Koyo Bearings Europe - JTEKT Group brand for Bearings
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class="bt-introtext"> Stories of loyalty in trading between our... </div> <p> <a class="button" target="_parent" title="A Forty Four Year Partnership going from strength to strength" href="/en/news/994-a-forty-four-year-partnership-going-from-strength-to-strength.html"> Read more </a> </p> </div> <!--end bt-inner --> </div> <!--end bt-row --> <div class="bt-row bt-row-last" style="width:33.333333333333%" > <div class="bt-inner"> <span class="date_news">Friday, 16 August 2024 10:00 </span> <h3><a target="_parent" title="JTEKT Europe to join Automechanika 2024" href="/en/news/993-am24.html"> JTEKT Europe to join Automechanika 2024 </a></h3><br /> <div class="bt-center"> <a target="_parent" class="bt-image-link" title="JTEKT Europe to join Automechanika 2024" href="/en/news/993-am24.html"> <img class="hovereffect" src="" alt="JTEKT Europe to join Automechanika 2024" style="width:180px;" title="JTEKT Europe to join Automechanika 2024" /> </a> </div> <div class="bt-extra"> </div> <div class="bt-introtext"> 🚗 Discover JTEKT's Innovations at A... </div> <p> <a class="button" target="_parent" title="JTEKT Europe to join Automechanika 2024" href="/en/news/993-am24.html"> Read more </a> </p> </div> <!--end bt-inner --> </div> <!--end bt-row --> <div style="clear: both;"></div> </div> <!--end bt-main-item page --> <div class="slide" style="width:auto"> <div class="bt-row bt-row-first" style="width:33.333333333333%" > <div class="bt-inner"> <span class="date_news">Thursday, 16 May 2024 10:00 </span> <h3><a target="_parent" title="Team Visma | Lease a Bike rider wins 9th stage of the Giro d' Italia " href="/en/news/992-tvl-oni-giro-9.html"> Team Visma | Lease a Bike rider wins... </a></h3><br /> <div class="bt-center"> <a target="_parent" class="bt-image-link" title="Team Visma | Lease a Bike rider wins 9th stage of the Giro d' Italia " href="/en/news/992-tvl-oni-giro-9.html"> <img class="hovereffect" src="" alt="Team Visma | Lease a Bike rider wins 9th stage of the Giro d' Italia " style="width:180px;" title="Team Visma | Lease a Bike rider wins 9th stage of the Giro d' Italia " /> </a> </div> <div class="bt-extra"> </div> <div class="bt-introtext"> JTEKT congratulates Team Visma | Lease a ... </div> <p> <a class="button" target="_parent" title="Team Visma | Lease a Bike rider wins 9th stage of the Giro d' Italia " href="/en/news/992-tvl-oni-giro-9.html"> Read more </a> </p> </div> <!--end bt-inner --> </div> <!--end bt-row --> <div class="bt-row " style="width:33.333333333333%" > <div class="bt-inner"> <span class="date_news">Tuesday, 09 April 2024 10:00 </span> <h3><a target="_parent" title="JTEKT and Team Visma Lease a Bike start partnership" href="/en/news/991-tvl-oni.html"> JTEKT and Team Visma Lease a Bike start... </a></h3><br /> <div class="bt-center"> <a target="_parent" class="bt-image-link" title="JTEKT and Team Visma Lease a Bike start partnership" href="/en/news/991-tvl-oni.html"> <img class="hovereffect" src="" alt="JTEKT and Team Visma Lease a Bike start partnership" style="width:180px;" title="JTEKT and Team Visma Lease a Bike start partnership" /> </a> </div> <div class="bt-extra"> </div> <div class="bt-introtext"> We’re thrilled to anno... </div> <p> <a class="button" target="_parent" title="JTEKT and Team Visma Lease a Bike start partnership" href="/en/news/991-tvl-oni.html"> Read more </a> </p> </div> <!--end bt-inner --> </div> <!--end bt-row --> <div class="bt-row bt-row-last" style="width:33.333333333333%" > <div class="bt-inner"> <span class="date_news">Thursday, 14 March 2024 10:00 </span> <h3><a target="_parent" title="Bearing Defender portable monitoring device" href="/en/news/990-defender.html"> Bearing Defender portable monitoring device </a></h3><br /> <div class="bt-center"> <a target="_parent" class="bt-image-link" title="Bearing Defender portable monitoring device" href="/en/news/990-defender.html"> <img class="hovereffect" src="" alt="Bearing Defender portable monitoring device" style="width:180px;" title="Bearing Defender portable monitoring device" /> </a> </div> <div class="bt-extra"> </div> <div class="bt-introtext"> JTEKT is dedicated to providing products ... </div> <p> <a class="button" target="_parent" title="Bearing Defender portable monitoring device" href="/en/news/990-defender.html"> Read more </a> </p> </div> <!--end bt-inner --> </div> <!--end bt-row --> <div style="clear: both;"></div> </div> <!--end bt-main-item page --> <div class="slide" style="width:auto"> <div class="bt-row bt-row-first" style="width:33.333333333333%" > <div class="bt-inner"> <span class="date_news">Monday, 11 December 2023 10:00 </span> <h3><a target="_parent" title="JTEKT Sponsors Triathlon Almere-Amsterdam: An interview with triathlete Monique Berlips" href="/en/news/989-oni-triathlon-almere.html"> JTEKT Sponsors Triathlon Almere-Amsterdam: An interview with triathlete... </a></h3><br /> <div class="bt-center"> <a target="_parent" class="bt-image-link" title="JTEKT Sponsors Triathlon Almere-Amsterdam: An interview with triathlete Monique Berlips" href="/en/news/989-oni-triathlon-almere.html"> <img class="hovereffect" src="" alt="JTEKT Sponsors Triathlon Almere-Amsterdam: An interview with triathlete Monique Berlips" style="width:180px;" title="JTEKT Sponsors Triathlon Almere-Amsterdam: An interview with triathlete Monique Berlips" /> </a> </div> <div class="bt-extra"> </div> <div class="bt-introtext"> JTEKT Bearings (formerly known as Koyo Be... </div> <p> <a class="button" target="_parent" title="JTEKT Sponsors Triathlon Almere-Amsterdam: An interview with triathlete Monique Berlips" href="/en/news/989-oni-triathlon-almere.html"> Read more </a> </p> </div> <!--end bt-inner --> </div> <!--end bt-row --> <div class="bt-row " style="width:33.333333333333%" > <div class="bt-inner"> <span class="date_news">Monday, 13 November 2023 10:00 </span> <h3><a target="_parent" title="JTEKT participates to Cti Berlin symposium (Dec 5-6, 2023)" href="/en/news/986-cti-berlin.html"> JTEKT participates to Cti Berlin symposium (Dec 5-6,... </a></h3><br /> <div class="bt-center"> <a target="_parent" class="bt-image-link" title="JTEKT participates to Cti Berlin symposium (Dec 5-6, 2023)" href="/en/news/986-cti-berlin.html"> <img class="hovereffect" src="" alt="JTEKT participates to Cti Berlin symposium (Dec 5-6, 2023)" style="width:180px;" title="JTEKT participates to Cti Berlin symposium (Dec 5-6, 2023)" /> </a> </div> <div class="bt-extra"> </div> <div class="bt-introtext"> "Keeping pace during the transformation towards electric mobility" Cti Berlin symposium The CTI S... </div> <p> <a class="button" target="_parent" title="JTEKT participates to Cti Berlin symposium (Dec 5-6, 2023)" href="/en/news/986-cti-berlin.html"> Read more </a> </p> </div> <!--end bt-inner --> </div> <!--end bt-row --> <div class="bt-row bt-row-last" style="width:33.333333333333%" > <div class="bt-inner"> <span class="date_news">Thursday, 28 September 2023 10:00 </span> <h3><a target="_parent" title="Bearings for Agricultural and Construction machines" href="/en/news/985-agricon-machines.html"> Bearings for Agricultural and Construction machines </a></h3><br /> <div class="bt-center"> <a target="_parent" class="bt-image-link" title="Bearings for Agricultural and Construction machines" href="/en/news/985-agricon-machines.html"> <img class="hovereffect" src="" alt="Bearings for Agricultural and Construction machines" style="width:180px;" title="Bearings for Agricultural and Construction machines" /> </a> </div> <div class="bt-extra"> </div> <div class="bt-introtext"> JTEK... </div> <p> <a class="button" target="_parent" title="Bearings for Agricultural and Construction machines" href="/en/news/985-agricon-machines.html"> Read more </a> </p> </div> <!--end bt-inner --> </div> <!--end bt-row --> <div style="clear: both;"></div> </div> <!--end bt-main-item page --> <div class="slide" style="width:auto"> <div class="bt-row bt-row-first" style="width:33.333333333333%" > <div class="bt-inner"> <span class="date_news">Thursday, 20 July 2023 10:00 </span> <h3><a target="_parent" title="Ceramic non-magnetic bearings for MRI machines" href="/en/news/983-mri-machines.html"> Ceramic non-magnetic bearings for MRI machines </a></h3><br /> <div class="bt-center"> <a target="_parent" class="bt-image-link" title="Ceramic non-magnetic bearings for MRI machines" href="/en/news/983-mri-machines.html"> <img class="hovereffect" src="" alt="Ceramic non-magnetic bearings for MRI machines" style="width:180px;" title="Ceramic non-magnetic bearings for MRI machines" /> </a> </div> <div class="bt-extra"> </div> <div class="bt-introtext"> For MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) m... </div> <p> <a class="button" target="_parent" title="Ceramic non-magnetic bearings for MRI machines" href="/en/news/983-mri-machines.html"> Read more </a> </p> </div> <!--end bt-inner --> </div> <!--end bt-row --> <div class="bt-row " style="width:33.333333333333%" > <div class="bt-inner"> <span class="date_news">Friday, 07 July 2023 10:00 </span> <h3><a target="_parent" title="ONI x JTEKT is advertising in French mag Le Cycle" href="/en/news/981-oni-le-cycle.html"> ONI x JTEKT is advertising in French... </a></h3><br /> <div class="bt-center"> <a target="_parent" class="bt-image-link" title="ONI x JTEKT is advertising in French mag Le Cycle" href="/en/news/981-oni-le-cycle.html"> <img class="hovereffect" src="" alt="ONI x JTEKT is advertising in French mag Le Cycle" style="width:180px;" title="ONI x JTEKT is advertising in French mag Le Cycle" /> </a> </div> <div class="bt-extra"> </div> <div class="bt-introtext"> JTEKT has recently introduced the ONI bearing f... </div> <p> <a class="button" target="_parent" title="ONI x JTEKT is advertising in French mag Le Cycle" href="/en/news/981-oni-le-cycle.html"> Read more </a> </p> </div> <!--end bt-inner --> </div> <!--end bt-row --> <div class="bt-row bt-row-last" style="width:33.333333333333%" > <div class="bt-inner"> <span class="date_news">Tuesday, 04 July 2023 10:00 </span> <h3><a target="_parent" title="ONI x JTEKT is sponsoring a local training program for children to learn to participate safely to road traffic on their bicycles" href="/en/news/975-oni-k-i-verlag.html"> ONI x JTEKT is sponsoring a local... </a></h3><br /> <div class="bt-center"> <a target="_parent" class="bt-image-link" title="ONI x JTEKT is sponsoring a local training program for children to learn to participate safely to road traffic on their bicycles" href="/en/news/975-oni-k-i-verlag.html"> <img class="hovereffect" src="" alt="ONI x JTEKT is sponsoring a local training program for children to learn to participate safely to road traffic on their bicycles" style="width:180px;" title="ONI x JTEKT is sponsoring a local training program for children to learn to participate safely to road traffic on their bicycles" /> </a> </div> <div class="bt-extra"> </div> <div class="bt-introtext"> JTEKT has recently introduced the ONI bearing for application in race bicycle wheels. The c... </div> <p> <a class="button" target="_parent" title="ONI x JTEKT is sponsoring a local training program for children to learn to participate safely to road traffic on their bicycles" href="/en/news/975-oni-k-i-verlag.html"> Read more </a> </p> </div> <!--end bt-inner --> </div> <!--end bt-row --> <div style="clear: both;"></div> </div> <!--end bt-main-item page --> <div class="slide" style="width:auto"> <div class="bt-row bt-row-first" style="width:33.333333333333%" > <div class="bt-inner"> <span class="date_news">Friday, 09 June 2023 10:00 </span> <h3><a target="_parent" title="JTEKT will be participating at the Le Bourget Paris Air Show 2023." href="/en/news/974-pas23-participation.html"> JTEKT will be participating at the Le Bourget... </a></h3><br /> <div class="bt-center"> <a target="_parent" class="bt-image-link" title="JTEKT will be participating at the Le Bourget Paris Air Show 2023." href="/en/news/974-pas23-participation.html"> <img class="hovereffect" src="" alt="JTEKT will be participating at the Le Bourget Paris Air Show 2023." style="width:180px;" title="JTEKT will be participating at the Le Bourget Paris Air Show 2023." /> </a> </div> <div class="bt-extra"> </div> <div class="bt-introtext"> The Japanese group JTEKT is a world leader in the design and manufacture of components for... </div> <p> <a class="button" target="_parent" title="JTEKT will be participating at the Le Bourget Paris Air Show 2023." href="/en/news/974-pas23-participation.html"> Read more </a> </p> </div> <!--end bt-inner --> </div> <!--end bt-row --> <div class="bt-row " style="width:33.333333333333%" > <div class="bt-inner"> <span class="date_news">Friday, 17 March 2023 10:00 </span> <h3><a target="_parent" title="JTEKT Europe Bearings participates to Hannover Messe 2023 (April 17-21) " href="/en/news/966-jtekt-europe-bearings-participates-to-hannover-messe-2023.html"> JTEKT Europe Bearings participates to Hannover Messe 2023... </a></h3><br /> <div class="bt-center"> <a target="_parent" class="bt-image-link" title="JTEKT Europe Bearings participates to Hannover Messe 2023 (April 17-21) " href="/en/news/966-jtekt-europe-bearings-participates-to-hannover-messe-2023.html"> <img class="hovereffect" src="" alt="JTEKT Europe Bearings participates to Hannover Messe 2023 (April 17-21) " style="width:180px;" title="JTEKT Europe Bearings participates to Hannover Messe 2023 (April 17-21) " /> </a> </div> <div class="bt-extra"> </div> <div class="bt-introtext"> JTEKT Europe Bearings B.V. (formerly Koyo Europe) will be partici... </div> <p> <a class="button" target="_parent" title="JTEKT Europe Bearings participates to Hannover Messe 2023 (April 17-21) " href="/en/news/966-jtekt-europe-bearings-participates-to-hannover-messe-2023.html"> Read more </a> </p> </div> <!--end bt-inner --> </div> <!--end bt-row --> <div class="bt-row bt-row-last" style="width:33.333333333333%" > <div class="bt-inner"> <span class="date_news">Thursday, 02 February 2023 10:00 </span> <h3><a target="_parent" title="JTEKT's expansion in the world of professional speed cycling with ONI bearings" href="/en/news/965-oni-2.html"> JTEKT's expansion in the world of professional speed... </a></h3><br /> <div class="bt-center"> <a target="_parent" class="bt-image-link" title="JTEKT's expansion in the world of professional speed cycling with ONI bearings" href="/en/news/965-oni-2.html"> <img class="hovereffect" src="" alt="JTEKT's expansion in the world of professional speed cycling with ONI bearings" style="width:180px;" title="JTEKT's expansion in the world of professional speed cycling with ONI bearings" /> </a> </div> <div class="bt-extra"> </div> <div class="bt-introtext"> The recently introduced ONI bearings, using ceramic balls and a special internal des... </div> <p> <a class="button" target="_parent" title="JTEKT's expansion in the world of professional speed cycling with ONI bearings" href="/en/news/965-oni-2.html"> Read more </a> </p> </div> <!--end bt-inner --> </div> <!--end bt-row --> <div style="clear: both;"></div> </div> <!--end bt-main-item page --> <div class="slide" style="width:auto"> <div class="bt-row bt-row-first" style="width:33.333333333333%" > <div class="bt-inner"> <span class="date_news">Monday, 23 January 2023 10:00 </span> <h3><a target="_parent" title="JTEKT introduces new JTEKT Ultra Compact Bearing for e-axles" href="/en/news/964-jucb-bearing.html"> JTEKT introduces new JTEKT Ultra Compact Bearing for... </a></h3><br /> <div class="bt-center"> <a target="_parent" class="bt-image-link" title="JTEKT introduces new JTEKT Ultra Compact Bearing for e-axles" href="/en/news/964-jucb-bearing.html"> <img class="hovereffect" src="" alt="JTEKT introduces new JTEKT Ultra Compact Bearing for e-axles" style="width:180px;" title="JTEKT introduces new JTEKT Ultra Compact Bearing for e-axles" /> </a> </div> <div class="bt-extra"> </div> <div class="bt-introtext"> The quest for weight reduction and downsizing continues as we slowly move in to the er... </div> <p> <a class="button" target="_parent" title="JTEKT introduces new JTEKT Ultra Compact Bearing for e-axles" href="/en/news/964-jucb-bearing.html"> Read more </a> </p> </div> <!--end bt-inner --> </div> <!--end bt-row --> <div class="bt-row " style="width:33.333333333333%" > <div class="bt-inner"> <span class="date_news">Wednesday, 31 August 2022 10:00 </span> <h3><a target="_parent" title="JTEKT introduces new ONI bearing for bicycle wheel application" href="/en/news/936-oni-bearing.html"> JTEKT introduces new ONI bearing for bicycle wheel... </a></h3><br /> <div class="bt-center"> <a target="_parent" class="bt-image-link" title="JTEKT introduces new ONI bearing for bicycle wheel application" href="/en/news/936-oni-bearing.html"> <img class="hovereffect" src="" alt="JTEKT introduces new ONI bearing for bicycle wheel application" style="width:180px;" title="JTEKT introduces new ONI bearing for bicycle wheel application" /> </a> </div> <div class="bt-extra"> </div> <div class="bt-introtext"> JTEKT Bearings (formerly Koyo Bearings) recently developed a special ceramic wheel bea... </div> <p> <a class="button" target="_parent" title="JTEKT introduces new ONI bearing for bicycle wheel application" href="/en/news/936-oni-bearing.html"> Read more </a> </p> </div> <!--end bt-inner --> </div> <!--end bt-row --> <div class="bt-row bt-row-last" style="width:33.333333333333%" > <div class="bt-inner"> <span class="date_news">Wednesday, 06 July 2022 10:00 </span> <h3><a target="_parent" title="The Lecoimpex company celebrates 30 years of business activity" href="/en/news/934-lecoimpex.html"> The Lecoimpex company celebrates 30 years of... </a></h3><br /> <div class="bt-center"> <a target="_parent" class="bt-image-link" title="The Lecoimpex company celebrates 30 years of business activity" href="/en/news/934-lecoimpex.html"> <img class="hovereffect" src="" alt="The Lecoimpex company celebrates 30 years of business activity" style="width:180px;" title="The Lecoimpex company celebrates 30 years of business activity" /> </a> </div> <div class="bt-extra"> </div> <div class="bt-introtext"> The Lecoimpex team organized a momentous celebration event in Târgu Mureș, to which th... </div> <p> <a class="button" target="_parent" title="The Lecoimpex company celebrates 30 years of business activity" href="/en/news/934-lecoimpex.html"> Read more </a> </p> </div> <!--end bt-inner --> </div> <!--end bt-row --> <div style="clear: both;"></div> </div> <!--end bt-main-item page --> <div class="slide" style="width:auto"> <div class="bt-row bt-row-first" style="width:33.333333333333%" > <div class="bt-inner"> <span class="date_news">Wednesday, 18 May 2022 10:00 </span> <h3><a target="_parent" title="Koyo to JTEKT rebranding YouTube video" href="/en/news/927-rebranding3.html"> Koyo to JTEKT rebranding YouTube video </a></h3><br /> <div class="bt-center"> <a target="_parent" class="bt-image-link" title="Koyo to JTEKT rebranding YouTube video" href="/en/news/927-rebranding3.html"> <img class="hovereffect" src="" alt="Koyo to JTEKT rebranding YouTube video" style="width:180px;" title="Koyo to JTEKT rebranding YouTube video" /> </a> </div> <div class="bt-extra"> </div> <div class="bt-introtext"> Please be informed that Koyo Bearings has been officially rebranded to ... </div> <p> <a class="button" target="_parent" title="Koyo to JTEKT rebranding YouTube video" href="/en/news/927-rebranding3.html"> Read more </a> </p> </div> <!--end bt-inner --> </div> <!--end bt-row --> <div class="bt-row " style="width:33.333333333333%" > <div class="bt-inner"> <span class="date_news">Tuesday, 17 May 2022 10:00 </span> <h3><a target="_parent" title="JTEKT congratulates HL Group with its 80th anniversary and almost 70 years partnership with JTEKT" href="/en/news/928-hl-trophee.html"> JTEKT congratulates HL Group with its 80th anniversary... </a></h3><br /> <div class="bt-center"> <a target="_parent" class="bt-image-link" title="JTEKT congratulates HL Group with its 80th anniversary and almost 70 years partnership with JTEKT" href="/en/news/928-hl-trophee.html"> <img class="hovereffect" src="" alt="JTEKT congratulates HL Group with its 80th anniversary and almost 70 years partnership with JTEKT" style="width:180px;" title="JTEKT congratulates HL Group with its 80th anniversary and almost 70 years partnership with JTEKT" /> </a> </div> <div class="bt-extra"> </div> <div class="bt-introtext"> HL Group is a Finnish privately-owned company. The roots of HL Group are in year 1942 when the compa... </div> <p> <a class="button" target="_parent" title="JTEKT congratulates HL Group with its 80th anniversary and almost 70 years partnership with JTEKT" href="/en/news/928-hl-trophee.html"> Read more </a> </p> </div> <!--end bt-inner --> </div> <!--end bt-row --> <div class="bt-row bt-row-last" style="width:33.333333333333%" > <div class="bt-inner"> <span class="date_news">Monday, 28 March 2022 10:00 </span> <h3><a target="_parent" title="April 1 - Koyo Bearings will officially continue as JTEKT Bearings" href="/en/news/926-rebranding2.html"> April 1 - Koyo Bearings will officially continue... </a></h3><br /> <div class="bt-center"> <a target="_parent" class="bt-image-link" title="April 1 - Koyo Bearings will officially continue as JTEKT Bearings" href="/en/news/926-rebranding2.html"> <img class="hovereffect" src="" alt="April 1 - Koyo Bearings will officially continue as JTEKT Bearings" style="width:180px;" title="April 1 - Koyo Bearings will officially continue as JTEKT Bearings" /> </a> </div> <div class="bt-extra"> </div> <div class="bt-introtext"> Please be informed that Koyo Bearings will be rebranding to JTE... </div> <p> <a class="button" target="_parent" title="April 1 - Koyo Bearings will officially continue as JTEKT Bearings" href="/en/news/926-rebranding2.html"> Read more </a> </p> </div> <!--end bt-inner --> </div> <!--end bt-row --> <div style="clear: both;"></div> </div> <!--end bt-main-item page --> <div class="slide" style="width:auto"> <div class="bt-row bt-row-first" style="width:33.333333333333%" > <div class="bt-inner"> <span class="date_news">Wednesday, 16 March 2022 10:00 </span> <h3><a target="_parent" title="Koyo Bearings help to combat COVID19" href="/en/news/925-koyo-vs-covid19.html"> Koyo Bearings help to combat COVID19 </a></h3><br /> <div class="bt-center"> <a target="_parent" class="bt-image-link" title="Koyo Bearings help to combat COVID19" href="/en/news/925-koyo-vs-covid19.html"> <img class="hovereffect" src="" alt="Koyo Bearings help to combat COVID19" style="width:180px;" title="Koyo Bearings help to combat COVID19" /> </a> </div> <div class="bt-extra"> </div> <div class="bt-introtext"> What is the relation between a covid virus and a roller bearing? Well, strictly there ... </div> <p> <a class="button" target="_parent" title="Koyo Bearings help to combat COVID19" href="/en/news/925-koyo-vs-covid19.html"> Read more </a> </p> </div> <!--end bt-inner --> </div> <!--end bt-row --> <div class="bt-row " style="width:33.333333333333%" > <div class="bt-inner"> <span class="date_news">Tuesday, 01 February 2022 10:00 </span> <h3><a target="_parent" title="Koyo rebranding to JTEKT" href="/en/news/924-rebranding.html"> Koyo rebranding to JTEKT </a></h3><br /> <div class="bt-center"> <a target="_parent" class="bt-image-link" title="Koyo rebranding to JTEKT" href="/en/news/924-rebranding.html"> <img class="hovereffect" src="" alt="Koyo rebranding to JTEKT" style="width:180px;" title="Koyo rebranding to JTEKT" /> </a> </div> <div class="bt-extra"> </div> <div class="bt-introtext"> To whom it may concern. February 2022 We would like to inform you that JTEKT Corporation w... </div> <p> <a class="button" target="_parent" title="Koyo rebranding to JTEKT" href="/en/news/924-rebranding.html"> Read more </a> </p> </div> <!--end bt-inner --> </div> <!--end bt-row --> <div class="bt-row bt-row-last" style="width:33.333333333333%" > <div class="bt-inner"> <span class="date_news">Tuesday, 23 November 2021 10:00 </span> <h3><a target="_parent" title="Hybrid ceramic bearings for roller skates" href="/en/news/923-roller-skate.html"> Hybrid ceramic bearings for roller skates </a></h3><br /> <div class="bt-center"> <a target="_parent" class="bt-image-link" title="Hybrid ceramic bearings for roller skates" href="/en/news/923-roller-skate.html"> <img class="hovereffect" src="" alt="Hybrid ceramic bearings for roller skates" style="width:180px;" title="Hybrid ceramic bearings for roller skates" /> </a> </div> <div class="bt-extra"> </div> <div class="bt-introtext"> Koyo has developed special hybrid ceramic ball bearings for roller skates requiring hi... </div> <p> <a class="button" target="_parent" title="Hybrid ceramic bearings for roller skates" href="/en/news/923-roller-skate.html"> Read more </a> </p> </div> <!--end bt-inner --> </div> <!--end bt-row --> <div style="clear: both;"></div> </div> <!--end bt-main-item page --> <div class="slide" style="width:auto"> <div class="bt-row bt-row-first" style="width:33.333333333333%" > <div class="bt-inner"> <span class="date_news">Monday, 04 October 2021 10:00 </span> <h3><a target="_parent" title="Koyo teams up with Royse in Spain" href="/en/news/922-royse-partnership.html"> Koyo teams up with Royse in Spain </a></h3><br /> <div class="bt-center"> <a target="_parent" class="bt-image-link" title="Koyo teams up with Royse in Spain" href="/en/news/922-royse-partnership.html"> <img class="hovereffect" src="" alt="Koyo teams up with Royse in Spain" style="width:180px;" title="Koyo teams up with Royse in Spain" /> </a> </div> <div class="bt-extra"> </div> <div class="bt-introtext"> KOYO & ROYSE teamed up for a distribution partnership on the Spain territory since... </div> <p> <a class="button" target="_parent" title="Koyo teams up with Royse in Spain" href="/en/news/922-royse-partnership.html"> Read more </a> </p> </div> <!--end bt-inner --> </div> <!--end bt-row --> <div class="bt-row " style="width:33.333333333333%" > <div class="bt-inner"> <span class="date_news">Tuesday, 14 September 2021 10:00 </span> <h3><a target="_parent" title="Koyo introduces pack seal for Agricultural machine applications" href="/en/news/921-pack-seal-for-agri.html"> Koyo introduces pack seal for Agricultural machine applications... </a></h3><br /> <div class="bt-center"> <a target="_parent" class="bt-image-link" title="Koyo introduces pack seal for Agricultural machine applications" href="/en/news/921-pack-seal-for-agri.html"> <img class="hovereffect" src="" alt="Koyo introduces pack seal for Agricultural machine applications" style="width:180px;" title="Koyo introduces pack seal for Agricultural machine applications" /> </a> </div> <div class="bt-extra"> </div> <div class="bt-introtext"> See related article in BearingNews: </div> <p> <a class="button" target="_parent" title="Koyo introduces pack seal for Agricultural machine applications" href="/en/news/921-pack-seal-for-agri.html"> Read more </a> </p> </div> <!--end bt-inner --> </div> <!--end bt-row --> <div class="bt-row bt-row-last" style="width:33.333333333333%" > <div class="bt-inner"> <span class="date_news">Friday, 04 June 2021 10:00 </span> <h3><a target="_parent" title="Koyo publishes 2021 June Newsletter " href="/en/news/920-koyo-june-newsletter.html"> Koyo publishes 2021 June Newsletter </a></h3><br /> <div class="bt-center"> <a target="_parent" class="bt-image-link" title="Koyo publishes 2021 June Newsletter " href="/en/news/920-koyo-june-newsletter.html"> <img class="hovereffect" src="" alt="Koyo publishes 2021 June Newsletter " style="width:180px;" title="Koyo publishes 2021 June Newsletter " /> </a> </div> <div class="bt-extra"> </div> <div class="bt-introtext"> We have recently published our June 2021 Newsletter: </div> <p> <a class="button" target="_parent" title="Koyo publishes 2021 June Newsletter " href="/en/news/920-koyo-june-newsletter.html"> Read more </a> </p> </div> <!--end bt-inner --> </div> <!--end bt-row --> <div style="clear: both;"></div> </div> <!--end bt-main-item page --> <div class="slide" style="width:auto"> <div class="bt-row bt-row-first" style="width:33.333333333333%" > <div class="bt-inner"> <span class="date_news">Thursday, 01 April 2021 10:00 </span> <h3><a target="_parent" title="JTEKT Europe Bearings HQ's and Warehouse" href="/en/news/919-jtekt-europe-video.html"> JTEKT Europe Bearings HQ's and Warehouse </a></h3><br /> <div class="bt-center"> <a target="_parent" class="bt-image-link" title="JTEKT Europe Bearings HQ's and Warehouse" href="/en/news/919-jtekt-europe-video.html"> <img class="hovereffect" src="" alt="JTEKT Europe Bearings HQ's and Warehouse" style="width:180px;" title="JTEKT Europe Bearings HQ's and Warehouse" /> </a> </div> <div class="bt-extra"> </div> <div class="bt-introtext"> We have recently created a video of our European HQ's and Central European Ware... </div> <p> <a class="button" target="_parent" title="JTEKT Europe Bearings HQ's and Warehouse" href="/en/news/919-jtekt-europe-video.html"> Read more </a> </p> </div> <!--end bt-inner --> </div> <!--end bt-row --> <div class="bt-row " style="width:33.333333333333%" > <div class="bt-inner"> <span class="date_news">Monday, 01 February 2021 10:00 </span> <h3><a target="_parent" title="Koyo celebrates its 100 years anniversary in 2021" href="/en/news/917-koyo-100-year.html"> Koyo celebrates its 100 years anniversary in 2021... </a></h3><br /> <div class="bt-center"> <a target="_parent" class="bt-image-link" title="Koyo celebrates its 100 years anniversary in 2021" href="/en/news/917-koyo-100-year.html"> <img class="hovereffect" src="" alt="Koyo celebrates its 100 years anniversary in 2021" style="width:180px;" title="Koyo celebrates its 100 years anniversary in 2021" /> </a> </div> <div class="bt-extra"> </div> <div class="bt-introtext"> This year, Koyo was founded exactly 100 years ago, which prov... </div> <p> <a class="button" target="_parent" title="Koyo celebrates its 100 years anniversary in 2021" href="/en/news/917-koyo-100-year.html"> Read more </a> </p> </div> <!--end bt-inner --> </div> <!--end bt-row --> <div class="bt-row bt-row-last" style="width:33.333333333333%" > <div class="bt-inner"> <span class="date_news">Monday, 02 November 2020 10:00 </span> <h3><a target="_parent" title="Interview with professional QUAD competitor, Mr. Eric Enee." href="/en/news/899-interview-mr-enee.html"> Interview with professional QUAD competitor, Mr. Eric Enee.... </a></h3><br /> <div class="bt-center"> <a target="_parent" class="bt-image-link" title="Interview with professional QUAD competitor, Mr. Eric Enee." href="/en/news/899-interview-mr-enee.html"> <img class="hovereffect" src="" alt="Interview with professional QUAD competitor, Mr. Eric Enee." style="width:180px;" title="Interview with professional QUAD competitor, Mr. Eric Enee." /> </a> </div> <div class="bt-extra"> </div> <div class="bt-introtext"> Date: 24th Sept, 2020 Mr. E... </div> <p> <a class="button" target="_parent" title="Interview with professional QUAD competitor, Mr. Eric Enee." href="/en/news/899-interview-mr-enee.html"> Read more </a> </p> </div> <!--end bt-inner --> </div> <!--end bt-row --> <div style="clear: both;"></div> </div> <!--end bt-main-item page --> <div class="slide" style="width:auto"> <div class="bt-row bt-row-first" style="width:33.333333333333%" > <div class="bt-inner"> <span class="date_news">Wednesday, 28 October 2020 10:00 </span> <h3><a target="_parent" title="Inside the steel industry: how bearings survive under very harsh conditions" href="/en/news/898-steel-industry-bearings.html"> Inside the steel industry: how bearings survive under... </a></h3><br /> <div class="bt-center"> <a target="_parent" class="bt-image-link" title="Inside the steel industry: how bearings survive under very harsh conditions" href="/en/news/898-steel-industry-bearings.html"> <img class="hovereffect" src="" alt="Inside the steel industry: how bearings survive under very harsh conditions" style="width:180px;" title="Inside the steel industry: how bearings survive under very harsh conditions" /> </a> </div> <div class="bt-extra"> </div> <div class="bt-introtext"> A roller bearing design is never "final". Even after installation into a machi... </div> <p> <a class="button" target="_parent" title="Inside the steel industry: how bearings survive under very harsh conditions" href="/en/news/898-steel-industry-bearings.html"> Read more </a> </p> </div> <!--end bt-inner --> </div> <!--end bt-row --> <div class="bt-row " style="width:33.333333333333%" > <div class="bt-inner"> <span class="date_news">Wednesday, 02 September 2020 10:00 </span> <h3><a target="_parent" title="Koyo's SACs for spindle drive shaft support" href="/en/news/896-sacs-for-spindle-shaft-support.html"> Koyo's SACs for spindle drive shaft support </a></h3><br /> <div class="bt-center"> <a target="_parent" class="bt-image-link" title="Koyo's SACs for spindle drive shaft support" href="/en/news/896-sacs-for-spindle-shaft-support.html"> <img class="hovereffect" src="" alt="Koyo's SACs for spindle drive shaft support" style="width:180px;" title="Koyo's SACs for spindle drive shaft support" /> </a> </div> <div class="bt-extra"> </div> <div class="bt-introtext"> After the merger of Koyo Seiko and Toyoda Machine Works in 2006 to form JTEKT Corpor... </div> <p> <a class="button" target="_parent" title="Koyo's SACs for spindle drive shaft support" href="/en/news/896-sacs-for-spindle-shaft-support.html"> Read more </a> </p> </div> <!--end bt-inner --> </div> <!--end bt-row --> <div class="bt-row bt-row-last" style="width:33.333333333333%" > <div class="bt-inner"> <span class="date_news">Wednesday, 11 March 2020 08:40 </span> <h3><a target="_parent" title="Koyo is introducing anti-creep ball bearing" href="/en/news/894-anti-creep-bearing.html"> Koyo is introducing anti-creep ball bearing </a></h3><br /> <div class="bt-center"> <a target="_parent" class="bt-image-link" title="Koyo is introducing anti-creep ball bearing" href="/en/news/894-anti-creep-bearing.html"> <img class="hovereffect" src="" alt="Koyo is introducing anti-creep ball bearing" style="width:180px;" title="Koyo is introducing anti-creep ball bearing" /> </a> </div> <div class="bt-extra"> </div> <div class="bt-introtext"> Avoiding "bearing creep" is an underestimated challenge when designing the p... </div> <p> <a class="button" target="_parent" title="Koyo is introducing anti-creep ball bearing" href="/en/news/894-anti-creep-bearing.html"> Read more </a> </p> </div> <!--end bt-inner --> </div> <!--end bt-row --> <div style="clear: both;"></div> </div> <!--end bt-main-item page --> <div class="slide" style="width:auto"> <div class="bt-row bt-row-first" style="width:33.333333333333%" > <div class="bt-inner"> <span class="date_news">Wednesday, 12 February 2020 08:30 </span> <h3><a target="_parent" title="JTEKT/Koyo participation at DITEC in Braunschweig " href="/en/news/893-jtekt-koyo-participation-at-ditec-in-braunschweig.html"> JTEKT/Koyo participation at DITEC in Braunschweig </a></h3><br /> <div class="bt-center"> <a target="_parent" class="bt-image-link" title="JTEKT/Koyo participation at DITEC in Braunschweig " href="/en/news/893-jtekt-koyo-participation-at-ditec-in-braunschweig.html"> <img class="hovereffect" src="" alt="JTEKT/Koyo participation at DITEC in Braunschweig " style="width:180px;" title="JTEKT/Koyo participation at DITEC in Braunschweig " /> </a> </div> <div class="bt-extra"> </div> <div class="bt-introtext"> On February 5-6 Koyo participated with a representative booth at Ditzinger’s DITEC fair in Bra... </div> <p> <a class="button" target="_parent" title="JTEKT/Koyo participation at DITEC in Braunschweig " href="/en/news/893-jtekt-koyo-participation-at-ditec-in-braunschweig.html"> Read more </a> </p> </div> <!--end bt-inner --> </div> <!--end bt-row --> <div class="bt-row " style="width:33.333333333333%" > <div class="bt-inner"> <span class="date_news">Friday, 31 January 2020 10:00 </span> <h3><a target="_parent" title="JTEKT Koyo Pre Announcement: Retail Price increase " href="/en/news/891-jtekt-koyo-pre-announcement-retail-price-increase-2020.html"> JTEKT Koyo Pre Announcement: Retail Price increase ... </a></h3><br /> <div class="bt-center"> <a target="_parent" class="bt-image-link" title="JTEKT Koyo Pre Announcement: Retail Price increase " href="/en/news/891-jtekt-koyo-pre-announcement-retail-price-increase-2020.html"> <img class="hovereffect" src="" alt="JTEKT Koyo Pre Announcement: Retail Price increase " style="width:180px;" title="JTEKT Koyo Pre Announcement: Retail Price increase " /> </a> </div> <div class="bt-extra"> </div> <div class="bt-introtext"> The price increase for Koyo bearings will be effective as of the 1st of April 2020: 2,... </div> <p> <a class="button" target="_parent" title="JTEKT Koyo Pre Announcement: Retail Price increase " href="/en/news/891-jtekt-koyo-pre-announcement-retail-price-increase-2020.html"> Read more </a> </p> </div> <!--end bt-inner --> </div> <!--end bt-row --> <div class="bt-row bt-row-last" style="width:33.333333333333%" > <div class="bt-inner"> <span class="date_news">Friday, 31 January 2020 09:40 </span> <h3><a target="_parent" title="Koyo Europe’s Distributor Convention will be moved to 2021" href="/en/news/890-koyo-convention-2021.html"> Koyo Europe’s Distributor Convention will be moved to... </a></h3><br /> <div class="bt-center"> <a target="_parent" class="bt-image-link" title="Koyo Europe’s Distributor Convention will be moved to 2021" href="/en/news/890-koyo-convention-2021.html"> <img class="hovereffect" src="" alt="Koyo Europe’s Distributor Convention will be moved to 2021" style="width:180px;" title="Koyo Europe’s Distributor Convention will be moved to 2021" /> </a> </div> <div class="bt-extra"> </div> <div class="bt-introtext"> The next Koyo European Distributor Convention, which nor... </div> <p> <a class="button" target="_parent" title="Koyo Europe’s Distributor Convention will be moved to 2021" href="/en/news/890-koyo-convention-2021.html"> Read more </a> </p> </div> <!--end bt-inner --> </div> <!--end bt-row --> <div style="clear: both;"></div> </div> <!--end bt-main-item page --> <div class="slide" style="width:auto"> <div class="bt-row bt-row-first" style="width:33.333333333333%" > <div class="bt-inner"> <span class="date_news">Tuesday, 28 January 2020 09:30 </span> <h3><a target="_parent" title="JTEKT at DITEC, 5-6 February 2020 in Braunschweig" href="/en/news/889-ditec-5.html"> JTEKT at DITEC, 5-6 February 2020 in Braunschweig... </a></h3><br /> <div class="bt-center"> <a target="_parent" class="bt-image-link" title="JTEKT at DITEC, 5-6 February 2020 in Braunschweig" href="/en/news/889-ditec-5.html"> <img class="hovereffect" src="" alt="JTEKT at DITEC, 5-6 February 2020 in Braunschweig" style="width:180px;" title="JTEKT at DITEC, 5-6 February 2020 in Braunschweig" /> </a> </div> <div class="bt-extra"> </div> <div class="bt-introtext"> On February 5-6, 2020, JTEKT will be proud to participate to the Ditzinger’s DITEC fair for th... </div> <p> <a class="button" target="_parent" title="JTEKT at DITEC, 5-6 February 2020 in Braunschweig" href="/en/news/889-ditec-5.html"> Read more </a> </p> </div> <!--end bt-inner --> </div> <!--end bt-row --> <div class="bt-row " style="width:33.333333333333%" > <div class="bt-inner"> <span class="date_news">Tuesday, 05 November 2019 11:40 </span> <h3><a target="_parent" title="EPTDA honors JTEKT Koyo for 13 years partnership at its Annual Business Convention " href="/en/news/888-koyo-eptda-partnership.html"> EPTDA honors JTEKT Koyo for 13 years partnership... </a></h3><br /> <div class="bt-center"> <a target="_parent" class="bt-image-link" title="EPTDA honors JTEKT Koyo for 13 years partnership at its Annual Business Convention " href="/en/news/888-koyo-eptda-partnership.html"> <img class="hovereffect" src="" alt="EPTDA honors JTEKT Koyo for 13 years partnership at its Annual Business Convention " style="width:180px;" title="EPTDA honors JTEKT Koyo for 13 years partnership at its Annual Business Convention " /> </a> </div> <div class="bt-extra"> </div> <div class="bt-introtext"> At the occasion of EPTDA 2019 Annual Convention, JTEKT Koyo celebrated its 13 year-long stra... </div> <p> <a class="button" target="_parent" title="EPTDA honors JTEKT Koyo for 13 years partnership at its Annual Business Convention " href="/en/news/888-koyo-eptda-partnership.html"> Read more </a> </p> </div> <!--end bt-inner --> </div> <!--end bt-row --> <div class="bt-row bt-row-last" style="width:33.333333333333%" > <div class="bt-inner"> <span class="date_news">Thursday, 05 September 2019 11:40 </span> <h3><a target="_parent" title="Koyo is introducing more environmentally friendly “NK” long life bearing" href="/en/news/887-nk-bearing.html"> Koyo is introducing more environmentally friendly “NK” long... </a></h3><br /> <div class="bt-center"> <a target="_parent" class="bt-image-link" title="Koyo is introducing more environmentally friendly “NK” long life bearing" href="/en/news/887-nk-bearing.html"> <img class="hovereffect" src="" alt="Koyo is introducing more environmentally friendly “NK” long life bearing" style="width:180px;" title="Koyo is introducing more environmentally friendly “NK” long life bearing" /> </a> </div> <div class="bt-extra"> </div> <div class="bt-introtext"> See related article in BearingNews: </div> <p> <a class="button" target="_parent" title="Koyo is introducing more environmentally friendly “NK” long life bearing" href="/en/news/887-nk-bearing.html"> Read more </a> </p> </div> <!--end bt-inner --> </div> <!--end bt-row --> <div style="clear: both;"></div> </div> <!--end bt-main-item page --> <div class="slide" style="width:auto"> <div class="bt-row bt-row-first" style="width:33.333333333333%" > <div class="bt-inner"> <span class="date_news">Monday, 17 June 2019 11:55 </span> <h3><a target="_parent" title="World Bearing Association fighting counterfeit products" href="/en/news/882-wba-counterfeit.html"> World Bearing Association fighting counterfeit products </a></h3><br /> <div class="bt-center"> <a target="_parent" class="bt-image-link" title="World Bearing Association fighting counterfeit products" href="/en/news/882-wba-counterfeit.html"> <img class="hovereffect" src="" alt="World Bearing Association fighting counterfeit products" style="width:180px;" title="World Bearing Association fighting counterfeit products" /> </a> </div> <div class="bt-extra"> </div> <div class="bt-introtext"> Koyo is one of the main global bearing manufacturing companies that is actively involved in fighti... </div> <p> <a class="button" target="_parent" title="World Bearing Association fighting counterfeit products" href="/en/news/882-wba-counterfeit.html"> Read more </a> </p> </div> <!--end bt-inner --> </div> <!--end bt-row --> <div class="bt-row " style="width:33.333333333333%" > <div class="bt-inner"> <span class="date_news">Wednesday, 12 June 2019 11:55 </span> <h3><a target="_parent" title="Koyo emphasizes the added value of OEM validated parts for the aftermarket (part 2)" href="/en/news/881-koyo-emphasizes-the-added-value-of-oem-validated-parts-for-the-aftermarket-part-2.html"> Koyo emphasizes the added value of OEM validated... </a></h3><br /> <div class="bt-center"> <a target="_parent" class="bt-image-link" title="Koyo emphasizes the added value of OEM validated parts for the aftermarket (part 2)" href="/en/news/881-koyo-emphasizes-the-added-value-of-oem-validated-parts-for-the-aftermarket-part-2.html"> <img class="hovereffect" src="" alt="Koyo emphasizes the added value of OEM validated parts for the aftermarket (part 2)" style="width:180px;" title="Koyo emphasizes the added value of OEM validated parts for the aftermarket (part 2)" /> </a> </div> <div class="bt-extra"> </div> <div class="bt-introtext"> Recently we published a paper on the importance of the proper validation of bearings for the Automot... </div> <p> <a class="button" target="_parent" title="Koyo emphasizes the added value of OEM validated parts for the aftermarket (part 2)" href="/en/news/881-koyo-emphasizes-the-added-value-of-oem-validated-parts-for-the-aftermarket-part-2.html"> Read more </a> </p> </div> <!--end bt-inner --> </div> <!--end bt-row --> <div class="bt-row bt-row-last" style="width:33.333333333333%" > <div class="bt-inner"> <span class="date_news">Saturday, 18 May 2019 11:55 </span> <h3><a target="_parent" title="Koyo’s fruitful participation to HannoverMesse 2019" href="/en/news/879-hannovermesse19-after.html"> Koyo’s fruitful participation to HannoverMesse 2019 </a></h3><br /> <div class="bt-center"> <a target="_parent" class="bt-image-link" title="Koyo’s fruitful participation to HannoverMesse 2019" href="/en/news/879-hannovermesse19-after.html"> <img class="hovereffect" src="" alt="Koyo’s fruitful participation to HannoverMesse 2019" style="width:180px;" title="Koyo’s fruitful participation to HannoverMesse 2019" /> </a> </div> <div class="bt-extra"> </div> <div class="bt-introtext"> This year’s HannoverMesse was visited by more than 215,000 visitors ... </div> <p> <a class="button" target="_parent" title="Koyo’s fruitful participation to HannoverMesse 2019" href="/en/news/879-hannovermesse19-after.html"> Read more </a> </p> </div> <!--end bt-inner --> </div> <!--end bt-row --> <div style="clear: both;"></div> </div> <!--end bt-main-item page --> <div class="slide" style="width:auto"> <div class="bt-row bt-row-first" style="width:33.333333333333%" > <div class="bt-inner"> <span class="date_news">Thursday, 18 April 2019 11:55 </span> <h3><a target="_parent" title="Koyo strengthens ties with major German distributor Kugellager-Premium GmbH" href="/en/news/876-german-distributor-kugellager-premium.html"> Koyo strengthens ties with major German distributor Kugellager-Premium... </a></h3><br /> <div class="bt-center"> <a target="_parent" class="bt-image-link" title="Koyo strengthens ties with major German distributor Kugellager-Premium GmbH" href="/en/news/876-german-distributor-kugellager-premium.html"> <img class="hovereffect" src="" alt="Koyo strengthens ties with major German distributor Kugellager-Premium GmbH" style="width:180px;" title="Koyo strengthens ties with major German distributor Kugellager-Premium GmbH" /> </a> </div> <div class="bt-extra"> </div> <div class="bt-introtext"> Mrs. Sadzida Smajlovic, General Manager of Kugellager-Premium GmbH visited the K... </div> <p> <a class="button" target="_parent" title="Koyo strengthens ties with major German distributor Kugellager-Premium GmbH" href="/en/news/876-german-distributor-kugellager-premium.html"> Read more </a> </p> </div> <!--end bt-inner --> </div> <!--end bt-row --> <div class="bt-row " style="width:33.333333333333%" > <div class="bt-inner"> <span class="date_news">Thursday, 18 April 2019 11:55 </span> <h3><a target="_parent" title="Koyo delivers mega bearing for tunnel excavating machine" href="/en/news/877-koyo-mega-bearing.html"> Koyo delivers mega bearing for tunnel excavating machine... </a></h3><br /> <div class="bt-center"> <a target="_parent" class="bt-image-link" title="Koyo delivers mega bearing for tunnel excavating machine" href="/en/news/877-koyo-mega-bearing.html"> <img class="hovereffect" src="" alt="Koyo delivers mega bearing for tunnel excavating machine" style="width:180px;" title="Koyo delivers mega bearing for tunnel excavating machine" /> </a> </div> <div class="bt-extra"> </div> <div class="bt-introtext"> A Roller Bearing is really an extraordinary piece of mechanical... </div> <p> <a class="button" target="_parent" title="Koyo delivers mega bearing for tunnel excavating machine" href="/en/news/877-koyo-mega-bearing.html"> Read more </a> </p> </div> <!--end bt-inner --> </div> <!--end bt-row --> <div class="bt-row bt-row-last" style="width:33.333333333333%" > <div class="bt-inner"> <span class="date_news">Thursday, 11 April 2019 11:55 </span> <h3><a target="_parent" title="Koyo is welcoming W+A to its network of distributors" href="/en/news/874-koyo-is-welcoming-w-a.html"> Koyo is welcoming W+A to its network of... </a></h3><br /> <div class="bt-center"> <a target="_parent" class="bt-image-link" title="Koyo is welcoming W+A to its network of distributors" href="/en/news/874-koyo-is-welcoming-w-a.html"> <img class="hovereffect" src="" alt="Koyo is welcoming W+A to its network of distributors" style="width:180px;" title="Koyo is welcoming W+A to its network of distributors" /> </a> </div> <div class="bt-extra"> </div> <div class="bt-introtext"> Koyo is certifying „Waelzlager- & Antriebstechnik“ as new Distributor for Ne... </div> <p> <a class="button" target="_parent" title="Koyo is welcoming W+A to its network of distributors" href="/en/news/874-koyo-is-welcoming-w-a.html"> Read more </a> </p> </div> <!--end bt-inner --> </div> <!--end bt-row --> <div style="clear: both;"></div> </div> <!--end bt-main-item page --> </div> </div> <!--end bt-container --> <div style="clear: both;"></div> <script 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