=Cribsheet |magazine=[[Next Generation (magazine)|Next Generation]]|issue=39 |publisher=[[Imagine Media]] |date=March 1998|page=22}}</ref> A [[breadboard]] prototype for testing and development was largely completed by late 1983, and shown at the January 1984 [[Consumer Electronics Show]] (CES). At the time, the operating system was not ready, so the machine was demonstrated with the "Boing Ball" demo, a real-time [[animation]] showing a red-and-white spinning ball bouncing and casting a shadow; this bouncing ball later became the official logo of Escom subsidiary Amiga Technologies. CES attendees had trouble believing the computer being demonstrated had the power to display such a demo and searched in vain for the "real" computer behind it.<ref>Wallich, Paul: [ Amiga: The Computer That Wouldn't Die], '''' 1 March 2001. Accessed on 3 February 2020.</ref>{{failed verification|reason=While I don't doubt the bouncy ball at CES thing happened, the cited account significantly differs from what's recounted in this paragraph. The source says there was a hidden prototype, and it makes no mention of the bouncy ball demo at CES.|date=January 2024}}<!--Since I'm here, I'll add that in a way, the Amiga's bouncy ball was a then-modern take on the Whirlwind's much earlier (if not first?) bouncy ball, see [[Whirlwind_I#cite_note-13]] – but I'm not sure that was an intentional callback, nor that this can or should be noted in this section/article. Feel free to delete this if it's of no use.--> A further developed version of the system was demonstrated at the June 1984 CES and shown to many companies in hopes of garnering further funding, but found little interest in a market that was in the final stages of the [[video game crash of 1983]].<ref name="AutoP5-1" /><ref name="AutoP5-2" /> In March, Atari expressed a tepid interest in Lorraine for its potential use in a games console or home computer tentatively known as the {{vanchor|1850XLD}}. The talks were progressing slowly,<ref>''New York Times'', 29 August 1984, p. D16</ref> and Amiga was running out of money. A temporary arrangement in June led to a $500,000 loan from Atari to Amiga to keep the company going. The terms required the loan to be repaid at the end of the month, otherwise Amiga would forfeit the Lorraine design to Atari.<ref name=p3p3/> === Commodore === During 1983, Atari lost over {{US$|long=no|1 million}} a week{{cn|date=November 2024}} due to the combined effects of the crash and the ongoing price war in the home computer market. By the end of the year, Warner was desperate to sell the company. In January 1984, [[Jack Tramiel]] resigned from Commodore due to internal battles over the future direction of the company. A number of Commodore employees followed him to his new company, Tramel Technology. This included a number of the senior technical staff, where they began development of a 68000-based machine of their own. In June, Tramiel arranged a no-cash deal to take over Atari, reforming Tramel Technology as [[Atari Corporation]]. As many Commodore technical staff had moved to Atari, Commodore was left with no workable path to design their own next-generation computer. The company approached Amiga offering to fund development as a home computer system. They quickly arranged to repay the Atari loan, ending that threat. The two companies were initially arranging a {{US$|long=no|4 million}} license agreement before Commodore offered {{US$|long=no|24 million}} to purchase Amiga outright.<ref name=p3p3>{{cite web |url= |title=A history of the Amiga, part 3: The first prototype |website=Ars Technica |first=Jeremy |last=Reimer |date=21 August 2007 |access-date=14 June 2017 |archive-url= |archive-date=4 July 2017 |url-status=live |df=dmy-all }}</ref> By late 1984, the prototype breadboard chipset had successfully been turned into integrated circuits, and the system hardware was being readied for production. At this time the [[operating system]] (OS) was not as ready, and led to a deal to port an OS known as [[TRIPOS]] to the platform. TRIPOS was a [[Computer multitasking|multitasking]] system that had been written in [[BCPL]] during the 1970s for the [[PDP-11]] [[minicomputer]], but later experimentally ported to the 68000. This early version was known as AmigaDOS and the GUI as Workbench. The BCPL parts were later rewritten in the [[C (programming language)|C]] language, and the entire system became AmigaOS. The system was enclosed in a [[pizza box form factor]] case; a late change was the introduction of vertical supports on either side of the case to provide a "garage" under the main section of the system where the keyboard could be stored.<ref name=p5p1>{{cite web |url= |title=A history of the Amiga, part 4: Enter Commodore |website=Ars Technica |first=Jeremy |last=Reimer |date=10 December 2007 |access-date=14 June 2017 |archive-url= |archive-date=4 July 2017 |url-status=live |df=dmy-all }}</ref> ===Launch=== The first model was announced in 1985 as simply "The Amiga from Commodore", later to be retroactively dubbed the [[Amiga 1000]].{{efn|The name "Amiga" was chosen because it is the [[Spanish language|Spanish]] word for ''(female) friend'', and alphabetically it appears before Apple in lists of computer makers. It originated as a project code-named "Lorraine", therefore the female was used instead of the male and general version ''Amigo''.}} They were first offered for sale in August, but by October only 50 had been built, all of which were used by Commodore. Machines only began to arrive in quantity in mid-November, meaning they missed the Christmas buying rush.<ref name=p4p2>{{cite web |url= |title=A history of the Amiga, part 5: postlaunch blues |website=Ars Technica |first=Jeremy |last=Reimer |date=21 October 2007 |access-date=14 June 2017 |archive-url= |archive-date=4 July 2017 |url-status=live |df=dmy-all }}</ref> By the end of the year, they had sold 35,000 machines, and severe cashflow problems made the company pull out of the January 1986 CES.<ref name=p5p2>{{cite web |url= |title=A history of the Amiga, part 5: postlaunch blues |website=Ars Technica |first=Jeremy |last=Reimer |date=21 October 2007 |access-date=14 June 2017 |archive-url= |archive-date=4 July 2017 |url-status=live |df=dmy-all }}</ref> Bad or entirely missing marketing, forcing the development team to move to the east coast, notorious stability problems and other blunders limited sales in early 1986 to between 10,000 and 15,000 units a month.<ref name="p5p1"/> 120,000 units were reported as having been sold from the machine's launch up to the end of 1986.<ref name="computerworld19870615_amiga">{{ cite magazine | url= | title=Memory up for Amiga | magazine=Computerworld | last1=Bright | first1=David | date=15 June 1987 | access-date=26 April 2024 | pages=39,42 }}</ref> === Later models === In late 1985, [[Thomas Rattigan]] was promoted to [[Chief operating officer|COO]] of Commodore, and then to [[CEO]] in February 1986. He immediately implemented an ambitious plan that covered almost all of the company's operations. Among these was the long-overdue cancellation of the now outdated [[Commodore PET|PET]] and [[VIC-20]] lines, as well as a variety of poorly selling [[Commodore 64]] offshoots and the [[Commodore 900]] [[workstation]] effort.<ref name=p6p2/> Another one of the changes was to split the Amiga into two products, a new high-end version of the Amiga aimed at the creative market, and a cost-reduced version that would take over for the Commodore 64 in the low-end market.<ref name=p6p2>{{cite web |url= |title=A history of the Amiga, part 6: stopping the bleeding |website=Ars Technica |first=Jeremy |last=Reimer |date=11 February 2008 |access-date=14 June 2017 |archive-url= |archive-date=4 July 2017 |url-status=live |df=dmy-all }}</ref> These new designs were released in 1987 as the [[Amiga 2000]] and [[Amiga 500]], the latter of which went on to widespread success and became their best selling model. Similar high-end/low-end models would make up the Amiga line for the rest of its history; follow-on designs included the [[Amiga 3000]]/[[Amiga 500 Plus]]/[[Amiga 600]], and the [[Amiga 4000]]/[[Amiga 1200]]. These models incorporated a series of technical upgrades known as the [[Amiga Enhanced Chip Set|ECS]] and [[Amiga Advanced Graphics Architecture|AGA]], which added higher resolution displays among many other improvements and simplifications.{{Sfn|Loguidice|Barton|2014|pp=162–163}} The Amiga line sold an estimated 4,910,000 machines over its lifetime.<ref name="ahoy">{{cite AV media |url= |title=Nobody Knows How Many Amigas Commodore Sold |last=Brown |first=Stuart |work=Ahoy |via=[[YouTube]] |date=30 August 2024 |access-date=31 August 2024}}</ref> The machines were most popular in the UK and Germany, with about 1.5 million sold in each country, and sales in the high hundreds of thousands in other European nations. The machine was less popular in North America, where an estimated 700,000 were sold.<ref name="amigahistory">{{cite web |url= |title=Commodore-Amiga Sales Figures |first=Gareth |last=Knight |website=Amiga history guide |access-date=2019-01-20 |archive-url= |archive-date=2018-09-27 |url-status=dead }}</ref><ref name="commodorereport">{{cite web |url= |title="Commodore Annual Report 1993" |website=XboxAhoy |access-date=2024-08-30 }}</ref><ref name="AF47">{{cite magazine |last1=Dyson |first1=Marcus |title=World of Commodore New York |magazine=[[Amiga Format]] |date=13 May 1993 |issue=47 (June 1993) |pages=16–7, 20–1 |url=}}</ref> In the United States, the Amiga found a niche with enthusiasts and in [[vertical market]]s for [[video processing]] and editing.<ref>{{cite magazine|title=The Next Generation 1996 Lexicon A to Z|magazine=[[Next Generation (magazine)|Next Generation]]|issue=15 |publisher=[[Imagine Media]]|date=March 1996|pages=29–30}}</ref> In Europe, it was more broadly popular as a home computer and often used for [[video game]]s.<ref name=NGen39/> Beginning in 1988 it overlapped with the [[Fourth generation of video game consoles|16-bit]] [[Mega Drive]], then the [[Super Nintendo Entertainment System]] in the early 1990s. Commodore UK's Kelly Sumner did not see [[Sega]] or [[Nintendo]] as competitors, but instead credited their marketing campaigns which spent over {{£|40 million|long=no}} or {{US$|{{To USD|40|GBR|year=1993|round=yes}},000,000|long=no|1993|round=-7}} for promoting video games as a whole and thus helping to boost Amiga sales.<ref name="AF47"/> === Bankruptcy and aftermath === In spite of his successes in making the company profitable and bringing the Amiga line to market, Rattigan was soon forced out in a power struggle with majority shareholder, [[Irving Gould]]. This is widely regarded as the turning point, as further improvements to the Amiga were eroded by rapid improvements in other platforms.<ref name=p8p2>{{cite web |url= |title=A history of the Amiga, part 8: The demo scene |website=Ars Technica |first=Jeremy |last=Reimer |date=28 April 2013 |access-date=14 June 2017 |archive-url= |archive-date=4 July 2017 |url-status=live |df=dmy-all }}</ref> Commodore shut down the Amiga division on April 26, 1994, and filed for bankruptcy three days later. Commodore's assets were purchased by [[Escom AG|Escom]], a German PC manufacturer, who created the subsidiary company Amiga Technologies. They re-released the A1200 and A4000T, and introduced a new [[68060]] version of the A4000T. Amiga Technologies researched and developed the [[Amiga Walker]] prototype. They presented the machine publicly at CeBit,<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=The Amiga Walker Prototype||access-date=2020-04-10}}</ref><ref>{{cite news |title=German firm will sell Amiga division |work=The Philadelphia Inquirer |date=12 April 1996 |page=41|first=Dan|last=Stets}}</ref> but Escom went bankrupt in 1996.<ref>{{cite news |last1=Clarke |first1=Roger |title=Amiga's amigos |work=The Birmingham Post |date=9 December 1996 |page=52}}</ref><ref>{{cite news |last1=Stebbins |first1=John |title=Amiga users fight final frontier battle |work=The Ottawa Citizen |date=10 February 1997 |page=10}}</ref> Some Amigas were still made afterwards for the North American market by QuikPak, a small [[Pennsylvania]]-based firm who was the manufacturer of Amigas for Escom.<ref name=":0">{{Cite web |date=July 10, 1998 |title=THE RETURN OF AMIGA – Chicago Tribune |website=[[Chicago Tribune]] |url= |access-date=2024-09-30 |archive-date=2024-09-23 |archive-url= |url-status=bot: unknown }}</ref> After a reported sale to VisCorp fell through,<ref name="NGen39" /> a U.S. [[Wintel]] PC manufacturer, [[Gateway 2000]], eventually purchased the Amiga branch and technology in 1997.<ref name="NGen39" /> QuickPak attempted but failed to license Amiga from Gateway and build new models.<ref>{{Cite web |date=1998-12-05 |title=quikpaksite |url= |access-date=2024-09-30 |archive-date=1998-12-05 |archive-url= |url-status=bot: unknown }}</ref> Gateway was then working on a brand new Amiga platform, likely encouraged by a desire to be independent of [[Microsoft]] and [[Intel]].<ref name=":0" /> However this did not materialize and in 2000, Gateway sold the Amiga brand to [[Amiga, Inc.]], without having released any products. Amiga, Inc. licensed the rights to sell hardware using the [[AmigaOne]] brand to [[Eyetech|Eyetech Group]] and [[Hyperion Entertainment]]. In 2019, Amiga, Inc. sold its intellectual property to Amiga Corporation.<ref>{{cite web |url=|title=Legal dispute: Amiga Inc. transferred rights to Mike Battilana's company||date=5 February 2019|accessdate=26 July 2022}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |url=|title=C-A Acquisition Corp. renamed to Amiga Corporation||date=15 July 2020|accessdate=26 July 2022}}</ref> == Hardware == [[File:Amiga 1000 computer.jpg|thumb|[[Amiga 1000]] front and back]] [[File:Amiga 600.jpg|thumb|[[Amiga 600]]]] [[File:Amiga 1200 with mouse, drives.jpg|thumb|[[Amiga 1200]]]] [[File:Amiga-CD32-wController-L.jpg|thumb|[[Amiga CD32|CD32]]]] The Amiga has a custom chipset consisting of several [[coprocessor]]s which handle audio, video, and [[direct memory access]] independently of the [[central processing unit]] (CPU). This architecture gave the Amiga a performance edge over its competitors, particularly for graphics-intensive applications and games.<ref name="amiga_hardware_ref" /> The architecture uses two distinct [[bus (computing)|bus]] subsystems: the chipset bus and the CPU bus. The chipset bus allows the coprocessors and CPU to address [[Amiga Chip RAM|"Chip RAM"]]. The CPU bus provides addressing to conventional RAM, ROM and the [[Zorro II]] or [[Zorro III]] expansion subsystems. This enables independent operation of the subsystems. The CPU bus can be much faster than the chipset bus. CPU expansion boards may provide additional custom buses. Additionally, "busboards" or "bridgeboards" may provide [[Industry Standard Architecture|ISA]] or [[Conventional PCI|PCI]] buses.<ref name="amiga_hardware_ref" /> === Central processing unit === The most popular models from Commodore, including the [[Amiga 1000]], [[Amiga 500]], and [[Amiga 2000]], use the [[Motorola 68000]] as the CPU. From a developer's point of view, the 68000 provides a full suite of [[32-bit]] operations, but the chip can address only 16&nbsp;MB of physical memory and is implemented using a 16-bit [[arithmetic logic unit]] and has a 16-bit external [[data bus]], so 32-bit computations are transparently handled as multiple 16-bit values at a performance cost.<ref name="AutoP5-4" /><ref name="AutoP5-5" /> The later [[Amiga 2500]] and the [[Amiga 3000]] models use fully 32-bit, 68000-compatible processors from Motorola with improved performance and larger addressing capability. CPU upgrades were offered by both Commodore and third-party manufacturers. Most Amiga models can be upgraded either by direct CPU replacement or through expansion boards. Such boards often included faster and higher capacity memory interfaces and [[hard disk]] controllers. Towards the end of Commodore's time in charge of Amiga development, there were suggestions that Commodore intended to move away from the 68000 series to higher performance [[RISC]] processors, such as the [[PA-RISC]].<ref name="actuator" /><ref name="Haynie" /> Those ideas were never developed before Commodore filed for bankruptcy. Despite this, third-party manufacturers designed upgrades featuring a combination of 68000 series and PowerPC processors along with a PowerPC native [[microkernel]] and software.<ref name="AutoP5-6" /><ref name="AutoP5-7" /> Later Amiga clones featured [[PowerPC]] processors only. === Custom chipset === The custom chipset at the core of the Amiga design appeared in three distinct generations, with a large degree of backward-compatibility. The [[Original Chip Set]] (OCS) appeared with the launch of the A1000 in 1985. OCS was eventually followed by the modestly improved [[Enhanced Chip Set]] (ECS) in 1990 and finally by the partly 32-bit [[Advanced Graphics Architecture]] (AGA) in 1992. Each chipset consists of several coprocessors that handle [[blitter|graphics acceleration]], digital audio, [[direct memory access]] and communication between various peripherals (e.g., CPU, memory and floppy disks). In addition, some models featured auxiliary [[Amiga custom chips|custom chip]]s that performed tasks such as [[SCSI]] control and display de-interlacing. ==== Graphics ==== [[File:HAM6example.png|thumb|4096 color [[Hold-And-Modify|HAM]] picture created with [[Photon Paint]] in 1989]] [[File:Amiga 2000 Wikipedia logo.jpg|thumb|An image in PAL 640x512 16 color mode displayed by an [[Amiga 2000]] on a Commodore 1084 monitor]] All Amiga systems can display full-screen animated [[Planar (computer graphics)|planar]] graphics with 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64 ([[Amiga Halfbrite mode|EHB Mode]]), or 4096 colors ([[Hold-And-Modify|HAM Mode]]). Models with the AGA chipset (A1200 and A4000) also have non-EHB 64, 128, 256, and 262144 ([[Hold-And-Modify|HAM8 Mode]]) color modes and a palette expanded from 4096 to [[24-bit color|16.8 million colors]]. The Amiga chipset can ''[[genlock]]'', which is the ability to adjust its own screen refresh timing to match an incoming NTSC or PAL video signal. When combined with setting transparency, this allows an Amiga to overlay an external video source with graphics. This ability made the Amiga popular for many applications, and provides the ability to do [[Character generator|character generation]] and [[Computer-generated imagery|CGI]] effects far more cheaply than earlier systems. This ability has been frequently utilized by wedding videographers, TV stations and their weather forecasting divisions (for weather graphics and radar), advertising channels, music video production, and desktop videographers. The [[NewTek]] [[Video Toaster]] was made possible by the genlock ability of the Amiga. In 1988, the release of the Amiga A2024 fixed-frequency [[monochrome monitor]] with built-in [[framebuffer]] and flicker fixer hardware provided the Amiga with a choice of high-resolution graphic modes (1024×800 for NTSC and 1024×1024 for PAL).<ref name="AutoP5-8" /> ==== ReTargetable Graphics ==== {{Main|ReTargetable Graphics}} ReTargetable Graphics is an [[API]] for [[device driver]]s mainly used by 3rd party graphics hardware to interface with AmigaOS via a set of [[library (computing)|libraries]]. The software libraries may include software tools to adjust [[Display resolution|resolution]], screen colors, [[Cursor (computers)#Mouse cursor|pointers]] and screenmodes. The standard [[Intuition (Amiga)|Intuition interface]] is limited to [[color depth|display depths]] of [[8-bit computing|8 bits]], while RTG makes it possible to handle higher depths like [[24-bit]]s. ==== Sound ==== The sound chip, named Paula, supports four [[PCM]] sound channels (two for the left speaker and two for the right) with 8-bit resolution for each channel and a 6-bit volume control per channel. The analog output is connected to a low-pass filter, which filters out high-frequency aliasing when the Amiga is using a lower sampling rate (see [[Nyquist frequency]]). The brightness of the Amiga's power LED is used to indicate the status of the Amiga's low-pass filter. The filter is active when the LED is at normal brightness, and deactivated when dimmed (or off on older A500 Amigas). On Amiga 1000 (and first Amiga 500 and Amiga 2000 model), the power LED had no relation to the filter's status, and a wire needed to be manually soldered between pins on the sound chip to disable the filter. Paula can read arbitrary waveforms at arbitrary rates and amplitudes directly from the system's [[RAM]], using direct memory access (DMA), making sound playback without CPU intervention possible. Although the hardware is limited to four separate sound channels, software such as ''[[OctaMED]]'' uses software mixing to allow eight or more virtual channels, and it was possible for software to mix two hardware channels to achieve a single 14-bit resolution channel by playing with the volumes of the channels in such a way that one of the source channels contributes the most significant bits and the other the least. The quality of the Amiga's sound output, and the fact that sound hardware is part of the standard chipset and easily addressed by software, were standout features of Amiga hardware unavailable on PC platforms for years{{efn|The [[Gravis UltraSound]] expansion card got released in 1992 and became the first on the PC platform to feature multiple sample sound channels (up to 32) mixed in hardware from its own RAM.}}. Third-party sound cards exist that provide [[Digital signal processor|DSP]] functions{{citation needed|date=March 2021}}, multi-track [[direct-to-disk recording]]{{citation needed|date=March 2021}}, multiple hardware sound channels and 16-bit and beyond resolutions. A retargetable sound API called [[AHI (Amiga)|AHI]] was developed allowing these cards to be used transparently by the [[Operating system|OS]] and software.<ref>{{cite magazine |last=Březovský|first=Boleslav |url=|date=January 1997|title=AHI Audio System|language=Czech|magazine=Amiga Review|publisher=Atlantida Publishing|issn=1211-1465|issue=24|pages=18–19}}</ref> === Kickstart firmware === {{Main|Kickstart (Amiga)}} Kickstart is the [[firmware]] upon which AmigaOS is [[booting|bootstrap]]ped. Its purpose is to initialize the Amiga hardware and core components of AmigaOS and then attempt to boot from a [[bootable]] [[volume (computing)|volume]], such as a floppy disk or hard disk drive. Most models (excluding the Amiga 1000) come equipped with Kickstart on an embedded [[Read-only memory|ROM-chip]]. There are various editions of Kickstart ROMs starting with Kickstart v1.1 for the Amiga 1000, v1.2 and v1.3 for the A500, Kickstart v2.1 on A500+, Kickstart v2.2 for A600 and dual ROMs for Kickstart v3.0 and 3.1 for A1200 and A4000. After Commodore's demise there have been new Kickstart v3.1 ROMs made available for both the A500 and A600 Computers. Amiga Software is mostly backward compatible, but v2.1 ROMs and newer differ slightly, which can cause software glitches with earlier programs. To help address this and to get earlier programs to work with later Kickstart ROMs, some tools have been produced such as RELOKIK 1.4 and MAKE IT WORK! for the A600 and A1200. They revert the system to temporarily boot in Kickstart v1.3. === Keyboard and mouse === [[File:Amiga Mouse.jpg|thumb|upright|left|Amiga mouse]] The keyboard on Amiga computers is similar to that found on a mid-80s IBM PC: Ten function keys, a numeric keypad, and four separate directional arrow keys. [[Caps Lock]] and [[Control key|Control]] share space to the left of A. Absent are Home, End, Page Up, and Page Down keys: These functions are accomplished on Amigas by pressing shift and the appropriate arrow key. The Amiga keyboard adds a Help key, which a function key usually acts as on PCs (usually F1). In addition to the Control and Alt modifier keys, the Amiga has 2 "Amiga" keys, rendered as "Open Amiga" and "Closed Amiga" similar to the Open/Closed Apple logo keys on Apple II keyboards. The left is used to manipulate the operating system (moving screens and the like) and the right delivers commands to the application. The absence of Num lock frees space for more mathematical symbols around the numeric pad. Like IBM-compatible computers, the mouse has two buttons, but in AmigaOS, pressing and holding the right button replaces the system [[status line]] at the top of the screen with a Maclike [[menu bar]]. As with Apple's [[Classic Mac OS|Mac OS]] prior to [[Mac OS 8]], menu options are selected by releasing the button over that option, not by left clicking. Menu items that have a Boolean toggle state can be left clicked whilst the menu is kept open with the right button, which allows the user – for example – to set some selected text to bold, underline and italics in one visit to the menus. The mouse plugs into one of two [[Atari joystick port]]s used for [[joystick]]s, [[Paddle (game controller)|game paddles]], and [[graphics tablet]]s. Although compatible with [[analog stick|analog joystick]]s, Atari-style digital joysticks became standard.<ref name="anderson198710">{{cite news | url= | title=Close Up: The Amiga 500 | work=Compute! | date=October 1987 | access-date=18 January 2015 | author=Anderson, Rhett | pages=16–19 | archive-url= | archive-date=4 December 2014 | url-status=live | df=dmy-all }}</ref> Unusually, two independent mice can be connected to the joystick ports; some games, such as [[Lemmings (video game)#Two-player mode|Lemmings]], were designed to take advantage of this.<ref>{{cite magazine|url=|title=Top 10 Most Influential Amiga Games|magazine=[[Wired (magazine)|Wired]]|date=2007-05-11|access-date=2022-07-01|archive-url=|archive-date=2022-07-01|url-status=live}}</ref> === Other peripherals and expansions === [[File:Amiga Sound Sampling Hardware.jpg|thumb|upright|8-bit sound sampling hardware for the Amiga]] The Amiga was one of the first computers for which inexpensive sound sampling and video digitization accessories were available. As a result of this and the Amiga's audio and video capabilities, the Amiga became a popular system for editing and producing both music and video. Many expansion boards were produced for Amiga computers to improve the performance and capability of the hardware, such as memory expansions, [[SCSI]] controllers, CPU boards, and graphics boards. Other upgrades include [[genlock]]s, network cards for [[Ethernet]], [[modem]]s, [[sound card]]s and samplers, [[Video capture|video digitizers]], extra [[serial port]]s, and [[Parallel ATA|IDE]] controllers. Additions after the demise of Commodore company are [[USB]] cards. The most popular upgrades were memory, SCSI controllers and CPU accelerator cards. These were sometimes combined into one device. Early CPU accelerator cards used the full 32-bit CPUs of the 68000 family such as the [[Motorola 68020]] and [[Motorola 68030]], almost always with 32-bit memory and usually with [[Floating-point unit|FPUs]] and [[Memory management unit|MMUs]] or the facility to add them. Later designs feature the [[Motorola 68040]] or [[Motorola 68060]]. Both CPUs feature integrated FPUs and MMUs. Many CPU accelerator cards also had integrated SCSI controllers. Phase5 designed the [[PowerUP (accelerator)|PowerUP]] boards ([[Blizzard PPC]] and [[PowerUP (accelerator)#Cyberstorm PPC|CyberStorm PPC]]) featuring both a 68k (a 68040 or 68060) and a PowerPC (603 or 604) CPU, which are able to run the two CPUs at the same time and share the system memory. The PowerPC CPU on PowerUP boards is usually used as a coprocessor for heavy computations; a powerful CPU is needed to run [[MAME]] for example, but even decoding [[JPEG]] pictures and [[MP3]] audio was considered heavy computation at the time. It is also possible to ignore the 68k CPU and run [[Linux]] on the PPC via project Linux APUS, but a PowerPC-native AmigaOS promised by Amiga Technologies GmbH was not available when the PowerUP boards first appeared.<ref name="AutoP5-9" /> 24-bit graphics cards and video cards were also available. Graphics cards were designed primarily for 2D artwork production, workstation use, and later, gaming. Video cards are designed for inputting and outputting video signals, and processing and manipulating video. In the North American market, the ''NewTek [[Video Toaster]]'' was a video effects board that turned the Amiga into an affordable video processing computer that found its way into many professional video environments. One well-known use was to create the special effects in early series of ''[[Babylon 5]]''.<ref>{{cite web |url= | |title=CGI first introduced to TV in Babylon 5 by MIT presentor {{sic|nolink=y}} |access-date=2014-02-15 |archive-url= |archive-date=2014-02-22 |url-status=live }}</ref> Due to its [[NTSC]]-only design, it did not find a market in countries that used the [[PAL]] standard, such as in Europe. In those countries, the ''OpalVision'' card was popular, although less featured and supported than the Video Toaster. Low-cost [[Time base correction|time base correctors]] (TBC) specifically designed to work with the Toaster quickly came to market, most of which were designed as standard Amiga bus cards. Various manufacturers started producing PCI busboards for the A1200, A3000 and A4000, allowing standard Amiga computers to use PCI cards such as graphics cards, [[Sound Blaster]] sound cards, 10/100 Ethernet cards, USB cards, and television tuner cards. Other manufacturers produced hybrid boards that contained an Intel x86 series chip, allowing the Amiga to emulate a PC. PowerPC upgrades with Wide SCSI controllers, PCI busboards with Ethernet, sound and 3D graphics cards, and tower cases allowed the A1200 and A4000 to survive well into the late nineties. Expansion boards were made by Richmond Sound Design that allow their [[show control]] and [[sound design]] software to communicate with their custom hardware frames either by ribbon cable or fiber optic cable for long distances, allowing the Amiga to control up to eight million digitally controlled external audio, lighting, automation, relay and voltage control channels spread around a large theme park, for example. See [[Amiga software]] for more information on these applications. Other devices included the following: * [[Amiga 500#Trap-door expansion 501|Amiga 501]] with 512&nbsp;KB RAM and [[real-time clock]] * Trumpcard 500 [[Zorro-II]] SCSI interface * [[Great Valley Products#GVP A530 Turbo|GVP A530 Turbo]], accelerator, RAM expansion, PC emulator * A2091 / A590 SCSI hard disk controller + 2&nbsp;MB RAM expansion<ref name="amigahw_1161" /><ref name="amigahw_534" /> * A3070 SCSI tape backup unit with a capacity of {{nowrap|250 MB}}, [[OEM]] Archive Viper 1/4-inch<ref name="amigahw_1296" /> * A2065 Ethernet Zorro-II interface – the first Ethernet interface for Amiga; uses the [[AMD Am7990]] chip<ref name="amigahw_905" /><ref name="amigacx_a3000eth" /> The same interface chip is used in [[DECstation]] as well. * Ariadne Zorro-II Ethernet interface using the AMD Am7990<ref name="amigacx_a3000eth" /> * A4066 Zorro II Ethernet interface using the SMC 91C90QF<ref name="amigacx_a3000eth" /><ref name="amigahu_a4066p1" /><!-- --> * X-Surf from Individual Computers using the Realtek 8019AS<ref name="amigacx_a3000eth" /> * A2060 [[Arcnet]]<ref name="amigahi_netfaq_AmiTCP" /> * A1010 [[Floppy-disk controller|floppy]] disk drive consisting of a 3.5-inch [[double density]] (DD), {{nowrap|300 rpm}}, {{nowrap|250&nbsp;kbit/s}} drive unit connected via [[D-subminiature|DB-23]] connector; track-to-track delay is on the order of {{nowrap|~94 ms}}. The default capacity is {{nowrap|880 KB}}<!-- 80*2*11*512 = 901120 -->. Many clone drives were available, and products such as [[Individual Computers Catweasel|the Catweasel]] and [[KryoFlux]] make it possible to read and write Amiga and other special disc formats on standard x86 PCs.<ref name="AutoP5-10" /> * [[NE2000]]-compatible [[PC Card|PCMCIA]] Ethernet cards for Amiga 600 and Amiga 1200<ref name="AutoP5-11" /> ==== Serial ports ==== The Commodore A2232 board provides seven RS-232C [[serial port]]s in addition to the Amiga's built-in serial port. Each port can be driven independently at speeds of 50 to {{nowrap|19,200 bits/s}}. There is, however, a driver available on [[Aminet]] that allows two of the serial ports to be driven at {{nowrap|115,200 bits/s}}.<ref name="bboah_a2232">{{cite web|title=Big Book of Amiga Hardware - Commodore: A2232|url=|date=2009-01-25|access-date=2013-06-21||archive-url=|archive-date=2013-11-04|url-status=live}}</ref> The serial card used the [[65CE02]] CPU<ref name="bboah_a2232img">{{cite web|title=a2232_big.jpg|url=|date=2008-08-01|access-date=2013-06-21||archive-url=|archive-date=2013-11-04|url-status=dead}}</ref> clocked at {{nowrap|3.58 MHz}}.<ref name="bboah_a2232"/> This CPU was also part of the [[CSG 65CE02|CSG 4510]] CPU core that was used in the [[Commodore 65]] computer. ==== Networking ==== Amiga has three networking interface APIs: * AS225: the official Commodore TCP/IP stack [[API]] with hard-coded drivers in revision 1 (AS225r1) for the [[AMD Lance Am7990|A2065 Ethernet]] and the A2060 Arcnet interfaces.<ref name="amigahi_netfaq_AmiTCP" /> In revision 2, (AS225r2) the SANA-II interface was used. * SANA-II: a standardized API for hardware of network interfaces. It uses an inefficient buffer handling scheme, and lacks proper support for [[Promiscuous mode|promiscuous]] and [[multicast]] modes. * Miami Network Interface (MNI): an API that doesn't have the problems that SANA-II suffers from. It requires AmigaOS v2.04 or higher. Different network media were used: {| class="wikitable sortable" |- ! Type !! Speed !! Example |- <!-- ntsh template used with kbit/s --> | [[Ethernet]] | style="text-align:right;"| {{ntsh|10000}} {{nowrap|10,000&nbsp;kbit/s}} | A2065<ref name="amigahw_905">{{cite web|title=Commodore: A2065 |url= |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=2013-01-20 }} 090428</ref> |- | [[ARCNET]] | style="text-align:right;"| {{ntsh|2500}} {{nowrap|2,500&nbsp;kbit/s}} | A560,<ref name="amiga-hardware_com-showhardware_cgi_HARDID_903" /> A2060<ref name="amiga-hardware_com-showhardware_cgi_HARDID_904" /> |- | [[Floppy disk controller]] | style="text-align:right;"| {{ntsh|250}} {{nowrap|250&nbsp;kbit/s}} | Amitrix: Amiga-Link<ref name="amiga-hardware_com-showhardware_cgi_HARDID_899" /> |- | [[Serial port]] | style="text-align:right;"| {{ntsh|115}} {{nowrap|≤ 115.2&nbsp;kbit/s}} | [[RS-232]] |- | [[Parallel port]] | style="text-align:right;"| {{ntsh|1600}} ≈1,600&nbsp;kbit/s<!-- educated guess -->{{original research inline|date=August 2012}} | Village Tronic: Liana<ref name="amiga-hardware_com-showhardware_cgi_HARDID_1590" /> |- | [[Token Ring]] | style="text-align:right;"| {{ntsh|1500}} 1,500&nbsp;kbit/s | Nine Tiles: AmigaLink (9 Tiles)<ref name="amiga-hardware_com-showhardware_cgi_HARDID_1436" /> |- | [[AppleTalk]] / [[LocalTalk]] | style="text-align:right;"| {{ntsh|230}} 230.4 – {{nowrap|460&nbsp;kbit/s}} | PPS-Doubletalk<ref name="amiga-hardware_com-showhardware_cgi_HARDID_918" /> |} == Models and variants == {{Main|Amiga models and variants}} The original Amiga models were produced from 1985 to 1996.<ref name="AutoP5-12" /> They are, in order of production: [[Amiga 1000|1000]], [[Amiga 2000|2000]], [[Amiga 500|500]], [[Amiga 1500|1500]], [[Amiga 2500|2500]], [[Amiga 3000|3000]], [[Amiga 3000UX|3000UX]], [[Amiga 3000T|3000T]], [[CDTV]], [[Amiga 500+|500+]], [[Amiga 600|600]], [[Amiga 4000|4000]], [[Amiga 1200|1200]], [[Amiga CD32|CD32]], and [[Amiga 4000T|4000T]]. The PowerPC-based [[AmigaOne]] computers were later marketed beginning in 2002. Several companies and private persons have also released Amiga [[Clone (computing)|clones]] and still do so today. === Commodore Amiga === [[File:Amiga 1000DP.jpg|thumb|The [[Amiga 1000]] (1985) was the first model released.<ref name="AutoP5-13" />]] The first Amiga model, the Amiga 1000, was launched in 1985. In 2006, [[PC World]] rated the Amiga 1000 as the seventh greatest PC of all time, stating "Years ahead of its time, the Amiga was the world's first multimedia, multitasking personal computer".<ref name="AutoP5-14" /> Commodore updated the desktop line of Amiga computers with the [[Amiga 2000]] in 1987, the [[Amiga 3000]] in 1990, and the [[Amiga 4000]] in 1992, each offering improved capabilities and expansion options. The best-selling models were the budget models, however, particularly the highly successful [[Amiga 500]] (1987) and the [[Amiga 1200]] (1992). The [[Amiga 500+]] (1991) was the shortest-lived model, replacing the Amiga 500 and lasting only six months until it was phased out and replaced with the [[Amiga 600]] (1992). The A600 was only intended as a temporary gap filler until the A1200 was available for sale. The A600 was actually designed as a portable system, hence the lack of numeric Keypad, and it was originally to be named Amiga 300. Some early A600 models have retained the original A300 logo printed on the mainboard. The Amiga 600 was quickly replaced by the Amiga 1200.<ref name="AutoP5-15" /> The [[CDTV]], launched in 1991, was a [[CD-ROM]]-based game console, Computer and multimedia appliance based on the Amiga A500 with the same v1.3 Kickstart ROM, several years before CD-ROM drives were common. The cost of CDTV media production and the CD-ROM drives at the time discouraged potential buyers and the system never achieved any real success. The CDTV was however one of the first ever CD-ROM-based machines that were mass produced. A CDTV legacy is the external A570 CD-ROM drive expansion for the A500 computer. Commodore's last Amiga offering before filing for bankruptcy was the [[Amiga CD32]] (1993), a 32-bit CD-ROM games console produced until mid 1994. Although discontinued after Commodore's demise it met with moderate commercial success in Europe. The CD32 was a next-generation CDTV, and it was designed and released by Commodore before the Playstation. It was Commodore's last attempt to enter the ever growing video-game console market. Following purchase of Commodore's assets by Escom in 1995, the A1200 and A4000T continued to be sold in small quantities until 1996, though the ground lost since the initial launch and the prohibitive expense of these units meant that the Amiga line never regained any real popularity. Several Amiga models contained references to songs by the [[rock music|rock]] band [[The B-52's]]. Early A500 units had the words "B52/ROCK LOBSTER"<ref name="AutoP5-16" /> [[PCB manufacturing|silk-screen printed]] onto their [[printed circuit board]], a reference to the song "[[Rock Lobster]]" The [[Amiga 600]] referenced "JUNE BUG" (after the song "Junebug") and the [[Amiga 1200]] had "CHANNEL Z" (after "[[Channel Z (song)|Channel Z]]"),<ref name="AutoP5-17" /> and the CD-32 had "Spellbound." === AmigaOS 4 systems === {{Main|AmigaOS 4}} [[AmigaOS 4]] is designed for PowerPC Amiga systems. It is mainly based on AmigaOS 3.1 source code, with some parts of version 3.9. Currently runs on both Amigas equipped with CyberstormPPC or BlizzardPPC accelerator boards, on the Teron series based [[AmigaOne]] computers built by [[Eyetech]] under license by [[Amiga, Inc.]], on the [[Pegasos|Pegasos II]] from [[Genesi]]/[[Genesi|bPlan GmbH]], on the [[ACube Systems Srl]] [[Sam440ep]] / [[Sam460ex]] / AmigaOne 500 systems and on the A-EON [[AmigaOne X1000]]. AmigaOS 4.0 had been available only in developer pre-releases for numerous years until it was officially released in December 2006.<ref name="AutoP5-18" /> Due to the nature of some provisions of the contract between Amiga Inc. and [[Hyperion Entertainment]] (the Belgian company that is developing the OS), the commercial AmigaOS 4 had been available only to licensed buyers of AmigaOne motherboards. AmigaOS 4.0 for Amigas equipped with PowerUP accelerator boards was released in November 2007.<ref name="AutoP5-19" /> Version 4.1 was released in August 2008 for AmigaOne systems,<ref name="AutoP5-20" /><ref name="AutoP5-21" /> and in May 2011 for Amigas equipped with PowerUP accelerator boards.<ref name="AutoP5-22" /> The most recent release of AmigaOS for all supported platforms is 4.1 update 5.<ref name="AutoP5-23" /> Starting with release 4.1 update 4 there is an Emulation drawer containing official AmigaOS 3.x ROMs (all classic Amiga models including CD32) and relative Workbench files. [[Acube Systems]] entered an agreement with Hyperion under which it has ported AmigaOS 4 to its [[Sam440ep]] and [[Sam460ex]] line of PowerPC-based motherboards.<ref name="AutoP5-24" /> In 2009 a version for [[Pegasos II]] was released in co-operation with Acube Systems.<ref name="AutoP5-25" /> In 2012, A-EON Technology Ltd manufactured and released the [[AmigaOne X1000]] to consumers through their partner, Amiga Kit who provided end-user support, assembly and worldwide distribution of the new system. === Amiga hardware clones === Long-time Amiga developer MacroSystem entered the Amiga-clone market with their [[DraCo]] non-linear video editing system.<ref name="AutoP5-26" /> It appears in two versions, initially a tower model and later a cube. DraCo expanded upon and combined a number of earlier expansion cards developed for Amiga (VLabMotion, Toccata, WarpEngine, RetinaIII) into a true Amiga-clone powered by the [[Motorola 68060]] processor. The DraCo can run AmigaOS 3.1 up through AmigaOS 3.9. It is the only Amiga-based system to support [[FireWire]] for video [[I/O]]. DraCo also offers an Amiga-compatible [[Amiga Zorro III|Zorro-II]] expansion bus and introduced a faster custom DraCoBus, capable of {{nowrap|30&nbsp;MB/sec}} transfer rates (faster than Commodore's [[Amiga Zorro III|Zorro-III]]). The technology was later used in the Casablanca system, a set-top-box also designed for non-linear video editing. In 1998, Index Information released the Access, an Amiga-clone similar to the Amiga 1200, but on a motherboard that could fit into a standard {{fraction|5|1|4}}-inch [[drive bay]]. It features either a [[68020]] or [[68030]] CPU, with a [[Amiga Advanced Graphics Architecture|AGA]] chipset, and runs AmigaOS 3.1. In 1998, former Amiga employees (John Smith, Peter Kittel, [[Dave Haynie]] and Andy Finkel to mention few) formed a new company called PIOS. Their hardware platform, PIOS One, was aimed at Amiga, Atari and Macintosh users. The company was renamed to Met@box in 1999 until it folded.<ref name="AutoP5-27" /> The NatAmi (short for ''Native Amiga'') hardware project began in 2005 with the aim of designing and building an Amiga clone motherboard that is enhanced with modern features.<ref name="AutoP5-28" /> The NatAmi motherboard is a standard [[Mini-ITX]]-compatible form factor computer motherboard, powered by a Motorola/Freescale [[68060]] and its chipset. It is compatible with the original Amiga chipset, which has been inscribed on a programmable FPGA [[Altera]] chip on the board. The NatAmi is the second Amiga clone project after the [[Minimig]] motherboard, and its history is very similar to that of the [[C-One]] mainboard developed by [[Jeri Ellsworth]] and Jens Schönfeld. From a commercial point of view, Natami's circuitry and design are currently [[closed source]].{{Citation needed|date=June 2011}} One goal of the NatAmi project is to design an Amiga-compatible motherboard that includes up-to-date features but that does not rely on emulation (as in [[WinUAE]]), modern PC [[Intel]] components, or a modern [[PowerPC]] mainboard. As such, NatAmi is not intended to become another evolutionary heir to classic Amigas, such as with [[AmigaOne]] or [[Pegasos]] computers. This "purist" philosophy essentially limits the resulting processor speed but puts the focus on bandwidth and low latencies. The developers also recreated the entire Amiga chipset, freeing it from legacy Amiga limitations such as two [[megabyte]]s of audio and video graphics RAM as in the [[Amiga Advanced Graphics Architecture|AGA chipset]], and rebuilt this new chipset by programming a modern [[FPGA]] [[Altera]] Cyclone IV chip. Later, the developers decided to create from scratch a new software-form processor chip, codenamed "N68050" that resides in the physical Altera FPGA programmable chip.<ref name="AutoP5-29" /> In 2006, two new Amiga clones were announced, both using [[FPGA]] based hardware synthesis to replace the Amiga [[Original Chip Set|OCS]] custom chipset. The first, the [[Minimig]], is a personal project of Dutch engineer Dennis van Weeren. Referred to as "new Amiga hardware",<ref name="minimig" /> the original model was built on a [[Xilinx]] Spartan-3 development board, but soon a dedicated board was developed. The minimig uses the FPGA to reproduce the custom Denise, Agnus, Paula and [[Amiga custom chips#Gary|Gary]] chips as well as both 8520 [[MOS Technology CIA|CIAs]] and implements a simple version of [[Amiga custom chips#Amber|Amber]]. The rest of the chips are an actual 68000 CPU, ram chips, and a PIC microcontroller for [[BIOS]] control.<ref name="minimig" /> The design for Minimig was released as [[Open-source software|open-source]] on July 25, 2007. In February 2008, an Italian company [[Acube Systems]] began selling Minimig boards. A third party upgrade replaces the PIC microcontroller with a more powerful ARM processor, providing more functionality such as write access and support for hard disk images. The Minimig core has been ported to the FPGArcade "Replay" board. The Replay uses an FPGA with about three times more capacity and that does support the AGA chipset and a [[68020]] [[Soft core (synthesis)|soft core]] with [[68030]] capabilities. The Replay board is designed to implement many older computers and classic arcade machines. The second is the Clone-A system announced by [[Individual Computers]]. As of mid-2007 it has been shown in its development form, with FPGA-based boards replacing the Amiga chipset and mounted on an Amiga 500 motherboard.<ref name="individual" /> == Operating systems == === AmigaOS === [[File:AmigaOne X1000 02.jpg|thumb|AmigaOne X1000 running AmigaOS 4.1]] {{Main|AmigaOS}} AmigaOS is a single-user multitasking [[operating system]]. It was one of the first commercially available consumer operating systems for personal computers to implement [[Preemption (computing)|preemptive]] multitasking. It was developed first by Commodore International and initially introduced in 1985 with the Amiga 1000. [[John C. Dvorak]] wrote in ''PC Magazine'' in 1996: {{blockquote|[AmigaOS] remains one of the great operating systems of the past 20 years, incorporating a small kernel and tremendous [[Computer multitasking|multitasking]] capabilities the likes of which have only recently been developed in [[OS/2]] and [[Windows NT]]. The biggest difference is that the AmigaOS could operate fully and multitask in as little as {{nowrap|250 K}} of address space.<ref name="AutoP5-32" />}} AmigaOS combines a [[command-line interface]] and [[graphical user interface]]. [[AmigaDOS]] is the disk operating system and command line portion of the OS and [[Workbench (AmigaOS)|Workbench]] the native graphical windowing, graphical environment for file management and launching applications. AmigaDOS allows long [[filename]]s (up to 107 characters) with [[Whitespace character|whitespace]] and does not require [[filename extension]]s. The [[windowing system]] and user interface engine that handles all input events is called [[Intuition (Amiga)|Intuition]].<ref name="amiga_intuition_ref" /> The multi-tasking kernel is called [[Exec (Amiga)|Exec]]. It acts as a scheduler for tasks running on the system, providing pre-emptive multitasking with prioritised round-robin scheduling. It enabled true pre-emptive multitasking in as little as 256&nbsp;KB of free memory.<ref name="amiga_rkm_libs_exec" /><ref name="holloway_oo_amiga_exec" /> AmigaOS does not implement [[memory protection]]; the [[68000]] CPU does not include a [[memory management unit]].<ref name=" (Memory Protection)" /> Although this speeds and eases [[inter-process communication]] because programs can communicate by simply passing a [[pointer (computer programming)|pointer]] back and forth, the lack of memory protection made the AmigaOS more vulnerable to [[Crash (computing)|crashes]] from badly behaving [[Computer program|programs]] than other multitasking systems that did implement memory protection,<ref>{{cite book|url= |title=Tech Book 1 - Published articles Oct 2006 - June 2008 - Michael Reed - Google Boeken |publisher=Michael Reed |isbn=9780956081315 |access-date=2013-07-24}}</ref> and Amiga OS is fundamentally incapable of enforcing any form of security model since any program had full access to the system. A co-operational memory protection feature was implemented in AmigaOS 4 and could be retrofitted to old AmigaOS systems using Enforcer or CyberGuard tools. The problem was somewhat exacerbated by Commodore's initial decision to release documentation relating not only to the OS's underlying software routines,{{Citation needed|reason=says who?|date=September 2020}} but also to the hardware itself, enabling intrepid programmers who had developed their skills on the [[Commodore 64]] to [[PEEK and POKE|POKE]] the hardware directly, as was done on the older platform. While the decision to release the documentation was a popular one and allowed the creation of fast, sophisticated sound and graphics routines in games and demos, it also contributed to system instability{{Citation needed|reason=When and where|date=September 2020}}as some programmers lacked the expertise to program at this level. For this reason, when the new [[Advanced Graphics Architecture|AGA]] chipset was released, [[Commodore International|Commodore]] declined to release low-level documentation in an attempt to force developers into using the approved software routines.{{Citation needed|reason=this should be easy to document in press releases, etc.|date=September 2020}} The latest version for the PPC Amigas is the [[AmigaOS 4 | AmigaOS 4.1]] and for the 68k Amigas is the AmigaOS 3.2.2 ==== Influence on other operating systems ==== AmigaOS directly or indirectly inspired the development of various operating systems. [[MorphOS]] and [[AROS]] clearly inherit heavily from the structure of AmigaOS as explained directly in articles regarding these two operating systems. AmigaOS also influenced [[BeOS]], which featured a centralized system of [[Amiga support and maintenance software#Datatypes|Datatypes]], similar to that present in AmigaOS. Likewise, [[DragonFly BSD]] was also inspired by AmigaOS as stated by Dragonfly developer Matthew Dillon who is a former Amiga developer.<ref name="AutoP5-33" /><ref name="AutoP5-34" /> [[WindowLab]] and [[amiwm]] are among several [[window manager]]s for the [[X Window System]] seek to mimic the Workbench interface. IBM licensed the Amiga GUI from Commodore in exchange for the REXX language license. This allowed [[OS/2]] to have the WPS ([[Workplace Shell]]) GUI shell for OS/2 2.0, a 32-bit operating system.<ref>{{Cite web|url=|archive-url=|url-status=dead|title=OS/2 News, OS/2 BBS|archive-date=October 20, 2012}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |author=Doug McIlroy |url= |title=OS/2 Eric S. Raymond Operating System Comparisons The Art of Unix Programming | |access-date=2013-07-24 |archive-url= |archive-date=2013-05-20 |url-status=live }}</ref> === Unix and Unix-like systems === Commodore-Amiga produced [[Amiga Unix]], informally known as Amix, based on AT&T [[UNIX System V|SVR4]]. It supports the [[Amiga 2500]] and Amiga 3000 and is included with the [[Amiga 3000UX]]. Among other unusual features of Amix is a hardware-accelerated windowing system that can scroll windows without copying data. Amix is not supported on the later Amiga systems based on [[68040]] or [[68060]] processors. Other, still maintained, operating systems are available for the classic Amiga platform, including Linux and [[NetBSD]]. Both require a CPU with [[Memory management unit|MMU]] such as the [[68020]] with [[68851]] or full versions of the [[68030]], [[68040]] or [[68060]]. There is also a version of Linux for Amigas with PowerPC accelerator cards. [[Debian]] and [[Yellow Dog Linux]] can run on the AmigaOne. There is an official, older version of [[OpenBSD]]. The last Amiga release is 3.2. [[MINIX]] 1.5.10 also runs on Amiga.<ref name="AutoP5-35" /> === Emulating other systems === {{Main|Emulation on the Amiga}} The [[Amiga Sidecar]] is a complete [[IBM PC XT]] compatible computer contained in an expansion card. It was released by Commodore in 1986 and promoted as a way to run business software on the Amiga 1000. == Amiga software == {{Main|Amiga software}} In the late 1980s and early 1990s the platform became particularly popular for gaming, [[demoscene]] activities and creative software uses. During this time commercial developers marketed a wide range of games and creative software, often developing titles simultaneously for the [[Atari ST]] due to the similar hardware architecture. Popular creative software included [[3D computer graphics software|3D rendering]] (ray-tracing) packages, [[raster graphics editor|bitmap graphics editors]], [[desktop video]] software, software development packages and "[[Music tracker|tracker]]" music editors. Until the late 1990s the Amiga remained a popular platform for non-commercial software, often developed by enthusiasts, and much of which was freely redistributable. An on-line archive, [[Aminet]], was created in 1991 and until the late-1990s was the largest public archive of software, art and documents for any platform.{{Sfn|Maher|2012|p=267}} == Marketing == [[File:Commodore Amiga US Logo.svg|thumb|Logo used in the US on some product packaging for the Amiga 500{{citation needed|date=January 2015}}]] [[File:Recent Amiga.svg|thumb|Amiga Technologies logo incorporating the "Boing Ball" (1996)]] The name ''Amiga'' was chosen by the developers from the [[Spanish language|Spanish]] word for a female friend, because they knew Spanish,<ref name="AutoP5-36" /> and because it occurred before [[Apple Inc.|Apple]] and [[Atari]] alphabetically. It also conveyed the message that the Amiga computer line was "user friendly" as a pun or play on words.<ref name="AutoP5-37" /> The first official Amiga logo was a rainbow-colored double [[check mark]]. In later marketing material Commodore largely dropped the checkmark and used logos styled with various typefaces. Although it was never adopted as a [[trademark]] by Commodore, the "Boing Ball" has been synonymous with Amiga since its launch. It became an unofficial and enduring theme after a visually impressive animated demonstration at the 1984 Winter Consumer Electronics Show in January 1984 showing a checkered ball bouncing and rotating. Following Escom's purchase of Commodore in 1996, the Boing Ball theme was incorporated into a new logo.<ref name="AutoP5-38" /> Early Commodore advertisements attempted to cast the computer as an all-purpose business machine,<ref name=ad1987a/><ref name=ad1987b/><ref name="ad1987c" /><ref name="ad1987d" /><ref name="ad1987e" /><ref name=ad1989/> though the Amiga was most commercially successful as a home computer. Throughout the 1980s and early 1990s Commodore primarily placed advertising in computer magazines and occasionally in national newspapers and on television. == Legacy == Since the demise of Commodore, various groups have marketed successors to the original Amiga line: * [[Genesi]] sold PowerPC based hardware under the [[Pegasos]] brand running AmigaOS and [[MorphOS]]; * [[Eyetech]] sold PowerPC based hardware under the [[AmigaOne]] brand from 2002 to 2005 running AmigaOS 4; * Amiga Kit distributes and sells PowerPC based hardware under the [[AmigaOne]] brand from 2010 to present day running [[AmigaOS 4]]; * [[ACube Systems]] sells the AmigaOS 3 compatible [[Minimig]] system with a [[Freescale]] MC68SEC000 CPU (Motorola 68000 compatible) and AmigaOS 4 compatible [[Sam440]] / [[Sam460]] / AmigaOne 500 systems with PowerPC processors; * A-EON Technology Ltd sells the AmigaOS 4 compatible [[AmigaOne X1000]] system with P.A. Semi [[PWRficient]] PA6T-1682M processor. * Amiga Kit, Vesalia Computer and sell numerous items from aftermarket components to refurbished classic systems. AmigaOS and MorphOS are commercial proprietary operating systems. AmigaOS 4, based on AmigaOS 3.1 source code with some parts of version 3.9, is developed by [[Hyperion Entertainment]] and runs on PowerPC based hardware. MorphOS, based on some parts of AROS source code, is developed by MorphOS Team and is continued on [[Apple Inc.|Apple]] and other PowerPC based hardware. There is also [[AROS]], a free and open source operating system (re-implementation of the AmigaOS 3.1 APIs), for Amiga 68k, x86 and ARM hardware (one version runs Linux-hosted on the [[Raspberry Pi]]). In particular, AROS for Amiga 68k hardware aims to create an open source Kickstart ROM replacement for emulation purpose and/or for use on real "classic" hardware.<ref name="AutoP5-39" /> === Magazines === ''[[Amiga Format]]'' continued publication until 2000. ''Amiga Active'' was launched in 1999 and was published until 2001. Several magazines are in publication today: Print magazine [[Amiga Addict]] started publication in 2020.<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Amiga Addict Magazine - Monthly Commodore Amiga Print Publication|}}</ref>''Amiga Future'',<ref name="AutoP5-40" /> which is available in both English and German; '''',<ref name="AutoP5-41" /> a bimonthly magazine in Italian; and ''AmigaPower'',<ref name="AutoP5-42" /> a long-running French magazine.<ref>{{Cite web|url=|title=Passione Amiga|}}</ref> === Trade shows === The Amiga continues to be popular enough that fans to support conferences such as Amiga37 which had over 50 vendors.<ref>{{Cite web |last=Purdy |first=Kevin |date=2022-10-17 |title=37-year-old Amiga platform gets updates to Linux kernel, AmigaOS SDK |url= |access-date=2022-11-04 |website=Ars Technica |language=en-us}}</ref> == Uses == The Amiga series of computers found a place in early computer graphic design and television presentation. Season 1 and part of season 2 of the television series ''[[Babylon 5]]'' were rendered in LightWave 3D on Amigas.<ref name="lurk-effects" /><ref name="lurk-thornton" /> Other television series using Amigas for special effects included ''[[SeaQuest DSV]]''<ref name="AutoP5-46" /> and ''[[Max Headroom (TV series)|Max Headroom]]''.<ref name="AutoP5-47" /> In addition, many celebrities and notable individuals have made use of the Amiga:<ref name="AutoP5-48" /> * [[Andy Warhol]] was an early user of the Amiga and appeared at the launch,<ref name="AutoP5-49" /> where he made a computer artwork of [[Debbie Harry]].<ref name="AutoP5-50" /> Warhol used the Amiga to create a new style of art made with computers, and was the author of a multimedia opera called ''[[You Are the One (Andy Warhol)|You Are the One]]'', which consists of an animated sequence featuring images of actress [[Marilyn Monroe]] assembled in a short movie with a soundtrack. The video was discovered on two old Amiga floppies in a drawer in Warhol's studio and repaired in 2006 by the Detroit [[Museum of New Art]].<ref name="AutoP5-51" /> The pop artist has been quoted as saying: ''"The thing I like most about doing this kind of work on the Amiga is that it looks like my work in other media"''.<ref name="AutoP5-52" /><ref name="AutoP5-53" /> * Artist [[Jean "Moebius" Giraud]] credits the Amiga he bought for his son as a bridge to learning about "using paint box programs".<ref name="AutoP5-58" /> He uploaded some of his early experiments to the file sharing forums on [[CompuServe]]. * Futurist and science fiction author [[Arthur C. Clarke]] used an Amiga computer to calculate and explore [[Mandelbrot set]]s in the 1988 documentary film ''[[God, the Universe and Everything Else]]''.<ref>{{cite book | title=Selected Works of Arthur C. Clarke: The Deep Range, The Trigger, The Ghost from the Grand Banks, Richter IO | publisher=RosettaBooks | author=Clarke, Arthur C. | year=2016 | isbn=9780795349720}}</ref> * The [["Weird Al" Yankovic]] film ''[[UHF (film)|UHF]]'' contains a computer-animated music video parody of the [[Dire Straits]] song "[[Money for Nothing (song)|Money for Nothing]]", titled "[[Money for Nothing/Beverly Hillbillies*]]". According to the DVD commentary track, this spoof was created on an Amiga home computer.<ref name="AutoP5-60" /> * [[Rolf Harris]] used an Amiga to digitize his hand-drawn art work for animation on his television series ''Rolf's Cartoon Club''. * [[Debbie Harry]] appeared together with Andy Warhol (see above) at launch.<ref>{{cite web | url= | title=11 Celebs Who Tried to Sell You PCS in the 1980s }}</ref> * [[Todd Rundgren]]'s video "Change Myself" was produced with Toaster and Lightwave. * Scottish pop artist [[Calvin Harris]] composed his 2007 debut album ''[[I Created Disco]]'' with an [[Amiga 1200]].<ref name="AutoP5-61" /> * [[Susumu Hirasawa]], a [[Japan]]ese [[Progressive rock|progressive]]-[[Electronic music|electronic]] [[artist]], is known for using Amigas to compose and perform music, aid his live shows and make his promotional videos. He has also been inspired by the Amiga, and has referenced it in his lyrics. His December 13, 1994 "Adios Jay" Interactive Live Show was dedicated to (then recently deceased) Jay Miner. He also used the Amiga to create the virtual drummer TAINACO, who was a CG rendered figure whose performance was made with Elan Performer and was projected with DCTV. He also composed and performed "Eastern-boot", the AmigaOS 4 boot jingle. * Electronic musician [[Max Tundra]] created his three albums with an Amiga 500.<ref name="AutoP5-62" /> * [[Bob Casale]], keyboardist and guitarist of the [[New wave music|new wave]] band [[Devo]], used Amiga computer graphics on the album cover to Devo's album ''[[Total Devo]]''. * Most of [[Pokémon Gold and Silver|''Pokémon Gold'' and ''Silver'']]'s music was created on an Amiga computer, converted to MIDI, and then reconverted to the game's music format.<ref name="Masuda's blog post about HeartGold/SoulSilver music">{{cite web|last=Masuda|first=Junichi|title=HIDDEN POWER of masuda|url=|publisher=Game Freak|access-date=7 November 2013|archive-url=|archive-date=23 November 2013|url-status=live|df=dmy-all}}</ref> * American professional skateboarder [[Tony Hawk]] used an Amiga 2000 during the late 1980s to early 1990s.<ref name="a2000">{{Cite web |title=Tony Hawk big fan of Commodore Amiga computers |url= |access-date=2023-10-31 | |language=en-GB}}</ref> [[NewTek]] sent him a [[Video Toaster]] for his Amiga in exchange for appearing in a promotional video alongside [[Wil Wheaton]] and [[Penn Jillette]],<ref name="Baker">{{Cite web |last=Baker |first=Katie |date=2022-04-06 |title='Tony Hawk: Until the Wheels Fall Off' Captures the Gravity of Chasing Air |url= |access-date=2023-10-29 |website=The Ringer |language=en}}</ref> which he later used for editing a promotional video for the [[TurboDuo]] game ''[[Lords of Thunder]]'' in 1993.<ref>{{cite magazine |url= |title=Salvation For Those Who Praise The Lord. — Lords of Thunder |magazine=[[Electronic Gaming Monthly]] |issue=47 |publisher=Sendai Publishing |date=June 1993 |page=29}}</ref><ref>{{cite tweet |number=842531647958339584 |user=tonyhawk |title=holy crap, yes I did |date=2017-03-16 |access-date=2021-09-29 |archive-date=2021-03-12 |archive-url= |url-status=live}}</ref> * Veteran actor [[Dick Van Dyke]] also owned an Amiga equipped with a Video Toaster, where he is credited with the creation of 3D-rendered effects used on ''Diagnosis: Murder'' and ''The Dick Van Dyke Show Revisited''.<ref name="dick">{{Cite web |title=Amateur CGI artist Dick Van Dyke once made computer effects for Diagnosis Murder |url= |access-date=2024-03-28 |website=Me-TV Network |language=en}}</ref> Van Dyke has displayed his [[computer-generated imagery]] work at [[SIGGRAPH]], and continues to work with [[LightWave 3D]].<ref name="hafner20000622">{{Cite news |last=Hafner |first=Katie |author-link=Katie Hafner |date=June 22, 2000 |title=The Return of a Desktop Cult Classic (No, Not the Mac) |newspaper=[[The New York Times]] |url= |url-status=live |access-date=March 19, 2011 |archive-url= |archive-date=May 12, 2008}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web |last=Hill |first=Jim |date=August 11, 2004 |title=Do You Think That TV Legends Can't Master Computer Animation? Well Then ... You Clearly Don't Know Dick |url= |url-status=live |archive-url= |archive-date=October 12, 2007 |access-date=November 3, 2007 |publisher=Jim Hill Media}}</ref><ref>{{Cite web |url= |title=Animation: Dick Van Dyke Dancing to "Billie Jean" |website=[[YouTube]] |date=August 31, 2009 |archive-url= |archive-date=October 23, 2015}}</ref> * A number of notable producers used [[OctaMED#Notable users|OctaMED]] for composition and live performance of [[Drum and Bass]], [[Jungle music|Jungle]], and various other sub-genres of [[electronic dance music]] on Amiga systems, occasionally in conjunction with additional synthesizers. These include: [[Aphrodite (musician)|Aphrodite]], [[DJ Zinc]], [[Omni Trio]], and [[Paradox (musician)|Paradox]], among others. ===Special purpose applications=== * Amigas were used in various [[NASA]] laboratories to keep track of low orbiting satellites until 2004. Amigas were used at Kennedy Space Center to run strip-chart recorders, to format and display data, and control stations of platforms for [[Delta rocket]] launches.<ref name="AutoP5-64" /><ref name="AutoP5-65" /> * [[Palomar Observatory]] used Amigas to calibrate and control the [[charge-coupled device]]s in their telescopes, as well as to display and store the digitized images they collected.<ref>{{cite web|url=|title=Info magazine issue 13|date=January 1987|access-date=2016-07-26|archive-url=|archive-date=2016-07-09|url-status=live}}</ref> * [[London Transport Museum]] developed their own interactive multi-media software for the CD32 including a virtual tour of the museum.<ref name="AutoP5-66" /> * Amiga 500 motherboards were used, in conjunction with a [[LaserDisc]] player and [[genlock]] device, in arcade games manufactured by [[American Laser Games]].<ref name="AutoP5-67" /> * A custom [[Amiga 4000T]] motherboard was used in the HDI 1000 medical ultrasound system built by Advanced Technology Labs.<ref name="AutoP5-68" /> *{{As of|2015}}, the Grand Rapids Public School district uses a Commodore Amiga 2000 with 1200 baud modem to automate its air conditioning and heating systems for the 19 schools covered by the GRPS district. The system has been operating day and night for decades.<ref name="AutoP5-69">{{cite news|author=Eric Limer|url=|title=One Ancient Commodore Amiga Runs the Heat and AC for 19 Public Schools|publisher=Hearst Digital Media|date=June 12, 2015|access-date=June 15, 2015|archive-url=|archive-date=June 15, 2015|url-status=live|df=mdy-all}}</ref><ref>{{cite web|url=|title=1980s computer controls GRPS heat and AC|date=11 June 2015|access-date=2016-02-29|archive-url=|archive-date=2016-03-04|url-status=live}}</ref> * [[The Weather Network]] used Amigas to display the weather on TV.{{Citation needed|date=October 2020}} == See also == {{Portal|Amiga}} *[[Amiga Forever]] *[[List of Amiga games]] *[[Amiga emulation]] *[[SAGE Computer Technology#SAGE IV|SAGE Computer Technology]] ==Notes== {{Notelist}} == References == {{Reflist |refs = <ref name="reimer">{{cite web |url = |title = Total share: 30 years of personal computer market share figures |author=Jeremy Reimer |work = Ars Technica |date = 15 December 2005 |access-date = April 21, 2008 |archive-url = |archive-date = April 21, 2008 |url-status = live}} *{{cite web |author=Jeremy Reimer |date=2012-12-07 |title=Total Share: Personal Computer Market Share 1975-2010 |url= |website=Jeremy Reimer}}</ref> <ref name="ad1987a">{{YouTube|id=tSBVN4syAKc|title=Only Amiga Makes it Possible - Full video - Comdex 1987}}</ref> <ref name="ad1987b">{{YouTube|id=jwo5pIbtrS8|title=Amiga 1000 Computer Commercial}}</ref> <ref name="ad1987c">{{YouTube|id=drE6M2pZF98|title=Commodore Amiga Commercial (1987)}}</ref> <ref name="ad1987d">{{YouTube|id=uZNGyS1u30g|title=COMMERCIAL : "Commodore Amiga" computer [1987]}}</ref> <ref name="ad1987e">{{YouTube|ludrX2s1ZuM|Commodore advert 1987 - TV spot version of 20-minute presentation}} {{dead link|date=August 2012}}</ref> <ref name="ad1989">{{YouTube|id=06di_a588b0|title=Commercial Amiga 500 1989 long version}}</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-1">{{cite web |url = |title = Amiga Lorraine |work = Amiga History Guide |author = Gareth Knight |access-date = April 21, 2008 |archive-url = |archive-date = February 20, 2008 |url-status = dead |df = mdy-all }}</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-2">{{cite web |url = |title = Amiga Games |publisher = Amiga Forever |access-date = 2012-08-24 }}</ref> <!-- <ref name="AutoP5-3">{{cite book |url = |title = Amiga Demos Its New Machine }}</ref> --> <ref name="amiga_hardware_ref">{{cite book |author=Commodore-Amiga, Inc. |title = Amiga Hardware Reference Manual |edition = 3rd |series=Amiga Technical Reference Series |year=1991 |publisher=Addison-Wesley |isbn = 0-201-56776-8 }}</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-4">{{cite web |url = | title = The One for 16-bit Games | access-date = July 17, 2007 | first = Gareth | last = Knight | work = Amiga History Guide | archive-url = | archive-date= July 12, 2007 | url-status= dead }}</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-5">{{cite web | url = | title = Amiga Reviews: Zzap 16-Bit Gaming | access-date = May 23, 2008 | archive-url = | archive-date= May 12, 2008 | url-status= dead }}</ref> <ref name="actuator">{{citation | url= | title=Architecture Specification for Acutiator | first=Dave | last=Haynie | publisher=Commodore International Services Corporation, Technology Division | date=October 18, 1992 | access-date=September 3, 2011 | archive-url= | archive-date=September 27, 2011 | url-status=dead | df=mdy-all }}</ref> <ref name=Haynie >{{cite web |url= |title=CBM's Plans for the RISC-Chipset |author=Dave Haynie |date=1995-01-24 |quote=The initial schedule of 18 months was for the Hombre game machine hardware. There's no real OS here, just a library of routines, including a 3D package, which would probably be licensed. The Amiga OS was not to have run on this system in any form. |publisher=Gareth Knight |access-date=January 31, 2010 |archive-url= |archive-date=July 3, 2008 |url-status=live |df=mdy-all }}</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-6">{{cite web|url= | - The Big Book of Amiga Hardware |date=2008-12-24 |access-date=2013-07-24 |url-status=bot: unknown |archive-url= |archive-date=2008-12-24 }}</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-7">{{cite web|url= | - The Big Book of Amiga Hardware |date=2008-12-24 |access-date=2013-07-24 |url-status=bot: unknown |archive-url= |archive-date=2008-12-24 }}</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-8">{{cite web|url= |title=Commodore: A2024 | |access-date=January 31, 2012 |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=March 2, 2012 }}</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-9">{{Cite web|url=|title=Press Release by Gilles Bourdin, Amiga Technologies GmbH|}}</ref> <ref name="amigahw_1161">{{cite web|title=Commodore A2091 |url= |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=2013-01-20 }} 120915</ref> <ref name="amigahw_534">{{cite web|title=Commodore A590 |url= |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=2013-01-20 }} 090420</ref> <ref name="amigahw_1296">{{cite web|title=Commodore A3070 |url= |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=2013-01-20 }} 090420</ref> <ref name="amigacx_a3000eth">{{cite web | work = Amiga Hardware Database | title = Expansion cards | url = | access-date = 2009-04-26 | archive-url = | archive-date = 2014-08-05 | url-status = live }} 090426</ref> <ref name="amigahu_a4066p1">{{cite web|work=Amiga Hardware Database |title=Photo Gallery of Ameristar Technologies A4066 |url= |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=2012-02-26 }} 2010-07-01</ref> <ref name="amigahi_netfaq_AmiTCP">{{cite web|title=Networking FAQ|url=|access-date=2009-04-26|archive-url=|archive-date=2009-03-17|url-status=live}} 090426</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-10">{{cite web |url= |title=Diskdrives used by Commodore | |date=December 12, 2003 |access-date=January 31, 2012 |archive-url= |archive-date=February 6, 2012 |url-status=live |df=mdy-all }}</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-11">{{cite web|url=|title=PCMCIA Network Card driver|access-date=2010-08-27|archive-url=|archive-date=2015-12-09|url-status=live}}</ref> <ref name="amiga-hardware_com-showhardware_cgi_HARDID_903">{{cite web|title=Commodore: A560 |url= |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=2013-01-20 }} 090428</ref> <ref name="amiga-hardware_com-showhardware_cgi_HARDID_904">{{cite web|title=Commodore: A2060 |url= |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=2013-01-20 }} 090428</ref> <ref name="amiga-hardware_com-showhardware_cgi_HARDID_899">{{cite web|title=Amitrix: Amiga-Link |url= |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=2013-01-20 }} 090428</ref> <ref name="amiga-hardware_com-showhardware_cgi_HARDID_1590">{{cite web|title=Village Tronic: Liana |url= |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=2013-01-20 }} 090428</ref> <ref name="amiga-hardware_com-showhardware_cgi_HARDID_1436">{{cite web|title=Nine Tiles: AmigaLink (9 Tiles) |url= |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=2013-01-20 }} 090428</ref> <ref name="amiga-hardware_com-showhardware_cgi_HARDID_918">{{cite web|title=PPS (Progressive Peripherals & Software): DoubleTalk |url= |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=2013-01-20 }} 090428</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-12">{{cite web | last = Knight | first = Gareth | title = Amiga history guide | year = 1997–2003 | url = | access-date = September 29, 2007 | archive-url = | archive-date = October 19, 2007 | url-status = dead | df = mdy-all }}</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-13">{{cite web |author=Gareth Knight |url= |title=Commodore-Amiga Sales Figures | |date=1993-12-31 |access-date=2012-08-24 |archive-url= |archive-date=2012-11-26 |url-status=live }}</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-14">{{cite magazine |url= |title=The 25 Greatest PCs of All Time |magazine=PCWorld |date=August 12, 1981 |access-date=January 31, 2012 |archive-url= |archive-date=September 12, 2009 |df=mdy-all }}</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-15">{{cite web |author=Gareth Knight |url= |title=Commodore Amiga 500 | |date=July 1, 2004 |access-date=January 31, 2012 |archive-url= |archive-date=February 11, 2012 |url-status=live |df=mdy-all }}</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-16">{{cite web|url= | |access-date=January 31, 2012 |url-status=bot: unknown |archive-url= |archive-date=February 18, 2012 }}</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-17">{{cite web|last=Knight|first=Gareth|title=References to B52 songs on Amiga Motherboards|year=1997–2006|url=|access-date=May 20, 2008|archive-url=|archive-date=March 19, 2008|url-status=live|df=mdy-all}}</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-18">{{cite web |url= |title=AmigaOS 4.0 The Final Update available | |date=2006-12-24 |access-date=2012-08-24 |archive-url= |archive-date=2013-05-15 |url-status=live }}</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-19">{{cite web |url= |title=AmigaOS 4.0 for Classic Amiga gone Gold | |date=2007-11-22 |access-date=2012-08-24 |archive-url= |archive-date=2013-05-15 |url-status=live }}</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-20">{{cite web |url= |title=AmigaOS 4.1 gone Gold | |date=2008-08-06 |access-date=2012-08-24 |archive-url= |archive-date=2013-05-15 |url-status=live }}</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-21">{{cite web |last=Staff |first=Ars |url= |title=It's alive!: Ars reviews AmigaOS 4.1 |website=Ars Technica |date=2008-09-23 |access-date=2012-08-24 |archive-url= |archive-date=2008-10-18 |url-status=live }}</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-22">{{cite web |url= |title=AmigaOS 4.1 for Classics imminent | |date=2011-05-11 |access-date=2012-08-24 |archive-url= |archive-date=2015-03-17 |url-status=live }}</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-23">{{cite web |url= |title=AmigaOS 4.1 Update 5 Released « Hyperion Entertainment Blog | |date=2012-08-16 |access-date=2012-08-24 |archive-url= |archive-date=2012-08-18 |url-status=live }}</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-24">{{cite web|url= | - OEM Version of AmigaOS 4.1 for Sam440ep imminent |access-date=2009-02-22 |url-status=bot: unknown |archive-url= |archive-date=2009-02-22 }}, 2008-09-17 {{dead link|date=August 2012}}</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-25">{{cite web |url= |title=AmigaOS 4.1 for Pegasos II, Hyperion Entertainment, The Amiga Computer Community Portal Website | |date=2009-01-31 |access-date=2012-08-24 |archive-url= |archive-date=2011-07-23 |url-status=live }}</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-26">{{cite web|url= |title=MacroSystem (US & Germany): DraCo | |access-date=2012-08-24 |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=2012-12-12 }}</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-27">{{cite web|url=|title=PIOS One|access-date=2011-03-19|archive-url=|archive-date=2011-01-06|url-status=live}}</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-28">{{cite news|url=|title=Выпущен прототип новой модели компьютеров Amiga (ФОТО)|date=Feb 13, 2011|publisher=Российское информационное агентство «Новый Регион». Версия 2.0|language=ru|access-date=June 24, 2011|archive-url=|archive-date=February 19, 2011|url-status=live|df=mdy-all}}</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-29">{{cite web | url = | title = 12 questions to... Natami Team&nbsp;— part 1 | publisher = Polski Portal Amigowy | date = April 28, 2011 | access-date = June 15, 2011 | archive-url = | archive-date = September 30, 2011 | url-status = live | df = mdy-all }}</ref> <ref name="minimig">{{cite web |url= | | |access-date=January 31, 2012 |archive-url= |archive-date=August 5, 2009 |url-status=live |df=mdy-all }}</ref> <ref name="individual">{{cite web|url= |title=INDIVIDUAL COMPUTERS &#91; jens schoenfeld &#93; | |access-date=2012-01-31 |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=2012-03-04 }}</ref> <!-- Not in use <ref name="AutoP5-31">{{cite web |url= |title="Minimig available" announcement by Acube Systems |language=it | |access-date=January 31, 2012 |archive-url= |archive-date=October 5, 2011 |url-status=live |df=mdy-all }}</ref> --> <ref name="AutoP5-32">From PC Magazine, October 22, 1996 Inside Track By John C. Dvorak</ref> <ref name="amiga_intuition_ref">{{cite book | first1=Robert J. | last1=Mical | first2=Susan| last2=Deyl | author-link1=RJ Mical | title=Amiga Intuition Reference Manual | series=Amiga Technical Reference Series | year=1987 | publisher=Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. | isbn=0-201-11076-8 }}</ref> <ref name="amiga_rkm_libs_exec">{{cite book |last = Sassenrath|first = Carl|year = 1986|title = Amiga ROM Kernel Reference Manual|location = Exec}}</ref> <ref name="holloway_oo_amiga_exec">{{cite journal | last=Holloway | first=Tim |date=January 1991 | title=The Object-Oriented Amiga Exec: The design of the Amiga operating-system kernel follows the rules of object-oriented programming | journal=[[Byte (magazine)|Byte]] | issue=January 1991 | pages=329–332, 234 | publisher=[[McGraw-Hill]] |issn=0360-5280 }}</ref> <ref name=" (Memory Protection)">{{cite web |url = |title = Adding Memory Protection (MP) to the Amiga |work = |access-date = December 30, 2006 |archive-url = |archive-date = May 27, 2013 |url-status = live |df = mdy-all }}</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-33">{{cite web |url= |title=DragonFly kernel List (threaded) for 2006-02, Re: User-Space Device Drivers |author=Matthew Dillon |author-link=Matthew Dillon (computer scientist) | |date=2006-02-28 |access-date=2008-02-01 |archive-url= |archive-date=2008-05-16 |url-status=dead }}</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-34">{{cite web |url= |title=DragonFly kernel List (threaded) for 2003-07, Re: You could do worse than Mach ports |author=Matthew Dillon |author-link=Matthew Dillon (computer scientist) | |date=2003-07-17 |access-date=2008-02-01 |archive-url= |archive-date=2007-08-24 |url-status=dead }}</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-35">{{cite web |url= |title=Minix |publisher=CompWisdom |access-date=2012-08-24 |archive-url= |archive-date=2012-04-19 |url-status=live }}</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-36">{{cite web | url= | title=The Twists and Turns of the Amiga Saga | work=Amiga History Guide | author=Gareth Knight | access-date=April 21, 2008| archive-url=| archive-date= May 11, 2008 | url-status= live }}</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-37">DeMaria and Wilson (2003) ''High Score!: The Illustrated History of Electronic Games'' p. 109 {{ISBN|0-07-223172-6}}</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-38">{{cite news|url=|title=Dr. Ryan Czerwinski of Merlancia Industries explains the origin of the Amiga Boing ball and checkmark|author=Ryan Czerwinski|date=December 31, 2001|work=Amiga Network News|access-date=November 21, 2010|archive-url=|archive-date=December 8, 2011|url-status=live|df=mdy-all}}</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-39">{{cite web|url= |title=AROS68k |publisher=AROS68k |access-date=2012-08-24 |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=2012-11-07 }}</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-40">{{cite web|author=Andreas Magerl |url= | | |access-date=January 31, 2012 }}</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-41">{{cite web |url= | |language=it | |access-date=January 31, 2012 |archive-url= |archive-date=January 2, 2012 |url-status=live |df=mdy-all }}</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-42">{{cite web |url= | | |access-date=January 31, 2012 |archive-url= |archive-date=May 10, 2012 |url-status=live |df=mdy-all }}</ref> <ref name="lurk-effects">{{cite web |url= |title=The Lurker's Guide to Babylon 5 | |date=August 12, 1997 |access-date=January 31, 2012 |archive-url= |archive-date=September 6, 2006 |url-status=live |df=mdy-all }}</ref> <ref name="lurk-thornton">[ An Interview with Ron Thornton] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2010-01-03 }}, October 16, 1995. "Effects are designed on an accelerated Amiga 2000 with a Video Toaster board in it, using LightWave 3-D and Modeler 3-D".</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-46">{{cite web|url= |title=Interview with Matt Gorner | |date=October 24, 2003 |access-date=January 31, 2012 |url-status=bot: unknown |archive-url= |archive-date=February 12, 2012 }}</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-47">{{cite web |url= |title='Max Headroom' on TechTV | |date=April 23, 2002 |access-date=January 31, 2012 |archive-url= |archive-date=March 3, 2012 |url-status=live |df=mdy-all }}</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-48">{{cite web |author=Gareth Knight |url= |title=Welcome to Famous Amiga Uses! By Pär Boberg 2000-2002 | |date=2002-02-23 |access-date=2012-08-24 |archive-url= |archive-date=2012-10-15 |url-status=live }}</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-49">{{cite web|url=|title=Amiga Andy article|work=Artnode online|access-date=2006-12-05|archive-url=|archive-date=2006-10-03|url-status=dead}}</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-50">{{cite web |url= |title=Andy Warhol paints Debbie Harry on an Amiga |publisher=YouTube |date=2012-07-21 |access-date=2012-08-24 |archive-url= |archive-date=2012-08-29 |url-status=live }} (Uploaded by theisotope on 2008-03-07)</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-51">{{cite web|url=|title=Artdaily article about the discovery and repair of "you are the one"|work=Artdaily|access-date=January 7, 2007|archive-url=|archive-date=February 20, 2007|url-status=dead}}</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-52">{{cite web|work=Amiga World Magazine|url=|title=Interview with Andy Warhol|access-date=January 7, 2007|archive-url=|archive-date=2007-02-02|url-status=dead}}</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-53">{{cite journal |last1=Goodman |first1=Cynthia |title=The Digital Revolution: Art in the Computer Age |journal=Art Journal |date=1990 |volume=49 |issue=3 |pages=248–252 |doi=10.2307/777115 |jstor=777115}}</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-58">{{cite magazine|url=|title=Moebius|magazine=Wired|access-date=2017-03-05|archive-url=|archive-date=2012-08-12|url-status=live}}</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-60">''UHF'' DVD commentary track</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-61">{{cite web|url=|title=Calvin Harris|date=June 6, 2007|access-date=August 10, 2008|archive-url=|archive-date=January 2, 2009|url-status=dead|df=mdy-all}}</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-62">{{cite web|url= |title=Track Reviews on Cokemachineglow |publisher=cokemachineglow |date=June 6, 2007 |access-date=November 29, 2008 |url-status=bot: unknown |archive-url= |archive-date=February 7, 2009 }}</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-64">{{cite web|url=|title=Reportage: l'Amiga à la NASA||access-date=2006-06-09|archive-url=|archive-date=2006-08-20|url-status=live}}</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-65">{{YouTube|id=qAPD9HA8Unw|title=Even NASA used Amiga's}}</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-66">{{cite web |author=Gareth Knight |url= |title=CD32: The Hyper-Museum Project | |access-date=January 31, 2012 |archive-url= |archive-date=September 27, 2007 |url-status=live |df=mdy-all }}</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-67">{{cite web|url=|title=American Laser Games Tech Center|publisher=Dragon's Lair Project|access-date=January 23, 2009| archive-url=| archive-date= January 29, 2009 | url-status= live }}</ref> <ref name="AutoP5-68">{{cite web|url= |title=United States Patent Application 20070106157 |url-status=dead |archive-url= |archive-date=2015-07-13 }}</ref> }} === Works cited === * {{cite book|url=|title=Vintage Game Consoles: An Inside Look at Apple, Atari, Commodore, Nintendo, and the Greatest Gaming Platforms of All Time|last1=Loguidice|first1=Bill|last2=Barton|first2=Matt|publisher=[[CRC Press]]|date=2014|access-date=2022-07-01|isbn=978-0-415-85600-3}} * {{cite book|url=|title=The Future Was Here: The Commodore Amiga|last=Maher|first=Jimmy|publisher=[[MIT Press]]|date=2012|access-date=2022-07-01|isbn=978-0-262-01720-6}} == External links == {{Commons category|Commodore Amiga}} * [ Official AmigaOS website] * [ History of the Amiga] at ''[[Ars Technica]]'' * [ Amiga, Inc. Website] * [ Amiga Software Database] * [ Amiga Hardware Database] * [ Big Book of Amiga Hardware] * [ Lemon Amiga: Amiga Fanbase] * {{cite web |url= |title=On the Edge: The Spectacular Rise and Fall of Commodore |access-date=March 13, 2007 |archive-url= |archive-date=March 17, 2010 |url-status=dead |df=mdy-all }} * [ RUN Magazine Issue 21], September 1985 article on the introduction of the Amiga * [ community forums and support] * [ English Amiga Board: Amiga community forums and support] * [ The Hall of Light: the database of Amiga games] * [ The Amiga Museum] {{Webarchive|url= |date=2022-11-18 }} {{Amiga companies}} {{Amiga hardware}} {{Amiga magazines}} {{Amiga people}} {{AmigaOS}} {{Authority control}} [[Category:Amiga| ]] [[Category:68k-based computers]] [[Category:American inventions]] [[Category:Computer-related introductions in 1985]] [[Category:Desktop computers]] [[Category:Home computers]]<!-- Leave this, or else it breaks navigation for those who don't know what a 68k 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