<strong>Paper Title</strong><br> How Local Culinary Can Increase The Number of Foreign Tourists: Case Perspective in Bandung City, Indonesia<br> <br> <strong>Abstract</strong><br> Indonesia is optimizing its tourism sector as a source to generate foreign exchange. The tourism sector is also enhanced to bring good impact on employment as well as the use of domestic resources. Bandung City is one of special cities in Indonesia because it has significant potential of tourist attractions, such as historical tourism, educational tours, shopping tours, nature tourism and culinary tourism. Culinary tourism is one of Indonesia’s cultural diversities which can be offered to foreign tourists. It will be a very important source of state revenue. The development of culinary tourism aims to improve the welfare of the community by considering various aspects including aspects of cultural preservation, natural environment, and regional income improvement, especially in Bandung. However, the culinary tourism management has not been optimal yet. It is proven by the number of foreign tourists visiting Bandung City which continues to decline. This is believed to be related to security and comfort which have not met the standards of foreign tourists. Currently, the special standards and culinary regulations are still in the form of draft. The purpose of this study is to find out the purchase interest of foreign tourists for culinary in Bandung and the biggest culinary potential for foreign tourists. The research method used was survey and interview whose objects are the foreign tourists visiting Bandung City and have tasted the Bandung typical culinary. The results of the survey and interview were then analyzed descriptively. The findings showed that ‘desire’ reached the highest score, followed by ‘Interest’, and ‘Action’ in the third place, and Attention is the fourth. Integration among various parties is required to realize regulations which should be effectively implemented so that foreign tourist’s visit increases, and eventually it can improve welfare. Keyword - Purchase Interest, Foreign Tourism, Tourism Sector