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Awards: “individual” awards name only one person or a small team of up to 4 persons, for a variety of activities and outcomes. “Project” awards recognize a distinct project – and the team who completed the project are named but the Project is the awardee – not the project leaders. It is feasible to be nominated for both a project and as an individual which requires 2 separate entries</div><div class='ginput_container ginput_container_radio'><div class='gfield_radio' id='input_27_4'> <div class='gchoice gchoice_27_4_0'> <input class='gfield-choice-input' name='input_4' type='radio' value='Individual Clean50, Emerging Leader or Lifetime Achievement (to be considered for the 2026 Clean50 awards)' id='choice_27_4_0' onchange='gformToggleRadioOther( this )' aria-describedby="gfield_description_27_4" /> <label for='choice_27_4_0' id='label_27_4_0' class='gform-field-label gform-field-label--type-inline'>Individual Clean50, Emerging Leader or Lifetime Achievement (to be considered for the 2026 Clean50 awards)</label> </div> <div class='gchoice gchoice_27_4_1'> <input class='gfield-choice-input' name='input_4' type='radio' value='Top Project (2025 Nominations close and responses due by July 26, 2024)' id='choice_27_4_1' onchange='gformToggleRadioOther( this )' /> <label for='choice_27_4_1' id='label_27_4_1' class='gform-field-label gform-field-label--type-inline'>Top Project (2025 Nominations close and responses due by July 26, 2024)</label> </div></div></div></fieldset><fieldset id="field_27_3" class="gfield gfield--type-name gfield_contains_required field_sublabel_below gfield--has-description field_description_above field_validation_below gfield_visibility_visible" data-js-reload="field_27_3" ><legend class='gfield_label gform-field-label gfield_label_before_complex' >Name of the Person being nominated<span class="gfield_required"><span class="gfield_required gfield_required_text">(Required)</span></span></legend><div class='gfield_description' id='gfield_description_27_3'>Please enter only the first and last names of a SINGLE individual. If this is a team nomination, you may add additional names later – this should be the team leader</div><div class='ginput_complex ginput_container ginput_container--name no_prefix has_first_name no_middle_name has_last_name no_suffix gf_name_has_2 ginput_container_name gform-grid-row' id='input_27_3'> <span id='input_27_3_3_container' class='name_first gform-grid-col gform-grid-col--size-auto' > <input type='text' name='input_3.3' id='input_27_3_3' value='' aria-required='true' /> <label for='input_27_3_3' class='gform-field-label gform-field-label--type-sub '>First</label> </span> <span id='input_27_3_6_container' class='name_last gform-grid-col gform-grid-col--size-auto' > <input type='text' name='input_3.6' id='input_27_3_6' value='' aria-required='true' /> <label for='input_27_3_6' class='gform-field-label gform-field-label--type-sub '>Last</label> </span> </div></fieldset><div id="field_27_6" class="gfield gfield--type-text gfield--width-full gfield_contains_required field_sublabel_below gfield--has-description field_description_above field_validation_below gfield_visibility_visible" data-js-reload="field_27_6" ><label class='gfield_label gform-field-label' for='input_27_6'>Short Project Description -"Name it"<span class="gfield_required"><span class="gfield_required gfield_required_text">(Required)</span></span></label><div class='gfield_description' id='gfield_description_27_6'>In 75 characters or less, give the project a name. i.e. “Ocean Plastic Recovery” or “Farmers Adopt Sustainable Ag” or “Eliminate Factory Waste”</div><div class='ginput_container ginput_container_text'><input name='input_6' id='input_27_6' type='text' value='' class='large' maxlength='75' aria-describedby="gfield_description_27_6" aria-required="true" aria-invalid="false" /> </div></div><fieldset id="field_27_7" class="gfield gfield--type-name gfield--width-full gfield_contains_required field_sublabel_below gfield--has-description field_description_above field_validation_below gfield_visibility_visible" data-js-reload="field_27_7" ><legend class='gfield_label gform-field-label gfield_label_before_complex' >Name of Project Leader or person who can provide details<span class="gfield_required"><span class="gfield_required gfield_required_text">(Required)</span></span></legend><div class='gfield_description' id='gfield_description_27_7'>A Clean50 Analyst will reach out to follow up with someone to get more information – provide the name of the best person to provide information</div><div class='ginput_complex ginput_container ginput_container--name no_prefix has_first_name no_middle_name has_last_name no_suffix gf_name_has_2 ginput_container_name gform-grid-row' id='input_27_7'> <span id='input_27_7_3_container' class='name_first gform-grid-col gform-grid-col--size-auto' > <input type='text' name='input_7.3' id='input_27_7_3' value='' aria-required='true' /> <label for='input_27_7_3' class='gform-field-label gform-field-label--type-sub '>First</label> </span> <span id='input_27_7_6_container' class='name_last gform-grid-col gform-grid-col--size-auto' > <input type='text' name='input_7.6' id='input_27_7_6' value='' aria-required='true' /> <label for='input_27_7_6' class='gform-field-label gform-field-label--type-sub '>Last</label> </span> </div></fieldset><div id="field_27_8" class="gfield gfield--type-email gfield--width-full gfield_contains_required field_sublabel_below gfield--has-description field_description_above field_validation_below gfield_visibility_visible" data-js-reload="field_27_8" ><label class='gfield_label gform-field-label' for='input_27_8'>Email of person above<span class="gfield_required"><span class="gfield_required gfield_required_text">(Required)</span></span></label><div class='gfield_description' id='gfield_description_27_8'>Please take care to get this right!</div><div class='ginput_container ginput_container_email'> <input name='input_8' id='input_27_8' type='email' value='' class='large' aria-required="true" aria-invalid="false" aria-describedby="gfield_description_27_8" /> </div></div><div id="field_27_10" class="gfield gfield--type-phone gfield--width-full gfield_contains_required field_sublabel_below gfield--has-description field_description_above field_validation_below gfield_visibility_visible" data-js-reload="field_27_10" ><label class='gfield_label gform-field-label' for='input_27_10'>Phone number of the person above<span class="gfield_required"><span class="gfield_required gfield_required_text">(Required)</span></span></label><div class='gfield_description' id='gfield_description_27_10'>if unknown, please enter 123-456-7890</div><div class='ginput_container ginput_container_phone'><input name='input_10' id='input_27_10' type='tel' value='' class='large' aria-required="true" aria-invalid="false" aria-describedby="gfield_description_27_10" /></div></div><div id="field_27_9" class="gfield gfield--type-textarea gfield--width-full gfield_contains_required field_sublabel_below gfield--has-description field_description_above field_validation_below gfield_visibility_visible" data-js-reload="field_27_9" ><label class='gfield_label gform-field-label' for='input_27_9'>What are the top 1 or 2 things that make the nominee worthy of a Clean50 award?<span class="gfield_required"><span class="gfield_required gfield_required_text">(Required)</span></span></label><div class='gfield_description' id='gfield_description_27_9'>We will contact every nominee for more information – this is intended to provide only the minimal information sufficient to justify our follow up. </div><div class='ginput_container ginput_container_textarea'><textarea name='input_9' id='input_27_9' class='textarea large' aria-describedby="gfield_description_27_9" aria-required="true" aria-invalid="false" rows='10' cols='50'></textarea></div></div><fieldset id="field_27_11" class="gfield gfield--type-radio gfield--type-choice gfield--width-full gfield_contains_required field_sublabel_below gfield--no-description field_description_above field_validation_below gfield_visibility_visible" data-js-reload="field_27_11" ><legend class='gfield_label gform-field-label' >Is this you?<span class="gfield_required"><span class="gfield_required gfield_required_text">(Required)</span></span></legend><div class='ginput_container ginput_container_radio'><div class='gfield_radio' id='input_27_11'> <div class='gchoice gchoice_27_11_0'> <input class='gfield-choice-input' name='input_11' type='radio' value='Yes' id='choice_27_11_0' onchange='gformToggleRadioOther( this )' /> <label for='choice_27_11_0' id='label_27_11_0' class='gform-field-label gform-field-label--type-inline'>Yes</label> </div> <div class='gchoice gchoice_27_11_1'> <input class='gfield-choice-input' name='input_11' type='radio' value='No' id='choice_27_11_1' onchange='gformToggleRadioOther( this )' /> <label for='choice_27_11_1' id='label_27_11_1' class='gform-field-label gform-field-label--type-inline'>No</label> </div></div></div></fieldset><fieldset id="field_27_12" class="gfield gfield--type-radio gfield--type-choice gfield--width-full gfield_contains_required field_sublabel_below gfield--no-description field_description_above field_validation_below gfield_visibility_visible" data-js-reload="field_27_12" ><legend class='gfield_label gform-field-label' >Is the person named above aware of the Nomination?<span class="gfield_required"><span class="gfield_required gfield_required_text">(Required)</span></span></legend><div class='ginput_container ginput_container_radio'><div class='gfield_radio' id='input_27_12'> <div class='gchoice gchoice_27_12_0'> <input class='gfield-choice-input' name='input_12' type='radio' value='Yes' id='choice_27_12_0' onchange='gformToggleRadioOther( this )' /> <label for='choice_27_12_0' id='label_27_12_0' class='gform-field-label gform-field-label--type-inline'>Yes</label> </div> <div class='gchoice gchoice_27_12_1'> <input class='gfield-choice-input' name='input_12' type='radio' value='No' id='choice_27_12_1' onchange='gformToggleRadioOther( this )' /> <label for='choice_27_12_1' id='label_27_12_1' class='gform-field-label gform-field-label--type-inline'>No</label> </div></div></div></fieldset><fieldset id="field_27_13" class="gfield gfield--type-name gfield--width-full field_sublabel_below gfield--no-description field_description_above field_validation_below gfield_visibility_visible" data-js-reload="field_27_13" ><legend class='gfield_label gform-field-label gfield_label_before_complex' >Your name</legend><div class='ginput_complex ginput_container ginput_container--name no_prefix has_first_name no_middle_name has_last_name no_suffix gf_name_has_2 ginput_container_name gform-grid-row' id='input_27_13'> <span id='input_27_13_3_container' class='name_first gform-grid-col gform-grid-col--size-auto' > <input type='text' name='input_13.3' id='input_27_13_3' value='' aria-required='false' /> <label for='input_27_13_3' class='gform-field-label gform-field-label--type-sub '>First</label> </span> <span id='input_27_13_6_container' class='name_last gform-grid-col gform-grid-col--size-auto' > <input type='text' name='input_13.6' id='input_27_13_6' value='' aria-required='false' /> <label for='input_27_13_6' class='gform-field-label gform-field-label--type-sub '>Last</label> </span> </div></fieldset><div id="field_27_14" class="gfield gfield--type-email gfield--width-full gfield_contains_required field_sublabel_below gfield--has-description field_description_above field_validation_below gfield_visibility_visible" data-js-reload="field_27_14" ><label class='gfield_label gform-field-label' for='input_27_14'>Your email address<span class="gfield_required"><span class="gfield_required gfield_required_text">(Required)</span></span></label><div class='gfield_description' id='gfield_description_27_14'>If this is NOT valid or accurate, the nomination will be discarded</div><div class='ginput_container ginput_container_email'> <input name='input_14' id='input_27_14' type='email' value='' class='large' aria-required="true" aria-invalid="false" aria-describedby="gfield_description_27_14" /> </div></div><div id="field_27_15" class="gfield gfield--type-phone gfield--width-full gfield_contains_required field_sublabel_below gfield--no-description field_description_above field_validation_below gfield_visibility_visible" data-js-reload="field_27_15" ><label class='gfield_label gform-field-label' for='input_27_15'>Your Phone Number<span class="gfield_required"><span class="gfield_required gfield_required_text">(Required)</span></span></label><div class='ginput_container ginput_container_phone'><input name='input_15' id='input_27_15' type='tel' value='' class='large' aria-required="true" aria-invalid="false" /></div></div><fieldset id="field_27_16" class="gfield gfield--type-radio gfield--type-choice gfield--width-full gfield_contains_required field_sublabel_below gfield--has-description field_description_above field_validation_below gfield_visibility_visible" data-js-reload="field_27_16" ><legend class='gfield_label gform-field-label' >Add your email to the Clean50 mailing list?<span class="gfield_required"><span class="gfield_required gfield_required_text">(Required)</span></span></legend><div class='gfield_description' id='gfield_description_27_16'>Typically one email per week to highlight new articles written by Clean50 winners appearing on the Clean50 website, and sharing topical information related to climate action in Canada. You can unsubscribe at any time.</div><div class='ginput_container ginput_container_radio'><div class='gfield_radio' id='input_27_16'> <div class='gchoice gchoice_27_16_0'> <input class='gfield-choice-input' name='input_16' type='radio' value='Yes' id='choice_27_16_0' onchange='gformToggleRadioOther( this )' aria-describedby="gfield_description_27_16" /> <label for='choice_27_16_0' id='label_27_16_0' class='gform-field-label gform-field-label--type-inline'>Yes</label> </div> <div class='gchoice gchoice_27_16_1'> <input class='gfield-choice-input' name='input_16' type='radio' value='No' id='choice_27_16_1' onchange='gformToggleRadioOther( this )' /> <label for='choice_27_16_1' id='label_27_16_1' class='gform-field-label gform-field-label--type-inline'>No</label> </div> <div class='gchoice gchoice_27_16_2'> <input class='gfield-choice-input' name='input_16' type='radio' value='I am already on the mailing list' id='choice_27_16_2' onchange='gformToggleRadioOther( this )' /> <label for='choice_27_16_2' id='label_27_16_2' class='gform-field-label gform-field-label--type-inline'>I am already on the mailing list</label> </div></div></div></fieldset><div id="field_27_17" class="gfield gfield--type-select gfield--width-full gfield_contains_required field_sublabel_below gfield--has-description field_description_above field_validation_below gfield_visibility_visible" data-js-reload="field_27_17" ><label class='gfield_label gform-field-label' for='input_27_17'>How did you hear about the Clean50 Awards?<span class="gfield_required"><span class="gfield_required gfield_required_text">(Required)</span></span></label><div class='gfield_description' id='gfield_description_27_17'>Please tell us how you *first* became aware of the Clean50 Awards</div><div class='ginput_container ginput_container_select'><select name='input_17' id='input_27_17' class='large gfield_select' aria-describedby="gfield_description_27_17" aria-required="true" aria-invalid="false" ><option value='Past Winner' >Past Winner</option><option value='Past Nominee' >Past Nominee</option><option value='Globe & Mail' >Globe & Mail</option><option value='Linked In post' >Linked In post</option><option value='Other social media (X, Instagram, Facebook etc)' >Other social media (X, Instagram, Facebook etc)</option><option value='Other' >Other</option></select></div></div><fieldset id="field_27_18" class="gfield gfield--type-radio gfield--type-choice gfield--width-full gfield_contains_required field_sublabel_below gfield--has-description field_description_above field_validation_below gfield_visibility_visible" data-js-reload="field_27_18" ><legend class='gfield_label gform-field-label' >That was the last question. Please read the note below and then proceed to "Submit Nomination"<span class="gfield_required"><span class="gfield_required gfield_required_text">(Required)</span></span></legend><div class='gfield_description' id='gfield_description_27_18'>The nominee will be contacted to provide more information. There are other forms on this site that they will be required to submit by the latter of July 2nd or within 10 days of our notification of their nomination. We have word docs that enable nominees to anticipate the questions and prepare their responses. You can reach out to us at to jumpstart your receipt of the form. We urge all nominees or those filling out the response on their behalf to first read the FAQs elsewhere on the “Nominate” page. In order to win an *Individual* Clean50 award all winners must commit to attend the Clean50 Summit, in Toronto, on October 10th. Very limited (means tested) financial assistance is available for Honourees who might not otherwise be able to afford to attend. Do not make a nomination if you are aware of a reason the individual is unable to attend the Clean50 Summit (To be clear, you do not need to confirm the nominee’s availability if presently unknown to you before making a nomination, nor to alert the nominee to their nomination if you have not done so, Our team will manage that. </div><div class='ginput_container ginput_container_radio'><div class='gfield_radio' id='input_27_18'> <div class='gchoice gchoice_27_18_0'> <input class='gfield-choice-input' name='input_18' type='radio' value='I have read the note above and wish to proceed with the nomination.' id='choice_27_18_0' onchange='gformToggleRadioOther( this )' aria-describedby="gfield_description_27_18" /> <label for='choice_27_18_0' id='label_27_18_0' class='gform-field-label gform-field-label--type-inline'>I have read the note above and wish to proceed with the nomination.</label> </div></div></div></fieldset><div id="field_27_19" class="gfield gfield--type-html gfield--width-eleven-twelfths gfield_html gfield_html_formatted field_sublabel_below gfield--no-description field_description_above field_validation_below gfield_visibility_visible" data-js-reload="field_27_19" ></div></div></div> <div class='gform_footer top_label'> <input type='submit' id='gform_submit_button_27' class='gform_button button' value='Submit the nomination. The nominee should be contacted to respond in the next few days and asked to fill out the Detailed Nomination response form also available on the website.' onclick='if(window["gf_submitting_27"]){return false;} if( !jQuery("#gform_27")[0].checkValidity || jQuery("#gform_27")[0].checkValidity()){window["gf_submitting_27"]=true;} ' onkeypress='if( event.keyCode == 13 ){ if(window["gf_submitting_27"]){return false;} if( !jQuery("#gform_27")[0].checkValidity || jQuery("#gform_27")[0].checkValidity()){window["gf_submitting_27"]=true;} jQuery("#gform_27").trigger("submit",[true]); }' /> <input type='hidden' class='gform_hidden' name='is_submit_27' value='1' /> <input type='hidden' class='gform_hidden' name='gform_submit' value='27' /> <input type='hidden' class='gform_hidden' name='gform_unique_id' value='' /> <input type='hidden' class='gform_hidden' name='state_27' value='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' /> <input type='hidden' class='gform_hidden' name='gform_target_page_number_27' id='gform_target_page_number_27' value='0' /> <input type='hidden' class='gform_hidden' name='gform_source_page_number_27' id='gform_source_page_number_27' value='1' /> <input type='hidden' name='gform_field_values' value='' /> </div> </form> </div><script type="text/javascript"> /* <![CDATA[ */ gform.initializeOnLoaded( function() {gformInitSpinner( 27, '', true );jQuery('#gform_ajax_frame_27').on('load',function(){var contents = jQuery(this).contents().find('*').html();var is_postback = contents.indexOf('GF_AJAX_POSTBACK') >= 0;if(!is_postback){return;}var form_content = jQuery(this).contents().find('#gform_wrapper_27');var is_confirmation = jQuery(this).contents().find('#gform_confirmation_wrapper_27').length > 0;var is_redirect = contents.indexOf('gformRedirect(){') >= 0;var is_form = form_content.length > 0 && ! 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Please reference the TOP PROJECTS response form here:<br /> <a class="components-external-link editor-post-url__link" href="" target="_blank" rel="external noreferrer noopener"><span class="editor-post-url__link-prefix"></span><span class="editor-post-url__link-slug">project-response-2025</span><span class="editor-post-url__link-suffix">/</span></a></p> <p> </p> </div></section><section id="" class="block block-page-section"><h2 class="h3"><a class="toggle" href="#block_9c3ce2475e30d21967c2231f8727e43f-nominee-faq" data-toggle="collapse" role="button" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="block_9c3ce2475e30d21967c2231f8727e43f-nominee-faq"><svg class="icon plus"><use href=""></use></svg><svg class="icon minus"><use href=""></use></svg> Nominee FAQ</a></h2> <div class="collapse " id="block_9c3ce2475e30d21967c2231f8727e43f-nominee-faq"><p style="text-align: center;"><strong>Canada’s Clean50 Awards (Individual and Emerging Leader Awards)</strong></p> <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>Filling out the DETAILED Nomination Response Form</strong></p> <p style="text-align: center;"><strong>Frequently Asked Questions / FAQ</strong></p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p><span style="color: #000080;"><strong>DEADLINES</strong>:</span> The deadline for <u>nominations is the end of the Canada Day weekend,</u></p> <p>Anyone <strong>nominated</strong> has until 12 noon EDT on <strong>July 2nd</strong>,<strong>2024</strong> to complete response via <strong>the Detailed Information Form</strong> (or 10 days from the date they are notified of their nomination, whichever is the later date). Successful nominees will be informed by August 31st, and those named to the <strong><u>2025 Canada’s Clean50</u></strong> or related awards will be announced publicly on<strong> October 10th, 2024. </strong></p> <p> </p> <p><strong><span style="color: #000080;"><u>WHAT ARE THE MOST COMMON MISTAKES?</u> Read this summary to find out!</span></strong></p> <ul> <li><strong>The Executive Summary description</strong>. <strong>There are over 800 examples on the Clean50 website! Read a few to get the idea of what we are looking for.</strong> We don’t need you to include the nominee’s name, title or organization’s name at the beginning. (see “What will be published” at the end of this FAQ for details). We are looking for between 100 and 120 words to describe the key reasons this particular nominee should be in the Clean50 – and not someone else. <strong>Metrics are critical. </strong> We don’t care about any other award the nominee has won – we care about the <strong>MEASUREABLE IMPACTS</strong> resulting from the nominee’s <strong>actions</strong> that have led to a cleaner economy. Don’t tell us about other awards they have won, or what they’re passionate about – describe the specific measurable differences and the contributions they have made.</li> <li><strong>The picture</strong> submitted is too low in resolution, includes a lot of unnecessary body parts (we only want a <strong>head</strong>shot), it isn’t 5×7 portrait mode, or is incorrectly named. (see “What will be published” at the end of this FAQ for details)</li> <li>Failing to properly read the question and related information, and answer the actual question being asked. There’s hints below – and also on the Form. Read them!!</li> </ul> <p><strong><span style="color: #000080;"><u>WHY WAS THE CLEAN50 FOUNDED</u></span></strong></p> <p>In 2011, when award founder and steward Delta Management Group was building the first clean tech and sustainability executive search practice in Canada, they became aware that leaders from different parts of the country, and from within different sectors of the economy / society were not sufficiently connected with each other, nor aware of either the opportunities or challenges faced by those outside their own silos.</p> <p>Recognizing that “solving” the climate change problem would take a “whole of society” effort to both provide and activate solutions, Delta CEO Gavin Pitchford resolved to find ways to accelerate cross-sectoral collaboration and climate action, and create a climate action leaders’ summit, where ideas and best practices could be shared and discussed by the most innovative thinkers and practitioners in Canada. People who had proven they could get things – particularly positive change – done.</p> <p>Years of helping organizations tailor compensation plans and bonuses had produced a learning: You get the behaviour you incentivize. Hence, to encourage leaders to attend and participate in the Summit, the Clean50 Award program was born, and its mission defined: To identify, recognize, and connect environmental sustainability and clean tech focused leaders from every sector of the economy, and create a day to help them build the relationships they could subsequently activate to accelerate Canada’s transition to a clean economy. The results have been remarkable.</p> <p><strong><span style="color: #000080;"><u>ELIGIBILITY</u></span></strong></p> <p><span style="color: #000080;"><strong>** Our nominee won before. Can they win again?</strong></span></p> <p>Yes! If the nominee is a former Clean50 honouree, please do not include accomplishments for which the nominee has already been honoured, except those that may have been replicated since March 2022 or March 2023 as the case may be (the Clean50 announced in early 2023 were only assessed for contributions up to March of 2021 – those announced in September 2023 were assessed for contributions up to March 2023). After being named to the Clean50 four times, honourees will thereafter only be considered for the “Lifetime Achievement Award”, and thereafter no longer be eligible to be part of the primary list.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p><span style="color: #000080;"><strong>** What activities are considered / eligible?</strong></span></p> <p>For all awards except (for obvious reasons) the Lifetime Achievement Awards, <strong>PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS AS IF THE PHRASE “Between January 1, 2022 and March 31, 2024….” PRECEDED THE QUESTION</strong>, unless otherwise instructed. Activities which began before January 1 2022 and extended into the time frame, or which continued after March 31, 2024 may be considered as well; however, the work for which the award is given must have been conducted and substantially completed in the time frame, and the results tabulated within the time frame through March 31<sup>st</sup> of this year.</p> <p> </p> <p><span style="color: #000080;"><strong>** Is there a separate form for the Emerging Leaders award?</strong></span></p> <p>No – nominees for the Emerging Leaders category should select the Clean50 category(ies) most appropriate to the activities they believe best demonstrate their accomplishments, and respond to those questions. Emerging Leaders will first be judged relative to the full Clean50 category(ies) for which they are best suited. <strong>Only if they are not selected for the individual Clean50 award will they then be compared to all others who are eligible in the Emerging Leader category.</strong> Emerging Leaders are not part of, or named, in a specific category.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p><span style="color: #000080;"><strong>** How old can I be and still be an “Emerging Leader”? </strong></span></p> <p>Emerging Leaders will be considered for accomplishments completed before their 36th birthday, and within the dates as framed above (January 1, 2022 to March 31, 2024). For example, if the Emerging Leader nominee turned 36 in September 2023, only accomplishments between Jan 1, 2022 and September 2023 would be considered for inclusion on the <strong>Emerging Leader</strong> list. <strong>ALL work </strong>completed prior to March 31, 2024 will be considered for the “full” Clean50 Award.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p><span style="color: #000080;"><strong>** I don’t know which category is best for me. Can I enter in two?</strong></span></p> <p>Yes. If you wish to be considered in two (or more) categories, please check tick boxes, and then answer fully in each category you ticked off. Ultimately you should answer in the category or categories for which you have the most impactful / best answers. We suggest a review of the preparation document to make that determination.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p><span style="color: #000080;"><strong>** There was no single, clear leader associated with my work… So, can a team win a Clean50 Award? </strong></span></p> <p>This Clean50 awards recognize <u>leadership</u>: They are intended as an individual award for the <u>leader</u>, rather than an organizational award or a team award. However, if the work completed was exceptional and impacts are proportional to the number of people you include, you may nominate a small team (maximum four people). In that case, nominate the executive acting as the “team lead” as the primary, <strong>and then enter the team members’ names on the extra pages as provided </strong>(there is room for up to three additional names and team data at the end of the form). <strong>PLEASE DO NOT try and subvert the form by, for example, combining multiple first names in the spot for first name, or by putting someone’s full name under ‘first name’ and a second nominee under ‘family name’. This only serves to totally mess up the system and will guarantee we select someone else</strong>! <strong>Please also note: teams will have a much harder time being selected to the top Clean16 Award. </strong>We do acknowledge and appreciate that leaders are often not comfortable accepting credit for a team’s work, and that sustainability is a team sport, but our goal is to identify and recognize the leader of any given effort.</p> <p> </p> <p><span style="color: #000080;"><strong>** How will I know if I won?</strong></span></p> <p>Once the selection is complete, honourees will be contacted. Our goal is before August 25th. Honourees will be required to formally accept the honour within <u>five business days</u>, and sign and accept the terms of a license agreement as provided to them at the time of their notification. Once all selections are finalized and honourees have accepted, other nominees will be notified. If you are not available between July 25 and August 25, please make sure someone is monitoring your email. IF YOU FAIL TO RESPOND OR ACCEPT THE AGREEMENT IN A TIMELY FASHION, the offer to become a member of the Clean50 may be withdrawn. Further, if we don’t get an agreed upon self-description and photo by <u>August 30<sup>th</sup>,</u> Delta Management will retain sole discretion as to what to print based on the submissions as made in the Detailed Form. <strong>Please be very sure to provide the nominee’s PERSONAL email</strong> so we can ensure contact over the summer. <strong>Finally, if you haven’t heard from us, don’t assume the worst! We promise to let you know one way or the other as soon as a decision has been finalized. Until then, please hold the Summit date (October 10, 2024) in your calendars! </strong></p> <p> </p> <p><strong><span style="color: #000080;"><u>FILLING OUT THE FORM/TECHNICAL QUESTIONS </u></span></strong></p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p><span style="color: #000080;"><strong>** Who may fill out the detailed nomination form?</strong></span></p> <p>The detailed nomination form may be completed by either the nominee, or someone with full knowledge of the nominee’s accomplishments and the organization’s sustainability metrics <u>and</u> with permission from the nominee to commit the nominee’s time with respect to their Summit attendance (taking place on October 10<sup>th</sup>, 2024) and also ongoing engagement with the Clean50. While commitment to Summit attendance is not mandatory, and we are all aware that “life happens”, subsequently reneging on a firm commitment is not well received, and may in most cases will result in the offer of an award being rescinded, or changed from a Clean16 to a Clean50 award.</p> <p> </p> <p>To be awarded a Clean50 Award, the nominee themselves will be required to stipulate that the claims made are as accurate as reasonably possible, and not knowingly in error.</p> <p> </p> <p><span style="color: #000080;"><strong>** Can’t I just send you my CSR / ESG / Sustainability Report?</strong></span></p> <p>Please DO NOT – DO NOT – DO NOT refer us to your published report. Answer our questions. The only external “stuff” we need is your picture! You may draw our attention to a CSR report as additional backup if you wish, but please keep in mind we care about the *individual* and their contribution to sustainability, and the package we give to our advisory board (aka judges) will not include anything not included on our submission form.</p> <p> </p> <p><span style="color: #000080;"><strong>** Can’t I just upload a bio or a CV?</strong></span></p> <p>Please DO NOT attempt to upload a full bio or a CSR report, in whole or in part. You can create a link to reports further down the form and email us a bio or resume if need be. However, we will not consider responses which are incomplete on their own. The only material provided to our Panel will be responses from the “Detailed Nomination Response” form, and is often reviewed (mid-summer) in places with no internet access.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p><span style="color: #000080;"><strong>** Can I “save” my form responses and complete them later? </strong></span></p> <p><span style="color: #000080;"><strong>** And if not, can I know all the questions in advance so I can prepare?</strong></span></p> <p>In past years, “no”, but the present form does allow “save and resume later” <strong><em>most of the time.</em></strong></p> <p> </p> <p>Please be warned, There have been some technical challenges from time to time in the “save and resume” process, specifically with users whose company’s setting on their devices prevent “cookies” or other identifying information from their computers from being shared with the Clean50 site or using a VPN to mask the identity of the computer. That means the next time that same PC visits the Clean50 site, the PC will then have a different identity, and so the Clean50 site has no idea who the new computer is, and so then can’t then find the form in progress. We recommend you keep the form open in your browser until you press the “submit” button.</p> <p> </p> <p>We recommend you may find it easier to answer the questions on a Word form, so you can prepare, and then cut and paste your responses into the form in one visit, when you are completely prepared. (email us to get the prep form). If you do uses the prep form please DO NOT submit only the Word version instead, as we are unable to process it properly.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p><span style="color: #000080;"><strong>** Will the form expire? What if I make a mistake? </strong></span></p> <p>If you make an error, subject to the limitations noted above, you should still be able to edit it, even after submission, by re-accessing the form on-line. Alternatively, email us an update, being sure to identify the honouree’s name, the question that you wish to revise, and your /correction to your Clean50 Analyst, or to <a href=""></a> using RE line “Clean50 Form CORRECTION” and your name.</p> <p> </p> <p><span style="color: #000080;"><strong>** Must I answer every question?</strong></span></p> <p>Some questions may not apply – or you may not wish to answer. If that is the situation, simply enter N/A or “no response” accordingly. We have set virtually all questions as “required” to ensure you at least see and respond to all questions and don’t overlook one by mistake. You may elect to skip questions if you feel the content is irrelevant to the Clean50 honour in your nominee’s case – or for competitive/confidentiality reasons. If that data is essential we may call you to discuss. Keep in mind that we also consider the company’s actions when measuring the leadership of the individual nominee and determining the results, but it is the individual’s actions and impacts that are the primary criteria. Obviously, the more complete the nomination form is, the better the chances of selection. We anticipate that some people may not complete the entire form, but please do your best. One exception: data for a nominee’s assistant or PR person is NOT mandatory. Do not enter N/A in those spots.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p><span style="color: #000080;"><strong>** How much information are you expecting?</strong></span></p> <p>Unless specifically requested, we anticipate a typical response to any question will usually be a <u>maximum of 200 words</u> but some may run more at your discretion. We appreciate a full explanation, metrics where available, and an explanation of impacts – particularly the<strong> “why”! </strong>We are not experts in everything, and so better understanding “<strong>why” </strong>something is important – so we can put it in context! Please do not assume expert knowledge on our part. Often Nominees tell us about a particular accomplishment, but we fail to truly “get it” or understand why it’s important in their particular industry. So…help us understand! We will carefully read all that you submit. <strong> </strong>Please also<u> answer the actual question we asked</u> (often we get detailed responses to questions we haven’t asked yet – but will later in the form. That said, please don’t offer us platitudes or jargon. We are not looking for key words but rather a clear articulation of what you, your team (or in the case of R&D or clean tech categories, your product) or your project accomplished that impacts the environment.</p> <p> </p> <p><span style="color: #000080;"><strong>** Any last advice for filling in the form?</strong></span></p> <p>Why yes, actually!</p> <p><strong>Please do not describe yourself as a “sought after speaker”, an “active blogger”, a “visionary”, as being passionate about, well… anything, or worst, an “out-of-the-box thinker”.</strong> <strong> We don’t want adjectives – we want impacts! </strong>We will only recognize what you have DONE that impacts climate change / environmental sustainability. Your participation on panels or as a “thought leader” would only be relevant if responding to your nomination in the Education & Thought Leadership category.</p> <p><span style="color: #000080;"><strong><u>The Clean50 Award is not about popularity. It’s about measurable results</u></strong><strong>.</strong></span> We don’t care if you have a million Instagram or Twitter / X followers – unless you can prove that <strong>YOUR</strong> tweets motivated them to do something we can measure. We want to know what the IMPACT of your speech is (beyond your personal contribution to climate change), the ACTIONS your blogging can be shown to have inspired, and the RESULTS from realizing your vision. These awards are for measurable impacts – not for collecting social media followers. If you do have a gazillion followers, then you need to have them provide you with very specific details of the activities they have undertaken as a result of your profound inspiration. For example: if your blog produced a list of commitments from your readers who then reported back on their completed activities – that is something we can measure. That they clicked, read a post or “liked” it is dopamine for you – but not anything we care about.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong><span style="color: #000080;">A couple more “DON’Ts”</span>:</strong> Please don’t tell us you are passionate about the environment (that is assumed) or about your parental status (not relevant unless requesting time be added backwards for your accomplishments due to mat or paternity leave , ie before Jan 2.5 years ago). However, the fact you “walk” (or bike) the talk might be… for example the fact you bike 20K to work 4 days out of 5 might be relevant. The fact you don’t own a car or that it’s an EV – or that you retrofitted your home with solar or ground source energy might also be of interest worth adding to the “Extra Information” question. <strong>Please resist the urge to tell us about anything you or your company did prior to 2022 unless expressly tied to the results you are now reporting – or unless you are over 60 and wish to be considered for the Lifetime Achievement Award. </strong></p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p><strong>Finally, resist the urge to use other awards the nominee may have won as props for explaining why you should receive this one. <u>In particular, do not include other awards in your Executi</u><span style="text-decoration: underline;">ve Summary.</span></strong>If you look at the 800+ examples on the Clean50 site, you will see that the only other award we have ever referenced was a Nobel prize shared by one of our past honourees. (Okay, so if you have won a Nobel prize, feel free to mention that…)</p> <p> </p> <p><strong><u>AWARD ACCEPTANCE and SUMMIT LOGISTICS</u></strong></p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p><span style="color: #000080;"><strong>** Why do I have to attend the Summit in person? </strong></span></p> <p>Fighting climate change – making the needed changes to “business as usual” is incumbent upon everyone. And the solutions need to work for people and organizations in all sectors. In 2011, when we first understood the lack of a cross-sectoral discussions and understanding, we determined that we needed to bring leaders together from every different sector of the economy, government, academia and civil society so that we could tackle these issues.</p> <p> </p> <p>It wasn’t about awards – it was about discussing solutions and figuring out ways for leaders to collaborate – the awards came later in our thought process. Joining the Clean50 and collecting an award is great for recipients, as it is a tangible “thank you” for what they have accomplished, and raises both their individual profile as well as that of their employers. But that’s not our purpose. Our purpose is to accelerate collaboration and drive meaningful change. One can’t do that unless they’re present. So… if you can’t make the Summit, wait until next year…?</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p><span style="color: #000080;"><strong>** What if the Honouree can’t attend? </strong></span></p> <p><strong>Individual Honourees</strong> are <strong>not</strong> entitled to send an alternate in their place. If they are unable to attend the Summit then we should agree to review the accomplishment in a subsequent cycle and pursue a Clean50 when they can make themselves available. <strong>VERY limited exceptions</strong> are offered for senior government officials unavoidably absent on Canada’s behalf. But… It’s a pretty high bar. For example, we exempted (then) Minister of Environment & Climate Change, Jonathan Wilkinson, when he was in multi-national negotiations in Milan ahead of COP 26. And we refused to do so for a provincial cabinet minister, who was then miraculously able to clear his schedule. Other exemptions include late breaking medical issues impacting the honouree or their immediate family members (support documentation required). <strong>Beyond those very limited circumstances, the award will be deferred to a later cycle, if possible, or deferred altogether.</strong> <strong> Project awardees</strong> may send any qualified person to represent the project team.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>If cost of travel to Toronto is the issue,</strong> please review the next FAQ and reach Gavin to discuss (gpitchford –at-</p> <p> </p> <p><span style="color: #000080;"><strong>** Do you cover travel costs or other expenses related to Summit attendance? </strong></span></p> <p>First to note: In contrast to virtually every other comparable award we know of, there is no cost to be nominated, nor to be considered for an award, to win an award, nor is there a cost to attend the Summit itself for individual honourees. Delta Management Group and other Clean50 sponsors cover these expenses. Every other award demands an application fee, that you buy a table for an awards dinner etc. We didn’t think that made the award sufficiently accessible. And so we don’t impose any of those costs on individual honourees.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong>However, the costs associated with getting the honouree to / from the Summit, and hotel costs if any, are almost always the responsibility of the honouree</strong>. We do not cover travel or other expenses related to Summit attendance except in very limited situations.</p> <p> </p> <p>It’s also important to note that, because we measure impacts and results, and because we are looking for leaders who can collaborate with others at scale, our honourees are almost always from organizations who have already proven they can deliver impacts “at scale” – because of the things we measure and consider in comparing nominees, it’s almost impossible to deliver significant results without also having a budget than can manage getting to Toronto and an overnight stay.</p> <p> </p> <p>There are some exceptions of which we know, however, and there may be others whom we don’t know: Smaller organizations delivering outsized thought leadership or advocacy work.</p> <p> </p> <p>With the welcome and generous financial support of <strong>MACKENZIE Investments</strong>, we are now in a position to provide <strong>some </strong>assistance for smaller or less well-funded , out of town participants, to help defray <em>some</em> of their costs. Support for any given honouree will be capped at $1,000 (less based on proximity to Toronto) and will be means tested, and offered to those in the greatest need.</p> <p> </p> <p>Our experience has been that small, pre-commercial “R&D” award winning organizations who make the trip find it worthwhile: One CEO in 2018 shared that his organization absolutely would not still exist had he not won a Clean50 Award in 2014, as that’s where he landed his first customer – Walmart. That company then went public in 2021, raising $100 million.</p> <p> </p> <p>While we would love to fund all participants, it’s simply not feasible – Delta itself is quite small, and in the end, we believe that it can be well worth it for the organization to sacrifice other spending in order to maximize the opportunity to connect with other Clean50 leaders. A few have written stories you can find on the Clean50 website. And we’ll keep trying to find more sponsors to help those who truly need it. But even if it’s a challenge, we would suggest that a trip to the Summit can lead to a lot more than just an award plaque…</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p><span style="color: #000080;"><strong>** Can I bring a guest to the Summit? My team was a huge part of what we accomplished? What about other team members?</strong></span></p> <p>Honourees may invite a team member or members to accompany them, and to participate to the extent space permits (first come first served), in all activities at the Summit. However, those individuals (alternates and team members) will be charged for their participation, as are alumni honourees (supported by HP). For Summit 14.0, reflecting higher costs associated with post-pandemic precautionary measures, inflation, increased staffing and food costs, our prices will be the same higher price charged last year when they were increased for the first time in our history. Team members 2-4 will be charged $595 for the full day (Special discounts may be made available for NGO / NFPs and potentially, underfunded R&D or small organizations. Inquire if appropriate and you are named).</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p>Guests (Team members, family, friends etc.) may be invited to the Networking and Awards Dinner portion of the day (5:30 PM – 10:00 PM) at a cost of approximately $350. per person, or for the Project Awards at lunch ($295.00). If vaccine and testing requirements are in place for full day participation they will also be required for guests in attendance at any time of the day.</p> <p><u> </u></p> <p><strong><span style="color: #000080;"><u>COSTS, SPONSORSHIP and LICENSING</u></span></strong></p> <p><u> </u></p> <p><strong>** Is there any cost to be considered for the award? What’s included? </strong></p> <p>Short answer: “No”. Delta Management Group is pleased to act as the primary champion and steward of the Clean50, and we have several partners, including the Globe and Mail as our Media Partner, and HP Canada as our Clean50 Alumni Engagement Partner, as well as MACKENZIE Investments, Vancity Community Investment Bank, CN, Enwave, Quadreal, TELUS, Resolute Forest Products, and others. We, and our partners, underwrite all the costs associated with:</p> <ul> <li>The physical award itself (a handsome plaque fashioned from recycled bamboo chopsticks most honourees display proudly on their walls)</li> <li>The full day / awards dinner participation of the actual individual honouree (or the <strong>first </strong>member of a named team) at the Summit</li> <li>Inclusion of all the Clean50 honourees’ names and pictures in the Globe and Mail next Earth Day</li> <li>Inclusion of the honourees’ names, pictures and brief bio in the Summit program and on the website</li> <li>Publicizing the award and the nomination process</li> <li>The extensive screening process that nominees undergo</li> <li>The costs for 20 Clean50 alumni to come back to the Summit each year</li> <li>The salaries of three recent Masters Environmental Studies graduates for 5 months to research and cat-herd prospective nominees</li> <li>1000+ hours of Delta executive time devoted annually to stewarding the Clean50 Awards program, and connecting members afterwards</li> <li>Web hosting, design, update to include each new cohort of winners</li> <li>Professional writers to help create honouree and project descriptions, web content, edit articles on website</li> <li>Design, layout, content creation and printing of the annual Clean50 Winners book (28 – 36 pages)</li> <li>Summit: the venue, full day catering for 120+ participants + 15 staff, photographers, event planners, security, all related AV, stage rentals, staff and meeting supplies</li> </ul> <p>In addition to its significant time and cash contribution, Delta also makes up the shortfall each year. What we ask in return is that nominees and honourees respond promptly, read and follow the instructions as provided, and work with us to streamline the process as much as possible.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p><span style="color: #000080;"><strong>** Is there any cost to ACCEPT the award?</strong></span></p> <p> </p> <p>Again – short answer “No”. None to accept the award – but there *may* be if the organization wishes to promote the win to add to the organization’s reputation.</p> <p> </p> <p>All honourees, when offered the award, are required to sign a license agreement that governs how they may identify themselves as a Clean50 honouree if they wish to accept the award, and before their award can, or will, be made public. <strong>It does not obligate the honouree or their organization to pay even a nickel to win the award or to obtain all the other benefits listed above</strong>, unless / until such time as the organization wishes to make a public announcement of the win in pursuit of enhancing the organization’s reputation.</p> <p>Any honouree who wishes to self identify as a Clean50, Clean16 or Clean50 Emerging Leader honouree may do so absolutely free of charge on personal promotional / social media material (i.e. <strong><em>personal </em></strong>Linked In, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram profiles etc.)</p> <p> </p> <p>Honourees who wish to also use the Clean50 <strong>LOGO</strong> for <strong>personal</strong> use pay a nominal one time charge to do so.</p> <p> </p> <p>Honourees whose organization wishes to in any way publicize the fact that their employee or their Project has won a Clean50 award may issue a single on line press release at no charge, which must be completely expunged from the web by the end of the following week after the announcement.</p> <p> </p> <p>Beyond that, Organizations are free to make commercial use / gain reputational advantage of the Clean50 award and to use the Logo after first paying a one-time nominal commercial use licensing fee, ranging from under $100 (ENGOs) to $1,495 (non B corp incorporated companies), in exchange for which they are entitled to use both the “Clean50″ wordmark, and display the appropriate Clean50 logo <strong>in perpetuity</strong>. Costs are subject to change, and increase slightly after the Summit and award ceremony.</p> <p>Payment of the fees helps defer some of the significant costs incurred by the organizers, and is only required if the organization wishes to publicize their receipt of the Clean50 Awards. <strong>There is no obligation </strong>for honourees to do so.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p><span style="color: #000080;"><strong>** How can our organization get involved with the Clean50 awards? </strong></span></p> <p>We’re super proud of the fact that every singe one of our sponsors had first attended a Clean50 Summit and only then asked to sign on. Clean50 Awards typically pre-date sponsorships. We don’t actively market them but if your organization would be interested in supporting the Clean50 awards and, more importantly, the ongoing work of the Clean50, we would be pleased to hear from you. Please note: sponsorship information is never shared with the advisors and so will have no effect whatsoever on honouree selection. However, sponsorship will guarantee that your story and commitment to advancing sustainability are noticed!</p> <p> </p> <p>We are hugely grateful to: HP Canada, the Globe and Mail, MACKENZIE Investments, Vancity Community Investment Bank, CN, Enwave, TELUS, GLOBESeries, Resolute Forest Products for being our early supporters this year.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong><span style="color: #000080;"><u>PRIVACY POLICY</u></span></strong></p> <p><u> </u></p> <p><span style="color: #000080;"><strong>** What happens to the data you collect?</strong></span></p> <p>The background data on Clean50 award nomination forms will be treated as confidential and will not be openly published, but will be retained in perpetuity and used to validate and, if successful, publicly describe honourees’ accomplishments. <span style="text-decoration: underline;"><strong>This means that all data submitted needs to be accurate, complete, and not subject to any confidentiality restrictions</strong> </span><u>unless explicitly identified.</u> Names and associated coordinate data may be shared with; Delta Management personnel, the Clean50 advisory team, and Clean50 Summit organizers as required to determine Clean50 honourees and for the purposes of event coordination/planning, and contact and submission content information may be shared with some Clean50 sponsors for multiple purposes, including determining winners of special awards, and for a single marketing outreach by the sponsor.</p> <p> </p> <p>Delta and the Clean50 may also make use of the email coordinates provided to contact anyone listed about the Clean50. Of note: fewer than 1% of all our nominees later “unsubscribe”. We are very respectful of both your time and privacy, and the content shared is always interesting.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p><span style="color: #000080;"><strong>** Will Delta Management share my contact data with other Summit attendees or Sponsors? </strong></span></p> <p>The Clean50 mailing list is not shared with any other party as a list, except that contact coordinates of honourees will be shared with other honourees, past, present and future upon request. On an individual request basis, where there is clear value to the<strong> honouree</strong>, Delta Management may make introductions. For example, if through a nomination we become aware of a nominee’s unique clean tech product, or consulting offering, we may introduce a prospective customer / client to the honouree or nominee.</p> <p>Delta Management also works with category champions to prepare and send out a single unique message about our category champion to nominees in their category. These are one-time messages usually of interest to the category nominees. A list of nominees in a particular category(ies) may be shared with the sponsor / champion of that category. This helps our category sponsors and supporters in delivering their specific message to those specific category nominees. The only data shared is company name, nominee name and title, email address and phone. When explicit permission is given in the submission, data will be shared with the Globe and Mail. Any resumes submitted in support of a nomination will be retained separately from any others Delta has on file – and will not be shared with anyone at any time, ever, without the individual’s express permission.</p> <p><strong> </strong></p> <p><span style="color: #000080;"><strong>** What if I have important data I want considered, but which must remain confidential? </strong></span></p> <p>ALL data submitted is used to determine ultimate honourees, and consequently may be made public <u>unless specifically and clearly identified as confidential</u>. Obviously, if too much relevant information is withheld / confidential, we will have a difficult time defending the prospective honouree receiving the award, so if marking information as confidential, please accept the information should be able to be made available to the public in October 2024.</p> <p> </p> <p><span style="color: #000080;"><strong>** What will actually get published / made public?</strong></span></p> <p>A photo, a mutually agreeable description based on the information submitted for consideration by our review team, and the article the honouree submits about their work.</p> <p>Honourees will be given the ability to amend their descriptions in conjunction with Delta, before any data about the honouree appears publicly. The “Executive Summary” question on the Detailed Nomination Form is intended to form the basis of that description, and should be concise, not reference the Nominee’s name or title (as both appear over top of the description) and include as facts specific measurable achievements regarding the impacts resulting from the nominee’s work. Hint: Look at past honourees for 800+ examples of style and relevant content.</p> <p> </p> <p><span style="color: #000080;"><strong>Prospective honourees are encouraged to submit high-resolution photos of their HEAD shot via email <em>NOW</em></strong>.</span> Photos should be:</p> <ul> <li><strong><u>portrait</u></strong> in orientation,</li> <li>passport-like in composition – except with smiles encouraged 😉</li> <li>high resolution, <strong><u>at least 1000 X 1400 pixels</u>,</strong></li> <li>cropped to be on a <strong>5×7 ratio </strong>and</li> <li><strong>75% of pixels to be “head+hair”</strong> rather than a full body shot (face cropped tightly around as much hair as you care to show, and from throat / half a necktie / Adam’s apple up – <strong>Do NOT – repeat do NOT – send us a full body picture of the nominee standing with their arms folded in front of them.</strong></li> <li>Ideally be .jpg or .png</li> <li>named <strong>LASTNAME Firstname</strong>.<extension> (i.e. WILKINSON Jonathan.jpg or SUZUKI David.png)</li> </ul> <p> </p> <p>Take a look at existing photos on the website for composition objectives. Please observe the requirements as noted above and send us only a single picture, and name it as described LASTNAME Firstname.extension – i.e. “GOODALL Jane.jpg” or “GORE Albert.png”. Do NOT send the picture “Headshot.jpg”. Our designer will have no idea to whom that belongs…</p> <p><strong><em>Please do not expect us to reformat / edit / rename nominee photos. </em></strong></p> <p> </p> <p><span style="color: #000080;"><strong>** HEY, you missed my question!!</strong></span></p> <p>If you wish to ask questions please contact us via email: or via telephone: Gavin Pitchford; 416.925.2005 x 2300. We are VERY approachable! If you need help or clarification, please don’t hesitate to call or send an email to <a href=""></a>. And remember – the questions are a start – the follow up conversation will allow for clarification and discussion. Good Luck! We look forward to speaking with you soon.</p> <p>© Delta Management Group Inc. 2011-2024</p> </div></section> </div> </div> </div> </main> </div> </div> <div class="sponsor-footer"> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="row"> <div class="col text-center"> <h4 class="intro h6">Canada's Clean50 is made possible thanks to the generosity and support of the following sponsors.</h4> </div> </div> <div class="tier-1"> <div class="row justify-content-center"> <div class="col-auto d-flex flex-nowrap align-content-center"> <div class="sponsors"> <a href="" class="sponsor" target="_blank"><h5 class="sponsor-title">Delta Management</h5><img width="181" height="60" src="" class="img-fluid sponsor-logo wp-post-image" alt="" style="transform: scale(1);" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 181w, 300w, 685w" sizes="(max-width: 181px) 100vw, 181px" /></a> <a href="" class="sponsor" target="_blank"><h5 class="sponsor-title">HP Canada</h5><img width="60" height="60" src="" class="img-fluid sponsor-logo wp-post-image" alt="" style="transform: scale(1.25);" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 60w, 300w, 1024w, 150w, 768w, 360w, 265w, 50w, 100w" sizes="(max-width: 60px) 100vw, 60px" /></a> <a href="" class="sponsor" target="_blank"><h5 class="sponsor-title">The Globe and Mail</h5><img width="60" height="60" src="" class="img-fluid sponsor-logo wp-post-image" alt="" style="transform: scale(1);" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 60w, 300w, 150w, 360w, 265w, 50w, 100w, 725w" sizes="(max-width: 60px) 100vw, 60px" /></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="tier-2"> <div class="row justify-content-center"> <div class="col-auto d-flex flex-nowrap align-content-center"> <div class="sponsors"> <a href="#" class="sponsor" target="_blank"><h5 class="sponsor-title">MACKENZIE Investments</h5><img width="245" height="60" src="" class="img-fluid sponsor-logo wp-post-image" alt="" style="transform: scale(1);" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 245w, 300w, 550w, 560w" sizes="(max-width: 245px) 100vw, 245px" /></a> <a href="#" class="sponsor" target="_blank"><h5 class="sponsor-title">PWC</h5><img width="79" height="60" src="" class="img-fluid sponsor-logo wp-post-image" alt="" style="transform: scale(1);" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 79w, 300w, 600w, 700w" sizes="(max-width: 79px) 100vw, 79px" /></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="tier-3"> <div class="row justify-content-center"> <div class="col-auto d-flex flex-nowrap align-content-center"> <div class="sponsors"> <a href="" class="sponsor" target="_blank"><h5 class="sponsor-title">Co-operators</h5><img width="300" height="43" src="" class="img-fluid sponsor-logo wp-post-image" alt="" style="transform: scale(1);" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 300w, 600w, 676w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /></a> <a href="" class="sponsor" target="_blank"><h5 class="sponsor-title">Enwave</h5><img width="170" height="60" src="" class="img-fluid sponsor-logo wp-post-image" alt="" style="transform: scale(1);" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 170w, 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w" sizes="(max-width: 170px) 100vw, 170px" /></a> <a href="" class="sponsor" target="_blank"><h5 class="sponsor-title">Resolute Forest Products</h5><img width="69" height="60" src="" class="img-fluid sponsor-logo wp-post-image" alt="" style="transform: scale(1.31);" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 69w, 300w, 768w, 988w" sizes="(max-width: 69px) 100vw, 69px" /></a> <a href="" class="sponsor" target="_blank"><h5 class="sponsor-title">TELUS</h5><img width="240" height="60" src="" class="img-fluid sponsor-logo wp-post-image" alt="" style="transform: scale(1);" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 240w, 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1200w" sizes="(max-width: 240px) 100vw, 240px" /></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="tier-4"> <div class="row justify-content-center"> <div class="col-auto d-flex flex-nowrap align-content-center"> <div class="sponsors"> <a href="" class="sponsor" target="_blank"><h5 class="sponsor-title">GLOBE Series</h5><img width="189" height="60" src="" class="img-fluid sponsor-logo wp-post-image" alt="" style="transform: scale(1);" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 189w, 300w, 768w, 835w" sizes="(max-width: 189px) 100vw, 189px" /></a> <a href="" class="sponsor" target="_blank"><h5 class="sponsor-title">Vancity Community Investment Bank</h5><img width="300" height="40" src="" class="img-fluid sponsor-logo wp-post-image" alt="" style="transform: scale(1);" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 300w, 1024w, 768w, 1536w, 2048w" sizes="(max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px" /></a> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="summit"> <div class="row justify-content-center"> <div class="tier-title"> <h4>Summit Sponsors</h4> </div> </div> <div class="row justify-content-center"> <div class="col-auto align-content-center"> <div class="sponsors"> <a href="#" class="sponsor" target="_blank"><h5 class="sponsor-title">Flow Hydration</h5><img width="113" height="60" src="" class="img-fluid sponsor-logo wp-post-image" alt="" style="transform: scale(1.5);" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 113w, 300w, 600w, 637w" sizes="(max-width: 113px) 100vw, 113px" /></a> <a href="" class="sponsor" target="_blank"><h5 class="sponsor-title">Mi5 Print and Digital Communications</h5><img width="198" height="60" src="" class="img-fluid sponsor-logo wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 198w, 300w, 768w, 774w" sizes="(max-width: 198px) 100vw, 198px" /></a> <a href="" class="sponsor" target="_blank"><h5 class="sponsor-title">Southbrook Vineyards</h5><img width="265" height="60" src="" class="img-fluid sponsor-logo wp-post-image" alt="" decoding="async" loading="lazy" srcset=" 265w, 300w" sizes="(max-width: 265px) 100vw, 265px" /></a> <a href="" class="sponsor" target="_blank"><h5 class="sponsor-title">Staples</h5><img width="293" height="60" src="" class="img-fluid sponsor-logo wp-post-image" 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